creativity. last the "last call." we are closing down shop. thanks for being with us don't. good night from washington, d.c. we'll see you tomorrow night live from right here. . laura: "the o'reilly factor" is on tonight. >> health care reform is not a marry of if. health care reform is a matter of when. laura: maybe socialtion but will moderate democrats who were bribed by harry reid and company pay at the voting booth next year? we'll have analysis. >> what grade would you give yourself for this year? >> good. solid b plus. >> our barack will gave team own grades and it's hot hot hot. >> i'm holding out for health care. rock the vote any way you can. >> laura: pro-obama care group encourages young people who withhold sex from people who oppose health care reform. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute laura: bribes, politics and the phony health care reform deadline. that's the subject of this evening's talking points memo. christmas comes once a year but if this health care bill becomes law, the government will be playing santa with your tax dollars 365 days a year. harry reid, nevada's own kris kringle has been handing out goodies from his black bag of tricks from weeks now. buying off senators so he can ram through a health care vote this week. but why the rush in the well, the main reason is that reid and company fear that if the senate adjourns, he could lose some of his more wobblably votes. many democrats are terrified of confronting their own constituents. remember last summer's town hall meetings? so reid is afraid of what might happen if his members go home to be bombarded by face-to-face encounters with the people. also, the democrat leadership believes if they pass program it will be in place forever. democrats understand there is nothing more permanent than a federal entitlement. even so, they are take nothing chances so they slip language into the bill that would prevent any future congress from modifying a key medicare provision. senator jim demint sounded the alarm about this on yesterday. >> this goes to the fundamental purpose of senate rules. to prevent a tier ran call majority from trampling the rights of the minority or of future congresses. laura: so now we know that parts of this health care bill would be etched in stone regardless of what any new congress wants to do. how is that constitutional let alone democratic? senator demint's discovery is simply the latest evidence that the so-called health care debate is a fraud. it has never been about bending the scos curve. it's never been about incream mental change. it is not about care it is has been liberals taking opportunity to engage in massive redistribution of wealth. and when all is said and done, this bill will radically alter the relationship between the american people and our government. so don't let anyone fool you. there is nothing moderate about this bill. it's not the product of some grand noble compromise and as for those blue-dog senators like ben nelson and jim webb, if they were truly moderate, they would call out santa harry and his band of liberal elves for this abominable snow job. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight reaction senator john thune. you heard it senator demint found the language that contain as provision for independent medicare advisory board. the rationing board, says you can't repel that. what say you? >> i think we have to raise points of order in these constitutional issues that keep coming up, laura. this is what happens when you do back room deals at the 11th hour. nobody saw. this we were presented with this 400 page amendment on saturday with all these sweetheart deals for specific senators in order to try to buy that allusive 60th vote. so it becomes let's make a deal. >> they are focusing on rationing board. independent advisory board which sets the reimbursement rates and treatment efficacy and all of that stuff is wound into this one board. >> that is. laura: that is critical to this health care reform bill because it is supposed to do cost containment. they want to prevent any future congress from repeeling that or modifying it. that requires a two thirds vote in the senate according to senate rules. that's a rule change. will you and other senators stand up and try to prevent this from happening. >> absolutely. it's insanity to try to bind a future congress. laura: it's. >> they are entrusting or empowering this advisory board with all of decisions that are going to be binding. you can't bind future congress. i think the american people are figuring it out. laura: now, lindsey graham raised this issue today where the south carolina attorney general looking into possible equal protection claim with this payoff to nebraska. medicaid reimbursement. how is that fair to every other state what is warner and webb in virginia? they are going along with in monday tros industry. what do they get for virginia? how is that equal protection. >> sounds like a lot of democrat senators who sold out on the cheap here. 49 states paying now the medicare share of the state of nebraska. that's precedent, too. this whole thing smells so bad. that's why the american people are turning on it this story has legs. i think the health care bill on its own, on the