We are watching video coming in. Looks like youre headi ing dow 57th or 58th street. From our camera vantage. Are these professional agitators, the kind of people who come out to anything and are the antiarcist types or new yorkers who are fed up with donald trump. Reporter this is a mix of people. I say is the people that spoke with the black lives matter, the cosmopolitan antifascist movement. A lot of them are the leaders that were speaking in front of this crowd were anticapitalists and speaking of White Supremacy and womens oppression and immigrant oppression. But a large majority of this crowd that was here and gathered seems to be just young probably liberal folks who are here, bernie supporters, lots of bernie supporters. New yorkers. Muslim. Black. Hispanic. White. A mix of people. We saw one white woman and she brought her children. She is a new yorker. She said ive been waiting for Something Like this to happen because weve had enough of trump. So some of the messages are sort of general and populist are the struggles your struggle is my struggle type of message. But other message from sort of these sort of fringe protesters is about White Supremacy and racism. Much of what you are hearing here today is about racism. Yeah, trump is a bad guy and that we shouldnt vote trump in. But a lot of that conversation is centered around race. You are talkinging about a lot of hispanics, africanamericans, muslims that are here and joined together pmt es in together. The message is very much about antitrump but it is also about White Supremacy. You hear the message. Brian, i want to ask you a question. We had spoken with you earlier. You said there was 1,500 people initially. It was a peaceful protest. You said Columbus Circle as the group was walking toward trump tower. Can you walk us through what happened when the situation started to escalate a little bit when we saw that police had really started to get involved . Was that when people tried to go into the street . If im not mistaken they dont have a permit for this type of protest and thats obviously necessary, especially in a big metropolitan city like new york. We were walking on the sidewalk from central park. They initially marched from Columbus Circle to central park. It was at that moment right now sorry. It was at that moment they were trying to get on to 7th avenue that the police formed a barricade human barricade. They locked arms with one another not allowing them to get on to 7th avenue. Thats when the pushing and shoving ensued. Thats when the police pushed and shoved people to get them off of the sidewalk. Some of the protesters were asking from bottles of water from the hot dog stands nearby. Now we are being told by police to get off the road. Everybody out. So theyre trying to put all these hundreds of protesters on a sidewalk in a very tight, tight, tight corridor. Right in front of trump tower. As you can see, just a lot of people right now. So the police are just trying to keep people off the road. It is just well see what happens here. But that was how that started. Bryan, do you get the sense that based on the articles this morning that they had been hoping for, like you said, 5,000 people. Do you get the sense that the police and Law Enforcement were prepared for Case Scenario . Did you speak to Law Enforcement this morning before you went out . Did they say they were sort of bracing for the but worst but obviously hoping for the best . We reached out to nypd and asked if they had a permit. They said they didnt have a permit. But essentially the nypd says that theyre here full force. From what im looking at right now. They are here, they have their zip ties ready. Police are here. Theyve been a presence from the very beginning. We reached out to the nypd this morning and they said that were waiting for their official response right now. Essentially what they were saying, you can tell police have been here from Columbus Circle and they were ready because once they were going up the east side of central park, the police were already there ready for this situation here. So i think at this moment it is about whats going to happen now, because there is just a big confluence of journalists, then youve got these protesters with some fringe people are obviously are agitators who with probably enjoy to have a confrontation with police. It is a very, very quarters now in the sidewalk here at trump towers. For our viewers at home and just to give you a sense, bryan, were looking at a split screen, we are a he seeing what you are seeing right in front of trump towers, like you said, thousands of people are gathering. The question is whats going to happen next. But were also seeing certainly another protest in its own form out in arizona. Well get those pictures up for you as soon as they are available. There you can see, this is a main highway between phoenix and fou Fountain Hills, arizona, which is a suburb in the northeast. From our understanding from a local reporter there, there is one way in and one way out, and protesters there are essentially blocking the one way in. Weve, been seeing this develop for the better part of an hour and a half. Now we see traffic looks like traffic is moving at this point. This is the first time that we have seen traffic move. These are pictures from kfaz, the affiliate in