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bipolar disorder and even ptsd. it is all "happening now.". jon: good friday morning to you. some stunning new developments to tell you about in the hostage crisis playing out right now deep in the sahara desert as we learn terrorists reportedly want to exchange two american hostages for islamic militants held here in the u.s. good morning i'm jon scott. jenna: that is a big story. i'm jenna lee. this is a situation changing by the minute. the white house now saying it is in constant contact with the algerian government. we're getting brand new video showing groups of hostages finally free what is described as a horrifying ordeal. there are reports of hostages with explosives strapped to their chest as others were executed. the algerian state news agency is reporting that at least 32 hostages remain unaccounted for at that natural gas plant where this all began following a raid by algerian forces. it is unclear at this time how many americans are still held. our defense secretary, leon panetta, addressed the crisis a short time ago. >> terrorists should be on notice that they will find no sanctuary, no refuge, not in algeria, not in north africa, not anywhere. jenna: the defense secretary speaking in london there. terrorists affiliated with al qaeda are holed up at that gas plant. they have been there now for three days, demanding an end to the anti-terror campaign playing out right now in neighboring mali. that big area of north africa is part of what we're seeing with this rise of al qaeda in that continent. chief washington correspondent james rosen is live in our d.c. bureau. james, we talked about this as a very fluid, very dangerous situation. what do we now know? >> reporter: jenna, good afternoon. white house officials are now saying president obama is receiving regular updates on this situation which remains as you say ongoing and sensetive. the numbers involved here have varied wildly with the latest from algeria's state news service now saying nearly 100 of 132 hostages seized have been freed. that word comes after algerian security forces launched a helicopter assault on the complex yesterday. 18 of the islamist militants have been reported killed. however there are reports two filipino hostages have died. earlier today britain's prime minister confirmed the death of one britain. he said london received no advance notice of the helicopter raid. >> when i spoke to the algerian prime minister later last night he told me this first operation was complete but this is a large and complex site and they are still pursuing terrorists and possibly some of the hostages in other areas of the site. the algerian prime minister has just told me this morning they're now looking at possible routes to resolve this crisis. >> reporter: the two prisoners, the hostage-takers want released are a pakistani knew owe scientist convicted of trying to hurt her american interrogators in afghanistan the man you see there. rahman, better known as the blind sheikh, serving life for conspiring to attack the u.s. he is linked to the 1993 bombing of the trade tray, jenna. jenna: we talked a little about this in the beginning. this is a huge area of north africa we see islamic militants/terrorists affiliates with al qaeda take over this area of land and there has been this military campaign by france to try to go in there to root them out. what are the early reports about that campaign? how does it tie into what we saw here with this hostage situation? >> reporter: well so our viewers are caught up-to-date, islamist terrorists in march of 2012 took over the northern half of mali, making it the largest terrorist safe haven in the world right now. france, which is the former colonial power in mali, this week dispatched 2500 troops and commenced airstrikes in the north. paris is said to have been surprised how well fortified the terrorists are. >> more broadly, what we are seeing in mali, in algeria, reflects the broader strategic challenge first and foremost for the countries in north africa and for the united states and the broader international community. >> reporter: to connect all the dots here, an al qaeda offshoot based in mali, known as the masked brigade, is believed to be the group behind this algerian kidnapping plot. jenna. jenna: more as the story develops. james. thank you. >> reporter: thank you. jon: well new this morning, lance armstrong admits using performance-enhancing drugs throughout his cycling career. armstrong coming clean in a taped interview with oprah winfrey that aired last night. reaction is pouring in from the sports world and beyond including armstrong's livestrong foundation. casey stiegel is live from the foundation's headquarters in austin, texas. he was forthcoming in some ways you could say but evasive in others, wasn't he, casey? >> reporter: jon he admitted to blood doping and taking drugs like epo and testosterone. he said he did not feel wrong at the time. he said he did not feel bad about it and he did not fee like he was cheating. pretty bold and powerful statements when. it came to certain questions why now, why come clean now? why was he possibly the ringleader as he has been described? was he in fact? did he put pressure on his fellow teammates to dope? well, he talked in circles and he did not give straightforward answers to those questions but perhaps the most powerful was when he referenced the tour de france. listen. >> yes or no, in all seven of your tour de france victories did you ever take banned substances or blood dope? >> yes. >> in your opinion was it humanly possible to win the tour de france without doping? seven times in a row? >> not in my opinion. >> reporter: as you well know he has now been stripped of all seven of those tour de france wins as a result of these allegations and really now confessions. jon, part two of the interview as you know airs tonight. jon: that organization behind you, livestrong, a huge, very prominent charity he helped establish, how are they reacting? >> reporter: yeah it is. as you know armstrong stepped down from the board here back in october those damning reports were released and the livestrong foundation is clearly disappointed by all of this news. like the rest of the world but they also do not want people to forget about the good they are still working to achieve. listen to part of this exclusive interview fox news channel just wrapped up. >> the foundation has served millions and millions of people who have lived with and through cancer since the foundation started 15 years ago. it has built up enormous credibility. all the people helped by the foundation believe in the mission. believe in the foundation and sometimes imperfect things create something that is lasting an meaningful. >> reporter: this foundation has raised more than $500 million for cancer research since lance armstrong founded it back in 1997, jon. jon: wow, that's a big number. that will get your attention. >> reporter: it is. jon: casey stiegel in austin. thank you. still to come we'll take a closer look at what the doping scandal could mean for lance armstrong's legacy as a world class athlete and advocate for cancer research. our panel weighs in on those questions later this hour. jenna: right now we'll move to washington as house republicans meet for their annual retreat. fox news is learning there are discussions underway it sign off on a short term extension of our debt limit. that hardly means a gop retreat on spending cuts. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel is live from washington with more with more on this mike, what are re learning about the way forward with some of the fiscal issues? >> reporter: after some discussions at the retreat in williamsburg, virginia, talk of short-term debt limit discussion to try to work on a plan to get the debt and deficit under control. i talked to one key republican lawmaker who says there are three events coming that will coalesce. debt ceiling discussion, debt ceiling and the fact that the federal government will run out of money at the end of march. >> all those bring a confluence of an opportunity to drive a debate and drive changes that get us towards long-term prosperity and get us off of this notion that we can just continue to borrow and spend. >> reporter: it is clear most republicans want there to be spending cuts as part of these fiscal matters as they work on long-term extensions or solving these problems long term. jenna. jenna: mike, if we're hearing this, then the white house is probably hearing this as well. any reaction from the white house about potentially this plan from republicans? report or the jenna, --. >> reporter: jenna white house officials are saying if congress doesn't want to raise the debt ceiling they should authority rise president obama to do it himself. they should extend it so it doesn't cause concern for the economy and global markets. >> longstanding tradition for the congress to raise the debt ceiling. this is power they have given themselves, the point is without delay. a monthly extension is drama. so, what, congress should simply do its job. it should not, we're not going to negotiate over extending the debt ceiling. >> reporter: jay carney said they should avoid another process that causes self-inflicted wound to the economy. jenna. jenna: mike emanuel in washington. mike, thank you. jon: on capitol hill concern is growing over what could happen if the country defaults on its debt. right now administration wants to pay the bill in the order