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start with the situation in libya. rebel forces gaining control of the libyan capital; meaning, the end of muammar gaddafi's reign could be near, as the white house told us for weeks. muammar gaddafi days are numbered. defiantly or however still refusing to step down. at this moment, his whereabouts are still unknown. greg will have a comment on that in a moment. the of his sons -- not greg's sons. gaddafi's sons are in the custody of rebels. here is what president obama said on the issue earlier today. >> the situation is still very fluid. it remains a degree of uncertainty. there are still regime elements who pose a threat. but this much is clear. the gaddafi regime is coming to an end. and the future of libya is in the hands of its people. >> dana: tie or no tie for the statement? and the president chose no tie. seriously, bob, i want to get to you because you know a lot about this topic and how do you help a country that is about to go through catastrophic change? nato called it catastrophic success. it could go either way. democracy could be in their future or it could remain a state sponsor of terrorism. you are optimistic for what reason? >> bob: people talk about this as a tribal country. that's true if it was 20 years ago but this is led by young people as egypt and tunisia who are must more geared to the internet and that sort of thing. i don't think there is tribal organizers. two, influence from two countries, france and italy. france was the first to recognize them and they were a colonist there. italy because they buy most of their oil. united states is third. other thing i'd say about gaddafi i think he is on the algerian border now. if i had to guess where he was going, little source, good friend mr. chavez. >> dana: yeah there are not many places he -- >> bob: unless eric wants him in his house. >> dana: i want to get to one thing. we heard from our old friend dom trump who spoke earlier on "fox and friends." listen to what he has to say. >> we spent billions of dollars. we backed nato more than anybody else in terms of weapons and everything else. what do we get out of it? you have rebels running around. beautiful name, rebels. are they from iran? who is going to take over libia? who is going to take over the oil? why do we get out of it and who will take over the oil? the old days when you won the war, victor belongs the spoils. >> dana: i don't know if they claim victory here. it was a nato effort and ground swell of rebellion there the country. tell us what you know about oil. >> eric: donald makes a good point. the rebels did one thing very smart, left the infrastructure, oil wells intact. remember when saddam hussein was extracted by kuwait? he lit kuwaiti oil on fire and they lost billions of oil. rebels protected that. talk quickly, who is pro pro-gadhafi who is pro-rebel. pro-rebel were brits and french and certain extent italians. they will benefit from this because they're the first ones putting in the oil infrastructure. the ones who weren't so pro rebels were kind of the u.s. a little bit, nato i get it, bob. but also the chinese and the russians. they will be left holding the bag. hey, what about us, guys? unfortunately for them a lot of the oil will head to bern europe rather than eastern europe? >> bob: most of the oil went to italy. >> eric: that is a false argument. >> bob: do you think decrease in price of oil is related to this? >> eric: it didn't. went up because the interpretation was a little peace in the middle east will help the economy grow and oil prices went up >> bob: they're down now. >> greg: where are those with the no blood for oil signs now? remember them? >> kimberly: they're all out. i don't think we should discount whatsoever the benefit that the u.s. gave to rebels. and the nato forces. who else was going to pay for money for air strike? if we didn't do that they would haven't gained tactical advantage. on rhetoric we tried to parse our words but this wouldn't have happened but for the help of the u.s. as usual, we're left paying the bill. >> dana: can i ask kimberly a legal question? one thing that some people called for high on the republican side but i think, i don't think is a partisan issue. question of whether the lockerbie bomber should be extradited do you think it's a possibility? >> kimberly: yeah, it should happen. do i think it is going to happen? no, not at this point. there are other variables in play to establish governmentment there, a democratic society. establishing a governing board. holding elections and in terms of these type of high level negotiations. i don't know what kind of benefit we'll say hey, we want to bring them over. >> dana: i don't know. do you think they will give them up in response? >> greg: we have to demand it. it is as important as the oil. he killed americans. we won. this was easier than we thought. it should scare the hell out of syria and iran. it's good to keep the people scared. the other person who won is gaddafi. gat was in power for # 2 years -- gaddafi was in power 42 years. if you are a godless, city councilless baastard, being in pow they're long, he won. >> bob: the first were by drones. we are the only ones that have that. the president played it right, supplying most of weaponry and money. not that much oil. foreign minister was the first to go and oil ministewas the second to go. both of whom indicated they want to be allies with the united states. the last thing i'll say is head of the rebel