border, a little bit about his background as well. i couldn't be more proud of these two gentlemen. i think they are the future of journalism and look forward to talking to them. before we get there, something is about to happen in the next few days. you have heard about it in a platitudist way but very few specifics. i have spent a lot of time trying to dig up all the specifics in the 3.5 trillion dollars democrat bill that you've been hearing about. this is an omnibus bill. it is not 3.5 trillion dollars. i have found out it is also about 5.5 trillion dollars over ten years. the democrats are good at ponzi scream. in the private sector if you are involved a ponzi scheme, you go to prison for a long time. in the public sector, if you are involved a ponzi scheme, you are considered righteous and compassionate and so forth. that's what the democrats do. now, there's 50 democrats in the senate. 50 republicans in the senate. under our constitution, the vice president, wherever she is, she gets to show up at some point