substance is so bad for the country, so bad for health care delivery, so bad for our economy and jobs. these latest revelations about these goodies that were wrapped in at the end. laura: santa's black bag of tricks. he are dolling out the goodies they are not his they are our tax dollars. some say you guys couldn't coo have gotten more if you all engablegd. my friend david forum. look, y'all should have been at the table. you are obstructionists. what do you respond that? >> we weren't obstructionists we would have loved to have been at the table. they went alone. what you end up with at the end of the day it let's make a deal. every democrat then has leverage. they decided to do this with democrat votes. they wanted to pass it with their 60 democrats. if republicans had been included there might have been some hope for some common ground. the problem is there is a big philosophical difference as you know in this congress. there are people who want government-run health care. and we can't go for that. that's where this bill -- that's where this bill takes us. laura: let's talk about process here. i usually don't like to talk about but it's important here is there a way for this to get stopped? there is move in the senate to force this thing to immediate vote. no reconciliation. forcing all the democrats who didn't like stupak amendment to grapple with this now. what do you? >> i think what's going to happen is we are going to raise points of order tomorrow. a point of order raised on the constitutionality of the bill and point of order raised on the disclosure of these 11th hour deals which also are supposed to be part of our rules. and then, you know, if we get to a final vote in the senate there is a long ways to go. the house and senate bills are very different. laura: can't one senator urge that conference be done away with and you go right to a vote? meaning that this put the democrats, the so-called moderate democrats in the house under the gun here? >> we can object to going to conference. and, like i said, i think we will exercise all procedural tools to keep this thing from becoming law. laura: how could this go down. the stupak amendment obviously stands in the house bill. that seems to be a sticking point. bart stupak said he had 30 democrats who will not sign on to any bill that does not include the stupak language. could the pro-life issue with the catholic bishop every pro-life group against the so-called compromise, could this be a final sticking point. >> if they're more principled than their counterparts. laura: or can they be bought off. >> what you saw in nebraska was senator nelson sold out his pro life constituency in order to get this special deal that he got. i'm hoping that those house democrats. laura: stupak and company, are you listening? >> democrat will hold the line on this. because it does open the door to taxpayer finance abortions which is something that majority of americans, 70% of americans oppose. laura: not a single pro-life group finds this grand compromise that ben nelson sold out so cheaply on, none of them find that to be a real compromise. as you said, there are still health plans in states that pay for, you know, abortion services. they kind of is he greg gait the premiums. it's a watch. -- wash. the whole thing ends up being a wash. it's a travis travesty to americans that this is happening. you are so calm, cool and collected. if i were up there my head would be blowing off my shoulders. how do you remain so calm? al franken had a dust up what was that all about. >> where somebody gets up and misrespects things you are saying you have to challenge it there are a lot of people who feel like their heads are blowing off with all of this. but, what we are trying to do is everything that we can procedurally and every other way to stop this from becoming law because we think it is historic mistake for the country and disaster for health care delivery for our economy and for jobs. we are trying to go about it in the natural decorum of the senate. laura: just hit al franken on the head next time he is 4 feet shorter than you are. merry christmas. >> same to you. laura: year-end report card from the president from our barack and a hard place team. then the fort hood shooter claims the army won't let him pray with his family. is it legal will be on the case coming up. lauer lawyer in a barack and a hard place segment tonight with 2009 drawing to a close, it seems like everyone is giving president obama year-end grades. >> give him a report card on three fronts. let's start with health care. >> health care i would say d as in dog. >> how about jobs? we have seen encouraging twist. >> b boy for jobs. >> now afghanistan? >> c. >> when it comes to effort, should get a straight a. >> what grade would you give yourself for this year? >> um, good solid b plus. >> here now with their own presidential report card are barack and a hard place team fox news analyst monica crowley and alan colmes. now, colmes, i have to start with you. >> you can call me alan if you want. laura: no, i like colmes. the economy and jobs. be fair. don't be a partisan. grade. >> i'm not doing this as a partisan. on the economy i give him a b-minus. we have a long way to go but certain economic