Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20100821

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electric chair. >> she is the youngest woman on death row in the nation. >> i'm 22 years old. and this is it for me. and... there is so much more that i wanted to do with my life. and... just sitting in a room by myself 23 hours a day. i should be going to school or working and having fun with friends. >> at the tennessee maximum prison for women, fox files goes beyond barbed wire, for a behind the scenes look at krista's live on death row. >> butterflies and angels. i love angels. that is my mom and step dad. and i love my dog. ed. these are the only stuffed animals we can have. we can't have ones that are stuffed with things in them. they they we might hide something in there. >> in her cell, looking like a college dorm there is a picture of carla faye tucker on her tv. the first woman put to death in over a decade. >> i love her. i feel bad for her. i feel like she's not the same person she was when her face happened and she was so changed and so sweet, you can just tell. and i cried and cried when they executed her. >> her sweet voice and child like manner didn't work on the jury that convicted her. details of the mutilation murder of a 19-year-old so horrendous it took only one hour to sentence her to the electric chair. >> injuries that krista caused to be inflicted upon the victim are almost beyond description. >> the deputy prosecutor. >> she reached into the skull, into the wound she inflicted and removed a piece of the skull. as a souvenir. >> the motive? krista, then 19 believes her victim colleen was a love rival. >> at this location, slimmer was pleading for her life and krista showed no mercy. the body of colleen slimmer ended up in this general area here. she was laying on the pile of rubble with her head pointed down hill this, general area here and these trees and so forth were where her coat and her blouse were found. that it was here that krista slashed colleen slimmer and that the pent gram was carved on her chest and she was placed on the ground and that her head was diced in with asphalt. >> crabtree recounts. >> telling the officer who is taking statement about colleen begging for her life. and she head saying you're going to hear what i have to say. >> because colleen, do you know her story? and she was just going on and on. and just talking like that. i don't know what she was saying. and... you know, it's harder to hurt someone when they're talking to you. you have to see thems a person. i told her shut up. she was still breathing. >> a few years ago i probably would have been surprised someone so young would have committed such a brutal crime, but not anymore oo. she awaits her date with death, she describes her daily routine. >> well, breakfast is at 6:30. and i get up when it's time to go outside and exercise. and come back in and back in, i'm in here the rest of the day. until i go outside in the morning. i write qlerts a lot. i can make one phone call per day. but i use the phone through my trap in the door. sometimes i get restless. in here. and i just get so tired of looking at the same four walls. >> krista's next door neighbor is tiffany taylor, serving 60 years for stabbing her mother to death. she's in protective custody until she can be released into the general population. >> krista talked to me trying to help me out. she's been a good friend to me since i've been here. one of the best people i've met. >> we talk through that plug in in the wall. >> tiffany? >> she must have head phones on. >> if her appeals are denied she could be put to death in about three years. she will be transferred here to one of these cells where shees she'll spend the last four days of her live. less than 50 feet from the electric chair. it's called the death watch. >> there is no last meal. what do you want? lobster or anything of that sort. they get regular meal that of the day here on the fourth day. we do have the execution and then, krista walks through this way, under with surrounding of correctional officers. and then, walking this way into the chamber itself. and the inmates call it oh sparky. >> i'm not scared to die. i'm scared of the electric chair. i'm scared of having my head shaved bald and being strapped into this huge chair and being shocked to death. because if you think bit, you know, you can touch someone expels get shocked and that hurts. it's just barely being shocked and i can't imagine to, all that electricity. that scares me. >> that is a clip back here. and that is to keep the head from moving too much during execution. if we're doing a single execution, they'll push one button. if there is a double, they'll each push a button so they won't know which one did this execution this, is a part of the generator. this will be attached to this