captions by closed captioning services >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks forever watching us tonight. another pr move. that's the subject of memo. today michelle obama invited a number of potatoes to read their works at the white house. new england memoranda rapper named common who is controversial to say the least. this guy has sympathized with convicted cop killers. touting guns, antisocial behavior. in addition, sea friend of reverend jeremiah wright. why on earth would the president and first lady invite this man to the white house in the answer, i believe, is that the obamas do not understand the sensibilities of many americans. we saw that during the campaign with the president's comments on guns and religion. a man like common startle a very select audience. young, urban mostly african-american. is he certainly entitled as an artist to rap whatever he wants to rap. by inviting him to the white house. the president and first lady that setly endorse him. when you get into areas where the man is praising convicted cop killers, you have got a major problem. in 1977, a radical woman named joanne chessmar was convicted of killing warner forester. she went to prison, escaped and still at large. believed to be living in cuba where she has been granted asylum. she has now changed her name to shah cure. here is part of common's tribute to her. >> bill: of course the family and friends of officer forester are appalled as they should be. white house spokesman jay carney was asked what mr. obama thinks about common's work. >> he has spoken out very strongly against as an american spokesperson and a father against those kind of lyrics. he opposes them but he does not think that that is the sum total of this particular artist's work which has been recognized by a lot of mainstream organizations and fair and balanced organizations like fox news. >> bill: that is completely disingenuous. carney's reference to fox news was taken from the far left propaganda web site media matters which highlights a freelance review done of common last year on give me a break. the real issue that jay carney dodged is about appropriate behavior. murdered police officers, not something you rap about lightly. common has no idea what happened. yet, he has taken an irresponsible position. the president and first lady have made a major mistake in inviting this man to the white house. he surely does not deserve that honor. you have that's the memo now for the top story tonight. david jones, president of the new jersey state troopers association. when did you find out about the invitation of common and what did you do? we have a group of sites that monitor the behavior. there are musicians familiar with some of the angst attached to this execution. and two days ago i got a memo saying that this rapper, who used to be known as common sense now known as common is a guest, invitee at the white house. the more i explore his vitriol lick embracement of violence against police officers i got upset. buy bill what did you do. >> i reached out to the white house. i reached out to a group of people that i know. here is mr. o'reilly and, again, it's an honor to be on your show. here is the thing that makes this the most insensitive and stupid, for lack of a better word, of invitations. this is national law enforcement memorial week. people call it police week in washington. this is when i'm going to put trarp casteano and 150 other agencies are going to put their police officers on the wall at judiciary square honoring their sacrifice to america dying in the line of duet as police -- ds police officers. on a tuesday before the widows get there we have this mutt, this nit whitted and complete fraud. that's what he is. his father was a professional basketball player, well-educated. had all things. florida a and m. this is not a kid up from the street who has a message. this san individual who absolutely has embraced this mentality of antiestablishment, reverend wright, you know, middle class is always wrong beef. and he has done very well by it he has won grammys and everything else. >> bill: talking to somebody today who said this guy isn't that extreme. he is in the mainstream and does positive stuff. the really troubling part of it is did you request ask the white house look, you have got two things here. chess march and philadelphia thing jamal guy convicted of killing a philadelphia police officer, ookay? this guy is taking a side that the two police officers. died but they weren't killed by the people who juries convicted. chess march black liberation person. radical person that everybody knows. how would they defend steve martin and other people are there. he is there it's judgment. absolutely the first amendment. i will do for your right to espouse your opinion. i have no appropriateness of the venue. >> timing. here is the biggest problem. >> bill: what did he say to you. >> we didn't pay with our tax dollars. my guys paid with their blood. they paid with their