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aircraft. >> after countless arrests, one famous university offer to graduate level courses on the occupy wall street movement. guess what? it only charges about $50,000 a year for tuition. >> heather: just that. its showdown in des moines. most of the candidates will face off tonight on the deficit. after high profile attacks between romney and begin grist. the deficit is voters' minds. steve, is it time to pile on newt at the debate. >> reporter: it may very well be. the deficit that most other candidates are concerned about is in the polling numbers between them and the former speaker. it is very likely that he'll object the receiving end of a whole lot of hot stuff in tonight's debate. speaker gingrich may be taking advice from his grandchildren. he has a ten-year-old and eight-year-old granddaughter that reportedly told him that he needs to smile more and give short answers. in this particular case, grandkids knows best. >> heather: sounds like good advice. who else may be able to make a slash at the debates. >> reporter: take another top two-tier. mitt romney has slipped back and may like to reestablish himself in front of iowans as far as where he might be. also ron paul. over the course of the last several months, his name is the one mentioned most often by republican operatives as having worked the field, grassroots campaigning in all the counties in all corners of the state. he may not be getting the publicity but he has gotten the attention of folks that know iowa politics. >> heather: steve brown, thank you very much. >> gregg: as the clock is ticking down to voters just ahead of the iowa causes of action, would it be a make or break state and how much influence will the evangelical vote have there? shane is editor of campaign and elections campaign. shane, good to see you. as a voting bloc in iowa the evangelicals are a force to be reckoned with. yet, they don't seem to have could less had around any candidates. why is that? >> i think there is couple reasons. first of all there is not a candidate like former governor mike huckabee that united in iowa last time. you've got a bunch of folks this time that have appeal to evangelical voters, santorum, bachmann and perry. not a single one of them unites the same sort of passion and engenders the same sort of support as mike huckabee did in 2008. >> gregg: romney is running an ad in iowa and we're going to put it up on the screen now. it very directly highlights his 42-year marriage. it is many say, not so subtle attack on newt gingrich. who has a history of inat the fi dealt, three marriages and so forth. do you think the ad will have an impact on evangelicals that may have overlooked or simply forgotten gingrich's personal history? >> i think it very well could. there are number of pastors and others in iowa that have publicly brought up gingrich's marital history. it could be an issue for him. i think the gingrich campaign knows that. clearly romney's campaign knows that. the calculation on the part of mitt romney is that evangelical voters are going to turn from gingrich to romney, but if they go somewhere else, it helps romney down the road. >> gregg: "new york times" pointed out that the top two candidates are mormon and roman catholic. does that matter to evan jet kals, many of whom are pros test tenant or we beyond that? >> i think the mormon issue is still an issue. we have seen it crop up a couple of times already at cpac there were more comments made that brought it back to the fore. i don't think that is non-issue in iowa. i think that is one of the reasons that evangelical voters have doubts against mitt romney. >> gregg: newt gingrich have embraced in the past that is an anathama. he endorsed the cap and trade, global warming, not to mention calling paul ryan's medicare reform right wing social engineering. any one of those might be enough to disqualify him as a political power among conservatives. he is forgiven or are voters oblivious? >> i don't think he is forgiven but voters have not been reminded about a number of those things. the comments he made about paul ryan. we're going see some of that tonight. we're going to see some of his opponents, not exactly sure who is going against gingrich the hardest tonight but we'll see some of his opponents remind conservative voters of some of the things you mentioned tonight. that is for sure. >> gregg: mitt fliom's criticisms of gingrich have been restrained about if not tepid. let's put four of them on the screen. referring to gingrich not reliable trustworthy leading. john sununu not what you want as a commander in chief. susan molinari. he has visions of grand yos it and richard bird says high has attention span of a one-year-old. it doesn't seem to be having a whole lot of effect because gingrich continues to sort of rise in the pouls. would you expect, therefore, mitt romney to begin to step up his own attacks on newt gingrich? >> i think he will have to. i do expect to see that. the big question is just how hard mitt romney goes after him and juston what. i think that is really the question. there is no doubt that those attacks are going step up and have to start coming from the mouths of candidates himself. >> gregg: do you think romney can come out a winner by not actually winning the iowa caucus? >> he absolutely can. he can do that by assuming that gingrich standing in the polls right now and this is a huge assumption but let's say gingrich is the winner. romney can actually win if he keeps that margin a lot closer than some of the polls suggest. if mitt romney ends up second to close to gingrich that will be a win for him. >> gregg: he has very little organization there and it could be a problem for the former speaker. shane, good to see you as always. >> heather: new details for you on the u.s. drone that ended up in iranian hands. military expert calling it a, quote, public relations coup for the iranians saying iran would like to have a hard time unlocking its secrets adding the claims they actually shot the drone down are unlikely. >> most likely reason the iranians have this aircraft is because of onboard malfunction rather than something they did something to bring it down. very few experts thought it was possible for the iranians to get the aircraft in this shape. >> heather: they confirmed that the drone in fact was r 2172 centennial but the not saying much than that. >> there are folks that are looking at it. we're not going to get into the specifics of these us missions. >> experts say the intelligence secrets of aircraft are likely encrypted or they could be programmed to self-destruct. >> gregg: getting troubling reports regarding company pakistan and taliban and it could strain relations with the united states. pakistani command are saying the terrorist group is in peace talks with the government. the government has denied talks are taking place but prime minister admitted they are holding on talks. one militant claimed there have been prisoner exchanges. pakistani taliban is closely allied with al-qaeda. >> heather: now the story we've been following, a massive display of anger in russia. tens of thousands of people packing the streets of moscow protesting against reports of voter fraud in elections for parliament last sunday. demonstrations just one of many taking place all across the country. biggest show of discontent since the fall of the soviet union. kitty is live with the latest. what is the significance of these demonstrations? >> reporter: it certainly has been a remarkable day in russia. particularly in moscow where the turnout was very high. the mood amongst protestors are very defiant is peaceful demonstration but people are angry. they are frustrated with president putin's russia. they want above all to be a fresh election. they don't agree of parliamentary vote last sunday. they were as you mentioned widespread fraud. the demonstrators want it to be held again. they want an investigation into the fraud, but there is no sign yet that the russian government is going to concede to any demands. certainly vladimir putin is looking a lot weaker. it's popularity is starting to wane and presidential elections coming up in a few