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White House White House Coronavirus Task force visited texas yesterday meeting with the governor and Health Officials to encourage everyone to remain diligent, especially young people. People should continue to practice good hygiene, wash your hands, avoid touching your face, and wear a mask wherever its indicated. Or wherever you are not able to practice social distancing. What we are seeing here is an increased rate of hospitalization of 20 to 40yearolds. I know its difficult in the 30, but just would ask everyone of them to wear a mask. To matt Casey Stegall is live in dallas with more. On the very same day Vice President mike pence was here in texas, the state report and more 5300 coronavirus cases in a 24hour period time, that marks the sixth day in a row that the state clocked more than 5,000 new infections in a single day. While speaking in dallas, pence and dr. Deborah birx encourage texans to wear masks as you hurried to help slow the spread. The Vice President also prays this governor for his decision to close down the states bars and rolling back restaurant capacities. We need to understand that covid19 has taken a very swift and very dangerous turn in texas, but just the past few weeks. Over just the past few weeks, the daily number of cases has gone from an average of about 2,000 to more than 5,000 per d day. California governor gavin newsom following in the footsteps of texas and florida over the weekend ordering bars and seven of the states counties to close following a surge of new cases they are among young people. The golden state has more than 211,000 confirmed coronavirus cases at this point, and the numbers also keep going up in florida prompting officials to close a growing list of beaches for the fourth of july holiday. That includes miamidade, broward, and palm beach counties. Over the weekend, florida continued to report new record breaking daily numbers, in fact more than 9500 new cases alone just on saturday. Florida officials ordered the suspension of Alcohol Consumption at the states bars. Another hot spot that weve been talking about is arizona and Health Data Shows that the number of new cases have risen by about 267 in just the last state. When we talk about all of these hot spots, texas, florida, arizona, others talking about these infections it just started going up. A lot of people have been critical about whether the states open too early or too fast melissa. Melissa so much for that theory about warm weather helping as well. For more on that, we will talk to dr. Marc siegel at the bottom of the hour to discuss the spike in coronavirus cases and hhs secretary quoting the window is closing to get this virus under control. Trace at a series of overnight tweets, President Trump denying a New York Times report that russia offered bounties to taliban fighters to kill american and Coalition Troops in afghanistan claiming he was never briefed. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle calling for answers. The White House Press secretary responding to the report moments ago on fox friends. The president has made clear that he has never been briefed. Just so you know how it works, it is only goes to the president and the highlevel officials. When it is deemed as verifiable incredible. Kristin fisher live at the white house with more. In addition to that New York Times report, the Washington Post is taking a step further by saying those alleged russian bounties are believed to have resulted in the deaths of several u. S. Service members. This is very serious issue with potentially huge geopolitical implications, but President Trump insists that he never knew anything about it, was never briefed on it, tweeted late last night that intel just reported to me that they did not find this info credible and therefore did not report it to me or the dp. Possibly another fabricated russia hoax made by the fake news wanted to make republicans look bad. Now the White House Press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany says the Trump Administration is going to be Briefing Members of congress today. Republican senator Lindsey Graham says its imperative that congress get to the bottom of this and republican congresswoman liz cheney says the white house must explain why werent the president or Vice President briefed, that the president ial Daily Briefing, who did know and when and what has been done in response to protect our forces and hold russian president Vladimir Putin accountable, and these are all excellent questions that are going to be asked of white house officials all day long and at that briefing today. Trace meantime, retweeted a video that included a supporter chanting white power. He quickly deleted it, but what do you know about that . The white house is saying that President Trump did not listen to the first ten seconds or so of this video in which you had one of the president s supporters at a Retirement Community in florida called the villages yelling white power. So the president says or the white house says the president just didnt make it that far into the video, didnt see it, but the only black republican member in the senate, senator tim scott said that he sought and he he certainly did not like it. The comment about white power was offensive. No question. We could play politics with it or we can do. Im not going to. Its indefensible and we should take it down and thats what i think. A few hours later, the tweet was deleted but not before it was discussed at length on almost every single sunday show. Trace indeed it was pretty Kristin Fisher live for us at the white house, thank you. Melissa for more on all of this in the New York Times report with byron york who is chief Political Correspondent for the Washington Examiner and a fox news contributor, thank you so much for joining us. I want to play for you the reaction from former Vice President joe biden. You tell me if you think thats fair on the rapture report. Is this information according to the times and yet offered to host Vladimir Putin in the United States and sought to invite russia to rejoin the g7. Is entire presidency has been a gift to Vladimir Putin. But this is beyond the pale. Melissa what do you think about that . Has his entire presidency been a gift to Vladimir Putin . With the former Vice President said certainly goes beyond what we know because what is really unclear right now what this program consisted of, unclear what it resulted in, weve had reports that it resulted in the deaths of several American Service members or perhaps just one. Its unclear what the motive was states, and particularly unclear who was briefed on this. The New York Times said the president was briefed on this program, and President Trump says he absolutely was not. Members of congress are also really curious about this, probably should have been briefed to what is called the gang of eight which is the democrat and Republican Leaders of the intelligence committees and of the house and the senate. So it is totally unclear right now exactly what happened. Melissa according to reporting from our own network from Gillian Turner and others that i didnt even rise to the level where the president would be briefed is a lot of the pushback we are getting on that. This race to rename everything, one notable, woodrow wilson, so Princeton University removing his name from a number of different buildings and institutions, but also renaming the publicpolicy school, the Princeton School of public and international affairs. What do you think about this move in particular . They go back to a time when he was president of the university and there are records that apparently allegedly he tried to erase some students who had been africanamericans and attended the university and in response to that, they want to change the name to that and other buildings on campus that bear his name. What do you think that . Its hard to remember that this all started with a desire to remove the name of confederate leaders from their various monuments and landmarks. Now we have had efforts to remove the names of the statues of george washington, of thomas jefferson, lb. Thats great of all people, theodore roosevelt, and now woodrow wilson. So this is an expanding phenomenon, and when President Trump and others said a few years ago that it would start with robert e. Lee, it would start with stonewall jackson, but it would not stop there, i think thats proved to be true. Melissa is interesting to me because i wonder if its an opportunity down the line that the school should no longer be named for an individual person, and wonder of down the line it gives an opportunity to rename it for another donor as a comes along but im a cynical money person so thats where my mind would go. In st. Louis as well, there are statues and then theres even larger things talking about the state of new york named for the duke of york or even in st. Louis, they have the very famous statue, so it was king louis the ninth and he has been anointed a saint, but he did burn jewish religious texts during the middle ages so the conversation has turned to both the statue into the name of the city itself. Let me play for you a sound bite where some of those who are talking about the mississippi flag and removing the confederate symbol from it, talk about where this movement might be headed, lets listen. The last state in the union to have a confederate symbol on our flag. Mississippi can make a drastic change like that, we can do anything and i am really excited about what we are going to do next. To be in this moment where young people have pushed the envelope and said that there is this moment that has opportuni opportunity. Melissa one side look that pregnant with opportunity is very exciting and one opportunity and the other side looks at it like where is this going to end . What do you think . Which is the right point of view . The mississippi flag controversy at least has the advantage of actually being about the civil war. Mississippi had a colorful history with this flag, didnt have a flag until 1861 and they didnt have a flag again after the civil war ended in 1865 until this flag was brought in in 1894. 1894. So flags have changed over history and certainly other states of the confederacy have changed flags as well. On the st. Louis thing, i kind of put this in the category of attacks, statues brought down of Christopher Columbus in various places across the country and california one was brought down and it is unclear why these are being made other than the kind of an allout attack on heritage, so i think the st. Louis attack as part of th that. Melissa interestingly time is for sure. Byron york, thank you so much for coming on this morning. We appreciate it. Trace President Trumps poll numbers are dropping amid criticism of his response to the pandemic. Can the president refrain his message and turn the numbers around o . John sununu weighs in on that yet. Minneapolis City Council Weighs options to replace the Police Department. A live report next. We think its appropriate for us to examine how weve done policing before. Weve seen that largely, it has been a failure, the small reforms have been a failure, and this is the clear path forward. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. An herbal stress reliever ashwagandha, that helps you turn the stressed life. Into your best life. Stress less and live more. With stressballs. And my side super soft . Yes, with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. Come on pup, time to go. Can it help me fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet but can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. So you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now, during the lowest prices of the season, the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only 1,299, save 400. Only for a limited time. To learn more, go to sleepnumber. Com. Trace President Trumps poll numbers declining amidst criticism of his administrations response to the coronavirus pandemic which is leading some speculation that if his support keeps falling, the president might drop out of the race. Lets bring in governor john sununu, former white house chief of staff, its great to see you this morning. We look at the polls around the country and it shows that a lot of americans, the vast majority not happy with the way the u. S. Is handling the coronavirus pandemic, not happy with the way the president is handling the coronavirus pandemic. The Trump Campaign spokesman jim murtaugh said and im quoting here, this is the granddaddy of fake news, everyone knows the media polling is always wrong about President Trump. In order to set false narratives. Wont work. They rubs similar fretting and 2016 and if accurate, Hillary Clinton would be in the white house right now. But if the polling is off, its way off. Your thoughts . First of all, theres no chance the president is going to drop out, so put that to the side. But there is no question that the president would like to be in a better position even in those polls that he is today. The pandemic has been a problem, and i think the president and the administration and republicans across the board running in november i understand theyre going to be judged in november not on how the pandemic was handled from january until now, theyre going to be judged