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sidekick penguin i'm concerned about. tell you about that in a few minutes. >> and continue please sending in your terrible christmas sweate sweaters, we can't wait to see them. >> we have a fox news alert for you, because fighting continues to intensify in southern afghanistan this morning, as six n.a.t.o. service members have been killed in an insurgent attack. there are no further details about the incident at this time, but we will a bring those to you as soon as we have them. the surge of u.s. troops has poured into the region in an effort to push the taliban out. 670 international troops have been killed in afghanistan so far this year, and which is already the highest death toll since the war began nine years ago. an investigation is heating up into the apparent suicide of one of bernie madoff's as soon as. officials are trying to get check the computer and cell phone records and they say that madoff's death will not deter them from trying to some of the victim's money. and he apparently hung himself with a dog leash and he was despondent-- elizabeth edwards was laid to rest. at her funeral, the wife of form former vice-presidential account john edwards, she dealt with her son's death, her husband's affair and her own terminal cancer. >> the last few days i've heard my mother described as full of life and i think that's true, but it's an enormous understatement. every single thing she did, she did to the fullest possible extent. and some of you may know, emma, jack and i ended every conversation with our mom by saying i love you more. and she always responded, no, i love you more. >> among the mourners, senator john kerry, the man who tapped john edwards as his running mate. after the ceremony, she was buried next to her son wade. >> if you were expecting a major upset in last night's heisman trophy award in new york, you're out of luck. the winner no surprise. >> the winner is cam newton. [applaus [applause] >> cam newton, received 729 first place votes. newton taking time to thank america's real heroes. >> i also like to thank the troops overseas that's fighting for our freedom every single day. [applaus [applause] > >> in the national title game-- >> okay, peter brady. >> we told that the heisman winner would be here, told ow on twitter and facebook, however, at this point the heisman tref wi heisman trophy the stiff arm. cam, we've got three hours left in the program. plenty of time to get up and shower and come on down. >> and i have to admit and i'm sure, rick, you probably agree. you're out there and win the heisman not like you get in bed and watch letterman. >> when you win the heisman you're out all night and partying, i don't know this early is going to be easy for him. >> i thought the same thing when you get that big award for whatever it is and you're going to sleep three hours and do media. >> we have bagels here, and coffee, cam. >> and yesterday's bagels. >> don't tell him, don't tell him. >> all right, guys, a big blizzard, worst storm that we've had in the month of december in minneapolis ever, so a major snowfall, over 16 1/2 inches and now the snow is going to blow around and cause white-out conditions at time and the snow is going to move off to the east. and in the north georgia mountains and alabama, as well and extremely cold, 34 in memphis, cold toward new orleans at 50. and warmer today in south florida and miami not getting out of the 50's tomorrow. cold air is in place and this is the storm, you can see affecting people from the panhandle of florida to the northeast and we're also going to be dealing with the snow that will continue to transition off to the east. another story going on across the pacific northwest and you see this line of moisture here, called the pineapple express, it originates down around the florida, excuse me around the hawaii area and pulls off to the northwest and take a look at the pictures coming out of this area, very significant flooding concerns for a lot of people. people are sandbagging their homes and across the rivers, especially the portland area and i'm getting reports on my twitter feed as well. flooding in and across the seattle air, points north. so, big concerns here, guys, it doesn't looks like it's going to change for the next four to five days and major rain continuing there and flooding concerns as well. send the pictures as you have those on twitter, put them on the face book page. >> beautiful, thank you, rick. >> you bet. >> well, president obama yesterday in his saturday morning radio address, may be rising a few eyebrows as to who is responsible for bringing the parties together on this tax cut compromise. let's listen to the president. >> that's why i have to fight so hard to cut middle class taxes and that's why i brought both democrats and republicans to the table. put together a compromise, work through our differences so we could get this done. i believe instead that the best way to help the economy and working families, was to keep middle class tax rates show, cut taxes for working parents and college students and small businesses. >> all right, that may come as a surprise to democrats who say they were not brought to the table whatsoever and they were not even in the room and many of them say they had to read about it in the news, that's how they found out about the tax cut compromise. >> right, and this may be about who deserves credit. i find it interesting, the packaging of it. when you see the headlines now, it is the obama g.o.p. tax cut compromise, some have mentioned it at the obama mcconnell, mitch mcconnell tax cut compromise. who deserves credit for this and who wants it come 2012. that will be an interesting tale. >> we talked about this with our political panel a short time ago, interesting different takes as you can imagine on who is responsible. some say it was the american people that forced the president's hand. take a listen. >> neither party, certainly not the democrats wanted to usher in the largest tax increase in america huft so circumstances and political judgment brought everybody to the table. >> he brought everyone to the table kicking and screaming himself the whole way about getting there and what he's done now is he's playing both sides. he's voting, so to speak, against it before he votes for it. >> we agree here that he could have gotten out in front of this. kennedy gave a speech about permanent tax code and he could have cited both reagan and kennedy and had a win-win and only left out the super far left. >> and who do you think was responsible for getting everyone together. >> it maybe a risk, because if the economy doesn't turn around based on the tax cuts, well, then he's going to be shouldered with the blame 2012. >> the a the very least he gets credit for compromising. whether it works, people want bipartisanship right now in washington. tired of the partisan rancor. >> the vote is scheduled for what will happen with the tax cut compromise. here are a couple of scenarios that could happen. tomorrow, the senate could pass this deal. the house could then amend it, if they don't like certain things in it and they don't. >> and they will. >> and then send it back, to the senate for approval, which would be a ping-pong game that could go on for the rest of the year. >> another scenario, the senate approves it, perhaps on monday and the house amends it and well, gridlock. chief on the list for the house is changing that estate tax or the death tax situation, they want that prove the 35% that it's currently in the bill and that may be a big issue between the senate and the house where we go from here. >> and many people, including democrats don't see that as a scenario that will work and maybe the third possible scenario would be the one that works. the senate passes the deal and democrats vote and it signs into law and imagine if it works out that easily. and we talked about yesterday, the earmarks and other things bundled into the bill, wooden arrows for kids, one of the things. >> and we don't know for years the impact on the economy, but starting to see in the short-term how the compromise affecteded president in the polls. you may have figured it hurt him on the left, lib rat base, but the theory was this was catering towards the center ar independents and help him there. only part of that is true. the president suffered a bit from the liberals and the democrats, as we mentioned and here is the overall approval ratings, 42%. 50% disapprove. now, the big surprise is that the independents were relatively unchanged in this poll. you thought he would get a big bounce thereafter reaching this type of compromise. >> yeah, doug on our political panel earlier, a pollster, says it takes time. took bill clinton six, seven, eight months before we saw the changes take holland and numbers improve. two days might be too early for that to happen. >> and the lowest the president has been in his presidency and the office cites the poll numbers of bill clinton and ronald reagan similar two years in at a low point. in fact. 42%, he's hoping it will turn around. >> senator john mccain speaking on fox news, what america would do, should the government not pay attention to the message that was sent on election day. >> take a listen. >> unless we satisfy the message of this last election, you will see the rise of the third party in the united states of america. >> really? >> i believe that. >> because? >> because we -- because they, the majority of the american people believe we haven't responded to the message. >> because when you look at this tax cut compromise certainly will add to the deficit. it has pork in there, christmas tree hung on it, ethanol subsidies one of the biggest problems the senator has with the compromise is this 45 cents a gallon for two years, even al gore acknowledges ethanol not the way forward. >> as crayton says, there is a third rise of the party, there are tea party candidates and people run on that platform and it's already happening. >> you already see the growth of it, but a senate party with structure, organization. >> as a presidential candidate, yes. >> we're a long way from that. >> let us know what you think of the senator's states. coming up on the show the u.s. is looking into charges against wikileaks founders ejulian assange. what about the people funding his website, who are they and can they be charged? congressman pete hoekstra joins us next. >> she has been knitting hats and scarves for our troops since world war ii and she's not slowing down anytime soon despite being almost 100 years old. meet one dedicated patriot coming up. ♪ to stay fit, you might also want to try lifting one of these. a unique sea salt added to over 40 campbell's condensed soups. helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor. so do a few lifts. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t and blackberry have teamed up to keep your business moving. blackberry torch now just $99.99. only from at&t. rethink possible. >> wikileaks founder, julian assange, facing charges of sex crimes, as the justice department weighs whether or not he can bring charges against him for espionage. some question whether the obama administration has been forth coming on the effects of this document dump. >> and michigan ranking on the intelligence committee, whether or not the obama administration has been forth coming with the extent of the damage? >> i don't think they've been forth coming at all. specifically, the house intelligence committee. when we've got this type of massive security breach, counter intelligence, someone has stolen secrets from the united states, that information is given to the intelligence committee, we can appraise the damage done. so far the state department has not given us access to the documents and going through a process called inner agency legal review as to whether those documents are available or should be made available to congress. they've been made available to 500,000 people in the department of defense, wikileaks has them, newspapers have them, you know, the obama administration ought to step up, give those documents to congress. >> congressman, let's talk about what's next for julian assange. he's in jail in britain for sexual assault. is there a plan to charge him here, by the u.s., with espionage or treason? >> well, only eric holder knows the answer to that question. i sure hope so. you know, if you go through the chain of who should be charged, clearly the first person that needs to be found and charged is the person that stole this information from the u.s. government. then we need to take every legal step that we can against julian assange. the courts will decide as to whether the charges that we bring or that are brought forward, are legitimate charges, there's lots of questions about what you can and you cannot do here with this cyber data and whether there are the legal frame work is up-to-date and able to charge julian assange or not, i hope so. >> speak to that, a lot of america is watching and saying why hasn't this guy been charged yet, why hasn't eric holder gone after this guy, a lot of browbeating, but encrypted files hidden on servers, who's country is is this this, not like there's a building in des moines iowa, with wikileaks on the side of it. >> and you've got problems and issues in cyberspace. the legal frame work hasn't caught up with the kind of threats we face in cyberspace. take a look what's happened inside of our borders the last couple of days. we've got a county in colorado where the sheriff's department has lost massive amounts of data regarding informants and those types of things. you've got a major retail pharmacy change that has lost massive amounts of information on its customer data base and you know, the legal frame work has to catch up. cyberspace is going to be-- is a huge threat on a number of levels from a personal level to what we've seen with wikileaks on a national security level. >> congressman quickly, do we know who funds wikileaks? >> no, woo we don't. this clearly is not a media outlet. they've got a political agenda. we ought to find out who funds