reporting played a central and essential role in the decision to seek a fisa order. chris: horowitz says it wasn't part as you told bret baier, it was not part of a broader mosaic. he said it played an essential role in establishing probable cause. he said in fact he says if it hadn't been for the steele dossier the fbi wouldn't even have submitted a fisa application that had been reviewed in april of 2016 or august of 2016. decided not to do it. they get the steele dossier. they do i had. it was not part of a broader mosaic. that is what you said sir? >> i'm not sure he and i are saying different things. what his report says the fbi thought it was a close call until they got the steele report, put that additional information in and that tipped it every to be probable cause. it's a long fisa application. includes steele material. lots of other material i don't think you are saying different things, i think you are, sir because he is saying you're saying part of a broader mosaic just one element. he is saying the tipping point.