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Sandra in new york city at least one officer was assaulted and, we sum it up with one word. We began with aisha hosni, whose live in manhattan where lueders meant don mike ransacked stores. Good morning to you sandra and edited. New yorkers are waking up in disbelief right now as they see the macys Flagship Store wrapped in plywood, and they were actually cleaning up the glass that was left behind by those leaders. Witnesses say the looters used hammers and a crowbar to get inside. Lets take a look at video now from inside as looters ransacked the store and smash their way through multiple other Stores Across manhattan, like sephora, foot locker and sprint, including also happening in the bronx where it was a very violent night for Police Officers. Several attacks on those officers caught on video. Fact dramatic video shows a sergeant struck by a black sitting on and he is in serious but stable condition. The people in the car got away. Another officer was beat up on the street and at buffalo i suspect is in custody this morning after a Police Officer and a state trooper were hit by a car. Both are in stable condition. Back in new york city the nypd chief of departments took me with protesters yesterday in Washington Square park. He believes that these looters are outsiders, listen to what he said. Get them out of here, protest peacefully. Why would anyone break into a story in your neighborhood places that employ the people in this neighborhood. No reason for it, it has to end. Let new york show the country, i was this done . Some new information just coming in, the nypd officers arrested 200 people, half a dozen officers were injured and half a dozen Police Vehicles were vandalized as the city moves up its curfew from 11 00 until now 8 00 p. M. Speak with aisha hosking, thanks for starting us off. Sandra growing unrest in our Nations Capital overnight, police cracking down on violence throughout the streets of washington has President Trump visits a church that was damaged by a fire during weekend protest. Prior to that, the president warning of military intervention if states that dont deal with the violence dont move further. We are ending the riots and the lawlessness that has spread throughout the country. We will end it now. Today i have strongly recommended to every governor to deploy the National Guard in sufficient numbers that we dominate the streets. If the city and state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, and i will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them. Sandra Kristin Fisher live from the white house with more. Good morning, sandra. This the realness of the scene that played out here at the white house yesterday afternoon cannot be overstated. President trump walking into the rose garden to address the nation as loud booms, tear gas and flash bangs could be heard and felt right across the street as helicopters circled under had a period overhead. President trump threatening to invoke the insurrection act which would allow him to respond to protests that have been reaching around the country. But in recent days, our nation has been gripped by professional anarchists. These are acts of domestic terror. The protests on previous nights had turned violent but last night as best we can tell the protests were still peaceful as Law Enforcement push them back with tear gas. Then President Trump did something that stunned everyone, he just walked out the front door of the white house, across Lafayette Square and stood holding a bible in front of the historic st. Johns torch which had been set on fire just a few hours ago. The d. C. Mayor Muriel Bowser said she was outraged. She said i imposed a curfew at 7 00 p. M. , a full 25 minutes before the curfew and without provocation, federal police used munitions on Peaceful Protesters in front of the white house, an act that will make the job of d. C. Police officers much more difficult. Shameful. The white house says, the white house protesters were given three mornings to move back and they were expanding the perimeter to help enforce that 7 00 p. M. Curfew. From there as you can see a massive show of force. Watch as this military helicopter hovered incredibly low over the protesters late into the night. There is some reporting that some white house officials thought that President Trump perhaps went too far last night but i just spoke with a Senior Administration official who told me that that is completely off base. She said that the reaction within the west wing has been overwhelmingly positive and that what we just saw President Trump due, walking out of the white house and going to st. Johns church, that Senior Administration official told me that that is exactly what a miracle to see. Sandra . Sandra i saw your reaction to a live, you said i can almost not believe my eyes whats happening in real time as a president a part of the white house over to the church. Kristin fisher, thanks for your reporting from the white house this morning. Ed despite President Trumps about to crack down on this violence protest still intensified overnight as dig attacks on Law Enforcement all across america. As we mentioned at the top, for Police Officers shot in downtown st. Louis as looters ransacked stores and fires burned in the streets. The citys police chief got emotional when providing an update on the officers. Some coward he fired shots at officers and that we have for in the hospital but thank god they are alive. Can we make some sense out of this . You can feel his pain. In las vegas ever an officer is on life support after getting shot in the head outside of a casino. Meanwhile here in new york at least two officers were targeted overnight, when attacked by a group of men and the other rushed to the hospital after getting hit by writers in a car. Sandra thank you. For more on all of this, lets bring in Fox News Contributor dan henning sure, the wall street editorial deputy editor. Dan, thanks for being here. Dominate the streets, so the president , urging governors to get tough on the situation we are seeing across the country. A warning of military intervention if they do not. I was a president s message being received . Well i think its probably being increasingly received very well by most of the American People who have been watching us in real time. It seems pretty clear that after four nights watching manhattan looted and at Lafayette Park in flames, the George Floyd Protests are hopelessly corrupted and compromised by the embedment of rioters and looters. I think an effect of these marches have become a trojan horse filled with an invading army and as such, going into another night tonight, i see no reason the city should consider why they have to permit these marches at all. And thats when the armies are obviously targeting. Or they could have it as we clearly have intended to do. But its obvious that the protest has been compromised and there is to my mind no reason why these major American Cities should allow this to continue for the fifth straight night. A sandra that grabs so many headlines as you know urging those governors to get tough, move in the end it dominate your streets. We have some audio from the president from the governor. President trump if you dont dominate you are wasting our time, they will run over you and you will look like a bunch of jerks. You have to dominate and you have to arrest people and you have to try people and it they have to go to jail. The attorney general is here again, and we will activate bill barr and activate him very strongly. Sandra the wall street Journal Editorial Board responding with this headline this morning. Dont call in the troops. They write the feds have better tools to pursue antifa but state and local officials need to restore public order. What is the message here . The message is it would be a bad president to put the army on the streets of the United States and thats something we normally dont want in this country. As i was just suggesting, local authorities if they have the will, do have the tools to stop this. They have the National Guard and they also have the authority to restrict the areas in which these marches can take place. I simply cannot understand how we have set a precedent where marchers are able to wander anywhere they want to and cities like manhattan or las vegas or los angeles, rather than being restricted as any normal marches to certain areas of the city for this destruction cannot take place. This is an unprecedented situation, the authorities, the mayors and the governors had have got to stop in not just to ask the police to fight and battle with these protesters everywhere they want to go but to push them into restricted areas. The idea that they were able to come that close to the white house yesterday after burning Lafayette Square is to be incomprehensible. I think a much, much wider perimeter has to be established by these local mayors and they have the ability to do that. Thats what the police are trained to do and they should do it tonight. Sandra i want to get your final thoughts on this in that piece, what do we do to track down those people that are planting cars or bricks or whatever it may be to destroy the properties and attack people in these u. S. Cities. Well as the head of the new york Police Antiterrorism unit, john miller said yesterday that we have pretty clear evidence of these people that come from out of state. They had a plan and had identified places that they were going to target. Attorney general bill barr has said if you are crossing state lines to commit rights than thats a federal crime. He will deploy the full resources of the fbi to investigate and one hopes prosecute and indeed once convicted send these