>> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. "the factor" begins right now. >> i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. what is really behind the mosque ground zero controversy? that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. it seems every day, the far left has a new excuse for supporting the proposed mosque near ground zero. the latest comes from adam clayton powell iv who is running against beleaguered congressman charles rangel. >> the fact that this is akin to the racial profiling that's taken place at airports for muslims, they're just trying to worship their religion much like christians do, jewish community does, if it was a synagogue or church, nobody would be complaining. >> that's right, mr. powell. nobody would be complaining because christians and jews weren't involved in the 9/11 attacks. radic radical muslims were. and the muslim world largely did not condemn the action while most christians and jews did. now, the man behind the proposed mosque is imam abdul rauf who has been portrayed in the press as a moderate muslim. but on september 30, 2001, just 19 days after the 9/11 attacks, the late ed bradley interviewed him on "60 minutes." >> are you in any way suggesting that we in the united states deserve what happened? >> i wouldn't say the united states deserve what happened but the united states policies were an accessory to the crime that happened. >> you say that we're an accessory? >> yes. >> how? >> because we have been accessory to a lot of innocent lives dying in the world. in fact, in the most direct sense, osama bin laden is made in the u.s.a. >> now, the fact that a muslim cleric believes the u.s. has been an accessory to intentionally taking innocent lives is very disturbing. that is an anti-american point of view. let's stop the nonsense about imam rauf. he's no friend to them. he wrote this complex would be a symbol, not in reconciliation and tolerance but the greatst jihad in three centuries, 9/11. this will be interpreted by hard line fanatics as a monument to their victory. most muslims would not see the proposed mosque as any kind of victory but as colonel peters states, the hard-liners would so the bottom line remains -- there's no reason why this mosque should be built at this site. there's no muslim population nearby! and many 9/11 families object. but somehow, the democratic leadership doesn't get that. and now, speaker nancy pelosi is calling for an investigation of who is opposing the mosque. >> there's no question that there's a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. i join the effort in how is this opposition to the mosque being funded? how is this being brought up? >> well, fox news pays me. so you can say that they pay a lot of money, they want to investigate. that's who pays me. i'm opposed to it. a short time after miss pelosi said that, she issued another statement saying she had like to know who is funding the mosque as well. swell. and democrats wonder why their poll numbers are catastrophic? that's a memo. now for the top story tonight, the purveyor of the fine web site, mr. morris. i'm not getting the democratic party's strategy here. are they self-destructive? is there nobody in charge? reid is against it. pelosi wants me investigated. i'm opposed, i guess. she wants i lose funding, o'reilly. obama won't comment on the wisdom of it but he makes it a freedom of speech issue which it really isn't. it seems to be chaos in the democratic precincts, am i wrong? >> no, it's inexplicable why obama did this. it's like he saw a firing squad forming and he ran to get in front of it. this bill was not on its desk. this was not a federal action. he's not a member of the new york city planning commission. he just went out of his way to do it. i think you have to look at psychology and foreign policy to understand his motivation. pelosi's is just beyond me but his motivation, i think, one is psychology. he has always had a desire to please the people that brung him, the people who were in his past and in his background at harvard and the international community and he was just at a ramadan dinner and he was sitting with these people and he wanted to say something to be nice to them and make them happy and he wanted to approve of him. and i don't think he thought or stopped to think or was humble enough to think, too arrogant not to think. >> i find that impossible to believe. as we saw in the body, as we will see, in the body language segment coming up after you, he's reading from a prepared speech. a speech that had to be vetted by rahm emanuel, all his other advisors. he's reading from it at this ramadan conference, ok? they had to know that because all the polls have been out already showing that 65% or whatever it is of american public is against this thing, they think it's ridiculous. bloomberg's poll numbers fall 14 points because bloomberg is favoring it. they had to know all that. i think it's almost self-destructive. it's almost, look, we don't care what you think. we're going to do what we want. i think that's what it is. >> it has to be something like that. you have two controversies now. neither of which he had to wade into. both of which, you have 2/3 of the american people on the other side. the arizona law and the ground zero mosque. neither of those are federal issues. he federalized them, one by the lawsuit and the other by his comments. it's