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of 92. >> twenty-two at home it is saturday, july 18, 2009. this is what is happening some sad news to report. legendary ms. man walter cronkite has died. to make evil has landed them in project 22. >> oh boy. boy. >> will look back on the life of walter cronkite known simply as they most trusted man in america. >> dave: accusations of wasteful spending taken to new heights on capitol hill. the new provision to a hate crimes bill that could potentially threaten our national security. >> clayton: they may be old but they are still on. the senior of! shows youngsters how the game should really be played. i can learn from them. this is "fox & friends". >> clayton: will come to "fox & friends" on this somber ceremony. into the air ardison for alisyn camerota. i'm clayton morris, this is dave briggs. we have said mr. gore, older cronkite passed away at the age of 92. president obama had this to say about it. >> for decades, walter cronkite was the most trusted voice in america. his rich airtime reach millions of living rooms every night and in an industry of icons, walter set the standard by which all others have been judged. but water was always more than just an anchor. he was someone we can trust to guide us through the most important issues of the day. the voice of certainty in an uncertain world. >> dave: the most trusted man in america. eric shawn excellent packet one of the fathers of television news. >> you as once considered the most trusted man in america. certainly in the television news. >> president nixon reportedly will announce his resignation tonight to make his reassuring voice took this nation to some of the most important events of the 20th century. for 30 years americans like welter cronkite and to their house for his mother and his guests. he was born on november 4, 1916, in saint joseph missouri. later his family moved to houston. in high school the journalism by the hit. he started by reading tales of foreign correspondence. his reporting career started when he joined the school newspaper and yearbook staff. during college at the university of texas' took a part-time job with the post. that led to a full-time position. he was given his first broadcasting job at radio station k. and rw in washington. the station had no sports wire at a nearby small chopped it. so he ran there, memorized the scores and ran back to broadcast them. once the baseball season ended crachet tried to stay on but the station manager let him go sing he would" never make a radio announcer." from there he got a job at the state capitol at the first international news broke this led to a full-time job at the houston press newspaper. again it is to your college career is parents did not seem disappointed he never graduated. in the midst of the great depression a jobless considered more valuable than an education. during world war ii, cronkhite worked as a european war correspondent for upi or your company to troops on d-day. once fighting ended he stayed on as the chief correspondent during the november core crimes trials. >> and he was lurching at cbs were he covered politics and hosted documentaries. in 1962 helped found the cbs evening news which he then anchored for the next 19 years. he was seen as an impartial newsman. more americans got their news from cronkhite and from the huntley brinkley report. he was a respected voice in covering partisan politics of the nation. >> united states information agency that she broke some of the century's biggest stories in president kennedy died at 1:00 pm central standard time. two o'clock eastern standard time. some 38 minutes ago. >> when president kennedy was assassinated the stoic anchor showed a motion for the first time. so i'm not very cold-blooded. i could cry over one that animals as well as people, but that was the only time i think i really broke on the air. >> we finally have a public opinion, america listened to make a communist intention was to take and seize the cities i came closer here than anywhere else. now, three weeks after the offensive began, the firing still goes on. >> when he opposed the war in vietnam, president lyndon johnson remarked, if i lost cronkite i've lost middle america. >> i don't believe that that was a deciding matter at all. i think it was just another drop of water in a great torrent that was overwhelming lyndon johnson at that point back rockets focus on the water gate scandal during the nixon administration helped propel the story to center the nation's headlines. cronkite retired in 1981. select this is welter cronkite, could not. >> in the last few months of his tenure he was given 11 awards including the presidential medal of freedom. afterward he continued to host specials on cbs news and remain on the board of directors for ten years. in 1985 he was the first newsman aside from edward armero to be inducted into the television hall of fame. even in retirement he was active in television. during the 1996 presidential campaign cronkite led the fight for free at the tv networks for presidential candidates. in his final years he was a highly sought after public speaker. the host of mini documentaries and an avid sailor on his yacht. as television news out of its infancy, walter cronkite helped it mature. in short, walter cronkite was television news. >> and that's the way it is. >> i'm eric shawn, "fox news". >> self-deprecating, humble and his power undeniable. joining us by phone is "fox news" anchor and host a special report, threadbare. would you like to say about the most trusted name in news. >> good morning. i was part of the coverage last night. listening to our cbs colleagues described knowing and working with walter cronkite was something special to hear. i met him once at an event and i made my way over to him. he was buried gracious and generous with his time. talking to me. growing up i watched them in my living room. my parents are addicted to cbs. he became the standard by which i kind of caught the bug to be an anchor. he was the gold standard as tom brokaw once called him as far as anchors. and he was the first anchor, the first person to be called an anchor of the newscast. so it is a passing of an era. i don't think we will ever see another anchor, another checklist without authority that commanded the respect that many people around the country, which is why so many people can relate to his life and all its accomplishments. i've talked to a couple of my cbs colleagues who worked alongside of him, they'll discriminate has a very humble man. someone was not caught up in slavery at all. in fact if you went to events, he would worry about having his ticket, and they would say wait a second, you are walter cronkite. and he never got that part of it. so it is a sad day but it is also a day you reflect on this career and what it meant for television journalism. >> clayton: what a poignant weekend as we talk about the 40th anniversary of the apollo 11 landing. you are in dc and on monday we celebrate the 40th touchdown. you talk about his humble nature and even admitting on air he didn't have the words to describe that moment. it's a poignant weekend to make it really is. in an interview in 1996 i remember him saying i was a time he was speechless when apollo 11 landed. he said he never could hide his excitement for the space program. so as this all comes together, it is, a poignant moment that he is passing on the same day we remember the apollo 11 landing. those images and the sounds, most people saw them through walter cronkite's baritone voice telling the world that everything was okay with those astronauts up there he met bret, it's clearly a far different business now, more fractured and opinionated but are the elements of walter cronkite on his broadcast and usability that remain today gq. >> i really do think that journalists strive to keep their personal opinions out of it. in his later years, he was very vocal about his opinions, and his point of view and he talked about being against the iraq war. and it was shocking actually to hear walter cronkite talk about those kinds of things in an opinion way because throughout his career he really was fair to all sides if you asked republicans and democrats who watched his coverage. i think you are right that it is more fractured now, but there is still a hope, i think, that journalism can be done the middle and cover stories in a straightforward way. >> clayton: we have a statement from senator john mccain saying he is said to mind the passing of walter cronkite, one of the most influential newsman of our time. in never forget the visit to hanoi on the tenth anniversary of the fall of saigon. one thing we remember is vietnam and the statements he made upon his return from vietnam talking about the fact he did not believe the war could be won. every biography written of lyndon johnson is walter cronkite's name in it tonight that's right. president johnson said if i lost walter cronkite i've lost middle america. that was the barometer. and it was a turning point. in any journalism school studies -- when you talk about television, walter cronkite and his contribution to the craft. i think we look back at all of the major events through the 60s, 70s and early 80s, cronkite is there. and that's why so many people are reflecting today. >> is definitely an icon. but they are reflecting on the life and legacy of walter cronkite. we will talk with other colleagues and friends and business throughout the morning c-5 we have are correct mood booster with the whether but as a lookout there. >> rick: not a bad day. a pretty good weekend. a good start across the state of maine but these storms that moved through yesterday it will be gone and we will see a nice day today and tomorrow. you see this line of storms here, it'll hang out and shift the little back toward the west this week so tuesday wednesday and thursday we're talking the eastern seaboard all the way from florida up towards the state of maine talking about a lot of rain again. that internet radio pattern again. looking for severe weather across the high plains, colorado bound towards texas. one very good story that's been heaped for much of this week across areas of the south, you are 79° in dallas and you will be much better for the next several days just as the lower 90s. >> courtney friel is in the clinics was customary to any output the biggest eyes and country music. let's check in with her. looking good this morning. >> courtney: good to see you guys and driving into twin lakes, wisconsin the populace inside says there are 5609 people who live here. but there are 5-10 times that here for country thunder. coming up i will tell you who's here with great interviews but right now the bluegrass, the grass goes, plus up to break. take the last train to clarksville and on each at the station local either by 4:30 pm ( car door closes ) ooooch! hot seat! hot! hot! hot! time to check your air 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[ phone vibrates ] ♪ don't you want me baby? >> clayton: welcome back. lots of controversy over the f-22 line putting the defense budget in danger this morning colonel ralph peters doesn't talk about it. good morning samantha morning, clinton, please let me just come into on your coverage of alter cronkite and his passing. god knows a buddy who grow up in the 60s as i did, you drop with walter cronkite. i would trade you 100,000 michael jackson's for one of walter cronkite. >> clayton: we remember him this morning. we will talk to people where memory and. >> everybody knew him. >> clayton: everybody knew him through their television sets every night. let's turn to the defense department this morning has an interesting bill and a lot of controversy. the way in which this f-22 fighter plane program has become sort of the rallying point for people not in his defense budget. and you have people like some liberal democrats, john kerry, senator ted kennedy, who are pushing for this program all in an effort to track you save jobs back home. when we look at this program window exploded we don't need it and the program doesn't work, right? snack that's absolutely the case. we have to keep our perspective. first of all the defense budget is not a jobs program. none of us want to see american workers lose their jobs. you can't buy a $350 million aircraft that doesn't work. to keep a handful of jobs. and what you're seeing is washington politics at its absolutely scummy is. lockheed martin has incredible buying and lobbying power. jobs had been distributed cynically through 50 states. at the end of the day, their practice are expensive. but you can still live with it if it worked. but clayton, it just doesn't work and i would gladly detail it doesn't work if you like. >> clayton: i want to get a little bit more macro on this because to me, this is just one point of a larger load issue. i think this is an opportunity for republicans who decry massive spending, john mccain in front of his saying we're wasting billions of dollars in our defense budget that projects like this. people bringing home pork in their districts to save 50, 60, 100 jobs. is this right? is this part of a larger problem? dematha goes back to president eisenhower when toward the close of this administration it up about the defense industrial complex. really it is a defense industrial complex. as to say in the 90s and it is true now than ever, we could have beaten the russians were, we could beat the chinese but we can't beat lockheed martin because defense industry in this country today is almost a monopoly. it's a small cartel of giants that have so much clout inside the beltway that even when the system absolutely does not work, is a waste of money like the f-22, you can't kill the snake. >> clayton: talk about something interesting. president eisenhower in his farewell address them as linda was very odd and somber moment said beware the military-industrial complex. and this has become a military-industrial complex. people have not listened to him. this is such a behemoth body roll this thing back? to point out there are in 50 states, all these people read about their pet projects, is there a way to roll it back to cute. >> they can i could fix it faster you if we do two things but we won't do them. those two things are number one, pass a law that requires members of congress to recuse themselves, refrain from voting on an issue that affects their home district financially. that's not going to happen. the other thing is retired senior officers, and rose and generals cannot be allowed to go work for defense industry. it's legal but it is corrupting. it's ethically sick. >> clayton: i'm laughing because these two things i wish had happened will not happen. i wish they would. you will join us later and we will reflect on other topics this morning. thanks for weighing in on this. i hope this f-22 program dies in the water. >> would tell you her student dorm rooms can be searched at random without cause. that's coming up next on "fox & friends". if you're like a lot of people, you have high blood pressure... and you have high cholesterol. you've taken steps to try and lower both your numbers. but how close are you to your goals? 