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In South Carolina and get a boost last night from some of his former rivals. Im looking for a president who will draw out what is best in each of us and im encouraging everybody who is part of my campaign to join me because we have found that leader in Vice President , soon to be president joe biden. If we spend the next four months dividing our party and going at each other, we will spend the next four years watching donald trump tear apart this country. My message to everyone. Every person who has been knocked down, counted out, left behind, this is your campaign. We need you. We want you. Ed casey stiegel is in the key battleground of texas and kicks off coverage from dallas. Good morning, casey. Good morning. The moment of truth. I think its safe to say that in the next 24 hours or so we could learn quite a few things. Well have a much better sense of who is closest to the nomination mathematically and also a lot of analysts are saying that we could expect to field to narrow even more meaning some of the candidates and the campaigns that have been limping along would bow out after today. But last night here in dallas talk about a big Political Movement when you talk about former Vice President joe biden with this prescheduled rally that was to take place in dallas ahead of super tuesday and we got word that he was going to have some lastminute guests, unexpected guests. And now were waiting to see if this will put a little extra wind in his sales with endorsements from former running mates senator Amy Klobuchar, hours after ending her own president ial run she flew to texas. Former indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg did the same one day after suspending his run for the white house on sunday throwing support bidens way. All of this as the former Vice President continued to make his lastminute pitches. Im absolutely confident knowing democrats and independents and Republican Voters know we have to heal this country. Once again fight for the proposition as corn that we hold these truths to be selfevident. All men and women are created equal. Of course, the big question will this biden boost, what will it mean for vermont senator Bernie Sanders . Enough to knock him out of the small lead that he is currently enjoying . President trump referring to it as a coup against sanders on twitters, with klobuchar and buttigieg bowing out ahead of super tuesday. A lot is on the line. A lot is at stake today. Polls have officially been open in texas, back here, for the last hour or so. We had near Record Number of early voters. So well see if the same excitement translates into big numbers at the polls across the Lone Star State and others today as well. Ed thank you for kicking that off this morning. Sandra lets bring in Juan Williams fox news political analyst. You have a big job, juan. A threehour show and special coverage tonight. People are looking for clarity in the race. Do we get that today . Could be we all come back to americas newsroom tomorrow for some clarity. California doesnt close until after midnight eastern time and california has very slow system of counting. Big state. A lot of delegates and really i would say if we were talking a week ago we would have said today could have been the knockout punch. We could have gained great clarity and it would have been Bernie Sanders would be the democratic nominee for president. But given what weve seen over the last i would say three to four days, really from friday of last week to now, weve seen a tremendous surge for joe biden. The highlight of which was one, his tremendous victory in South Carolina exceeding expectations in terms of winning by almost 30 points. It wasnt expected by that much. Sandra the win was. You sat here weeks ago and said that joe biden had to win nevada and South Carolina. I said he had to win South Carolina and do well enough in nevada. He under performed there. The latino vote went for sanders. Sandra is this the comeback he and his supporters are making it out to be . It is. One highlight was saturday with an almost 30point win. But yesterday the endorsements coming from rivals, klobuchar, coming from Pete Buttigieg. You getting endorsements from people like harry reid. There was a list of endorsement. The Democratic Party asserting itself. The 2016 if we were doing a rerun you would see the Republican Party assert itself to say lets come together to stop donald trump. They never did. The party as a result blew apart and it is now the party of trump. On the democratic side i think you hear the phone calls coming from president obama to a lot of these folks saying this is the time for the party to coalesce behind joe biden. Sandra well see if that happens today. The wall street journal this morning. The stop sanders moment. Buttigieg and klobuchar back biden ahead of super tuesday. Does this deliver the knockout punch should joe biden deliver today to Bernie Sanders . No. Because clearly as you showed in the open of the show, sanders has a slight lead. Six delegate lead, 50 to 46 over joe biden. Joe biden has more votes at this point because South Carolina is a bigger state than iowa, New Hampshire and nevada but i think you are going to see Bernie Sanders stay in the race and make his case this is the establishment and it is odd, being echoed by conservatives there is some kind of setup here, the system is rigged against Bernie Sanders. He said that against Hillary Clinton if you recall. Sandra he says he is leaving the door open to the buttigieg and klobuchar supporters. Come on over. He is making the case in minnesota at a rally yesterday. So to all of amy and petes millions of supporters, the door is open, come on in i mean this very sincerely, joe biden is a friend of mine. Ive known joe for a very long time. Nope, nope, nope. Joe is a decent guy. He is just wrong on the issues. Sandra and that was the case that he made for those supporters to come on over and vote for him. Final thoughts, juan, as we start a big day here. Lets talk about the issues and medicare for all and tuition for young people who are burdened by student debt. I think these issues come into stark contrast and that will be the argument and by the way, buttigieg, voters going to sanders, i dont think so. I dont think so. Sandra this sets up for a very interesting day. Does it leave it more unsettled or do we get clarity . I think were unsettled. Sandra well see you tonight special coverage. Super tuesday coverage all day long. Brett and martha will host a prime time special tonight and juan will be there with them. Thank you, juan. Ed well be watching that and also the fox news alert. In tennessee seven people now dead after tornadoes hit the state overnight. Two twisters tore through central tennessee. One leaving heavy damage in downtown nashville. More than 50 buildings collapsed and leaving several homes damaged. Multiple injuries, emergency crews assessing the damage. Well have a live report straight ahead. Another fox news alert as we learn of a second confirmed coronavirus case right here in new york in West Chester County just north of new york city. It follows georgia confirming two coronavirus cases yesterday. The number of infections in america now more than 100. There are more than 89,000 all around the world and 3,000 plus deaths from the virus around the globe. The u. S. Death toll also rising. Washington state reporting six people have now died. We now at this time have 10 confirmed cases of covid19 at evergreen despite our best efforts, six of those cases have died. And our condolences go out to the patients families in this time. Ed were live in washington this morning with details. Good morning. Officials here in the Nations Capital continue to meet several times a day with hopes of eventually combating this virus. This morning Vice President mike pence will meet in the situation room of the white house with the problem solvers caucus. Bipartisan group of members of congress. A few hours after that he will head to capitol hill to meet with republicans and democrats to brief them on the white houses response to coronavirus. Pence, who is heading the task force from the white house, held a briefing last night to update the American People. Lets be clear, the risk to the American People of the coronavirus remains low according to all of the experts that we are working with across the government. This president has said were ready for anything but this is an all hands on deck effort. Meanwhile President Trump and Vice President pence will meet with officials at the National Institutes of health in bethesda later today. The trump administration, ed, pushing to allow local states to do their own testing for the virus. Until a few days ago if someone had coronavirus in manhattan they would have had to test through the federal government. Kits are becoming more available to local officials now. Washington state continues to see the highest number with 18 confirmed cases statewide. Officials are concerned about Community Spread. I do believe that our state right now is being very alert, very organized, very strategic and thankfully we have access to the best science in the world. The Vice President and members of his team will old an offcamera briefing at the white house today. Pence said the briefings will happen as much as possible as we get through this and a bipartisan bill going through congress to fund the coronavirus effort waiting on a final number to see how much money the government will put forward. Ed Financial Markets well watch also. Sandra President Trump blasting democrats at a rally in North Carolina saying they rigged the voting process. Ed super tuesday. 1300 delegates on the line. Who will take the two biggest prizes . Karl rove joins us straight ahead. President trump the Democrat Party has gone crazy. Whether its Bernie Sanders plan to eliminate private healthcare, elizabeth pocahontas, by the way, she is history. People were afraid i was contagious. I was covered from head to toe. I was afraid to show my skin. It was kind of a shock after. I started cosentyx. I wasnt covered anymore. Four years clear. Five years now. I just look and feel better. See me. Cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. Real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. 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Crazy bernie will go crazy. Sleepy joe is constantly naming the wrong state. Great to be in the state of ohio, oh, im sorry, youre in North Carolina. He doesnt even know where he is, what he is doing, or what office he is running for. Other people are going to put him into a home and other people will be running the country and they will be super left radical crazies. Sandra President Trump railing against the 2020 democrats at a rally in North Carolina last night. The president saying the nominating process is rigged against Bernie Sanders. Ronna mcdaniel is the rnc chairwoman and joins us now. Good morning. What do you see happening on this super tuesday . It will be muddled coming out of super tuesday. Youll see biden and sanders picking up delegates and the bloomberg question. If sanders picks up a huge proportion of delegates in california. I dont see anybody getting out soon and leading toward the brokered convention which will be rigged against bernie if the super delegates have their way on the second vote. Sandra what do you see happening, the president s own words this is a rigged process against Bernie Sanders coming down hard on sleepy joe is the nickname he has given joe biden, the former Vice President. Whats the strategy on the part of the president , donald trump . Well hear from him at the 11 00 eastern time hour today. Could weigh in on the race for 2020 and super tuesday. Well see. Whats the strategy . The president is prepared to run against either of the candidates that come out. Any of the candidates, thats why weve expanded to 18 states building up our volunteer base and ground game. The president will take them all on like they are taking him on every day on the debate stage or as they are campaigning and he will highlight the differences. The reality is the democrats are moving towards a socialist party and the president has results that he gets to talk about to the American People like higher wages and more jobs and a stronger military and thats going to be the contrast well see head heading into november. Sandra the democratic field has come down to five. Pete buttigieg out of the race, Amy Klobuchar out of the race. The president last night made a suggestion that a deal has been made. Here he is. President trump sounds like they made a deal. They both supported sleepy joe. You know why . They made a deal. You know why . Quid pro quo, thats why. Quid pro quo. Impeach them. They should be impeached. They should be impeached. Sandra that was certainly a moment last night when he decided to bring impeachment back into the fold when it comes to 2020 and a deal that was made to get klobuchar and buttigieg out of the race. I wouldnt doubt there was a deal made for some cabinet position or some type of office. You saw Vice President biden say to beto youll run my gun policy. Beto recommended going house by house and using force to take away peoples arms. Thats an extreme position. Absolutely im sure there were deals cut, quid pro quo. The president is trying to make fun about trying to stop the sanders momentum. All the Democrat Party wants to do is slow sanders down because he isnt the candidate of choice for the democrat establishment. Sandra someone will rise to the top of the nominating process. Who does the Trump Campaign see as the biggest threat to the president in a general election matchup . None of them. I feel like the president is doing incredibly well. Were looking at the polling in the battleground states. Its the best its ever been. Were ready for all and theyve strengthened different states but were ready for any of the candidates and beat them soundly in 2020. Sandra you have to prepare for somebody. Who are you preparing to be the nominee . We really are preparing for any of them. Weve expanded our map and were on the ground in states like minnesota, New Hampshire, nevada. States the president didnt take in 2016 but were also in michigan and pennsylvania and wisconsin, ohio getting ready to win those states back in 2020. So were prepared for any candidate and thats why weve expanded the map and put the largest Field Program in place already to turn out our vote, register voters and win on november 3. Sandra a lot of uncertainty heading into the super tuesday. Well see. Thank you for joining us this morning. Please make sure to join us. The president for President Trumps town hall on thursday, moderated by bret baier and martha maccallum. At 6 30 p. M. Eastern Time Thursday on the fox news channel. Ed Michael Bloomberg betting millions and millions on super tuesday spending a huge chunk in oklahoma. Sandra a federal judge ordering Hillary Clinton to sit for a sworn deposition in her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. Ohio congressman jim jordan who serves on the Judiciary Committee has a lot to say about that and will join us next hour. Liberty biberty cut. Well dub it. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition. For strength and energy whoohoo greattasting ensure. With nine grams of protein and twentyseven vitamins and minerals. Ensure, for strength and energy. Ed fox news alert. Trading about to get underway on wall street after the dow saw its biggest oneday point gain ever yesterday. Joining us now Maria Bartiromo host of mornings with maria and an awesome person all around. What a difference a day makes. Yesterday was such a strong rally partly because things had gotten so oversold. We saw huge declines, 14 , 2 trillion in market value lost a week and a half ago. Im not surprised we had a powerful rally monday and this morning were also looking at some gains. But look, ed, this is a very uncertain situation. There will be real volatility. It may be the markets go up and down and well continue to see back and forth negative positive territory until we have serious clarity in terms of the impact on the economy and the impact of the coronavirus, how significant or bad it is. We had that g7 call this morning. The finance ministers across the world having this phone call with mnuchin and powell and others. It was disappointing because they didnt say anything. It sounded like p. R. They all came out and said were committed to making sure to use all of the tools that we have available to us to make sure that we are there to protect the economy and add stimulus as need be. But then they didnt give us any action. Ed they say we want to do something but no meat on the bones. Sandra exactly. Because there was no specific action noted markets traded down. Then they traded up again. It is very much a volatile and uncertain situation now. Ed the president tweeted early today about the fed. Australias Central Bank Cut Interest Rates and ease in order to make up for chinas coronavirus situation and slowdown. They reduced half a percentage point record low. Other countries are doing the same if not more. Our fed has us paying higher rates than many others, tough on exporters and puts america at a competitive disadvantage. Must be the other way around. Ease and cut rate bring. Powell has called it wrong from day one, sad. He has been all over his own nominee. Jay powell did get it wrong initially. They were going to raise rates until they said no, well cut rates. Initially jay powell did get it wrong. Having said that you dont want to see the president constantly poking at the chairman of the Federal Reserve. Amazing how quickly the reversals and expectations have reversed because for at least a year or six or eight months we have been waiting on the Federal Reserve on hold that the economy is going well, fed is on hold. Expectations changed on a dime with the coronavirus and new calls from the president to put Interest Rates. The market is expecting either a 25 or 50 basis point cut. March 17th is the meeting. If we dont get a cut in march i think the market will be disappointed and will trade down. It is more likely than it has been in a long time that the Federal Reserve will be lowering Interest Rates coming up with this impact. Ed a lot of headlines this morning. Yes, the markets may be bouncing back but Economic Growth is the next concern. It is. Well see a slowdown. Overnight j. P. Morgan joined a chorus of other banks who lowered their gdp expectations and now j. P. Morgan is expecting half a percent of growth for the first half of the year and 2 1 4 the second half. Far lower because there is uncertainty. When you dont know what is going to happen. When you dont know what the coronavirus is going to bring, you sit on cash. You are frozen in fear. You are seeing a little of that. We had retail earnings out this morning target, kohls. Uncertainty about the future. We arent sure what growth for the rest of the year is like. Ed restaurants in new york city and folks are saying business is down because people are afraid to go out. To your point, people spending less money. That has a real impact. It feeds on itself. Sandra somebody sent me a picture of their yoga class this morning. A girlfriend of mine goes to yoga. Nobody was on the mats, just the instructor and one other person. Normally its 30 to 40 people. Bottom line is when you arent sure whats ahead you stop and freeze and do nothing. That is really the biggest worry of all, fear that people will stop spending, stop traveling. No flights going in and out of china. China right now, theyre saying good back to work. I dont know if thats such a good idea. Ed the dow opening 10 seconds away and see where we are as it begins. We had been up before and then down in negative territory. A question in terms of how this market opens. You would expect a positive showing. Does it stay there . Ed does it stick . Modest gains at the start. We talk about the possibility of Economic Growth slowing. The president big Election Year and banking on the economy. He had the tweet. Democrats in the house should propose a simple oneyear payroll tax cut. Great for the middle class, great for the usa. Interesting because he has talked about tax cuts 2. 0 and the rest. But the other thing it does is puts pressure on house democrats. If they dont want to move it before the election, then you need to change who is in charge. You are spot on and thats exactly what he is trying to do. Get them to do something about tax cuts because we know that the president is talking about tax cuts 2. 0 but everybody who is running against him, every one of those democrat president ial wanna bes, wants to raise taxes, some more than others, some on the top 1 , others on corporate. Most want to take the corporate back up to 35 which i have to question given the fact that the reason that we saw real Economic Growth in the last couple of years is because the Corporate Tax rate had come down. And that trickles throughout the economy. They all want higher taxes. Ed we appreciate your insight as always. Thank you. Sandra deadly tornadoes slamming tennessee killing at least 9 people. Tearing homes and buildings to shreds there. Were live on the ground with an update next. Pods puts you in control with our moving and storage solutions. Pack what you want, we store it for as long as you want. Then, we deliver it where you want, so whether you need to move or store your things, pods is here to help you with flexible moving and storage solutions. Sandra new York Governor Andrew Cuomo delivering a press briefing now on new yorks first possible Community Spread case, a man in his 50s in West Chester County north of new york city has been confirmed positive for the coronavirus. No known travel to china. Commute to manhattan, school where one of his children goes has been closed in the bronx. Lets listen to the governor. You have a conference of one. He has a much larger conference. I say yeah, but my conference one can be more difficult than your conference. But the its important that people know government is working and government sees it and government is doing what it has to do and it is not caught up in politics and it is not caught up in any confusion. You know, they look at washington we have so much going on and you have washington fighting with themselves. New york is the exact opposite. In one day both the senate called back everyone to do the vote, the assembly stayed late at night to work through the vote and i cant tell you how confident that should make new yorkers feel, because here you need government to work, my friends. You need competent government that steps up and gets the job done even when its challenging and even when were going down a path that no one has gone down before, which is where we are. So im very proud of what the senate and the assembly did and with that im going to sign the bill and then well hear from the Senate Leader and well then hear from the speaker. A conference of one. Sandra youve been listening to the governor in albany giving an update on what is possibly the first confirmed case of the coronavirus, Community Spread case of the coronavirus. There have been two confirmed cases in new york so far. One woman in manhattan. Her husband is being tested. And now this man in his 50s. He has schoolage children. The school that his children attend has been shut after he confirmed positive for the viers. He has no known travel to china or the affected areas. Thats why it could be the first communityspread case in new york state. Were following that for you this morning and bring you the breaking news on it as we get it. Ed all right. Another alert. Big story this morning breaking. Were learning nine people were killed after two tornadoes ripped through central tennessee overnight. Including one in nashville that collapsed more than 40 buildings. Fox Business Network is live in nashville. Grady, you have another story on your hands this morning. Good morning. Good morning. Tens of thousands of people are still without power this morning. You can see why. Power lines, utility poles like this one snapped in the middle of the street. I want to draw you are ytion to the people in the distance there that are pushing their bags. They were staying at a hotel in this area and now they have nowhere to stay because the hotels in the immediate area have been evacuated. There is damage all over the place here including this semi truck, the tractor trailer that flew from across the street and landed on its side right here. One of the Hotel Parking lots that it landed in. I talked to a gentleman inside his car in this parking lot when the semi truck came flying as well as another gentleman who described what it felt like. The whole infrastructure came down and water coming down. It was bad. It really was. You can see all the damage along here. This fence toppled over, bricks all over the place. It is super tuesday and there is evidence of that as well here. This is a local Campaign Election sign that im holding. Obviously some of the polling places saw some damage today. The Election Commission is trying to figure out where they should move people if they need to find a new location to vote. With all the Power Outages and road closures, it is difficult to tell if people can even get to the polls today. Ed thank you for that. Sandra janice dean is live in the Fox Weather Center for us this morning. So heartbreaking. Well see more pictures coming in unfortunately. The worst of the weather, the tornadoes striking overnight. Rain wrapped tornadoes. A lot of people might have been sleeping and didnt have the noaa weather radios on. We had a watch in effect that started around 11 00 p. M. And the tornadoes striking after midnight. Nashville and tornado reports in missouri and kentucky. Of course the nashville area is where were seeing the most damage. The National Weather service will assess the damage. We think at least an ef3 tornado. It goes up to 5 or maps stronger. Devastating for those folks unfortunately. We have the potential for severe storms another primary state. That would be alabama just east of montgomery, tornado watch in effect. Not only the threat for Severe Weather but flash flooding. If you go out for super tuesday to vote be alert and listen to local weather advisories and officials. It might be too dangerous to go out there. Another area were watching for super tuesday is texas. We could see the potential for hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes later on today. There is your risk today for parts of texas. Heading into tomorrow gulf coast area up towards the southeast. Alabama, mississippi and georgia well be watching you as well. Very active, obviously as we go through the next 12 to 24 hours. Sandra and ed, all eyes on nashville, unfortunately. But were concerned for other states as well voting today. Sandra were watching it all. Thank you, janice dean. Ed tough situation there. Also new coronavirus cases reported across the country. Six deaths now in Washington State. Were live there coming up. Sandra plus california and texas the big prizes this super tuesday. Bernie sanders looking for a big win and joe biden seeing some new momentum. Weve got analysis from karl rove. He will join us live on set next. Hey, karl. Biden just lit. I feel like me i would rather hang out with joe biden than the other guy, bernie or trump. G a scientist at 3m is that im part of a community of problem solvers. We make ideas grow. From an everyday solution. To one that can take on a bigger challenge. We are solving problems that improve lives. To one that can take on a bigger challenge. announcer verizon won more awards than any other network again this year. All these awards are more proof that we built a network that really works for you. Experience americas mostawarded network on the phone you love, the amazing iphone. Plus, up to 650 off the latest iphone when you switch. And let me tell you something, rodeo. I wouldnt be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. 