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>> our fox news team of reporters, political analysts and contributors covering all the angles. >> bill: fox news beats everybody in the ratings on election night. take that, diane, brian, and katie. >> i was going to say even the people at msnbc can figure it out but they can't. >> bill: caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. nancy pelosi will not concede anything. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. as you may know, the speaker of the house nancy pelosi is out of there. the new speaker will be ohio republican congressman john boehner. but mrs. pelosi is not conceding a thing. she told diane sawyer she has no regrets. >> we express pride in work that we had done. sadness over the loss of the members who would not be returning but, again, no regrets. and we feel very confident about the decisions that we made, that are in the interest of reducing the deficit, creating jobs, enabling american people to reach their fulfillment with deliberation they get from having health care, consumer protections that they have. >> bill: well, let's take a close look at the speaker's statement. number one, she did nothing to reduce the deficit. which is a record level. so that's totally bogus. number two, she may have wanted to create jobs in america, but she and her party failed in that tempt. number three, the reaching fulfillment through liberation deal confuses me because i am a simple man. in my world, i am liberated. as for fulfillment i think that's what happens in the after life with apologies to bill maher. the one point mrs. pelosi may have is consumer protection. there must be strict federal oversight on wall street and the health insurance companies. that doesn't mean intruding into the private marketplace but it does mean the feds must set up rules of conduct. can't be selling phony mortgage investments or throwing sick people off the rolls. americans must have protections in those matters. mostly nancy pelosi is devoid of reality because she has created her own world a bubble world. a world where everybody she knows thinks the way she does. call it the san francisco syndrome. unfortunately, many politicians in both parties have separated themselves from reality. that might even be true of president obama, who believes his policies will eventually work. but so did jimmy carter along with warren harding. so it is up to us, the american people, to ascertain whether our leaders are living in the reeled world or the bubble world. because the bubble world can get people killed and can lead to economic devastation. now, i have never met speaker pelosi. she will not speak to me because i would intrude on her bubble world and she knows it. bottom line, some of the most powerful people in america simply cannot grasp reality. i mean, how frightening is that? now for a personal note about the election. democratic consultant penny lee won a bet with me when i said harry reid would lose. >> are you willing to bet on this race. >> absolutely. absolutely. harry reid is going to be returning back as the majority leader of the senate. >> bill: i have a lot of bets going out but that's all right. how about a thousand dollars to doctors without borders? all right. well, ms. lee won. here is a check. we're giving $10,000 to doctors without borders. not 1,000. 10 because when i'm wrong i'm wrong. and that is a very fine charity. that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. did i win a bet with laura ingraham over christine o'donnell. >> if i had to bet today i would put big money that ms. o'donnell would not win that seat. >> do you want to put money on that if i win i send a thousand to wounded warriors. if she doesn't win you send a thousand to wounded warriors. >> that's one of your lunches at elaines' bill, a thousand bucks that's nothing. >> bill: you want to go up? how much do you want. >> let's go to 5. >> bill: 5,000? you got it joining us now from washington fox news analyst laura ingraham. author of the big best seller the obama diaries. so she can afford to lose the bets. miss laura is $5,000 lighter today. it's a good cause. wounded warrior foundation. can't get better than that. >> come on, bill, we are both catholic, we believe in tithing, that was a win-win. i so didn't want to say you were right but i almost lost my voice. you ended up being right on that bet. we win some and lose some. >> bill: i want to talk to you why i was right on that bet. unlike many in the pinheaded media, i don't have anything against christine o'donnell. i think she is patriot i can for trying to do public service. very early on it became apparent to the factor staff that ms. o'donnell and her staff, with all due respect, had no idea how to run a political campaign. they didn't know what to do. >> well, you know, here was my instinct. >> bill: we saw that and we saw that the republican establishment karl rove and those guys knew that, too. and they were going no way she is winning so we are getting out of here it was over. >> i have been around for a while in washington. i have seen the washington establishment think a lot of things about the country people and the people who don't have a lot of experience, so it was my instinct when she was getting pig piled on not by you but by others. my instinct i think was a laudable one to stand up for her and say let's give her a chance. she had to pull herself across the finish line. i think she herself would say she