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Chris white or bold red, Consumer Reports will be here with the complete break down of the best summer wines on the shelves right now. Increasing calls for the white house to ramp up its attack on isis. So far u. S. Operations are limited to targets in iraq with the military today confirming another air strike at the mosul dam. The pentagon considering strikes on the group in syria and some lawmakers are pushing for even more. Wendell goler is live from marthas vineyard. Some of the president s critics say that hes underestimating isis, right . Reporter youre right. They want a much more aggressive response to the group, especially in the wake of the murder of american journalist jim foley, which the white house concedes was the isis first terrorist attack on this country. Senator john mccain wants u. S. Troops imbedded with iraqi forces. The best way to send a message to isis is through ordinance dropped on their heads and blowing them to smithereens straight to hell where they belong. Reporter the president s own advisors say eventually isis will have to be defeated in syria as well as iraq. Deputy National Security advisor ben rhodes says the u. S. Already has a strategy to do so. Were not going to be restricted by borders. Weve shown time and again that if there is a counterterrorism threat, well take direct action against that threat if necessary. Reporter that strategy, however, does not involve u. S. Boots on the ground in syria. Molly . What are you hearing about the review of the Program Providing military hardware to Police Departments . Reporter well, after days of violent protests in ferguson, missouri, president obama asked more than half a dozen federal agencies to look at the program in coordination with congress, a Senior Administration official tells me, quote, they will study whether these programs are appropriate, whether state and local Law Enforcement are provided with the necessary training and guidance and whether the federal government is sufficiently auditing the use of these programs. Mr. Obama himself questioned whether the program is being used properly on monday in a q and a session at the white house. Here is a bit of what he had to say. There is a big difference between our military and our local Law Enforcement and we dont want those lines blurred. That would be contrary to our traditions. Reporter the president says he expects bipartisan support for the review. Molly . Wendell goler, thank you very much. As you wait to see if the pentagon will next target the jihaddists at their bases in syria, it seems top military officials at the pentagon are convinced the west cannot stop these barbaric murderers without hitting them there. General martin dempsey, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff says isis cannot be defeated unless its operations in syria are attacked. This is the latest u. S. Air strikes against isis near that dam in mosul now near 100. Molly henneberg live in washington with the very latest. Hi, molly. Reporter hi. Defense Officials Say air strikes in iraq can possibly contain isis or isil. For now the heart of the terror group is in syria. Here is what the secretary of defense said about isis. This is beyond anything that weve seen. So we must prepare for everything. The only way you do that is you take a cold, steely hard look at it and get ready. Reporter at this point the president has not order air strikes inside syria to go after isis terrorists. Although the white house says there are, quote, some threats that have to be dealt with. I dont want to get ahead of decisions the president hasnt been presented with specific military option outside of those that are carrying out the Current Missions in iraq, but we would certainly look at what is necessary in the longterm to make sure were protecting americans. Reporter critics of the president say they want to hear more from him, especially after the beheading of u. S. Journalist james foley about what he intends to do about isis terrorists, including those who may be able to get inside the u. S. When you consider what isil has today, 20,000plus fighters, 3,000 of themplus with american or european passports who can come and go as they want, they dont have to sneak across the mexican border. They can get on an airplane and land. The president will develop a strategy, well support it. So far there is no strategy. Reporter the pentagon says so far its not seen any indications that isis terror cells have crossed the u. S. Mexico border and are operating inside the u. S. Eric . There are reports that about a dozen americans may have u. S. Passports that are involved in isis. Molly henneberg with the latest. The pentagon blaming china for a dangerous midair encounter above the south china sea. Officials say a chinese fighter jet made several passes by a u. S. Poseidon patrol aircraft, coming within 20 feet of the american plane and performing a barrel roll at close range. Its just the latest in a series of near misses between chinese and american ships and planes in that area. The administration has filed a formal complaint with china. Vice President Joe Biden today praising ukraines restraint as hundreds of those russian trucks headed out of ukraine and back to russia. You may have seen that convoy across the Ukrainian Border yesterday. Russia claimed