phoenix. In at least one area traffic appears to be moving. You see those flatbed tow trucks. They had towed a a number of cars that had stopped. Some actually stopped perpendicular to the highway. They towed those out. It appears there are at least a couple of deputies directing traffic or trying to get things flowing. You shut down a highway for an hour and a half on a saturday, thats going to take a long time to clear up. Absolutely. And we know that donald trump and authorities there have said that there were some mumblings about the fact that they were anticipating protesters. Im not sure they had any anticipation it would be of this scale. But they were expecting 10,000 people at the rally that he is set to hold in Fountain Hills. You can see both these pictures now really setting an example of just how passionate folks are on both sides of the aisle. So were looking at these two live pictures, one of new york where we see a number of protesters protesting a number of issues, a group that started on facebook. They were anticipating 5,000 people. On the other side of your screen, you see Fountain Hills, arizona, a main thoroughfare there. Looks like it is moving but not by all means, traffic is not flowing back and forth at this point. I want to bring in the former assistant director to the fbi. Steve, you are being looking at these two very passionate protest scenes and i want to ask you from a Law Enforcement perspective, what type of pressure does this put on resources in a very heated time . Well, in new york city, theyre well prepared and extremely well resourced. Theyre the best at dealing with situations like this. I mentioned before the break. As well as washington, d. C. Those are probably the two urban Law Enforcement organizations in this country best able to deal with this. But it is expensive and resource intensive. But you have to do it. Obviously the protesters in new york are not tryinging to disrupt a particular event. Theyre disrupting 5th avenue on a busy saturday. If youre one of those stores there up and down 5th avenue or youre trying to get home or Something Like that, those sidewalks are packed. You cant move. It is not like they are having a major effect on a major american city. Law enforcement just wants to keep them safe. Law enforcements overarching desire is to keep everybody safe. I think the pressures are however notwithstanding what you said, because you are correct i think pressures are different in the two situations we are looking at. You said the last time you saw real violence we saw real violence this election season in chicago, in utah. Yet last night when antitrump protesters tried to shove their way into to an event. We saw at least a little bit of violence in new york, macing, arrests, those kind of things going on. We dont know about arizona so much because we lost our live feed. How have things changed since the last time this really happened, 1968 in chicago we had those kind of that violence around american politics. Were beginning to have this kind of violence and these kind skirmishes. Is the temperature only going up . Prognostication being what it is, id say were going up. And were only in the nominating process. Not even to the general election process. Not picking sides whos right or wrong, but it is qcoalescing around trumps candidacy. If he is the successful republican candidate you have to think this will get more and more intense as time goes by. It is not good for a democratic society. From there is plenty of history that tells us when we shift from a ballot box solution to our political process to a street violence process, its not good for our democracy. Not good for anybodys democracy. This is not a happy thing. Were looking at pictures to remind our viewers of whats going on here, Fountain Hills, arizona, en route to a donald trump event, the main highway was shut down by protesters for about an hour and a half. They towed a number of cars. The Maricopa County sheriff came in and dispersed that. On the left side of the rally, a peace antitrump rally marched its way over without a permit and right in front of trump towers. We see the picket line of Police Officers there trying to keep everybody on the sidewalk. But you have to imagine as we talked to the former director assistant director of the fbi, this is a combustible situation. Thats absolutely your biggest concern on the scene, is how to keep that from happening. How do you do that . How do you make the balance between on one hand keeping the peace, and on the other hand not going too far overboard . Thats the again, it is experience, its training, its in new york city, you have that at the optimum level. But again, most of it in hands of the protesters, disrupters, whatever you want to call them. If they decide it is going to get out of hand, there is nothing Law Enforcement can do to prevent that from happening. Swift response at every stage. Quick decisive reaction. You saw that in new york. They apparently identified some of agitators and theyre on the move again. Thats one of the keys to keeping it peaceful. We talked about that earlier how the protest began very peacefully, then there was a sudden shift from a Law Enforcement perspective, like you said, you have to tackle that immediately. But how are you able to respond to that . When do you know