agitators to prison for a very long sentences. This federal government has to create significant disincentives to participating or joining these groups and as we are suggesting here the federal government does have the investigative and prosecutorial tools to do exactly that. Sandra dan henning jerry, thanks for coming on this morning. Just be one in the meantime as violence between protesters and Police Continues there are growing concerns over outside agitator stoking unrest and exploiting the entire situation. Plus, Top Democrats claiming white houses response to the ongoing riots, accusing President Trump of fanning the flames of discord. We will dive deeper into all this with congressman doug collins and ask him why his democratic colleagues are not calling up the violence, next. We need people leaning and with compassion, i think pointing fingers is a wrong direction right now, focusing on the future and having a real conversation about race and justice necessary. This is our commencement. No, well not get a diploma or a degree of any kind. But we are entering a new chapter in our lives. Our confidence is shaken; our hearts cracked. The kind of a crack that comes from the loss of a job; from life plans falling apart. We didnt ask for it. But we are rising to meet it. And how far weve come isnt even close to how far we can go. We just have to remember how patient we were. How strong we can be. how strong you can be. and remember this; theres a crack in everything for a reason. How else can the light get in . Tomorrow starts today. Balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Whoohoo great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. And nutrients to yeah. This moving thing never gets any easier. Well, xfinity makes moving super easy. I can transfer my internet and tv service in about a minute. Wow, that is easy. Almost as easy as having those guys help you move. We are those guys. Thats you . The truck adds 10 pounds. In the arms. Okay. Transfer your Service Online in a few easy steps. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. Visit xfinity. Com moving today. Sandra louisville, kentucky,s police chief has been fired and that comes after the announcement that nobody camera footage was available from the killing of an unarmed black man early yesterday morning during a protest. This type of institutional failure will not be tolerated. I have the relieved steve conrad of his duties of as chief of Louisville Police department. And that follows the death of an emergency room technician Breanna Taylor who was killed by police in rome during a raid. Ed it not top Democratic Leaders slamming President Trump of the treatment of protesters outside of the white house yesterday. Nancy pelosi and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer have been quiet about the writers since many of the protest turned violent nearly a week ago, but the two have released a new joint statement saying at a time when our country cries out for unification this president is ripping apart. Tear gassing Peaceful Protesters without provocation just so that the president could pose for photos outside of a church. It dishonors every value that faith teaches us. So lets bring in congressman doug collins, a republican member of the house Judiciary Committee. Lets get to what the president did yesterday at st. Johns church but lets start with the fact that this long statement, several paragraphs that i read a couple times last night, and i saw no mention of violence. I saw no mention of violence. Why are they not calling out the rioters . Thats a great question for the media to ask them, why were they not calling out Police Officers to be shot . Change needs to happen, and you cannot call antifa and agitators and anarchy who are in the middle of these peaceful protests that ive made them into something thats damaging. Whats damaging to our culture is people who do not feel safe on the seat streets, people want to use the death of someone to go in and steal something. That never should be allowed. Where is their outrage there instead of their rage in the the Washington Post kind of getting into a narrative that many in the media are pushing right now about yesterday and what happened in Lafayette Park. The post saying the verdict seemed clear and the president had staged an elaborate photo wall. Using a bible a bible awkwardly held aloft as a propped near Historic Church and using the president and the families as a backdrop. The Washington Post doesnt cease to surprise me and i think they seem more concerned that he had a bible, a symbol of our faith seems to be more concerning to them than the actual issues that are going on in our country. Weve had a real chance and opportunity, this is something have been working on for a while. Im the son of the Georgia State trooper. When i hear about the is, i used to watch my father go out when there were issues in protests and you never knew what was going to happen. If the Washington Post and our Democratic Leadership would actually get together, bring concern and love and weve done this before. Before we had our Police Working group i went around the country and talked about how we could bring our Police Department and Community Together to understand this, and Going Forward, how we can have better relations. The Judiciary Committee should be working on this, and we should actually be talking about this. Weve been talking about the violence and the rioting but what about the tear gassing of Peaceful Protesters . My previous guess, thats how everything is getting started. Thats how we actually begin to have peaceful protests in ways that people can actually do this and again, you want to take how we actually. Thats making this something, and thats how we solve this. Ed marco rubio tweeting about this, a bus full of weapons in ohio. Abbas in ohio found their protests, but i guess still no evidence of an organized effort to inject violence and anarchy into a protest. There is the acting senate intel chair in your colleague, theres weapons and theres rocks, almost magically appearing. If theyve looked at the video, placing the anarchist paintings and spraying, when they have issues in their country, our country is based on the right, the freedom to protest and forcibly make our grievances known. Now when we see Police Officers and cities with that have nothing to do with what was being shot. When you have Police Officers like the one in minneapolis who had citations, you probably should have been dealt with a long time ago and fired. We need others charged with this because we need to clean up the bad actors because a vast majority of our Police Officers are going to. Ed congressman doug collins, we appreciate your insight this morning. Sandra are the ongoing riots hurting the economy as businesses locked down by the coronavirus pandemic tried to recover . Moneyman Charles Payne is here on that. But first, the unrest in one minneapolis using a bit after terrence floyds brother makes an emotional plea for peaceful protests. George flynns brother makes that plea. We are live in minneapolis, next. I just want to hear this again. Whats his name . George floyd. Whats his name . George floyd lets switch it up, yall. Lets switch it up. Do this peacefully. Please. Im from houston and he loved it here. Very eloquent words from George Floyds brother terrence. The weeklong unrest is escalating which calls for state and city leaders to now resign. Our correspondent on the ground matt flynn has more. We are seeing violence and looting across american. There has been a sense of calm. That seems to be bringing law and order through the city. They are a peaceful godfearing family, and the violence must stop. If im not over here wilding out, if im not over here blowing up stuff, if im not messing up my community, then what are you all doing . What are you all doing . You all are doing nothing because thats not going to bring my brother back at all. There is some growing fallout from all of this, the Minneapolis Police Union President writes in a letter, what has been evident in this process, and that is currently occurring with a long time built up for eight years that starts with minimizing the size of our police force. The inability of officers actions on community exemplifies a toxic culture of silence that glues this outdoor updated policing system together. Thats why we must step in to deconstruct our Police Department and build a new system with our chief. That message of deconstructing police and the city without a Police Department is something we have seen for months here in minneapolis. As you drive around that is spraypainted everywhere and there are signs everywhere suggesting that the city doesnt need a Police Department. Well be speaking. That is coming up in our 11 00 a. M. Hour. Sandra many businesses were trying to get back and running after the coronavirus shut down. Lets bring in Charles Payne, author of making money with Charles Payne. Thank you for being here. After so many of these stores, they were the targets of those riots. I feel like they have gotten a double whammy here. They are reopening their doors whether this is reopening in so u. S. Cities. Vandalism is vandalism, looting is looting. Target may be able to enjoy it obviously more than a Small Business owner down the street who work for 40 years, saved up all their money and thought they were fulfilling a lifelong dream. Its beyond heartbreaking edit so devastating, sandra. The only thing i can think is that we see these folks and, one thing i will say about entrepreneurs, i put them in the same business. They go out there and they work hours that no one else wants to work. Thats the toughest people, and we are hoping that these violence and these lootings, and