end over here. and then, to here. into the wall. >> the surge of 2640 volts is so hot it boils the blood. >> probably 15 minutes will take care of the process from the time they're moved in and strapped in. execution takes place. >> this is krista's ballet pictures from when she was about four years old. she liked to dress up in tutus. >> her mom, chrisa struggles to separate the little girl in the tutu from the killer. she recalls the day detective as rested her daughter. >> they said... what exactly did you do? she said whatever he told you i did. he told me you cut the girl's throat and the girl died shechl said that is true. you're the one that did it. she said, yes. mama, diit she can only hope the death sentence will be commuted. >> i just won't be the same person and... i would never be able to get myself prepare forward my daughter being executed in any way. but especially not electric chair. she's my baby. but... it's not real. it's not real yet. i am -- i don't think it's going to happen. if anyone knew her, if they really knew her the way her friends and family do, they couldn't do such that to her. >> i want her to fry. and i want to be there. and if they give me the opportunity to pull the switch, i'll gladly do it. i won't even think twice about it. i'll come home, and i'll sleep that night. >> colleen slimmer's step dad doesn't mince word. neither does her mom. >> we'll be there to see her die. she's not a human being to me. i could care less. as long as she die autos krista has a chance to appeal the death penalty. colleen didn't. colleen -- well, i should retract that. she tried and begged. i feel if you commit a crime i don't care what age. p you should pay for it. the fact that she's now the youngest person on death row well, she needs to pay for what she did. >> i can't blame if someone took my child away i'd probably feel the same way. i cannot pinpoint where i went off track and things just start falling apart. how my lie ended up like this. i still don't understand it. at all. and you know, maybe it's just not meant for me to understand now. maybe that is something that will come to me in time. >> krista live as lone if a world of her own making. surrounded by paper butterflies and angel trinkets. the 22-year-old could be the youngest woman in a quarter century to walk down this hallway coming face-to-face with her execution. >> there is nothing at all in life that is worth being where i'm at now. that is... it. >> krista pike is now 34 years old and no longer the youngest woman on death row. pike was given 25 years sentence no 2004 for attempting to strangle another inmate with a shoe lace nchl 2008 a judge denied pike's post conviction appeal. too bad. too bad. >> she was big and strong and with orbitz, i know what to expect from my vacation. bad dog, balloon pop. [ dog whimpers ] because orbitz has price assurance. leaf in face, marie, man with computer. [ man ] marie! if another orbitz customer books the same hotel or flight for less, they'll send me a checfor the difference automatically. so i knoi'll get their lowest price. and i like knowing what to expect. bike, unrealistic splash, embarrassingly transparent. [ bell chimes ] [ male annouer ] when you orbitz, you know. >> she was huge. literally and figuratively. a star professional wrestler. do you remember sable? she is sexy. men fantasized about her 38-24-35 figure. she's play boy's april cover model but not your every day soft, sweet centerfold. meet sable. the world wrestling fetderation women champ. hottest thing to hit wrestling since, well, since ever. >> people are more interested in attractive women to compete against each other than women that may look like men. >> fox files met up with sable or rina marrow and her husband at their home in florida. >> i am so unlike the character i portray on tv. very domestic yaited. a wife, a mother. loves to be home, loves to cook and read. >> home, i'm just rena but there always a little sable in me. >> and this give meez the opportunity to be a sexy vampy very daring woman that can do anything she wants zrena would never behave that way. >> rena won't be caught dead in this, but sable sure would. >> are you boys ready for the grind? >> oh, baby! am i ready for the grind! >> how did a home body become sable? they're plus ls in business together. think share an office. >> my inspiration, my lover, sable oo. let's see how this goes. >> i worked as a model six years and met my husband, a wres yerl. i went with him when he signed his contract. they offered me a contract as well. >> the first time i was seen on tv i was introduced as sable. the next day i became mark's manager. i managed him about two years, then he was injured and at that time i kind of started flying solo. my career, sable, just sort of skyrocketed. >> before long she was competing against her husband