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An end. He had a lot of conviction and grief in his voice before he got onto air force one this morning. I think its time to enact legislation, whatever needs to be done, sounds like hes kind of at his rope end. Leland he said something has to be done, what that something is to be determined, he talked about how he was a strong proponent of Death Penalty, he talked about how the shooter should pay ultimate price, live pictures now where you can see the media has gathered there in squirrel ridge, pennsylvania which is a neighborhood inside of pittsburgh. Not a predominantly jewish neighborhood but Large Jewish Community there inside of that neighborhood, now to las vegas, we will take a live look at Vice President pence is headed to the stage. We have been told the Vice President will speak about these events here at the beginning of his remarks. Hes been traveling throughout much of the west coast on a campaign swing. The president also on the road today for a campaign swing, certainly moments like this interrupt that in the american political conversation as we wait for the Vice President to make his remarks. Well, hello, nevada. [cheers and applause] thank you all for coming out today, great to be back in the silver state to stand with all of you and send hardy back to the United States congress. [cheers and applause] thank you all for being here. Before i get started, i want address shooting in pennsylvania. Suspect is in custody but our hearts break for the fallen, their families, the injured including 3 Police Officers. Facts are still coming in but we commend these courageous Law Enforcement officers for their swift response. [applause] as las vegas knows all too well, what happened in pittsburgh today was not just criminal it was evil. Attack on innocent americans and an assault on our freedom of religion, theres no place in america for violence or antisemitism and this evil must end. [applause] pleased to report that my fellow americans that the president has directed full resource of the federal government to support investigation and prosecution as the president said any one who does such a thing, in a temple or a church should pay the ultimate price. [applause] for now, for now we urge every american to pray, pray for the americans of the tree of life synagogue, fallen, injured and their families, solemn 34 reads, the lord is close to broken heart and let that be our prayer for them. Lets also pray for the strength and wisdom to do everything in our power to bring these senseless acts of violence to an end, so help us god. Amen [applause] thank you for that. And thank you for coming out today, thank you for coming out for a good man and a great cause and i know the real reason you are here is because of hardy and leland Vice President pence there beginning Campaign Speech just a couple of minutes on the pittsburgh shootings, offering prayer from solemn 34, the lord is close to the broken hearted as we continue our coverage of the shooting at the synagogue in pittsburgh and gillian, you to imagine there are so many right now in pittsburgh who are not only broken hearted but also who have no idea what has happened to relatives, we are now 4 hours after initial reports of gunfire in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of pittsburgh and there are undoubtedly dozens if not hundreds of families who have no idea if their loved ones are among the dead, if their loved ones are among the injured and you can see now some of the beginning signs of emotion and so often when you cover these events on the ground, it takes a couple of hours but then the Community Begins to come out and come together and there are these incredibly public displays of grief and understandably so and through that we will hear the incredible stories of heroism not only of Law Enforcement, we know engaged this suspect and ran towards the sound of gunfire, 3 different shootouts with the suspect and then also the incredible stories of heroism that will have occurred by the people who went to temple this morning to pray and for peace and for love and to be with their families at babynaming ceremony and then it was shattered by gunfire. Yeah, director of Public Safety gave a press conference just a few moments ago. He said it was one to have worst crime scenes he had seen in his career and he said he had seen many. He has been at the site of plane crashes and horrible accidents and he was moved to tears and its an important reminder as people go through various stages of grief here that we are still in early stages. The police and Law Enforcement are still trying to identify the victims themselves. Lets go straight to jacqui, she has all the latest details from new york. As you mentioned investigators begin to identify victims, they are also to learn more about the suspect who we know has been identified as Robert Bowers, a 48yearold male who police acted alone but still waiting for information as to a motive on this. No numbers yet confirmed on fatalities but 6 injuries confirmed, 4 of those Police Officers who were not who did not sustain lifethreatening injuries, the other injured were critical, we know some of the victims have been taken to trauma centers, alagani hospital on lockdown, four of the patients in upmc presbyterian were treated there, 3 in surgery within the last hour, another