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san francisco to jfk before takeoff. here's the deal. they were planning to take off flight 24 from sfo to jfk and they got this phone call and it was a security threat. out of an abundance of caution the transportation security asked it be removed to this location and passengers will be taken off the plane, interviewed and rescreened. the aircraft will be swept by law enforcement. think of it, you have to be careful and you have a threat, you have to do it. that said, imagine you're on had a flight, you got five or six hours to jfk out of san francisco. this is no joyride. they're stuck and they'll be rescreened and check the plane and hopefully it will be not a darn thing but the day is messed up. frustrated investigators releasing more information on the escaped imfrom arizona and hissy an see/first cousin. john mcclusky, the dude on the left. he lost a pretty important tooth. his left lateral insizer, you can see the whole there. then casslyn mae welch is missing most of her right pointer finger. it's noticeable because she smokes using her middle and ring finger. that's had a vision. investigators say the last credible sighting was in southern montana. they're accused of murdering since their escape. trace gallagher, what's the let'sist on the search for the toothless and fingerless one. >> the search is focusing on montana because there's the last place they were seen. also arkansas because mcclusky has family there. they were long haul truckers so authorities say they know truck stops well. how to eat and shower there. they're warning people who go to truck stops in montana and arkansas to look out for these two. the wanted posters changed because they believe john mcclusky may have dyed his hair, as you see there, and grown a beard, still missing the tooth and casslyn welch may have blonde hair from the brown hair, still believed to be driving the nissan sentra. >> shepard: we're learning about the prison break, she helped them get out or that's what the authorities say. >> that's the theory. it haps in the arizona state prison on the border of california and arizona. the prison is plagued by security problems. the theory is she tossed in wire cutters and mcclusky and two others cut a fence and escaped. kidnapped a couple, stole their car and fled to montana. the two others were recaptured. the kidnapped couple has been released but the nissan, they believe they have arizona plates but they're not sure. >> shepard: trace gallagher, thank you. >> weather alert! heavy rains in the southeast triggering devastating flooding in the volunteer state, happening months after record flooding hit hard in tennessee. yesterday's fort floodwaters cad roads to buckle in put noncounty. they're trying to salvage what they can. >> i look this way and i see my kids' floats. i ran the fishnet and started getting what i could. we lost quite a few things. >> at the height of the storm, parts of tennessee saw six inches of rain in a few hours. putnam county is like cookville, tennessee. compared with may when up to 19 inches of rain fell in someplace there. man, what a way they've this. rick reichmuth is live in the extreme weather center. >> the latest numbers are coming in. a few spots around the 11, 12-inch mark. this is the doppler radar. there's nashville. the red is over 3 inches. the purple is 10 inches. a small area causing big damage in a smaller area. that's good news. >> i guess so. was it near what happened in may? >> when you talk about what happened in may, that was such a huge area just to the west of it in nashville, about half that state saw from 12 to 15 inches and some areas, 20. we'll still see a cresting of the cumberland river but that's flood stage. it gets below that overnight tonight. not in the major fort flood stae like in may. >> thank you. rick reichmuth. every thursday we find out how many are applying for unemployment checks for the first time. as you can tell from the dow, the news was horrible. 500,000 new filers for unemployment benefits. half a million. gerri willis from "fox business" gives us her cents next plus vegas, supposed to be a fun place to relax, blow off steam. instead, it's the top of america's most stressful cities. you're stressed out when you're losing, you're not stressed out when you're winning. winning is good. we love to win, right? vegas, baby, vegas. we'll be back. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. new information about the plane in san francisco. this is standard procedure. they had a threat so they had to move the flight away from the terminal. on the outside chance there's something that would go boom. they don't want it to go boom on the terminal. cops are on the planes and i don't know if the people were moved off. i think they were. i can't be positive. american 24 will eventually i assume make its way out here. hopefully they'll have lots of food because people will be hungry by the time they get to new york. >> bad news from the labor department. the number of folks filing for unemployment for the first time jumped unexpectedly to the highest level since november of last year. initial claims for jobless benefits jumped 12,000 to 500,000. the fourth increase in the past five weeks. analysts say it suggests companies are again laying employees off as economic recovery appears to be weakening. investors do not like the news and the dow was down almost 200 points. i don't think it got there. either way it's 154 now. gerri willis, host of the willis report on the "fox business" network. what happened? >> jobless numbers. >> shepard: it's worse isn't it. >> it is. we're used to 9.5 of americans not having jobs but we're not looking at people discouraged from getting jobs. look at the -- we don't count them. >> shepard: we never have. >> we never have. people who have a job of working age is less than 60% of americans. 