made some mistakes during the campaign. she actually did pretty well in one of the debates. once that image of her was cemented, it was hard for her to cut through. obviously the tea party won. and some races, other big races across the country. rand paul and rubio. >> bill: i said this in the talking points memo last night. it's a performance game. it's like pro sports or television news. >> sure. >> bill: television entertainment. the tea party is a force. and like it or not, it's going to remain a force for the foreseeable future. >> i love it. what do you mean like it or not? you like it. >> bill: pinheads and patriots i say this is a very patriot i can movement and i am very supportive of it. but, when the tea party or sarah palin or any representative of it comes out and selects a candidate or gets behind a candidate. >> yeah. >> bill: they have got to get behind people like marco rubio in florida. >> i was the first one to put marco rubio on national media in february of 2009. so, when he was 27 points down. i saw in him a real spark. and you are right, bill, it's not enough to have the right views if you are a republican running. >> bill: no, it's not. >> you have to have that media savvy and master the issues. you can never be afraid of debating any liberal. remember 1967 ronald reagan was debating everybody he could find including robert f. kennedy. robert -- he didn't shy away from it. >> bill: rand paul in kentucky those guys ran very effective campaigns. >> contactually. >> bill: the reason sharron angle lost -- she was on the factor. she came across well here. she didn't come across as a kook who didn't know anything. then she started to run the strong anti-illegal alien ads spooky and ominous and this and that. 80% of the hispanics in nevada voted for reid. that put him over the top. if she had split that vote, she would have won. if she had gotten 50% of it she would have won. >> that was one factor. but she is also much more closely aligned with the american people on that issue than she is with harry reid. i think you can monday morning quarter back these things as much as you want. face it you wrote about in your book and i wrote in mine, two years ago no one thought the republican party was going to be, frankly, kicking much at all this time around. and, in fact, with the help of the tea party movement, which is a grass roots antiestablishment movement, the entire political process has been turned upside down, i think for the betterment of the people. and for the good of the process. i mean obama and nancy pelosi for the most part don't think they really did anything wrong. i mean, their policies are sound. that really flies in the face of what happened. 60-plus seats in the house of representatives. it's unbelievable. >> bill: okay. but there was a difference in style between the president and the speaker. i mean, yesterday president obama is pretty contrite. >> i don't think he was that contrite. you saw a different press conference than i did. i didn't find that at all. >> that's as contrite as you will ever get him. >> asked repeatedly do you think this is a repudiation. he went on for 8 minutes and well there is a lot of anxiety out there. it was all very general. >> bill: okay. but his general demeanor was look, i could have done better, i didn't really get. but pelosi is going, hey, you know, hey, we didn't do anything wrong. >> she is perhaps. >> bill: this was a top every for pelosi. and i hope you picked this up. we tried to cut the deficit. what does she think we are all morons? >> i love the fulfillment line. the best, bill is, that yesterday when they were trying to track her down, she was essentially using her own grandchild as a human shield in the elevator bank. >> bill: my grandpa did that with me what's wrong with that. >> right before the health care vote she was striding through that crowd with that gavel and sticking it in the face of the american people. but yesterday suddenly in defeat you can't find nancy pelosi, the elevator doors are closing. it was like a jesse waters moment. i loved it. >> bill: laura ingraham, everybody. >> it's on the floor. i have got to pick it up now. >> bill: pick up her live shows in texas on november 20th and 21st. dennis kucinich far left guy will react to the election this week. angry muslims in oklahoma. 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[ female announcer ] now the best protection also comes in new prints and colors. >> bill: continuing with our lead story the fallout of the election 2010. joining us from cleveland dennis kucinich who defeated his republican challenger by nine points on tuesday. congratulations to you, congressman. >> thank you. good to be with you. >> bill: why do you think some of your compatriots lost. >> every race is different. there is no question that the size of the republican sweep indicated that the american people are impatient about the fact that we have 15 million americans out of work and another 12 million underemployed. 