it carried food, water and other supplies. The Ukrainian Government and its western allies denounce the move as a violation of the countrys sovereignty. They accuse moscow of smuggling supplies to the prorussian separatists in the region. This all comes as ukraines president is set to meet russian president Vladimir Putin next week for direct talks on the continuing ukraine crisis. The streets of ferguson, missouri looking for a fourth night of relative quiet tonight. Its cooled a little each day after nearly two weeks of violent clashes over the Police Killing of unarmed teenager michael brown. In nearby st. Louis, a different kind of rally. Protesters coming out in support of the officer accused in that fatal shooting. Mike tobin live there in ferguson. Mike . Reporter we got a rare public appearance from supporters of officer Darren Wilson. They held a rally at a pub in south st. Louis. The purpose of this particular rally, one was to show support for officer wilson and let Police Officers know they are in their corner. They are raising money for the family of officer wilson and possibly for a Legal Defense fund in the event he is charged. Supporters are reluctant to show their faces or use their name. We are here to support Darren Wilson and we have no desire to engage in the negativetivity and hate which has paralyzed officers wilsons ability to pursue justice. Many of us received Death Threats against ourselves and our families. Looked at as criminals because of the color of our skin or the stereotypes and its not right whatever. Reporter that was a woman who disrupted the rally with a familiar argument, saying that the supporters of this Police Officer are able to throw their rallies and it doesn disrupted, while the demonstrations down on the street, complete with the bottle throwing and the looting of the stores, those always get disrupted. The people who were supporting officer wilson made a point of not engaging that woman who eninjected herself in the situation there. Molly . Mike tobin in ferguson and the st. Louis area, thank you. In the wake of these type of cases in ferguson and elsewhere, a new addition a possibly coming to some Police Departments across the country. Some of those departments are equipping their officers with body cams, like the one you see there. All part of a uniform that records video and audio while the officers are on duty. Its a move that could become the norm, but some people are criticizing it and have questions. Dom nick denatale has more from our west coast. Hey there. When you introduce the Technology Like this, there is always questions. Ferguson Police Department actually this week saying they will be very interested in having cameras on their officers after recent incidents. Here in los angeles where weve had problems in the past, controversies like the rodney king beating, for example, they are starting to test the equipment. We can actually show you a patrol that we recently accompanied where the Police Officers were actually wearing these cameras on their vest. Still testing equipment, but they intend to deploy them across the police force here in los angeles. We were joining officers patrolling l. A. s skid row and for the most part, locals we encountered approved because really those cameras keep officers very much accountable. The cops like them because it helps with the accuracy of their reports and the courtroom testimony. But eric, it also helps them dealing with the public. Listen. The video is going to catch him or her doing whatever crime and its going to pretty much open and shut case. Youll have somebody chipping away at you. Not you personally, just your uniform, then you tell them, hey, i have my camera on and youre being record, then all of a sudden theyre acting completely different or they walk away. Reporter now a study with the rialto Police Department found in just this space of one year, complaints dropped 88 and the use of force by officers fell by almost twothirds. The d. O. J. And national Law Enforcement agency also privacy groups are working to hammer out the finer points and come up with guidelines, particularly for ways to protect citizen privacy. The technology that can invade privacy if not handled properly. Police officers go into peoples homes. Sometimes seeing people at the worst moment of their lives. That video should never see the light of day. Reporter now the nypd, Biggest Police force in the country, they are also been ordered to actually test these out under an order to try to stop the stop and frisk policy there. But that actually under appeal at the moment, but could be on new york streets soon. Back to you. Thanks very much. Molly . Israeli air strike destroying a 12 story Apartment Building in downtown gaza today. Palestinian Officials Say more than 20 people were injured, including 11 children. Israel says the strike targeted a hamas Operations Room in that building as even more hamas rockets are still being fired at israel. Rick leventhal has the latest. Reporter there has been more than 11,000 buildings heavily damaged or destroyed here in gaza since this conflict began seven weeks ago. Today israelis took out the tallest building so far. Its called the zapar tower, 12story Apartment Building in gaza city. Two missiles caused it to collapse, sending a ball of fire and black smoke into the sky. At least 22 people