Front lines battling whats called the rim fire. Its 7 contained. Strong winds are expected to fan those flames. Not a good situation. Rescue Officials Say 4,500 homes and businesses are in harms way as the flames edge closer to civilization. People in that area obviously very frightened. Im trying to keep my kids calm and not have them too worried about whats going on up there. You can actually see planes from our house now. Hopefully it doesnt go there. So far its safe. Bill what have you learned about that, dominic . Reporter 15,000 acres have been burnt bad. The white wolf area popular with campers have been closed down. 13 camps have been burnt to the crowd. One Campground School for 50 years. We also understand that the Central Valley could be experiencing some smoke. The Central Valley of yosemite is the most iconic of all National Parks in the United States and fire officials are saying they are under pressure to protect that valley. Its a national treasure. Its a lot of pressure. Thats a infrastructure we want to protect and keep it pristine so when visitors do come we want to make sure it still looks the same. Reporter officials are saying they dont believe they will have to close Yosemite Valley though highway 8 and 120 are closed. Bill do they have any idea when they will be able to get a good handle on this fire . Reporter this is one of the fastest moving fires in the country. They want to divert it to the north and east. But its difficult to do that. If they can schiff it in another direction it will help contain it. But they say it will be at least the middle of the week before we try to get a handle on that. It will run for at least another week, they are saying, back to you, bill. Bill you were near the fire lines over the weekend and watched half a mile burn over 20 minutes. Thats a fierce blaze. Live before the sun comes up. Martha this fire is so massive it can be seen from space. An astronaut snapped this photo from the International Space station. You can see the haze and smoke in the middle. It takes up almost the entire frameth this picture. Now to another fire simmering. U. N. Inspectors are officially entering the site where syrias regime reportedly launched a nerve gas attack. On their way in they were shot at. What are the inspectors doing right now . Reporter on their way from the Four Seasons Hotel they are in damascus past the government line into the rebelheld territory. They were attacked by snipers. Its not a safe place to work. They are behind enemy lines, behind rebel lines. There is probably a lot of evidence that has been destroyed. The Syrian Government has spent the last six days heavily bombarding the area. Chemical weapons in the ground degrade over time. Right now the u. N. Inspectors are going to try to take samples from not only those who died in the attack but from those who survived to see if the flood work and tissue samples can tell them what kind of gas was used. Martha assuming the inspectors believe chemical weapons were used, can they use any forensics in their investigation to prove who did it . At some point its a circumstantial case. The video, then the biological evidence proves sarin gas or commercially made chemical weapon. Fit was an Industrial Chemical manufactured into a home made nerve agent it could be anyone on either side. The israelis and france, all of their Intelligence Services have been reviewing testified to try to get their hands on biological samples to figure out exactly how it was that was behind it as we have seen the past 24 hours. It may not matter what the u. N. Does. At least the United States and the u. K. Seem to have made up their minds already. Martha we just saw some of the video from that attack. Some of it is too awful to show you. But you can see the panic on the children and the faces of those involved in that. The big question this morning is will the United States act . Top republican congressman mike mccall says president obama has four options as we go forward. I dont think the American People have an appetite or troops on the ground. I know the military is laying out options for the president. There are four warships off the coast of syria. Missiles are an option to try to make out these chemical stockpiles. I think thats an option the president should be looking at. My chief concern is that we have allowed this to fester. We have had a wait and see policy and hoping for the best. Martha congressman mike mccall will join us in americas news room coming up in a couple minutes. Bill has a map of the area from the air. Bill syria is here. And damascus there. Over the weekend you had four Navy Warships move into the area, situated off the western coast of syria in the eastern mediterranean. They could take action if necessary. You have two naval Aircraft Carriers, much bigger vessels. One off the coast of yemen and one off the mouth of the persian gulf. If they were to make a move and come to the suez canal it would tack several days at a minimum. Could they make a move . Thats Something Like mike mccall is talking about. What he says about allowing it to fester. What are your good options . That a Cruise Missile take out a chemical weapon . Then opposing this are al qaeda fighters from all over the world. They are on one side and assad on the other and the options are limited. Martha Syrian Forces are known to have an undeclared number of chemical a weapons including sarin gas stored in 57 cities. Its one of the countries that has not joined the ban on chemical weapons. Bill the world attention is on this. He says hes disturbed by the terrible images especially those of children. Syrian and rebel forces must put down their weapons and he asked the entire International Community to step up their efforts to end the bloodshed. Martha we are just Getting Started this morning. Lots coming up. A little boy dials 911 as two people break into his house. Listen to this child. Stay on the phone with me. I think they are coming in. Martha a 12yearold boy, and why hes being called a hero today. Bill remember the socalled obama phones to help the poor look for jobs and common kate . Thats said to be rife with fraud. Martha a tsunami is what one lawmaker says it will take to get rid of obamacare in his opinion. The wheels are coming off. And because defunding if it doesnt happen now, its likely to never happen. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare . Thats a good thing, but it doesnt cover everything. Only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement plans, they help save you up to thousands in outofpocket costs. Call today to request a free decision guide. With these types of plans, youll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Plus, there are no networks, and youll never need a referral to see a specialist. Join the millions who have already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. And provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. With all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. Call now to request your free decision guide. Martha today marks the start of a new school year for kids in west texas months after a deadly explosion at a local fertilizer plant. I cant hear, i cant hear. Get out of here, please get out of here. Martha remember that awful video from those moments. 