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Im jon scott. Saying he cant wait for them to meet on the debate stage of this after the former vp unveiled a 700 billion economic plan that critics say look a lot like President Trumps in America First sandra pulling no punches telling sean hannity that biden has been brainwashed by the far left. You look at the deal they made and its all crazy radical left stuff and joe will never be able to fight it even if he disagreed with which i dont think he does. This expression was used badly a long time ago in politics, i think they brainwashed him. He doesnt know where he is or what hes doing and our country will suffer, our stock markets will crash, bad things will happen, they will defund the police, they will abolish the police, may be a backlash or maybe it will go to like venezuela. Sandra Kristin Fisher is live at the white house with more on that. Good morning. Good morning. Republicans have been really pushing President Trump to detail his second term agenda ever since he didnt really answer the question when asked about it by sean hannity a few weeks ago. At last night, he got a Second Chance and during that interview, President Trump says his second term priorities are deceivingly invisible enemy, rebuilding the economy, continuing to make great trade deals. Finishing the border wall, protecting the second amendment, and continuing to appoint conservative judges. You cant do more than what we have done. We have set records on everything, we actually set a record on judges. By the time of the end of this year, almost 300 federal judges and thats a record. Yesterday, joe biden was filling in some blanks about what his economic agenda would be. In pennsylvania, put forward a plan that biden describes is the most aggressive investment in the u. S. Economy since world war ii but Kellyanne Conway who was just on fox is accusing biden of plagiarizing the president because here is what bidens plan is calling for, 400 billion increase over four years of Government Purchasing of u. S. Based goods and services. In and heres a big one that Kellyanne Conway has a problem with, tightening current american laws. It is not sufficient to build back. We have to build back better. Thats what my plan is. In it is bold, it is practical, and its focused on building an economy for the future, not for the past. The former Vice President saying that we have to build back better while the current Vice President was also in pennsylvania yesterday talking about the Great American comeback so joe biden is really trying to take on what President Trump has long seen as his strength as trump is preparing to head of off the battleground florida leaving the white house in just a few minutes. Sandra for more on the economic plan, tom cotton coming up in Kristin Fisher at the white house for us, thank you. A member of the intelligence banking and Armed Services committee. Thank you for being here. First off, youve had a chance to dig through the details of this plan, but lets listen to the former Vice President himself making his pitch to buy american, listen. The federal government spends taxpayers money, we should use it to buy American Products and support american jobs. My plan would tighten the roles to make this a reality. In these funds will provide reliable, predictable demand for products made by American Workers and supply chains like this one right here for the american industries. Sandra even the New York Times listen to this, read all of this and said it seems in many ways that biden is seizing on President Trump buy america message, do you see the similarity . This is one case where the laughingstock of the New York Times may be right but talk is cheap. Where was all this rhetoric for eight years of the obamabiden era when our economy was stuck in neutral . Why didnt they pursue those policies that and more to the point where was joe biden for his 50 years in washington, d. C. . This is the same man who voted to send our jobs in factories to china by giving them the most favored nation status, this is the same man who has repeatedly supported failed trade deals that gave other countries the better deal and gave American Workers the shaft. And he doesnt say anything about the radical Bernie Sanders joe biden proposals they put out by giving health care for free to illegal aliens or banning fracking which would cost thousands of jobs in places like pennsylvania and colorado, so talk is cheap. We should look at joe bidens record and that record is terrible for the economy and for americas workers. Sandra asked him in his campaign, how do you plan to offset the cost of all of this . Digging into the details of the plan, you can put them up on the screen, says he plans to raise the Corporate Tax rate from 21 to 20 . We know thats been in the cards. They are looking at a 300 billion investment in r d, a breakthrough technology, 400 billion in investments to encourage American Manufacturing and then the 15 federal minimum wage. But to pay for it, raising Corporate Taxes and raising taxes on the wealthiest americans, reversing the president s tax cuts on wealthy americans. Can he win over voters with th this . No, he cant win over voters with higher taxes and americans know when you increase taxes on businesses, they pass those taxes on to customers in the form of higher costs are higher fees. Thats one reason why the obama biden economy kept us stuck in neutral for eight years wheres donald trump helped americas workers in business is built of the strongest economy in modern times until china unleashed the coronavirus pandemic on the world. The weight of at the economy going again is not to go back to the failed policies of the obamabiden arabic to the policies that god is that strongest economy in modern times. That is smart regulations, lower taxes for families and for businesses and trusting the American People and their families and their businesses and their communities to know how to spend their money better than the federal government does. Sandra senator tom cotton on bidens economic plan and i want to ask about the former secretary of state colin powell now weighing in on the rush of bounty story. He reacted by saying this. Watch. Our military commanders on the ground did not think that it was as serious a problem as the newspapers were reporting and television was reporting. Remember, is not the Intelligence Community that will go fight these guys. Its the guys on the ground. Got almost hysterical in the first few days. Sandra so let us know where you stand on this because weve been talking to you throughout that story as it was breaking as it developed and now we are at this place where we have colin powell saying that an mark esper is asked about it, the defense secretary and he said he never received a briefing about russia with the word bounty involved and in fact, now telling congress that hes launched an investigation into these leaks across the pentagon in response to what he said were bad disclosures. So where are we in all of this . As general powell said, there was a hysterical overreaction by the media and the Democratic Party in washington. Our Senior Commander on the ground in the middle east doesnt think these reports were corroborated and he is not aware of any deaths that are attributable to these reports. Thats one reason why secretary esper is correct that we need to get to the bottom of who selectively leaked intelligence. In this case and in so many other cases. It ought not to be happening and its against the law. All that said, russia of course it is our adversary. This is exactly the kind of thing that russia probably would do. They have been providing support to the tally band in other ways going back as far as 2013 in the obama era, thats one reason why President Trump has been so much tougher on russia than joe biden and barack obama ever was. Remember, russia invaded ukraine on Barack Obamas watch. They stood by and let it happen. Donald trump has repeatedly torn up obsolete treaties that were unfair to america with russia. Joe biden and barack obama signed one of the worst modern arms controls treaties in 2011 and elected and what he will do is extend that treaty for another five years leaving us at risk of being outgunned by russia and china. There is no question when it comes to our russia policies, donald trump has been much tougher than barack obama and joe biden everywhere. Sandra with a few seconds that we have left now knowing that mark esper said that this investigation is happening and theyre looking into these leaks across the pentagon, any idea what that might turn up . I hope it turns up who selectively leaked intelligence weather and the pentagon or elsewhere in the government. No one in the federal government with access to classified information has a right to leak it to the media or anyone else without authorized access. Ought never to happen and out to be investigated when it does happen. Sandra appreciate you coming on this morning, thank you. Jon fox news alert, as coronavirus cases explode across the country, florida and texas the new epicenters of covid19. Both states reporting their highest single day death toll since the pandemic began. Dr. Anthony fauci now urging hardhit states to take action before things get worse. I would hope we dont have to resort to shut down. I think that would be something that is obviously an extreme. I think it would not be viewed very favorably even by the states and the cities involved. So rather than think in terms of reverting back down to a complete shut down, i would think we need to get the states pausing in their opening proce process. Jon nearly 60,000 new coronavirus cases reported across the country just yesterday setting another record for new infections in a single day. Sandra meanwhile, tropicals say barreling up the east coast heading straight for new york city, flash flood warnings now in effect across the northeast. Laura ingle is live on long island with more on that. What do we see coming ahead . A week ago today at this very hour, this beach was totally packed heading into the fourth of july weekend. I know because i was here, but today, it is virtually empty because people know this is no time to get down to the beach and get close to the water. This is the first Tropical Store morning of the season for this area. Weather watchers say while this may not be a terribly strong storm, it does have the potential to bring two to 4 inches of rain. There are reportedly 20 Million People under Tropical Store mornings right now as Tropical Store fake its ready to wind up and deliver a punch. The storm is expected to make landfall in southern new jersey within the next ten hours but the riptides are already being felt. Beachgoers yesterday were trying to soak up the sun before it arrives. The day was gorgeous, spent time on the boardwalk, we try to stay closer to where the currents are. We have run into them before. As these black clouds of gloom, those along the northeast are being warned to look out for high winds, riptides, flash flooding, and possibly a bad hair day. Sandra stay safe out there, the weather is coming, thank you. To make seattles chop zone is no more. And now President Trump is weighing and saying theres only one reason it was dismantled. Plus this. This is always an area of real sensitivity. You just talking about health, we would say stay home if you can but we understand this moment in history. Jon new york city banning large gatherings with one big exception. Is there a double standard at play here . The new york police, new yorks finest are just not being allowed to do their job, they will end up with lots of bad things happening to them. 1 in 5 people you meet wear dentures. Yeah. That many but right now, is not the time to talk about it. So when youre ready, search my denture care. Poligrip and polident. Fixed. Fresh. And just between us. Little things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. 