when to respond to that . When is the line crossed to a mob mentality, if you will . Certainly any act of violence triggers that immediately. Youll see the police. It is really a tribute to them how much theyll take. Theyll take people standing and screaming in their face and shouting at them and trying to elicit a violent response. Theyll withstand that. Once there is an actual punch throw or something thrown at a police officer, that pretty much causes them, of necessity, to react to that. Give us a sense of the intelligence involved with the police and with the fbi and others in theres always this very fine line between using intelligence against political activists and not. But when protests come in to play and when youre talking about shutting down major parts of new york city, it seems as though were seeing as much of the Police Presence as were now seeing, that there is a lot of assets there that we dont see. Yeah. I mean again, youve correctly identified the problem, leland. People have a right to do this. Even though Law Enforcement may have information that theres going to be a protest, and even if there is a concern that the protest may become violent because there is always that potential. Especially about anarchists and people still have a right to assemble and protest. Thats a difficult, very difficult part of a Law Enforcement responsibility, especially in a major urban area like new york. An integral part of our history also, like we had talked about, we had seen this before, laura brown is the Program Direct he shall of the Political Management Program in George Washington universitys graduate school of political management. Thank you so much for joining us. Thanks for having me. I want your reaction, were looking at these live pictures. I presume youve been watching for the better half of the early afternoon, as we have. I want to talk to you, because we had talked about history, the violent back in 1968. What can we learn from what happened in 1968, and do you agree that we need to get a hold on this type of reaction because it isnt the general election quite yet and tempers can flare even more. I think what this really is telling us is that there is a tremendous amount of sort of Energy Around the idea of a trump nomination. So many protesters dont like that idea, especially those on the democratic side. Well see when we get closer to cleveland whether or not those protests, at the Republican National convention, do get out of hand. Hopefully we wont see violence or what we saw in 1968 at the democratic convention. But i dont think theres really any assurances in this moment in time. You talk about no assurances. Its also, there are so many messages that were hearing. We had asked our reporter on the ground and he really listed a number of groups getting involved in this protest. How do political leaders address those concerns when theres not really one message that these one goal that these protesters are looking for . Well, youve identified a really accurate problem. And it will be something that i imagine the democratic nominee will have to do, which is try to say, you know, look, even though we dont like, you know, donald trump, who may be the republican nominee, lets take this energy and enthusiasm to ensuring that we have record turnout and voting in november and not actually just protesting throughout the summer. So keeping a hold of this will also fall on the democratic nominees shoulders. I was going to ask you, we certainly one thing, like you said, we are seeing this huge turnout and a lot of passions on both sides of the aisle. Weve obviously seen more on the republican side than we have on the democratic side, but i want to ask you what do you foresee in the next couple months especially before we get to the general election . Well, i think what were going to see is kind of more and more activity around this idea of stopping donald trump prior to the actual convention itself, and whether or not sort of the Republican Party engages in maneuvers to do that is really going to be based on the public sentiment. So whether donald Trump Supporters decide to withdraw some of their sort of energy for him is really going to end up being a question as we move forward. We had talked earlier that there were reports that the Donald Trump Campaign and perhaps some authorities in arizona had gotten mumblings of what protests they anticipated. Is there any responsibility in the campaigns . Do they have to sort of waiver to these protests for safety concerns . Well, i do think that the campaigns are going to have to take account for them as they planning their events. I think as we sort of you talked about earlier this afternoon the arizona event was planned in a location where there really wasnt many roads of access to it. So you have a situation where the protesters actually can prevent the supporters from getting in to the place they want to get in to, and that is certainly a recipe for a violent confrontation to occur. You may hear a very Defiant Campaign say that is youve also heard donald trump say that if im not the nominee there could be riots. Were sort of in an unprecedented place in american politics where when you have a rally going through new york city essentially stop donald trump, dump donald trump, and at the same time theres members of the