6 million people have lost their homes and another 6 million people are facing a loss of their homes. these are tough economic times. people are worried about losing their jobs, their businesses, their retirement security. they have every right to be impatient. the republicans now will be given an opportunity to try to move the economy forward. and i hope that we'll be able to find a way to do that. >> bill: all right, now, in ohio, you know you have a new republican governor, you have a new republican senator. a lot of new republican congressman people. and ohio is really the bellwether state in the presidential election in 2012. if things don't get better economically, you have got to figure barack obama is in trouble. here is what i think people get upset about. you have nancy pelosi talking to diane sawyer. you heard the sound by the. she says, you know, we have got no regrets here. we tried to cut the deficit. when i heard that nancy pelosi saying we, the democratic party, tried to cut the deficit, i just went that's simply a lie it's not true. i'm not calling ms. pelosi a liar because i think she believes what she says because she lives in a bubble world. any rational person is going you didn't try to cut the deficit. you tried to spend your way out and stimulate the economy by massive spending that's what you did. that didn't work and that's why you got thumped. am i wrong and being unfair? >> you are fair and balanced, bill. >> bill: thank you. >> we have to look at is this, she may have been talking about the fact that the health care bill was aimed at reducing the deficit. >> bill: it was aimed but it has done nothing like that so far. >> we are talking about implementation track that's a long time. that might be what she is talking about. look. here is where we are at. i'm not an apologist for democrat economics that we have had in the last couple of years. i think that we fell short in creating the number of jobs that were necessary to move the economy forward. we fell short in doing enough to challenge wall street's foreclosure activities. that we let the fed create the money out of nothing and give it to the banks. they are still doing it the feds learned nothing. >> bill: stand up guy for admitting the mistakes and people appreciate that even if they disagree with you philosophically or politically, they appreciate that you are are acknowledging the mistakes was made. the speaker of the house the most visible person beside the president says you know, we didn't do anything wrong. we have no regrets. >> i'm not going to rub salt in nancy pelosi's wounds. but i will say this. >> bill: i'm not expecting you to. >> the democratic party. >> bill: the democratic party can't come back with that kind of attitude. it just can't. >> you know what we need to do? we need to point out that we have got to get america back to work. >> bill: everybody knows that. >> wait a minute though, let me tell you something, we should have had a transportation bill come through. that was held up and was held up from everything i understood by the white house. that was a mistake. huge mistake. we should have had major infrastructure investment, rebuild america. that works. you put america back to work. stimulate the economy. create investments for business. we didn't do that. >> bill: one more question, okay. you are going into your eighth term. you know boehner. speaker of the house, tough guy, right. >> i do know john boehner. >> bill: he is in your state. >> i know john very well. >> bill: tough guy? >> look, john boehner and i, whenever anything came up for ohio, he was always there. straight on. we needed help in protecting the jobs at the national space station administration. protecting the work in the cleveland area. john boehner was there. any time we needed him about wright-patterson air force base, john was there. >> bill: is he a tough guy. can he and obama get along? can boehner and obama get along. >> look, john boehner is a quintessential pro. he will be able to work with the president do. they have differences? yes. will he find a way to work them out? i think that mr. boehner understands that we are looking at a situation where the impatience of the american people has now been transferred to our friends in the republican party. >> bill: good point. >> it's up to both parties to work together for the progress of the american people and that's what we're faced with. >> bill: all right. we'll see. >> this is going to be a challenging time. >> bill: that's for sure. congressman, thank you. directly ahead megyn kelly on fox news winning big on fox news coverage. she co-anchored it. later john stossel has to pay up. he lost a bet with me about pot legalization. watch stossel cry coming up. ç@ >> bill: in the impact segment tonight, the kelly file, as you may know ms. kelly anchored along with bret baier. we beat everybody tuesday that means abc, nbc, and cbs all fell to the fox news channel. cbs and nbc was so far behind it was stunning. look at those numbers. fnc is on like channel -- that's megyn. come back to me. fox news channel is on channel 38, 74. you know, these are like 2, 4, and 7. we beat them. all right. so here now to explain the dominance megyn kelly. i think it's all you. even though i was there and all the other contributors. >> we are on the same page there. yes. no one at fox had anything to do with it. [ laughter ] you know, it's actually kind of funny, because the truth is bret and i that night and our correspondence correspondents are the face of the coverage. if our viewers had any idea how many people went in to putting on that broadcast and trying to make it shine, you would be stunned. >> bill: the viewers know. >> you don't know everything about every single house race. the brain room, 411 page briefing book that we studied and so on and so forth. >> bill: that was the first time that you did that. >> yeah. >> bill: were you panicking or anything? were you nervous. >> no. i have to