times in in march. >> heather: can they keep the momentum up? >> certainly the protests have had a significant impact. question is where do they go from here. can the opposition movement gain strength, gain momentum? will the authorities allow any more demonstrations. today's protests were sanctioned by the government. they were allowed to go ahead. we saw what happened when people took to the streets. it ended in the violence. will they be allowed to continue but the demonstrators are saying yes, we will be back on the streets. so it should be known by the end of month. >> heather: thank you. >> gregg: do you have your tree up. >> heather: i do. >> gregg: it's not plastic is it. >> heather: is it a reusable tree. >> gregg: come on! >> heather: yes, it is. it's up on the 41st floor. >> gregg: they are going for the real deal. this may be the perfect time to pick out your christmas tree. the weather is creating ideal conditions for buyers and giving a boost to christmas tree sellers who say this weekend will be one of the busiest. how long will rain and snow stay away? meteorologist marie yeah molina is live in the fox weather center. >> good news. i'm finally bringing you good news. quiet weather across most of the country, not just for tonight as we head into the second week of december. a lot of sunshine for most of the east. looking ahead we do have some trouble that we're going to be getting. in parts of southern texas that is bshlt but storm system that we'll be watching as we head into monday and tuesday that will be bringing in very heavy rain across southern california and more snow across the southern rockies. yes, more beneficial for those that do like to ski. here is a look at current rainfall across southern texas. good news for them. we're talking about maximum amounts of two inches. not huge flood threat. in the great lakes, lake effect snow, most of that is winding down. lake effect snow warnings across parts of lake ontario and that will be affect throughout the day as we are expecting a little bit more snow. three to six inches over the central plateau. ten inches possible but that is isolated. this will be very small strip just north of syracuse. as we head in tomorrow, temperatures will be near normal across the country. it's a little chilly. high temperature of 50 over in kansas city and for us, 39. it will be a chilly one. >> gregg: it could be worse, it could be below zero. all right. maria, thanks very much. you know what is worse, a fake christmas tree. >> i have a fake christmas tree. its little one it's like two feet, smaller than you. >> i'm going to get you a scented candle that smells like a douglas fir. >> heather: here is the trick, hauling it out. >> from new york city trip is not complete without a horse drawn carriage ride. have done this. >> gregg: yes. >> heather: animal rights groups are bringing the rides to an end and replace them to horseless carriages. rick levanthol is more with this idea. >> reporter: i can confirm the winter weather has reached central park, but fortunately for people who wanted a horse drawn carriage ride, as long as it's warmer than 18 degrees they can go around central park. dozens of moving around this day. there are some threats to this industry. we spoke with a horse owner who is a spokesman for the association who said very clearly that he believes this is humane. they are taking very good care of the animals. they like to work. >> this is oldest industry. we started in 1861. we have kids coming up to us, petting our horses, giving them indicators. these kids have lived an urban life in new york city and they never get a chance to see a horse in this setting. you can't pet an electric car. you. >> reporter: there have been incidents including a horse earlier this month that tripped and fell. was down on the ground. another one collapsed and died. that has inspired some animal rights activists to fight to stop the horse drawn carriages. one group an animal advocacy group is working with politicians to draft a bill that would highly restricted these carriages and replace them with horseless carriages. motorized cars propelled solely by electric power. >> working nine hours day through the city streets. when these horses are finished working they go back to stalls that are small and inadequate for proper respite and then when they are done working they are sent to slaughter. >> reporter: good news that still wants a carriage with a horse, it won't be ready for another year. so come down here and throw a blanket on. thank you, we appreciate it. >> newt gingrich is sparking new controversy for his comments about the palestinian people. we're going to take a closer look at his argument and ask if he has a point. plus, it's the staple of sinsel town why are tourists being blocked at a look at the iconic hollywood sign. fore! no matter what small business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love. the latest innovation. only for ink customers. learn more at align can help. only align has bifantis, a pantented probiotic that naturally helps maintain your digestive balance. ♪ ooh baby, (what) can i do for you today? ♪ try align today. >> gregg: checking our top stories, protests in pakistan over deaths of 24 of the country's troops last month. school teachers demonstrated in the streets with some calling for revenge. nato calls the strike a tragic unintended accident. >> boston evicting occupied protestors. police clearing out the ten-week old encampment. dozens were arrested. >> new pink slips the army is doing away with 8700 civilian jobs. army doing the layoffs by next october to accommodate the shrinking budget. >> heather: it's been there for decades, access has always been limited. now, the city is looking for ways to grant tourists maybe a closer look at iconic hollywood sign forcing some nearby residents to yell cut! casey stegall has the details. you like that. >> reporter: i like that, heather. i'm not standing in front of a green screen. its 70-degree day. i heard rick talking about the cool weather in new york city. this sign back here built in 1923 as a billboard to advertise brand-new housing development that was being built in the hollywood hills. it was only intended to be up for about 18 months. the famed 50 foot tall white letters originally read hollywood land at the time. 1949 is when the word land was dropped from the sign and eventually came synonymous with the entertainment industry. hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world stop by to snap pictures. the allure of tinsel town and sign generates big dollars for the city. >> paris, you want to go to the eiffel tower, you wanted to see it. in london, big ben and all the buildings. berlin you want to go to the gates which you can. in los angeles you have to look at the hollywood sign. >> reporter: but increasing number of people who own the multimillion dollar homes in the hollywood hills say they are if fed up with all the sightseers. residents say they leave behind loads of litter. tight windy roads can't accommodate the traffic not to mention the wildfire danger from people smoking out here. >> there is too many here. you can't make this a tourist destination. the area that sits in the middle of an r-1 fire district with narrow winding streets with no supervision. >> reporter: public meetings have been held to try to come up with a solution for some of the neighbors' concerns. everything like adding additional park rangers for traffic enforce at some time creating more green space for tourists to gather so they are not out the roads. so far no compromise has been reached. then, of course, there are some who say that just comes with the to your of when you buy a piece of land next to an icon like this that has been here for a long time before homes were even here. >> heather: i like the history lesson. thanks for rubbing in the fact that you don't have a coat. >> reporter: i'm wearing shorts. >> gregg: all right. thanks very much, casey. newt gingrich stepping into the mine field making controversial comments about the palestinians. we'll tell you what he has to say that is drawing so much fire. we'll take a closer look at those remarks and the truth therein, perhaps. elief? 