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Sandra Bernie Sanders hoping to win big tonight in both california and texas, 415 delegates up for grabs in the golden state. 228 in texas as joe biden works for an upset with a boost from some lastminute endorsements. Joining us the karl rove, fox news contributor. You will be on it throughout the evening. Do math for us, california and texas, how string a grip does Bernie Sanders have on those states . We dont know exactly but polls leading in both. A much bigger margin in california than texas. Texas polls show it relatively close. His advantage is early votes. In california, as of thursday, 2. 7 million votes were cast. By the end of saturday probably approaching 45 of the total vote will be cast before South Carolina brought its results in and before the flurry of activity on behalf of biden. Same thing in texas. When early voting closed on friday, 1,231 democrats voted early. 40 to 45 of the statewide total as well and voted before South Carolina opened its polls. Sandra klobuchar and buttigieg out of the race, warren and bloomberg are still in. What are they banking on . Warren has just been stubborn. She didnt do well in South Carolina. She did very poorly comparatively in New Hampshire next door neighbor. Not all that well in nevada. She is just being stubborn. Bernie, part of this may be a response to bernie. Bernie deliberately poked his finger in her eye. Went to boston and held a rally. Her home state. Votes on tuesday and basically saying im making a play for your home state. I think its stubbornness on her part. Bloombergs calculation is biden will collapse and ill be there. Biden didnt collapse in South Carolina. He has momentum. He gets to be a problem for biden because the people who most people assume people voting for bloomberg would otherwise vote for biden. They say the people voting for mike would be voting for bernie, elizabeth. Not necessarily all for biden. Sandra is that momentum behind biden real . It is and desperation. This is not moderates, these are traditional liberal democrats who realize their party is about ready to be taken over by a socialist and do everything they can to stop him. And they realize they have no other choice. Buttigieg didnt catch on. Klobuchar didnt catch on. Earlier candidates didnt catch on. Who is the one person left in the fight who looks like they might be able to stop bernie . Joe biden. Sandra do we end super tuesday with more clarity on the 2020 race, or does it leave it even more unsettled . Thats the big question. My gut tells me we end up tonight with the argument will be how big a lead does sanders come out of this evening with . He will get a big chunk of delegates out in california. He is going to do well in some of these others. Biden could come in a strong second in texas and could win North Carolina and might do well in virginia and do well in alabama and oklahoma. The question will be what kind of a gap is there . And will tomorrow morning people take the bloomberg delegates and buttigieg delegates and the klobuchar delegates and add them to biden and say thats the real state of the race . Sandra sets up for quite a day. Well see you throughout the day and well be here with all the coverage tomorrow morning. Looking forward to spending an evening with you and ed. Ed karl, good to have you back. Bloomberg is on the ballot for the first time today after dumping nearly half a billion to his campaign. Will it pay off . Donna brazile joins us next hour. Hi. What a surprise, youre here early you know life line screening assesses your risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease. Looks like somebody should have gotten screened. Life line screening is the easy and affordable way to make you aware of undetected Health Problems before they hurt you. We use Ultrasound Technology to literally look inside your arteries for plaque that builds up as you age. 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Right there Michael Bloomberg talking about this battle in your party between revolutionary change that Bernie Sanders is pushing. Maybe more evolutionary change from biden or bloomberg. What are you hearing from folks in oklahoma about that . Well, you know, oklahoma is pretty diverse. So both actually. Four of the candidates have really big followings. Bernie took oklahoma in 2016. His followers from 2016 are continuing to follow him. Bloomberg has put a lot of attention into our state. He has been here three times. So he has a lot of following as well. Ed in addition to the tv ads, this is a case where Michael Bloomberg has been on the ground. What i wonder is as i understand youve already had some early voting. Did a lot of oklahoma democrats go out there already and vote before joe biden had that big victory in South Carolina and started launching this comeback . Did people already vote before that . Yes. I personally voted early. I believe in early Voting System so we can knock doors on the last day and make sure we get the vote out. Ed what did you think of this unity event last night . A lot of people in the party are waking up this morning thinking there is momentum around joe biden figuring out whether its for real. Well find out perhaps tonight. The idea you had klobuchar and buttigieg getting behind biden on the eve of super tuesday. What kind of impact might that have . Well, i think it will have a huge impact. Not necessarily leaning one way or the other. The Democratic Party has had its struggles as youre aware and seeing a unity event was a big deal and i think it will go a long way towards helping us at the convention in july. Ed a lot of people wondering if that convention will get a little hot. It will be divided. Whether brokered or not and well be watching your state while the results come in. Thanks for coming in. Sandra deadly tornadoes in tennessee. At least nine People Killed. Well have a live report just ahead. Stay with us. We cant calculate our total taxes . Sales tax, different pos systems in all seven countries. And online sales . Thats a whole other system. And different regulations. Therererealal eate e crits,s,. And we have no way to integrate all that . No. But bdo does. Peopopleho k kno knonow o. Ed it is super tuesday and the stakes are sky high for 2020 democrats as they face a turning point in their race for the nomination. Im ed henry. Sandra super tuesday here we go. The biggest day on the primary calendar as voters in 14 states head to the polls. All of this as establishment democrats throw their support behind joe biden. Their backing setting up a new die naij. The democrat socialist saying bring it on. All i can tell you is that we have had a great, Incredible Group of thousands and thousands and thousands of volunteers in texas, in california and all over this country. As we speak they are knocking on doors, making the phone calls, theyre doing all the things that you have to do to win. So we have worked really, really hard and i hope we do well. Ed jackpot of delegates up for grabs from coast to coast tonight. The biggest prize of all california. 415 delegates. The ateam is standing by itching to get in on this conversation. You can hear it there. We begin with william la jeunesse in los angeles in the fight for the golden state. Let me give you three things to watch. Question is will Bernie Sanders, a heavy favorite here, continue to out perform like he did in nevada with hispanics. They represent 30 of the democratic electorate. Michael bloomberg outspent him 7 to 1 here. Yesterday sanders led in every congressional district. California is a 15 threshold state meaning both Michael Bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren who placed well in the upscales suburbs could each get a million votes and zero delegates. Both are polling on average 16 . Now, joe biden may have the momentum but he campaigned here very little and spent nothing. Now the question is will black voters, about 16 of the electorate and hillary moderates. They won twice here, keep him in the game or will Michael Bloomberg, who has won key endorsements. The mayors of san jose and San Francisco play spoiler. Right now the l. A. Times predicts sanders could win up to half of the states 415 delegates. If sanders gets the lions share of the delegates, he can end up with a ton or he could end up in a race where one or more of the other candidates, say Elizabeth Warren or joe biden, potentially gains strength by finishing at least a decent second. So california is not a winner take allstate. Delegates are awarded proportionately. The xfactor five million onindependent voters who can show up and vote in todays democratic primary. Even though voters have cast ballots for a month mailin compared to prior elections there has been fewer early votes. It could help joe biden. So previously basically, ed and sandra, i will say that california has moved up its primary from june. So for the first time in super tuesday the vote here actually means something. Well find out what california says in the next 12 hours. Back to you. Ed we have breaking news. Robert wolf a matt bouman and Cheryl Casone from fox business. Great to have you here. Just crossing the wires. The Federal Reserve has cut the Interest Rate by half a point. The most since 2008 to offset the coronavirus impact. Thats unprecedented. You had the g7 statement. Bidding stocks up higher. Looking at the dow as you can see. I was looking at it a moment ago, a gain. Ed up almost 400. This is in response to the coronavirus but there has been at least a 50 , 100 chance of a 25 basis point cut. They could have waited two weeks. They didnt. Ed march 17th is when we were expecting it. Robert, economy front and center. The fed back stop. Weve seen it time and time again. Not surprising. Sandra the president put pressure on jay powell yesterday via a tweet to do something. I dont think it has anything to do with the president s pressure. Australia and japan is lowering rates. The dollar was getting too strong. The fed had to step in because there will be be a flight to the dollar. It will impact manufacturing and people calling for zero growth for the year. Weve been saying its a safety whether 10year treasury and people buying gold looking for safe haven assets. This speaks really to ifm owe glad the fed got ahead of this. Huge surprise they would jump ahead by two weeks. Sandra whats interesting i was talking to Maria Bartiromo about the biggest point gain on the dow yesterday in u. S. History but at the same time the bond market rallied. Robert, you were the former head of ubs america. You have watched this markets. What does a half point rate cut, unprecedented, surprise to the market. What does it do to the economy . It may not jump start the economy because we still have a problem with manufacturing. We have a problem with travel and tourism. There is still a situation. We have china, unreliable. We dont know how fast this is spreading. All this does is floods the system with easier money and with bond rates at 1 theyll fly to the stock market. Theyll start to put more risk on. Not surprising it is doing well. The biggest concern will be the lack of gdp growth. Ed lets get back in this conversation as well. White house, aside from the fed taking a more proactive stance calming the markets and public. Tourism and travel. Vice president pence taking a role with talking to the public. They started more slow and reactively and became more proactive. Thats whats happening here. Ed super tuesday and well stay on top of the markets. Robert, your party trying to get to show unity with buttigieg and klobuchar. Do endorsements matter that much nowadays . New york times got involved and picked klobuchar and warren. Had no impact. Do endorsements matter . Those endorsements matters. Not all equal. Clyburn made a big difference. He made a 25 difference to that. I think you look at today and well talk more about it. The way im seeing it bernie would have won by 300 to 400 delegates before South Carolina. Now the overunder is probably 150 to 200. If joe can keep it within 200 to 150 delegates, post super tuesday with georgia, florida, miss coming up he will put himself in a strong position to be not yet the frontrunner but gearing that way. Sandra were told Bernie Sanders might be casting his vote in vermont in a short time. Matt, your thoughts. A race to curry favor with endorsements. Everyone knew mayor pete will endorse him and amy and pete dont like each other. I think it was strategic and smart. Mayor pete didnt attend the rally with amy last night. There is bad blood there still. Amy is hoping the biden camp notices when the time comes. Sandra immense amount of uncertainty heading into super tuesday. Ed there is, 14 states, 1340 delegates. 