treated and released and a Second Hospital upmc mercy also had patient in surgery within the last hour. So many of the victims we have been told who are suffering critical injuries are being worked on by doctors to try to safe their lives. As investigators secure and process the crime scene in pittsburgh, in new york and in Los Angeles Police departments are deploying heavy weapons teams, special opts and counterterrorism teams to houses of worship to secure the those religious facilities to protect them from any sort of threats that may happen if there were a copycat situation. We know that happened at sabbath, 9 45 in the morning, most attended service at synagogue, multiple shootouts with police as the suspect surrendered. We were told some of the officers had to use vehicles as shield. Three that we heard of happened outside of synagogue where many people were found both in the basement and in the atrium. We know security was also major concern, we had heard from the past president of the synagogue saying at one point in time they had been working with the department of Homeland Security to evaluate exit routes in the event that something happened like this. We heard from the president earlier today sharing his sympathies with that community there. Lets take a listen. Terrible thing whats going on with hate in our country frankly and all over the world and something has to be done, something has to be done but it looks like the results are coming in and are far more devastating than anybody originally thought in the morning. In the morning they thought that it was a shooter but they had the shooter. Now, we will be finding if this is prosecuted as hate crime but we had heard this morning from the ceo of the Antidefamation League calling this antisemitism, he wrote, we are devastated, jews targeted on sabbath morning at synagogues, holy place of worship is unconscionable. Hearts break for the victims, families and the entire Jewish Community. We are actively engaged with Law Enforcement to understand the extent of this antisemitic attack land work with communities across the country to push back back on prejudice wherever it appears. As more information flows in, investigators are asking public to assist them in their investigation, putting out the phone number as we mentioned a few times 412 4324400, anybody who has any information on motive or was witness to this or might have known that suspect that they have so far named Robert Bowers is encourage today share that information with investigators. Leland jacqui in news room, thank you, obviously we are going to wait 2 00 p. M. 4 00 p. M. Conference from pittsburgh with the now head of the investigation, thats the special agent in charge of the pittsburgh field office, thats 4 00 p. M. Eastern obviously live coverage here on the Fox News Channel as that happens and you can see now as we look down in one of the streets in pittsburgh, some of the swat team members beginning to walk back out of the synagogue and as you mentioned, gillian, place of unbelievable carnage. Struck me watching some live pictures as they came out, you could see almost on the faces of the heartened operators the emotion and the stress and the sadness that we saw on that Public Safety commissioners face as as well. Gillian the only person inside of synagogue was the director of Public Safety wendell and spoke earlier, this is one of the most horrific crime scenes he has seen in his career. Near tears the entire press conference, its been incredibly, incredibly emotional day. Obviously not just for the community there but for the entire country, all our viewers watching this unfold virtually from the moment it happened at 9 45, you know, its only 2 00 oclock now, its been an epic journey already, we are now starting to see some civilians come out on to the street, looks like maybe friends, neighbors, people from the community are, you know, trying to support one another. Leland well, and things will be very different tomorrow morning, certainly in new york city and perhaps across the country as well, with that we bring ted williams, former washington, d. C. Police detective and federal agent, ted, we are hearing nypd now says they are going to have in their words heavy weapons teams outside of houses of worship in new york, andrew cuomo, governor of new york saying that they will bring Additional Resources from the state police specifically to protect the jewish communities not inside of new york city. What does that mean essentially as people show up to their houses of worship tomorrow . It simply means, Leland Leland long morning for all of us. Im sorry, but it means that this is a vulnerable community, the Jewish Community and they deserve the protection. Leland, the whole country is crying and i have to tell you, im angry when a man walks in to a synagogue where people are worshiping their god and to open up with a gun killing many people in that synagogue and the thing about it is the president is right in propping correct, we need to Death Penalty for these kinds of cases. Here it is, he had the audacity to go in there with gun and shoot the individuals and then to run and try to hide and then when hes captured all we can think about is whether he should his rights. I dont give a damn about his rights, im deeply concerned and angered about the fact that human beings, worshiping their god