were reported wounded, including 11 children. With 44 apartments, the casualties could have been much higher if a warning missile hadnt been fired at the roof five minutes before it was leveled. There were other homes destroyed. At least 14 people killed. Israeli war planes pounding targets here in response to the regular volleys of rockets being launched toward israel. Hamas fired roughly 100 more rockets today, every single day since tuesday when it broke the cease fire. 500 rockets this week, almost 4,000 total. Most falling in open areas. But 677 intercepted by the iron dome Missile Defense system. The iron dome cant stop mortars and yesterday one of them hit in southern israel, landing in a parking lot, damaging some cars. But shrapnel from the mortar flew through a familys living room window and hit a fouryearold boy in the head, killing him. While egyptians and the u. N. And others are urging all sides to return to the peace talks, hamas talk a different tact today, asking the leader of the Palestinian Authority to go to the International Criminal court and seek war crimes against israel. If hamas does that, it, too, could face charges. In gaza, rick leventhal, fox news. We have an alert from the fox extreme weather center. Keeping a close eye in the caribbean, thats her, another tropical depression has formed. You can see it in that red. Right now its near the Dominican Republic and is expected to strengthen into a Tropical Storm called cristobal within the next week and make a path zipping toward florida. Right now authorities are warning of heavy rain, flooding in the Eastern Caribbean as we see if this thing will hit southern part of our country. Here is Something Else that may change plans. Airlines forced to reroute flights across the atlantic because of a volcano. We will tell you where the eruption is and why its shifting air traffic. Could those corruption charges against Texas Governor rick perry actually increase his popularity . Coming up, a fair and balanced debate on his possible chances if he indeed runs for president in 2016. Plus, a Police Officer sworn to serve and protect now accused of a disturbing series of crimes. Whats he charged with . You earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you purchase. Not just everything at the hardware store. Not everything, until you hit your cash back limit. Quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. Say it with me everything. One more time, everything and with that in mind. Whats in your wallet . Youre thinking beneful. [announcer]beneful has wholesome grains,real beef,even accents of spinach,carrots and peas. [guy] you love it so much. Yes you do. But its good for you, too. [announcer] healthful. Flavorful. Beneful. From purina. It may happen yet again. Officials in iceland have raised their aviation alert to the highest level. This after a volcano eruption was detected under a glacier. Scientists say it could spew a lot of ash into the sky. So aviation authorities declared a no fly zone around that eruption. Earlier today Virgin Atlantic airlines diverted a flight as a precaution. You may recall back in 2010 the ash from another iceland volcano widely disrupted air travel in europe. That canceled 100,000 flights and stranded millions of passengers for eight days. Texas governor rick perry forging ahead with a tour of key primary states after being indicted on corruption charges. That leading to speculation that despite his legal troubles, he is still looking to 2016. Joining me for a fair and balanced debate is former National Campaign director for reaganbush, and the former National Campaign chairman for Mike Huckabee and a fox news contributor, and also richard goldstein, democratic pollster. Thanks for being here. Hi. You guys both know a lot about president ial campaigning. Here we are, governor rick perry getting indicted, quick mug shot, off to new hampshire, first in the nation. Then to the south. The signs are there. Should he be taking this indictment more seriously . Richard . I think rick perry has three main problems in contemplating a run for president. The first is his horrible race was only in 2012. This is knotting she wants history. Republican voters in primaries can give people a second chance. Romney got a good one, bush the elder got one. But they hadnt run so horribly the first time. The second problem is hes not even the favorite among republican activists in his own home state. And the third, and there is a temptation now with perry to say, i forget. Ill resist that. But the third is this indictment is serious. And the evidence is that perry is referring to it as a democratic witch hunt which is its not. Its republican judge who appointed a Republican Special prosecutor who spent months going after this indictment and getting it for the use of Public Office to customers an official act that is against the law. So i mean and the pure proof of what folly this is is that here is a guy ho is using who is using it as a calling card, a guy who made a fool of himself in 2012, the fact that he got indicted. What does that tell but the strength of this field that this can be taken seriously and is a badge of honor . I want to get to the strength of the field in a moment. I want to bring in ed. The governor really standing by hits actions when it comes to this veto, saying we stopped this funding for an office