republican establishment also trying to create a stop Donald Trump Movement within the Republican Party. It is an unprecedented situation. As we go back to the streets of new york city, it looks like the streets of arizona are freely flowing once again after a lot of protesters tried to stop folks heading to the donald trump event. Streets in new york city, it appears as though the protests have moved on from trump towers. Bry bryan, did the police push you guys on from trump towers or what happened . Im unclear how it started is. Seems to be the protesters themselves. You know how these things go . It is sort of a wave. Somebody leads the pack. There is no one leader. Somebody starts walking back, saying lets go back to central park. Thats what appears to be happening, the protest is now moving forward back to where it initially started which was in central park. I also want to clear up a point. It is a little bit unclear, to be honest with you right now, whether they had a permit or not. But either way, they were going to show up and the nypd was ready for them every step of the way from Columbus Circle all the way to trump tower. You mentioned the groups that were here. I think it is important to showcase that these groups really range again from different things. Latino immigrant groups. I. C. E. Nyse. Black lives matter. It really is at least a dozen different groups, leland. Weve seen that in other cases, the professional protesters, the anarchists. Those kind of people come out. So far relatively peaceful. We know theres been some arrests and some mace used. As the crowd me anders through new york city on what appears to be a Cold Saturday afternoon. Bryan, stay on the phone with us an let us know when things develop there. We have an antitrump protest in new york city. We also have a trump rally going on in arizona ahead of the tuesday primary in arizona. Keep in mind this is the same rally that everyone was trying to get to when protesters shut down the main highway en route to Fountain Hills, arizona. That highway was opened about 20 minutes ago. Had been shut down for an hour and a half. We are awaiting Donald Trumps remarks. You can only march that hes going to have a lot to say about both of these issues. Few states have the kind of divide on immigration as they do in arizona. Well hear from donald trump says. Well be right back. Ng a better professor by being a more adventurous student . Is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves . Is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the Natural World . Whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. Tiaa. Dog chow for 36 years now. D ive been making my dog girlfriend is 17 years old. Shes been eating dog chow from her very first day and she can still chase squirrels. She cant catch them, but she can still chase them. 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Get accident forgiveness from allstate and keep your rates from going up just because of an accident. Find out how a local allstate agent can help better protect your family. Call one right now. And if youre a safe driver, you can save up to 45 . Just a few more ways the good hands are doing more than ever before. See what the personal service of an allstate agent can do for you. Call 8776443100. You are looking at live pictures of Fountain Hills, arizona. We are awaiting a press event with donald trump. We anticipated hearing him closer to 2 00 p. M. Eastern time. Obviously that is not under way quite yet. And perhaps it is because we had seen a lot of his supporters had trouble getting to his event. There one main thoroughfare between phoenix, arizona and Fountain Hills, arizona. Around noon eastern time a group of protesters essentially parked their car in the middle of the highway and then we had seen traffic back up for miles and miles. In fact, it wasnt until about 15 minutes ago that we saw traffic really start to move very, very slowly. But we had seen this is actually taped footage. You can see that is where the cars were parked there, is all traffic being stuck for miles and miles. We have seen events happen across the nation. Weve also seen some protests erupting in new york city as well. A group of people there coalescing, gathering in central park as well. This started out as a peaceful protest around Columbus Circle with a massive Police Presence. As weve heard from the ground in new york city, it has swelled to somewhere between 1,500 and 2,000 people. Some arrests made. Some macing of a number of the agitators as they disobey Police Orders to stay off the streets and get on the sidewalks. At one point this massive crowd was packed around trump towers. We dont know whether the crowd is dispersed or if our camera is just trying to find a new vantage point. You get the sense of the dozens of Police Officers in that one block in new york city. It seemed officers were locked arm in arm for entire sections of streets in new york to try to herd the protesters, if you will, as they moved around. It is an incredible moment in american politics as weve seen violence outside of donald trump events inside donald trump events in chicago, utah, and obviously we are now seeing those protests again this saturday. We want to bring in National Review reporter who joins us now. Brendan, what weve seen in new york is interesting. Lot