indicators rupp. november home sales up 7.4%. highest since october of 2007. economic indicators rose for eight straight months and improved economy in 2010. still got a problem on jobs. that's where i give him a b minus. the and jobs. you know, we have got a ways to go. >> a ways to go. that's an understatement. >> >> but we are making progress. >> laura: b minus. real unemployment is 17%. >> the actual number you know is less than that so don't make up numbers. laura: b minus for 10% unemployment. >> i thought i was the guy grading him not you. >> no. it's my turn now, colmes. i give him a flat out f, laura because there is 10% unemployment rate in this country and excruciatingly slow jobless recovery. in fact, today we heard that g.d.p. grew at 2.2% which is significantly less than the experts had anticipated here and, on top of it. this president is advancing policies, laura, that are only going to kill job creation. and slow any kind of recovery that we might see next year. case in point, this health care monday stros -- monstrosity. laura: i saw a government report came out yesterday that talked about the numbers of defaults on mortgages and they are disturbingly high, especially among people who have gotten assistance from banks and had their rates lowered trying to work out a deal so they can stay in the game. it turns out those people are having incredibly difficult time making their mortgage payments. that in and of itself people are concerned, alan. >> that's why it's a b minus not a b or b plus. i mentioned economic indicators are coming up. eight months in a row economic indicators are up. jobs, unfortunately are the last to come back. middle 2010. we have already seen somewhat of a reversal though in the job loss. that's key. i think you guys are being extremely harsh. i don't know if you are rooting for things to go back because you don't want guy to succeed because you are republicans. there are numbers i cited that show things are on the upswing. >> the two most politically toxic elements of this recession, lawyer remarks exactly as you pointed out home foreclosures and people under water and his mortgage modification program did nothing to help many people at all. laura: alan, foreign policy iraq, afghanistan, iran. >> foreign policy i give him a c, too slow getting out of iraq. he is -- i don't support sending 30,000 troops to afghanistan. problem al qaeda in pakistan. we are increasing troops and great expenditure. people are complaining about the money on health care the money we are spending 100 million on a soldier a year in afghanistan for a country never been able to controlled by anyone war lords run it i'm very concerned about that. i give him a c on that. laura: doubling down in afghanistan. you are giving him? >> i'm giving him a d that while he did get some nato countries to up the antiin terms of troops in afghanistan he has weakness by throwing allies under the bus and embracing adversaries of the united statessenned ho have not reciprocated at all and the results have been the chinese venezuelas and the list goes on they are rolling this guy. he has spent a good portion of the first year apologizing for the united states and gotten nothing for that in return. laura: we are going to skip the next category and go right to health care. that is obviously an mating driving the debate now on capitol hill. alan, on health care you give him a b? alan: i give him a b. still a work in progress. a lot of things are still work in progress. this is a works in progress. if he gets it passed, he gets an a or a minus. actually i would have to say a minus if he gets it passed. he gets a b for now. that's because he hasn't fought strongly enough for single payer. he didn't fight strongly enough for a public option which came out of it we made some compromises here. it's better than nothing. better than no bill. better than what howard dean wants going back to reconciliation. he deserves a b for making this front and center and getting both houses to approve a bill by the end of his first year in office. laura: are you looking at these polls? are you seeing different numbers than i am. >> i'm asking specifically about government involved they say yes polls under 50%. poll after pool people want government involved. quinnipiac poll. people want reform and they want a government option. when that is included in specific poll questions. laura: monica, i love alan, i always have a soft spot for him. >> health care reform. >> here we go. laura: issue after issue, poll after poll shows that the american people the more they hear about it now with bribes and payoffs the more they dislike it what are you -- >> giving him him an f. alan says he deserves credit for putting it front and rohnert dr. actually the american people wanted him front and center on jobs and the economy. >> which he was doing. >> his original vision for this was a huge robust public option that would get us ultimately to single pair. he said repeatedly over the years single pair was his ultimate objective. he didn't get those. at every turn he has cheered on whatever the congress has came up with. and now he has settled on senate bill which is a mess. >> he is not a radical. he is pragmatic leader. laura: finally on