being headed up by a d. A. That was arrested for drunk driving. And really saying i did the right thing here. I would do it again. Your thoughts on could this be something ha helps him . Any governor can veto any appropriation in any state, particularly that state. So there is nothing he did thats illegal and people like David Axelrod and others talked about the absurdity of this charge and he will beat this. Is it a distraction that hes getting ready to run for president . No offense to my colleague here, but Hillary Clinton didnt exactly have a Great Campaign had she ran for president a few years ago. Shes definitely the front runner again. Relationship ritch is a tremendous campaigner. He had a back surgery last time. Got into the race much too quickly. Had one bad night. That does not make a president ial campaign. At the end of the day, hes going to be a viable candidate. Whoever can run money will be effective process. Something you just mentioned, talking about the republican field. Rick perry not the only one facing some challenges as far as legal things that are just kind of happening around them. Trips, governor Chris Christie in new jersey, wisconsin governor walker. Just not necessarily themselves facing a specific legal charge, but kind of in their circle, these investigations are happening. Richard, do you think thats going to be a major impact on the gop Going Forward . So im put anything self in eds shoes. Imagine being a republican, mover and shaker or a regular primary voter. Do i want to take a risk that im going to nominate somebody who once theyve been nominated, something comes out legally and i would just point you to a democrat. John edwards. John edwards was a serious candidate for the democratic nomination in 2008 and he was convicted not long after that. So i think that or let me put it this way. Forget the conviction. The mere fact that he was caught up in a trial kind of speaks to the fact that whether its christie or walker. The emails that came out against walker are pretty devastating. Certainly the business with rick perry, i only disagree with ed in the sense that yes, you can veto anything, but you cant use your authority to coerce. Lets give ed a chance. Its a long ways to go, and you know. Youve been to president ial campaigns. Were going to have many candidates. If these people can get through this process and the case of the governor of wisconsin, he has to get reelected for the third time in a fouryear term. And governor christie has not been charged with anything. There is a lot of good candidates. Weve got a 16month process before we even begin loading in primaryies. Ed rollins and richard goldstein, thank you so much. Still a lot of time before 2016. I appreciate your insight. Thanks. A Police Officer in oklahoma under arrest. He is accused of commit ago series of sexual assaults all occurring while on duty. Now hes being held on a 5 million bond. Bryan llenas. Reporter oklahoma Police Officer accused of sexually assaulting at least seven women over a five month period, between february and june of this year. Police say the 27yearold would stop women for traffic stops or as they walked through the neighborhoods during his late patrols from 4 00 p. M. To 2 a. M he then fondled his victims and even asking them to expose themselves in the back of his patrol car or in different locations. In at least one instance, he alleged lie raped a woman. Police began investigating after a woman complained he sexually assaulted her during a traffic stop. All seven of his victims are black women ranging from 34 to 58 years old. This was the reaction from one when she identified him as her attacker. Oh, my god. I was frantic. I was devastated. I say thats him, thats him. All i could say, its him. My hands started shaking. Police say theyre not sure if the attacks were race related. The naac, and other Africanamerican Community leaders are calling for a thorough investigation. The Oklahoma City police chief says the charges are disturbing, emphasizing that 99. 9 of his officers are trustworthy. They take it very personally and it angers us that one of our officers that people trust to keep them safe is doing just the opposite. Reporter authorities believe there could be more victims in the case. He is in the county jail facing nine charges, including rape, sexual battery, and indecent exposure. He faces up to life in prison. If convicted. Thank you so much. Grand jury working to determine whether the ferguson, missouri Police Officer should be charged in the death of michael brown. How does the grand jury go about such an investigation . Our legal panel is here to explain the process. Factors lg . Even if youre healthy and active. Phillips Digestive Health support is a duoprobiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. Im doubly impressed phillips Digestive Health. A daily probiotic. It is the bottom of the hour. Time for the top of the news. The pentagon considering expanding attackses on isis by possibly launching air strikes against the group in syria. This comes after the chairman of the giant chief of staffs says defeating isis will not be possible unless its base in syria are disrupted. Israels defense minister callen on southern israel to prepare for a prolonged campaign against hamas. 