blood every single day and every guy in that wall is there because it's their blood that ensures the freedom of first amendment rights. free speech. >> what did the white house say when you pointed this out they were is a grinned. i was disgusting. spell the name chesmar. >> they didn't have a defense? >> until i spelled the name even though. >> you know what? >> number within -- mr. jones, i think that's what it's all about. i don't think daniel. >> bill: i don't know about that. >> it's clear to me. >> a lot of people will agree with you. but i don't think that the white house understands what this guy has done. they just said oh, is he a big guy. we will get him in. we will do the rainbow thing. everybody will be represented. but,. >> my understanding. >> bill: very troubling. >> their position on this was that he was a broad enough, a successful enough. >> right. >> bill: mainstream guy. >> so that this can be excused. >> bill: it can't be. >> it's madness. >> terrible, terrible decision. all right, mr. jones, thanks very much we appreciate it? >> thank you. >> next on the run down. two democrats will react to the common controversy. later, dennis miller on the president's immigration vision. does miller like it? upcoming. >> bill: continuing with the lead story common appearing in a white house poetry reading this evening. alicia menendez senior advisor to liberal think tank and from los angeles fox news analyst leslie marshall. all right, leslie. now, most people, nonideological would strip out the idealogues, just independent americans. they are going to say this is a bad pr move. no? yes? >> well, i don't agree 100% that it is a bad pr move. would i have done it in a different week and would i maybe have picked a different rapper? well, i don't know, bill, i have got to he tell you i don't wanto look like the real white nerd. my research today shows that this guy is not like a 50-cent. is he not a gangster. he is not a thug thug. three pacific lines talked about in the past 24 hours. but the majority of what this guy has done for the community for the people that he is reaching, he has done actually more good than harm. he talks about fatherlessness in the african-american community. poverty. >> bill: the president in the united states very special position, alyssia. you cannot embrace someone someone who saying that a black liberation army person is innocent when all the overwhelming evidence, all of it says that is not true. you just can't as the president of the united states take this man into the white house. no matter what he has done on the other side. am i wrong? >> but i think that there is another added element here. i'm going to nerd out with you, leslie. very often with rap we conflate the rapper with lyrics it's all done in the first person than we would with another poet or another play right who writes about very explicit topics. >> these two people chesemar is isn't. >> he isn't say that. >> bill: yes, he is i have read the songs. you are absolutely wrong. >> that's my point is that his first person narrative or him as an artist expressing the voice of a character. you are conflating these two things. >> bill: is he putting out a commercial product that tells americans who buy and listen to him, who buy his stuff that these two cop killers convicted are innocent. that's irresponsible. is he entitled to his opinion? yes. is he entitled to go to the white house on the people's dime? the people's no. look. this is disastrous. disastrous, leslie. when people hear about this and understand who the killers are and that this man is telling his fans that the killers didn't get justice, it's disastrous for president obama. don't you understand that? i understand your point. i understand your opinion but i don't agree with it because, one, is he not condoning cop killing and nobody should condone the killing of another human being. >> he is not condoning that but saying they didn't do it when he doesn't know what the hell is he talking about. he wasn't even born when the new jersey state trooper was killed. >> he is entitled to his opinion. but, listen, bill, you yourself have admitted what an intelligent man our president is 50% approval rating. >> bill: he farmed this out to somebody and they just picked him up because is he a popular. it is a public relations disaster. >> i disagree. >> bill: how can you disagree when you saw what reverend wright led to. you saw what reverend wright led to. you saw what bill ayers led to and this chesemard is worse than bill ayers. these guys in the white house tonight reading poems. >> we have had lots of artist come into the white house. eric clapton talking about heroin and i shot the sheriff? he was there under bill clinton didn't see any outrage at the time about his lyrics. >> he has ler ricks that are comparable. that is exactly the point. >> bill: what lyrics that are. >> he has lyrics. >> bill: i shot the sheriff? is that what you are talking about? these are real people. alyssia, i can't