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Fantastic. Im alicia acuna in denver. The president discussing several other key issues, talking at length about then coronavirus pandemic and touting his response so far. David spunt is at the white house with more. Reporter good afternoon. Some medical experts would disagree, but President Trump said the reason the covid testing numbers are up is because more tests are being done, thats why the infection rates are up, because there are many more tests that took place now than we saw just a few months ago in march. Listen. Testing is up 37 well, thats good. I understand. Cases are up 194 . It isnt just the testing has gone up, its that the virus has spread. The Positivity Rate has increased of those cases, many of those cases are young people that would heal in a day. Reporter and, alicia, those young people will go to school in about a month. Millions of kids and parents are anxious about how they will handle that return to the classroom. The president wants to open schools despite concerns from parents and doctors. When asked about being a gracious loser if former Vice President joe biden wins in no, the president in november, the president said this, listen. Can you give a direct answer, you will accept the election . I have to see. No, im not going to just say yes. And i didnt last time either. Reporter so the president has been talking about mailin voting, he used the word rigged. This is not new rhetoric. Its important to point out that the president and some of his other staff members, they vote by mail. He says its a little bit different because he lives out of state, hes the president of the United States. His concern is with people voting that just dont want to go to the polls, but as we get closer to november and the numbers rise with cokid 19, a lot covid19, a lot of people are not going to feel safe going to the polls. Its a question of if the polls will even be open, so were going to watch that story as it progresses. Alicia absolutely. David spunt at the white house, thanks. Leland more highlights from the interview throughout the hour, it airs at 2 p. M. Eastern. This came up as well in portland, protesters said a local police set a local Police Association building on fire, yet the mayor is angry about federal agents in his city trying to keep the peace. The Trump Administration says the agents are going to stay in portland to protect federal property. Christina coleman following the developments overnight. Hi, christina. Reporter well, Police Declared yesterdays unrest a riot. Rocks and paintfilled balloons were thrown at officers and several were hurt. Several people also arrested. Police also say patrol vehicles were vandalized. The portland Police Association office was set on fire, and tear gas was used to disperse crowds, militarized federal officials are making the situation worse. Heres portlands mayor ted wheeler on cnn this morning. The president has a complete misunderstanding of cause and effect. Whats happening here is we have dozens if not hundreds of federal troops descending upon our city, and what theyre doing is they are sharply escalating the situation. Their presence here is actually leading to more violence and more vandalism. Reporter also yesterday the New York Times reported that an internal department of Homeland Security memo was prepared for the agencys acting secretary, chad wolf, warning that federal officers deployed in portland didnt have proper training to deal with riot control and mass demonstrations. However, a senior dhs official tells fox news that everyone sent there was trained and that chad wolf never saw that memo. The official also added they questioned the motives of whoever put out that information. Now, this morning the president tweeted about the feds staying in portland saying, quote we are trying to help portland, not hurt it. Their leadership has for months lost control of the anarchists and agitators. They are missing in action. We must protect federal property and our people. These were not merely protesters, these are the real deal. The fire was extinguished last night, but its unclear when all of this violence there will end. Leland . Leland chad wolf was out in portland in the past couple of days saying that the federal officers will stay until the violence does end. Christina,ing thank you. Acting u. S. Customs and Border Protection commissioner, 30 years of Law Enforcement experience on his resume, mark morgan joining us now. Mr. Commissioner, we appreciate your time. If you sort of paraphrase what the mayor of portland is saying, he said having federal agents there is so inciteful that the people of portland just cant help but riot when they see you all. Its ridiculous, its absolutely devoid of all truth. Thats actually a lie. And let me give you a couple of facts of why i can say that so definitively. One is we had, first of all, the acts of violence that was going on was going on way before federal personnel arrived there, leland. In addition to that, we had credible, reliable information that these criminals were going to attack the Federal Building specific to the hatfield building. And guess what . They did. They brought weapons to what is supposed to be a protest; bats, hammers, projectiles filled with feces and Water Bottles frozen. The list goes on. With the willful and specific intent to destroy Federal Buildings and harm federal officers. I do not believe anybody in this country believes that our presence is whats causing this violence. Leland the mayor there is saying that your officers and agents have been rounding people up without probable cause and without warrant in basically what amounts to exjudicial tensions. Is everybody