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Sandra President Trumps former Attorney Michael Cohen is back in federal custody saying he violated the terms of his home confinement agreements and his client refuses to accept conditions that required him not to speak to the media or publish a tellall book. The 53yearold pleaded guilty to tax evasion, Campaign Finance violations, and lying to congress. Today in new york city, recognizing the power and the meaning of the message black lives matter which we did in front of trump tower today, this is a historic moment of change. We have to respect that but also say to people the kinds of gatherings we are use to, the parades, the fares we just cant have that while we are focusing on health right now. Jon that is new york city mayor bill de blasio banning Mass Gatherings through september except for protests which include recent antiracism demonstrations. Actually helped paint black lives matter on fifth avenue right in front of trump tower. Lets bring in Axios National political reporter jonathan swan. Jonathan, his wife is africanamerican, no surprise perhaps that he is a big supporter of the black lives Matter Movement. But is this painting thing about that or is that about sticking it to the president . I dont think bill de blasio made any pretense about what the message was. He said it was sending a message to donald trump and i think the positioning of this leads no doubt about that. The president for his part told sean hannity he thinks that the mayor is behaving badly. Listen. I was very nice to mayor de blasio, got him ventilators when he needed them, hospital help when he needed a day, got him everything he needed, spoke to him many times. He couldnt have been nicer and then there was a big black lives matter sign right down in the middle of fifth avenue and all merchants along fifth avenue are furious. Jon the merchants may be furious but it sounds like the president is furious as well about having that painted on the street right in front of his building. Furious may be, but i think also partly enjoys this bid the president is never more comfortable than when he is involved in this culture war and certainly with this issue. But people have speculated is there polling driving this . No, there is nothing poll driven about it. Pulls would recommend the opposite stance would be sympathizing with the movement. President trumps own instincts tell him something different. His instincts tell him there was a pervasive concern about civil disorder that is out there, not being protected in the polling that people are not telling pollsters that they may be too afraid to tell posters. Thats what President Trump believes according to his advisors and he is pursuing a strategy based on his own instincts and fits squarely into that bucket of where he likes to play. Jon lets talk a little bit about nancy pelosi. She is obviously of italian heritage, her father ran her brother with both mayors of baltimore, and protesters ripped down the statue of Christopher Columbus that was tossed into the inner harbor after it was ripped down. Nancy pelosi was asked how she felt about that. Here was her response. Of the community doesnt want the statue they are than the statue shouldnt be there. I dont care that much about the statue. People will do what they do. Jon people will do what they will do. Doesnt sound like Speaker Pelosi is all that ups upset. It was as lenient and tender a statement towards the destruction of the monument as you could imagine. The interesting thing about it was the Baltimore Mayor was much more harsh about this then Speaker Pelosi was. He said there should not be tolerated and in fact, if they identified the people who destroyed that statue that they would be brought to justice. So this is a democrat, local Officials Saying this. Its quite a striking contrast there. To make the statue is dedicated there during the reagan administration. The president took part in its dedication. Local merchants hired a firm to try to garden and was nervous this kind of thing could happen. Obviously a lot of people who didnt want to see that thing destroyed. Jonathan swan from axios, thank you. Sandra the head of goya foods coming under fire after a visit to the white house and heaping praise on the president. So just how far is canceled culture willing to go . Plus, seattles shutdown of the chop zone, was the president s threat of sending in a federal troops behind the move to take it down . They just looked at me and told me that chop isnt here anymore. I want you guys to send this message and come out here and help me send this message to them that chop is not just one location. Is not one spot. Safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 thats safe drivers save 40 . It is, thats safe drivers save 40 . Hes right there. Its him safe drivers do save 40 . Click or call for a quote today. Sandra President Trump set to leave the white house any moment now heading down to florida meeting with u. S. Southern command to discuss the effort to fight Drug Trafficking. He also has a fundraiser on the docket. The president stops to talk to reporters on his way out, we will bring those remarks to you. Jon now this fox news alert from seattle, President Trump saying fragile forces were about to move in on the citys chop zone when local police dismantled it. Dan springer is live in seattle with that. President trump was at odds with local leaders for the entire three week duration of the protests known in seattle and threatened to send in federal troops right away but jenny durkin and governor jay inslee said that they didnt want trumps help and said if he dids in the army in, that would be illegal but last wednesday after the second deadly shooting of a black teenager, Seattle Police cleared out the area. There were no injuries to police or protesters bear the operation went smoothly and police have been back in control of their east precinct ever since the last night, President Trump told sean hannity that if seattle had not acted when it did, just might have seen the army on the streets of seattle. 100 , we were going and very soon. We let them know that and all of a sudden, they didnt want that. So they went in before we got there we were going and very shortly, very soon and we wouldve taken the chop, wouldve taken aback very easi easily. They went in and frankly the people just gave up, they were tired, had it for a long period of time. President trump use the occupation protest in seattle as an example of weak democratic leadership across the country and the mayor of seattle and attempt to contrast the message sold it as a totally peaceful protest which it appeared to be early on especially during the daytime but soon, violence became more frequent, neighbors and businesses got more vocal and seattle leaders determined that had to end at last week i did end with a totally local Police Response even though there were always rumors that troops would eventually be used. Jon dan springer from seattle. Sandra the story we are all talking about, goya foods is now facing backlash on social media and other outlets. Critics are calling to now boycott the company after its ceo praised President Trump at a white house event yesterday. Lets bring in liz claman, great to see you on this friday morning. Lets start off with the words of the ceo himself, he is defending his appearance at the white house saying he is a businessman and not only did he meet and work with the Trump White House, he worked with the obama white house. Listen. This is oppression of speech. In 20128 years ago i was called by Michelle Obama to tampa. They called on as is the most recognized hispanic brand in the United States, and i went. I went to the white house later and introduced hispanic heritage month. I am not apologizing for saying especially if youre called by the president of the United States, going to say no, im sorry, im busy, no thank you. I didnt say that to the obamas and i didnt say that the President Trump. Sandra he went to the white house, praise the president and others is trending on twitter. Youve got celebrities, Chrissy Teigen weighing in a come alexandria because the old how far is cancel culture willing to go . I am not willing to make my own, im horrible in the kitchen. The cancel culture, let me just put a different shift on this. This is really the silly season at this point. You have Business People in every different sector who donate to both sides of the aisle, and of course, the goya ceo is an american. He is an american businessman. This is a company for people who dont know that started in 1936 in Lower Manhattan. They now employ 4,000 people in america and spain in puerto rico and the dominican, a billiondollar company and besides, he has spoken and appeared with both president s blessed is not forget that it was back in 2012 during Hurricane Sandy when president obama came to visit new jersey and chris christie, the republican governor thanked him and he got all kinds of blowback. So both sides do it, and im telling both sides its ridiculous. When it comes to the boycott, i would say use your dollar to vote. Is called a dollar vote. You dont want to support a company, dont buy their products, thats a choice in america but to really hang the ceo out to dry it is not a good message for any freethinking american. Sandra i hear you talking about making donations to both parties. You see this with business leaders, ceos across u. S. Corporations, but in this case, goya is quick to point out that they also donate millions of pounds of food, beans, chickpeas to food banks across the country and so this is a company that is trying to help out hungry americans as well. I want to transition now to 2020 because obviously, you are seeing the debate fire rep now with joe biden putting out his economic plan for 2020. This is a wall street firm who is saying dont be so sure joe biden is moving so far to the left if he becomes president. They put out this. The just released Unity Task Force report lays out a wealth of proposals intended to guide biden presidency policy in key areas. So they are looking at a biden presidency saying is the most surprising take away is it is moderation, the progressive ideas are not included. So wall street has a job of managing risk, managing expectations looking out into the future as to what a joe biden presidency would look like and the impact on markets and the economy and that was the result. What did you think . We had a reporter on the ground in pennsylvania listening for every single word to be able to assess for a business audience, for people who care about their money and it is all of your viewers too what could possibly be skewing toward, and she did note that there was no mention of the Green New Deal although she did support u. S. Investment in the u. S. Green energy, but that is just a check all the boxes thing that we really hope and we also hear that the Trump Administration has done and we would also like to say that he did not mention medicare for all. So he probably is trying to thread a very, very tiny needle here. He wants to get the centrists and perhaps the republicans who really dont like President Trump, and he also wants the far left. This is going to be a difficult effort, but obviously, his first shot out, hes trying to do that. Sandra these are the three policies you mentioned, cited for not being in the Unity Task Force, Green New Deal, marijuana legalizations, but there is talk about joe bidens language that he is using that mimics Bernie Sanders still. It is time of Corporate America pay their fair share of taxes. We thought we should lower the tax at the high 30s to 20 . The lower 21. Im going to raise it back up to 28. Providing hundreds of billions of dollars to invest in the growth of this country. In the days of amazon, that will be over. Sandra we heard that language from Bernie Sanders as well, there you heard it from joe biden and when pressed on how you pay for a plan he has laid out for the economy, talked about raising taxes, in this case, Corporate Taxes. There were some surveys done and even republicans feel at least a larger part of them that corporations should pay their fair share. In 2018, a study was done that Something Like 90 of the fortune 500 companies paid zero in texas for federal taxes and that doesnt sit well with anybody who was at a higher tax rate so goes from 21 to 28 . He will hear corporations complain about it, but still nowhere near the 32 or 35 depending on which level you were in that they were paying. The fact is we have to look at what keeps businesses in america, and it definitely is not a very high tax rate above 30 because hes starting to see them flee here and that is not cool. We want businesses here, they create jobs, but by the same token, you want tax fairness and he is trying as i said to thread that needle and we will see if the voters are buying it. Sandra thats not cool says california girl liz claman. Weve got the dow pretty much flat to begin a brandnew day but see liz on the fox business network, who knows where it will be then. Great to see you this morning. Jon the federal judge in the Michael Flynn case making headlines yet again. We will tell you about his latest attempt to put off dismissing the case against flynn. Plus, a scare heidi in the air over boston, scaffolding collapses under workers. When they reported, they were just fine. Can my side be firm . And mine super soft . With the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. So, can it help us fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep us asleep . 