for matches and public adoration. >> i'm so sick of you trying to steal my spotlight. get out of here! get out of here, you make me sick. >> at home, they're different than characters they play in the ring. >> this is interesting situations and sometimes, you think they're trying to protect me. they chased us a couple times. other times, his friend called to offer him a place to live. thought i was getting rid of him. >> sable is known for outrageous outfits. her wwf i had vido is flying off shelfs and her play boy ish wru is one of the bestseller autos exposure i received from not only in play boy but on the cover is just imme your shabl -- immeasurable. i don't think there is anything wrong with nudity as long as it's presented in a classy way. >> if you're wondering if they're real. >> since having breast surgery, i'm happier with the way i perceive myself. i like the way i look better in clothes and out of clothes. >> her good looks are at risk every time she enters a ring. >> this is for all women who want to be me and all of the men who come to see me. are you boys ready for some crying? >> there is a couple ribs kicked out of place. and vertebraes in my neck are stiff and tight. it's just a daily thing you live with. >> what is next for snaibl. >> i hope to hold the title for a long time. in the fewer tour, i hope to pursue a acting career. >> fans can't seem to get enough of her. >> that is all, folks. >> rena marrow is retired but isn't far from the ring. her husband is brock. the fascinating live of a new american legend. up next, and straight from the fox files. >> and put tony hawk on that board and there is a new american icon. >> i don't know how many tricks i've invented. i'd say from 70 to 100. >> tony hawk is the best skateboarder in the world. >> i guess i'm somewhat comfortable with fame. >> he's a great idol. >> since a kid he's been number one. >> a legend. >> he's a man. a master. >> this is living. >> tony hawk is the michael jordan of skateboarding and won virtually every skateboard title. >> he's like a role model. he can be good at whatever he does. if he was a fisherman, he'd catch tons of fish. >> he's the one that main stream embraced sort of. that is not fault of the skating field. he's been reigning 16 years. >> during his reign, skateboarding exploded. >> when i was younger i couldn't see doing this level. >> tony got into skateboarding at age 11 quitting baseball to do it. surprising the president of the local little league. his father. >> i was 14 when i turned pro. but the time i was a senior i had opportunities to travel and make money skating so i chose that instead of going straight to college. >> in this world hawk has been man. at 31 turning his skill into a multi million dollar empire with endorse many autos these are my signature shoe autos commercials... computer games,. >> my character is going to play. my we've wife ease sez it's erie when i play it and a skateboard company, bird house projects with $10 million in sales last year. in his world, hawk is the king of the jungle. >> i got a call from people doing the tarzan project and they said "animator used videos of you as influence for the motion of tarzan". i was really flattered you know? >> but skating is not all fun and games. >> when you go out and miss a grab you can't get the board back. you fall out. sometimes you know you're going to come in not right. then, you throw ate way. and that is a part of skating we fall all the time. >> so far, hawk has been lucky, only one major injury. a broken elbow. this year, his career hit a high note at the olympics of extreme sports. x games. hawk was out to make skating history. he fell 10 times in a row. but finally accomplished a trick never done before. a back side 900. that is two 360 degree rotations and another 180. the skateboarding equivalent of mark mcgwire's home runs in one season. >> tony is a natural. he stepped on the board waits going come together for him. just like skateboarding is fortunate to have an individual like that coming to the intort thank you. >> these days tony hawk is a fourth of four and a man behind tony hawk's pro-skater video game series. so what? can you say $1.2 billion in sales. skateboard something right. skateboarding. find out how our reportgggg with capital one's venre card, weget doublemiles on every purchase. echo! so we eaed a trip to the grand canyon twice as fast. uh-oh. we get double mis every time we use r card. i'll te these. no matter what we're buying. plus the damages. and since double miles add up quick, we can bring thehole gang. it's hard to beat double miles. no we ride them! [ me announcer ] introducing the venture card from capital one, with le miles on evy purchase every day. go to what's in your wallet? oh, that's the spot! >> a judge called this crime unthinkable and said he was pure