which they are received but republicans say there is a better way that might even avoid default. chief political correspondent carl cameron is live in washington for us. so what are the alternatives here, carl? what's the plan? >> reporter: well, they're talking about plans and none of the alternatives are particularly good because the situation is so bad. with the white house refusing to negotiate spending cuts with republicans as part of a deal to raise the federal debt ceiling both sides are trying to prepare for and even avert a potential default. white house says if it happens it will pay revenue to pay bills in order they are received what you said. for the past year, pennsylvania senator pat toomey and handful of others in the house and senate are pushing legislation would prioritize which bills get paid. arguing if you pay the interest first on the debt, default can be avoided and there would be enough money left over from incoming revenues to pay social security checks and salary for active duty military. that is what the republicans are pushing. that is what toomey is trying to say would be a good way to go for the last year-and-a-half, jon. jon: what is the reaction to the administration, or the administration's reaction i should say to what senator toomey is proposing? >> reporter: somewhere between dismissive and ridicule. the treasury department dump all over this the administration official position legislation to quote, prioritize payments would amount to default and bring the same sort of catastrophic economic consequences they have been warning about. the president this week in his news conference had a laundry list of terrible things if there was to be some sort of prioritization what they consider to be a default. watch. >> if congressional republicans refuse to pay america's bills on time, social security checks and veterans benefits will be delayed. we might not be able to pay our troops or honor our contracts with small business owners. food inspectors, air traffic controlsers, specialists who track down loose nuclear materials wouldn't get their paychecks. investors around the world will ask if the united states of america is in fact a safe bet? markets could go haywire. >> reporter: and of course the president wants voters to think that it is all the republicans fault. paul ryan, the powerful chairman of house budget committee said given the nature of divided government and way things are going in terms of gridlock, republicans may have to approve the short-term extension in order to have time to come up with a grander deal to deal with the long-term debt and deficit. jon: argument goes on. carl cameron in washington thanks. jenna: a femme-fatale or a woman of fate? a major development in the case of a woman on trial for the murder of her boyfriend. also some new details emerging in the story of manti te'o and his nonexistent girlfriend. when did the football star find out about the hoax and why did he keep the story going? questions we're looking for answers today on "happening now." ♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it. jon: right now some crime stories we're keeping an eye on. arizona, the state is resting its case in the high-profile trial of a woman accused of killing her former boyfriend in a jealous rage. prosecutors claimed jody aras stabbed slashed and shot travis alexander or i should say stabbed and slashed him 30 times before slitting his throat and shooting him in the head. in chicago, authorities are con exhuming the body of a man who was poisoned after win lottery lottery. his death was initially ruled as natural causes. but a later investigation ruled his death was a homicide. texas. a former high school teacher indicted she had sex with her students. she had sex with four of her students in one school year. the mother of three is free after posting a $10,000 bond. >> that is set of depressing stories, isn't it. jon: it sure is as we head into the weekend. >> this is a another story certainly has had some negative effects on the world of sports and beyond. there is new questions in the scandal over notre dame's manti te'o and the dead girlfriend we now know never really existed. "tmz" is reporting that the star football player told friends he knew the truth in september december but continued to lie because of his team was headed toed national championship. te'o is already conflicting with a already conflicting story. >> reporter: we have a new picture. not much of a picture t let's run it because we have it and you see te'o surfacing so to speak. he is at a camp in bradenton, florida. img training academy. presuming to get ready for the upcoming combine and draft. back to the dates you talk about. te'o and the university say he learned there was no lennay kekua on december 6th we got a phone call from the supposed dead girl's phone number. still on december the 8th he gave an interview to a website. in the interview he talked about losing his grandmother and his girl friend to cancer. december the 9th he gave an interview that ran on december the 10th to a newspaper and he talked about playing after the fictitious girl died, after the fictitious girl was buried. so twice now you have references back to the story of heartache when he says now that the he knew that the story was not true. the athletic director at notre dame says the university was not made aware until december the 26th, jenna. jenna: well, mike, manti has certainly had support from fans and students, not only in recent days but over the last several months. is anyone changing their opinion? >> reporter: you know, just for the first time now we're starting to hear some of the students turn on him, become skeptical. >> he can't find the time or money to go visit her before she dies? he is severely emotionally attached to her. the other thing, she is about to die of cancer. she says, don't come, you know, if you need to play a game. but, he doesn't visit her at all? i mean, what kind of love is that? >> reporter: now to be fair, large majority of the students at our crew down in south bend has rounded up have stood with their star linebacker. jenna: all right. >> i think it is just unfortunate he got himself in this situation. i think he is a good guy and i don't like think he had any knowledge of it. >> reporter: for the most part we're hearing them say they want to hear from te'o. they want him to make sense of all this. his agent says no plans to speak publicly in the near future. jenna: that is big question for our panel coming up when do we actually hear from him if ever? and in what form? we'll continue to watch this story. >> reporter: you got it. jon: and it is a strange one. a hijacking scare on a flight from hawaii. military jets sweep in to escort the plane. where it was headed and what the fbi wants it know now. plus high drama in the growing gun debate as we get new reaction to president obama's proposals to curb gun violence. ♪ [ male announcer ] the distances aren't getting shorter. ♪ the trucks are going farther. the 2013 ram 1500 with best-in-class fuel economy. engineered to move heaven and earth. guts. glory. ram. the new ram 1500. motor trend's 2013 truck of the year. jenna: right now the fbi is investigating what may have been a hoax aboard an alaska airlines plane. in fact f-15 fighter jets were called in to escort that plane mid-flight because of all of this. harris faulkner looking into the details from our newsroom. what is this all about? >> somebody reported a hijacker was aboard flight 819 flying from kona, hawaii, to seattle. fbi is taking a very close look exactly where the phone call came from and who might have made it. this sort of thing actually a joke is very definitely a problem. that phone call pointed to a particular passenger when the alaska airliner landed safely at seatac, the main international airport in seattle. federal agent nabbed the passenger and questioned the person into late last night. the honolulu office originally received the phone call. that bureau informed other agencies and local police to watch the passenger during the flight and when he first got off. they did that. we now know he was actually sleeping through most of the flight. and agent say there is no reason at this point to anticipate an arrest. again, no one harmed in any of this. still not clear why that passenger was mentioned in the call which authorities are looking into as a hoax and again a very serious issue for them. jenna? jenna: certainly is. harris, thank you. >> sure. jon: plenty of drama in the growing debate over guns in this country, this after president obama proposes the most sweeping changes to u.s. gun laws in almost two decades. his plan is drawing a lot of criticism, including from, including a number of executive orders like stronger background checks and more support to law enforcement agencies but the main part of mr. obama's plan requires congressional approval. it calls for renewing an assault weapons ban that went into effect in 1994. then expired a decade later. now the question is whether all of this will be implemented and if so, will it make a difference? paul gigot is the editorial page editor of "the wall street journal." the president has suggested that, you know, the american people are behind these proposals. the question is, is the congress? >> well i think that remains to be seen and i think the reality is this is an uphill fight for the president and not merely because of republican opposition in the house of representatives, which they control. also because