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0 >> brian: i'll buy one. >> gretchen: you wore yellow because you steal my pen. >> brian: steve wants to go contrast. if you have some time, i'll see you on "the five" later today. >> steve: larry sabato joins us tomorrow when we hope you do, too. see you then. bill: raucous crowd there this morning. fox news alert a surge in the polling puttings mitt romney on top in the race for the white house. "pew research poll"ing shows since the debate last week, mitt romney leaping ahead of president obama. what a swing that is, 49-45%. keep in mind that is likely voters too. you have to ask a few more questions to figure out whether you're registered voter or likely voter. likely voter polls are more accurate in the end. look who is back here. martha: hello, everybody. bill: celebrating columbus day. martha: i always do. thank goodness he discovered the country. good morning i'm martha maccallum. mitt romney ahead of the president but wiping out the double digit lead with women voters. you remember what that used to be. bill: republican nominee continues to press on this issue, that's the economy. >> can we afford four more years like the last four years? he wants another stimulus. how did that first one work out? and then, he wants to pick winners and losers among companies, or losers in his case and then, of course he wants to hire more government workers. look, all of these things have not ignited our economy the way it should be ignited. we've seen the slowest recovery from a recession. bill: john roberts traveling with the campaign. live in vanmeter, iowa, that is west of des moines. what is happening there, john? >> reporter: good morning. governor romney will be talking agriculture today. not surprisingly we're on a 700 acre farm owned by the cook family. a lot of soybeans and corn here. we're in madison county. governor romney won this in the caucuses by the way. he will argue the president's policies things like estate taxes, climate change, environmental regulations, energy policy are hurting farmers. he continues to go after the president on issue of jobs of the even though the unemployment number is down below the psych lodge call level at 8% on the stump in newport news, governor romney found a new way to use it. >> if you look back 60 years, at all the months we had unemployment before 8% before president obama. there were 39 months. in all 60 years with unemployment above 8%. under this president there have been 43 months. under one president alone. he does not understand what it takes to create a real recovery. i do. >> reporter: bill you mentioned the pew poll. the pew poll governor romney was seen as guy with new ideas. he was the one people trust to create jobs. bill: one of the lingering numbers in the debate governor romney's honesty to cut federal spending. >> taking on big bird. bill: how is the obama team, responding that, going after it? >> governor romney was trying to make a point cutting unnecessary spending said. i like pbs i like big bird. i even like you, jim lehrer, but i don't think you need the subsidy. obama campaign, seized on that. the president used that as a rip line to ridicule governor romney across the country. this morning they have a new ad about it. >> bernie madoff, ken lay, dennis kozlowski, i will criminals gluttons of greed and evil genius towered over them. one man has the guts to speak his name. >> big bird. big bird, big bird. >> me, big bird. >> a menace to our economy. mitt romney knows it is not wall street you have to worry about. it is "sesame street". >> reporter: that ad was out about couple hours, bringing out "sesame street"'s couldn't saying look at president obama has been talking about this. mentioned big bird eight times. elmo five times. zero mentions about libya and zero plans to fix the economy. this is going in a very interesting direction this morning. bill: back and forth we go. thank you, john. we'll follow the campaign stoplighter in iowa. martha: we'll talk about all that "sesame street" stuff later in the show. governor romney starting his day in the key battleground state of iowa. the state carries six electoral votes. later today, president romney and governor romney head to buckeye state. ohio has of course 18 electoral votes. bill: we all know ohio is important, right? especially for republican ledger. ohio has voted for winner in last eight presidential elections. no republican has ever won the white house without winning the buckeye state. in 2008, the president beat john mccain by 300,000 votes in ohio. martha: in michigan, paul ryan got a bit fed up after getting grilled on gun violence. here is about the problem. >> does this country have a gun problem. >> this country has a crime problem. >> not a gun problem? >> no, if you look at gun laws i don't think even president obama is proposing more gun laws. we have good strong gun laws. >> not about gun laws. >> we have to enforce the laws. we have a lot of laws not properly enforced. we have to make sure we enforce the laws. best way to prevent violent crime in inner cities, bring opportunity to the inner cities. bring people out of poverty in the inner cities. teach people, good discipline. that is civil society, charities and civic groups and churches do to help one another make them realize they have value in one another. martha: that is when thing started to take a bit of a turn. gong man ryan ended interview rather abruptly. after this exchange. follow the reporter pushes him on tax cuts. you can do all by cutting taxes with a big tax cut? >> ryan respond, those are your words, not mine. off-camara ryan's press secretary was heard, thank you very much, sir. that's when paul ryan begins removing his mic and leaving, adding quote, that was trying to strange you're stuffing words in people's minds. >> i don't know if it is strange. >> ryan fires backs