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[ stacy ] a little expert advice. full, thick-looking results all the supervisor needs is suspicion of wrongdoing. what do students a? >> dave: whitney is student body president jason kyle. the morning speaker at the same i read this story is a former college student and as a parent of a young girl, i was astounded at this. this sounds to me like a blatant invasion of privacy. why are you considering us at kansas university to give. >> concerned with the administration as we had to tragic deaths at the end of the semester last year related to alcohol. there is a strong need to take action on the part of the university. i can appreciate that from the administration perspective. however, as students we want to make sure we're protecting student rights and that everyone is aware of the policy and that no one's rights are being infringed. >> dave: those deaths did not happen in or around the dorms, correct juju. >> are not in university housing, no. >> ainsley: like this new change to cute things are going to happen. people are going to drink and have alcohol, but it seems to me is an invasion of privacy, this is a female what if a woman is in a shower or a private situation you don't want someone storming into your dorm room. what you do about that? snack absolutely and those are concerns that need to be discussed before any policy is implemented. i think there was a push to get it done over the summer and we said absolutely not. this is something that is a huge policy change for the university and we had to take time. it is a direction we need to go and we need to think about the repercussions and have a firm and legal policy in place before we go forward. tonight when you go to college one of. >> dave: what shocks me is they need probable cause that i think i can go off as he dorm room on any college campus run this country. where the student center and mark skeet shoot. >> or is the concern that students need to have their right to privacy protected, but you have to consider the needs and rights of other students in his -- in university housing. if there is a quiet room he probably won't have a archaic thinking there's anything going on. if you have a loud room on a friday and saturday night then there will be some suspicion that may be a policy for election is occurring. balancing the need to have an academic and safe environment for the other students who -- where there's no suspicion of them creating -- committing policy violations, it is a very delicate balancing act at the university. >> dave: the student senate has devoted a favor, right? >> is a document called the code of student rights and responsibilities which is a section which addresses privacy which states students moving into university housing give up none of their rights as tenants. so that would have to be changed before this policy could be implemented. >> dave: place in the student body president from kansas university, we appreciate your time and. >> ainsley: i haven't heard about them a lot resident assistant. minus mean. >> dave: there is evidence that number is beginning for your even born in utero. but first of all crickets or a quick look at the weather. >> rick: women nice weekend set up for much of the east coast. enjoy it because i don't last long. the rain is on its way back. stay with us. introducing new tums dual action. this tums goes to work in seconds and lasts for hours. all day or night. new tums dual action. bring it on. being smart. yep. just booked my 10th night on, so i get a night free. you are smart. accumulate 10 nights and get a night free anywhere. welcome rewards. smart. so smart. you have questions. who can give you the financial advice you need? where will you find the stability and resources to keep you ahead of this rapidly evolving world? these are tough questions. that's why we brought together two of the most powerful names in the industry. introducing morgan stanley smith barney. here to rethink wealth management. here to answer... your questions. morgan stanley smith barney. a new wealth management firm with over 130 years of experience. 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great wall of china. >> from the dreaded. >> from on board a naval aircraft somewhere over the north atlantic connect this is my last broadcast as the anchorman of the cbs evening news. for me it's a moment for which i long planned but which nevertheless comes with some sadness. or almost two decades, after all, we're not like this in the evenings and i will miss not. >> clayton: he will be missed as well. better in news man, walter cronkite, died at the age of 92. our next guest was a correspondent for cbs news and was the first woman to cover the war and did three tours covering vietnam. list charter joins us now to talk about. >> at morning. >> clayton: we see all this somber news about this man is this how he would want to be remembered this morning to cute. >> the real tragedy here is that the best person to write the story would've been walter cronkite. i think if he could hear some of the remarks that have been made so far, and the sheer overkill on language, he would've had that red pencil out and crossed out just about everything. >> dave: what would he want us to say this morning? >> he was very proud of the fact that he was a wire service man. and the wire service was and i think still is the backbone of the news business. that's where the news, the raw news is gathered. and that has always been the best training for young reporters and for myself having worked for associated press. but that is what he was most proud of. and that in the end is what made him such a wonderful new sky, in addition to the having a resonant voice and having an avon kililler quality, but he ws always first and last of the great reporter and a great writer stephen retired in 1981, 30 years in his career. do you think he retired to young >> you didn't want to retire. he was pushed out by cbs. of course dan rather couldn't wait to get the chair of the headwaters shirt thrown out and had his put in because he didn't want any connection. it might have been better if he hadn't. but in the long run, now, i think he should have kept on working and that it's too bad the rules were such that it permitted to do so. you know, if i may tell a quick story, when i first met walter cronkite, i was working for the huntley brinkley report. somebody said earlier walter cronkite was the first anchor. that's not quite true. hundley and brinkley were the first big anchors and they had all the ratings. we were number one for a long, long time. i was sent at one point to cover the release of our prisoners from north vietnam and the end of the war and they had a small group of us and we sort of mustard and allows it in the hotel lobby i saw walter cronkite. i thought oh, dear god, he was there for cbs i was there for nbc. when someone introduced as i said well, it's about time cbs sent me some competition. >> clayton: and they did iraqi daughter was terrific. he laughed of course. and of course we just were running around the prison cells talking to everybody. and he never -- never picked up a pencil or paper. everything was right off the head. as though it were beautifully edited and has had. >> dave: just speaking to you. he wasn't trying to be as eloquent -- that there wasn't a super that we have now. there isn't so much garbage in the language. it was much more quickly called lean, muscular prose. i was sitting at home one night my phone rang and i heard this deep voice say you kept me up all night. and i actually stood up because it was on a -- unmistakably walter. he had been reading the manuscript for a book i just published -- was ready to publish, and i've sent it to him for an endorsement if elected. and of course he did and arson in the end, but he just wanted to talk about the news business is what he called really. let's just talk about this stuff. if a bit. >> dave: let's talk about the news business. i'm fascinated by the moment they became number one. as you mentioned the huntley really report was number one, what are cronkite was not number one, but it was all these correspondents around him that elevated him in that way and he was not shy in calling attention away from these great correspondence. >> no, they were considered a real source of information. there was real on the ground reporting. you have to revert to ,, i specialized in foreign correspondence and when he left each shores, if you have a telephone you are lucky, as many of the countries he went into there were no telephones. there were no texas. so you are very much on your own. a correspondent was given a command is responsibility. the thing was you had to be trusted by the writers and anchors. and they trusted the people they hired that's why they were fussy about hiring them stealing he was in vietnam in 1968. >> that's correct. >> he said the u.s. should pull out. >> we spoke about that he and i have. i did not agree with him on that. it was a time, however, when people are speaking their minds on a lot of things. a lot of institutions were caving in in the 60s, and it was one of those times where advocacy journalism, it was called, was coming to the fore, and i think walter stepped out of his role. remember he said that it can only end in stalemate. so he was on the border. but beyond that it was set in a climate of the very strong antiwar feelings. so i was off the bus with him on that one because i thought it was a fetus and as was proven much later on, the tet offensive was anything but a win for the enemy, it was a us-led. >> dave: lbj remarked -- >> we think he did. if i that's been reported in macos x reported but i'm -- this is my cronkite doesn't. i'm skeptical as to whether he really said it are not. >> dave: lives, some great memories you shared thank you for being here or it. >> thank you so much for having me on here are your headlines this morning. investigators now say the suspected suicide bombers behind us to the hotel attacks in indonesia have checked themselves in as guest apparently. the bombings of eight people dead, more than 50 injured. americans among them. it is believed members of an islamic group behind those explosions. >> she was missing in action but secretary of state clinton is back in the spotlight today. she is in india urging leaders not to repeat american mistakes and contributing to global pollution. the visit marks a return to the world stage for hillary clinton. she had been resting after fracturing her out while in mid-june. >> a passenger bus burst into funds on an interstate north of los angeles sparking a huge brush fire. luckily all ten people on board didn't get out of there safely. no homes were threatened in this. firefighters estimate 70% of the fire is not contained. >> dave: let's talk sports. tiger woods was born just five months after tom watson won his first british open. that was back in 1975. now the 59-year-old, five-time winner watson is your coleader at turnberry in scotland while tiger can't believe it having home, missing the cut for only the second time ever in a major or it, watson shot an even par 70 in the wind and rain including a 45-foot putt here on 18th. he is tied with british open rookie steve bring up at five under. reno didn't find out he was going until we go. tiger, as we mentioned is headed back to florida. in fact back there this morning. missing the cut for the second time ever in a major envoy, he was not happy about it. at all. luckily can be without tiger. scenic speaking of aging athletes, we're talking lots and of course, still playing at a high level, check out this 80-year-old basketball team. they are gearing up to compete in the 300 term the national senior olympics. soon they look young. >> dave: these teams up to 20 years younger than them. karl bunker, billy hahn, can long and dick palin said the official competition will begin in a few weeks at stanford. boy, i sure hope i'm able to group like those guys at age 80 or below next week. that is fantastic _ i didn't realize how strenuous basketball is. we had an interim rural game at my old station and just running back and forth i was dead. they are alienated better. it sent over to rick. are your best ballplayer? >> rick: you didn't realize that you can't see what i never played basketball. it just looked easier to me. i played horse in my driveway, you know, but i never played like a team. >> rick: very good. see when you realize that. real basketball player. >> rick: when i was young, but i'm too short. look at this. a lot of wishes of people. scott and lisa simmons from mla of mississippi's magdeburg went from some of mississippi's. >> rick: they have pictures out here. take a look at the weather picture. east coast, we will deal with a nice day after heavy rain moved through overnight. look at these nice cool temperatures. sixty-five in wichita, 66 in memphis. such a nice break after the heat we had this week are you still cool across the west or it rain showers that moved to the east coast yesterday still bringing rain across areas of maine. that front. i'll write off shore and for the next three -- the next day we're okay but by monday and tuesday the rain will move back in and it could be heavy at times. a lot of areas getting a big something. across the west dry conditions across coastal areas but showers across the four corners around areas of new mexico for your day-to-day, then later this afternoon more severe weather across parts of colorado. temperature wise, unless relief across parts of the southern plains. still one. cost of 98. that's better than we have been. the heat moves across the west. 114 in phoenix. one hundred in salt lake city. tomorrow it's warm across the west. it's scary how. back to you inside. >> dave: thank you, rick. time for our super pages contest. log on to vaticinal of the most unique service or item you can find their little giddy when anyone is "fox news" grabbed it. of course you can't miss the cape. every week we will hook you up with the cape stu and what is the cape? >> dave: it matches your dress. let's get you in the cedar fire of the studios. i think the viewers would enjoy that. this is and i'm really thinking this is a great idea too and thank you dave. it matches perfectly. >> dave: i could hear people e-mailing now saying we need any sleep to fly around the studio as a superhero start thank you, dave. it's what i