15 people lost their lives in that explosion. Most of the towns schools were damaged nond beyond repair. The students and teachers are heading back. They have a temporary building set up. Being able to look at the kid and see the smiles on their faces even though its a different setting facility wise. This is what matters. They are happy being kids and being with their friends. Martha they are Getting School open for this school year. They say its been tough to get this set up in time but they think everything will be ready by september. So we wish them all the best. Its very clear to the assad regime and also other players on the ground that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation. Bill that was president obama one year ago. It appears based on reporting that red line has been crossed. Senator bob corker weighing in on what he says the president needs to do now. I hope the president as soon as we get back to washington will ask for authorization from congress to do something in a surgical and proportional way. Something that gets their attention, that causes them to understand that we are not going to put up with this kind of activity. Bill so is military action inevitable at this moment . Congressman mike mccall. Welcome back. I watched you on sunday and you said repeatedly we need to fix the american side in this fight. What is the american side . The american side is making sure these chemical weapons are secure and destroyed. There has been a lot of talk about assad and the rebel forces. This administration has had a failure in Foreign Policy in my judgment and thats why we are in the mess we are in today. They drew a red line previously, they crossed that line. Now hes drawing another red line. He has no credibility with our international partners. The number one objective and threat that i see are these chemical weapons stockpiles sitting there in syria that could fall into the hands of al qaeda. Why do i say that . Because the rebel forces in syria fighting the assad regime, now the numbers have ticked up to 50 . The al qaeda faction within syria has become a mecca for jihadists. Every day when i get briefed. Every day these jihadists are flowing into syria. We all know the situation over there. But the last thing we want to see are those weapons fired at americans. Bill i want to know whats possible militarily when it comes to chemical weapons. You can fire a Cruise Missile but how is it going to take care of a chemical weapons stockpile. Its extremely complicated. The administration had an opportunity two years ago to support the moderate forces opposed to assad. Cruise missiles cant take out the delivery devices but if they are fired at the chemical weapons themselves they can cause grave destruction. We need to build up an International Coalition to secure these stockpiles and chemical weapons and ultimately destroy them. This is a very, very complex, difficult. Bill indeed it is. The president says we have to avoid being drawn into an expensive, costly, difficult intervention that breeds more recentment in the region. Do you agree with that . I do not think the American People as i said on face the nation want troops on the ground. We dont have an appetite for it. We dont want that. If there is a way to surgically take out these chemical weapons stockpiles that would be in the best interests of not just syria. And the Homeland Security interests of the United States. I dont want to see these weapons brought into the United States and turned against americans. I know the military has warships out there. They are giving the president all sorts of targeting, planning in a briefings. And i will defer to that. But if there is a way to take all these chemical weapons thats the better scenario. Bill Doctors Without Borders report 3,600 patients displaying symptoms that could be tied to the use of chemical weapons and 355 according to this group are reportedly dead. What can you confirm if anything based on that report . The prevailing wisdom from the Intelligence Community is these are chemical weapons. Nerve agents . Mustard gas is one thing. Nerve agents very debilitating and damaging. The videos we have seen and the pictures and the firsthand eyewitness accounts we heard from demonstrate that these are nerve agents that were used against his own people. I think the saddest thing and the most tranl can thin done tht tragic thing is look at those children who were killed by their own president. Its very sad. Bill thank you, Michael Mccaul well be back. Martha you will find this story and all the big headlines on our politics page. Fox news first is the name of the newsletter. Put your email in the address. Its a terrific resource and we suggest you sign up for it right away. Also coming up here this morning, a terrifying 911 call captures one very brave little boy. Home alone when criminals broke into his house. What he did that likely saved his life. The amazing details coming up next. Do you have any weapons inside the closet . No, maam. They are turning on your street. Okay, listen up im reworkin the menu. Mayo . Corn dogs . You are so outta here aah [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of greattasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. Nutrition inharge™. [ bottle ] ensure®. Wits hard to find contractors with the passion and the skill, and thats why we use angies list. Online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time with honest reviews on over 720 local services. I want it done right. I dont want to have to worry about it or have to come back and redo it. With angies list, i was able to turn my home into the home of my dreams. For over 18 years, weve helped people take care of the things that matter most. Join today. Martha one call captures an incredibly brave 12yearold boy in port arthur, texas. He was home alone when a burglar broke into his house. Someone is breaking into my house. They just broke the window. Stay on the phone with me. Martha david lee, what do we know about this little boy and we did . Reporter Port Arthur Police are describing dion as courageous and determined. He was home alone tuesday afternoon when he heard noises coming from the back of the family home. Thats when he called 911. A dispatcher told him to lock himself in the bedroom and during this entire ordeal he remained calm. Even when the burglars are so close they might hear him inside the home. Do you have weapons inside the closet . They are turning on your street. They are inside the bedroom where hes at. You there, beion . Just stay there. The officers, they are going to catch the guy, okay . Reporter 12yearold deion is one brave little boy. Consider the fact that what you heard was edited for time. This whole ordeal took much longer than what you just heard. What happened . A few minutes later the police did arrive. One of the suspects was look out the window. Apparently he saw the police and thats when they decided to make a run for it. 12yearold deion did what he was told by the dispatcher. He also stayed on the phone providing the best information he could. Is the Police Officer outside the house. Yes. But stay inside the closet because they are trying to find the bad guys. You are doing good, you are doing perfect. Your mom is going to be so proud of you. Actually it was the only thing i could think. You thought welt. You are a very, very smart young man and you did a good thing. Reporter the intruders were found a quarter mile away using tracking dogs. Deion is considered a hometown hero, his 911 call is playing on the internet to show the type of bravery few adults could muster let alone a 12yearold boy. Martha that woman said it all. Hes a smart, very brave little boy. He said this is the only thing i could think to do. His mom is very proud of him. Reporter we should point out the dispatcher did an excellent job mere keeping him calm. Reporter a republican senator issuing a rallying cry to his entire party. Senator ted cruz says the republicans need a political tsunami. Martha well talk about a battle between Voting Rights and voter fraud. Democrats launching a Campaign Across all 50 states. Well explain when bill and i come right back. Martha its a call to arms of sorts for the republican party. Ted cruz is calling on republicans from and the nation to unite. It has politicians in both parties very uncomfortable. That paradigm is the rise of the grassroots. The ability of grassroots activists to demands of their officials to do the right things. I think if we see a grassroots tsunami that will cause republicans and democrats to listen to the people. But it will take a tsunami. And ill do everything i can to encourage that tsunami. Martha joined by Jonah Goldberg now. Thank you for being here with me this morning. Let me start with you. I think he does touch on something when he says this whole healthcare issue has made people on both sides of the aisle uncomfortable. I think its true. I agree with him on a lot of the complaints about obamacare. Its not gone very well. Its still not popular. The implementation problems are enormous. Only half of the laws the administration is complying with are they complying with. But the defund obamacare strategy hes pushing is not going to work, and i think its one its a misreading of the political moment. The idea that somehow ted cruz will be able to create a political tsunami that will change the mind of 12 democrats in the senate strikes me as utterly fanciful. In some ways ted cruz is together same strategy at obama