58.8% in april. it dropped through june to 58.5. this isn't good news. the jobs market is in bad shape but it's pretty darn bad shape. >> shepard: we've been calling this a jobless recovery. companies are making money but they're doing it with fewer employees. >> right. >> shepard: that's not good. >> its it's what you see after recession. they make more money. jobs growing is typically a lagging indicator and coming out of recession, it's the last thing that improves but this is worse than that. that is shocking to most economist. >> shepard: the congressional budget office had a pessimistic outlook forecasting increases in the deficit for the next two fiscal years. >> a little bit more, $1.35 trillion. what's a few billion between friends. it's almost 10% of gdp. that's a lot of dough. a look at what this means as a practical matter, if you were to cut out all the spending for military, federal education, everything in this list, the c.i.a., the f.b.i., you name it, you still come up 110 shy of our deficit. >> shepard: wow. >> yeah. >> shepard: is there anything good in the economy? any good news? >> housing prices are at 50 year lows. some markets, prices have been cut in half. mortgage rates are at long-time lows. people haven't seen this in a generation. if you want a house or want to refinance, now could not be a better time. >> shepard: people have cash. there's a lot of cash out there. everybody is not poor. normally in these situations, people with money go out and spend it because in theory, there are bargains but people don't see it as bargains. >> shepard: people are scared. they think prices will go down further and that's one of the dangerous. people don't spend because they think the washing machine, the house, the car will be cheaper in a week, two weeks, so might as well wait. >> shepard: that has to end. >> that's right. >> shepard: when you fix it, call us and we'll put you on. >> sounds good to me. you may have a long wait? it will be worth it. gerri willis from the willis report on the "fox business" network which, if you don't get ... >> ... demand it! >> high unemployment a major factor in a survey of the most stressful cities in all the land. number one, las vegas. the stress management center of the state of nevada reports folks come in to complain they're unusual work hours conflict with family time. the housing crisis and recession hit the city very hard, forbes says las vegas has a 14.5% unemployment rate. wow. after vegas, los angeles, according to forbes, almost 23% reported their health was less than good. houston, texas, forbes reports they work the longest hours of any city. an average of 41.2 hours per week. they considered jobless rates, long commutes. work house, exercise, that sort of thing. vegas, los angeles, houston. well done. >> in north carolina, a shocking report claims the state's crime lab omitted, overstated and falsified blood evidence in hundreds of cases. the most concerning part of all of this is three of those cases were murder trials and during those three cases, the people who may have had bad information from the lab are now dead. they were executed. jonathan hunt is live with this. wow, this is -- this is bad, john. >> yeah, it's widespread enough, these cases to cause great concern for north carolina officials and interest for defense attorneys whose clients may have been wrongly convicted. the independent review was ordered by the state attorney general. 15,000 cases they looked at in total. they found 230 problems in those cases and 269 people were charged. now, of those, 80 are serving time. four are on death row, three were executed. five actually died in prison. so a lot to be concerned about in this independent review which is just being published. >> one of the cases is michael jordan's father. >> that's right. his father, james jordan, was murdered in 1993 as he slept in his car on a north carolina highway. two men were sentenced to life in prison for that case. an f.b.i., a state bureau of investigation analyst reported an examination of the scene gave blood evidence but apparently what the analyst did not report was that four subsequent tests were incon slew sieve. now thief to take a long, hard look at the case. one of the former f.b.i. agents said this does not prove innocent people were convicted. >> this was a snapshot in time. we were not concluding there were cases -- there's potential here and it's going to have to be a a by case review. >> defense attorneys in north carolina will be looking closely at every case. >> clearly so. jonathan hunt is chatting at in just a moment, new information on roger clemens just indicted. ring ring. progresso. why does it say box tops for education on your soup? oh, it's a program that raises money for schools. that's great, but this is a can. ye it is. you can't have a box top on a can. yes we can. but a can isn't a box. we know. i don't think you do. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. a federal grand jury indicted roger clemens. seven times cy young award winner accused of lying to congress about using steroids. federal charges, obstruction, making false statements, perjury. no trial date set. we just got word there's nothing set forth initial appearance even. the judge has not set an arraignment. we expect to know more later today. it stems from clemens' testimony on capitol hill. he was responding to the mitchell report, george mitchell's investigation. on the 13th of february in 2008, roger clemens swore under oath he never used them. >> i'm not saying senator mitchell's report is entirely wrong. i'm saying brian brian mcnamee's statements are wrong. i've never taken steroids or hgh. >> the mitchell report was based in part on the testimony of brian mcnamee. he claimed he injected clemens more than a dozen times. roger clemens has tried to sue him for defamation. now the growing nationwide egg recall over salmonella outbreaks that could be the worst in two decades. the iowa farm at the center of it is expanding the recall by 150 million additional eggs. it's called wright county egg and warns 380 million eggs could be contaminated with salmonella. they were sold under 13 names in the nation. atlanta's centers for disease control and prevention reports hundreds may have been sickened and it could rise to thousands. of concern to health experts is the strain of salmonella that seems to be at work here. jonathan serrie is live -- i don't know who still has eggs left over in the refrigerators from may. but that's not a good idea, and who is most at risk? >> absolutely. well, in theory, anyone is susceptible. healthy people would get over symptoms in less than a week but for others, it can be serious. >> the people who are more likely to become seriously ill are the very yong, the very old or people with weak immune systems. they can have serious illness and potentially die. >> for people in these categories it's important to get early attention. >> shepard: how widespread? >> 380 million eggs recalled shipped into 17 states but many companies redistributed the eggs to additional states. public health officials say it's entirely possible that there are people coming down with salmonella infection in all u.s. states. >> shepard: what are you supposed to do, throw all the eggs away? >> if you have the eggs in question, yes. if you have eggs in general, using a recipe that calls for raw eggs, make sure they're pasturized. cooking eggs thoroughly will kill it but prepare them on halloween surfaces and separate it to avoid cross-contamination. if you have these eggs, return them to the store or throw it out. we have a complete list of the brands and lot numbers of the eggs in question at >> shepard: all right. jonathan, thank you. i'm getting -- first, it started in baghdad with what they call shock and awe. the initial idea was to get the weapons of mass destruction away from saddam hussein. it ended with a pleasant drive across the border to kuwait. now that combat operations are over, what do we expect for the future of iraq and will the country be able to protect itself? we'll talk to robert pelton coming up. see more images of american troops heading home from iraq. head to, slick on -- click on the slide show. we're getting new information about the plane, the jet in san francisco. new stuff, i'll have it for you right after this. activia is better than ever! hey, you guys. want to try activia's great new taste? today is your tasty lucky day! sure, why not? isn't this the yogurt that, you know... helps regulate your digestive system. ooh, i think i'll pass. no, no, no! trust me. it is beyond tasty. okay! mmm! wow! i can't believe it, i love it! mmm, this is really good! new best tasting activia ever! taste it, love it, or it's free! ♪ activia new information on the plane. man, this is getting weird now. it seems now with respect, that the nbc television station in san francisco sent out a tweet. and this tweet says, let me read t we're hearing of a possible attempted hijacking aboard a plane at sfo, san francisco international airport. more to come. send pics to and their address. t.s.a. is all over that and say the tweet from the station is offbase. it is inaccurate to describe this as an attempted hijacking. t.s.a. said it was someone calling in a specific threat to the plane, but the t.s.a. official says there's no explanation as to why specifically. we don't know a lot. per american airlines, there are no hostages as incorrectly reported locally. security threat was phoned to local police, not to the airplane. transportation security removed it to the tarmac and passenger are being deplaned. it's my understanding passenger and means will be rescreened. it's sounding like abundance is caution is it and maybe the reporting got a little away. >> yeah, we never went there because i think that reporting was wrong from the get go. look at the scene, the busses are going to the scene, which means they're in the process of taking the passenger off the plane. they're probably taking the badge -- baggage and rescreen and bring them back to the gate. the weird thing is the plane was supposed to take off from san francisco to jfk at 7:30 local time, five hours ago. that's a long time for the plane to sit on the outward tarmac waiting there on a threat that somebody called in. that's why they've been so careful and diligent and they're just now getting the busses out there to get these people off of this many and back into the gate area. you heard it there, t.s.a., american airlines, both saying the local reporting was way off base, it nothing to do with hostages. it was a phone threat called in. subsequently a passenger, allegedly, called in to ktvu, our affiliate in van. there's no way to verify if a passenger called in or the person was on the plane. it's just a cell phone but the passenger said allegedly everybody onboard was calm. that the process was going along as expected and they were about to get off the plane. that's the situation as we know it now. flight 24, san francisco to jfk. the busses are there. a very good indication all the passenger will soon deplane and head back in. >> the call, trace, went from somebody to the police. not to the airplane or anybody else. i guess we don't know the specific details of