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[ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? sorry i'll clean this up. shouldn't have made it rain. sorry i'll clean this up. ♪ fare thee well ♪ farewell ♪ mr. gloom be on your way ♪ ♪ though you haven't any money you can still be bright and sunny ♪ ♪ sing polly wolly doodle all the day ♪ ♪ hah >> gregg: it is bottom of the hour, time for the top of the news. >> heather: police trying to figure out why a 22-year-old man opened fire on a virginia tech police officer this week. he apparently targeted his victim at random. >> gregg: tens of thousands in russia taking to the streets to protest alleged voter fraud. >> heather: an effort to honor and remember those that served our country, volunteers all across the country are placing wreaths on original of graves at military cemeteries. republican presidential candidate newt gingrich igniting a fresh controversy saying in an interview that the palestinians are people invented people because they never had a state. sparking a firestorm reaction. his campaign clarified comments saying negotiated peace between israelis and palestinians. so molly, this comment came when he was asked if he was zionist, how did he respond. >> molly: he was speaking on the jewish channel. its cable channel that focuses on jewish issues. he was asked if he considers himself a zionist. here is what he said. >> i believe jewish people have a right to have a state. i believe the commitments that were made at the time. remember, there was no palestinian. it was part of the ottoman empire. and invented the palestinian people. historically, arab were part of the community. >> molly: he praised benjamin netanyahu, his quote, a very tough guy and very free market guy who puts israel's security first. >> heather: so they called gingrich, palestinian spokesman called him ignorant? >> palestinians believe the state encompasses land that should be theirs. an aide to mahmoud abbas says gingrich doesn't know he what he is talking about. >> they are looking for some votes in his election campaign and shows how ignorant he is on the history of the palestinian people. palestinian people have been living in this area for thousands of years. >> molly: gingrich's campaign says he has long supported the idea of a palestinian state in some form and his comment about invented people is decades' long history that has surrounded the issue. >> heather: molly henneberg reporting live from washington. gregg you have little a little more about this. >> gregg: let's bring into the conversation, aaron david miller the author of the upcoming book and former advisor to six secretaries of stated. always a pleasure to have you here. the criticism of newt gingrich, now and again he wanders where the buses don't run. he gets criticized for saying things that requires clarifications, the last of which he did today. do you think that is what happened here, or, is he historically correct? >> i think he wandered off the highway on this one. he supports the two-state solution to the israeli-palestinian conflict and what he said today was clearly at odds with that. more than that. it's really at odds with just about everybody else including every republican president since ronald reagan. george bush 43 who was the first american president to use an inject into american policy the notion of palestinian at the state. he is also at odds with the israeli prime minister. none of this is fatal. it comes from the mind of a guy who is thinking. in this particular case, maybe a little knowledge can be dangerous. the fact is, palestinian nationalism did emerge in the late 19th century out of a broader arab nationalism but the palestinians, whether or not they are invented or not, now constitute a legitimate movement with a discreet claim to a piece of territory. none of this fatal. look, i think newt gingrich recognizes the fact that the current president has an israel problem. he is looking for a way to get in on that, but he found on this one the wrong instrument. >> gregg: we heard the sound bite from the gentleman who a fellow at the american task force on palestinian. he also made this argument. i want to put it up on the screen. i'll quote him. there was no such thing as an israel before 1948. arab and jewish identities are very hold but -- >> gregg: is eight fair point? >> you and i could spend the next five hours on this show going through, hitting the rewind button on history and rehearsing all the arguments on israeli and palestinian side. there was an israeli under king david. it kingdom and independent state whose existence that was squashed out several times actually over the course last 1500, 2,000 years. both of these nationalisms, political zionism and palestinian nationalism were movements that emerged in the late 19th century. to that degree in the modern incarnation, the guy from the american group from palestinian probably got it right. in the end, look, it is what it is. you got a conflict between the israelis and palestinians. every israeli wants to sort it out. every american president. who knows maybe newt gingrich will get a chance. >> gregg: beyond his remarks about an invented palestinian people, which seems to have overshadowed everything else, gingrich was trying to make a larger point of achieving that two-state solution. so in fair theness let's quote the further remarks. if somebody is firing rockets at you, they are probably not engaged in the peace process. if somebody says you don't have a right to exist. they are probably not prepared to negotiate peace. if someone says, they want to wipe you out. you should believe them. i would assume you would regard those as very valid points? >> are you kidding? absolutely. and they all pertain specifically to hamas in gaza. on the broader pointed. reality the israeli-palestinian peace process is kind of closed for the season. you've got so many different problems and challenges that are not going to be overcome, particularly in an election year. so this one, the problem the promised land, if you will, will be around for quite some time. gingrich has identified, at least from the israeli perspective several of the reasons why. >> gregg: a permanent palestinian member of executive committee called gingrich's statement racist which invites the question, gingrich adopting what surely will be regarded in the arab community as a confrontational tone. what purpose is he doing that? you mentioned he sees an opportunity with the president's policy but i wonder in gingrich is trying to align himself to conservative voices in israel some who believe that israel has a permanent right to the west bank territories? >> i'm not sure -- i don't think that is what he is trying to do. unless newt gingrich really is ideal log without any capacity to adjust his position to more pragmatic center. we've seen repeatedly that is not the case. immigration, health care reform a variety of issues. should he be elected president of the united states, he like every other republican will gravitate toward the center and deal with the realities of governing. i think he is thinking about this. the notion of palestinian as an invented people is a kind of clever historical trope. he reacted and now essentially he is correcting the record. >> gregg: always a pleasure to speak with you. thanks for speaking with us. >> heather: the debate he was supposed to moderate seemingly falling apart. donald trump he may still car bid for the white house. why he thinks he has a shot. our panel weighs in up next. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. >> heather: welcome back. president obama asking for more time in a new interview. he said it's going to take at least another term, maybe even more than one president to get the economy back on track. our voters simply running out of patience? let's bring in our political panel. thank you all for coming in on this saturday. so did president obama overpromise to begin with? is this kind of standard protocol and should it take more than one term? >> obama is responsible for our failed economy and our high unemployment. if you look at his energy policy $90 billion on clean energy and sales. we're talking about higher energy prices. when you look at the egg regulations from the epa they are killing the coal firepower plants across our country. job losses, 1.4 million jobs that are expected to be lost by the year 2020. higher electricity rates. that is not good. i think he is part of the problem. >> heather: what do you think? >> i agree with that but he has mismanaged from day one. he set the bar so high coming in on day one. i have never heard a president that set the bar so high for himself. and it's been a failure. if i don't turn this economy i'm going a one term president. >> heather: is it difficult to do. >> but everything he has done has been in a different direction. >> democratic congress, he got a lot done. >> he promised change but not good change. >> that is what politicians, they to have sell themselves. obama is great politician but a poor administrator. do we need another president sir to fix this mess? yes. but president obama, i don't think so. we can't underestimated this because he is so smooth he was very humble in the interview. he admitted he had low approval ratings it was because of the economy. he admitted it was his fault. he can understand people are impatient and his approval ratings, 51% disapprove of his job performance. >> heather: really across the board this has been the status quo in terms of his approval ratings. i don't see that changing as we go into the election. >> it's the lowest number. his approval ratings sent to the lowest number of any president even carter. >> republicans need to heed that message. they have to run nasty campaign and take us down a dark alley of demagoguery. >> if he could not change this economy in four years, that is what republicans need to run on and push, this is what he promised. >> speaking of people running or possibly running, donald trump once again playing coy about a possible run for the white house saying he represents millions of voters tired of america being ripped off. so he is saying that may still run as an independent. also saying this debate that he was scheduled to host may not happen. he is actually saying as a result of him possibly running as an independent. >> he is a successful businessman. he is getting more attention in the media tha than some of our candidates are. he is getting all this attention. he doesn't even have to pay for it. >> he is the lady gaga of marketing politics. you just said donald trump -- >> he is the lady gaga have l of politics. he steal that has attention. he is getting a lot media attention. >> if he wants to hold a debate, that is fine, i get upset, this election is too important to turn to republican primary nominate nation into a clown show. i think the biggest issue is rnc has said, you can't hold a debate and endorse a candidate and might run as an independent. he is not going run. >> endorsing a candidate it's been so far. >> the reason why republicans are not showing up is because republicans ask him not to run. if he commented he would run, here the master marketer. >> heather: holiday saver, rudolph the red nosed reindeer. they say its sad tale of bullying that needs to go. stay tuned. >> heather: welcome back. we'll call it a teachable moment. new york university located short distance away from the first occupied wall street protest. set to offer graduate level courses on the movement in an upcoming semester. is it ironic that a school charging $50,000 a year is offering a course on wealth disniart america. back with our panel. its class on occupied wall street, what do you think about it? >> i think the devil is in the details. it good with be a good political science court but this is liberal nyu. i see propaganda in this. >> when i first read about it, history and politics of finances and debt, but then i read about the inequals of wall street and poor people. basically i think they're going to talk about redistribution of wealth. >> offering an undergraduate course and then a graduate course, as well. >> i think it's a waste of money. if i'm a parent and sending my child there, i would want my money back. >> if you look at the college courses, this is one example. the history of bubbles and how to make maple syrup but liberal agenda they are jamming down their throats and jacking up tuition. now parents have to pay these prices. obama says go to college and don't pay pay it back. >> as andrea was saying, courses have been running amok since we were in school, three or four years ago. [ laughter ] >> teach kids, a lot of college students, they want to be a part of something. to teach us about our constitution and we have the right to state our grievances. the molest has been successful in spreading around the country. >> it is an american tradition. >> you are right. freedom of speech. >> what occupied wall street was about. they were breaking the law. i don't have the right to do that. that is what they should be teaching. >> i wonder how they are going to teach that. >> heather: he saved the day for santa claus and his friends, now one new york professor, another new york professor here says that rudolph the red nosed reindeer, he was a victim of bullying and the story sends a terrible message. is the professor reading too much in to it? he has written a book to counter the rudolph book. >> i'm sorry. i love the cartoon to this day. rudolph in the end becomes the hero. >> you have red nose promoted in the front of where he was made fun of. >> it reminds me of eddie murphy. he wanted to join the marines. he ended up getting in and one of the most world war ii heroes. anyone can overcome adverse it and how you approach it. >> heather: he says the story behind it, that children with disabilities would read into it the only way they can be accepted is they have to do something spectacular. >> it's really false propaganda. i think it puts children down. >> heather: thank you all for joining us. we appreciate it. >> gregg: one of the biggest retail sites on the internet these days is trying to win over business from shoppers at the mall. some say it is an unfair use of technology. others say it's all good news for consumers looking to save cash. we'll have the full story for you. we'll be back in a flash. really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? 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[ male announcer ] crystal clear fender premium audio. one of many premium features available on the all-new volkswagen passat. the 2012 motor trend car of the year. ♪ and i think it's gonna be a long, long time ♪ hello, everyone. i'm greg. >> and i'm heather, welcome back to a new hour of inside america's news headquarters. the frontrunner among the g.o.p. presidential candidates sparking controversy, newt gingerich's comments about the middle east peace process and new reaction tonight. >> for the first time in decades, tens of thousands of antigovernment protesters taking to the streets in russia with one clear message. vladimir putin must go. moscow's reaction in a live report. new information about the man who opened fire in the middle of downtown hollywood. >> with less than a month to go before the first contest of the 2012 presidential race, a republican showdown is brewing in des moines, iowa. newt gingerich is going into tonight's debate as the g.o.p. frontrunner, rifle rival and frontrunner mitt romney. >> steve brown live in des moines with more. steve, the suspicion is tonight' debate will be in part, newt vs. mitt. >> there's good reason to believe that's true. 24 days from today there will be voting in iowa in the caucuses. if you subtract a few days for christmas and new year's, take out christmas, christmas -- christmas eve, christmas day, y, then the campaigns to work around and time is running timeout catching in who has a substantial lead in iowa. for mitt romney he's been playing on his personal consistencies to offset some of his professional and issue inconsistencies, running on frequent rotation, he's been talking about married to the same woman 42 years, belongs to the same church and will not give in on certain things in his personal life in contrast to some of his political choices and positions. it's a less than subtle jab at newt gingerich and his marital