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One side of the scaffolding gave way as you can see and it left the workers stranded until fire crews were able to pull them through the window. Thank goodness nobody was hurt and they have returned safely. First of all, president obama and joe biden spied on my campaign. He knew everything. He was probably in charge of it or was in charge of it. Joe biden, i dont know if he knows where he is, but he was there, he knew everything. Jon President Trump lashing out there at the russia probe as u. S. Attorney john jerome is pressured to wrap up his investigation of its origins by the end of the summer. And judge Emmet Sullivan is now asking a full federal Appeals Court to review the ruling ordering him to dismiss the Michael Flynn case. Lets dive into those topics with former federal prosecutor robert ray. Bill barr has said on a couple of occasions that he believes that the durham investigation would be wrapped up by the end of the summer, now sources are telling fox news that if he doesnt wrap it up soon, he may wait to release the results until after election day because he doesnt want to alter the course of the election. Does that seem appropriate to you . If that is true, that would be profoundly disappointing. My own sense is there are two equally important principles involved. One is that there are to be no october surprises. In other words, bringing charges shortly before an election which would potentially have an untoward effect on the political or the electoral process, but also the equally important principle is that if results in that investigation can be timely released and generally, that is thought to be on or before labor day, the public is entitled to know whether or not crimes were committed by the collection of james comey, brandon, clapper, and mccabe and others in regards to the fisa court abuses as well as the engineering of the russia collusion investigation, and it seems to me in an ideal world, both of those things can be accomplished, names you can avoid an october surprise but also get to the bottom of this and to conclusions before the end of the summer. Jon because the investigation is centered around whether highlevel members of the Obama Administration essentially tried to derail and spy on the trump campaign. That is an exceedingly important issue to be addressed. I have been saying so for months if not years. The president is right that there is a problem here and the question that i think people recently have asked all along is were crimes committed in connection with that investigation particularly through the president s campaign and into the period after his election and just prior to his inauguration. Thats an important thing for the American People to evaluate and to know if possible prior to this election in 2020. Jon First National security advisor Michael Flynn was actually charged with a crime until the Justice Department took another look at it and found that he had been railroaded. We are going to get into that topic and a second, but first, want you to here with the president said about that. I could go down a list of lots of people that were spying on my campaign, totally illegal. Its a disgrace whats going on. We caught them 100 . As far as general flynn is a great hero, a great gentleman, what they are doing to that man, theyve destroyed that man, but he will come back. Hes going to come back. Jon the judge in that case was ordered by the Justice Department while the Justice Department said we are going to drop the case against Michael Flynn, its not there, and the judge has done everything he can to keep it alive. He got smacked down by the court of appeals and they said no, drop the case, and now wants the entire court of appeals to rehear the case and issue a ruling. He is hoping that he can keep the case against Michael Flynn alive. How unusual is that and what are the chances of that . Its incredibly unusual. I was surprised at the judge would inject himself through counsel yet again into the middle of this. This is no place for a federal judge to be. I know you feel strongly about this, but i suspect the end results here if too many more days or weeks go by is that the court of appeals whether through that court or through the panel are going to have to do what they were reluctant to do before which is remove him from the case. I dont see any alternative. Seems obvious to me that the Justice Department through the executive branch makes the decisions exclusively with regard to whether or not to bring, prosecute and end charges against individuals. That is not a function of the Judicial Branch and the judge has inserted himself in the middle of this which is why the panel told him that he had to grant the governments motion to dismiss the charges. Jon the judge seems to have his thumb on the judicial scale in this manner. Robert ray is, good to talk to you, enjoy your weekend. Sandra fox news alert, that is a live look at the white house where the president just departed a short time ago. As we expected, he did stop and talk to reporters for about two or 3 minutes. He answered basically two questions, the first time joe bidens economic plan, the president claiming that the former Vice President plagiarized him when it comes to his buy american plan that was just unveiled. He said his plan is controlled by the radical left, he just cant do it. He said he is raising everybodys eyebrows with taxes. This is what im getting from those that he gave to reporters. And he talked about the greatest economy that he has created on roger stone and a possible pardon. He took a question on that and said i will be looking at it. Stone was unfairly treated as were many people. So the president made those comments as he was departing the white house. He has on his way to florida to meet with u. S. Military Southern Command leaders they are. We will have those remarks from the president for you when we come right back. I should get a quote. Do it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. 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We will have those for you in just a moment but he is heading down to florida for this briefing on Drug Trafficking in south america. He is going to be reviewing the counter narcotics operation in the caribbean, reports of that. Also expected to take place in a roundtable discussion with venezuelan americans and venezuelan migrants. He took two questions, the first time joe bidens just unveiled economic plan. He claims that the former Vice President plagiarized him with his buy american message and says he could never pull that off. He also says the radical left he can do it, raising everybodys eyebrows with higher taxes. He also took a question on roger stone and a possible pardon, you remember he said that his prayer for a pardon may be answered soon. He was asked about it and said he was unfairly treated as were many other people. Talked about people Walking Around including joe biden. So the president left for florida just a short time ago, expected to have those remarks for you making some news on those two friends and when we have that sound for you, we will turn that around as a president heads down there engaging in a fundraising event. When we have that for you, we will play it. Jon meanwhile, President Trump says joe biden was brainwashed by far left democrats as they are more of words heats up. We will dig deeper into this with Chris Wallace up next. Some Companies Still have hr stuck between employees and their data. Entering data. Changing data. More and more sensitive, personal data. And it doesnt just drag hr down. It drags the entire business down with inefficiency, errors and waste. Its ridiculous. So ridiculous. With paycom, employees enter and manage their own data in a single, easy to use software. Visit paycom. Com, and schedule your demo today. Sandra as promised, we have those comments from the president as he was departing the white house a short time ago heading to devout florida meeting with u. S. Military leaders they are from the u. S. Southern command talking about the effort to fight Drug Trafficking. He stopped and spoke to reporters as he was departing the white house. Heres the president. We are going to miami, different parts of florida today, back at about 11 00 tonight, a lot of stops, a lot of very good stops, so we look forward to it. Tropicals fay is probably going to be hitting a place called new jersey, a good place, pretty soon. So we are under watch, fully prepared in case its bad. Shouldnt be too bad, but you never know. At this moment, looks like it will be hitting new jersey fairly soon, and we are fully prepared and other than that, i will see you in miami. Thank you. Say it . He plagiarized from me, but he could never pull it off. He likes plagiarizing. Its a plan that is very radical left but he said the right things because hes copied what ive done, but the differences he cant do it and he knows hes not doing that because he is raising taxes way too much. Raising everybodys taxes. Hes too putting tremendous amounts of regulation back on and those two things are two primary reasons that i created the greatest economy weve ever had, and now we are creating it again. I will be looking at it. I think roger stone was very unfairly treated as were many people and in the meantime, james comey and all of these guys are Walking Around including biden and obama because we caught them spying on my campaign. Who wouldve believed that one . Thank you. Sandra okay, short and sweet. The president leaving for miami as he just told reporters bidens economic plan was just unveiled, he said he plagiarized him, he said he could never pull that off, he called it radical left but then said he is copying what ive done, but raising taxes. The president talking about bidens economic plan on talking about roger stone, we will see. Weve got Fox Team Coverage for you, peter doocy on the campaign trail this morning, Fox News Sunday anger Chris Wallace standing by with analysis but we begin with peter doocy live in bidens hometown of scranton, pennsylvania. Just heard the president firing back after the unveiling of that economic plan. Good morning. Good morning. Joe biden came here to the county which Hillary Clinton carried in 2016 to rollout that economic plan last night, and big headline of it is 700 billion tax dollars going towards American Goods and services. The federal government spends taxpayers money, we should use it to buy American Products. But as you just heard from President Trump and other senior officials at the Trump White House, they think that sounds familiar since President Trump has been emphasizing a buy american pitch for years. Even though theyve been promoting their Unity Task Force which merges the biden teams proposal with the Bernie Sanders teams proposals, in an effort to convince progressive voters that biden will carry the torch, a scandal to accused biden of ripping off ideas from his right and from his left. This is joe biden plagiarizing the relief leader, killed his first president ial campaign, also got less than 1 even if you account for the margin of error, and now two days ago, plagiarizing Bernie Sanders and yesterday, plagiarizing donald trump. He brought his motorcade to his childhood home on the way out of town last night, and he was just there to take it all in. He was not there to take questions even though i try to. Is the closest we have seen two unscreened members of the public since the covid19 lockdowns began and it is a trip that he takes every time he is in town according to residents that we spoke to, does not have any public event on the schedule today, back in his adopted home state, delaware. Sandra peter doocy in scranton for us. For more on that, lets bring in Chris Wallace, good morning to you. Nice to have you here this morning. You heard the president s words as he was departing the white house. What did you think . Its interesting. I think theyre a little bit frustrated with joe biden. They were hoping that he would go further left and you could argue that he still has, but his tone in this economic message, and is reminiscent, some would sing a ripoff of President Trump. Talking about buy american, the president talks about american first, and his speech was all about 700 billion in taxpayer money over the past four years for the federal government to buy American Goods to invest in research and development, the whole idea of being to rebuild the manufacturing base, thats something that President Trump ran on an won on in 2016. Nafta, the Pacific Trade Partnership not talking about that. Obviously, the Trump White House is going to try to emphasize the differences, the president doing it by cutting taxes and reducing regulation, biden talking about big spending programs and increasing taxes to pay for them, but the basic argument which is lets focus on america and rebuild the Industrial Base of america very much the same and i suspect the Trump Administration is a little bit disappointed that they can draw sharper contrast with biden. Sandra looks like Kellyanne Conway reacted to that, on earlier reacting to the unveiling of that plan and you keep hearing this word plagiarized in a president just used it, Kellyanne Conway said it. First he was plagiarizing Bernie Sanders economic plan and now accusing him of plagiarizing the president. Listen to kelly end. Two days ago, hes plagiarizing Bernie Sanders and yesterday, his plagiarizing donald trump. The only person who can rebuild the most successful economy and the lifetime is the person who built at the first time and that is President Trump. Sandra so which is it . Is a moving as far to the left as so many said up to the unveiling of this plan . No, and that i think is a flasfrustration. They will portray it as hes moving far to the left, but in fact, hes been very careful not to. The biden camp and the Bernie Sanders camp issued 110 page platform, biden did not go for medicare for all, did not go for the Green New Deal, did not go for Defunding Police did not go for banning fracking, so its a move to the left in the sense that they want to keep sanders and his supporters on board, but on the most hot button issues, hes not going along with Bernie Sanders trying to stay in the center which is where elections are won. Sandra lets hear more from joe biden himself on his plan, investing in america. Here is biden. Im sorry. Investing in america, to