of democratic potential opposition in the senate. of course harry reid, the majority leader, has long been a big supporter of the nra and they have returned the favor politically to him. that is one of the reasons he won re-election in difficulty fashion in 2010. now in 2014 other democratic senators in swing states who are up. jon: up for re-election. >> that's right. jon: if they cast a vote that is seen to be against the interests of firearms owners, hunters and the like, they could be in real trouble? >> guns and nra are both very popular in states like alaska and montana and arkansas and south dakota where there's a hunting culture, and, those senators like mark begich in alaska, will he actually vote for a gun ban? that i think is very problematic for the president. you're hearing some of these democrats, either noncommittal and saying i think this goes too far. jon: i was a little surprised when i heard about the executive actions the president was taking. it didn't seem to amount to, you know, large steps? >> no, i think that's right. they were pretty small things. a couple of things that might make a difference are on mental health, particularly easing privacy laws, rules, which make it difficult for somebody to speak about a young person's potential danger to anybody else in law enforcement or even to school officials because of the restrictions. you ease that, and that may help identify some of these potentially troubled kids who could, who could pose a danger to society. jon: a lot of politics yet to be argued out in -- >> especially on the gun ban. jon: paul gigot from "the wall street journal." paul, thank you. you can catch more of paul this weekend when he hosts the "journal editorial report" tomorrow 2:00 p.m. eastern right here on fox news channel. jenna: we'll look forward to that. meantime a virginia state law maker raising eyebrows to say the least after trying to make a point about assault weapons. take a look at this. shocking video of democratic state delegate joe morrissey speaking on the floor at the virginia state capitol. >> i brought an ka 47 with me. -- ak-47. here is the ak-47. pointed at the ceiling, unloaded. jenna: you could hear and see reaction from other lawmakers. some backed away pretty quickly. no word how he managed to get unloaded gun inside the chamber. you're allowed if member of general assembly to carry a gun if you have your concealed weapons license. there is room in the state of virginia that allows that. morrissey said to show how easy it is to carry an assault weapon in virginia. the house speaker calling what he did, outrage just and ridiculous political stunt. as you know, jon, he was interrupted during his speech, he had his finger, even though the gun was pointed at ceiling on the trigger. one of his colleagues, can we stop him, even though it is unloaded and make sure his finger is not on the trigger. jon: point of order. can he pull his thumb out of the trigger gun. he has not taken a nra firearms course. jenna: he got the attention he wants. we'll see what happens in the state of virginia. jon: notre dame football star manti te'o stays mum on the internet girlfriend hoax but is the damage already done? a fascinating panel discussion ahead about what the scandal could mean for a promising young athlete's future hi. i'm henry winkler. and i'm here to tell homeowners that are 62 and older about a great way to live a better retirement. it's called a reverse mortgage. [ male announcer ] call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. it answers questions like how a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money, and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with l.e.d. light absolutely free. when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured reverse mortgage. it will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you tax-free cash from the equity in your home. and here's the best part -- you still own your home. take control of your retirement today. ♪ ♪ jon: new information now on the number of flu cases across the country. the centers for disease control and prevention releasing new stats showing a number of states that seeing widespread flu just went up. jonathan serrie live in atlanta. so what do the numbers tell us, jonathan? >> reporter: well, jon, the latest numbers suggest this is shaping up to be a bad flu season particularly for the elderly. cdc officials tell fox news hospitalization rates for persons 65 years of age and older increased significantly over the past week, and there were nine pediatric deaths during that same time period, bringing total pediatric deaths, at least the official cdc count to 29. 48 states are now reporting widespread flu activity, up from 47 the previous week. while flu activity continues to decrease in some parts of the south, it continues to increase in other parts of the country, especially out west. based on what they have seen in previous years, cdc officials tell fox that we are probably about halfway through this flu season. jon? jon: and what about the vaccine supplies? >> yeah, although there are still reports of some individual practices, temporarily running out of flu shots, public health officials say there is plenty of vaccine to go around. vaccine manufacturers who originally planned on producing 135 million doses this season revised their estimate. they now believe they will produce a total of 145 million doses of vaccine. jon? jon: jonathan serrie live in atlanta. thank you. jenna: certainly the confession that so many are talking about today, lance armstrong admits doping throughout what some called a spectacular career until this point. the cycling legend giving short, frank answers in part as his interview with oprah winfrey which aired last night. take a listen. >> yes or no, did you ever take banned substances to enhance your cycling performance? >> yes. >> yes or no, was one of those banned substances epo? >> yes. >> did you ever blood dope or use blood transfusions to enhance your cycling performance? >> yes. >> did you ever use any other banned substances like testosterone, cortizone or human growth hormone? >> yes. jenna: yes, yes, yes, and yes, the admission coming from no surprise to many in the sports world but still ruffling a lot of feathers after armstrong denied doping for years and went after aggressively to those who said he was doing it. sean asaale, senior writer for espn the magazine and author of steroid nation. appropriately titled book there, frazier. sean, let me ask you really quickly as we heard all the questions and lance admitting to using so many different substances, you know a lot about these substances. how big of a deal is it that he took all those things. >> there is no such thing, took a little epo. there is no such thing. recent study in europe. 16 cyclists were given epo. they were automobile to increase their time to maximum exhaustion by 50%. just a little bit of this stuff will improve you 50%. on a time-trial, on a hill climb, it is difference between winning and not winning. >> completely different athlete? you become a completely different athlete. >> a whole whole lot more than yourself. jenna: what did you think of the interview? you looked at this stuff for years. what did you think? >> i was saying there, really, really, you can do this now? you can just mount a massive defense called a young lovely woman who was, you know trying to tell the truth about you a slut? you can do that and say, oh sorry. it is a weirdly disconnected to me. there was a lot of well, my generation, this generation. trying to sort of absorb himself into some larger beast when u.s. anti-doping agency says he was the beast. jenna: sean didn't necessarily like what he saw, frazier. as a pr consultant that deals with the reputations of professional people, was he successful in this interview? >> i thought for what it was, and who he is, i thought he was credible. people say, well he didn't cry. you know the guy is a tough guy. he was a bully. he was awful to people and so on. what you tell people to do is look, make a full confession. he did that. he wasn't a john edwards confession. he said look, seven tours and i doped. number one. you say, apologize. he took the hit. it wasn't a mark mcguire, half pregnant apology. i was under too much stress. he said it was my fault. i deserve it. he volunteered to help find better regulations, but he said i have no credibility. i understand that they don't want me to do it. and then you say, okay being be sincere. this guy could never be sincere. what he said my whole life was a lie. that is pretty brutal. jenna: sean, you're shaking your head a little bit? >> well, you know, maybe he was forthcoming. one thing the line was, i didn't dope during my comeback in 2009 and 2010. jenna: he lost those years, by the way. >> he was very emphatic about that. you know, the people with evidence think that is may not be entirely true. look, what i think was going on here, this was the first step towards making a proffer. what basically showing the government what he could say if they decide to drop charges against him or bring him in. jenna: real quick here, frazier, you get the feeling as we watched this week play out, that it is part of a broader strategy to do something. we hear he wants to reenter competition. we don't know that to be a fact. if you were orchestrating the strategy, what would it be from this point on? >> first of all, what he went on yesterday he lost millions of dollars because he acknowledged the people who he sued who