did in 2008 and 2012 about bringing change to washington in terms of these populace grassroots forces. That has not worked for president obama and i dont think it will work for ted cruz either. Republicans have to do something we havent done in a long time. Stand up and win the argument. Stand up and say no. We want to keep the government open. We have voted to keep the government open, to fund the government. Why is president obama threatening to shut the government down to force the obama down the throats of the American People. I think its im going to hold a gun to your head and shoot the hostage and blame the hostage for why he got shot. Ted cruz wants to tie the funding of obamacare to the funding of the government. The majority of the republicans in recent polls said they dont approve of this plan. Thats republicans. Overall 71 dont agree with what ted cruz wants to do. If im Mitch Mcconnell or john boehner and im worried about the elections they are probably panicked about what ted cruz is going to do. If he persists in doing this it will cost them. Martha lets look at the list of delays i am flementd this program. This list of delays shows you clearly that the people who came up with this Healthcare Plan know that they have got some problems on their hands because they had to push this off. They are concerned about how its going to go through. Immediate care cuts delayed. You can see how the list goes on there. Lets pull up this poll as well. This gives us some indication how the American People feel about it. 57 think the implementation of obamacare is a joke. So maybe he does tap into something here. I go back to my initial comment. Uncomfortable may be an understatement. It feels in a way like its not being acknowledged on capitol hill where everybody seems concerned about getting reelected. I understand that. Yobut at thetime same the house9 times to repeal obamacare. They are on record as being against obamacare. One of the things the Republican Leadership are concerned about is the issue climate is fantastic for republicans to take back as good as its going to get to take back the senate and to hold or gain in the house. And historically if you have those kinds of gains in a congressional offyear election it sets you up for a president ial election. What ted cruz is doig would argue is symbolic. People want to win a lot of elections to get rid of the law in two or four years from now. I think ted cruz is wrong an lit cally when he says this is our last chance to stop it. Jonah is arguing you do the stand back and hold, hold, hold, hold, everybody. And wait until it starts to fall under some of the pressure of the delays in all of that. You know, i guess its a hail mary pass. Once its fully implemented. People are not satisfied with it. But once it many fully implemented they realized benefits to them personally. They realize they wont be thrown off their Health Insurance. They might not want to necessarily get rid of it. If the republicans want to gamble with the majority of the senate on obamacare thats their right and their prerogative. I think as i said if this goes on they may find that people like not being able to cut their insurance. They might like the fact that they can keep their kids and their Health Insurance longer. More and more as this goes on they will love it. They might. Well see. They might continue to dislike it. They might dislike it for five years. Martha jonah and julie, thank you very much. Very interesting. Bill an American Veteran getting back a treasure thought long lost on the battlefield. He lost his dog tags on the battlefield. Now an australian tourist finds his dog tags. They asked if my name was l. P. Martins. I said yes, it is, he said i have something of yours. I never dreamed it would end up like today. Its overwhelming. Its just a piece of aluminum. But i had to have a little alone time. Bill he lost his leg in that battle and said its like a part of me that was left there. Somehow made its way back to me from a dark place. He says he has some closure from that battle 45 years ago. Bill i have been to that area and there are so many tough memories. He says hes not sure how he feels. Martha he says he felt like a piece of him was back. Its been a hard thing for him. I dont think anything happens accidentally in life. Good moment. Bill there are flood warnings for the desert . Well tell you about the Rushing Waters going through the mojave. Plus remember this . Everybody in cleveland. Obama gave us a phone. I can do more. Martha what more can i say . Free phones. Courtesy of the federal government. Now the new push to end the 2 billion entitlement program. You have got to hear whats really going on with this, folks when we come back. Right now, 7 years of music is being streamed. A quarter million tweeters are tweeting. And 900 Million Dollars are changing hands online. Thats why hp built a new kind of server. One thats 80 smaller. Uses 89 less energy. And costs 77 less. Its called hp moonshot. And its giving the internet the room it needs to grow. This is gonna be big. Hp moonshot. Its time to build a better enterprise. Together. We do . I took the trash out. I know. And thank you so much for that. I think we should get a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. Right now . [ male announcer ] whether youre new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. Its up to you to pay the difference. So think about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. 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Bill there is a new push to end the federal program that offers free cell phones to lower income americans. Its supposed to help you connect with jobs and hospitals. Now that i have assurance i can call my doctor. With assurance you get a free phone and 250 voice minutes. Bill its estimated 40 of those who get one of these phones are not ineligible. It comes at a cost of 2 billi billion. Steve good morning to you. Once the federal program goes out there its hard to pull it back. Reporter whoever knew owning a cell phone is a human right. A third to 40 of the people getting these phones are getting them they are ineligible. When you think about it. Why in the world is the federal government paying people to buy cell phones. This is one of those 20 versions. My kid laugh at me. You you can get a cell phone for 29. Why do we have to have the federal government subsidize it. A lot of those phones we are giving away at taxpayer expense. They have gps systems, they are iphones. Bill but this is a 2 billion program. And you are make the case this needs to end now. And you need to do it in the next two weeks. Inside the continuing resolution. We are running a trillion dollar deficit every year right now in washington. Can we really afford to be spending 2 billion a year giving people free cell phones . I would make the case this is one of those low Priority Programs that should be eliminated. Its not just me saying that. There are a lot of Senate Conservatives saying maybe we can live without this subsidy program. Bill it came about in the mid80s. When you think about it there are poor people and they are low income and they need the ability to communicate when it comes to their health and doctors and hospitals. But what happened 30 years later is a perversion of the system. How did it get there . Every Government Program thats ever been started in washington. This is just a rule of politics. They expand over time. So now you have got people gettingics phones and the most modern new technologies that even people like myself who work for a living cant afford to buy. There is a controversy over whether the program is paid for by the taxpayers. They say its paid for by the Telephone Companies. But where did the money come from originally . The federal government applies a tax on the Telephone Companies and then the Telephone Companies use that money to essentially give away these free phones. Bill thats the universal service on your phone bill, thats the hidden tax. Its almost like saying the roads are free, we dont have to pay for by the road. Thats paid for by the gals companies because they are paid for with t that money come out of our pockets, not out of the pockets of the gasoline and oil companies. Its paid for by you and me because we pay it when we pay our phone bill. Bill some suggest the more cell phones they hand out the more money they make. This is