ridiculous. it's absurd. and i can't begin to understand that in political terms. maybe he's trying to make nice to the saudis because he thinks they'll help us in the middle east. i don't know. but whatever i know is this guy is just -- i can't -- i'm baffled. i'm astounded. i can't even begin to describe it. >> i asked karl rove last night whether it was wise the republican party to make an issue out of this in the upcoming november election when let's face it, the economy is much, much more important than some dopey mine -- i'm not saying this mosque is dopey but this whole controversy is absurd. if you strip away all your ideology, it's not about freedom of religion. there are more than 100 mosques in new york city. more than 100. >> right. >> ok? there isn't a muslim within a mile. who is going to go to this thing? ok? i mean, it's just crazy and the republicans, should they take it, and run with it, will that still resonate three months from now? >> oh, the republicans, absolutely. sure. when you have a statement by the president that is so at variance with our values and so at variance with all of this, of course, they should run with it. some people have likened this mosque at ground zero to a japanese shrine at pearl harbor in world war ii. not a buddhist shrine. buddhism is a peaceful religion, 3/4 of the japanese follow. emperor worship which was the basis of the japanese army putting a shrine like that at pearl harbor would be terrible. these sharia mosques and that's the key word, sharia, not mosque have become the command centers for terrorists. >> you believe it would be used for nefarious purposes, that's the bottom line on dick morris. >> yes, it isn't just it would be a triumphant monument, it would be a command -- >> well, the other ones are. the other mosques are. >> all right. >> this is america. you know you'd have to the f.b.i. all over that place. >> all right. >> i gotta run. >> rauf. >> all right. i got to run. >> more coming up on body language. more on the rundown, feds threaten to sue arizona sheriff. we'll tell you what that's about. later, videotape surfaces of senator reid criticizing the illegal alien anchor baby situation. wow! we'll show you the tape and ann coulter will comment. when i group, i want to fix up old houses. ♪ [ woman ] when i grow up, i want to take him on his first flight. i want to run a marathon. i'm going to work with kids. i'm going to own my own restaurant. when i grow up, i'm going to start a band. 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[ female announcer ] together we can discover the best of what's next at [ female announcer ] together we can discover fifteen percent or more on car insurance? does a former drill sergeant make a terrible therapist? patient: and that's why yellow makes me sad. i think. sarge: that's interesting. you know what makes me sad? you do! maybe we should chug on over to mambie pambie land where maybe we can find some self-confidence for you. ya jackwagon! tissue? crybaby. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. >> on the heels of the justice department suing the state of arizona over the policing of illegal aliens comes a threatened lawsuit against sheriff arapio. he has detained illegals for years. joining us from phoenix, former deputy county attorney in maricopa. what is the justice department looking for in this case? >> what they're looking for is evidence of racial profiling by sheriff arpaio's office. they're looking for, one, evidence that sheriff arpaio was specifically targeting latinos when he did his crime suppression sweeps and looking at whether he withheld spanish speaking interpreters in his jail. two different things but as you all know, and i'm sure your audience knows, the obama administration is liberal and it is -- it has a contrary opinion to the citizens of arizona when it comes to arresting illegal immigrants. >> do you feel miss alexander, this is a political investigation by the justice department or are there valid concerns here that have to be looked into by the civil rights department of the j department? >> absolutely. it's a political investigation. >> how do you know that? why are you so sure? >> because let's look at a couple of the timing of the event. first of all, sb-1070 went into effect on july 29th. literally five days later on august 3rd, eric holder is sending a letter, the head of the civil rights at the department of justice sends a letter to arpaio demanding you turn all these documents in a week or we'll sue you. well, arpaio did one of his crime suppression sweeps the day that sb-1070 went into effect so you have that suspicious timing and then the other timing that makes it evident to me that this is political partisan witch hunt is that this whole investigation of arpiao was instigated by some democrat congressman in the judiciary committee a year and a half ago who connolly, the head of the house judiciary committee, he decided that he would send a letter to the department of justice asking him to investigate and same day as acorn. >> eric holder is under equal pressure. he's a guy who obviously, as you stated, he's a liberal guy and out for arpaio. now, who is doing the investigation? f.b.i. involved here? who is doing it? >> as far as i know, the f.b.i. is not involved in this investigation of arpaio. there is another supposed, alleged abuse of power investigation that the f.b.i. is involved