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we have a lot of people in the air in water both families have been working hard at this and praying. we'll keep looking until we find them. bill: the parents say these boys were far from novice on the ocean. >> reporter: very experienced. even though though they are only 14 years old. they knew boating and fishing very well. and they had a great respect for the ocean and the power of mother nature. the two boys on their 19-foot boat and apparently they boated through the jupiter inlet and headed out into the atlantic ocean. even though one of the boy's parents said that was against the rules. all night long and all day saturday the coast guard has been searching for these boys by air and by sea. it's a massive search area aided by the boating community in florida. the 19-foot boat was discovered up near daytona beach and 70 miles offshore. there was one life jacket in that boat. all hopes are still alive for them to be found and rescued safe and sound. last night there was standing room only vigil. a lot of tears there. people praying together, hoping for the best. here is some sound from their mom. >> they are going to find them safe. they are strong boys. >> i'm confident they are out there and okay. and we just need to find them. >> reporter: it's picture perfect postcard day in jupiter florida, far from the case friday when the seas were rough and the winds were strong. the people who lived here said it was tough to drive it was so bad. bill: the suggestion they may have gone all the way to the bahamas. what about those reports? >> reporter: there are reports the kids instant mess and their friends saying they were going the bahamas. that was definitely against the rules. their neighbor and friend of the family is offering that $100 reward. the search zone is focused up the coast east jacksonville. the fact that the capsized boat was found 70 miles offshore indicates they had gone beyonded the gulf stream which goes up the coast of florida because otherwise they wouldn't have been out that far. martha: turkey is stepping into the civil war in syria in a bigger way. they are launching airstrikes on kurdish targets. the military action adding a new complication. john huffedy is live in our middle east bureau. what is turkey saying about their role here. >> reporter: turkish officials are denying the country is intentionally going after those kurdish targets. the kurds are saying these were absolutely intentional. and as you mention complicating things even furter in the fight against isis. today turkey's border with syria remained calm. but they shelled a village of the pkk the kurdish forces. it has been recapturing a lot of villages. but the pkk has beened a odds with turkey's government for several years now. and that has turned violent the past. concern is you are ski is not only going after isis, but targeting the pkk as well. kurdish officials say the u.s. is standing basically idlely by because it's using one of turkey's air bases. and turkish officials say they are not going after those kurdish forces intentionally. martha: that puts them at odds with others in the region. very complicated. thank you john. bill: attorney general loretta lynch joining james comey saying isis may be even a bigger threat and al qaeda. >> isis might develop the capacity to do a cyber attack? >> that keeps me and my colleagues up at night. bill: were you surprised by that comment? >> i think loretta lynch was speaking broadly about cyber attacks. we have to be nervous about sieber attacks from anybody including isis. we don't know what their cyber capabilities are. but we certainly know that they have the will to do that if they develop the means. when they develop the means we'll see isis conduct the kind of attacks we haven't seen inch this country. not attacks focused on gang intelligence from the u.s. government or hacking into u.s. companies. but the times of attacks that will just do damage. bill: you could have said suicide bombers in new york city or multiple attacks at multiple times. >> having specific information about their potential cyber capabilities is one of the knowledge gaps that we have that u.s. intelligence community has with isis. you can imagine where they would like to go or the things they would like to do. you can imagine apacking the -- attacking the power grid and potentially tripling atank tacks could do tremendous damage 0 the u.s. necessity overnight. >> we seem to be right open to cyber attacks. they hit 20 million americans? can we defend ourselves? it doesn't look like we can. >> the plain answer is no. we are so far behind where our adversaries are in terms of these attacks and just the volume of the attacks leaves us struggling. these are not just on ought government sector and the office of personnel management. they are on fortune 100 companies on a daily and hourly basis. non-governmental organizations. ngos in the united states and around the world. this is a widespread phenomenon. it's why when you talk to government official or congressional members they are oh alarmed it's a constant state of alarm about the possibility of cyber attacks and the damage that can result. martha: we are learning more about the suspect in the deadly movie theater shooting. there is new evidence that shows the rampage was not random. they say he wrote down the name of that theater the date and the screening time of the movie "train wreck" where he killed two people and injured 9 before killing himself. his family says he did have a history of mental illness. those two beautiful young women taken down in that attack. it's horrible. bill: new polls show donald trump has the political wind at his back. how is he gang in a crowded presidential field? martha: the fight to defund planned parenthood is staking on steam after video shows officials haggling over body parts. how much are you paying to support that group? bill: ted cruz accusing mitch mcconnell of lying. other top republicans firing back at cruz. where is this headed? >> my staff told me that afternoon he's lying to you. that's what my staff said. we have been around the senate a long time web's not telling you the truth. when you do business everywhere, the challenges of keeping everyone working together can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. at&t has the tools and the network you need to make working as one easier than ever. virtually anywhere. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. prep trauma unit 5. what've we got? bp 64/40 sterilize sites. multiple foreign objects in the body. tweezers. 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(buzz!) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it's what you do. martha: bobbi kristina brown died yesterday sick months after she was found non-respondive in a bathtub. it comes two years after her mother was found in a similar way in a briefly hills hotel. bobbi kristina brown was only 22 years old. bill: thisn polling shows donald trump running strong. trump shooting to the lead. look at all those names. it looks like a census. trump is 21%. scott wearing in first place at 21%. what moving out there? what do you see in these numbers? >> i think there is a lot of response by the public expression their frustration. they are supporting the word they are hearing out of donald trump. now they will have to look at him and see if they support the man saying the word. i think over time you will see these number thes change dramatically. probably by the time the kid are going to school in september we'll be talking about a didn't scenario. >> what will happen the next month that will lead you to think that? >> i don't know if you heard fox has a debate coming up and i think there will be a lot of impact out of that. bill: lyndsey graham said you don't yet hear his statement on policy. how does that argument go when that happens? >> i think that's part of the whole. people have to -- they love the word they heard. he's a great showman. they have got to start taking a measure of the man. policy is part of it, character performance. sometimes little thing we don't talk about yet. the four bankruptcies of the four corporations he was involved with. those things come out and people begin to judge whether they want this kind of an individual leading in the their country. they are happy with the word. soon they will be assessing the individual. bill: look what's happening on the democratic side. hillary clinton had a commanding lead and she is still up just double on sanders. but the way sanders is moving out there in iowa. even more so in new hampshire. bernie sanders is 34%. 