something you are arguing should be defunded as part of the budget bite coming up in two weeks. Well see if thats a part of that. This is going to be a joy began can fight. Issues like this will come up, too. What i wonder about, whether we are moving towards a society where things like ipads and personal computers, will those also be subsidized . Things like cable tv . Where do you end it . Bill ill be in line for that. Because you ask, bya if something is bugging you today, shoots us a line. Martha a beloved High School Teacher vanished on a hiking trip. Investigators say finding this guy could be look liking for a needle in a haystack. Bill this sentencing phase for nadal hassan in a few minutes texas. And a great deal. Grrrr ahhh lets leave the deals to hotels. Com. Oh my gosh this is so cool. Awesome perfect save up to 30 plus an extra 12 off with coupon. Now until labor day. Only at hotels. Com now you can give yourself a kick in the rear v8 vfusion plus energy. Natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. Need a little kick . Ooh couldve had a v8. In the juice aisle. [ sound fades ] at a moment like this, im glad i use tampax pearl. [ female announcer ] tampax pearl protects better. Only tampax has a leakguard braid to help stop leaks before they happen. Tampax pearl protects better. Bill classes begin today at a high school in pennsylvania but a popular math teacher will not be in that classroom. 39 Matthew Green vanished on a hiking trip. He was on a hike with some friends. Green had car trouble, so his friends went ahead of him. He stayed behind in a campground. His family is using social media to find out what might have happened to him. Martha democrats are pushing back on Voting Rights launching new reforms to make it easier to cast a ballot in all 50 states. Chief Congressional Correspondent mike emanuel is with us. The federal government is taking on texas and its voter i. D. Law. Reporter the Obama Administration is trying to block texas from implementing its voter i. D. Law. Eric holder says hes not going to allow open seen for states to suppress voter rights. Its deeply depressing and i think cynical of the attorney general who seems to be stuck back in 1965 and doesnt reelize the great progress we have made thank goodness for the aspiration we had when our country was towned for equal justice under the law. Reporter senator cornyn noted in the 2012 election africanamericans voted in a higher percentage and white voters in texas. Martha some say there is a danger tonight. Reporter mississippi, alabama and North Carolina are trying to move sea head. But colin powell is among those who claims these will make voting more difficult. These procedures to slow the process down and making it likely fewer hispanics and africanamericans will backfire. These people will come out to do what they have to do to vote and i encourage that. Reporter the Justice Department is trying to stop the spread by taking texas to court. Bill about five minutes before the hour now. Crossing the red line. All eyes on the pentagon. Syria said to be launching chemical weapons. The big question now. Will the white house lead or follow. Martha the new fallout for the socalled thrill kill after Young Australian ball player. What the governor of oklahoma is saying about the silence from the president. He was such an amazing person. Im going to miss him forever. But im really glad i got the four years with him. Golden opportunity sales event and experience the connectivity of the available lexus enform, including the es and rx. This is the pursuit of perfection. Help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. I can tell you safety is at the heart of everything we do. Weve added cuttingedge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a stateoftheart monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twentyfourseven. And were sharing what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Our commitment has never been stronger. Martha we start with this fox news alert and u. S. Military muscle now moves into position with even more evidence of a chemical attack against people in syria affecting men, women, children on the ground in that count trip the white house now looking at military options, possibly this week. Welcome, everybody. On that note we start hour two in americas newsroom. Welcome back against bill. Good to have you. Bill thank you. Im bill hemmer. Good morning. Fox news confirmed four Navy Warships have moved to an eastern part of the mediterranean sea. The u. S. Needs to get ready for all possible scenarios. Moments ago, texas republican Michael Mccall thinks largely the biggest danger to be destroyed from a distance. If there is a way to take out the chemical weapons stockpiles that would be in the best of syria, but im more worried about the Homeland Security interest of United States. I know the military has warships off the coast of syria. I know theyre giving the president all sorts of targeting planning in briefings and i will defer to that but if theres a way to take out these chemical weapons without putting boots on the ground i think that is the better scenario. Bill what now . National security correspondent Jennifer Griffin is live at the pentagon with more on this. Jennifer, you were working your sources all weekend. Pressure on the president to act seems to be building by the day. What is the pentagon doing about that at the moment now . Reporter well, the bill, the pentagon is not prepositioning at this point a Aircraft Carrier off the coast of damascus. They were finally loud to leave the hotel in damascus today but washington according to u. S. Officials is not waiting to see what they find out. The u. S. Destroyers in the mediterranean could launch guided missiles and tom machs at anytime at a some regime targets. Right now the administration is working through nato. If there is any action it will be in concert with the International Community and within the framework of legal justification. Reporter the problem with using tomahawk misses tlam missiles off the destroyers they will be firing into densely Populated Areas and there is concern there i will will be civilian casualties as a result, bill. Bill what is the military option if there is one that falls short of allout war but would send a message significant enough to the Syrian Regime . Remember chairman of the joint chiefs, general Martin Dempsey has talked just how costly it would be for the u. S. To get involved militarily involved in syria. He presented plans that would talk billions of dollars in costs. More than 500,000 u. S. Troops on the ground but independence statute of study of war and other think tanks in washington have presented other options. What this leaves us is a limited, standoff attack using, sr. Fast ships, Cruise Missiles, submarines, Cruise Missiles and also similar missiles, precisionguided munitions from airplanes, all flying below the radar and air Defense System at targets inside of syria of military value. Reporter in fact the u. S. Could use its warplanes to do what the israeli warplanes have done of late. They fire from outside the country. That would mean they would not have to go in and destroy the entire air Defense System or set up a full nofly zone. Bill thank you, Jennifer Griffin from the pentagon there. Here is martha with more. Martha the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff said a war with syria would likely be long and likely be very costly and defense secretary chuck hagel told reporters this morning that the u. S. Would only take action as part of an international effort. He would not say whether he thinks that is likely to happen. Kt mcfarland is a Fox News National security analyst. She joins me now. Good morning. A question of leading or following in this case. What do you think about that . We have just spent over a decade see how badly things two when we get in the middle of somebody elses civil war whether iraq, afghanistan. Bill libya. We do not below long in the syrias civil war but i will say my concern is the chemical weapons. Not so much the size of these civil wars but what is the american strategic interest. Our interest is making sure chemical weapons dont ever get used against americans. If there is a way the United States can use precision strikes as everyone said, not boots on the ground, not overflying syria but go in and destroy the chemical