they have coattails. So give you an example. But someone with a small bar down the corridor that saved their entire life savings open up our under the precipice of being ruined. You look at those Small Businesses and those restaurant owners, they are the engine of our u. S. Economy charles, and as far as the recovery is looking post coronavirus or i should say as some cities are able to reopen and get back up and running, this is Goldman Sachs and we continue to expect a fairly rapid decline in second half partly because most newly unemployed workers are on temporary rather than permanent layoffs. And so charles, what are you seeing as far as a recovery the rest of the years. I think the signs are there. And, they will see significant inquiries in may over april. I think the idea and what the stock market has been telegraphing is that things will get better, a. B we will learn to live with the coronavirus and learn how to prosper as we await a vaccine. Its a significant rebound that the experts missed. Sandra charles, i dont get to see you in the hallways because we are not together they are in the building. But, look whats happening to businesses. This is not what George Floyds brother was wanting. My message is that america always lived up to the promise of a more Perfect Union but we are not there yet. This was the fourth anniversary of my mothers death, she was born and raised in uniontown alabama and lived under brutal racism. She saw lynchings. My grandmother never used a pillow, she slept with her arms crossed so she could hear the ku klux klan. We still have a long way to go, and as americans we have to have empathy for each other and respect for each other and that will go a long way. My biggest concern is the media and politics, thats whats hurting progress. Sandra interesting perspective. Charles payne, thank you. Ill see you. Ed in the meantime, miami ending its curfew after days of mostly peaceful protests. What did the city do thats different than any others . We will ask miamis mayor francis suarez, thats next. There were no major confrontations between the police and protesters, between the protesters and themselves. It was an incredibly successful event, and im incredibly proud and we did much better than most major cities across country. Our team is standing by right now to take your call. And from start to finish, you can do it all without ever leaving the house. With our va streamline refi, theres no income verification. No appraisal. And no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 2000 a year. 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Specially a press conference with pastors and Community Leaders the fact that there was an 8 00 p. M. Curfew. The protest was extremely peaceful and there wasnt one moment as the curfew was approaching and it looked like there was going to be an attempt at cvs. And frankly before our officers even arrived, our officers stopped them. The bicycle patrols is not affected. They created, that was also a big adjustment. There could be some lessons there for other mayors. Theyve had a difficult relationship with nypd over the years. I wonder if you agree or disagree with these statements. We are trying to get to a day where it looks very different, the amount of the police, the look of the police and the approach of the police and i think we were doing that in many ways. Police presence was a very, very subdued. Ed what are your thoughts on that . We got into that because of police crossing lines in this awful piece with George Floyds but on the other hand if you are too subdued, we could lead to situations where you have the riots. What do you think about the de blasio approach . I think thats sort of the modern day approach, you want to create confrontations that are necessary. Saturday we were not in riot gear throughout the entire day and we made some adjustments on sundays because what we know is that people look for symbols. And they broke in to city hall. What you want to do is take away those opportunities. We expanded with some of our tactical forces, to make sure that our Police Department was not exposed, that was a great adjustment that we made from saturday to sunday, but by and large we did the exact same thing. We did not have riot gear by and large, obviously there were moments where we had to deploy right gear to disperse crowds. Sunday we did not use tear gas, on saturday we did but we stopped some looting and that happened in other cities in the state of florida. I think we had three arrests on sunday and two of them were people that were not even from miami. On saturday we had 57, only 13 were miami residents. So all in all, 60 arrests. That point you are making shows that there are people outside of miami, coming in and trying to stir things up but it seems like you have had an evolving approach dealing with it in different ways and adjusting the situations. Last time i interviewed you you were in quarantine at home so its good to see you healthy after the whole covid19 crisis as well. Thanks for coming on. Sandra thank you. Presumptive democratic nominee heading to philadelphia today where he is expected to speak on the unrest, gripping the country. We will have a live report on that, straight ahead. Plus dozens of buildings damaged by looters during protests in atlanta. One Small Business owner whose store was destroyed will joining us live, next. In this world where people are staying at home, many of lifes moments are being put on hold. At carvana, we understand that for some getting a car just cant wait. Thats why the new way to buy and sell a car is also the safer way. At carvana, you can do it all 100 online from home with a touchless delivery and pickup process to keep you safe. And for even Greater Peace of mind, all carvana cars come with a 7day return policy. So if you need to keep moving, its our goal to keep you safe. Check out carvana, the safer way to buy a car. This virus is testing all of us. And its testing the people on the front lines of this fight most of all. So abbott is getting new tests into their hands, delivering the critical results they need. And until this fight is over, we. Will. Never. Quit. Because they never quit. Sandra the mayor of atlanta condemning the riots that are gripping her city. The Small Business owner whose store was ransacked by looters over the weekend. Janice wellborn, owner of wilburns sisters design. Janice, good morning. How are you doing . I am fine. Good morning, how are you . Im as good as i can be at the moment. Sandra tell us about your story. You were actually in your store at the time these looters brok broken . Actually on saturday night at 11 30 p. M. , i was in my store at the time, i was in there working late. People started i heard a boom, boom, they were hitting my windows with rocks. They only hit my windows and busted out my front showcase windows. Im thankful and blessed that they did not enter. We are grateful it was not vandalized like it could have been, we are truly grateful. The windows are definitely barred up now and we have everything barred up all around the store. So, we are having to completely kind of restructure whats going on inside here. So we are grateful. A lot going on around the air. We are just being still. There was definitely some fear there because it when it happened, of course i got down low and crawled to the back and then went down in the basement just to get out of the way. And we look to see what the damages were about 30 minutes later and then it was devastating. I will never forget that moment. I am grateful to be here. I am up and add it now, looking at it different and getting ready to go into a new chapter of this business end of this time. Sandra janice, we really appreciate hearing your story and would like to have you back. We are up against a heartbreak starting a new hour. Will you come back . Our best to you. Thank you for coming on. Ed a fox news alert, the president threatening to mobilize the military as a protest spread from coasttocoast. We will get into it, the details as our coverage continues, next. Sandra fox news alert, a nation on edge. Welcome to a brandnew hour of americas newsroom. Im sandra smith. Ed good to be with you as always. And officials warned that peaceful protests, and in st. Louis, four Police Officers were shot. The police chief there is trying and trying to make sense of it all. So what we dont understand is all the destruction and theft, because folks came down there just to steal and just to hurt officers and that was the purpose of them coming. Sandra would begin with william la jeunesse. Good morning. Also, Business Owners are stepping up because in many cases police could not. Lets look in the situation in different cities, police committees taking a knee in solidarity. They are saying we serve and protect the public as well. On the other hand with curfews imposed, police went on offense with looters and vandals, 350 arrested in l. A. And 46 for felony theft, 19 vehicles impounded. If we did not protest last night, we had criminal acts. We had people mourning the death of george flied and we had people capitalizing. They took matters into their own hands, and it all happened to live, there was an eyewitness. Three people drove off, and thats when they started arguing about it and thats when they started liking you down. In st. Louis, protest became violent, smashing windows, theft and fires. All hospitalized to recover. Now in las vegas, and this liquor store, they broke the windows on sunday and thats when neighbors came out. They came out with their long guns visible and they told these protesters to simply move on and move away from here, you are not going to hit the store. And it worked. They were here last night all night