ensure the future. Lets listen. To ensure the future is made in america, we need to have not just the jobs today but infest within the jobs of tomorrow. The chinese are spending multiple millions of dollars trying to own the technology of the future. While we sit with our thumb in her ear. Sandra youve got to wonder, can he generate a lot of enthusiasm over this plan . He has taken some by surprise, the president proclaiming he is plagiarizing his plan but the wall street journal asked how are you going to pay for this as he lays it out and he targets Corporate America. Thats a winning message for his supporters as well. It is certainly a winning message for his supporters. The question is whether it is good economics and a time when weve got millions, still got double digit unemployment, still have millions of people looking for jobs, does raising taxes on corporations make a lot of economic sense . That will be one of the debates. I think what you could basically say is at this point, and you could argue about whether or not he is plagiarizing the president or not, both of them are saying the same thing. Lets show up the american Industrial Base commercial rep american jobs, obviously as i said the president is going to hit biden on you or the guy who supported nafta and the guy who supported the pacific trade deal, but the big difference is going to be how they do this to shore up the american base, President Trump talking about cutting taxes, cutting regulation, joe biden like a lot of democrats talking about Big Government programs, Big Government investment in the way he says you pay for that is by increasing taxes on those corporations at least restoring some of the taxes that President Trump cut in 2017. Sandra voters will have a lot of homework to do to figure out what each of those economic plans mean for them as they walk into the voting booth this november. Meanwhile, havent had a chance to talk to about the Supreme Court ruling that came down yesterday. Here is nancy pelosi reacting moments after those came out. Listen. The chief justice specifically speaks to the fact that the president is not above the law. Congress will continue to conduct oversight for the people upholding the separation of powers that is the genius of our constitution. We will continue to press our case in the lower courts. Sandra i will let you give us your take, but first, taking the wall street journal on pelosi losing on scotus, supreme loser, she writes. The justices make it harder for lawmakers to justify subpoenas for the president , no one disputes the house has Oversight Authority the courts have always made clear it would be firmly tethered to a legislative purpose. The committee driven by fury over the trump president embarked on an extended fishing expedition, she called it. In doing so, they expose how easy it is to abuse the legislative purpose doctrine. Your reaction . I think they are partially right and i think they are partially wrong. Was a mixed decision and it has mixed results for the president lost on the big legal constitutional issue. Does he have immunity from congressional oversight, does he have immunity from criminal subpoenas and the answer was overwhelmingly 72 including the two justices appointed by donald trump, no, he doesnt have that kind of immunity. On the other hand, the court said the issues have to be brought in the case of the manhattan d. A. , will have to go back to the lower court and there will be arguments about the subpoenas, the specifics of the subpoena, not that there is immunity, but is the subpoena properly drawn, is there legal basis for it. When it comes to the question of congress and pelosi, i think she did lose they are not on the principle of whether or not congress can subpoena the president , but on the way they did it, that it was just a fishing expedition, overly broad, not a clear legislative purpose and just wanted to get the records and look at them in the court was saying no, you cant do that. Has to be a specific legislative purpose but you can subpoena the president and if the purpose is deemed by a court to be right, then you can get that information. The bottom line, in all likelihood, we will not see the president s tax returns before november 3rd, election day, and in the end, that was the key issue here. Sandra always love our time together on these friday mornings. We will see you again Fox News Sunday, thank you. Jon President Trumps former Attorney Michael Cohen is back in federal custody after refusing the conditions of his home confinement. He was furloughed from prison in late may, you might recall, over coronavirus concerns. David lee miller was live in new york city with more on that. Michael cohen had a get out of jail free card but because he refused to play by the rules, the bureau of prisons as was sent back behind bars. Last night, we spend the evening at the metropolitan Detention Center in brooklyn, and he will remain there until a longterm facility is designated. In late may because of health risks posed by the coronavirus pandemic, he was released on furlough from the federal lockup in otis bill new york serving three years after pleading guilty of lying to congress as well as other charges. Posted a picture of him eating dinner at a friends restaurant located a block from the park avenue apartment. Yesterday, had a meeting with federal authorities to review terms of his release including an electronic ankle monitor and was asked to sign an agreement preventing him from engagement of any kind with a media including print, tv, film, and any other form of media news. His friend and former Attorney Says he rejected that agreement because he felt it violated his constitutional right to free speech and during a break in that meeting, the u. S. Marshals took them back into custody despite him now saying that he would sign the agreement. Davis downplayed any suggestion that his incarceration had anything to do with those dinner party photos. The bureau of prisons released a statement which said in part, and i quote he was returned to a bureau of prisons facility for service of his sentence. Just days ago, you might recall Michael Cohen tweeted out his tellall book about his relationship with donald trump was likely to be released at the end of september and now it is not clear if that publication date is going to be delayed. Jon David Lee Miller in new york city, thank you. Sandra another fox news alert as we wrap a busy week, utah governor now declaring a state of emergency as protests grow in salt lake city. Plus, a sudden spike in police in los angeles calling in sick over the fourth of july Holiday Weekend amid a rise in crime there. Now the l. A. P. D. Is investigating. A member of the force joins us live just ahead. I had one officer tell me that he is like a vietnam veteran returning to a country that hates them if thats any indication of the morale that officers feel. Our va streamline refi takes just one call to start the process. Theres no appraisal, so no one comes to your house. Thats me. Theres no Income Verification and no out of pocket costs. Thats me. 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Transfer your Service Online in a few easy steps. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. Visit xfinity. Com moving today. Jon the Los Angeles Police department now investigating a spike in officers calling in sick over the july 4th weekend of looking into whether its a case of the socalled blue flu during a rise in Violent Crime in l. A. Take a look, 49 people shot, at least a dozen killed over the Holiday Weekend. Joining us now, rob harris, director of the Los Angeles Police protective league who was a 19 year veteran officer. Weve heard some pretty passionate sound from you about your feelings about the way cops are being treated in l. A. Right now. Is they replay case of blue flu on the way . I dont know if i would classify it has blue flu. I think they are frustrated and tired, many of them are suffering from some fatigue just given all that has been expected of them, but i think they have demonstrated time and time again why they are the most professional Police Organization in the country and over the fourth of july weekend although we did have some officers call in sick, there was no disruption in service, and i think they heated our calls to not participate in an organized sick call out. Jon there is an unsigned letter that is circulating around the police department, im sure you know about it and i want to read just part of it for our viewers, it goes like this in part they succeeded in defunding the police, what do you think is next . Our pay, or benefits, our pensions, all of those things are in jeopardy now. Is that a common feeling among the force . Absolutely, and i dont think that sentiment is specific to los angeles. I think thats a sentiment that officers around the country feel and thats why the Los Angeles Police protective league has taken such an aggressive stance when it comes to rolling up our sleeves trying to get to work to talk about some National Reforms that we believe will actually succeed in improving police and community outcomes. We laid out along with san jose and san franciscos Police Officers union a National Reform plan that we think is a good place to start. We put that add in fullpage ads in newspapers across the country, so i think its time to have a discussion about what we can do to improve policing beyond just symbolic gesturing. Jon tease Michael Moore of the l. A. P. D. Put out this tweet saying the men and women of the l. A. P. D. Continue to focus on our primary objective, keeping los angeles safe. That is what every cop wants, right . How does the sick out help promote that . It doesnt. Actually undermines our ability to have credibility and build trust with stakeholders and our communities and all it does is endanger our brother and sister officers who show up to work, undermines Public Safety and community trust, and it is why we were Crystal Clear in our communications to her own officers and members that they should not participate in an organized sick out. But i understand their frustrations. And i understand why they feel like they have been abandoned and like the Los Angeles Police protective league has said in the past, lets get to the table and Start Talking about real reforms that will improve outcomes and reduce force incidents in our country. Jon given what is the attitude toward police among large sections of the population in this country right now and given this disparagement that is being hurled at officers by political leaders and so forth, it is not surprising that a lot of officers are saying its time to get out. Take a look at the statistics from new york city. New york city has seen 179 applications for retirement between june 29th and july 6th. That is a 411 increase over last year. Are you seeing the same kind of thing in l. A. . I am hearing the same type of talk and conversations from officers that i engage with, and they are really at the point where they are trying to evaluate whether or not they stay in this profession, and is not just officers who are currently working looking at leaving but what is all of this dialogue and vilification of the profession going to do to our recruitment efforts . I think the country as a whole really needs to decide what do we expect and what type of policing do we want to see . But those conversations need to happen from leaders who have the courage and the conviction and the ability to have reasonable and rational bull discussions. Cant be found in the bullying tactics of some of the individuals that are pushing for some of the more extreme reform measures, so it is why the Los Angeles Police protective league has found itself at the table in washington, d. C. , to talk about some of these refor reforms. Jon rob harris from the l. A. Police protective league, thank you. Sandra mayor bill de blasio of new york city banning all gatherings in his city with one big exception. The panel will debate that one next. If youre just talking about health, we would always say stay home if you can, but we understand at this moment in history, people are talking about the need for historic changes. The open road is open again. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. Car vending machines and buying a car 100 online. Vented now weve created a brand new way for you to sell your car. Whether its a year old or a few years old, we want to buy your car. So go to carvana and enter your license plate, answer a few questions, and our technowizardry calculates your cars value and gives you a real offer in seconds. When youre ready, well come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. Thats it. So ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. People are talking about the need for historic changes. Today, recognizing the power and the meaning of the message black lives matter which we did in front of trump tower today, this is a historic moment of change. We have to respect that but also say to people the kinds of gatherings we are used to about the parades and the fares we just cant have that while we are focusing on health right now. Sandra canceling all large events through september about making a big exception. Assaying black lives matter and other social justice protests can continue because they are just too important. Juan williams is a fox news political analyst and cohost of the five, josh holmes former chief of staff to senator mitch mcconnell. Do you see the hypocrisy . What message does that send . I dont see the hypocrisy. I think its a pressure valve, letting off steam that has built off over the black lives Matter Movement in the country, but especially in big cities like new york. In protest as a First Amendment right, gathering for a social event for a parade is not, and i would say the key here is whether or not you have political leaders like bill de blasio making it clear to people who are going to protest that they are taking the tremendous risk with their health, they should be wearing masks, should practice social distancing if possible, the that thats the key here. Sandra they were showing pictures of new york city and theres no social distancing. I see masks. Sandra masks are good obviously. But josh, people are saying i can gather, cant get permits for events to happen in the park. So mayor de blasio says this is too important in this moscow lawn but cant an event like that equally spread covid19 . Bill de blasio was one of the worst Public Officials in america and i think one hit the point at the end assaying you look to your Public Officials for guidance about what is safe and what is not and what you heard in that clip we just played from bill de blasio was precious nothing about masks or social distancing, but what he is doing is indistinguishable from every democrat across the country that runs major cities. They are paralyzed with fear about reopening the economy that will not under any circumstances stand up to a progressive base and say perhaps Mass Gatherings in the street every night and are not terrific for spreading covid also. No one is doing that, no one is trying to qualify it by providing these health or safety guidance. I think its really irresponsible. Sandra here is the headline up on the screen, we waste time on a stupid stunt baiting trump black lives are being ended daily things to the crime wave, plainly has no clue how to stop it or at least no will to take the lead in reversing the tide. There were calls for him to step down. What kind of job do you think hes doing . I will leave that to josh and others, i think they really see him as the devil in some cases. I will leave it to them. I know new york is still a magnet for people but the president likes to say everybody is leaving new york. I think young people especially before the virus are still attracted to the Economic Vitality and the culture of vitality. Sandra there is factual evidence of that. Okay. And the sign he painted in front of trump tower i think picks up on what the mayor in washington, d. C. , Muriel Bowser did and its become a key point for religious groups, childrens groups, everybody that says its an opportunity to very peacefully express sympathy and that they are with the black lives Matter Movement. Sandra on that, read the wall street journal, it will tell you about home prices plunging down 18 , sales are coming way down in the city, people are leaving new york city. In josh, here is the president on that black lives matter mural. He is complaining that businesses do not like a bit of this. Here is the president. I dealt a lot with mayor de blasio, very nice to him, got him ventilators when he needed them, got him hospital help when he needed it, got him everything he needed and then there was a big black lives matter sign right down in the middle of fifth avenue, and all merchants along fifth avenue are furious. Sandra his take is taking away from Business Activity in the major area of new york city. Josh . Set the rhetoric aside. We are in a situation in new york in particular that has dealt with huge amounts of loss of life become a huge economic loss, continues to this day, have shutdowns all over the place. The mayor is currently asking the president of the United States and the congress to provide an 8 billion bailout for new york city. So what does he do . You put the black lives matter mural in front of the trump tower. Of course that is there to agitate the president and make a progressive base extremely excited. When did we get to a point where we are doing something responsible by the constituents who elected him . It is just mindblowing to me that we are still in a conversation, back and forth political tit for tat. Sandra are not there, now saying last month that marrows will be painted in several locations throughout the city. The debate over that will continue. Meanwhile, there is stephen a. Smith and mark live in sparring over the antisemitic post and also kneeling in the nfl. Watch this. I have been to many games where there have been people who dont stand for the national anthem, they dont sing the national anthem, they could care less. We still managed to get by that and endure 60 minutes of football we have on that particular sunday afternoon so i get the same be applicable to somebody whose views you may disagree with . Im not watching a Football Game to watch some slob with a beard in the stands. Im going there to watch the players. Im buying their jerseys. Im buying their sneakers. And buying what theyre selling. Sandra so jump into this. I just think what Deshawn Jackson and the Philadelphia Eagles Football Player did is inexcusable. I dont understand it. Hes a grown man. You cant say he doesnt know who hitler is and what impact mentioning hitler would have on most of america. Most jewish people look would say what in the world . From what i read, stephen a. Smith said he called him and that Deshawn Jackson tried to defend it by saying he was uplifting black people by mentioning hitler and supportive comments about louis farrakhan. Its just so destructive in terms of national unity, national purpose, and political comedy. I just think it was a bad mistake and i think its going to haunt him for the rest of his life. Sandra what did you think about the portion when they talk about kneeling in the nfl that said if im wrong, i will stand, but mark live and pressing him on do you think this helps sports at the end of the day . Sorry about that. I dont think it helps sports. I dont think you should ever put fans in a situation where they have to choose between an incredibly important social Movement Like whats happening currently in the Africanamerican Community with regards to policing and irresponsible policing in cities across america in their country. That is a choice that nobody should ever have to make. Let me just say at the outset how much i appreciate stephen a. Smith and mark live in having a real conversation. Stephen a. Smith is incredibly talented and important sports commentator but rather be stuck in a box, he goes on with mark live in and has real conversations that People Like Us can appreciate and i think help our culture as a result so i think all of this conversation as well worthwhile. Sandra a fair point to make being able to have that discussion on the first place in this with both of you i appreciate, thank you. Thank you, i appreciate it. Jon it is no longer just the number of new coronavirus case and skyrocketing in parts of the u. S. California, florida, and texas saw a Record Number of deaths from the virus yesterday. Meanwhile, Florida Governor ron desantis says the rise in infections has a lot to do with the testing process. The turnaround time is taking a lot longer, so we want to figure out how can we address that knowing the capacity limi limits. Jon william la jeunesse live in los angeles now with more. Many states are at that tipping point, 29 have paused reopening and are under pressure to reimpose stayathome orders. Problems testing availability, turnaround time is insufficient and states have failed to contact trace. Arizona, florida, South Carolina have the highest per capita infection rates suggesting that masks and 6foot distancing alone is not enough to stop the spread. If things get worse, that dial could move to red, that would place us at the highest risk of infection and would likely return to a mandated safer at home order. There really is nothing you can do that would help more than staying home. Governors are facing the same pressure expressed by President Trump, how to Balance Public Health with a desire to work and send kids to school. 48 states ignored federal reopening guidelines and now critics say they are paying the price. From democratic states like california and oregon which yesterday said a single day infection record to republican ones like florida. We are in a mode right now where it is not contained. This is Widespread Community transmission. The w. H. O. Admitted thursday that they need to keep people off the beach and outdoors to be a bad idea. You know how taking your temperature is supposed to be the key indicator of who may have the virus . A new study found that Covid Patients are more likely to lose their sense of smell than have a fever. So some experts say at airports and restaurants, add a layer of security would be like smelling a lemon or Something Like that to see those who may be asymptomatic. Fascinating. William la jeunesse, thank you. Sandra the movement is on to boycott americas largest hispanic owned company after the ceo prays the president at the white house. Moneyman Charles Payne is here to react to that. Plus a seattle city councilwoman threatening one of the citys biggest employers after the city approves the socalled amazon tax. We will not stop there because you see we are fighting for far more than this, we are preparing for this. Place that you laughed about well the names have all changed since you hung around but those dreams have remained and theyve turned around whod have thought theyd lead ya back here where we need ya welcome back, america. It sure is good to see you. We know youre always at univethere for them. X, thats why our advisors are always here for you. Learn more at phoenix. Edu. Moms love that land o frost premium sliced meats have no byproducts. [conference phone] baloney [conference phone] has joined the call. Hey baloney here. I thought this was a no byproducts call . Land o frost premium. A slice above. vo you start with americas verizmost awarded network, to build unlimited right. I thought this was a no byproducts call . The one with unbeatable reliability 13 times in a row. This network is one less thing i have to worry about. vo then you give people more plans to mix and match so you only pay for what you need verizon unlimited plan is so reasonable, they can stay on for the rest of their lives. Awww. vo you include the best in entertainment and you offer it all starting at 35. Because everyone deserves the best. This is unlimited built right. Only on verizon. We are all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump who was a builder, and thats what my grandfather did, he came to this country to build, to grow, to prosper. And so we have an incredible builder, and we pray, we pray for our leadership. Sandra those comments were made by glorias president and ceo leading to a social media backlash. That spring and Charles Payne, host of making money on the fox business network, figure you had a lot to say on this because this is a ceo who says im not just working with the Trump Administration, im a businessman. I worked with the Obama Administration as well. An American Company he was getting criticized for showing up the white house. It is absolutely remarkable and every friday on my show, i do winners and losers and at 2 00, he would certainly be one of my winners. You talk about the quintessential American Dream, husband and wife leave spain for a better promise of a better life, stopping in puerto rico and opening up a tiny store in new york city, new york, city on duane street selling canned goods and they say we can offer a better product, and they do. Go you is born, becomes the number one hispanic business in this country and right now employs 4,000 people. I dont think this backlash is simply because he praised President Trump. You go to the web site, they talk about the story and part of that, they say family in achieving the American Dream. I think he is too bullish on america. I think he has been too optimistic on people being able to pull themselves up by their bootstraps when you have politicians like the castro brothers who are pushing this movement right now telling hispanics and blacks and others that this country doesnt like you, no way for you to make it on your own without massive government assistance and we will do it by doing higher minimum wage, think about that crazy oxymoron for a moment. I think that was an excuse. Sandra he went on fox news earlier this morning after his visit to the white house and after seeing the backlash to that visit and praise for the president and said its hard to know whats acceptable now. Listen. I went to the white house later and introduced hispanic heritage month, president obama, and so im allowed to talk good or to praise one president , but not allowed when i was called to be part of his commission to aid in economic and educational prosperity, and you make a positive comment, all of a sudden, thats not acceptable. Sandra so then you have the social media backlash, celebrities, chrissy taken and others taking him on but here is alexandria ocasiocortez speaking out about that. The sound of me googling how to make your own adobo. Going to have to be making her own sauce because she wont be buying from that companies are now trying to cancel go you. If they cancel goya, they will cancel 4,000 jobs. A lot of hispanics have those jobs. They will cancel and shut down 26 facilities and employee people all throughout the world. If they want to go this far, if aoc thinks this is a great idea, she has a great track record of job destruction i might as well add this to her resume. They hate the idea that someone can praise President Trump so much that they are willing to destroy their fellow human beings, then have at it. Make your own adobo, but i will tell you this much, this is a destructive path, destroying peoples lives and legacies, i thought we were told that was over. People should love what they want to love, i just want americans to wake up. I dont this company was honored for their commitment to the Hispanic Community and they worked with first lady Michelle Obama in that campaign, the first to arrive after the horror comic hurricane wiped out puerto rico and just what they have done, the legacy and what they stand for. If julio castro wants to put them out of business, i say shame on you, you are making a huge mistake, you can deflect what people say and do but it has consequences when you talk about putting them out of business. Sandra their generosity and philanthropy overlooked, they donate to this day hundreds of millions of pounds. 