sound like you're trying to put answers to questions. that's where it ended. the local michigan station pulled that part of the interview off the website. they said the time was up and everyone making big deal out of nothing. congressman ryan's team statement they issued. reporter was well over allotted time interview when he started to ask a weird question related to gun violence with tax cuts. ryan responded anyone would with a strange situation, when you do 200 interviews in couple months eventually you will see a local reporter embarass himself. that from the ryan campaign. that is the back and forth. hope you're able to follow all that. be sure to follow us on thursday night for the first and only vice presidential debate between vice president joe biden and congressman paul ryan. coverage and analysis gets started at 8:55 eastern time. bill: i like your idea. do reenactment. give me the reporter. i'll be ryan. new survey of small businesses showing business owners are pessimistic about the near future. the future. the drop openings are dropping. charles payne with an explanation on that. good morning to you. >> good morning,. bill: what does the survey show? >> it was from the national federation of business. i wail give you the headlines. hiring plans plunge. small business optimism drops. there are 10 things they ask the small businesses about, the one that stood out the most that the fact that businesses are saying you know what? we are not going to hire. these are small businesses. one of the other things, the overall reading came in at recession levels. which means that this report has been around for 26 years. 56 times it has been under this 93 level which they consider recession level. 32 of those times happened since the recovery. the recovery began. bill: what is going to get them novembering again? i'm looking at here a presidential race has to be decided. congress has to take a lot of action on numerous pieces of legislation. is that the holdup? >> that is the biggest, biggest hold up of them all. i've got to tell you i've been saying for a long time, war on business being waged with administration has less of impact on large businesses they have armies of lawyers. they have armies of accountants. they do business overseas. con with usly small businesses through it all do the overwhelming bulk of hiring but they're having trouble trying to navigate these waters. bill: are you in for varney today. >> i'm holding down for stuart. bill: look at you. good luck. see you on fbn. >> thanks, buddy. martha: fox news alert a key american witness set to testify before a house committee tomorrow says the state department refused to send more security to libya despite requests from consulate staff there leading up to the terror attack on september 11th this year. doug mckelway joins me live in washington on this. doug, is this the first witness we're going to hear from here? >> reporter: the first witness actually gone on the record, not a anonymous source. a guy came forward to say security was denied there. he is lieutenant colonel andrew word, former head of a special forces team in libya. he told cbs news that his request for beefed up security was rejected in washington. the man who made the call to reject the extra security, undersecretary of state management, patrick kennedy who held the job since 2007. after the attack kennedy privately briefed house and senate staffers told them the attack appeared to be sophisticated involving light and heavy weapons. four days after that briefing, u.s. ambassador to the u.n. susan rice took to five different sunday talk shows to say it was not a planned attack. it was another three days after that, before any senior u.s. official publicly stated that the benghazi incident was indeed a terrorist attack. >> americans deserve the truth on what happened. and so i think what you're going to find is these bits and pieces are going to come out. again i think we're both troubled by some of the things we saw and unfold. >> reporter: the house oversight committee hearing on the benghazi attacks gets underway tomorrow at noon. a lot of people will be watching, martha. martha: there is sort of a drip, drip, drip effect to this story. and some lawmakers are still questioning what the administration itself knew before these attacks. >> reporter: you know congressman jason chaffetz of utah just returned from benghazi. early this morning on fox he pointed out some obvious warning signs that preceded the attack. >> twice in the lead-up to their attack on 9/11, our compound in benghazi was bombed. twice the british ambassador had an assassination attempt. we were moving into 9/11. now the white house wants to say, well, we had no direct information or actionable intelligence. are you kidding me? >> reporter: representative mike rogers also tells fox u.s. obtained video footage of the attack while it was underway. be very having to see that, martha. martha: sure will. thank you very much. doug mckelway. south carolina republican congressman trey gowdy will be at the hearing tomorrow. he has been very outspoken on the benghazi issue. he joins us next hour at 10:30 eastern time. bill: we're just getting started today. troubling details on the meningitis outbreak. why new numbers show it could get a whole lot worse. we'll have that for you. martha: huge polls show a huge swing in governor romney's favor among a key voting bloc. is the tide starting to turn in his favor? bill: there is harsh criticism for the president's foreign policy and governor romney saying that the president's leadership has failed. we'll talk about that with former new york city mayor rudy giuliani our guest, next. >> america's security and the cause of freedom can not afford four more years leak the last four years hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.

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