needed this morning actually does little cold in hear would you like to give righteous who put our two where we going today. >> dave: we're going to click than outside, who i hear is getting great and sandy? stuart levy doing out there. >> dave: are you wearing a suit. >> ainsley: he's wearing a wet suit, right? >> dave: we can't talk to them now. he's actually wearing a wetsuit. i'll ask you about that later. we'll tell you why clinton is buried in sand and why that could be harmful for your young children. that's coming up in our medical reliance on. stick around. imodium multi-symptom relief combines two powerful medicines for fast relief of your diarrhea symptoms, so you can get back out there. imodium. get back out there. you'll never go back to your old mop again. ♪ don't you want me baby? ♪ don't you want me ohhhh! [ female announcer ] why go part of the way clean? swiffer wetjet antibacterial cleaner kills 99.9 percent of bacteria mops can spread around. swiffer cleans better or your money back guaranteed. ♪ don't you want me baby? >> ainsley: it is time for medical reminder. it is found that fetuses as early as 30 weeks old can form memories. this is a clinical instructor of surgery at new york university. think you for being with us. tell us about the study. at 30 weeks our babies inside a set of memory how do we know that. >> a study in the netherlands showed that the 100 pregnant women, fetuses at 30 weeks could remember sound or simulation by vibration and sound and that just shows that the inroads of short-term and long-term emory are established in euro through and how do they know. >> they found the babies used an early form of memory called the tuition that when adults recall memories but it shows the brain and nervous system is intact in euro and developing every day. >> ainsley: the grapefruit diet we're familiar with what about the pill? >> this is interesting for applications for adults but basically an antioxidant found in grapefruit that gives it the bitter taste was found to prevent obesity in mice and help with insulin and kukes tolerance which means at some point this might be used in adults for diabetes management and preventing weight loss. as long as you use it with a balanced diet and exercise routinely. >> ainsley: i heard the next topic that sand can begin just for kids at the beach. i've heard don't play in the sandbox is sleep whatever but the sand at the beach? what is this about tobacco study done by the university of north carolina bpa show that sand can cause 30% of kids play in the two get sick. when they are buried in it they can actually get sick 3% of the time. that means gastrointestinal problems and problems with russia's income is. but basically it's because there is human and animal waste in the sand. i'm sorry click finish and get out of that. the real take-home messages go to the beach it's delightful to enjoy the beach and summer but basically washed your hands with antibacterial soap and shower off. but showers are at the beach for a reason you and you feel sick right now kick it back -- >> clayton: i feel very sick. walter cronkite would be proud. i can even move. >> ainsley: what could be in the sand kicking you say feces and bugs. >> it is hard to send air but equal bacteria can be in the sand. >> clayton: i've seen some of that. i've seen out here and it's just manhattan and the sand see mental that keep you out of the sand? back as long as he watches off you'll be okay 200 kids play in the sand at the beach -- to make kids are part risk than say clinton because kids tend to ingest sand, they drink the water and they're getting dirty in the sand. i can subdue any child playing on a dirty surface, washed them off afterwards. >> clayton: breakaway clayton. speed -- >> clayton: help. i move. i'm going to be here the rest of the show answer. >> ainsley: thanks, clayton. stay out there. thank you note from sesame street but this morning almost on "fox & friends" to tell us about military families. we talk with him coming up. if you eat kashi go lean for breakfast, you'll also have to add all these vitamins and minerals... to get what you need every day. or... just eat total. it has 100% of the daily value of 11 nutrients... and delicious flakes, real cranberries... and crunchy oat clusters. total. are you getting 100%? compare your cereal at and get a coupon. i'm sorry. i can't hear you very well. announcer: does someone you know have trouble hearing on the phone? dad. dad, let me help you with that, okay? announcer: now, a free phone service shows captions of everything a caller says. i'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor. announcer: to learn more about captioned telephone, call 1-800-552-7724 or go to our website. i'll see you at 3:00! announcer: captioned telephone - enjoy the phone again! >> dave: being away from loved ones is never easy especially if one of them is in the military. joining us is the man we have all waited to see, i'm all and his dad cannot believe, they're hear to tell us what sesame street is doing to help military families. i think i caught elmo checking me out. you know, that was his dad. tonight almost called the man, daddy. tonight i heard it. see five good morning, elizabeth. >> you can call me believe. if i tell it what sesame street is doing to help military families. some about this website you started. >> is wonderful, really, that's called a sesame street family i don't put her or do the facebook. >> i twitter to make him our tutors. he does the tweety. >> it helps keep military families connected to families here at home. everyone staying in touch. you can send pictures and videos. >> upload photos. >> dave: euro italy, right? how did you stay in touch and i got something right there day. reverend there. >> that's it. _ how does it work on him all? snap photos and get some photos and come to say hello to alan standing. >> ainsley: lily, tell me how it works? you communicate with your child if you are overseas? >> it's the same as any kind of typo google website that thing. you can do wonderful messages and send video like we said. if you like, either messages. it's wonderful. >> ainsley: is perfect for children because they love elmo. >> was great and slick, as well, as you can go on and ask questions. if you think you're not aware of. you can help others answer questions. it's wonderful. >> dave: there are sesame rooms across the country. you hang out in there. >> it's cool because they help designers. the pilot was on the terms. >> it's got furniture and stuff like that. >> it's a wonderful thing. they are sending 35 rooms 235 locations in the united states. >> including community centers and libraries and family support centers. and hospitals. >> dave: this is for kids of military families as well. >> exactly. >> ainsley: it will be set up in military hospitals in my purse. >> exactly. >> dave: elmo, will you stick around and anchor the show tonight i would love to do the weather, too. >> dave: i think you can do the whole thing, we can take off and the two of you -- and. >> it makes me nervous. it's wonderful here. >> ainsley: company to go with it. his children love you. >> dave: my daughter emerson and my son william are mad because they're not hear with me this morning snack, loves you. god i live, come all -- >> i don't know the song. >> love the. >> dave: wonderful to meet you both. smackdown will close military families speak that it's good to meet you, give me what's coming up on the show quite a? >> ainsley: card check is dropped from the labor bill. governor mike huckabee will weigh in on this ager blow to the liberal left. we'll tell you about it. >> dave: another couple held hostage. they share their story on how hospitality and faith in god save their lives. that story is coming up soon and look young to me. ú?ú?ú?ú?ccú?y spin on ultra-cronkite has died at the age of 92. >> my last broadcast as anchor of the cbs evening news, a moment which i longed planned but which nevertheless comes with sadness. from most two decades we have met like this in the evenings and i will miss that. >> ainsley: and he will be missed. we look back at the life and legacy of the anchorman known as the most trusted man in america. walter cronkite the five democrats turn on the liberal left killing card check in the senate. governor huckabee will be here to tell us what it means to the future of business and organized labor. >> clayton: an elderly couple taken hostage in their own home. how faith in god to save their lives. this is "fox & friends" this morning. will. >> clayton: welcome back to "fox & friends." if you are waking up with sadness to report, budgetary news anchor walter cronkite passed away at the age of 92, and president obama had these remarks. >> for decades, what are cronkite was the most trusted voice in america. his rich baritone reached millions of living rooms every night. in an industry of icons, walter set the standard by which all should be judged. he was always more than an anchor, he was someone we can trust to guide us through the most important issues of the day. a voice of certainty in an uncertain world. >> dave: we're now joined by "fox news" senior political analyst, brit hume was on the phone with us this morning. >> good morning. >> dave: how to leverage ever walter cronkite, most trusted man in america. >> when i was getting started in journalism, walter cronkite was in his heyday. and i watched the cbs evening news above all others. he had taken over the number one position in the ratings from the huntley weekly report which had been there for many years. but cronkite was the man and he was backed up by an extraordinary team of correspondents. think of this, dan rather at the white house, roger mudd on capitol hill. marvin calvin, one of our contributors, at the state department. overseas coverage in vietnam was morley safer. and bernard talbot. bob schieffer was around covering the pentagon. in the list went on. david shoemaker bruce morton covered politics. and so on down the list. and at the beginning of the cbs evening news at night they would always tick off a list of correspondents that they have on hear that night, and then they would very frequently the attitude by the name of eric sever eyed for analysis. it was an extraordinary role of the behaviors that backed up this great anchorman. and it was a dominant force in the news for years and years. it wasn't just cronkite, it was cronkite backed up by a tremendous team. and he liked them, trusted them, encourage them, and you could sense on the air the report with the correspondence. >> clayton: he talked about his love of the wire service, working for united press international back in the day covering d-day, famously, and he has always been turned to in moments of change. people want his perspective on this change, this tipping point, and he was asked what he thought of twitter of all things, and he said he liked it, because it reminded him of his wire days back i was a wire service reporter at one time too. i longed believed the time i spent with upi was the best experience i had as a reporter coming along. he was a war correspondent ben and that was his background. but it is not surprising that he liked twitter because he was fascinated by technology. as many people have remarked, and you saw the picture on the screen without space shot, he was totally engaged with the space program. loved it, was fascinated by it, this enthusiasm for it was contagious. you could sense on the air. i longed believed his interest in that, which also promoted, but it had the effect of promoting it. a program that might not have gone forward or it he loved the story. you could tell when you're watching the coverage. soon you can tell he took his glasses off and there is always in motion behind that. he was voted, actually, by the people in good housekeeping magazine, the most trusted man in america. what a consummate. >> i would say so, anything. and i would add to that or it he came out of a school of journalism -- i don't mean a literal school, i mean a type of journalism, in which neutrality in the presentation of news was the way you did. that's how it was taught. that's how it was practiced. and cronkite was a nonpartisan figure or it and not controversial figure. we later came to know after he retired and he would speak out on issues that cronkite was kind of a liberal. but you didn't know that at the time. it was possible for a man like cockeyed to be accepted and trusted by people left and right and indeed he was in great numbers. of course remember now about that. the the three network newscasts while there was a b. at -- abc, cbs news, nbc news and the bill is tremendous in terms of percentage of the viewing audience on any given night. much, much larger than the share that network news programs have now. so it was a different time in which one man could be so visible to so many people on sunday nights. >> dave: bread, people always remember him as the anchorman. more i read about walter cronkite was the title of managing editor that was so important to him. why did you. >> cronkite was a powerful figure at cbs news. and it was called the cbs evening news because of walter cronkite. around cbs was called the cronkite evening news. he was a central figure in it. he could command that and he had a real mismatch touch. he knew how to edit. he knew how to write or it and he knew how to do the news. so i think he was valuable to cbs to have them in that role. i later had the same title in the washington bureau at "fox news." i remember thinking at the time, paul, that's a sent a letter crockett had. that's pretty cool. >> clayton: this weekend i brought this up with bret baier this morning but we are on a poignant weekend with the apollo 11 moon landing. we would have heard walters was all weekend and on monday remembering that money we would've heard his voice over and over again. what would he want us to remember this weekend, do you think, about that landing for years ago did you. >> what he would want us to feel is a sense of wonder that he felt that covering that story. i think that he would want us to take note again by the idea of the space exploration. we have abandoned it. and i think walter cronkite would -- was known to disappointed to see that. what we're doing now is we are retreating really. my guess is that walter cronkite would be hoping that the space mission would continue in this anniversary might be greater with the enthusiasm we have been going to the moon and beyond at one time. >> dave: brit hume, another managing editor. thanks for joining us is morning. we appreciate it tonight thank you. goodbye still let's check in with wreck. >> rick: much of the south is that office with her it temperatures back in the 90s. still extremely warm but much better than wearing a pin. these