were killed, injured, some of the people will never be able to recover as to what happened to them this morning in that synagogue. Leland certainly the families of those who have been killed and we know that there are multiple fatalities will never be able to recover. Ted, to your point, a couple of things, the president talked about the need for the Death Penalty in cases like this before he left air force base this is from pool of air force one, spoken to pennsylvania governor, mayor of pittsburgh, hes talked to jared and ivanka, daughter and soninlaw who are in jewish fate, remember ivankas tweet, we are also hearing now that the president is considering canceling tonights rally, maga rally after he gives speech in indiana with ted williams. Ted, youre a former federal agent, we now know that the fbi and the federal authorities are taking the lead on this conceivably that means a federal prosecution, how does that change things both on the ground, on the crime scene and then when it comes to the prosecution . The fbi will go in with their own forensic team. They will work in conjunction with the local Law Enforcement to process the crime scene but the Bigger Picture of what it means is that we do have a federal Death Penalty and it simply means that this person could very well be charged with a hate crime under the hate statute and could very well face the Death Penalty. Legal legal all right, ted williams with insights, appreciate you being with us many hours, sadly we talked on too many days like this. Unfortunately. Leland may it be a while until we have this one. The way you become numb and sad when you cover one of these. Gillian after dozens every year for the last several years, theres a point where human nature brings us to a place where the heartbreak becomes overwhelming and i think maybe not to psycho analyze but the president sounded like he might be there at that moment, at that point. Something that we have been hearing since president Obamas Administration that time is up. Hopefully this will spur lawmakers to protect innocent minorities. Leland one point to that when he was under the wing of air force at andrews before he took off, the press asked him sort of questions of gun control, pushing him in that direction, is it something to time to do something about guns, mr. President . Had there been armed guard things would have been differently. Gillian coming up after the break, we will bring you more breaking news. Weve got guests lined up who will help us break all of this down, help us understand what the Law Enforcement is doing behind the scenes as we enter the first crucial hours after the scene has been cleared. Hey guys. Today were here to talk about trucks. I love trucks. What the heck is that . whoa what truck brand comes from the family of the most dependable, longestlasting fullsize pickups on the road . I think its the chevy. Ford. Is it ford . Nope, its not ford. I think its ram. Is it ram . Not ram. Thats a chevy its chevy thats right. 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So we will be back with you in a little while. Im going to in my remark open with the statement about what took place. Thank you all. Leland President Trump there under the wing of air force one in indiana, hes headed to a group of Young Farmers that he was scheduled to speak to on his way to another Campaign Stop and the president now saying that he will begin his remarks in indiana in the next little while talking about what happened in pittsburgh today, a couple of things that we learned, the fbi now leading the investigation, that from the president and the president now saying that he believes this to be antisemitic group on sabbath morning a couple of hours ago. Gillian indeed, the fbi is in the lead here, recommitted to staying closely involved. Mentioned again he had spoken to the mayor, hes stayingn top of this as he travels, also expect a lot of new information in the next hour, clear i will keeping the thumb of the pulse on the developments as they occur minute by minute, he also said unfortunately and heartbreakingly there are a lot of people dead. At the moment, weve confirmed 6 injuries, four of them Police Officers, multiple qualities, no word yet that we can share with you on the precise number but once we can we will bring that to you immediately live here at fox news, i want to go ahead and bring in ambassador danny, permanent representative of israel to the united nations, hes joining us live via phone. Danny, thanks so much for being with us during this time, tell me what youre feeling. Thank you, gillian [inaudible] very hard, you know, when you go every saturday morning, hundreds of thousands of jews go to synagogues in the United States they feel safe, they feel secure and unfortunately a coward took advantage of that and massacred innocent while praying and wounded officers who came to rescue the people there. It is horrific, horrible and we need to heal, condemnation for antisemitism but we need to take action for those who promote antisemitism. Gillian can you tell me about this community of jews here pittsburgh, in Squirrel Hill area, do you know anything about the congregations, do you know anything about the rabbi that leads the congregation . One of largest, every saturday they get dozens of people who come to pray and celebrate and unfortunate that somebody actually collected