force, what ever we call them now, new government says he does not want to sit on top of the government with radicals in it to push shariah law. >> eric: it's very important. very, very important, because we don't know who the rebels are. muslim brotherhood. we don't know what it will look like. so before we declare a victory on this -- >> greg: gaddafi is like your crazy neighbor in your building and they evict him. anything is better than him. you have to take a risk. nothing could be worse. where is peta in this? all the rebels firing the rifles in the air, what about the birds? >> bob: a lot got hurt. having been a guy in an apartment that everybody asks to leave, i am the guy to represent those people and i didn't do it. >> greg: gaddafi could get out of country wearing a gaddafi mask. nobody wears their own mask. i've done it myself. >> bob: don't apply to the c.i.a. for a job. >> dana: i think it takes a long time. if president bush tried maneuver the white house press corps would have gone berserk. it shows that we have to spend more on the national defense. if we are going to be a super power of the world, evidence to be a power. >> bob: let me say one thing, the other loser, the republicans began to yell about us being in libya. the brave g.o.p. candidates took shots on libya, and they're keeping their mouths shut today. it wonder why. if they get beand they their country -- >> dana: it's not true. it's because they are being respectful and it's difficult to criticize a president on foreign policy, unlike when we brought up syria. when nancy pelosi, speaker pelosi decided against president bush's request to go to syria and make friends and make nice with bashar assad. you don't see the candidates -- >> eric: bob, are you saying mr. obama, you are going to give mr. obama credit? wasn't he in brazil when we launched initial attacks and at the behest of hillary clinton, via samantha powers who said -- >> bob: it was the united states military. the president ordered to us go in and we were the first to do the first strike and save a massacre in the eastern province. give obama some credit. >> kimberly: i give him credit. >> bob: i know and i appreciate that. >> kimberly: he stayed the course and increased drone strike. without that we wouldn't have had the outcome but i would like to jump in earlier. >> dana: we are going to wrap this up. one thing that kimberly and i learned something, donald trump and eric bolling are on a first name basis. >> kimberly: i like that. daps coming up, maxine waters -- >> dana: coming up, maxine waters had outrageous comments about the tea party. we have that. is white house running scared of 2012 republican candidate rick perry? that's coming up. you can e-mail us at ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] everywhere your pet goes the frontline plus killing force is there annihilating fleas and ticks. visit and get a coupon for frontline plus. >> bob: welcome back to "the five." breaking election news. multiple sources confirming that congressman paul ryan has decided he will not be entering the 2012 race. gee, what a terrible thing. i don't know why anybody took him seriously in the first place but you like him. so go ahead. >> eric: i like paul ryan. it's not that i was thinking he would run. i expect him to wait until 2016. if he were to run now -- first, perry has too much mow money tum. i wouldn't wise to jump in now. if he were to run it would be a referendum on medicare. medicare reform. >> bob: which he would lose. >> eric: that is not the issue. it's about the time right now. >> dana: imagine he felt he didn't have enough experience. >> kimberly: isn't that true? people have said that. if this guy is going to run, when the republicans criticize president obama when he said he had sufficient experience to become the commander-in-chief. he put himself in now he could be washed up politically. his best bet is wait for 2016. if someone is advising him in that regard. >> bob: have you ever heard paul ripe gave speech? >> dana: yeah. >> kimberly: with focus and polling groups. >> bob: he's a stirring guy. >> greg: he won't for president but his widow's peak will. >> bob: his widow's peak will? we have enough on this guy, it's not that important. everybody's guy is rick perry. even white house made him their number one target. the education secretary arnie duncan, looking at the governor's education record. take a look. >> i feel badly for the trouble, far too few of high school graduates are prepared to go to college. you have massive increases in class size. you have seen the cut-back in funding. we have to educate our. >> some say this has all happened under governor perry's watch? >> it has. it hasn't serve the children well or the state well. it doesn't serve the state's economy well. it ultimately hurts the country. >> bob: you are going to hear me say something unusual here. when george bush was governor of the state of texas, they had a good education system. it's right. perry gutted the education system, hurting the 40% of the kids there k-12 who are hispanic. hi opted out from the race at the top. cut money for education and wants to put creationism in the school system. >> dana: no, no, no. >> bob: it's a disaster with education. disaster. mississippi might go ahead of them now. >> dana: no. it would be fun to compare chicago statistics. we could do that. chicago school district. >> bob: we're talking about the state. want to go to brownsville and compare it? >> dana: sure. let's open it