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Christians mark one of the holiest days of their faith. We look at the worldwide celebrations and the message of hope from pope francis on this easter sunday. Americas news headquarters starts right now. We begin with President Trump who is on the way back to the white house just as the weekend comes to a close. His return from florida to washington comes with tension from north korea and kim jong jongun. They threatened to launch an attack on the u. S. And south korea. Our military is building and rapidly becoming stronger than ever before. Frankly, we have no choice. Caroline shively is live with the latest developments. Reporter we are definitely seeing a more muscular approach to Foreign Policy. Just over the past ten days, from working with china and north korea and bombing afghanistan to the 59 tomahawk missiles shot into syria in response to a deadly chemical attack. Russian iran and syria are warning the u. S. About launching another attack against ashads regime. Trump said not to expect the same approach as the obama administration. Trump is taking a different approach, thank goodness. He is sending a message that the United States is going to stand up for our interest and make sure we have the military capability to prevail if we choose to use force. Reporter afghanistan is a also taking center stage after the u. S. , killed more than 100 fighters and crushed their smuggling tunnels. Trumps National Security advisor was in kabul to review the larger strategy there. Whats clear in afghanistan is the stakes are high. This is the modernday frontier between barbarism and civilization. Reporter some in Congress Want to see a more cohesive plan from the administration. The ad hoc nature of what he does, the flipflop that youve seen dramatically this week suggests incoherence and policy and thats a function of many things. I think temperamentally, as well as experientially hes coming to grips with the sink. As far as u. S. Boots on the ground plays on all of this, National Security advisor mcmasters said he doesnt believe the u. S. Needs more u. S. Troops in syria but he didnt rule it out. The Top Commander in afghanistan said he would like more troops there. Thank you so much. Another embarrassing failure for north korea leader kim jongun as missile tests explode just after launch after they marked the birth of the founder and first leader his grandfather. The failed launch just after, just as mike pence arrived in south korea to begin his First Official trip to the asiapacific region as Vice President. Kristin fisher filed this report from trumps estate in florida. The reaction from the white house has been very restraint. No tweets from the president. The First Response came from defense secretary james mattis. He put out a statement that reads the president and his military team are aware of north koreas most recent unsuccessful missile attempt. The Vice President was in the air and on his way to south korea when the failed missile test took place. He landed in seoul about nine hours later when he told americans and south korean troops that their courage and valor is needed now more than ever. This mornings provocation from the north is just the latest reminder of the risks each one of you face every day in the defense of the freedom of the people of south korea and the defense of america in this part of the world. The Vice President will travel to three more countries before his trip is over and everywhere he goes he will reassure the neighbors that the u. S. Has the back. To reinforce diplomatic promis promises. Right now a Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier is steaming toward the korean peninsula. The president called it an armada. It is a show of force just like it was a show of force to drop the mother of all bombs in afghanistan, and to launch 59 tomahawk missiles at us single syrian airbase. The question now, how does trump handle a Nuclear Nation led by a man that is even more unpredictable than he is. Thank you very much. North korea has not yet conducted this sixth nuclear test. The most recent test that displayed some new Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles but celebrated the founders 105th birthday by flaunting that massive military arsenal for several hours. Greg is in north Koreas Capital city and filed this report. Celebrations marking the anniversary of the birth date of this country ended with a dud this weekend. The missile the government tried to launch early sunday morning, north korea time, blew up at liftoff according to the United States and south korean authorities. Prior to that we watched as missiles were paraded by the north korean leader, including a mediumrange solid fuel missile which could have been the type at the launch site on the east coast of the country today. If successful it could threaten the u. S. Ally japan as well as 35000 Service Members in that country. While a Missile Launch for a new test was expected around the time to mark the anniversary, there is new speculation that it was time for the trip of Vice President pence to the region. He arrived at an air of base in south korea a few hours after the launch today in fact, the north korean government has not yet acknowledged there was a launch or a failure. One Government Official admitted these kinds of mistakes can happen. It might not even be the governments fault. There was some speculation the United States staged a cyber attack against the launch. They reportedly have done so in the past. All indications i get on the ground, the government is going to keep plugging away. A