on how its handled between now and the election and the president has to gear his messaging for reality. Stop saying the virus is going to go away, let people know that this is a real second wave emma let them know there may be a third wave. Stop trying to get credit for what you did in new york, not going to get credit for that, but start trying to do things in texas and arizona and florida you can get credit for and show how positive our response and how prepared we are for these additional waves and show the country has learned from the first cycle and we are going to handle what happens between now and november in a constructive, positive way. Trace i want to switch topics if i can because i want to see what you make of this political report that said Bernie Sanders who vowed they were not going to vote for former Vice President joe biden are now changing their tune a little bit. I want to put this on the screen as well. This is from the justice for democrats. This is from one of the students that goes the university of pennsylvania and says with a heavy heart and great anger and frustration and great rage towards a democratic establishment, i will vote for biden. Do you believe there is a swing of young people heading his way . I think there will be votes cast for biden by people who dont want biden to be president. At what they want is for trump not to be president and i think the president has to understand this in his campaigning. He is not running against joe biden. He is running against a Democrat Hope that the white house will be in democrat hands. They dont care if its joe biden, they dont care if its the Vice President that he may select, all they care about is power, and he has to understand that in campaign on that basis. Drawing an optical biden down in terms of his capacity at his inability to campaign is not going to work in the long run. That will work if joe biden knocks it down by his actions, but not to be focusing on the fact that the worst thing can happen in this country in this election is a democratcontrolled white house. Trace ive got to go but very quickly, Chris Christie saying this weekend at the president needs to change course when hes in trouble. Your post on that quickly . When things are going well, styled as encounter. Style is just as important as the specifics of the message. Trace former governor john sununu, thank you. Melissa dow futures rebounding after last weeks selloff as the European Union considers banning american travelers due to coronavirus concerns. Maria bartiromo on what this could mean for our economic recovery. Plus, several states putting reopening plans on hold as covid19 and hospitalizations surge. What will it take to get the virus under control . This is a real call to action that we have all got as americans to act responsibly. We have a lot more tools now than we had two months ago but still, theres a heavy burden on us in terms of our collective responsibilities as individuals when we reopen. Trace fox news alert from minnesota as the Minneapolis City Council take steps towards defunding the Police Department in response to the george floyd protest. The Council Unanimously voting on a plan to dismantle the police force and replace it with the department of safety. Four officers in George Floyds death are due in court today. Live outside the courthouse in minneapolis. Just a few hours from now, those four former Police Officers are set to go to a pretrial hearing, city of minneapolis still has a lot of unrest and even a spike in violent crime, so theres going to be a lot of emotion and even some frenzy as these for former Police Officers appear in the heart of Downtown Minneapolis in just a few hours from now. Two of the former officers posted bond and are not in jail this morning. Derek chauvin, the former officer who placed his knee on George Floyds neck will be the only man making his appearance via video from state prison where he is being held on 1 million bond and the others are expected to be physically present in the courtroom today. The officers could be asked to enter formal pleas. The Minneapolis Police union is also now notably stepping away from protecting Derek Chauvin and says it will not contest his firing. Both are indicated it will support those other three former officers. Here in minneapolis, the star tribune reports there has been a surge in gun violence, 911 calls about gunshots have doubled from a year ago. The city council is still unanimously moving forward with its plan to abolish police but minneapolis mayor jacob frey remains publicly outspoken against dismantling police, and the mayor is questioning the City Councils idea of replacing police with peace officers. If this amendment passes, will we still have police . If you vote for this, are you voting to abolish the Police Department . Or is this merely a cosmetic change where you have a bureaucratic mayor, you change the name to peace officers and you give them different unifor uniforms . Here in minneapolis, the city is also currently spending 4500 a day for private security for three City Council Members who say they are getting death threats. Those Council Members support abolishing police and at least one Council Member says shes getting threats and has been asking for private security since shes been sworn in. Trace matt finn live for us in minneapolis, thank you. Melissa fox news alert from wall street, stocks rebounding at the open to begin a shortened holiday week despite an uptick in coronavirus cases that had several states rolling back plans to reopen. Maria bartiromo is the anger of moorings with maria on the fox business and sunday morning futures on this channel as well, and let me start with you because there is no doubt that there is a lot of fear in the market about the coronavirus, but one of our former colleagues jim cramer certainly left of center himself was quoted as saying that there is also this spot in the market of what a biden presidency would mean as his numbers tick higher. Do you think thats part of what has been driving the trade lately . I do think we are learning more about what a Biden Administration would look like, and i also discussed this yesterday on sunday morning futures because one of my wall street sources came out with a report and they said that in a biden presidency, the most important voice economically speaking will be Elizabeth Warren and whether Elizabeth Warren is the treasury secretary under a biden presidency or whether she stays in the senate, her voice will be critical in terms of economic policy, so thinking about what she has proposed, proposing a wealth tax, proposing higher marginal rate taxes, proposing a breakup of the number of companies within banking and within telecom, so i think once the market starts understanding the impact, we will probably see a selloff if it looks more likely that biden will win. Its hard to judge whether or not the polls are accurate right now. Is surprising to see that the candidate for law and order, President Trump, has relished job creation and is actually trailing but we will have to wait and see more information in terms of what the public believes and what the wall street investor class believes will be a Biden Administration. Also hearing some talk about alexandria because he causey of cortez possibly wanting the job of epa administrator, so we will see about that, on the markets t negatively because they expect some of the real extremists will be in leadership positions. And they were seeing a pretty good balance in the market and this has to do with the end of the quarter. We are approaching the end of the second quarter. By all accounts, most people do believe that the worst has been seen in terms of the Economic Impact of the pandemic and that we will see 20 growth in the Third Quarter and possibly double digit growth in the fourth quarter. Melissa that would be amazing and those optimistic sentiments where Peter Navarro on your show yesterday just in case people missed it, which they shouldnt have, but lets play that sound bite anyway. We are going to have a strong rebound from the depths of the china virus depression but its also true that we are going to face many years of working their way through these structural adjustments that are going to happen, so this is why for me, it is so essential to have a man in the white house here who knows how to rebuild an economy. Melissa meanwhile, arent immune to everything going on in the rest of the world, the European Union saying they are potentially going to ban u. S. Travelers there, e. U. For analyzing virus safe list, u. S. Unlikely to make the cut. Its an interesting move from an Economic Perspective because they would be cutting off any potential travel and revenue. I understand that maybe they believe they would be cutting off a resurgence of the virus, but its always that health versus the economy question. Your thoughts . You are right. Tourism is a very important part of the economic story in europe and cutting off that tourism from america will elongate their recession and elongate they are slow down. Whats important here is that we dont stop cargo traffic. And that was one thing that Peter Navarro spoke about on my show yesterday saying we are continuing to see regular transportation of cargo, and that will be most important as it relates to trade between european nations in america. Also want to point out we are seeing some real structural changes in this economy once we get out of this, all the things weve been doing will likely continue and much of the economy is shifting to a delivery mode. Whether you are a walmart or target or kroger or any other retail, you are now trying to understand better and trying to implement better a delivery process. This is something Michael Milken spoke about, my exclusive guest yesterday as well and said we are going to see major structural changes, everybody is going to try to get that delivery right and also going to see things like telemedicine only penetrate further. So there will be some industries that either will not be able to get out of this or will certainly look a lot different once we get out of this, we certainly have seen a major change in hospitality and dining, and we will see more impact of that shut down in that regard but expect structural change from certainly the Retail Sector in particular. Melissa although some of it is hastening what was coming anyway. When you talk about getting delivery right, that was defining the winners in retail before the season started because we were moving in that direction but it makes it that much more imperative right away. Terrific analysis as always, thank you so much for coming on this morning. We appreciate it. Trace could still be back in the air, set to begin test flights and get the jets back in service around the end of the year. The 737 max fleet was grounded in march of last year after two crashes less than five months apart had killed 346 people. Melissa shooting near seattles chop area leaves one person dead. What city officials are doing as protesters remain adamant about not leaving. Plus, the New York Times reports on russian bounties paid for killing u. S. Troops, how the president is responding. If it is true, underlying the word if, that they are paying surrogates to kill americans, this is one of the most serious matters i think that has arisen in the Trump Administration. 