say that was my first night in the big chair on a big night like that. i have played a supporting role. i have tell you i thought i would be nervous because i before i have had big gigs on big night even when i was doing supporting role when brit hume was in the big chair i didn't feel nervous at all. this is a matter of repetition. do you a couple of hours a day of live tv. >> bill: anything you screwed up on that you went oh my god. >> no not at all. >> bill: little miss perfect. >> i said mike huckabee instead of mike beebe but it's live tv. >> bill: dana milbank doesn't like you and he said there were no democrats except for shone, we took him apart last night for that it was an outright lie. would you put fred hiatt's picture up on the screen here. this is milbank's editor fred hiatt. fred won't do anything about milbank lying in his column. you can take fred's picture off. fred, have a nice weekend, buddy. you when barney frank won according to milbank said alas. did you do that? >> yes. this is what happened. i said this is the first time since 1982 that barney frank has faced any sort of legitimate challenge sean the challenger iraq war veteran spent his life post iraq trying to devote himself trying to come up with ied's to try to protect lives of soldiers on the ground alas it was not to be. >> bill: you didn't say it was a also a that barney won. you said alas it was not to be. >> that's what he said. that's his evidence of my bias. >> bill: he took that and he twisted it around? >> are you surprised? >> bill: i think you and i should go and beat him up? [ laughter ] >> with all due respect to dana milbank. >> bill: no, no, no he doesn't deserve. it's true and the audnce feels the same way you do. he doesn't deserve any. it's not him saying what he said. it's the "the washington post" allowing it. don't you see that? >> well, listen. >> bill: the "the washington post" is a very prestige just newspaper in this country like it or not. >> he is an opinion guy. >> bill: it doesn't matter. when you give an opinion, it can't be based on a lie and you can't be taking things out of context like media matters does. >> listen, the very fact that he cites media matters as one of his source fers undermines his entire piece. >> bill: i have been writing a column for 30 years. i would be fired by my syndicator if i did what he did. they would fire me. >> when somebody missteps when it comes to speech or opinion the answer is to have more speech and opinion. >> bill: i'm not trying to muzzle the guy. >> bill: the viewers made their call on election night and we beat everybody. >> let me point out the other thing. i got a kick out of this. his other example of alleged bias only other example keep in mind this is a six hour broadcast, okay? this is what he comes away with is the fact that when one race was particularly tight in which a democrat was supposed to -- was projected to have been losing and it wound up tighter than expected, i stated this is interesting. you got me there. >> bill: he is just a great guy real quick 90 seconds. in oklahoma they had a proposition that we don't, in oklahoma, ever want sharia law. shockingly, it passed. >> that the courts may not consider or use either sharia law or international law. >> bill: just what i said is what the proposition was. now, a muslim guy is suing the state of oklahoma because that was even on the ballot. correct? >> the local cair guy council on american islamic relations. he doesn't have standing to sue until something bad happens to him. they don't want that -- >> bill: they don't want it incorporated. >> that's not the way it works. the lawsuit is not going anywhere. i have to say as a practical matter saying that the courts can't consider any international law is not going to work. you have a couple that gets married in canada, comes down here, one party says the marriage isn't valid. you have to look to canadian law to figure out whether it was valid. now oklahoma says you can't. >> bill: sharia law though. >> that's a separate portion. >> bill: that's what it was. >> that could also cause some problems. i completely get what they are going for. they don't want husbands to be able to say i raped my life and i awas allowed to which happened recently in new jersey. a court did that and it was overruled. that's what they're going for. we don't have to worry about that in this country. we have a public policy out when we're faced with that kind of thing. if sharia law says you can rape your husband. because you are married. our law doesn't do that. >> bill: does sharia law say we can behead dana milbank? that was a joke for you media matters people out there. o'reilly said we want to be -- >> isn't paying attention to them. who cares about them? >> bill: here is why i attack corruption at all levels. >> you are giving them attention. does anybody care what they think? >> bill: you know the bigger picture. don't give me any of this. megyn kelly, major star that we won the ratings in the election. >> you are the one saying you made me a major star. now you are giving it to the channel. >> bill: i'm spreading the credit around. >> that's unlike you. >> bill: plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. stossel lost big money to me over the pot legalization deal. he will be in a sad, sad situation. also, one of the culture warriors had a run-in with pot. margaret hoover will tell us. don't do it margaret. >> bill: stossel matters segment tonight, you may remember