history. >> steve, anytime you've got the lead it puts a bull's eye on your back. who might join in on the newt bashing beyond romney? >> you might want to look at ron paul. he's not gotten the greatest amount of national media exposure but he's been getting a lot of attention and caught the eye of a lot of operatives in iowa who believe his organization has been doing the hard work, grassroots work for months and they're beginning to see fruit. in the summertime it was thought his upper level, the ceiling on him, was 10%. he's almost doubled that according to polls which suggest the conventional wisdom about ron paul may not be true. >> how about rick santorum, he has his own zip code and visited all 99 counties in iowa and picked up an endorsement yesterday. talk to us about that. >> matt schults, secretary of state in iowa was one of those folks that was sought-after. he's not the highest profile but won a statewide election and there have been a series of lesser-known folks that do matter here. lesser-known from the national profile, that do matter in iowa that have gotten onboard with rick santorum. he has spent an awful lot of time, more than any other candidate, he's visited every county in iowa and there's a belief perhaps he's underpolledded in iowa. >> steve brown, thank you very much. and newt gingerich weighing in on the middle east peace process causing controversy during an interview with a jewish channel. >> i believe the jewish people have the right to have a state. i believe the commitments made -- remember, there were -- there was no palestinian as a state. it's part of the ottoman empire and we have invented palestinian people who were historically part of the arab community. >> palestinian leaders are speaking out against gingrich's remarks. >> the battle over extending payroll tax cuts benefiting 160 million americans heating up on capital and a new factor is thrown into the mix. it could complicate negotiations even further. peter doocy has that story in washington. >> since the failed failed twice at extending the payroll tax cuts the house is taking a crack at it. speaker boehner wants it sooner rather than later. >> you have heard president obama say the american people can't wait to take action on jobs. well, keystone energy project is the very definition of an idea the american people can't wait for washington to act on. >> mitch mcconnell says this about the middle class tax relief and job creation act. unlike the previous proposal from senate democrats this bill was designed to pass by leaving out job killing hikes that faced bipartisan opposition while using bipartisan proposal to reduce spending but democrats disagree with the rendition to include the keystone pipeline provision. >> keystone pipeline is a separate issue. people on both sides agree. >> the president says republicans are like cartoon christmas villains if taxes go up for 160 million americans at the end of the year. >> no one should go home for the holidays until this is done. >> boehner's bill would cost $192 billion over ten years. expect voting on this early in the week. >> peter doocy reporting in washington. a terrifying shootout in the heart of hollywood, cal. a 26-year-old man walking down the street shooting randomly at passing cars. he was eventually killed by police. but not before critically injuring a passing driver. witnesses say the man was deranged, shouting things like kill me, and i'm going to die. >> we are learning new details about another terrible tragedy involving a 22-year-old man who shot a virginia tech police officer before turning the gun on himself. ross truitt ashley actually attended a neighboring university, rat ford and was described as a typical college student making it hard to understand the motive. he's also suspected of stealing a car before the deadly shooting rampage. >> new reaction from the attorney of connecticut man sentenced to death for the murder of a woman and two daughters. joshua komisarjevsky was sentenced to death by lethal injection. his apom police is on death row. listen to the defendant's attorney after the decision. >> his reaction has been what it has been from the beginning. it was preordain and he didn't feel he would get a fair shot here in haven county and he was realistic about the result. >> a jury convicted komisarjevsky in october for killing jennifer hawke-petit and her daughters and sexually assaulting the 11-year-old girl, makayla. >> this is a fox news alert. allegations of voter fraud sparks outraging in russia. opposition leaders say preliminaries vladimir putin's party rigged recentlections and tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets of moscow demanding a rerun of the vote and an end to putin's rule. kitty logan is tracking the story live from our london bureau. what is the significance of these demonstrations? >> it's the first time in many years that we've seen demonstrations on this scale in russia. and it will have rattled the russian authorities. today's protest, people are frustrated and angry, particularly we saw in moscow, a high turnout. those people say they want new elections, fair elections, they want an investigation into the allegations of voter fraud. they say the results of sunday's parliamentary vote did not reflect their views and they want things to change. so far the authorities have not shown any sign they will concede to the protesters demand but certainly prime minister putin looks a lot weaker than he did a short while ago. next march there are presidential elections coming up and a great deal of scrutiny when those elections go ahead. >> can the demonstrators keep the momentum up? >> this is the question. the demonstration -- demonstrators are determined to keep up the pressure but the question is how do they maintain the momentum. and will the authorities allow them to continue to go out on to the votes. don't forget today's protests were actually sanctioned and even shown on state television. but traditionally the russian government cracks down on unauthorized protests but the demonstrators will continue and intend to go back out on the streets in the coming up days, probably before the end of the monthz thank you very much. kitty logan live from london. >> first howard dean and john kerr y now mitt romney and newt gingerich. could the current battle turn into a repeat of that 2004 infamous matchup? our political panel is here to weigh in. >> eric holder concedes the botched fast and furious gun running sting was reckless on capitol hill. that's what he said. judge shapiro joins us live. >> the president said he has full confidence in this attorney general. i have no confidence in a president who has confidence in an attorney general who has not terminated or dealt with the individuals including key lieutenants who, from the very beginning, had some knowledge and long before brian terry was gunned down, knew enough to stop this program. i couldn't concei this as a heart attack. the doctor leaned over and said to me, "you just beat the widow-maker." i was put on an aspirin, and it's part of my regimen now. 