whos being put in handcuffs by federal officers either have a warrant for their arrest or the officers have probable cause, or is there Something Else going on . So, leland, first of all, again, it shows where the mayors focus is. Instead of focusing on going out and arresting the criminals and getting out there and telling the criminals to stop doing what theyre doing, hes focusing on what the Law Enforcement is doing. But to answer your question, absolutely. We are working with the United States Attorneys Office there on a daily basis, and we are coordinating with the federal protective service, United States Attorneys Office. And when we go out there and the case on the viral video, that individual that we were going out to arrest had just assaulted a federal officer and done significant harm to his eyes from a laser. So, yes, every time that we are going out there yep. Leland at least according to cnn, the u. S. Attorney for oregons district has requested an investigation into the mass camouflaged federal authorities who are arresting people. Im trying to understand how youre coordinating with the u. S. Attorney if at the same time hes asking for an investigation. Look, leland, we welcome the investigation. We welcome the oversight. Thats part of what we should be talking about, right . Every use of force, every incident if theres a complaint, we should investigate it. So we welcome the i. G. , im looking toward to talking to them myself. But if i could, words matter. These are not masked troopers that are going out there. You kind of phrased it that way leland i, i forgive me for one second, i didnt phrase it that way, i was reading what cnn phrased it as. I appreciate that, but i need to correct that narrative. These are uniformed Law Enforcement personnel. They all had visible police markings on, they had unit identification and Agency Identification on, and they identified themselves every time that they went out. So theres a little false narrative out there that theyre going out there leland point taken. Real quick [inaudible conversations] where this goes, per christina colemans reporting, last night the violence in portland was labeled by the Portland Police a riot which sort of changes the force dynamics in terms of how they respond. Have you gotten any indication that the Portland Police who have let this go on now for almost two weeks were seeing fireworks sprayed and shot at federal officers in the scene that were watching any indication now that the Portland Police are going to take a stronger approach towards these rioters and towards this violence because of the federal presence . Or your officers are essentially on their own out there . Look, its tough right now because i believe the Portland Police department, they want to do their job, but their leadership has really tied their hands. But the irony here is that if they attack a police building, then the mayors okay with that, calling that a riot. But if they do the same thing to a Federal Building and make no mistake, they have blockaded and shot commercial grade fireworks with the intent to burn the building with people inside. I mean, this is unbelievable, leland. And i cannot believe that we dont have people on both sides of the aisle being united saying this is not the right way, and this is wrong. Leland we do know theres some noscale fencing up around some of the federal property in an attempt to repair it. The aclu has weighed in, obviously, theyre not happy with what you all are doing, but next time we have you on, you get to respond to that. We appreciate it, sir, thank you. You bet. Leland as we mentioned, President Trump talked about the violence we are seeing in americas cities. You can hear who he blamed for the violence with that incredible interview with Chris Wallace right after our show. You do not want to miss if it in its entirety. And tonight Harris Faulkners going to host her special, the fight for america. Its going to be an incredible conversation with Harris Faulkner tonight at 10 p. M. Eastern. Alicia tributes are still pouring in from across the nation and around the globe as we remember congressman john lewis. Mark meredith is live with more on how the world is reacting. Hi, mark. Reporter alicia, lawmakers from both parties have been offering up touching tributes for a man that was widely known here in washington as the conscience of congress. Before coming to congress in 1986 after being elected, he fought in the segregated south for civil rights and for social justice. In 1963 lewis helped lead and organize and speak at the march on washington. Those who knew him say he never stopped fighting for equality and justice. And he was tough as nails. I mean, he spent his whole adult life fighting these issues and going after racism. And so a man with that kind of bravely built into him is an incredible individual. I believe that his legacy will live on. Now all of us, what we have to do is live up to his legacy. We need to continue that fight for social justice and, again, the first thing we need to do to pass the Voting Rights act. Reporter thenpresident obama awarded lewis the president ial medal of freedom back in 2011. President obama told lewis on his own Inauguration Day that the only reason he felt that he was there was because of the sacrifices lewis a had made. The president had his own statement yesterday and said thanks to him, we now all have our marching orders to keep believing in the possibility of remaking this country we love until it lives up to its full promise. Now, were till waiting to still waiting to see how congressmen choose to honor lewis, there are concerns about what kind of public ceremony may or may not be permitted, but in atlanta