34 of the delegates and there is still this idea that no one is going to be 50 . So the winnowing, who comes to the power broker is Elizabeth Warren. She may end up with 15 of the delegates and the swing vote if we go to a convention. Im curious to see how bloomberg will do considering the amount of money he spent. Records shattered as far as Campaign Spending thanks to Michael Bloomberg whether its in california. If the democrats are as concerned with electability, then how does sanders do versus a bloomberg . This is the worst Case Scenario for bloomberg. He was a head of steam. He is an afterthought now and trace it back to him participating in the debates. Sandra he was asked about this on the today show and asked about his first chance at being on the ballot coming today. Here is what he said about it. I havent even faced the voters once at a national level. They have been in a number of elections and they competed in the four small states which i chose not to. By the time i went in it was too late to do that. Sandra thats the town hall where we heard a lot from Mike Bloomberg. People had the chance to learn a lot more about his policies. Today is the day where we see what he is able. He came across as a lot more moderate and that goes against the joe biden question mark going back to whether its california, texas, how he does against biden looking for the moderate democrat and latinos in california to see how they vote. Considering the controversy over stop and frisk, how does he do with minorities . Bloomberg is funny, comments about china last night to be fascinating. That he actually is agreeing with some of President Trumps policies. Ed do you think bloomberg messed it up with biden. Without bloomberg and the money biden could be cleaning up today. He did not help biden, lets be clear. And here is if im sitting in mikes seat. If im in mikes seat. 20 or over him parachuting in super tuesday work. If he is under 15 it did not work. Thats where i would be. If we were doing simple math my guess is bernie 40 to 45 , joe 25 to 30 . The question is warren and bloomberg, do they hit 15 up or down. As i think this is where mike hurt joe if were looking at it. California, North Carolina, and colorado were early voting states and thats where mike and bernie absolutely have a head start. Ed president was in North Carolina at a rally. Lets listen and you can react, matt. President trump its being rigged against crazy bernie. They made a deal with klobuchar and buttigieg. They supported sleepy joe. You know why . They made a deal. You know why . Quid pro quo. Ed maybe they should be impeached, quid pro quo. Democrats need to be very careful. If the bernie folks feel it was stolen of them reminds me of 2016 like trump. The hard core supporters might not show up if they feel it was rigged against them. It looks like it was. Im sorry, was barack obama involved in this and were there some phone calls . Youre an obama guy. Buttigieg and klobuchar backeding biden. The wave of endorsements since bidens South Carolina romp has added to the v. P. s moment um. An endorsement from barack obama might make the most difference for biden. He has been very silent. All of this could be too little too late to stop mr. Sanders. I know the president. Im treasurer of his foundation and you know if i have real conversations with him i never say anything. Im happy to say something. He is not endorsing anyone. He will wait for the convention and back the nominee. No disrespect to the bernie bros, whoever has 1990 plus one will be the nominee. If bernie is the nominee this moderate will be all in for bernie. My guess is well come together because we want to defeat President Trump. Was it the dnc involved in this . No one is involved. We had South Carolina where joe got won by over 30 . Mayor pete under performed and Amy Klobuchar underperformed and they dont see the path forward. If they lose in minnesota and mayor pete has a great future. I dont think there is a Conspiracy Theory. There isnt one. Sorry. By the way, Hillary Clinton also got the right number of delegates to be the nominee. There wasnt a Conspiracy Theory then either. Im looking forward to tonight as we learn from mayor pete it is not only doing well and the press if folks are talking about bidens early victories while folks are still up thats important. Ed still counting in california perhaps. Great ateam especially with the breaking news at the top. Thank you. Well try to convey to the American People the risk remains low for any individual american. The president has taken very aggressive actions, unprecedented actions to protect the American People so the risk has stayed low. It can change at any time. As you mentioned were seeing some person to person transmission in the United States. Were seeing some Community Spreading. Sandra that was hhs secretary alex azar giving an update on the risk the coronavirus poses in the United States. Ed the governor of new york announced the second confirmed case in the state as the number rises across the country to over 100. Six deaths have been reported in Washington State where we find dan springer joining us with the latest. Ed and sandra good morning. Of the 18 cases of coronavirus confirmed in Washington State, 10 patients have been treated at the hospital behind me including all six of those who have died. Additional 29 people are waiting for test results to come back. The hospital is in the eye of the health storm close to a nursing home devastated by the virus. Four residents are among those killed. Dozens more are being treated and monitored as the facility is like a quarantine zone. This woman is a Healthcare Worker who visited her mother in the home. For a lot of employees who were Wearing Masks and im a nurse so i would ask them so why are you wearing a mask . Are you sick . And they would say no, there is a respiratory illness going around. Health officials and politicians are encouraging new measures to prevent the spread beyond just the washing of hands. Now theyre saying people should stop shaking hands. The elderly and people with Health Problems should avoid big crowds and people should ask employers if they can work from home. Folks should begin to think about avoiding large events and assembles. And were not making a request formally right now for events to be canceled. But people should be prepared for that possibility. The National Basketball association is asking its players to no longer give high fives to fans as covid19 has spread to 15 states including a total of almost 50 in california where four nba teams play. The Software Company adobe canceled its convention in las vegas and one School District in the seattle area is closed to students so teachers can be trained on teaching their classes remotely if necessary. Were also seeing a run on Grocery Stores for items like water, canned goods and cleaning supplies. People are encouraged to have two weeks of supplies on hand just in case as Health Officials here in Washington State and elsewhere expect the number of cases to rise. Back to you. Sandra new legal trouble for Hillary Clinton. A judge ordering her to give answers in a deposition about her use of a private email server as secretary of state. Ed plus a battle over surveillance heating up as fisa comes up for renewal. Will reforms go far enough or should the Controversial Program be abolished. Congressman jim jordan weighs in and he is up next. The deep state here is worse than even i thought it ever was. People have to remember this is one yard in a cloud of dust. You have to wake up every day to fight. You can refinance with no income verification, no appraisal, and no outofpocket costs. New day usa has extended their Call Center Hours so every veteran can take advantage of these near historic low rates. Activate your v. A. Benefit now. One call can save you two thousand dollars every year. Sandra all right. So there has been an emergency move by the Federal Reserve to slash Interest Rates by a full half percentage point. This is an effort to combat the Economic Impact of the coronavirus. This is two weeks ahead of the scheduled rate announcement. So this is an emergency move we have not seen since 2008. You can see the green on the chart on the big board. Initially that gave a jolt to the market. The dow surged 300 plus points on the news and since given up all those gains and more negative on the session. An effort to boost the economy. One would assume markets would go up. It has given back the gains. Were watching this closely. Ed the fact that the fed jumps in all of a sudden the markets react in a positive way but saying wait a second, if the fed is intervening in an emergency way they must have fears about growth in the medium term. That may be bringing the markets down as well. Sandra theyll hold a News Conference the Federal Reserve at 11 00 a. M. Eastern time 39 minutes from now and likely give color behind the decision to make this emergency move. It is happening after the biggest single point gain for the dow jones average yesterday in u. S. History gaining 1200 points in a single trading session. Were watching for it and watching for the News Conference at 11 00. Ed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act fisa, has calls for major reform. Sandra the Controversial Program set to expires in two weeks President Trump is meeting with republican lawmakers on both sides of the issue. Lets bring in ohio congressman jim jordan and Ranking Member of the government reform committee. Congressman, good morning to you. Were watching governors conferences and News Conferences. Congressman, good morning to you. As far as the calls for reform and the renewal of this, your response to all of it this morning. You have to have reform. Remember what happened four years ago summer of 2016. The f. B. I. Launches an investigation in fisa and four american citizens associated with the president ial campaign. To make matters worse they further spy on them by going to the fisa court to spy on carter page and they lied to the court 17 times. So we have to have reform. I think thats paramount. What we dont want is a clean reauthorization. Well push for reform. The other big thing that needs to happen is we need John Ratcliffe confirmed as director of national intelligence. He called it three years ago and said bad things were happening. Jim comey and adam schiff said no, the fisa process is just fiefnlt those are the two most important things we can do now to protect further campaigns in the future and protect the American People. Reform fisa and make sure John Ratcliffe is head of dni. Ed democrats have ferociously responded to this nomination again and suggested that ratcliffe his biggest qualification is that he likes the president and political ally and seem ready to oppose this nomination. Do you think thats because they are scared that if ratcliffe gets in there he will clean up some of this . I think they are scared he will clean it up and adam schiff was wrong and they dont like that he was wrong and ratcliffe was right. It was in 2017 when we started the nunes memo saying something wasnt right with what they did with the carter page fisa application. And we now know it wasnt just we were vindicated and were right because of the horowitz report. They went to the fisa court and misled the court. They didnt tell the court the guy who wrote the dossier was desperate to stop trump cross to haveer steele or that he was getting paid by the Clinton Campaign and John Ratcliffe and others who saw it and called it out. No wonder the democrats dont want him to be nominated. He is the right guy for the job. Ed as you point out you have the attorney general bill barr saying we need the tools to fight terrorists. Lets renew it. Youre saying hang on, we want reforms. Others say lets put this controversial bill and add it to Disaster Relief funding that will include dealing with coronavirus. Senator john kennedy said hang on a second, that may be too much. It would be a grave mistake. Thats like mixes apples and eagles. To try to force congressmen and congresswomen and senators who in good faith are trying to fix the problems in fisa to try to jam them by putting it on a disaster supplemental that we all want to vote for. Ed senator kennedy has a way of putting all this. Put it in plain english whether we get fisa reform and the money for coronavirus. The senators is exactly right. They should be kept separate. Lets deal with the coronavirus. It is serious. We understand that. It is also serious when you have a secret court spy on a fellow american citizen and the basis was lies given to the court by the f. B. I. Were talking about a u. S. Citizen and four american citizens part of a president ial campaign who were spied on by the f. B. I. As i said before i doubt if that has ever happened in american history. So this is real. We need a process where there is someone at the court representing the interests of the american citizen who is about to lose their rights. So this we call this process, something at the court with a robust process. We need penalties. If you mislead the court you shouldnt get transferred. There should be real penalties. If you try to undermine the rights of american citizens and lying to the court there should be real consequences for those actions. The reforms make sense. Never forget what former white house attorney emmett flood said. He said if they can do it to a president , imagine what they can do to you and i. And thats the bottom line. This is about protecting the interests and rights and privileges that american citizens enjoy under our constitution. Thats whats really at stake here. Sandra a federal judge ordered Hillary Clinton to a deposition to address the emails. Lets get the truth. I was on the benghazi select committee. When secretary clinton. When that tragedy happened in 2012 and people died within hours secretary of state was blaming it on a video. Lets see all the emails that were a part of that and other issues as well that she was supposed to give us to. Never did. Destroyed 30,000 of them. Lets get the answers. I appreciate what the federal judge has ordered and hopefully well get some answers and hopefully it will happen soon. Ed people have been waiting for answers for a long time. See if they get them on that as well as fisa report. A lot on your plate. Thank you for jumping on with us this morning. Sandra Bernie Sanders is voting. Ed in vermont moments ago. Bernie sanders voting. We expect for himself vermont is voting as well today. And so theyve got a big primary. 