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Melissa the nba announcing that when the games begin at the end of july, players will be allowed to wear social justice messages on their jerseys. According to espn, there were talks between the league, the players association, and nike to allow players to wear jerseys with statements on them instead of their names. The nba would join englands premier Soccer League is the only two league so far to take this action. Trace briefed on intelligence that they paid bounties to kill u. S. Fighters in afghanistan. Lets bring in a former cia station chief dan hoffman. Always good to see you. The claim here is that u. S. Special operations, intel the president now saying he was told by intel people that these were not credible claims. Your reaction . The first thing thats important for us to consider is the sourcing of this intelligence, reportedly special forces raids on taliban outposts found a large amount of u. S. Cash and the interrogations of captured taliban militants and criminals was the source of this information on russian bounties. Is so i would be very concerned about the veracity of that reporting, those captured taliban and i would have to ask how would they know that russians were paying them and how they can confirm this was actually Russian Military intelligence which is what was alleged. Testing the veracity of that information which was likely meant to influence, perhaps more than inform and i think i would expect our Intelligence Community was out briefing coalition partners, conducting the all sorts collection which is so important to confirming whether this is true or not. Trace this morning on fox friends echoing what you were just saying that w we had e former Deputy National security advisor to President Trump saying shes not quite sure that this information has been vetted. Listen to her and i look at your response on the other side. I think the more likely answer to this as this some early intelligence that has come from the Intelligence Community, hasnt been verified and hasnt been vetted and they are checking it out now but at that stage, intelligence should not go to the president s desk because what if he acts on it and it turns out not to be true . Trace if it has not been vetted yet, why would intel officials tell the president its not credible . Dan . Can you hear me . Looks like we have lost dan hoffman. We lost dan hoffman. We will try to get his connection back in. Meantime, lets go back to melissa. Melissa we have the gremlins in the system this morning. Its a monday. What can you expect . We will get it going, no problem. Keeping a close eye on the Supreme Court this morning. We could get rulings any minute on cases involving abortion and President Trumps financial records, Shannon Bream joins us with what we can expect. Plus, top officials warning that now is the time to act as coronavirus cases surge across the u. S. This is a moment where we have to put our arms around and protect the most vulnerable among us. Trace gun violence across the city of chicago, according to chicago pd, 61 people were shot and 14 were killed including three children. One of them just a year old. Activist and local leaders are now calling for more state and federal support. Melissa a surgeon coronavirus cases across the country forcing the several states to put reopening plans on hold. Health and Human Services secretary alex azar warning that time is running out to get the virus under control. Is a very different situation, but this is a very serious situation and the window is closing for us to take action and get this under control. Melissa dr. Marc siegel is a professor of medicine at nyu langone and a fox news contributor. What exactly does that mean, get it under control . In my mind, we are talking about the fact that we expect of the summer months to be a time when the virus would decrease and the amount of cases we had because respiratory viruses like high humidity them alike low humidity, and they dont like heat and they dont like light and they dont like high humidity so the fact we are seeing the surges now is concerning to the hhs secretary that the worst could be you have to come. This is the time to get it under control. That weve got it under control in the northeast right now, we are seeing a surge of cases in texas, arizona, and california and florida, that is very concerning this time of year. Melissa is there any logic to the idea that it has to sweep through place and people get it, get immune, recover, kind of no avoiding it coming through, that may be the states close down early avoided it early but maybe theres no way to hold it off altogether until we have a vaccine or more therapeutics, what about that logic . Its a great point. I would say there is no way to hold it off altogether, but there is nothing inevitable about this. What is deeply concerning here is in the states and its not a sense of they reopen too soon, its how they reopen. Things like bars reopening and young people congregating close together not Wearing Masks, shouting and speaking loudly and coughing, all of that spreads covid19. Is how they reopen. Restaurants at 50 or more capacity, people sitting huddled close together again spreading the virus, nail salons, gyms, all of these places, elevators when youre in close contact with someone who has this virus and it is spread by very tiny respiratory droplets that can hang in the air for a while, you can spread this to more than one person and several people at once. The way to reopen and save our economy and save our medical system is well was not to do it this way where everybody felt they were in denial because they were so tired of being bound up that they just rebelled and spread the virus in doing so. That was avoidable. Melissa so we have a list of the states where they pause the reopening and it really runs the gamut. It goes on. The wall street Journal Editorial Board highlighted a fascinating study recently where they compared the fatality rates per capita in places that locked down and didnt. And they actually found the places that didnt lock down had lower fatality rates 75 , but they said this might be due to the fact is just about the population, that the places that have been hit really hard to have a concentration of Nursing Homes, and a concentration of low income populations that has underlying conditions, also lives in multigenerational housing so in other words, it really isnt about the lockdown or not. The numbers showed it was about the characteristics of the population in these highly dense cities, youre just going to see this until we have a vaccine whether they will lock down or not. What do you think theory . That theory is extremely smart but i want to add something to it. They looked at utah versus colorado and they are almost the same demographically and almost the same in terms of one large city, and those states, utah did not lock down in colorado didnt lock down. They found almost no difference and they concluded that that big hit to the economy was not necessarilnecessary with this hs the board lockdown, so the point is here, we have to figure out a way to protect those most at risk. As you just said, Nursing Homes got creamed. 20 to 25 of all the deaths from covid19 in the United States are in Nursing Homes and in seven states, it is worse than others. As you know here in new york, its over 6,000 people dying in Nursing Homes because people were being readmitted to Nursing Homes. In texas, its actually over 40 of the deaths have occurred either in Nursing Homes or in assisted living facilities. So i do think weve learned a better way to protect our most vulnerable, those with preexisting conditions, that is one of the big goals here and we are seeing milder cases because the spread is occurring among our young, among our teens and young adults who tend to get much milder cases. And when they do go to the hospital, they tend to have milder cases. Its only a matter of time before it would spread to a Higher Risk Group no matter how hard you try to protect them. They are part of a Public Health problem if they get this disea disease. Melissa thats so true. I was looking at the Task Force Briefing in one of the points they made was that 50 of the new cases among americans were people under 35 and while it may not hit them that hard, if they then go back and infect somebody who is in one of the vulnerable categories, that thats the problem and the point you were just making, thank you so much for that. We appreciate your time. Trace looks like quarterback cam newton has found a new home. The former nfl mvp has signed a oneyear deal with the new england patriots, was released by the Carolina Panthers in march after leading the team to three straight nfc titles and a super bowl appearance. He will of course replace tom brady who signed with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers earlier in the offseason. Melissa fox news alert, violence erupting in new york city as protesters supporting black lives matter clash with police over the weekend. A live report from the big apple just ahead. 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Like some of the other shootings, this latest one took place outside the protest zone known as chop and at the moment, there is no evidence to suggest any of the protesters were involved in instigating it. Some were involved in the aftermath. In trying to help the victims, one of whom has now died. The capitol hill occupied protest area has shrunk considerably from its original size and now essentially encircles the block where the precinct is as well as a nearby sports park where some of the protesters are staying in tents. One of the issues for protesters as well as local residents and businesses is that the area with free food and medical supplies available has become a magnet for some of seattles homeless and mentally ill. That has left some of the protest organizers concerned their original focus, police reform, is being drowned out. Seattle mayor jenny durkin has been negotiating with organizers to clear most of the remaining barriers as well as the tent encampment, but that is not happened yet. Meanwhile, violent clashes between protesters and police continued in portland, oregon, over the weekend marking a month since the nightly demonstrations began. Police fired what they called crowd control munitions at protesters gathered outside the Portland Justice center. Covers a wide range of items from stun grenades, teargas, beanbag rounds, and rubber bullets. Is not clear to us at this point exactly which of those the police used and to wrap up, it is worth remembering that all of these protests that have been going on for so many weeks now who were sparked by the Police Killing of george floyd. His name sometimes lost in the chaos of these moments. Melissa . Melissa jonathan hunt, thank you. Trace reportedly responding to a report of shots fired in manhattan early yesterday morning met by a large crowd throwing bottles and debris. The incident coming amid an increase in violence in the ci city. Nypd stats show shootings there were up 42 over last year. Murders up nearly 24 . Live in new york city with the latest. Good morning to you, it was a weekend here in new york city. That is just the tip of the iceberg has of course protests continue to clash with police. According to local reports here, three people were slashed in manhattan overnight as the black lives matter protest mixed with pride celebrations on the 51st anniversary of the stonewall riots, video showed one Police Officer pepper sprayed another motorcycle the same time in harlem, cell phone video, responding to gunshots. Should be held responsible for surrendering the city. 112 victims and 83 shootings over a nineday period ending this saturday, the number of people shot is up 42 from this time last year. The violence may also be leading to police retirements. The New York Post reporting 272 nypd officers filed to retire since the george floyd protest began. That is up 49 from the same time last year, and this is all happening has hundreds of protesters continued to camp outside of city hall demanding to defund the nypd by a billion dollars. The budget deadline is tomorrow and the mayor still has not made clear exactly how much money he is planning on cutting from police. Trace thank you. What i am talking about is systemic inequality. What i am talking about is america treating crime as something that needs to be handled with policing instead of defunding the police and looking at crime from the perspective of a Health Crisis. Melissa black lives matter activist saying we need to treat crime as a Health Crisis. In the meantime, minneapolis taking the First Step Towards dismantling the police and in new york city, a crime surge sparking scenes of chaos and more violence against police. We are now seeing the spike and officers retiring. Lets bring in our panel, the chairman and marion marsh it is former Senior Advisor to john kerry. Let me start with you because i want to start with the system that is riddled with inequality, but you look at a lot of these cities where we are seeing the challenges being run by africanamerican mayors mother atlanta, chicago, d. C. , charlottesville, st. Paul, baton rouge, denver, has that improve the situation at all nor is it not about race . Is there some other solution . What do you think going on there . I think its very unfair to tag africanamericans and black mayors of cities across this country who normally have juco or fouryear term when we are dealing with inequality and inequities when it comes to government investments in the last 400 years when it comes to racial inequality. We just started really grappling with this clearly in the last few weeks when george floyd was murdered, so it is going to take time but has a point, crime in many respects get started as a Health Care Issue because we are not funding schools the way we should do. We are not Funding Health care the way we should, not funding for day care the way we should, not funding drug counselors the way we should and often asking police to do jobs they shouldnt be doing as a drug counselor, Domestic Violence worker, a whole host of things in a same way we have done so the one thing the black lives movement has galvanized people across the country and around the world, across ages and races that we need to start addressing some of these inequities when we can finally we cant find the money to invest in people in this country so they can reap reach their godgiven right instead of based on their zip code. Trace it is Trace Gallagher. Melissa misunderstood what i was saying at the beginning there because i was saying that we have people of color at the top of these cities setting the tone and what needs to happen next. She put forward a laundry list of things that we should spend money on them. Im assuming one of those is not police because that has been the next move in defining the police. What do you think would be the next step . You listed a lot of things that we need to spend a lot of money on and i know the black lives Matter Movement is looking to spend less on police. Do you think that formula will make things better . Of joe biden adopts the message that marianne just espoused, he will lose. If you arent taking care of peoples personal security, they are going