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Headquarters. Arthel critics same kelly knew about the allegations but failed to remove him. But Mick Mulvaney said its was right for kelly to give him the benefit of the doubt. He said im being accused of these things, they are not true. For the president and the chief of staff to give that person the benefit of the does it a normal and human reaction. As soon as will be porter was proven wrong and proven he was not telling the truth. He was gone almost immediately. Arthel Molly Henneberg is live from the white house. Rob porter is gone but questions remain why and how he was able to stay in a position so close to the president , staff secretary with allegations from two exwives. This should have surfaced in the initial security clearance process. So there had to be a reckoning of this issue sooner or later. And apparently he was sitting there with an interim security clearance. Thats not an ideal situation in National Security to have beam access to sensitive documents and information who were operating on an interim security clearance. Reporter port says the allegations are outrageous and false. But he resigned after pictures surfaces of one of his exwiefts a black eye. When you start an administration, you are flooding the fbi with hundreds and hundreds of request for security clearances that take longer. Reporter short says chief of staff john kelly has not offered to resign over this. And sources say the president is not looking to get kelly out and somebody else in. Mick mull swrainy has been floated as a possible new chief of staff. Mulvaney said absolutely not when asked about replacing kelly. He said hes extra ordinarily pleased with the job kelly has been doing and the president is as well. Eric a new development in the memo battle brewing in washington. Democrats considering a doover that alleges surveillance abuse. That after the president said he ordered redactions because there were sensitive intelligence information in the memo that should not made public. House chairman devin nunes accused democrats of playing politics. We want the democratic memo out. We think its ridiculous on the face of it. Its political the way they attack myself and chairman gowdy. I dont know why they arent in this weekend redact it so we can get it to the president and get it declassified. Reporter the white house is defending their decision to block the release of the memo. The white house claims they arent releasing it based on the advice of national and legal experts. It went through the same process Legal Counsel and National Security team looked at it, and they feel it reveals sources and methods that were not the case in the republican memo. So now its going back to the congress, george so they can do what they need to do so that the memo can be released. Reporter democrats say their memo shows the fbi and doj acted appropriately when they sought a warrant on carter page. Devin nunes accuse the fbi and doj of misusing their surveillance authority. We dont want to give up the way our Intelligence Committee recruits sources, the methods they may use to recruit sources. These are things that dont need to be made public. However, the democrats knew this. Well sit down with the fbi and go through any concerns that they have. Whats really going on here is the president doesnt want the public to see the underlying facts. Reporter democrats adamantly argue the decision is hypocritical and its hypocrisy because their memo is based on the republican memo. The republicans say the democrats are adding things that need to be redacted to make the white house look bad. Arthel will we see the president approve a revised version of the democrats memo. Joining us to discuss, elena train. If the democrats resize the memo, will the president ultimately clear it for release . Thats what hes saying and thats whats expected. Even before he said he wasnt going to release the memo until there were more redactions. Several spokesmen for the white house said thats the plan. Now its a question how much will be redacted from it. This will take time to review it and send it back, so there might be less interest in it depending on how long it takes to get back to trump. Arthel you hinted at that. What are the chances of the democrats being forced to water down and reduce their memo to an inconsciousing combination piece of an inconsequence sense. Thats what they are worried is going to happen now. They have to review it again. How much interest will there be . We have been talking about memos for a few weeks now. Well see what happens. Arthel in the end, is the real issue or the contents of a memo or the underlying concern whether russia used americans wittingly or unwittingly to interfere in the president ial election . Thats the underlying determination in these memos. A lot of this they are trying to show abuse by the fbi, fisa abuse by the fbi. With the Russian Investigation what many are saying what the Trump Administration is trying to do is discredit the fbi and the department of justice because of this underlying investigation. Arthel they are trying to say the fbi had political leaning that would prevent them from following the letter of the law. He heed those same fbi and doj warnings regarding the democrats memo. If you look at it from the perspective of Public Opinion and appearance, who had the upper hand, democrats, republicans or the president . A lot of it has to do with partisanship. In this case i think when you look at it from the outside, it does not look good for the Trump Administration to not be releasing it. If it is not released at all it will look bad on the white house. But like you said, trump initially said he would absolutely 100 release the republican memo before he had read it. And the fbi said they had grave concerns about that memo. But this time around trump is sending it back so that doesnt look good on him. Arthel who knows what the intent is. If the purpose of all this confusion is to confuse the American People in terms of whats