with. but this was actually -- >> grand jury investigation that's going on, right? there's two separate ones, there's one from the justice department and then there's a federal grand jury hearing testimony that arpaio did what? >> abused his power and that could take up a whole broad range. >> and the f.b.i. is investigating that. i also understand there are people in maricopa county that don't like arpaio who are helping the federal government try to get him, is that true? >> that is true. arpaio has been feuding with the county supervisors because he has been trying to prosecute a couple of them. they've been doing everything they can to thwart the prosecution. let me just give you a new example, though, of what the county supervisors have done. one of them, the chairman, raised $70,000 in campaign contributions to run for an election where he had no opponent. he spent that fund on luxury personal items for himself including several vacation trips for himself and his family to florida, utah, hawaii. >> why would that be a county investigation rather than a state investigation? the sheriff is the sheriff of maricopa county, sound like a state piece to me. >> sometimes the law enforcement agencies, they agree among themselves. >> i know. >> which one wants to do it. auto apeople don't like each other, they go after each other. you believe it's a political investigation. there are two separate ones. arpaio's lawyers, i understand, will meet with the justice department next week about these documents and we'll keep everybody posted. thanks, we appreciate it. directly ahead, president obama campaigns in ohio against our old pal, john casick who leads in the governor's race there. and we'll look at mr. owe babam statements. >> so, ah, your seat? got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? st stay off the freewaysall right? i don't want you going out onhose yet. and leave your phone in ur purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thas dad. >> and call me--t not while you're driving. we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru. keller graduate school of management, you'll have a professor with you every step of the way. whether you take classes on campu online, or both, you get the same attention, the same curriculum, and the same quality. 85 locations nationwide and online. discover how to grow the business of you... at >> personal story segment tonight. president obama campaigned in ohio today for the democratic governor ted strirkland who is running against our old pal john kasich who used to sub for me on "the factor." the poll shows kasich leads strickland by eight points. thus, the president's interest in the race. joining us now from cleveland is john kasich who is also the author of the new book "every other monday." ok. so this is interesting because ohio, persistent unemployment rate. what is it now in ohio? it's over -- >> 10.4%. we lost about 400,000 jobs here. >> 10.4% unemployment. full point higher than the national average. so strickland brings in obama and i think a lot of people are going to go is that going to help him? >> well, you know, it's about money, bill, you bring presidents in because they can raise money. and, you know, that's, i think, why he came in but it's a double edged sword, you know, because obama's approval, you know, actually fell under 50. it was one of the states where he fell under 50, you know, in the shortest amount of time and now, you know, he's hovering close to 40. and, you know, i think ted has figured out i got to raise money. i got to do something. and i think, you know, it's a two edged sword. i don't know what they raised today. i understand they gave away a lot of free tickets. i don't know. but, you know, you always want to be with the president. i remember in 1982 i was running for congress, nobody wanted to appear with ronald reagan, the gipper and i got to hang out with him. nobody wanted to be around him. it was fantastic. two different situations. >> wait a minute, everybody wanted to hang out with the preside president. martha cokely wanted to hang out with the president in massachusetts and got her butt kicked. >> i was surprised -- look, i know strickland is a down the line liberal and by the way, we invited the governor on and he turned us down. strickland would never come on a program like this because he can't take the questions. he's never been able to do that. have you debated him yet, john? >> no, it's coming up, we'll have some coming this fall. >> you ought to be able to kick him around the block because he's not glib. he's not one of those guys who can do that. and all you have to do is throw the economy at him. i think that's what it is in ohio, right? i was in columbus with beck and everybody is talking about the economy. that's what they're talking about. >> the only three things that matter in this campaign is jobs, jobs and jobs. yesterday, i offered a proposal to phase out the government bureaucratic development department and create a private not for profit entity with people that can talk to business. what's happened here is driven up the deficit. he's raised taxes and we have a very unfriendly business environment in light of the fact that we have some assets so we have to leverage our assets and then we have to improve the environment here. we have one of the highest tax states in the country. we're rated as business unfriendly. we