it and what their agenda is. >> great to have you back on the show over the course of the next year as we talk about the security issues, i don't think there's enough attention. >> it's going to be a huge issue. >> coming up on the show, a bizarre scenario, a tree suing you for cutting off a branch, not kidding. communities across the country are trying to make that happen by giving legal rights for nature. you have to hear this one. >> they make a great stocking suffer, but are gift cards the right option this christmas. the pitfalls you need to know before putting them under the tree. don't want to deal with a lot of flibbity-flab or mumbo-jumbo. sounds like you need to name your price. no gobbledy-gook? never. do i still get all the dagnabbit coverage i need? sure. we give you a quote and you can adjust your price up and down to find something that works for you. ♪ this things 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[ rattling ] [ male announcer ] need ink? staples has a low price guarantee on all the ink you need. find a lower price at another store, and we'll match it. that was easy. >> ♪ >> times for news by the numbers. first 24,000, the number of wreaths laid on graves at arlington national cemetery yesterday. the wreaths were made by marine corps veterans. and second, $120,000 how much washington state prisons could save if they switched to using juice boxes in cafeterias instead of juice vending machines. and they're even thinking of distributing shorter socks to inmates to save more money. and lastly, 8.2 million dollars, that's how much the chronicle of narnia, the number one movie of the weekend so far. dave. >> thank you, sir. the plants and animals deserve legal ground to stand on? about a dozen communities around the country adopted ordinances that will help give legal rights to birds, bees, even trees, seriously. joining us with both sides, the the first amendment attorney and author mark harrell and the trial attorney. good morning both to you. >> good morning. >> mr. stuben, explain the concept for viewers at home scratching their heads going what? >> well, you know, we in society have a right to try and use our natural resources to help preserve all of our liberties. i don't take the tact, it's the trees that have the right. i think it's all of societies rights to enjoy the benefits of our resources that allow us to exist. >> interesting. all right, so, some examples we mentioned, communities adopting measures to give nature legal standing and in pittsburgh there's a community that banned natural gas drilling. and mount shasta, california, trying to block it-- >> what do you think of the idea. >> i think it's been around for a while. came from a law review article, stemmed from in the '70s. the main problem isn't whether it could be done, but it can be done at the municipal level. the epa, federal regulations exists corporate actors and offense to nature, that kind of thing. this will be preempted, if the municipalities enact these, preempted by federal and state law. i guess there could be a standing achieved, but not at the municipal level, i don't think this is going to gain some ground. >> imagine the cane of rights, who has the right to sue on behalf of said bees, trees and clouds. >> that's an interesting legal issue, who will have the standing. i agree i don't think at the local level you're going to be able to bring these actions. it's a federal right to deal with this, on a federal level. but i really think that the concepts are great concepts because the private sector has always done a really good job of affecting social change. you look at the school board change and desegregation, so you always have really good use of the courts to try and help effect possible social change. >> mark, mostly trouble past the local level. you give this no chance of this going to a national level and spreading throughout the country. >> i don't think so, especially not from the local lawsuits and the statute is mandatory and-- >> as far as a social change, the types of things we talked about with brown v board and other social changes and 19th amendment and women's right to vote and they went to the constitutional levels and the corporates interpreted it backwards. i don't see it happening this way with the lawsuits first. >> seriously, thank you for being here this morning. >> thank you. >> and the u.s. special envoy to afghanistan and pakistan, richard holbrooke in intensive care this morning after undergoing heart surgery. an update on his condition coming up. >> then we know he loves, tigers, bears and riding horses shirtless. now, vladimir putin showing off his musical side. diverse now. and if you start to feel a cold coming out this season you might want to head to fish, food like garlic, oysters and red meat can help you beat the flu, might not help you with your wife, but help you feel better. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] here's hoping you find something special in your driveway this holiday. ♪ [ santa ] ho ho ho! 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work they do. >> for sure. >> helping our troops this season, a 98-year-old woman who has been doing her part since world war ii. and introducing us to joan mazar elie. >> it's the same southern california home she's lived in for 58 years and 98-year-old jo is on a mission. >> i sit here and think of the boys. and maybe i make some scarfs, three scarfs a day. >> sun up, son down her nimble fingers work. >> i take time for lunches and take time out for supper and then i make one-- she did the same thing for troops fighting in world war ii, making scarves and hats, a touch of love with every stitch. >> well, i pray for them. >> this inspirational woman one of thousands of volunteers across the country, knitting for operation gratitude, a group that sends care packages to all branches of the military. >> last year, we had about somewhere between 20 and 30,000 scarves that we sent out over the holidays. i was hoping this year we would get up to about 50,000. >> joan is they think make a dent in that goal and already done 400 and shows no signs of letting up, after all, she sees it as her patriotic duty. >> i won't stop because i love knitting for them, for our service people. >> operation gratitude is a nonprofit group and if you can help to pay for shing and care packages and even yarn for jon, she needs yarn and it's right there on the screen. >> that's wonderful, good for her. we have a fox news alert for you, president's special envoy to afghanistan and pakistan, richard holbrooke is in critical, but stable condition after undergoing operation 20 years in the hospital for a torn aorta. president obama and the first lady say they're praying for the high ranking diplomate. secretary of state clinton and mike mullen have been with them. >> the remains of a boy and girl in alabama were found near a county road. the father of the children, john deblaze, charged with two counts of murder and pro claims his innocence and says his wife was the one that killed the children and dumped their bodies in a garbage bag on the side of the road. according to the new york times, the officials say a man was highly paid to provide information on the taliban, afghan's corruption and other drug traffickers in his country. avapro vieding u.s. authorities key information he he was arrested in 2008 under a new american narco-terrorism law and currently awaiting trial. >> he likes fighter jets and black belt in judo and now russian prime minister vladimir putin puts his talents to singing and playing the the piano. [applause] >> okay. go back to that. >> i guess you have to applaud, right. >> absolutely. >> okay. putin is playing the russian song from "where does the motherland begin" he later sang blueberry hill. that's a classic. to raise money for kids with cancer and celebrities there included goldie hawn, kevin costner and sharon stone. here is a photo you may remember, doing one of his hobies, shirtless. >> walking around nude with a horse. a hobby worth looking into tfrjts this you don't do. >> only with a horse. >> the latest front in the battle over christmas decorations and the florida turnpike, the turnpike banned all decorations including christmas decorations from hole booths after what they say is a record number of complaints and turp officials say the decorations can be distracting for drivers and toll collectors can wear christmas shirts and upbeat sweaters, what we're suggesting, take a picture of that. >> the group is outraged, a group of christians were outraged in october of halloween decorations and pumpkins and things and upset about it, the toll booth authority, no more, no halloween, no christmas, we're getting rid of it all. >> my friend. and giants fans, the weather, rick, they're upset they don't get to watch their team because of the snow. >> couldn't get there in the airports in kansas city. this is why it was closed because 17 inches fell in minneapolis throughout the day yesterday. the snowiest december day ever and it's likely going to go down to maybe fourth or fifth biggest snowfall they've seen. and this far north they get so much snow, but they don't get that much because it's so try. 17 inches is a wig deal. durand, wisconsin, 16. sioux falls, 9 inches a lot of people getting a lot of snow. we have a lot of wind. even though the snow stopped falling for both of you, the winds will be a major problem on the roads and look at the actual temperature right now, minus 20 in international falls, but because of the wind it feels like minus 37. it feels like minus 24 in sioux falls, 9 inches on the ground and kansas city feels like minus 11, 11 in st. louis, very, very cold air it's going to continue to shift off to the east and the south and the cold front is going to extend through south florida and temps in the 50's for tomorrow. more snow to be had, especially across the appalachians and eventually around the great lakes again. we're talking rain in the coastal areas and heavy rain and flooding and good day to stay inside if you can. and maybe do your christmas shopping online today, how does at that sound? >> that's all i do, except when i'm shopping for ugly christmas sweaters with dave. it's as rick is pointing out, gold and blue season and the germs all over the place and kids sneezing, it may seem unavoidable. other than washing your hands all the time and hoping for the best, there are surprising thing to do and-- >> joining us is a natural doctor and certified nutritionist. i guess we're talking all things that are natural and ways we can prevent the flu and cold. >> right and fight if you have the flu and cold, you can mitigate that. >> with just some things we can buy in the store and eat for dinner. let's start with the oj, orange juice. >> everybody knows that orange juice is high in vitamin c, but it only has 100% of the daily value and what we want, we want to get more, we want 200% or more. this is an orange juice product that has the crimes, but 200% of the daily value of vitamin c. it has protein and fiber in it. >> called omega orange. >> never heard of that. >> only been on the market for about four weeks. it's only available at wal-mart. >> so it also contains the omega fatty acids as well. >> and that's feed for the immune system. fuel for the immune system. dha, what calcium is to the bones. >> and zinc you say is important, it can kill the cold or flu? >> it can if it's administered early. >> and these foods have zinc in it, cashews? >> a mixture of nuts and seeds, oysters. >> you have a plate of oysters. >> bowl of oysters, hard to convince someone-- >> want to try one. >> if you're sick and ill, one thing you want to grab is it an oyster, go for it. >> and protein like chicken and fish have zinc and then you can get zinc now in pill farm. >> so zinc with vitamin c. >> 50% of zinc and 200 of vitamin c and eccinasia, the herb eccinasia. >> and next, gluto d scion. it's a compound that the body manufactures, it's inside the cells. most are outside the cells, but this is inside the cells and like a piece of tape and viruses will stick to it, bacteria will stick to it and it removes them from the body. >> it's like a lint brush. >> yes. >> that i can wrap my head around. and rink gave me the skunk eye for that comment. and avacado, watermelon and all filled with glutosien. beta carotene for eyesight and cold and flu. >> converts to vitamin a critical for the immune system. the best way to get it is from foods. >> carrots, gourds. >> squash, mango, sweet potato, anything orange is high in beta carotene. >> now, before we came to the segment you were telling me this is perhaps one of the most disgusting things, it tastes terrible bus it's really powerful? >> right. >> what is this? >> oregano-- >> oregano oil. >> and it fights virus, flu, bacteria, parasites, amoebas, everything. >> it will kill the flu virus by taking this? >> well, it takes a while, yes, you're not going to take it and the flu will be gone in a day, but it builds the body up and begins to kill the flu virus, yes. >> finally, this is fascinating to me. >> use heat to kill the virus, but use a hair dryer and epsom salt and get inside the battle and overheat yourself, be is that right. >> what does your body do when they get sick? what does everybody's body do, one thing they have in common? >> they get a cold? >> they get fever. >> they get a fever. the fever is the body's natural ability to begin to heat up and burn out the cold or the flu. >> oh. >> what we do in the natural pathic world we each people how to induce a fever. get a bathtub full of hot water, submerge your body in it, put epsom salts in it, overheat. lots of blankets and warm updates on, you'll start sweating. >> we're out of time, but we'll have it on the website. if you missed any of these great tips, go to thank you. >> absolutely. >> what's coming up on the show and we'll be over there as soon as we find his way to fight it. >> and president obama putting everybody together on the tax deal. >> i brought both democrats and republicans to the table, put together a compromise and worked through our differences so we could get