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ful, if they really want to move forward and put people back to work, what they should be thinking about is how do we help state and local governments and how do we help the construction industry, because the recipes that they're promoting are basically the kinds of polices that would add weakness to the economy. would result in further layoffs. would not provide relief in the housing market. and would result i think most economists estimate in slower growth and fewer jobs. not more. all right? >> david jackson. >> thank you sir. looking at details of national security issues there, are reports of a terrorist kill list that you supervised and reports of cyber attacks on the iranian nuclear program that you ordered. two things. first of all what's your reaction to the information getting out to the public and secondly what's your reaction to the lawmakers who released these details in order to promote your reelection bid? >> first of all i'm not going to comment on the details of what are supposed to be classified items. second, as commander in chief, the issues that you've mentioned touch on our national security, touch on critical issues of war and peace, and they're classified for a reason. and they're sensitive. and because the people involved may in some cases be in danger if they're carrying out some of these missions. and when this information or reports whether true or false surfaced on the front pages of newspapers, that makes the job of folks on the front lines tougher and it makes my job tougher. >> which is why since i've been in office, my attitude has been zero tolerance for these kinds of leaks and speculation. now, we have mechanism necessary place where if we can root out folks who have leaked they will suffer consequences. in some cases it's criminal. these are criminal acts when they release information like this. and we will conduct thorough investigations as we have in the past. the notion that my white house would purposely release classified national security information is offensive. it's wrong and you know, people i think need to have a better sense of how i approach this office and how the people around me here approach this office. we're dealing with issues that can touch on the safety and security of the american people, our families. our our military personnel, or our allies. so we don't play with that. jon: the president saying that we need to get the economy going again in this country. that we are once again facing head winds, so he is urging that congress get on board. question is, is it all in the lap of congress? we are going to be hearing from a couple of congressional leaders on the republican side, eric cantor, and the -- the speaker of the house will be holding their own response to the president's news conference there at 12:30 eastern time, about an hour and 20 minutes from now. so, let's talk about it with karl rove the former senior adviser and deputy chief of staff to george w. bush, also a fox news contributor. karl, the president started off by remin reminding us that the economic situation when he took office was the worst since the great depression. we have heard that before. does repetition help sink it in? >> it may help, it doesn't make it exactly right. we had much higher unemployment, we had much higher inflation and very high interest rates in 1981 when ronald reagan ep cam came into office. what americans are asking themselves is, we gave you the stimulus, you passed the trillion dollar stimulus, you passed all these other measures you want. you plussed up the federal budget like you wanted to. the outcome is you promised us, in january 10th of 2009, even before coming president he says if you want to know exactly what will happen when we pass the stimulus report you need to read this report. what it says is that unemployment today would be 5.7% and roughly 13 million more americans work than are actually working. that's what he promised the stimulus would do, and his problems are that it didn't live up to the hype. jon: he said one of the problems we're facing now is that state and local governments have to layoff a lot of workers or don't have the ability to hire more. isn't some of that the after effect of the stimulus, a lot of money got dumped into state and local coffers but there was no way to renew the money. >> there is maintenance of effort. what the stimulus bill required was that in order to tap the stimulus money, in many instances the states had to spend at least as much money as they were spending before, and this was used to top up the money to in essence expand government at the state and local level, not to merely keep it at the existing level. the states who took the money and ramped up their employment roles are finding that they have to anyone i shall them. this is the issue and what the fall election will be fought over. the president is concerned about public employees losing their jobs. he wants to take money from people in the private sector, the warehousemen in ohio, the truck driver in colorado, the woman who has a shop in florida, take money from them in the form of higher taxes and interest payments in the future, in order to keep those state and local government employees at work. an ordinary american says we've been trying it for three and a half years and it has not helped our economy grow as robust lee and create the kind of jobs we want to be creating. jon: he said we have created 4.1 million jobs since he's been in office. the average number of jobs we need to add each month to keep up with population growth, it's in the a resounding figure. >> it will take us nearly another five years to get employment levels and the number of people working in the united states back to the level when we came into the recession. this is the most anemic and slowest recovery of any of the ten recessions we've had from world war 2. if we had the normal recovery we'd have $4,500 more in capita pa per gdp and roughly 13 million more people would be working than we have today. jon: follows news polls just out have mitt romney and president obama at a dead-even tie. 43-43 if the election were held today. mr. romney gets the nod on the economy according to these polls, and the national review -- i'm sorry, national journal had this quote that i thought was interesting, i wanted to share it with you. it says every four years the race for the white house is defined by a turning point, a period when the contest breaks towards one side, and the other can never recover. if republican mitt romney is inaugurated as president in january history may look to june as the month in which president obama's fate was seed. he hasn't had a very good june and june is not very far along. >> also he didn't have a very good main. we had the anniversary of the killing of osama bin laden where it looked like he was trying to turn it into politics by alleging that mitt romney wouldn't have ordered the strike. we had a bad jobs number for may. we've had, you know, a bunch of stops and starts in his own campaign. first ad was seen, it was widely panned as attack on bain. you had corey booker,ed rendell, bill clinton, all of them coming to the defense of mitt romney's business record and dismissing the president's assaultment yeah, he's had a bad six weeks. and everybody has to in a presidential campaign go -- have their time in the barrel. whether this is going to be the turning point or not we don't know until november. jon: karl rove, always good to talk to you fox news contributor. jenna: a big day ahead for you on "happening now" including a few stop stories that we want to tell you a little bit about now. he's accused of a rampage at fort hood. now the man charged with 13 counts of murder going before a judge. what today's action could ultimately mean for a case where the death penalty is in play. we'll tell you more about that. also, have you seen this? mortgage rates are at historic lows. is this the right time to buy, the right time to refinance? or should you wait? it might go even lower, right? we have the answers for you coming up. the supreme court's ruling on the healthcare law expected soon. a poll just out showing how americans feel about it's fate. we have all the numbers and we will reveal them to you next. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. fresher less processed foods introducing freshpet recipes so fresh the only preservative we use is the fridge freshpet fresh food for fido jenna: potential buyers and homeowners looking to refinance are looking at some of the lowest mortgage rates in history, in fact they are the lowest rates in history. mortgage buyer freddie mac is reporting the average rate on a 30-year fixed loan is down to 3.67%. how much lower will it go? and who can really take advantage of these rates, whether you're buying or refinancing and all of that. danny back * babb is with us today. nice to have you back with us. >> good to be back. jenna: could we see 2%, 30 year fixed mortgages? do you think it will actually go that low? >> i don't think it will. i think we'll probably be seeing pretty close to the bottom of the barrel. this is largely driven by consumer confidence and investor confidence and where they are putting their money. right now as there is some insurance ta built in th instability in the market it's helping the rates. we'll see the rates go up a bit. jenna: a lot of folks are thinking if i could jump into the market now that's great, maybe i should consider refinancing. who do these low rates really help in your experience? >> they help new home buyers primarily. first time home buyers even more. refinance rates are actually a little bit higher than purchase rates. generally a half a percent or a little bit more. for example, if you were to buy a 30 year fixed home -- mortgage on a $200,000 home you're looking at about $800 a month. this applies tow people that have a credit stkoer score of about 680, 20% down, been in your job for two years. they can have a bankruptcy but not for the last ten years. no foreclosures for five to seven. they go up to $417. above that you're looking at a jumbo or conforming loan that does have higher rates but they are available. jenna: most people's mortgage are at a higher amount than what it's currently wofrplt it mean worth. it means they bought at a time when the market is different. what should those people do refinancing right now? >> the first thing they need to do is get an appraisal. they can do that a number of ways. they can go to a bank and work on a refinance loan, the process of going through that will include a bank appraisal. that may be a place to start. they can hire their appraise or. you can't refinance unless you're going tow bring in the cash to balance out so that the loan to value is not more than 100%. that is generally off the table. the owner is looking at a loan loan modification which is very tough to get. or a short sale. this is the very last year you can do it and not pay tax on that income tax as an ordinary loss. jenna: is it getting better out there? >> most of the market is staying the same. there seems to be -- there are a few bright stops and there are areas of stabilization. midwest, northwest we are seeing some stabilization. we are also seeing bidding wars in some places, silicon valley, orange county, seattle, miami, tampa which really needed it and north north dakota are seeing bidding wars where people are putting multiple offers in on one home and driving the price up. jenna: it is good to do a lot of research before moving forward. nice to see you as always. thank you so much. >> thank you. jon: it would be nice to see that housing market turn around, won't it. jenna: for everybody. jon: for everybody. there is a strong storm system slamming the west spawning twisters, hail and floods. more on some incredible video to show you. jenna: the army major charged in a shooting rampage that left 13 dead at fort hood is due in court today. could the government be forced to pay for the defense's expert witness? a former judge advocate general weighs in, a jag, next. almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. 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[ male announcer ] half a day's worth of fiber. fiber one. there's natural gas under my town. it's a game changer. ♪ it means cleaner, cheaper american-made energy. but we've got to be careful how we get it. design the wells to be safe. thousands of jobs. use the most advanced technology to protect our water. billions in t economy. at chevron, if we can't do it right, we won't do it at all. we've got to think long term. we've got to think long term. ♪ jon: the man charged with 13 counts of murder in the fort hood shooting rampage expected in court today in a pretrial hearing that could start any minute now. a million stair rejudge will consider a defense motion for a neurologist to examine nidal malik hasan at the government's expense. he is facing the death penalty to if convict owed of murdering 13 people in november of 2009. dozens more were wounded in the rampage that shocked the nation and raised concerns about homegrown terror even within our own military. hasan its expected to go on trial in august in a case that could hinge on his he mental health. former jag jeffery king joins us from dallas. we hear from civilian court an insanity defense rarely works. what about in military court, courts marshal. >> it's the same kind of thing. it rarely works but in a different way. in order to find that major hasan was not responsible for his misconduct in 2009, that is a huge hurdle. where it's going to be extremely relevant is in the penalty phase. the defense will put on a huge mitigation case to try to save his life. in that sense it's going to be incredibly relevant, and i think quite frankly it will work in that sense. jon: what about this request by his defense team for a government neurologist to examine him? what is that going to do? what is it going to provide? >> well, it all depends. clearly, it was denied when they requested it from the government to have that expert. now they are before the court. the military judge will answer two questions. the first, is this expert relevant and necessary? in other words, what is he going to say and what would it accomplish? it would be pretty easy for them to answer those questions, because as you said this does hinge on the mental health of major hasan. the real question will be does the government have an adequate substitute. it will be between two experts, the government's expert who will be a military neurol skwr*eut neurologist who will cost no money, and the other expert. it will come down to the qualifications of the expert and whether or not the government's expert is an adequate substitute. jon: he could face the possibility of life in prison or death penalty. if you were his defense lawyer, i mean would you guess that they are looking for anything they can just to try to prevent the imposition of the death penalty here? >> yes. well they've already done a lot to try to do that, before they even pressed charges. they tried to convince them not to refer this case as a death penalty case. that is kind of what started this whole thing off. the death penalty is definitely on the table. if he's convicted the jury will have to decide whether or not they will put this man to death. yeah, they are going to put everything they have into saving his life and they are going to think about that during the case in chief and in sentencing obviously. jon: there are so many members of our military, military families and families of his victim, both living and dead that are so disgusted with the slow pace of this thing. originally the trial was supposed to start last march, and his own defense team has delayed it a do yo couple of times. how much longer can they keep pushing this thing back? will you expect it really will go to trial in august? >> frankly a lot of that probably depends on what happens today. august 20th, as i understand is the trial date when it's set to go, and i believe they actually requested an october date and the judge decided on august. so i think he intends to go to trial in august being the military judge. once the expert is approved today, that expert, who because he hasn't been paid hasn't looked at any documentary evidence, he probably has not interviewed major hasan and actually provided an evaluation to the defense team. all of that has to take place after today. the question becomes will there be enough time for that doctor to help the defense prepare for the case that is set to begin in august? if they don't think there is enough time then we'll put in another continuance. if they do then they won't and this thing will get started on august 20th. i think it's likely it will start on august 20th, to answer your question, but a lot of it hinges on what happens today. jon: i think a lot of military people certainly hope that they finally get this trial underway. jeffery king, a former