go turn it all around and, you know, in the trouble with having obama here is it's, you know, obama wants to raise taxes and punish work. i mean, by taxing work, raising the marginal rates. strickland raises taxes. these things are very unsettling for business and they create, you know, almost a toxic environment for economic growth and that's what's ted has done here in the state and obama is in here but again, he's willing to take a risk if he can get any in return. it's that simple. >> the rasmussen poll on the surface is good news for you, up by eight. it may not be good news because it's august, you know, you want the rasmussen poll to be up by eight a week before the election. two things come into play. some people get complacent, you know, kasich is going to win. you know, everybody has to go out and the second thing is that the press will turn against you even more because i know the press in ohio is pretty left leading, is it not? >> well, bill, first of all, in terms of the polls, i don't pay a lot of attention on these polls. it depends on how they take them, when the sample is. i think you can say that rasmussen is pretty good. that's encouraging. if you're behind, you work hard and if you're ahead you work harder. there's no complacency getting into this because people know this race determines the economic future of our state and it's critical for 2012. peop peop >> are you running against obama as well as strickland because ohio went for obama? >> yeah, narrowly. i'm not running against obama. i'm not running against strickland, i'm running in favor of doing the things we need to do to create jobs here. they're coming in. obama has been in ohio nine times. biden is coming in on monday. they'll all come in. people who are watching it like me send your nickels and pennies to help out. it's a critical state. >> you have anyone coming in for you? >> i tried to get you but, you know -- >> i'm not political. you know i can't do that. >> yeah. >> with sarah palin, would sarah palin? >> well, look, we've had newt, we have had mit romney and chris christie will be in cincinnati. we've had a lot. haley barbour, mitch daniels. we've had some of the best and the brightest, bill, and everybody is focused on it. >> one of the most closely watched races, political races this november. we appreciate you coming on. good luck and check out john's book. >> bill, one final thing i want to tell you and that is, you know, it's not about an election. it's about ultimately saving our state, creating wealth and jobs. i did it in washington. and i can do it right here in ohio and that's why we are so dedicated to winning this. >> plenty more ahead as we move ahead this evening. interesting tape, senator harry reid opposing illegal immigration and anchor babies. opposing them. play it for you. next, body language on president obama's mosque statements, what was he really saying? ce? 0 to 60? or 60 to 0? 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>> absolutely. >> you are the body language expert. so even i -- the posture was totally different. >> yeah. >> in his first comment, he's standing up straight. his back is arched. in this, he's slouched. >> absolutely right. >> what was that about? >> not only was his posture slouched which is -- first of all, it's swaggering out so you're catching him walking. so there is a difference in appearance to begin with. but his shoulders are slightly down which is like a protective gesture. kind of crouch a little bit more. in addition to that, he's on eight times in a 20 second -- >> that's because he's not reading this. he was reading the other deal. >> very good point. however, when you see it that often, you see a whole different point. i want to point out also that his trunk is facing towards i'm presuming the airplane as opposed to just his face turning to speak to the cameraman which, you know, that's a blockage. he's able to block the cameraman and protect himself and then, you know -- >> so he's not speaking to the guy, he's not turning toward him. >> he's letting him know i'm on my way. i don't really have time to talk to you. >> when i first met him, that's the way his was but i think his back was to me. in the beginning on the first one, he looked much more confident. >> first half of that first clip. not the entire clip. if you watch the entire clip, in the beginning, he's powerful. he's like the alpha male. he's using pregnant pauses and he's looking up. his chin is elevated. then he gets to the point where he talks about property management and suddenly, you notice a big drop in his voice. the volume goes down. >> what does that mean? >> he's not as confident as he starts talking about the mosque as he is when he first is discussing how, you know, americans should have the right. so in the beginning, he talks with power and then -- >> when he's talking generally about all americans should have the right to freedom of religion, he's powerful and assertive. as soon as he gets specific about the mosque, you say, tonya ryman says. >> tonya says not only does the volume of the voice go down. in addition to that, he doesn't look up as much and he also doesn't have the pregnant pauses and the alpha dominant voice that he normally carries. >> interesting. i didn't pick that up. now, i never got around to asking you about vice president biden on "the view" this happened a couple of weeks ago. very interesting