temperatures will drop a few degrees the next few days. dallas should be around 93 by monday or tuesday. so if you truly. after that we will remain with temperatures at or below our averages. a couple stories going on, one is across areas of the northeast. we have areas of significant rain going on. we will watch for that rain. it could be heavy throughout the day today. actually i should say that across parts of maine. once that's gone it will be going out for the day. then the mid-atlantic will deal with rain for much of this coming week. today not as bad. enjoy. >> clayton: thank you, rick. >> ainsley: courtney friel is live at the country thunder music festival intellects wisconsin hanging out with the biggest stars in country music. she is joined by the executive producer of the festival. good morning courtney. >> courtney: thursday night was palin swift and kelly pickler. last night phil vassar and alan jackson, tonight tim mcgraw headlines. we are here with executive producer. what does it take the pressure like this together and get the stars here? mackris are working about a year in advance putting roster together. we're working for next year. it's all based on relationships. that's how we've been able to obtain the talent we have on this particular show. >> courtney: this is the biggest event in wisconsin. >> it is. we're proud of it. folks venturing out into great event. we are having fun *speaker19 nature to stock up on choosing there. >> cheese and beer, miller light all the way, you getting the? >> courtney: were having fun here and we have the press goes here. they been nominated for a few grammys. they will play us out and we will be back talking to phil vassar later on. thank you. >> clayton: in oil about courtney, it's early in the morning and then members don't know if they're playing. the beautiful blonde started us just on supply. all right will play. we will get back to them but first let's check headlines monday white house might overhaul the way terror and terror investigations are and conducted. as an obama is thinking of making up a small unit of workers from the cia asked to create a new set of interrogations. no idea who will lead the team but we know it will not be the cia but the pressure from the bush administration in microgravity inner city day campers who said they were kicked out of philadelphia pulled because of their race to give. some of the monarch show last weekend. now the pool could find itself in even higher water. the justice department is reviewing the case to see if a full civil rights investigation is needed. the kids say they overheard some club members acting racist comments. the valley club consists that it was an overcrowded decision. >> swedish countess marie douglas david is ecstatic now after leaving court yesterday. why? she got another $8 million from her ex-husband mogul george david. he now brings the divorce settlement to a total of $50 million. george david chief executive of the world's largest maker of elevators and air conditioners, whether the countess. she is now 30 december that she is the got married in 2002. >> dave: good for her what a happy story. >> ainsley: here's an idea about wearing your resume on your t-shirt. this was an employment agency in michigan is an urging people to do. with unimportant rates in michigan topping 15%, experts say you have to do everything you can to market yourself speaking at the desert ridiculous idea c-5 use 48 font. >> clayton: that's why you'd should do this women are saying guys are saying to them and i have to read your credentials. oh i see you were an intern at some point you. >> ainsley: goodness. >> dave: coming up 70% of people expect to pay more taxes if healthcare is past. are they right? governor huckabee will break it down, next doing some live music from the rascals at the country thunder music festival. not taken away. local it's 5:00 o'clock in the morning until the clock at night in six different ways? introducing listerine® total care. everything you need to strengthen teeth, help prevent cavities, and kill germs. introducing 6 in 1 listerine® total care. the most complete mouthwash. and to complete your oral care routine add superior plaque removal in places that are hard to reach with reach® toothbrush and floss. get the complete routine, reach® and listerine total care. yeah, so? it stinks in here! have you smelled this chair? or these curtains? you've gotta wash this whole room! are you kidding? wash it?! let's wash it with febreze! whoa! 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[ male announcer ] for all the things that you can't wash, wash it with febreze. >> will support will according to a rasmussen poll 70% of u.s. voters believe taxes will be raised on the middle class in order to pay for healthcare. are they right? who is the man to ask you to owner mike huckabee, in the house this morning. before we get to healthcare to jimmy elmo? >> mike: i did i was chairman of the national governors association a few years ago we had a mole, or it it is interesting because we had these national celebrities on the program. it was the most ocular? elmo. he stole the show, totally stole the show. >> dave: is brilliant. there is no transition there is talk healthcare. >> mike: elmo's feeling fine. >> dave: people feel the middle class will pay higher taxes with nationalized health care. are they right? so what will they be on the middle class seats and they will pay. currently, if you get health insurance as part of your employment that's given to you as a tax-free benefit or if what the president has suggested is that tax-free status disappear. in other words you would pay a tax on the benefit. so every middle-class person who gets insurance is now going to be paying a tax on the benefit they get to the president's plan goes through. >> dave: essay max baucus thing. at as of the president held on taxing. >> mike: the comments part of the overall idea of how they pay for it. the issue is when the president says nobody will be forced out of their plan, that's not true for this reason. when people have a government subsidized plan, or a private plan, the government subsidized plan will be cheaper. if you are an employer you will save your employees i can't afford to keep paying this because i'm not getting the tax benefit for providing it, so you have to go to the government program. private insurance will go out of business in a short. of time. >> dave: right now we have to give credit where credit is due in these conservative democrats are holding strong. the blue dogs do not seem to be at getting into the present on this. how much credit goes to those moderate democrats for sticking by their guns to give. >> mike: a lot of credit goes to them. mike ross from arkansas, a graduate of old high school from which i hail, in fact, but congressman ross is one of those folks who understand -- listening is listening to people back home. rural hospitals were taken in the teeth. that kills places like his congressional district. it also means higher prices, less choice, and people are not understanding. this weekend i have a canadian doctor and a canadian patient on my show. people ought to listen to people already have this healthcare. look at massachusetts, an example of a state in the country that is already done with the obama plan would essentially do and it's a miserable failure. it's tanking. >> dave: i have to ask you about the tax they're talking about in regard to the wealthy. they're going to -- if you make over 250 is a couple songs so forth the leaders of the hit. here's the untold truth is that they can pass that cost off. i can fire an employee. they can pay their people less. though those -- so those will affect the middle class *speakerx it will most affect the middle class. it won't affect the lifestyle of the rich. if you are in a category that will get a higher tax, it means your total cost of going up. just look for ways to trim costs. the new fire first if you fire the guy at the bottom just tired when you fire yourself kicking if you own your business you do not fire yourself, you fire the people downstream of a top. that's -- you know what? president obama never signed the front of the paycheck or it never ran a small business. the first thing has run as the united states of america. and we're seeing the results of having a bunch of. steny hoyer last week said he has never known of a small business operator who made over $280,000 a year. i'm thinking this man has no business being in the congress. >> dave: yes or no, to the capacitator. >> mike: let's hope not. but this bill anyway. >> dave: much more with governor huckabee coming up talking about organized labor. agrees to drop the card check from unionville. what's behind the change and what does it mean to american workers and businesses. that's next. i never thought it could happen to me... a heart attack at 53. i had felt fine. but turns out... my cholesterol and other risk factors... increased my chance of a heart attack. i should've done something. now, i trust my heart to lipitor. when diet and exercise are not enough, adding lipitor may help. unlike some other cholesterol lowering medications, lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk... of heart attack, stroke, and certain kinds of heart surgeries... in patients with several common risk factors... or heart disease. lipitor has been extensively studied... with over 16 years of research. lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems... and women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications, or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. i was caught off-guard. but maybe you can learn from my story. have a heart to heart with your doctor... about your risk. and about lipitor. and i am amazed by the results. a lot of science has gone into these products. but at the end of the day, what is gonna tell me whether these are working is the mirror. all i know is that it works. all i know is that i saw results. 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[ female announcer ] go online for a $10 coupon. for home and business. broadview security - the next generation of brink's home security. call now. >> ainsley: and is one of the stories on fox a half dozen democrats in the senate decided to drop the card check provision of the labor bill which would require employers to recognize a union as soon as a majority of employees signed on saying they wanted one. >> clayton: governor huckabee is with us. welcome back. >> mike: i wouldn't leave, that's what. >> clayton: we couldn't get them out of hear. security. it seems to me moderate democrats -- i'm using a seven term -- are being a stick in the craw president obama right now. he wanted this card check provision and moderate democrats say this is way too liberal, it's anti-worker with the take a side here. is that right? >> mike: two senators from my state, lincoln or prior, neither voted for this and they will be in serious political trouble if not defeated because you have many states -- and at least one is an example -- it's a right-to-work states. you create this kind of legislation and give the unions that much power, and it is going to create a situation in which businesses are going to look for a candidate and it is just not going to work for many of the conservative or moderate democrats who are also is concerned about their own election as there are barack obama's. >> dave: this is great news for business in this country. that and the free choice act, because their calling card check that would've devastated businesses pretend you're attempting unionize employees here at fox's dead. i want you to know that. roger called -- >> ainsley: don't even say that. >> mike: utility that won't happen. >> dave: there's a trapdoor right here. >> mike: this was a smart move on the part of democrats who recognize they were going to get this done. so better to have something for nothing and you save face and one this is a compromise. >> mike: it's the purest level of politics as it is practiced. >> clayton: is this anti-american gq this provision about a secret ballot -- getting rid of the secret ballot. people need the secret ballot. we don't need buses were people to tell us who to vote for or pick, who to marginalize or who to vote for. having this ballot might open to look at his anti-american. >> mike: the most liberal -- the most telling thing was one of the most liberal person's george mcgovern ran in 1972 came out and opposed the idea that you have this open ballot. i thought at that point if george mcgovern, who is sort of the litmus test of leftist is opposed to this there has got to be a real serious problem with it. >> clayton: we see the spin on this which is that the unions are saying it's still a victory for us. as that's been gq. >> mike: a modest one, to get something, but the key to the provision was the card check. when it comes out it is not that ominous a bill that was before and it is not one that will choke the life out of both large and small business. >> dave: unions can still form, after man with a secret ballot. >> mike: unions are struggling to show relevance in a day when you have agencies like osha and the eec who years ago unions did because people were getting stepped over. >> clayton: and child labor last. >> mike: exactly. >> ainsley: just ahead look back on the life and legacy of news that alter cronkite who passed away last night at the age of 92. >> clayton: first let's check in with rick wright with outside. >> rick: you're in the sandbox i'm not doing it. it is nice out across the northeast after the rain. it is not going to last very long. i will talk about that coming up. stay with us. wellbeing. we're all striving for it. purina cat chow helps you nurture it in your cat with a full family of excellent nutrition and helpful resources. purina cat chow. share a better life. there's that mr. clean magic eraser thing again. clean freak. 