valid, whats not valid. By the time this all done, said and done, and we get the report from robert mueller. Will the public be confused and not know what to believe is real or not real . I cant speak to what will happen. But i think the confusion we see now is definitely hindering Public Opinion. Whatever does happen in this investigation. I think there have been and lot of red flags raised by both sides, republicans and democrats. But the republicans goal is to show the fbi and this investigation isnt what the democrats are making it to seem. I think when mueller does finish the investigation, there will be questions around it. Im not sure it will be taken definitively. Eric anio community in mourning after these two Police Officers were shot and killed. They were responding to a 911 call yesterday in westerville, just outside of columbus. The suspect is in custody. Its another sad reminder of the ay nice Law Enforcement officers make across the nation. Reporter lights were lit blue in westerville, ohio. A Community Mourning 39yearold eric joring. He was a 17year veteran of the police for. 54yearold officer tony morelli was a 20year veteran on the force. They were responding to a 911 hangup call. They arrived at the apartment and were met with gunfire immediately. Officer joring died on scene, morelli died in the hospital. Police say the men were responding to a domestic situation. Listen to the 911 call from the white suspect right after the attack. Please help, please help. Whats wrong. He shot the Police Officers. Reporter there was a child inside the apartment as well. A gofundme page was started by the fraternal order of ohio police to assist the families of the officers. This morning authorities warned the public to be aware of con artists taking advantage of this tragedy. We have seen fake Gofundme Pages established already. We have people calling our radio room screaming threats, obscenities at our radio techs. And quite frankly there is a special place in hell for those people. And my wish is it comes very soon. Reporter 9 Police Officers have been killed by gunfire this year. Claims maddox killed friday. In coming springs michael flick was killed thursday. The gofundme page has raised nearly 140,000 for the families in westerville. You can seat address on the screen. Eric where brian, thank you so much. Its despicable and disgusting when people react the way they are when these Police Officers lost their lives. Arthel a russian passenger plane carrying more than 70 people crashed outside of moscow. Officials say its unlikely anyone survived. Israels Prime Minister sending a warning to iran after launching airstrikes on syria. I have been warning for some time about the dangers of irans infringement in syria. They dispatched an iranian drone from syrian territory into israel. This demonstrates our warnings were 100 correct. Applebees handcrafted burgers. Any burger just 7. 99. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. announcer purchase 699 or moret tat helzberg diamonds and get a free megablast waterproof speaker with builtin amazon alexa. A 339. 98 value. The morning walk until. It. Wasnt. Dont let type 2 diabetes get between you and your heart. 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Check the latest reviews and lowest prices. I have been warning for some time about the dangers of irans military infringement in syria. Iran seeks to use the syrian territory to attack is trail for its pro or it pro feelsed goal of destroying it. Well continue to do whatever is necessary to protect our sovereignty and security. Arthel israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu striking a defiant phone on iran and syria. Israel ordering the airstrikes after it intercepted an iranian drone over israeli territory. Antiaircraft fire downed a warplane. Reporter an incursion by an iranian drone into israeli air space and the massive reprisals in syria that led to the down of that syrian f16. Severe blows have been dealt to iran and syria. Benjamin netanyahu said its intelligence minister echoed the Prime Ministers message sending a clear signal to iran that it wont tolerate its military in its backyard. Local media reports here under scoring that sat days hostilities mark the first time israel and iran were directly engaged militarily. Israels airstrikes killed at least six syrian troops and allied fighters. The 39th anniversary of the Islamic Republic thats moved removed the shah from power. Iranian military put on displays of a missile it claims has a range of 150 miles. Thats significant because that would put israel and u. S. Bases in striking distance throughout the middle east. Arthel david lee miller, thank you very much. Eric lets bring in former u. N. Ambassador john bolton. So, ambassador. The Israeli Military says this is quote a serious iranian attack on israel. How worrisome is this provocation and what is its significance . I think its very significant. We need to be worried it indicates how future developments in the region will play out. This is a direct result of the defeat of the isis caliphate. Continuing in the pentagon during the Trump Administration, was to support iranian backed efforts both in iraq and syria. So not you iranians through that and other methods have strengthened their ill call it a relationship. It amounts to a find of satellite status for iran and hets bow la, the terrorist group in lebanon, over the iranian government dominated government in baghdad. So iran has taken a much more forward position here, close to israel, close to the arab and oilproducing arab states of the persian gulf and beefed up its conventional military capability. Its very trouble for israel and our arab friend in the region. Eric we have been concerned about the Ballistic Missile tests. If they are supplying thousands of missile to the syria, some of these depose. Also if they are flying drones over israel, its a new threat. Its definitely a new threat. With the shooting down an israeli f16, that hasnt happened in a long time. I dont think it syrian air