trackers on students who skip class. should parents be in charge of controlling bad behavior? >> coffee time. "fox and friends" continues right now. good morning, everyone. >> i expect this in hour number two? come on. dana is here for us this morning. and we got e-mails at 4:50 this morning from john boehner's office because they were actually still working at 4:00 this morning trying to get through the massive cuts in spending to the 2011 budget, $60 billion cut from the 2011 budget. >> it was not close. here is how the vote broke down. yes, 235; no, 189. a lot slashed from the budget. a lot of democrats not happy. but this is setting up a veto. and it is setting up a fight in the senate. and a government shut down as a result. >> it is coming together. president obama will exercise his first veto soon but there is a problem: harry reid will prevent a bill from going forward so it may not make it to the to the to the president's desk. this is about funding the government so they have to pass something. the senate democrats in my opinion are equally responsible for passing a budget. as the house republicans. and they need for get it to the president and i feel like there week the democrats are gunning for a government shut down. they want it and think this is 1995 and they can successfully pin this on the republicans. >>dave: nancy pelosi is pinning this on republicans saying they want to shut down the government. what have they voted to cut? major cuts. a big one on the chopping block was cutting funding to put the health care reform bill into effect so they cannot launch health care reform if this were to pass. another one had to do with the pentagon sponsoring nascar. this is daytona weekend. >> this is the age of austerity so democrats are saying put your money where your mouth is if you make all the cuts cutting fire services, and police service, is it a time for the pentagon to not be sponsoring a nascar to the tune of $7.5 million a year? the recruiters are saying, this does great things for them because a lot of new leads come in forearm recruits. >> the military has to market. and if we talk, we talked how the federal government is spending stimulus dollars to, that was supposed to go to create jobs for ads to tell you not to drink sugar and not to smoke. this money is actually useful. it is finding men and women who are willing to volunteer to fight for their country. i am so glad ... >>dave: nascar is huge in the south. so i can see the direct correlation between this and marketing more on the budget throughout the morning and what it means to you in the next couple of hours. >> on nascar, i would love to hear your thoughts. where to you stand on that? should they cut this? or go forward? >> i had someone say why not hand out pamphlets. >> they tried that and it has not worked. >> and nowed headlines the u.s. government trying to figure how to get four men hostages released after pirates hijacked their yacht in the arabian sea off the coat of somalia yesterday. the boat owned by a couple who have been sailing the world for seven years and they go around and distribute bibles. >> massive anti-government demonstrations around the past today. in because rain the government has ordered the military off the main square of the capital, a key demand. in yemen, clashes continue between pro andant -- and anti-government forces and one protester was killed. a human rights group says 84 people have died in libya with a crackdown on protests and major demonstrations are expected in iran tomorrow. nasa says it will go ahead with plans to launch the "discovery" on thursday, which has been delayed several months for repairs, and this is the final flight of "discovery" bringing spare parts to the international space station. after this, there are two more shuttle flies before the entire program shuts down. >> a man is taking down crosses on his property because he says they created too much controversy. the town of baldwin told the man to remove the crosses because he did not have a permit and who face fines. but he denies removing them to avoid fines but took down the 24' cross and says the second will be gone by sunday. >> those are the headlines. >> the wisconsin stand off between labor unions and governor walker shows no sign of ending. thousands are expecting to descend on madison for the biggest protest yet and joining us is adam with a preview. >> good morning. it will be an interesting morning since you have two competing sides spenting a protest at the capital. and the police ordered the press off of the capital square. you will have starting at 10:00 this morning, you will have the antigovernor walker protesters, members of the public service labor unions. they will gather here for their continual protests and the crowds are in inside and outside the statehouse and they will here and at 12:00 noon there is a rally in support of governor walker and they are going to gather here at the same time the protesters who want to defeat the bill will gather. the issue here, according to the protesters is that the governor is asking them, the public service employees to pay more toward their pentagons and health care and it restricts their collective bargaining rights. it would not eliminate them altogether but restrict them. we ask why put collective bargaining in the bill and he said you have to give local governments, the municipalities, the ability to negotiate with the unions and to balance their budgets without firing people. the governor is saying if you don't do that the only way to balance the budget is to fire teachers and public service sector workers because they don't want to come to the negotiating table and only at the last minute they will negotiate. so we are here saturday and keep an eye on the protests. >> good luck, sir. all the students missing three days of school. and the teachers will be paid while they are striking because they say it is not a strike. >>clayton: not everyone is happy with president obama, and he was greeted in oregan by protests of sending jobs overseas and people wonder how he would come out. he received a ton of support, 92 percent of all campaign donations went to president obama during the campaign, and how did he come out and some are not happy. these are high-tech works unhappy with the proposals that they say would shift their jobs overseas and this is a very pro union president but not all are on board with the policies. where does this go next in wisconsin? though will reconvene on tuesday. will the democrats show up? that is the question? will they stay in illinois? head for another state? >> maybe they have to say we made our point. we want to come to the table and talk about this. >>dave: the governor says he will not negotiate. >> this cannot go on forever. is this the last thing they needed, which was to make it more clear why you shouldn't grow and build a business there? the frustration of a lot of the midwest states they cannot attract business and the governor wants to become a right for work state like virginia. he looked, or, maybe, in the wall street journal the governor of indiana, possible presidential candidate said that he was trying to recruit a big business to come and locate in indiana and they lost. and he said he lost to a right to work state. so i think they cannot let this go on too much longer. they will have to figure it out. >> we are talking about g.p.s. tracking for truant students. i made a joke that dave would have slipped school and they would track a g.p.s. tracker on him. >> they need that in business. >>clayton: a school is putting on g.p.s. tracking they vices to truant students and notifying them when they need to go to class. a student advisor calls them and lets them know, you need to be in class and the real question: should this be up to the parents? >>dave: this is for kid would have four or more unexcused absences in 7th and 8th. it is optional. it would require you to check in five times throughout the day to see where you are. is this the school's job or should they stay out of this expirely? this is an optional program. >> and you say what it could lead to? >> i don't have children so i am not an expert but i interviewed recently the new state attorney general for california and she wrote a book about this, actually, about not g.p.s. tracking but how being truant leads most likely violent crime in the future so if you take prevention now, maybe the parents are not around this could be money well spent but it creeps me out a little bit. >>dave: let us know at fox& and now the weather. >> what happens with a big solar storm? >> a solar flare and it knocks out the g.p.s. the kids get a friday. >> this is a picture of half a christmas tree, half of it under the snow, it was probably put out the first week ofian and now enough snow has melted you can see parts of the christmas tree. all kinds of garbage on the sides of street because of the rapid snow melt and everything that has been collecting there for around the last six weeks. send me your pictures, including pictures of mud. snow dirt. put them on my facebook or twitter. more snow open the way across areas of california, and more snow to the north, and here are the temperatures, the cold air has settled in across the far northern plains, and across the northeast, more snow again moving in and this is lake effect snow and temperatures are colder and it will feel bitter and we will see significant delays in the airports, as winds gust to 40 or 45 miles per hour from philadelphia to boston. the big storm is out across the west where we have been dealing with this all week and in some cases 10' of snow across lake tahoe so the spring skiing will be outstanding but significant rain across arizona. >> the budget protests could have an effect across the country. we will talk to one would says his state could be next. >> folks in one community get a big shock when a naked man sneaks into their kitchen. and steals sausage. the neighbors thai this is great. with all the equipment you use to stay fit, you might want to try lifting one of these. in recent years we've added a unique natural sea salt to over 40 campbell's condensed soups. it helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor. so if you're ready to eat a little better, grab your spoon and do a few lifts. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ >> the protests you see in wisconsin may soon be a common image around the country. already, protests in ohio have come out, as well, against the controversial bill that would strip state workers of collective bargaining rights. >> is ohio headed for a budget showdown? we will bring in now ohio state senator who supports that bill. you for getting up early to explain this to us. >>guest: good morning. tell us how is ohio's situation similar or dissimilar to that in wisconsin? >>guest: well, obviously we are dealing with collective bargaining and it sparks emotion but at this time in our economy, we need to give our state government and local government the tools they need to build a balanced budget and it is tough, and this is a piece of the puzzle restoring fiscal responsibility in government, in the united states today. so, it will spark debate and emotion and what we are seeing is a true test of democracy but we need to proceed with badly needed reforms. >>dave: the ohio association is not happy saying the bill weakens ohio's middle-class rather than creating jobs in ohio it will hurt local communities and stop job growth. is this the last resort in ohio, do you feel it is the last presort in wisconsin? >>guest: with all due respect to the comments made there is a lot of misinformation out there and all we are trying to do is give the local government the ability to adjust when times are bad. and that is what we need. we have examples here, the testimony this week has been compelling. we have examples from columbus, cincinnati councilman talking about annual costs on going up 18 percent a year. and at the same time, they are reducing the size of their government, and costs are up 18 percent. and troy, ohio, very small town in ohio, a case where they are paying $58,000 in sick time and vacation to one proceed that is -- one employee that is retiring. and these dough had a $28 million shortfall in two years but they would have to release many patrol man before releasing a sergeant. >> could you explain why states like ohio think they have to tighten their belts because you want to create jobs, and grow your economy so your opponents say you will stifle jobs. what do you say? >>guest: well, it will not stifle. it will help the economy. if you dent do this, what will happen, the cost of government will be so high that you will have to impose tax increases, and we cannot handle that right now. so, the opposite will happen. >> state senator bacon, yes, yes. thank you for being here this morning, we appreciate that. >> thank you. >> six degrees of separation. >> a ban on smoking indoors is being blasted by an american legion. muammar qadhafi -- a family gave up hope their they would see their dog again but they were reunited. >> we've got a flood. hits the road, the nose the angels start second guessing where they tread. ♪ cl 1-800-steemer [children screaming] [growl] i met my husband here. i got to know my grandkids here. we've discovered so much here together. but my doctor told me that during that time my high cholesterol was contributing to plaque buildup in my arteries. that's why i'm fighting my cholesterol... with crestor. along with diet, crestor does more than help manage cholesterol, when diet and exercise alone aren't enough. crestor is also proven to slow plaque buildup in arteries. crestor is not right for everyone, like people with liver disease, or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. tell your doctor about other medicines you are taking, or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of serious side effects. ask your doctor if crestor is right for you. i love it when we're here together. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. test >>dave: the dnc has paid $7.2 million. and an earthquake hit the alabama coastline but no one was hurt. and six years is how long this dog has been missing. parker was reunited with the family after someone found him in indianapolis. good thing that family had a microchip with all of his information. it was in his neck and implanted. >> that is what i am talking about, implant a microchip in dave. >> war veterans banned from smoking in their american legion in missouri. nice to see you this morning. >> good morning. >> this vote back on monday, february 7th was 4-3 in favor of smoking exemption. but they needed five votes for approval. what is next for you guys? will this be sustainable? can you get the smoking exemption? >> we hope so. there was one missing because he had a heart attack and he is supposed to be back next month and we will resubmit and ask for the exemption next month because 94 percent of our members asked we do that. they want smoking in our bar area. >> they want smoking in the bar and 30 percent of the members smoke, if 204 members there, and if you do not get this exemption what happens? >> if january, we do not have much cash reserves because we give it to charity so if general we took roughly a quarter of our cash reserves to pay our expenses and keep the building open, so, it won't be long before we run out of money. >> and veterans, obviously, rely and lean on an organization like the american legion to provide community support. what other services do you provide other than just a building? >> well, we have service officers who help veterans when they need assistance with the v.a. or just in their lives, and we donate money to the city, a new flock pole -- plague pole to the police department and we do the flag ceremony, and a toll road, we donated $1,000 to missouri state, boys state and girl's state this year so we are active in the community but we are able to do these things because we have the facility and we have the building with the offices in it so we can help people. >>clayton: how important is it for veterans to be able to go to a place and we know the effects of smoking but if they want to spend their time with their veteran friends and be able to spend the afternoon and enjoy a cigarette with fellow, the friendship they experience there, and spend the afternoon, how important is that for them? >>guest: well, we have two gentleman who are active in the group who joined in the late 1940's, have been smoking since the world war ii, and they come etchry month to the mootings -- meetings and this is the only activity they to out of house, one is 90 and one is 88 and we have korean war veterans and i am a vietnam war veteran and this is where we gather to tell war stories or talk about football. >> keep us up to date on the march vote. we will see if you get the five votes needed for approval. >>guest: thank you for the help. >>clayton: thank you, leo. after -- dave and dana have what is up. >>clayton: the house passed a $1.2 trillion spending bill that cuts $60 billion from the budget and what this means for you. >> and the mayor of a city wants to make the city prettier by bringing if immigrant models. let's ring you up. mary? what are you doing here? it's megan. i'm getting new insurance. marjorie, you've had a policy with us for three years. it's been five years. five years. well, progressive gives megan discounts that you guys didn't. paperless, safe driver, and i get great service. meredith, what's shakin', bacon? they'll figure it out. getting you the discounts you deserve. now, that's progressive. call or click today. it's personal. i have diabetes. so i'm proud to manufacture the accu-chek aviva meters and test strips here in the usa. and now we put a prescription discount card in every box so you'll pay no more than $15 on tt strips, which is a true american value foreople with dbetes likee. [ male announcer ] accu-chek aviva. born in the usa. >> monday is president's day and the sales this weekend, which is ironic. i mean, they are less expensive on president's day, but when we get a new president it costs us more money. why is that? clayton, did he pass the funny toast? welcome back, everybody, after 19 hours of debate the house passed a government spending bill at 4:30 this morning. they are not kidding, 4:30 in the morning they were voting slashing $60 billion in federal funding for the rest of the 2011 fiscal year. >> we will go to peter live from washington, dc with the details. when is the last time you pulled an all nighter. >> i went to sleep because we have a good team. but you guys, the congress men and women got to work yesterday on friday at 9:00 in the morning, like many of you watching out there at home, but they did not leave until about three hours ago, 4:40 in the morning when they passed this $1.2 trillion legislation to fund the government for the rest of the fiscal year running until september 30th and the vote was along party line, 235 republicans supports it and every democratic voted against it with three republicans. this is the scene in the chamber at the end of the very, very long days. ought -- the bill is passed. without objection a motion to reconsider is laid on the table. >> so this $1.2 trillion bill comes with $61 billion if cuts including a ban on federal money for planned parenthood and cuts to epa and i.r.s. and prohibits funding of the one-year-old health care law. the speaker boehner sent out an e-mail in response to the action at 4:47 in the morning saying "cutting federal spending is critical to reducing economic uncertainty and encouraging private sector investment and creating a better environment for job creation in our country, we will not stop here in our efforts to cut spending not when we are broke and washington's spending is making it harder to create jobs." and then speaker pelosi saying at 4:48 "the republican spending bill destroys jobs and their reaction is so be it, democrats have a different message, show us the jobs." so, boehner and pelosi are submit. what else is new? and now the house bill goes to the senate and they will look at it in the first week of march but march 4th is the day the government runs out of money so if they cannot figure out a way to get this through by then there is the possibility of a government shut down and the republicans will have a testify time having the democrats take it seriously because harry reid a democrat has said this is draconian. >>clayton: thank you, peter, from the capitol. and something also people can find perplexing, what new york state is doing. we have heard stories like this across the story, where stimulus dollars should help get us back to work: more jobs, projects that have not taken off and moving forward, but look at this campaign in new york state, trying to get you to stop drinking soda. this is the "pack on the pounds," 16 packs of sugar, fat pouring out of the tops of the soda cans and they are doing this with smoking, as well. >> smoking, sugary drinks spending $870,000 in new york city and in the city, $373 million to promote this. it is not that anyone is saying we are opposing to healthy eating and drinking but should stimulus dollars be directed in this fashion. >> this is why america is frustrating even listening to speaker pelosi, saying show us your jobs and i am sure boehner could say what about the last four years when we lost all the jobs, but using stimulus money to try to get you to stop drinking sugary drinks and to stop smoking and at the same time, almost everywhere in state legislatures and city councils they want to raise revenue. how do they raise money? by taxing sugary drinks and increases taxes on cigarettes. they may not want you to drink those but they would like the tax revenue. >> so they do not want you to quit smoking because they want to tax that. >>dave: so a healthy city and a prettier city. the runway could be the next place for the immigration battle because mayor bloomberg wants to loosen up the immigration policy because it is preventing the fashion models, the fashion designers, the fashion manufacturers, from coming here to new york city, the home of fashion week which just wrapped up this past week and, listen, anything that gets more women like that here in new york city and if the united states, i think i can support. we might be able to partner up on legislation. >> i don't know what this says on the statue of liberty, give us your tired, gorgeous, and scantily clad. >> i am pretty sure the city is not lacking in beautiful and tall women. >> we need more of them, mayor bloomberg, extend those visas. let us know what you think about at fox&, immigration for models. >> this is an important story but we have other important stories. and now the headlines, illegitimate is the word the obama administration is describing the israeli settlements in palestinian territories. the u.s. offering the tone down rebuke after refusing to agree with a resolution that calls them "illegal." but this shows the obama administration is not as supportive of israel as past administrations have been. >> the man accused in a stabbing rampage in new york city is officially charged with murder. the prosecutors say the 23-year-old killed four people including a woman he was allegedly obsessed with before police captured him on a train at times square. he says he was set up. >> for years he has been accused of fueling the mortgage meltdown but now former country-wide financial chairman is off the hook, prosecutors say he did not do anything illegal. country-wide harvested country-wide has paid out more than a million in trial funds. >> and check out this surveillance video of a burglar in florida, deciding to break into a retirement community's clubhouse, naked, and he snatched a first aid kit and napkins and sausage from the refrigerator. and word spread through the community quickly. >> well they call him the "streak," he is proud of his physique when you are 55-plus you do not get a lot of excitement so this is great. >> police recognized the suspect and arrested the 34-year-old. how do they recognize him? coming up in an hour we are talking to the resolution departments you heard from, norm, who will explain why he thinks this is a hoot. >> can't wait. window across the northeast and we will deal with so much wind we will see significant airport delays and look at this picture from gym in connecticut. he says this is a 12' high snowbank covering an entire parking lot complete snow dirt and that is what so many are dealing with after the nice week that melted a lot of the snow but all the dirt that has been piled up in the snow is now left and it is ugly mess for a lot of people. send me your pictures to facebook or twitter. and now the temperatures across the country. still warm across the south and the southeast, you will remain in the spring-like conditions for the next week or so and the north is all about to change, move forward and take a look, we have a couple of big storms, big storm across the west and it has been hitting the west all week with rain and snow. and we have all kinds of snow warnings across the area and that is spreading across the northern plains, tonight and tomorrow, so expect the storm to move in toward the area. back to you. >>clayton: this would have been the 279th bad our first president, george washington. a big celebration is planned in pennsylvania where he crossed the tell river. joining us from philadelphia is john, known as george washington, a reenactor for two decades. good morning, mr. president. >> good morning all. >>dave: what is happening this weekend? >>guest: we have a full program for children at washington crossing historic park and the park will be open from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. and we have a lost activities and hishorians and ending up a birthday cake and cupcakes. >> how important is it to see something like this, inundated with tv ads and sales. >>guest: the hit of the founding of the country is exciting history, and slowly leaving people's memory and keeping it in people's minds mean as lot not only to the partners who bring their children but the children themselves. they like to see our history. >> i know there are blog posts on about a resurgence of importance for