0 really is. >> it is. they need 39,000 people a day. 39,000 people a day to reach the goal in march of seven million people they need to have signed up by then, is that right? >> that's right. the whole plan of obamacare they have to have enough people to sign up, especially enough younger and healthier people as opposed to older, less healthy people to sign up to make sure premiums just do not go through the roof. the figure they needed was seven million by march the 1st. break that down day by day, they need 39,000 a day. they started off with six on day one. they had 250 by day two. they're way, way behind already. martha interesting, the whole denis mcdonough issue on this as chief of staff. down the road it doesn't matter so much. people want to have good health care and figure out how they can get it whether through this program or something completely different but the politics is interesting behind this. how inquisitive the president really was or was not about how well things were going, as we all know, from having covered these stories for many years. this will come out in the wash as we find out later down the road, right? >> there i will will be books about this, no doubt. remember if things continue to go badly, a feature of life in washington that people start pointing fingers at each other, perhaps anonymously. i wouldn't be surprised if it goes badly to see leaks combing out of the administration pointing fingers at one person or another. martha: you can probably bet on it. byron, thanks. >> thank you, martha. >> a group of tech experts recruited to help fix countless problems with the obamacare website this time. dozens of computer engineers from google, red hat, oracle, all rushing to the rescue. you recall the white house launch ad so-called tech surge back on october 20th, as response to many growing issues. martha: we're learning disturbing new details about one of the lead contractors on the obamacare website. according to an hhs inspector general's report that was released in june, qssi was accused of lax data security controls on a separate data hub unrelated to, possibly endangering the personal information of more than six million medicare recipients by allowing workers to potentially steal information or introduce malware, using usb devices. all this goes to the concerns about the security of this whole system. you saw congressman mike rogers very fired up about this the other day. he is the former intelligence officer. so more on that to come for sure. >> a brand new report suggesting that the president may have deliberately misled people when he said that no one would be losing their coverage or doctor under obamacare, period. remember that? well new administration documents from three years ago reportedly show that officials knew all along, as many as 93 million americans could be in danger of losing their plans. fox news network's stuart varney joins us now. stuart, this is buried in what's known as the federal register which is, always been known as the document which tells average americans what their government is thinking, all rules, regulations and reports have to be recorded daily in the federal register. problem is, it is voluminous. folks have been dig through it. what did they find? >> first of all, let me explain, this is a real huge, new bombshell because this affects those people who get their health insurance from their employer. that is a majority of americans. okay. now go back to june 2010. page 34,552 of the federal register, under administration commentary. comes from the administration itself. they predicted the mass cancellation of employer-provided health plans. 66% of small businesses, 45% of big businesses, adding up to a notices because they buy their insurance individually. that is the private, individual market. those letters are going out now. this time next year, a whole new raft of letters go out to those people who get their health insurance from their employer. those plans will be canceled. those people will be shifted into a policy which they may not want but which will be far more expensive. >> we didn't even talk about the killing of jobs because everybody should look at "investors business daily." so far they documented 313 businesses that have fired workers because of obamacare or cut back their hours. we'll leave that for another occasion. stu varney, it's a bomb ship. thank you very much. >> thanks, gregg, martha. martha: fiery new reaction from wisconsin senator ron johnson. he is now proposing a bill that would make obamacare, allow people to keep their own plan as was original promise as you know. here is what he said on "hannity" last night. >> this is about freedom. of course president obama's employee-sponsored plan. wait a minute. it makes no financial sense. we'll pay penalty. all of those employees, they're on their own. martha: it will make companies that continue to do it a premium for employees. that is where people will want to work if they're still promised those kind of benefits. a lot more shoes to drop in this whole thing. >> every day. fox news alert on a developing situation in the middle east. an obama administration official confirming an israeli airstrike inside syria. the target? russian-made missiles in syria. leland vittert following the story live in jerusalem. so, leland, why hit now just as the syrians are dismantling the chemical weapons stockpile? >> essentially, gregg, the israelis have long said they will act to hit syria in the event that the syrians are trying to move some of those very sophisticated weapons from syria, down to their friend in lebanon, namely the militant group hezbollah. location of this airstrike gives us indication weapons we're talking about. a key report there in syria. most likely surface-to-air missiles, sophisticated enough to make it, the israeli planes over lebanon would be in danger in the event of another lebanon war. that is why israel acted now. they long said they will not pick side in the syrian civil war. off the record, israelis will tell you soon as let the enemies duke it out with each other. they will not allow someone to come out of the syrian civil war stronger. hence why we saw the strike today. >> leland the israeli military is not at all confirming or denying this particular strike. how do they feel about the united states spilling the beans on this? >> angry would be putting it lightly. this is front page of daily major newspaper here. israel to the united states, you are hurting us is the rough translation in the hebrew inside. one of the major security columnists said the united states, has quote, sold us out. remember this isn't the first time israel has struck syria. it happened on wednesday night. it also happened back in may that we have some video from. the israelis feel by staying silent in this case or all these cases, it is less likely syrians will retaliate. so far they are correct and very upset at united states for calling them out. gregg? >> leland vittert live in jersey. thanks. martha: also this morning a dramatic rescue in the heartland after a school bus i should say filled with children toppled into a creek during this flood. it landed on its side. we'll tell you the dramatic story what happened after that. >> a new twist in the mysterious death of this 17-year-old boy. why federal prosecutors are getting involved nearly a year after he was found dead in his high school gymnasium. martha: virginia republican ken cuccinelli was first attorney general in the country to sue the administration over obamacare way back when the whole thing got started. he was the first person in that game. he is in a high-stakes race for governor against terry mcauliffe in virginia. it is tightening, this race. he will be with us moments away. >> because if they can order you to buy health insurance they can order you to buy anything. f you, f you, you're almost twice as likely to lose your supporting teeth? 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