14 point behind hillary clinton. you look at those numbers a few month ago. sanders is at 39% in new hampshire alone. >> you have to look at bernie as a surrogate for all the anybody but clinton support. if there is an alternative to come to mrs. clinton in terms of the nomination, i don't think it will be bernie. bernie will do the hard work at the front and someone like joe biden or john kerry will come in and take the nomination. mrs. clinton has real problems. what happened the past few days with the investigation now into the fact she did have classified material on her computer is serious. they sampled 40 emails and found four of them had classified material. that's 10%. i don't know how far they will go with this sampling but this could turn out to be a much bigger problem. bill: she late was nothing classified at the time be only to be classified later. is that how her defense is shaping up? >> you know, i saw how they went after the "new york times" story and got times to change their headline and their story. i'm not sure exactly where they are going to hang their hat. they seem to be using that phrase. but the fact is that's why she wasn't supposed to have a personal computer. there is material that when it's live is not yet classified. when it's reviewed the material is classified. when it's on a federal computer, that's not a problem. when it's on a personal computer that's a violation of the regulations and a violation of the law. great book. congratulations. here is martha. >> august 6 it's a special day. fox news and facebook team up to bring you the first republican presidential debate of the 2016 campaign and it will be live from cleveland. you can submit your questions at one state hit very hard by extreme weather. rising floodwaters surging through entire neighborhood, forcing people to leave their homes. looking for higher ground out there. we'll tell you where that is. bill: dramatic video of a massive fire in las vegas. is that a swimming pool? how did this thing start? >> we could feel the flames coming out. kinds of connections. connections you almost miss. and ones you never thought you'd make. we help connect where you are. to places you never thought you'd go. this, is why we travel. and why we continue to create new technology to connect you to the people and places that matter. i was diagnosed with lung cancer. as a firefighter approaching a fire i had to confine it, contain it and attack it. and i went to cancer treatment centers of america. we were able to do thorascopic surgery where we could use tiny incisions. we put a camera inside the chest and tony was able to go home three days after surgery. we have excellent technology that allow us to perform very specialized procedures for patients who have lung disease. our individualized care model gives each lung patient specific treatment options with innovative procedures that are changing the way we fight lung 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all-americans. >> i think the american people deserve to have a vote on it. >> reporter: diane black is offering up a measure that would place a moratorium on planned parenthood for one year. with the recess loom can it's not clear how quickly these measures to get the vote. sunday planned parenthood's president did her first video. she says her organization has done nothing wrong. >> we look forward to the facts coming out. we should not base any decisions about healthcare on highly sensationalist folks who are nothing but militant antiabortion extremists. >> reporter: planned parenthood has received $4.3 billion in government funding over 10 years. if you want to know how much you have given to plan the parenthood, head to and click on texas calculator. bill: republicans attack side deals between iran and the united nations. martha: some top republicans go after senator ted cruz for calling out nor mitch mcconnell. >> when he looks in the eyes of every republican senator i don't know how i cannot take him at his word. bill: the newery awaiting to hear from holmes' mother in the penalty faifts his trial maybe even from holmes himself. will his mother take it stand today? >> almost all expectations are arlene holmes will take the stand at some point today to convince the jury to spare holmes' life. arlene holmes wrote a book released around the time the jury summons went out. she asks for mercy and asks help with mental illness. holmes defense team has begun a steady stream of family, friends and former teachers to the stand. they are going to present reasons why he should get life in prison rather than death. bill: the jury could get the case this weekend. >> it's possible. if the defense does chest its argument and testimony. the way the flaw works in colorado. the jury hands down three verdicts. last week the first verdict found holmes is is eligible for the death penalty. that means we are in the mitigation phase when folks say nice things about the defendant. if the jury finds the good out weighs the bad gets life in prison. at some point the judge will ask holmes if he plans to take the stand in his own behalf. then we'll find out if we'll hear from him himself. court gets under way in a few minutes. martha: the white house is pushing back against critics of the and you nuclear deal, launching attacks against republicans and some democrats. they are concerned the deal will essentially gut the inspection process that was put into the deal negotiated by john kerry and others. the white house tweeting there is no quote secret or side deal with iran. congress has everything we have on the iran deal. obviously they are concerned about the public perception on this. kt macfarland a former den chief of defense in the reagan administration and a fox news analyst. are there side deals? >> in any agreement there are details in fine print. this is how we are going to do this. this is how we are going going do that. but they are always delivered to congress and they have always been submitted in a treaty format. but in this case's not a treaty, and congress did an ends run around congress. and the most important part of this deal is in the fine print details because that's where the information about how to inspect it is. i was pat four hours of hearings last week and secretary kerry said we won't have any time, any place inspections. you want to get there. we don't have all these things. what is the protocol for verifying they are come supplying sit don't look like we have any veal information about the guts of it. martha: when you have go back to one of your initial points the fact that they did this and it's not a treaty, and the only reason to do it if it's not a treaty, is to have more control over it. it assures in the constitution that all international undertakings have broad domestic support. how do you sell this and get it done? >> this will be one of the most significant agreements the united states has reached in decades. it's nuclear what he nonts middle east. there is nothing more important than prevent can the spread of nuclear weapons and the president is not submitting it as a treaty. it is not going to have