president's day weekend, do you notice that people are more interested this year? >>guest: i do. and i know i have also had a lot of comments from people in the area of bucks county, washington crossing area, that are interested in washington crossing park and the activity of the birthday celebration this year. >>clayton: where can we find out about the events? you can find out what you need to know this weekend and for the rest of the year for us. one of the nation's most important battles and the lead up to it. mr. president, always great to see you, an honor we get george washington. >>dave: you look great for 279. union protests continue in wisconsin and now the tea party is getting involved with a massive rally happening today, why they are defending the governor's stand against the union. [ female announcer ] it's monday, some people will stick with their old way of getting vitamins and minerals. others will try incredible total raisin bran with 100% of the daily value of 11 essential vitamins and minerals, juicy raisins and crunchy whole grain flakes. guess it's all about what kind of crunch you like. how are you getting 100%? can getting enough vegetables make you feel good? oh, yeah. v8 juice gives you 3 of your 5 daily servings of vegetables. v8. what's your number? a living, breathing intelligence that is helping business rethink how to do business. ♪ in here, inventory can be taught to learn... so products get routed to where they're needed mo. ♪ in here, machines have a voice... so they can tell headquarters when they need refilling. ♪ in here, money works smarter... so financial institutions can turn dreams into realities. in here, medical history is brought to life... so doctors can see a patient's medical records -- even if they're away from home. it's more than advanced technology. it's the at&t network -- a network of possibilities, creating and integrating solutions, helping business, and the rethink possible. on ski vacatio at travelocity. in the mountain air every breath is awesome! 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[ male announcer ] save 30% on ski vacations at travelocity. it's go time. >> welcome back to "fox and friends" and union protests continue in wisconsin and the tea party is getting involved planning a massive rally today. >> and from the rally, the founder of a tea party group. you for getting up this morning, kim. >>guest: thank you for having me. >> how many do you expect will show up to support the governor? >>guest: well, i cannot say but it was going viral on the internet and we can expect thousands of people to show up i think in support of our governor. >>clayton: why is the message resonating? >>guest: well, because as a nation we are headed for some difficult times. we have been riding quite the candy train for many yours and, now, it is time to get serious about exactly the position that we find ourselves in and our governor recognizes that and that is why we elected him in november to try to help us get our state which is a great state back on track. >> with the rallies that are happening and tensions and emotions flaring, could you help us figure out what is the next step, the way out for wisconsin to get through this and on to creating jobs and growing the economy there. >>guest: well, the first step will be painful and we will have to know we are beginning to have to sacrifice down the line. this is only step number one. we will have to join together and stop thinking of only our ownselves and work together. we have a responsibility to our children and to all the people would came before us to leave this state in better shape than the way we received it. >>clayton: critics are saying, we all agree we need to do our part but they say, look, walker's proposal is draconian. they say this has gone too far. pension contributions made by state workers paying up to 5.8 percent and health insurance contributions by state workers up to 12.6 percent, and they say that is drastic. what do you say? >>guest: well, i am self employed person who struggles really hard, and i almost find that laughable. i think that it's time to contribute your fair share and like i said i think those numbers are almost very reasonable. >> your thoughts on what you hear from people about the students taken out of school and taken to the protests. >> well, i feel very, very strongly about that. we can got have any politics, any god or religion in our school but we are able to talk about teacher's paycheck in class? i would like to know who ordered that and who whose responsibility does this rely on, on them being influenced this way. >> we will follow this closely, thank you for being here this morning. >>guest: thank you. >>clayton: uprising spreading throughout the middle east from bahrain to yemen. should we be worried about radical islam taking over a domino effect in the region? >> and now the queen of the jungle a look inside the new movie on a lion's adventure. [ male announcer ] millions of men 45 and older just don't feel like they used to. are you one of them? remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies. more passion for the one ya love. more fun with your family and friends. it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone or low t. come on, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more. >> you have probably see the lion king and now there is a movie about a family of lions. >> she has lost per mate. there are new rulers now. she must leave. with her cubs and leave on a remarkable journey to a dangerous and unknown land in a quest for survival. >> the last lion is in theater this weekend and joining us are the filmmakers who have lived among the lions for years. thank you for being here. it opened, did you ever think you would be in the big theaters? all not in new york. you never know. but some people are excited. >> incredible to have the voice of jeremy iron. tell us about the story, a survival story of a single mom, if you will. >> it truly is. and a real life story and a drama but many see this wonderful parallel to their own lives and that is, really, the only way to be able to give people empathy for the lions. >>dave: what do we misunderstand about lions? >>guest: they are individual personalities and characters and we get to that in the film. the other is that they are in danger. 50 years ago there were 4 50,000 and today there are 20,000. they are getting hunted and poached and a whole range of things but when way are the other they will be extinct in 10 or 15 years. danny -- if you are a mom or a dad what would you take away and encourage parents to channel the energy? >>guest: come and see the film. it is almost like a virtual safari which is exciting and filled with so much action, you are riveted all the way. but at the end we don't discuss the conservation in the film but at the end we bring on the screen saying there are 450,000 and now we only have 20,000 after 50 years and here are the tools. join us on coming to the website , and let's take action and create awareness. >>dave: incredible something we can all get behind. wonderful to see the 25 to 30 lions relocated to colorado. proceeds from the policemen and the companion book go to the big cat initiative to help save the lions, they tolds about danger the species face. thank you very much. the last lions. check it out. today. >>dave: defying a veto threat by the president, the house passing the $1.2 trillion spending bill and well breakdown what is in the new measure and whether it will stick. >> and a military mom answers a call on her cell phone from her son who is deployed overseas although cell phones are banned at her job, she got in trouble. is that fair? is that fair? we report, you decideng america by storm? sunsweet ones. prunes? they're a delicious source of nutrients. wow! it's packaged by itself... that's fantastic! that is so juicy. this is delicious. sunsweet ones. over 400 million enjoyed, and counting. i'd get this tightness in my chest. so i went back to my doctor again. we chose symbicort to help control my asthma symptoms all day and night. 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[ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. hey what's going on? doing the spping. man, it would be a lot easier if we didn't have o weigh 'em all. if those bos are under 70 lbs. you don't have to weigh 'em. with these priority mail flat re boxes from the postal service, if it fits, iships anywhere in the country for a low flat te. no weigh? nope. no way. yeah. no weig sure. no way! uh-uh. no way. yes way, no weigh. priority maillat rate shipping starts at just $4.95, only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. >> good morning, on saturday, february 19th. we start with a fox news alert. they defy a veto threat from president obama, staying up in the house of representatives to pass a sweeping spending bill to keep the government up and running. is another showdown ahead? >>dave: and the rally in wisconsin is expected to be the biggest yet and the budget ballots could have a nation-wide impact. we will tell you why other states may soon follow suit. >>clayton: the first lady's comments about breast feeding are coming under fire, is she trying to impose a nanny state. we will tell you who says the government should butt out. "fox and friends" continues right now. >>clayton: that applause is for dana this morning. >> this gives new meaning to the phrase this is a marathon not a sprint. >> and dave and dana and clayton. >> fox news alert around-the-clock marathon on capitol hill is finally over as the house approved the $1.2 trillion budget. on this vote the yeahs are 235 and the nays are 189. the bill is passed. without objection, a motion to reconsider is laid on the table. >> measure cuts $61 billion in spending for the reminder of the 2011 fiscal year and at 4:30 lawmakers voted to pass this and send it to the senate despite a veto threat. >> the u.s. government trying to determine how they can get four american hostages released after their yacht, the quest, was hijacked by pirates in the arabian sea yesterday. the owners were sailing the world for seven yours handing out bibles. >> protests continue to flare-up an the middle east. in bahrain the government ordered the military out of the square of the capital. in am -- algeria they stopped a protest and in yemen one is dead after a massive demonstration. a human rights movement if libya says 83 have been killed in protests there so far. >> a military mother faces losing her job all because she answers a cell phone call from her son in afghanistan. she only gets to talk to her son once a month and she never knows if that conversation will be her last. >> there is nothing in this world that would stop a mother from answering a phone call from her son and what if it were not my son, what if he were hurt or someone tried to contact me? >> the factory she works for says that is against the safety policy. no exceptions. she has been suspended without pay for three days and told she would be fired if she did it again. >> and now time to revise the policy. >> i want to talk about that some more. >> e-mail us and let us know what you think about that. the wisconsin stand off has a lot of people talking this morning between labor unions and governor scott walker showing no sign of ending. thousands expected to descend on madison today for the biggest protest yet. >>dave: joining us from madison is adam from the fox business network. you are in the thick of it. it should be a wild day, sir. >> good morning, it could be an interesting day, right now it is very cold. and now, behind me, these are security crews, the state police have cleared the square and now putting up the barricades and they are blocking off the entrance to the wisconsin state capital in preparation for two protests taking place. the first protest will be the continuation of the labor demonstrators who have been here all week. you saw the massive amount of people would flooded the square and fox business and fox news shooting incredible video of how many flooded this area. a large number of people, thousands on the way for a later protest that will start at 12:00 noon in support of the governor walker's efforts to contain the growth of the budget here. and a way to do that is to get the public service sector employees, who are represented by unions, to pay more toward their pension and health care and to restrict ability for collective bargaining. wisconsin, first to give the public workers the right to collective bargaining and the governor said yesterday that the reason he wants to restrict the collective bargaining, local governments, the city governments, municipalities, need the ability to negotiate with unions instead of having to fire people. and one last thing, you see the security? this will be there if it gets nasty. >>clayton: governor huckabee is here to talk about that and more and great we have him on the morning we are talking about wisconsin. he has a new book "a simple government," and it is appropriate for a discussion about what is going on about wisconsin as we talk about the union battle and whether the concessions