paid him, he has got to give that money pack. my suspicion is, his lawyer said, don't do this. lawyers always say shut up. you will get away with it. the pr advice tell the truth. my suspicion is he did this to try to begin to get his life back, to get his reputation back. and to salvage what he has left of his life. jenna: speaking of telling the truth i like to get your quick thoughts on the manti te'o story as well. as of today we have not heard from manti te'o. when do we get the truth whatever it is according to him? how would you advise him? >> i would say to him get out immediately. jenna: in what way? like with oprah? >> in a press conference. there are many questions. it is unraveling as we speak. notre dame has really has its reputation on the line. they have egg on their face but they don't want an omelette. this guy has to come forward immediately as soon as possible. every day he is losing more and more credibility and notre dame better hope that all he was stupid and not duplicitous. jenna: we'll see. we'll reserve judgment until we hear from him and, maybe we will, maybe we won't. nothing planned at this time. sean, broadly speaking we take a look at this world of sports in this last week and all of these stories, someone, takes this to a different level. this says something about our celebrity culture. this says something about our sports heroes. do these stories say anything about that? is there a bigger point to some of these stories? are they isolated events to certain individuals? >> you know, i mean, i'm loathe to sort of stretch too far but i do think it shows that we want to be inspired. we want our athletes to have, you know, touching stories that we can believe in and, you know this is a case where, yesterday, we had our hearts broken by one. i think there is a lot, a lot of people are hoping we won't get our hearts broken again. jenna: interesting. searching for inspiration in a lot of different areas in this cntry. maybe being disappointed in some cases. unless you have frazier that can help save your reputation. >> thank god there are still superstars like the three of us. jenna: oh, thank goodness. i'm sure our viewers are grateful for that. frazier nice to have you. sean as well. it is a big story we continue to watch. jon, sorry you weren't included in that. the four of us on set. it was just us three. jon: when you see my picture upcoming there will be no salvaging my reputation. first though some brand new developments in the death of a hollywood star. investigators once again looking into the mysterious drowning of natalie wood more than 30 years ago. what we are learning now. plus here is the picture i was alluding to. yeah, that is not an earing i'm getting. it is a brain scan. why? for a report on a new diagnostic tool that is helping doctors treat depression and perhaps even ptsd in our troops returning home from combat. more on the promising new research coming up [ ryon ] eating shrimp at red lobster is a fantastic experience. 30 shrimp for $11.99. i can't imagine anything better. you're getting a ton of shrimp, and it tastes really good! [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobster's 30 shrimp for just $11.99! choose any two of five savory shrimp selections, like mango jalapeño shrimp and parmesan crunch shrimp. two delicious shrimp selections on one plate! all with salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. 30 shrimp, just $11.99 for a limited time. wow, that's a lot of shrimp. i'm ryon stewart, i'm the ultimate shrimp lover, and i sea food differely. jenna: we're getting some new information on one of hollywood's oldest mysteries, the death of actress natalie wood. her husband, robert wagner, declining to be interviewed by detectives in this renewed inquiry into her drowning. harris faulkner with more from our newsroom. harris? >> reporter: jenna, maybe he knows something, robert wagner and maybe he doesn't but he is not talking at this point. natalie wood, famous for movies that were big hits back in her day, "west side story", "rebel without a cause". she was nominated for three academy awards, most people know her because of this case. ever since the night she drowned in 1981 there have been conflicting stories what happened. she was 43 years old and on a yacht with her husband robert wagner and another actor, christopher walken. walken talked with police back then and more recently since the case was reopened in november of 2011 as you mentioned, jenna. they have now interviewed someone00 people, some of them who have never talked with police when wood died that night. they feel like now they have new information but they say to get a complete picture they need robert wagner to sit down with them and answer questions. wagner and his attorneys reportedly denied 10 requests so far to do that. not like he never communicated about his wife's death. in 2008, wagner wrote a memoir saying he and christopher walk when argued that now. walk ken went to bed on the yacht but he stayed up for a while and noticed his wife and a dinghy that had been tied to the yacht were missing. in the book wagner wrote, quote, bottom the bottom line is nobody knows exactly what happened, end quote. here are questions police want answers to. why did not wood wear a lifejacket when she went into the water? did she fall? how did the dinghy get untied from the yacht? how did she get bruises on her body the coroner says happened before she went on the water. robert wagner is not the one to answer from police. jenna: we'll watch this mystery and. harris, thank you. >> reporter: sure. jon: a subway attack caught on tape. where this terrifying scene unfolded. what police are saying about the suspect in the video. also a brain scan, it's an old tool but now doctors have found a new way to use it and it could be very helpful to our troops, suffering from ptsd. and those who suffer from conditions like depression. i will have that story for you coming up. jon: "happening now", a legal victory for an iraq war veteran suing the veterans administration. this marine vet and his wife sued back in 2010. he claimed doctors were grossly negligent in treating his post-traumatic stress disorder or ptsd, saying as a result his symptoms got worse, leaving him disabled an unable to work. well a federal judge awarding the vet $3.7 million for lost wages and pain and suffering as a result. the scars of ptsd may be invisible but all too real for the brave men and women who feel its impact every day. now doctors are researching a promising new treatment that could help take the trial and error out of treating ptsd. i spoke with some of those on the front lines of this research. >> everyone deals with it a different way. i try to hide it. i try not to think about it because i got to stay 100%. i have to keep a good example. >> the war in iraq is over. afghanistan is winding down. yet the troops returning home still fight balls else of their own and too often on their own, post-tramatic stress stress disorder, ptsd. >> i try not to think about it. jon: the problem so widespread and treatment so frequently mishandled, defense secretary leon panetta ordered military services ordered a comprehensive review of mental health diagnoses? >> we try to do mental health assessments before and after deployments, so that we can identify and try to treat somebody who might have a problem, specifically with ptsd. we've done about 600,000 of these assessments. jon: one intractable problem, how do you treat wounds of war that fester inside the brain? now, doctors at walter reed military medical center are trying a new system that shows promise. >> it was actually life-changing for me. if i can help just one person avoid the battles that i went through to get the right medication, it is worth it. jon: brian harvey is a civilian who spent seven desperate years to find something to help cure what doctors diagnosed as bipolar disorder. >> i went through three different doctors and four different drug combinations. i kept on changing, trying to find something that would work because it wasn't working. jon: this is the system brian found, the he says saved his marriage, maybe his life. let's see how this brain scan process works. to try to clear up some of the mysteries. i will be the guinea pig. known as central nervous system response or cns, simply a cap with electrodes worn during a 20-minute session to record brain vaefs. the brain wave pattern is compared with a database to find which specific mood altering drugs would be most likely beneficial. dr. william richardson, an army veteran and new jersey psychiatrist says the technology all but eliminates trial and error drug testing he used to have to employ. >> the potential is fabulous. the potential is to help all the soldiers that have psychiatric illness. i mean we can run this test on them and then really be able to come up with at least an 80% accuracy rate of the medications that are likely to work. jon: well the man behind the company pushing this technology is with us now, george carpenter, president and ceo of cns response. the cap i was wearing, standard electro enseven florida gram. around for years. >> exactly. jon: you find away to take the information that comes out of it and apply it. can you explain that. >> the company was created by do doctors. they have 130 medications to choose from and no guidance to work on your brain. jon: guesswork. >> that is trial and error. that is the dominant therapy. instead of guessing let's see if we collect data from the eeg you took