the information. If you want to come and go and came exactly at the time where everybody was praying saturday morning advantage of that. Thats what happens, comes and attack the innocent people and i believe that justice will be served with this coward. Gillian one of lelands friends reached out to him a while ago and said usually israelis are used to hearing about americans, their American Jewish friends concerned when acts of antisemitism happen over in your neck of the woods, today things are happening a little bit in reverse. Weve got lots of poll for example the Israeli Community reaching out to american jews, speaking to them about everything thats going on, talking to friends and relatives about the emotional toll all this is going to take, do you have a message for the American Jewish . Today we stand together, not only jews, christians and jews alike. Unfortunately i went to jerusalem after massacre a few years ago and the picture, i will never forget that day, gillian. Today we stand together jews and christians alike, we condemn the hate and we send clear message, we will stand strong together and we will fight antisemitism. We would not allow them to stop us from praying in israel, praying in the u. S. , they will property prevail. We will prevail. Leland mr. Ambassador, the president said that we have to do something about the hate, obviously in your country theres a lot that is done and there is a lot to be done. Any advice . Absolutely. I think, you know, unfortunately we have experience with hate, incitement, but first we need to hear clear condemnation from everybody and we are hearing it today, second thing think about protection, jewish, muslims, better protections. What we do in israel we monitor and we prevent many attacks. Im sure that you are doing in u. S. , after looking at social media of this coward if somebody what he posted two days before maybe could have prevented massacre. Gillian you know, its been a terrible week here in the United States for victims of hate crimes, we had a series of pipe bombs, im sure you heard sent around to various democrat politicians and democratspeart supporters here, so to have the following on the heels of whats a attacking week its hard to find sense. We want americans to vote out and participate in democracy, all of this i fear is taking a toll. You live in a country thats fairly used to acts of Political Violence on a weekly basis. What can you tell us about your experience . Strong democracies, we need to protect the democracies, when you have people trying to take advantage of the freedoms of citizens we need to fight back, we need to protect our people and americans can agree that they are going to see those pictures of people and being massacred, their wives are praying, women, children, something we cannot accept. [inaudible] will protect the american people. Gillian what is your government doing right now, they reached out to the Trump Administration . We hear that the minister for diaspra is heading to pittsburgh; is that right . Im attach today Jewish Community as well. We expect american authorities to deal with that. [inaudible] we will got get involved, we believe that the u. S. Authorities know how to handle this. Gillian we will say goodbye and hope to speak with you soon, condolences to friends that were hit by todays events. Thank you. Leland we continue to watch the scene in pittsburgh at the synagogue where we know there are multiple fatalities we are told four Police Officers injured, one suspect in custody. We just heard from the president is he landed in indiana and he promised a much longer statement and a lot of updates for us when he begins his remarks scheduled sometime in the next hour or so. 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Rabbi chuck diamond, former leader of congregation at the tree of life synagogue speaking about the mass shooting this morning where we know at least 3 Police Officers have been shot, multiple fatalities have been confirmed and the victims are now recovering at various hospitals and Emergency Centers in the area there, just a heartbreaking, heartbreaking day, hard to imagine what the what the community there in pittsburgh is going through as they watch this unfold on television, wonder if they, in fact, know any of the victims, worry about their families, worry about their friends. Just an incredibly tough scene to watch here unfold, leland, over past 3 and a half 4 and a half hours. Leland you understand what youre looking at now, live pictures from our affiliate kdka in pittsburgh looking down one of the streets there by the synagogue, earlier we had seen the s. W. A. T. Teams walk out and on their faces was the pain and agony of what they had seen as the president noted, those who have been inside the crime scene of tree of life said it was one to have worst crime scenes they had ever seen, four Police Officers wounded in what was multiple shootouts with this suspect to which has now surrendered. We bring in Police Sergeant and active shooter investigators and expert, alan garcia, mr. Garcia, we appreciate you being with us, sir. As you hear what happened and transparency pyred and now we hear theres so much difficulty in reuniting survivors with their loved ones, how does that process work when you have so many people quite literally running for their lives . Well, the first thing i want to say