Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News Headquarters 20141207

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Alert. After 12 years in Guantanamo Bay, six suspected terrorists are now refugees in uruguay. The deal had been in the works were told for months. It comes amid president obamas renewed push to close gitmo. No question, this has political implications on two levels. First, it gets the Obama Administration closer to the magic 100 number where president obama feels he could keep his Campaign Promise to close gitmo. Second, one of the detainees sent to uruguay is involved in a lawsuit of videos of him being force fed on a Hunger Strike released publicly. Obviously that dynamic now changes. This is the largest transfer of gitmo prisoners since 2009. A significant number of those released have been flown to head right back to the battlefield. Some of these Intelligence Services who do these agreements about agreeing to watch them or monitor them cant do it so we pay money remember this now. Were going to pay a lot of money to these countries who take these particular prisoners. What we have found in the past is it doesnt work very well. I dont think that surprises anybody. Reporter uruguay is nestled along the atlantic between ar tina and brazil. Most are christians. The cia fact book doesnt even break out a muslim population. Keep in mind, its longtime president spent more than a decade under very harsh conditions in prison during the countrys military rule. Uruguay has been long known as a safe haven for those not wanted elsewhere in the world. After world war ii, a large number of nazis fleeing ally justice ended up in the south american country. Joining us now, Budget Committee ranking member, senator jeff sessions. Any reaction to the news out of get blow this morning . Its very, very disturbing, frankly. Congress has resisted this, refused to fund the money to close guantanamo or it would have already been closed and everybody released already. This is one of the things that got secretary hagel term narted. He refused for six months to certify apparently these very individuals. He finally did but it angered the political crowd in the white house, no doubt. Well continue to track this. Were now i think in the region of 135 or so less than 140 there. Many questioning whether the president s plan is to simply release them until Guantanamo Bay no longer has anybody living there. Thats one way to close it. We want to talk to you much more about immigration. This is something that you have been sounding the alarm on for years now on capitol hill. Weve seen the president take executive action. What are your greatest concerns about the reality of this . Ive the white houses report on this saying immigrants are job creators, theyre going to have a positive impact on the economy. What are your concerns . A lot of concerns. First of all the president s exceeded the laws of the United States dramatically. He basically nullified existing immigration policy in america and has enacted a policy a new policy of immigration that congress explicitly, repeatedly has rejected, rejected in 06, 07, 10, 13 and 14. So this is a rejected policy that hes carrying out and its illegal, unconstitutional and he himself admitted on a number of occasions. Thats a big challenge. Secondly, we dont have enough jobs for working americans. Weve got the lowest percentage of americans in the working ages actually working today since 1970s before women fully came into the workplace. So we have a difficult problem, especially for lower skilled workers. We need them working, not on welfare, not unemployed, not working just a few hours a week but we need their wages up, which are down 3,000 per family since 2007. Were declining below inflation rates. So this is a direct disadvantage and harmful attack really on working americans. How do you rebut what the white house says . Theyre actually now bringing these immigrants into the taxpayer status saying were going to get them on the roles, theyre out of the shadows. They point to the cbo saying based on the administration, they predict theyll have a net positive impact on the deficit. Some of the people will pay taxes. But a huge percentage of them will be in that income level, earned income tax level, or who have children, child tax credit, which are basically checks from the federal government. So their incomes will be so low, theyll pay no income taxes. Many millions of americans do today. But they will get a check from the government for earned income tax credit or child tax credit. So it is going to cost money really in the long run. To be clear, youre saying that the federal government would be paying out tax dollars to people who are here illegally. Absolutely. Under this plan the white house just said a few days ago, if you pay in to Social Security you pay in to medicare, you get the benefits of the tax system. So they will not really be paying income tax because their level is below the income tax level but they will be eligible for tax credits which are basically checks from the federal government. I think thats a huge factor. And also, remember, that if you come into the country late and you work a number of years and you qualify for medicare or Social