the scrutiny a treaty would have. because he has done an end round around congress, upset up if the united states congress in opposition to the united nations. the whole thing is a foolish place to go because you want the support of the american people behind something that's as significant as this. that's why it's in the constitution so the president doesn't haved right to quillly -- to willy-nilly make a deal. they are saying these are insignificant minor details. how are we going innext the whole issue of can we go to limit installations? the supreme leader of iran is saying absolutely not. the iranians have said you are not coming any place any time on to our sites and the administration said we have 24/7 ability. who is right? those are two very different things. martha: their argument as you well know. there are so many naysayers to this deal. but they are saying we'll have more oversight. >> iran is getting nuclear weapons. i think that the reason the administration keeps setting up straw man arguments. you want our deal or you have war. it's because they don't have the ability to sell this. martha: you say when you look at their allies our allies in allies in the region that tells you all you need to know. >> why is this deal important? it has to be believable. the saudis have to believe it. the kuwaitis have to believe it. if they don't believe it, they are getting their own nukes. so far those countries said whatever iran gets, we get too. the great yeast fear since the dawfnt nuclear age is weapons in the hand of people who want to use them. bill: major league baseball enshrining four new publics to the major league. randy johnson out of arizona. pedro martinez. current stars busy on the diamond. check out this wild play. >> that's and smart play on his part. i guess's hung up between third and home. >> he will run him all the way back. bill require's like rats chasing cheese. that's a rare triple play. martha: they are earning the money out there. martha: good stuff over the weekend. as tragedy comes out of the blue in a quiet neighborhood. a small plane crashes in the backyard of a home. details on that fiery and deadly crash. bill: freshman senator ted cruz calling out the majority leader of his party mitch mcconnell a liar. senator orrin hatch not mincing word. >> regrettably the senate floor has become if the forum for partisan messaging and ideological grand standing instead serious debate. it has comfort cushions you can see that are softer and more absorbent and you can use up to 4 times less. enjoy the go with charmin. martha: tragedy in southern california. a small plane crashing into the backyard of a home. the pilot was killed. no one on the ground was injured thankfully. the cause of that crash is under investigation. >> my staff fold me that afternoon, he's lying to you. that's what my staff said. we have been around the senate a long time, he's not telling you the truth. when i told my staff that afternoon, i said i don't know if that's the case or not but i don't see how when majority leader looks me in the eyes and makes an explicit promise and looks the eyes of every other republican senator and says that to every other republican senator, i don't see how i cannot take him at his word when he makes an explicit promise. bill: the matter at hand involved a highway funding bill and the import-export during the session. good day to both of you. is this good, is this healthy or not? >> i would rather see these types of conversation occur behind the cameras and not in front of the cameras. but i think we'll see more of this because you know, mitch mcconnell and ted cruz are on two different course. senator cruz is trying to get to be the republican nominee for president. mitch mcconnell said he would like to get a few accomplishments threw the senate including a highway bill. bill: you are arguing this only politics for cruz? >> no, i don't think just politics. i think it's also a very real issue with conservatives that they want to get rid of the xm bank and defund planned parenthood and they want to start the iran deal. these issues are important and it's not just politics. bill: marianne where are you? >> it is politics. ted cruz is a desperate man. he sees himself mired in the bottom of the polls and once you call someone a liar, where do you go from there? it's clear he's trying to outtrump trump. he's desperate for his support. his strategy is to bank on trump faltering or withdrawing from the race. all you can say right now is he hurt himself. he hurt the republicans in the senate. bill: here is orrin hatch responding. >> squabbling and sanctimony maybe tolerated in other convenient use or perhaps on the campaign trail. but they have no place among colleagues in the united states senate. >> it is entirely consistent with decorum and with this body being the world's greatest deliberative body to speak the truth. speaking the truth about actions is entirely consistent with civility. bill: what happened here? there was senate ma knew of last friday where cruz says this is the same thing harry reid did for the last 6 1/2 years and we are not" to do it again. >> mitch mcconnell cloatds off the option to have a free-wheeling amendment process on the highway bill. bill: cruz says nothing has changed in washington and that lead to the phrase washington cartel. >> mitch mcconnell and john boehner believe the congress is very unpopular and they need to pass certain thing and keep their head down and not get in the way of shutting down government. ted cruz and the house and the senate want to use their power to take obama head on. so there is a difference in strategy. mitch mcconnell wants to the iran deal. he's against the xm bank but they have a disagreement on how to use it. bill: as a republican do you have a problem with ted cruz trying to change the way washington is working? >> no, i have no problem it many time to take it on. >> if you are going to call somebody a liar, you better back it up, and ted cruz did not back it up. the reality is, the republican party of today created ted cruz and now they have to put up with what they created. that's the problem here. ted cruz isn't going away. he will keep the antics up. the vote on the xm vote wants even close. vote on the highway bill. >> reporter: the xm bank will not be rethosed in the house so department krats are also playing politic. >> we are talking the senate. this was a vote in the senate. ted cruz is in a senator in the united states senate. and mitch mcconnell did the right thing because he was trying to vote on one issue and that vote wants even close. bill: that was the highway bill. we'll see how personality becomes after this. thank you very much to both of you. martha: some passengers were shook up as a jet made a seriously rocky landing. that's not the way you want to come in. bill: what's up, doc? why bugs bunny and looney tunes are celebrating. you total your brand new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you wouldn't ignore signs of damage in your home. are you sure you're not ignoring them in your body? even if you're treating your crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. and if you ignore the signs, the 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watch in effect along the gulf coast. some folks refusing to leave their homes as they always do. here is one. >> we have our cats, animals and belongings. if you leave people like to come in and loot it. martha: maria molina is live with this. >> that's always a problem when you have a disaster, you have the looters who try to take advantage of the situation. we have a lot of heavy rain and it will continue to come down out here. we have had a front that dipped down here and it's parked across central florida. it's grabbing in a lot of moisture from the gulf of mexico. taking a look at the future radar we are look at this forecast continue. more rain moving into this area, topical moisture, and front not moving a lot. so it's very stationary. locally we have seen 6 to 8 inches of rainfall. flooding will continue to be a threat. martha i want to point out we have a new storm system. not only will it bring heavy rain out here and the potential for localized flash flooding. we'll see strong wind, flash flooding and tornadoes that will be possible even extend into parts of canada. you can see other areas included as well in the tornado threat. and even in eastern montana. martha: lots to watch. bill: the frantic search for two teenagers. they have gone mission and they have disappeared. martha: police say an online escort who killed a man in self defense may have taken down a serial kill more wanted her to be his next victim. it's an incredible story coming up. ! toenail fungus? seriously? smash it with jublia! jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. look at the footwork! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. smash it! make the call and ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. new larger size now available. growing up, we were german. we danced in a german dance group. i wore lederhosen. when i first 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florida, is offering a $100,000 reward. >> as a mother, it is worst feeling ever not knowing where your child is. >> for them not checking in accordingly really terrified us. martha: we have the someone with the coast guard district 7, thank you for being with us, sir. >> thank you for having me, ma'am. martha: what is the latest on this search? >> right now search efforts are continuing. we're 50 nautical miles east of jacksonville. we have a lot of people assisting with the search. we have a c-130 aircraft out of the air station clearwater. the coast guard cutter saw fish and uss carney as well, the navy. we have a quite a few assets searching by sea and air searching for these boys. martha: we heard one lifejacket was found with the bought. do you know how many were on the boat to begin with? >> we don't have that information right now. we're looking into it exactly what was on the boat. especially with the information the boat being capsized. we're seeing if there was possibly another lifejacket aboard. we know one of the life jackets are missing. hopefully one of the boys has one of those on and hopefully they're together. martha: exactly. any parts missing on the boat, things that might be floatable they could hang on to? >> from the description of the vest well, the condition is was found in, it was found pretty much intact there was an engine cowell missing that goes pretty much attached to the engine. nothing else that i know of that is could be used as flotation device. martha: in terms of the search, they're in the air and out on the water. of course coast guard and choppers above. how long has that search been going on and in terms of strategy how do they strategize the best places to look at this point? >> yes, ma'am. well, we've been searching since friday afternoon when we got the initial report at 5:00 in the afternoon on friday. we've been searching non-stop since. as far as a strategy is concerned, we base a lot of our search patterns based off the weather wind conditions, current, all these things influence where somebody could possibly be carried to. the current is pretty strong is specially out in the gulf stream, and that can carry people pretty far north. that's why we're searching east of jacksonville, when the case originally started off the coast of jupiter. martha: what is the plan? how long is it feasible to search? >> we don't know exactly how long we plan on searching for. right now the focus is, we found the vessel yesterday. so we're hopeful we could possibly find some new evidence today where they possibly could be. like i said we have quite a few assets out there searching diligently. we're asking people out on the water currently, pay attention be very alert of your surroundings. anything any piece of information, any tip we could use to possibly find these two boys. martha: absolutely. you just never know, you just never know if they found something to hang on to out there. if they do have life jackets on, that could extend the window for these boys. any idea how high the swells were when they were out there. >> i don't have specific information on friday afternoon. on saturday, for the past week we've been having scattered thunderstorms throughout the state of florida. it is getting better today. the weather is 82 degrees, partly cloudy in that area. with that information hopefully it will make us easier to spot them. martha: good luck to you. >> thank you. bill: extreme weather alert. dry and windy conditions fueling a massive fire in northern california. four firefighters have been hurt trying to beat back the flames. the fire forcing new evacuations as the winds have shifted. >> i saying it is so close to the ridge so close to the ridge let's go home and pack first so i can relax. >> you just realize to get out. bill: dozens firefighters raging in western states. chief correspondent jonathan hunt live in l.a. on this. this fire is proving to be especially tough, isn't it? >> this fire the lowell fire northeast of sacramento bill is very tough. it is in very rugged terrain. that makes it extremely difficult for the firefighters to get into and out of. that is what makes it so dangerous. yesterday we saw those dangers realized when four firefighters were injured. listen here. >> they were transported by helicopter typical pretty call. very difficult access into this fire. easiest way to get people out is by helicopter. >> reporter: three of those firefighters were treated and released. that is good news. not so good news one remains in the hospital being treated for serious burns. firefighters and now residents are watching the unpredictable winds. listen here. >> if blows that way, people that way will lose their homes. if it comes back this way people this way that lose their homes. >> reporter: a lot of hard work ahead bill, for the firefighters dealing with that lowell blaze as they would say which is northeast of sacramento. bill: what else are you watching in the west? we mentioned a lot of fires. >> reporter: yeah, we're watching a lot of fires. there is the willow fire, forhat has burned something like 1100-acres so far. hundreds of structures are threatened there. that is about 50 miles north of fresno. we got better news with the fire in napa valley. that is the rag fire. firefighters have been getting good control of that over the weekened. so much so all the evacuation orders that were in place have now been lifted. similar story up in montana, bill, where crews made some progress in glacier national park. officials say they believe some parts of the park there that were closed will reopen by the end of this week. but the bad news bill, for everybody particularly in california, this is just likely the start of will be a very very busy few months. the drought, record drought we talked about it so often. so many areas tinder dry. they just need a spark and up it goes, bill. bill: you're right. jonathan, thank you in los angeles on that. seven minutes past the hour. >> the so the countries of turkey and the united states reportedly agreeing on a plan to create a safe zone against isis along the turkey-syria border. details for the deal are being worked out. fox news confirmed that turkey is allowing the united states to use a turkish airbase that is pivotal, could be, in this fight. this comes after defense secretary ash carter visited iraq where he met with kurdish government officials and military officials as well. a lot of moving parts. doug mckelway spoke with secretary carter. doug how complicated is the situation with turkey, isis and syria. >> it is mind-boggling, martha. the there is the old saying