military jag. thank you. >> thank you, jon. jenna: a florida man who finally bought his first cellphone, finally made the decision to jump in, now he wishes he hadn't. it turns out the man, junior guy, was given george zimmerman's former cellphone number. the man charged with murder of course in the shooting death of an unarmed teen, trayvon martin. guy says he received constant harassment, even death threats on his phone as soon as the phone was activated. his lawyer is now petitioning t mobile to pay damages to the client. the company refuses saying they gave the man an account credit and a new number. what a welcome to the cellphone number. jon: i guess people got that cellphone number from the 911 call. jenna: it makes you wonder how quickly the numbers are recycled. if you get a new number today does that mean i could get jon scott's number tomorrow? can you imagine what i'd receive on that number. jon: i can see why he got a new phone number a second time. he did it again, it seems, after more controversial comments. former president bill clinton apologizes. we'll take a look at how he's doing as a surrogate for the obama campaign. one city considering upping the speed limit to the second fastest in the western hemisphere. we'll tell you where to go if you really want to put the peddle to the metal. from around the world... ...with the best math scores. ...the united states would be on that list. in 25th place. let's raise academic standards across the nation. let's get back to the head of the class. let's solve this. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement insurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn't cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to 80% of your part b expenses. if you're already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, helps cover some of the medical expenses... not paid by medicare part b. that can save you up to thousands of dollars. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans... exclusively endorsed by aarp. when you call now, you'll get this free information kit... and guide to understanding medicare, i can keep my own doctor and choose my own hospital. and i don't need a referral to see a specialist. as with all medicare supplement plans, and help pay for what medicare doesn't. call this toll-free number now... jon: there is new reaction this morning to former president bill clinton's mea culpa as a occur gat for the obama campaign. the former president apologized after making comments that seemed to undermine the president's message, those include describing governor romney's business career as quote, sterling, and saying the governor passed the threshold to be president. then he disagreed with president obama's stated policy by take the bush-era tax cuts should be extended for everyone. then mr. clinton says he backs the president's push to raise taxes on the wealthiest americans. >> i'm very sorry about what happened yesterday. i really was under the impression that they would have to do something before the election, and i was trying to figure out how they would kick it until after the election. once i realized that nothing had to be done in the first of the year i support his position. i supported extending them last year, but i think his position is the right one and necessary if we are ever going to get a comprehensive deal. jon: monica crowley is a fox news contributor. chris kafinus is former chief staff to senator joe manchin of west virginia. let's get a fair & balanced debate underway. chris, he says he wasn't aware that the bush tax cuts were slated to expire, in other words, taxes go up on january 1st after the election. are we believing that? >> jon, don't be cynical. he misspoke. listen, the president, contrary i think to maybe some other conspiracy theories is a great surrogate, an incredibly strong supporter of the president. do you misspeak when you're out there as a surrogate, absolutely. at the end of the day when you look at all the incredible pluses and positives the president brings, he's an incredible advantage and strength for the president. jon: let's imagine for just a moment that former president clinton is telling the truth there, monica, that he thought somehow the bush tax cuts were scheduled to expire before november. what difference does that make? >> well, bill clinton knows exactly what he's doing. he's probably the most savvy democrat the party has, and there is no way he didn't know about the timing. i mean, let's be honest about this. bill clinton over the last week or so has said that the united states is in recession. he's said that, remember me, i'm the guy that gave you four annual budget surpluses, and just today he said, median income in america was higher when he was president than it is now. i think he's disastrous at a surrogate for the president because of the shear comparison. and as the president himself, president clinton who is putting out the comparison. i'm the fiscally responsible guy who gave you surpluses. i had the economy booming. i had your medium income higher than today. i think it's a not so subtle dig at barack obama, and he's certainly going to suffer at the comparison. jon: you say he's a huge a s-r ssett for the president. a loa lot of people are saying he's trying to school his successor. >> donald trump is a surrogate disaster, bill clinton is a former president, he was obviously incredibly successful. he has his views and opinions, he's going to voice them sometimes. do they always stay on message? no. you'll never have that any situation. when you look in terms of the value, the strength the former president brings to this campaign in terms of fundraising, in terms of being able to go into key battleground, name me one better surrogate than bill clinton, i don't think that exists. >> i think the split points to a bigger issue and that is the rift in the democrat party. bill clinton,ed rendell, corey booker, harry ford junior, they were always mainstream democrats. barack obama's governing from the far left. what clinton and rendell and the others are actually pointing out is that not only that the democrats are split but that this country is now being governed by a faction of the democrat party with whom they fundamentally disagree. >> that is not accurate. >> i think they have their own legacies to protect and bring the party back to the center. jon: we heard you say you disagree with monica on that one. we'll have to leave it there. chris kafinis, monica crowley, thank you both. jenna: from the world of politics to the world of sports now. big news, a big report on this horse race this weekend, the bellemont stakes. what is going on there? well you all have another attempting to go for a triple crown win since 1978. his trainer told dan patrick that the horse has a problem with its left hind leg and may not run tomorrow, which would mean jon, of course, that that's it as far as going for the triple kroufpblt we are only gettincrown. we are only get reports at this time. we have a team on the ground because obviously this is a big race. they haven't been able to confirm anything. there is a news conference on the matter. the trainer and other -rs are supposed to speak at 1:00pm eastern time. they were hinting this in the new york racing association. this could make tomorrow's race even more interesting. who knows, could it be a strategy? there is a lot that goes on in horse ration, and this trainer in particular, the trainer's name doug o'neal has certainly had the spotlight for a host of different reasons. we'll get into that more as we can confirm this report. it's just coming to us as a report at this time, that i'll have another may not run tomorrow. we'll bring you up to date as we hear more on that. in the meantime have you do trouble driving 55 miles per hour. jon: yes. jenna: i know jon does. maybe 65. jon: 65 is okay. jenna: how about faster would that satisfy your need for speed. jon: yes. jenna: jon would be happy. where is this actually potentially happening in this country. >> reporter: hello to my sister from another mr. in the green dress. there is a stretch of highway in texas between austin and san antonio that could very soon have the highest posted speed limit in the nation, 85 miles per hour. "figures -gs are saying they want to dofficials say they want to do this to relieve congestion. critics say it's too fast. if you want to drive 85 you may be able to do it legally along highway 130. a toll road that allows speed limits up to 85 on new