leadership, alan, i think that nancy pelosi and harry reid were more leaders in many ways than barack obama over the last several months. >> that's easy to say. i give him a b. in many cases it is too soon to tell. like health karen acted like a number of things. is he pragmatic. he is a compromiser. you act like that's correct that's a terrible thing. laura: pragmatic. >> works and is pragmatic in terms of getting stuff done. get stuff done, be pragmatic and make compromises or stand on a hill and decide not to get anything done. laura: 800 billion-dollar compromise mize. >> this is why i'm giving him a d all you have to do is ask very annoyed democrats on capitol hill this president has been awol on stimulus and health care. he has allowed them to do it. blame bush, lawyer rafer? >> he there are three branches of government. he is not a dictator. >> merry christmas. directly ahead president obama reacts to danny glover saying this administration is no different than bush white house. rock the vote, they want you to withhold sex to get obama care passed. we will tell you what that's alw xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx laura: in the personal story segment tonight, president obama may be seeing a shift in support from the african-american community. the congressional black caucus recently criticized him for not doing enough to help out of work minorities. and now a former supporter, actor danny glover is saying the obama white house is just like the bush white house. the president responded in an interview with american urban radio network. >> if you laura: with us now michael brown the former vice chairman of the democratic national committee. michael, i heard what glover had to say and i heard the president's response. and my comment is, why would the president respond to danny glover? i mean, it's not exactly desmond tootoo any time the president is on the radio talking about issues that effect the african-american community he should respond and he did as any president should frankly. i think he is going through a tough time relative to all communities. not just the african-american community. we're coming through or still in the worst economic times of our generation. that's because of the bush administration, the policies that they laid down. >> laura: but we will get into continuing to blame the bush administration game and whether that's working anymore. let's talk about the unemployment figures. we have graphic to put up on the screen where we are with black unemployment. blacks ages 20 to 2426% unemployment. whites ages 20 to 24, 13% unemployment. in the unemployment statistics for black males also not good as well. i mean, the numbers are terrible, frankly. my question to you is, a year from now, these numbers haven't changed. are you going to be the saying the same thing about president obama? >> i think on what happens obviously over the next several months. this clearly seems. laura: if the numbers are where they are now, michael, a year from now, do you think black americans will still be supporting him and should be still supporting him? >> well, i don't know. but i think the question is more so should americans be supporting him. and i think is is an issue, frankly i don't know if those numbers are accurate. i think those numbers are higher. laura: i think that's department of labor statistics. depends on whose numbers believe. >> i think those numbers are higher. a lot of those folks don't get counted. we a census so we don't know where those numbers came from. i think everyone should be concerned. the bottom line is the president. laura: you can't think. >> the president is still fix the problems of the prior administration. >> you can't think things are good in inner city in detroit, los angeles, san francisco, throughout this country, washington, d.c. it's abysmal for people. the only people not hurting are government workers. last time i checked all we keep doing is hiring government workers. that's all we are doing. payday for them. >> it's an awful situation it's not just related to the economy. we have education systems that are challenge ago lot of our urban areas. >> that's bush's fault too. >> lack of vocational schools. there a lot of reasons, not just one. >> when we talk about minority communities specifically, obviously he was elected last year. historic election. great celebration, great fan fair. and now this. s to it not at some point lead people to think well, it might be great that he is black and first black president but what matters in the end are results for the people. not about party affiliation but how our country is doing. >> also keep in mind he hasn't even been in office for 365 days yet. less than ear i don't. is he still trying to put his change into action and republican congress is trying to block him every step of the way. he is doing the best he can. but for all americans, yes, the african-american community is struggling. latino community struggling. a lot are struggling in appalachian shah. laura: d.c. voucher program. scholarship program my friend joe robert just wrote a blistering letter to eleanor holmes norton and dick durbin and one other congressman. i can't remember his name. incredible indictment on what bass