300 charities. To food banks across the nation, helping the hungry, but they just dont like the visit to the white house and praise for the president. Guess what . My wife is a puerto rican from the bronx and we have a whole cabinet full of goya and we will have some adobo tonight, thats all i can tell you. Sandra all right, thank you. Great to see you. Have a great weekend. We will set out two plates for you. Jon the new report on terrorism with some alarming numbers on the taliban, so is any peace deal with the islamic militants worth the paper it is written on . Is that good . No you were talking about allstate and. I just. When i. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. Is jane. Accident forgiveness from allstate. She used to have dry mouth. Now, she uses a capful of therabreath dry mouth oral rinse to keep her mouth moist for 24 hours. Operatic singing [narrator] therabreath, glass break its a better mouthwash. At walmart, target, and other fine stores. And mine super soft . glass break its a better mouthwash. With the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. So, can it help us fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep us asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Will it help me keep up with him . Yep. So you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. Its our weekend special, save up to 900 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Plus 0 interest for 48 months. Ends monday. Jon a new report finds the taliban led the world in terror attacks last year. The study comes from a global terrorism database and shows the taliban carried out nearly 1400 attacks last year up 9 from the year before. Fox news National Security and Foreign Affairs analyst. The tallow band signed an agreement to end the tax, end of violence, come to the bargaining table. That is what they signed on, different from what they want. They want american and nato forces out so they signed a document with us, but also wanting to go back to reform the Islamic Emirates and they want themselves to be in charge, so that leads us to conclude that those attacks basically are not just to cancel the agreement, they want to show other jihadists, isis and others that they are fighting despite the signature and that is why they want to come back to kabul. Jon the United States obviously has been pushing for peace talks, has the suggested it is all folly . If you want to look at the actual agreements, makes sense. They would be a Government Plus a party band. The problem is, the previous decades of american policies especially the last ten years including the eight years of the previous administration, nothing was done to strengthen society. So now this reality which is the only option they have, im not sure that option would still have. Jon and Foreign Policy magazine, a disturbing headline saying it bodes ill for african peace and then after the u. S. Tallow band deal, it is growing bolder while its al qaeda tides remain. We have just a few seconds, but it doesnt sound like 20 years of war has accomplished anything for the tallow band. We have accomplished in the first foo years the removal of the tallow band, the afghan army and security forces. Is the many years where we did not engage the Afghan People that are now producing this return, so it is always the people. We dont work with them, we will always have consequences like this. Jon thank you. Sandra fox news alert, President Trump and joe biden on the attack as Campaign Season kicks into high gear. By the president says joe biden has been brainwashed by the far left. Thats coming up. Look, this isnt my first rodeo and let me tell you something, i wouldnt be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. Its just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, its helped over a million americans. A reverse Mortgage Loan isnt some kind of trick to take your home. Its a loan, like any other. Big difference is how you pay it back. Find out how reverse mortgages really work with aags free, noobligation reverse mortgage guide. Eliminate monthly mortgage payments, pay bills, medical costs, and more. Call now and get your free info kit. 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Com sandra sending in federal forces in the for the First Time Since the fiasco, seattles mayor is talking about her one and only regret. Welcome to a brandnew hour of americas newsroom. Is friday morning. I am sandra smith. Jon happy friday to you, i am jon scott. The president sounding off on seattle and a whole lot more in an exclusive interview with sean hannity last night. A Seattle Police forcefully cleared the chop zone on july 1st after weeks of protests and two deadly shootings. President trump says the move happened because the mayor was warned federal forces were about to step in. We were going and very soon, we let them know that and all of a sudden, they didnt want that, so they went in before we got there. Sandra also hearing from seattles mayor who had first called the protest a summer of love. Dan springer is back in seattle with more on what we are learning now. Good morning. Almost from the beginning, rumors on the ground that President Trump would make good but even talk that a stryker brigade from the nearby base was put on standby but most people just shrugged it off as chatter. Last night, trump told sean hannity that he went so far as to tell seattle officials that he was going to act very soon if they did not. This follows the second Fatal Shooting of a black teenager in the capri protest sound. Last wednesday, hours after seattle mayor declared an emergency, over 100 Police Officers took back the area in just a few hours making 44 arrests. Jenny durkin said repeatedly that she didnt want the president s help and it would be illegal to send in federal soldiers. But trump said last night was close. We were going and very shortly, very soon, and we wouldve taken the chop, they call it. We would have taken it back very easily, but they went in and frankly, the people just gave up. They were tired. Mayor durkin has not responded and has only given one interview since it was dismantled and set her one regret was the loss of life. She also says they were talks about putting up a permanent memorial to honor the fight for civil rights in the chop zone, she also wants to preserve the giant black lives matter mural in the street. Both play to their bases during the fiasco but now has a bigger problem with the far left in seattle which is still demanding the Police Budget be cut by 50 . She has proposed just a 5 cut. Him sandra thank you, dan. Jon the 2020 president ial campaign heading into high gear, both upping their games. Biden unveiling in economy but the president is now dismissing his Presumptive Democratic opponent telling sean hannity that biden is brainwashed by the far left. They brainwashed him. He doesnt know where he is or what hes doing, and our country will suffer. Our stock markets will crash. Bad things will happen. They will defund the police, they will abolish the police, it will be may be a backlash or maybe it will just go to like venezuela. Jon Kristin Fisher is live at the white house with more. Kristin . When joe biden unveiled his economic agenda yesterday, he used the language that sounded pretty familiar to a lot of folks here around the white house. President trump has been talking about the Great American comeback, but yesterday, and joe biden, his new tagline is build back better. The president also in 2016 campaigned on an America First agenda but now joe biden is using that same buy america message. So when President Trump left the white house for florida about an hour ago, i asked him what he thought about the very obvious similarities. He plagiarized for me but can never pull it off. Its very radical left but said the right things but because he is copying what ive done. The plan that joe biden put forward in pennsylvania includes 400 billion increase over four years of Government Purchasing of u. S. Based goods and services, 300 billion in new research and development in u. S. Technology firms, and also wants to tighten current laws. It starts a pretty basic idea. When we spend taxpayers money, when the federal government spends taxpayers money, we should use it to buy American Products. We support american jobs. My plan would tighten the rules to make this a reality. Yesterday, the current Vice President mike pence was also in pennsylvania making the case that the economy is bouncing back because of the Solid Foundation that was put in place by the Trump Administration. Things like lower taxes, less regulation, and better trade agreements. As for President Trump, he is spending most of the day in florida but remember, he has another big rally planned for tomorrow in New Hampshire, this one will be outside but you have to wonder if after the speech that joe biden gave yesterday, you have to wonder if President Trump is really going to try to hit back and drill down hard on the economy in New Hampshire tomorrow. Jon Kristin Fisher at the white house, thank you. Sandra President Trump out outlining what he hopes to accomplish is he is elected in november. Watch. Defeat the invisible enemy while on our way. Going to finish rebuilding our wall, rebuilding with our military. We need more judges and more justices, you see that now at the Supreme Court more than ever and that means everything weather for a life or other things. Sandra lets bring in marc thiessen, former speechwriter and a Fox News Contributor who recently interviewed the president. We will get to that in just a moment, and it was only part one but you have our attention. There was a president laying out very specifically his policy objectives, rebuilding the economy, appointing more judges and said he didnt even know he was criticized for the interview he did with sean back in june where he was criticized for not even being able to name one policy objective, but they are, he clearly laid it out. What did you think . First of all, the idea of the president doesnt have an agenda is ridiculous because the democrats, the theme of their campaign is not what they want to do. Its to stop trump must stop him from doing what . Implementing his agenda, so the fact that he didnt have a plan is absurd and of course, the reality the centerpiece of his plan along with the Supreme Court which is a big motivator is the economy, and joe biden was talking about buy america. Under his administration, we lost 200,000 manufacturing jobs. Before that pandemic, trump had brought back half a million. So the idea that now he is all of a sudden buy america after he was supporting all the trade deals that sent those jobs away without any protections for American Workers, now all of a sudden as mr. Buy america is ridiculous. Sandra he was joe biden firing right back at the president. Listen. Donald trump may believe that pitting americans against americans will benefit him. I dont. We have a health crisis, and economic crisis, Racial Justice crisis, a climate crisis. We need to come together to solve these crises and solve them. Sandra now he has unveiled his economic plan to counter the president , although this morning, many are pointing out what appeared to be some similarities about the buy american nature of that plan. All of a sudden he wants to bring back the look regulations that trump cut and get rid of the tax cuts that trump implemented which are what fueled the economic resurgence that we had before the pandemic arrived. We have the best economy in modern times before the pandemic hit and now, the economy is coming back. We had 4. 