during the opening festivities. the good news is, it was soon put out. wow, quite a way to start a game. that wraps up this hour of "fox & friends first." thanks for joining us. "fox & friends first" continues right now. bye-bye. rob: it is monday, september 16th and a fox news alert, tens of thousands of auto workers now on strike against general motors, bringing production to a screeching halt for the first time in more than a decade. gillian:.>> they're saying gm ig profits ahead of the workers. we're live with how this could impact you. plus, a crucial clarification from the new york times to its latest brett kavanaugh bomb shell. rob: the democrats didn't let facts get in the way from the late test calls to re3406 -- latest calls to remove kavanaugh from the bench. >> you have to be brave and stand up for your rights. rob: one woman says her community refused to lay a