done oon capitol hill to young african-american families trying to give their kids the same opportunity obama girls get and most politician kids get in d.c. schools. what do you say happened? that money was taken away. a pen tans $11 million. now these kids have a totally different educational experience because congress did not care about these young african-american kids. >> you are making a commercial for stayed hood. that's why we should become a state. laura: d.c. vouchers. don't spin it? >> that's precisely the point that congress can get involved with our policies and legislation. laura: do you think these kids should not be able to go to sidwell friends where obama girls go and other kids. >> a lot of the those dollars are taking out of the school systems of urban america. laura: $11 million? that's like a burp for this congress. these could i guys are spending $800 billion on a bill nobody wants. $11 million for children who have a really tough time of it in the public schools here. >> i agree. lfsz there are arguments that the best and brightest get picked out of that system and leaf the rest behind. laura: these are regular folks. these were democrats. these were obama supporters and looking around going wait a second what happened to hope and change. michael, always great to see you. thank you for coming on. planned parenthood tries to silence a former employee who had a change of heart about an abortion. she will be here. d.c. police detective holds out a gun during a snow ball fight. does his punishment fit the crime? we hope you stay tuned to those reports. laura: in the factor flashback segment tonight, planned parenthood tries to silence an employee who had a change of heart about abortion. avy johnson the former director of planned parenthood in brian, texas had a conversion and came to believe that her pro choice position was wrong. planned parenthood tried to prevent her from speaking out. bill spoke with ms. johnson when a judge lifted the gag order against her. bill: ms. johnson, what does planned parenthood not want you to say? what do they fear? >> i think that they are nervous that i am going to continue to speak out and tell people that their business model has changed and that this prevention that they preach about maybe is not really what planned parenthood is all about. and that with the downward economy, they are really trying to increase their abortion numbers because that is the most lucrative part of their business. bill: do you believe that based upon what you saw in brian, texas? do you believe that planned parenthood is an abortion mill trying to profit off that? >> yeah. i absolutely believe that -- i mean, i saw them trying to increase their abortion number. i saw them increase their abortion numbers by increase -- bill: how do you increase abortion number? well, they increase their accessibility to abortion for women. so, for instance, the clinic that i worked at, usually we only did abortions every other saturday and they said, you know what? that's not really enough. we really need to be able to open this up to allowing women to have abortions almost every day during the week. bill: ok. now, your conversion from pro abortion person to pro life person, how did that happen? >> well, i actually saw an ultrasound guided abortion procedure, which is not very common in large abortion facilities like planned parenthood. there are more lengthy procedure. but i did actually get to see an ultrasound guided procedure and what i saw on the screen was a 13 week baby fighting for its life. bill: and instantly you said this is wrong, i shouldn't be at planned parenthood, i should be pro life? that happened instantly? >> well, what i saw was this baby fighting and i had flashes in my head of my own daughter. i remembered having an ultrasound at 12 weeks with my own daughter and i just was thinking what am i doing? i was thinking, you know, i have never seen this before. and planned parenthood really tries to instill in their employees and the women that are coming in for abortions that this is not a baby. that this is just a mass of cells. don't say baby in the clinic. don't say baby to the women coming in for an abortion. and so you begin to believe that you begin to believe that it's not a life. bill: mr. carney, the court case that temporarily prevented ms. johnson from speaking about planned patient hood was pretty intense. i mean, they went after abby pretty hard, did they not? >> they did, bill. and it shows that this organization refuses to accept, particularly from one of their own, that somebody can have a change of heart on this issue. and the judge threw it out because they presented no evidence that she had had a breech of contract. she saw a baby fight for its life only to lose its life before her eyes. she came 40 days of life knew we would be accepting of her. we hold vigils across the country for people having abortions but also the people who work in this industry. she trusted that she was confident in it. and planned parenthood refuses to accept that. bill: obviously it's a very emotional issue. now, in your experience, do you demonize women who have abortions, mr. carney? do you guys do that kind of stuff? because that really makes americans