long. Sandra william la jeunesse on the ground. The chaos continued right here in new york city last night. Looters hitting the macys Flagship Store and many others in the town, defying the curfew and at times targeting Police Officers directly. The New York Post describes the smash and grab spree with one simple word to come at me him. The nypd chief saying outsiders are turning peaceful protests into something far, far different. Get out of here. From california and all these different places in the country who are being paid to take this movement which is a Good Movement and turn it violent against many people who love the community. Why would anyone break into a swearing in your neighborhood . Not mincing any words. Here in new york, stories like this one, saks fifth aven saks fifth avenue, and thats a madness as police and store owners are trying to get a handle on what is going on. This is the scene repeated up in every avenue. That went into effect at 11 00 p. M. , and as we have seen the images did little to stop the looting and rioting that went on here in midtown and elsewhere overnight. All this after several peaceful protests took place yesterday, and that was looking on with more incident. They are ransacking stores, and some looters were seen taking away a in cuffs but still Police Officers appeared to be outnumbered as the chaos ripped through the city and over 700 arrests were made. These protests have power and meeting but as the night wears on nursing groups, and im extending the curfew to tuesday. We sought nypd officers injured on camera overnight in the bronx as a Police Sergeant was hit by a sub sedan the suspects fled, and as the cities continue to brace for another possible night of uncertainty, we do have more protests that are scheduled to take place today. We see more plywood pieces going up on these windows hoping to avoid any damage. In some cases they are ripping the plywood off and looting in any way possible. Lower angles, thank you. President trump today i have strongly recommended to every governor to deploy the National Guard in sufficient numbers that we dominate the streets. If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residence, we will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem. Sandra President Trump warning about the military and sending in the military in states where protests have turned violent dont act. And, so far two dozen states on the district of columbia has done so. Is he sending the right message to the country we also need to be unified in our condemnation of this random violence thats hurting innocent people and causing chaos in our communities. Thats the kind of unity that i would like to see. Not only should we demand justice for george floyd to which of demanded justice for these innocent victims of this agitation and chaos and the looting that we are seeing in the violence. And the president s warning about military intervention on our u. S. Streets. They write this this morning, dont call in the troops. The feds have better tools to pursue antifa but state and local officials need to restore public order. In the current order, the site on u. S. Troops would be more likely to inflame then, the media which indicates understandable rated with save the day of the triptych dictatorship that they had long predicted had arrived. But if they cant do that, and in the most extreme circumstances potentially the u. S. Military would be available. They need to use Resources Available to them because we simply cant tolerate that sort of lawlessness. Sandra im going to interrupt you for a second, and thus democratic nominee joe biden who is now speaking in philadelphia. Lets listen. We have to be vigilant about the violence that is being done by this incumbent president to our economy in this pursuit of justice. When Peaceful Protesters dispersed, from the doorstep of the peoples house, the white house, using tear gas and flash grenades in order to stage the photo op, in one of the most Historic Churches in the count country, and hes more interested in serving his passions for the people of in his care. Thats what the president is, the duty to care. To care for all of us, not just vote for us but those of all of us. Not just the donor but all of us. The president held up the bible at st. Johns church yesterday but i just wish he opened it every once in a while instead of brandishing it guard rails that helped make possible this nations path to a perp union. Thats a protest from voices that are mistreated, ignored, left out or left behind. It is a union, worth fighting for. And thats why i am running for president. In addition to the bible, the president might also want to open the u. S. Constitution every once in a while. If he did he would find of the thing called the first amendment, and what it says in the beginning, he says the rights of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition their government for redress of grievances. Thats kind of an essential notion. Mr. President , thats america. No horses rising up on their hind legs, not using the protest to move against the American People. We are not allowing any president to quiet our voice. We wont let those who see this as an opportunity to sell chaos, throw up a smoke screen and distract us with very real grievances at the heart of this protest. We cant leave this moment, we cant leave this moment thinking that we can once again turn away and do nothing. We cant do that this time, we cant. The moment has come for our nation to deal with systemic races, to deal with the economic inequity that exists in our nation, to deal with the denial of the promise in this nation. And, what we believe, its all at stake. And its this urgency, and the history of this nation teaches us that in some of our darkest moments, 13th, 14th, 15th amendments, they follow the civil war. The greatest Economic Growth in World History grew out of the great depression. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, and its in the morning that we find hope. It will take more than talk. Weve had protests before. Those are long overdue concrete changes. The action will not be complet completed. This agenda will take time to complete and it should not wait, and thats the majors in the first step of the direction. Starting with real police refo reform, congress should put that on the president s desk in the next few days. That approves, it also should be made law this month. No more excuses, but if Mitch Mcconnell can come into the United States senate, its time to pass legislation and will give true meaning to the constitutional promise. Ive committed to creating a National Police oversight commission. Ive long believed we needed Real Community policing. A review of their hiring and training and deescalation. That gives the cities and states the tools and resources they need to implement reform. More Police Officers meet the Higher Standards of their possession and most of them do it. All the more reason why bad cops should be dealt with severely and swiftly. We need to take a hard look at as a culture allows for the senseless tragedies to keep happening. We need to learn, and as the media stopped, congress should act and should act and now to rectify racial inequities that would allow covid19. It begins with health care. Health care should be a right and not a privilege and the quickest route to universal coverage in this country is expanding obamacare. This president even now is in the midst of a Public Health crisis with massive unemployment. He doesnt care how many millions of americans are going to be hurt because he is consumed with a blinding ego when it comes to barack obama. The president should withdraw his lawsuit to strike down obamacare and the congress should prepare the act. The last few months we have seen americas true heroes. Weve come up with a new phrase for that, essential workers. Essential workers. We need to do more than praise them, we need to pay them. This wasnt built by wall street jane bankers, it was built by unions and are essential worke workers. I know there is an enormous fear and uncertainty and anger in the country. I understand. I know so Many Americans are suffering, there is the loss of the loved one, suffering Economic Hardship and wondering if i can feed my family tomorrow . Suffering the weight of generation after generation of hurt after inflicting on people of color and black and brown and like many of you i know what it means to grieve. My loss is not the same as losses felt by so many, but i know what it feels like when you to have that black hole in your chest where your grief is being sucked into it. Just a few days ago marked the anniversary of my sons passing from cancer. There are still moments when the pain is so great, he feels no different then the day i sat in that bed as he passed away. But i also know thats the best way to turn it into english and that anguish into purpose. And americans know what our purpose is as a nation. It has to be guided. It has to be guided. Its guided us from the very beginning. The day that president kennedy was assassinated, a little girl came home from school and jumped into her daddys arms and said, daddy, now we will never get our freedom. Her daddy was reassuring, strong and brave. He said dont worry. Its going to be okay. Its going to be all right. Dr. King perseveres. He was driven by his dream of a nation where justice runs down like water and rushes like a mighty stream. Then in 1968, a few days before dr. King was murdered he gave a final sunday sermon in washington where he told us that the ark of the university bends towards justice. And we know we can bend it because we have. We have to believe that still. That is our purpose and has been our purpose in the very