clip. >> something the administration does in 2012 or is she someone they consider to be a legitimate threat against? >> look, we -- i -- sarah -- the governor says she's not running. >> the half governor. >> well -- you can -- >> look, i don't know what she's gonna do. >> now, the reason i wanted you to analyze that clip is that biden is usually fairly -- you talk about alpha. i mean, this guy is real alpha but there when you ask about sarah palin possibly running in 2012, he gets flummixed. >> not only was he that in the very beginning, i want you to watch the corner of his right side of his mouth. it goes up in obvious contempt so it starts -- right there, it starts off on a contemptious point. from there, it goes downhill. >> are you sure he's -- he's smiling now. >> it was a one sided -- the right side of his mouth goes up. >> do you really think he's contemptious of the woman? >> yes, i do. >> just from that one gesture? >> that's all it takes, this one gesture. contempt is hard to hide. when you see the one side of the mouth goes up, that's contempt. >> would you tell me if i ever get that way? >> you do. >> when? >> let me get my list of papers out. but -- >> but i think next week when you come back, people would like to know that. who i've been contemptious of. next, body language of who i've been contemptious of. i can't wait for that. when we come back, ann will analyze harry reid's past comments on illegal immigration and anchor babies. they may surprise you, the comments that is and then why is this guy running around a baseball field on fire? moments away. tetetetetell me so. why does my company have so manyrinters and copiers? ll different brands with different controls? give me one product line with a big colorful lcd screen and common controls. and with arp o.s.a. technology, i can easily integrate with my i.t. systems. and i don't want tuse one of those mini-screen keyboards. how about a built-in keyboard? 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no sane country would do that, right? guess again. if you break our laws by entering this country without permission and give birth to a child, we reward that child with u.s. citizenship and guarantee a full access to all public and social services this society provides. >> now, 6 years later, reid apologized for those comments saying he was embarrassed by them. of course, the anchor baby issue is now back in the news. with us, conservative pundit ann coulter. i thought you wrote that for reid in 1993. >> no, i'm a little tougher. >> here's my question. on an issue like anchor babies, how can you change your position? i mean, it's not like abortion or maybe the war in iraq or whatever. when things, you know, are fluid, in aabortion, people have conversions and stuff like that. anchor babies is a basic public policy issue. is it fair to give citizenship to people who sneak into the country or not? so he changes his position, why? >> i think you're wrong that this is unusual. democrats do it all the time. in both directions. they'll say it all the time and check with the mother ship, the democratic party does not believe in common sense and they'll come out and apologize for it. that's the pro abortion -- or rather anti-abortion to pro abortion side. i can see someone being anti-abortion and thinking and then seeing, you know, a baby in the womb. seeing a sonogram. i can't see it going the other way or they say what they really believe and they're crazy liberals like obama speaking to a group of muslims endorsing a mosque at ground zero. and then they hear from the people and change their minds. democrats do it all the time. they are completely ungrounded. they are doing everything they say for political reasons as reid did with the mosque. >> reid really looked in 1993 like a guy who was making a case that is being made exactly today. >> of course. only rational point. >> illegal behavior, why are we doing this? other countries don't it, correct? >> yes. i wrote in my column this week, democrats are ha ranging to look at foreign law. could we look at that? are they nationalists now? because sweden doesn't do it that way. you have to have one parent that's a swedish citizen. >> if you sneak into sweden from norway, you can't be a swede if you're an illegal alien. you have to have one swedish parent at least. in great britain, it's -- >> right, basically the same thing. slightly larger than a citizen. you can be an immigrant with a right to remain so you look at every other civilized country in the world other than canada and by the way, even canada, it doesn't matter. i won't go into it. even the parents don't get the health care, the free coolischo and all the free stuff that you get. you can't combine citizenship by birth and a welfare state. it doesn't work. by the way, it's being lied about every place but this is what the 14th amendment required. i mean, americans -- what harry reid was saying was utter common sense. americans must be sitting back thinking what were they thinking in 1860? were americans really worried? what is it? we haven't guaranteed citizenship. >> it was native americans being tossed off their land. >> it was not native americans. native americans were excluded from the 14th amendment. it was about free slaves, this rainbow coalition as a brand new invenge. it wasn't that americans were upset that they could slip into america and have babies and start