this done. >> can the president take all the credit here? we'll see what chris wallace has to say next. ♪ [ female announcer ] yoplait's real fruit and the goodness of dairy... gives you a little slice of happy. andappiness comes in 25 delicious flavors. explore them all. yoplait. it is so good. now the yoplait you love in a new four pack. try it today. >> are high school graduates losing faith in marriage? according to the national marriage project at the university of virginia, 44% of babies born outside of marriage were to a mother with a high school diploma, but only 6% to single moms with college degrees. >> with us now is fox news religious contributing father jonathan morris. >> good morning. >> not overly thrilled with the headline. those who graduate from high school losing faith in marriage, doesn't paint a great picture. >> and really good facts and a headline that's totally deceiving. the headline is high school graduates are losing faith in the institution of marriage, another headline is middle america retreating from marriage. you look at it as the stats show, it's those who don't go on and get a college education are less likely to get married. let me tell you-- >> which does show a trend. >> it shows a trend. it shows in a less stable family, a less stable social situation, you're less likely to become stable as a child growing up. listen to this, this is from the head of the study, he he says there haven't been a deterioration of marriage he he says among highly educated high schools, meaning college educated. >> right. >> what we're seeing here, this has been very obvious, that high school graduates are less likely to get married and stay married. the more education you get, the more likely you are to get married or want to get married and to stay married. it doesn't mean that it's because of the knowledge that makes you stay married, but rather, when you get into a stable situation and more likely to get stable and where do we get that stable situation? the study shows it's actually through marriage itself. and so, it perpetuates itself. >> what's your take away here, not everybody can afford college now. >> it's not about whether you go to college. it's just that, whether you're living in a stable family and the other point is, risky situation for a child the director said meaning being in a situation where there's not a father and a mother present. so, grow your family, make your family song and it's more likely that your kids are going to be in a stable situation which includes education and it includes marriage for most people, not everyone, but marriage perpetuates itself, social stability perpetuates itself. >> and you guys are all high school graduates. >> well, we haven't seen dave's diploma, that's what he says, thanks, father. >> okay. >> a story we followed closely, a young boy taken to italy by his mother, abducted. and his father desperately wants him home and we'll have an update on liam mccarthy. >> and could create more headaches, pitfalls and benefits you need to know about before heading off to school. if you think all batteries are the same... consider this: these duracell batteries were given... to the mattel children's hospital, u.c.l.a. because when it comes to kids and healing... you're not just powering a toy. you're powering a smile. duracell. trusted everywhere. we get double miles on everyurchase. so we earned a holiday trip to the big apple twice as fast! dinner! 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[ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to i wonder what it coulbe?! what's in your wallet? >> seven till seven central time and the quick headlines now, in mexico, 11 people are dead after several gunman opened fire in a crowded religious celebration and it happened in a small town auz of gaud harrah. another democrat in trouble over finances, congressman gregory meaks apparently shelling out 325 a month in rent for an office that doesn't exist. and meaks political action committee says the tab, supervisors in queens there is no such tenant. guys. >> let's talk about some holiday gift. gift card sales are expected to reach 91 billion dollars this year, but there are a few things that you should know before giving them as christmas presents. >> and joining us now is consumer reports executive editor. >> good morning. >> thank you. >> what are some of the benefits, a lot of people think of shortcuts giving a gift card. what are some the benefits of giving a gift card. >> certainly easy to buy, and they seem a little more special than giving people cash. on the other hand they have some pitfalls attached and what people need to be aware of. >> let's talk about those, what are they? >> for example, if you buy a gift card to a business that goes out of business, you could be stuck with a worthless gift card and some have leftover for last holiday season. people don't use them. lose them. leave them around the house. >> i yesterday just found a home depot gift card, somebody gave meors ago, i think there's money on it, otherwise i would have thrown it out. does that go back to the company? >> a lot of the old ones expired and the law now, they can't expire for the most mart and you might want to get to the store quickly to see if it has any thing left on it. >> and they don't seem personal, giving them a gift card for chase bank, doesn't seem to have thought as opposed to williams sonoma and best buy. if you know the stars they like, they can make sense, but the danger is giving them a car to a store they wouldn't be caught dead in. it's worthless and they'll have to find a friend to trade it with. there are a lot of scams out there for people handing out money. what are we looking for. >> thieves who use a scanner to get the information off the gift card hanging on the rack in the store, pre-loaded ones that have money on them already and then they take that information and go and use up the gift card, gift card's value and then you go in and buy it and you're stuck with this worthless card. >> how do you avoid that. >> a couple of ways, one is be careful buying the pro loaded ones. look for ones behind the count where they couldn't have gotten to it, always get that receipt and keep it. if you have a receipt i bought it on such and such a day, the money was taken out earlier, look, i didn't do it. >> thanks for the tips from consumer reports and we'll keep that in mind as we shop. >> thank you. >> coming up on the show, president obama the latest official to enjoy the apology tour in light of the state department cables. so, whose feathers he's trying to unroughly. >> and the american flag made in china, that's just one of the all american items made overseas and we're bringing them back to u.s. soil help create jobs? 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"fox & friends" continues right now. ♪ >> good morning everybody, thanks so much for joining us, a couple of things that you need to start doing right now. send in your ugly sweaters, we're going to be showing those about an hour and a half from now. >> christmas ugly sweaters. >> and you've started a cause. >> anybody in the auburn athletic program, cam newton is supposed to be joining us and we're told he is he' not coming. we've been defending him and clearly the heisman trophy winner, best in the country and we promised our viewers. we promised our viewers, we're starting a social media campaign and tweeting like crazy out there. start it yourself and go ahead and do that, maybe auburn will pay attention this morning and kind of reminds us when blago it blown us off. >> running, still running. >> and work on that. >> and meanwhile, we want to start with a fox news alert. after 20 hours of heart surgery, richard holbrooke the u.s. envoy to pakistan and afghanistan, in critical, but stable conditions. how is he this morning, do we know, caroline. >> the same as it was 24 hours ago, the president spoke to his wife and released this statement last night. quote, richard holbrook is a towering figure in american foreign policy a critical member of my afghanistan and pakistan team and a tireless public servant who has won the admiration of the american people and people around the world. holbrooke became ill after a meeting with secretary of state clinton. at the state department on friday. he was taken to the hospital where doctors quickly discovered the tear in his aorta. it's a pretty rare condition where the inner wall of the aorta rips and causes serious internal bleeding. it's usually fatal except when treatment is quick and at a good hospital with a good team. george washington university is one of the best in the country and the foreign service career dates back to vietnam and he served all over the world and boast known for brokering the end of the bfof t bosnian war. he's trying to stabilize the region. the illness came a few days before the presentation of the afghan information on tuesday. ap some of the findings, the rollout will go on as planned. >> caroline shively, thank you. and now another fox news alert, six n.a.t.o. service members have been killed this morning in an insurgent attack in southern afghanistan. there's no further details at this hour for you. fighting intensified in southern afghanistan and this in an effort to push out the taliban and more than 670 international troops killed so far this year and well above the 502 killed in all of 2009. and investigators say the death of bernie madoff's son mark will not stop them from trying to recover some of the madoff's victims' money and trying to subpoena his computer and phone records. mark madoff apparently hung himself in his new york city apartment while his two-year-old son slept nearby coming up on the second anniversary of his father bernie madoff's arrest. people close to mark madoff say he could not take the press coverage of the case, the lawsuits filed against him and his brother and his inability to get his life back together. well, mother, political wife, friend, lawyer, friends and family gathered at a church in raleigh, north carolina to remember elizabeth edwards. she's praised as a strong and resilient woman and dealt with challenges, including her son's death, her husband's affair and her own battle with breast cancer. >> she was always a source of strength, grace, wisdom, she could bring ought the strength in any of us, brought it out in us. even in her last days she was comforting us, her family. >> senator john kerry, who tapped john edwards as her 2004 running mate was among those at the funeral and edwards died of cancer tuesday age of 61. she was laid to rest next to son wade in a north carolina cemetery. >> all right, dave, tell us about it. >> may have mentioned it 2010 heisman trophy goes to.... >> the winner is cam newton. [applaus [applause] >> cam newton took home the honor with 729 first place votes and andrew lutz of stanford was second and newton was understandably emotional. >> and also like to thank my beautiful mother, jackie newton and my father. you know, this.... >> take your time, take your time. >> take deep breaths, take your time. >> thank you. >> his father was not there of course, we found out he tried to get 200,000. and auburn faces oregon january 10th and two hours left, cam, two hours left. come down to the curvy couch and take that picture. much deserved heisman trophy and a lot of people questioned his integrity. come on, cam, we are he' waiting for you. >> yes, we cam, t-shirts in auburn say. >> yes, you cam. >> that's a terrible pun. >> and two hours and ten minutes if you want to go to the after the showen show. >> and blizzard warnings, where we see the red in iowa, wisconsin and northern michigan, dealing with threat for more blizzard conditions today. winds strong and a lot more snow to be had and in the mountains of georgia and in towards the carolinas, and check out some of the snowfall totals. 21 1/2 inches of snow from the strong system and onto the record, but take a look at the video out of wisconsin. minnesota and wisconsin, i think, saved the worst from storm and not only the snowfall totals, you can hardly see anything, you've got drifts up to around 6 to 7 feet tw and the wind is blowing out there, treacherous days on the roads and now the temperatures are brutal behind this and wind chills are like in the minus 20 to minus 35 range so extremely cold, minus 21 what it feels like for you in minneapolis with all the snow on the ground. so, a really rough day and now it's rough across parts of the east and rain from parts of the pan mantel of florida and it's going to be rain across the eastern seaboard and one other spark of rain and heavy rainfall will continue to fall for the next few days and flooding concerns will increase as well. and guys, snow levels are going to be extremely high and warm and out of the snow they've seen across the entire, practically, that's going to increase. >> thanks, rick. >> and let's talk about the tax cut compromise. president obama yesterday and saturday weekly radio address, perhaps raising a few high browse among both the liberal wing of his party and some republicans as to who was responsible for this compromise. take a listen. >> that's why i've been fighting so hard to cut middle class taxes. that's why i brought both democrats and republicans to the table. and put together a compromise. work through our differences, who we can get this done. i believed instead the best way to help the economy and working families was to keep middle class tax rates low, cut taxes for working parents, college students and small businesses. >> earlier on in the show during our political panel seemed to be some consensus, it wasn't either party, it was the american people that spoke loud and clear on the election date and forced the hands of president obama to sit down with republicans and do this. it's interesting how they're packaged and branded and the bush tax cuts, this is in most cases labeled the obama g.o.p. tax cut compromise and the obama-mcconnell. we'll see if that continues. there are basically three scenarios that can take place tomorrow as far as the future of the compromise. number within the senate passes