lives of so many people. if you want to watch it, bible study is a fox >> meanwhile jesus made the world great but what made a america great. thankfully that's another show on fox nation and the hostess right over there. >> that was so smooth of you you know we started about a year ago right? and we put together a lot of episodes and i try to focus on different things that happened in america's past that just makes us stand out in nations. >> it should be the season is great. we've got a brand-new season rolling out, season four. we just completed them and we have some video that you can relate to. this is only 30 minutes from your house. >> would go to this to learn about our battle we were little. >> four in sumter's first shot of the world war and we take this walk with lindsey graham. that walk also talks about the people who lost her lives those for the north and the south.