beginning to become a nation where all men and women are not only created equal but they are treated equally. Not just created equally but treated equally to become a nation defined in dr. Kings words not only by the absence of tension but the presence of justice. Its not enough with the intention but justice. I know that and you know that. Pain is raw, the pain is real. The president of the United States must be part of the solution and not the problem with this president today is part of the problem and accelerates it. When he tweeted the words when the looting starts, the shooting starts, those werent the rat words of a president , they were the words of a racist miami police chief in the 70s. When he tweeted, the protesters would have been greeted with the most vicious dogs. They would have been really hurt. They were the words of oppression, they were the kind of words that both connor would have used when unleashing his dogs on innocent women and children. You know, the american story is a story about action and reaction. Thats how history works. We cant be naive about it. I wish i could say that hate began with donald trump and will end with him. It didnt and it wont. American history isnt a fairy tale with a guaranteed happy ending. The battle for the soul of this nation has been a constant push and pull for 240 years. The honest truth is that both elements are part of the american character. Both elements. At our best the american ideal wins out but its never a right, we cant ignore the truth that we are at our best when we open our hearts rather than clinch our fist. Donald trump has turned this country into a battlefield driven by fresh fears. I ask every american, and i mean this from the bottom of my heart, i ask every american, look at where we are now and think anew. Is this where we are, is this who we want to be . Is this who want to pass on to our grandchildren and our children . Fear, anger and fingerpointing rather than the pursuit of happiness . Incompetence and anxiety, self absorption and selfishness . Or do we want to be the american we know we can be . Look. I look at the presidency is a very big job and nobody will get it right every time. And i wont either, but i promise you this. I want traffic in fear and division. I wont fan the flames of hate. I will seek to heal the racial wounds that have long plagued our country, not use them for political gain. I will do my job and i will take responsibility, i wont blame others. I will never forget, i will never forget, i promise you. This job is not about me, its about you, its about us. We are the only nation in the world that goes through crisis and comes out better. To build a better future, thats what america does, to build a better future. It may in fact be the most american thing to do. We hunger for liberty the way that Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass state. You strive to expose the stories, and make an imPerfect Union more perfect than it has been. We may come up short, but at our best, we try. Fellow americans were facing. Thats a terrible impact for the lives and livelihoods but also the selfishness and fear. I choose those words of selfishness and fear. That duty includes remembering who we should be, we should be the america of fdr and eisenhower, and jonas salk and neil armstrong. We should be america that terraces life, liberty and courage. And above all we should be americans that cherish each other, each and every one of us. We are a nation in pain and, we will not allow our exhaustion to feed us. As president , its my commitment to all of you to lead on those issues and to listen. I truly believe in my heart of hearts we cant overcome. We stand together, finally as one america, and we will rise stronger than we were did before. We will move that are closer to justice. We will reach out to one another so speak out from one another and please, and this is the United States of america. Theres never been anything weve been unable to do when we set our minds to it and we have done it together. Together, united. May god bless you all and may god protect our troops. Thank you. [applause] sandra Presumptive Democratic nominee joe biden delivering remarks there as protests continue across the country. In philadelphia, quoting George Floyds last words, i cant breathe, i cant breathe. Those words will not die. He went on to attack the president s response to the chaos in the protest saying he is part of the problem. He then said that out of some of the darkest moments for this country come the most progress, the moment has come for our nation to deal with systemic racism, calling on Mitch Mcconnell and members of congress to act. Joining us now, where he stayed with us throughout the Vice President s words, john cornyn, center from the state of texas. What were your thoughts as you listened to joe biden speak there . Frankly it saddened me to hear the Vice President jumpstart his president ial campaign again in the midst of this crisis. What we expect from leaders is to try to unify us, not point the finger of blame which is exactly what Vice President biden dave. This is not a moment where we should engage in that sort of partisan blame game but thats exactly with the Vice President did. Painting too broadly rather than attacking the individuals that killed george floyd, and they paint that broadly across Law Enforcement across the country which i think is grotesquely unfair. We should target the bad actors and there should be a reckoning, and that this is a bridge that is so too far. I will read some words from you senator on the senate floor yesterday. Devastating events like the death of george floyd remind us that we have a long way to go in the fight for equal justice under the law. If you gripped the nation with those remarks so, what can you tell the nation that congress is actively doing today to stem this violence to unify the nation . We are obviously in the midst of a Public Health crisis and this obviously is in part responsible, and that is triggered by the killing, unjust killing of george floyd, which sparked of these riots. Justice is a twoway street, we need justice for the killer of george floyd, but we need justice for the people who are being hurt, whose property is being burned to the ground and who are being the victims of violence. That is what really disappoints me in the decision made by the Vice President , to use the occasion to point the finger of blame to further divide the country to use it for partisan political purposes rather than try to urge us to Work Together to see that justice is done for george floyd but also see that justice is done for the innocent victims of this random violence. Sandra senator john cornyn from the state of texas, we appreciate you joining us this morning. Thank you, senator. Ed i think youve senator and thank you Juan Williams as well. Senator cornyn obviously is a republican leader who sees this as a divisive speech from joe biden and said basically he is just trying to restart his president ial campaign in the middle of a crisis. Thoughts . I think that is wrong. And what i heard it, from joe biden, i think was a very clearly a man speaking in a church and speaking of the need for us to come together in this moment, rather than fan the flames of fear and resentment, and he was able to in concrete terms, the actions taken yesterday they clear peaceful demonstrators out of Lafayette Park so he could walk across and have that photo op. We see people across the aisle and if people want to engage in political record, that fear authoritarianism or even martin dempsey, former chief of staff said, we dont use military force against ourselves and against fellow americans, peaceful demonstrators, thats not america. Thats not the country h we lov. When joe biden says President Trump is not being part of the solution, or being part of the problem, and i see it as poking i believe, one being, last night in my neighborhood, it was a very long night and i suspect you have some of that its no place for and mr. Floyds brother condemned it. I think that he is very clear in saying we need to deal with the issues that underlie the prote protest, i didnt think there was anybody anywhere, democrat republicans who was encouraging that kind of destructive behavior. Its a threat to us all. Ed will why isnt he saying enough is enough . Wait a minute, is that why is he not tamping it down . I think hes trying to tamp it down but the leaders of our country are in touch with the real angst that comes from seeing george floyd lose his life in such a tragic way, with our representative, a policeman, putting his knee into the mans neck for nearly 9 minutes. Ed we all agree that was tragic and never should have happened, the anniversary of the death of his own son, and he said you have to turn anguish and anger to purpose. We heard that very clearly not just in the streets of america but covid19. Then finally, he said this job is not about me, its about us and i want traffic in fear and hate. Your final thoughts . While i think that is what he is trying to speak to, the kind of events that were in play last night in Lafayette Square, that prompted Speaker Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to say that the president is, you know, fanning the flames of discord and bigotry. The episcopal bishop of washington whos in charge of st. Johns church said she thought the president s behavior was outrageous. When you play on those kinds of tensions you encourage bad behavior and i think that is what you are hearing from Vice President biden. And we have real problems. For police to escalate tension, and what im trying to get at is, everybody agrees that George Floyds death is tragic. I agree there should be peaceful protests in the country and why not an emphasis on Small Businesses in this country. They are distraught over this. President trump in terms of playing on the politics of intervention, and we have spoken in condemned violence in any form, i think that what the Vice President did was speak to the underlying issue. I heard you on the air yesterd yesterday, and i think she has to have her rights protected, but lets not lose sight of the larger issue. Thats fair and American Values which are protected just as much is anyones property. Sure, we need to be just and fair. So we agree. 