uncomfortable. >> right. and this is a peaceful effort. this is why we are there obviously for the women who are going into the clinics for abortion and also women who work in this industry. abby is the 26th abortion clinic worker who approached us after her clinic was the site of one of our vigils. they left that industry. abby is the only planned parenthood director who had a conversion and left her job. buff we are there for these workers. many of them feel that they can't leave and the pro-lifers have to be there to support them and not judge them and not be radical. bill: it's a soft persuasion. absolutely. it's a a peaceable effort and not violent and her case proves that because she felt the warmth of the people out there. that's why she left that industry and had somewhere to go. bill: very interesting story. we thank you for coming on the factor this evening. laura: when we come back, is it legal takes a look at the fort hood shooter who says he is being denied the right to pray in prison. and congressman alan grayson fast becoming one of the biggest troublemakers on capitol hill. wants the justice department to prosecute one of his critics. oh, that's good. those reports in a moment. sfx:racking of a taillight. female valve: hahahaha...i am strong like the ox. i crush you like tiny clown car. because you are... ...clown, yes? female valve: come, you hit me again and i break you. male valve: oh, you messed with wrong pipe now, car. ha, ha trust me...i have to live with her. announcer:accidents are bad. but geico's good with guaranteed repairs through auto repair express. laura: thanks for staying with us. i'm laura ingraham reporting for bill o'reilly. and in the is it legal segment tonight, a snow ball fight here in d.c. goes terribly wrong when an off-duty cop pulls a gun and later confronts a crowd. >> throw another snow ball. throw another snow ball. throw another snow ball. [bleep] >> shoot somebody with a snow ball. >> throw another snow ball. >> i'm not throwing snow ball. >> get back up on the curb. >> hey hey hey hey. >> get on the curb. laura: we'll tell you what happened to detective mike burial but first as you know the fort hood shooter is charged with killing 13 people last month at an army base in texas. now major nidal hasan's lawyer says the army is violating his rights in prison by refusing to let him pray with his family. joining from us new york is lis wiehl and kimberly guilfoyle. least, let's. >> lis let's start with you. apparently he was not speaking english having a conversation with his brother in prison. they cut the conversation short. >> violated his religious rights to talk with his brother in whatever language he wants to talk about in religion. but the crazy thing, lauer is hasan's first language is english. not arabic. so, of course they have the right to restrict this. also he is in military court. military custody here. not civilian courts where the rules as we know as we talked about 100 times before in different contexts are different. the military has a right to order what they call reasonable restraint. get, this laura, they are not saying he can't speak to his brother in arabic if he wants to. they want to make sure they have somebody there to translate. if i'm the lawyer and the prosecutor i like that. i want that guy talking to his brother in arabic with a translater there because who knows what he might tell me. laura: this attorney is kind of pressing it here. looks like desperation. is this any type of religious discrimination? there he is. any type of religious discrimination claim at all. >> he can try to make it but it will fall upon deaf ears. he will not be afforded those coverages. is he under the military. they have right and reason to believe he poses a danger. they should not allow him to communicate in arabic with his brother. whether even there is an interpreter there or not. they say we will let you do it. but what right does does he have to do that especially given the nature of the charges he is facing. he does pose a risk and should not be able to do this bottom line. laura: i don't know where this guy was. i thought he was on life support. apparently pell enough to speak. >> paralyzed waist down. >> alan, they want you to die early gray son had from florida. has written a four-page letter to eric holder actually that he actually prosecute a woman comawstled my congressman is ridiculing grayson for all loony things he has said over the last several weeks. what is he possibly thinking this angie langley wants to raise money for challengers to grayson. lis, does he have any claim? >> no. this is laughable. when i first read the letter to holder i thought it was a joke. i thought the producers were sending me a joke for tonight. he wants to prosecute it under 1001 which is a federal violation five years imprisonment for saying things that he says are juvenile and desperate. well, hello, representative, what kinds of things have you been saying i. saying lately. >> hypocrisy here is pretty hilarious. we shoved be investigating if him for such a frivolous waste of taxpayer money and letter he sent. he calls was it tasteless. it's juvenile and he is offended by the fraud that she is perpetuating against the people because he technically isn't