is my thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims and, you know, the victims themselves, the Police Officers on the scene, we are seeing more in active shooter attacks, these shooters, 90, 95 would selfterminate when they saw Law Enforcement response coming and now it seems to be that they are getting, you know, they are going to fight back and thats a really scary thing to see and like i said, my thoughts an prayers to the victims. As you can well imagine to answer your question, its a very confused scene at first, you know, you people that because a lot of folks, you know, its 2018 and a lot of folks heard run, hide, fight, once they get past panic, they are climbing out windows, hiding, for a long time after the events you have Law Enforcement still responding in droves to clear, to make sure it was a lone gunman and no one else in there that could cause threat and a lot of people, its a chaotic situation and chaotic atmosphere and for that second and third wave of responding Law Enforcement and ems, thats a big, big challenge, to get, you know, almost hard to return to normalcy completely but you want to start, you know, triaging the situation. Leland allan real quick, pardon for interrupting you, we heard that the new york police are heading armed fours for tomorrow and police are going to up presence in Jewish Community in new york state, is that enough to do it just for a couple of days right now or in order to prevent these kinds of shootings at least according to the president antisemitic attack, do we need to change Something Else . In abundance of caution this immediately deploying the entire level of protection is a must. I think its good. I think its going to be good for the rest of the Jewish Community to allow them to worship, you know, not be worshiping in complete panic. Is it time that we start thinking about other places besides schools to put, you know, the sro concept of Police Officers with security and schools, does it need to start, you know, branching out into places of worship, it beg it is question. Gillian alla, thanks for joining us, we ask you to standby, we might ask you to come back shortly, heartbreaking chaotic scene make some more sense. Just a few moments ago President Trump spoke to reporters after he landed in indianapolis for his rally there ating to the comments he made about the pittsburgh shooting before he left washington, take a listen. Whats happened today is a horrible, horrible thing. We are learning a lot about it. It looks like its antisemitic crime and that is something you wouldnt believe could still be going on but it would seem to be antisemitic crime. We will have a lot of information over the next hour. The fbi is involved, everybody is involved and i spoke with the governor, i spoke with the mayor of pittsburgh who is a terrific guy and he is devastated. So we will have a lot of information over the next hour but a lot of people killed, a lot of people very badly wounded and they say as crime scene one to have worst that some professionals that have seen many, many crime scenes, one of the worst that theyve seen, so we will be back with you in a little while. Im going to in my remarks open with the statement about what took place, thank you all very much. Leland all right, the president there on the tarmac in indianapolis, we have a live picture of the stage at the future farmers of america site that hes headed to for what you just heard will be longer comments. We heard from the Vice President a little bit earlier who quoted psalm 24, lord help broken hearted, the president as he takes the stage when we come back it could cost you your life. Its time to get out of line with upmc. At upmc, livingdonor transplants put you first. So you dont die waiting. Upmc does more livingdonor liver transplants than any other center in the nation. 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Everybody at this point is very eagerly anticipating the president s remarks, we heard from him twice, once before he boarded air force one to head to indianapolis, once when he landed, so far signs point to hes really grappling, struggling to get his mind on what happened this morning. Leland the president will recap a little bit, 10 00 a. M. Eastern a loneman entered synagogue and began shooting, there was a Massive Police response including 3 separate shootouts with that police officer. There are four people six people injured, four of those Police Officers, multiple fatalities and the suspect is now in custody identified as Robert Bowers and there are reports from affiliates and others in pittsburgh, local media that he shouted antisemitic remarks as he was being taken into custody. He did in the end surrender to police, youre looking at helicopter footage after the shooting took place of the synagogue in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood that is one of the more predominantly jewish but not all jewish neighborhoods there in pittsburgh. The president began his remarks talking about how terrible it was saying that he believed in the Death Penalty in cases like this, that those that perpetrate these crimes should pay ultimate price and also said that theres something in his words that needs to be done about the hate in america right now, what that something was, though, he didnt say. Gillian he didnt say but we do know that for Law Enforcement, for