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[ male announcer ] remove three times more grime per swipe and get this unbeatable clean guaranteed or your money back with the mr. clean magic eraser. >> clayton: welcome back to "fox & friends." we have said news this morning, alter cronkite known simply as the host trusted man in america has passed away. the legendary anchor passed away at the age of 92 last night in new york. >> dave: when i look back at his career with fox's eric shawn who looks at the life of the legendary newsman. >> is once considered the most trusted man in america. certainly in television news. >> president nixon will announce his resignation tonight. >> is reassuring voice took this nation to some of the most important events of the 20th century. for 20 years americans let walter cronkite into their homes for his nightly newscast. he was born on november 4, 1916, in st. joseph, missouri. later his family moved to houston. in high school he started reading tales of foreign correspondence. his reporting curve began when he joined the school newspaper and yearbook staff to bring college at the university of texas in austin he took a part-time job with the post into a full-time position. cronkite was given his first broadcasting job at radio station know in austin. he faced a daunting challenge the station had no sportswear at a nearby smoke shop did. so he ran there, memorize the scores and ran back to broadcast them. once the baseball season ended kroncke i tried to stay on the station manager but ago saying he would "never make a radio announcer." from there he got a job at the state capital at the first international news service bureau. this led to a full-time job at the houston rest newspaper. i did this to your college career. his parents did not seem disappointed he didn't graduate. in the midst of the great depression a job was more valuable than an education. during world war ii, cronkite worked as a european work correspondent for upi where he accompanied troops on d-day. once fighting and if he stayed on as chief correspondent during the aaron burr war crimes trials. in 1950 was lured to cvs where he posted documentaries. in 1962 he helped found the cbs evening news which he anchored for the next 19 years. he was seen as an impartial and his men. more americans start to get their news from cronkite then from the huntly brickley report or it he was a respected voice on covering the partisan politics of the nation. >> the united states information agency to make you broke the century's biggest stories stomach resonant cavity died at 1:00 pm central standard time. two o'clock eastern standard time. some 38 minutes ago. back when president kennedy was assassinated the stork anchor showed emotion for the first time. >> i'm not very cold-blooded. i could cry over wounded animals as well as people heard that that wasn't only time i think i really broke on the air. >> when he had a public opinion america listened. >> if congress were to take the cities they came closer here than anywhere else. now, three weeks after the offense of again firing goes on. >> when he opposed the war in vietnam, president lyndon johnson remarked, if i've lost walter cronkite, i've lost middle america. >> i don't believe that was a deciding matter of all. i think it was just another drop of water in a great rant that was overwhelming and the johnson at that point. >> cronkite's focus on the watergate scandal helped propel the story to the center of the nation's headlines. cronkite retired from the evening news and 1981 spec this is walter cronkite, goodnight. >> in the last few months of his tenure, he was given 11 awards including the presidential medal of freedom. he continued to host documentaries and remain on the board of directors for ten years. in 1985 he was the first news man other than ever armero to be inducted into the television hall of fame. even in his retirement he was active in television. he led the fight for free airtime during the presidential campaign for candidates. in his final years content was a highly sought after public speaker. the host of mini documentaries and an avid sailor on his yacht. as television news crew out of its infancy, walter cronkite helped it mature. in short, walter cronkite was television news. venezuela is that i am eric shawn, "fox news." >> dave: you talk about the out call the assignment, so he could say both are cronkite is on assignment. he was. >> ainsley: he literally was. c-5 nobody mentions this guy was much desperate for 65 years. admire him as a news man and husband as well. >> clayton: a lot of guys here going wild. see one and women sang well. he had three children two. >> dave: eight grandkids as well. >> clayton: read his autobiography. it's a great book it's fantastic or if he praises everyone else but himself. still in the florida couple that was gunned down in a brazen home invasion, they're laid to rest. hundreds of people bid farewell to the couple. he remembered his loving parents to their 17 children. we're learning more about what was found inside a family safe area according to the local sheriff, adoption papers, children's medication that say for some of the backyard of one of the eight people charged in connection with the crime. samantha sanderson arrested in connection with the murder of former nfl overbeck steve mcnair. federal agents allege that adrian dillon junior provided the gun that mcnair's mistress used to shoot mcnair four times. he reportedly sold the nine mm pistol for $100 to mcnair's ruttier of girlfriend on july the bear was killed on july 4 and then she killed herself heard to make a deal to fix the california budget crisis would be ironed out the service tomorrow. governor schwarzenegger and the state legislature are reportedly close to an agreement aimed at closing the states $26 million budget gap. potential cuts in cities and programs have set off a firestorm of protest. these protesters gathered outside the governor's house to be out there with their signs so you take notice. >> imagine waking up one morning and finding this. the wiener mobile outside of your house. >> clayton: have your dream come true through and that's just what happened. a simple mistake landed this wiener mobile in the front of a wisconsin house. according to neighbors the driver of the oversize hot dog took the wrong turn down a street and when she tried to turn around, she hit the gas instead of the brakes. the result, the wiener mobile medical delivery. amazingly, no one was injured 35 she just could not truck cut the mustard center for director this morning. speaking of winners see one ha ha. >> dave: let's go to rick. >> ainsley: that was a terrible transition speed three it was perfect. >> rick: speaking out. that's what keeps your web visitors here. come in and. >> i'm rachel. >> rick: on you been to new york city to give. >> forty-five minutes. >> rick: the first thing you did this come to "fox & friends" samantha and tammy, her mom. >> rick: have fun thank you for stopping by. looking at the weather picture we have a cool start to the day. courtney friel has been e-mailing me saying she is freezing in wisconsin. it is called there. temperatures in the 50s and it will only get into the low 60s for highs around wisconsin and parts of michigan. past that we seek cooler air moving across areas farther south and that's a big relief or if 66° in memphis. the satellite radar picture shows one system exiting the northeast. some rain showers moved through in the overnight hours of election i stare across the eastern seaboard. florida, you'll see those rain showers and thunderstorms throughout the afternoon hours. but you see the cloud cover that slides out there across eastern seaboard? in posted around. i think this week will launch rain showers kind of become more steady again. so the bloom returns. across the west we have clear skies from washington all the way towards california. in fact it is very warned once again. a big bridge building there and it will keep the temperatures were. today's temperatures in phoenix, 114. >> dave: shoes are melting as we speak. hopefully it is a nice day and wisconsin, that's where courtney friel is. >> ainsley: she told ricketts called. >> clayton: can tell by the outfit it's freezing. >> dave: the country thunder music festival. >> courtney: it is freezing. i have two sweatshirts on. stealing is a pretty hot there, courtney. >> courtney: thank you. i wanted to dress up again in the spirit but phil vassar has written and performed multiple number one hits. he is a friend of the fox news channel i got a chance to hang out with them yesterday. take a look. besser, excited to see you. >> don't look nice in your cowboy hat heard. >> courtney: i was going to ask you, if one was to let the country, maybe not as familiar, would not be the time at country thunder if you're a cute. >> but yeah, this is a great time. it's a little chilly out today, i'm not used to it. every time i play this deal it's been about 110°. but it's raining and the little cold today. but it's great music and great people and you know, it looks like all the liquids are flowing here today. at the bars it's fun. *speaker19 ebony pre-concert rituals to give. >> this is one. doing this. but not really too much. i just kind of hang out with in the music up and everybody gets psyched up. it's like when played football, right before the game. just get ready to go out and play the game and have fun spin on what's coming up next for you? what to expect if you. >> i finished a new record. that's it good time. it's our sixth album, i can't believe it. we're just doing a lot of shows right now and we're everywhere it seems like. >> courtney: where you get your inspiration for your songs to give. >> register them from everyday life. within the ground right now it is easy to write songs. you never lose touch in the resistance to write about. >> courtney: that's why i love country, because you guys say what you are thinking. you keep it real. >> courtney: we do keep it real and probably true real sometimes because i will write a sonnet will say you can't say that on radio. oh my gosh. but it's -- i've been really lucky and had a lot of hits. just try to say what everybody is feeling and what i'm feeling usually it's what they're feeling and you got a hit. >> courtney: you feel like you need a blanket it's so cold out here selected to bring monica barro? >> courtney: i would snuggle with you. >> i like it. i love it. >> courtney: that did not end up happening but i did get to stand backstage and watch them perform which was amazing. and hang out with the guys afterwards. and they are all friends i might add that i wasn't it back to you. >> dave: no snuggling with a lesser courtney. >> clayton: thanks courtney. super pages contest time. log on to the super pages .com by the most unique item or service or it please, americans, keep it tasteful and nice. then e-mail us at and you could win a prize. find the most unique service or item and again keep it nice and funny. we had squirrel underwear before c-5 it has to be something we can read on the air in front of your children. >> clayton: keep in mind. send us your mailing address and try to keep your entries in good taste. you win this big bag of schweid a "fox news" goodies a bag of swag that super conifer now on. too much stuff in your dimension. it's good stuff spewing there is a cape in there. >> dave: include your e-mail address to make an elderly couple held hostage. they share their amazing story on how hospitality and faith in god save their lives. that's next. spoon and negro schools perform for us live from the country thunder is a festival. let's listen to them. ♪ ♪ ♪ i got troubles, oh ♪ but not today ♪ 'cause they're gonna wash away ♪ ♪ they're gonna wash away ♪ ♪ ♪ they're gonna wash away ♪ this old heart ♪ gonna take them away [ quacks ] >> clayton: this man, william spencer, went on a crime spree across leesburg virginia. he stopped at a jewelry store will the gun, escaped in the vehicle were he ultimately ended up in a house where he held up a couple for nine hours. the couple said it was their faith in god that ended the standoff. they join me live from their home this morning with what happened. good morning francis and robert. if you for joining us spin a good morning to you or if. >> clayton: this is an unbelievable story. take me through what happened. you are just sitting and enjoying an afternoon lunch, and what happens if you. >> i was really watching tv. you know, this white street we live on, i happened to have the door unlocked. and he simply walked in and grandest his weapon and said "give me the money." >> clayton: what happened next is more amazing. francis, what happens after he demands the money keeps you. >> after he demanded the money, he pushed my husband to the floor, and turned him over on his chest and tied his hands behind his back. and tied me up. >> clayton: what was going through your mind when you saw your husband on the floor like that get you. >> when he came in the door, before he tied him up i said is it. this is it. >> clayton: what unfolded next is rather talk with him. he sat down with him and started pouring him some iced tea or it and had a discussion with this guy. tell us about that area. >> i asked him if he knew jesus. and he said he did since when he was younger. but he knew that god wasn't there for him anymore. that he had messed up too bad. i said you know, you may have messed up but god didn't walk away from you. you walked away from him. and you need to repent and ask his forgiveness and established relationship with him again. >> clayton: that's unbelievable. >> i prayed with him. >> clayton: he went into the bedroom at some point and got some ranks and came out and then what happened to cute he had special rings for you and francis robert and robert, what did you do if you. >> at that point, he was very column. i think -- i think we were very column that you don't know. but francis, my wife begged him to put those back. that they were precious to her and it meant a lot to her and believe it or not, he did it. >> clayton: unbelievable. before the intercepted or two police to give you guys backbeat $140 in his pocket that he had been there. an unbelievable story. francis and robert ladd, we are so glad you guys are safe this morning. thanks, guys. >> thank you. see what it might look safe but common household products contain toxic chemicals. we will tell you what they are and how to protect your children, next. you know why i sell tools? tools are uncomplicated? nothing complicated about a pair of 10 inch hose clamp pliers. you know what's complicated? shipping. shipping's complicated. not really. with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service shipping is easy. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. that's not complicated. come on. how 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more than 200 chemicals that can impact our hormones as well as our reproductive and immune systems are not explained it be but it can also cause birth defects. joining us -- joining us as jennifer taggert author of the book smart bomb on screen guide simple steps to reduce your child's toxic chemical exposure. good morning to a view. this is scary because these are things everybody has in their house and they have no idea the danger behind him. >> it is scary but there are simple steps you can do to prevent exposure. >> dave: tell me what this is gq i can't have this at home, correct? to check items around the house think this is a analyzer that uses florescent student test for elements like bad in common products everything from fish to lipstick. you can buy one but they are pricey. you can hire someone or actually rent one for a day if you're really interested and wanted to test her home. >> ainsley: let's start with toys. parents are watching and they want to know for their children's safety. >> these are constant toys. you can find that and other elements and toys that can be hazardous. he can find them in paints and coatings. in vinyl, it is often used to stabilize final twice. we have an example here with vinyl so if i test it, is going to come out for lead. would also have hormone problems and handle toys you transfer the lead your hands you put your hand in your mouth and silence give up fast food toys. >> dave: you'd say this cause birth defects on what are other repercussions cemented the consummate chemicals. things interfere with hormone systems which are our messaging system tells her body what to do. for babies and kids that's harmful. it can interfere with reproductive development. >> ainsley: shows house the gun works. >> were testing the service comes up as pvc which means its final and the first one pbs has related your member high school chemistry, and we have 2000 rabid parts per million writer at the top for thread. stew on that says failed to make that means it's about the current standard for lead in toys. so you should not have this in your house. >> you should not heard. >> dave: why would this have exposure. >> this is in the coding. the coating comes up high about 15,000 ppm of lead. >> ainsley: why are they still on the market keeps you were pulling things off the market so that you can buy new products. when a new law comes into effect at slow to come into effect. and this is not covered by the new law doing so we do need to read these things and test our choice. >> dave: micro-popcorn, shampoo, thinks people have gq. >> the bag itself is quoted with compounds, the creature balancing don't see the greece through the bag. those -- are 90% of the us. you find them in your blood. shampoos and detergents one is a carcinogen it's not on the ingredient list area you find it in oxidative compounds like laura, etc. if you see an ad compound in the ingredient list that means it probably got the carcinogen oxide. your website is. >> the smart mama. >> dave: this book is the green mamas book. spitzer like that. coming up on the show good attacks on the wealthy -- a tax on wealthy her to billionaires that steve forbes is here. you love him and know him that's just her head. stay with us. quality and reliability... are more than words here. it's personal. i have diabetes. rodney's kid too. so we're so proud to manufacture... the accu-chek® aviva meters and test strips... here in the u.s.a. plus, we've proven you'll waste 50% fewer strips... when you use our meter, which means greater savings... for people with diabetes, like me. now that's a true american value. accu-chek® aviva. born in the u.s.a. you'll never go back to your old broom again. now a song for mary... from a mr. broom. ♪ don't you want me, baby ♪ don't you want me, ohhhh new swiffer sweeper is redesigned... to clean deeper into corners. dry cloths trap and lock 50% more dirt, dust and hair than a broom... with a new dirt grabbing texture. the all new swiffer sweeper... cleans better or your money back, guaranteed. >> good morning to you at home, it's saturday, july 18th, 2009. we have sad news to report. broadcast icon walter cronkite died at age 22. >> president kennedy died at 1 p.m. central standard time, two o'clock eastern standard time some 38 minutes ago. >> we're looking back at the life and legacy of the legendary news anchor walter con cite known simply as the most trusted man in america. >> missing in action and now back on the spotlight. we're back in mumbai as hillary clinton returns to the center stage and we'll talk about that coming up. >> a new jersey brewery is using the state's turnpike to promote its beer, but the idea isn't sitting well with mothers against driving. >> the founder of flying fish brewery tells his side of the story. you're watching "fox & friends" this morning. >> just tuning in, some sad news to report this morning, legendary news anchor walter cronkite passed away at age 92. >> walter cronkite was the most trusted voice in america, his rich baritone reached millions of homes every night and in the industry of icons, walter set the standard for which others are judged. walter was more than just an anchor, he was someone to trust us to guide us through the most important issues of the day. a voice of certainty in an uncertain world. >> how about that, guys, we talk about the label most trusted man in america. but in 1995 he was labeled and voted the most trusted man in television news, that was in '95, he left the anchor desk in 1981 and that says a lot about his career. >> he was doing specials and so forth. let's hear from someone who knows him well and whose dad worked with him, chris wallace joins us now to talk about it, good morning, chris. >> good morning. >> it's interesting, cbs news was trying to reestablish itself during the 70's, when walter cronkite was trying to take over that number one spot from the huntley brinkley report. your father, mike wallace was somebody he would toss to as a correspondent working on that show. pretty remarkable relationship and what are your thoughts this morning on the life of walter cronkite? >> well, actually you know, i'm sad, obviously, no matter how much you prepare it's like a death in the family. no matter how much you prepare, when it finally happens it's always a shock, but nobody could have lived a more complete and fulfilling life, done what he he wanted to do and done it at the top of his provings for as many years, so, you know, you can't help, but feel good for walter and sad for the rest of us who lost him. >> chris, what was your relationship like? was he over to your house for dinner parties or how did you know him on a personal level? >> well, our families spent a lot of time together and in fact, in 1964 i was 16 years old, i was his go-for in the anchor booth at the republican convention, go for coffee, go for pencils and i also did one ever the space shots and i guess i can admit my first girlfriend was his daughter nancy, so we were pretty close, the whole family. >> we had an intern running around here grabbing coffee, i don't know it rises to the same level of sophistication. >> talk about the news business, people would check in with walter to see and get a perspective on the way in which the news business changed over the years and he was always positive about the technology and everything that the news business was using, but there was always a common theme throughout everything he talked about over those years, didn't he? >> yeah, i don't think he was very happy with the way the news business had changed in the years after he retired in 1981. i don't think he was upset by technology, in fact, he loved embraced the space program and i don't think he would have been bothered by twitter or the internet. i think he was bothered because he was a hard news man to his core. he grew up in print. he he covered world war ii as a reporter for united press, the wire service, he flew in bombing runs, in bombers, flying and dropping bombs over germany and as the anchor of the cbs evening news, he was very much a who, what, when, where kind of guy. i don't think he liked the features in the evening news and i don't think he necessarily liked a lot of the opinion, right or left, that was expressed on cable news. he was a straight news man and so, i think he was somewhat troubled by the way the business had changed in the years after he retired. >> a straight news man, chris, but one they will always remember for both the emotion that he showed and as kennedy was killed, and the opinion that he showed during the vietnam war. so he didn't show those things often, but aren't those the things that we'll remember the most? >> well, look, as far as the kennedy assassination is concerned, i think he was reacting as a human being. i mean, it wasn't an opinion. >> right. >> he was expressing the shock that every american felt that this young president had been struck down. vietnam, curing the years he was an anchor, and i think he was very meticulous and turned out afterwards he was a liberal. he did columns, wrote syndicated columns after he retired and made no bones about the fact that on a lot of issues, especially social issues, that he was a liberal, but during his years as an anchor, i can think of only one or two cases wherever expressed an opinion, one was clearly vietnam after the tet offensive in 1968, a big argument in this country whether we were losing or winning the war and he went over in our report, was very much a journalist, a war correspondent analysis of the war, at the end did a personal comment and basically said that we're stalemate there had and time to say we did the best we could and to leave and i think the thing most striking about it, what an exception to the rest of his journalistic career. >> we were seeing some video of what i believe to be his family, his wife and three children, two daughters and so san. you said you dated nancy, have you talked to nancy and the kids? >> i have not and i look forward to doing so. nancy and kathy and walter leland cronkite iii, his son, went by the name chip, and they were a great family. the one who really isn't going to get as much coverage on the stand of late and should, a key to the family was his wife betsy, beth was a newspaper woman herself, was very funny, had a sharp sense of humor and being walter cronkite was a big deal and she always had a wonderfully loving and slightly deflating comments to punk tour the balloon if case that walter took his press clippings too seriously. >> i've seen the video, we saw your. father mike wallace on the floor at the 1968 democrat i can convention when things were fiery and walter looking down on the floor. what was happening there as we were seeing that video? >> well, basically what was happening of course, it was the streets of chicago, demonstrations and anti-war demonstrators outside the conrad hilton hotel, were demonstrating and the chicago police went after them with billy clubs. >> right. >> and on the floor of the convention in addition, there was some stuff that went on, including chicago policemen, and it was a very super charged situation. one of them testimony shoved dan rather on the floor and my father got in a fight with a chicago lieutenant and got decked and must say i think it would be fair to say my father kind of had it coming at the time. he had provoked the lieutenant a little bit more than he should have. >> and i think walter said something to the effect that we've got a bunch of thugs down there on the air. >> not referring to your father. >> and not at all. >> that was about the rather instant and, you know, look, if you're the anchorman and he felt very much he was ahead of the tape, one of the things people talked about was he was the first anchor who also took the title managing editor of the cbs evening news and that was not just a title. he decided what was going to go in that broadcast. he decided what was going to be the lead and what wasn't, if you're the head of the team and one of your guys get punched, i don't think he was defending my father, i think it was rather he was defending his guy. >> chris wallace, a great perspective this morning and thanks for sharing your thoughts and of course being so close with the family our thoughts and prayers with you and the family skwel. >> thank you, guys, thank you. >> and much more on fox news sunday tomorrow. >> you bet. >> thank you, chris. hillary clinton back on the world stage she's in india after breaking her elbow. james is travelling with her in mumbai. >> greetings from india. secretary of state clinton the first senior obama administration official to visit here, this country over the last decade emerged as a major player, also in the key u.s. ally on a broad range of issues and she began her visit on a somber note. signing a book of condolences in mumbai, the very same hotel where terrorists attacked last november 26th. and whereas a symbolic gesture, the secretary is spending two nights and in solid dared-- our people have experienced the senseless and searing effects of violent extremism and both, she says, can be grateful and proud of the heroism of men and women whose courage saved lives and prevented greater harm on is 9/11. indian reporters peppered mrs. clinton with questions whether the united states played hidden roles in talks dominated by counterterrorism issues between india and pakistan. mrs. clinton denied that. maintaining that the sovereign nations are settling on their own and clinton sought to it talk about the expanding relationship between washington and new deli. >> the dialog that we are going to be embarking on with india to be extremely important. it will have five pillars, it is-- it's comprehensive. it goes across the areas of strategic cooperation, ago culture, education, hurricane, science. >> and the secretary keeping up the usual break neck base and i should say break elbow base and squeezed in meetings with business leaders and women entrepreneurs of education and she also issued a statement to-- she'll see that later today and remembering walter cronkite. back to you guys. >> thanks so much, james rosen live for us in mumbai. i like that a break elbow pace, not a break neck pace. that's our own rick reichmuth, inside, outside and a check of the weather. >> and slow probably. >> very cool air across. of the great lakes and the northern plains and very nice after it's been so hot that we had this health that builds across kansas city and now the temperatures dropping, it looks like it's going to say that way for much of this coming week which is going to be very nice break and also, out across the east, we have the rain showers move through during the overnight hours and still waiting in maine, but the cloud cover that you see here, this kind of line is going to stall out there. monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, that kind of gloom is going to return to much of the eastern seaboard, so, enjoy the weekend today and tomorrow, which is actually going to be pretty sunny. out across the west, the west coast is very nice, but he see the showers here across parts of colorado and kansas, that's going to continue to fire through the afternoon once again to another threat for more severe weather across this area. but here is your temperatures not looking as bad as they have been unless you're across parts of the west and phoenix 114, a dry heat, but 114 is hot. >> hot even in air conditioning, thanks, rick. >> like it is this morning, here. and courtney freel live from the country music festival in twin lakes, wisconsin and it's cold there, but what have we got at this hour? >> i want today tell you that we saw this sign, guess how many people live here in twin lakes, wisconsin, 5,609 people, but i guarantee you, there's going to be five to ten times that amount here today. they're already starting to lineup for tim mcgraw, he's headlining and you know what, the beers are cracking even early in the morning. that's been the fun part. going out in the camp grounds, seeing the folks, they are buzzed and i thought i could party, but i've seen things that i can't show you on tv. but we are going to show you some of the local color coming up. back to you guys, we'll see you soon. >> thank you so much, courtney. >> coming up here on the big show, a group of links to al-qaeda, stepping up a conference to attract followers. never guess where it's going to take place. >> it's not in pakistan or afghanistan, it will shock you. >> first, the rascals will play us out live from the country music festival. ♪ ♪ (female narrator) from jennifer: a microfiber sofa bed. just $299, only at jennifer. $299. jennifer: the only place to buy a sofa bed. right now, 1.5 million people are on a conference call. 750,000 wish they weren't. - ( phones chirping ) - construction workers are making 244,000 nextel direct connect calls. 