weapons sites and depots. Thats it. Dont take side in the civil war and prevent the chemical weapons from falling into the hands of people that would use them against us. Martha, im greatest fear rebels affiliated with al qaeda would use weapons against syria as the Syrian Government allayed with hezbollah. Martha what do you make of assads response basically saying it would be very dangerous to get involved here . I think the danger and the risk is that it wont just be an easy strike. You just cant go in and bomb them and get out t would be a mater would there be civilian casualties . You never, even go back to world war i, when we have attacked chemical weapons, facilities, factories, would they potentially release chemical toxins into the area with large civilian casualties. Whatever we do will not be riskfree but it would be a lot more complicated if we tried to take out the air Defense System and boots on the ground and covert action. The key to all of this is not just lead, follow, but to work with our allies. The brits, the french and particularly the israelis. It is not as if this hasnt been out in the open. It has been discussed all the weekend. It is not one of those things the president comes out on tv we want you to know last night we took out the chemical weapons depots. Were beyond that point. Yeah. Martha one of the points you make which i find is very interesting, keep your eye on the larger picture, the ramifications of a larger civil war this could lead to across the middle east. Explain that. Boots on the ground, what we see in syria is probably the harbinger of could be decade, generationlong war between the sunnis and shiites arabs in the middle east. On one side of of the equation you have syria, hezbollah, iran. On other side you have al qaeda, al qaeda affiliates. Some wealthy Gulf Oil States who are supporting islamic radicals. If they are going at each other in this way throughout the entire region the United States really doesnt want to get in the middle of this. We want to make sure whatever happens protects american Strategic Interests. What are our Strategic Interests in the region . Access to oil. Preventing terrorists from coming to the United States and protecting the state of israel. We can do all those things invon another war. Martha energy independence. Energy independence is the key martha were always championing energy independence, we dont need them. If were selfsufficient, who cares. Martha exactly. Bill another person not mincing words along with kt, senator john mccain says president obama needs to order military action now. For sure he used them at least once. Now heres the second time is horrific. Who are risk. If the United States stands by and doesnt take very serious action. Not just launching some Cruise Missiles, then again our credibility in the world is diminished even more if theres any left. Bill senator mccain was speaking from seoul, south korea. He is calling for the white house to give rebels more weapons and establish a nofly zone, nothing which has happened there. Martha there is no shortage of possible targets the president could strike in syria. The commandandcontrol centers used by the Assad Government and airstrips and control towers that keep those running. Arms and artillery caches obvious choice would be on the table as well as syria fuel sources and mobile military units, tank brigades, also on the list of possible targets here as well. Bill we have breaking news from texas now. A panel of military jurors now deciding life or death for the convicted fort hood shooter. Army major nidal hasan facing sentencing today. On friday a military jury found hasan guilty on all counts of killing 13 and wounding dozens more on the army post in 2009. Casey stiegel is watching the events unfold because they are back in court now. How will this work, casey. Reporter bill, good morning to you. It is only expected to take a few days or some the prosecution will call 20 witnesses. It is a mix of soldiers who were badly injured on that day. One man still walks with a cane to this very day. Also family members of all 13 who lost their lives on this texas army post. Emotional impact statements from widows, parents, friends, children. The idea is to pull on the heartstrings of the 13member panel to demonstrate how hasans actions changed their lives forever. They will be more inclined to give him the death penalty. This panel was unanimous finding hasan guilty and they must also be unanimous with their sentence. All 13 must agree to give him death f that happens, hasan will be sent to the military death row at Fort Leavenworth in kansas although it has been since 1961 since the u. S. Military has execute ad soldier, bill. Bill hasan will get a chance to speak. When will that happen and what information do you have about it, casey . Reporter we really expect that to happen tomorrow because today was mostly would be the prosecutions witnesses. There is a lost speculation what hasan could get up there and say. As you know he participated very little in the guilt or innocence phase of this courtmartial. Now all bets are off. There are virtually no restrictions what a convicted murderer can tell the court. Some think this will be his opportunity to express his wanting to a martyr and known radical religious views. How he killed the soldiers to protect the taliban and going over to what he characterized as an illegal war. So some of the stuff that comes out of his mouth could no doubt be hurtful, bill. Bill thank you. Of the casey staying gel on post in fort hood, texas. So the families of the victims are coming up to the very end of this and you know how painful it has been. It is almost over down there in texas, almost. Martha indeed. Well it looks like the scene from the end of the world. Ashes falling like snowflakes from a wildfire near a u. S. Landmark. Look at the unbelievable images outside of yellowstone. Well tell you how the fire created its own weather pattern. Bill he survived the battle of okinawa okinawa, only to be beaten in the a senseless crime here in america. Update on a murder of a world war ii veteran. Martha new questions over the socalled thrill kill murder in oklahoma. Should the president have commented . Governor, what do you make of the silence of people like al sharpton and quite frankly the silence of the president . Well, you know, i dont know what to think about that. 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Bill thanks so the Community Support and Surveillance Video police found or police are expected to charge these teenagers, Keenan Adams Kinard and Demetrius Glen with firstdegree murder and robbery. Happened outside of a martha terrible. Another senseless tragedy weve been covering the past few days, the socalled, thrill kill murder of a Oklahoma College athlete whose name was chris lane. It is a very sad story. It spread around the world in the days after this happened. The president so far has been silent on this story. His press secretary who was standing in the press briefing that day, was not aware of who chris lane was or what this story was but the family members obviously have been very concerned about the reaction they have gotten. Weve seen the president comment on in other cases of gun violence such as Trayvon Martin which payses a question. Oklahoma governor, mary fallin, whatever comment no matter how small would be nice to do. Here is what she told Chris Wallace in an Interesting Exchange on fox news sunday. I think it would be a nice gesture for him to do that, especially since the country of australia expressed their sentiments as to the murder itself. You know i think it would be a nice gesture for them to be able to do that. I certainly know thats what im going to do. Martha leslie marshall, is a syndicated radio talk show host and didi banke, former white house aide and aid to president george w. Bush and republican strategist. Welcome here today. This is a tough story. It is a sad story and because the president did input himself into those other cases, leslie, thats why this question is being raised. No doubt but its a story you just reported, martha, regarding world war ii veteran. I think that although it is disgusting anytime somebody loses their life, especially to a crime whether it is the hand of a gun or not which i think is definitely another issue and as weve seen statistically the violence, crime in america is down