of different groups protesting. We had the black lives matter folks, anarchists and communists and everything else. What happens happening in arizona really brings the toll po to focus because you have that incredible divide over immigration in arizona. It is a place trump has surged ahead in the polls. Governor jan brewer has endorsed him. On the other hand, Bernie Sanders is saying, all right, amnesty for everybody or some version of that, hey where were going to move forward with immigration control, some version of that. Give us a sense of whats happening in tharizona and how this is playing out. You got two very different constituencies in this one state. There is a very high population of latinos in this state. Many of them are for Immigration Reform of some kind. Whether thats what you mentioned with Bernie Sanders, fullon amnesty, slightly more watered down version of Hillary Clinton that she pushes. Then on the other side, not just jan brewer but sheriff joe arpaio, he has a tent city out there where he keeps migrants who have crossed the border illegally. I think tensions are extremely high in that state in particular. It is one thing to protest in new york. Right . As long as you protest peacefully, this is their right, they go to trump tower. It is another thing to park your cars in front of a public thoroughfare and block people from going into a political rally for their preferred candidate. We talked about the potential authoritarianism in the trump camp but i think you are seeing some latent authoritarianism starting to spring up in the forces opposing trump as well from the left. And thats really concerning. Brendan, you are a student of politics. I dont think you were around for the 1968 convention in chicago when we had violence but as a student of politics and opportunity of the history of politics, can you think of a time in american politics where the country was as divided and as angry as it is now . I mean certainly not in my lifetime. When ive been following politics, i came of age during the Bush Administration and the iraq war when there was massive protests. There was Political Violence in the runup to the war and afterwards. But were so early now in the primary process where were about halfway through. Not only to the general yet and this is what were seeing. Trump hasnt even secured the nomination yet and you have these left wing groups coming out, anarchists, very i think groups that have a lot of other agendas locally and at the state level that theyre trying to push and theyre kind of taking this National Stage to do it. It is concerning. I dont see how it helps their cause. Donald trump thrives on this kind of chaos. Like this is going to be great for him. And his supporters are not going to be somehow cowed by these kinds of things. If anything, theyll be emboldened. There is kind of a concern for a feedback loop of violence here. Considering we are only in midmarch, thats kind of scary. We have a long way until november. As you watch, this is the protest march of the donald trump protesters. Theyve kind made a giant square from trump tower. Looks like heading north i guess back to central park. We had an update from bryan who said there is not necessarily a lot of direction from protesters. Seems as if the cops are just dispersing the crowd which is their First Priority is safety. So there is not necessarily any direction that this is moving. Theyre moving in all directions. Of course were going to be following whats happening in new york. Were also keeping an eye on the donald trump event in Fountain Hills, arizona. Were going to bring that to you live which is legislated to begin at 2 00 p. M. Eastern time. We are awaiting donald trump. So stay with us, well have more after the break. From the moment they wake up, doers dont stop. Every day is a chance to do something great. And for the ones they love, theyd do anything. Sears optical has glasses made for doing. Right now, buy one pair and get another free. Quality eyewear for doers. Sears optical. Frustrated with your overactive cant handle the side effects . 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Com and learn how botox can be a low cost option. And casuper food . Is that recommend sya real thing . Cedar . Its a great school, but is it the right one for her . Is this really any better than the one you got last year . If we consolidate suppliers, whats the savings there . So should we go with the 467 horsepower . Or is a 423 enough . Good question. You ask a lot of good questions. I think we should move you into our new fund. Sure. Ok. But are you asking enough about how your wealth is managed . Wealth management at charles schwab. They dont even know why theyre there. They dont even know. Why are you here . The guy goes, uh, i dont know. I dont really know but im here. I dont have any comment. I mean you have to see these interviews. They dont even know why theyre there. But you have professional disrupters. But if you look at my rallies other than the one i ended in chicago where nobody was hirurt. I did the right thing. There you had a couple thousand disrupters. I had 25,000 people so we were able to stop a lot of them from coming in. I cant because when i landed the secret service the police, everybody said this could be a potential problem. So we get a lot of