evilness. find out how this man starting with his voice in a telephone call, was able to rape and attack women in seven states over two decades. hello? >> i was crying and said what do you want? he asked if i would give him head. he takes money when he can't get the sex. >> i told him i have never done anything like this. and he raped me. >> his name is richard minski. he's a preta tore. he calls them on the phone, with one call, he can ruin a life. tonight, minski is probably hunting for a victim, police are hunting for minski. they say he's exploiting hundreds of women for sex and money over three decades. he's been charged at least 80 times, 12 convictions in five states. california, florida, georgia, pennsylvania and massachusetts. and he's only spent eight years in prison. why is min sky so hard to prosecute? >> there is no weapon. there is no threats of great bodily injury. so difficult to prosecute him under those standards. >> right now, police say there are 12 charges against him, including rape, sexual battery and grand theft. min xy could northbound your neighborhood. saying the scam hasn't changed much since she crossed paths in 1982. >> your first case was richard minsky? >> yes. >> as far as you're concerned?. >> unfinished business. >> police say minsky is a master minute nip later, picking his victim at random convinces her a loved one is in trouble get herg to do things she would have considered unimaginable. >> we're talking about intelligent, strong people, successful people. >> these aren't stupid people. >> no. they're just loyal people. >> step one, minsky who can imitate voices and pretends to be her husband, or sister or daughter. he says something horrible happened usually a hit and run. and two in this call, he changes his voice again and convinces the victim he's a lawyer trying to keep her loved one out of jail. step three, they meet. minsky poses as the injured person saying he won't press charges if he gets money or sex. he said he wanted me to climax. and i was not to fake it. and i was to enjoy myself. >> shelly not her real name is a los angeles mother two of. she said she was raped by minsky in june. >> i received a call at home. from a man i thought was my husband. he said... i'm in so much trouble. it sounded just like your husband? >> sounds like it was terrifying. >> minsky allegedly told shelly her husband allegedly faced time in jail. >> i kept thinking about my kids. and what would happen. and growing up with out a dad. so he made arrangements to meet you? you'd meet the witness to the accident? >> right. i was to pull up and he was to come up to the car and give me a code word, abe lynn kol. >> -- abe lincoln. >> some people goring to hear this story and think how could these women fall for this? >> i'll be honest. i read the cases in 198, reports it was dlifl to understand first. but when you start talking to the women and listen, you'll see how they started to be drawn into this. saying don't wear panty hois, don't wear a bra. >> he want immediate to wear high heels and a short skirt. things like that. he was at a hotel, asking me if i wanted to go in and talk things over. >> you knew he didn't want to talk to you some. >> i was praying that maybe he would just say okay. i'll drop charges. i really felt that my husband was going to jail. and i had to do this so my family could be together again. i told him i never had done anything like this. he raped me. when he was done i pushed him off and grabbed my clothes. and i ran out of the room. and ran to the car. >> did you try to call your husband? >> i remembered his cell phone. i called him on the cell phone. and he answered. and... i told him what happened. and he told me to call 911. >> this woman who will call susan is one of 10 women from los angeles who testified against minsky for charges including rape, and grand theft. >> i think he possibly at this point had put his arm around me. i think... some buttons were unbuttoned on the shirt and he suggested i engage in oral cop you'llation. >> susan says he phoned her pretending to be her sister. susan was convinced her sister was going to jail. >> so within an hour you had the call, met him and here you are. in your car in a parking lot with a stranger? >> yes. >> what would you sti people who find it hard to believe anyone could fall for this? >> ways sure my sister was going to go to prison and there were no option autos the same witness scam using with shelly. >> he told her silence could be bought can sex. >> i don't remember thinking anything other than just do it. get it done. so i did. >> despite the testimony, minsky beat sex charges because a judge found did he not use force or a weapon owe get sex. instead sentenced for grand theft. >> so he's psychologically man nip plating. bringing them up and down. >> gains control, again. >> his last