to vote for you and how can and made a point that we havent talked about yet that is many black americans distrust politicians. Let me give you an example of this. When you have a Minneapolis City Council member suggested that we Defund Police and yet they go out and get private security for themselves, they only further the corrupt and inept system that many of these democratic Led City Council mayors have brought upon these cities. So you look at new york city, mayor de blasio is singlehandedly destroying one of the most important cities in the country, and proves every day he couldnt find his rear end with both hands. Trace is Trace Gallagher and i want to jump in here. Talking about chicago crime just over the past weekend, 61 people shot, three of them children, black lives matter talks about this being a Health Crisis and clearly it is. You would think they would be this push to just flood the area, flood the zone in chicago with Police Officers and yet around the country, there is this pull back and i want to quote here from the new york Police Department president saying here cops are at their breaking point. Whether had they have 20 years on the job, we are all asking the same question, how can we keep doing our job in this environment . They keep pulling back and the crime keeps going up. Any solution is being offered that you see . I think you are connecting things that are necessarily connected. Two places as a doorstep for people that have only been in office two or four years. This is a longstanding problem that is going to take time to resolve and what you are seeing in many cities and towns across the country as they are reallocating police funding, cutting back on some overtime and putting that into community programs, social programs, community policing. So Police Officers arent asking to be doing jobs they werent trained to do. Police also need some new training. We have seen too much violence at the hands of police as we have by others. I think to take a broad sweeping approach to a movement that has been years and decades and centuries in the making that has only been going on for about four or five weeks is unfair, but it is certainly going to be an issue, no doubt going into the november election and just using police to fix a societal problem is not the answer. Trace in your assessment, what is the answer . We need to put resources into making sure communities are kept safe. In hawk newson also talked in that interview about government isnt necessarily the the solution to these problems, what his ultimate point got to but in less the community is safe, employers arent going to put job somewhere where they cant keep their employees safe. Hospitals cant be run safely in communities where employees cant be kept safe, we cant have good schools and communities that arent safe. We have two allow good cops to do their job, and we do need to look at making sure infrastructure is funded in big cities, we need to do things that have job creators wanting to move into big cities and create jobs which you actually saw with Rudy Giuliani being mayor of new york city. We see that not happening under bill de blasio. You are looking for a contrast of the approaches of how to keep communities safe. Those that are those answers. Starts with people have to feel safe in their community. You are seeing out in seattle right now that might makes right. Is that how we want our communities to be . No. The one point i would make here is the fact that the pandemic and the murder of george floyd that brought us to this point and one thing congress could do right now is there budgets are busted from both that they have a pass legislation to invest in the state and local government that will take First Responders off the light and we need to do that by wednesday. Trace would have you both to join us. Melissa . Melissa we want to go now to Shannon Bream, have been watching a number of Supreme Court rulings to come down, and we understand we have our first now, fox news chief Legal Correspondent Shannon Bream and the anchor of fox news at night joining us now. Shannon . Excuse me as im trying to read a little bit. This is a big case weve been waiting on a regarding abortion law in louisiana that requires doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. The entire argument essentially is twopronged. The main argument during this case was whether or not that was an undue burden, whether it would shut down the clinics leaving women in louisiana with a very few, maybe only one Abortion Clinic to actually visit instate to get this procedure done. So what the court has decided 54 and a very fractured split vote but the liberal wing of the court stuck together, the chief Justice John Roberts also sided with them on some of the main points in their opinion. The primary opinion was joined by the more liberal wing, the conservative wing sticks together and there were a number of dissents but primarily by Justice Thomas. Chief Justice John Roberts believes he can be the swing vote in this case and looks like he is striking down the slaw from louisiana. The court talks about the fact that you have to look at and see whether there are Unnecessary Health regulations that have the purpose or effect of preventing a substantial obstacle whether they impose an undue burden, essentially they went through the facts of this case and decided that what louisiana had set up here which was very similar to a texas law they struck down just a few years ago cannot stand. Is not constitutional. Would leave women with very few or no options for abortion in louisiana and created an undue burden. There is much discussion about whether this hospital admitting privilege actually does anything to help women in this scenario. Remember from the arguments talking about the fact that women will come to these clinics, have an abortion, go home, and their home might not even be near this clinic or the hospital where they would later be admitted for the doctor would have to have admitting privileges. So along opinion and a lot to get to but the bottom line is this decision strikes down louisiana abortion laws and put restrictions in the place. The authors of the legislation said it was about protecting the women who visited these clinics to make sure that if they had procedures they are, there were medical procedures in place that would allow them to get to a hospital if they needed to rid the doctors would have those admitting privileges in many doctors as we found that in this case and many others that have been argued at the Supreme Court, many if not most of them do not have admitting privileges to hospitals. Of which is generally not part of the way their businesses are set up so critics will say you tag them with that requirement, it then makes it really tough to get abortions under those particular conditions must so here the court has struck down the louisiana abortion law and will continue to dig through and bring you more we get it. Melissa really quick before you go, as is the outcome that was expected . I know you follow these things so closely. Ive got to say because they struck down a very similar law in texas just three or four years ago, you would think what changed since then . The makeup of the court has changed, the facts of the caves were very similar. There were some differences, but folks were saying they struck this down just a handful of years ago, why would this law then survive . We had often thought the chief justice could be the swing vote in this case, so it appears that thats the case but not knowing which way he was going to go left us with a lot of ambiguity for hearing these arguments as to whether or not this louisiana law would survi survive. He kept his vote with the liberal wing of the court and that means by 54, the statute is struck down. Because of that ruling from texas or involving texas just a few years ago, the money would be on the fact that they would overturn this louisiana law but clearly in the numerous descendants that were written, it looks also buy some of the other members that they felt very strongly that this law actually had at least the potential to survive the scrutiny. Melissa think you so much for that. Trace lets bring in senior judicial analyst judge Andrew Napolitano to get more on this. We listen to what shannon was saying, the first big abortion ruling in the trump air right here. Is interesting that shannon says what they are saying, the Supreme Court and this is your specialty is that louisiana set up the system that is not constitutional. Also curious if you are interested in the fact that chief Justice John Roberts appeared to be the tiebreaker here. Shannon just gave us a very thorough and most informative description of what the Supreme Court did and of course i am doing my best to read it, it is 138 paces of single space types on going as quickly as i can but you put your finger on it nicely, the swing vote here is clearly the chief justice. As shannon pointed out, the Supreme Court struck down a texas statute that was nearly identical word for word and the chief justice dissented from striking it down. So Supreme Court with different people on it. Today, the chief justice says i am going with precedence. We cant just change with the political times and the constitution doesnt change when different members join the court with different judicial philosophies. So this is the conservative republican chief justice siding with the liberal wing of the court to uphold the status quo, stare decisis to uphold the law as it has been rather than making any radical changes. This should give some constellation that two members appointed by donald trump is going to got roe vs. Wade, doesnt appear its going to. The standard for abortion cases is different from all others. This is articulated by Justice Oconnor 15 years ago and the court has consistently upheld it. And that is does the regulation pose an undue burden . That is the key phrase. Undue burden to the ability of the woman, the mother to choose to have an abortion. As shannon just pointed out, in louisiana, the court says it would because they were next to no doctors who are in this category of both performing abortions and having admitting privileges at hospitals. The dissent says you dont have to have admitting privileges at a hospital to get your patient there. Under federal law, all patients must be accepted in the emergency room particularly those that are in extreme and you have to have an ambulance to bring her there. So that is where we stand, john roberts will probably be vilified as he was last week by the conservative republicans, but he is upholding what is most important to him and that his legacy and consistency in the court. Melissa you jumped ahead to what was my next question, this idea that the way that every one when they confirm or even nominate a judge, how are they going to actually behave when they get on the court and to that end in this case, is everyone behaving the way that they thought and what does it mean for who the next president picks next in your mind . That is a great question. Everyone except john roberts is behaving the way we all thought. John roberts is a george w. Bush appointee appointed to the court twice, first to replace Justice Oconnor when she retired and then to replace chief Justice Rehnquist when he died. So he was twice scrutinized, twice appointed by george w. Bush, he has been chief justice since hes been on the court in day one. But he does look at these things from the standpoint of generations from now. Did his court change the law of the land because of the political wings blooming in an different direction than when or did they stick to the law of the land with what we call stare decisis. Theres any consistency in the chief justice is thinking, it has been that. You will remember his famous statement at the confirmation hearings, im just an umpire. I dont throw the pitch and i dont swing the bat. I just call balls and strikes. You are calling balls and strikes or is he putting his own ideology into here . Thats what we will all be debating in the next 24 hours until the next case comes down. Trace is interesting because you go back and look at some of the statements made in the past and there were conservatives saying this could be a clean sweep for conservatives going into this session or at least close to the clean sweep as we all know it has not worked out that way. Much to the displeasure of samuel alito who was not very happy about the direction the court is going at the current state. Sam alito wrote a stinging and principled and articulate dissent which was joined in by justices thomas and gores itch, this is no surprise from any of the four of them, they were just unable to bring the chief justice over and remember as we mentioned a few minutes ago, the chief justice voted ten years ago for eight years ago to uphold the texas statute which was nearly identical word for word, but he said today even though i voted that way then, i am interested in stare decisis and interested in the law standing and not changing because of the political wind and no i dont agree with everything in the majoritys opinion, i agree with the outcome. This louisiana statute imposes an undue burden on a womans choice, and that is unconstitutional. Melissa standby for one second, we want to bring shannon back in with more information, and