fascinating and rare inside look at north korea. The evacuation of 3000 syrians now on hold one day after a deadly bombing targeted buses carrying government supporters and evacuees from some of those cities. Syrian authorities now upping the death toll to more than 120 people. That number includes at least 68 children. Spee6 direct blunt talk about north korea and dispatching the Aircraft Carrier to the waters off the korean peninsula, a reminder that President Trump is taking many Foreign Policy issues head on. What will be the impact of this on the world stage and will these actions lead to an end of the civil war in syria and north koreas growing Nuclear Ballistic missile threat. Author of the new book, the end of europe, dictators, demagogues and the coming dark age. Good to see you james. How do they push back to what you say is the dark age of the demagogues, the dictatorship like ashad and kim jongun. Has the president laid down a new mark. I think on the military aspect is moving in the right direction. I think we need values backed by military force. Hes right to be doing what he did in syria, ashad cannot be allowed to use chemical weapons, they are against International Law and obama failed to. [inaudible] i dont think ive seen trump talk about the importance of democracy. His critical comments about na nato, these are important institutions that have helped beat the west be successful and i would like to see more support for these, support for the values that underlined them. As we look at the first lady in the president coming back from florida, what you are saying is besides the actions that hes taken, you would like to see an Oval Office Speech or something that would articulate a broader greater vision. We need some more consistency. What he has done in syria is so contradictory to everything he was saying for years that he didnt want to go into syria, we were going to maybe partner with ashad and russia to fight isis and now all the sudden weve attacked ashad. I think thats the right strategy, but it needs to be a strategy. It cant just be a oneoff missile strike with 59 tomahawk missiles. There has to be a longer sustained effort to put military pressure on the regime so we have some leverage in syria. The problem is we been sitting on the sidelines complaining for so long while the russians went in, the iranians went in, has was there and the United States didnt have any force in the country, and now we are moving more in that direction. Like to see a continuation of the. The secretary of state is having a meeting that really didnt go that well, but at the same time there are efforts to try to engage the other side and also perhaps reach out to north korea. The problem with russian north korea, why we have problems is not because of anything weve done, its who they are led by and the type of regime they are. Every president comes into office thinking im going to fix russia. It took him a couple years to realize the soul wasnt very nice. You had barack obama with the reset and that didnt go very well. President trump came in saying we are going to be great friends with russia and it seems that the learning curve is a little steep but im glad they are finally realizing that he is not a friend of the United States and he never will be. Eric talk about what they see when they first come in. Let me read you what william perry, bill clintons defense secretary wrote about this in trying to engage other regimes. He wrote during negotiations with the last two administrations, north koreas leaders were convinced of the threat of u. S. And north korea military action and they discounted it but its likely that the recent military actions taken by the trump administration, from the tomahawk missile strike to the deployment of an Aircraft Carrier have changed their calculus. Kim jongun must believe there is a real possibility that the u. S. Is prepared to use military force and must tailor his actions accordingly. That works if he is scared. It does not if that has him launch a potential attack against our forces inside korea. President trump is starting to show strength and at the sa same, in syria as in north korea, if these dictators dont think that we are going to stand by our commitments and stand by our allies, whether it south korea or are nato allies in eastern europe, then they will just behave in the aggressive way they want to behave what you see in terms of pollutan vladim. Hes not going to give up on ashad. No, they are not going to give up and there are many people who believe if we just talk to Vladimir Putin more and offer him ukraine, which would be a horrible idea, but he would give up on ashad. More military strikes against the Syrian Regime to show we mean business. More strikes even if he does not have chemical attacks. He has killed hundreds of thousands of people with nonchemical weapons but i understand theres a special category we reserved for chemical weapons, but hes only killed a couple thousand people. Far more syrians have died through conventional bomb. 500 people thousand killed, 14 million refugees, somewhat say escalating that would just infuriate masco and make the region were. I think the russians im a we can afford the russians being a little more inferior rated. About the radical islamic terrorists. The reason isis exist, isis is a reaction to ashad in the ongoing civil war. So many sunnis have felt abandoned that many of them see isis as their only protector. You are not going to get rid of isis until you get rid of ashad. Eric how do you think this will play out . It depends on whether trump follows through with policy and what they want