will be made. president obama now, wading into this and his comments the other day. did it surprise you he stuck his toe in the water? >>governor huckabee: no, he gets embroiled in local police issue in boston, a president that seems to, he cannot help himself. and that is an national thing for a president to not understand that he is the president of the united states, and that when he talks the world listens and it becomes an issue far bigger than it would have been. >>dave: he is hesitant to get involved in the middle east and things around the world but we are talking about what is a local issue for now, jumps in. and passes judgment saying this is attacking the union. >>governor huckabee: he is not hesitant getting involved in the united states and said israel they should not build in neighborhoods, he is adamant about israel building bedrooms for their kids than about iran building bombs in their pack yard pointed at israel. >>dave: should the campaign arm of the obama team, should they be involved? >>guest: i don't fault them forgetting involved. this is a political issue. political organizations get involved. so, let me spot them a little grace on that. the bigger issue is whether or not the taxpayers of wisconsin ought to pay disproportionately for public sector workers because the public sector works get health insurance at no cost and are asked to pay 12.5 percent way less than 20 percent most private sector people pay. >> will those be taken care of and the governor, being accused of going a step too far? >> everything in negotiation. and as you know every side starts with tar strongest and most extreme position. negotiation is about, do you have any ground to come away from and if you start in the middle you have nowhere to go so when people say he is asking for too much, well, if the democrats would get out of illinois, get in their cars and drive back and do their duty and say, we don't like your plan, we give you this one, then at least there is some discussion and negotiation. >> tell, take me back, pretend you are the governor, you have been a governor, there is difference with president obama weighing if on this from the president's level having not run a state government. put yourself in walker's shoes, what should he do? hold strong? >>guest: hold strong. right now he is in a strong position to say you guys have abandoned your duties, come back, it is down, we will talk, but not give up anything until at least they it is doing and walk but here is the most important thing: his responsibility as a governor is to balance that budget and in 49 of the 50 states governors by law have to do that. he doesn't have an option. he will be breaking his own state law, breaking his oath, to do so. so, it's critical. obama can aren't and borrow money and walker can not do that. >> and there is no corresponding federal law and the how passed the $1.2 trillion budget, were there enough cuts? >>governor huckabee: a good start. i do respect, the house republicans are being honest. and they are also being faithful to the charge they were given by the voters. is it enough long term? no. but it is a heck of a lot more we have seen out of either party in the house in 20 years. >>clayton: governor christie thinks many republics and the democrats were weak, how can you have serious discussion if you could not tackle medicaid or defense, or going after the big programs where we need the cuts not even listening to the deficit commission. that is shocking to me. the president's own deficit mission almost got ignored in the entire process. >>guest: commissions lookic that do, we have to address social security and raise the retirement able and create some alternative plan so people when they are 65, instead of taking a long-term monthly pay out, guys like us are not going to depend upon $250 check to live off of, but would you be will to take a one time tax free cash buy out to use it for your own purpose and invest? that would save the government a lot of money over the long term for people that do not need a monthly check. >>dave: over the short-term are we looking at a government shut down? >>governor huckabee: in some circles that would be productive. but, seriously, it is not good. what it means is disruption of a lot of things, whether it is military paychecks, and it creates a nightmare. that is not the ideal solution. the ideal solution is for people to act like adults and do the jobs they were sent to do which, frankly, is to exercise fiscal responsibility. i do think the house of representatives republicans particularly the freshman, have got, they are men on a mission and women on a mission and i respect that. >> what they passed last flight was to fund the current year, coming up soon, the republicans will respond to president obama's proposal that did not include things governor christie talked about and it sounds like congressman ryan will include those things. >>governor huckabee: paul ryan, you have to give him credit for doing an exceptional job of getting into the budget one of the most smartest members of the house of representatives we have seen in a long time and not afraid to be honest and tell then, we cannot just keep spending this money and keep the government functioning. >>clayton: do you mind sticking around? >>governor huckabee: if you feed me breakfast i'll stay. >>clayton: churches are representing out space to muslim groups. does this undermine their christian faith? >> a hospital puts kidney into the wrong donor patient. how could this have happened? you might also want to try lifting one of these. a unique sea salt added to over 40 campbell's condensed soups. helps us reduce sodium, but not flavor. so do a few lifts. campbell's.® it's amazing what soup can do.™ it's personal. i have diabetes. so i'm proud to manufacture the accu-chek aviva meters and test strips here in the usa. and now we put a prescription discount card in every box so you'll pay no more than $15 on tt strips, which is a true american value foreople with dbetes likee. [ male announcer ] accu-chek aviva. born in the usa. >> two churches are taking heat for opening their church buildings for muslims to worship. >>dave: and some say it is a christian duty and others disagree. is this counter against everything churches stand for? >>governor huckabee: well, as much as i respect each local church you wonder, what are they thinking? if the purpose of a church is to push force the gospel of jesus christ, and you have a muslim group saying that jesus christ and all people would follow him should be obliterated i have a hard time understanding that. if a church is nothing more than a facility and meeting place free for any viewpoints, ten should the church be rented out to show adult movies on the weekend? where does this end? how far does it go? the clutch facility dedicated and paid for by people for the purpose of the gospel, and the mission of the gospel ought to be somehow given semblence of consistency with the intention. >>clayton: you are not likening islam to pornography? >>governor huckabee: i will read 300 blog accounts that will say that by 12 find today but i am saying if you are going to have a facility dedicated for a purpose, in this case the worship of jesus christ, is there a reason to say that the people would do natured and gave and sacrificed to give that facility really ever intended it to be a place where something that is the antithesis of the gospel of christ could be presented? >>dave: they could be building a mosque and they have nowhere to worship, isn't it part of the goes -- gospel to help someone if need. >>governor huckabee: i am a member of a church that started in a hotel room 15 years ago with 25 people. now has 6,000 people a weekend. but it started in a hotel and moved to a store front and then to a warehouse. i am not sympathetic with my understanding of a church being a group of people. not the building. but if the building has been dedicated and set aside for a specific purpose, something that is in consistent, i don't see problem with a civic club but we are talking different when you have a faith that believes that all who don't adhere to that specific faith are in fidels. >> and mosques have increased by 57 percent in america. one church said it was a christian duty, not that they needed to represent the space but a christian duty. >>governor huckabee: i have never understood that my duty is to love my neighbor as myself it doesn't mean to give my home or my place of worship to something to worship something and someone other than jesus. my christian duty is to say, let me introduce you to my christian faith and to jesus christ. that with be the christian duty as i understand it. >>clayton: governor huckabee will read the blog posts later today. but, also, this afternoon, he will host huckabee right here. would do you have coming up? >>governor huckabee: talking about race and hole weed -- hollywood and what it costs you, personally, a fox calculation of the cost of some of the government expenditures and see what comes from your pocket from each of us individually and we will show the interview we have posted a dozen times and it is fascinating of ted nugent. >>dave: check out his new book "simple government." men concerned about receding hair line? listen up? we are not saying that to you, governor. researchers may have found a cure for baldness and why it may be better than rogaine. and the first mom trying to encourage breast feeding for infants. [ amy ] as a dietian, all of my patients are my top priority. but one patient is my favorite... my mother. lastear mom needed addional nutrition so i recommended boost nutritional drink. and she still drinks it every day. [ male announcer ] boost has 26 vitamins & minerals and calcium to help keepones strong... and 10g of protein to helmaintain muscle. making it the perfect compliment to your daily routine. [ amy ] boost drink gives my favorite patient the complete nutrition she needs to keep doing the things she loves. >>dave: and quick headlines. a search warrant of tucson shooting suspect, jared loughner's home underwraps and the judge deciding not to release a second mug shot. he is accused of killing six and trying to kill congresswoman gabrielle giffords. >> "discovery" has been cleared for blast off on thursday. weather permitting. the mission is a final flight for "discovery" with only two other flights left until the shuttle program shuts down and we ride with the russians. >> uncle sam is looking out for new mom whose could get a tax deduction for purchasing breast feeding equipment and the first lady says moms should breast feed to combat childhood obesity. some say she has been out of line. >>guest: to think that government has to go out and buy my breast pump for my babies? come on. talk about the nanny state. that is a new definition of the "nanny." >> and joining us for a fair and balanced debate or the co-founders of who created a resource to discuss news for new moms. from los angeles, test the more information we have the more informed decision we can make. >> and a key initiative of laura bush was heart disease and a woman who was experiencing symptoms realized after she heard mrs. bush she was having the problem and it prevented her from having a heart attack so information you can get from a first lady can be helpful but why is this going too far? >>guest: well, because the government needs to take a step back. it's interesting we're getting a tax break on breast pumps. i'll take a tax break but, really, to incentivize women to do something we should want to do naturally. are we toddlers? are we getting candy for taking a tinkle in the toilet? is this the motivation we need? can we houston common sense and know this is the right thing to do? >> on your program, is this a topic that comes up? this is a big debate, i don't have children so i am not an authority. are moms hungry for this kind of information? >> absolutely. moms want as much information as we can possibly get so we can make decisions at home about the best way to raise our children. we believe change begins at home and honestly, the more information we get to raise our kids and if we say our kids are the future of our country, we need to be empowered as mothers to make those choices. and i think the first lady is taking the role as mom in chief and that is fantastic and she is not necessarily informing women like us who have every book on parenting that there is and we know because we have access and information to great pediatricians and ob/gyn there is a segment of the population that does not have access to the health care. >> the debate on obesity, whether with starting with the womb and the toddlers, is the government doing a good thing? >>guest: as a palm the most important tipping we can do is make sure we are informed and that is what, that is why this is a good thing the more information we have and we can share and empower each other, it floats above politics. woe are trying to make sure that we all are raising few, healthy future citizens of this country and that is what woe are about. >> you can find more on the web site. thank you for getting up early and helping us out. and you no to the green room. >>clayton: i don't know if dave and i have ever had more of a discussion about a topic than breast feeding. >>dave: she disappeared four years ago but new information that a girl could be in the united states. have a dog? you may shell out big bucks a state that wants to force you to by pricey insurance for an unleashed pooch. stay tuned. 