this. you want to make a little bet on this? >> sure, 10 bucks. >> bill: there is he. >> $10,000 to a charity of the other person's choice. >> bill: now you are talking. >> okay. >> bill: i say prop 19, legalization of marijuana gets voted down in california. stossel disagreed. here he is. much poorer. [ laughter ] now, stossel, you are writing a check out, right? >> yes. >> bill: look it up, there is stossel writing the check. we are going to give this check to the dough fund which is a drug rehab center in new york city, does very good work. and 10 grand goes to them. it's fitting because of this drug thing. now, here is my question. thank you, stossel. stand up guy just like laura, okay, and me because i lost a bet earlier too. do you understand why this prop, even in california, the most liberal of places failed? do you understand? >> yes. because the majority, like you, are wrong. and you foolishly believe that by making things illegal that you don't like and that hurt some people that that makes them go away. >> bill: you and i have a gentleman's disagreement. i think it's going to hurt society if drugs are legalized marijuana you don't. now decriminalized i would by the way. i'm not advocating people smoking pot get thrown in jail. >> that's what the law is. >> bill: no it isn't. it's just illegal. >> they give you a fine or whatever the cop takes you home. the reason it was two fold. >> if you are in the wrong place and you are black, you go to jail. >> bill: if you are in the wrong place and anything happens, you can get in trouble. the reason it failed were two reasons. number one, america is essentially a conservative country. we don't want drug legalization because it sends the wrong message. number two, as soon as george soros got involved, as soon as he started pumping millions of dollars in there, the independents, who think the guy is the devil, said if he likes it, i don't. i'm telling you, not liberal people, they like him. but independents and conservatives they hate him. because they know who he is and what is he trying to do. he wants to change society. that hurt him. >> i agree. a lot of people hate george soros. but a lot of people love george soros. i think most people who voted weren't even aware that he gave money. they voted against it because they are frightened at the idea of sending this wrong message. but, your producer had me go over the exit polls. he sent that to me and i saw that the highest vote against it was from the least educated people which claims your opposition. >> bill: so harvard will be contacting you. now, the reason that they are what i wanted to do though and it would have been even worse for your side, was i wanted to drug test people before they voted in california. okay so that if you were high, you couldn't vote. don't you think that's a good idea? don't you want sober people voting? >> on the segment we taped for my show tonight you say you want to do forced rehab on all drug users before they are even convicted. >> bill: put that into context. i want to do that to take away the drug market. you want to take away the drug market? so do i. but i don't believe in surrendering and legalizing. i believe in rehabbing people even if they don't want to be rehabbed when they use an illegal substance. >> but have the marijuana gas at that gestapo. >> bill: that's a band. >> prohibition worked so well in the 1920s. >> bill: now we're going back to calvin coolidge. >> it doesn't work. >> bill: bottom line is you lost 10 grand. >> i will double it if you match it. >> bill: to the dough fund. and you want me to give them how much? >> 20,000. >> 20,000 from each of us? i'm in. >> okay. >> bill: those guys are -- and you better clean up, man with all this money you better do some good. all right, stossel, you are in. we come right back culture warriors will appeal. >> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. in the culture warrior segment tonight, for some reason fox news analyst margaret hoover appeared on the bill maher program. i'm going to do that too. i can't mock more get because it is a danger zone. watch. this i think that maybe people see it as taboo still. >> no politician, even if they thought it was a good idea. [ laughter ] of the. >> we went there. >> bill: i would have had you all arrested, hoover. the feds would have kicked that door in and interstate commerce and all of that now, that guy's name is zach. >> he is a comedian. you are not familiar with "hangover"? >> bill: i don't know how to say his name. he does that to you. and by the way alicia menendez, i'm sorry, is in for gretchen carlson this evening. she is in washington. alicia, i'm sorry i didn't introduce you. >> no. >> bill: he gives you this pot, okay? so what are you thinking? >> well, i'm thinking first of all whenever if you have been to a rock concert you know that pot makes these big billowy white clouds. it didn't do that i wasn't sure if it was real or not. it was definitely not closed. >> bill: maybe it was angel dust. >> i asked zach afterwards. he said it was thc free marijuana. >> bill: right. i don't really care what it is. but he gives it to you and you are smart enough not to smoke it? >> i don't smoke pot so, of course, i'm not going to smoke it. >> bill: if you did that it would have been tough on me to have you as a culture warrior. >> i don't support smoking pot. >> bill: you played along. you didn't say hey you bar baron don't do that again. >> it was outrageous stunt so of course