1 million people are responding to an email. - 151 accidentally hit "reply all." - ( foghorn blows ) that's happening now. america's most dependable 3g network bringing you the first wireless 4g network. - sprint. the now network. - ( whoosh sound ) deaf, hard of hearing and people with speech disabilities access - sprint. the now network. - ( whoosh sound ) [ birds chirping ] [ pickle crunches ] [ meows ] oops. [ laughs ] now, that's what a pickle should sound like. [ stork ] vlasic. that's the tastiest crunch i've ever heard. >> all right. welcome back here to "fox & friends," a dangerous meeting of the minds involves a terrorism he recruitment conference and. (inaudible). on july 18th. 2009. well, clayton, you've got to get with the program, brother. these are the obama years and what do we have? we have an administration that releases terrorists from guantanamo, brushes aside the families of 9/11 victims and threatens to prosecute government officials that went after the terrorists and what is the group in the chicago area, also known as hd, what do they profess, profess hatred of jews, destruction of israel, america's evil and capitalism is wicked, that's a speech by the reverend jeremiah wright. we are where we are, the chickens have come home to roost. >> and people are wondering why the hilton have them come into the conference center. they say the group has been very open, public about their programs and they can't discriminate on a conference for free speech. do they have a point? >> yes and no. of course, this country thrives on free speech. that's what we're exercising this morning. there are double and triple play. the hotels are hurting and they want the money. let's turn it around. this is a muslim group, american group, preaching hatred, division muslims separated from american society and anti-measured-- anti-american program. suppose a fanatical christian group came to the hilton and said we want to hold a conference preaching the christian conquest of the entire world and the subjugation of all, would the hilton go for that? >> there are a number of situations, these guys are out in the the open and it keep an eye on them and not doing this in the underground, right? >> all of my snarkiness aside, the fbi is going to be watching these guys and i'd like to see them overconfident, i'd like to see them come out of the woodwork and trip over themselves. >> we will be watching, i'm sure the fbi will be keeping an eye on this conference rather than watching some of these other conferences we have out there in the world. this will be one they'll be keeping an eye on. lieutenant ralph peters, as always, thank for joining us this morning. >> my pleasure, controversial brewing after a beer company names its thugs against turnpike exits and mothers against drunk driving, and a testify person from the company will join us live with his take on it. and save 50% on pads and shoes. meineke. the place that inspires her to go faster... and slower, elk mountains, colorado. where's yours? 100% natural nature valley granola bars. the taste nature intended. the dodge chrysler and jeep summer clearance is here, and it's the best time to get some of the best deals. get in now and get the chrysler town & country with a generous cash allowance, or 0% financing for 60 months. the trail rated jeep grand cherokee also comes with a cash allowance or 0% financing for 60 months. or choose a hard working all new dodge ram truck with a cash allowance that's tough to beat. all with our best in the business lifetime powertrain warranty. so hurry come see the deals we've built for you at the dodge chrysler and jeep summer clearance. >> flying fish brewery is naming a series of beers after exits on the new jersey turnpike. and mothers against drunk driving not so happy about this. the company says it's to honor the state, but should advertising for beer be associated with the highway. >> joining us now is gene mueller, the founder of flying fish brewery, gene, thanks for being with us. question is, these are some of your labels, some of your academic products and madd women think maybe you'll want to drink this and get behind the wheel. what's the controversy. >> they don't like the idea of putting highways and beer together and for us the whole idea started i mean, you go anywhere in the country and say you're from new jersey. the first thing people ask, what exit. >> a shorthand for where do you live in the state and we're just, now the turnpike is such icon in new jersey the turnpike is springsteen. >> and needless to say you don't condone drinking and driving. here is the statement from mothers against drunk driving, quote the combination of a roadway and advertising for any kind after beer doesn't make any kind of sense. that's from the executive director of new jersey madd. the assumption is someone might drink this beer and try to go this exit and drive to this exit, but you talked to the new jersey turnpike and you by no means condone drinking and driving. >> absolutely. we drive on the same roads, our families drive on the same roads as everyone else, why would would he want to do that. >> have you thought about changing our labels now that madd is against this. >> no, 16 more exits to go. >> every exit is a different flavor or different beer? >> the whole idea to celebrate the area and agriculture and history and having fun with it. >> a lot of support from the folks from new jersey. >> yes. >> are you taking votes. >> we have a website exit and people give us facts about their area aureus thoughts on beers and things like that so we are going to take it has to be 16 w the football stadium, this is the exit i think of i'm not from new jersey, but that's the one that comes to mind from me so i'll log on. >> thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> great ahead, a look back on the life and legacy of news man walter cronkite who passed away last night at age 92. done west joins us now. >> first, mike cartozzo with tips how to install wall tile. how you doing. >> you're right we are going to talk about the basics of wall tile whether it's ceramic or beautiful mosaic tile like this, we'll show you everything you know to go in your bathroom. >> okay, you're all set. you have questions. who can give you the financial advice you need? where will you find the stability and resources to keep you ahead of this rapidly evolving world? these are tough questions. that's why we brought together two of the most powerful names in the industry. introducing morgan stanley smith barney. here to rethink wealth management. here to answer... your questions. morgan stanley smith barney. a new wealth management firm with over 130 years of experience. >> welcome back to "fox & friends," if you're just tuning in, sad news to tell you about this morning. walter cronkite known as the most trusted man in america has died passing away at age 92 in new york. >> this morning we want to welcome steve forbes, forbes on fox and legendary magazine creator, thanks, steve, for joining us this morning and welcome don hewitt the creator of of 60 minutes and worked with walter cronkite for a number of years, and joining us on the phone. welcome to you both. >> thank you. >> don, lets he' start with you, since we have you on the phone this morning and you heard and learned of the passing of walter cronkite, working with him so many years, what stands out to you this morning as we look back at his life? >> he had a marvelous life. everybody should live to be 92 and have as wonderful a life as walter cronkite had. >> why do you say that, done, what made his life so incredible? >> he he reveled in it. he loved what he did for a living and he he did it as well as anybody ever did it. >> and steve, we've heard so much about the most trusted man in america, about the anchor of cbs news, but you knew a different man. you knew the man beyond the microphone. tell us about the stories you remember and how you will forever remember walter cronkite. >> we had a great accepts of adventure, he was a veteran sailor and he he was willing to try other things, my father was very much hot air ballooning and we would do meets in france every year, couple of years and walter loved going in those, going up in a balloon and trying new things and was more adventurous than the certified balloon pilots, so, he didn't mind the weather, he was always willing to try something and he also had a sense of humor, what one of these events, he decided everyone should be in a costume and he came as a pipe smoking, sea faring captain so he had this playfulness about him that made him very endearing and people liked being around him. he wasn't one of these aloof figures, you could approach him. he was friendly and willing to try things. >> and you guys set the standard tore journalism and 60 minutes and working at cbs with walter cronkite in addition to that. the ability to tell a story, this is something you preached for a number of years, how to tell a story effectively, how to do it well on camera, this is something that walter loved to do and do it well and he did it in such an avuncular way, it means like an uncle, uncle walter. >> he was uncle walter, he carved out a niche for himself in journalism that is like no one else ever had. and he was the ultimate anchorm anchorman, kind of a stupid phrase, but we all used it. walter was-- walter would try anything. there is he' a great story. he and betsy, on his wonderful sail boat were sailing into an island and she kept screaming at him, walter, walter, low water, low water. and he kept going and he ran aground. and she said, what's the matter with you? i kept screaming at you low water low water. he said i thought you were saying hello walter. >> steve, talk about the family man that walter cronkite was. i don't hear enough about the the fact that he was married for nearly 65 years, not only do we not see journalists like walter cronkite, rarely see someone so dedicated to their wife like that these days. >> and walter and betsy were a unique couple and she had been also in the news business, but had a lot in common. she was marvelous. she had a delicious sense of humor. even about him. i remember when we were at the races in nassau, the car races and walter insisted upon taking a racing car and whipping around the track a couple of times and betsy turned to me and she said, it looks like we are going to be back here again next year. i said for what, betsy? >> she said the walter cronkite memorial race if he keeps driving like that. >> and steve, your thoughts on their marriage as well? >> it was a unique marriage and it was a perfect one. it was a love match, you could see that the interaction between the two and while she loved him, he she also, as don indicated, and chris wallace before, she knew how to keep his feet on the ground and knew how to gently, when he got a little hot air, in a very nice way, it worked. >> now, don, i wanted to ask you about the retirement. he was in the business for 30 years and as they were saying earlier pushed out by cbs after 30 year career. i can't imagine what that would be like. we all on the sophia love this business, the idea of retiring makes us sad. i'm sure that was hard for him, the videos saying goodbye, signing off, brings a tear to our eye and knew how much the business meant to him. what was that like for him to actually have sigh goodbye and give it up? >> he didn't like it, he thought that there was absolutely no reason for him to retire. and quite frankly, there wasn wasn't, i guess i know exactly what happened. and at that particular moment nbc was wooing both roger mudd and dan rather and bill, the cbs vice-president went to cronkite and said, walter, will you assure us that you're going to stay here forever? because if you're not, we can't take the chance that you'll decide to retire and we'll by that time have lost both dan rather and roger mudd and don't put us in that position. and walter said, i'm not prepared to tell you i'm not going to retire pretty soon. so they decided the time has come to replace walter as the anchorman of the evening news. what he didn't expect was that he was going to lose the job of anchorman of all the special coverage, debates, convention coverages, bigger events and he kind of resented that. >> was he vetted by another network? i'm surprised he didn't go to another network? >> well, i think they were-- at that point, negotiating a new contract with him, which made it worth his while to stay at cbs you know, when you look back, walter missed the big money. if walter had come along five, ten years later, he'd have been up in that 10, 15 million dollar bracket that he never got into. >> yeah. >> well, don, the creator of 60 minutes. thank you for joining us this morning. there is, if you want to watch, and i'm sorry, read an incredible story the history of television, you need to read don hewitt's book, tell me a story, 50 years in 60 minutes creating a did $. >> absolutely, don. >> the plug. >> that's what we do and thank you for giving us your perspective. an incredible read through the history of television. >> check out youtube because walter cronkite is all over youtube, the master he was an a broadcaster. steve forbes, we're not letting you out of here. stick around. much more coming up, but first what's going on? >> i want to tell you your headlines in addition to what we're talking about. indicates in indonesia say the attacks on the marriott and the ritz carlton hotels that took the lives of eight people are likely