that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. so it is with the kurds. they have tremendous success retaking territory in northern turk iraq against isis. there is the pkk krg it goes on and on. all combined in their hatred of isis but who had long rivalries amongst themselves and even civil wars in the past. i spoke to defense secretary ash carter in erbil iraq after meeting with the head of the kurdish kdp. he recognizes the risks. >> there is complicated part of the world. there are a lots of communities within the kurdish community. that is why nobody can win and lord it over everybody else. there has to be inclusive governance. >> reporter: the problem of u.s. military supplies to the kurds and other iraqi fighters not getting to the proper recipients in time appears to have now been solved. once equipment arrives in baghdad usually only takes 24 hours before it reaches fighters in the kurdish region, and that is good news, martha. martha: that is a good news for sure. any thought of embedding u.s. forward observers to better target? this has been an issue. >> i asked secretary carter about this. he said it has not been ruled out. listen up. >> that is one of the ways which we're open somewhere down the road if that would be helpful. our point is that we need to have capable and motivated local forces. that will help them. >> reporter: on this whirlwind tour of the middle east carter devoted lots of time meeting u.s. troops at each stop. he thanked them for their work and shook hands quite literally with every troop. in some cases there would be scores of them. we were struck by one visit with an f-16 mechanic at undisclosed base in jordan. knowing what happened to the jordanian pilot that went down in isis territory, there is tremendous pressure on mechanics to do their part and secretary carter thanked them. martha: i'm sure they appreciated that very much. thank you. bill: hillary clinton is ready to maybe testify about benghazi but maybe not so fast. what is holding this up. martha: a plane filled with passengers coming in for whoa, a wobbly, wobbly landing there. that is not my cup of tea. we'll find out what happened. bill: indeed. a woman kills an attacker in self-defense. why it turns out he might have been a cereal killer. >> i knew he was there to kill me -- serial killer. i knew he had already done something. he said that he was going to prison for a long time. that is when i knew he was going to kill me. i want his bedroom to smell like he's away at boarding school. surround yourself with up to 6 hours of luxurious, long-lasting scents... ...introducing new unstopables air refresher. bill: this is not a landing you have now. caught on camera, high winds rocking a klm asia flight as it arrives in amsterdam during windy weather. pass the dramamine maccallum. nobody was injured but the storm was packing winds of 70 miles per hour. martha: so hillary clinton agreeing to testify before the house committee on benghazi. her campaign says a tentative date has been set for october 22nd. but a spokesperson for that committee confirms talks are still ongoing about a date writing this, quote secretary clinton's campaign may want to reach out to her lawyer, mr. david kendall with whom the commit had has had ongoing conversations. as of last night mr. kendall was still negotiating conditions for her appearance. clinton's attorney reportedly setting ground rules to keep questioning focused on the benghazi 2012 attack and not on the issue of the recent email scandal. committee chairman trey gowdy pushed back on that. here he is on this matter back on july 8th. >> the secretary had a failure of recollection yesterday, said she never had been subpoenaed. she was subpoenaed in march, pretty soon after we learned that she had not only unique email arrangement with herself but her own personal server. martha: brit hume, fox news senior political analyst. good to see you this morning. >> good morning, martha. martha: trey gowdy said all along he would very much want her to testify you but he doesn't wanter had to do that until she turned over all the documents he is interested in and the committee is interested in and without that it is really pointless. >> he has a point. the way standard congressional investigations and witnesses are handled is that very often the witness will come in and be interviewed before public testimony in private. materials sought over and turned over to give the committee time to prepare. a lot of people thinks that is unfair or can be unfair but that is way it is usually done. hillary clinton ain't putting up with any of that. she will come once and come once. they're trying to set ground rules as to when and name the dates but meantime it is manifestly clear and her lawyer and the committee are still haggling over the ground rules and the rest of it. so, once again hillary and or her people announced something that turns out to be factually questionable. martha: i mean clearly, brit she wants to move this into the pass. she wants to say i testified. i sat before the committee. i answered their questions and i will never revoice that's topic again. he doesn't want to give that opportunity unless he feels like there were tons of emails that were redacted emails that weren't turned over at all and reason to believe i guess that maybe things were withheld. >> we have now in addition to that the report by two inspectors general who looked at 40 of her emails and found that four 10% of those emails, contained classified information which these two inspectors general said were classified at the time the messages were transmitted which flies in the face of what hillary clinton said emphatically herself. so once again you have a question whether this woman can shake hands with the truth. martha: with you you run into that same brick wall on this story time and time again. when it comes to prosecution or comes to forcing her to turn over theories of the emails or turn over the server to be analyzed independently it appears that will never happen because the department of justice isn't interested in pursuing this. >> even if it were, the stonewalling would con continue. welcome back to clinton land. this is how the clintons operate. they lie. they evade. walk right up to the edge of the line with the law, really never quite fully obviously crossing it but you're usually way over the line when it comes to ethics and normal proper conduct. martha: right. >> this is the clintons. this is how they deal. this is how her husband did it. this is how she has always done it. believe, me, martha, when and if she testifies we'll run into very much the same sort of thing. she will be up to the inof the line. she will be combative. she will be be evasive. she will be difficult and the hearing won't live up to its expectations. most of these highly touted hearings don't live up to expectations in my long history of covering this. martha: she is no doubt a pro and will handle it skillfully. the big issue is the election, if the she becomes the nominee the united states will have to decide whether they are tired of that game. this is the numbers. it become as political question brit, how good african date is she with all of this hanging around. >> she is surprisingly weak candidate. martha, one of the things that has been a constant in our politics over the years has been the degree of towardsort -- sort of residual support especially from women over the years since she and her husband left office. she haste been widely admired. that has begun to fall away. we see it in the trust numbers and in four key states where she was running behind several of the republican potential candidates and the rest of it and i think, you know the fact she has been around a long time, she has a well-established image, if admiration of her has begun to fall away i'm not so sure that will be easy to restore. if she is nominated