100 in agreement with you. Ed all right, sandra . Sandra growing unrest, in dallas, so how do we begin to heal . Dallas mavericks owner mark cuban will be joining us next on efforts to bring people together. Stay tuned. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. 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For dallas its just been ongoing and its been bubbling up. If you go back a few years, in 2016 i gave a Million Dollars to the city of dallas to pay for overtime because after the pulse nightclub shooting in orlando, hes being targeted. They were going through pain. In the Dallas Community is feeling that pain. With this it seems to be continuing to bubble up, and that level of frustration. The only way we could start to do something as if we start to come together. This tweet went out, phases and restoring justice and rebuilding communities and rebounding. Rebounding takes a team effort and we will rebound together. I know you were able to hear at least part of the presumptive nominee, joe bidens speech just, standing in mint philadelphia among these protests. Some are already pointing out he was pointing fingers and placing blame over the violence that we are seeing across the country and saying that he is part of the problem. Is this a time for fingerpointing, does that enhanced progress and get us out of that or do we need calls for unity . I think he called for unity as well. I think he took a page out of the trump playbook, its not like the president isnt 12 cap game. And he tried to show empathy which is a challenge to President Trump, and i think he tried to show substance, so the way i perceived it wasnt so much as pointing fingers. There are so many of these, and there has been a double whammy for some of the Small Businesses who had to shut down because of covid19 and now they fear the violence in the city, your thoughts on where this all goes next . There is no other way to look at it. I think those looters have to be dealt with, and people forget that there are cameras everywhere, not just from People Holding your cell phones but from security cameras and it may take some time. I have no doubt that a significant percentage of those looters will be brought to justice. He read the mavericks tweet, what you see is Going Forward as part of that rebound will be actively investing in, they will be negatively impacted by the looting. That will be our responsibility, and that is who we are in this community. Mark cuban actively sharing those thoughts. Ed in just a few moments President Trump and the first lady will be heading to the National Shrine of st. John paul the second. Introducing new voltaren arthritis pain gel, the first and only full prescription strength nonsteroidal antiinflammatory gel available overthecounter. New voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. Voltaren. The joy of movement. Dropping to near record lows, my team at newday usa new voltaren is powerful arthritis pain relief in a gel. Is helping more veterans refinance than ever. The newday va streamline refi is the reason why. It lets you shortcut the loan process and refinance with no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. 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Some say its inner circle and as we see violence and some of the riots, there will be some of the voters in the suburbs who left republicans and the midterms. This is concerning to us. It and thats kind of a unifying message that might win over those voters. Coming up, President Trump and the first lady. This is the National Shrine to st. John paul ii. And we will have that life for you when it happens. Stay tuned, americas newsroom will be right back. Look, this isnt my first rodeo. And let me tell you something, i wouldnt be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. Its just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, its helped over a million americans. A reverse Mortgage Loan isnt some kind of trick to take your home. Its a loan, like any other. Big difference is how you pay it back. Find out how reverse mortgages really work with aags free, noobligation reverse mortgage guide. 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In st. Louis alone for officers were shot in new york state, and thats just some of the vicious attacks on our nations police. Some coward fired shots at officers and now we have four in the hospital but thankfully, thank god they are alive. But i mean when you can we make some sense out of this . Thats all im trying to say. They are tearing up cities all across the country. And you are still hearing gunfire, we need to pray for these Police Officers. Sandra a very powerful plea from the police chief in st. Louis lewis. Iso80 is alive in st. Louis. Thats right. If the nypd had a very violent night last night at several attacks on Police Officers were caught on video. Take a look at the first one. A sergeant struck, another officer beat up on the street in plain view as looters ransacked businesses. Thats after a state trooper and in four officers were struck by gunfire, all suffered lifethreatening injuries. Officers also apparently had fireworks thrown at them. In vegas, one officer is on lifesupport this morning while he was shot while trying to disperse the crowd of demonstrators in front of a circus circus casino. According to local reports to richmond, virginia, officers were also hurt in this story. One took a bullet in the torso and the other suffering nonlifethreatening injuries. Thats doubling the police force from 4,000 now 8,000 on patrol. An officer pointed his gun at protesters to be fired, whats the latest on that . They called that entire situation unacceptable and extremely dangerous. They tweeted a longer version of that video, this is in fact the full story. Sandra all right, aishah hasnie, thank you. All of this beginning in minnesota of course were george floyd was killed while in police custody. The demonstrations there have been mostly peaceful. They were even seen kneeling with protesters and solidarity. Joining us now, melvin carter, the mayor of st. Paul, minnesota joins us now. We would like to see so many of these protests remain peaceful although so many start out peaceful and turned violent. What are you seeing there and where are we out with all of this this morning . Thank you for having me on. The most important thing to know is none of this started in minnesota and not of this started last week when mr. George floyd was killed. This has been going on definitely over the last decade and weve seen video after video after video. This has been going on through our fathers lifetime and his fathers lifetime, and what we are seeing is an outpouring of frustration of the impatience and rage, and they have tried and look to our court system, it looked to our legal system and look to our Police Officer and our Police Department to end this on their own. I think we have a strong indication to say as a country that we mourn george floyd and he never should have died and we have the ability as a country to move Forward Together in a way that can prevent this from happening again. And you are right, we are having some really beautiful demonstrations. I was outside of the governors residence yesterday, i went over to the sight of his death where there are just people in the Community Sharing free food, free water, playing music. Chocking art on the sidewalk. Theres a lot of beauty going on and unfortunately it has been overshadowed, i think in the coverage by other people who have sought to destroy and be destructive and channel that anger in a destructive manner. Our call for peoples peace. We want to express this anger and express this trauma in constructive ways. But not patients, we are not asking for people to wait slowly while we incrementally slow the tide of black men who are killed. We have to take both Decisive Action right now. And what do you want to see ultimately. He was a Police Officer for 30 years and he told me just about every day growing up that as a Police Officer hes never offduty, he always has a duty to intervene and always has the ability to help when someone was being hurt. So for all of humanity to see that, that no person should be treated that way by any other person let alone a Police Officer. And that officer pinning his need to George Floyds neck, he had three other Police Officers helping to hold him down and guard the seam weld have and thats totally unacceptable. It points to a culture of abuse and violence that have been part of our policing for far too long. And that cant be a part of our future. Theres a movie called 10,000 black men named george. No matter what your name was my grandfather was an they were all called george. You see people crying and traumatized over the death of george floyd, and its because every single africanamerican lawyer, doctor, accountant, painter, musician, every single africanamerican mayor in this country knows that we are george. When i go running in through community, we are all george. Would seeing these videos play out far too long and i think you could expect rage and frustration. That would be the cause for protest in the first place. They are the founder of this