the call, right? >> we don't know the specific details. we called the f.a.a. and they immediately turned us to t.s.a. we called t.s.a. and they give the information about the phone call, the threat called in. we have a lot of threats called in about different situations around. when they take something this seriously, there has to be something in the threat that set off alarm bells. look, again, i'm not speculating, but when you leave a plane, a 767, sitting on the runway for the better part of five hours, there has to be something that tips somebody off that they wanted to take a hard look at. that's what we're looking into, exactly what the phone call said that made them put this plane on hold for five hours. >> shepard: it was good to hear that our san francisco station, fox 2 in san francisco, was able to speak to somebody and it doesn't sound like people are wigging out. >> no, that's what we were saying, it sounds like everybody's calm and the scene is calm. we talked to t.s.a. and f.a.a. and there isn't alarm in their voices. american airplane airlines are saying it has nothing to do with hostages, but just a threat called in. everybody is doing their best to knock this story down and get these people off the plane and get official statements coming from american airlines about what is going on. >> shepard: i'm guessing we have -- i feel bad for the people getting on the busses. i'm guessing we have no time frame on anything. >> no, no, it will take -- look, we've seen these before in miami. it will take them probably an hour to get them off the plane, get them into the tarmac. you get them in and they'll go back and rescreen everybody. you have to get the baggage off the plane and it has to be rescreened. then you get that plane or another piece of equipment loaded, ready, fooded up and sent off. you're talking three or four hours before they can take off and it's a five hour flight. so a very long day for the passenger because of a threat that was phoned in. but again, shep, in this climate, better safe than sorry. >> shepard: that's for sure. trace gallagher, we'll be monitoring this to make sure nothing else develops here. you don't have any way to know the until they search it but it feels like it will be all right. in just a minute, new reporting on iraq. there's great excitement over the fact that combat troops made it across the border in kuwait and officially operation iraqi freedom is over. they're changing the name and moving on to the next phase and telling us move along. we'll talk to robert young pelton, who has a security firm and knows a lot of about the region, written a book. he's good. we'll find out the real skinny. that's next. yes, i hear progressive has lots of discounts on car insurance. can i get in on that? are you a safe driver? yes. discount! do you own a home? yes. scount! are you going to buy online? yes! discount! isn't gettg discounts great? yes! there's no discount for agreeing with me yeah, i got carrd away. happens to me all the time. helping you save money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. >> shepard: continuing coverage of our top story, the official end of combat operations in iraq. the war that claimed the life of 4,000 americans. iraqis themself are in charge of their security. roughly 50 to 56,000 u.s. troops will remain there and their mission is to help with training and counterterrorism operations. early on america's newsroom. fox spoke with one of the last u.s. combat troops to leave iraq. >> it's a historic day. >> it is, absolutely, especially for the people who have been on several successful deployments, the invasion and surge. this unit was here two years ago. to be the last out is historic and something we'll be talking about for years. >> reporter: do you think the war is over? >> for the iraqis, no. for us, increasingly so and for the perceptionses of the average american, this is pretty much it. but its still an ongoing process for the iraqis. still issues their country has to work through. i think the good thing is they've made a lot of progress and now us being able to hand over a significant part of that security to them is a step in the right direction. >> it's been under avale veil of seekvy to get us down here with security concerns on the way down. we were worried that perhaps we might get hit by militants. we got here in one peace. tell us about the journey for you. >> in some ways it was like any other patrol, just longer. we have to prepare for the worsting and hope for the best so there was a lot of secrecy. i wasn't allowed to tell my nam. if anything, they're finding out now. in some ways it was like a patrol but we had more planning because its 3 90 miles. >> a historic moment indeed and the end of an era perhaps but the bloodshed's far from over. with us. robert young pelton, the author of the world's most dangerous places. a book available and a good read. hey, how do we process this? what does this mean? >> it's like handing back the baby but it has a dirty diaper. still a lot of work that has to get done in iraq and combat is not over. most of the ongoing combat will be secretive and in cooperation with the iraqi units. the basic problems haven't been solved. you have the suni split. problems with kurdistan. a numb of da vinci -- a number s that have to be dealt with with our support. >> with our support. is anything cheer cheer what that means? if you're a taxpayer, instead of 17 billion-dollar for the army, it's 2 billion-dollar for the state department. normally they flee when a bomb goes off but now they're driving around in em-wraps, the armored vehicle the military uses. they've a couple thousands on order. they'll have about 2300 employees and 7,000 private