i know with this decision, it does seem like while both sides try to use these sort of decisions for their political benefit, judges and their predictability and how they will decide on things Going Forward is more of an animating factor on the right, it seems. What is your take on how this will play . I just got to his dissent of the many dissents they are and reading and he said this isnt about roe v. Wade because a lot of people will take this as a big abortion case. The Trump Administration want to take the part roe v. Wade so that is what these are about and he says right away thats not even with this case is about at all. Its a totally different situation and looking at how you view precedent, what we talked about out of texas back in 2015, it is all about how you waive these president ial value of these previous decisions. His dissent is based on the other big problem is talking about when it was about this issue of standing, who has the right to bring the case . There was a lot of discussion and briefing and argument about standing in this case because it was brought by Abortion Clinics and doctors. These regulations that they are challenging are supposed to regulate them and protect the patients. That was the legislative purpose of what came together, and there were a number of people who argued you cant let the clinics argue against the regulation that will force them to do something when it is really that patients who are supposed to be protected by these laws, so it sounds like a lot of Justice Thomas dissent is saying these clinics werent even the right party to bring the case at all, they cant go argue about something and say well, it is too restrictive and not doing anything to help women because of course, thats what theyre going to argue. I think there are those who would have rather seen some of these women come forward as a patient and say im the right one to challenge the law. That didnt happen in this case but again, youve got to get this vote. They didnt, the conservatives didnt hear and i think as we continue to read the other descendants, there were arguments on the merits about whether or not this is a good decision, but they were still a strong argument from a big wing of the conservative branch saying these werent even the right people to bring case in the first place, but the bottom line is the same thing, louisiana law does not survive scrutiny by this court 54 meeting doctors the critics of this law had argued would make it very, very difficult for women in louisiana to get legal abortions. Trace thank you, stand by if you would. Is fascinating because shannon brings up a great point here and the politics always involved in the court and you look at the fact that he said this has nothing to do with roe vs. Wade but on the left of the right, you look at this as a bellwether for abortion legislation Going Forward. Is that a Fair Assessment . So as soon as shannon sent the case to me, the first word i looked for was the author of the case and i see Justice Breyer and then i automatically know the outcome, and youre right because to justices breyer, ginsburg, sotomayor, and kagan, this is life and death for the right of a woman to choose to have an abortion. And if they need to compromise on things like standing, who has the right to sue in order to get the chief justice to become the fifth vote, they will do that because they are determined that the longer roe vs. Wade stands undisturbed by the Supreme Court, the more difficult it will be for this or a future Supreme Court to interfere with it. I say this as someone who has been a harsh critic of roe vs. Wade, who was publicly prolife, but understanding the dynamics of the way the court works and the interplay between the justices, thats where we are. Second point is again to shannons very nice description of standing, the court cant control who the litigants are. The court cant say to the plaintiffs go out and get a better plaintiff, a woman who tried to have an abortion and couldnt or wants to have an abortion in fear she cant particularly in the area where it would be developing in the womb. So the court takes these cases as they come to the court and sometimes, they will flood just a little bit on Something Like standing in order to bring about the end result they want or in order to stop the onslaught of hundreds of similarly situated cases. Melissa that makes it an animated issue as you had to election season, does it not . Yes. You can count on this being an issue. Joe biden will be very happy about this. The residents of the state of louisiana and the legislature, President Trump, and most republicans will be very unhappy about this and the president who has made no bones over his opinion about john roberts and the chief justice will probably sit for another ten to 20 years and the president will harshly criticize the chief justice on this because but for his flipflop and you can call it a flipflop, he was against this very same statute when it came out of texas and now he is in favor of it. But for his movement on this issue, his deference to legacy and stare decisis as opposed to does this pose an undue burden on a womans decision to have an abortion, but for that, it would have had an outcome pleasing too the president and to most conservative republicans. Thank you. Lets just get back to Shannon Bream very quickly, even kind of reading along with this and you can give us a wrap up here of those who just joined us exactly what happened at the Supreme Court this morning. The chief justice joining the more liberal wing of the court to strike down a louisiana law that would have had requirements including admitting requirement privileges at a nearby hospital forming these conservatives lead in the dissent by Justice Thomas, want to read just a quick line of what he said says they decide that louisiana law is unconstitutional under old precedents, but they say a shred of support from the constitutions text, they are grievously wrong and should be overruled. 54, the law is struck down. Trace Shannon Bream, judge Andrew Napolitano, great insight, thank you. Melissa states imposing a new restriction is taking the steps to reverse three openings in response to a surge of coronavirus cases. Wyoming senator will join us with a look at efforts to keep covid19 from spreading like wildfire. We need to understand that covid19 has taken a very swift and very dangerous turn in texas over just the past few weeks. 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Lets bring in wyoming senator, good to see you. Health and Human Services secretary yesterday talking about the fact he believes containing coronavirus, the window was closing. He didnt go as far as to say that masks should be mandated, but he said the way that we can keep this window open is to wear masks. He walked right up to the edge of saying maybe we should mandate these things. Your thoughts . Number one, we need to get back to basics. Seeing the numbers and its a concern but not a crisis. Is proper hygiene, distancing, and Wearing Masks. I think its important. I wear a mask and i think others should as well, but we have made significant progress. We have more testing right now, better treatment we see today in terms of remdesivir and steroid medication for the people who are most sick and we are clearly on her way to a vaccine that is going to take a couple of months but heading in the right direction, and its time to reopen the country. Melissa do you think that it is time to tinker with or change some of the guidelines . If we are seeing according to this Coronavirus Task force briefing last week that half of the new cases are among americans who were under 35 years old, do we need to make new guidelines about when places reopen, who should still have to stay inside, should we change things . We are not going to go back but i think what we do need to do is back to basics which means applying the guidelines that are out there. I think of people are actually following those guidelines, the numbers would be much lower than they are right now. You have these young, asymptomatic carriers who are more likely to spread and you see the videos of people out in beaches or parties clearly not sticking to the guidelines. One area where there was an outbreak in wyoming was because the guidelines were violated, so i think as long as people do the things that we know are the most important things will work. When you talk about going back with the possibility of additional shutdowns. As a doctor, i will tell you there have been the huge cost to shutting down the economy not just economically but also from a health standpoint. We know when people cant go to work and there is higher unemployment, they were issues related to abuse of substances, all of those things which can lead to bad Health Impacts as well has what we are seeing with coronavirus. Trace im curious, your colleague senator Lamar Alexander of tennessee was saying he believes the president should wear a mask and if he wore a mask, they would too and also said this, quoting here, it would help to get rid of this political debate that if you are for President Trump, you dont wear a mask and i if you are against President Trump, you do wear a mask. The stakes are too high for that. Have we gotten to that point where you think its become a political idea of wearing a mask or not . I would hope it wouldnt be because i am for President Trump and i wear a mask as well as members of my staff, members of my family, i think its an important thing to do to protect ourselves and responsible thing to do to help protect others. Melissa if you see the problem is that people arent following the guidelines or they were used too quickly, should there be more of a penalty for having violated these guidelines that people are going out and gathering together . There was a lot of pushback on that thought when you folks were allowed to protest but others werent allowed to gather, it seems like it has mended that in some places, people are ignoring the rules altogether. So should there be more enforcement and what would that look like . I think enforcement people encouraging others to follow the guidelines would be helpful, but i dont think Law Enforcement ought to be stepping into. I flew back to washington yesterday, came through the airport and in denver they say they have winds up that masks must be worn and probably 95 of the people were Wearing Masks but 5 werent so what do you actually do to that individual who is not following the guidelines and doing the thing that is responsible behavior . I think its difficult to try to enforce Something Like wearing a mask. Some wear them down a little low and dont cover their nose in the where do you draw that line . I think you just do the responsible thing, its going to be better but the key is going to be getting that vaccine. The vaccine is going to come. Going to make Good Progress on that, a vaccine i will certainly take recommended for my friends and family, something that we need to get to the most vulnerable, people in Nursing Homes for sure, people in some neighborhoods, people with higher incidence of medical conditions that put them at risk as well as people that work in Nursing Homes and assisted living facilities and certainly our health care providers. Trace dr. Fauci said yesterday he was worried about the fact that when a vaccine becomes available that a lot of people may or may not take it. Thank you, we appreciate your time. Melissa a growing list of Major Companies pulling their ads from facebook saying the company is not doing enough to stop the spread of hate. Moneyman Charles Payne will join us with the impact this is having on the company. One call to newday can save you 3000 a year. Newdays va streamline refi requires no income verification, no home appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. 