Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20170829

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We remain in Constant Contact with staff, and they all had one thing to say. How can we help . Sandra the president calling this an event of epic proportion, and peter doocy. Both the present and the governor giving praise on each other for the handling, but fema administrator it was very key that he jumped into say, this is not over yet. Peter doocy is live in Corpus Christi where he find the president. What did he just say about his approach to the relief effort of all this . Sandra, it sounds like President Trump has watched or studied the way his predecessor, previous president s have handled disasters, and the unfolding not done yet could top them all. We wanted to do a better than before. Look at it in five years, ten years are from now and say, ths a good. He sent set a fire house here Corpus Christi with both senators and the governor, greg abbott. The president did have a key talisman with impaired he joked that brock long has become very famous. And President Trump grabbed a megaphone, went outside and address thousands of supporters who came to get a glance of him. The president has ascribed to us by the pool, stood on a stool between two fire trucks and told those gathered, Hurriance Harvey have been here in texas, but texans can handle anything. Sandra where is the president going now . Right now he is on his way to the airport, and from there, air force one is going to austin, texas, the state capital, also where a variety of agencies, local, state, and federal are out of the operations center. The Texas Governor today did thank President Trump for having a team in touch with the days ahead of harvey to get the resources ready during and after the worst of it, and we are not sure what else is on the president s agenda. In the coming hours, while he is still in the state or over the state, because the secret service is being very careful not to interfere with local and state authorities. The really is no schedule for rescuing people. There is a lot of bad that needs to be done here, sandra. Sandra head of this, they are going to keep the situation fluid in the president said his priority is not to get in the way of any Recovery Efforts happening on the ground. Peter doocy, thank you. President trump getting a firsthand look at the widespread devastation in texas, and details briefing on harvey Recovery Efforts. Sarah sanders saying todays visit will lay the foundation for what expects to be a long recovery effort. Joining us now Simon Rosenberg is the president and founder of md and in a former campaign advisor. Match and matt slap it has been an unbelievable day, and other president there, matt. What is this moment like for hi him . It is always shocking when you see and meet with people who have had complete devastation in the lines. Theres really nothing quite like it, and there helpless. I think it is very humanizing for president. I think it is important overall, we come to view our president as people who are the healer in chief or the hungerinchief as it was for george w. Bush. I think was an important moment. And an important moment for people overseas including our enemies to cs connect over a Natural Disaster and we are on top. And we are compassionate people. It has been an important scene, but the most important thing is for the president to not get in the way of these relief efforts. Sandra there was a moment there where the governor had an exchange with the president , where they were keeping praise on each other at which time come the president chimed in and said, i dont think now is the time to congratulate each other. I think we can all agree on that. Simon . The heroes today are the people on the ground in these communities who are fighting extraordinary circumstances with the local and first responders. And citizen volunteers that we have seen on tv so much over the last few days. Our prayers and our admiration has to be with them. They are doing all the hard work right now. It has been really inspiring for someone very far away to see the Great American spirit play out as we head over the last couple days. It has been awesome, and hopefully we can all get ready to do what we can to help houston eddies of the communities in the days ahead. It will be a long road back. Sandra there is a long road ahead. Matt, i think there is going to eventually be questions about what should have been done. What could have been done. How this was handled. It feels too soon to even go there as we are still watching the Recovery Efforts underway, but our own howie kurtz did a piece on foxnews. Com. Trump poses hurricane threat. And he asked a simple question. What will it take for donald trump to pass the test . Do you have an question . Answer to that question . They play a back seat role and these Natural Disasters. Even fema who gets on the ground, but it is a local law enforcement. The National Guard on the ground. It is that states leadership that has the most forward work when you have a Natural Disaster, and the president like to chime in when it goes well, and they like to back away when it doesnt. One of the things that republicans had going for them politically was for much of a Natural Disaster we face, a very competent governor by the name of jeb bush resume with the hurricanes. He made every other republican look good, because he was on top of it. I think the jury is out on the job that Governor Abbott is doing, but everything i see, he is getting high marks. The fact that we are also plain and fair. You cannot really know everything until it comes to mother nature. I think people give latitude to officials who look like they are on top of things. That is the key. Sometimes, politicians get themselves into trouble when people perceive they are not fully on top of the situation. Sandra what that is one thing the