stretch behind bars in 1996 in massachusetts serving 18 months for indecent assault and battery and five years probation or extortion. >> he's a sexual serial predator with convictions. and no long sentence autos boston detective as rested him in 1996. >> he watched them over an hour and a half. i saw him in the phone booth facing the rear of the phone booth with the phone book. going up and down looking for names. and you turned back and looked at me. he'd seen meechl i thought he met me. it was off to the races. we had to chase them down through the t station. >> fox files spoke to his former boston attorney. >> every time a crime comes up. it's like round up the usual suspects who. is the number one usual suspect? minsky. >> last year, he took off despite probation. police believe he had his old stomping grounds on west coast. cops say in four and a half months he conned six women out of at least 28,000s oodz by the time off the phone with you he knew what you looked like, what you'd be wearing and knew what kind of car you'd be drive something. >> yes. there is a point to getting that. >> this is part of her latest spree. saying her daughter was in trouble. the same in the same code word. >> i rolled down the window and i said are you abe? he said yes. >> for three hours jennifer says she drove over los angeles with minsky. >> i finally looked and said... you know, if sex is what you want here i can tell you i will watch my daughter rot in jail before that is going to happen. if you want money, i'll give it to you. >> jennifer says she paid him 5,000s skpdz says the incident left her devastated. >> i feel i'm psychologically damaged from this. >> i know several marriages have been affected because of the loyalty the victim had. >> no one knows where he is now. and there is plenty of people who can't wait until the law catches up with him. >> my fear is that he's out there doing it again. shame on us for allowing this to happen. >> the law did catch up with richard minsky. with the help of our reporting he was sentenced to life in prison. now that is justice. now that is justice. >> sick starn i got an egg a candy necklace an orange a band-aid a stamp helium i got a mustache [pop] lipstick a time in american history -- it never repeats itself. it was a heart-wrenching time. my family was ravaged. thousands and thousands died. and then one day -- and then one day there was hope. before vaccines, there were few ways to help protect against deadly illnesses. without vaccines, they can re-emerge. get your kids vaccinated and keep them on schedule. i never want my grandchildren to see what i saw. >> now, for the ridiculous. there is not much else to say. we bring you the games. >> all, olympic games, to gol gold... what the red neck games are to... fool's gold. that is right. the red neck games. hosted by radio station y 96 they've been in georgia three years but this is no joke. melvin davis is the defendant. >> how do you get into that zon? >> just concentrate. this is thinking about that pig was a nice pig. he didn't think about it. >> this year would be no different for melvin, showing everyone what it takes to be a champion. >> you've got to take it hard to the heart. >> the crowd settles in for a long day, we checked out the dumpster dive. somewhere in there is a cruise for two to the bahamas. all you've got to do is find it. >> there i had it the whole time. >> the day passes and more champs are crowned. there is spitting for distance x popular hubcap hurl. most minds on the afternoon deep draws. there is a mud pit belly flop. joey hobbs is the faveored champ. >> you look like an athlete. how do you compare? >> just get out of the backyard and you know, anywhere that has got water, perfect my technique. and today would not be the day. this day longs to a new champ. jim west. take a look at the winning flop from another angle. like olympics events would mar tease games. into the camp they're crying foul. >> there must be some kind of foul accused here. >> this seemed ready to sour our experience but then, we found elbow. he offered us the red neck creed he worked hard and play hard. you die broke. every time. >> games goring strong. >> next, an mazing look back at early gives of today, they're legends. when we met them they were only just beginners. get ready to skip back and meet williams sisters before their rise. this was womens tennis. this is womens' tennis. the long skirts and tennis whites are gone, replaced by a little bit of spandex and a lot of pyrotechnics. these days no one hits the ball harder than venus and serena williams. you've probably heard of venus williams but neighbor not her younger sister, ranked number 21. booth are shooting to the top with their power, on and off the court. fox files joined them at their recent italian open in rome. we gave them a handicap to