weve already started to see some makeshift memorials pop up including outside of a mural of lewises where people have been doing anything they can to really pay their respects, alicia, to this incredible man. Alicia mark meredith, thank you so much. For more on the legacy john lewis leaves behind, lets bring in one of his colleagues from the peach state, republican georgia congressman jodiitis. Before we get started, a at the same time you put up shortly after it was announced of his passing, you wrote on twitter representative john lewis long battle for civil rights is both inspirational and admirable. I am grateful he fought that battle for liberty with courage. Georgia has been blessed to have him. My wife and i have his family in our prayers. Congressman, your thoughts on this sunday. Yeah. I, again, stand behind every word of that. John lewis was a remarkable man and, certainly, there were several, many issues politically that we disagreed with but never, ever could that in any way diminish my utmost respect and admiration for him. He was an american icon, someone who has stood for the equality of every american, who has stood for the principles that our country was founded on. And its a sad day to see the passing of such a great man. Alicia and you were on opposite sides of the political aisle. What was it like to disagree with him . You know, he was one of those guys, i tell ya, every time i mean, he was passionate about what he believed. One of the most gentle souls you could ever imagine, one of the kindest individuals that ive known in congress. But when he was on the house floor, boy, he was a fireball. And yet every time we had personal interaction, which was frequently, he would always reach out his hand and in a heartfelt way, look you straight in the eye and ask you how youre doing and just very kind and concerned about you as an individual. And those are the memories that i will have with him. I cant recall how many numerous times ive been on a plane with him, in the airport with him and sometimes just crowds of people coming around him. Never, ever, ever did i see him refuse a picture, refuse a conversation. A real gentleman, a special, special individual. Alicia everyone we talk to talks about how he was able to disagree with dignity. However, as you know, throughout his life he wasnt always treated with dignity in his fight for civil rights. And this morning on fox friends, we had alveda king, the niece of dr. Martin luther king, and she talked about how he did survive the blows to the head when he was on the Edmund Pettis bridge back in 1965. Take a listen. John was hurt on that bridge and yet he kept his tenacity, his faithfulness, his loyalty, his desire to serve people, and that is the john lewis that i remember. Always a forgiving kind of person. Alicia he was a forgiving type of person, as you have just said, and as you know and in your state, we have seen so much violence in the name of the rights of others. What do you think the congressman would say to this . I mean, he has talked about it he has talked about it, but he had such a different approach when it came to disagreement. Yeah. He had a majorly different kind of approach, and thats what is needed today, quite frankly. I mean, john lewis, as i mentioned earlier, is a very gentle soul and a very caring individual. And with all the indescribable accomplishments of his life, he did so peaceably. And i believe there are, certainly, issues today that he would be very sympathetic towards, that he would be passionate about. But the methodology of trying to create change, he would never support violence, and he himself demonstrated that through the incredible blows that he took to his head, the fractured skull and all the things he went went went he went through. But he never lost sight that the way were going to create change is by peacefully protesting according to the rights that we have in this country to do so. And as a result of taking that path, he succeeded. And i think the message he would haved today is stop the violence. Lets deal with the issues in this country, but lets not deal with it in violence. Alicia as you may know, there is a petition right now that is going around and gaining some steam to rename the Edmund Pettis bridge after congressman lewis. What are your thoughts on that . I think that would be a tremendously appropriate thing to do. Of course, its not my decision to make but, certainly, its something that, if given the opportunity, i would support. Alicia well, congressman hice, as we do try to figure out how to honor this man in this time of coronavirus, its incredibly difficult. We want to thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us today. My pleasure. Thank you so much. Alicia leland . Leland coronavirus cases are surging across the country. Were going to show you how some states are tightening back down to slow the spread. Place that you laughed about well the names have all changed since you hung around but those dreams have remained and theyve turned around whod have thought theyd lead ya back here where we need ya welcome back, america. 