in my district. i want eric holder to take congressman grayson up on charges for impersonating a u.s. congressman. want to talk about fraud. >> there you go. >> too sweaty for me. let's move on to final issue. great d.c. snow flight. it was a lot of fun but it was a mess. 25 years on the force. pretty exemplary record from what i can gather. they say he pulled gahanna. from what i can say he just had a gun and showed the gun because he got pelted with snow ball and someone on the keen himself had a gun. obviously there were tempers flowing. it was in his hand right there but what do you make of this? his superior is not happy. >> just in time for the christmas season, right? this looks bad though because everybody there is unarmed. it looked to me that he would athe at least get a represent -- reprimand. he says he was being called in at the scene because there was a report of somebody with a firearm. so if that's true, if that can be substantiated then it would make sense that he would be a toible have a firearm out. have to figure that out. laura: what if that's the case? somewhat if someone did have a gun. they had ice pellets in their monday. >> but why wouldn't he be within his rite snfs everyone wfs losing their cool in washington, d.c. you should be responding if someone needs or or danger of personal threat to someone's safety or life. so then it would be reasonable, that's why attorney affairs is going to investigate. this they have a couple of options, they can move him or somebody who has 25 years on the floors and if he hasn't had any other problems or personnel complaints before, then maybe give him a pass on the losing his temperature in the snow situation. >> it's all going to come down to where he was there, laura. >> there was really went into that situation that it woulds no be unreasonable for him pull out the gun rain jane that is one more example of the youtube with the land held video. laura: we are talking earlier of a hawk in arrested paway store. come on. at some point, it seems funny. anyways, you guys have a merry christmas mples in a moment, new details sur riewntding the serious party crasher at the white house. did he laura: and in the factor follow-up segment tonight, new information on the white house party crashers. what did social secretary desiree rodgers know and when did she know it? that's the subject of an investigative story in today's "the washington post." now, here now to help us break it down ronald koepfler author of the book in the president's secret service. ronald, the secret service got totally thrown under the bus to use that overused phrase. cathy hard graves who had the job of standing there and making sure the lists were cross-referenced and so forth said she would not intrnt only one down there. there would have been others from the social white house secretary's office making sure people would not get into the event who were not on the list. what are your thoughts. >> absolutely right. several had had had the secretary was office down there at the guard post with a number of aids who would have the checklist and that's the initial check off as to whether someone is invited. if someone is not on the list, the social secretary at that point would ask them to step aside. they would probably never even get to the secret service. and really it came down to desiree rogers wanting to go to the state dinner. >> desiree rogers according to the "the washington post" story desiree rogers sees herself more as a ceo type, ronald, not a details person. she wanted to be hobnobbing with spielberg and other characterization at that dinner and time for those details. those details that is below her pay grade. that's the message that we're getting. this is a pretty devastating and damning piece in the "the washington post" about this. and never before has the social secretary been so insulated from inquiry, scrutiny and criticism. what's going on with desiree rogers, why are they circling the wagon for her. >> she very good friend of the president. she might have been fired if she were not a good friend of the president. it is also up to the secret service. in the end it is their responsibility to maintain good security. but they are very acquiesce sent and the social secretary's office said we don't want to be there. the secret service said fine. and that's what led to this breakdown as well as corner cutting by the secret service in general. laura: is there resentment in the secret service from what you can tell in your observe analysis of the situation, some of these quotes that we are seeing in this piece it looks like people are none to happy by the way the secret service is treated. obviously they take responsibility for their role in. this the structure was in place to keep this from happening. the salahis were rejected from the gate. flow, no, no. drivers were on the list. they start chatting up katie couric and jennings thing you know they are eating shrimp balls with the president. >> the secret service says there was no real threat to the president. the fact is today. >> that dress was a threat to the president, ok? belly showing at a state dinner. that was a train wreck. >> tomorrow can be an asass sib they did go through imagine tom terse. there