93 rockets were fired at that region today with no sign that hamas will stop. Earlier an israeli aircraft leveled an Apartment Building in gaza. The womens Soccer Program at the university of new mexico under fire for hazing. The coach was suspended for one week without pay and 22 players suspended for one game after school Officials Say the incident involved seven freshmen, two of whom were taken to the hospital for drinking too much alcohol. Grand jury hearing the case of Michael Browns death, theyre evaluating whether officer Darren Wilson used excessive force. What kind of evidence are they looking for . Defense attorneys and former prosecutors joining me to give us a little insight into what exactly is happening behind the closed doors. Grand juries by nature are secret proceedings. But knowing what we all know about the case and what you both know about the case, what do you think the evidence is theyre looking at . I think theyre going to be looking at whether or not the officers conduct was objectively reasonable. In other words, from his perspective, would reasonable people think what he did was correct . If they did, he is allowed to use deadly force or any kind of force that is necessary under the circumstance. So theyre going to be looking at the eyewitness accounts of what occurred and what each of the parties were doing immediately prior to the shooting, and during the shooting. I want to bring you in. Is that part of this, intent, or lack of intent . Absolutely. Theyre not only going to be look at what witnesses say, but also the toxicology of the victim and the forensics and ballistics, any blood splatter on officer wilson or the car as well. Weve done amulet feud of interviews. The witnesses want to see an indictment. What kind of charge might possibly the officer be facing if he is charged by this indicted by this grand jury . If he is indicted, he is looking at serious charges, which would include either manslaughter or murder. But that is sort of the question, with a it justified or not justified . There is some case law that is very helpful in guiding the grand jury about how to make these decisions. There is clearly all sorts of different historical things that people could look at. But this grand jury is going to hear evidence of course in this specific incident. Your thoughts on that, troy, the possible charges could be, if there are any . The prosecutor here from st. Louis county is very experienced. Hes been a career prosecutor for 24 years. Hes going to bring forth all the evidence. Hes going to leave no stone unturned, show the grand jury everything. Thats why its going to take til mid october. He could be looking for murder, voluntary manslaughter, or even a lesser included of involuntary manslaughter. One of the things that makes this case unique and interesting is also the fact that the federal government is so involved. There are lots of f. B. I. Agents involved and a separate federal case going on as well. Your thoughts on that, nicole . Its interesting. I think its a positive thing that the feds are looking at this simultaneously. Usually there is not a time line thats at all related to each other when you have state investigations and federal investigations. I think because this one has caused so much social interest and a lot of people are very upset about what occurred, its good that two entities are looking at this separately and i think this will cause an answer to come more quickly. All be it i think its going to take a while for them to ferret out what they really think happened and go through all the evidence. Interesting point. One of the things we may need to look out for is that the end result of each of these investigations may not come down at the same time. Troy, your thoughts on that, the grand jury could be finished with their investigation, then later we could hear something from the federal side. Exactly. Troy, your thoughts . Thats true. The federal government could take a long time and theyre in a really good position where theyre much more independent. They dont care about the local politics. They dont care if theyre going to upset the local police chief or the local prosecutor. Theyre going to look for civil Rights Violations and theyre going to do an intensive job. They sent over 40 f. B. I. Agents down there to assist in the investigation. Just finally, justice is supposed to be blind in all of these separate factors are not supposed to enter into the grand jury, but it has been a very emotional scene there in ferguson. Is that something that could possibly be on the grand jurys mind, nicole . It certainly could. Hopefully not. Justice is not about popular vote and what peoples opinions should be. Its about the facts and its about the evidence. And these grand jurors have a tough job to ignore popular requests and do whats right. Troy, a final thought from you . The grand jury is supposed to be insulated from popular opinion and we want them to do justice. We want them to do it right. We dont want them to do it quickly. But the racial makeup of the grand jury matches the community. All right. Thank you so much, troy and nicole for joining us and giving us your thoughts and insight. We appreciate it. Thanks. For more on the situation in ferguson, check out fox news sunday. Guests dr. Ben carson, author and fox news contributor, and reverend jesse jackson, founder and president of the rainbow push coalition. Thats fox news sunday, tomorrow