governor said it short time ago. One thing i learned today, and that is this president is here to help texas. Senator ted cruz and john cornyn traveling with the president for portions of his day. Senator ted cruz himself is taking criticism. You remember from his own party, chris christie, the governor timing and saying, there is hypocrisy here over ted cruz asking for federal aid for hurricane victims when he opposed similar measures for Hurricane Sandy victims. Again, it feels too soon, but that is currently happening. On the question of the president passing the hurricane test, i want to make two comments. Contrary to what matt said, he did not meet with anyone who has been through tragedies. He has met with governing officials. Sandra i dont think we know that. There has been no video. I understand, but matt said something that he is playing a certain role. He is not playing it on this trip. That is my point. There will be future opportunities for the president to demonstrate this kind and empathetic capacity that matt is talking about. I think it will be particularly important for him to do it. Houston is one of the most diverse cities in america. Sandra what are you saying, simon . I am responding directly to something matt said about what george bush did. I was saying that the president is would have many opportunities in the future to show this kind of empathetic spirit that matt was talking about. Particularly, houston is one of the most cities in america. Im happy to divert to man, but let me finish. I agree with your point that this will take a lot of help. There will be a lot of pain to get through. When i realize in the time that i worked for president george w. Bush, some of the most touching moments never was a camera or public video ever released. Very private moments. I do not know what is going on. It is the concept of president as just a person, and trying to do it they can to be helpful. I think that at a time when our politics can get so nasty, it is nice and one small way that something nice comes out of a horrible tragedy. All this hardship. Maybe we come together and Work Together and be there for each other. Sandra and the storm is not over. It is hovering as the rain continues to build and flood waters continue to rise. Levee has been breached. Simon, matt, thank you. Matt, thank you for making my point. Simon, you got it. Sandra we have this fox news alert. Houston chronicle reporting that a Police Officer is matt just mentioned, has drowned in his patrol car while he was driving to work. All this as a relentless rain in houston because two reservoirs the , and the flooding is expected to last until october. Chris jenkins live. It is devastating, sandra. The Addicks Reservoir you see behind me as well is the reservoir. The two main systems to keep flooding out in houston are overflowing at a rapid rate. The news that we have just learned from the Harris County Flood Control is that the subdivisions, 3,000 plus homes in the surrounding areas should plan for flooding for the next 45 weeks into october. If you live in this neighborhood and you see a little bit of water, you need to evacuate. The gauges on both barker and addicks are broken or breaking. Theyre having to fix them. To give you some sense, look at the subdivision. These homes right near, a block away from that reservoir. The home in the immediate right here, an elderly couple rescued by boats. Pulled out of there. When we first got here, i think we can show you this if you can come down a little bit. About 10 feet from me, the curb was on the other side. The water was there at 5 00 a. M. Let sentiments go, that white line is in the street, the water was on the other side. The water was over here. And just that time, a couple of inches of water coming up. Where we are now, this will eventually move over. What you will eventually get to and this is a definite. Not a maybe. This is highway 10 coming in. We watched rescue vehicles, convoys, National Guard. We watched buses full of people being evacuated from this area. If this highway comes under flood, it will be horribly expected. If youre watching this, and you live near these reservoirs, you need to possibly consider getting out very soon. Sandra chris jenkins, thank you for bringing that to us. Unbelievable situation developing and still ahead with a fear that a levy could collapse and put more lives and homes at risk. Plus, more on rescue efforts. Approximately half of the rainfall expected in the houston area over the course of the yea year. Those streets will flood and continue to flood. The streets will continue to flood. Homes will continue to flood. Just like the people who own them, every business is different. 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Car but i also know that were gonna have usaa insurance for both my boys. Its something that theyre not even gonna have to think of. Its just gonna be in the family. Were the tenneys and were usaa members for life. 100s of volunteers have been helping, bringing eight and supplied while assisting rexs group cruise. Helping thousands ravaged by waters from Hurriance Harvey pit one group of volunteers are known as the cajun navy. They are out of louisiana and formed after hurricane katrina. Tony now is commander tony of the search and rescue. Thank you so much for joining us. Can you describe what you are seeing . We are seeing a very wide area of complete destruction. Water level currents, breaching dams, levees. Its a real bad situation. Sandra and you are an all volunteer situation. Formed back in 2013 during hurricane katrina. To help out with these types of disasters. How do you compare this to what you have seen prior . I can tell you this weather episode is going to be up there in the top two i have ever seen. Extremely widespread unlike the the rest with the wind damage, and insurmountable amount of water. The situation is really bad. Sandra can you describe some of the rescues you have been engaged with it you left louisiana with 16 people, six boats, five trained canine dogs, and a 5. 