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Has set singleday total records for new coronavirus cases nine times in just the past month alone, and as far as mask wearing goes, more than half the states now require people to wear masks in public. But thats not always going smoothly. In some states like texas and arkansas, there is pushback. Local Law Enforcement on occasion not enforcing those rules on wearing masks. In georgia, the governor of georgia is actually suing the mayor of atlanta, trying to prevent her from enforcing an ordinance to wear a mask, he says its unenforceable. But mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms is pushing back. There are other cities in our state who instituted mask mandates, and he did not push back against them. I dont know if its because perhaps they were led by men or if its perhaps because of the demographic in the city of atlanta. I dont know what those answers are, but what i do know is that the science is on our side. Reporter finally, the fda for the first time on saturday approved emergency pool testing for the coronavirus. That means that up to four samples at a time will be tested all at once. Now, if those samples prove negative, the four people will be cleared. If theres a positive test, then they will be retested individually. This is something thats been used in china and germany and the u. S. Military in the past, and the benefit is it gets the use the same amount of people, the same amount of material but produces a hot more tests. Alicia, back to you. Alicia Steve Harrigan in atlanta, thanks. Leland . Leland to talk about this and how Small Businesses are weathering the new coronavirus restrictions which were seeing across the country, louisa santos, owner of lulus ice cream parlor. Appreciate you taking a minute to be with us today. Louisa, theres now a curfew in effect out in south beach, 8 p. M. One can imagine that that combined with the other Restrictions Mean that the summer Tourism Business in miami is almost nonexistent, right . Youre absolutely right. We feel this dire economic situation. My sales are down 59 . I havent paid myself in a few months. Our ppp money is running out, and worst of all, i employ my mother and students who feel like family. So i feel this on the ground. Our sales are down, but i also im a candidate for school board locally, and so when i think about our decision to open spaces where were going to bring together lots of groups of people, we have to make sure that we are not getting ahead of ourselves because our situation today is worse than when we shut down our restaurants in the first place and shut down our schools in the first place. So i am a huge proponent of insuring that our priority is health and safety. And i can tell you i speak for hundreds of Restaurant Owners that im in touch with when we say all we want is robust metrics that let us plan. When we invest in stickers and sneeze guards, etc. , and then the rules change a week later, it puts us an even worse situation. Leland teresa, im wondering, are you in the same spot in california . I understand most of the restaurants were indoor seating, theyre shut down. I can imagine youre in the same boat, changing restrictions, staff that may or may not be able to come to work, still relying on trying to pay and feed their families. Correct. Were pretty much in the same boat, and i think its across the nation. But a couple states are being impacted the most. Yes, we were also allowed to go in for full dinein and then two weeks after i opened because i took a little bit to open because i needed to put in protocols x like louisa was saying, you know, want to make sure that the safety of our staff and the community and everybody is top priority. So, and then we leland i can just imagine, you said you took a couple of weeks to open, and you were only open for a couple of weeks. I can imagine you restocked all your freezers and refrigerators with food, you rehired people, you had days of bringing the kitchen up to speed, and all that now goes to waste. Yes. And not only that, you have to invest on the cleaning, you have to invest in the ppe and all these barriers so that you can have capacity in there. Leland i want to this is what President Trump is talking about, because as louisa noted, ppp money running out. The extra stimulus in terms of Unemployment Benefits are running out at tend of this month. This is what the president said about another Coronavirus Relief package. Take a listen. Chris crust the republicans say they want liability limits which the democrats dont like. You say that you want a payroll tax cuts which even some republicans are cool to. Well, a lot of republicans like it. Chris will you only sign a bill that has those two provisions . Were going to see, but we do need protections because businesses are going to get sued just because somebody walked in. Theyll sit down at a restaurant, theyll sue the restaurant the, the guys out of business chris what about the payroll tax cut . I want to see it. Chris is it in the bill . I would consider it not signing it if we dont have a payroll tax cut, yes. Leland if you had a choice between a payroll tax cut and another round of ppp, what would it be . Absolutely we need ppp. That was a heaven sent, and my team needed it. We need a second round, and i also strongly advocate for forgiveness of those loans under 150,000 because they are the ones by us, the small leland secretary mnuchin was talking about that in front of congress. Apologize, were up against a hard break. Louisa, teresa, godspeed to both of you, try to keep your folks employed and all those families fed. Its tough work, and i know a lot of people are counting on you to reopen as well. We appreciate it. Thank you very much. Alicia the coronavirus causing democrats to downsize their convention plans with less than a month to go. Well talk to a campaign surrogate about this and bidens strategy moving forward, after the break. Maria had to do everything for me. [maria] she had these awful blisters on her back. I dont want shingles when im your age. [camera man] actually, if youre 50 or older, youre at increased risk. [maria] thats life, nothing you can do. [camera man] uh, shingles can be prevented. [maria theresa] shingles can be whaaaat . [camera man] prevented. You can get