7 million new jobs created last month. That is 20 times the normal rate of economic recovery and the reality is we have restored already just now 40 of the jobs that were lost during the lockdown and we are going to have 20 to 30 Economic Growth over the fall and in the summer, probably 10 or 15 in the fall going into the election. Its going to be very hard for joe biden to compete with him on the economy. Sandra you start out your piece by saying when you walked in there, he was looking over a lot of the new polls, some internal, some not, and then you wrote your piece. The real hate is the heat from the other side. What struck me in this piece was when you asked the question, why is the president adamant about defending confederate memorials . He wrote that the president responded im not, and then he said this, im adamant about defending the past. Its part of our history. They are taking down everything. They are taking down history. They want to cancel everything. They want to cancel the good, the bad. What if conversation go . We make it was really interesting because i personally think we should get rid of a lot of these confederate memorials and especially the military bases and i pressed him on some of those issues and one thing he told me is i have no love for the confederacy. He said im a new yorker, we were against the confederacy. When he seems to be worried about is a slippery slope. He pointed out a couple of years ago when they were tearing down the statues of robert e. Lee, he said who is next . Here we are a few years later and tearing down washington and jefferson. So he doesnt want to give an inch to the cancel culture. He says on the military bases, he says these names were given has part of reconciliation between the south and the north and the earlier part of the century and has a reconciliation and doesnt want to undo that deal and besides, he doesnt think he can control the bases would be named if he agreed to change it. And he is worried about how the pc culture would demand and Congress Might demand names that would be unacceptable. So he is standing firm. He just doesnt believe in giving into the cancel culture and a slippery slope. Sandra but the minute i have left. The criticism of the broader Racial Justice movement, he went on to ask him pointblank, do you support the peaceful protest, what was that answer . He said peaceful protest, absolutely. A peaceful protest for Racial Justice, absolutely. And he said i talked about some of these people who were marching and saying tens of millions of people have marched since george floyd was killed in these people arent for the cancel culture and they want Racial Justice and he said so to why. And that he wants Racial Justice as well and he supports peaceful protest. What he doesnt support is violence and tearing down statues and the rest of that in the leadership of black lives matter are marxist radicals who really want to destroy america. He is not wrong about that. Sandra i go back to how you started the interview, he is looking over all these polls and said he remains confident and said i havent even really started to campaign yet. Its a fascinating piece, great interview. So we will look for more in the washington post. He makes them good news, so watch out for that. Sandra thank you. Jon House Speaker nancy pelosi refusing to condemn the vandals who tore down a statue in her hometown. Of the community doesnt want the statue there, it shouldnt be there. I dont care that much about the statue. Jon we will tell you which candidate for sainthood she would not defend and senator John Barrasso will join us with brandnew reaction. Plus, cancel culture in the kitchen . Some big names on the left boycotting a major brand. The big problem, the ceo prays the president. Sandra fox news alert, as tropical storms be 8 barrels towards the east coast with heavy rain and powerful winds along the way, the National Hurricane center just that with a new advisory moments ago, when now sustained around 60 miles an hour, 15 miles an hour below hurricane strength, Tropical Store mornings now in effect across the tristate area while flash flood watches are issued from virginia to massachusetts. Jon House Speaker nancy pelosi refusing to condemn the toppling of the Christopher Columbus statue in her hometown of baltimore. In the protesters tore down that statue tossing it into the harbor on the fourth of july, but pelosi is not criticizing the vandals good when reporters asked her for reaction. People will do what they do. I do think that from a safety standpoint, it would be a good idea to have it taken down if the community doesnt want it. I dont know if it has to be a commission, but it could be a community view. Jon senator John Barrasso is chairman of the Senate Republican conference. Nancy pelosi is widely regarded as one of the most widely politicians in washington. Why not condemn this kind of mob violence . Because nancy pelosi has now surrendered to the mob. And it just shows you how radical and out of touch and dangerous the Democratic Party has become under this coalition they put together with the socialists and the marxists and this is the city of baltimore and the anarchists, this is a city of baltimore were Nancy Pelosis father was the mayor and likely contributed money and time to the putting up of that statue to Christopher Columbus. Now find with tearing it down. But its not just about the statue. Hits about the whole effort to cancel a culture of this movement to the far dangerous left for our country. People that want to cancel and defund the police, want to go after the church is comeau want to go after free speech, all of those things are being attacked and willing to stand by and let it happen. Jon does she think there are votes in it for her if she takes this kind of people will do what they will do attitude . She will have to make her own decision for herself but thats the way the entire Democrat Party is heading. I think its a very dangerous coalition for our country and the things that they want to do, to change america permanently, and what i believe for the worst, but taking away free speech, canceling who we are, where weve come from. We had to be taking a look in talking about the future. Shes not doing that. We need to get our economy going again, thats what we are focused on and what she is doing is ignoring the reality of whats happening what i am seeing here in wyoming talking to people who were absolutely offended by this approach of the mob and nancy pelosi has surrendered to them. Jon one of the things he apparently cant do these days is prays President Trump. Thats what the president of goya food stayed at the white house has part of the ceremony. Here is the blowback that he got from alexandria causey of cortez who tweeted out this oh, look, its the sound of me googling how to make your own adobo. In other words, wont be buying any more goya adobo sauce, what do you think about that . She has basically named herself the judge, the jury, and the lord high executioner, but this is another example of what im talking about, this coalition of the democrats and the anarchists and the marxists and the socialists all heading in that direction. The ceo of this company is a man who loves america, donated a ton of food to new york during the pandemic and was at the white house because the president was signing an executive order in terms of hispanic education opportunities, economic opportunities, things that are important for our nation. And said some nice things about the president which was appropriate, and absolutely astonishing how this cancel culture has moved to say we will attack you. We dont have a right to free speech, we are coming after you, this coalition that wants to take down america and i know your viewers are not going to stand for it and im not either. Jon this is a guy whose version of the American Dream now employs 4,000 people in this country, and aoc and the like want to essentially deny him business. Its quite a time. Senator John Barrasso of wyoming, good to see you, thank you. Sandra President Trump dropping the some big hands on the fate of his longtime friend roger stone just days before his supposed to report to prison, with the president just said about a possible pardon. Plus exclusive new details into the investigators, looking into the origins of the russian probe. Source is now telling fox news the findings may not be revealed until after election day. Why that is coming up. Plus the judge overseeing the Michael Flynn case order to dismiss those charges but still not having it. The longest running soap opera and political history. A phone call he made which is fine. Nique lifestyle, thatd be perfect let me grab a pen and some paper. Know what . Im gonna switch now. Just need my desk. My chair. And my phone. 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Jon President Trump speaking out about roger stone earlier today hinting he might pardon his longtime friend just days before stone is due to report to prison. Ill be looking at it. I think roger stone was very unfairly treated as were many people and in the meantime, james comey and all of these guys Walking Around including biden and obama. And caught them spying on my campaign. Who wouldve believed that one . Jon stone was sentenced to 40 months after convicted of seven felony counts including who witness and lying to congress. Sandra pushing back against an Appeals Court ruling ordering that that case be dismissed. Judge sullivan now seeking a review of that order by the full settled Appeals Court. Deputy director of Department Affairs at the department of justice joins us this morning. So why wont this judge dismissed the case after he was ordered to do so . He really wants to see Michael Flynn go to jail. While i also think he believes this is how he stands up for the court as far as checks and balances and sees an executive branch encroachment on the article and already ruled that. A big waste of taxpayer resources for something that i think is going to go away. Sandra saying to grant a motion to dismiss it has not yet been resolved, and thats where the judge stands in this so what ultimately happens here . What happens next with this case as we await the next development . Thats interesting. The judge already lost at this panel court of appeals and now goes the full District Circuit Court of appeals. They will make a decision. I suspect they will make a very safe position and is he going to challenge that to the Supreme Court . Again, trying to preserve what he thinks is article three power. So this thing could go on for years. Sandra i want to transition now because a lot of folks want to know what happens with the durham investigation, looking into the origins of the mueller probe. Went on the story with martha last night and had this to say. Itll die. Youll never see it again. Itll die a natural death. Here is why they are doing this because they think joe biden might win. Joe biden wins, you are never going to see this report see the light of day. This is what the bureaucracy does. Sandra so he is a under a lot of pressure but if you cant wrap it by summer, some sources are telling fox news that it could be until after election day. What hes dealing with is with that unofficial timeline the department of justice have where they dont want to announce anything that would have. On the other hand, they spent three and a half years being wrongly accused of being a russian agent and so thats been out there, so really is between a rock and a hard place because if indictments come out of this, doesnt want to get it wrong and then looked political but on the other hand, if this doesnt get out before election day, it may never get out, the public may never know. Sandra you heard from the president on this yesterday, tweeted out prosecutorial misconduct, his anger over the russia probe lamenting how it is a disgrace that nothing happened. Chuck grassley even weighing in on the possibility that the result of this investigation may not come out until after election day calling it sad. So we are left wondering, obviously the political implications saying itll die and youll never see it again, the implication is if we dont see it before election day. I mentioned earlier in this rule of indictments before an election. I think they should just ignore that here and the reason why is because this is so important to get to the bottom of. This is our Intelligence Community, Law Enforcement community and we know if this does not happen before election day, no one is ever going to find out if there were abuses in our system, what those abuses were and who is responsible for those abuses, so i think this is bigger than the usual lets not make any political type of indictment before election day. Sandra thank you. Jon a decorated green beret and a veteran of afghanistan taking his own life shortly after starting a job at the pentagon. Military leaders at a loss as covid shutdowns take a toll on Mental Health resources for former combat troops and their families. National security correspondent Jennifer Griffin is live at the pentagon with that story. Master sergeant served six full tours in afghanistan with a 82nd airborne in the Ranger Regiment and a half dozen more combat tours. This decorated green beret, a silver star recipient was described to me by his fellow soldiers as captain america. He just started a coveted job at the pentagon and return from alexandria, virginia, and died by suicide in front of his wife. Had three small children, still on active duty. His death left his friends, family, and military leaders