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>>dave: and another tweet, yes, they should, our neighbors dog was attacks in his own yard by a dog that was being walked off of a leash so agreeing with the $100,000 policy on the big dog, not the little guys you would not have to ensure them. >> take a look. if you get a chance to get outside andness the dogs that are causing the problems, it is the little ones. >> troublemakers are the little ones. i could become the if you spokesman for dogs waking off leash. i have trained for in my whole life. all let us know what you think about this at fox& or over to twitter but include a picture. and a pakistani court ordering the arrest of a second u.s. official in connection with the shooting in pakistan and the official only identified as a "member of the u.s. staff," was on the way to help raymond davis when he hit and killed a bystander, and davis is accused of gunning down two pakistani men and the u.s. said he should be granted diplomatic immunity and released. the man accused of in stabbing rampage went through new york new york city is charged after killing four people including a woman he was obsessed with before police captured him on a train beneath times square. he says he was set up. >> new this morning, reports that missing british toddler who disappeared four years ago, could be in the united states. she disappeared while vacationing with her family and police say they have reason to believe she was taken by a portugese pedophile ring. she is now seven. hope to hear more about that story. >> dozens of artifacts in egypt were damaged or stolen but there is an effort to recover and restore them and you can see exactly how it is done if a new show going behind the scenes following cairo museum workers requiring ancient treasures. and now, we have sports in here. >> we are talking justin beiber, who did not get the grammy for best new artist but he got the consolation prize in los angeles last night, the mvp of the celebrity game at all star weekend and the team lost he had eight points, four allatives and two rebounds as the team lost 54-49. the jump shot needs work. it is too low, clayton. that was magic johnson coaching justin. the talk at the weekend is about the nuggets star meeting with the owners of the knicks and new jersey nets as both teams try to trade four him and it appears the nets have an agreement if he will sign an extension. to baseball, a call, the longest hitting streak in the history, a florida international went 0-4 against southeast louisiana and that snaps a 56-game hitting streak leaving too shy of a division one record probably because of the issues he is facing off the field, charged in a rain case in the bahamas and he is free on bond and the case is not expected to be resolved for months and he insists he was falsely accused of. >> former president george w. bush is the new chair of the first tea program, taking over for his father who will take on as chairman's role as honorary role and he will hope fulfill values of honor and character, through playing golf. labor day weekend, we were out there and president bush is exited to be part of it and it is something which he loves, helping vets, and he loves golf. a match made in heaven. >> and good golf weather but snow was maybe in the forecast and i don't know if that is the case. >> it has been nice. but the north will turn colder and the southeast still looking at -- we have a crowd watching tv and when she saw justin take the shot the women are like, was that justin? was that justin? you guys are not 16. >> but we know who he is. >> with for volume. where are you from? >> st. louis, missouri. >> rough winter? >> very rough. >> ready for it to be done. look at this picture that came in to me from new jersey, check out that snow mound. that is a guy, it looks like he is snow boarding down the snow mound, that is how much snow is out there and it will take a long time of temperatures like that to melt and when we see that we will have big flooding but keep the pictures coming in to twitter or on facebook and move forward and look at what we have going on, all kinds of winter weather across the west, including showers and thunderstorm warnings and mountains and plague staff and the grand canyon and places like south dakota and southern minnesota could get over 1' of snow that will melt and continue the record-breaking snow season as we move into the spring. move forward, the forecast for the day today, lake effect snow across upstate new york and northern new england and 36 in providence and the northeast windy so we will see flight delays and in the southeast, absolutely spectacular, 73 in atlanta and feeling like spring with showers across missouri and across the west where the big snow is for the day today. and we will send it back to you. >> warm down there in florida and that is why folks in the retirement community did not expect this. my favorite story this morning. a naked man stealing sausage from their kitchen. in a retirement community. >>dave: sausage is delicious. i understand that. >>clayton: a neighbor was in the community and he says this is a big hoot and he loves it and he will join us. >> the reporter who garbled the grammy report if you have not seen this clip look it up. she was not having a stroke. it turns out it was a migraine. (inaudible) could this happen to you? knows how to make things that are good for you. new v8 v-fusion + tea. one combined serving of vegetables and fruit with the goodness of green tea and powerful antioxidants. refreshingly good. >> a few of the top stories for your health, a study says stretching before you run will not prevent or cause injury but switching up the routine raises the risk of getting hurt. if you do not stretch, don't start. researchers found as parents feel southeast mystic of whether a painkiller will work the negative attitude could cancel out the effectiveness of the drug. >> and finally, experts say you can boost your brain power by learning another language. studies show bilingual speakers are better protected against alzheimer's disease. >>dave: and more at fox& on "for your health." and now incredible surveillance video. a man caught on camera stealing ... sausage from the clubhouse of the retirement community in florida. but here's the rub, he was completely naked at the time. >> we have done this. >> police arrested the 34-year-old but some got a laugh from it. norman is a resident and joins us to talk about it. nice to see you, norman. >>guest: good morning. >>clayton: we played sound of you saying you thought this was the best thing to happen in the retirement community in a long time. why? >>guest: well, it is a 55-plus community and we don't get a lot of excitement so this was probably the most exciting thing that has happened since hurricane wilma came through. >> how did you know the sausage was stolen? >>guest: well, they were going to have a pancake breakfast the next morning and the sausage was in the refrigerator so when the guys came to check on it the sausage was gone and they had installed a video surveillance so they checked it and there is this dude walking around in his birthday suit and he was in there three hours. >>dave: this is a local homeless man and they recognized and identified him. what caught my eye besides the obvious video is your jingle about what went on there. can you recap that tune for us. >>guest: it's a ray stevens thing and the local reporter, we were talking, and she, i said this reminds me of a song called "the streak," and she says i have not heard that and she asked me to sing it so i did and ♪ they called him the streak, as proud as he can be ♪ ♪ of his anatomy that kind of deal. >>clayton: i think you are the enjoyment. and they should hire him as a night watchman. >>guest: then there would be someone from all the time but we would probably have to buy him some clothes. >>clayton: why was he naked? >>guest: well, he went in there and cleaned up. and we have a deep sink in there for our kitchen and i think he took a power in this or something and it felt so good he decided not to put his clothes back on. >>dave: well it was warm down there. >>clayton: we always grab sausage after a shower. thank you for bringing a laugh to our show this morning. appreciate it. >>dave: coming up, how do we top that? word that members of the democratic national committee are encouraging the wisconsin protests and helping recruit protests on the ground. is president obama's political machine at work in wisconsin? ring ring ring ring prsso. hi. we love your weight watchers endorsed soups but my husband looks the way he did 20 years ago. well that's great. you haven't seen him... my other can is nging. progresso. hey can you tell my wife to relax and enjoy the vi? (announcer) resso. you gotta taste this soup. >> welcome back to "fox and friends" with quick headlines. official countrywide financial chairman off the hook for the involvement in the nation's mortgage meltdown. for years he was accused of doling out risky mortgages without warning investors and prosecutors say he did nothing illegal. >> police in colorado investigating what caused an explosion that destroyed a home and sent debris flying 100 yards. snow kept the fire from spreading to the forest. no one was home at the time of the blast. >>dave: the viral video of the journalist speaking jibberish reporting from the grammys in los angeles. (inaudible) >>dave: hard to watch. some net she was having a stroke but now, her doctors say she suffered from "a complex migraine," the doctor from our medical "a" team is here to talk about this. a fascinating topic, everyone has been checking out the video. it is just a migraine. how common is that? >> it is fortunate that she only has migraines. i was concerned as a physician. you wonder whether this is what we call a t.i.a. attack with obstruction of the blood flow to the brain or a focal seizure, but this was a migraine. it is common. but, migraines with symptoms like this, whether blurry eyes or slurred speech or numbness in the hands, those are rare. but, we can town this into a positive thing, it is hard to watch but we can use it as a case report to teach the med students and other doctors because it was caught on live w and can be turned into a positive thing. the thing with migraine we do not know what causes it, stress, emotional stress, being tired, et cetera, but when you have the electric shock through the brain it can land in the visual disturbance and others and we wish her lots of luck. >> and it mimics a shock. and another shocking story a kidney transplant in california, the patients get the wrong kidney. fortunately the same blood type but how did this happen? >> i read this story and it is hard to believe we have this human mistake. as a surgeon, i can tell you in the hospital there are a lot of checks and balances and strict guidelines to check the right side of the surgery, right versus left, a lot of timeouts before the surgery to make sure this does not happen. for transplants it is more strict criteria, they have to label everything, check the numbers, the senators have to sign right before the operation, and i am not sure what went wrong but what was done they united off the expire process and go back and reinvestigate and find out what is going. fortunately for the patient that got the wrong kidney for the wrong paint, it turned out to be okay because the donor had all type blood, but it could have be a fatal complication and we are lucky. we should use this to find out where we can improve our system. >>dave: could have been fatal. people are paying attention and we have been telling them there could be a cure for baldness if you are going bald because of stress-related factors. also, in your 20's if you are going bald, twice the likelihood you will develop prostate cancer. >>guest: interesting study, and this is the observational study not a cause and effect so i don't want all the guys watching tv in their 20's lose are their to think they are going to get prostate cancer. but, we know prostate cancer and baldness have common factors and the male hormone is a common factor between the two, how do i use this information in my practice if i see a patient with ross state cancer i would ask him to make sure he his son is checked and if he has hair loss i would check the screening test for that particular at an earlier age, maybe at 40 but it is not conclusive and i don't want people to think because they are losing their hair they will get prostate canner. >>dave: fascinating stuff. thank you, sufficient, the doctor will be live on fox at 1:45 to discuss important men's health issues so check that out. and coming up illegal immigrant accused of murder after he was supposed to be deported -- ten years ago and a lawmaker is threatening to sue the department of homeland security. the judge is with us next hour. and i it is down with donald rumsfeld and it is personal. prunes? they're a delicious source of nutrients. wow! it's packaged by itself... that's fantastic! that is so juicy. this is delicious. sunsweet ones. over 400 million enjoyed, and counting. just don't feel like they used to. are you one of them? remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies. more passion for the one ya love. more fun with your family and friends. it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone or low t. come on, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more. diabetes testing? it's all the same. nothing changes. then try this. freestyle lite® blood glucose test strip. sure, but it's not gonna-- [beep] wow. yep, that's the patented freestyle zipwik™ design. did it just-- [both] target the blood? yeah, drew it right in. the test starts fast. you need just a third the blood of one touch.