Security, you benefit from those. The rest of your life. Most people paying into Social Security, take out far more than they pay in, particularly lower income people. So it might pop up, show in the short term an increase in Social Security income. Nobodys talking about the draw that they will put on to the Social Security program in the years to come. The sol veny of thoso solvan. We are talking about how to save medicare over the long term. This will make the longterm problem of fixing medicare and Social Security much, much harder. In the house, there are a lot of moving parts. There is a lot going on there. A funding bill could be introduced as early as tomorrow. There is this question about whether house leadership, house gop leadership, Speaker John Boehner needs nancy pelosi and several of her democrats to vote with him because there is some a break within the party about conservative republicans who say they dont want to go along with this funding measure. It is not going to do enough to to stop the president with regard to immigration and executive action. Has anybody had a time to look at bill, know whats in it, be able to address the concerns before it is up for a vote . There is no way this huge bill can be addressed effectively. Its going to be thousands of pages passed maybe monday night in the house. What we do know is that it will allow the president to move money around and fund his exsif amnesty program. We just discovered last week that theyre renting a building across the river here in bristol city hiring 1,000 people to process these identifications of illegal people. Theyll be given a photo i. D. , a Social Security number, allowed to participate in Social Security and medicare, and be able to work anywhere in america taking any job in america. We dont have enough jobs today. This will be a 5 million people. So i was hoping, and still hope, that the house will put real language in that bill that controls that. Some say it cant be done but it was done on guantanamo for years now we have refused to fund and provide the president money to close guantanamo because two result in a release of dangerous terrorists. Or of bringing them back here. Or of bringing them back here. So sng hcongress has done that. They can do it on this and i hope they will. Look, the American People care about this. A recent polling data showed it was the number one issue in this Louisiana Senate seat. 41 , compared to obamacare in the 30s . The American People will be heard sooner or heard, it is not going away. We will continue to fight for it. Well be tracking this house bill minute by minute and trying to learn all we can about it before it goes to vote. Senator, thank you very much for your time today. Back to our top story. We want to hear from you. We talked briefly about how the administration has now released six Guantanamo Bay detainees to uruguay. We want to know your thoughts. Tweet me shannonbream. We will will read some of your answers later in the show. Another fox news alert from the middle east. Sources are telling fox news that today israel carried out air strikes near damascus in syria targeting weapons that were about to be delivered they say to hezbollah in the next day or two. The first strike was carried out in broad daylight and struck a militarized section of the main damascus airport. Israel is not publicly confirming these air strikes. It does not report on foreign reports, it says. Well take a closer look what all this means with former spokesman for four u. S. Ambassadors to the u. N. Later in the show. There are now 20 states suing president obama over his recent executive action on immigration saying, as senator sessions did, that he is clearly violating the constitution. Texas attorney general greg abbott who becomes governor of that state in january filed the lawsuit in partnership with now its up to 19 additional states. Wisconsin is on that list and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker joins us now live from madison. Governor, good to see you today. Great to be with you. Thanks for having us on. Tell us why you decided to sign on. What are were your concerns for you as a state . Well, this is one where the president has clearly overstepped his bounds and as a chief executive just like my fellow governors elsewhere across the country, we understand that we have to work with our legislative bodies, that we dont make the laws, we have to work with the legislative branch to make the laws. As the chief executive and the same level as governor, you can sign something into law, you can veto it, or you can let it stand but you cannot make the law. This is not something that were just saying. The president himself for years now for years up until just a few weeks ago was saying that he wasnt the emperor of the United States, he was the president of the United States, that there was no legal standing. Yet in a bit of frustration after the election he went forward with something he himself said he couldnt do. We think the American People need to hold him in check. Thats what were doing in this lawsuit. What happened impact does it have on you as a state when there are directives at the federal level that are some would argue unfunded . What does that do to your state