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[ timer dings ] got to go. priority mail fla rate shipping at a simpler way to ship. >> time for a check of the headlines for you. crews in boston dewy square cleaning up tents and items left by occupy wall occupy boston pr. 150 activists were evicted this morning. >> nasa says a private company will launch a space capsule to the international space station in february. president obama attending the annual army-navy football game today joined by vice president vice president joe biden biden and his wife. >> analysts have been making a lot of comparisons between this year's batch of g.o.p. candidates to campaigns of the past. a new one we found intriguing, in the most recent column susan finds comparisons between newt gingerich and mitt romney with howard dean and john kerry. supporting mitt romney is a smart decision but not necessarily fun. newt is more fun. howard dean was more fun than john kerry. until the race is serious it's fun to support howard dean or newt gingerich. will 2012 go the way of 2004 minus the dean scream? joining us, phil musser, president of new frontier strategy and chris hahn, former aide to senator schumer. chris, let me start with you, do you abide by the howard dean-john kerry analogy? >> first i think susan's the first person to call newt fun in a long time. >> oh, come on, he is. >> shepard: it makes it interesting, i'll tell you that. but there are some similarities but there's a lot of differences between newt gingerich and howard dean. newt gingerich is a known commodity. howard dean was this off in left field governor who nobody knew before he hit his stride on the presidential scene. >> they say interesting things, though, chris. >> they do. but the calendar is really favoring newt gingerich right now. where as it wasn't the same for dean. newt gingerich will probably win iowa and take that momentum to the convention. >> he might be peaking too early. this fox news poll, newt gingerich and we're going to put it on the screen. newt gingerich is seen as the least presidential by fewer than half of those polled. do you think that reinforces the argument susan makes that supporting romney is smart, maybe not as fun as newt but smarter. >> republicans are looking for a principalled fighter. chris points out the positions of the candidates have been up and down across the board. romney has been consistent with his level of support. so the next two weeks in this race are going to be determinative and there could be a dean scream on the rep sign. there's a debate tonight. you have to keep an eye on perry, who is making a big play, bachmann, and rick santorum, who has a lot on the line and has to move. the next two weeks will be determinative and romney's advertising have entered the fray in a commanding way and so romney needs to get in gear. >> if gingrich is the nominee, he may have your party, democrats, to thank. for the last couple months they've been absolutely hammering romney with a barrage of character attacks, portraying him of devoid of conviction, save self promotion which could be said is a condition that afflicts all politicians. did democrats wittingly or unwittingly promote the candidacy of gingrich which they're salivating to challenge in the general election? >> there's nobody i would rather see in the general election than newt gingerich. but to say democrats are picking their poison. it's been done before but i haven't noticed a concentrated effort. we've struck back when mitt has swung at the president meantimes to solidify his -- the republicans are not interested in what mitt romney is selling. i have predicted newt gingerich's rise for eight weeks and i'm not a fan of his. he's one of the most divisive candidates in american history. >> phil, say what you may about mitt romney but he's generally regarded as a cool customer, calm, even-tempered, his interview with bret baier notwithstanding. gingrich, in other words, he's been derided as unhinged, impulsive and the last time he served in a leadership, he was blamed for the government shutdown and his disapproval was surged to 65%. unprecedented 300,000 bucks for ethics violation and he had to resign. do you think -- >> you're reading the talking points here. >> nevertheless, he's way ahead in iowa but as the caucus draws near will those things matter more to voters? >> i think the answer is a lot more people will know about some of the things you mentioned as it relates toking in. i don't want to belittle the fact there's a lot of voter education going on on the airwaves in iowa but most republican g.o.p. primary voters -- i've spent a lot of time in the primary states -- are looking forward. i can offer an alternative vision to the obama train wreck and that's the differentiation. the question is, is going negative in this primary a smart strategy or not? i think a lot of candidates are trying to grapple with that and we'll see that revealed tonight. >> chris, is romney more electriccable than gingrich, especially since he's perceived as a moderate, attractive to independents who are vital to winning. >> romney is more electable because people can vibe whatever view that he want. >> gingrich hasn't? he's flipped from global warming to tarp to libya and the list goes on an on. >> true, but not as much as romney. listen, if they want the electable guy, it's huntsman. i like huntsman. he's got no traction at all. >> he's not there tonight. >> you're killing huntsman right now. >> all right, guys. chris hawn, phil musser, good to see you. iran may have its hands on a state-of-the-art c.i.a. drone but can the iranians unlock the technology secrets inside? we'll take a closer look. 20 pages. boom! the other office devices? they don't get me. they're all like, "hey, brother, doesn't it bother you that no one notices you?" and i'm like, "doesn't it bother you you're n reliable?" and they say, "shut up!" and i'm like, "you shut up." in business, it's all about reliability. 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[ male announcer ] introducing spark the small business credit cards from capital one. get more by choosing unlimited double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. what's in your wallet? it is the bottom of the hour. time for the top of the news. a republican presidential candidate's debating tonight in iowa, the first time newt gingerich will take the spotlight as the new frontrunner. mobs of protesters outraged in russia over allegations of voter fraud. opposition leaders claim vladimir putin's party manipulated votes to win recent elections. shah lead, the israeli soldier released thanks supporters on israeli tv for the first time. >> palestinian leaders are fairing back at g.o.p. presidential candidate newt gingerich. the former speaker of the house called palestinians invented people while discussing the middle east peace process. molly, is there a sense why he made the statement? >> it was a interview on a jewish channel and he was asked by the interviewers if he considers himself a zionist but as a supporter of israel and jewish people's right to have a homeland. here's what gingrich said to that. >> i believe the jewish people have the right to have a state and i believe the commitments made at the time -- remember, there were -- there was no palestinian as a state. it's part of the ottoman empire and i think that we've had an invented palestinian people who -- they were historically part of the arab community. >> the interview has not gone over well with the palestinians who believe the state of israel encompasses land that's theirs. a palestinian spokesman says gingrich is ignorant of the history of the middle east and palestinian people. >> molly, what does this mean for newt gingerich politically? >> for one thing it meant he had to clarify today. a spokesman for the campaign said, newt gingerich supports a negotiated peace agreement between israel and the palestinians. the statement goes on to say, quote, however, to understand what is proposed and negotiated, you have to understand decades of complex history which is exactly what gingrich was referencing in the interview. one former state department analyst said gingrich had to correct himself. >> he kind of wandered off the highway on this one. if he supports a two-state solution to the israel-palestinian conflict what he said today was at odds with that. and more than that, it's really at odds with just about everybody else including every republican president since ronald reagan. >> reporter: gingrich's campaign says he has long supported the idea of a palestinian state in some form. greg? >> molly, thank you very much. >> a u.s. based defense analyst weighs in on the spy drone that fell into iranian hands. she says it was a success for iran but they would have a hard time unlocking the secrets and it's unlikely iranians shot the drone down like they've reported. >> the most likely reason why the iranians have the aircraft is because of an onboard malfunction rather than something they did to bring it down. having said that, very few experts thought it was possible for the iranians to get the aircraft in this shape. >> a u.s. official confirmed that the drone was an rq170 sentinel typically used to spy on iran's nuclear efforts. the u.s. military says it lost control of the drone this week, denies