roads. right now oepb only sparsely populated roads in texas have speed limits of 80. in travis county. some roads in utah also have 80-mile per hour speed limits. most highways in the u.s. top out at 75. there are no longer roads in the u.s. that have no speed limit posted like germany's autoban which could be a lot of fun. they are running studies to check the safety of 85 miles per hour on that particular stretch of highway 130. studies in the past have shown safety is best achieved when drivers ever going about the same rate of speed, whether that is 55 or another rate. of course they burn more gas when you drive faster. if you're cheap like me you'll just go granny slow. jenna: i think you and jon like a little speed, you on the autoban and jon here. jon: a new round of talks between iran and a watchdog agency. what that wagt se agency wants access to immediately and what that could mean for talks later on this month. he was beaten outside of dodger stadium just no for being a giants stan. it fund the entire nation. damaging testimony coming out against the two men accused of the crime. our legal panel takes up the case just ahead. to being a different kind of communications company by continuing to help you do more and focus on the things that matter to you. let's get our creativity running. then get some blades spinning, paper sanding, and bits turning. let's motor to the only place that carries our favorite tools... for our favorite people... armed with a budget and a mission... and see what happens when we put those tools to work for us. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now, get the ryobi four-piece 18-volt super combo kit, just $99 - our lowest price ever. jenna: right now world powers are watching what comes out of a key meeting between iran and the nuclear watch doug. they are trying to workout a deal to get inspectors into a very key military facility in iran. the agency wants immediate access to a complex where it's believed that explosive tests were done that could be connected to developing nuclear bombs either now or a few years ago. a senior official from the united states told the council earlier this week an apparent cleanup was already underway at that tpa sit. it added a lot more complexity to this meeting. michael sing is a former eastern director of middle eastern affairs, he's currently managing director for the washington institute of middle eastern policy. grad to have you with us. this month was described as the witching hour if you will for iran and the united states. this month was going to determine or provide key insights on the way forward with iran. is that still the case, or is the timeline being moved? >> obviously we've heard that a lot, haven't we over the years, that this issue is coming to a head. i think that now there is a sense that this issue has picked up speed, has picked up urgency for a couple of reasons. one is obviously iran's nuclear program has continued to make dramatic progress for the past couple of years, and that's obviously sparked a lot of concern, including in places like israel. israel has obviously threatened military action against iran's military program if the issue is not resolved diplomatically. i think this is an important month for iran in general and i think this year is the year of action on this question. jenna: when you say year of action what do you mean. >> it could be a diplomatic agreement. right now after two rounds of talks, inconclusive. another round of talks in moscow scheduled for mid-june which must be delayed at iranian inc insistence, that could lead to military action. will israel take military action to destroy iran's nuclear capabilities. jenna: we know it's rare to have any kind of access inside the country, but the experience of one person's story is when he spoke with the iranian people, students, people on the street that they were, in his opinion, very proamerican. it brought the question about how much light there is between the regime and the people that are inside the country. of course we have to consider all factors when we consider our policy, michael. what do you think about that? is the regime very much the minority in the country? >> i think this is incredibly important, jenna, and i think yes is the answer. that we and the iranian people have essentially the same problem, and that's the iranian regime. it can't be stressed enough that america's problem is not with iranian people or with iran broadly but with the very narrow ruling click that is at the top of this country that is douged lee pursuing not only a nuclear program ahh terrorism. you'll see the regime is not very popular inside iran. support for the united states which has historically existed among the iranian people does appear to be going down according to more recent polling. i think that's in part because we've lost sight of supporting the iranian people starting in june 2009 when you'll remember they had big protests after the presidential election and the us said and did nothing about it. jenna: it's hard to go back in time. we wonder what will happen ahead for us. we'll see what happens in this meeting and of course the one in russia in a week or so. thank you so much. jon: they will soon announce their decision as to the fate of the president's healthcare law. as we await that landmark ruling from the supreme court americans are already weighing in on the law and what they think will influence the justices. also, a deadly e.coli outbreak down south. what is being done to find the source and keep it from spreading. jenna: big news today before the bellemont stakes tomorrow, we have co confirmed that, i'll have another was scratched from the race tomorrow. we are getting confirmation from the team. i'll have another will not be racing tomorrow. that is big news. this horse was attempting a triple crown. and that hasn't happened since 1978. as we learn more about why and the reasons behind it, we'll bring it to you. but i'll have another not racing tomorrow. jon: right now a brand-new poll out showing what americans would do if they could decide the fate of the healthcare law. 24% say keep the entire law in place. 27% would scrap part of the law requiring all americans to obtain health insurance, if they don't have it. 41% say they would vote to overturn the whole thing. this is the supreme court is set to issue it's landmark ruling on the law expected later this month. let's talk about it all with david drucker the associate politics editor for "roll call." david, roughly two-thirds of americans hope that the law gets overturned in whole or at least in part. does that number surprise you? >> not really. the american public has been skeptical of the bill from the get go. they never liked the process used to pass it. they thought it was overly partisan and in essence a big back room deal. many americans are sceptical of the mandate. i don't think this is surprising, the numbers have been pretty static if you will since polling began on this a couple of years ago. jon: it may be one of the biggest rulings to come out of the supreme court in years, and it led the pollsters to ask people what they think about how the justices decide -- make their decisions. 13% said they think they give the cases in front of them complete legal analysis, 76% say they believe that the justices decide their cases based on their personal and political beliefs. that can't be good. >> well, it's not good if the supreme court of the united states has a legitimacy problem. i think, though on balance over the course of our country's history, the court has generally been respected, and it will probably emerge from this over the long term as respected. but we've had so much political fighting, public fighting about the court, and what a decision might mean, and why a justice might make a decision, we've even talked about the idea that a justice, who doesn't think the mandate is constitutional would nevertheless not want to overturn it for other reasons. i think when all of these discussions are in the public sphere it leads people to wonder about the decision-making process. i think the court will be fine over the long term. jon: well, 44% of americans say they approve of the job the supreme court is doing. 36% disapproves. we'll see in that changes after the ruling comes out. thanks very much. david drucker from "roll call." >> good to be here thank you. jenna: a solar super storm in the space forecast. with these storms on the sun potentially getting so big and so intense, what is the threat to us here on earth? and how can we prepare? plus, we had that dramatic development in the bellemont stakes before the race even begins. more breaking news on a last-minute change and a very important one in the line up, next. 