14 states plus a territory. Bottom line Bernie Sanders just a moment ago. Lets see if he says anything. [miscellaneous conversation occurring] [several people talking at once] ed as you can see he has the process and going through it like the rest of us. Sandra there he is Bernie Sanders walking in to cast his vote in burlington, vermont there on a day of uncertainty for his party. Ed for a long time in the senate. A lot of people even in his own party laughed at the idea he would mount a president ial campaign back in 2016. Nearly took out Hillary Clinton and this time he is now the frontrunner. Well see how it all plays out tonight. A pair of democrats dropping out of the race and now endorsing joe biden. Will it be enough to slow down Bernie Sanders . Guess what, Donna Brazile will join us next. Just a few days ago, the press and the pundits declared this campaign dead. My message to everyone, every person who has been knocked down, counted out, left behind, this is your campaign. I signed up because i was curious. I learned about my grandfathers life on ancestry and it was a remarkable twentiethcentury transformation. He did a lot of living before i knew him. Bring your Family History to life like never before. Get started for free at ancestry. Com ed voters casting ballots now in virginia. One of the few major swing states in the general election that are voting on super tuesday now in the democratic primary. Sandra 99 delegates at stake. Mark meredith is live at a polling location in Virginia Beach this morning. Hey, mark. Good morning. Youre right. Virginia is a state weve seen so many of the Democratic Candidates put a lot of effort into. Maybe most of all would be former new york mayor Mike Bloomberg invested heavily in the contest in virginia. He launched his campaign in virginia back in the fall. While he has invested so many millions of dollars on the tv ads across the state we heard from bloomberg at the town hall last night in Northern Virginia and he went after senator Bernie Sanders. I do not think that Bernie Sanders has the right ideas for this country. I dont think that he can beat donald trump because i dont think the country wants revolutionary change. I think the country wants evolutionary change. Four years ago nearly 785,000 people showed up to vote in the states democratic primary. It is unclear what todays turnout will be. Weve seen only 200 or so people show up here. Thats a small example. People out voting today say they were more energized to get out and do their part. I voted for joe biden. Joe biden. Why . I think he has the best chance of beating donald trump. And my main concern is not having four more years of trump. I dont think we have great choices on either side. I think bernie is a bigger threat to the nation than trump or biden or anyone else on the democratic ticket. That was my primary motivation today. Its a small example of the voters turning out all day long. Joe bidens campaign got a big boost in virginia just before election day. They won some key endorsements including the states former governor as well as senator tim cain who four years ago was Hillary Clintons running mate. Ed and sandra. Sandra Virginia Beach. Thank you. Ed lets bring in Donna Brazile. Good morning. Ed the New York Times this morning frames it Top Democrats think there are two realistic path forward. One sanders as a big night and all of a sudden he is in the lead and headed towards milwaukee and joe biden has a strong night and you have a long drawnout fight that goes all the way to milwaukee. I see it as an exciting moment for the Democratic Party and the country. With all of the states voting today and theyre not just voting for president. Several of the states are voting for a member of congress. This is an important day for democrats, for americans to really choose not just the next president of the United States but also their congressional representatives or senators. Sandra what are you really thinking on this super tuesday. How will it play out . Do we get more clarity on the race by the end of the day . If we get more clarity by the end of today or this month it will be great. I read somewhere this morning that folks are worried that socalled moderates are coalesceing around joe biden and progressives around Bernie Sanders. We can have a party with both progressives and moderates. I think it is exciting that voters have a choice in this election. Do you want a revolution or maintain the status quo . And even try to make incremental change. We have a lot to think about going to the polls today. Ed you talk about your party bringing it all together with the unity event with joe biden last night. Bernie sanders is talking about something else. The skunk at the garden party. Here he is at a rally talking about revolution. We all share the understanding that together we are going to beat donald trump. We are all united on that. [cheering and applause] so let us be clear, there are obvious differences of opinion. You cant miss it if you turn on the tv. The establishment in this country, the Economic Establishment and the political establishment are becoming very nervous. Ed one one hand he wants to bring your Party Together and on the other hand he says folks are getting nervous. I dont know if he was speaking to me. I understand what Political Revolution means. Ifm owe the first of my family in terms of the generation that has full voting rights. I dont need people to tell me about revolution. We need somebody who can bring reconciliation and healing. Yes, at a time when there may be a pandemic on our shores we need someone who can lead us through this crisis. Im not worried about the revolution. Im really worried about the results we see today after so Many Americans get a chance to cast their ballots. Sandra we had Ronna Mcdaniel on, donna, earlier on the program, chairwoman of the rnc and she because r was talking about the possibility of a brokered convention the impact it would have on Bernie Sanders. It does depend on how big a lead that sanders takes out of california is. If he picks up a huge proportion of delegates. I dont see anybody getting out soon. It is leading towards a brokered convention, which will be rigged against bernie if those super delegates have their way on that second vote. Sandra you say what to that . First of all i want to talk to my republicans. First of all, stay the hell out of our race. Stay the hell out of our race. I get sick and tired, ed and sandra, of listening to republicans tell me and the democrats about our process. First of all, they dont have a process. They are canceling primaries. They have winner take all. They dont have the kind of democracy that we see on the democratic side. For people to use russian talking points to sew division among americans is stupid. So ronna, go to hell. This is not about go to hell. Im tired of it, ed. We are not trying to prevent anyone from becoming the nominee. If you have the delegates and win, you will win. This notion that somehow or another democrats are out there trying to put hurdles or roadblocks before one candidate, thats stupid. I know whats going on. They are scared of democrats coming together to defeat donald trump. They need to be focusing on what were focusing on in the Democratic Party. Preventing foreign interference in our elections. Stop using russian talking points, madam chairwoman, serious. Stop using it. Sandra we had her on to talk with what she sees happening the same way we ask you. She is not a democrat. Im a democrat but also an american. I have a responsibility to make sure that the process i know the process. Ronna knows the process. To infer that we are trying to prevent one candidate over another. Thats not happening. If there is any proof, madam chairwoman, any proof, mr. President , that were trying to somehow or another change this process for one candidate, show the proof. Show the proof. Sandra the basic thing we hear from every democrat now. The goal is to beat donald trump. So you have to look at which one of your candidates as i ask you every time you are on this program, which of those candidates do you believe has the best chance of beating donald trump . Final thoughts. If you look at the polls and especially in those battleground states there are several who have a path to beat donald trump. They take an incumbent president out of the oval office is tough. Donald trump needs to understand the Democratic Party is a party composed of americans regardless of your political beliefs. Some people are leftist, some people are moderates. Were all american voters. I get tired of people saying were something else. Ed it is super tuesday. Well have to bring you and ronna together. Im all about reconciliation. It is lent. Im trying to keep my karma. Stop talking about the democratic process. Sandra a stunning announcement last night. That was a lot to take in just now im sure. Im sure you are still absorbing that and i am, too. Chris matthews is a giant. Sandra Chris Matthews announcing in an abrupt retirement at the start of his show last night. The news sending shock waves through the media world. Fresh reaction from howard kurtz on that next. About newdays va streamline refi. Its the closest thing to automatic savings that weve ever offered. At newday, veterans can refinance their mortgage with no income verification, no appraisal and no out of pocket expenses. And weve extended our Call Center Hours so that every veteran can take advantage of these near record low rates. When you take align, you have the support of a probiotic and the gastroenterologists who developed it. Align naturally helps to soothe your occasional digestive upsets 24 7. So where you go the pro goes. Go with align, the pros in digestive health. Let me start with my headline tonight. Im retiring. This is the last hardball on msnbc. This isnt for lack of interest in politics. As you can tell i have loved every minute of my 20 years as host of hardball. Every morning i read the papers and gungho to get to work. Not many people have had this privilege. Sandra that was long time msnbc host Chris Matthews announcing his immediate retirement from his show hardball after a week filled with controversial moments and accusations of Sexual Harassment against him by a journalist who had previously appeared on his show. Lets bring in howard kurtz, Fox News Media analyst and host of media buzz. Good morning. Chris matthews was forced out by msnbc in abrupt fashion, a stunning television moment. He left the set after his announcement. Msnbc seemed to be scrambling. What had happened here. They had been discussing a possible retirement after the campaign. Executives lost patience with the blunders, he had to apologize last week to Bernie Sanders. And secondly over the weekend gq columnist she said if you keep putting makeup on her i would fall in love with her and said similar things to women over the years. He apologized on the air. Ed on top of that before the South Carolina primary on the air live he mixed up two africanamericans, senator scott and a candidate for senate. That was awkward as well. Took him a while. He seemed confused. Sometimes he seemed a little off his game at the age of 74 and did this bizarre rant against socialists and communists aimed at bernie. Ive known Chris Matthews since he worked in the Jimmy Carter White house. He has an incredible passion for politics coming out of democratic policies but he belongs to the blurted out school of broadcasting. That was part of his appeal. It was also his greatest weakness. I interviewed him in 2008 when he was in trouble not just for comments about women but saying of Hillary Clinton she would have had no political career if her husband hadnt messed around. He likes to talk. He likes to go up to the line and people will gasp and say i cant believe he said that. He kind of ran out of time with his network. Ed well watch on sunday as well. Israel appearing to be headed for more political paralysis despite the Prime Minister leading. Why the continued stalemate . A live report from jerusalem. Thats next. Liberty biberty cut. Well dub it. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. A more secure diaper closure. There were babies involved. And they werent saying much. Thats what we do at 3m, we listen to people, even those who dont have a voice. We are people helping people. Sandra we have on update on the situation on the ground in tennessee. 19 now confirmed killed as those tornadoes ripped through nashville and middle tennessee. Collapsed buildings as you can see, crushed cars. Wilson county, two confirmed killed. Putnam county 14. Davidson county 2, Benton County one. Ed tragic. Well stay on top of it. Nearly all votes counted. Netanyahu appears headed to victory but remains short of a governing majority. Were live in jerusalem with the latest. Trey. Good morning. 90 of the votes have been counted in israel. Election results coming in yesterday between israeli p. M. Benjamin netanyahu and his main opponent bennie gantz. Netanyahu has a slight lead. 58 or 59 seats in his voting block he will not have the majority needed to rule in israel. You need 61 seats out of 120 in the Israeli Cabinet to maintain the majority. The third time israeli voters went to the polls in a year amid rising regional tension. Sandra the growing concerns of the coronavirus and outbreak of the disease. Any moment we expect to hear from President Trump himself an update from him. Well take it live. Fed chair Jerome Powell set to make a statement after the fed unexpectedly cut a key Interest Rate just a few moments ago. Well hear from the fed at the top of the hour. Were watching it all for you. Join us, a brandnew hour coming up. 150 Million Dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs. Maria ramirez. To help more employees achieve their dreams. I suff. For so long. Asis. It was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. I wasnt covered anymore. Im not constantly thinking about it. Im still clear five years now. See me. Cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. Real people with psoriasis. Look and feel better with cosentyx. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting. Get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability. To fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms,. If your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop. Or worsen. Of if youve had a vaccine, or plan to. Serious allergic reactions may occur. I look and feel so much better. See me. Ask your dermatologist if cosentyx could help you move past the pain of psoriasis. Young woman yeah, thanks mom mother of course and i love these flowers young woman whispering hey, did you bring the. The condoms . Young man whispering whats up . Young woman whispering condoms young man whispering what . Young woman whispering condom father condoms charlie. She wants to know if you brought any condoms. Young man yeah i brought some. Announcer eargo, a virtually invisible hearing loss solution with high quality sound and lifetime support. To celebrate world hearing day were offering everyone a free hearing check. Visit eargo. Com to check your hearing now. Eargo, hear life to the fullest. One call to newday can save you 2000 a year, every year. Activate your va refi benefit now and start saving. Ed fox news alert live to washington, d. C. President trump is about to speak to the National Association of counties legislative conference. He could address the coronavirus, super tuesday, economy, a bunch of topics. Were monitoring all of it. His remarks coming up. Well bring you any news as quickly as we can. Sandra were on dow watch this morning. Markets react after the Federal Reserve cut a key Interest Rate to cushion the impact of the coronavirus. That chairman Jerome Powell is set to hold a News Conference this hour. That will be happening moments from now. Well see what was behind that decision. Ed now to the latest on the coronavirus staggering new numbers on the outbreak which is now at 89,000 cases around the world. The director of the World Health Organization saying were in uncharted territory stopping short of calling it a global pandemic. Some deaths on the rise. Including six in america. That classification could shaon change. Sandra another fox news alert this morning. Disaster unfolding in tennessee, deadly tornadoes ripping through the state. One hitting downtown nashville collapsing dozens of buildings and causing devastation in that city. At least 19 people now confirmed killed in four counties as other tornadoes cut a path of destruction. With First Responders searching through the wreckage looking for any victims and survivors. Well have a live report from the storm zone just moments from now. Ed first it is also, of course, a big day in the 2020 president ial race, super tuesday, voting underway in 14 states, california and texas the biggest prizes of them all. Sandra a lot of news to keep track of this morning. Its super tuesday. Welcome back to americas newsroom. Bernie sanders leads in the delegate count so far with joe biden not far behind. Ed but today could be a game changer. Biden looking to ride a wave of momentum by a big win in South Carolina. Sandra a lot of endorsements from formal rivals. Klobuchar, buttigieg and orourke. Were calling it a preprimary surprise. First were getting reports of some long lines and excess wait times of 2 1 2 hours at select polling locations across the state of texas. I can tell you weve been close to this one in dallas all morning and seen a steady stream of people coming and going. No real issues to speak of here. Leading up to today, a lot of analysts were saying that the super tuesday race, 14 big states, all heading to the polls that this could narrow the field even more. In other words, some of the campaigns that have essentially been limping along and dont have a high delegate count, they could leave the race after today. Thats something were looking for. The question also is whether Vice President former Vice President joe biden will get a little bit of an extra wind in his sales ahead of super tuesday with endorsements from former running mates, senator Amy Klobuchar hours after ending her own president ial run she flew to texas, appearing on stage with biden at a rally. Former indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg did the same one day after suspending his run for the white house throwing support bidens way. And the former Vice President then continued to make his lastminute pitches. I am absolutely confident, not only democrats but independents and Republican Voters know we have to heal this country and once again fight for the proposition, as corny as it sounds, that we hold these truths to be selfevident. That all men and women are created equal. So of course now the question what will this biden boost mean for vermont senator Bernie Sanders . Will it be enough to knock him out of the small lead he is currently enjoying . President trump referring to it as a coup against sanders on twitter with klobuchar and buttigieg bowing out ahead of this big super tuesday vote. Clearly a lot is on the line. A lot is at stake. Some are saying the Democratic Party clearly got together and organized this to not sort of take votes away and really get a good, strong candidate. But a lot of interesting moving parts here. We have you covered. Well be here for the day. Back to you guys. Sandra kicking things off for us there. Casey stiegel, thank you. Ed more on this now is brit hume. Joe biden had a big, big saturday night. Can he carry the momentum . Thats a very good question. I thought as it was happening on saturday night it was a shame for him that he had only three days before super tuesday instead of 10 as has been the case in the past. For three days he has gotten an awful lot done and i might note here the betting odds which i keep an eye ton because there is no real polling that we can rely on in 14 different states. Betting odds have him as a strong favorite to win. Four days ago they did not. Ed maybe a win a majority of the states. I dont know. This is just a guess. This represents betting on the nomination. He has moved from being way behind in the betting odds to well ahead by 20 points or so over Bernie Sanders with bloomberg not in the picture. Ed what about early voting . A state like california with over a Million People vote before that Biden Victory and sanders has been leading there in a lot of polls. Makes you wonder. Thats right. The wild card in the whole deck once again is Mike Bloomberg who has been on the air in all these states in a very big way at a time when biden, cause he lost support and money after the early states, has not been able to advertise or really Even Campaign in states like california and the rest. So this bernie looks to do well there but the question to me is does bloomberg do well enough to prevent biden from capitalizing on his South Carolina momentum . Dont know. Thats the question. Ed there is an article sanders was poised to carry his big victories into super tuesday and become untouchable. But with bidens win he is now a threat. In turn may not settle things as much as previously thought. The idea at least if sanders really not going to get a majority but gets closer to having a plurality maybe he starts running away with it. Now this may still be very unsettled. I think the coalesceing around biden as the socalled center lane centrist candidate has been pretty striking. The people who dropped out, endorsements he has picked up and it all adds to the impression. Ed harry reid and party elders. Sandra thats right. Former president obama will not join in that at this time but despite that i think biden is doing pretty well in that department. Once people say Elizabeth Warren wont make it an the others arent, either. Biden looks like he could become the oddson choice of the people who want a centrist candidate or more centrist candidate. Then it becomes maybe his race, which is an interesting this will be one of the most striking political turnarounds weve ever seen. Ed you mentioned Mike Bloomberg will be on the ballot in all these places. Is there any other way to read it than maybe he is hurting joe biden . I dont think there is they are basically bidding for the same type of voters and the same kind of support. And i was watching bloomberg last night on the fox news town hall and i thought he came off much better than he had in the debates. He comes off as a mild mannered reasonable guy, very smart. Constructive ideas. Seems unphased by attacks on himself and so on. One wonders whether people who are interested in voting for him might have been watching that last night. If you are a potential super tuesday voter and serious about it you might well watch Something Like that. My guess to the extent people watched it, it probably helped him and makes him more of a factor. He should have exposed himself in the way he did just by advertising. A voter at the town hall pushed him on gun control. We have another clip joe biden talking about beto orourke and how he is going all in on gun control and how youll react. Ill guarantee this is not the last youre seeing of this guy. Youll take care of the gun problem with me and the one who leads this effort. Ifm owe counting on you. We need you badly. The state and country needs you. You are the best. Ed that will fire up the democratic primary voters. Lets go all in on guns. Bloomberg had a voter saying you have these guards around you, armed guards with weapons and ammo that youre trying to take away from me. Why is your life more important than me . A nasty question but bloomberg handled it fairly well. His position is risky in the sense that he is very strong on this and there are a lot of voters in some of these states who may feel quite differently. In the general election it is a more dangerous issue than the primary. I thought bloomberg did okay with that. All in all as i was saying i thought it was a reasonably strong performance. I dont know how much impact it will make. Well find out. Weve seen a lot of things happen and fall into place for biden in the past three days. Will there be momentum with voters as well as with Party Leaders and other candidates and betting odds and some of the polling is showing in his favor . Ed what about the man in the oval office now . He has not shied away from engaging in a lot of these primary states shadow boxing with the democrats and turning out big crowds. He turns out huge crowds. Always has. And i was among those who said four years ago ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, im an old hand at this, crowd size doesnt tell you whats going on but boy was i wrong about that. Not for the first time in my career, crowd size turned out to be a good indicator. The fact he still draws them that shows within his base he has solid support. The question has always been with him will he be able to expand his base enough so he gets above the magic 50 margin that he has not achieved in approval ratings. An old hand but not that old. Sandra we look forward to seeing brit throughout the day. Were on dow watch as the Federal Reserve takes action to combat the coronavirus slowdown. How markets are reacting to a surprise Interest Rate cut this morning. Ed second coronavirus case now reported in new york. Infections topping 100 across the country. We hear from the state department how the u. S. Is keeping travelers safe. We continue to see cases in the United States. Were working with the Pharmaceutical Company