claims any cyber or other electronic related activity was responsible for the loss. >> we've seen the imagery. there are folks looking at it but we're not getting into the specifics of these particular kinds of missions. we're just not. >> the u.s. and allies are locked in a dispute with iran with the nuclear program which the west believes is aimed at developing nuclear weapons. iran says it seeks to generate electricity and produce materials to treat medical patients. >> it appears there is no goodwill toward men when it comes to retailers competing for your holiday dollars. today is offering shoppers a discount if they use its price match app to comparative shop against brick and mortar stores. great for consumers but regular stores claim it is unfair, especially since amazon doesn't have to collect certain sales taxes. here now, david nelson, chief strategist of bell point asset management. thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> you stated it's few till for brick and mortar stores or main street stores to stop apps like these. >> it's not going to work. you can't legislate your way out. online retail, like it or not, is a better business model that's here to stay. >> why is it a better business model. >> if you're not supporting your stores around the country, your margins are better and you can simply lower prices and brick and mortar has to do what the music industry did. change your business model. that could be something as simple as a better instore experience, better support, or perhaps proprietary product. >> you mentioned legs, there's a marketplace fairness act in congress that requires online businesses to pay state sales taxes. >> well, look, that's a legitimate are gripe. and it's an unfair advantage. it's riddles -- riddles a brick and mortar has to collect state sales tax and amazon doesn't. amazon is taking a national approach and hired a lobbyist firm in washington and they're looking for a national solution. they made a deal with california that they will in fact collect sales taxes next year. >> originally in california they didn't want to do that. >> why would they? they lose their advantage. i'm not sure why they're taking that tack. we're dealing with washington so my hopes aren't high for a solution. >> you say in order to at least do as well or have not necessarily an upper hand but benefit like the online marketers do or businesses do, that stores, brick and mortar stores, need to do more things to get customers in the door. >> i think that's true. every industry in one shape or another has had to deal with the information age and brick and mortar have to do the same. people will shop where they can get the best advantage. a example, last night i was at a friend's house and wanted to show me their big screen tv that looked like it should hang in madison square garden. they went to best buy, took a picture and went home and bought it on line and saved hundreds of dollars. i don't see how you get around that. >> that's the argument the stores -- they're saying they're used as a show place for the product that can be bought as a lesser cost on line. >> that's true. but you can't legislate your way around that. you have to turn to proprietary product. look at apple. >> what does that mean. >> proprietary meaning you can't walk into anywhere, macy's and -- apple ha a lock on it. the instore experience at apple is excellent. many retailers, it's not fun. >> offer the experience and products you can only get in that store. >> in that store or provide a better service. in the music industry he had to stop selling cds and we had to start to tour more. something has to change. >> thank you very much. we appreciate you joining us and your insights. >> christmastime in new york means big business for horse-drawn carriages in central park and fake trees for heather but animal rights groups are calling for a ban on horse-drawn carriages. rick is live in new york city. a ban would mean the end of one of the oldest tourist industries in new york, right? >> yeah, according to the horse-drawn carriage owners and operators they've been around 150 years, since 1861, but their days might be numbered because animal rights activists proposed a bill to limit the carriages, perhaps eliminate them, calling it cruel and unusual punishment saying they don't belong in this urban environment. >> these horses are working nine hours a day on pavement, iron shoes surrounded by cabs and tourists and frightened by loud noises and their instinct is to run which poses a danger to themself and to people in the carriage, the drivers and anyone around the carriages on the street. >> animal activists point to a number of incidents, including a horse and tripped and fell on the ground. another one died early this year. they're proposing a retroalternative, an electric antique car, an electric car that would not pollute the environment, they say it would be environmentally friendly and humane and not leave a mess in the street. >> it wouldn't smell. what are the carriage owners saying about this, rick? >> well, they say that they are taking very good care of these horses. they're very tightly regulated by the aspca and department of health and consumer affairs and they say it's better for the horses to work. there's an 60% unemployment rate for horses. many of them are amish horses. >> these horses, the amish use them two or three years and don't have much use for them anymore. if they did not work in the city, they would be dead. we are saving horses. >> and the electric cars are at least a year away so you could take a tour in the park in a horse-drawn carriage. >> it doesn't seem romantic, an electric car. >> without the clop, clop, clop. >> yeah. >> rick -- by the way, can you ask someone to turn the heat on? >> you don't have a space heater? when i go out there, i have a space heater. >> i don't have that. >> rick leventhal, thank you. >> you'll have to negotiate. >> new reaction from attorney general eric holder's testimony on capitol hill. some lawmakers accuse holder of not being forthright. we talked with judge jeanine pirro into the investigation of the department of justice. my question is very simple, who is the person in the united states government that made the decision of an operation fast and furious to facilitate the guns going to mexico. who is that one person? >> we don't know. >> you don't know who was responsible for the conduct of these thousands of guns goi to mexico? we don't know who that is? fore! no matter what small business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love. the latest innovation. only for ink customers. learn more at ♪ [ male announcer ] they've been tested, built and driven like no other. and now they're being offered like no other. come to the winter event and get an exceptional offer on the mercedes-benz of your dreams. it's our way of showing a little holiday spirit. but hurry -- the offer ends january 3rd. ♪ i took some steep risks in my teens. i'd never ride without one now. and since my doctor prescribed lipitor, i won't go without it for my high cholesterol and my risk of heart attack. why kid myself? 