collecting welfare. we didn't have welfare then. it was amazing we thought about it. it was part of reconstruction to get an amendment added to the constitution. it was a big step. this whole baby anchor thing came from a footnote not related to the opinion. in an opinion by justice brennan in 1982. >> it would be very hard and i think impossible. >> it's wanot in the constituti. >> i think it's impossible now to get that anchor baby thing to be illegal because you would have to get. they would tie it to the -- they have to go to the supreme court. is it part of the amendment or not? >> whether this is done by legislatively or by passing an amendment, i don't care about. i do care about being lied to about what the 14th amendment says. that's a lie. they can argue about what to do about it all night long but the 14th amendment was not to give illegal aliens the right to citizenship. it was to give full grown slaves the right to citizenship. they are still not treating blacks as citizens, that's what the 14th amendment says. we do owe blacks. we do not owe the entire world. >> going forward, i think it's almost impossible to get this anchor babies thing out of there. i can't see it happening. >> i don't know. maybe we could get harry reid to write a law. >> he did and it went down. reid tried. >> when? >> 1993. no, 1993 wasn't the problem it is today. even 10 years before -- >> that's true. >> we needed the ford foundation to spend some time getting illegal immigrants to come across the border and apply for welfare. now it's a crisis for a country in bankruptcy. we need one of those deficit stickers. we need a ticker for how much anchor babies are costing american taxpayers. >> maybe five years from now, we're not there yet. maybe with the -- if an immigration bill passes, that should be part of it. that would be a solution. pass new immigration bill and you say we're going to give you a pathway to citizenship but no more anchor babies. >> also please note, this is why the courts are so important. >> i want to give you a plug. ann and carville, that crazy guy james carville will be at the atlantic city hilton. we were there last week. great crowd. saturday night. right? and you're going to beat up carville, i understand. >> yes. >> you'll beat him to a pulp. >> yes. yes, i am. >> there you go. >> in a moment, did you see that? liberal group attacked sarah palin by using the grizzly bear analogy. e's constipation... and our special fiber helps our prootics so that you can show those symptoms who's in charge. this isn't even my floor. [ elevator bell dings ] >> did you see that? we begin with the first political ad about the mosque controversy. republican rick scott running for governor in florida. >> barack obama says building a mosque at ground zero is about tolerance. he's wrong. it's about truth. the truth, muslim fanatics hurt thousands of innocent americans on 9/11. just yards from the proposed mosque. the truth, the leader of the ground zero mosque refuses to admit that muslim extremists used terror tactics. the truth, the fight against terrorism isn't over. mr. president, ground zero is the wrong place for a mosque. >> all right. here now to analyze fox news anchor juliet huddy. >> hello, william. >> so this guy is running for governor but sounds like he's running against obama. smart tactic to take it out of florida and use the mosque issue? >> ground zero, 9/11 was out of new york. it was everywhere. it affected all of us. and there were a lot of bloggers and a lot of web sites that are coming down upon him saying what is a florida governor guy doing talking about the mosque and going -- this is everybody's problem. this is everybody's issue. >> do you think it's a smart -- >> i think it's -- >> smart idea. >> absolutely. >> for him to stake out this turf to get floridians to vote for him again. >> i do. he's trailing a bit. he's trailing the attorney general. this guy, scott, came in four months ago, april, $25 million of his own money later and he's, you know -- >> yeah, mccollum was behind and said we're going to crack down on illegal aliens so then he went up and that's why -- >> yeah, that's true. mccollum went up and said we're going to get tougher law than arizona. his numbers came up. so scott says you know what? i'll do the national deal, too, i'll get the mosque thing going on. on it could work. >> interestingly, you don't know this. the public doesn't know this. we know this because we see this labelled on the ad when it's sent to the television stations and cable stations, it's called obama's mosque. >> obama is now funding the mosque according to mr. scott. >> the suggestion is maybe that obama is -- >> tying it together. pretty soon, the president will be inside the mosque praying, you know. >> politics is ugly but it sure is fun, isn't it this>> you know this group, emily's list? are you familiar with that? >> yes, they are a political action committee, one of the nation's largest. liberal, they are basically their platform is abortion rights. >> ok. so emily's list, liberal crew wants pro choice stuff. doesn't like sarah palin. roll tape. >> i'm an administrative assistant. i'm an entertainment lawyer but also mama grizzly. sarah palin recently released a video speaking on behalf of mama grizzlies. you don't speak for us. in her video she mentioned that mama grizzlies attack when their cubs are threatened. sure, i attack