it was funny. by the way, let's be very clear it's legal in marijuana. medical marijuana. >> bill: that was medical marijuana. >> who knows how he got it have chronic pain in left ankle. >> bill: i was playing basketball the other day and my tendon is sore. here i go. >> get medical marijuana in california. >> bill: what do you think about all of this alicia? you are one of those permissive far left progressive liberals. >> oh, please, bill, you know that's true. >> bill: have that stuff all over the house. >> i have never smoked marijuana in my entire life, bill. >> bill: good for you. >> i do not appreciate that characterization. i say. >> bill: i'm only giving you jazz. >> i say hugs not drugs. this guy is ad me i can't be. he does what comedians do. he made people laugh. he made people take a moment and say oh my goodness, is he really doing that? that's what he wanted and he got it. >> bill: 14-year-old in the audience saying gee i would like to try that too. >> that is what pushed them over the edge. >> bill: were you surprised in california when the prop was voted down to legalize marijuana? were you surprised? >> i wasn't really because, you know, as i was doing my reading on it, it seems that there were a lot of people who may in general be for the legalization of marijuana who thought that this proposition had a number of problems, for example, there was no clear definition of what driving under the influence would be in this case. and so there were some legal nuances that i think had they worked out this would have gotten more support. >> bill: i don't think so. i think the culture of the country is we don't want to send that message. all right, sarah palin obviously a around because of the election and, of course, tina fey who does an impression is capitalizing on that. roll the tape. >> she is extra sassy these days, too. her momma grizzlies are winning. and they are busting through. busting through that glass ceiling. and the momma grizzlies are going to washington and they're gonna flip your picnic table, dave. and they are going to go through that garbage. you know what i noticed on fox news last night. on fox news they address her as governor palin which is like calling me dairy queen employee. [ laughter ] i was once. but i quit. >> bill: i guess ms. faye doesn't quite understand the ambassador title and the senator title and governor title stay with you after the office. >> respect for people who have held public office. >> bill: certain positions where i have to interview president bush next week and i will call him mr. president because that's his title forever. but, of course, ms. faye doesn't get that. i think the impression is very funny. >> oh, good. >> bill: i don't think it's demeaning. i think it actually helps sarah palin. >> i don't know if it helps sarah palin but it is clearly very funny. it's been largely successful. gotten everybody -- people who like her and don't like her all like the impression. and it's sort of like dana harvey doing george h.w. bush. i think it's part of why it's pumped up so much. it's very funny and well acted. i think it's part of a larger narrative that is partisan and. >> bill: absolutely denigrate the woman. >> it intends to diminish and diminish mize her importance in public life. >> bill: fey herself may because she is a left winger. lastward on sarah palin word. >> funny as fred's impression of president obama is funny. there is a grain of truth in it. right now sarah palin is incredibly popular because she doesn't actually need to get anything done because she is not in a position of power. so she is all hat, no cattle, and she captures that well tina fey. >> bill: thanks very much. there they are, the warriors. neither one of our warriors smokes pot. excellent. on deck the great american news quiz. great questions coming up. great questions coming up. see if you know the answers >> bill: back of the book segment tonight, the great american news quiz, the election edition, here they are the quiz kids themselves fox news anchor martha maccallum mary playing for mary jo sanders hex -- >> something like that. >> bill: steve kilmeade brian kilmeade is in for steve doocy. sign up for great prices. where is doocy. >> doocy is when w. childhood friend alan grayson who is going through a rough time right now. he didn't want to be alone. die quickly. he wanted to be with him. >> bill: now, you know how to play the game. >> i'm going to try miest best. i'm going to play the man role. >> bill: this the selection edition. here is question number one, g.o.p., the republican party failed to take back the senate as you know meaning mitch mcconnell remains the minority leader. >> we are indeed humbled and ready to listen to the american people and to lead on the issues that they have clear indicated they care about. we are determined to stop the agenda americans have rejected and to turn the ship around. >> bill: doesn't get more exciting on mitch. he will be a guest on "american idol" later in the season. what did the senator say is the single most important thing that the republicans can achieve in the next two years? you have got to turn it around. >> i thought it would be both sides. you don't have both sides? what kind of budget are you guys on? >> bill: i knew kilmeade was going to be a pinhead. i knew it did i not tell everybody he was going to be a pinhead? you both got it right. >> thank you. >> i didn't show up for rehearsal. >> bill: congressman alan grayson just