to pursue which is a tougher policy against the asad regime. If we can wake work out a deal with them where we can get rid of ashad, that would be the best option for all of us. This is probably the hardest geopolitical problem we have, north korea. I dont have the solution to it. Eric it is eye rolling. That says it all. Thank you for coming on. Thank you for your analysis. Arthel will Cleveland Police are searching for a suspect who shot and killed a man live on facebook. This is the suspect, Steve Stevens. Police say he broadcast the deadly shooting live on his social media page and claimed to have committed other homicides. Police are investigating those claims. The suspect is considered armed and dangerous. Police are expected to hold a News Conference and will have a live report coming up with all the latest on that story. Meanwhile christians around the world gathered to celebrate one of the holiest days on the calendar. The military has a special easter celebration for kids whose parents are celebrating. We will have an emotional story coming up on this easters sunday right here tonight on the fox news channel. I joined the army in july of 98. Our 18 year old was in an accident. When i call usaa it was that voice asking me, is your daughter ok . Thats where i felt relief. Were the rivera family, and we will be with usaa for life. But first things first timcall trugreen,ed. Americas 1 professional lawn care company. Millions of homeowners like you trust us to give them a lawn they can live on. Start your trugreen lawn plan today for only 29. 95. Its about moving forward, not back. T. Its looking up, not down. Its being in motion. In body, in spirit, in the now. Boost® high protein its intelligent nutrition with 15 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For when you need a little extra. Boost® the number one high protein complete nutritional drink. 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Dont start humira if you have an infection. Talk to your doctor and visit humira. Com this is humira at work. Time now for a quick check of the headlines. Turkeys president declared victory after a referendum to greatly expand power but opposition leaders are challenging the early results saying millions of the votes were problematic. The state Department Released a statement saying we are following the referendum voting outcome. We will refrain from commenting until the results have been confirmed. Easter festivities in alabama took a violent turn. Police say an argument at a Church Carnival ended with at least four people shot, including an infant. No one suffered serious injuries. Fire crews in Central Florida say they are making progress on several wildfires. This is dozens are currently burning across the state. Floridas governor declared a state of emergency last week. Christians around the globe are celebrating easter, one of the holiest days of the year. Security in many spots is high after the horrendous attacks on a Coptic Christian Church last weekend. The faithful gathered around the globe. From vatican city and to new york fifth avenue. Lets start with pope francis. What was his message. He reminded the world that in trying times, one must cling to faith despite the wars and hatred in the world. 60000 believers joined the pope at the vatican. Mass in st. Peters square, the pope also offered a message from the balcony of st. Peters. Marks a joyous celebration, the resurrection of jesus christ on the third day of his crucifixion. During todays mass he expressed concern for the refugee crisis, the recent bombings and coptic churches in egypt but he offered this message of hope during ma mass. In this land of pain and tragedy, with the faith in the risen chris christ, we have thee of looking beyond and saying there isnt a wall, there is a horizon. There is life, there is joy. There is the cross with his ambivalence. Look ahead. In the holy land of jerusalem, thousands visited built on the site where they believe jesus was crucified and resurrected. Eric thank you so much. A very special day today. Arthel almost 2 million children have parents serving in the u. S. Military which means holiday spent without mom or dad. Because of that our armed forces are recognizing their sacrifice as a military child. Elizabeth caught up with some of those brave families in virgin virginia. Reporter military families along with others gather on easter. For so many families, they roll with much more than that. For our family, we pack up and hit the road. Reporter difficult because it could be the last before an upcoming deployment or this could be the final holiday for so many in virginia. We been into san antonio, houston, st. Louis, we been here in georgia, and the next is pennsylvania and after that, we dont know. Reporter its no secret, between deployment, military families are still on the move. The average child of a servicemember will move between 6 9 times between school years. Thats three times more than kids who dont have a parent who serve. Its a constant cycle of new schools, new doctors and sometimes even new cultures. These three siblings spent two years in korea. It was scary sometimes because the other people didnt speak your language so it was hard to communicate with them. Reporter there are almost 2 million children of u. S. Military members which is why there is such a desire to spread awareness. April is a is the month of the military child. Its the militarys way of recognizing the sacrifices these children make and thanking them. Whether its through an Easter Egg Hunt offered on a base or schools in communities lending a helping hand to military