that correlates to medication outcomes of patients they already have. it is now the largest brain database of its kind and improves two to three times the outcomes that doctors get from drug therapies. jon: dr. richardson says it is 80% correct in his experience at finding medications that will help deal with, you know, the problems that might be inside the head. >> exactly. everyone reacts differently to medications. we want to know your brain. psychiatry is only area of medicine that doesn't have a test. now they have something they can do to objective rather than subjectively figure out what will work. jon: we mentioned walter reed is testing it out. you guys are training some doctors there. people who might suffer from depression, that kind of thing, ordinary civilians can take this as well? >> absolutely. there have been 12,000 of them done. it has been around since the year 2000. the real key for us it takes 17 years to get a new technology adopted by doctors. we have got to could do better job. suicide rates, school shootingses junior seau, we see results of treatment failure in mental health. we have to get better finding new technologies and bring them to a doctor. jon: it costs 400 bucks to take the test. does insurance cover it? >> most insurance does not cover it. military is the first payer paying for this. united health care reviewed it and looks like they will approve it. jon: exciting stuff, especially for our troops. >> thanks are jon. jon: george carpenter. thank you. we'll be right ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you don't have to be a golf pro to walk like one. ♪ when you walk 10,000 steps a day, it's t same as walking professional golf course. humana. health and well-being partner of the pga tour. jon: fox news alert, a fast developing hostage crisis involving americans overseas. al-qaida-linked militants holding workers at an algerian gas plant. they are calling for the release of terrorists locked up in the you. brand-new hour of "happening now." i'm jon scott. jenna: i'm jenna lee. these islamist terrorist are hold up deep in the sahara tkerts. desert. the whole operation believed to be masterminded by this al-qaida-linked commander. amy kellogg is live in london with more. >> he is an afghan veteran of algerian descent. he is set to be based in mali and to have possibly four malian wives. it's not necessarily the case that he is on site, again based in mali and direct being operations from there. he came up with the proposition to free two american hostages for two islamic militants, including the so-called blind sheik in jail in america. defense secretary leon panetta speaking today in london had words for him and his foot soldiers. >> terrorists should be on notice that they will find no sanctuary, no refuge, not in algeria, not in north africa, not anywhere. those who would wantenly attack our country and our people will have no place to hide. >> reporter: the good news is that we are seeing some proof that some hostages have been released, some unharmed, others with obvious injuries. some looked to be from the hundreds of algerians taken hostage alongside the 132 foreigners from ten different countries. there have been differing reports about the status. everything is still very fluid. algerian state media now saying 100 of the 132 foreigners have been freed. jenna, again the numbers on this story just keep changing and we had understood that one american was missing, not accounted for, now with this proposition of a trade the militants, the terrorists are saying that there are two americans who are captive. we do know that the u.s. air force has sent a medical evacuation plane to nearby -- to near the scene to evacuate americans and foreigners as they are released. we don't have further information on that now. this is a very remote location, as prime minister david cameron here today said it is one of the most remote places in the world, 18 hours by road from the capital algers. jenna: that gives us the context and the challenges around the situation. one we'll continue to watch. thank you. jon: when republicans return to capitol hill next week they will folk on issues like the debt ceiling and upcoming budget battles. the president's sweeping effort to control guns including 23 executive actions could make it harder than ever to reach any kind of bipartisan agreement. senator rand paul says he will fight the president's executive orders. he's accusing the president of acting more like a king. >> our founding fathers were very concerned about having a separation of powers. they didn't want to let the president become a king. and i'm afraid that president obama may have this king complex sort of developing. i'm very concerned about this president garnering so much pow irand arrogance that he thinks he can 0 do whatever he wants. jon: senator ted cruz of texas seems to agree saying the president is high on power. >> this is the president who has drunk the kool-aid. he is feeling right now high on his own power and he is pushing on every front, on guns, i think it's really sad to see the president of the united states exploiting the murder of children, and using it to push his own extreme antigun agenda. jon: let's talk about it with joe trippi, howard dean's presidential campaign manager, also a fox news contributor. is this the typical kind of thing, when an administration begins its second term and, you know, the loyal opposition wants to take some shots? >> look, i think there is going -- unfortunately this kind of rhetoric on both sides now. it's a hot issue. there are a lot of activists and money and support on both sides, so that when you use this kind of rhetoric, it attracts more contributors, it attracts votes for people from the propeople who support gun rights, and, again, people who -- gun control advocates will respond to the president and the rhetoric on the other side. i think we'll see more of this unfortunately. because i do think right now the american people want to see something done in the wake of these latest, you know, incidents up at sandy hook, et cetera. they want something done, they don't want this one to pass without something happening. and what is the something? is it an assault weapons ban? is it universal background checks? but i do think there is an overreaction to the president's 23 executive orders. they really weren't much -- things like, you know, ordering studies into what causes gun violence. i mean these weren't like, you know, massive grabs for power. i think this rhetoric is sort of over done. jon: the president generally does frame his battles. he cast his opponents as the republicans in congress, when it's fair to say that he's got an awful lot of democratic opposition to some of these proposals as well. >> that's true. what is happening here is this goes back to individual district, and, look, the country may be wanting more control, or some action to make guns safer, but it's different by district. in inner cities whether you're a democrat or republican gun control is much more popular. you get out in the more rural states, more rural areas and there are democrats who hold some of those seats, you know, 60% or more own guns, are strong second amendment rights advocates and don't want anybody to impinge on the right to bear arms. so you're going to see it district by district. i think almost beyond party, it's going to be more where is that member of congress situated, what kind of district he is in, not what party they are in. jon: national journal is out with a piece called the thrill is gone. here is one of the lines in it i wanted to get you to react to. it said even many republicans were swept up in the optimism after the 2008 election hoping that obama could make a difference. millions of americans bought into the notion that he was somehow above partisan politics. four years later we all know better. what do you think about that, escrow? >> well, look, i think -- look, the country has become very polarized -- i mean it is, that's just the way it is. and both side can take some of the blame for that. i think on the issue of guns, though, jon, what is fascinating is the increase to do something about guns has happened across party lines, even in some of the polls this morning 18% more republicans, more republicans want to do something about gun control, or are more open to some of these bigger items, like an assault weapons ban, or universal background checks. so right now the feeling about doing something is going across party lines. still more republicans are defenders of the second amendment except they don't want to see something change. jon: we'll see if anything changes in this congress and with this administration. >> we sure will, jon. jenna: new fallout over the president's healthcare laws. many small businesses and nonprofits take steps to try to deal with what they are calling a financial and bureaucratic burden. that could mean cutting back workers, maybe cutting back hours of workers, or hiring fire people. jim ingle is looking into this from washington. jim, as small businesses, small employers look at this new healthcare law, what are they telling you about some of the burdens that they say they are going to face? >> reporter: well, more and more of them, jenna are looking at what the new healthcare law will mean for them, and learning that what they do now will affect them later because the irs says it will penalize businesses based not on next year's employment when the law makes effect, but this year's employment. if a