the bill and they will have a vote as expected tomorrow. the house could then amend it, send it back for approval and the president could sign it into law and seems fairly clean. number two, the senate approves the deal tomorrow or whatever, the house amends it and gridlock ensues because lots of democrats on the house side don't like the upper echelon tax breaks for the rich and so, they may want to stick their own stuff in. >> in particular that estate tax. >> sure. >> that's a sticking point for a lot of those liberals. >> republicans could be upset about the amendments that add more tax cuts for things like the ethanol subsidies, so forth. senate, here is scenario 3. the senate passes the deal and the mouse agrees to it and don't amend anything to it and they vote and president obama signs it into law. that seems unlikely, given the fact-- >> prediction. >> prediction, i'm going with number one, going to amend it, remember, the house controls the purse strings. >> yeah. >> the house creates the budget. they control the purse strings. they're the not going to add something more that would require them to amend it, it would be shocking. >> your prediction. >> i'm going to have to agree, there's just too many christmas ornaments yet to be hung. >> and you. i'm going to for fun go with gridlock, but let's talk about the latest poll numbers for the president, not good news for the white house today. this comes from a maris poll and basically it's the lowest of his presidency approval down to 42%, disapprove 50%. what we're talking about show, the poll numbers, the going to slip and outrage from the left. and he's down as far as he can go with republicans. as independents go, we thought we may see an up tick a little following the compromise using bill clinton out there at the podium to woo the moderates and independents. that hasn't happened. he hasn't seen an up tick. >> perhaps because it's an extension of tax cuts and no one has soon any new money or just not having it taken out and it's hard to feel that credit tan there's also a hypothetical. what's going to happen in 2012. obama versus mitt romney and it was romney, the former massachusetts governor coming out on top. 46-44, again, a long way out. governor huckabee was second and then sarah palin third. >> we should also say that president obama does often point out that two of his predecessors, clinton and reagan, the at least, have similarly bad approval numbers at this point in their presidencies and were able to turn it around. >> all right. >> indeed. >> and meanwhile, chris wallace will be here next, we're going to get his take on all of this next and also, had the american flag made in xhoo china? that's one of of the american made items made overseas? would bringing them back to the u.s. help create jobs? . join the jaguar platinum celebration ! come celebrate exciting cars that are stunning to look at, exhilarating to drive and worry free to own. celebrate this holiday season with the gift of platinum. jaguar platinum coverage: five years or 50,000 miles of complimentary scheduled maintenance, and no cost replacement of wear and tear items visit your jaguar dealer during the platinum celebration foa $599 lease offer on the 2011 x so i've come up with some mnemonic devices to help me learn your nas. hello, a "penny" saved a "penny" earned. oh, that's 'cause fedex ground helps you save money. that'sht, penny. do you know ours? heavens to betsy. dwayne the bathtub. magic wanda. ah! what's mine? uh, you're a dan fool. oh. it's just a 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[ male announcer ] we uerstand. you need a partner whhelps you save. fedex ground. >> well, we just told you about the president taking some credit for bringing both parties to a compromise on the expiring bush tax cuts, but he doesn't seem to be getting much credit from the other side. was it a mistake or shrewd political maneuver. >> we're joined by the anchor of fox news sunday, good morning, chris. >> good morning, guys. >> the president said in his weekly address i was able to bring democrats and republicans to the table to get it hammered out. democrats feel like they weren't brought to the table, they weren't in the room for the compromise they say. >> well, that's true. and particularly house democrats were not part of this, but you know, the president made a deal with basically with speaker, rather, senate republican leader mitch mcconnell, and it's a deal that has gotten some credit and a fair amount of criticism, particularly from liberal democrats, but look, he's the president so a deal was made, he takes the responsibility, whether that's positive or negative. >> true. well, he also takes responsibility for bringing bill clinton, president bill clinton back to the podium on friday, whether he wanted to go or not. >> i'm sure he wanted to go. >> if you haven't seen this yet, we'll play what exactly happened and transpired and we'll get chris to talk about it, take a look. >> he can say whatever he wants-- >> mere is what i'll say, i've been keeping the first lady waiting for half an hour so i'll take off. >> i don't want it make her mad. >> gibbs will take last question. >> there were raised eyebrows, was it a good move to bring clinton back or nostalgia. >> the back story, the two were meeting privately they decided by themselves without the handlers they would go down to the press room and clinton would-- they walked down to the press room and the door was locked and they didn't know how to get into the press room so they went up, robert gibbs, gibbs was just doing some work there, and he suddenly hears the president and former president are there, hey, how do we get into the briefing room to talk to reporters. he said, gentlemen, wait a few minutes let me set this up. it was very much their idea and you know, i know that there has been and understandably some talk about did it diminish obama and make him look the current president as a bit player and bill clinton as the star. the white house people couldn't have been happier with the way this played out and think that bill clinton is very much, first of all, the most popular democrat in the country and the polls just indicate that and nobody is more effective in making the case to democrats why they should swallow hard and accept this deal. and that it was, you know, to the benefit of obama not the detriment. >> whoever gets credit for it it will take center stage, this compromise on your show today. you've got paul ryan, who certainly had his on pass forward physically speaking, i'm sure he'll have a lot to say as will chris van holland not all that thrilled with this compromise at this juncture, that should be interesting. >> thanks, chris. >> you bet. and also supreme court justice steven breyer, a rare interview. >> he never talks, he talks to chris wallace. catch it on fox news sunday. chris, thanks. >> thanks, guys. >> an important update for you on a story we've been following more than a year and it's liam's case, a father's heart breaking journey to get his abducted son back their lives remain in limbo and a state decision would pass any day, and we have the details for you. michael mccarte will be here. >> four years ago, five-year-old liam mccarty was abducted by his mother and whisked away to italy. leaving his father militia heart broken. and his mother was put on the fbi most wanted list and diagnosed with a personality disorder. italian authorities took him away from her, instead of giving him to his father, he they put him in an orphanage, another devastating setback, when liam's mother reabducted him from a courtroom. and these are pictures of liam and his mother. they went missing until they found the boy and arrested antonelli and she's awaiting a criminal trial next month. the opportunity for liam to be returned to the u.s. was rejected by the italian courts. instead, for the past year, liam has been in foster care in italy at the home of his uncle, antonelli's brother, but a break through for the first time in four years, liam's father was allowed to spend one-on-one time with liam and took a beach vacation and repaired the tight father-son bond stolen from them. still, italian courts have not authorized liam's return to the u.s. and as another christmas fast approaches, michael prays this will be the one he and his now nine-year-old son are reunited for good. here with us now is liam's father, michael mccarthy, good to see you. >> good morning. >> the last time we had you on the show nine months ago, the big thing keeping the italian courts returning liam to you, the fact that your relationship had been so destroyed by the abduction, they said it would take you years to repair it. that's proven easier than expected. >> they were dead wrong and as many predicted that happened almost instant taneously. and allowed us the environment to interact naturally. >> how have you been able to interact with him even though he's in foster care. >> they dictated a schedule to friday there once a month, for a one hour visit last spring, once a month. it was in a clinical setting, a psychologist office, two way mirror, observing and the important thing, for the first time i was alone with liam and quickly forgot we were being observed and he immediately opened up to me, you can see from the pictures and started asking me all kinds of questions not about the abduction, but about new york, his toys, where are my things and my gold fish and all of these amazing things and it was crystal clear in the course of three hours, we he were rock solid and it was clear to everyone that what they felt would take years took a couple of hours and our bond was there. >> was there one particular moment that you can share with us. >> well, yeah, there were many, but i-- the one that really stood out was the-- there was a picture of it there, he kept asking me, do you remember this, do you remember that? i said do you remember the yankees and the last-- i used to take him to games and always talked about the yankees, sure, buddy i remember the yankees. he said can you give me a ball. he said no, it has to be signed. by who. >> he said, well, everyone. and i don't think he realized how difficult that might be. but, i was able to-- >> managed to get it and we saw the great pictures and show your bond and yet, the italian authorities still will not return liam to you and let you bring him home, why? >> i have no idea. i mean, it's-- it's outrageous at this point. and i'm furious. i mean, there is no legitimate reason left at this point why he should not be back in my care. when i go there now, i continue to go since last spring and after the one hours visit lifted the restrictions and i go there now and parent him full-time, i rent an apartment, a car, i take him to school. i help with his homework, cook him dinner and put him to bed at night. it's, i can parent him fully on italian soil, but an important distinction is i have no legal rights. >> oh, and obviously, this has been a financial hardship for you to fly every month for one hour to see liam, but of course an emotional hardship for you, as well as liam and i want to read for the viewers what italian-- i'm sorry, what liam's italian court appointed therapist concluded here it is, it is considered to be gravely damaging for the child's continued psychological development to pro tract the condition of continuing temporary custody and however difficult or traumatic it may appear it's considered essential and urgently needed competent judicial authorities make a final decision in this kiss. michael, are we on the cusp of a final decision and could liam be sent home? >> i've been waiting for six weeks for a decision and told re repeatedly a final decision is coming only for ajournment and delay. it's been six weeks, it's almost christmas, i can't make any plans yet so i'm on pins and needles, wondering if this is an indication maybe they will actually do the right thing at this point and avoid the circus that will happen over there when the criminal trial starts. >> for manuela and. >> and the family here and send him home here and what i've pleaded with them to do. i'm hopeful, but the history is making me very cautious, but hopeful and optimistic that maybe i'll get a nice christmas present. >> oh, michael, we pray they make the right decision and the next time we see you on the sofa here. go to save for information about the case and any status updates. michael, good luck, thanks so much for coming in. >> thanks. >> meanwhile, florida and california have both been struggling with performance in their schools, low grades and high drop-out rates, now, florida students are pulling ahead. why an expert says the secret is less intervention by the government. and police are still searching for a heartless grinch they say went into a medical center and stole video game systems from kids fighting cancer. we have that outrageous story for you ahead. ... ...with good driver discounts, multi-car discounts, defensive driver discounts... woman: you! oh, don't act like you don't recognize me! toledo, '03? gecko: no, it's...i... woman: it's too late stanley. gecko: actually, miss, my name's not stanley. woman: oh...oh, i am so sorry! from behind you look just like him. i'm just.... gecko: well...i'd hate to be stanley. geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 percent. bring you a low-price medicare prescription ug plan called the humana walmart-preferr prescription plan. it's a new plan that covers both brand and generiprescriptions and has the lowest-priced national premium in the country of only $14.80 per month and in-store copays as low as $2. when you could save over $450 a year, you can focus on the things that really matter. ♪ go to for details. >> hey there, everybody, a shout of the morning. official engagement photos of prince william and fiancee kate middleton. >> is that right. kate. >> pictures at st. james palace by renowned photographer mario testtino. and he took princess diana's photo for "vanity fair." >> and did you ever had testtino pizza rolls? it's early. >> beautiful photos and beautiful ring prominently on her arm there. which was