children. They do have to move a lot because they have to make new friends everywhere they go. After leave friends behind and theres always the transition. Reporter the Largest Group of these nomadic kids are younger than five years old. While the struggles are many, these children are as brave as the parents who raised them. I certainly like it a lot that he is in the military, and i like to know that my dad is doing something for our country. I love him so much. Arthel a very special story. Thank you elizabeth. Eric there is a manhunt underway in cleveland. It was a horrible chain of events. The suspect is identified as Steve Stevens. He is on the run. He is accused of actually killing someone, committing homicide, live on facebook, streaming it on facebook. We are waiting an update from the police in cleveland. We will bring that to you when they step up to the podium. Arthel also a special election in georgia, gaining National Attention as the democratic candidate poses a major challenge in traditionally red country. Why a loss for the gop could resonate all the way to the white house. Im actually a deej. 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The suspect identified as Steve Stevens is accused of killing someone while streaming it live on facebook. We are waiting an update from police in downtown cleveland. Steven is on the run from police after he shot a man on the streets of that city. He is claiming to have murdered at least one dozen other people in what he is calling the easter slaughter, but as of now, police say there is no evidence to back up that claim. Will car has been following this horrible story from los angeles. Reporter we are expecting the update from authorities any minute. They verified the murder and the first Facebook Live video are authentic. They are searching for Steve Stevens who went by stevie steve on facebook. He gunned down an elderly man in cleveland while streaming the attack live. It stayed up for hours before the entire page was taken down by facebook. In another video he is seen driving around in a focus and he snapped after the love of his life pushed him to his breaking point and nobody has been taking him seriously. He kille claims he killed more a dozen people. We want to be clear, authorities have not confirmed any other murders or violence at this point. They do say the one murder did happen this afternoon in cleveland, but no evidence of any more. As they continue to hunt for stevens, we have witnessed more of his videos. In one he is shooting at a gun range and another said his gambling problem left him with absolutely nothing. And all the videos he is alarmingly calm, talking about murder like its an everyday ritual. He said he told his mother his plans and she didnt seem to care. Just before he is seen killing the elderly man, stevens asked the man to repeat his girlfriends name. The man seemed confused and stevens shot him in the head. We heard from the victims family a short time ago. Take a listen. He is a good guy. He was amazing. He would give you the shirt off his back. Im not just saying that for the cameras. Im telling the truth. This man right here was a good man. I dont know what im going to do. Reporter weve confirmed he was a case manager at a Childrens Mental Health facility. He is 6foot one, 240 pounds wearing a striped polo shirt. He has a beard and authorities are keeping a close eye out throughout the area trying to get this man behind bars. Thank you so much. We will bring you the News Conference as soon as it happens. Arthel eric, we move on for a moment with a deep red congressional district. Theres a Shocking Development in the making. The democrat is leading in the polls to fill the seat of tom price. The publicans are scrambling to lockdown secondplace and try to force a Runoff Election in a contest that has gained promise of trumps hotels. Here is a look at the race. When tom price answered the call to serve as health and Human Services secretary, the last thing he intended to do was open the republican seat that belonged to Newt Gingrich to a newcomer who just might flip it. Tuesdays special election in the sixth district of georgia has become a free for all for republican infighting and Democrat John althoff who has made trump furious campaign is galvanizing the critics around the country, positioning him as the front runner. A 30yearold congressional aide is beating his republican challengers with ads like the. Thats why its so concerning that he act impulsively. He is not only embarrassing, he could start it and necessary work. Reporter it could pay off. He has raised more than 8 million. If he does not win outright, republicans will rally to save his seat theyve held since jimmy carter days. This race has gone national. This is supposed to be a very quiet sleepy republican affair and he transformed it into a national contest. A lot of his supporters, about one in 20 of his donors are from georgia. A lot of them are saying they want to support him because this is a chance to give donald trump esteemed review. While a win would be a blow to trump, its worth noting that trump narrowly eked out a win over clinton by less than 2 . He could actually pull off the unthinkable by winning out right, victory democrats hope could bring life back into the party for the 2018 midterm elections. Joining me now to talk about this is columnist for National Review magazine and author, john, if he puts up a win or very strong fight, whats the message to democrats and republicans. The message, if he does very well is that donald trump has unsettled his base. Special elections are all about turnout. If far fewer people vote in them so the part thats most energized has the advantage part of a republican seat like this, its been voted a lot against donald trump because its a moderate republican electorate, if the republicans do badly or lose, thats a wakeup call to the white house that the base didnt vote and democrats did. This guy, he is running on the lets make trump furious campaign. It has helped him raised 8. 