® that is different. so freestyle lite test strips make testing... easy? easy. great. call or click-- we'll send you strips and a meter, free. free is good. freestyle lite test strips. call or click today. >> it's saturday, february 19th, i'm dana perino in for alisyn camerota. we start with a fox news alert. while you were sleeping the house passed a 1.2 trillion dollar spending bill. >> on this vote the yeas are 235, nays are 189, the bill is passed. >> with 60 billion dollars cut from the budget find out what's in, what's out and whether this will stick with the veto threat by the president looming. >> and wisconsin budget battle growing larger. president obama is spaupporting the unions and is that overstepping his authority? karl rove is here, here with his expert insight next. >> he's the longest serving defense secretary in history now donald rumsfeld revealing personal details with saddam putting a hit out on his daughters who did not have secret service protection. "fox & friends," hour number four right now. ♪ dana, we do four now. the fourth quarter. when you play football you always put up the four for the fourth quarter and dana perino chugging along. >> and i just found out my grand twins in scotland are watching. >> in scotland. do you say something like hello or cheerio. >> that's goodbye. we start with headlines, a fox news alert. an around the clock marathon, finally over on capitol hill, the house approves 1.2 trillion dollar budget. >> on this vote, the yeas are 235, the nays are 189, the bill is passed. without objection a motion to reconsider is on the table. >> the measure cuts more than 61 billion dollars in spending for the remainder of the fiscal 2011 year. the lawmakers voted to send the so-called resolution to the senate despite a veto threat from president obama. the u.s. government now trying to determine how they'll be able to get four american hostages released after their yacht, sd quest, was hijacked by somali pirates. according to a website tracking their voyage, jean and scott adams have been sailing around the world handing out bibles. widespread protests taking place across the middle east today. instead a citizen demand change. in bahrain, the government ordered the military out of the central square, in algaa, tackling protesters and in yemen at least one protester is dead after police opened fire during a massive demonstration, a human rights group in lib rah says at least 84 people have been killed in protests so far. nasa says it will go ahead with plans to launch the space shuttle "discovery" on thursday, weather permitting. the launch has been delayed several months for repairs and this will be discovery's final flight and supplies to the international space station, after this, there are only two more shuttle flights before the whole program ends. and those are your headlines. >> got to restart the pop-tarts up there. let's check with rick reichmuth for the forecast. >> lake effect snow in the northeast, not going to cause problems. after those temperatures yesterday, that's all gone. a major storm has been hitting the west all week long and we're dealing with it. take a look at video from pollock pines, california. check this out, so many people having to take care of the snow blowing and shovelling and so many people live there because they want it and the ski. over a hundred inches of snow this week. major snow there and we'll continue to deal with it all weekend long. and the rain now is moving in across areas of southern california towards arizona and that will be snow across higher elevations as well and dropping to tonight and the winter storm warnings are, california, nevada, utah, colorado, and by tonight, a lot of this energy pulls into the far northern plains and significant snow across south dakota and minnesota, by the time this is done some areas may be in excess of 12 inches of snow, so another big return of winter across the northern plains as well, back to you. >> maybe they'll get snow in wisconsin. >> they are going to get some snow. >> adam shapiro won't be happy. he's out there today, a big protest is set to take place, and hey, adam, that's the last thing they need right now is the snow on top of the crazy protesting going on. >> yeah, six inches what they're expecting not till tonight. the big story is what's going to happen here in the next hour or so. we've seen demonstrators arrive. you'll see capital police in madison have gone to the capitol square to be ready and as big or even bigger rally than what we saw yesterday. look at video we shot yesterday. the capitol police say 35 to 40,000 people surrounding the capitol and now they're going to have protesters of governor walker, who wants to raise the amount that public employees pay towards their pensions and their health care, as well restrict collective bang rights and have those protesters and also at noon we expect thousands of people who will be in support of governor walker, the tea party, american majority and americans for prosperity also gathering and those people have started to arrive and this is going to be a very hot day for a lot of people, while the temperature outside is quite frigid. back to you. >> all right. >> best of luck to you, sir, with more on this, karl rove, senior advisor to president bush and close friend of dana perino. >> this is a debut and never had a chance to interview karl and after the staff meeting trying to get your ear and take on some things and including i'd love to hear what you think about what's going on in wisconsin. >> well, it's a big event. i mean, the governor is asking state employees and teachers pay something towards the retirement and they now put nothing in and pay essentially the average for state and local government employees towards their health care and today they pay half of what on average state and local government employees across the country pay and it's a big, it's a big deal and how it comes out is going to expect state governments across the country. >> and president bush wading in on it issue and a lot of questions. first of all, if this had been your former boss who it waded in on the issue and mobilizing some of the protesters there, getting the forces out there. wouldn't the left have been outraged if this had happened on the right. >> absolutely, absolutely. >> and look, and they had a very reason to be. it makes me queasy, the president of the united states ordering his political party and ordering his own personal political arm to go engage in encouraging what may be illegal activity and they've been providing assistance to help get the teachers and state government workers to walk out of the schools, walk off their jobs, which may be an illegal wild cat strike and certainly in violation of the collective bargaining agreements to say they're sick when the reality enough to protest on the capital and makes me queasy that the president would be-- what kind of message does it send our young people in wisconsin, you know, they're closing down schools because the president and his people, helped get people to walk out of the classroom and forego their legal responsibilities to be at their jobs. >> right, and is the president in effect supporting these democratic state senators walking away from their duty as well going to illinois? and we want to ask you about the involvement here, as clayton mentioned at the dnc and the campaign arm of the administration. dnc says the volunteers in wisconsin were getting involved and asked others in the state to know what was happening and our role was being exaggerated by others to distract attention from the-- go ahead, karl. >> "the washington post" reported they were making phone calls, sending e-mails and arranging for transportation and when people began to raise questions about it, the dnc said it was exaggerated. spell out what you're doing, let the press know what you're doing. >> clayton:. >> tell us what you're doing. and his own, potentially inlegal and inappropriate behavior. for the president to say, yeah, make sure the teachers walk out of classes and tell the state workers we'll help them walk out of the jobs and show up at the state capitol and all the time they're on the public payroll. >> in addition, karl, comparing congress walker to president mubarak, to hitler, the civility everybody was calling for seems to have evaporated. >> in fact the president himself added to this. he says this is about clkt tiff bargaining, taking away collective bargaining, no, it's not. it's about saying that the state is going to require a certain amount of-- of skin in the game by state employees, basing 3.6 billion dollar shortfall, and the president exaggerated, much as's he he done with the arizona law, much as he did with the situation involving the rest of the college professor buddy of his in cambridge and whenever the president stops being president and politician in chief or tries to get involved in local and state political issues he tends to get it wrong. >> well, next up, we have karl rove and you're going to stick around, we'll have a closer look at 1.2 trillion dollar budget that the house passed early this morning. will it stick despite the threat of a presidential veto? how will you be affected at home? >> and now police were not expecting this 911 call. >> a llama. >> a llama. >> attacking my car. >> it's what? >> how did a llama get near his car, why he did call 911. was that karl rove? we'll be back with karl in a moment. [ male announcer ] it's a rule of nature. you don't decide when vegetables reach the peak of perfection. the vegetables do. at green giant, we pick vegetables only when they're perfect. then freeze them fast so they're are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. ♪ green giant 0ó0y@d@d everyone has someone to go heart healthy for. who's your someone? campbell's healthy request can help. low cholesterol, zero grams trans fat, and a healthy level of sodium. it's amazing what soup can do. >> what were you doing at 4:30 this morning, sleeping? because congress-- >> you were getting up, but congress burning the midnight oil overnight and passed 1.2 trillion dollar spending bill and the measure includes a big slash in spending. 