business has mourn 50 employees it has to provide insurance or pay a penalty. if employees work more than 30 hours they must be giving insurance. that is very expensive, even prohibitive for many small businesses. listen. >> there were three bad incentives from the labor point of view. don't hire if you don't want to get above 50. don't let them work more. keep them part time if at all possible. there was a tax credit available to help you pay for insurance but if your average wages got too hi you got less of a credit. so don't give people a raise. >> reporter: 30 hours under the law means part time. you have one business after another cutting back hours. wendy's hamburgers, taco bells, hardy's. even nonprofits and community colleges are cutting hours to avoid the cost of insurance, jenna. jenna: jim, when you talk about the costs, why is it so expensive for some of these small businesses? >> reporter: it's more expensive for them than large business, one insurance costs are higher for small business. two, they can't provide low-cost insurance as some do now. they have to provide insurance with benefits. the government requires, listen. >> on average that for a small business they are paying about 36% more than their larger counterparts for compliance. small businesses really typically do not have a major hr department to be able to grapple with some of these new regulations. >> reporter: so the law has created perverse inch he seven teufs that encourage small businesses not to expand or hire more workers or give workers more hours. the ceo of whole foods has harshly criticized the law even calling it fast chism. he took that back and said it was government controlled healthcare. this law will mean fewers people getting insurance at work, just the opposite of what the law was supposed to accomplish. jenna: we'll see what the eventual effect of it all is, thank you. jon: a former world famous dancer and artistic director of a ballet company gets a jar of acid thrown in his face. police are searching for a suspect, a masked man. what people are saying about the possible motive behind this horrible attack. a hostage crisis deep in the satisfactory hair a desert. dozens unaccounted for. as we hear from some of the hostages freed from the algerian army. >> very relieved, obviously. as much as i'd like to be out and some of my colleagues are still not out at the moment. i have the flu... i took theraflu, but i still have this cough. 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[ male annouer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! just begin with america's favorite soups. bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. or best-ever meatloaf. go to for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. jenna: new details in a rapidly changing hostage situation in africa. al-qaida-linked militants are holding a gas plant in the sahara desert. they've reportedly killed foreign workers and dozens more are unaccounted for, including according to reports americans. u.s. officials are confirming that three americans were held hostage. there are question about how many are still being held. up to 30 british citizens were unaccounted for yesterday. one british man confirmed dead. ten japanese workers are also missing. and there are hostages from a host of other nations, including algeria and norway and france and ireland, the philippines, romania. an al-qaida-linked commander is communicating on the hostage takers' behalf calling for the release of terrorists jailed in the united states. republican texas congressman michael mccaul is chair of the homeland security committee. congressman mccall going to that news about americans being held. what can you tell us about that? how many americans are currently hostaged? >> i think after the failures of benghazi you're seeing splinters of al-qaida rearing their ugly head in northern africa. that will be the new front in the war on terror. on 9/11 they issued a decree to take american prisoners, western possible hostages in exchange for as you mentioned the release of the blind sheik in the united states. the blind sheik was the one responsible for the 93 world trade center bombing. jenna: can you confirm for us -- >> yes? jenna: can you confirm for us how many americans are being held at this time? >> it's unclear at this point, but possibly up to ten americans are currently still being held hostage, and it's a very, very dangerous situation under dangerous conditions. jenna: it's interesting to talk to you, you're from the state of texas and we're using the state of texas to show our viewers just how big the area is where terrorists are dominating north africa. we will show that map as soon as we can pull it up, congressman. we've also heard that the algerian government is not allowing us to help. that's the report. question for you, if these are the bad guys, if these are the terrorists, and they have our citizens, why are we even asking for permission? >> i would prefer not to rely on the algerians on the french. i know that we have c130s bringing french troops into the region, but in my judgment i hope there is a back up plan with special operations forces and good intelligence to rescue these ten americans or possibly up to ten americans held hostage by these very dangerous terrorists. jenna: you mentioned benghazi as we started this interview. there was a mention thalt ne that the president of egypt has asked for the release of the blind sheik as well as he took control of egypt. we'll seen the whole change of the arab spring. how would you think their threat to the united states to our viewers? >> this is the most disturbing piece in my judgment in puttingth pieces of the puzzle together. you have al zawahiri calling for western hostages in exchange for the release of the blind sheik. you have the president of egypt more see calling fo mo r-rb si calling for the relieves the blind sheik. then after the failure of benghazi we have 40 people held hostage in algeria and many americans. and this is all playing out. now they've shifted their narrative from getting the french out of mali to releasing the blind sheik again. it's a very disturbing trend. jenna: what do we do, congress santa ana. >> that is a very good question. i think the administration has not responded well to benghazi. they are not responding very well to this situation. we need a comprehensive strategy for northern africa where these very dangerous, splintered factions of al-qaida exist. again i think in terms of proactive kinetic forces, special operations, good intelligence and drones as we have done in pakistan. we ned to start looking at doing that in northern africa. jenna: we know you are very busy out in virginia. windy virginia, we can hear that on the microphone where the g.o.p. is having their retreat. thank you for your time, stepping out to talk to us about this important story. >> thank you, jenna i appreciate it. jon: some brand-new numbers that show a dramatic drop in cancer deaths in this country. what's behind the decline and how you can stay healthy. that is coming up. plus, the latest on a for reeveryone is talk being about the football star and his fake, dead girlfriend. did sports reporters fumble the ball on this one? our news watch panel is joining us to weigh in. jon: right now the dance world is reeling from a brutal attack on one of its own. the artistic director of one of the world's most renown ballet companies has acid thrown in his face. tpraubg tpraubg has thharris faulkner has the details. >> reporter: he may lose his eyesight. it could have been linked to power struggles at the russian ballet company. 42-year-old former ballet star sergi phlan. he's said to know how to pick them when it comes to the next starring role on stage. recently he has been saying he felt like he was on the front lines. somebody followed him home to his apartment in central moscow last night and through acid in his face. the assailant was wearing a hood or mask or scarf over his face and all he could see is the person's eyes. he will be flown to brussels today for treatment in a military hospital which specializes in burns. reaction coming from one of the dancers, including the theater troop's principle balance lean a who teared up when asked about the attack and told roerts reporters, quote, we've just realized that the job of a theater director is a very dangerous one. who knew the movie kw-bg black swan kw-bblack swan could have captured in reality the ballet. jenna: cancer deaths have dropped in the united states. rick leventhal is looking into this. >> reporter: researchers say progress is steady and even more rapid for the four major cancers, reason to cheer according to the head of the american cancer society. if you look at the latest national data you'll see the downward slope for overall cancer death rates. a 20% deline from the peak 20 years ago, meaning more than a million lives were spared, including more than 150,000 saved in 2009 alone. the biggest successes are some of the most common cancers with death rates dropping more than 30% for coal low rectal cancer. 