and nomination fairly early, the press ability to rehabilitate her will begin and dress up in admiring away as possible at their convention, all the rest of it, but some of this erosion of her support may be irreversible. martha: big question. it's a big question for her. we'll see where it goes. brit, thank you so much. see you soon. bill: 20 minutes past the hour. could organized labor leaders be losing some mojo? the bill before congress that might be spreading power to the union members instead. martha: remember that alleged lion, the lion lion? there he goes walking through the streets of a wisconsin neighborhood. there were doubters out there. now there may be new reason to believe. >> when i got the call from the neighbors saying hey kelly don't go in your backyard, there is a big animal back there and looks like it's a lion. whoa that is lion lion. not a play lion. that was a lion lion. when account lead craig wilson books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and practice his big pitch. and when craig gets his pitch down pat, do you know what he becomes? great proposal! let's talk more over golf! great. better yet, how about over tennis? even better. a game changer! your 2 o'clock is here. oops, hold your horses. no problem. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at laquinta! for over 60,000 california foster children, having necessary school supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child. martha: so officers armed with rifles and tranquilizer guns are searching a screen in milwaukee for a lion-like animal. we told but the story. you take a look. you've been to the zoo. you've seen animals. what do you think that is? worried neighbors first reported mysterious sighting. now the police say they spotted the large cat. they think it's a cougar. i don't think it's a cougar. they are warning people to stay away from the area until they check the animal. i hope they check the zoo organizations to see if there is anything missing. bill: i know cougars and that ain't no cougar. martha: is that lion lion. or older attractive woman around the streets. bill: a lion lion. favorite comment of the whole summer to date. a new getting introduced on capitol hill, taking aimed at organized labor leaders that would strictly limit union power and spread some of it to union members instead. how novel. peter doocy is live. good morning to you. >> good morning, bill. bill: why did republicans decide to unveil the bill now? >> the bill's backers say they have been laying the groundwork for years. they say today's announcement is another step forward for legislation to give dues-paying members power over employers and giving union members a chance to say they don't want their money going to certain political causes. from what we've seen over the last few decades political decades from big unions almost go exclusively to democrats or left-leaning groups. with the 2016 cycle ramping up this bill could spread the wealth around a lot more than it has been, bill. bill: what arguments are the union backers making against this legislation. >> that it has nothing to do with making workers lives better or transferring powers away from the top of unions. instead it is all about those all-important political donations. >> i think this is exactly why you see this is happening today. it's a huge impact. democrats have been supported for years by working people and the unions this is why the republicans want to bring this up. they want to take that money out. only real big money left on the left side. we don't have a sheldon adelson. >> reporter: both sides of the aisle can see there's a big appetite in both the gop house and gop senate. the big question what would president obama do with this bill on his desk because he has gotten a lot of help in two elections from unions. bill? bill: peter doocy reporting live in washington, d.c. today. thanks. martha? martha: the obama administration immigration policy called into question after a judge orders release of hundreds of illegal immigrants from holding centers. the reason for that ruling and what it could mean for white house immigration policy, also president obama taking time out of his trip in africa to address the media and talk about donald trump's run for the white house. what he had to say about it today and the other candidates in the race for 2016. >> in 18 months i'm turning over the keys. i want to make sure i'm turning over the keys to somebody who is serious about the serious problems that the country faces and the world faces. when kevin jorgeson needs light, he trusts only duracell quantum because it lasts longer in 99% of devices. martha: president obama meeting with leaders in ethiopia to discuss major issues affecting the region like terrorism, human rights and recent nuclear deal with iran is also coming up. kevin corke is traveling with the president and he joins us live from ethiopia. so, cove vin, what more is the president saying about the iran deal? >> reporter: listen it is so interesting sometimes to listen how he describes the idea of this iran deal. once again he is convinced that it is the best way to keep iran from ending up with a nuclear weapon and even went so far to say that 99% of the world agrees with him. well there is that. now he made those comments today at the news conference here in ethiopia. the president once again hammering home this idea that he doesn't have to do a sales job or lobbying job to get this deal passed on the hill. he says he has the facts to back up his argument. >> i'm not even sure i would characterize it as lobbying. what we're doing is presenting facts about an international agreement that 99% of the world thinks solve as vital problem in a way that will prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon. >> reporter: okay, so you heard that number right? he did acknowledge there has been some debate on the hill but apparently only 1% of the people in the world disagree with him. martha: speaking of vocal, president took a shot at gop people in the prescriptiondential race today. tell us about that. >> reporter: but he certainly did. we've been hearing controversial comments from donald trump. he is a certain headline grabber, we all know that but the president in particular took aim at governor mike huckabee. you may recall the president because of the iran deal leading israelis to the door of the oven. here is what the president had to say about that. >> now the particular comments of mr. huckabee are, i think part of just a general pattern that we've seen that is would be considered ridiculous if it weren't so sad. >> reporter: obviously wasn't all about the gop. he did talk about economic cooperation, security cooperation as well and of course tomorrow he will actually address the african union. martha? martha: kevin, thank you. bill: apparently another setback for the obama administration administration policy a federal judge in california ordering the release of hundreds of innocent women and children because of what the judge described as horrible conditions at detention centers. judge andrew napolitano with me today. welcome back from vacation. >> nice to see you bill. bill: this has dogged administrations for generations. >> yes it has. it started in the clinton administration, believe it or not the illegal immigrants sued the united states and court accepted it and settled it that binds all their successors. a document signed by janet reno, there is a name out of the past -- bill: 1993. >> when she was attorney general is binding lore rid at that lynch today. what does that document say? to the extent humanly possible children illegally present, alien children, should not be separated from both of their parents and think should never be separated from, they should always have one of their parent with them. point two, they can not be housed in facilities designed for