diana's. >> a sad story this morning, santa getting the heave-ho, the ymca, a police where kids go to swim and use the gym there and what else, gymnast particulars. >> let's go to ymca, the c for christian, christian is in ymca. and the ymca is getting rid of santa. >> it's ironic. >> yes, as clayton said, frosty, and more disturbing of that is the penguin will be walking around the ymca creeping little children out. >> and here is what bill donahue on the ymca had to say about this. he says that christmas is not about jack frost, not about snowmen, not talking about secular organization that has no religious roots. if they can celebrate christmas they should check out. what a bunch of cowards on the decision to remove santa. is santa really representative of the christian faith? >> no, it's one the baby santa-- no, santa is a fairly secular character at this point. all kids like to sit on santa's lap and have pictures taken. to your point, the ymca was in 1844 to spread christian values and they've gotten away from their mission statement now that they don't want christmas. >> it's not the entire ynca, the new york west village location and their holiday, not across the country. it's a local chapter. >> do we know if they have a christmas tree. >> head down thereafter the show is over. >> if they have a christmas tree at least that symbol is actually more representative of christmas than is santa claus. the christmas tree directly to the christian faith. >> the local chapter is it making the decision the local director of the ymca says it wasn't replacing, it's transitioning and we realize that change is sometimes good and frostkey is a character to appeal to a broader number of kids. >> and the problem with having frosty in the pool area, he'll melt. >> he'll melt. >> it's warm if you've been in the pool. you can't keep frosty in there for long. >> and awkward. e-mail us, or we're all on twitter. >> the headlines, what else is happening. a two prong attack on a busy shopping area in stockholm is now called an act of terror, one carried out by a homicide bomber who killed himself and injured two others and the others with a car bomb detonated nearby. a swedish news agency did receive a threatening e-mail minutes before the blast. the e-mail reportedly denounced the military presence in afghanistan. police in virginia say 32-year-old jeffrey scott easley is now officially a suspect in the murder of tina smith. he was charged with kidnapping her 12-year-old daughter after being spotted in a store in san francisco and expect to be expedited back to virginia as soon as possible. sarah palin is on a humanitarian issue to haiti, visiting along with the reverend franklin graham and also with her is our own gretta van susteren and the visit comes at intense turmoil in haiti, the country reeling from cholera outbreak and recent election. >> police in charlotte are on the hunt for the man scene in the security video, broke into carolina's medical center and stole video game systems used by children recovering from cancer. and the office is closed at the time and no one was in the office. microsoft and video game maker electronic arts heard about the story and have sent care packages to the hospital to make sure the kids still have games to play who are in the hospital this christmas. and that's nice silver lining. a fox look for you, a group at the metro dome in minneapolis, minnesota, the roof deflated under the the weight of almost 20 inches of snow that's fallen. yesterday, the roof has collapsed in the past and the fabric, material, held up by air pressure, they're supposed to be playing the minnesota vikings at the metro dome, but what happened. >> it was postponed until tomorrow night. and monday night football at eight o'clock and regional coverage on that. the giants are actually stuck in kansas city due to the extreme weather. >> and all right, time for my conspiracy theory. >> eli was-- >> and brett favre has been injured, banged up, the longest consecutive start streak in the history of the nfl, needs time to nurse the shoulder, let's deflate the roof of the metro dome. and i'm just saying, right? >> makes sense. >> and maybe he got the f.a.a. to close down the airport. >> a-ha. >> and hey, you heard it here first. >> that guy, maybe he can get cam in, too. >> maybe. >> make the phone call, bret. take a look at the temperatures, see the temperatures, minus 22 in canada and alas sta. and these are minus 24 right now in international falls. the cold air affecting a lot of the u.s. right now and it's extremely windy, and gusting to around 30, 40 miles per hour and feels like minus 35 at international falls and minus 22, minus 12 in kansas city. a very, very rough day and all the snow is out there, still windy and we'll continue to see the snow blowing around and 9 inches in sioux falls and 16 in wisconsin, and heavy snow one for the record books, biggest we've seen in the month of december and moves off to the east ap we've got a lot of rain on the eastern side of it and the entire storm including the cold air will start off as rain, and eventually will become snow, and be a little weaker and we are going to be talking significant snowfall totals across the interior section of of the east only up around parts of the great lakes and here is the forecast today. 48 in boston, at least to start. very warm along the coasten that's where we have the rain and the cold front starts to move through tomorrow and temps will plummet into the 20's for much of the northeast for your day on tuesday. across the west, another big story, across the south, warm temperatures, 86 in san diego and in and around los angeles and flooding rain. the pineapple express in and continue to see heavy rainfall and some areas, three to four inches and cause pretty significant flooding concerns. so watch that. guys, over to you. >> thank you so much, rick, here is something that will make you extraordinarily happy this morning. you think about all the things that you're maybe purchasing, obviously made in america. you think you're supporting american jobs and think they're symbols of america. it turns out many of them, according to the new york post this morning, not so much. >> here is the first example. the american flag. the american flag now, made in china. >> we saw this during the election, a lot of people out at different rallies, saying, holding the american flag and turns out a lot of those measured american flags holding at election rallies and tea party rallies almost all of them made in china. >> let's get to the list. and baseball, our sport, made in costa rica, barbies made in china. and cell phones which might surprise you first made in new york, now made abroad, radio flyer wagon made in china. levies, the list goes on and on and you'd think those would be made in america, in asia and latin america and outsourcing. economists say not so fast this could actually be a good thing and some noted economists say we shouldn't be making little american flags and baseballs. we should be making expensive items, electronic cars, pharmaceuticals, high-tech products, not low-end value items what they call it. they want to be making high-end value items. >> the reason is-- >> that's just one side to this story. >> sure, i mean, and there's an economic side and a symbolic side. some are icons. >> the flag i have a particular problem with. >> the flag. >> and the baseball, the flag, all of that stuff. so it just, it's just whether or not it feels right that all of these are no longer on american soil. probably doesn't. >> yeah, symbols of americana. e-mail us and let us know what you think about that, and i'm sure everyone will be checking their flag label, where did it come from. and telling you about the roof in the metro dome, in minneapolis deflated after a blizzard dumped at least two feet of snow across the u.s. a live report from the metro dome in moments. . >> and their hit controversial show to highlight the struggles of pregnancy, that's what they're spupposed to be doing. could the fame of teen moms, 16 and pregnant, encourage girls to be pregnant so they can be featured, too. [ rattling ] [ male announcer ] need ink? staples has a low price guarantee on all the ink you need. find a lower price at another store, and we'll match it. that was easy. to stay fit, you might also want to try lifting one of these. a unique sea salt added to over 40 campbell's condensed soups. helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor. so do a few lifts. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ but i knew that i was going to need a day job. we actually have a lot of scientists that play music. the creativity, the innovation, there's definitely a tie there. one thing our scientists are working on is carbon capture and storage, which could prevent co2 from entering the atmosphere. we've just built a new plant to demonstrate how we can safely freeze out the co2 from natural gas. it looks like snow. it's one way that we're helping provide energy with fewer emissions. >> welcome back to "fox & friends," a severe weather alert for you now. the roof of the metro dome where the minnesota vikings played deflated under almost 20 inches of snow. bill is outside the stadium with the latest on this. good morning, bill, what's the latest. >> reporter: well, the latest is that if we were trying to play a game at noon today against the giants, it wouldn't be happening. there was conversation all last night about whether or not this game was going to take place and you know, the giants were stuck in kansas city because the airport was shut down here in minneapolis, st. paul. the giants were going to make it out, but then, late last night. there was concern about the amount of snow and the teflon roof that's on top of what used to be the metrodome which is now called american field. well, that concern was warranted because as you can see the roof is deflated. now, the issue here is that there are two panels that are apparently damaged and we don't know the extent of that damage, we don't know if that could delay this game even further. currently, it's scheduled for seven o'clock central time monday night. eight o'clock eastern. so, that's the situation out here, and 20 inches of snow and zero degrees wind chill i'd say that's severe weather alert. back to you in the warm studios. >> real quick, bill, ten seconds here, does that the two panels missing, they going to be able to play the game tomorrow night, any word on that. >> yeah, they're damaged. as i mentioned we don't know at this point whether or not that damage will prevent the game from being played even tomorrow night. >> okay. thanks, bill for the update. appreciate it. >> bill, enjoy yourself out there in the sub freezing temperatures. >> i guess it's the university of minnesota hosting. >> you know the show, 16 and pregnant, teen moms, following the the lives of young girls facing becoming teen mothers, take a look. >> and i grew up thinking i had to be the perfect pageant queen with brains, beauty and good values, when i found out i was pregnant, i was scared everyone would judge me. >> when i first found out i was so scared, worried about what my parents would think. >> and yeah, and people put labels on everything. >> critics say the show glamourizes teen pregnancy and some girls may become pregnant to be on tv. and joining us psychologist dr. keith ablow. good morning, doc. >> good morning. >> what do you think, is this causing girls to want to get pregnant to be on television? >> it's certainly possible. look, we know the phenomenon. we know that people post things on youtube in order to become mini reality tv stars themselves. and do things like beat people or other acts, they would never do, but for the chance at fame. and we know the way the technology can get people to commit acts they might otherwise never consider. sending naked photos of themselves that end up all over the internet. these things disinhibit people, get them to do things they otherwise would not. >> and dr. ablow, there's also financial incentives. the girls featured on the shows gets $60,000 or $65,000 to appear, that may, that may appeal to 16-year-olds. >> look, stardom now passes for real life and people are dissatisfied, it seems, especially young people, with their existences, so if they're not part of media, if they're not part of the paparazzi phenomenon, they feel they doesn't exist. this is a number one public health problem facing young people in measured-- america today, it's bigger than drugs. they're texting their lives away and they think they have 1600 friends at facebook when they have none in real life. it's the biggest problem we're facing. >> hold a whole segment on that. thank you. >> thank you, my friends. >> and california's low grades, high drop-out rates. florida students pulling aahead and why the secret is less intervention by the government. >> here is an interesting story, low income and minority students in california and florida used to have equally low test scores at graduation rates. but a new test, a new study i should say, show that students in florida are now outperforming those in california even though california is spending a lot more money on their schools. dr. vicky murray is the education associate director and center policy fellow at the institute in california. she's here to explain it. dr. murray, how do you explain the fact that florida has now outpaced california. >> it amounts to the fact that the the florida government did its job and got out of the way so parents could do their jobs picking the schools best for their children. >> when you say the parents can pick schools, you mean the neighborhood public school or a charter school program in florida? >> florida has such a wide array of options. they have traditional public schools, public charter schools, they also have virtual schools and children are allowed to pick private schools as well in addition to home schooling. >> so it sounds like a lot of of options doing well for florida. let's give our viewers some of the stats in florida, in the fourth grade they now outperform students in 26 other states, they have gained 20 naep points and two great levels from 1998 to 2009 and the equivalent to 1.5 levels ahead of their california student equivalents. so, again, it can't just be that florida spent less money than california or can it be? >> well, florida doesn't spend quite as much as california does now. and money does matter, but florida is spending money the right way. on programs that work. what florida did in contrast to california, which focused primarily on spending more money on various and sundry programs, florida took a comprehensive approach, from the top down, rigorous standards and state testing and letter grades for school so parents knew which sort of schools their children were attending and consequences for those schools. from bottom up, no child was stuck in a school that did not work for him or her in florida and parents were put in the driver's seat and top down test standards and bottom up accountability for parents is the key to success for florida. >> lets he' show examples how california is not keeping up. california ranks 37th out of 40 states tt were looked at and gained only 8 naep points and equivalent to not even one grade level. what can california and other states do to mimic what florida is doing that would be easy for them to implement this time of year. >> what you have to do, a form that works for students is also fiscally responsible. parents have to have options. that has to be part of any education reform strategy and thankfully, california has just started taking a cue from florida and thanks to the efforts of parents and parents revolution, more california parents are going to get options. >> that's good to hear. >> dr. vicky murray, thanks for coming in and explaining all of this stuff. >> thank you. >> coming up a progress report on the war in afghanistan is coming out this week and why the troop exit-gate could be closer. and senior advisor david axlerod expects the president's tax compromise to pass the house despite vocal outrage from democrats. we'll have that for you at the top of the hour. 