except among our youth. Violent crime is up among our youth and something we have to address. When we lose somebody who is young, it is awful. The reason as you trail yaw made a comment, this is their citizen. The reason the president should make a comment people feel because of Trayvon Martin, the race card, this is a young man but i do think it is naive and unreal listic to expect the president to comment anytime there is victim of a crime. Martha of course it is. Of course it is. With we care i understand that but the problem is, that he has put himself into the middle of these situations in recent days and because he did that it raises the question why he would not, you know, comfort this family. Why he would not reach out and make a comment . Dee dee, what do you think . I can not believe it. I have to tell you on the governors part as well as president s part, this is australia. This is big ally of ours and friend. They have lost one of their citizens at one of our universities who, for a terrible reason. This is like a thrill kill . This is sick and mental illness. The president has not stepped up because he doesnt look like his son . That is not right. It raises it to a different level when this young student is from australia. The governor and president need to step up. I dont know why the governor is not calling the president out. It is nice guess ture, and too weak. Owe as you trail yaw apology and big one. Martha raises the question, leslie, the issues of gun violence as you point out, violence in the streets, the rising threat from young teenagers, look at these two awful, awful stories which make me say, what is going on, right . I wonder should the president talk about that . Should the president come forward and talk about parenting . Should the president come forward and talk about responsibility and why these kids are running wild in these cases and just so dean sensitized and detached from humanity . Absolutely. If anything, just who the president is, and the fact that he is biracial, africanamerican, has come from this sector and segment but before that, i want to say one thing regarding the Legal Process in hindsight. Martha okay. Honestly i think as president , looking back, and i cant speak for him, if i were in his shoes i might have rethought commenting on Trayvon Martin. We saw what happened. We saw what happened to mr. George zimmerman. We saw what happened to the trial. I think perhaps theyre reserving the white house, not apologies to the families. That should be done and should be done privately quite frankly. As a parent that will not bring me any comfort. That will certainly not bring my son back. What can we do as a nation to prevent this in the future not just for visitors to this nation but for our own citizens of the certainly the president has spoken out about guns. He spoken out heavily since newtown and other massacres in this country. I as democrat strongly spoken out about this problem. It is not just this problem. Fatherlessness is a problem where bill oreilly and i agree. Guns are a problem. Martha huge problem. This is an area where we need to put politics aside and what we can do to really focus on our children. Martha you focused on something significant. I think what we may be seeing is reflex on speaking too soon in the Trayvon Martin. That prompted the discussion were having here today. And well see. Thank you so much. Dee dee, leslie, good to see you both. Thank you. Bill 20 minutes past. Did you catch this last night . [cheers and applause] bill miley cyrus in some serious pda at the vma. Michael graham talks about the prime time moment that has everybody talk about. Martha public display of affection. Well see what you call it coming up. Incredible pictures at the crash in the indy race. Is this accident on the pit row no accident at all . Tell you what happened there. Turn around every now and then i get a little bit hungry and theres nothing good around turn around barry i finally found the right snack bill we are waiting a very ceremony at the white house. The medal of honor will be presented to a Army Staff Sergeant by the name of ty carter. Dan springer live in seattle tells us why the award means so much to him and everybody in the military. Dan, good morning to you. Reporter bill, all of husband in the country have gratitude for the men in battle. It was in afghanistan. In a few hours, ty carter will be the second medal of honor recipient from the fight, something that has not happened since vietnam. Army Staff Sergeant ty carter is an american hero, still haunted by what he could not do in his bravest hour. Carter will be the fourth living recipient of the congressional medal of honor from the war in afghanistan. I would never wish for someone to receive this medal because in order to receive this medal your family is pretty much dieing around you. Everything is, everything is getting destroyed. There is bullets, theres flames, theres explosions and people you care about are suffering around you. Reporter it was october third, 2009. 53 u. S. Soldiers at combat outpost keating in the lawless mountains near the pakistan border were attacked by several hundred militants. Under heavy fire, carter ran ammunition to fellow soldiers. He killed several of the enemy and her row i cannily risked his life to give first aid to special tivity stefan mace, who lay gravely wounded in open. After slowing bleeding and putting a tourniquet on maces leg he carried him to shelter. After the day long battle, as he went into surgery, stefan mace died yet his mother remains grateful for tys courage. He gave my son peace, gave him safety, gave him comfort. He allowed stefan to have the thoughts that he would be coming home to us, coming home to his family. Reporter in all, eight americans died and 25 were injured in the battle at camp keating, one of the deadliest in the war in afghanistan. Sergeant carter is stationed at fort lewis in washington state. He plans on staying in the military and speaking to other soldiers about posttraumatic stress which i still grapples with on occasion. Bill i bet he does. What an example he set. Thank you, dan springer on that story in seattle. Martha. Martha a Massive Wildfire is now inching closer to an American Landmark and this thing is so big that it may be creating its own weather system. Maria molina will explain that to us coming up next. Bill it might be the most encouraging milestone yet for sara murnahan and her family. We have the latest news on the Lung Transplant recipient whose recovery could be complete. Lets hope. How are you feeling . Good. You look good. Sara, your walk today was amazing. Love you. All right. Martha all right. Fox news alert now out of california where the massive rim fire as its is being called is burning so big it is apparently creating its own weather system to a certain extent. While the number of destroyed homes or buildings are relatively few we hope that continues to be the case. Some folks say they have to leave almost everything behind because the approaching flames force ad lastminute scramble. 15 minutes to be out of our house. So we only got our kids, our animals and a little bit of pictures and paperwork that we really needed t was hard. Its a lot right now. We just moved in three months ago. Were just getting on our feet, getting stable. And then this. Martha oh, boy, you hope their homes are spared when they get back to them. Nasa put out images we want to show you of smoke plumes that can be seen from outer space. Firefighters have their work cut out for them on the ground in this situation. Maria molina joins us live from the fox weather center. Maria, what does that mean, that it created its own weather system . Reporter that is is incredible to hear, were talking about a Massive Wildfire that can create its own wind drafts. You get the winds going upwards and that is one of the way it creates its own weather patterns and downdrafts can be created in the make column. It rise up and gets so heavy and collapses within itself and creates downdraft. You see here on the screen, this is a full screen image of the smoke you can see from space. This is a nasa image. This is heartbreaking scene across parts of california. Not just the own weather patterns within the wildfire that makes it difficult for firefighters to battle the fire but topography in the area makes it very tough. We have Drought Conditions in