61 billion dollars cut from the federal budget. so what does it mean for you? >> back to weigh in is a great friend, former advisor to president bush, karl rove. thanks for being up on a saturday morning. >> the dogs are starting to arrive in the capital to protest the insurance bill, led by buddy the dog here. >> all dogs are not covered. >> dave: that dog is not covered, it's okay. >> it's a question of solidity among the dog community. it's the bill is going nowhere, down, dead, out of here. >> clayton: overnight 61 billion dollars john boehner says the people's house was able to work neared the vote at 4:30 this morning. it looks like it could be headed to a government shutdown in two weeks, do you think that's going to be the case? >> depends how the democrats respond. look, think about it this way. house has given the senate a wide menu of policy changes that are em boileded in this continuing resolution and some of them are going to be accepted by enough democrats and enough republicans in the senate to be embodied in a final cr and the question is, how does the president respond and deep are the cuts and what are the policy changes, for example, this, this keeps the administration and keeps the courts from any mountain top mining in west virginia and the policy changes embedded in the cr and better to give the senate a bigger, more robust bill than a smaller bill. >> right, is there any chance, democrats in the senate are going to pass some of the cuts? a cut for-- >> sure they will. >> dave: cutting funding, federal funding to planned parenthood? there's no chance they have any prayer in the senate, right? >> you picked out a couple of high profile ones, but you're right. first of all, it's important to give them a big agenda and let them then deal with it and let's see how many of them stick. >> dana: we're going to move on to something else. >> let them lay down a marker. >> dana: this past week, big news, ken jennings was the champion of jeopardy and played against watson, the computer and ended up losing, he he got shellacked and we want to do a thing to find out who could win. could clayton or karl win based on a trivia question that i am going to read. >> clayton: oh, no. >> dana: for you now. >> you guys handed me a white board. >> dana: karl's got one. this is about george washington in honor of president's day weekend and remember, we had president washington on earlier in the show. asking for only his expenses to be paid, the amount george washington was reime burged during the revolution war after turning down a salary the continental congress offered him. what was that salary he got reimbursed. >> dana: karl already has it, karl is in. >> karl, 160,074. okay, i say $49. >> dana: karl's got it. >> how did he manage to did off the top of his head. >> dana: he's a historian. >> clayton: baloney. >> dave: i'm calling baloney on that, too, karl. >> is there any more questions? >> no, we thought we would embarrass you just with one. >> dave: i've got a question. >> dana: no, karl kno it, a presidential historian. >> didn't you ever read george washington's expense report issued by george washington and marvin kidman and read the washington papers. the did you know at the end it turned out this wasn't the actual number he was audited by the comptroller general and found out he had absolutelily understated it by 89 cents. >> dave: you need a hobby, karl, desperately. >> get out your abacus, unbelievable. >> dana: he he could go on celebrity jeopardy. >> dave: love you, karl, great to see you here, man. coming up an illegal immigrant accused of murder after he was supposed to be deported ten years ago. now, a lawmaker threatening to sue the department of homeland security, judge pirro on the case next. >> dana: then former secretary of defense, donald rumsfeld opening up about the known and unknown, revealing his biggest regrets about his time in office. >> clayton: karl stacked the deck on that one. >> dave: i'm not buying it, clayton. >> how did this one slip through the cracks. an illegal immigrant accused of a killing spree in virginia. get this, he was supposed to be deported in 2002. now a virginia lawmaker is threatening to sue the department of homeland security not doing enough to keep the authorities in the loop. >> joining us now is judge janine pirro, the host of a fox show, justice with janine pirro. >> good morning. >> dave: this is a disturbing case. >> it's not only disturbing, it's frustrating, outrageous. you've got the people who are trying to work with federal authorities under what's called the 287 g program. where when someone is illegal and this have been arrested they hand them over to the feds and place say at the end of the day we see them walking on the street the next day. so the issue now is whether or not the feds are actually deporting these people or not. and this is a classic case, this guy was ordered deported in 2002. >> dave: right. >> he was given an immigration benefit. why or what the criteria is is hard to say. he was then assaults someone in 2004, 2006 he ends up killing-- >> killing. >> no, no, no, he ends up killing people last week. >> dave: last week. >> there were several crimes in between, he was given to ice, supposed to be deported, he wasn't deported and they say, hey, wait a minute, another guy in the last six months is supposed to be deported and you didn't send him out and he kills someone, too. >> dave: this virginia lawmaker wants to sue. who wants-- >> ice. >> dave: ice, it's a widespread plan? >> there are 498,000 immigrant fugitives in this country and i'm talking about this on my show and ice handed over these people as immigration and customs enforcement and here is the clipper, why aren't you deporting them. who are you deporting, let us know. they he said it's private we doesn't have to tell you that. >> dana: are you kidding? >> it's an outrage and they have every right to be frustrated. >> dana: there's nor story you're going to talk about, this is disturbing, a sophomore in high school reported to the principal there have been threats against me and seven hours later he actually needed-- they needed to call 911 and get him to the emergency room because he'd been beaten up so bad and then he got suspended from school for fighting. >> right, he goes to the school principal and says first thing in the morning i'm going to be jumped. and the principal apparently does nothing. he goes to lunch, he's jumped by three kids, he's beaten, he's bloodied, they come in and take him to the school nurse, she cleans him up and says go write a report. now, the school did not poll policy. they were supposed to assess the risk. they were supposed to intervene. a nurse is supposed to know whether or not you're seriously injured and by the way he has three broken bones in his jaw and the nurse cleaned him up and said go write a report. this is a classic example what's going on in schools and this kid ends of suspended after the video shows he's clearly a victim. they take back the suspension. >> dave: sounds like he has a case to sue. >> he has such a case and i hope his mother takes it all the way. what we're seeing in schools are crazy actions like this, they're not doing their job and tonight on my show we're talking about an eight-year-old taken out of a school because he drew a picture and they took him to a psych ward in ambulance because he drew a picture and his mother is on my show tonight. >> dana: what time is the show tonight? >> eight o'clock. >> dana: terrific. these are important issues. >> they are. >> dana: in the communities and moms and dads want to know. >> dave: there it is, check out justice nine o'clock eastern time tonight. thanks for being here, judge. coming up on the show the house votes to cut 61 billion bucks from the budget including several programs, but will the bill survive a round in the senate? a live report from capitol hill is next. >> dana is going to wear that dress. >> i mean, you would work that dress, dana, why didn't you wear that today? >> and that's a-- she looks great. clooerp let's start small. then go big. no matter what the budget. and when we're done, let's take a bow. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. for just 5 days, select paint gallons are buy 3, get a 4th one free. ♪ if you have gout, high uric acid can lead to more attacks. ♪ to help reduce attacks, lower your uric acid. uloric lowers uric acid levels in adus with gout. it's not for the treatment of high uric acid without a history of gout. uloric reduces uric acid to help you reach a healthy level. [ female announcer ] don't take uloric if you are taking azathioprine, mercaptopurine, or theophylline. gout may flare when starting uloric. don't stop taking it. your doctor may give you other medicines to help prevent flares. a small number of heart attacks, strokes, and heart-related deaths were seen in studies. it's not certain uloric caused them. certain testto check liver function may be required. tell your doctor about liver or kidney problems, or history of heart disease or stroke. the most common side effects are liver problems, nausea, gout flares, joint pain, and rash. [ male announcer ] if you have gout, ask youroctor about uloric. >> welcome back to "fox & friends." thanks for walking up with us. the house is very close to almost pulling an allnighter last night to pass the government spending bill in the wee hours approving 1.2 trillion dollar budget. introducing live from the rotunda with more, he also pulled an allnighter. good morning, peter. >> well, clayton, congressmen and women didn't have their friday workday until 4:30 in the morning. that's how long it took after days of debate to pass the spending legislation, 1.2 trillion dollar worth to fund the federal government through the end of the fiscal year until september 30th. now, it was basically a party line vote and all, but three republicans voted for it and all the democrats voted against it, and this is the scene inside the house chamber at the end of that very, very long workday. listen. >> on this vote, the yeas are 235, the nays are 189, the bill is passed. with that the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. >> reporter: so that 1.2 trillion dollar bill comes with 61 billion dollars in cuts to federal programs which includes a ban on federal money for planned parenthood, big cuts in money like federal agencies. and prohibit funding to the health care law, excitement at 4:47 in the morning. speaker of the house john boehner sent out a statement by e-mail and said in part, cutting federal spending is critical to reducing economic uncertainty he be couraging private sector investment a better environment for job creation in our country. and we will not stop here in our efforts to cut spending, not when we're broke and washington's spending binge is making it harder to create jobs. and nancy pelosi, a statement in part, quote republican spending bill destroys jobs and their reaction, so be it democrats have a different message, show us the jobs. the house bill, nothing now there and now it's going to go over to the senate and expected to take a look at it the first week of march. they have a deadline. march 4th the day that the government runs out of money so if they can't figure out how to pass by something there, there's a chance of a government shutdown and republicans have an uphill battle because harry reid says he thinks this is draconian. >> peter doocy, thanks so much. the rest of your headlines in this morning, two german journalists arrested after interviewing the son after woman stoned to death is free. the son of the woman, state tv, both were convicted of harming iran's national security and fined $50,000 each and the death sentence has sparked outrage around the world. >> and that's the word that the obama administration is using to describe israeli settlements, the u.s. offering the toned down review, a u.n. resolution calls it outright illegal and critics say the obama administration isn't that supportive of israel as past administrations have been. president obama tackling education in his weekly address. he he says improving math and science skills is critical to pushing the u.s. forward in a global competition for jobs. >> with the global competition for new jobs and industries, we've got to win the global competition to educate our people. we've got to have the best framed, best skilled work force in the world. that's how we'll ensure that the next intel, google, microsoft is created in america and hire american workers. >> dana: the president's budget request would boost funding from the department of education to 77 billion dollars from the 64 billion dollars it received in the last fiscal year, but republicans are calling for cuts in spending. a man calls 9 the 11 in a panic after his attack and by a llama on the loose and a man in kings mountain, north carolina and ended up chasing the man down the road when he ran for cover in his car and listen to the shocked dispatchers. >> and what's got you penned up. >> a llama. >> a llama. >> it's attacking my car. >> it's what? >> jumping on my car. >> jumping on your car? >> yeah. >> dana: a police officer tried to scare henry away, but the llama had him in the car, too, eventually he was able to get henry back home. i'm sure he he-- i know we're laughing now, but if you're attacked by a llama it's kind of serious. >> dave: i mean, and-- >> dave says where he lives there's llamas. >> dave: feeding with the sheep. >> clayton: and rick, a couple of llamas behind you in new york. >> dana: not llamas. >> dave: that's are nice people from dallas. welcome, you guys had a major temperature swing from the cold and snow during the super bowl about 80 degrees warmer. which do you like better? >> 80 degrees. >> warmer weather. >> dave: all right. the south is going to stay nice. here in the north it's about to change and take a look at the picture that came to me from ilene in new orleans. i've not mentioned in, but we have a lot of fog going on across the areas of the south and water is cooler and you get the fog in the morning and that's what you're dealing with, be careful on the roads and thanks for that picture. you can send me your pictures, rick reichmuth on twitter and facebook and look at the temperatures across the country and see the warmer temps across the south and 59 in dallas right now, in case you're wondering back home. 42 in new york, move forward, take a look what's going on there. a big storm out west and it's potentially up to 8 to 9 feet of snow across the sierra nevadas and now heavy rain moving in across parts of the baja peninsula of mexico and southern california into arizona and heavy rain, as that's turning into snow across the higher elevations and winter storm warnings across the areas of the west and higher elevations dealing with the winter storm warnings for today, but tonight and tomorrow, that storm moves in across the far northern plains and south dakota to minnesota and wisconsin maybe six inches towards the areas of wisconsin by the time we get towards tomorrow morning. clayton and dana, send it to you guys