believe it i shot the sheriff, these are real people who were murdered. come on, oh my god. >> the point is taking the artist and separating it from the work. >> bill: you can't separate it. it's part of the guy's routine. all right. i'm going to give you -- i don't know who to give the last word too you are both crazy on. this give it to leslie. >> bill: thanks. >> i appreciate it this is a president up for re-election with a 60% approval rating. he knows what he is doing. you asked about reverend wright. bill ayers he is the president that had the youth, have african-american youth and it is rappers like common that speak to that population. that's why i think it is a good pr move. >> bill: we will deal with this poll on 60% in a moment. stay tuned because this is a very interesting poem. ladies, directly ahead. new a.p. poll says the president scored big after the wait until you hear how the president conducted. jesse watters problems and detractors coming right back. hi, anne. how are you doing? 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that they tilt and that they take stories and that they purposely tilt the story in a left wing direction. when i saw that 60% and rasmussen and, remember, rasmussen had the last presidential election dead on. he is the best in the business, scott rasmussen. i went what the hell is going on here? so we gave it to you to investigate and you found out -- >> well, i can't comment on their motives. but it was a totally screwed up sample. i mean, this poll is hogwash. normally when you do a statistically valid sample of the country. you should have equal number of democrats and republicans. >> bill: that would be fair, right? >> that's what it is in the u.s. at the moment most pollsters give the republicans two or three point advantage because people are turned off obama a little bit. its historically been about even between the two. their poll has 35% democrats and % republicans, two to one. >> bill: when they call someone up, they ask them what is your political affiliation? >> right. >> bill: they know when we are putting out a poll that they have twice as many democrats in the poll as republicans. >> that's right. >> bill: that's right. yet they put it out any way. they don't banter that. >> you have to dig like crazy for it i have full column on my web site dick who are i went through the last polls. last time 32-25 democrat. time before that 29-24. a little more democrat than republican but not 2 to 1. so either their previous four polls are wrong or this one is wrong. >> bill: to extrapolate you say you don't want to comment on their motive. you are a pollster. they are pollsters. they polling all the time. they have to know the poll is skewed. >> if i got a poll back that had twice as many democrats as republicans. >> bill: you would throw it out. >> know would weigh it for the appropriate party distinction or order 200 more interviews to get enough republicans. affiliation is a little tricky, bill. sometimes it is a demographic like black, white, young, old, can't change. you you know, like when obama gets more popular, more people would say they are democrats. but not that many more. so you always have to weight it. am i looking at a finding of the poll or aberration. clearly when you are dealing with a two to one sample of democrats over republicans, you have a bad sample. >> bill: the internet now is driving news consumption in the united states. all right? this poll is -- you just heard leslie marshall refer to it this poll is the top story on aol and almost every other news service. without any of this exposition. now, why is that important? because president obama, his public and i do believe that after the bin laden raid his popularity is up. >> rasmussen has him up five points. >> bill: that's fair. we want to be fair. but if the associated press is going to cover the election, by skewing what is really happening,. >> sure. >> bill: that's major story. >> when we talk about margin of error in pulling confidence if you interviewed everybody in the universe. -- >> bill: here is the a.p. says. use consistent methodology sample. independent of their party identification. party identification is not a fixed characteristic as you just said. but is a reflection of public opinion does not tend to fluctuate over time along with other political views. the change in the party not a significantly shift from the poll in march. you say that's bs? >> 32-25. >> bill: that's 7. >> statistically different from 35-18. >> bill: so they are not telling the truth. >> 15 point difference. it is a statistically different. >> bill: now as an american now, not as the purveyor of dick i just did that so you don't have to say it again. >> good. >> as an american, doesn't it trouble you that the associated press historically we depend on that, is now looks like it's promoting a left-wing agenda, a democratic agenda? >> yes, it does. i want to put it in context. all media in the united states is discarding the