mentioned lost his re-election bid possibly due to this dishonest ad. >> daniel webster wants to impose his radical fund meantism on us. >> she should submit to me that's in the bible. >> tried to deny medical care and right to divorce their abusers. >> submit to me. >> he wants to force raped women to bear the child. >> submit to me. >> taliban dan webster hands off our bodies. >> bill: that whole thing was bogus. gray son's district contains what famous tourist attraction? >> bill: the answer is disney world, correct. two for two. >> easy. i don't know why you guys -- >> bill: this is rich. he can't even hold up the card right. this is easy. >> the point is i knew the right answer. the glass is half full mr. o'reilly. >> bill: despite being billed as nonpartisan the crowd was overwhelmingly left wing ♪ >> are you sure you are at the right rally? this is the rally to restore sanity. >> i think i'm at the right place. >> what do you hope to get out of the rally? >> some nonsense. >> do you feel comfortable being among the only bunnies in the crowd? >> yes. >> bill: excellent. now, straw poll of the crowd out there at stewart's place found out what percentage plan to vote republican? >> and the answer is d. kilmeade lurching. >> 1%. >> bill: the bunny couldn't vote it's an animal. >> so wrong and i protested against it but no one saw it. >> bill: question number four. john thune won easily. leaving many to speculate he may run for 'president in 2012. >> have you made a decision not to run for president in 2012. >> i haven't made any decisions beyond 2010. i'm on the parking lot. >> decision not to run. >> i guess a nondecision is a decision but i haven't made any decisions about that. >> bill: nondecision, decision. only three senators have gone directly from the senate to the presidency. barack obama, jfk, and what other u.s. president? elected in 1920. >> bill: cards up please, let's go. >> is there an e? >> bill: running out of time and the answer is the immorality warren harding. excellent, mccallum. tied with one to go. question number five, the tea party was a major force in the elections this year with many candidates crediting the movement for getting them elected. >> the american people are unhappy with what's going on in washington. [cheers] 11% of the people approve of what's going on in congress. but tonight, there is a tea party tidal wave and we're sending a message to them. [cheers] >> bill: which founding father is believed to have a hand in the original boston tea party >> samuel adams. kilmeade wins. >> i wanted to choose a because he just put a up. >> bill: he couldn't even lift the card. he defeats you. >> he put it up too early. >> on behalf of all men i would say there you go, guys. you seem nice. >> bill: no wonder he is on at 4:00 in the morning. pinheads and patriots on deck. starring bill maher. mar might not believeñ÷ >> bill: pinheads and patriots starring bill maher in a moment. but first, big fox nation website would like you to check it out, consider that. christmas holiday store now open on signed copies, patriot mugs, clothing and the mats are spectacular please check out the store. today we gave away $40,000 in charity because of your participation. for every copy you buy two dollars is donated to wounded warriors. now the mail. julie: i now wish i had voted to legalize pot. michael: tell miller i'm not a loser for voting for boxer. i believe i chose the lesser of two evils. >> harry reid didn't win because of union corruption. he won because angle was a bad candidate. >> you are 100% correct the hispanic vote kept reid in office. >> my wife and i just returned from las vegas all we saw were negative tv ads. this is very different from our political advertising. >> dennis miller was low for poking fun at john boehner because of his emotional moment. >> tammy faye boehner is the funniest thing i've heard mill irsay. >> who would you like to have most for dinner? for me it would be miller followed by you. followed by me rosemary? how could you! >> mr. o', i'm in 9th grid and believe you and dennis miller are the hippest guys on tv. spread that word. >> pinheads and patriots is dynamite you are brutally honest and have a great sense of humor. give my best to dicky melton. my cousin, i write about him he showed tremendous brave very in vietnam. >> the most popular name in the united kingdom, great britain in the news this week for babies this year was muhammad. am i a racist to feel i'm alarmed by that, because i am. i don't feel like i have to apologize for being a proud westerner. someone who believes in the values that western people believe in that a lot of muslim world does not. >> you think if you worked for npr you would have been fired for saying that? >> probably. >> bill: is bill maher a pinhead or patriot for that? >> last night we showed you rod blagojevich selling pistachio nuts on tv. 83% think he's a pinhead. spout off about the factor, name a town if you wish to opine. when writing the factor do not be pugnacious. thanks for watching i am bill o'reillylylylylylylylylyly >> good morning to you. wv we have a fox news election alert for you this morning. we know who will be the next senator from washington state. democrat patty murray or republican dino rossi? we'll tell you which one won coming up. >> presumptive new house speaker john boehner putting on the boxing gloves and he's ready for a fight. but it's not over tax cuts. >> i w

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