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>> reporter: pressed on the source of the national security leaks a short time ago, the president insisted investigators should look beyond the white house. >> the notion that my white house would purposely release classified national security information is so offensive. it's wrong, and, you know, people, i think, need to have a better sense of how i approach this office and how the people around me here approach this office. >> reporter: on the house intelligence committee inquiry into the leaks of a new al-qaeda plot involving an updated version of this device, fox news was told that the cia has not provided requested documents, though the impass may soon be resolved. on thursday two high-level briefings on the hill including robert mueller. the bureau is investigating classified leaks on the yemen bomb plot and leaks on the u.s. involvement of the stuxnet computer virus. the head of the house intelligence committee says their initial inquiry into the yemen bomb plot produced materials that seem to lead to senior levels of the government. >> there was at least one instance where at very senior levels they were encouraging the expansion of the information that was provided to reporters in the days following an event. >> reporter: there are two tracks here. the leak investigations and without providing details, lawmakers say they are crafting bipartisan legislation to curb the leaks. they're already talking about some interim measures to address this issue including more polygraphs for federal workers, but really one of the fundamental complaints we're hearing on the hill from lawmakers is that too many people are being read in on these operations that really should be on close hold, jenna. jenna: a lot to consider there. catherine, thank you very much. >> reporter: you're welcome. jenna: later, the media's response to the leaks of america's secrets and the growing calls for an independent investigation. we have that coming up a little later this hour. jon: let's track a little politics inside america's election headquarters. the latest fox news polls show a dead heat in the race for the white house. right now voters say they are split 43-43 between president obama and mitt romney. but as we'll see in a moment, there's a sharp divide on who voters trust to handle critical issues. fox news contributor stephen hayes is senior writer for the weekly standard. so we've got a 43-43 tie, stephen. a month ago mr. obama had the advantage 46-39. has mitt romney come up seven point in the last month? you>> you know, i don't think s. if you look at the totality of other polls out there, it's basically been a tie for the past month and a half, six weeks or so. the fox poll last month looks a little bit more like an outlier given the fact we're now back to a tie, it had been a tie before, and all these other polls show it's basically a tied race five months out. jon: i should mention the plus or minus 3% margin of error, so even last month's polls had the president in the lead. it has been, as you say, roughly tied. but when asked who voters trust to do a better job on taxes, for instance, the president comes in behind mitt romney at 40-44%. on the economy he comes in behind romney in this latest poll 9-46 -- 39-46%. why do you think that is? >> i think on the economy, you know, we had a bad jobs report last week, we've been increasingly hearing about troubles in europe. people aren't feeling that the economy is as good as the administration has been telling us. whatever recovery there was doesn't seem to be taking hold and certainly doesn't seem to be accelerating, and i think the american people in some ways are a leading indicator. they don't feel it. so the president can talk about that the white house can promise that a deeper recovery's coming, but if the american people don't feel it, that's bad marks for the president on the economy. jon: is that part of the reason behind the president's attacks on mitt romney over bain capital, do you think? >> well, sure. i think the president understands that he's got a difficult task ahead of him if he's going to run on his record. you know, it's interesting that typically democrats campaigning across the country both, you know, in congressional races, house races, senate races have not been talking up the stimulus plan. you don't hear about the stimulus plan much anymore. they haven't been campaigning on health care. you've got the two signature domestic policy achievements of this administration, and democrats really aren't campaigning on them. i think that leafs, basically, for the president, for the obama campaign the option of going hard after mitt romney, and we've heard this before. they're changing sort of their campaign strategy from hope and change last time to fear this time. jon: well, when asked who voters trust to do a better job on foreign policy and terrorism, the president comes in first place on both counts, 49-38 on foreign policy, 47-34 on terrorism. is that something we might hear more about from the president's team, stephen? >> i think so. look at the stories we've been talking about really over the past month, and you go back to the one-year anniversary of the killing of osama bin laden, you've got this movie in the works which touts the president's accomplishments on that. you've got a lot of talk about foreign policy from the president. you have these stories that people are talking about with political leaks suggesting that the president is a take-charge guy. i think they're happy to talk about foreign policy. the challenge for the white house is that this is an electorate that seems eager to talk more about the economy. they want to hear about the economy more than they want to hear about foreign policy. jon: yeah. foreign policy generally doesn't win you the oval office, at least it hasn't in the past. stephen hayes from the weekly standard, thank you. >> thanks, jon. jenna: breaking news from the world of sports today. i'll have another, the horse one race away from winning a triple crown, just scratched from the belmont stakes. anna is live from belmont park outside new york city. what news today, anna. >> reporter: absolutely. breaking just now, in fact, fox news has confirmed that the horse vying for the first triple crown since 1978, i'll have another, that would have been ridden by jockey mario gutierrez has been scratched from the race. as you can imagine, all sorts of rumors have been flying around belmont park, as well as around social media sites like facebook and twitter. some of those rumors stemming from an early jog and gallop that the trainer took i'll have another for early this morning at 5:30 when all the other horses were coming out to stretch their legs at 8:30 this afternoon. some of those rumors include i'll have another hurting a tendon in the his leg after kicking a bucket and his wall, another rumor we're hearing that a nose guard was not going to be allowed, and the trainer did not want to race i'll have another for that. we are awaiting that 1 p.m. press conference today, hopefully, trying to get a bit more clarification on that. we're also wondering about the economic impact. $9 million is expected to come into the city surrounding bell month, and tickets that normally go from $10-$20 have been going for $800. and not only is it this long shot of a horse, but also mario gutierrez until only recently had not had much success on the track, so kind of the little engine that could type of story that people were really looking forward to and something that really a generation has not been able to experience, that triple crown. we'll keep you updated as information comes available in that 1 p.m. press conference. jenna: thank you very much, anna, for that breaking news today. >> last september i sent congress a detailed jobs plan full of the kind of bipartisan ideas that would have put more americans back to work. it had broad support from the american people, it was fully paid for. if congress had passed it in full, we'd be on track to have a million more americans working this year. the unemployment rate would be lower. our economy would be stronger. of course, congress refused to pass this jobs plan in full be. jon: that was president obama just