vaccinated. [maria] where . [camera man] at your pharmacy, at your doctors. [maria] hold on [maria] dont want to go through that [theresa] hija. [camera man] talk to your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. Leland that interview between President Trump and Chris Wallace just aired, and joe bidens Deputy Campaign manager already hitting back. Jacqui heinrich with the story from the streets of new york. Reporter hey there, leland. Well, two new polls out this morning show former Vice President joe biden leading President Trump. The abc News Washington post poll has him ahead by 15 points, but our fox news poll shows bidens lead e is narrowing to 8 points ahead of trump. Now, that is a drop from 12 in june. The advantage is outside the margin of error, but this poll has neither candidate reaching the 50 threshold. The Biggest Issue for voters is coronavirus, the economy coming in second and Race Relations coming in the third. 86 of people are concerned about the virus spreading, and the number of people saying the virus is not at all under control increased by 18 points since last month. 56 of voters disapprove of President Trumps handling of the pandemic e. Biden also performs better than the president on key traits to serve effectively as president. The biggest split is their compassion ratings, biden ahead of trump by 20 points this. The president also lost to bind on intelligence, judgment and mental soundness. President trump reacted to the poll on Fox News Sunday, objecting to the notion hes losing. Chris wallace asked if he would accept the results of the election. Chris can you give me a direct answer, you will accept the election . I have to see. Look, i have to see. No, im not going to just say yes. And i didnt last time either. Reporter Biden Campaign spokesman andrew bates told fox the American People will decide this election, and the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the white house. Meantime, kanye west is heading to South Carolina for his First Political aevent after filing with the, federal Election Commission as a member of the birthday party, a party that he made up. Everyone attending will be asked to wear a mask, social distance and also sign a covid19 liability release form. Leland . Leland see what kind of turnout he gets. Jacqui heinrich in new york, thank you. And, alicia, just now reporting from mike allen every at axios that during this interview with President Trump and Chris Wallace, the Biden Campaign bought ads in swing states to air during Fox News Sunday juxtaposed with the interview. Alicia a direct response, and we continue to discuss this right now. Joining us is California Democratic congressman and Biden Campaign surrogate john garamendi. Congressman, thank you so much for being here. First off, so the campaign has decided to purchase during the Chris Wallace interview thats coming up. Obviously, its a very good move. Its a good counterpoint to what the president might have said, and having listened to the interview, its even a better thing. The unfortunate thing is californias not a swing state, so i didnt get to see the ads. Alicia well, i do want to play something for you from the campaign or from the interview this morning with regard to the Vice President putting himself out there in terms of ads and coming out and making speech, however, not taking a lot of questions. Take a listen. Ill make four or fife speeches a day, ill be interviewed by you, by the worst killers that hate my guts. They hate my guts. Theres nothing they can ask me that i wont give them a proper answer to. Some people will like it chris i agree with that. You answer the questions. But look, you ask biden to sit through an interview, hed be on the ground calling for mommy. Chris weve asked him for one, sir. He cant do an interview, hes incompetent. Alicia now, i understand its not bidens style to take cues from the president during the campaign, but do you believe americans deserve to hear him answer questions if reporters which he is not tending to do right now in. Of course they do, and of course he will. Hell be answer questions, hell be doing the press releases and answering your questions and many, many other questions as he has for his entire career. Ive watched him for more than 30 years answer the toughest questions, even more recently doing the same thing. He was on the debate stage for the primary elections, democratic primary elections and generally handled himself very well. So whats the worry here . This man nose whats going on knows whats going on. He understands international relations. He has a very, very sound grow america program, building better for america, infrastructure program. All of thats out there. He knows his stuff, and he will answer questions tough and otherwise. Leland congressman, this is mike allens reporting in terms of the ad thats airing now juxtaposed to the Chris Wallace interview. The ad never mentions trumps name, but its a stark, dramatic contrast, wear a mask, laced with a positive, hopeful message. The question would be this right now people are looking for, perhaps, the stark contrast to President Trump as his unapproval numbers are quite high. But the enthusiasm for joe bidens candidacy, for people voting for joe biden just isnt there. Its in the 30 . How to you grow that number if you dont go out and talk to people and hold rallies in the way the Vice President has been loathe to do . And appropriately loathe to do. Let us understand were in the midst of a horrible pandemic. This pandemic is killing americans, 140,000 americans. Clearly, the Current Administration is inept if not just plain dangerous in what it is doing. Biden is doing what he should do and that is not furthering the