adults. point three, they have to be housed in facilities that are clean and safe and child-friendly. so now this lawsuit is reopened and brought before this judge in california who finds they're being separated from their parents, they're being housed with adults and the circumstances are not clean and child friendly. set them free. what does set them free mean? deliver them south of the border with one or more parents and let them go. this is tremendous setback for the obama administration. it also continues to rub raw this problem of the presence of illegal children in the united states, some with parents some with not parents. what do you do with them? bill: what do you do? what is the judge saying? what let them go free here or send them home. >> let them go free south of the border. she can not, she can -- but that would be absolutely be reversed if she let them go free here. she interestingly said she interestingly did not stay her own order. usually they stop it until a appeals court will do that i suspect the government will ask them to do that i suspect the government will appeal and i suspect no answer until barack obama south off office. that is how long the appeal will take. bill: what is the constitutional issue? >> very complex constitutional issue. the ability of the constitution to come in and out of the country to move about, protect persons. they don't distinguish between citizens, lawfully present persons or unlawfully present persons. judges are all over the board. they want to give these people, particularly children as much constitutional protection as they can but don't want to unleash them in the general public particularly without their parents. where they go? bill: one is run by private companies. one is pennsylvania is return by county government in california. that is one in question. judge napolitano back from italy. >> had a great time. glad to be here. bill: marion taken the glow. two days. martha: tour de france title once again going to the brits. chris frum finishing first in the grueling race three weeks after it began. organizers stopped clock early because of one lap during the final stage to minimize risk of crashes. froome was locked in insuring a another big win. british cyclists won last three out of four tour de france races. a little noisy here. bill: a little bit. martha: something fell down on the way over there. bill: viva lapayreries. -- lapayreries. a journalist reporting the news comes the news, watch. [gunfire] that was a drive-by shooting. it is all caught on camera. we'll show you rest what happened in a moment. martha: did you see the story. a woman grabs an attacker's gun and kills him with it. now police look to the possibility that he, could be a serial killer. >> there is a lady in the alley here. she is saying that some guy tried to rape her and she had to defend herself and he is in kitchen. he pulled a gun on her. >> got cuts. >> she has got cuts and all allling over her. needed work done around my house at a fair price. you heard right, just tell us what you need done and we'll find a top rated provider to take care of it. so i could get a faulty light switch fixed? yup! or have a guy refinish my floors? absolutely! or send someone out to groom my pookie? pookie's what you call your? my dog. yes, we can do that. real help from real people. come see what the new angie's list can do for you. bill: so the nfl is trying to prevent any future deflate gates. overhauling the rules to inspecific footballs starting in september. some of the rules include guarding the footballs after pregame inspection. the air pressure of the footballs will be recorded before the game as well as random pressure checking at halftime and after the game. it has come to this. the new rules come as we await to hear decision on tom brady's "deflategate" apple. that has yet -- martha: a homicide investigation taking an even darker turn in west virginia. this is an incredible story. police say a woman fought back against this man who was attacking her. she killed him with his gun shooting behind her back. investigators believe he may have been a serial killer. the survivor is only identified as heather describes the fight for her life. >> when he strangled me, he just wouldn't let me get any air. so i grabbed my rake and when he laid the gun down to get the rake out of my hands i shot him. i just grabbed the gun and shot behind me. martha: good for her. quick-thinking. steve rogers is a retired lieutenant detective for the nutley, new jersey, police department and former member of the fbi terror task force. >> thank you. martha: the man's name is kneel false. he was 45 years old did neil's falls. she claimed she was wees court service. he said he was going to away to prison a long time. she pulled his gun on him describes shoots them. they think he might be related to a string of killings. >> obviously he planned the murder. what did he plan before the murder. when they found bleach and all different types of, from tape to all types of instruments -- martha: put up the instruments they found. >> it is incredible that he was actually going to go there, take the body and dispose of it and then destroy all the evidence in that place. martha: shovels, knives, axes. as steve said he had a big thing of bleach in the car. put up a map. there is a group of other killings of escorts very similar kinds of interactions with, in nevada, in ohio, and in illinois. this happened in west virginia. what do you think? >> here's what is going to happen. all the cold cases mission nationwide are now investigating will reopen. they will look at the profile of all the victims. obviously look at locations. they will do a forensics study on his computer, his cell phones. there will be an extensive extensive investigation of all these cases. martha, the most important piece of evidence that they didn't have before is the dna. all they will have to do is match the dna, bingo they have their suspect. martha: talk about her. how brave is this woman? >> absolutely courageous, to be in a position she knew she was going to die had enough sense and strength, got to tell you got him off-guard to grab the gun and shoot him. martha: let's bring her picture back up. she is, her name is heather. and she is young obviously. she speaks about what happened him showing up at her door. she could have been just one in a long line. think about the lives she may have saved by what she did. >> she probably saved dozens of lives but you never know what a person will do in reaction to situation like this. there could have been others where he walked in and he began at that strangle him and they panicked. they didn't know what to do. she had the good sense of mind to defend herself. boy she did. had he not brought the gun she may have not killed him. it was his gun she killed him with. now we'll be able to solve a string of murders. as you said, martha, she probably saved a lot of lives. martha: she is a here, this young lady. she may be somebody that wept through some rough times and working for an escort business apparently but when you listen to her and hear her story. he went after her with a rake. tried to strangle her. she had cuts and bruises. she saw his gun landed on the floor and she grabbed it. she reached behind her back and fired at him like this. >> what is more important, there may be other women out there encountered this guy and for some reason didn't end up in the situation she did. they have to call the fbi. he came to my house. whatever reason they encountered him. they have to report that. this is not the last time we'll see something like this happen. there are a lot of individuals that like to prey on a women and they're out there to and they need to know this. martha: one said they lost their mother in the last year and he had been despondent and basically dropped off the fate of the earth and the family hadn't seen