a short time ago responding to some dismal economic data. joining us now with his response, the senate minority leader, republican mitch mcconnell. you just heard the president, mr. mcconnell, say that there'd be a million more americans working today if congress had passed the jobs plan that he put forward last fall. your response. >> well, what the president neglected to mention was that we passed most of what he asked us to pass last fall, and some of the rest of it is about to pass. look, the problem is not what congress is not doing now, it's what congress did do in the first two years of his administration when he, his party had a 40-seat majority in the house, an overwhelming majority in the senate. that's when they did the stimulus, that's when they did obamacare, that's when they ran up the national debt 43%. all of that is in place. and i think it's appropriate for the american people to ask at this point, how's all that working out? we have done, essentially, most of the things that the president's requested of us. in fact, i can name 11 bills -- i won't take the time to do that -- he's asked us to pass since last year. all have been passed, been signed into law. this sort of continued effort to blame the problems on almost anybody else is becoming tiresome. you know, we've heard him blame the tsunami in japan, the debt crisis in europe, the republicans in congress, rich people, wall street, the supreme court, they're trying to create a war on women, they've tried to turn mitt romney into gordon gekko. we've heard all of that. the fundamental issue before the american people is what is the record of this administration? have these policies worked? and do we want to give this guy four more years to do four more years of the same sort of thing? jon: your house, the senate, has not passed a budget in something like, what, 1200, 1300 days? >> yeah. three years. yeah, i mean, you're going to have to ask the democrats. they run the senate. they can pass a budget, the law requireses it. they haven't done it in over a thousand days. these people have been completely irresponsible. and now they're asking the american people to reward them with another four years. i think that's a pretty hard sell. i can understand their desperation, their desire to try to blame what's happening in the country on anybody other than this administration, but it's important to remember this administration got everything it wanted through a totally compliant congress for two long years. all of those policies are in place, and they're not working. jon: here's a quote from the president. he said after losing jobs for 25 months in a row, our businesses have now created jobs for 27 months in a row, 4.3 million jobs in all. it sounds pretty good. your response? [laughter] >> well, the president must be on another planet. i mean, you just saw the jobs figures last friday. to argue that the private sector is in good shape, it seems to me, is to be completely disconnected from reality. we've got a very, very sluggish economy, a very slow growth rate. we just barely are bumping along, and i, you know, commend his creativity in trying to find some bright spots, but i don't think very many americans see many. jon: one of the questions i had is that if, in fact, the economy was in such bad shape -- and it was -- when he took office, why was so much attention and so much time spent during the first two years of his term passing the health care law? >> that is a very good question. i mean, he basically wanted to have the federal government take over all of american health care. that issue is currently before the supreme court, and we'll find out, i guess, whether my of it is unconstitutional. but whether or not the court finds it unconstitutional, the single biggest mistake we've made in modern times in our country, the single biggest step in the direction of europeanizing america, and look at what's happening in europe, is to have the government take over all of american health care, and that's what obama health care does. it requires every american to have a health insurance policy, it will also tell them what kind of health insurance policy to buy in order to pay for that for americans who don't have the money to buy it, the president took a half a trillion out of medicare, out of hospitals, out of hospice, out of nursing homes. they're all struggling and laying off people. obamacare has been a huge job killer. i hope the supreme court will give us a chance to have a do-over.ak? jon: senator mitch mcconnell, the republican leader in the u.s. senate, thank you, sir. >> thank you. jon: and we'll be right back with more "happening now." v8 v-. could've had a v8. ...more talk on social security... ...but washington isn't talking to the american people. 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[ dennis ] mayhem is everywhere. so get an allstate agent. are you in good hands? jenna: right now, some potentially damaging testimony in a hearing for two men accused of a crime, grabbing the nation's attention more than a year ago. the senseless beating of a fan outside dodger stadium on major league baseball's opening day leaving brian stowe, the man on your screen there -- a father of two -- with permanent brain damage. now, the sister of one man accused in the crime, who's also the girlfriend of the other man charged, says one of the suspects had a bloody happened as he ran back to their car. it's one of the important testimonies we've heard over these last couple of days. chip merlin's with us and donald schweitzer, a former prosecutor and police officer. so, donald, this is the fifth day of preliminary hearings. is that typical? does it seem like they have enough to go to an actual trial? >> well, there should not be a trial if the defense has its way, jenna. there's a mountain of evidence against these defendants, and these attorneys should be begging and pleading with the prosecution to not take it to trial. they need to get a deal. this evidence that you've just seen with the suspect's sister, doreen sanchez, goes a little further than saying she saw them get anything the car. she heard her brother turn around and say to his son, don't tell mom about this. this is very, very damaging to the defendants, and they're looking at the maximum sentence under california law because of the nature of the injuries in this case. jenna: and what would the maximum sentence be, by the way, donald? the chargings right now, mayhem and assault charges. so if this does go to trial, what potentially are the men on the screen looking at? >> the upper sentence for mayhem is eight years in california, and don't forget that these are strikes. so -- i don't know anything about their backgrounds, but if they have any prior criminal convictions, it could be even worse than that. jenna: chip, what do you think about what donald has to say, that really the defense needs to start working on a deal? >> well, i don't know about this. this is a preliminary hearing, and what we're actually finding out is that there are a lot of people that were wearing dodger shirts that night, that they resembled these particular suspects, that the primary identification of a witness was a person who actually identified another suspect the year before that and then was never able to identify one of the suspects here. so her credibility -- >> that's not true, chip. that's not true. [inaudible conversations] jenna: donald, go ahead. >> no one in the police interview, no one in the police interview was caught calling his mother and saying that he was involved in the incident and he knew he was going down. not only that, but he comes into the car with blood on his hands, he's got a whole bunch of witnesses that have identified these two guys acting like thugs, looking for a fight from the very beginning of the game. so identity will not be the defense, so don't go there. if there's a defense, it's going to be whether or not they committed the crime because there could have been a crowd around them, but i don't think that's going to stand -- jenna: chip, let me ask you about that part. the eyewitness we're talking about, she was at the opening game. she heard what she describes as people exchanging words and a scuffle ensuing, and she went towards what was happening, and she said that she heard brian stowe's head hit the concrete. but the scene that she's describing is a little bit different than maybe has been portrayed in the press of brian stowe and his friend being jumped and not really engaging with