5 military grade high rescue vehicle . Who have you been able to save and what was it like . Several locations across texas, we pulled people out. I do not have an official number of how many we pulled out, but it is in the hundreds. I know personally on sunday, we removed 35 people in dickinson, texas. Some trafton hotel, row of houses trying to out roll out or swim out. It has been overwhelming to say the least. Sandra make it very simple for us what that is like for you, and what it is like for those you are attempting to rescue. Again, you are completely volunteer. You are doing it out of the goodness of your heart. These people are stranded. They see you coming. What do you say to them . Do identify yourselves . Yes, when we encounter them, we tell them who you we are. You and i bet they are pretty happy to see you. They are extremely happy, i can tell you. They have not had any good Drinking Water in a couple of days. We give them water, total medical spa pier wrapped in blankets. Get them to a high water rescue vehicles to get them out of the water and sheltered. Into a place that is set up to receive them. Feed them i get them looked at by doctors and get them taken care of. Very excited to see s. Sandra hundreds of members coming from southern louisiana. What inspires you to do this . It is something in our heart hearts. A level of dedication that is unsurpassed. I think the driving force to keep us going, the gratitude we are shown. We picked up a family of asians a few days ago that cannot speak english very well. The looks on their faces, the hugs we received, the gratitude you do not have to communicate verbally with both sides of this. It is heartwarming. It is the drive that keeps on going. The relief on their faces, the families are now safe, and back together. It is an overwhelming feeling in the drive to keep us going. Sandra we are seeing some of your video footage and pictures. Commander tony wade, cajun search and rescue. Thank you for what you are doing. We are all appreciative. Thank you for all the help and support. Sandra thank you. Take a look at that us. This house here in houston. Completely, completely underwater. Devastating. Our own jeff locke was there. We will get a live report, next. Marie callender knows that a homemade turkey dinner can make anyone slow down and pull up a seat to the table. Thats why she takes the time to season her turkey to perfection, and make stuffing from scratch. So that you can spend time on what really matters. Marie callenders. Its time to savor. But he hasoke up wwork to do. In. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. Sandra the situation in houston is worsening with the new levee breach south of houston as they keep an eye on two reservoirs they fear could collapse. So far, there has been 3500 rescues with 17,000 people seeking refuge. Houston police chief urging residents needing rescuing to hang on. Do not give up on us. Seek the higher ground. We will get to you. We have assets with every passing hour, more boats are getting into the hour. Every passing hour, more high water rescue vehicles are comin coming. Sandra lets bring in jeff locke from briar hills in houston. Jeff, what is it like there . Sandra, up to now, we have seen the outside of these homes were flooded and people being rescued, and that is wonderful. That they are rescued, but this is what they will come back to. Brandon has been so kind to let us accompany him on his first trip back inside. This is your house. Right, and this is the First Time Since ive been here since saturday. Water was still coming up in the back a little bit. It has been completely underwater. It is getting higher and higher. If you look in the backyard, i would not be surprised if there is an extra three to 4 feet with the rate of the water. In this is incredible to see as we walk through this, sandra. He tried to prepare us to see things on the table. You thought that was okay . I anticipated a storm, but nothing like this. The amount of rain weve gotten to this point in the bayou coming out. I thought, maybe 4 feet up. That would be good for the items, but clearly, nothing is going to be say. He did get his animals, but the one thing remaining as you see in terms of animals, fish. We have lots of fish here. Hopefully, they will be all right. That is the least of our problems. I dont know if youre able to walk through this, it is incredible. And you see these homes are going to be completely gutted. Completely renovated. My house, all the houses down that way in the street. It will take months, maybe even a year just to get everything back to normal. And the thing about this, this is one of the homes that was impacted by the reservoirs releases, the barker reservoir. Not far up the road here. Theyve had to release water, because they are concerned there would be a breach. That is what has happened. This is incredible to see. This close, brandon, thank you. We appreciate it. As we tell the story, sandra. Sandra thank you, brandon for letting us into your house. And all the houses, down the block, every street. It is not just him. He sounds remarkably upbeat. Thank you, jeff locke, for bringing us that story. Residents are being urged to get out now. That breached levee right now, we are waiting could we have all these reporters all over and all the scenes throughout texas. Some of the shots coming in, they come out. We will get to matt finn from the levee breach that we have been reporting on. We will give it to a just a moment and new details on that catastrophic situation that is happening there. Plus, houstons largest shelter overcapacity. Now, how the city is preparing for more than 10,000 additional evacuees. It has been an emotional ride. We are worried. Everybody is worried. Nobody wants