the First Responders that have been on the scene this morning, they will very shortly head into a new phase in this national catastrophe, they are making headway on the ground, securing the site, we know that a lot of the victims if not all of them by this point have been transported to local hospitals and medical emergency facilities were there being treated. Law enforcement now turns their attention to investigation. We are told by some of our guests this morning that the First Priority at the top of the list for them is going to be discerning the motive here, the motive of alleged shooter. Leland with that we bring in pennsylvania congressman Keith Rothfus who was on the ground near the shooting in the after math of this and was headed to one of the hospitals that victims were taken. Condolences, friends and family and constituents who will be grieving next weeks, years and some families for the rest of their lives. Your thoughts on what you saw and what you can add in. Welshing this is a horrific day for pittsburgh, horrific day for the Jewish Community and horrific day for the country. I heard about the shooting and we wanted to get over as close as i could, a number of officials there, the mayor, county executive, governor wolf, congressman lamb, to stand in solidarity with the community on this horrific day that we are all reeling from. Leland when you were there, give us a sense to have emotion, you obviously had the police doing their job, had the community begin to flood down to the synagogue to check on relatives, were people still in shock, describe it for us . Very secure perimeter around the facility, significant number of police presence, incredibly professional work that they are doing and a lot of anxious families, not gathering in any particular location but again a synagogue where there was a religious Service Going on. Youre supposed to be safe in a place of worship. You should never have this kind of terror anywhere and to see one individual do is just shocking. Gillian congressman, undoubtedly this community will be changed Going Forward from today, but can you tell us a little bit about Squirrel Hill before today, tell us about what the folks who live there were like, tell us about the community. Squirrel hill is a wonder community, significant Jewish Population within the community, not exclusive jewish but significant population. Near the university, near the carnegie university. Closeknit, i had a meeting, not in my district, but we certainly have a lot of friends in Squirrel Hill area and its a Wonderful Community and to have Something Like this happen is its very difficult. Gillian have you seen, have you witnessed anything similar, anything on the scale in terms of shooting violence in the area before . You know, several years ago we had an individual i believe killed 5 people going from one place to another targeting minorities, that was 15, 20 years ago, but to see a particular community singled out like the Jewish Community and, again, we will have to take a look at how the Jewish Community this may be the worst attack on the jewish, i dont know if thats a fact but again i dont recall anything like this. Leland congressman, the president said on the tarmac at andrews that something has to be done. Any ideas on the something . Gosh, take a look at again, youre getting the little pieces that are coming out of what this alleged shooter may have been seeing on social media and where the hatred can come from, we have to take a close look and see where this individual why he went off the rails the way he did. Leland i want to get to your time right next to the perimeter, next to synagogue, so often in cases like this Family Members are plagued by the fear of the unknown, is that you know that your Family Member headed the synagogue this morning but either he didnt take cell phone because it is sabbath or cell phone got dropped as the person ran out when the shots began to ring out, the Cell Phone Networks are overwhelmed, the lack of information is terrifying for so many of us as we know that there are multiple fatalities, were there people starting to stream down . No, they were not. People were staying in the home. Concern that the shooter may have gotten out at one time. Everybody advise today stay in their home. Leland okay. Today we are all Squirrel Hill. Leland yeah. Wonderful community and to stand in solidarity with them to be united in broken hearts is what we are today. The psalms of david say that the lord is close to broken hearted. Leland thats what the Vice President said as he opened remarks in las vegas. As you said communities like this have unique ability to come together whether it is newtown in the wake of tragedy there, the Orlando Community after the pulse nightclub shooting as we have covered sadly around country out of the worst part of the human equation and what this shooting was is the worst part of human equation often comes the very best in human equation which is what you just talked about, sir. Yeah, and its going to be a long time of healing here. Gillian do you have a message, congressman for constituents and people across the state as to how they can help support this Small Community in Squirrel Hill . Absolutely. Keep people in your prayers and stay tune to see funds might be established to help families here. This is a time for solidarity, time to be united, a time