infection by having rallies. He is out there, he is doing press, some press events, he is answering questions across the country in individual interviews wherever they happen to be, and he has put forward a very, very solid Economic Program as well as an international program. Rush rush but, congressman, hes also put out a 2 trillion climate plan out there, and the economy is suffering. Americans are suffering, and i know that jobs are a part of this package. However, isnt that sort of a gift to the Trump Campaign that they can just kind of, like, really drill down on that 2 trillion as we head into november . No. As we head into the hurricane season, as we head into the tornado season, as we head into the Climate Change reality, we do need a new energy plan and, indeed, biden has put one out there that actually will grow the economy. We do know that were getting far more jobs from the Green Economy growth whether solar, wind, conservation, all of those things, than we will ever get from the coal industry or from the gas industry. It is a new world. Were going to have electric cars. Whos going to build them . Were going to build them in america if biden is president. Were going to build the resiliency that we need. A lot of my own personal work on the Armed Services committee to move the military into the reality of the future Climate Change or Climate Change which is here today. And so biden has laid out a program that will create jobs in the energy of the future. Not the energy of yesterday leland congressman, reasonable people can agree that a lot of these policy proposals by the former Vice President is going to result in higher taxes. Youve got an economy that, by your own admission, is really struggling right now. Is now the time to talk about raising taxes . We have to have a balanced fiscal program, and biden has laid one out there. Clearly the 2017 tax cuts which republicans rammed through Congress Without one hearing was over a 85, 89 of a tax cut that went to the top 3 1 in american corporations. Didnt go to the middle chat. Biden is middle class. Biden is not going to raise taxes on middle class. He clearly has laid out a tax plan to recoup some of those losses. Leland congressman, we appreciate your time, as always. Safe travels for when you come back from california. With we know its a long journey. Appreciate you getting up early for us, sir. Happy to be with you. Leland all right. Coronavirus cases that the congressman was just talking about are not only growing here at home, but overseas as well. Well tell you what countries, something the president also talked about in his interview are the big problem hot spots. And, of course, the pandemic is one of several topics that President Trump talked about in his interview with Chris Wallace. Youve seen parts of it throughout the show, but you really want to catch the whole thing at the top of the hour. Well be right back. [ engine rumbling ] [ beeping ] [ engine revs ] uh, you know theres a 30minute limit, right . Tell that to the rain. [ beeping ] for those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Noticks and fleas . O simplifies protection. See ya heartworm disease . No way simparica trio is the first chewable that delivers all this protection. And simparica trio is demonstrated safe for puppies. Its simple go with simparica trio. This drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures; use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. Protect him with all your heart. Simparica trio. Muck. Alicia as businesses work to rebound from the coronavirus pandemic, some employers say theyre having trouble getting their staffs to come back to work. Instead, some employees are opting to stick with their cares act benefits. Heres more on the story. Reporter andy felixs treetrimming business is usually buzzing this time of year. This summer [background sounds] is no exception. Business is booming right now. To the point where theres too much. Reporter too much because he doesnt have the work force to keep up. He had to lay off about 30 of his team back in march at the height of the shutdown. When it came time to rehire them for the busy season, some of his employees didnt want to come back. It was a lot of math going on with some guys. Reporter turned out the 600 weekly coronavirus unemployment payment through the cares act on top of state unemployment meant they were making more by staying home. Boston College Finance professor jeffrey pontiff says a lot of workers are in the same situation is. I have seen estimates that over 15 of the people who are getting Unemployment Insurance are making more money than they did when they were employed. Reporter so felix had to come up with an incentive, giving his crews a little extra cash, 3 more an hour, in hopes of getting them out of quarantine and back into the trees. Making the decision to come back to work versus staying on unemployment and collecting an additional 600 a week. Reporter but as the country braces for a potential resurgence, workers in the Hospitality Industry say theyre worried. I would prefer to work, but i want to be safe. Reporter Caroline Ford whos worked in a casino in mississippi for 17 year said her health was her main reason for todayinging home. She already tested positive for coronavirus, and she thinks she got it on the job. It is not all about the money. I just want to be safe because i want to be here for as long as i possibly can. Reporter and with the cares act set to expire in just a few days at the end of the month, republicans in congress this coming week are expected to announce a new bill. One of the proposals is a back to work incentive similar to what andy felix is doing with his treetrimming business