when my cubs are threatened. want to know what threatens me? my daughter not having the right to choose. the fact that you were in charge of this country, my little cubs wouldn't have health care. there are plenty of mama grizzlies out there that would disagree with you so you're right, you don't want to mess with mama grizzlies. >> when you first saw that, i thought i was watching a video version of "cats." i thought they were all going to start to sing. >> it is a little disturbing. it's supposed to be a parody, though. i think they need to do a little better job with the make-up because some of the snouts were off to the side. is that what you call the bear's nose? snouts? i don't know. anyway, this was basically the emily's list group doing a parody of sarah palin and her group talking about mama grizzlies. >> and making the point that they -- >> yeah. t >> the liberal bear community centered around montana wants their cubs to be protected from the terrible pro life people. >> yeah. >> the problem with these, you know, women ruled chicks, you know, platform is that ultimately you're going to end up going after the chicks on the other side of the aisle so standing up for women, you got to stand up for women and unite with women. if a woman feels -- >> abortion is so dwissive in this country. it's not going to happen. >> respect the other side's opinion. >> it's hard to do that in life and death is in the balance. >> i understand that. >> very hard to do that. that is the most intense issue besides obviously the economy but we're talking about life and death here so common ground on that issue, never gonna happen. i thought the spot was got his tae attention, that's what they want. >> all right, julia, good to see you. pinheads and patriots on deck. tonight starring teen queen demi lavato. on fire. that is not steve doocy. we wish it was. no, it is not. thanks to aarp, we can have more nights out. and i can get more laps in. ♪ our card lets us head to the beach more often. and lets us barbecue more often. my new glasses help me see everything. the new website helps me do everything. [ female announcer ] with aarp you get so much more out of life. ♪ discover the best of what's next at the new bill: pinheads and patriots in a moment starring a guy who is burning up literally. first i've been giving behind the scenes analysis to premium members as part of the no spin news feature they get. this is another reason for to you become a premium member we hope you check it out. i have more time on the internet. the big summer discounts on factor gear continue. these prices will save you a bundle down the road. now the mail. >> i find it ironic while preaching sense american muslims you find it acceptable to mock the muslim call to prayer, very insulting. i was mocking miller's version of the call to prayer, sir. i think that was an patient, with all due respect. >> o'reilly obama's comments on the mosque are intended to make democrats disagree with him, helping hem in the november election. and you are falling for it. how are things in conspiracy paul? >> the far left thinks i'm a bigot because i oppose the mosque. do they think senator reid is a bigot too? one loon call the senator a coward so they are taking no prisoners on the issue. john: i am looking forward to the far left sticking up for the nativity scene as much as they are for the mosque. i'm looking forward to that too. denny: bill you asked how the far left can survive in this country? unfortunately, they are running this country. almost all far left media concerns are failing dan. as for the president, check the poll numbers. denise. as far as "newsweek" magazine picking finland as the best country in which to live, i guess that's why millionsddnh ae trying to break in there. the fins have the same problem we have. >> gregg: i received the no spin zone mat and bold fresh hat for my birthday. my folks are the greatest. and they are the smartest gregg. because your parents bought them we dough tated another $10,000 today to the big brothers, among other charities. finally, pinheads and patriots. teen queen demi lavado is starring in a new movie with the jonas brothers. it is her work against bullying that sets her apart. >> when i was younger i went through bullying. it is a topic that is sensitive to me that i can relate to. there's so many kids nowadays i'm sure you have seen it all over the news. you hear as young as 9-year-olds taking their own lives. bill: if you want to get involve with demi's cause the website is the 18-year-old i a patriot. >> one of my favorite teams the class a farm team for the mets. the sand gnats. the other night a fan lighted a guy on fire who then ran around the bases. the stuntman holds the world's record for full body fire burn out oxygen. there's ted. you can decide if he's just plain crazy or a pinhead, scorched pinhead that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor website talking points memo is listed that is different than we would like you to spout off about the fact for from anywhere in the world, name a town if you wish to opine. when writing to us, do not be mendacious when writing to the factor or doing anything else. do not be mendacious. again, that you for watching us tonight. i am bill o'reilly please remember the spin stops right here, because we are definitely looking out for you.

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