california. Even extreme Drought Conditions across the parts of west. That provides fuel for wildfire out here. That dry brush is in place. To add salt to the wounds, martha, were talking flooding occurring across parts of southern california. Were seeing rainfall but not needed places where it is need in california. We have rain in parts of arizona, parts of nevada where flooding is a concern. Flooding is a concern as we see a lot more rain and if we could get it a little north to the area impacted by the wildfire it would be very helpful but it is not in the forecast. Some isolated storms but well not see a lost rain. Martha they have a lot on their plate. We wish them well. Maria, thank you very muchp. Bill we have new information this morning on a little girl taking fresh summer air into her lungs. Were now learning Sarah Murnaghan could be home this week, possibly tomorrow. She is the 11yearold girl receive ad new pair of lungs after challenging the age restrictions for transplants. Dr. Marc siegel, part of our fox news medical ateam here with more on this. Doc, good morning to you. Good morning. Bill sarah is off oxygen. Using limited support from a respirator. How do you see her condition now, doctor . That is a very good sign. You see from her face the effect of steroids. Theyre using cyclosporin probably and using steroids. But initially, bill, there is problem bacteria from the old lungs being around from the Cystic Fibrosis. She is over that. She already dodged a few bullets. There was pneumonia from the lungs she got. That got treated and that is good sign. She has to stay on immunosuppressants. People have to know, Cystic Fibrosis, a problem making mucous, making secretions, will not come back in the new lungs. That is why the reason Cystic Fibrosis responds bettory Lung Transplants better than lung disease. More than 80 of the people are live more than a year. That sun with of the reasons were pushing for the Lung Transplant for sarah. This is a groundbreaking thing. There are one thousand babies per year born with Cystic Fibrosis in the United States. Lung transplants may be in the future for them. Bill is she out of the wood or just out of the woods for now, doctor . Bill, she is out of the early woods. She is out of the biggest scares with infections but you have to keep in mind she still has to be on immunosuppress sieves for life. In first year theyre pretty heavy doses. They have to watch that pretty carefully. They have to get the takesy as tommy tube out. They have to do pull mow nation, strengthen the muscles of breathe and diaphragm and other muscles so the new longs really work better. You know what . They have not been rejected yet. That is a really good sign. Not getting bad infections a really good sign. I think the future is bright for sarah. Bill how much given her age and she is so incredit i young, how much does that helper potentially . Bill, i think that helps her enormously. You have to keep in mind cf is a disease that affects many other organs including the pancreas, sinuses, sweat glands. It is more after problem for older people. I spoke to a pediatric expert who said with children we can manage those problems much more easily. Now that she has the new lungs and has advantage of being younger with a better immune system i think she will do better than an adult might do. So again, maybe well see more children get Lung Transplants if we get more variable organs. Bill she could be an example there you say rehab is important. Keep that exercise and strengthen the body, right, doctor . Absolutely. Now that she is getting up and walking that helps. Being out of the bed, that helps. Getting outside and more exercise. She has to be with rehabilitation experts. She just celebrated her 11th birthday. We want to wish her a happy birthday. That is great news. Bill thank you, doctor. Marc siegel part of our medical ateam. Thanks, bill. Martha Chicago Police are trying to take back the streets. The city known to have one of the highest crime rates in the country is using a new program to try to get a handle on it. Mike toby binge is live for us in chicago with more on this. Hi, mike. Reporter really, martha, it is a number of new programs, community policing, drug units, gang units, applied strategically. The mayor is calling the first day of school a new beginning but it really looks a lot like the old. Overthe weekend four people were shot and killed. An 11yearold girl was shot and people on the street dont have a lot of faith in police. There is guy laying in the middle. Street. Looks like he is shot. Reporter when gunshots ring out on chicagos troubled south and west sides, someone knows theyre coming. Whether the violence is driven by the drug trade or vendetta, word says it hits the streets before bullets fly. Everyone knows who is shooting. Everyone knows whose kids has guns. Everyone knows. A matter of the neighborhood getting involved. Reporter Nate Pendleton is the father of the Hadiya Pendleton who was killed in a hail of bullets after performing at the president ial inauguration. Information about the who fired the fatal bullet never made it to police. When guns rule the street, snitches pay a harsh penalty. Annette freeman who lost her son to a stray bullet says the relationship between the people in violent neighborhoods and chicago cops is not good. There is no trust. I have called police before and you know, it made me feel like i was the criminal. Reporter plus superintendent Gary Mccarthy says, local departments have a lot of work to do in terms of building relationships, in terms of Building Trust but the growing sent mane even coming from newspaper columnists here in chicago if the people in those troubled neighborhoods want to get control of the street they will have to take control themselves. Martha . Martha wow, what a situation. Mike, thank you very much. Bill what a situation been going on for too long too. Martha sure has. Bill politicians and mayor martha get it under control. Think about Rudy Giuliani and what he did to help improve the situation because new york was like that at one time but not anymore. Bill turn it around. Martha yeah. Bill extreme flooding in desert. Well tell you where this is happening. Also in a moment coming up, how about this . Martha remember hanna montana . Cute little girl. Pretty funny on tv now weve got this. Did you see miley cyrus last night . You probably saw some of these clips this morning. There is a deeper story going on here. Well talk about that when we get back. I guess you can tell them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options to choose from. Huh . Im looking at it right now. Oh, yeah . Yeah. Whats the. Guest room situation . The name your price tool, making the world a little more progressive. Help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. I can tell you safety is at the heart of everything we do. Weve added cuttingedge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a stateoftheart monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twentyfourseven. And were sharing what weve learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. Our commitment has never been stronger. And a great deal. Grrrr ahhh lets leave the deals to hotels. Com. Oh my gosh this is so cool. 