superficial notion of impartiality. >> everybody? >> bill: everybody. we are becoming like britain. we read the guardian and you know that's liberal. you read the telegraph and you know that's tores. it's no big shot. what the american people have to do is from this one size fits all i goal to -- instead of listen to everybody and average it. >> bill: we are trying here not to do that. >> what you do is you present people for and against each issue. >> bill: right. like you had those on right before me. >> and then i tell you what i think but i try to base it on a fact-based thing. hey, look. we are scorching the a.p. now. but we're doing it on a factual basis. we analyze exactly what they did. >> it is a very good opportunity. whenever you look at words and adjectives and slant, people can say well, you misinterpreting it when you look at numbers. >> bill: numbers speak for themselves. >> outrageous distortion of the fact. >> bill: dick morris, everybody. there he is buy his book. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. storms new hampshire today. jesse watters reaction from live or die state. >> immigration reform vision. that should be interesting and we hope you stay tuned to those reports. ♪ [ male announcer ] these days, even your trash can be a gold mine for identity thieves. ♪ we don't believe your garbage should be used against you. [ alarm blares ] we're lifelock. go to and join the fight against one of the fastest growing crimes in america. lifelock. relentlessly protecting your identy. call 1 (800) lifelock today. >> bill: watters world segment tonight. donald trump visits new hampshire. support is slipping in the presidential sweepstakes. here is the most provocative thing trump said today. >> enhanced interrogation, another thing, you know, we are so politically correct. and nobody want to say it. nobody ever wants to use the word. isn't another word for that torture? and, you know what? the people that i watched jump off the world trade center, that was torture, okay? so, we catch this guy, which he shoot him. then they clean his body and give him a religious ceremony. they take 45 minutes, why? >> bill: as you may know, new hampshire is very important state because of its early primary. so we sent jesse watters up there to gouge, to gauge, i should say, not gouge, gauge how mr. trump is doing. ♪ ♪ what do you think about donald trump? >> i love him. >> hire him or fire him. >> fire him. >> you're fired. >> i don't think is he capable of running a country. >> he is in new hampshire and this is a pretty serious candidacy, wouldn't you say. >> this is where it all starts, right? >> i keep forgetting i'm not in kansas. >> do you think he would make a good president? >> the kid probably would be a good president if he knows how to run businesses and all of that. >> how do you think obama is doing as the president. >> he is probably doing the best he can not so great. >> you think better businessman than donald trump. >> yes, i do. >> obama has not make a payroll. >> what do you think the president is for. he makes payroll. >> i get the point. >> i did. so who would you like to see trump run with? bill o'reilly? >> that's an idea. >> the reach -- they are each outstanding in their own way. >> how has the last two years been for you. >> pretty good. >> what do you do for a living? >> i'm a stripper. >> okay. oil fields in iraq to lower the price of gas here. do you think that's a good idea? >> i think that's a good idea to lower the price of gas any way i can. >> i like some of what he does. do you think it's a smart idea? >> i think there is potential actually work. we need to do something. that is action. >> you pinhead. >> is trump real. >> no. >> i'm not only the hair club president i'm a client. >> it's great. >> what about his hair. >> it's stupid. >> do you think his hair was born in another country. >> could be from hawaii, yeah. >> hawaii is in america. >> yeah, yeah. >> i don't think it's nice you laughing. >> have you ever watched "the o'reilly factor"? >> i do, all the time. bill is the man. >> ever watch fox news? >> no. >> what about bill o'reilly? >> bill o'reilly, yeah, yeah. >> have you ever watched "the o'reilly factor"? >> all the time. >> did you recognize me? >> yes. >> i'm kind of a big deal. >> do you want to say anything to bill? >> keep the no spin zone going. i need a free book bag, too. >> bill: all right. here now factor producer jesse watters. trump today was a little subdued. no cursing. >> no f-bombs like he did in vegas. >> he was speaking to the republican establishment in manchester. >> and the chamber of commerce. >> bill: the theme of his speech was. >> it was a lot of foreign policy. we saw in the sound bite torture helped us catch bin laden and we need to continue to do that he also said some new interesting things. we need to seize the mineral deposits in afghanistan. and he said that he was the one that said that usama bin laden was in pakistan on your show. and he wanted a little credit