5 million which gives indication that maybe the folks who are supporting him are pretty galvanized. We dont know how the outcome will be tuesday, but will this be, whatever the outcome is going to be, will be a forecast of things to come or is it still too early. Labs can happen between now and the midterm elections, but its usually considered an indicator of what direction Public Opinion is going. Of course, local races and issues also apply and the problem that he has is he has a great anti trump message but he doesnt really have a message for the independents were undecided in the election. He comes from the Bernie Sanders wing of the democratic party. He back to sanders over clinton and therefore he may not be a good fit for the district ideologically. I understand that analysis. Lets say he does win, how would that affect policymaking in congress. I think you would see republicans extremely nervous. This would be assigned that its very volatile and you would see tax reform become dramatically shrunk in terms of the ambition. You would see a lot of nervous republicans with Donald Trumps bravado work for the election but isnt doing so well for the election. Everyone will be watching tuesday, for sure. He talked about how the democrats would play it but how would they capitalize on the outcome, however the cookie crumbles because as you said, a lot can happen between now and 2018 midterm elections. The most likely result on tuesday will be a runoff in june so that will be one democrat versus one republican. If republicans do well and do better than the two points that donald trump won last year, they will say everythings okay. In fact we did even better than trump did. If democrats win they will say hihe is falling and the same people that were nervous about him in 2016, now their nervousness has doubled and readable. I think they will spin at the way they want to watch the final numbers because this race was so close in 2016 that whoever wins will have bragging rights. Arthel is it beyond bragging rights . Will they have to take action. At depend on the size of the margin. It will be a sign that he was able to unite the democrats perhaps because hes from the Bernie Sanders area. If the republicans fall below 50 it will be assigned their staying home and not enthusiastic. They are worried because he is enacting his prominences in washington or they dont like his behavior. You think the white house is watching. There watching very closely. They are pouring Something Like 15 million into this race for one congressional seat. Those are statewide numbers in terms of what you would normally spend. Thats a lot of money for a statewide races. Absolutely. Arthel i know you wrote about this in National Review. Thank you. Take care. Eric authority say tortures, beatings and rape have been streamed live on facebook. A murder has been added to that list. We are waiting for police to provide new information on the manhunt in this case. His name is steven stevens. He gunned down an elderly man on a cleveland street this afternoon and streamed alive for the world to see. We will have an update as soon as Cleveland Police step up to the podium with their new information. 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There are two families out there that are hurting. The victims family and those out there who care about steven want to see the is not going any further. We are asking that he turned himself in. Everybody is out there looking for steve. We want this to end with as little, with as much peace as we can bring to this right now. We want him to turn himself in. If that doesnt happen, we have all of our partners in on this and we will look until we find him. Currently the division of police is the lead on this, but of course our partners from the fbi are also working with us diligently to make sure we get this person off the streets. What happened today is sensele senseless. If steve has an issue, he needs to talk to some folks to get that resolved. I know steve you have a relationship with one of some of our members out here and i encourage you the to give them a call and then turn yourself in. Thank you. Question. You mind talking about the fact that he had mentioned on Facebook Live that he has killed 13 or 14 people but so far we only have video of one homicide. Any word on any other. Currently there are no other victims that we know of. We have checked several locations and so far there are no more victims that we know of that are tied to steve in this incident. We are still encouraging people, if you have information, definitely on his whereabouts or on any more victims that may be out there to definitely give us a call. Call 911. Our dispatch center is open and taking calls as we speak. We need to bring this to a conclusion today. We need to get steve off the streets, get the family some closure, and people later on can dive into exactly why this happened. There is no need for any further bloodshed in this incident tonight. How concerned are you for officer safety right now. We are very concerned, there are currently doubled up and almost tripled up because we are writing in tandem with some of our county partners in the search for steve. Nothing is on lockdown but we