credit i hate to do that. That was donald trump sitting down with sean hannity. The full interview airs 10 00 p. M. Eastern on hannity on monday. He was talking specifically about the events leading up to these protests about around his rallies, including a protest in arizona ahead of his rally there in arizona. Live pictures right now of the stage awaiting donald trump in Fountain Hills, arizona. Police there expected about 10,000 people to show up. That was until this happened. Protesters stopped cars and some pickup trucks along the main highway that leads from phoenix, arizona up in to Fountain Hills. Those protests began just about 2 30 two hours ago. 12 30 eastern, now 2 30 eastern. In the past halfanhour or so, there have been a number of cars that were towed and the protests seemed to have been moved on and the highway reopened. Sheriff joe arpaio, of Maricopa County, arizona, that encompasses phoenix, has endorsed donald trump. Hes also been responsible for moving these protesters on. Sheriff joe, well get to the politics of this in a minute. Take us through how your deputies were able to move in and close this protest off . We do the Law Enforcement for that town, beautiful town. We have a lot of resources out there just in case we needed them. Did you know this was going to happen . 10,000 people waiting for donald trump were on their way. Will be there very soon. We will not be intimidated by these protesters, especially in a town that i run. So we arrested three and we have a clear way and theyre going in there. So three protesters arrested. How many cars did you tow . Give us a sense was there any violence involved . Did folks move on when you told them to move on . Had you heard this was going to happen . Give us a sense of how that all worked. No, there was no violence. Im sure the people we arrested may not like it, but we towed the cars. We now have a clear field. Were not going to let any demonstrator intimidate this forum or intimidate this sheriff in my town. Thats not going to happen. Right now were going to have a nice, nice rally with donald trump, and my main mission is to keep him safe and also all the people that are attending and all the people that live in Fountain Hills, arizona. So thats our mission and i have confidence that everything will turn out okay. Im just a little concerned that its been delayed. We got a lot of people out there waiting for donald trump. Its hot. But were going to get there quick and were going to get this thing done. Sheriff, do you have any indication that protesters had planned shutting down the freeway since its the main thoroughfare from phoenix to Fountain Hills, and did you ever consider moving the location . No, were not going to thats something the campaign as far as where the location is. But we had some intelligence there would be some protesters there. We were ready for them. We just had this slow situation with the chain. Some cars. But we too cake of that. Took a little time. But everything i hope goes smoothly. Donald trump is a man of courage and im sure that he wants to talk to 10,000 support eers and were going to make sure hes able to do that and he has First Amendment rights, too, and were not going to let some of these people that have their own agenda halt that speech that hes going to give. Sheriff, on the one side you have donald trump and his supporters. Obviously you are among them, who support him and in arizona. Arizonas a polarized place when it comes to the issue of immigration. On the other side of this political race, on the democratic side, Bernie Sanders is also in arizona today and he has said that the way you treat Illegal Immigrants in arizona is unamerican. Hes called you a bully, among other things. Im interested in the big picture here. And your response to some pretty hefty charges by a president ial candidate about how youre handling things there, how youre handling things there. Well, i dont whats sanders wife got to do when she wanted to see the tents. I took her inside. Sanders kind of made a threat. Just wait, joe, if he becomes president. Whats he threatening me for . This has nothing to do with that. This meeting was taking place. I just happened to be in charge of that town because they dont have a Police Department so im the Law Enforcement guy, too. But, my supporting donald trump has nothing to do with anything else. But once again, i have the Law Enforcement situation right now. So well take care of it and i want to make sure that everybodys safe. Number two, im here to support and introduce him, like ive been doing five or six times around the country. Well, we wish you safe travels. Sounds like only three arrests, certainly from those pictures things could have gotten out of hand. Well await your remarks at the trump event. Sheriff, looks like a Beautiful Day out there. Thanks for joining us. Thank you. I want to bring our viewers an update to another story weve been following out of new york city where we have been following a group of protesters there. It started around noon today at Columbus Circle. A group had planned for what they wanted was 5,000 Peaceful Protesters to march from Columbus Circle all the way down to trump tower. Bryan got there early this afternoon and said he felt Law Enforcement Law Enforcement was very prepared for certainly what could be