for pointing that out. >> bill: overall, it was a general speech heavy on foreign policy? >> the same themes like opec and china. and he actually revealed a little bit about himself. he said he was a little taken attack by the scorn. and some of the attention that he was getting at the white house correspondent's dinner. he didn't expect to get hammered that hard. >> bill: his poll anybody's are going down. >> yeah. they are down a lot in the latest poll even though it was a democratic poll. 26-17 over huckabee. fifth place tied with ron paul. >> bill: he wouldn't be going up to new hampshire if he didn't have something on his mind. that's for sure. watters, thanks very much. we appreciate it when we come right back, it will be miller time, the d-man on immigration reform. another chinese visit to the white house. miller is next. f! >> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly in the miller time segment tonight. president obama got a lot of attention in el paso, texas, urging americans to get behind immigration reform. here is his best sound bite. >> you know, they said we needed to triple the border patrol. now they are going to say we need to quadruple the border patrol. higher fence. maybe they will want a moat. maybe they will want alligators in the moat. [ laughter ] they will never be satisfied. >> bill: joining us now from los angeles the sage of southern california, dennis miller. so, miller, what's up today? first up, billie you know when eric clapton was in cream and he sang the song white room. he was announcing to the room that he had invented the ku klux klan. i don't know if you knew that. the marshall menendez segment sort of like thelma and louise after they splattered the car on the wall of the other canyon. was she kidding with this "i shot the sheriff?" was she kidding. >> bill: alicia is a very smart woman. i was taken aback. >> one of the sharpest i have ever seen. >> bill: you know this better than anybody, when you are on tv like this and you are in the hot seat and you can't defend what's going on. your mind playing tricks and that's just came into her mind i shot the sheriff. tell her when the beatles sang hey jude it wasn't anti-semitic. >> bill: are you on board with the immigration reform? president obama is championing? >> listen, i wish you would show that clip of him again. because all i want is a wall behind him at my border. is he always making fun of you from a backyard where there is a hedge or back wall. that's all i want. this reminds you you can't take what you read in print you have to hear it like you always say. i don't take second hand information because when i read it in the paper and saw oh great we are going to put a moat in with alligators. i thought he was finally getting serious. i want to hear him speak and he is just making fun of it he didn't really mean that did he? >> no, he didn't, miller, he was mocking republicans. >> making fun of me again. >> bill: support his immigration reform no matter what. >> here is the interesting stat about it only 44% of the border, if controlled by is controlled by the federal authorities. the other 66%, 56%. i glunkd math. 56% isn't controlled. even after 10 years. of trying to protect us from terrorists. 56% of this border from brownsville from san diego is not controlled by the feds. i don't know if he should be making light of this because it's huge. it's a huge problem. >> listen, our entire southern border with mexico, quite frankly, has turned into a greyhound bus terminal. we should be a little ashamed of it i think i have got a fix that will make everybody happy. when they shoot bin laden they take all the stuff in his compound that says the mexico thing they're going to do is hit trains. i say obama wants public work programs. he wants to build high speed trains. we build an high speed train the entire length of our southern border with mexico. homeland security keeps an eye on it. we get trains, we get our security. >> bill: i don't know if there is a lot of traffic between brownsville and san diego. >> sure there is brownsfield station smoking in the boys room. of course. >> bill: i'm sorry i missed that. now, did you hear colmes last night defending his enhanced interrogation deal? don't trash colmes, by the way. everybody is on colmes' case. >> is he a wizards, he should be married to menendez. i can't listen to alan because i don't think he is serious about it anymore. >> bill: he. >> i just think he knows con trainerrism by rote. he likes to debate and bring bush up. all i'm say something this. we have got to start using our head about thuf like this. for him to always bring it back to bush, it's tiresome to me. bush is gone. he didn't show up for the 9/11 thing because he didn't want credit. he is staying out of the way. this is on obama now. as far as the enhanced interrogation goes. i'm not even sure that barack obama won't come around on this. because i don't know if anybody else has noticed, this might be the next thing to go