afternoon at 2 and 6 eastern time right here on fox news channel. That should be very interesting. Meanwhile, its happened again. More than 1,000 u. S. Retailers may be infected with a Malicious Software in their Cash Register computers. That according to the department of homeland security. It believes the malware could allow hackers to steal customer financial data. This after the United Parcel service said it found infected computers in more than 50 of its stores. They may have taken customers names, addresses, email addresses and, yeah, their payment card information. The government urges businesses to scan their computers and that we should keep an eye out on our credit card statements to make sure that we werent defrauded, too. A new challenge on the Foreign Policy front after ordering air strikes in iraq, the president now considering action across the border. A blockbuster nba trade. Kevin love joining a fellow hoop superstar. That means something could be a cinch for their team to win the nba title copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Spiriva is a oncedaily inhaled. Copd maintenance treatment. That helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. You know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. Spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. 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So you can make owning a business even more rewarding. Ink from chase. So you can. Hey, jake come on over here for a sec. Why you wanna touch my dart so bad . [ highpitched ] whys he wanna touch it . Who said i wanted to touch it . Jake, you know theyve got affordable leasing programs yeah, i know. I was just. Just think, jake, you could get your own and you could touch it whenever you wanted you could touch it all the time all the time i dont want to touch your dart. I know youre mad, jake, but youve got to get your own im not mad. I know youre mad, jake but youve got to get your own i know youre mad, jake im getting mad, but wasnt. But ya gotta get your own time for a quick check of the headlines. Three College Students are dead and others injured after a car crash in southern california. The eight students were freshmen from japan in a Foreign Exchange program at palomar college. A large brush fire burning out of control in hawaii. At least 20 homes have been evacuated with more than 100 firefighters now battling the flames. And basketball superstar kevin love will take to the court alongside another superstar, lebron james. The team made a blockbuster trade with the cavaliers and the philadelphia 76ers. Experts say the deal instantly makes cleveland a favorite for the nba title. President obama now said to be considering air strikes against isis in syria after nearly 100 air strikes have been launched to target the terrorists in iraq. Thats after he down played concerns over the terrorist group in january. Back then he compared the capabilities to a jv, Junior Varsity basketball team. In that super view with the new yorker. He has resisted arming the Syrian Rebels fighting president al assad, even reports say vetoing pleas to do just that from secretary of state Hillary Clinton. So how will all this affect the president ial race in 2016 . Susan estridge joins us now. Susan, the president famously said that he was elected to end wars, not start them. Is he in a sense, faced with limits of that view . Well, efaced with the challenges of a complicated and difficult world, eric. The reality is isis, isil, however you call it, is maybe even scarier than alqaeda and theyre a threat not only to the people in syria and in iraq and throughout that area of the world, theyre a threat to us. But the hard part, as you well know, is that as angry and as awful and as terrifying as they are, figuring out exactly how to deal with them, how to fight them, how to stop them without putting boots on the ground and risking countless american lives is not an easy question. Or certainly one that has an easy answer. Some have said, critics and others said if he had taken more Decisive Action in years past this wouldnt have happened. They would not have been able to take the swath of iraq and syria that they have and there are reports that Hillary Clinton, fo example, has taken a much tougher and hawkish stance against the disruption in syria, saying that the president should the u. S. Should arm the rebels back then. Was she right . Do you think this is something that she can basically potentially use in her president ial campaign if indeed she does run in 2016 . Well, i think its a very little if, i would say, probably more likely does run. I guess the short answer is shes already using it. I think shes done what any president ial candidate who has been tied closely to a Previous Administration ultimately has to do, which is create some distance and maybe lucky for hillary, that distance seems to be opening up on this issue of force in syria and dealing with isis. Its probably good news for hillary politically. And as you know, i am a very strong fan, supporter, great admirer of mrs. Clinton. But the bottom line is even if he was wrong in the past, you know, and maybe he was, we cant go back in the past and really the larger and more important question i think you and i would agree is not does it help hillary, but what do we do now and what does the country do now . You see