linked to the master mind of the bali bombings. >> police say the bombers. >> this is the video of the guy walking into the lobby with an aside bomb attached to his chest. >> now, now, well, prior to the attack, they say that they found an unexploded bomb in one of the marriott's guest's rooms. the obama administration's considering forming a small unit of cia and law enforcement officials to create new me to understand of interrogating terror suspects. right now we're not sure which agency will be in charge of this process, but we do know that it won't be the cia. a big departure from the bush administration. a passenger bus bursts into flames on a highway north of los angeles sparking a huge brush fire that you see here. luckily, all ten people on board did get out safely. no homes were threatened, also, the firefighters estimate that 70% of the fire is now contained at this point. if you're heading roads this summer you're going to need a strong back and a strong bladder apparently. colorado, louisiana and maine are just a few of the states closing down rest stops on major highways. virginia will close 19 of its 42 rest areas. it's all in an effort by the state to cut back and save some money. not texas though, they are he' upgrading their 98 rest stops and adding wi-fi access. clayton adding wi-fi action cess. >> wi-fi to-- i'm trying to figure it out. >> they're texas. >> if you're at a rest stop why do you need wi-fi for five minutes. >> not always. >> going to hang out there and have a picnic. >> courtney freel joins us from the country music festival in twin lakes, wisconsin. courtney, how is it going. >> no one is interested on going online or having internet access out here, got to tell you that. how many country music festivals are there across the country? lots. you've got to do it right and have the right gear and here is how the folks are doing it up in the camp grounds at country thunder. what type of people have been here buying tents? >> we've got a lot of people who come up from chicago and they like to pretend they're cow girls and cowboys for the weekend and we see a lot of that when we travel the country. >> there ain't nothing wrong with that. >> nothing wrong with that. >> and this is the best setup i've seen so far, the thunder bus with the beer pong table and it's raining right now so we have some cover. this one is for you, clayton and dave. >> oh! ♪ . >> 1, 2, 3-- oh! oh! >> 2, 2, 1, oh! >> woo! >> wow! >> woo! >> yeah! >> ♪ ♪ i don't know if i'm ever coming home ♪ . >> why aren't you seeing the show. >> we are going to, we want to eat, the food is a priority in country thunder and we'll see phil bannister and hang out for alan jackson and mccoy at 10:30 on the second stage. >> and hopefully not end um like that? did you guys see that girl passed out. oh, that wasn't even the funiest part the best part we took neil mccoy out on the golf cart with us and surprised some of the fans, they were excited and i guess that's it. that's a wrap from country thunder here in twin lakes, wisconsin, have a great day. back to you. >> yeah, and we did see a man wearing a bikini, and a larry the cable guy look alike. >> and some things i could not show you. >> let's get outside to clayton and the folks with home depot, what are you going to show us? >> i'm out here in the bright sunlight. perfect tile putting on weather from mike cartozzo, thank you for i think jo us. >> no problem. >> talking about putting up tile. a project that's daunted me and i wouldn't want to do it. but you say it's so easy to do. how do we do this? >> well, i need to say first off, there is a lot of steps, not to rush into it, take your time. we are going to cover the basics and because of the time, i do want to tell you at our stores, august through october and then again december through january, every saturday 11 a.m. they'll give the tile clinic and go through the details and answer questions, so, we'll give you the basics today. >> from personal experience i've gone to a couple of home depot clinics, they're fantastic. the floor grouting tile, a great job. >> and the backboarding. >> whether it's a wall or a floor, the backboard is important, you don't want any movement. so a backer board is a good idea. this is attached to the wall like drywall and put that in on the wall. >> you've got it lined up, easy enough. next thing, you've got to draw a line. >> it's important to figure out not only how much tile you have, but you want to center the entire situation, the whole design that you have and you measure the wall from top to bottom and find the center and make a line with a chalk line and draw a line with a magic marker and left to right and find the center of the wall. it can help you figure out if the design is centered or not. and then the wall, you can't really lay the tile out like you would on a floor. >> right. >> you can't lay on the wall. so you put this on. a piece of wood that we put across to help us do the top half of the wall. what it does, it helps to keep it level, but helps to support the tile on there. >> stacking. >> and once you do the top half. you take the board off and show here, and do the bottom half because you don't have the extra support of the board, use the tape and as you build that from the top. you have to have the extra support and i do want to mention the tile thing and if you looked at this and thought they were individual tiles. >> i did. they can hold it up and got the stuff between it. >> it's a mosaic, when i was a kid, if you went into an older house, they put this, and saves awe ton of time. >> and the end here, the grout and ten seconds left. >> okay, you put down this, come through this to make the ridges and press the tile into that and then the grout goes on top and fill the space ins between the tile. >> we're out of time. >> this krout looks so good, i could eat it. but you don't want to. >> we'll be right back with steve forbes when we come back. ♪ yeah! announcer: there's having it done. then there's doing it yourself and saving. it's about sawdust in your boots. paint in your hair. - and no holes in your wallet. - ♪ whew... we've lowered over a thousand prices, giving you all the tools you need. and the bragging rights you deserve. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now, the exclusive american standard 4" symphony faucet is only $78. . 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(announcer) for a free trial offer, call 1-800-4-boniva. >> there's an idea to tax the wealthy to pay for health care reform, but small business owners may actually be the ones getting squeezed here. we're back with steve forbes and people need to pay attention to because there's an 8% payroll tax that will be allowed to the businesses and income tax for $350,000 a year as a couple. and how will it trickle down to small business owners and eventually employees. >> this is a job killer the so-called wealth tax. most businesses are organized as s-corporations or llc's, which means they're taxed at person tax rates. the tax increases they're putting in next year when the tax expires from 2003 and the sur charge is going to mean they're in fact business tax goes up and apply this 8% payroll tax, the businesses don't have the of government approved health care plans, and this wipes out their profit margins and as you know, these businesses, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 people. they're the backbone of the economy in terms of job creation and you're squeezing businesses that don't have big profit margins, they're going to get crushed. >> as you talk to some of the small and medium business owners how will they handle this? let's honest, they will get hit with the the tax and they can in fact pass this off and they can let people go. >> they can let people go and another that's going to increase unemployment, hurt job creation, and talked to a small business man the other day and said that the tax rates increases go in, he's going to have to do layoffs and he employs about 32, 35 people. he's avoided it so far in this resomethings and even though his business has take and hit. it's the straw that's going to crush him. lay people off and also going to hurt new businesses coming in because they're not going to be able to get off the ground. >> and also a discussion about raising the minimum wage and we're not here to say that we're against people making more money at the lower level, but all of these things combined, how can you have the minimum wage increase at the same time you tax businesses, hurt them even more, won't it? >> it will. we are at a moment right now where job wages are being deflated, people are, all companies have done it, furloughs, things like that, so at a time when wages are being deflated if you go push it up from the bottom side, you're going to hurt not only teenage unemployment, but you're also going to hurt, again, small businesses, business that is have small margins, they're going to cut them off. so, lose, lose, all-around. and the other thing that's going to happen, even if you're a small business, you're struggling to keep that health care plan going, this will make you give up your health care plan. air going to say, hey, government, take it over. >> right. >> going to hurt the taxpayers, it's a vicious circle. >> frightening. and the president saying yesterday, he will get this passed by the end of this year. >> this is amazing. here you're going to have a semi government takeover of our health care industry and they want to do it bypassing a mother's day resolution. >> by the august recess. >> and they doesn't want a full debate on this, it's a travesty. >> it's frightening. >> we have to say to you, sir, happy birthday. >> thank you. >> thank you for working. happy 39th birthday. >> well, 23rd anniversary of the 39th birthday. >> clayton brought you something. >> something i want today do. >> oh, my goodness. >> local, low carb, have a good day. >> thank you, steve, happy birthday to you, and at eleven o'clock, forbes on fox right here on the fox news channel. coming up on the show some foods, the donuts we showed you, could actually kill you. the ten most dangerous things behind the wheel, and don't eat the donuts he when you drive. something we probably all shove into our faces during the daytime hours, don't do it while you drive. we'll tell you why coming up. what's new from ziploc? you know all the little things you do to help the environment? here's one more... ziploc evolve. ♪ an ultra-light bag designed to keep food fresh... made with 25% less plastic. and made with wind energy. ♪ new ziploc evolve. better for the environment. still ziploc fresh. >> welcome back back to "fox & friends." the the top ten most dangerous foods to eat while driving. >> the company's vice-president is here to go through the list with us. hey, sam. >> how are you doing? >> we're great. start with coffee. coffee is dangerous to drive, or to drink while you're driving. >> absolutely. >> why is that? >> absolutely. it doesn't feel good if it spills and it will spill whether or not you have a lid or not. >> it always spills, go over a bump, and goes on your hand. hot soup. a no-brainer, who is eating hot microwaveable soup like we have here. >> there are people doing here. >> drive into the gas station and put it in the microsoft and jump in your car, people do it. >> don't do that. >> what's next? >> tacos, you're saying don't eat tacoses. >> thaez easy, go through drive throughs, on the side of the highway. >> and think fall apart. any food that falls apart you want to avoid. >> you don't want your car to look like a taco salad. >> it's going to be scattered all over the place, also on your list here, cheeseburger, hamburgers, this is something you grab in the drive through all the time. what's wrong with this. >> grease, grease, grease and grease, where are you going to wipe that grease off on. >> on your neighbor. >> and steering wheel, right. >> that's where it's dangerous, get the grease on the staring wheel. >> yes. >> what about the donut. don't eat donuts, how is that dangerous? >> have you had a jelly donut and not had the jelly ooze out of the end? >> yes, that's true and in fact,s this exactly what one looks like, you cream pours out of the side of this thing and it gets all over the place. >> on your lap, it's dangerous you're trying to clean yourself while driving. >> you're distracting yourself. i have a friend who got in a car accident because he reached for a hash brown. some people involve driver distraction, 65% of them near crashes involve some sort of mini food item. thank you, if you want to check out the complete list on from >> and in i'm sure in the insurance business, all kinds of reasons for accidents. >> and excuse, i'm sure. >> the winner of the super pages contest coming up next. >> all over my hands now. geico's been saving people money on car insurance for over 70 years. and who doesn't want value for their dollar? been true since the day i made my first dollar. where is that dollar? i got it out to show you... uhh... was it rather old and wrinkly? yeah, you saw it? umm fancy a crisp? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. so, what's the problem? these are hot. we're shipping 'em everywhere. but we can't predict our shipping costs. dallas. detroit. different rates. well with us, it's the same flat rate. same flat rate. boston. boise? same flat rate. alabama. alaska? with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. dude's good. dude's real good. dudes. priority mail flat rate boxes only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. >> welcome back on "fox & friends," we have a super pages contest winner, congratulations to jolene from west virginia, who discovered that emergency survival food, yes, canned bacon. and jolene knows our weak spot here in "fox & friends," anything bacon related you're generally going to win. >> she wins this bag of swag from fox news, filled with fox news goodies. >> jolene, thank you, you're going to get the case. >> i lived in virginia, we're remembering walter cronkite, on the chat room, con cite, is the is standard by which modern journalism should be measured. thank you for that comment and any other ideas. >> i have some on my facebook page, joseph writes, that's the way it is, rest in peace, uncle walter. >> michael spenz are, i can remember listening to my grandfather talking about what's going on in the world. >> and roxie, he's one of a kind. >> in sweden and holland for a time they actually referred to anchorman as cronkiters, that's the type of influence this man had not just here about around the planet. we'll see you tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. for "fox & friends," log into the after the show show right now and leave y

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