budget which has been the source of a lot of public attention and contention over the last several years. Well, as you look at actions like this and the ripple effect, much of which is not fully understood yet today even as we speak, but when you suddenly allow new groups of people to come in, the states probably as much as anyone have to deal with medicaid costs, deal with school costs and other social services. All sorts of things become pun funded mandates when these sorts of actions are taken. These things need to be taken care of through the normal legislative process so both sides can hear from proponents and opponents. You do not allow anyone person as a chief executive of our nations federal Government Take Action like this without the checks and balances of the congress, legislative branch. What do you lope to accomplish . The administration has talked about the fact that it has prosecutorial discretion in many of these cases. But critics are pointing to other things that are more proactive, things like permitting what do you think youll be able to accomplish through this suit . Well, there mae a couple different things. In the suit itself, i think this is one of those where it tr transcends specifically the policy issue. This is about making sure we are a nation of laws and that we follow those laws. One of the ironies is that the president said that for years. Then many of his supporters in the weeks following election leading up to this executive action said, well, republicans in the congress have had enough time, were tired of waiting. You dont just get to say youre tired and violate the constitutional laws of the land no matter where you stand on these particular issues. I think it is just a principled argument that we want the courts to uphold that distinction, that balance of power that you should see in any level government, federal, state or local level. We want the courts to act in that regard. In terms of immigration overall, i dont think anyone in washington, be it the president , member of the house or senate, should be talking to any degree about any scenarios until this nation has secured its borders. It is mind boggling to me that we spend tens of millions of dollars making sure our airports and particularly those airports that bring in people from overseas across the world obviously have customs and all sorts of requirements there. Tsa makes sure that our airplanes are safe for people getting on and off. We have security we put into our water ports around the coast, both on the east and west coast, southern coast, but even in the great lakes. Yet we dont do much of anything to effectively guard our border there. To me thats a National Security issue. Talk about isis and other groups out there who hate the United States and our way of life, to me thats a Real Security threat. We need to address that before we talk about anything else. Something else id like to talk about with you, governor. 2016. What kind of calculation or criteria would be on the table for you in considering a potential run . Well, i mean for me, ive said this before. I think anyone the closer one gets towards thinking about running for president the more you realize it is crazy to just want to be president. Having said that, i think that the distinction is you have to feel you have a calling. Years ago i certainly felt i had a calling to be governor which is why when i took office i wasnt so much worried about the next election as i was worried about the next generation, getting things done. Im proud to say today for my sons and all the others in their generation theyre growing up in a wisconsin thats better than the one i grew up in. That would be part of the same consideration. I see a great country but i see a country thats failing to live up to its potential. See folks in washington, many of whom are in both parties standing in the way out there. I think for us to move our country forward so that my children and all the other sons and daughters like them across america can live in a better country than the one we grew up in. We need people from outside of washington to come in and take the power away from the washingtonbased special interests and put it firmly in the taxpayers, hard working people of our states and of our country. Thats what weve done in wisconsin. Id have to feel i could make that kind of impact nationally to g in the race there. Keep us updated. Governor scott walker of wisconsin, always good to see you. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Have a great christmas. Another Senate Pickup for the gop as senator Mary Landrieu loses her seat in a landslide runoff. A live report from louisiana coming up. Plus iran charges an american journalist with unspecified crimes and refuses to even allow him to see an attorney. What the u. S. Is doing right now to try to free him. And pro defendantests aroun country rage on. What should washington do . What can it do . A fair and balanced debate coming up. It comes in oral rinse, spray or gel, so theres moisturizing relief for everyone. Biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. Dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my future. You. Thank you for being my hero and my dad. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance could be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Will thank you. , sir . 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We have so much to talk about but start with these reports not confirmed by israel that it may have carried out air strikes in syria. So many complicated things going on in that region. What does that say to you if its true . We have to remember there are two wars going on in syria. There is one to fight isis and there is a group of countries and a group of entities that are fighting isis. Then there is this second layer which is fighting assad and what we have now are reports that the israelis are trying to do a little bit of both. Their policy, of course, is just like what the u. S. Stated policy is, and turkeys policy, which is not only to fight isis but to bring down assad who has been obviously a supporter of terrorism. Interesting enough, shannon, were also hearing reports that last week the iranians were doing were fighting on this other war, which is the rairanis were doing some sort of an attack, possibly from the air, in iraq trying to fight the growth of isis which is stretching from syria into iraq. So really what you have is two wars and everybody is kind of fighting their own priorities. Yeah. So what do you make of the iranian strikes . Because both sides both the u. S. And iran saying there was no coordination between the two. Our officials and administration repeatedly say there is no way we would ever plan anything or work alongside iran, because weve got these Nuclear Talks going on with them that a lot of people in the world now find laughable as they get extended for six months, six months, six months, all the while iran still has its Nuclear Program and is still progressing, we assume. Well, weve come a very long way from the Bush Administration and this current Obama Administration is clearly talking to iran on a regular basis. That is very new and theyve released the sanctions on iran. Weve extended the deadline so they really, truly are building their Nuclear Program inside iran without the u. N. Or the world watching and we keep extending the deadline. So there is a trust factor there from the Obama Administration. Whether they want toed a in it it or not, they are very comfortable with allowing iran to kind of do these activities on their own. I dont buy that we havent had some sort of tacit coordination with them. Obviously we want to defeat isis. Iran wants to defeat isis for different reasons. They dont like the competition. They want to be the worlds proliferator of terrorism and if isis is getting all the headlines, they dont like that competition and its going to be something that threatens them. So they are if they are doing these air strikes they are doing it for absolutely different motives than what we are. Really quickly, i want to make sure we ask about the three americans that we believe are being held by iran, a fourth that were asking for information about. How much do you think they would be possible pawns or bargaining chips in these new talks. What can we do . Well, its one of the reasons why we dont want to mix this up. We dont want to be them chips in this Nuclear Issue. As difficult as it is to have a Family Member inside iran, in truth, full disclosure, i have worked on the case and tried to push this issue forward. But you dont want to get it tangled up as kind of a chip within the negotiations on the nuclear the Nuclear Issue is a much more serious issue and it is very difficult to say that especially if youve got a loved one inside. But weve got to be able to detangle these and look at them differently. All right, we always appreciate your insights and expertise. Have a great sunday. The Obama Administration said it would lower premiums for your Health Insurance by about 2,500 per family. But now admits a bump in obamacare premiums next year. Economist steven war joins us with numbers. Well break it down. Plus, another senate seat flipped from team blue to team red last night. John roberts is standing by in louisiana. Reporter after 18 years in the senate, louisiana voters send Mary Landrieu packing and now the last vestiges of the old democratic south have been swept away. More from the big easy after this. I say we take this onequitting less cigarette at a time. Up. Thats what im doing and thats how zonnic helps me quit. New zonnic nicotine gum. Every victory counts. Motor trends 2015olf car of the year. So was the 100 electric egolf, and the 45 highway mpg tdi clean diesel. And last but not least, the High Performance gti. Looks like were gonna need a bigger podium. 