him in a very long time. so obviously a lot going on. >> the police have to find out the motive. it is so important that those of us in law enforcement learn motives to get into the minds of these people. it helps us in investigations of other people. martha: his sister says they were abuseed did as children. which is sad situation but they don't turn out this way. >> no excuse moore murder. martha: absolutely not. bill: 14 minutes before the hour. "happening now" coming up with jon scott. how are you doing, jon? >> good morning, bill hemmer. hillary clinton will testify what she knows about what led to the deaths of four americans in benghazi. the republican-led hearing will take place in october. james white at this bolger's will attempt to convince a appeal court that he did not receive a fair trial in 2015 for the murders of 11 people. we'll have update on "happening now." bill: see you at the top of the hour. >> see ya, bill. bill: a shipwreck found off the coast of the u.s. pretty incredible details. martha: look at this. a surfer completing a defying -- death-defying stunt. you won't believe how he got the idea to do that ♪ bill: whoa. my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. mornings. wonderful, crazy mornings. we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of waiting on hold, we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone rings] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. martha: a reporter in washington state becoming a part of this story in a way she never anticipated. watch this. [gunfire] martha: hear the gunshots in the background? she quickly sprints for safety but she was actually covering a story about a drive-by shooting when another one unfolded right behind her. look at her reaction. >> something in me said something was not right. so the shots were fired and of course my immediate reaction was just to get down. as reporters we're trained to think on our feet. and this is an example of doing just that. we heard the gunfire. we ducked behind the truck and we were whisked off to safety. martha: wow. police are searching for the two cars that sped by the news crew and asking for witnesses to come forward. that is not everyday at work. bill: like reality television, isn't it? martha: the war zone is here. bill: scientist on a research trip accidentally stumbling upon this, a previously unknown shipwreck more than a mile deep off the coast of north carolina possibly dating back to the american revolution. we have the director of the national oceanic and atmosphere rick administration marine research program and leading the peak additional sis. you're coming in on the back end. thank you for your time today. >> thank you. bill: i heard they found this by accident. how do you do that? >> well it's a big ocean but 95% of it is unknown. we haven't really explored as we have space. we know the moon and pluto better than we know the oceans. bill: wow, wow. you're biggest passion you say is sharing it with the public. what do you want to share with us today? >> the key message is not only is this a unknown frontier but one has a lot to offer us. for me it is history and archaeology and story of real people caught up in things like the folks on this ship but it is also an ocean filled with untapped resources, mineral oil gas, fish, all vital to the economy and important to our understanding where we are on the planet because that ocean is key. bill: what year did the ship go down? >> we initially thought it dated to the end of the of the eight type century. looking at artifacts we think it sank between 1820 and 1800. what. bill: bill: what are you finding based on your analysis so far that you find fascinating? >> if it is everyday ship filled with ordinary folks that is very important story. so often we focus on big name ships and if this is folks working hard getting caught up in something like a storm going down maybe we not only solve a century as old mystery but learn how people made their living on the water 200 years ago. bill: that's true too. a mile deep. that has to present some problems too? >> well it isn't easy and it isn't cheap but usually a lot of this gets funded with grants. in the case of our work a lost philanthropic contributions. bill: you need that too. any type of wood on board of that boat, that is significant to you? >> well looks like entire bottom of the hull is buried in the mud. a lot has been eaten by marine okay niches. that is in it is self we didn't think organisms lived that far down. another example how science continues to amaze us when we look down there that water is pretty cold, right? i imagine there is some preservation involved too? >> absolutely. one of the things we've seen is navigational instrument that dates about 1760. they used them a long time afterwards. as you see on the pictures is perfectly preserved. bill: find any treasure on board? >> for me the treasure is the stories. it is everyday stories in particular or it is being able to share it. on the last expedition with private funding out in the gulf of mexico we did some digging. 1.1 million people watched us and participated and became scientists. bill: wow really? >> yeah. bill: that is something to hang your hat on. appreciate it, sir your enthusiasm and analysis. james delgado out of washington d.c. we'll look for more analysis. thanks for coming on today. >> thank you. martha: we're waiting for an update on the search for these two florida teenagers who are missing at sea. families are holding out hope today as crews cover thousands of miles. we'll bring you the latest on the search. ♪ ♪ martha: doesn't get any better than that. bill: i don't want to think about january yet. [laughter] without snow under the beating summer sun, you see it can be done. we're out in utah, the olympic park there. skiers and snowboarders nailing the tricks into the pool. martha: what's better than that? bill: the entire facility getting a facelift. it now has seven slides for athletes to train and catch some major air. that's what they use for the olympics by the way. martha: i would like to go there. i bet that place is amazing. nailing it, perfect. and from the slopes to the waves, jamie o'brien riding a wave while on fire. the red bull-sponsored stunt, of course, because that's what these guys do a -- took place in that hitty. a thermal institute, a wet suit and lighting it on fire. apparently, he got the idea from an instagram comment. kids, do not try this at home. and he had lots and lots of gear on. it's still, i said it, i could watch this all day. bill: you know that fellow will be on "america's newsroom" in about two weeks. [laughter] martha: of course he will. they're our friends. bill: so you had a good weekend?]i martha: very nice. july feel good? yeah we're about halfway through. bill: don't let the summer pass you by. you're free to go now. actually no jon scott's coming up next. martha: we'll see see you back here tomorrow, everybody. bill: bye-bye. ♪ ♪ jenna: a busy monday, we're waiting for hillary clinton to hit i the campaign trail in iowa as she tries to confront what some are calling an enthusiasm gap for her presidential campaign. hello everybody i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. democratic front runner hillary clinton set to speak about an hour from now in iowa. she came in third in the iowa caucuses the last time she ran for president, and mrs. clinton spent this weekend reminding audiences there that she's been a reliable warrior for democratic causes. with her favorability ratings taking a hit as senator bernie sanders gains on her in the polls and the of state's ongoing e-mail scandal may be to blame. joining us now, bret baier the anchor of "special report." they are talking about an enthusiasm gap in the hillary clinton candidacy, bret. what does that mean? >> well, it

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