to lose anything. It is a rough ride. I just hope everybody is okay. We make it through this. What was the worst thing you saw . Dont you get lonely . Have you ever killed anybody . What did you think when i asked you these questions . I had never met anybody from the navy thats why i was, like, asking you all kinds of questions. Yeah. I honestly didnt know what the marines did. Everybodys experience is unique. You got musicians, you have cooks, you have admin people. I just think people should be more open minded. Just get to know the person. As chief everything officer, lynne smith, gets ready to launch the school year. Binders, done. Supercool notebooks, done. Laptop setup, done. Thats mom taking care of business. But who takes care of mom . Office depot office max. During our taking care of back to school sale, order online and pick up instore in just one hour. And shes off. To another important business meeting. Office depot office max. Taking care of business tais really quite simple. Est it comes in the mail, you pull out the tube and you spit in it, which is something southern girls are taught youre not supposed to do. You seal it and send it back and then you wait for your results. Its that simple. Sandra a fox news alert. Residents are being urged to get out now. A levee that has been breached south of houston, matt finn is at the levee breach. Columbia lakes. Matt, what is happening . Sandra, this is a developing situation, and i will report what we are being told right now. We are in Brazoria County which is a about an hour south. The Brazoria County Facebook Page a short while ago issued an urgent order to get everyone out now but because of a levee breach here along the columbia lakes. The county is urging people to get out. We walked down here. There is no huge water rush, however, there is a breach in the levee, and the county says they expected to fail or it could fail. We now have neighbors who live here. We have a gentleman who said, he helped construct this levee today, because he does not want to see his neighborhood go under couple feet of water. Does your first name . Seth. You constructed this levee, and you feel confident it will not breach. That is contradiction with the county is saying right now. I dont know what they are thinking. A couple of the guys around here, and we told them, theyre telling us to get out, and we have 500 homes here. We are not going to see a flood. We have sandbags, and the pressure on this would here is not enough to push it over. We have stakes in the ground. We have been watching levels. It is dropping. Very slowly but as long as we dont get any more rain, we will be good. This is a big picture. This is not a river. As long as we continue. The blood and sand bags, it looks like something that could fail. You dont think so . No, there are a lot of. With the brick, 10,000 bricks and we have lots of material. I dont see it happening. Not on my watch. Thank you very much. The county is urging you and your neighbors to get out, and you will stay. I live in a twostory house. I have 35 gallons of water and food for two months or more. Armed. Thank you very much. Danny, you talked your family to get out last night for safety. I have two little girls. I went out and got them out. They were in dickinson with their mom, and they had to be evacuated by boat. My girlfriend hannah and i got them out of that situation. And brought them back. Of course, mandatory evacuation here. To be on the safe side, im going to make sure they are out. Looks like these guys did a great job with this. I came up to help to see if i could, and hopefully these guys will knock it out of the park. That is what happening here in fema Brazoria County. Sandra Shepard Smith is standing by on the news deck. As brock long said a long time ago, this is not over. We are still in lifesaving mission. And theyre working so hard in Southeast Texas or not. Rainfall totals top 49 inches, and in some areas, couple of hours ago, still raining in that area. Likely by now, we are over 50 inches of rain. Just about 4 00 eastern time. The storm earlier today broke the record for the most rainfall from a tropical system in history. Matt finn reported on that levee breach in Brazoria County. Thankfully, it is causing the problems projected. That said, two major reservoirs in houston are already overflowing, sending flooding waters rushing into nearby neighborhoods. We have images of the flooding in our slideshow, and want to show you these locations. This is near one of those reservoirs i just mentioned. This is the Addicks Reservoir. Another picture, aerial view from the same place. You can see, where all of the water has inundated this neighborhood. House after house after house underwater. Where my pointer is, that house is well above all of the windows these are onestory units, and all of the water level are above the first floor windows. All of these houses, one after another. Here, you can see two people checking on a woman after her car got stuck in the driving waters. Helping these folks, and here she is speaking to 911 on the phone after being rescued by this boat. It is these flat bottoms that had been so much help in the region. Here are people trying to get belongings from their home. There is just not much left. Destroyed in that area. This is inside the convention center. In houston, i shelter for thousands of people. We are not going to take our video cameras here. Think about it. Largely their home now. No word on how long these filters will be open, but they are way over capacity. They said they are handling people just fine. And you can see a man holding a towel over his baby daughter, as rescue workers varied them on a boat in houston. One more thing. I want to show you this new video we got in from the coast guard. It shows a rescue underway from the air. We want to put that on the screen. That is what i was told anyway. It is from the coast guard. One rescue effort after another after another. We have been watching here, i am told, that rescue. Well be showing you this throughout the day. Full coverage in the next hour on Shepard Smith reporting. We will see you then. A sandra President Trump on the move and texas. Now heading to austin. The state capital for a tour of the Emergency Operations there. But before he gets another briefing on harvey with the texas state leadership. Continuing coverage on fox news channel. [vo] progress is seizing the moment. Your summer moment awaits you now that the summer of audi sales event is here. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models during the summer of audi sales event. Its time for the biggest sale of the year with the new sleep number 360 smart bed. It senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you effortlessly comfortable. And snoring. Does your bed do that . The new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. And right now save 50 on the labor Day Limited Edition bed. Your insurance on time. Tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . 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Everyone we talked to was dripping wet. Some people did not have shoes, and this is what the people of houston is providing them. An army of volunteers with clothing, diapers, bottles, shoes, anything they need here. And the need is incredibly great. More than 9,000 people have come from the houston area, and outside, katrina williams. She is from dickinson. How did you get here . Boat, bus, and it was a long journey. Yes, maam. Start at 3 00 a. M. It came trickling in, and of course because a law electricity was still on, the water was shocking. We had to climb over the couches to our neighbors house. Stayed there till noon, sunday. And by that time we got to buy boat. To a school house. We stayed there until yesterday until about 6 00 p. M. No food there . How long we do not eat until sunday at noon. Got something before yesterday afternoon at 6 00 p. M. And came here. We had no close. No shoes. And take a look around if you can. People are trickling in here still. There they have to be past the ten person mark. You had to grab cardboard and blankets. Just yesterday, there is no cots anymore. You have to make with the cardboard. Blankets over it and make it comfortable and try to keep everybody clean. Thank you so much. The mayor did announce today, thank you katrina, the mayor did announce today if you are somewhere safe and dry, he will give you a cash voucher to get out to dinner. Looks like for katrina, too far from home and nothing to go back to. Sandra what is seen there. So many people seeking help and rescue. Thank you so much, caroline. President trump as he continues his tour to inspect the damage from Tropical Storm harvey. This is the first Natural Disaster since taking office. Draining out his gillian turner, a former staffer under president bush and obama, in a fox news contributor. We are told, two he has a few hour flight to houston international. It is an unbelievable moment for this country, and really, giving up a perspective of the court needed effort. We know senator ted cruz and senator cornyn is on that as well. And hugh has 50 minutes with the senator he was committed that the response to the storm was really well correlated across all levels. National government, state level government. And local government. He wanted to be lock step and is good hes doing this as part of his delegation. I think it is a good step. Sandra there is a moment a while ago, and i think we have the fresh video of this. The president after finishing some short remarks after meeting with the mayor, governor, local officials. Waving the texas flag, gillian. We want to make sure we show it to everyone. Perhaps a bright moment on a dark day for that state. It is great. It is great for the president to show some texas pride today. It has been a tremendously heart wrenching 72 hours. For him to be not only the commander in chief but also the emotional leaderinchief is super, super important. I hate to bring up the political angle and nuts, but we all know, lesser storms have broken presidencies. Hes been committed to the optics, making sure everything looks like it is being handled appropriately and more importantly, backing up with real action. Sandra and he was very careful from taking off in washington to tell the press through Sarah Huckabee sanders that his goal is not to get in the way of Recovery Efforts. He still felt it was important to go down there with melania trump. To look at the damage in that e state is experiencing. I would think if i am on the ground there, i want to know my president is there. I want my president to understand the scope of the situation. Absolutely. And any hurdles and challenges will be handled by the secret service. It will come with the president. These are not people who are on the ground anyway. There working closely with the president and not try to make the challenge worse, but not really impacting the scene on the ground. That is fine. I think it is more important he is they are, shows face. Absolutely. Just like president bush needed to be in new york after 9 11. In louisiana after hurricane katrina. It is good for president s to show up. Sandra we keep these live pictures up, and it is an unbelievable scene. As you see cars still submerged, waist deep water. People helping other people. In a moment ago, when the governor, governor greg abbott, was meeting with the president. He gave the president a lot of praise in his response, and President Trump said this is an event of epic proportions, he also thanked the governor right back, but that congratulations will stay for later. As brock long, donna fema administrator said immediately, this is not over we are still in life saving mode. Which is what we see playing out right before his, gillian, with these live