contractors to keep them alive. >> shepard: how do you happy that going on down? that's a new mission for them, isn't it? >> yeah and also very dangerous. the ied is the most common killer and the state department has to move around. they have the world's largest embassy and can't hide. it's a violent posting and there will be robust intelligence activity. the problem is the nice awaking groups we set up to keep the sunis from shooting at us are wooed by al qaeda. they pay more. >> shepard: robert young pelton, you're the man. thank you. >> independent scientists contradict the statement that the oil has disappeared. they say it's not true. a congressman is trying to figure out what is the truth. he's looking for answers about the safety of seafood from the gulf. they say it's fine and we have no reason to doubt that whatsoever. as for no oil out there, okay. a live report from washington, that's next. 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fatigue so you can get off to a running start. don't let morning pain and exhaustion drag you down. fight it with bayer am - the morning pain reliever. helping you buy better. a live look in san francisco, they're getting people on buses where american flight 24, san francisco to jfk is sitting. is somebody called and said something to police. they're evacuating and checking the thing. apparently, from claudia cowen, the passenger told the local station, fox 2 for the bay area, the biggest gripe on board the plane is missed connections. one guy missed a connection to barcelona and from there, missing a cruise. they had delays back from the gate but they were all in position and ready to take off and then the tower called them and told them to go to the remote location. this is all the reporting of claudia cowen in san francisco. the airport is very much still open. there are no problems at sfo with any sort of travel. this bunch here is in a world of hurt. now it's beginning to cross on associated press wires and they say official are investigating a had threat. they asked the plane to move to a remote location. the plane schedule today leave at 7:30 a.m. my god. it's noon:48. it was supposed to leave at 7:30 this morning. so they probably would have been almost here. law enforcement officials sweeping the plane for anything suspicious. the american people called in to police. 163 passenger, 11 crew members onboard, unharmed but if i'm one of them, pretty unhappy. you have to check, but no fun. we know it. congress or at least one congressman wants to hold a hearing on the disaster in the gulf, specific the safety of the seafood as well as the status of the oil in the water. ed markey, the only member to appear for the summer hearing, slammed one of the scientists for national oceanic and atmospheric administration for the report they claimed most of the oil, poof, went away. >> people want to believe everything is okay. and i think this report and the way it is being discussed is giving many people a false sense of confidence. >> he also heard from government experts and seafood industry recipe. >> today every seafood sample from reopened waters has passed testing for contamination of oil. no unsafe levels of the seafood have been found. >> the seafood is fine. they checked it and it's fine. all the news wasn't good. steve centanni has the news from d.c. did the government release falls data? >> the numbers are being questioned. ed markey says 10% was skimmed or burned. the rest is still out there and that's the same success rate as we had 21 years ago with the exxon valdez spill. >> in my mind, that is not a passing grade. only 10% of the 4.1 million barrels recovered. i think we all saw this coming and with all of bp's talk of using golf because balls and nylon and hair, it's important even using a 21--year-old grading system, that bp has done a very poor job in cleaning up the gulf. >> again, poor grade from ed markey, who is pushing noaa to release the methodology for the estimate, saying it needs to be studied by independent researchers. >> shepard: all right. steve, thank you. forgive the stumbling but we have stuff going on. look at this. you are looking live, dallas, texas and the chase is on. it's been a while in "studio b." never like to see them. you hope nobody gets hurt but if it's going to happen, at least we have a camera. dallas police pursuing a suspect on rim 254 into the newsroom in new york city. i've just told you about every darn thing i know. i'm looking here in the urgent cue, the wire service for internal. all the foxies get it. the entirety of the information is, source. pictures courtesy of ktvt in dallas. it appears to me we have a gray truck. it appears it's not a new truck t appears it's going faster than everyone else and clearly police are chasing it. no clue why but it's happening so we're going to watch. we can't listen to the chopper. when we have our own station, we can listen to the chopper but the rules on the network news service are you can use the pictures but you can't hear the sound. so we're going to watch. we're the only ones doing this. if you want to see it, you have to stay here. don't know what he did, don't know why they're chasing him. >> i don't know any more than you do. >> shepard: i'll keep it here. go find out something. go up to the desk and ask for tim gaughan. let's see -- the cars -- the truck is moving. it's on an elevated highway it looks like to me. it looks to be a mixed use neighborhood. i see another lane over there. which it maybe a parking lot. appears to be a parking lot. i know it's in dallas and its 2:52 p.m. in dallas and there was a stoplight there and he didn't stop. and he took a right. and now we're following the truck. don't know what