up. this is what surprises me having worked in an administration. i cannot imagine a secretary of education guns out and saying that on a talk show that was clearly to go somewhere who is one of nine people running for president. i think it's a little bit below the belt. >> greg: great to see al hunt, though. been a while. >> bob: have you missed him? >> greg: i have. >> kimberly: this is political. inappropriate. it wasn't profession tom do that, racist issue like on the sunday talk show. this is tit-for-tat. i'll push you and then i'll push you back twice. he accused him of a federal takeover of the education system. perry said that to duncan. they don't like each other. >> eric: interesting the amount of attention rick perry is garnering in the white house. they huddle around and go how are we going to nail perry on the talk show. the numbers you cite, you are trashing texas. >> bob: i'm not trashing texas. it's just perry. >> eric: they had the most immigration of any state in the union, of course that skews the numbers to look worse than they are. >> bob: you might consider perry a great jobs creator, and education governor. george bush i buy. this guy as the education governor? >> eric: i said the numbers are skewed when you have massive influence of immigrants coming in for jobs, not necessarily for -- >> bob: when it comes to education, it really is true. he is all pep, no cattle. >> eric: cat? >> bob: we have to move on. let's talk about karl rove, who i love. karl rove says sarah palin is going to run. do you buy it? >> dana: i don't. we want to hear from him and listen to what he had to say. >> bob: i was supposed to say that. sorry, producers. >> not much of a gambler but i put more money than she gets in than she doesn't. because the schedule she has next week in iowa, it looks like that of a candidate, not a celebrity. >> bob: i to tell you what this is. if anybody dislikes perry more than me, it's my buddy rove. this is as much gigging perry as anything else. i don't think she is getting in. >> greg: i want to see palin go in so i can watch bill maher and andrew sullivan enter a mental hospital. they'd lose their minds and would be frothing on the ground. >> bob: it would be great if she got in. >> kimberly: but it's a good point. look at her schedule. she is not pulling back. people say even saying you had time in the spotlight. let another candidate come forward to try to win it. >> dana: there was conservatives this week on twiter going back and forth saying at this point, rip the band aid off. you are in or you are out. i disagree with karl and i say she's not running. >> bob: i thought she was in, then i thought she was out, but now i don't care. no, i do, because it makes good copy. i don't care what schedule in iowa, she is very late. by the end of september, there is five states you need to qualify in. it takes work. not an easy job. i think she misses it, myself. coming up, has god become a four-letter word this political season? well, since it's only three letters that's not possible. but we'll discuss how it is impacting the presidential race next on "the five." ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you never know when, but thieves can steal your identity. turning your life upside down in a matter of seconds. hi. hi. you know i can save you 15% today if you open up a charge card account with us. you just read my mind. 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either way, whoever programmed him, should have given hit better fashion sense. when perry was asked about evolution, isn't it really -- it's not about science. it's a way for the left to get at principles to expose you. >> dana: this is a political question. they think if you are religious you must nuts and gragg country kicking and screaming back to days of the caveman. jon huntsman, last may, may 2011, a few months ago, huntsman said i will not go negative on my campaign. then he got 59 votes in straw poll in iowa and lo and behold he's going negative on candidates. one last point on this, i don't see why huntsman could haven't gone after the obama administration. if science is supposed to inform the policies, for example, last week we talked about the cigarette labels, they have to put the label of the graphic photographs on, the sipe of the administration tells the fda it would reduce the smoking by 0.088%. so it is okay if you are a liberal and ignore sipe and impose your policy views but not if you are on the right. >> greg: go ahead. >> kimberly: i want to say what does he think he is accomplishing by saying this. not going to get the republican nomination? note to self, this tells me he is not super serious about trying to win this time around. maybe it flies in the general election, but before you get to main rodeo, you have to go to try-out first. >> greg: i think he is gearing for a tv show. >> kimberly: is that what it is? >> greg: the media on the left like people pro-conservative who veer to the center, to the left. they don't like it when you are from the left and you move to the center, to the right; i.e., lieberman but a strange new respect award. suddenly they like you more. not about being president but being liked. >> bob: let me give a theory about what huntsman is up to. this reminds me of 1964. i was a baby then. but barry goldwater took over and sur friesed people, took over the republican people from the modern conservative and went on to get crushed. moderate conservative reassertsist and got the party back in '68. led to richard