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His 5644 drubbing of senator Mary Landrieu means the democrats now do not control a state wide seat in the south from texas all the way to the carolinas. Cassidy told me last night that the Democratic Party through president obama has lost touch with working folks. Theres one party for the working people. That is the Republican Party. There is another party for the elite. That is the Democratic Party. It is a Republican Party that favors using americas Natural Resources to create jobs for that blue collar family who right now is struggling. Reporter landrieu will be put out to pasture after 18 years in the senate. Graciously accepting defeat last night after waging a losing battle but never giving up the fight. The joy has been in the fight. Its been a blessing, its been a fight worth waging. Louisiana will always be worth fighting for. Reporter so complete was the republican victory in this region that some analysts believe it could be a decade or more before another democrat rises to state wide office in the south. Shannon . All right, john roberts live in new orleans, thank you, john. Get ready to pay for more more for your Health Insurance next year. Obama premiums will go up on average of 5 . The Obama Administration urging americans to shop around, find their own best deal. Joining us now, steven moore, chief economist at the Heritage Foundation and a fox news contributor. So it is just a matter of shopping, steve. Do your homework. First, this wasnt the way it was supposed to work out. Five our six years ago when we debated obamacare it was supposed to save money. Than hasnt happened. The wall street journal just had a story this week that over the last five years since 2009 premiums paid by americans have risen by over 25 . Thats a dramatic increase. Your report that these numbers are going to go up even higher in future years is putting a real pinch on mid. Class families. Hold for a moment because i think maybe your microphone fell off. Ill go through a couple charts here. The magic of live television. These are Research Data that show how much premiums have gone up since the law was passed. 2010 to 2014. The individual premium up 19. 3 . And then family premiums up 227. 2 . Then again were getting this estimate that tomorrow or next year another 5 . So its not bending the cost curve but was it more about access . We get the stories all the time there are Success Stories but we also get stories from people who say i have the exact same coverage i had, it is costing me three times as much. Oir have a new policy thats more affordable but my deductible is ridiculous and i dont have access to my doctors. One is costs are going up. When you look at a 20 , 25 increase in your premiums. By the way, over that same time period inflations only running at 2 so that two or three times the overall rate rf inflation so thats a big, big problem. Of course the access problem and quality of care is a big problem, too. How many times have we talked about the millions of people who have actually lost their Health Insurance plan . So i think both of those have been big negatives for americans. I want to circle back though to the kind of economic anxiety that americans are feeling. We saw that reflected in the elections last month. Even though the official rate of inflation is only running at, say 2 , americans dont believe that because the core things that they have to buy tuition, energy costs until recently going up, Health Care Costs going up. This kind of Market Basket of things that the middle class has to buy is rising much faster than the inflation rate, much faster than their wages are. We now have a case before the Supreme Court pending theyll probably hear it in the spring. It is about the subsidies that are now covering millions of people extended into states that didnt set up their exchanges. There is a fight over whether the law meant to do that or not. Knowing these costs are rising so much, if all of those subsidies are now yanked out of the marketplace, people are going to really find out how much it will cost. Thats what ive been telling the republicans, weve been making this case at the Heritage Foundation is look, it is one thing to talk about repealing obamacare or at least repealing key parts of it but were going to need new Health Insurance system. Were going to need to replace it with something. Its interesting that the president was talking about going out and shopping around for health care. Thats exactly what im in favor of, is give people a subsidy, let them shop around. Under the obamacare plan, theres all sorts of mandated benefits for everything from dental care to prenatal care, to all sorts of other things that a lot of americans say they dont need. A young person, shannon, for example, someone who is like 24 or 25 years old like my two sons, they could go out in the individual marketplace and buy a Health Insurance plan for onethird what it costs under obamacare because they have to buy all these kind of Health Care Coverage that they dont need. They probably dont need o bchb obgyn. Steve moore, thanks for coming in today. Protests across the country fueled by anger over two very different grand jury decisions not to indict White Police Officers in the deaths of unarmed black suspects. Were going to ask our panel if the federal government should step in, how the political fallout is playing here. And, how 73 years ago pearl harbor was attacked. Today we remember. This is a live look at the memorial in hawaii. 