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Melissa pepsi reportedly joining the growing number boycotting the social media giants for its a lead failure to stop the spread of hate and misinformation on its platforms and how much is facebook losing and look at this do to the future of the company . Lets bring in Charles Payne, host of making money with Charles Payne on the fox business network. In you put this up against twitter who has in some peoples eyes eyes been selectively tagging or flagging the president and his tweets, and it makes it look now like twitter was trying to get out in front of what facebook is now facing. What are your thoughts . You are absolutely right and for twitter, its a lot more of a dangerous situation because they are not nearly as successful as facebook as you know, the stock has suffered a lot. Facebook shares are down an awful lot since thursday but so far, its about tens of millions of dollars. In the first three months, they did almost 17 and a half billion in ad revenue. For facebook, its a serious issue but i think for all of us, when i am more concerned about is the corporate activism, this activism in how far it is going to go. There are no rules or parameters in this and i fear that people are going to start what do you do for a hobby may end up you being isolated within a company or targeted on social media and we saw a College Football coach, it is really interesting because this is not facebook standing up necessarily for whats right. All of Silicon Valley allows discrimination against conservatives, but i think this might actually make things worse in a woke world. Melissa is interesting because i have heard you make the point that they do this virtues signaling, going to pull these ads so that they can look responsible to their consumers or their employees, but at the heart of it, you have facebook who hasnt really improved minority representation among its employees or certainly among its top management, that may be they are aiming at the wrong thing there when you are pointing the finger and saying you need to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. I call it the get out of jail card free. A if youre worried about someone asking, where actually do you get those batteries, this might be a good time to say look at what were doing, so there is no doubt a lot of companies are doing that to cover up their own inadequacies. We have seen fingerpointing throughout politics and now a lot in corporate america. Corporate virtue signaling is a dangerous thing but more dangerous than that, this slippery slope we are on of corporate activism. Melissa Charles Payne, thank you so much. In trace of food is brewing between President Trump and a legendary rock band, now threatening to take the president to court. Next a. Almost done. What do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. And my side super soft . Yes, with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. Come on pup, time to go. Can it help me fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet but can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. So you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now, during the lowest prices of the season, the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only 1,299, save 400. Only for a limited time. To learn more, go to sleepnumber. Com. Trace the Rolling Stones getting no satisfaction out of their songs being placed at President Trumps rallies, now threatening to sue the president over it. Lets bring it to fox news 24 7 headline Carley Shimkus and apparently the president has been doing this for a while playing you cant always get what you want back in the 2016 rallies. I think this is going to be a situation that works out well for the Rolling Stones and the president because the message you cant always get what you want always sounded like a bit of a apology but has been using that song since 2016 and the Rolling Stones has been complaining since 2016 and now they are threatening to sue. This happens to a lot of politicians, not just the president because using music on the campaign trail really seems like an endorsement from the musician as was the case with jfk using the Frank Sinatra song high hopes and because the president is such a polarizing figure especially within the Music Industry on the entertainment world, he is having a bit of trouble finding song that a musician doesnt complain about when he uses it. Trace is interesting, you go back when the Fleetwood Mac had some issues, tom petty had issues. These are some tweets, one says shame on the stones, they are alienating many of their fans including me, and then kelly rewrites they should be grateful anyone wants to still play their song sprayed on the other side, you have this guy who writes im glad. Really bothered me to hear it being played at the rally, notice that they didnt use a more appropriate one, sympathy for the devil. I would still be on the floor laughing for days. And so youve got both sides of the argument here that look. So true. Does seem like a bit of a complicated issue because legally, there is some debate over whether a musician can prevent a politician from using their music because the Campaign Needs to get a license to use a musicians songs but if they dont, they can say they are using the venue license and theres a whole different set of more lenient rules there so it seems like this could be one that a court might need to decide. Trace tom petty was one that also went after the Trump Campaign for using its music before tom petty passed away a couple of years ago, not sure how successful that was. Do we know any kind of history of how successful these lawsuits could be if they are pursued . Usually, it doesnt go to that, and the musician just asked the politician to stop playing their music but it hasnt gotten that controversial yet. Trace Carley Shimkus, good to see you. Melissa coronavirus cases skyrocketing in arizona. The state setting a new record for cases in a day. And the governor pausing reopening plans do to the spike, reaction from arizona congressman andy biggs next. Thi than even the leading multibenefit toothpaste. Crest. Vby refinancing your va loan atl todays incredibly low rates at newday usa. Newdays va streamline refi is the quickest and easiest refi theyve ever offered. You can lower your payments by this time next month without having to verify your income, without getting your home appraised, and theres no money out of pocket. One call to start saving 3,000 a year. Every year. One call. Then, sit back, relax and think about what youll do with the savings. Call newday right now. Trace the Supreme Court just moments ago striking down abortion restrictions in louisiana. Welcome to a brandnew hour of americas newsroom. Im Trace Gallagher. Melissa and im melissa francis. Ed and sandra are both off today. The louisiana log requires doctors performing abortions to have admitting privileges at hospitals within 30 miles of the clinic. Would have left the state with only one Abortion Clinic. The 54 decision came as a blow to prolife advocates. I am very disappointed, and i believe that this is a huge loss for the women of louisiana and for the women of this country. It is not a setback for the prolife generation because we are going to continue to press on that will give us judges, that will rule according to the constitution, going to continue to be on the front lines for those women who are hurt and think abortion is their only option. Trace for more on this, lets bring in Shannon Bream, anchor a fox news at night. So this 54 decision puts together the liberal wing of the court with the swing vote of the chief Justice John Roberts. Together, those five strike down this law. In Justice Breyer and they came together to strike down the law, agrees that the lower courts that louisiana law poses a substantial obstacle to women seeking an abortion and offers no significant healthrelated benefits. And that the law consequently imposes an undue burden on a womans constitutional right to choose to have an abortion and says in light of these findings and our precedent, louisiana law violates the constitution, essentially doctors who perform abortions would have had admitting privileges at local hospitals were nearby hospitals, most of them do not, and is not easy for them, they argue, to get that admitting privilege of meeting women would be left with very few options and theres been arguments only one clinic might be available. There were a number of dissents. Justice thomas wrote one of the key dissents and said the people who brought this case, the clinics and the doctors arent even the right ones. These regulations were meant for women and if they felt like they were undue or blocking them from an abortion, those shouldve been the plaintiffs to bring the case but goes on to say of the plurality and the chief justice, mentions john roberts specifically, ultimately cast aside the jurisdictional barrier about who brought the case. To conclude it is unconstitutional under our precedent. He goes on to say those decisions created the right out of whole cloth without a shred of support from the constitutions text. They were grievously wrong and should be overruled. Talks about other cases within his dissent saying they are no good but have to remember chuck schumer, this democratic and then the senate, on the day this case was argued, stood outside on the steps and said the justices kavanaugh and course which he better not decide this the wrong way. He said for decades to come, i fear that the country will reap the whirlwind and you will pay the price, you dont know what will hate you if you go forth with these awful decisions. They were in the dissent today, but that raised a lot of eyebrows and a rebuke from the chief justice when he did that. Trace and if we get other decisions today, we will get Shannon Bream back in, thank y thank you. Melissa fox news alert on the coronavirus crisis, more than half a Million People have now died as the number of cases exceeds 10 million worldwide. The u. S. Seeing a big spike in new covid19 cases. We have doubled the amount of our testing nationally, weve got to double it again. I am concerned as a state while we have increased our testing did dramatically in arkansas with the demand for testing from california and the population states, however commercial providers going to keep up with that . Melissa Casey Stegall is live in dallas with more. In most states that are experiencing this surge of new cases, younger people are accounting for a large number and in california for example, nearly 57 of the new cases for people between the ages of 16 and 49 years old. And thats a driving force behind that governors decision to close bars in seven of californias counties urging another eight counties to do the same, though not yet required. For context, people above the age of 65 still make up the vast majority of covid deaths. A similar statistics in florida where the median age of new cases is 34 years old. Officials have ordered local beaches to close in a growing list of counties for the fourth of july weekend holiday including the florida keys, miami, and palm beach. You may remember bars in the entire state have also been ordered to stop alcohol sales. While in texas, the governor says people are also driving the number of new infections up, houston continues to be the states epicenter which is why the county is on red alert and encouraging people to now stay at home if they can, though it is not a mandate. Area hospitals are holding, but officials now worry about the coming weeks. We are way off compared to where we are with the icu data Going Forward so we are managing all of this and we have capacity to take in a lot more patients. However, this is not long and sustainable. Things dont change in the next four weeks, then this will be a different conversation. Yesterday, Vice President mike pence and dr. Deborah birx met with the governor of texas and Health Officials here in dallas, they encouraged residents across the state to wear face masks and to continue hand washing, practicing social distancing, the Vice President has also pledged Additional Support for the Lone Star State in the form of testing and also ensuring that medical providers and hospitals here have enough ppe to handle the surge. Melissa . Melissa Casey Stegall, thank you for that. Trace made time in arizona, state Health Officials report the highest single day increase in coronavirus cases to date, almost 3800 new infections recorded yesterday alone. Arizona congressman andy biggs, chairman of the House Freedom caucus and member of the judiciary committee. Thank you for joining us. I want to put the overall numbers of arizona on the screen if i can, just talking about the fact that he 800 plus infections yesterday, overall 73,000 cases, 1,394 deaths. The death rate is still down, but are you concerned about the rising number of cases in your state . Of course we are concerned with that, but you need to look at those numbers in context, a lot more testing is being done, we have two border counties where they really have increased the number, so theyve become the hot spots, those with the navajo reservation, those four counties really are the spot but at the same time, we have discharged 4,000 patients since june 1st, we also see that we are holding pretty steady at 85 of icu beds in use so we still have that 15 vacancy rate there. Somewhere around 50 , 53 , mortality rate has been cut in half and the last month, and also, if you look at our hospitalization rate, it is down by half from just two weeks ago. Trace there has been some controversial comments, people accusing you of making on masks, this is from your oped in june 19th, the the Washington Examiner. Quoting tyrannical governments have issued mandates that virtually everyone in every place where masks. Their authority to do so is dubious. A free Society Might handle this differently. The easiest cases to allow private businesses and landowners to determine the measures they think most appropriate for Public Health and safety. What exactly are you saying there, congressman . There are two things i really want to get at. These mask orders were initiated without authority or process and thats important in a free society that you do things by process. The second thing is, you can identify the people who are most vulnerable, which we have done, and even the Previous Report that talks about youve got a spike, but still, over 65 folks with comorbidities remain the most vulnerable. You can take care of those folks, but what would happen is in a retail store, i would be able to go in if they require masks, i might say thats the story want to shop at because they dont require masks. I might say thats where i want to go because i dont want to be subject to masks. I get on the airline, they said youve got to