play with and asked them to be reporters for the day. the most remarkable thing about the williams sisters isn't their power for signature hair. it's the path they took to get here. >> i just wanted to make sure if you do things you did in tennis you might be the first i'm take together nfl to play football, too. >> their father and coach decided they'd be champions before they were born but first, he had to teach himself to play. >> i was 37 before picking up a racket. >> in late 80s they lived in compton. one of the toughest areas of south central los angeles. here on the public court richard taught his young daughters how to play. >> most of the kids came from best neighborhoods z coming from the best neighborhoods it wasn't rough. and there were times on the courts we did get shot at. >> people who live in the ghetto don't have an easy life. and they have to grow up tougher. >> at age 8 venus began to attract local media attention and sounded like mohammed ali. >> to be the greatest. >> venus williams just 10 years old, but being compared to martina, and steffy. >> i didn't want venus to believe this was the only way out of the ghetto for her. education was the only way out for her. >> generally people who play the sport have been around the world but they weren't black people. most people had never seen a black lady play tennis so well. >> the williams come a long way from compton. the family now lives in this palm beach gardens home with three tennis courts. at 18 venus is pure power standing six feet one and a half inches tall, 125 miles per hour, she has the fastest serve in womens tennis and could ace most of the men in the pro tour. just last year, the first woman to reach the finals in her u.s. open debut since her mentor, sam shriver in 1978. >> venus your performance in this two week period was the best debut of any anyone in the open in the last 20 years. >> in this, her first full year on the pro tour she's won two tournaments. >> i really got much better than i was in the past and winning matches i shouldn't win and matches i won't have won in the past. >> at same time, 16-year-old baby sister, serena is climbing rankings ladder faster than venus did. >> she is making a biggest jump from 400 to the top 40 in six months. that is outrageous. no one has done that jump in the last decade. >> serena has a chance to go to tournament after tournament. and see what goes on. i said she'd be the best one. she learned from venus. >> my goal is to be in the top 10. i worked really hard. i like to set goals for myself. next year is to be in the top spot. >> on the road they're coach bid their mom. >> to have two good people in the same sport is rare. i didn't realize how rare it is. it's something i've got to think about. it's just something that, you know, it's in them. >> trained to win and fiercely competitive venus can be tough on herself. >> i should win every point and every match. you know? i don't see anything but preparation. every chance is equal fchl i can have the tournament why should i let someone else have it? >> they're claims and courtside controversies led some to criticize them as bad sports. at the french open serena accused of trying to whale the ball over an opponent's head. >> she doesn't have respect at all. >> venus's youft bust at wimd rim nisent of jack mcenroe. everyone knows it's out. you don't know it's out. >> the young players coming on trying to get to the top don't bow to the current veterans. i don't care if it's today or 20 years ago. >> for convenientus and serena competing against each other is a sensitive subject. they've played twice and venus won both times but neither will practice with anyone else. >> i see them as... being the best. and... at the level they're playing now they're not there yet. everything has a process. and whatever is time, it will happen. >> with the u.s. open coming up in august venus has sights set on the tilel. serena gears up to make a mark on her debut on america's premier tournament. >> the new generation coming up there is new excitement coming to the game. and i'm sure someone trying to be like i am. >> unless you live under a rock the story of the williams sister is no secret. 19 grand slam singles and counting. >> now, it's time to close the portal. there is more hidden in the fox files. we're always waiting for you.

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Compton , California , United States , Tennessee , Rome , Lazio , Italy , Massachusetts , Florida , Boston , Georgia , Bahamas , The , France , Italian , America , French , American , Venus Williams , Serena Williams , Mohammed Ali , Tiffany Taylor , Krista Pike , Abe Lincoln , Carla Faye Tucker , August Venus , Los Angeles , Jack Mcenroe , Joey Hobbs , Melvin Davis , Sam Shriver , Abe Lynn Kol ,

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