pictures. People are still getting injured. Any kind of congratulatory sentiment would be grossly premature, from my perspective. I agree with you on that. One thing we are seen from reporting on the ground is that in the storm, medical personnel are much better prepared than they were during hurricane katrina. The lessons that hospitals and tragic care centers and oldage homes have plummeted over the decade, has really been able to put into practice this time around as the days tick forward,. Sandra a News Conference earlier at the pentagon said, everything that has been asked for by the state of texas has been provided by the department and the entire National Guard has been deployed. What an unbelievable event still playing out. Gillian turner, thank you for being here. Rescue continues across texas. Cars fully submerged as we continue to see and what officials called lifesaving missions. One backyard getting some unwanted and dangerous intruders in the wake of all this flooding. We will show you what happened. Who are these people . The Energy Conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something. Humongous. A little thing here. A little thing there. Starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. Who are all these caretakers, advocates too . Turns out, its californians its me and its you. Dont stop now, its easy to add to the routine. Join Energy Upgrade california and do your thing. Sandra a fox news alert. As we continue take theyll look at houston, unexpected visitors collected by floodwaters. One woman sharing this video to facebook, showing a pair of alligators going for a swim in her flooded fenced in backyard. One of them is closer to her house. When she noticed it eyeballing her through the window. Arlene joins me now on the phone to give us all the details. First of all, arlene, are you somewhere safe . Yes. I am safe, thank you very much. I actually connected with a friend of mine that i met in junior high school, who i had not seen for quite a while. It turns out, he lives 1 mile apart. Sandra doused medicaid via facebook. Have you found out anything about your house . Actually, a couple of hours ago, my friends name is jenny, and so jenny from the block, we are now going to be calling her jenny with the second level, because that is why she invited me. If there was flooding going to the second level is best instead of my first level home. Sandra what happened with this creature . I should not say little, because it looked quite large. What did you find in your backyard . Speak honestly, when i went to the window, it was the first thing in the morning. Saturday night when the deluge of rain came in, and we cannot see anything at night. As soon as daylight came out, i looked out the window and i saw theres a piece of wood floating in the water, and then you notice it does not move like you would think a piece of wood would, and thats when i saw the bug eyes looking above the wate water. I could tell. I am pretty sure its a movement from the window. It was really close by. A little creepy. Sandra it sounds like you are staying in good spirit, despite all that is happening in your hometown. Yes, i am a little loopy from lack of sleep. Just to be honest. Im trying to keep up with what roads we can and cannot go on print right now, the safest thing is to stay here, even though we are in a mandatory evacuation. Sandra it is so great to hear your story. Theyll be so many stories that come out of this, and it sounds like a lovely thing that you met up with an Old High School friend that brought you to save ground. Thank you for coming on and sharing your story. Thank you so much. Sandra lets go back to jeff locke. He is live and briar hills. Jeff, the situation does not look good. No, and i wanted to come back and show you the outside. We met brandon earlier. Got a first look inside of the house. Now wanted to try the outside to give you some perspective. This is his backyard, essentially. A friend has come now with a raft to try to help them get some of his belongings out. This neighborhood, the water is rising fast. We just got a rescue boat. David, are you able to get around the tree . A rescue boat. Some people not yet out of their homes. This continues to get worse. Scary. Sandra wow. The pictures are unbelievable. Jeff, thank you. More on the other side. We will be right back. Marie callender knows that a homemade turkey dinner can make anyone slow down and pull up a seat to the table. Thats why she takes the time to season her turkey to perfection, and make stuffing from scratch. So that you can spend time on what really matters. Marie callenders. Its time to savor. You dont let anything lkeep you sidelined. Come on thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein, and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy, to get back to doing what you love. Ensure, always be you. Donations for harvey storm relief pouring in from around the nation. Many organizations already pledging millions of dollars, and you can also help. To send money to the american red cross, text the word harvey, 290999 and make a ten dollar donation if you can. 1800red cross. Thanks for joining us today. Im sandra smith. Its 3 00 on the east coast, 2 00 p. M. On the texas gulf coast where harvey has flooded crucial reservoir dams and shatter the rainfall record for any Tropical Storm in history. More than 49 inches and counting. We are also seeing more dramatic rescues of countless other people desperately wait for help. Its really sad out here. Its a lot of water. A lot of people. Its just bad. Its really bad. Its an emotional ride. We are worried. Everybody is worried. President trump arrived this morning touring part of the disaster area. He is set to arrive in austin just minutes from now after visiting Corpus Christi near the spot where the storm hit with a category four. It

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