are encouraging people to be careful to be vigilant and watch out for one another, i think we put the vehicle out there a few times, its a white ford fusion. It was recently purchased. We think there is a temporary tag on it but the plates could have been switched. It is a white ford fusion new or model vehicle listed in steves name. We encourage people, if you see the vehicle give us a call. The description of steve is out there. He is a black male, medium complexion, 6foot one, 240 pounds, balled with a beard. Are you in touch with his family or mother. We are in touch with a lot of family and friends. They are all trying to get him to turn himself in. We are still searching everyplace that we can get tips or we think that he might be. We will get back to you lat later. We have had hundreds of leads since this happened around 2 00 p. M. Today. So far there is nothing else that connects him with any other incident that has happened in the city today. Still, we are encouraging people, if you know something, if you see the vehicle or if you see steve himself, definitely give us a call, dont approach him. He is considered armed and dangerous so we want people to be careful. Be careful when you come and go but we are not putting the city on lockdown or anything like that. If you could just help be careful and watch out for one another, if you see something that looks suspicious, call 911. Have you had enough confirmed sightings to know hes still in the cleveland area . We dont know. We are still looking at every lead that comes in. We havent had an official siting since it happened. There are thousands of white ford vehicles out there so we asked the public to be careful. Be careful in that regard. Call 911 if you see him. [inaudible] from what we can tell it is just a random person he picked out. We dont know why. It is senseless. There is no need for this gentleman to lose his life and if this person need some help, which obviously he does, he needs to call someone. Arthel that is police chief there in cleveland, Calvin Williams saying we need steve to turn himself in. He is talking about Steve Stevens who is on the loose. A manhunt is underway to find him. He weighs 240 pounds, 6foot one, he is accused of killing someone live on facebook. There is his description. He is bald and has a full beard. At last time he was seen, he was driving a white ford fusion, a later model as chief william said, this manhunt continues and if you have any information call 911. We are b sfx engine revving silence but shouldnt it be about firsts . D in zeros. And seconds. How about adding a third . We think theres a bajillion ways to measure success. And whether you have hundreds or millions. 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This is the line of showers stretching into the northeast, back down across portion of the west. Along the frontal boundary, in some cases weve popped up a couple of severe storms along this line. Its not widespread but theres been thunderstorms with up to 60 or 70 mileperhour winds and heavy rain. That will sweep this direction, maybe cooling us off a bit. As it does its stretching back into portions of oklahoma and texas. Areas where we could see Severe Weather through the overnight hours. Here is an hour by hour forecast. If you are concerned, perhaps the best chance to see Severe Weather will be off to the west as you see that come together. Portions of southern oklahoma and portions of texas. The forecast for will wrapping up the weekend, still another one day but we begin to see the cooldown coming, more so by tuesday and wednesday before i wont need a jacket, will i . No, its not going off that much, its just not 80 degrees. That does it for us. Eric will have the latest on the Facebook Live streamingd. Murder case coming up. The membership to my children. Were the williams family, and were usaa members for life. As americas 1 professional lawn care company,ing. Trugreen can tailor a plan that turns your ordinary lawn into an extraordinary one. So start your trugreen lawn plan today for only 29. 95. If you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture. I can tell you prolia® is proven to help protect bones from fracture. But the real proof . My doctor said prolia® helped my bones get stronger. Are your bones getting stronger do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. Serious allergic reactions, such as low blood pressure; trouble breathing; throat tightness; face, lip, or tongue swelling; rash, itching or hives have happened in people taking prolia®. 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Find more than 4000 in tax savings. Visit quickbooksdotcom. Im 51 years old. M. When i was diagnosed with pneumococcal pneumonia, it was huge for everybody. She just started to decline rapidly. I was rushed to the hospital. My symptoms were devastating. The doctor said, pam if youd have waited two more days, you wouldve died. If id have known that a vaccine could have helped prevent this, i would have asked my doctor or pharmacist about it. We begin with a fox news alert. The search continues in ohio for a man accused of murdering an elderly stranger and streaming the killing live on facebook. Just a horrible thing to witness. Here is the suspect. Steve stevens. He is the current case manager at a Childrens Mental Health facility. Police say he should be considered armed and dangerous. Will carr is live with the breaking details. Reporter senseless. Thats the word authorities are using after they confirmed the murder and Facebook Live video are authentic. They are searching for

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