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"fox & friends," continues, "fox & friends," continues, right now. captioning by, closed captioning services, inc. >> did you sing that jingle? >> clayton: i go home and i sing, ""fox & friends."..♪. welcome, i hope you are enjoying the morning. >> ♪ "fox & friends.".. >> clayton: there is goes, coming up, my final gadget segment of the holiday season. >> alisyn: what? we still have another weekend. >> dave: applaud, it is the last. >> clayton: best christmas gifts for mom. ! [cheers and applause]. >> clayton: men wait until the last possible minute, and, i put the "mom" one at the end. >> dave: and we have 59 minutes left, ken newton, you have time to get here! come on down, we have room. >> alisyn: meanwhile, let's get to your headlines, we have new information on the death of one of bernie madoff's sons, there are reports, mark madoff was informed last week we could face criminal charges in new york and london. and, he apparently hung himself in his new york city apartment, his two-year-old son sleeping nearby and his death comes two years to the day that his father was arrested, investigators say it will not stop them from trying to recover the money from bernie madoff's victims. and, friends and family gathered in raleigh, north carolina for a final farewell to elizabeth edwards. the wife of former vice presidential candidate john edwards, was remembered for her wit and resolve and he was also remembered for her tireless defense of her children even as he dealt with her son's death, husband's affairs and ultimately, terminal cancer. >> the last few days i've heard my mother described as full of life. and, i think that is true, but it is... an enormous understatement. every, single thing she did, she did to the fullest possible stents. >> as you may me, emma jack and i had a conversation with her mom, by saying i love you more and she always responded, no, i legislative you more. >> alisyn: among the mourners, john kerry and he decide tuesday of breast cancer, she was 61. and the man charged with kidnapping 12-year-old brit they -- britney mae smith is in police custody in san francisco, his girlfriend was found dead in her roanoke county home earlier this week. a vermont national guard member gets a chance to thank his heros. sergeant edward mateka who both lost legs in afghanistan says his only wish for christmas was to be present when the unit came back to vermont and he to the the wish, and greeted those who were by his side in afghanistan, when he -- the convoy was hit by a roadside bomb in july and the wounded warrior's foundation along with guard and air compassion for veterans, paid for that trip. >> dave: outstanding. >> alisyn: those are your headlines. >> clayton: let's check in with rick reichmuth with a look at the snowy forecast. >> rick: look at the snowfall totals, 21 in shakopee and, look at what it looks like across areas of minnesota, we have video from around minneapolis. not only the snow but temperatures, were below zero so there is is not melting at all and blowing around, into big drifts causing problems like this. that is not a fun afternoon! if you are across parts of minnesota and, now we'll be dealing with the same problems, a little farther towards the east, blizzard warnings in effect for six states and, though snow will continue to taper off and move towards the east, mostly now we have heavy rain in across parts of the eastern seaboard. these are the temps, 0°, minneapolis, feels like -22° with the wind. when you wake up. here's the rain, that is cut across parts of georgia and there, you notice snow across parts of mississippi. we'll see that towards alabama and georgia and all rain, across the eastern seaboard, at least now and tomorrow flurries move in and the pacific northwest, heavy rain and look at the video from portland, oregon and parts of washington, very heavy rainfall, falling, the pineapple express, a lot of moisture comes from areas of hawaii, a steady stream of moisture that continues in there and will continue for the next 3-4 days and means big flooding concerns by the time we get to tuesday and wednesday, and, a lot of people will have a rough week when you are getting ready tfor christmas plans. >> clayton: and the christmas pageant cancelled because of the flooding. >> alisyn: david axelrod broke news on the sunday talk shows and he said he believes that the tax cut compromise as it has been called will pass through the senate and the house and of course, it is hard to know if it is blind optimism on his part or if he has done the number crunching and nancy pelosi told him they have the votes. >> clayton: he said it is a tremendous victory for the middle class, how he couched it on one of the talk shows, a tremendous victory for the middle class and i scratched my head when i heard that. how exactly is that a tremendous victory... >> alisyn: in addition to the extension, there are dozens of additional things in terms of tuition credits and payroll taxes begin back to the tune of i think a thousand dollars a year for middle class families. >> dave: though the far left is angry, david axelrod is confident they'll vote for it and the administration wants to take credit for the compromise with the g.o.p. and the president laid down very, very clearly, on his youtube address, on saturday. >> president barack obama: that's why i have been fighting so hard to cut middle class taxes and why i brought both democrats and republicans to the table, to put together a compromise, and work through our differences. so we could get this done. i believed instead the best way to help the economy and working families was to keep middle class tax rates low and cut taxes for working parents. college students. and small businesses. >> alisyn: maybe democrats aren't watching his youtube address because they do not feel they were brought to the table. it is a compromise but one he hammered out with republicans. and democrats -- and democrats are angry because they say they aren't in the room. >> clayton: and that is why i'm arguing about the middle class, victory for the middle class, it is interesting to hear him paint it that way and liberals who are upset about this think it is just a windfall for the upper class and that is how they've couched it, the liberal wing of the party. you hear two different tales out of the obama administration. -- coming out of washington. one from the white house, one from the other members of the party. we had a political panel on earlier to talk about whether or not president obama deserves the credit for bringing the compromise together and bringing republicans to the table. take a listen: >> neither party, certainly not the democrats, wanted to usher in the largest tax increase in american history and circumstances, necessity and political judgment brought everybody to the table. >> he brought everyone to the table, kicking and screaming himself, the whole way about getting there. and what he has done now is, he's playing both sides. he's voting so to speak against it before he votes for it. >> we agree here, that he could have gotten out in front of it, kennedy gave a speech about a permanent reformation of the tax code. reagan gave similar speeches and could have cited reagan and kennedy and had a win-win and only would have left out the super far left. >> dave: with credit could, ultimately, come blame and he recognizes that, if it doesn't turn around the economy and bring down the unemployment rate and job creators don't hire, who is on the hook for it, come 2012. >> alisyn: let's telegraph what is coming up this week. the possible scenarios that could happen with the tax cut. number one the senate passes the deal. the house amends some of the add--ons in there, and, sends it back for approval, president obama signs it into law. that is one possible option. >> clayton: the other parts of the scenarios david axelrod is confidents about, senate approves, house amends it is and, there is gridlock and scenario 3, the senate passes the deal, the house democrats agree and it is signed into law and i believe we actually do now have sound from david axelrod this morning making news with his suggestions about the tax plan. take a listen: >> and we believe that when it comes back to the house that we will get a vote and prevail there, because, at the end of the day no one wants to see taxes go up, on 150 million americans on january 1st. >> one of the last achievements of axelrod before he goes back to chicago and david plouffe comes back into the fold, should be interesting, will the house make changes to it, like he laid out the options, will they get the estate tax backs up near the 50% mark? i know republicans are holding firm, do not touch that thing. that is double taxation. that is something that will not help the economy. >> alisyn: in the meantime, it has not been a good week for the president's poll numbers, they are at the lowest of his presidency, there is a merit college poll out and it says approval rating 42%, disapproval rating now 50%. >> clayton: what is most striking about the poll is independent number here. a lot of people thought, bringing bill clinton to the podium, let's be honest, doug schoen, a pollster, works with clinton closely and says it is too early to see a bump in independent numbers as it relates to the president, in this poll but the numbers staying the same, not bumping at all. and, he's lost approval with democrats. talking to frank luntz yesterday, he predicted this. he said, look, republicans already don't like him and democrats don't like him more as a result of the tax compromise. >> dave: add it up, you have a hypothetical, like mitt romney in 2012, and mitt romney, two years how the, would lead slightly, 46-44. in this, you know, way out projection here. and, then next was governor huckabee, who trailed slightly to the president, and then, sarah palin, third there. >> clayton: there's a lot that will happen between now and then. >> alisyn: one thing we can predict accurately. a progress report on the war in afghanistan. coming out this week. why the trop exit date could be farther off than we have been told. >> clayton: he's one of the judges. gail simmons with a keep about the all-star season and holiday dishes to make your christmas party a hit. >> julie: and vladimir putin usually shows us his masculinma animal loving side and now we see his softer, musical side as well. coming up. ♪ ♪ at are stunning to look at, exhilarating to drive and worry free to own. celebrate this holiday season with the gift of platinum. jaguar platinum coverage: five years or 50,000 miles of complimentary scheduled maintenance, and no cost replacement of wear and tear items visit your jaguar dealer during the platinum celebration foa $599 lease offer on the 2011 x oh. about what? uh, they don't really think you're an exchange student. what? they think you're a businessman, using our house to meet new clients in china. for reals, player? [ woman saks chinese ] they overheard a phone call. speaks chinese ] something about shipping with fedex to shanghai. and then you opened a bottle of champagne. that was for a science project. [ man and woman speaking chinese ] i'm late for..occer... rehearsal. [ man speaks chinese ] you and i are cool? i'll be home by curfew. [ male announcer ] we understand.