nixon. the point is huntsman knows he can't win in this electorate. he's too far right so he is positioning himself as a reasonable alternative. if someone very right gets nomination and gets killed they can say look, enough of this stuff. >> eric: i agree with you, bob. he can't walk back two things that are really could hurt him. number one, global warming stuff. he is saying i believe in global warming. the other one, cap-and-trade stuff. this is destined to a conservative in a primary, not necessarily a general election. >> dana: you can believe an throwpo -- you can believe that global warming is happening but not agree with the remedy put forward. they're not necessarily -- >> kimberly: he believes 98 out of 100 climate scientists say global warming and the republican party, you know, at risk of becoming the anti--- >> eric: trying to be the anti-perry on the right side. >> bob: you are right about the primary electorate for the republicans. they believe there is a global warming. >> greg: you have to tease out belief on climate change. you can believe there is climate change or man-made cause climate change is significant or insignificant. you go to the next step is there anything you the do other than spending billions of taxpayers' money on stupid things >> eric: >> bob: wait a second there is a lot of the wing of the republican party, the right wing republican party that does not believe the science of global warming. >> greg: no, no, no. when you find out -- >> bob: what is wrong with that? >> greg: the science was dill luteed by self- -- diluted by self-promotion and panic. the bedrock of science is skepticism. if you blindly accept -- >> eric: and ideology. that whole, the whole group, the anglican university in england is prove there is no -- >> bob: global warming? >> eric: yes. there is global cooling. every 30 years the globe warms and cools. >> greg: stupidity, it's semiplified by a lot of people who have been spreading this -- >> bob: 99% of the sciencetists in the world. >> dana: huntsman knows we should all recognize this, if we think there is global warming and we agree to reduce emissions, if china doesn't do the same, where he used to be the ambassador, it doesn't matter at all. >> kimberly: it won't matter what we do. it's a drop in the bucket. >> eric: because pollution is spongeable. >> bob: you're spongeable on this subject. >> greg: i don't know what that meant. i to look it up. coming up, maxine waters lashes out at the tea party. another prime example of instability in washington. we will play you the tape next on "the five." ♪ ♪ are you anxious to protect your family with life insurance... but afraid you can't afford it? 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if not, you will want to. shannon bream has that story. doug mckelway has the new martin luther king junior memorial on the washington mall. "special report" starts at 6:00 eastern in washington. now back to new york to my friends at "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> eric: welcome back to "the five." american economy on the verge of falling back to recession. the politics in d.c. is heading up the right, blaming wasted taxpayer money and redistribution of wealth agenda emanating from the white house and the left blaming the tea party for holding up the process. >> i am not afraid of the big bad wolf. i'm not afraid of anybody. this is a tough game. you have can't be intimidated, you can't be frightened, and as far as i'm concerned, the tea party can go straight to hell. [ applause ] >> eric: way to keep it classy, congresswoman. bob, the vi vitriol, the rhetorc stepped up. what do you think? >> bob: i said something close to that as well but i suggest maxine that all of us should step back a little bit and suggest we go to hell are saying we want to beat the hell out of them is probably better if we refer to who they are. they are tea party people. do battle at the voting booth. those of us on the left, the tea party does represent an attack on all things we care about. you may not agree with them, you obviously don't, but for us it's the worst of the worst. but instead of us yelling like we do, i think my own hit on this, let's beat them. >> greg: i want to defend her. when she said, "go to hell" she was inviting them to her district. she has every right to be -- you like that, bob. she has every right to be threatened because the tea party represents something to take away her power. if they are in hell, she is the protector of hell, entitlement to keep blacks in the underclass. >> kimberly: she is known for this. she is like run me all day on fox news. decides to make the attacks. >> bob: i can relate to that. >> eric: i want to go to you in a second but bob, what is it about the tea party that has the left so up in arms? they have to resort to name-calling, terrorists, go to hell? >> bob: those of us on the left overstated their influence. we lost our debate and we lost the debate. trying to cut programs to us are sacrosanct. if they cut it, it's war. we go to war. wha >> eric: what about the class warfare from the white house? only from the white house? >> dana: incivil talk made me uncomfortable. i try to keep myself in check. imagine if someone said the congressional black caucus could go straigh to wherever. >> greg: i like how you won't say it. daps i would never say it. if i heard someone in my own party say it, i would call them out on it, too. one thing that president obama has a problem with, i think, is that he on paper