wear a mask, i would wear a mask. Thats what im getting at. Trace argue in favor of them . There seems to be a substantial amount of epidemiological studies that say they work. After this back and forth for months, they work. Are you in favor of them . Ive got a stack right here, this is just the literature looking at 90 studies and even the ones that say they may work, they will say we dont have enough information yet, and the other two studies say they dont really work. So if a storm wants w me to weaa mask, ill wear a mask if i want to go into that store. I own a business, i should be able to make that determination. You asked me to wear a mask and im going into your store, i will put a mask on because i want to shop in your store appear that the point im getting at. Trace very quickly, your talk about hospitalizations and i talked to a bunch of doctors and some hospitals, people who operate hospitals this week in texas and arizona, they are agreeing with you saying the hospital numbers are misleading by a lot of the media, the hospital numbers are not that bad. Texas is handling them and so is arizona. Your thoughts on that . I think thats exactly right. We should look at the whole context. A hand when we do, we will say this is normal, this is acceptable, and we can deal with this surge. When that congressman andy biggs, thank you, sir. Melissa fox news alert, new york city cops coming under attack when the police car was hit with glass bottles and other debris after responding to reports of gunfire as problems continue to mount in new york city, it is just the latest incident that is shaping up to be a very violent summer in the city. The New York Post covering this morning describing it as a city out of control. Lets bring in a criminal defense attorney and former homicide detective ted williams, and i would just add to that thought as we see the spike in crimes and shootings and murders here in new york city, we are also seeing a spike in retirements and in fact, since George Floyds killing on may 25th, we have seen 272 uniformed Police Officers putting in their retirement papers from then through june 24th. Is that a big number . Is that worrisome for you to the city of new york . It is worrisome to me, not only for the city of new york, but for the entire country. What we are seeing unfortunately is a lack of respect for Law Enforcement officers. In what we are also seeing is one side of the story, and we have seen that there is exceptions where there is another side to the story. Im also thinking about a state trooper, Louisiana State trooper Stephen Benson who went out in the district try to help a man and then wound up shooting him and killing him. I am also reminded of new york, two new york city Police Officers just sitting in their car eating and someone comes in and shoots them dead. Or again, Law Enforcement officers feel just terrible, their morale is down, they dont feel like the community has their back and as a result of that, they are leaving Law Enforcement in droves. Melissa for better or for worse, there are some who would welcome that. You look at the leader of local chapter of black lives matter, hawk newsom who was on fox news sunday, he said that we need basically a whole new approach to how we are policing. Lets roll that sound for you. I am not encouraging people to go out and hurt other people. What im talking about is america treating crime as something that needs to be handled with policing instead of defunding the police and looking at crime from the perspective of a Health Crisis. Melissa in other words, the fundamental way we are dealing with these problems and i think those on the other side would say the spike in crime isnt about a loss in police morale, its up how weve been going about this the wrong way for a long time. How do you respond . I do believe that there needs to be reformation in Law Enforcement, but what troubles me is the criminals are taking over communities. Criminals are watching what is going on in various communities with Excessive Force and with the demonstrations and they are taking advantage of that. In if you have good men and women in these communities that just want to live, and here you have allowing criminals to take over, that cannot happen in our society, in civilized society. Melissa he went on to say that its a Health Crisis, that thats really what its all about. What do you think is the solution then . If the solution isnt to defund the police and how do you turn things around at this point, if the other side want to accept its about more policing. That doesnt seem to be working. Im there is a need to establish a rapport between Community Leaders in the community as a whole with Law Enforcement. Law enforcement officers and the community have to work handinhand with each other in order to achieve the goals of a community. And from that goal is to have a community that is free of crime. So what we are not seeing is theyve gotten away from that. I firmly believe in community policing. Melissa ted williams, thank you for coming on. We appreciate it. Trace as states pause reopening plans, arguing face masks in public should be mandatory but can the Government Force americans to wear them . Judge Andrew Napolitano waves in. Plus, a top conservative lawmaker now filing for answers after reports of russian bounties offered to taliban fighters for killing american troops. General jack keane joins us next with his take on this. By give the taliban money to kill americans and push americans out when americans are already leaving afghanistan to start with . Refinance to a lower rate . One call to newday can save you 3000 a year. With newdays va streamline refi theres no income verification, no home appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. Its the quickest and easiest refi theyve ever offered. Call newday now. Spb a the sleep number its 360 smart bed. Owest prices of the season on can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. And now, the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only 1,299, save 400. Only for a limited time. Did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance tada so you only pay for what you need . Given my unique lifestyle, thatd be perfect let me grab a pen and some paper. Know what . Im gonna switch now. Just need my desk. My chair. And my phone. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Two National Security advisors, and even john bolton said he was not aware of this intelligence. We dont comment on it routinely but just so you know how it works, it is vetted for its veracity and it only goes to the president and the highlevel officials when it is deemed as verifiable and credible. There is now going to be a closeddoor briefing for a Bipartisan Group of lawmakers later today, but already, House Speaker nancy pelosi is saying that thats not good enough. She wants all members of the house to be briefed about this and earlier this morning, she put out a statement Reading Congress needs to know what the Intelligence Community knows about the significant threat to american troops and our allies and what options are available to hold accountable. The administrations disturbing silence and inaction endangers the lives of our troops and our coalition partners. Remember, this is all taking place at a time when the Trump Administration is trying to negotiate a peace deal with the taliban so u. S. Troops can ultimately leave afghanistan. Now multiple news organizations are reporting that russia may have been secretly paying taliban linked militants to kill american soldiers and the Washington Post reports that those alleged russian bounties did result in the deaths of several u. S. Troops. So there are a lot of questions for the White House Press secretary holding a briefing later today and just a few hours, namely why wasnt the president briefed on something of this magnitude . Another that he does know, what is he going to do about it and will he hold russian president Vladimir Putin accountable . Melissa . Melissa lots of questions for that 1 00 p. M. Press conference. Kristin fisher, thank you so much. Trace for answers, lets bring in retired fourstar general jack keane, chairman of the institute for the study of war and a fox news senior strategic analyst. Always good to see you. Really not getting a lot of hard answers on this. The president saying i was never briefed on this because they decided it was not credible and then you have people coming out saying maybe this information just wasnt truly vetted. What do you believe is happening with this . This is the problem you have when someone who has access to intelligence either Intelligence Community and policy Development Community leaks information to the media created in the media spins around and tries to confirm that with some sources inside one of the agencies, so what we have likely is a piece of intelligence stated in the introduction that the Intelligence Service is trying to verify. What does that mean . Then they go to the other intelligence agencies, their own sources, informants to try to verify it and then we have over a dozen nato countries participating in the afghan campaign, and they will go to those Intelligence Services also. This goes on every day in the Intelligence Community. And when someone leaks Something Like this to the media, than the American People are like deer in the headlights. What is going on . We have a process that is going on. We have inflammatory intelligence to be sure and something that we should be concerned about. Its likely that the National Security council at some point would be informed of this and then they would develop policy options if they believe the intelligence is credible. Whether the president was briefed on this or not has to do with the arrangement he has with his National Security team. What does he want to be briefed on and when . Obviously, if we were going to have an attack that was imminent on the United States, they would briefed him on it. So i think we need the process to continue, and then we could have some real information. Trace how important is it that we go back . The New York Times is reporting that what they are using as evidence a large amount of targeting militants and criminals. Is there enough information you can glean from that to make a solid case for bringing this to the president melissa only the Intelligence Community would know that. Those are the sources of the information and how credible is the interrogation and the people they are speaking to about that to bring this up. What do we know about russia . We know russia wants us out of afghanistan and thats been true since we got there. To provide material and financial work support to the taliban prayed we already know that. The iranians provide arms and Financial Support to the taliban and we wouldnt be shocked at all that the iranians have told the taliban, kila Many Americans as you can so they will get out of there. But the fact is, let the process work, we will get some answers, the congress will get some answers, and i think the nation will be well informed as to what took place here. Trace congresswoman liz cheney put this up, some an unmet unanswered question she would like answered. Why werent the president or Vice President briefed . Was the info in the Daily Briefing . Who did know and when, and she goes on to say what has been done in response to protect our forces and hold Vladimir Putin accountable . Is that a concise enough list, would you like to see something added to that, what would you like to see happen in the next step . I think when they get into it and lets assume, lets just make the assumption that there is some complicity by russia and providing some money and trying to kill americans so americans will get out of there faster than planned, then who was involved in that process . To be have that kind of information . Is is a policy decision, just a oneoff . They are very frustrated because in 2018, we killed 200 of their mercenaries while making an attack on a base in syria, and they have been frustrated ever since that time, and so they may have done something here, and i am only speculating here so we will get the answers eventually. Trace general jack keane, good of you, sir. Thank you for joining us. Good to talk to you. Melissa texas hitting the pause button as the state sees a troubling surgeon coronavirus cases. Texas attorney general ken paxton will join us live with more on the new restrictions. 