the worst. The group started to march about an hour into our show. So probably around 1 30 today. They marched toward trump towers. There was a little bit of times where tensions got some skirmishes, if you will. Police did have to disperse the crowd. There were some arrests that took place. The last we heard from bryan, he said protesters were getting dispersed by Law Enforcement which is obviously their get the group dispersed as much as possible. It is unclear also who the groups were. There was a number of them. Black lives matter, we saw some signs about transsexuals against donald trump. Anarchists, communists, theres a whole group here. These are live pictures from new york city. They made their way to trump tower, theyre being dispersed. Now we are looking at Fountain Hills, arizona where the helicopter there is following what appears to be or what could be Donald Trumps motorcade. Remember, he has secret service protection. He had police escort. Four black suvs there and looks like a police suv in the front heading up towards Fountain Hills, arizona. Theyre heading past a lot of traffic. C conceivabl conceivably, the protesters did not succeed in blocking the route. Well bring you what happens when we come back. Diabetes, steady is exciting. Only glucerna has carbsteady, clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. So you stay steady ahead. Innovative sonicare technology with up to 27 more brush movements versus oral b. Get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. Innovation and you. Philips sonicare. Save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. Came out today thousands of people to run the race for retirement. So we asked them. Are you completely prepared for retirement . Okay, mostly prepared . Could you save 1 more of your income . It doesnt sound like much, but saving an additional 1 now, could make a big difference over time. Im going to be even better about saving. 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A number of protesters had parked their cars with stop trump signs and for better part of almost two hours people in traffic were not able to travel to really the one street that gets in to Fountain Hills. We heard from sheriff joe arpaio, the sheriff of Maricopa County, controversial figure and trump supporter. Very controversial especially when it comes to immigration. He was in charge of Law Enforcement for the town where the shutdown lapped. He said there were three arrests. Now Donald Trumps on his way to the rally. Well hear more about this when we come back. It takes a lot of work. To run this business. Im on the move all day long. And sometimes, i just dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost to get the nutrition that im missing. Boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a great taste. I dont plan on slowing down any time soon. Stay strong. Stay active with boost. Now try new boost® compact and 100 calories. To the fox news alert. We are following two really breaking news stories. One in Fountain Hills, arizona, where you can see it appears that donald trump has arrived at the rally that was slated for 2 00 p. M. Eastern time. We had been following developments all afternoon for the highway from phoenix, arizona to Fountain Hills, arizona. A number of protesters had essentially parked their cars in the middle of the highway, about two hours before the event was slated to begin. Snarling traffic for miles down the road. We had watched people getting out of their vehicles and protesting. We have spoken to the sheriff earlier in this broadcast. Yeah, sheriff joe arpaio, a donald trump supporter, endorser and in charge of Law Enforcement for Fountain Hills, arizona and Maricopa County in arizona. A shall we say very strongviewed sheriff when it comes to immigration. And that has certainly sparked a lot of controversy inside arizona. A deeply divided state. With that, we bring in fox news contributor, angela mcallowen and mark levine. Guys, we have two minutes left. Mark, first to you. Have you ever seen in recent political memory this kind of, number one, violence, but also this kind of anger in america . Well, i think donald trump arouses a lot of the anger. Some of the hateful things he said about almost everyone in america, causes tempers to fly. It doesnt mean people dont have a right to shut down rallies, to block the street. But they have a right to be angry and peaceful protest. We saw the protest, obviously, in arizona. We also saw a really large protest in new york, about 1,500, 2,000 people. Bryan llenas was out earlier. Angela, is this good for the republicans to have the frontrunner, surrounded by so much controversy as we watch jan brewer there head to the stage . It might not be good for the republicans, leland, but its good for the country. Im glad that trump is running, because we have more people participating in the process. Now, look, every american has a godgiven right to state their grievances or protests. But i agree with mark. Dont trample on Donald Trumps First Amendment rights. So is it good for the party that we have such a controversial front runner . Maybe not. But i believe its good for america. And angela, i want you to elaborate a little bit, because, like you said, he is leading in the polls, the frontrunner. 