somebody made a mistake. >> after morgan's initial court appearance and may the "chicago sun-times" reports that department filed a petition saying that the 21-year-old violated his probation with a hit-and-run. "the drudge" report we decided to give authorities time to re-notify morgan of the hearing and scheduled it for several mos later. saturday fees to date -- days before the hearing police say morgan shot officer outlaw french in the head, killing her. when asked why police didn't ask for more serious felony charges, and if they were aware that morgan was on probation for robbery, a spokesperson told the "chicago sun-times" we do not have that information at this time. >> monte morgan remains hospitalized after being shot in the stomach by an officer. his next court appearance is monday. i am garrett tenney. fox news. >> kevin: thank you. meantime the stabbing desmon atlanta dog owner and her pet