could have within zero killers. biological weapons. >> cologne. >> a knife off the table and stabbed the. >> ginger bred replica and a torn cookies. they were sharpening them up. crew chris carney from pennsylvania broke ranks with other democrats saying this is a serious security breach. we know about a third of the story because ms. desiree who's plenty of time to go to the prada show in new york has no time to go up to capitol hill it's executive privilege because she is an advisor to the president on cuff links. >> it's a frivolous use of executive privilege. you know, in order to get the still story should have made sure. >> right. they are subpoenaing the salahis. they shoved subpoena her as well to get the whole story. laura: it's embarrassing. any head of safety would think twice about going to another state dinner. laura: at least got some great shots. we appreciate it, ron. still to come, a provocative new video trying to convince young people to withhold sex to help obama care get passed? what? we will show laura: in the back of the book segment tonight, a viewer warning on this, we're going to show you some provocative material. rock the vote, a political advocacy group, is apparently encouraging young people to withhold sex from anybody who doesn't support obama care. >> you want me to rock the vote by shutting down sex with cougars? >> yeah, that would be great. >> sorry, lady, but health care is way too extensive and the insurance companies are making way too much profits. >> politics is personal. it's more than just checking a box. >> we will vote against you. >> work against you. >> and once again, just in case you forgot -- >> never, ever -- >> never, ever, [beep] you. >> lovely. just in time for the christmas season. joining us from new york is jane mill green, former president of rock the vote. i bet you're glad you're the former president after that message. do you think that's effective? >> well, clearly rock the vote is the group that's bringing young people into politics. they're trying to be provocative. historically that's what the organization does with their campaign. i do think it is unfortunate that they kind of dumbed down the importance issue of health care reform to frat boy culture, 0 voterly -- overtly sexual, using cleavage to communicate this message when there are so many other ways to be compelling and provocative on this iraq especially when it comes to young women and how health care reform is in a sense almost throwing them under the bus. >> how about objectivication? rock the vote sounds like crystal carrington, 1980's. i'm sure it has some kind of important effect in politics that i don't know but what i would imagine we want young people to know is what's actually in the bill and if rock the vote actually spent as much time reading through the provisions of the bill which mandate that young people have fewer choices in health care, then maybe they'd stop making their stupid little idiotic videos and actually start helping young people enjoy freedoms, like freedom to choose whether they even want health insurance or not? >> the reality is rock the vote did roge -- register i believe two million people in the last election. >> how's that working out for them in the unemployment office? >> i think there are critical issues in this bill that are affecting young people. specifically young women. when you look at the barbara mikulski amendment that will for the first time allow for contraceptives to be covered -- laura: oh, boy. yay. >> those are interesting -- laura: let's talk about what's actually in the bill. not as exciting as showing pimple-faced kids with older women but what's actually in the bill, for the first time the federal government is mandating that individuals buy a certain service or product or they're going to get penalized, right? never happened before in the history of our country. never happened before. being jammed through, 2,000 pages of a bill that most americans of course haven't read -- but most congressmen haven't read. i don't care if you're republican or democratic or in the middle, how is that a change we can believe in? theories the same old back-room deals people complained about before. >> i'm not sure how many bills americans have read prior to reality -- health care -- >> laura: how about congressmen? >> well, i think what is important here, no one wants to pay for car insurance but -- laura: that's not a federal mandate. state versus federal. >> the specifics of this issue are the most important thing and especially when it comes to women. who -- what is in the lil built rue -- now is basically trading away women's reproductive rights and there are so many fixes that need to happen. i'm concerned they're going down the road of saying this is the bill that has to be passed instead of having a more educated conversation the laura: well, rock the vote doesn't help educate -- educate anyone. i know it's supposed to be funny but tis the season not to be that crass. well, fazekas the -- that's the focht -- "the factor" today. please check out the web site and my radio show. i'm laura ingraham in for bill and we hope to see you next time and remember the spin stops here. we'r

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