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Pro testests over the polic killings of two unarmed black men in missouri turned violent in berkeley, california lafrt night. Police used smoke, flares and rubber bullets against at least 1,500 demonstrators. Washington times columnist john hurst and a. B. Stoddard, good to see you. First, it is very important for any discussion to be factual that these are two very different cases. I think absolutely. They are in the minds of just casual observers across the country. You have in one case where a guy that had broken the law got into a scuffle with the police and wound up dead. Thats tragic but there are a lot of other tragedies associated with that as well. In the other case, in new york city, you have a case where a guy was basically soclearly had history with police and absolutely it is hard to say that he played any role whatsoever in his own demise. He was an innocent guy and doing something that obviously maybe he shouldnt have been doing but i mean, my goodness, to wind up dead because youre not paying your taxes on selling loose cigarettes is pretty staggering. Do you worry when the two are lumped together you lose important parts of the conversation that we need to be having . I think what lumps the two together are the grand jury decisions, no true bill in both cases, one with video, one without. And a situation where americans are now learning that this is a process even with transparency that is very much skewed in favor of Police Officers, that we all would imagine that those 12 jurists would nationally have deference to the police side of the story but these two officers were allowed to testify on their own behalf, something that has not happened with a civilian in process. They werent cross examined. D. A. S who are elected with the support of the police union and the police need, in a political way, the support of the police to win and have their jobs. Once in their jobs they collaborate with police on a daily basis and are unlikely to ever indict them. And they rarely ever do. I think thats what people are worried about now. You can have more training for cops, you can have Police Cameras but what are you going to do about a process where ultimately a Police Officer, no matter what even with fatalities, are protected. We had Governor Scott walker on earlier today in the show. He passed a law and signed a bill into law in april before the first of these cases ever came up that a special prosecutor be appointed in cases involving police, policeinvolved deaths, excessive force. Do you think Something Like that would give more confidence if other states decided to take on similar policies . I think absolutely. There are sensible solutions to the points that a. B. Makes about the grand jury system that would make it better. But the real problem i think goes back to your original question which is about is there some danger in conflating these two cases. And there absolutely is. And we have a president who has gone whole hog in helping to conflate the two by bringing by treating the ferguson case as if it is this big race case. In an interview i guess that will come out this week talking about how deeply engrained racism is in this country and by bringing al sharpton into the white house and all of this stuff. All of this i think serves to undermine what a. B. s talking about. There is a problem where you do have cases where police forget who they work for and behave in a way that thesht not be allowed to behave. Thats a serious issue. And to conflate it with a case of a petty criminal who wound up getting killed after his hands are on the gun, or reaching for the gun, to conflate that with the garner case in new york i think just totally undermines the legitimate questions that we have. A. B. , does it help or hurt when you have the president speaking out on these various cases . We know eric holder, the attorney general, went and visited are Michael Browns parents in ferguson. There is a doj investigation there. Looks like theres going to be one with garner as well. Do you think that helps or hurts the conversation were trying to have . Well, i do think that both eric holder and president obama as africanamericans understand this long, long, longsimmering and standing tension and this n inequity when it comes to black communities and the police who police them. I think in both instances it didnt have to do with them being black, i think it had to do with them being dead and they shouldnt be. There are bad poliriests and th are bad Police Officers. I think states could reform like in wisconsin, you go state by state and say in this state well have two investigator watchdogs over the d. A. When he does this grand jury proceeding. Even if it not a special prosecutor really, theyre accountable to nobody. I think it is up to each state to reform it and it will be pushed by a national conversation. Our thanks to the good men and women out there risking their lives every day to protect the rest of us and to ensure our safety as and community. Thank you, both. Remembering a day that will live in infamy. Plus reuniting warriors with their families, a task even more important around the holidays. Thats a goal for lukes wings. Youll hear this soldiers christmas story after the break. , and i quit smoking with chantix. People who know me, they say i never thought you would quit. but chantix helped me do it. 