® you need a partner who can help you go global. fedex. until i look at the gumline. the problem is, you could have plaque along your gumline that can lead to gingivitis. in fact, one in two adults actually has gingivitis and might not even know it. that's why i recommend new crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps eliminate plaque at the gumline, helping prevent gingivitis. and it's been clinically proven to help reverse it... in just four weeks. it also protects these other areas dentists check most. new crest pro-health clinical toothpaste. for healthier gums. >> clayton: a story that may not get traction given the tax cut compromise this week, because the report on the war in afghanistan is coming out this week and is expected to show that the exit date of 2011 may not be realistic, after all. >> dave: joining us is fox news military analyst, major general robert scales, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> dave: 2011 is not realistic, when we report comes out while there be a projected withdrawal date and when will it begin. >> i don't think anybody knows for sure and most people inside the pentagon and folks in the theater tell me, almost to a man, that this -- any significant withdrawal in july 2011 is off the table. you know, we have only been at this counterinsurgency campaign a little over a year, petraeus had his full forces in place for about 6 months and to say that a year after the arrival of all of the american soldiers in the area of operations is going to have enough of... to be able to predict a withdrawal is unreal nafk. >> clayton: this is major news. we have been hearing 2011, 2011, 2011, as the withdrawal dates and now the report coming out, this week, could push us back to when, 2014, i'm reading in some situations? >> look, guys, even in the best of circumstances, the commodity that is most precious in a counterinsurgency is time, counterinsurgency campaigns take time and to put any date on it, 2011, 2014, pick the year, is really the wrong way to go, because it gives the enemy encouragement and allows the campaign to be conducted on his timeline, not ours. and, so, almost everyone i talk to, tells me, be careful about putting a date on anything, particularly, in a counterinsurgency campaign. >> dave: if that is the lead, the headline, withdrawal date, forget about it. what else will we find out about the challenges of the u.s. military in afghanistan? >> oh, boy. there are so many factors at play that make the timeline uncertain. first, obviously is corruption in the karzai government and difficulty in training afghan forces, particularly the police, not going well, though the army is going well and the biggest factor is pakistan, if we cannot rout out the taliban in tribal areas and allow them to have sanctuary, rule number one, the enemy's greatest advantage in a counterinsurgency is to have some form of sanctuary and that has to be taken away from the taliban and only the pakistanis, not us, can do that. >> clayton: what is your assessment, do you think that will be the case? will pakistan come to the table and enable us to cut offed the blooding coming out of their country, pouring into afghanistan? >> maybe some but not much, the pakistanis are careful here, and are playing both sides of the table and are trying to hedge their bets and will provide us some visible support, on the other hand, will continue to help these areas remain -- become -- remain taliban sanctuaries, i don't have high hopes for that, happening any time soon. >> dave: major general scales we eagerly await the results of the report. thanks for joining us this morning. >> clayton: coming up, christmas coloring book for atheists? the creator has taken fire from all sides and is here to defend this is book. >> dave: and making payments could be as simple as a swipe on a phone, whytiny device, square, could help you sell stuff, the co-founder of twitter, is here next, clayton, all atwitter! funny how nature just knows how to make things that are good for you. new v8 v-fusion + tea. one combined serving of vegetables and fruit with the goodness of green tea and powerful antioxidants. refreshingly good. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescriptiocelebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. and celebrex is not a narcotic. when it comes to relieving your arthritis pain, you and your doctor need to balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, including celebrex, may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. is chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, including celebrex, increase the chance of seris skin or allergic reactions or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. tients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk fo stomach bleeding and ulcers. do not take celebrex if you've had an asthma attack, hives, or other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor about your medical history and find an arthritis treatment that works for you. ask your doctor about celebrex. and, go to to learn more about how you can move ward relief. celebrex. for a body in motion. >> dave: couple headlines, 17 people are dead and dozens injured because of a suicide bomber, in anbar, west of baghdad, officials blame al qaeda and financial troubles hitting a new york democrat, gregory meeks is shelling out money to rent an office that doesn't exist, building supervisors say there is no such tenant. >> alisyn: one of the top ten inventions of the year and tech experts say the impact on the business world could be significant. >> clayton: and it is this small, square is a mini-credit card reader to attaches to your smartphone or ipad with a swipe on the device you can make transactions, all over the world. jack dorsey is the coast founder and ceo of square and also, by the way, co-founder of twitter, nice to see you, jack, welcome. and, we will get to square in a second and twitter, this is your second hit and did you think twitter would be the behemoth it is today. >> it is humbling how people have taken to it and use it for purposes all over the world and has been amazing to watch grow. a small idea. >> clayton: he's one of the few people, like madonna, has one name, jack@twitter. >> alisyn: you are entitled. >> benefits of starting it. >> alisyn: today we are asking for people's ugly sweater suggestions and i know nothing about technology but i now about the square. i used it this week, my daughter's school had a book fair and i popped the square onto an ipad, and, was able to man the checkout booth for a couple of hours because it made it easy to collect payments. show us how it works. >> everyone in the united states carries these credit cards everywhere, but, historically it has been hard to accept them, and, we built a little, tiny device, which is a little swiper we give away for free, and request it an pluck it into your mobile phone, and pluck it into the mobile phone and type in the amount, and, you take your -- the credit card and swipe it through and, then... sign with your finger. >> clayton: i'll sign for you, if you don't mind, hit submit, continue... boom. >> and... >> clayton: "time" magazine shows it as one of the best tech inventions of the year and many people it could revolutionize commerce and people think about the american dream and puts the power of the purse in people's hand and they don't need rely on the credit card companies. are they angry at you. >> i don't think so. because, they just imagine all of the people that could accepted credit cards, you want to pay with a credit card, your dog-walker, your gardener, hair dresser, your tax accountant and flight instructor, we all carry the cards everywhere and hardly anyone accepts them and if all people can accept them and get paid immediately. >> alisyn: basically if you are now a baby-sitter, you can have this little square, for free, and, all of the parents who want to pay you, just swipe the card. >> exactly. >> alisyn: you don't have to leave your home, really, again, now. >> exactly. we have a pta on square. and, typically they raise about $100 for their events, but, with square, because they are able to absent plastic they are able to raise $3200 for that event. >> clayton: that is remarkable and what have you heard, the giving time of year, charities, when i fe first i met you, you rations money for haiti, and, what have you heard from charities in their ability to raise money. >> charities and causes love it. when you are carrying cash and people don't carry much cash with them and don't carry checkbooks, going through a charity function is very hard to pay and you say, i'll take the form and i'm get back to you, but if you have a credit card reader there, you can take the device, they have in their pocket, the plastic card. >> alisyn: i'm curious, as we head out here, what is your next invention. >> i'm not sure, i'm sticking with this one, for now. >> clayton: it is to get a free one, jack dorsey, great seeing you again and ali, i need you to sign over a thousand dollars... >> alisyn: no problem. the special envoy to afghanistan and pakistan is in critical condition after undergoing emergency heart surgery well, have the latest on richard hole brock's condition in a live report. >> clayton: and christmas will be less jolly for kids at the ymca. come on! santa claus getting the boot in favor of frosting the snowman! there! >> alisyn: plus, want to spruce up your desserts for the christmas season who better to ask than gail simons... simmonses, with desserts, he's here with a holiday... holiday spread. and, some scoop about the new all-star season of the hit reality show. hi, gail. >> clayton: one thing you do is eat. come on! e yummy black forest . black forest cake? ♪ [ female announcer ] need a guilt free treat? try yoplait light. and i've lost weight. [ female announcer ] with 30 delious flavors all around 100 calories eac [ female announcer ] with 30 delious flavors so, we set out to discover the nutritional science at purina one, we want your cat to be as healthy as possible in some of nature's best ingredients. that's how we created purina one with smartblend. nutritionally optimized with real smon, wholesome grains and essentl antioxidants, for strong muscles, vital energy, a healthy immune system, and a real difference in your cat. purina one improved with smartblend. discover what one can do. >> dave: here's your shot of the morning, folks! santa, uniting, people dress up as santa for a cause, called santa palooza, and is a nonpolitical, and nonprofit organization, and, they gather in bars and collect canned goods to be donated to the need and there is one official rule, you cannot make children cry! i don't know, i saw some in -- yesterday that made me cry! >> alisyn: that explains the santas i encountered on my way home from the show, a sea of santas was coming down central park west and i thought, where are they going. >> dave: and the scantily clad elves on the show. >> clayton: i was stuck in the subway and the subway was stuck, and the guy said well, have 20 santas, coming down here... and all the santas where coming around. >> dave: also the time of year to bust out ugly christmas sweaters and some think they are beautiful and they are not always ugly, it is in the eye of the beholder. >> clayton: no, they are hideous. >> dave: go to and you can buy them and we have your pick. >> alisyn: here's our favorite. you guys, for instance, don't think those are ugly. >> clayton: dave and i... >> dave: i tried to convince them to buy them. >> clayton: look at the hurt -- turtle neck. >> alisyn: tom from wisconsin. that is more than a sweater. >> clayton: the stockings, you can put coins in there. >> alisyn: what is this. >> clayton: raymond from texas, ugly sweater party. have you heard of these? ugly sweater parties! and this is from... >> no wonder you don't give your name when you send that pick in. >> alisyn: he's also walking on the wall. does that you fi. >> alisyn: this is an ugly sweater. i see the confusion. >> clayton: i know where he moon lights for another job. >> i would happily show you the sweater these guys gave me as a president, someone ate it. here it is. part of it was edible. >> clayton: at the christmas show, this was your big presents, we got you and it was -- part was edible, candy canes and marshmallows. >> dave: look at clayton's. that is ugly. >> clayton: that is beautiful! >> alisyn: all right, and, people can twitter me for the "after the show" show. we have a "fox news alert," richard holbrooke is in critical condition after surgery, caroline shivley joins us with the latest, how is he. >> reporter: the same as 24 hours ago, when the 21 hour surgery wrapped up, he became ill on friday, and he was taken to the hospital and doctors quickly discovered a tear in his aorta. it is a rare condition, where the inner wall of the aorta rips and causes serious internal bleeding and his service career dates back to vietnam and he served all over the world and is beknown for brokering the end of the bosnian war and since '09 traveled to pakistan and afghanistan, extensively trying to stabilize the region and comes a few days before the presentation of the afghanistan review on thursday. he was set to publicly present the findings but it will go on as planned and, the president calls him a towering figure in american foreign policy and tireless public servant and the president said we continue to pray for his recovery and support his family, and, he was meeting with hillary clinton when he fell ill on friday and she and admiral mike mullen are among the officials who visited him at george washington university hospital this weekend and afghan president hamid karzai sent a letter to him, wishing him a quick recovery, dave, clayton, back to you. >> alisyn: david axelrod is confident the tax cuts will pass congress and, skeptical democrats will come around because of the benefits to the middle class. >> a tremendous win for middle class people across the country. and, again, would be a great boost to our economy, but, understand, this is a compromise. there are elements of this plan we didn't particularly like and didn't particularly like even temporarily extending the high end tax cuts. >> alisyn: a test vote on the plan is scheduled in the senate, tomorrow. police in sweden are calling it an act of terror, two bombs were detonated near a busy shopping area in stockholm, one bomb was planted in a car and the other set off by a homicide bomber killing himself and injuring two others, minutes before the blast, a swedish news agency received an e-mail, denouncing the country's military presence, in afghanistan. i do know him, he hunts in the wild and rides horses, without his shirt on, and, he drives red cars. but, now, russian prime minister put en is showing off a new -- putin is showing off a new talent. ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause]. >> alisyn: maybe he should have go on with the old one, playing the piano and singing are his new talents, playing -- playing a russian patriotic song. he later sang, the father domino classic, "blueberry hill" and, the event was to raise money for cancer, and, celebrities included kevin costner and sharon stone. talk about a lost clause a ymca fired him in favor of the frosty the snowman, part of a rebranding effort. take notes, kids, he doesn't care if you are naughty or nice an melts if you sit on his lap, they wanted to replace st. nicholas, a christmas icon with a secular cartoon character, it is is served is in poor taste. >> clayton: and they'll put him near the pool at the "y", and frosty melts. >> alisyn: big mistake. >> clayton: huge mistake. >> dave: now, rick... >> rick: they wrapped up hosting the season of she top chef just desserts and is serving up culinary critiques, gail simmons is here, welcome, this season of top chef, if you haven't been watching it, it is the season to start watching, you can all be all stars, they know food and tv and there is good drama. >> they are comfortable with us and have no problem speaking they're minds and are cooking the most amazing food we have ever had and it makes for great television. >> i'm watching these and have a few favorites on my end. >> good. >> rick: and angela is one -- won the first two challenges so far and when you guys are judges and watching this, do you think this one will win or, three have a chance and the others no chance. >> we know who the strongest are but that doesn't mean we know who will win. every day is a totally different challenge and you can have a bad day and be the best chef and, have a bad day, like a baseball player, can be great and lose the series. >> rick: you had one, who had a melt down. >> and we thought she'd be for sure -- you never know. that is part of game. and, this season is different than ever, everyone is amazing, these are all stars, they've been in the finals, fan favorites, and they are the people who know how to play the game and it is up to anyone, anyone could win. >> rick: and you know how to bake. >> i do. and, hofor the holidays, we wan to entertain and the holidays are upon us and i'll show you quick things that are putting twists on classic recipes. now, the first one is i'll make a pear and walnut french tart made with apples, but i'm making it with pears and walnuts, a bit of a twist and it is usually made with puff pastry and i partnered with percentage farm to make great recipes and this is one of them. i have six cored and peeled pears and, i have, the same size as the top of the pan and that will sit aside and add cinnamon and sugar. stir it? and i'll add lemon juice, to keep them nice and white. and, while you stir that i'll make caramel and people are intimidated by it, but just put sugar and a little bit of water in a pan and the key is not to touch it. let it stir and dissolve and don't play with it and it will brown and cook and, ultimately turns out like this. hot, bubbly, hot is the key, caramel and, i put i little bit of but your and salt in it, give it a swirl and i'll sprinkle walnuts at the bottom and take the pears, nice job, by the way and i'll place them around, really -- hear the sizzle? they are ready to go, cover the pan in the pears and let them took 10 minutes and take the puff pastry we had earlier. swap with you. and you will put it over, see how quick this is? people are intimidated and, puff pastry is easy to work with. and that sits on top and goes into the oven, 40 minutes and comes out golden and beautiful like this and take a plate, and put it on top, and you flip it, and when you flip it, it comes out, like a pineapple upside-down cake, but it is golden caramel dripping through it. >> rick: amazing. what else do you have. >> apple and maple bread pudding, and maple and apple and careful with the fork. i have doughnuts on a plate, a jelly doughnut or a suggest doughnut, a doughnut hole and instead of regular jam i made cranberry and orange compote to go with it and also, made chocolate cup cakes, everyone loves them but these are adult version using espresso in the batter and instead of using frosting i use a cocoa whipped cream and a garnishing bar and friends can puts candy canes and citrus and espresso beans covered in chocolate. >> rick: you are a pro, it looks amazing, watch top chef, gail simmons, thanks for being here and happy holidays, back over to you, on the couch. >> alisyn: yes. >> dave: cup cakes, please... coming up, the roof at the metrodome in minneapolis, deflated, a blizzard causing severe weather conditions, a live report from the dome, coming up. >> alisyn: a christmas coloring book for atheists? seems like a continue diradicti the creator is here to explain. he says it makes perfect sense. ♪ ♪ bla i have asthma. and en my symptoms came back i'd get this tightness in my chest. so i went back to my doctor again. we chose symbicort to help control my asthma symptoms all day and night. [ man ] symbicort improves my lung function, starting within 15 minutes. symbicort will not replace a rescue inhaler startifor sudden symptoms.. it is a combination of two medicines and should not be taken more often than prescribed. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems, and children and adolescents may have an increased risk of being hospitalized for asthma problems. symbicort not for people whosasthma is well controlled wi a long-term asthma control medicine like haled corticosteroids. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop symbicort without loss of control, andrescribe a long-term asthma control medicine. be sure to see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. symbicort is a good choice to help control my asthma all day and night. [ inhales ] [ exhales ] ask your doctor if symbicort is a good choice for you. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford yr medication, astzeneca may be able to help. my professor at berkeley asked me if i wanted to change the world. i said "sure." "well, let's grow some algae." and that's what started it. exxonmobil and synthetic genomi have built a new facility to identify the most productive strains of algae. algae a amazing little critters. they secrete oil, which we could turn into biofuels. they also absorb co2. we're hoping to supplement the fuels that we use in our vehicles, and to do this at a large enough scale to someday help meet the wor's energy demands. >> clayton: welcome back, to minneapolis where the roof of the metrodome is no more. the fabric roof deflated under almost two feet of snow, this metrodome home to the vikings. bill dalmon is live with the latest. bill? what does it looks like? >> reporter: well, looks like a collapsed field. you know, that dome is normally visible, from out here, you can normally see it, the roof and there is a big field sign and that is completely down. we don't know the extent of the damage now, and we know that two panels inside are damaged, and, i can tell you, the nfl is having a conference call, right now. apparently are deciding whether or not the game will be played on monday night, at 8:00 eastern between the giants and the vikings. it is very much up in the air and we tried to get inside the dome and they are not allowing us in and we don't know whether or not there is significant damage, at the stadium. that is the situation here, back to you, clayton. >> clayton: thanks, keep us up-to-date and we'll keep our viewers up-to-date on whether or not the game will be on. >> dave: eagerly awaiting that he decision. a christmas coloring book is launched and the catch is that it's an atheist coloring book. what is the message here. >> alisyn: joining us is the creator of the atheist christmas coloring book. >> good morning, guys. >> alisyn: what is your point? >> well, i love christmas. and i think christmas is a very important part of our western cultural tradition, and, the war on christmas was getting me down, it's not a contradiction for anyone to celebrate christmas, 96% of americans celebrate christmas but not everyone in america is christian and i wanted to show there are lots of reasons to enjoy the holiday and celebrate the true meaning of christmas, even more atheists. >> dave: let me read from the coloring book, the christians made christmas via holiday hack, let's keep all the good stuff and give jesus back. why push the message on children? if you are coloring a coloring book you haven't even explored religion or made informed decisions yourself and is it right to push in a of these messages on kids? >> well, atheism is not a philosophy, it is a nonbelief. and, that comes ten pages in, after we show the roots of the holiday, you know, the roman roots, the norse roots and the mid winter solstice roots, and the christians jumped onto that, and the values of family and caring and sharing in the mid winter, aren't exclusive to christians. and, is certainly in western culture we should all be able to participate in that. >> alisyn: interestingly, you say you have taken heat for this atheist coloring book. from atheists. what is their beef? >> that was the most surprising. and, it is more the war on christmas. now, the leftists and people that haven't thought through why they are atheists or much at all, actually, the leftists don't want anything taught to kids or anything involving christianity or western traditions or capitalism, and, most of the flak came from self-proclaimed ate yisz who thought it was imposing values on children, and children should explore their own values. things like family and sharing, are pretty universal values and i had no problem sharing that with kids. >> clayton: all right, the creator of atheists' christmas coloring book, thanks for being with us. >> thanks a lot. >> dave: we want to know what you ink, fox, coming up, today's gadget gift guide, are you paying attention. >> alisyn: i hope my husband. >> chris: these are gifts for moi! >> dave: it's all about you! ♪ ♪ have yourself... [ rattling ] [ male announcer ] need ink? staples has a low price guarantee on all the ink you need. find a lower price at another store, and we'll match it. that was easy. >> dave: there's been a particular reason clayton set up the order of his gadget gift guide, all of us guys, we wait until the last minute and in fact it might be alley for some guys, to get the presents for their wives, and, for their moms, but, that is why it is set up in such a fashion. >> clayton: a week before christmas, this is my gadget guide for moms and this best gadgets to pick up for women in the household, women can't stand cords scatted all over the house and, power mat is out with the newest line-up of charging capabilities and put it on the iphone or blackberry and has a mat, come home at the end of the day, and throw it on the mat, right there... and automatically charges on top of the mat, you don't need to plug it into anything. >> alisyn: you don't need your charger... and, let's talk about other presents for me. >> clayton: the sony dash, in the kitchen, the sony has the sony dash, they all it an internet device, internet reader and, you can watch facebook, look at youtube video, you can cook from this, put on recipe apps, over 1500 different applications and stream music and you can flip it upside-down and has weather widget and you can switch it around and it is versatile and you can sit in the kitchen and get a great deal of things out of it. >> alisyn: love it. >> dave: this love the digital frames but this has something most don't. >> chris: kodak pulse has the new ten-inch frame and 7-inch which they originally came out with and basically is so easy it takes the headache out of setting up a digital frame for mom, and if you live in colorado, and mom lives in pennsylvania, you can e-mail photos to her frame, and have them show up on her frame, she kuf doesn't have to do angle. >> alisyn: that is brilliant and i resent the notion that we don't know how to do anything... but i don't. >> clayton: the lightest, thinnest, fastest lop top ever made, the mac book air, the 11 inch version and as tracy byrnes of the fox business network said, that is hot! like paris hilton! it has the all life of products and it has i-life in it, it has i-life, pan over here. i-life 2011, built in, anden enables you to basically do all of your music, you can create totally becomes and take -- >> dave: books or great gifts. >> clayton: i created this one of my son. >> alisyn: i want it, but with pastors of myles. the cutest baby in the world. >> clayton: it comes in a mac book and you don't have to buy anything extra and they'll deliver it to your house, after a week of you making it. >> dave: and these babies help you clean the house with so little effort. what do i do. >> clayton: that will not turn on, that is the hard wood floor edition of the scooba robot. it cleans hard wood floors, the pet vooseries and you let it vam your house and you shop, alisyn. >> alisyn: i like all the stereo times you wrap into one segment. cleaning the house and kitchen... i'll say that, guys, if you want a present for your wife, go jewelry before the appliance! >> clayton: we'll be right back after the break. >> alisyn: am i right, ladies? . but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. and celebrex is not a narcotic. when it comes to relieving your arthrit pain, you and your doctor need to balance theenefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, including celebrex, may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, including celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach eeding and ulcers. do not take celebrex if you've had an asthma attack, hives, or other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor about your medical history and find an arthritis treatment that works for you. ask your doctor about celebrex. and, go to to learn more about how you can move toward relief. celebrex. for a body in motion. about how you can move toward relief. host: could switching to geico or more on car insurance?ercent do woodchucks chuck wood? 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