by the way of gitmo, patriot act, increased cars wars, increased drones use. this guy is a killing machine, barack obama. and it's nice to see the left finally get on board with this, because all those years with bush when they said we're not going to play serious in the war on terror. i said they can'tea this this must just be politics. now that they are all on board, now that they're little curtis le mays i'm happy the president likes us. >> bill: curtis le may the air force chief he wanted to bomb hanoi using atomic weapons. >> the left is getting pretty blood-thirsty. >> bill: those people on "the view" i thought they were going to have an rotc center next to them on nbc over there. >> there you go. >> bill: finally chinese people are coming to the white house again. i didn't know, this and i'm glad you flagged me to it. >> listen, it has nothing to do with us inviting them. they invite themselves now. china owns so much of this country it's like don telling you and his daughter is getting married and he needs a wedding cake. you jump, biden is over there. in a outfit. -- by the way, i can't believe they even let biden near these two guys from china. the one guy, the vice premier, his name is wang kishen. how uncomfortable did he make that what's your name. >> i'm wang kishen. then the second's guy name was dye bingo. biden no doubt throughout the lunch g-43 ha ha ha. >> bill: i really don't know what to say to that, miller. i'm saying that biden, menendez and colmes should be in a marriage. geniuses. >> bill: good wrap on that. dennis miller, everybody. did you see that on deck. a sitting judge insults a man with a gay rant from the bench. wait until you hear this right back. hi. you know, i can save you 15% today if you open up a charge card account with us. [ male announcer ] identity thieves never stop coming up with ways to steal from you. they can open up an account in your nam and go on a serious spending spree. do you have cufflinks? mm-hmm. gold ones? [ male announcer ] not on our watch. we're lifelock. go to and learn how our patented billion point database can help protecyou. call 1-800-lifelock today. lifelock. relentlessly protecting your identity. >> bill: back ever the book segment. did you see that in two controversial videos for you. traffic stop north of san diego. two men, hispanic activists were stopped at a sobriety check point. >> would you you roll the window down. >> can i hear you just fine. >> no, no. i want you to roll the window down. >> why is that sir? >> go ahead. what's the point for the check point. >> sobriety check point. i have explained to you twice. >> am i being detained or am i free to go. >> am i being >> bill: here now to analyze fox news correspondent juliet huddy. so, to set this up, these guys wanted a confrontation. they were looking for a confrontation. >> you can see that clearly on the video. the seven minute video. their verbiage and attitude suggests that there was an ageneral that here. when you start to find out who these guys were and the back ground. one of the guys, 24 years old. daniel, the other 24-year-old, you end up. daniel, we found out, is involved with a group community alliance. organization that opposes sobriety checkpoints and opposes immigration raids. >> bill: okay. so they went to this check point. they wouldn't roll down their window so the police could check them for sobriety. >> correct. >> bill: the reason they didn't do that because they believe these checkpoints are looking for illegal aliens not drunk drivers, correct? >> correct. they probably think that they are looking for both. naturally, they are looking for drunk drivers. >> bill: they object to them, the agenda is fairly clear. think were arrested. he need to have the windows rolled down. it's easier to tell if somebody is drinking and driving if the window can is down. >> bill: absolutely. they did not comply. they resisted several times. >> bill: have they been charged. >> they have been charged. they pled not guilty, they are going to court in july. >> bill: who took the video? >> the jag sitting in the passenger seat. that was. >> bill: they released it on a web site. >> they released -- no, the officers took the video. they actually seized the video. this video is being used against these two. probably a bad idea. >> bill: shot by the guy in the car? >> yes. >> bill: judge convict ago sex offender. the judge said some controversial things. roll the tape. >> i think you were gone gayer than a sweet smelling jock strap. if anyone believes that in the last 10 years or 15 years all of a sudden you developed an interest in homosexuality and young boys, then i must have looked are a vising in my prom dress. >> bill: first of all, the guy convicted and sentenced to what? >> sentenced to seven years in jail and 15 years probation, which essentially means for the rest of his life he will be either in jail or on probation. >> bill: has he done this -- molested kids before. >> he has. repeated sexual assault. class