Consultant Company brosnan and associates. Looters windows were blown out and he was robbed, and it, my friend was just texting me saying that the mayor was saying that the Community Leaders can figure this out. We have stepped up Police Presence to figure this out, pat. What are your thoughts . Oh, boy. I am want to tell you, i almost want to throw up, i have to be honest. I cant take it, its so bad. America is burning and, rhetoric is absolutely useless. Lets talk about the power of words. We are talking about Community Discussions with the mayor, the reality is, its past that. That is behind us now. New york city mayor bill the cowardly lion de blasio has demonstrated his lack of leadership time and time again but this is really the absence of leadership. And his underlying hatred of new yorks finest is on display. Ed i know that mayor bill de blasio at another News Conference at it, this is a relationship over many years. We had a news report a moment ago from our colleague i should not cost me about how one of tht one of these protests over the last couple of days and the mayor is now saying that that Police Officer should be fired. Her thoughts specifically on a time when, yes we need to step it down and we are cracking down on violence, yes. Thats when we make sure that Police Officers are not crossing the line. That relates to federal and state statutes but the reality is, we took a snippet of this incident, and the reality is from the beginning to the end of that story was a textbook example. Ive been in the business for 46 years, and im happy to report on the positive side, we have thousands of them across the country. Im happy to report that our officers provided eyewitness accounts and, and that is the distinction. That is the key. Peaceful protesters, they are completely separated. Im on a roll, and here is the final minute we have. Last night, there was one hit by a vehicle, there is another if you look on social media, another nypd officer lying face down on madison avenue, and this is obviously the most difficult time in history. And this officer was smashed in the teeth with brass knuckles while defending the station house, it redefines incomprehensible savagery. It tears at the fabric of the entire notion of the civil society. Yet again, standing strong and exercising incredible discretion, incredible constraint, and those are there to help the officers as well. The ultimate publicprivate partnership. This detective is not holding back this morning. We appreciate your insight, thank you. Sandra fox news alert as we await the president and first ladies visit to the National Shrine to st. John paul ii. We will bring that event to you live when it happens. Plus, protests across the country hitting very close to home for the president. Just stepped outside of the white house and as he turns up the pressure on the nations governors to take a tougher stance, Democratic Leaders are slamming the way that he has handled this crisis. Marc thiessen will be here to weigh in on that next. We are all called to love one another, its very hard work but its the work of america. Donald trumps and interested in doing that work. Without getting your home appraised and without spending one dollar out of pocket to get it done. 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Will. Never. Quit. Because they never quit. Mention the act by name. White house Officials Say he is hoping that the threat of invoking it will be able to crackdown on protesters. The white house clamps down in d. C. As a model of what other cities should be doing. The president tweeted this morning that d. C. Had no problems last night. Likewise minneapolis was great, thank you President Trump. The first sign of that overwhelming force of domination took place when police pushed Peaceful Protesters back with tear gas. President then walked out back of the white house and he held a bible in front of historic st. Johns church it had set on fire. The citys democratic mayor Muriel Bowser did not approve, she said i imposed, and without provocation federal, and it made it more difficult and shameful. The white house said they were simply expanding the protesters and three warnings. So a little bit of dispute back and forth between the white house and the citys mayor here in d. C. One more thing that we have just learned in the last hour, 1500 more National Guard troops from other states are about to be added right here in d. C. Sandra . Sandra all right, Kristin Fisher live at the white house. Thank you. Speak to mayors and governors must establish this until the violence has been quelled. If a city and state, then i will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them. The president threatening to mobilize the military to help put an end to violence and looting that has broken out amid some of the protests. Marc thiessen is a spokesman for president george w. Bush. Also Fox News Contributor. Try to make sense of what the president is really saying here about the possibility of using the military, our own Jennifer Griffin breaking some news a few moments ago that general milley is not and it seems to contradict. What does this really need to make meaning . I think people are losing all perspective. Hes talking about invoking the resurrection act which is a law that allows a president of the United States to federalize the National Guard and use the act which is a law that prohibits using the military domestically and allows them to use the army to quell insurrections and protests. As has been a law that has been used by president s thomas jefferson, Grover Grover cleveland, Dwight Eisenhower and lyndon johnson. In 1992 george h. W. Bush used it during the los angeles riots over the rodney king beating. President john f. Kennedy used the law twice, in 1962 at the university of mississippi when James Meredith was becoming the first africanamerican there, andy kennedy used it to crackdown on segregation. This is a law that has been used by many residents and in many situations and look at the pictures right there on your screen, we are having an insurrection. Theres no reason the president shouldnt use this law. Ed you hear a lot of criticism of the president and the attorney general for the fact that people are saying in the media and various places that Peaceful Protesters were cleared out with and left out in some of that is the fact that they had set the church on fire the night before . Thats exactly right. Theres all this outrage that President Trump is committing sacrilege by sending out in in front of the church. As for a clearing of the protesters, im sorry. Hes a president of the United States, if he wants to walk across Lafayette Park to st. Johns church, he can do so. Thats the secret services job. I live in washington, d. C. , and during the obama administration, the Clinton Administration and all the bush administrations, when the president wants to go somewhere in a motorcade, what do they do . They clear the streets. Ive been in motorcade traffic jams a thousand times and if they had to use tear gas, what does that say about the protesters . And part of that point, and joe biden jumped on that. Lets give you a chance to respond. Peaceful protesters dispersed on order for the president , from the doorstep of the peoples house, using tear gas and flash in order to stage a photo op. Thats one of the most Historic Churches. We can be forgiven for believing the president is more interested in power than in principle. If there were Peaceful Protesters they would be no use for teargas. The secret service has absolute legal right to clear Lafayette Park in order for the president to go over to st. Johns church. If they had to use teargas and i understand from what Kristin Fisher just reported, they asked three times for them to clear up peacefully and they refused. Thats not a peaceful protest. And its not a photo op. The president of the United States is sending a signal, we are not going to let people burn down churches or burn down businesses. We have 40 Million People who loss of jobs, and all of a sudden they just got back to work. All of a sudden they cant work because businesses are being burned to the ground. President has a responsibility to restore law and order in the country and hes trying to do it. Ed i have a friend who though owns a restaurant in new york and has lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Windows are smashed, the restaurant was ransacked so that is what happened to one small owner. Is not just the owners but the workers. Thanks guys. Amid all the chaos and cities nationwide, elections are underway in nine states. Some of those measures in place as a voters head to the polls, next. Sandra fox news alert, cleanup underway in manhattan after more violence and looting broke out amid protests overnight. Governor andrew cuomo is saying hes concerned it could hurt reopening efforts in new york city. This was just negative. It was not advancing positive reform agenda. It was bad for the city, it was a bad ending efforts to battle covid. It was bad for our efforts to be ramping up towards the reopening. Sandra our next guest penned an oped entitled george floyd riots, chaos helps no one. Good great to see you this morning. Your piece obviously, and what is the point that you make . The basic point here is that we have a lot of victims of this writing, property has been destroyed, and one of the people who is a victim here, reward good cops and punish bad cops, how do we handle this and what kind of training might work et cetera. Instead unfortunately george floyd in this story are playing second fiddle or completely blown out of the news because we are talking about destroyed shops and stores it wont reopen, cvs stores and other chain stores are going to remain closed for some time. 2. 