for people to really reach out. Gillian we are about to hear imminently hear from President Trump, what do you think his message will be for this community . I would expect it to be a very similar message, you know, we had the situation a couple of days ago with the bombs being sent around the president was very forceful in condemning that activity and we have to condemn this violence. And the hatred that generates violence. Gillian he talked earlier, you know, about the time for hate coming to an end, he seems quite frankly like hes fed up when he spoke before and after his arrival in indianapolis. Can you tell me how the events of the past week are weighing on him . I think they are weighing on all of us, you know, we need to be looking for opportunities to get every american as i say back in the game again. This country was founded on some beautiful principles in founding documents, declaration of independence, the constitution, freedom of religion is one of those, its the first freedom mentioned and people who are practicing faith today are apparently being attacked because of that faith, again, you can take a look at motives but the shooting happened at a synagogue during a service. Leland yeah. Its not acceptable. Leland so i want to update viewers who are just joining us. Continuing coverage of the shooting at the synagogue in pittsburgh. We have learned a couple of things as we await the president s remarks in indianapolis. He says that in those remarks he will have quite update for us but what we know now 4 Police Officers injured, one suspect in custody, two others injured and multiple fatalities inside the tree of life synagogue in the suspect has been taken into custody and now begins so many questions, frankly, as we heard reports that the suspect yelled antisemetic things as taken into custody, also various reports about what his motives might be. The president said it appears it was an antisemetic attack. The president s daughter tweeting this was a bigoted antiseebigotanticipate semit. Gibb us a sense if you can for the next if you talked to the governor, the mayor, any other officials there outside of the synagogue when you were there and we understand that you may be headed to one of the hospitals now. Theres going to be a press briefing at 4 00 which well be following. I was able to talk with the governor today, the mayor, senator kaye sis casey, the othl state representatives, city council members. This is a community that is united. Were united in grief. Were united in a resolve to protect these institutions and to overcome this. Leland congressman keith rofis with us on the phone, the congressman is there by the synagogue. Stay with us p. Us. We appreciate it. I have another one i have to hop on. Been great talking with you. Keep pittsburgh in your prayers. Leland thank you, sir. The prayer you mentioned from Vice President pence, the congressman pointed out, there are so many that are broken hearted. Kevin cork often talks about how the president at times takes on the role of comforter in chief and consoler in chief of times of national grief. And for so many of us who ha hed to a temple on saturday or church on sunday, that hour or couple hours you spend is sacred, both because it is time of prayer, but also sacred because of how safe you feel. Gillian and because youre with your family, quite frankly. Leland youre with your family, youre with your friends. There was a lot of family there together at the tree of life today. There was a baby naming ceremony, which is traditional in the je jewish faith. It is the happiest times of life that they were celebrating when the gunshots rang out. And now so many families are wondering if their loved ones are among the dead, if their loved ones are among the wounded. Having covered too many of these, the grief an anguish on loved ones face as they head to the crime scenes, you will see. On the lefthand side of the screen we are seeing the agriculture secretary taking the stage before the president takes the stage. Gillian as we await the president , we know that very, very imminently here were going to be getting news, updates from federal Law Enforcement about the events that happened today. Theyre moving into the investigation of the shootings. This morning the president said less than an hour ago that we should expect some major news, some Major Updates within an hour, so now hes going to imminently take the stage. He very well might have news on this. We hear from our white house colleagues that he will bring this up first. Leland 4 00 p. M. Is the News Conference from the fbi in pittsburgh. Obviously live coverage of the president when he takes the stage. Eric and arthel from new york now. Eric the president is about to speak in indianapolis, indiana any moment now. We expect him to touch on the tragic story weve been reporting on all day here in the Fox News Channel, the gunman opening fire at a pittsburgh synagogue during a bris, a baby naming ceremony. A an unknown number of people have been killed, six people including Police Officers have been wounded, four of those are officers. That suspect is now in custody and the investigation is kicking off in full swing after this horrific mass shooting at that synagogue, the tree of life synagogue in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of

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