defenses got any better overnight. This is clear evidence of sophisticated iranian involvement. The firing on the israeli plaints could have been by Iranian Military forces. You have to ask the question whether Russian Military forces were standing next to them when they did it. But the russianiranian axis is a serious matter, particularly in syria and across the middle east. This is the behavior from iran that we get now almost three years after the nuclear deal that was supposed to bring them into the Civilized Community of nations. Not working out so well. Eric now they flew a drone through israeli territory. Been get has met with vladimir putin. He has gone to moscow to warn russia of the increasing iranian threat on its borders. Will that work . I dont see any evidence that it has. Netanyahu is right to try it. Russia and iran are in an effective alliance. What netanyahu is worried about are the sophisticated air Defense Systems being able to prevent israel from striking Irans Nuclear Weapons Program as it has twice before struck Nuclear Weapons programs in the hand of hostile states. We are very close to the point here, and we are close to the point where north korea and iran will get deliverable Nuclear Weapons. If i were israel, i would feel particularly threatened at the moment. Eric do you think this will explode to a potentially wider war . I think its definitely there. As iran gets closer to being able to deliver Nuclear Weapons, that threat will increase. That fervor hasnt diminished, that threat continues in is no moderation in iran on the Central Point of them wanting dominance within islam. Its posing a threat to a lot of our friend. Eric and they have fund for this thanks to the Iranian Nuclear deal. Arthel is the president s border wall in jeopardy . A federal judge may soon rule on the lawsuit challenging the legality of the wall. President trump citing security concerns for refusing to release the dems memo on fisa warrant abuse. The president doesnt want the public to see the underlying facts. Whats revealed in our memo are quotations from the fisa application that demonstrates how misleading the republicans have been. You might take something for your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. On the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. Does your bed do that . Right now, save 50 on the ultimate limited edition bed. Ends soon. Visit sleepnumber. Com fora store near you. Don mark. whispering with the capital one venture card, youll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. Not just airline purchases. yelling holy moly, thats a lot of miles shhhhh whats in your wallet . Man shhhh arthel fox news alert. A russian passenger plane has crashed 50 miles southeast of moscow. Officials say it disappeared from radar shortly after takeoff. All 71 people on board were killed. Amy kellogg following the flight from london. Amy. Reporter hi, arthel paragraphs and Authorities Say they are looking into all possible scenarios to explain this plane crash, which in fact is the first major one of the year. As you mentioned from the plane disappeared, vanished from radar shortly after takeoff. Two bodies and some debris have been found at the crash site in stonyfield. Weather has meant snow in harshaw we did not shouldnt be a problem in a country so used to snow. Eyewitnesses have been reporting allow glaspie for the plane crash. Emergency services have found the black rocks at the crash site. The plane flight six w. 703 took off from moscow just after 2 00 local time. It was padded close to the border context on and had only climbed several hundred thousand eight bobbys low when adventure writer and crashed 25,000 feet below moscow. It was a 148, similar to this one in these pictures reportedly manufactured in ukraine and had been in Service Since 2010 with a brief break due to a shortage of parts. All relatives gather where the plane was supposed to plan and train land, they have ruled out possibility of survivors. One Russian Media reports as the airline identified the pilot is someone with experience than 5000 hours under his belt. Airlines is and from Running International flights in 2015 reportedly after someone who was not a member of the light crew was in the cockpit. Yearling amended the policy in a ban was lifted in 2016. They have been part that spun off as Many Airlines did from the aviation giant when the soviet union collapsed. They were called the vp slot, the smaller Regional Airline and had questionable safety records are the ones that survive generally are sent to be safe right now, especially in the last seven or so years. Arthel. Arthel definitely a sad story. Amy kellogg, thank you very much for the update. Tree into the republican memo without last week and is now back to the drawing board for the democratic memo. President have decided not to classify it now because the white house says that contain unfitted intelligence information. Democratic congressman adam schiff and other members of his party from slamming the president claim he is trying to hide something. Claims the president had denied. The hypocrisy reaches out and grabs you by the throat. This is a president who puts his own personal interest about the National Security interest of the country. They claimed when they released the republican memo that was in the interest of full transparency in all the white house before saying full transparency. Apparently it only goes so far. The white house did not deny the release of the democrat memo. What they did a sad look, you need to make reductions in technical corrections here and we will get it out right away. From that point, weve heard nothing but cricket. Eric mike aker, cia covert operations of diligence llc, Global Intelligence and security firm. You could take no sides. The democratic field and republican view. Which one holds the most . I dont think theres any doubt this important to release this memo. But i also think the democrat side that they did this on purpose. You can see this coming from a couple miles away prior