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On the right, laying freedom wreaths. Brett is a specialist in the u. S. Army and was seriously wounded in afghanistan more than a year ago. His intense recovery at waltd walter reed came at a cost, being so far away from his friends and family. Thats where lukes wings comes in. The Organization Helps to reunite Wounded Warriors with their loved ones. He and his wife katherine are also here and ceo of lukes wings, fletcher gill. Good to see you. Brett, tell us how hard it was after being injured and being here for rehab, to not be in a neighborhood where of your family or friends lived while youre going through this gruelling Recovery Process . Well, it was difficult for a while, obviously, but once again, thanks to lukes wings, they got them here so i wasnt by myself. I was alone for probably three hours. I woke up and there my fiancee was at the time and my mom. Everybody got there pretty quickly. How much did that help you to have that support there fi physically with you . Crazy amounts. When i was in germany, i said, my fiancee and mom will be there. Then my dad was able to come in as well. I cant seen explain how wonderful it was to have my family there so quickly. And now your wife. We were married in june. What did it mean to you . It has to be the toughest phone call to get, knowing hes injured. But for you to be able to be with him and be by his side during the recovery . It was the absolute best phone call. All you want is to just get there. The worse that was the worst phone call ive ever gotten. It helped because at the hospital lukes wings to us isnt just an organization, its a family. And they are like our family away from home. Were so thankful for it. Im so thankful for all the times hes been able to come home, especially be flown home for our wedding. I dont know if he would have ever gotten there without them. I know had you some car issues, so the car wasnt really the best transport for you. No, it wasnt. And its eight hours away, so we never had the luxury of a car to get us home. So, we got in touch with jen and ever since then its never been a stress. Its amazing to not have to stress about that and have a family to come back to and get excited to come back and see them. And, fletcher, our viewers may be familiar with lukes wings. An amazing organization. You mentioned jen, one of your fabulous folks up. Really do turn into a family. I hear that from folks youve worked with. Your main goal is to provide flights to families and loved ones could be together while recovery is under way. Tell us about that. We started in january of 2008. And in the seven years that weve been providing flights, weve done 1800 flights. Weve done 400 this year and well probably do 200 to 300 in the next two weeks leading up to christmas. A lot of people dont realize our Wounded Warriors get their leave orders on the 15th of december, so they cant book a flight until the 15th or the 16th. By then, most of the other organizations have gone home for the holidays. But were in the office and were going to be booking a lot of flights i will tell you we definitely get to know our Wounded Warriors and families very well. Jim, who you were just talking about, has not only been to two weddings, but actually a bridesmaid in two weddings. At this moment theyre at Arlington National cemetery laying a wreath for one of our fallen Wounded Warriors. Jen, emily, thats the entire lukes wings team. They work 24 7. Theyll put people on the next flight out. Getting them home and bringing families in. We service 12 military hospitals today. We serve a special Operations Command and also provide flights for world war ii veterans in hospice care. Were very busy and we love what we do. Its been so effective. We hope folks out there, our viewers have been so supportive of lukes wings. We cant thank you enough, brad, and you serving along with him. Thank you for coming in. If you want to know more, go to lukeswings. Org and well tweet out and send out on facebook all kinds of information. Time to hear your thoughts on the administrations decision to release six more Guantanamo Bay prisoners. Lou says when obama did become president he warned us. Liberties, they pose no threat yet they cant go home. Isnt that a red flag. Rush limbaugh joins chris wallace. Thank you for watching fox. Well leave you with some live remembrances of pearl harbor 73 years ago today. Fox news sunday will start in just a moment. First grader isaak canfield. Pearl harbor survivor, john matruse. Seaman 2nd class was well, did you know genies can be really literal . No. What is your wish . No. Ok. A million bucks oh no. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Wow [ narrator ] on a mission to get richard to his campbells chunky soup. Its new chunky beerncheese with beef and bacon soup. I love it. And mama loves you. Im chris wallace. Another republican pick up in the senate. Well have an exclusive interview with bill cassidy, fresh off his runoff victory over Mary Landrieu. And protests over race injustice sweep the nation. Well discuss the latest decision not to indict a white Police Officer in the death of an unarmed black man with one of the most influential voices in american media. Conservative radio talk show host, rush limbaugh. Will republicans use the power of the purse to take a hard line against president obamas executive orders

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