30% for breast cancer in women. and 30% for lung cancer in men. while the death rate from prostate cancer has dropped more than 40%. researchers credit several factors. fewer people are smoking, that sparked the decline in lung cancer. early detection has helped save lives. there has been new treatments. cancer rates among women didn't change much from 2000 through 2009 and actually rose .6% among children. one in four deaths in the u.s. is still cancer related and certain cancers are on the rice including liver, thyroid and pancreatic there. be will be 1.6 new cases this year and more than half a million cancer deaths in 2013. they stress the important tafpbs regulaimportant stance of regular cancer screening. it's key to detection. jenna: thank you. jon: fox news alert a big apartment fire underway right now in los angeles. firefighters have chopped a few holes in the roof of this two-story apartment building to try to let some of the heat and smoke out. this is on south bundy drive. does that address ring a bell? it is not far from where nicole simpson was murdered back in the early 1990s. south bundy drive, an apartment on fire, nor cause yet, no word on any injuries. firefighters are at the scene. we are keeping an eye on it as well. as we get more information we'll get it to you. people with food allergies might find a new item on the menu, lawsuits. is it fair for the government to require restaurants to indicator to people with certain dietary needs? a fair & balanced debate on that coming up. ♪ [ male announcer ] finally, mom's oven-baked tastes straight from the microwave. like oven-roasted chicken in a creamy alfredo sauce. marie callender's new comfort bakes. it's timto savor. marie callender's new comfort bakes. living with moderate to semeans living with it could also mean living with joint damage. humira, adalimum, can help treat more than just the pain. for many adults, humira is clinically proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection ask your rheumatologist about humira, to help relieve your pain and stop further joint damag jenna: recent legal settlement really caught our eye. it might bring big changes in kitchens across the country. we'll talk to our legal panel about this. a small university in massachusetts agreed to revamp its entire dining system to accommodate a student with a severe allergy to glut tin. now there are concerns this could mean for other businesses. can uncle sam tell restaurants what to put on the menu? we'll talk about this with frred tecce a former criminal prosecutor. and nicole, you're gluten-free attorney if you will. >> that is true. yes i am. jenna: a little personal perspective to this case. tell us why you made the decision. what happens if, for example, you go rogue and you eat some gluten? >> for me it is a big health improvement. the dramatic change in my health something that caused me to know i will never go back. i mean, you don't have enough time on your show to tell you all the improvements in my health after i stopped eating wheat. it is different for everybody. not everybody is affected. certainly a personal choice and personal decision. some people have such serious reactions. when i eat it i get very sick for a couple days. when somebody who is actually eats it can injure themselves and caught damage. jenna: you're not diagnosed with siliac disease. >> correct. jenna: this plays in this case, at this university, leslie university, the student was fighting on behalf of the americans with disabilities act saying this was a disability, this food allergy. that is why there was a right or need to have access to different food. this is a settlement, not a legal case necessarily that went to court. just talk us through this and why you think the settlement came about? >> well, i can tell you, jenna, a couple things. first of all food allergies are serious. they often times can be fatal. i don't want to minimize those. what happened if you dig away the layers or peel back the onion, this student was required to be part of a meal plan and had allergies and food allergies and needed to be gluten free and school didn't accommodate him and he wanted his money back and school said no. part of the settlement between the law school and university and student they have to amend the meal plan. in narrow circumstances if you're a university or college and you're going to require your students to be part of the meal plan it is hardly unreasonable you provide foods that deal with food allergies and food sensitivities. but as far as the prodder picture is concerned about suing under the ada, put aside for the minute the bottom feeding attorneys who sue establishments over hyper technical violations of ada to collect attorney's fees. i don't think restaurants in any type of food organization will be open to onslaught of lawsuits as a result of this case which i they is very narrow. jenna: what do you think about that, nicole? that was a big question among our team. if this happens at a university, there is cafeteria, maybe a lot of options, not necessarily gluten-free options but there are options, what does it mean for other areas that serve food? will they be forced to be gluten-free or offer that option somewhere down the line? >> i don't think they will. the bottom line the particular school demand as pointed out every student participate in the meal plan. unfortunately the student who would be injured if they ate food available was not given his or her money back for the plan. the university walked themselves right into the problem. i don't think as a general rule restaurants will have the issue unless they knowingly tell a customer or client, no, this doesn't have a particular ingreedent that they are have said i n not eat and serve it to them. that is different problem. jenna: that is different problem. fred, for a university, you know, as someone going into a university a long time ago as it was for me when i went into college, there was a choice which university i went to and, and that could a be choice in the university they go to, whether or not they offer this or not. must the universities comply to students who have a choice about where they go to school? >> well, you know what, jenna i'm not sure the law can force them to comply. as part of the settlement this university agreed food allergies could be a disability under the americans with disabilities act. this is horn book contract law they teach in first year law school. contract only compels or binds people in the contract. you and i could enter into contract you stipulate and agree i look like george clooney. that doesn't make it true. that doesn't make it binding on anybody else. jenna: you sort of resemble? >> what is that? right, if the light catches me right but you never can trust that light. as far as other schools, i think schools are smart. first of all if you're going to require students to eat in your meal plan, then i think you are going to have to going forward be able to offer these types of food. jenna: where does it stop, nicole? we have gluten-free. we know a lot of about peanut and other nut allergies. where is the line drawn and how much food and variety of food the university has to supply? >> well, if they're going to require their students to participate in a meal plan, they're going to have to provide options for the people that have to eat on that meal plan especially if they know that the person has a food allergy or another problem that will cause them injury if they eat the food on the plan. they have to have enough options to have a healthy meal. jenna: so we'll see. >> if they force that on the students they have to make a choice. jenna: fred, final question for you. any glut-en free cheese steaks in philadelphia that you found? >> here are two basic fundamentals meals i can't be gluten-free. can't make jack daniels without rye and can't make a cheesesteak. so i'm done. maybe chicken wings. jenna: nicole gave us a good testimonial. there you go. >> i did. jenna: she is doing just fine. nicole, fred, thanks for being here today. >> thanks for having me. enjoy your weekend. jon: coming up rush limbaugh and other prominent conservatives taking on the media coverage of the president's announcement on new gun controls. what bob schieffer says that has them so upset. a fair and balanced debate next. what was once a staple of campaigns could be soon a thing of the past when you have diabetes... your doctor will say get smart about your weight. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news. jenna: now this fox news alert on the debt ceiling debate in washington, d.c. as you might know the gop are away. they're in virginia. they're doing this retreat to bring themselves together before the next term begins. we're just getting news from eric cantor's office, majority leader, and as well as speaker boehner, they have a plan when it comes to the debt ceiling. they will pass a debt ceiling, the gop will pass a debt ceiling extension for the next several months, in exchange for something to happen in the senate. what they want to have happen in the senate is the senate to pass a budget. as you might know as well, the senate has not passed a budget in several years time. so that is what that, this is negotiating point. the house says they will go ahead and do this. they will extend our debt limit, our credit limit, if you will in exchange for seeing a budget passed in the senate. now it is worth noting as you might know, charles krauthamer comes out with an editorial every week in the "washington post" and he actually wrote about this idea today in his editorial saying almost exactly the same thing. i'm going to read this part to you. the more prudent course, he is talking about the debt ceiling debate, would be to find an offer that can not be refused of the short-term tradeoff utterly unasailable and straightforward. for example, charles krauthamer writes, say, extend the debt ceiling through may 1st. this is