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New controversy at the video music awards. Miley cyrus leaving her disney days to show us what it is like as she is past the teenage years. Take a look at some of this. [cheers] martha this guy walks out. I dont know who, what is his name . Bill robin thicke. Martha robin think, whatever. He strips down to nearly nothing. During his performance at the mtv video awards last night. No more hanna montana i watch with my daughter. She was cute, funny, talented. This stuff, really . That is badabing. Only one kind of place you should see that kind of thing and pay at the door and show your i. D. Talk to michael graham, with us to talk about this. Can you tell how i feel about this, michael . Good morning. I have a sense this is not how you spend your leisure time. Martha no. I disagree with one thing. You called miley cyrus talented. Martha she was. She was funny. Had great comic timing. Send her out to just make everyone forget the horror that was achy breaky heart. That is my theory. Knock it out of my heads. My listeners on the new england talk network can not wait to talk because they had the same reaction. My answer back is well, why . I dont understand. There is always a freak show part of the entertainment world always. Going back to, back, 100 years ago when you know, to the, 11 80s in france, they had the freak show and bring out midgets and people with handicaps. More recently, madonna when her career was crashing starts putting on the cone bra. Martha i hear you. Who is the guy that wanted to be famous on saturday night live, dropped the fbomb because he had no talent and he disappeared. Wardrobe malfunction. There is something always going on to get people whipped up. I dont know that freak show last night says anything about broader american society. Martha i hope so. It is really sad to me, really. There is something really not right going on here with miley cyrus. I think it is sad. I think most of the kids see that. They see through it. It disturbs them. What is that about. I dont know how many kids are lining up to see miley cyrus perform these days. Vma look ad ratings. They peaked in 1999. I guess they have to allow some of this crazy stuff to get the kind of attention, you know. You always ask yourself should we do the segment or not do the segment because you dont want to give it more attention it is do. Im glad to hear you say it is not part after deeper systemically Society Problem which i fall into thinking. Look at picture of will smith and his family because this is encouraging. Look at his kids. Theyre horrified. Theyre in the business. Look, i think that photo speaks for 97. 3 of the americans. Martha yeah. Theyre going, holy crap, what is this . There is a Broader Society thing, actually hit with the vma numbers, nobody, Television Viewership particularly for music content is going down. People watch on youtube. She was on tv. Last night to get on youtube because that is where the action is and she did her job. Did you see her danceing . If she can get a job dancing elaine from seinfeld can get a job with the rockets. That was spasm. I was waiting for someone to go up to her and say, dont let her swallow her tongue. Dont let her swallow her tongue. This was not a statement about american culture. The kids thought it was dopey too. Martha michael, there is a crassness worked its way to so much of sew sight and entertainment now. This may be the miley cyrus story. I do think its a sad story. I hope she can turn it around. Nobody likes to see somebody selfdestruct. That is not what we want. There is nothing funny about that. Is there a bigger problem at work here . Well, why, first of all her hairdresser should be under arrest immediately. Martha you didnt like that look, the ones . Not doing it for you . I was fighting my way through a lawnmower factory and got caught somewhere . Why does she have to go to extremes to shock us . Tell you why. Go to a school dance, next prom season. Watch the dirty dancing. Notice who are watching, parents are standing around watching that. As long as parents will normalize the behavior of her kids that is overtly sexual, and i would argue over the top. Martha parents need to speak out and say this is not good, not good. Rein it in. Thank you, very much, michael graham. Good to have you here today. I want to see you dance now, martha. Martha not a lot like that. Im a pretty guidancer. Ill throw that in. Bill steve west tweets, miley cyruss daddy must be proud, not. I bet he has an achy breaky heart. Martha that will break your heart, thats for sure. Bill we have to role to this. New yorks attorney general suing donald trump for 40 million. Well tell you what he is alleging. Plus the response from the donald. Do not miss this. Im not a very paranoid person but when this lightweight attorney general who is not respected by anybody, when meet with the president and then files a suit, like 24 hours later, i think, yes, i think ive been targeted and i think its a big many pro. I think people ought to look into it. So then the little tiny chipmunks go all the way up. [ female announcer ] when your swapportunity comes, take it. What . What . What . [ female announcer ] yoplait. It is so good. What . What . You need a girls weekend and you need it now. Ladies, lets goo vegas. Cute waiter girls weekend here priceline savings without the bidding. Bill new york is suing donald trump for 40 million. New yorks attorney general Eric Schneiderman says that trump is running a phony university which he claims failed to deliver on promises to make students rich. The donald is firing back. He says it is flatout extortion, folks. Julie banderas live in the newsroom with more. What is the accusation back and forth, julie. Real estate mogul is coming under attack, 40 million worth of it. That is what consumers spent on trump university. They claim was a scam. They say the trump entrepreneur he institute deceived consumers between 2005 and 2011 and bilked them out of thousands of dollars making false promise. They said it operated as unlicensed Educational Institute and charged 1500 for a threeday seminar that promised to teach consumers wet, everything they needed to know to become successful Real Estate Investors and taught Donald Trumps real estate strategies. Those who bought into it were led to believe the donned would appear at classes. Instead they got to take a picture with a lifesized cardboard cutout. He personally appeared in commercialals to make false promises to make people spend 10 of thousands of dollars they couldnt afford for lessons they did not. They learned that he did not pick a single instructor that he advertised and had no control in the curriculum. Bill what did he say . When does donald trump have to say on fox friends said the ag is a lightweight and going after him for political reasons. He is not respected about everybody. His high rating is about 4 . By the way our Approval Rating on the school is 98 . 98 of the people that took the courses give it a really great rating much. Reporter he went on twitter called him stupid, dopey and other words. Finally changed its name to the Trump Entrepreneur Institute in 2010. By that time students were paying for what they thought was an Actual University when they were not. Bill. Bill sounds like a good ol good one shaping up here. Yeah. Bill much more coming up here. Julie banderas in our newsroom here in new york. Martha a u. N. Truck looking for chemical weapons came under attack today as fighting continues to kill thousands in syrias civil war. Now the world is weighing in. What to do to stop the assad regime. Well be right back. [ male announcer ] americas favorite endless shrimp is back people wait for this promotion all year long. And now there are endless ways to love it. From crispy to spicy to savory. [ man ] you cannot make a bad choice. [ male announcer ] red lobsters endless shrimp as ch as you like, y way you like you can have your shrimp. And you can eat it, too. [ male announcer ] try our new soy wasabi grilled shrimp or classic garlic shmp scampi. All just 15. 99 for a limited time. Its gonna be a hit this year. [ male announcer ] red lobsters endless shri is now we would neveriss endless shrimp. [ male announcer ] but it wont last forever. So come and sea food differently. Martha this might be the video of the day, folks. An indy car driver pulling out of the pit and smacking into a crew member. Look at this. And he had, whoa. He hit the guy. Martha now a closeup. Watch this. Scott dixon crew guy just bill oh, man. Martha that will leave a mark. He went right into the drivers another pit crew. Two other people were injured. Martha the guy might have walked into dixons car. Bill that is tough way to prove your point. Martha we missed you. Well see happening now right now. Bill and i will being back tomorrow. Jon we begin with this fox news alert on three major developing stories, each with the potential to take a dramatic turn at any moment. First, our defense secretary chuck hagel just outlined the framework under which america could take military action in syria this as calls grow to forcefully respond to evidence that the assad regime killed hundreds of its own people with chemical weapons. The wildfire the size of the chicago raging in and around a cherished American Landmark, the Yosemite National park but the rim fire poses a threat to hundred of thousands of residents in San Francisco and it is a 150 miles away. Well tell you about that

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