to its release. A number of people were saying this exactly what was going to happen. Democrats are going to load up this 10 page or so memo, knowing that the white house would be put in a difficult position anywhere. It was a clever political move by schiff and his cohorts. They would come out and be waving the memo to have all this redaction. Say look, what are you trying to hide here . The white house and president tram trying to hide. This has happened before. I was in favor of just releasing it. Heres my point on this. There is this deal now know, this memo that was released from and i was given over to the fbi back in october 2016. All these things are based on anonymous, uninvited, uncorroborated russian intel service. The russians have been plaguing us both with this and the more important issue in the election mentally for a long, long time. Generations. This is a continuation of what they do. Frankly, release it all because i guarantee you, probably almost nothing in there is going to damage our National Security. How is that going to harm us by releasing the information based on basically a lot of circular just out there being picked up by both christophers deal over the years and cody shearer. Who by the way decidedly against the current administration. Train to circular crap is the way you put this peer not exactly eloquent. Eric thats okay. What about the people who believed in this peer may be something we can all agree on. The russians meddled in our election and not very serious in wanting to do everything we can to understand that. Then, when you veer off into this highly emotive partisan issue of the side that believes the Trump Associates or someone involved in the trunk campaign is working aggressively with russian intel to do this and then the other side said where is your proof . This just keeps going around and around and around. I guess i can speak to experience press been a longtime intelligence operations overseas and then i moved into a business that does nothing. Eric would you have used us . No, absolutely not. I see this all the time. Its anonymous reporting. We wouldnt give it to a client. If we have this sort of stuff, would we give it to a client and expect them to pay us . Absolutely not. Eric you mention cody shearer. I want to get to that. He is a reporter apparently and now there is a socalled second memo to the state department, Sidney Blumenthal was a longtime bill clinton and Hillary Clinton is served in the white house. Apparently they were somehow involved in passing information from writing a detailed memo with allegations that went to blumenthal supposedly, was passed on to the state Department Official and off to authorities feared what you think about the fact that clinton advisers may have a hand in this . Shocking. It goes around and around and around. Christopher steele was friends with some democrats working in the state department close to the Clinton White house. Christopher steele in fact, knowing how this world of private intelligence and private security works, and theres some very good people and people out there peddling a load of who hot. Dont know him for an addin. Just saying that is the and i suspect he was playing his government contacts here in the u. S. , spinning not to his other clients and ive got special acts. Over several years to the state department and the Clinton White house said we are readily accepting his material. Eric we are just out of town. What is so fascinating about this is this god in the system and according to the wall street journal, they didnt publish it because it didnt meet their high standards of accuracy in reporting, yes it made it into that. I suspect again the information that cody shearer was picking up come a political act best to the clinton folks then again you got Christopher Steele working with people inside the state department close to Sidney Blumenthal, but i suspect these guys were picking up information that was being put out there by the same russian operatives who are doing the same thing they been doing for generations, which is trying to sow chaos, disinformation the u. S. This is nothing new. We have lost our ability to assess this. Release at all. Release the dossier, shearer dossier come in the transcript before the fisa court. Get it all out there and see what happens. Eric we are out of time. The American People want to say this to make a judgment of their own. Mike baker, always good to see you. Thank you for your service to our country. Thank you. Arthel Vice President pants have a Close Encounter with the sister of kim jong un at the Winter Olympics after a stern message to the north korean dictator. How was that message being received . We are going to talk about it. President un and President Trump are completely in line with their objective for a nuclear free korean peninsula. There is no day like south korea and the united states. Over 80 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Smile dad. I take medication for high Blood Pressure and cholesterol. But they might not be enough to protect my heart. Adding bayer aspirin can further reduce the risk of another heart attack. Because my Second Chance matters. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Arthel might i Vice President mike pence back home after delivering a strong message after delivering the Winter Olympics in south korea. The Vice President making it clear the u. S. Will not lack in efforts to be the Nuclear Program had retired u. S. Army lieutenant daniel davis is a senior fellow and military expert and colonel davis, nice to have you here with us. Banks. Good to be here. Arthel lets talk about optic. With that, the rate power move by the Vice President to ignore kim jong un sister who is sitting a couple people away from him. It is a coin toss, but theres really no wind for the Vice President in that case because almost anything done could have been twisted into something negative. All Things Considered its the right thing to do. Most of the western media has been pining over frankly a lot of from a certain perspective in optic that north korea is trying to project at this really attractive cheerleader, happy athletes and all this kind of stuff. A lot of it has been covered as is. If they also include some images of the gulags and that kind of thing and say heres what theyre really like, so dont get carried away and seen on this happy faces. Arthel and of course the propaganda. What is your take on the public display between the sister and south korean president moon. A south korea thinking breeds stand the most lives to lose the most lives. We are in the peninsula. The u. S. Is our ally, but we need to take diplomatic matters in our own hands, especially can do during the verbal rhetoric exchange between kim jong un and President Trump. Would you think . Absolutely. You are spot on. No matter who starts it or whos responsible, south Korean People will pay the biggest price. As has been reported, 100,000 americans in there. We would all pay a price on that. Any opportunity we have cute case diplomatic opportunities and openings, we should do that, but it has to be a clear vision and view that the ultimate objective has to be a denuclearization of the peninsula could we cant come to some normalization where they keep their nukes and we dont attack and everything is good to go. We have to keep the focus on what is at the end. In that regard it is a good move for president moon to play good cop in Vice President pants to play the tough guy because they need to know there is a top military deterring out there they can only go so far. Arthel do you think this is a ploy to play nice by north korea to get Financial Aid and money from south korea . Without questioning. Here is what is coming. Theres things on the calendar to make this quick. Theyre trying to put on this nice space for the public to say that they are very reasonable, that they know we are to have scheduled the military maneuvers with south korea in april and you can count on it. They will say youre having bad faith, we want to talk in your having invasion planning and all that sensible break off talks can make it look like our father and fire set nuclear im sorry, icbm nuclear test or a missile test it will be game on. You can count on that coming. Eric its all about what happens after the olympics. What would you think what prompt were precipitated u. S. Military strike on north korea . Ill tell you what not to do it and that is the only reason we should launch in the offense of operations is that north korea operations is if north korea attacks on the north we have some intelligence to show they are literally about to strike. Anything less than that in socalled preventative would cause an attack. North korea has nothing to lose if any attack happens, they would certainly massively retaliate and all the people would be killed. We have to keep the diplomatic door open however unfruitful expense for 25 years because no ones been killed in 25 years and not the ultimate object is. We have to clearly communicate only diplomacy up in. Ive got 30 seconds for this one. Diplomacy is the ultimate goal, but also to have kim jong un give up his nukes, get rid of that program. Diplomacy is not the end result. Denuclearization is an objective. One method to get there and show deterrents is the other critical one. We have to keep the peace and keep him from using those weapons and keep the pressure on longterm so we seen no benefit to Nuclear Weapons. Pal account is building its nuclear arsenal. You saw they were caught cheating which shows its having an effect. We cant be impatient because these things will have crippling effects. We will leave it there. See you again, sir. Thank you. Eric whomever the judge President Trump attacked . Hes the guy who could rule this week on the instruction of President Trumps proposed border wall. We will have more on nonstrata had. More on that straightahead. Oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Anoro is not for asthma. It contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. The risk is unknown in copd. 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Train to the court ruling expected this week on President Trumps proposed border wall and a judge, and not just a judge will determine if the effort to bypass environmental laws will affect construction. Will carr with more on the story. A familiar name. That is right. That is a twist in this case did the judge set to rule in the coming days. The same judge, then candidate trump back when he was running for president. Environmental groups in the state of california are challenging the administrations claim that it can wave a number of environmental laws to build over the wall prototypes and ultimately replace existing laws near san diego. The judge to rule on the case in the coming days. His name sounds familiar because candidate trump doggedly disparaged over a lawsuit involving trump university. Hes been extremely hostile. Hes hispanic i believe and he is a very hostile judge. It said it loud and clear. Curiel born in indiana will now decide the Trump Administration can build a log under the authority to 2006 secure defense that. At this judge says wait a minute commend his or her procedures need to comply with government typically can take take months, in some cases years to clear these regulatory procedures. It could ultimately end up in front of the supreme court. Thing so much. Arthel i am arthel neville. Eric shawn. Well be back at 4 00 eastern. We hope you can join a. Mom . Dad . Hi i had a very minor fender bender tonight in an unreasonably narrow fast food drive thru lane. But what a powerful life lesson. And dont worry i have everything handled. I already spoke to our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. Which is so smart on your guys part. Like fact that theyll just. Forgive you. Four weeks without the car. Okay, yup. Good night. With accident forgiveness your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Switching to allstate is worth it. 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