58 delegates at stake, winner take all for arizona. What are the political repercussions of all of the events we are seeing today ahead of tuesday . I think this only helps trump. I mean, a lot of folks are out there. Theyre trying to determine there is so much anger, and so many people are tired of this double standard. I think trump will win arizona, and utah. Because of these protests. The people out there trying to stop him, you actually are giving him fuel for the fire. Donald trump may win arizona. The republican primary. He may well lose arizona in the general election. The vast majority of americans dont support anything like donald trump. His hatred, his nonsense, his racism. This is a guy who may well represent many republicans. He doesnt represent most americans. And independents. And first time voters, too. Mark . Here we go. 15 seconds left. Obviously were going to keep monitoring the situation. Were staying with this now, as we watch jan brewer sitting there talking. The trials and tribulations of live television. We thought we were going to we thought we were going to take a break. Were not. Jan brewer right now, shes warming the crowd up. Shes the former governor of arizona, famous for taking on president obamaed related immigration. We talked to her a couple weeks ago. You had an interview with her. Big donald trump supporter, said she felt trump was saying the right thing about a number of issues, immigration being one of them. Trump right now, real clear politics average, up 3421 over his nearest rival being ted cruz there in arizona. And its important to keep in mind, theres a lot of focus right now on donald trump, and on the protests that try to keep people from getting there to his event. Just south of phoenix, along the border, is Bernie Sanders, who has come out very strong against sheriff joe. Obviously against donald trump as it relates. But gives a sense of the polarization in arizona and immigration. If you talk to folks in arizona, theres not a lot of people in middle ground. Sheriff joe, if youre tough enough on illegal immigration, they will support. And Bernie Sanders calls him a bully on the other side. You can just imagine what words trump is going to have when he takes the stage as it relates to this. And you wonder how hes going to address the event that have happened not only today, but our own peter doocy was in utah, and he had seen a number of protesters actually clash with police at an event yesterday. We can see sheriff joe. Sheriff joe. Joe arpaio, who we talked to earlier. And so im curious as to how hell address that. Because at this point, we are seeing and we talked about how the protesters are coming from all different groups, and we had seen that in new york, as well. So as a political leader, as a businessman turned political leader, how do you address all of those concerns . And also, how do you get tempers maybe to flair not necessarily flare up, but maybe item ber down . We havent seen donald trump try to calm things down at all. Hes the one who said there could be riots at the republican convention. To that point, though, when you think about where we are in terms of these groups, we heard donald trump talk to our own sean hannity, taped an interview an hour ago. Full interview airs 10 00 p. M. Eastern on monday. In that one sound bite, he sort of made fun of the protesters. And this idea that when you talk to some of the protesters and ask them, what are you against, what are you angry about, a lot of them cant really articulate it. And thats sort of what bryan llenas was talking about, especially the group in new york. That you had the anarchists, the communists, the black lives matter folks. You had all these different people coalescing around this lightning rod of donald trump. Whether that continues over the next six months or so, we just dont know. But nothing has happened so far to calm things down. On either side. Yeah, and i think that was some of the Security Experts that we have had on the show today, that was one of their biggest concerns. What history tells us is that we arent even into the general election quite yet. So what rhetoric can be used to calm down all of these emotions, and we have seen supporters on this is for both sides of the aisle, saying to coalesce around one candidate. On the democratic side and republican side to get the message clear. And perhaps maybe that would get people to calm down if they coalesced. Right now its obviously quite fractured. Steve pomerantz, with us for two hours. Here to talk about something else. We switched gears on and you have now spent the better part of two hours talking about whats going on. As we watched these two situations unfold, both the one in arizona were watching and also the protest in new york where we had arrests, as well, a couple people sprayed with mace and those kinds of things. Give us a sense of how things have changed after chicago, after utah, and now today as Law Enforcement looks at the 2016 election. I think thats a very good question. We have mentioned chicago a number of times. And in fairness, to the younger viewers, the Law Enforcement was very heavily criticized as a result of the riots. Chicago with donald trump a couple weeks ago. Okay. Im starting back in 68. Because theres a marked difference. In fact, that has

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