sometimes says he wants more cooperation, less class wa warfare and less partisanship and then don't call people out for saying things like this. what you have now is not just class warfare, but interclass warfare, which we want to get to. billionaire versus billionaires. we had warren buffett last week. harvey billic and the koch brothers versus buffett and obama questioning what is fair, what is your fair share and if you are going to take more of our money could you spend it wisely? >> eric: we have harvey's quote. put it on the full screen? before you ask me, for more tax money from me and others, raise the $2.2 trillion you collect each year more fairly and spend it more wisely then you will need less of my money. >> kimberly: sounds like a perfect -- >> bob: wrong, harvey. >> kimberly: really? why? it makes perfect since. why reward a government spending carelessly, waste abound and more regulations, more government entities we don't need and reward it saying here is an empty checkbook with everything in it. >> bob: you think harvey supported the war in iraq? i think he did. he rips the people who support iraq do now think they take one dime? you never have a surtax, except for iraq. these guys have been rewarded over and over. this has been the most friendly congress -- >> kimberly: irresponsible government. >> eric: multibillionaires saying rich people should be taxed more. 47% of american household, we know the number over and over don't pay a dime. how about the top 1% paying almost 40% of all tax revenue? how much more can they do? >> bob: they make the most percentage of the money. daps i think they would be willing to have tax reform. >> eric: did you hear what he said? >> bob: they make more than half the money. >> eric: what does that have to do with the tax rate that -- >> bob: the rate ought to be higher than that. >> eric: it has nothing do -- daps if you tax them at 90%. you wouldn't solve our problem. >> greg: the problem what bob said is it doesn't have any effect on his life. you can raise taxes that much because he is that rich. so he should suffer from the taxes. it's hypocritical. >> eric: half the country shouldn't pay tax? that's fair. >> bob: broaden the base, wealthy should pay more. >> eric: there you have it. coming up, what brawl disturb -- disturbing video of a brawl in the stands and the violence that followed in the parking lot. "the five" will discuss what this says about our society next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> kimberly: welcome back to "the five." well, n.f.l. preseason game between the san francisco 49ers and the oakland raiders turning violent this weekend. take a look at the video. taken inside candlestick park. fans from both teams huh meled each other -- pummeled each other with punch after punch. it didn't end there. police are investigating not one, pew two shootings that happened outside the stadium after the game was over. well, unfortunately, this is another example in a string of recent sports events where fans have crossed the line. we remember the story, of course, where the father bryan stow was beaten nearly to death. still remains in critical condition from the san francisco giants tant l.a. dodgers game. you had interesting thoughts on this. the question is what can you do? >> bob: first, the guys throwing the punchings, if you throw that many punchs and nobody go down, they're a bunch of weaklings. >> kimberly: 6'4", 225. >> bob: this is happening more and more. tough to get control. they have tail gate parties and get looted up and go inside. you can't stop this -- this is what i would do. some teams have as part of their deal if you get caught once being drunk and disturbing, you are out of the stadium. twice you lose your season tickets. three times you are banned from football for life. you're not going to stop people from drinking. but you either can cut it down a little, though it doesn't help that much there are a lot of drug has work their way in this thing, too. it's out of control. i tell you something, the n.f.l. better do something. they have work to do. they are still living in the vince lombardi. grow up and take care of people on the field and off. >> kimberly: oh, my gosh, that was a bobologuee. this wasn't the only incident there was a fight between ravens fans and the chief. you know who had to break it up? a woman. she told them to stop fighting and threw a drink to get them to cool off. daps it's surprising, i gone to very few sporting events and i know that will shocker rick but the ones i have gone to and there seems to be a lot of security. in the video, there is no security. it disturbs me that it seems another example we're becoming more like the u.k. when i lived there, if you went to a soccer match, you were going to end up probably in the middle of a brawl with a hooligan. >> eric: sad, the really sad part, these sporting events should be about the kids, not about the drunken morons. a couple observations, these are preseason games and my guess is the stadiums didn't supply enough security. because it wasn't a reck season game. so their revenues weren't as high. in hockey, you can't buy beer after the first period now. they are going to do the same thing in football. stopping beer sales at halftime. because a couple of morons. >> kimberly: they have a responsibility. people don't want to take their kids. a great quote, rafael nunez of fremont california says he attend and he doesn't bring the kids to the raiders games. i'm from the bay area. >> bob: there are 20,000 cars in the parking lot and people are driving out drunk and getting hurt because of it. not saying this because of my past. if you get that many people that drunk, it's not just a few, i wish it were, they may have to stop serving after the first half. i would drive people crazy. that's what it takes. >> greg: the sad thing is i like watching the brawl. when they are on -- >> dana: at least you're honest. >> greg: everybody does. >> bob: i don't. >> greg: people go this is terrible, but you're like this going oh, my gosh! everybody loves this stuff. it's why you watch hockey. symbol of the raiders is a pirate with a knife. what do you expect? >> kimberly: they look up to it. have you checked out the number of penalties they get? they lead the league in penalties. >> greg: the teambe, they were amazing. wild group. stabler and now it's the fans. now the fans. >> bob: the fans take it over because the raiders suck. >> greg: that is my point. >> bob: don't bet on them this year. >> eric: unemployment in the bay area is 12%. >> greg: impeach obama. >> dana: this would never happen at a broncos game. >> bob: oh, yeah. >> greg: i thought you would say under bush. >> dana: blame the iraq war on bush in that segment. >> bob: i didn't but i do. as a former player, we didn't like this stuff either. it held up the game and unpleasant for everybody. we did all the fighting on the field. >> dana: maybe the players should say something. >> eric: that is a great idea. >> kimberly: look at this, you have the guy throwing the punchs like ufc fighting for his life. >> bob: it would be helpful if the players didn't go after, or get drunk at the bars with the coats on. >> eric: the league has to get out in front of this. they make $9 billion a year. they have to put, absolute added management. >> bob: you're taking on management. i love you. >> eric: this is about the kids. i imagine my 13-year-old watching that going on and i'd be horrified. >> greg: look how unattractive the fans are. >> kimberly: are you ripping on my san francisco 49ers fans? >> bob: i took my kid to see a redskinsgame and the guy started to fight him in front of my kid. i was afraid for my kid. i had to put both of them out. but the point is by the time the cops got there -- >> kimberly: you are part of the problem. >> bob: i had to remove them. the other thing i did is against dallas, used to be big with the redskins they were beating up a dallas guy in the men's room. i went there and tried to help the dallas guy and i got the hell beat out of me. >> kimberly: compelling. the rose bowl has new guidelines, too, which is better, less time in parking lot to make at it family friendly environment. i like that. we're just getting started it seems like, right? we have much more coming up on "the five." that is next. stay with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> dana: welcome back to "the five." so every president as their fair share of impersonators. believe me, president bush did. this next one may take the cake. the website ai politics and their impersonator are chronicle what they call "obama's diary" and listen to what they call "the listening tour." >> why iowa? that is a question that i, i actually can't answer. it's very small state. why it holds as much weight as it does in the presidential process, i really don't know. if you look, i am keeping a harrowing schedule. today we started ten minutes before the crack of noon and we finished up just around 2:15 or so. >> eric: i felt like obama might have allergies but a good impersonation. >> kimberly: i like it. i like crack the news. i like that. good one. put it in the repertoire. >> eric: did he need a teleprompter for that? >> dana: that is the benefit of doing it just on audio. >> eric: even so. >> bob: being fair and balanceed here, this is mr. perry. you know what? hey, y'all, i think god asked me to run for president. you know what? i call bernanke, i call him a traitor and my gym teacher, soson of a bitch gave me a "d" and i'll send him to death row with the other people that haven't done anything wrong. daps the voice is right but try -- >> dana: the voice may be right. >> greg: i would like to apologize for what i said. it never happen again. >> kimberly: i'd like to apologize for what i'm about to say. >> dana: apologize, too. run the apology thought. ben bernanke got married this weekend. check out this kid, who is now famous for being, you know famous. we have a cnn reporter who is very sign seriously reporting on the important news of kim kardashian getting married. she has no idea that that kid is having a blast. that is like a mini-glenn beck. >> greg: that is a little kucinich. >> bob: why does anyone cover a second to cover her wedding? >> eric: that is the beauty of the segment. the kid is doing what 9 # 98% of the audience is thinking. >> bob: never mind. i'll get in trouble on this one. i can tell you what i wouldn't do. >> dana: a year ago i hosted "fox and friends." one people -- gretchen was out sick and i interviewed kelsey grammer there was a card that said there was a divorce. a divorce. so i went and subscribed to "people" magazine and i get it every week. i do not understand why the kardashian are on the front cover every week. >> greg: she has a large butt. that's all you need to know. >> kimberly: asset management. >> dana: all right. we're getting out of here. that's it for "the five." thank you for watching. see you tomorrow.

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