but on a national scale. In massachusetts, robdely yen sow, fox news. Leland when vandals destroyed a memorial dedicated to firefighters killed in the 9 11 attacks, one dance group in denver thought of a new way to honor the heroes. That tribute when we come back. Robinhood believes now is the time to do money. Without the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. I felt like i was justthis constantly cleaning up his hair. Then, i got my paws on the swiffer sweeper. Its a game changer. These heavy duty dry cloths pick up a crazy amount of hair this is all you. We stopped cleaning and started swiffering. This virus is testing all of us. And its testing the people on the front lines of this fight most of all. So abbott is getting new tests into their hands, delivering the critical results they need. And until this fight is over, we. Will. Never. Quit. Because they never quit. Alicia after seeing a story on foxnews. Com about a 9 11 Firefighters Memorial being vandalized, one dance group felt called to action and to help bring america together in these difficult times. Joining us to talk about her tribute to these heroes is owner and director of the silhouettes, lynn wagner patton. I call you miss lynn because, full disclosure, my family in the past was a part of this, of your studio. So thank you for being here, miss lynn, thats the only way i know how to talk to you. [laughter] so we talked about this. You saw on our, on our web site a story about the 9 11 Firefighters Memorial in washingtonville, new york. And it was vandalized. Now, this was something to commemorate five firefighters who died during 9 11 as heroes. And you decided to do what . Well, i felt like i i needed to do something about the entire state of the world, but this called me to action because my husband is a retired firefighter from colorado. He served for 42 years. And i can only imagine how the families felt when this was desecrated at this memorial and not just those families, but all firefighters who lost their lives in 9 11 and every firefighter and their family across the nation, if not the world. So i thought, you know, ive got to do something, and the only way i know to do something is through my art form and my Company Called the silhouettes and an incredible musician and singer song writer already wrote a song in tribute to the firefighters. So i said, hey, dave, can we collaborate on this. So together we created a piece that is to commemorate not just the 9 11 firefighters, but every firefighter whos lost their life in service and to all firefighters across the nation. Alicia and folks should though this about you, you have also done tributes for veterans, for doctors, for about everyone. You are not political and very philanthropic. You are a big believer in not only giving back to the community, but also teaching those who study under you how important it is to be a part of the community by giving back. Yeah, well, thats an american. I mean, an american should embrace all, in my opinion. And its important that im not swayed one way or the other. Children in need, children with diabetes, muscular dystrophy, everything we run into we want to help, so we create as many pieces as we can to do that. And this piece, i feel, is one of our best pieces because it speaks directly to the firefighters. I know theres only 5 on this memorial, but there were 26 men in their crews that perished and 343 firefighters potentialeddished when perished when the towers fell. This is a really important tribute, and i hope people are called to action to help firefighters across the nation. Liver herb it is absolutely beautiful. And if silhouettes sound familiar, they were first runnerup in americas got with talent in 2011, but through the years up until americas got talent champions 2020, you have been on the air and all over. And we thank you so much for this beautiful piece of work. So needed right now. Thanks, lynn. Thank you for putting this out. Alicia take care. Leland important to take time to remember those things and to celebrate them as well as you did, alicia. Thats all for us here in washington. Weve been showing you some clips along the way of Chris Wallaces full interview with President Trump. That is now just three and a half minutes away, and you do not want to miss it. Its pretty incredible. Alicia weve shown some of the highlights, but really leland oh, theres more. Alicia its a pretty good back and forth. Dont miss it. Leland unbelievable. Well see you next weekend. Take care. What do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Youre clearly someone who takes care of yourself. So when it comes to screening for colon cancer, dont wait. Because when caught early, its more treatable. Im cologuard. Im noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92 of colon cancers even in early stages. Tell me more. Its for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. False positive and negative results may occur. Ask your prescriber if cologuard is right for you. Im on it. Thats a step in the right direction. Chris im Chris Wallace. In the middle of a pandemic and Election Year and a nation divided, we talk in depth with president donald trump. Chris today, we spend the full hour at the white house and ask the president about the nations most pressing issues. Lets start with the surge of the coronavirus across the country in recent months. A lot of people say this is because we dont have a national plan. Do you take responsibility for that . We ask him about reopening schools and whether washington will pass another big relief bill for businesses that have been shut down and workers that have been laid off. Thelu

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