the said accused men. does that change things at all? because she says that she heard these guys exchanging words and a scuffle happening and then eventually these terrible injuries, of course. >> well, as a matter of fact, it changes everything. and the question to me, though, is does it matter on identification? it absolutely does. she says she never saw them originally hit him and causing him to go down. it was only after he was down, and she could only identify from a police lineup a year later after a wrong identification sanchez, and she could never identify norwood in a police lineup. again, what the prosecution has to prove is somebody actually did this crime to this individual and not people just resembling these other individuals. there were hundreds of people that looked like these two suspects that were out there. and -- >> yeah, you're making this too easy though. >> are one person, the number one reason why innocent people in the united states are convicted is because of witness identification, and we know that from dna technology now. and once a witness -- >> okay, don't forget about aiding and abetting. don't forget about aiding and abetting with your analysis. jenna: okay, donald? >> that's the problem for the prosecution. >> aiding and abetting, you've got all ways of getting these guys convicted. they don't even have to be the ones who actually kicked and punched this gentleman, although the evidence shows they did, but they clearly were aiding and abetting. it's a slam dunk case for the prosecution. jenna: we'll see where this goes fur a man whose -- for a man whose life is forever changed because of what happened at the park that day. gentlemen, nice to have you as always. thank you so much. >> thanks, jenna. jon: president obama today strongly rejecting claims that his administration leaked national security secrets for political gain. but the charge of loose lips in the white house could create some heat on the campaign trail. our news watch panel looks at the fallout. plus, an important medical update on staff sergeant travis mills. he suffered devastating injuries in an ied explosion in afghanistan. we've spoken to him before on this program. we have some amazing news on his progress on the road to recovery. jenna: quick business alert for you now as we look at what's happening on wall street today. it's been a pretty good week in the markets. the dow has gaped over the last -- gains over the last three days. this, of course, after last friday we saw the markets just completely wipe away some of the gains that we've had in recent months, and it was the worst day on the dow and the other markets all year long. so right now the dow's higher. it seems that some folks are feeling a little bit more confident about what's happening in europe, but i read other analysts of the market that say they're not so sure yet. for a summer friday which normally is a little bit lighter trading volume, by the way, the dow is up 50 points. jon: right now let's get back to the furor on capitol hill over recent national security leaks and suspicions among lawmakers, republicans and democrats alike, that members of the obama administration are the source. our media watch panel is joining us. judith miller is a pulitzer prize-winning investigative reporter, kirsten power is a daily beast columnist. the president got a little hot under the collar at his news conference earlier today, judy, when he was asked about the source of these leaks. here's what he had to say, and i'll get reaction from both of you on the other side. >> the notion that my white house would purposely release classified national security information so offensive. is offensive. it's wrong, and, you know, people, i think, need to have a better sense of how i approach this office and how the people around me here approach this office. jon: judy, he seems to be saying it wasn't us. >> yes. well, the president doth protest too much if i cannot copy a phrase. [laughter] look, every administration leaks information that thinks it's going to make its record look good, its president look assertive and competent, and it just despises and denounces leaks that actually endanger national security. and where that line is is oftentimeses difficult to tell. that's the problem, this is a very, very gray area. but this administration, there is no doubt that they've cooperated with stories this make them look -- that make them look good because their officials are quoted by name. whether or not the information was classified is a separate issue. jon: one of the stories judy is referring to was on the front page of "the new york times" about the process the president goes through every time he orders one of those drone strikes that takes out a terrorist or a thought-to-be terrorist. there were people quoted, you know, it said that the president meets every week with his top dozen or so counterterrorism advisers. the paper spoke to two of the people in that room and got the information from them. >> yeah. there's no question that the white house approved of these stories, if not was directly involved in these stories. it's quite clear by the quotes and, you know, the secondhand -- people who are sitting with the president saying this is what the president said or did. i think you have to pay attention to what obama said. technically, what he said, i think s probably true. they probably didn't release any classified information. but you have to remember that they can declassify things. so they get to decide what's declassified. if the president or he doesn't let somebody declassify something, suddenly, it can be in the public domain. i had a top secret clearance, so i know how classification works which is they overclassify everything. so, you know, you get people who are going to may leak something that doesn't really matter, um, and still be, you know, prosecuted for it for releasing this information, um, and i don't think anyone even is saying that the white house has put anybody in danger. that's not the complaint, you know? the complaint is that they seem to go after people with this aggressiveness and prosecute them and throw them in jail for leaks, and then turn around and leak information when it benefits the white house. that's -- jon: well, there are some questions about, for instance, how the pakistani doctor who is now facing 33 years at hard labor in a pakistani prison because of his role in helping, helping determine the location of osama bin laden. how did that guy's name get out there? >> well, we don't know, but the first story to appear in the american press on this, which was a mcclatchy report as far as i can tell, quoted pakistani sources in its original story. i think much more troublesome or as troublesome is the leak of the existence of a double agent who was one of the people who prevented al-qaeda in the arabian peninsula from putting a bomb on a plane. that's the kind of leak which is really, really damaging, that someone who was in play, who had access to senior ranks of this terrorist organization is taken out of play because his existence is disclosed. that's the kind of thing you have to worry about. but i agree with kirsten, this double standard of kind of prosecuting lower-level people, junior people for leaks you don't like and letting the white house leak when it choose, that's what's got people upset here. jon: and it even is a bipartisan consensus, or there seems to be. i mean, senator dianne feinstein, one of the president's strongest supporters, kirsten, on many issues is really presuming about -- fuming about these leaks. some are saying there should be a special prosecutor. [laughter] >> yeah. you know, i think that i'm not a big fab -- fan of special prosecutors because they tend to get out of control, and they actually cost taxpayers a lot of money and rarely anything good, helpful or useful comes from it -- >> they also throw reporters in the jail, and i can speak to that personally. jon: right. judy knows that from personal experience. >> i think it makes it harder for the white house to squirm out from under this. i spoke to a lot of democrats initially said, oh, this is typical election year stuff, and, no, it's not when you have dianne feinstein sitting there really quite obviously enraged. jon: all right. judy -- >> just one more thing, and that is we are journalists, and in general let's remember the lesson of the 9/11 commission which was it's better to have too much information than not enough. having a white house that suppresses information the public needs to know is just as dangerous. jon: but do we need to know all of this? >> we don't need to know all of it, but some of it we do. jon: judy and kirsten, thank you both. watch the news of the week in the media coverage tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. eastern time right here on fox news channel. jenna: one memorable high school graduation when a nasty storm arrives. where newly-minted grads will be talking about this one for years. we'll tell you more about what happened here. plus, syria in chaos. women and children massacred, and now fears about what happened to syria's stockpile of some of the world's most dangerous weapons. could they wind up in the hands of our enemies? we'll talk more about that just ahead. t's get our creativity running. then get some blades spinning, paper sanding, and bits turning. let's motor to the only place that carries our favorite tools... for our favorite people... armed with a budget and a mission... and see what happens when we put those tools to work for us. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now, get the ryobi four-piece 18-volt super combo kit, just $99 - our lowest price ever. a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ home protector plus, from liberty mutual insurance, where the costs to both repair your home and replace your possessions are covered. and we don't just cut a check for the depreciated value -- we can actually replace your stuff with an exact or near match. plus, if your home is unfit to live in after an incident, we pay for you to stay somewhere else while it's being repaired. home protectorlus, from liberty mutl insurance. because you never know what lies around the corner. to get a free quote, call... visit a local office, or go to today. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? 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[ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge! jenna: new information on a story we've been following very closely here on "happening now," the progress of staff sergeant travis mills. and today we have a remarkable update for you. here's just a background so you know it. travis, who you see on your screen there, is a quadruple amputee. two months ago he lost both his arms and both his legs in an ied explosion while on his third deployment to afghanistan. now, last week we spoke to travis for the first time. in case you missed it, here's how travis explains a little bit about what happened to him and a little taste of his personality too. >> i wish i didn't have a case of the mondays on april 10th, you know? had a bad day at work. but every now and then people have bad days at work, and my bad day had me coming back to the states. i don't like to have my arms and legs gone, but with all the technology out there and everything they're doing for me, i'm going to be able to drive, walk, i can still talk, and i still have my moneymaker, i didn't get hit in the face. jenna: the moneyny maker, come on. [laughter] jon: look at that smile. jenna: incredible strides have been made, literally. travis is now learning to use his new prosthetic arm. you can see it right there on your screen. it's not the permanent prosthetic he's going to be using, but it's something to start on, and you can see his hand can open and close, and it can also rotate. so if you want some gatorade, there's your gatorade, but also more important things as well. that's chloe, his eight-month-old little girl, and you can see he's on daddy duty. you don't get out of that. so there's chloe getting fed by her dad, nice shot of the two of them. and a big event happened yesterday as well. travis is now taking his first steps. the picture cannot do this justice. it's incredibly difficult to do. those, by the way, are not his permanent prosthetic legs, they're starter legs, if you will, eventually he's going to graduate up to entire legs as well, but this is truly remarkable. remember, two months ago he was injured, and now today he's doing this. travis is one story that brings us some perspective on a bigger one as well. it's a reminder that fighting is still happening this afghanistan, and incredible sacrifices are still being made and will be made, by the way, even as we report on the end of combat operations. i'm sure you heard a lot about that, we kind of talk about that in segments, but just an important reminder. and cel see, travis' wife, just told me some new video today on the adventures of travis mills. maybe that's what we need to call it, and you can see that on their web site -- jon: have it on the screen right there. that is, you know, it's heartwarming to see. you feel bad that a guy like that had such a terrible thing happen, but what a great attitude. jenna: yeah. you never want to see that happen to anybody, of course not. but i said it last week, he reminds us about everything that's good in this country, that's for sure, so we give him a big shout out today and look forward to sharing more updates with you, and we'll be right back with more "happening now." 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[ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ] jenna: we're taking the fox extreme weather to a whole other level. sunny with a chance of disaster as a solar superstorm could be happening. we can't predict what the sun will do more than a few days in advance, but some solar storms are so big and so intense they may cause widespread damage on earth. it's the cover story in the june issue of national geographic magazine, and joining us now is the author, timothy ferris. first of all, tim, why do these storms happen? >> well, the sun is made of plasma which is what you get when you strip atoms down and intense heat into their constituent pro tons and neutrons. and those are charged particle, so you've got a big electrically-charged star -- jenna: i'm sorry to interrupt, it's an electrical storm? >> electromagnetic. and if you, in this image that is appearing, you can see these huge storms tearing across the surface of the sun. these are so big that each individual magnetic field line is wider than the planet earth. jenna: wow. >> so they can throw a lot of stuff out into space out where we are. jenna: and so what, potentially, could the effect be here on earth? >> well, one of the concerns is with power grids. back in 1989 a solar flare knocked out power to much of the northeastern part of the united states up into canada, and there's no known upper limit on how big these storms can get, it's just that big storms are less frequent than small ones. so if we get a really major storm, the sort that's not been seen since the 19th century, it's possible it could blow out the transformers across many states, and there are only so many transformers stockpiled, so you could have a situation in which millions of people are facing months without electricity, and that means food storage and -- jenna: sure. that's enough to make you nervous. would we actually feel it? we talk about the things that would happen to the power grid, but would with we experience anything physically? >> no, except you'd notice that gps systems weren't working so well. when you get a solar storm nowadays, a lot of the surveyors take the day off because it takes too long to get your position accurately. you wouldn't feel anything. you would see big aurora at night. the biggest solar flare ever recorded in 1859, and that caused these displays all the way down to latitudes like puerto rico. jenna: so a quick final question for you if i could ask you, tim, a quick final question because we said we can predict these storms a few days in advance sort of like we can predict a hurricane here on earth, a few days in advance. is there anything we can do to prepare? >> not very much at the present state of the art. there are a few things, but, you know, it's sort of like building a house on the ocean in a hurricane area. the question is how much do you want to invest to get how much protection, and we don't have systems that are capable of standing up to a really first class solar storm. such a storm might occur next year or a century from now. jenna: hard to know. timothy ferris, a fascinating article in national geographic, this month's issue. joining us from my hometown of san francisco, tim. very nice to see you, and we'll be right back with more "happening now." on social security... ...but washington isn't talking to the american people. 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