c felony. punishable for up to 40 years in prison. he got off fairly light. >> bill: the judge is basically saying, look, you are a gay guy because he said he wasn't. >> he says he is not gay and really shot sure how this whole thing fits into this. this judges is s. known as somebody who is constantly throwing out his opinions. constantly going over the line in a lot of folk's opinions. however he was judge of the year in 2008. elected official. elected six times. served over 30 years as a judge. >> bill: has he taken any heat for these comments? >> interestingly, the attorney for the man who was charged there with these felonies, sexual assaults, the pedophile, the attorney for the pedophile said this judge is kind of known for speaking his mind. >> gay rights activists are not happy about this. associating pedophilia with homosexuality. >> bill: i wonder why he made a point of doing that? i just don't know. >> yeah. i tried to understand that too. the interesting thing is though he did refer to the man that he convicted of being a pedophile as a victim. essentially he said that, you know, when wisconsin 40 years ago when you were growing up, you had to stay in the closet. he was basically saying i sort of i couldn't know stand. but, again, why is he saying that he is gay? >> bill: i didn't get the context. of course the judge doesn't make himself available to explain. huddy, thanks very much as always. >> my pleasure. >> bill: pinheads and patriots sarah ferguson. who is that oprah with her? right back with p and p. >> bill: pinheads and patriots in a moment. starring sarah ferguson confessing to oprah. >> but first, thanks to the thousands who are helping charities. the bumper sticker going great. spend more than $20 on you get the sticker free. last call for the wind breakers, perfect for father's day. we are almost sold out. dad might like my book the audio is entertaining as well if you buy the book i will sign it for your father. if you get dad a yearly premium membership you get the navy seal sticker as well. >> now the mail: >> bill: i don't mean to be mean victor, i'm trying tough love. >> bill: kool-aid drinkers are consistent they spout ideology, no matter what. i don't think they are in that category sometimes alan gets close to the vat. >> bill: excellent point. >> bill: because some americans will not work for minimum wage. they would rather get government assistance and operate in the underground economy. >> bill: not accurate matt. the message was heard loud and clear and so was mine. >> bill: i can't thank you enough sam, stay safe. >> bill: beautiful place chris, enjoy it. >> finally pinheads and patriots. as you may know sarah ferguson the duchess of york was not invited to the royal wedding, primarily because she was misbehaved. >> i went through the phase of feeling worthless and right they didn't invite me, why would they? >> feel ostracized? >> no i felt i ostracized myself by my behavior by the past by living with regrets of my mistakes. i beat myself up most of the day thinking and regretting why did i make such a mistake? why did i make so many mistakes? >> bill: is her confessional patriotic or pinheaded on tv? >> you did the classic salsa, smooth and slow, lovely, but you lost -- [ bleep ] >> i do it all the time, don't worry about it. >> that's why we have people on the button. let them earn their money on the button back there. >> bill: 76% believe miss alley is a pinhead for that display. 24% say she a patriot. i guess everybody makes those mistake s, i do. check out the factor website. talking points very controversial. we would like to you spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world, name and town if you wish to opine. when writing to us, do not be quixotic. stun your friends, use that word. if they annoy you. say to them, don't be quixotic. that will stop the conversation cold. thanks for watching. i will bill o'reilly remember the spin stops right here, because we are definitely because we are definitely looking out for you. >> good morning, everyone. thursday, may 12th. i'm gretchen carlson with one earring on. i'll get another one on in a moment. frightening details about the suspected target or the suspected target. we have breaking details. i'll get it together. just a moment. >> meanwhile, the private musings of one of the world's most wanted terrorists, usama bin laden's handwritten diary revealing plots against the united states and so much more. >> yeah, there's so much unbelievable stuff here. he supports the police but he sings about a guy who kills police? >> ♪ going through changes the young become dangerous anger anger ♪ >> like i was saying, the white house standing behind a controversial rapper and taking the heat. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> welcome to studio e where, while brian and i were talking, gretchen was able to discreetly insert her earring back where they were belong. >> i should thank

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