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Confirmed cases topping 150,000 with more than 2400 deaths. Joining us now is Texas Attorney general ken paxton. Thank you so much for joining us. A lot of people saying their state open to you soon. What is your response in the wake of these numbers . It is easy to secondguess, but the reality is weve only had around 3,000 deaths which is 3,000 to many, but we had 28 Million People. You can keep the economy shut down forever. We dont have a cure for this and so theres going to be a constant balance between letting people work and make a living, letting these job survive and balancing health and more and more, thats going to fall on individuals to make their own decisions based on their own health situations. We can keep the economy shut down for years and years. So people are going to have to be responsible with their own decisions. Melissa some would argue that perhaps they arent being and we saw the former director of the cdc yesterday on fox news sunday, let me play what he had to say and give you the chance to respond. If you open when cases are still increasing as many states did come it is like leading into a left hook. You are going to get hit hard and thats whats happening. Melissa what is your response to that . The original reason for shutting down was to make sure we have enough hospital beds and enough equipment. We definitely stocked up on equipment, part of the reason the governor has responded with elective procedures for medical and certain cities is based on hospital beds. We never shut down because it might spread. The reality its going to spread until we get a vaccine or cure, so there is a balance here between allowing people to live and work and protecting their health and safety and certainly people in certain categories that should stay home and probably not go out until this thing is done but theyre going to have to continue to work because they make a living. Melissa you talk about the Economic Impact and the need to work on that is certainly true, but if you dont have stricter rules in place, then it takes longer before the disease will move on. Is there any thought to a modified mandate that may be would say everyone has to shelter in place but mandates that high risk individuals do or what do you think about mandating masks in public . Is there a middle ground that would allow the economy to stay open but would force people to do the right thing more effectively . Right now, i think a lot of these local counties are issuing mandatory mask wearing and so the governor hasnt stopped them from doing that. I think youre going to see more on that. Masks have been effective in preventing the spread, they continue to follow cdc guidelines with social distancing and washing hands, so practical common sense things i think are getting more and more part of our lives as we move forward because again, theres a balance. You are working, i am working, a lot of people have to work, and we can keep people from working for years, months and years. Melissa absolutely. Before we run out of time, i want to ask you a bit about the voter fraud issue that is being batted around back and forth. You are on the record having said there was a lot of voter fraud involved in mailin ballots. The president tweeting this morning absentee ballots are fine, a person has to go through a process to use them, mailin voting on the other hand will lead to the most corrupt election in u. S. History, bad things happen, just look at the special election in paterson, new jersey, 19 of the ballots are fraud. Is that a distinction that you would agree with between the mailin and the absentee ballot . The president couldnt be more right. Twothirds of our cases we are responsible in my office for prosecuting voter fraud. Two of those cases are mailin ballot fraud. So the legislature in texas is limited to people that have some type of disability out of town or in prison but not a felon. The reason they limited it is because they wanted to provide access to people who couldnt vote any other way. They didnt want to open it up to everybody because it is too easy to commit fraud. Fortunately weve been successful but the president is right, and effort around the country by democrats to push mailin ballots for everyone in the reality is, theyve admitted at least in my stay on the texas house floor, the admitted that it led to a lot of fraud. Melissa attorney general ken paxton, thank you so much. Trace researchers are now learning more about how coronavirus affects the body. European scientists release these never before seen images of cells hijacked by the virus. They say they grow tentacles that branch out and infect other cells. Research seems to also say there are existing drugs that could be effective treatments for covid19. Lets bring in a physician and professor of Public Health at Johns Hopkins university and is also a fox news medical contributor. Its always great to see you. The images are fascinating to watch and to see how this virus kind of goes on the attack. What are we learning from this exactly . Good morning. He has, the images are fascinating in the Science Behind it is even more fascinating. Turns out the virus recruits proteins or borrows them from adjacent cells and the reason this is really interesting is that you can actually block some of those proteins and some of those 70 different researchers on the article said that some of those locking enzymes showed more promise than remdesivir itself so that is an interesting glimmer of hope right now. Trace we are getting a view of how the virus is fighting the war inside somebodys body commencing you think this will lead to more therapies, may be the steroids will work better, that is very encouraging and promising as of late. What is the next step to treating this virus . One of the mechanisms that came out in this Research Article published on saturday was that when it borrows proteins, it sets off a Chain Reaction of the body identifies is something going wrong, something foreign happening and that sets off that storm that actually kills about 50 of people who die from coronavirus. So blocking that sounds very promising right now. Trace i want to put up this headline from the New York Times talking about how covid is causing this delirium in the headline says they want to kill me. Many Covid Patients having terrifying delirium. It is common in the icu. When people are in icu, they are hearing alarms and people coming in to stick them with needles and you lose a sense of reality and you will lose sense of day and night, and people do get delirious. What is interesting from the study which is coming out tomorrow when the new england journal of medicine is that twothirds of patients in the icu have delirium and many times, it is this paranoia which is really terrible to go through and it includes young people as well. Trace are you saying that if you have delirium, you have a worse case, a more severe case of coronavirus . No, but we know that delirium is more likely the longer you stay in icu, so people who are naturally there are two or three weeks will have a worse outcome and more likely to have delirium. Trace very quickly, just want to hit this, the coronavirus related to a surge in alzheimers, what does that mean to you . What we are learning more about this is 15,000 people died with alzheimers from coronavirus, thats a lot, so we have to really recognize the vulnerability of that population. Trace indeed we do, always good to see you sir, thank you. Melissa is new coronavirus cases spike across the u. S. , a growing number of democrats argue that face masks should be mandatory in public places, but could that be enforced legally . Judge Andrew Napolitano will weigh in on that next. Attention veterans with va loans. Record low Mortgage Rates have now fallen even lower. By refinancing, you can save 3000 a year with one call to newday usa. Our team is standing by right now to take your call. And from start to finish, you can do it all without ever leaving the house. With our va streamline refi, theres no income verification. No appraisal. And no out of pocket costs. Nobody works harder for veterans than my team at newday usa. Is it time to mandate the wearing of masks across the country . Definitely long overdue for that and my understanding that the centers for Disease Control has recommended the use of masks but not required it because they dont want to defend the president. Melissa that was House Speaker nancy pelosi among the Democratic Leaders now calling for a face masks to be mandatory in public as the u. S. Sees a surge of new coronavirus cases but is it legal for the government to require them . An interesting question. Lets bring in judge Andrew Napolitano, fox news senior judicial analyst and host of the liberty file on fox nation, thank you for coming back to join us again on the show. So what is the bottom line . Can they do that . Is it legal . The federal government certainly cant do it because the federal government is not charged with Public Health or public safety. That is an area that is reserved by the tenth amendment to the constitution for the states. So part of what mrs. Pelosi said his trooper the federal federal government can recommend it. The cdc can recommend it but it cant be compelled. The federal government does control the power of the purse, so they could offer money to the states with Strings Attached that the states would require people to wear masks in public. And that brings us to whether the states have the authority to do that, and the answer again is no. A person is known to be contagious, the state could require that person to be quarantined or wear a mask, but anything short of that, the state cannot interfere with that persons freedom of movement for freedom to wear or not to wear a mask so the Governments Authority is really rather limited here no matter how aggressive the pandemic may become. Melissa but how is it possible that there can be a law that requires you to wear a seat belt but not a mask to make these kind of similar things . A good question. When you are driving a car, on a Government Property and the government can condition your operation of your vehicle because it is a Deadly Weapon thats improperly used for you or somebody else when you were on Government Property. So let me modify slightly what i just said. The federal government could compel Wearing Masks on federal property. A military facility, the post office, government buildings, and the State Government could compel Wearing Masks on state property. The dmv, state colleges, things like that. But on property that the government doesnt own, the feds have no authority to compel wearing a mask, and the states can only compel it when people are sick. Melissa so you can tell where im going to go from here. Couldnt the mayor say that we have to wear face masks on the sidewalk . If you are out in a public space, you have to have a mask on . They do not have the authority to order that. Now, public pressure, peer pressure, people pointing at you, yelling you, telling you to go take a hike or put your mask on, the force of Public Opinion may do with the law cannot do and since masks have been shown to prevent the spread of this disease, than the force of Public Opinion is a good thing, but in terms of police stopping you on the street or giving you a summons or a court imposing a fine, absolutely not. First of all, these gubernatorial edicts are just suggestions and not the law. They have not been enacted by the city council or in the case of new york state, the state legislature. Melissa interesting. Judge Andrew Napolitano, thank you for your time. We appreciate it. Trace residents in the occupied protest area speaking out after a deadly shooting this weekend sparks and you can concerns about their safety coming up. To severe psoriasis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Sprinting past every leak in our softest, smoothest fabric. Shes confident, protected, her strength respected. Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Man accused of being the bolden state killer will appear in court today. His excited to plead guilty to series of assaults and murders during the 1970s and 80s. The former Police Officer expected to take a deal that spares him the Death Penalty an in return he will admit to the 26 charges against him. Along with 62 other crimes that could not be charged because of expired statutes of limitations. Thousands take to the streets blocking a major highway in colorado, but demanding justic for elijah mclean, the protesters gathering in the denver suburb of aurora with a 23 yearold black man died in Police Custody last august. The Police Involved were cleare of any wrongdoing. Now the governor has asked the states attorney general to reopen the investigation with the special prosecutor. Speaking a protest, growing concerns by rehab seattle residents because this is the chop zone the organized protest zone. It has gotten rowdy in recent days. Their been a couple of shooting in the past couple of days wher at least one person has been killed. The city of seattle wants those protesters to leave that zone and many of them have done that in the past two or three days. Four or five days. Now some of the protesters are staying. Not only staying, they are making threats they would go inside the Police Precinct that was abandoned about three weeks ago and they would take over that precinct. That is what the city in the police are trying to negotiate to get them out of there. You have the mayor saying last week that the police will soon return to that precinct, no timetable has been given, but they are concerned about the uptick in violence and the pressure being put on the local businesses in that area because those businesses want to reopen. They want their lives back. We will have much more as it comes intoe americas newsroo. Newdays va streamline refi lets you refinance without having to verify your income, without getting your home appraised and without spending one dollar out of pocket to get it done. 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The New York Times as reporting that unnamed intelligence Officials Say they believed some

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