he did, don't know why they're chasing him but we do know they want him to stop and he's not going to. we've seen these before. they end -- i used to say they end with a guy getting caught. then one in los angeles, they drove the truck in the parking lots -- i believe was the beverlycy center but i'm not sure. they drove in and the guy got away, like changed clothes and sneaked out of the mall. aside from that one time, in 12 years of car chases, they don't get away. frankly this guy won't either. he's not going as a crazy high speed, which is good. it doesn't appear there are a lot of pedestrians around, which is also good. as police chases go, thus far this one is uneventful. but the thing about police chases, that doesn't always remain the case. you can see weirdness from other drives. he was in the wrong lane. police backed off on distance just a little bit. normally these are run most often the cops have a chopper in the air. and many times, from that, a supervisor, back at headquarters or at some headquarters, will direct officers what to do and when n some jurisdictions they make those calls on the ground, but in big cities, those decisions are made by a policy book through somebody somewhere else. a lot it based on what the person has done and fears of what the person may do. for instance, if you just have been caught committing a violent felony and you're still armed and they know it, most often they will -- they'll pursue. different agencies have different policies. i'm not entirely sure of the positively in dallas but this must meet the criteria. we're hoping -- most often they get -- spike strips out and they're able to puncture the tires. i'm not all together clear whether that's happened yet but something's funny going on. he's on surface streets in neighborhoods, it appears. this looks mixed use to me. and the cops are on him close. if it keeps going around in circles, sometimes they put a car in front but usually they put spike strips down. sometimes they'll try a pit maneuver. they come up on the side. turn my phone off when he come on the set. there we go. that may be a chopper from another station. i'm guessing there's a -- dallas, what do they call it in department of public safety dallas guy or somebody from the county flying above, directing what to do. when you get into the residential neighborhoods, which it appears we have now, but i can only see what you can see. i'm watching another feed as well. if you start to get pedestrians around or you get into a neighborhood where kids are out and about, sometimes police change the tactics, in this case they haven't tried a pit maneuver, they're staying close. the guy hasn't done anything radical. not driving in an erratic way. he's run some traffic signals. that doesn't -- there doesn't appear there was one there. i'm getting something new. it started -- now i know this. new information, new information' we watch this guy, grandma driving that thing. u.s. highway 75, is it started on. they call it the central expressway. it's our understanding this began, now, i knew i would get information, as a routine traffic stop of a suspected felon. we're not all together sure about that. but i can tell you that they -- the officers at the scene suspected that this stop was of a felon. now, in some jurisdictions it matters where the felon is violent or not. some, it matters if the felony happened recently, like he just commit add violent felony. then you're on him pdq. dallas police confirm that this is a stolen vehicle. all right, so a stolen vehicle. we don't know what else this guy is thought to have done. sometimes they're running, hoping to get away. styles they're just driving and having one last smoke. you know? and i don't know what this is but he's going pretty slowly. he doesn't appear to be acting erratically and it might be that he just is not quite ready to go to jail just yet. the thing about the chase is, if you do this, you're committing more crimes now. so the list of what they can get you for grows longer as this chase continues. and it's not a wise thing to do. you're going to jail. i mean it's not -- or worse. now the pictures from fox 4 in the dallas area and from here we can listen to chopper. that's the great thing about having the kdfw chopper. >> dallas police officers in chase. he has been going through several side roads, ran numerous stop signs. hasn't hit anybody, we've been over it is a minutes. -- 15 minutes. hasn't hit anybody. he's been trying erratic. you never know what people lol do. >> erratic, it's all in the eyes of the beholder. >> it's very dangerous. they're trying to get away from the police. you can see him -- >> shepard: you saw the before you bumps in the street. >> no telling what he might do. >> shepard: that's true. you never know. you can see now this is obviously a -- >> go ahead. >> shepard: this is obviously a residential neighborhood. you're hear the guy in the chopper from fox 4 in dallas: thank you for the pictures and information but this particular one, he's speaking with his station, giving information back and forth. they might cut in at some point but mostly he's just wandering along, watching and he'll narrate as time permits. this is live in dallas, texas, and streaming live on so if you're listening to us on sirius or xm or you want to go to "your world" and want to get away from this. you have to watch cavuto too, so you have to do two things. if you want to watch this, go to and watch it live streaming and at the same time, "your world" with cavuto. i assure you, whatever happens, no matter what it is, we'll report it on the "fox report" with me. i'll see you tonight. 7 eastern, 6:00

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