idea by charles krauthamer maybe it is in the works. jon: that is a asking a lot for the senate, don't you think, to pass a budget? jenna: that is a little sarcastic, jon. there is important part. lawmakers in the republican actually talk about spending cuts andly put forward proposals if. if there is no budget. jon: if there is no benchmark to compare your numbers against you spend as much as you want. jenna: so we'll see if they get it. the gop says this is what their offer is, three months or so for the senate to come up and pass a budget. we'll see if they can do it. jon: we'll keep an eye on that one. the campaign button, once a mainstay of american politics quickly becoming a relic. digital web sites are becoming so effective reaching voters that the old lapel button might soon be a thing of the past. douglas kennedy has the story in our new york newsroom. douglas? >> reporter: jon, the campaign button seems to be going the way of the whistle stop. some are blaming the internet for the loss of this once thriving symbol of americana. >> the most important thing we have done is, we put this online. >> reporter: when politicians want to reach people these days it's all about digital. >> they will tell you exactly where to go based on where you are, using gps. >> reporter: obviously this wasn't always the case. for years the best way for campaigns to reach voters was the campaign button. >> well you declared yourself. then you had to put it on your lapel and therefore you, said, i'm voting for this person. >> reporter: he is an expert on campaign memorabilia. he has been collecting campaign buttons since he was a teenager. currently he has pro-roosevelt and anti-roosevelt from the 30's and '40s. as well as a varied bunch from campaigns in the '50s, '60s and '70s. >> this is a douglas macarthur button, people trying to convince him at the time to run for president. >> you had to have the button the hottest button going. therefore if you had a mac arthur button you were in with the right people. >> reporter: his antique shop is located here in the "diamond district" in new york city. he says a rare campaign button can fetch as much as a two-carat stone. unfortunately he says the american campaign button is quickly becoming an american relic. these days you can still get a campaign button but mostly for souvenirs? >> true. they are collectible items. therefore a lot of people don't wear them all the time. they're not as important as they once were. >> reporter: not as important but possibly just as valuable. he says the rare buttons often become the most expensive buttons. that is it from here, jon. back to you. jon: all right. douglas kennedy with no lapel button on him. >> i know you have a bunch in your top drawer, jon. jon: i will hold onto them now that i know they're getting so rare. >> reporter: there you go. jon: douglas kennedy thank you. jenna: silence from the mainstream media after a major media figures compares fighting the gun lobby to defeating the nazis. we'll talk about that. plus as you know, this is an incredible hoax. if it is indeed a hoax. how could so many reporters be fooled by the story of a dead girlfriend who never existed? what about fact-checking? where is that? our "news watch" panel is straight ahead. jon: a bizarre story that gets stranger by the day. notre dame football star manti te'o and his fake dead girlfriend. the hoax finally uncovered after countless news stories about his romance and the girl's death. the public editor at "the new york times" defending all the journalists who failed to uncover the scam writing, quote, i could never imagine in he had itings such a story with reference existing as they did asking reporters do you know for a fact his grandmother is dead? do you know for a fact his girlfriend is dead? do you know for a fact his grandmother existed? do you know for a fact his girlfriend ever existed? any editor tells you they would have or should have asked those questions is kidding you. then you have the critics. many are stunned or angry about the total breakdown of normal journalism standards here. frank shore, director of the sports institute at boston university. gives lectures on university. he told the guardian, nobody asked who is she? where did she live? not one reporter doug deep. the lack of legwork is a total surprise to me. let's bring in our all female "news watch" panel. judith miller, a pulitzer prize-winning investigative reporter and a huge football fan. kirsten powers columnist for "the daily beast". both are fox news contributors. i kid obviously. judy doesn't know anything about football. >> true. jon: you know a lot of about journalism. what about this? should editors have to ask these questions. >> i have to agree with the public opinion editor of "the times." look, you don't ask reporters to corroborate what you assume to be basic facts. here was a guy weeping on television at loss of his girlfriend. it kind of strains credulity for people to think, oh, my gosh, maybe this girl friend never existed? why would you think assume that unless you think the football player is a sociopath. jon: that is the thing, everybody says, i mean the sports director got up there at notre dame. he started weeping at the thought that the poor manti te'o had been duped here. >> i guess i have a little trouble understanding how someone you have never actually seen with your own eyes could be called your girlfriend. the idea that he was duped, i mean i guess that's possible but, there is something, the standard of girlfriend to me seems to be stretched a little bit here. it is strange to me nobody said, do you have a picture together maybe, or i don't know? i think did any women write the stories. i feel women would want to know the details of the relationship maybe? yeah, who is she? didn't he tell a story how they met and they --. jon: right. i think there was a story -- >> how was he duped? jon: well that's, you know part of what has to be discovered here because i think there were stories from him how they met at stanford in the early going and her cousin introduced them or something. >> i have to say i think it would be normal to request a picture of the two of them together. in a story, if you build up a story like this about somebody's girlfriend passing away and becomes this national story, i don't really agree with that editor. i think it is a little weird not a single reporter was a little more curious about this. jon: the gun control controversy also got a lot of media coverage this week. was it fair? well, you decide. listen to bob schieffer of cbs, something that he said on his sunday morning program and then rush limbaugh's response. >> surely, finding usama bin laden, surely passing civil rights legislation as lyndon johnson was able to do and before, that surely defeating the nazis was a much more formidable task than taking on the gun lobby? >> where is the media outrage? when bob schieffer of cbs compares obama's gun initiatives to defeating hitler, in other words, taking on the nra is the equivalent of taking on adolf hitler. now is there room for that in our discourse today? why is that not an example of just over the top defamation, exaggeration, insulting, not to mention the lack of civility? jon: all right, judy. take that on, does he have a report? >> i think rush limbaugh talking about over the top is a bit much. i do think that, you know, what bob schieffer was saying, this is a president who has taken on tough issues just as others have taken on tough challenges. i do think that comparing even indirectly, the sandy hook massacre with the defeat of the nazis is a bit much and i also was struck by bob schieffer's assertion that massacre was the worst day in the country's history since 9/11. that is kind of also a very sweeping statement. now that is the way he feels. the question is, is that bias? does that show that he can't be unbiased on the issue of gun control? jon: is limbaugh missing a point here, do you think. >> i feel like he is. i don't think he was really comparing them. i don't think he was saying this thing is exactly like this thing. i think he was saying if you can take on these monstrous things, and certainly if you take on something that is so much smaller. i think quite the opposite how limbaugh is portraying it. like me saying, you know, if we can put a man on the moon why can't we have cell phone coverage on amtrak acela. i'm not comparing nasa and am track. you're making a point we're overcoming huge things in the past, why can't we tackle this thing that is smaller. >> defeating the nazies is defeating the nra. >> i don't think that is what he is saying. he is saying what i'm saying. we have overcome such bigger things that this really can't, you can't stand up to --. jon: why bring that into the comparison? >> first of all never bring up nazis. that is a biggest mistake ever. you know, i really don't i this, think limbaugh is sort of distorting what he is saying. jon: we'll have more with the "news watch" panel this weekend. be sure to catch it. we cover all the big stories of week, 2:00 p.m. saturday. two p.m. eastern i should say on fox. jenna. jenna: if you have a need for speed the most appetizing corvette in 60 years hitting the auction block. the famous chef behind the wheel. we'll show that to you next birr on may 18th, five days later, i had a massive heart attack. bayer aspirin was the first thing the emts gave me. now, i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. 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