leaders on three key issues. Want to know how we cannot get in their way but rather speed that Development Process along. B from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. Dealing with our finances really haunted me. Ttle cranky. Thankfully, i got quickbooks, and a live bookkeepers helping customize it for our business. live bookkeeper youre all set up janine great vo get set up right with a live bookkeeper with intuit quickbooks. Ithat car is one of mine. And soon, its going to be one of theirs. But they would have never even known it existed. If it werent for the power of targeted tv advertising. Its smart. It grabs peoples attention. It works. Its why Comcast Spotlight is changing its name to effectv. Because being effective means getting results. The spread of the coronavirus has brought new challenges and risks. The virus has afflicted many communities around the world and our thoughts and prayers go out to those who have been harmed. The outbreak has also disrupted Economic Activity in many countries and has prompted significant movements in Financial Markets. Ed you can see the Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell addressing the economy, the threat from coronavirus. The fundamentals of the u. S. Economy remain strong and the fed had to do its part to keep it that way. The fed cutting a key rate by half a point. All of this as the dow was rebounding big time monday. Sandra you got this. The dow down 218 points. A wild ride watching the markets. We had the 1200 point gain yesterday. The biggest singlepoint gain in u. S. History. We have the announcement this morning markets went back up again and then gave back all the gains. Ed the move that emerged is panicky. Maybe the markets reacting to that. The president tweeted the Federal Reserve is cutting but must further ease and come into line with other countries competitors. Not playing on a level field. Time for the fed to lead, more easing and cutting. A president who hasnt been shy about calling out the fed chair. Sandra calling for him to take this action for quite some time. This is still two weeks shy of when the rate announcement was expected to come. It could have taken markets by surprise. But not all together unexpected to have this happen. The turnaround in the markets is noted. There is still a great deal of concern about the spread of this deadly disease and just how big the outbreak may become. Ed all around the world the markets are reacting. Sandra dow down 220. Coronavirus cases increasing across the country. New york reporting a second case this morning. The death toll rising to six all in Washington State. Coronavirus infections worldwide have topped 89,000 with 3,000 plus deaths. How is the u. S. Government handling travel in and out of the country . What are we doing as a country too keep the disease from spreading at home . President trump is trying to keep the American People as safe and secure as people. Number one priority. Vice president and Vice President have charged us with at the state department is reviewing what happens overseas and what happens abroad. Important for your viewers to look at states. We have travel notices. When there are outbreaks in regions in italy we have raised the travel advisory warning and south korea and japan and worked closely with our allies there. We are banning effect from china and iran. Were monitoring the entire world and taking a metricsbased approach to inform americans when they should take travel precautions from going abroad. Weve pledged up to 100 million at the state department to help around the world. Weve offered assistance to the iranian people suffering from a lying regime in the face of a pandemic. Sandra weve cut some travel in and out of the United States. Are there more plans to cut travel . Deputy secretary sits on the president s task force. We make these decisions in realtime. Were very thorough and analytical. As soon as we decide precautions need to be taken were communicating that directly with the American People. Anyone considering traveling abroad if you are nervous and need more information go to state. Gov and want the American People to use the resources and also twitter and facebook pages. Sandra i want to transfer to secretary of state mike pompeo. The interview he did with bret baier talking about the taliban peace deal and what this administration is doing versus the past administration. Here first is that exchange. Very different. What weve done is fundamentally different than Obama Administration. We accomplished what they tried to do but could not. They never got the taliban to break with al qaeda. They never got a commitment. Sandra what now are we doing that that administration did not do then, morgan . So there is a couple of things. Let me say i was on the ground with the secretary with the signing and involved in Counter Terrorism this is a moment for many of us we thought we would never see. We would never see we thought the taliban would agree to break with al qaeda. We never thought we would see them to see with meet with the government and women and civil society. He is ending americas longest war. Diplomats on the ground led by the secretary and others will try to get all these sides to the negotiating table to get a political resolution. We know after 19 years that there is no military end to this conflict in afghanistan. So we have to look at what is best for the American People and our men and women that continue to be in harms way. Really whats best for the people of afghanistan . That often gets left out of the equation. Theyve been at war for four decades. These people deserve peace. They deserve a chance at political resolution and proud to work for an administration who wont continue an endless war but diplomatically in a responsible manner work to end this war. Sandra what is the next move on the part of this administration when it comes to that deal and follow through . So as secretary and general said in their press conference yesterday its a conditionsbased drawdown. When we look at removing troops from afghanistan. It is written in the agreements that you can see an the state department website, the joint declaration in afghanistan in black and white says as long as there is a counter a terrorism threat to the United States well keep troops there. So well draw down and look at the threat from al qaeda and isis. It will be a conditionedbase drawdown. We have the taliban publicly breaking with al qaeda and agreeing that afghanistan is never again going to be a soil, never again going to be a place where americans attacks can be planned. Were not going to repeat the mistakes of 2010 when the Obama Administration drew everyone out and watched isis fester. That wont happen in afghanistan. Sandra thank you for coming on. Ed the president arrived at the hotel in washington where he will speak shortly and well be jumping all over that. Bernie sanders hoping to deliver a knockout blow to Elizabeth Warren in her home state super tuesday. Who will come out on top in the massachusetts primary . Thats next. Sandra the death toll rising in tennessee after tornadoes ripped through the state turning buildings to rubble. Were live on the ground in hardhit nashville next. With va Mortgage Rates suddenly dropping to near record lows, my team at newday usa is helping more veterans refinance than ever. The newday va streamline refi is the reason why. It lets you shortcut the loan process and refinance with no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 2000 every year. Call my team at newday usa right now. Dhtd n6z jy4h. I felt awful. Because of my psoriasis. I was covered from. Head to toe with it. I was afraid. To show my skin. Every time i moved my arm. My skin cracked and bled. It really hurt. Then i started. Cosentyx. That was four years ago. How are you . Now, i dont really think about it. See me. Cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. Real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting. Get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections. And lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if youve had a vaccine, or plan to. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me. I look. And feel better. Ask your dermatologist if cosentyx could help you move past the pain of psoriasis. Sandra all right, in central tennessee tornadoes hit and killed at least 19 people. One twister slamming downtown nashville. Fox Business Network is live in nashville with the details. Grady, what are we seeing in the horrific damage behind you . This is a gas station behind me here and you can see the roof of this building was completely torn off. You can see the pieces of metal strewn all over its parking lot here. The pumps dont work, a hole in the ceiling of the Convenience Store area. The owner is right here. You said this is not an area that sees tornadoes that often. Downtown nashville the last one here was in 1998. Another gas station damaged in that way. Yes, i did. Back in 1998 when it hit downtown and 5th and main we got hit on the corner. This one came through in the middle of the night last night. You didnt have anybody in the store at the time. We close at midnight and luckily it hit at 12 35. Cleanup is underway. Roofers are here already. We got everybody start to secure the area and that way nobody get hurt and try to go back to business. Thank you, sir, good luck to you. And you can see there is a lot of people needing to rebuild this morning after all of this damage. At least 19 People Killed and overall the sentiment among the people who survived this is that it could have been a lot worse. They can repair the damage but unfortunately 19 dead. Sandra. Sandra grady on the ground there. Our thoughts with all those affected in the community. Well continue to watch that. The president at the washington hilton making remarks at the National Association of counties, legislative conference. Lets listen together. President trump tennessee to make sure everything is done properly. Fema is already on the ground and ill be going there on friday. Our hearts are full of sorrow for the lives that were lost. It is a vicious thing. Ive seen many of them the results of tornadoes. Theyre vicious. If youre in their path bad things happen. I went to alabama nine months ago and saw the devastation that that left in alabama, too. And everybody was so incredible. The people were so incredible but so many people get killed if you are in the path. Well be going to tennessee on friday. We send our love and our prayers of the nation to every family that was affected. And we will get there and we will recover and we will rebuild and we will help them. And condolences. Im honored to be here with the association of counties at your annual legislative conference. Ive dealt with you a long time over the years and every once in a while i find one i dont like but generally speaking youre great. [applause] [laughter] and when one of you are in the way, it is very tough to get that job done. [laughter] and when you are helpful it is real easy and we get it done and produce a lot of jobs and good results. I just want to say you are very important and people that are doing what i do before i got here we realize how important you are. Incredible job, really. I have met some of the most incredible job doing exactly what you do. Thank you very much. [cheering and applause] so in this room there are over 1,200 county leaders whose incredible devotion, talent and drive directly and profoundly improve the lives of millions of americans each and every day. I want you to know that my administration will always be your friend and partner and ally and resource as you work to deliver an amazing future for your counties and for your communities and for the country itself. As i said in my state of the union address, three years ago, ive had a number of state of the unions already, can you believe it . This was three years ago we launched the Great American comeback and we really did. We launched it with a fervor and certain splash that nobody has seen in a long time. What weve been in the country is incredible. Our country is so strong now. Weve rebuilt our military, cut taxes, cut regulations, you know regulations [cheering and applause] you know the regulation business. I think you know the regulation business better than any group i can think of. Sadly, about 5 of you are saying gee, i wish they wouldnt have cut. But 95 of you are saying it was redundant and a problem and i talk about highways that would take to get approved 18, 19, 20 years, i can give you many examples, too, sometimes roadways. Weve cut regulations at a level that nobody has ever thought possible. And weve done it with the extraordinary help of local officials, people like yourselves that worked with us and worked with department of transportation and all of the other departments that we work with. We have it down where it would take sometimes, 20, 21 years to. I want to get it down to one [applause] meaning it can get rejected. We have safety concerns that we have to look at. We have environmental concerns, many concerns we have to look at. But to go 20 years and get a rejection. How many of those where you wait 10 years and then at the end of 10 years they vote and reject you . There has been a couple. I guarantee there are some people in the room. Ive been involved in a couple of them. Thats not fun. You devote a big chunk of your life to something and you lose 32. You go home, how did you do, darling . Not good. [laughter] a lot of power in this room. You dont know the power you have. Yes, you do. But weve hosted nearly 50 White House Events welcoming over 3,000 county leaders from all 50 states. [cheering and applause] to forge powerful new bonds of cooperation. As we speak, my administration is working very closely with state and local leaders to confront the coronavirus. Were really working hard on it. Vice president mike pence is leading the White House Coronavirus task force. He is doing a really fantastic job, too. [applause] we have already met with state, county and Health Officials in 30 states and conducted regular briefings with governors to coordinate our response and contain the disease and it just shows you what can happen. Six weeks ago, eight weeks ago you never heard of this. All of a signed it has the world aflutter and but it will work out. You have it all time not to this extent. Sometimes to a greater extent relatively speaking. Things happen that you never would even think would happen and you have to confront it and do a lot of good work and you take care of the situation. You people do that better than anybody that i can think of. America has the worlds most advanced Public Health system. We know that our county Health Officials play a front line role in battling Public Health threats and were working with congress very closely to pass supplemental legislation that insures state and county Health Departments get everything they need. I asked for 2 1 2 billion. It looks like theyll give us 8 1 2 billion. I dont think thats ever happened to me before. [applause] so i think i should say ill take it, right . But i asked for 2 1 2, they give me 8 1 2. I say ill take it. But no, everyone sandra President Trump is speaking at the washington hilton this morning addressing the National Association of counties conference. At the top there addressing those tornadoes that ripped through nashville and now confirming 19 people dead in that horrific disaster there. The president will continue speaking in washington and well monitor him speaking there for any news, especially considering it is super tuesday and that is the man democrats are targeting in this big race. Well watch that for you. Ed meanwhile people of massachusetts im deeply grateful to you for putting me in this fight and i hope i make you proud every day in it because im out there fighting for your family and for million else of families across this country. Who need someone to lift up their voice and someone to be effective on their behalf. Ed massachusetts one of 14 States Holding primaries on this super tuesday. Bernie sanders is working hard in the state where 91 delegates are at stake. Lets bring in in the chair of the massachusetts Democratic Party. Gus, thanks for coming in. We played that clip from Elizabeth Warren. She represents your state in the senate. Bernie sanders from nearby vermont was there over the weekend and had a couple of big events. Rally in boston, thousands and thousands of people. He is trying to fight on Elizabeth Warrens turf and take the state away, isnt he . Yeah. You saw Incredible Energy on saturday. Boston commons and had some incredible rallies the day after. 175,000 people were on the same Boston Common after inauguration. One of the first hopes i felt after President Trump was inaugurated when the womens march happened and i think we saw that same energy this past saturday and it just goes to show that there are a lot of people out there that want to see us get the white house back. Ed what will it mean for Elizabeth Warrens campaign if she cant even win her home state . She seems to be sticking in despite dismal finishes. I think that Elizabeth Warren will stay in this because she has a longterm plan. The math that you have to do with delegate allocation she spent her time in North Carolina and california and thought it was a more efficient place for her. Locally you saw tremendous amount of her campaign and supporters out doing going doortodoor. So she is in this for the long haul. She is in this like everyone else is to take back the white house and you know, i take her at her word for that and we are going to have a record turnout today, which i think we will see across the country, which shows the energy we have in the Democratic Party to take back the white house. Ed ive seen the reports about unusually warm weather in massachusetts this morning. Might mean big turnout in your state as you suggest. Weve been talking about Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren more on the left. Michael bloomberg will play for the first time today on the ballot in your state. Talk a little bit about this push between the left with sanders and warren and then you have bloomberg and biden. What are voters in your state saying . Well, you know, Michael Bloomberg is originally from massachusetts. He is one of the people that has been out there front in this for one reason, that one reason through november to help himself or whomever to beat donald trump. This is a good thing for primaries to have. We have debate. We are talking about healthcare. We are talking about climate change. We are talking about good jobs for everyone. And i am happy that, you know, in the Democratic Party were having this debate. So were seeing tremendous amount of change in the last 48 hours. I think thats good for the Democratic Party. I think youll see an incredible turnout across the country. And we have only 4 of the delegates chosen so far after today well have 40 . So weve got plenty of time for us to coalesce around a nominee, which i think well do. And that will be good not only for the white house but also to take back the senate and keep the congress. Ed what about the president of the United States . You have all the folks fighting it out in your party saying their number one goal is to beat the president but a president with a strong economy, historically low unemployment. He as an incumbent has advantages, a lot of money in the bank. How difficult will it be to beat him . It will be difficult in the sense that we all need to recognize what the value is and that there are more of us than them. He is not as strong here in the northeast. You have the republican vermont governor endorsing against him. Former governor in new jersey who has endorsed against him. A former Massachusetts Governor running against him. Our current Massachusetts Governor said he wont vote for him. The real problem that people are going to face in november is what is the face of the Republican Party . And i think that will deteriorate their turnout. Looking for someone who speaks the truth and the energy on the democratic side to take back the white house is going to overwhelm that. Ed you were talking about a former Massachusetts Governor running against him. Weld has had no traction in the republican primary. When you talk about the face of the Republican Party and president allegedly going to have a hard time with turnout have you been watching the rallies . We just had one in North Carolina. I get your point about the northeast. Around the rest of the country he has turned out a lot of folks so far. When you look at the number of people that are rallying on the democratic side between the number of democratic rallies they far outnumber the people rallying around the president. In new [hafrpl ] people that turned out with the democratic primary far overwhelmed the people that turned out in the Republican Party. More than five times the number in massachusetts will turn out for the Democratic Party in massachusetts. Joe biden had barely 200 people and the president was there with a big rally. I get your point adding them up in the primary. See how it shakes out today. Thanks for coming in. Sandra a super clash on super tuesday. Two frontrunners are making their case for the nomination. Ari fleischer on that next. Pods puts you in control with our moving and storage solutions. Pack what you want, we store it for as long as you want. Then, we deliver it where you want, so whether you need to move or store your things, pods is here to help you with flexible moving and storage solutions. So whether you need to move or store your things, new fixodent ultra dual power provides you with an unbeatable hold and strong seal against food infiltrations. Fixodent. And forget it. I need all the breaks as athat i can get. Or, at liberty butchemel. Cut. Liberty mu. Line . Cut. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Cut. Liberty m. Am i allowed to riff . 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One of the reasons joe biden won so big in South Carolina was because 70 of South Carolina democrats according to the fox News Analysis selfidentified as moderate or conservative. That blew out of the water nevada, New Hampshire, iowa, the percentage that identified as conservative. Biden needs the more conservative of the states. Of the 13 that will vote tonight only four of them you can put into that possible category of more conservative democrats. The others are really bernie states. So i would still give the edge to bernie tonight. The other factors you want to look at are age. Biden continues to clean sanders clock on the old voters and sanders continues to clean bidens clock on young voters. Sandra the fox news. Ko fm headline. Super tuesday miracle. Everything is going right for biden after near collapse of the campaign. Is this truly a comeback for him . I dont think so. I think people are overplaying it and looking at the endorsements as if the endorsements really matter that much. There is a rare endorsement that may matter more. Jim clyburn in South Carolina. But when you look at beto orourke, what does he bring to joe biden . With all due respect Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg. I think joe bidens biggest problem is joe biden and how he perform in the debate. People havent forgotten about that. If he gets more vigor, energy and fewer mistakes can help biden more than anything else. I give the edge to bernie tonight because of the demographics and makeup of states participating tonight particularly california and texas. Sandra what about bloomberg . Bloomberg is the wild card. Who knows . It is really a fascinating test, isnt it . That you can spend more money than anybody else has and get virtually nothing out of it as tom steyer proved. I put bloomberg down in the third category in all the states tonight. Im wobbly on that. Well see what advertising can do. Ive always believed that on a president ial level, the things that the voters see with their own eyes count a lot more than advertisements. Sandra ari fleischer, you set it up for us. Thank you. Thank you. Ed in the meantime Mike Bloomberg making history for the most expensive selffunded campaign in history. Will it win him the nomination with that strategy . Thats coming up. Year. Thats ensure max protein, with high protein and 1 gram sugar. Its a situp, banana bend at the waist im tryin keep it up. Youll get there. Whoahoahoa 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. Hi. What a surprise, youre here early you know life line screening assesses your risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease. Looks like somebody should have gotten screened. Life line screening is the easy and affordable way to make you aware of undetected Health Problems before they hurt you. 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When your candidate said a short time ago i cant win any other way than a contested convention, he is acknowledging there he wont get a majority of delegates. The way things look right now looks like no one will get a majority of the delegates. Super tuesday is weighted fairly heavily for a sanderslike candidacy. Not winning the majority of the vote in california he may still get a preponderance of the delegates. We built an infrastructure in our campaign not intended to go just from here to the convention but well into november. So were in this for the long haul and what mike was expressing today. Ed so last question on that then. The idea, though, that biden and bloomberg are splitting this sort of moderate lane, could you be helping Bernie Sanders in the long run . You know, the reality is this my job is to help a young man that we live in the greatest nation of the world. Voters need an opportunity to have their way. 4 of the delegates portion so far. Today is a big day. Even after today 2 3 of the delegates still need to be determined. Well compete for the votes. This is our first day. Some of the later contests, florida, new york, new jersey, are much more mike states. So we built an infrastructure that is planned to take on sanders, biden as well as President Trump when the time comes. Ed youve been on the airways and get a chance to be on the ballot. We wish you luck. Thank you for coming in sir and well be right back. Speaker that was a three hours. It certainly was. Thank you for joining us, everybody. Outnumbered starts now. We begin with breaking news right now. A number of people died in tennessee has just gone up, at least 21 following tornadoes that ripped through tennessee overnight. Powerful twisters at the center part of that stadium, including downtown nashville. Authorities say dozens of buildings in the city have collapsed at more than 30,000 people at last count. Forecasters are saying that the nashville tornadoes stayed on the ground for 10 minutes. Thats a very long time. It left a

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