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[ femalannouncer ] lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications, or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serio side effect. [ man ] still lo that wind in my face talk to your doctor. don't kid yourself about the risk of heart attack and stroke. if lipitor's been working for you, stay with it. lipitor may be available for as little as $4 a month with the lipitor co-pay card. terms and conditions apply. learn more at you think eric holder has been truthful and forthcoming? >> i don't. he has not demonstrated an ability to be fruitful and forthcoming. congress has a constitutional duty and right to send a subpoena and they have to comply. he did not. he was bragging about the fact he was not going to produce all the materials to the congress. >> that was utah congressman responding to recent testimony by the attorney general eric holder. holder admitted the failed gun tracking program was reckless. judge jeanine pirro attended committee hearing thursday and interviewed a congressman, senator and other folks. break this down for us. >> what you've got is the department of justice basically sending approximately 2,000 semiautomatic rifles, firearms, and giving it to the drug dealers in mexico. the idea behind this program was that these guns would be followed and we would know who the drug dealers are. the problem is no one was following the guns. this program known as fast and furious involved the united states government giving and paying for guns to go into mexico that ultimately end up being used to kill a border program agent and many in mexico. now the mexican government is saying you never told us you were sending firearms into mexico and congress is saying, what is this about? how dare you give these guns, not follow them, stop surveillance and risk the lives of so many people. >> holder says it was reckless but says when accused of essentially lying under oath, he says wait a minute, that's not what i did. i didn't intend to do that. in fact let me quote him when asked the difference. he said if you want to have this legal conversation it has to do with your state of arm and whether or not you had reckless intent to come up it something to be a lie. >> how clintonesque. you know as well as i do that when congress is investigating the movement of firearms from the united states to mexico, and the department of justice sends a letter saying, we interdiet all these guns and then months later they say that was falls. we relied on bad information. by the way, aren't you the department of justice? don't you investigate? you now want us to believe you can't find out the truth and say it was a mistake? >> in fairness to holder he's thinking it's a big department, i can't read every single memo. >> hogwash. here's the thing. firearms dealers that the purchasers got the guns from differed five boxes and the department of justice delivers one and not one email from holder. holder doesn't know the congressmen and senators have more than he thinks. >> they do. >> bad situation. >> on your program tonight, check justice with judge jeanine tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern. >> a congresswoman's brush with death. the royal wedding and the uprisings in northern africa and the middle east. what do all these stories have in common? find out up next. my doctor told me calcium is best absorbed in small continuous amounts. only one calcium supplement does that in one daily dose. citracal slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs. citracal. ♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. welcome back. incredible images of a stunning full lunar eclipse. the earth began casting a shadow over the moon around a quarter to 8:00 eastern time. the eclipse peaked giving the moon an orangish-red glow after 9:00 a.m. for those that missed it, you have to wait for the next one, scheduled to take place mid april in 2014. >> it is cool. beautiful. some incredible stories making headlines. the death of the world's most wanted terrorist, a nation praying for a congresswoman shot in the line of duty and a royal i do. >> those are just a few of what says are the 11 days that shaped 2011 and you can be part of deciding what was the most influential day of the past year. maureen sullivan, with aol, thank you for joining us. thank you for having me. >> looking at the list, greg and i were taking saying we were here more most of the big events. >> it was a really big year. >> gabrielle giffords. >> all the way back in january. i think the interesting thing about gabby is we watched her throughout 2011 triumph over what was a horrific tragedy and she inspired millions of americans. >> that was a event that occurred in a single day. the arab spring occurred over a fairly long period of time. >> exactly. we marked the day we felt kicked off the movement but i think it really shows how social media is changing our world and global news stories. >> not just a newsy event, so to speak, some pop culture made the list, including the royal wedding. >> yes, william and kate, everyone loved them and couldn't get enough. the world tuned in for the wedding of the century and our users wanted to read everything. >> and not to leave out pipa. >> of course. and what happened after the wedding. >> listen, it was all on the weekend that the word leaked out that osama bin laden had been killed. >> a huge story that took everyone by surprise but it was a major end and important moment we'll remember beyond 2011. >> and the debt ceiling vote, a low point in american politics. >> it occupied headlines all summer and users wanted to understand it in plain english and people were excited when it was out of the news. >> that's one of the benefits of the internet where you can go into detail and allow your viewers or readers to really understand an issue when offer otherwise they may not be able to. >> day 9, the 9/11 tenth anniversary. >> it was a sunday. i think it was a somber day and everyone across america took a moment to look back on what was an historic day and paid tribute to those that lost their lives ten years ago. >> we're hitting the highlights but there are 11 days. >> 11 in 2011, all the days are profiled. vote what was the most impactful day of 2011 and tell us what we missed. what should be on the list that was a defining moment. >> what happened in the middle of the night at least in the united states, the earthquake in japan that resulted in the devastating tsunami. >> a huge disaster. it was a global story but how people reacted on a local level, we saw user own donate $5,000 in the 24 hours after the earthquake and tsunami so people were eager to help. >> there was a couple things i would strike from the list. >> i know one. >> what? >> charlie sheen. >> i almost managed to forget about that until i looked at this list. >> it fascinated us for a couple weeks so it's on the list. >> and the oprah winfrey show. >> the farewell. there was a buildup, lots of coverage. i think the end wasn't as wow as people thought but it was definitely what our users cared about. >> everybody go on line and weigh in and maybe everybody has ideas we -- you didn't think of. >> exactly. >> 11 in >> one more story, it's hard to stop central park carriage rides for romance. we talked about that. but one soldiered returning from afghanistan got into the spirit at miami airport asking his girlfriend's hand in marriage. take a listen. >> will you marry me? >> yes. >> yes! >> oh my god. >> i love you. >> we're going to be on tv, do you know that? >> i figure that's what the cameras are for. >> oh ... >> i love you. >> i love you too. >> she said yes. >> that's great. congratulations to them. great way to end the show. >> did he hear her say did you know this was going to be on tv? >> yeah, now you know. rick is taking over at the top of the hour. >> we'll see you here tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. eastern so be sure to join us. bye. those first young men. the pioneers. the aviators. building superhighways in an unknown sky. their safety systems built of brain and heart, transforming strange names from tall tales into pictures on postcards home. and the ones who followed them, who skimmed the edge of space, the edge of heaven, the edge of dreams. and we follow them up there to live by an unbreakable promise, stitched into every uniform of every captain who takes their command: to fly. to serve. the newest droid armed with motocast. granting you wireless access to files on your home computer from almost anywhere. 4g lte equipped to pull pictures, music, and movies. all at mind-melting speeds. powered by verizon, this droid is too powerful to fall into the wrong hands. forty years ago, he wasn't worried about retirement. he'd yet to hear of mutual funds, iras, or annuities. back then, he had something more important to do. he wasn't focused on his future but fortunately, somebody else was. at usaa we provide retirement solutions for our military, veterans and their families. from investments... to life insurance... to health care options. learn more with our free usaa retirement guide. call 877-242-usaa. @ ♪ sing polly wolly doodle all the day ♪ ♪ hah @

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