these shots of a photo journalist being beheaded. This is horrifying. And yet, i kept looking for someone last week, eric, republican, democrat, martian who had a real answer who said this is what we can do and deal with the problem. Other than looking back and figuring out who was right and wrong, im not sure weve heard many answers. The investors. Com had this very blunt and direct editorial. Pentagon warns of islamic state, obama the campaigning president assured us alqaeda was in retreat and isis was j. V. Now they admit it was nerve. The u. S. Never had to allow of the situation. Obama knew of this last year, but down played it. I was elected to end wars and not start it. It may be possible for it may not be possible for a nonleader to assemble a coalition. Nonleader . Thats tough. Is it fair . Where does the president go from here . Well, i think its unduliy harsh. There were real divisions of opinion back then. We still dont know had we armed the rebels and i tend to agree with hillary. But lets be honest, can we arm the rebels at the time, we dont know where those arms, whose hands they would have fallen into. So it was hardly Crystal Clear at the time. Calling him a nonleader is a problem because you know, this is a selffulfilling prophecy. If you announce somebody is alone leader t makes a nonleader, it makes it more difficult to lead. If we can get away from political politics, i mean the country, is there a way that the United States working with other countries can develop an Effective Response to isis . Im glad what we did we did what we did in iraq. But im as frustrated and confused as the next person and criticizing the president doesnt necessarily move us forward. As you know, susan, america and the west, we face these barbarians and its a challenge of our time. Susanest sting. It is. Thank you. Thank you. You can read susans syndicated column in newspapers across the country every wednesday and friday. White wines are often refreshing. Thirst quenching and pallet cleansing and we have the experts. Coming up, we have some of the best wines with Consumer Reports. At your Credit Report site. Do you guys have Identity Theft protection . [ male voice ] im sorry, did you say identity distribution . No. Protection. Identity theft protection. You have selected identity distribution. Your identity will now be shared with everyone. Thank you. No, no, no [ click, dial tone ] [ female announcer ] not all Credit Report sites are equal. Reference. Tracker. Looking for a convenient way to fill your Viagra Prescription online . Go to viagra. 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It is simple and clean and perfect for a Cocktail Party and pairs nicely with seafood and a platter of oysteres. Fantastic. It is not sweet. They are not like chardonays. They have more aciditiy there and makes them thirst quenching. I like the white woins, but this is a blend . We tested the pin on the grigio and the blends has more complexity e. We have the 14 hands, hot to trot, produced in washington, if you want to buy american this is one to go for. Tropical notes and juicy fruit. You will get a hint of. That dinner party and fish and pasta, that will go with that. And a chardonay they are sweeter. It is as the complexitiy. And then you are hot to trot. And this is our value winner. Another italian blend. Wednesday night you want a glass of wine. There you go. Does price matter . You see 40 or 50 bottles of chardonay. This is eight bucks. Eight bucks, that is a bargain. This stood up to the 30 or 40 bottles of wine. Certainly when you spend more, you are going to get more complexitiy. But this will keep yoùn happy o wednesday night. And how about the new containers. Like going on a picnic like a bottle. And zappa kind of thing. You are talking about the box woins . Did the box woins stand up. No, we didnt. I have tried them myself. They are pretty good. The important thing for wine get it down to mid40s and 20 minute in the freezer or ice bath ten minutes will drop it down. You can find a great q and is a 5 difference a big difference . It can be. You have to blow 8. It will drop off in quality. But that is not to say there is not affordable wines. Well come back when it is colder and well talk reds. I will take that for certain. Appropriate. It have a good summer. You, too, and that is back tomorrow at the 10 oclock. Cheers, everybody. Mayo, corn dogs. You are so out of here ahh. The complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals. 9 grams of protein. With 30 less sugars than before. Ensure, your 1 dr. Recommended brand now introduces ensure active. Muscle health. Clear protein drink and high protein. Targeted nutrition to feed your active life. Ensure. Take life in. oqoquun  great rates for great rides. Geico motorcycle, see how much you could save. A fox urgent news tonight. Indications that investigators are getting closer to identify the savage killer of american james foley. Good evening, everyone. I am julie bandaras. According to the report of the sunday times of london. British intelligence officials have identified the terrorist but have not named him publicly. In the meantime the United States issued a new warning that a massacre could be imminent in iraq. They are trying to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe. It sits

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