is worried about inflation and what inflation is already doing to the people of west virginia and what it will do if this social spending bill passes. todd: i think the attitude you hear from ilhan omar rubs so many people the wrong way because you represent a very small portion of our country. why do you and your fellow squad members think you deserve, you're entitled to this outsize influence on how our country proceeds into the future. you are not. if you want that, go run for senate. let's see if you win. me thinks you won't. i think this is why we're in the pickle that we're in because these individuals, the squad, the progressives, the liberal left has an outsize influence in the democratic party and that's not what the american people want. read this new york post op-ed. democrats and the media again, we stutter, will portray joe manchin as a grinch. he's done them a favor. the american people elected joe biden for a return to normalcy. biden instead took a razor thin