4 million worth of watch is stolen from the rolex shock. Shop. Someone defaced the world war ii memorial and thats an antifascist memorial, this is a memorial against america successful efforts against a fascist in nazi germany. Unbelievable. Unfortunately the focus has been taken away from george floyd and the misery and the destruction and mayhem that have been spread coasttocoast, a true outrage. Sandra George Floyds own brother has taken on that very point. Hes calling for an end on the violence and i know that you shared some of the video that you said how bad this has gotten. You are hearing from local leaders and state leaders, he sends a message yesterday but it seems like this continue to play out last night. What, and this is your own video that you took from your apartment. What is the next step in healing this divided nation . This happened and i saw people go after this nypd van with a tremendous sense of hatred and rage at an inanimate object, bashing in the windows with the skateboard to come up kick scooter, big long sticks. Talk about hatred, people like to say hatred, nothing positive there, people are lighting candles and sitting down and even engaging in civil disobedience by blocking traffic. You see that sort of thing and you can dont see it increasing, it just divides the country further and it picks people against this kind of folks that are doing things like destroying my neighborhood and neighborhoods all the way from manhattan to santa monica. Sandra i will finish with this piece, where was the memory of george floyd and all this was what you wrote, nowhere. What does smoke, scorched aluminum and broken glass have to do with his killing . Nothing. Will this destruction help unify americans in pursuit of justice for george floyd . No. People can check out your piece on foxnews. Com. Nice to see you, i appreciate you coming in. Thank you, great to see you. Elections in nine states and the district of columbia. Joe biden is inching closer to finally clinching the democratic nomination. But there is a race we are watching on the congressional front. At peter doocy is live in washington with more details, good morning peter. Good morning. Some pc primary voters might be in a little bit of a pickle because theres a curfew that starts at 7 00 p. M. I want to be very clear that voting has been exempted from the curfew so you can continue to go to the polls after 7 00 p. M. If you are working a pole you may continue to do that work to get home. Many of them were delayed until today because of concerns about the coronavirus. The calendar is now further affected by concerns about civil unrest. Particularly in the state that has the most delegates up for grabs today which is pennsylvania, where the governor tom wolf, now a democrat, in case his emergency order about the violence and looting stems from protests there. Including i was forth, held by congressman steve king, and they lost him, his congressional congressman kings comments cannot be exonerated, and i never said that. Committee assignments are decided by the Steering Committee and he will have the opportunity to make his case, talking to members on the Steering Committee, i think you get the same answer he got before. Despite the activity here in washington the last few days plus the last few weeks, there has been a steady trickle of people in and out. George floyds death was ruled a homicide, but housing reports disagree and that is raising some eyebrows this morning. Dr. Siegel has more on that, next. The family wanted, and thats not what we saw in the video. Bottom line is, moms love that land o frost premium sliced meats have no byproducts. [conference phone] baloney [conference phone] has joined the call. Hey baloney here. I thought this was a no byproducts call . Land o frost premium. A slice above. 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His heart and lungs and other things were not sufficiently impaired that would have caused death and the video of the pressure on the neck and on the back is what establishes that he couldnt breathe and it goes along with the statements that he couldnt breathe. Hes telling the truth, and he died because he couldnt get enough oxygen to his brain. That of course is forensic pathologist dr. Michael baden talking to fox news after examining the body of george floyd at the request of his family. Both he and the Hennepin County medical examiner agreed that floyds death was a homicide but the reports agree about possible complicating factors. Lets bring in dr. Marc siegel, professor of medicine and of at nyu. Good morning. Lets see what the significance will be. That will come together more on the way that hes describing this. First of all there were officers that were kneeling on the back of george floyd which impairs the diaphragm from going up and you cant take a breath. Derek show ben was kneeling on his neck. At the neck is a very tight compartment, there is nerves in the aicarotid artery and the wi. When the muscles pushed on the windpipe you start to gasp for air. Then come the carotids starts to make you black out. By the time the paramedics were there, he was pulseless. Im going to weigh in on my own personal opinion. The heart will get damaged when there is no blood. The pressure on the next stop his reading, the pressure on his back stopped him from taking a breath. I dont really think that theres any case to be made or an underlying heart attack or drug use that caused this. They may try to make this case but i doubt that they will succeed, i really dont see that. It looks like he died on the scene from asphyxiation and pressure on his neck and back. Ed and the other complications may have come from the Hennepin County cause of death, cardiopulmonary arrest, and other significant conditions is a hypertensive heart disease, fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine use. Talk about what this means in the context because i heard dr. Baden say on fox friends that its unclear when that drug may have been distended its even a factor. We dont know when they were used but to be totally fair here i have to point out that fentanyl does suppress your breathing. Or even possibly some mild heart disease, but you know that isnt what the cause of death is. Almost every death certificate will say on it, cardiopulmonary arrest. Thats the ultimate when your heart stops beating, but thats the end. The drugs are not the cause, they are slightly contributing. Speed limit dr. Siegel think is so much, sorry to interrupt but we have the president and first lady live. Lets listen in for a moment and see if they have anything to s say. Sandra you are looking life of the president and first lady making their visit to st. John paul ii National Shrine, pausing for a moment of silence as they lay a wreath there. Ed this is of course one day after the president was at st. Johns church, that church had been burned amid some of the protests in washington, where many president s had worshiped including this president , and now he and the first lady are there honoring the late Pope John Paul ii. Now of course this is officially the st. John paul ii National Shrine. That comes as the president we are told today is signing an executive order on religious freedom. Sandra thats right, we will head back to the white house later on, its expected around 1215 ease or time that the president will be signing that executive order to advance International Religious freedom. He will be doing that in the oval office they walked out to that church which was affected by the protests there in washington, d. C. Absolutely. The archbishop of washington has said we hoped the Vice President on this lady have not made a visit this morning amid the crisis going on in the United States right now. You can see as we take a picture of the shrine, the president and the first lady have laid the wreath and now they appear to be walking back. They were inside briefly before and we will see it doesnt seem like they have anything to say but this is obviously that was something just put together this morning. This as the president continues to face the nation, and the president is tweeting about a vaccine development, and as some of the protests across s the country specifically looking at new york city as he departed for this event, he sent out a call of the National Guard. We will see more from the president later on and we will take a quick break, we will be right back. As always, were doing everything we can to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. 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It was devons devastating to open the door the next morning and see that aftermath of it all but you know, its more than just about our store. 15 seconds. Okay, its about all businesses that are out here being looted and to me this is not going to solve anything. Im here for the protesting and everybody getting out there and fighting for a cause but looting will not solve anything. We wanted to make sure to get your story and, we had a lot of breaking news. Appreciate you coming on. Back to you. Take care, stay safe. We will be right back. [cymbals clanging] [knocking] room for seven. And much, much more. The firstever glb. Get 0 apr financing up to 36 months on most models, and 90day firstpayment deferral on any model. Did you know prilosec otc can stobefore it begins . Urn heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus. Prilosec otc uses a unique delayedrelease formula that helps it pass through the tough stomach acid. 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President trump warning hes ready to deploy the military if states dont put and the violence. I

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