in. >> clayton: and someone said my tie looked crooked. better. >> dana: did you think that balloons why just for your kids' birthday parties. think again. >> dana: the t.l.c. show the unpopabl unpopables. >> we're going to need a dress for-- >> that's a lot of balloons, a lot of work, going to take a lot of inflating. >> dana: we are he' excited this morning and we've got the balloon artist from the unpopables this morning and i've got this beautiful bracelet you made for me, thank you so much. >> you're welcome. >> dana: how did it get started? >> i've been a balloon guy for almost 20 years and i started when i was at colleges as a way to pay car insurance and i thought it'd last a couple months and it's been a long time. >> clayton: you're sitting there in college, like an empty box of pizza next to you and i need to make some-- put myself through college and pay some bills. balloons, that wouldn't be the pirs thing that pops into my mind. >> funny you say that i was working at a pizza place and a short amount of time to make some money and what else can i do to make money quickly legally. and it was natural, like i was balloon guy in a previous life. >> clayton: the t.l.c. show is crazy, six part series and go with a client who main needs something fog a big event and you build the whole castle and explain what you do when you meet with someone when you first go in for a client the first time? >> well, our business strategy, literally, to make adults feel like kids. we make things that are very sophisticated so the adults appreciate the heart in it and it needs to give them real joy. >> dana: how many people ask for something like this, something you could actually wear like this dress? >> this is one of our sociality, katie balloons,on our team. she makes the most incredible balloon dresses on the planet and she made this one right here jen. >> clayton: this is our jen wearing this. and we thought i'm sure you can back me up. you must be cold in that thing, but apparently balloons keep you kind of warm. >> i'll say. you can't sit anywhere, you have to wear comfortable shows. >> they're shockingly durable, next withstand rain. >> clayton: you have some balloons sticking out of your pocket and is there something you can make in 30 seconds. >> and amazing, lines, i can twirl it like this. and you can do all sorts of incredible shapes and hold this for me. because people think that balloons are for kids, but it's an art form just like anybody else. you can do incredible sculpture and there's-- are they playing music like the guitar player, it's muscle memory. >> and if parents worry about kids in college. >> and this is-- >> this was. >> it's really, you know, a job thing. >> this was purely just kind of having to pick myself up from my boot straps, i had no other choice, about to run out of dough. >> dana: all right, we're going to have to let you go as soon as you finish this up real kick what. do we have? >> there it is, this will look good on you, too. >> this is what dana is wearing on the train. >> dana: i've gone from white house press secretary to popable, unpopable wear. >> check out unpopables. dave. >> dave: try wearing that at the podium. coming up former secretary donald rumsfeld, says saddam hussein put a hit out on his daughters. more from his personal life and biggest regret in office next. everyday i eat your soups, i save a lot of money. that's great. so, your rich and hearty soups have made me, rich and hearty. that's funny. i'm hearty because of your juicy steak, your potatoes... you're really, rich and happy. [ male announcer ] progress you gotta taste this soup. ♪ one, two, three, four ♪ ♪ you say ♪ flip it over and replay ♪ we'll make everything okay ♪ walk together the right way ♪ do, do, do, do no, no, i just paid my car insurance bill -- ouch. [ man whistles ] sounds like somebody paid too much. excuse me? i use progressive's "ne your price" tool. they showed me a range of coverages, and i picked the one that worked for me i saved hundreds when switchi. hundreds? who are you? just a man that loves savings... and pie. t there with a better way. now, that's progressive. >> the uprising in egypt is said to have sparked a domino effect in the middle east with protests happening in iran, tunisia. does former president george w. bush and his freedom agenda deserve some of the credit here for this wave of change we're beginning to see in the region? joining us is former secretary, author of known and unknown, donald rumsfeld, it's a pleasure to have you here this morning, sir. >> thank you, good to be with you. >> let me ask you, does the president, does the freedom agenda in the middle east under the bush administration deserve more credit here? >> well, i think you're quite rit. no question, but that president george w. bush was active and interested and a great believer that freedom is the natural right of men and free people and free economic systems create a greater opportunities for people across the globe and he clearly encouraged that. >> dave: so, perhaps some redemption, it's not just that, but look, a couple of years in the obama administration and all that taken together is it redemption and put into place? >> i would think so and the fact that the president's administration campaigned aggressively against guantanamo and commission and drone strikes and we're two years later and all of those things are in place and the structure that george w. bush put in place is there and i would add the fact that we've not had a major attack in this country for close to a decade is an enormous accomplishment i think most people never dreamt we'd be able to achieve. >> dave: are you proud of what you've seen take hold in iraq and what do you see as the future for egypt? will a free and open democracy develop and what do you think of the future in iran? we're seeing a protest begin there as well. >> well, first, on iraq, i think that the government there is mature and they clearly have a chance to, to have a representative system that's respectful of the people of that country and doesn't attack their neighbors and that's a very good thing for the region. the region's much better off with saddam hussein gone. with respect to egypt, it is always encouraging to see people seek out freedom and free political systems and economic systems and we have to be aware that there have been various popular revolutions, take lebanon's revolution and hezbollah, a terrorist organization is involved in that country. a small minority, a vicious minority, a radical minority can conceivably end up turning a popular revolution into a control by a repressive regime. let's hope that doesn't happen. with respect to iran, i think it is encouraging to see the people of iran put pressure on their government, which is a repressive government, and express their hopes for freer political stimgs. >> dave: the reason for writing the book. saying that the president did not lie with regards to weapons of mass destruction, the vice-president did not lie, i did not lie, congress did not lie, and the dramatic truth, we were wrong. you also say later during the administration you said we know where they are weapons of mass destruction. they're in the area around tikrit and baghdad. so, did you in effect lie or was that just the wrong phrasing? >> well, you know what, we were told by the central intel guns agency and the intelligence community they knew where the suspect sites were and when i was asked that question why haven't you found weapons of mass destruction, i said we know and i meant to say where the suspect sites are, and instead i said what you said i said and i shouldn't have said what i said i said. >> dave: boy, that just confused me the whole not known, unknown, unknown unknown thing. looking back at that time, a tumultuous time in your lifer and our history, what is your regret? >> certainly the casualties. one can't be involved in a war and see american men and women killed in conflict and visit the wounded in bethesda and walter reed hospital and not feel a real sense of oh, pride in their service and their willingness to volunteer to serve and a sense how much they are aware of what they're doing and why they're doing it and why it's important and that above all, has to stand out in the minds of any president or secretary of defense or battlefield commander who is involved in a war time period. >> dave: all right. mr. secretary. mr. two time secretary we should mention, both the oldest and youngest to serve. stick around with us, if you would. we'll get into more of your personal life and legacy questions and more on the book coming up in just a few minutes. >> thank you. ♪ ♪ mama said there'd be days like this ♪ ♪ "there'll be days like this," mama said ♪ ♪ mama said, mama said ♪ mama said, "there'll be days like this" ♪ [ male announcer ] the toughest job on the planet just got a little easier. withne-touch technology and even an air scrubber. the all-new nissan quest. innovation for family. innovation for all. ♪ >> we're back with former secretary donald rumsfeld and joins us from d.c. sir, so much going on in the country and people probably lose track of the fact you actually had a tumultuous personal life and no one knew saddam hussein put it on your daughter's head and almost lost your wife and did you ever say wow, was it worth it, all that i went through for this country? >> well, i was proud to serve our country and particularly after september 11th when we faced such terrible threats. i think that like most family, our family went through tough times and my wife's illness was very serious and my son of course, went through a difficult time and a lot of families in america faced problems with drug addiction and worried those through and wrestled with them and it's heart breaking, but in our case, i was so fortunate. we had been so fortunate that our family in good health and our son wonderful wife and children and we're proud of them. >> dave: great to hear a happy ending as a father and husband. as secretary of defense, how difficult is it to compartmentalize this. the it was important that those on my website be made available and so i used them to research for the book. and the book analytical and i think it covers a span of a third of our country's history and i think it's important that people who are fortunate to be involved in justice of our country be willing to take the time, make that perspective available so that historians can weigh those different perspectives, but what you see there in that memoir, is my slice of history. >> is it important to you how folks remember you? and what was perhaps the big s misconception about your time in office? >> well, i think first of all, no. i don't think about legacy, i think about the country and i think about the wonderful country we have and the opportunities that i've had and the opportunities that all americans have, and i look foortd object that basis. in terms of misunderstandings, i think the only way to characterize is, the books written thus far have tended to be written by people who weren't involved so you have all of these journalists who write quick stories about what they learn secondhand and what i've done is to take four years, create a website, put the documents, the original source material on the website, and write a very detailed, well sourced piece of history, and i hope that people will look at that and recognize that it's of a different order than what we've soon thus far. journalists think of themselves as writing the first draft of history. what they do, they write stories they hear from second and third hand from people who may or may not have been involved. >> dave: another one of the personal nuggets i found fascinating, during your time at princeton, one of your wrestling teammates was a future secretary of defense. what are the odds of that happening? it's like winning the lottery twice. >> well, listen, frank carlucci and i were on the wrestling team together and went on for a career officer and cia and secretary of defense, but in one moment frank carlucci, don rumsfield and dick cheney were working together at the office of economic security which no one could have imagined back in 1969, that all three of us would be at various times become secretaries of defense. >> dave: it is amazing. part of the rich history of donald rumsfeld, a two time secretary of defense, former chief of staff and an author, a great book. check it out for us and check out, mr. secretary, on twitter at rumsfeld office. we appreciate you being with us this morning. thank you. >> thank you ♪ proud to stand on our own ♪ proud to be homegrown ♪ can you hear it? ♪ fuelin' the american spirit ♪ no matter when, no matter where ♪ ♪ marathon will take you there wow, you look great! thanks! it's this new wish yourself thin program. i just wish and it happens. it's probably those fiber one bars you're eating. i know they help me stick to my diet. the bars are 90 caloes and the fiber helps you feel full. 90 calories and high fiber. so that's why this diet thing is working. but it's weird because my wish for lorenzo came true. 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