at a loss. He was on a tour with the 2508, a battalion that had the highest casualty of any unit in 2009. His suicide, the 30th from this battalion. One of the 20 combat veterans taking their lives each day. An epidemic, the military and white house are trying to stop. Last month, launched the prevents act. My administration is marshaling every resource to stop the crisis of veteran suicide and protect our nations most treasured heroes. Theyve been through so much, and it is such a deepseated problem. Staff Sergeant Alan thomas served in the same battalion. He died by suicide in 2013 leaving behind two daughters and his wife danica who was at the white house ceremony to launch the president Suicide Prevention initiative with the independence fund. To be a hero for a hero, a 24 7 crisis hotline and support from capitol hill. The covid epidemic is that former combat troops, activeduty troops and their families have been a casualty of the quarantine. And repeat combat tours have led season troops to say the force is still being deployed to afghanistan for out of gas. John . Jon that is a terrible tragedy. We all need to reach out and try to help those veterans. Thank you very much. Jennifer griffin. Sandra meanwhile, critics calling it a sorry sight and our biggest city, the occupy movement in Lower Manhattan is still going with new reports of violence that the city, attracts a new crowd. Also video capturing a vandal painting graffiti on buildings so why did the cops just stand there and stare and look on . They say they dont have a choice. We have more on that next. Usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so they can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most find out more at usaa. Com jon is according to new figures, arrest to migrants search to more than 30,000 including 20,000 people turned back under the Trump Administration policy. Sandra stunning new video out of manhattan showing a protester spraying graffiti on a courthouse with nypd officers watching and looking on, but not doing anything about it. Slamming city leaders tweeting this, watch this carefully, that another frustrating covid19 excuse nor is it an aspiring artist at work. Watching him vandalize and now the nypd is not allowed to make the arrest. The defense attorney, former d. C. Police detective and a Fox News Contributor. Good morning to you. For every risk, this is alarming to see them actively disobeying the law and then there is this video that clearly shows a Police Presence at that building with graffiti all over it, but the police say they cant do anything about it, why . This is a sad commentary and a sad position on where we are in our history. Youve got good men and women who put on that Police Uniform and they go out to serve and protect their community on a daily basis and there is a great deal of confusion as to how they can police. Youve got administrators in these various major metropolitan cities that are trying to dictate to Law Enforcement officers what they should do and on the other hand have a Law Enforcement officer puts his hands on a citizen and tries to make an arrest, all of a sudden he can be himself under arrest and charged with excessive force. There was a morale problem not only in new york, they are all being disrespected and that is very sad. Sandra i want to a transition to the occupy movement in Lower Manhattan that seems to be not just still going, but getting stronger. Bringing disorder, the organizers said they were helping Vulnerable People but nearby residents of the camp had turned into an unruly and at times a violent, so what is going on there . Its the same thing that went on in seattle, washington, where you have the autonomous zone and had the mayor of seattle allowing these people to take over the area. That is happening unfortunately in new york. What happens is they closed down seattle, but they were several people who were shot and killed in at least two of them and the sad commentary is the criminals are winning. Thats the bottom line. The criminals are winning. When you see these kind of zones in new york, the criminals are taking over. Youve got to wonder, what is going on in our country that we are permitting citizens to take over a portion of new york. I thought in my lifetime i would never see anything like that. Sandra where do we draw the line . We draw the line of the administrators of these various metropolitan cities to include new york stepping up to the plate, not kowtowing to these demonstrators for letting Law Enforcement officers, let them make the arrest that is necessary to bring order and our various cities which includes new york. Sandra it is really something to watch and you go back to the video of those Police Officers standing at a courthouse, a u. S. Courthouse covered in graffiti, and then to see that man just openly spray painting graffiti on a government building like that, we will followup with you when all of this, thank you. Jon harvard facing a backlash after deciding that its fall semester classes will all be online. Why my next guest says the 50,000 price tag is still worth it. Plus, football may be flagged in one texas school. Why Officials Say they might sideline the sport for now. Ive got some terrific news for veteran homeowners from newday usa. Interest rates have dropped to record lows. 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Sandra High School Football may be canceled and one Texas School District this fall, nearly unthinkable in the lone star state. The superintendent saying in a new interview he doubt they will be a season due to the coronavirus pandemic. There are talks to move to the spring, but that is all up in the air for now. Coronavirus cases have been skyrocketing in texas. The state reporting a Record Number of deaths from the virus just yesterday. Harvard announced that they are closing for the season for the year, i think its ridiculous and easy way out, and i think they ought to be ashamed of themselves. So important that the children at this age especially are together on campus. Jon President Trump blasting Harvard University after the Ivy League School announced all of its fall classes will be held online. School officials are hoping to contain the spread of coronavirus, but harvard is facing backlash for charging full tuition of nearly 50,000 despite the online change. A former harvard physics instructor and i guess this morning. What do you think about that, pay nearly 50 grand, 70 grand went all housing costs and everything are tossed in, 50 grand for a online course, online semester . Good morning. First of all, great to be with you. I know. And i was just doing a little bit of research. Back when i was teaching, the tuition was 25,000 including room and board and everything so nearly tripled just in the time since ive been teaching there. Heres bottom line. I think a lot of people have a mistaken impression about the status and cost of Online Education. At the bottom line. The fact is Online Education is very popular these days and its not cheap. 75 of all universities, 75 actually charge the same tuition for their facetoface instruction versus their online instruction, and many universities actually charge a surcharge. They call it a Distance Learning fee, if you can believe it. Places like Ohio State University which has the number one Online Bachelors Program charge dollars per term per student and 200 more per term for outofstate students so it is not out of line for harvard to be charging the same amount. I get it. I think of it like a restaurant. We just ordered out the other day for my wifes birthday. I didnt expect the restaurant to charge me less because i was taking out and wasnt enjoying the full restaurant experience. Its just the way it is. I get it, students are disappointed. I remember when i was teaching at the start of the school year, always exciting, a beautiful campus on the shores of the charles river, the boston skyline across the way. I understand their disappointment. But for them to expect harvard to give them a discount is very unrealistic. Jon it is a school with a billiondollar endowment, its not like harvard exactly needs the money, or does it . Thats a good point too. Was started in 1636. Is the Oldest University in the United States and its a point well taken. They wanted to have a more charitable frame of mind, they would offer a discount. Im simply saying when you look at the landscape right now of Online Education, its not cheap and in many cases, its actually more expensive than inhouse tuition. I know that is counterintuitive. People would think doing online, i dont get all the perks and extracurricular activity and there are a lot of them at harvard. I was affiliated with kirkland house when you were teaching there, thats the same house that zuckerberg was affiliated with. We had dinners, had gettogethers, a senior commons room advisor part of when you teach at harvard, thats what you do. And so the kids are going to miss all that. I get out walking through the yard, so much history there. George washington and troops were in the very dorms at the freshman inhabit. One thing should be made clearer and that is harvard is saying that they are going to have up to 40 of the student body attend in person. They are going to have the entire freshman class, so they will be there living at harvard yard and going to classes in person. They have to wear masks and social distance and all that and there is something called crimson clear that they will have to be tested once a week, fill out a questionnaire every day to make sure that they havent been exposed and if they do come down with covid, they will have to quarantine themselves. So its complicated having kids on campus, but they are saying theyre going to have up to 40 , which is a little bit of wiggle room and when they say that, it could be up to 20 but i dont disagree with you. Its a very wealthy school, very wealthy. And they mightve been a little bit more charitable. You want the real bargain, enroll in harvard extension school. Its only 2,000 a year, and you get a harvard degree. You are looking for a bargain, thats where you get it. Jon good advice. Dr. Michael guillen, thank you. Sandra thank you. The search for glee star naya rivera now turning into a recovery mission. What we are now learning about the moments before she disappeared. Theres a lot of trees and plants and such that are under the water that can cause entanglement. Makes it unsafe for the divers and makes them more complicated search. Safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 thats safe drivers save 40 . It is, thats safe drivers save 40 . Hes right there. Its him safe drivers do save 40 . Click or call for a quote today. Some Companies Still safehave hr stuck between employeesentering data. A. Changing data. More and more sensitive, personal data. And it doesnt just drag hr down. It drags the entire business down with inefficiency, errors and waste. Its ridiculous. So ridiculous. With paycom, employees enter and manage their own data in a single, easy to use software. Visit paycom. 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Since then over a million Older Americans have used a reverse Mortgage Loan to finance their retirements. It meant so much to nellie, maybe it could mean as much to you. Call now and get your free infokit sandra the search for glee actress, naya rivera, entered a third day in a lake metal sandals. Authorities say heavy debris in the los waters magnets are difficult. Christina coleman is live in los angeles. Hi, sandra. Recovery efforts underway for the 33yearold actress. She is presumed dead after going on but ride with her son. The Security Camera footage was taken afters after rivera was ported missing from the lake. It shows the actor and her son were the only ones to rent a boat that afternoon. They went for a swim, and they believe she likely drowned. In what they are calling a tragic accident. We have no indication, after talking to her son, that ms. Rivera made it to shore. The focus of our search efforts are in the water. An employee from the rental Company Found riveras young son sleeping on the pontoon all by himself. He was in a life jacket, and an adult life vest was also found on board. Leading investigators to believe that rivera did not have went on. Her purse and wallet were also found on the boat. Divers and drones are now scouring the lake piru reservoir in the search. Its about 15 miles northwest of los angeles, nestled in the national forests. And this search will continue on. This will continue on. Sandra christina, thank you. That does it for us, john. Jon sandra, good to be on with you this morning. Ill see our viewers this weekend on the fox report. Sandra see you then. Outnumbered starts now. Harris we begin with this fox news alert. We are awaiting President Trumps arrival in florida. He is due to touch down in miami at any moment from now. The state has seen a spike in coronavirus cases, and yesterday a oneday record of 120 covid19 deaths. The president is set to get a briefing from the u. S. Military Southern Command on enhanced counter narcotics operations and we are told he will speak to employees there. All happening within the next hour. We will keep an eye on all of it. To give their lives as the news is made

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