have to shut down losing money. we don't care not prosecute those individuals. if you are illegal trying to get into our country come on in. >> while democrats have control of the white house. the house of representatives and the senate are trying to pull things as far as to the left to their far left agenda as they can get away with. brian: far wrong agenda. steve: right now it is stalled in the house and the senate. we will have more on that in a minute. right now jillian joins us and takes us to florida. jillian: that's right. good morning. let's go ahead and begin with this story. more than a dozen nypd officers are taking new roles with a florida police department. new york's finest heading south as the city imposes a vaccine mandate. according to the post. only 72% of the force is fully vaccinated. employees who have not received their first dose of covid-19, that shot anyway, the vaccine, by monday, will be put on unpaid leave. now to california, where health officials close a second in and out restaurant over its refusal to enforce vaccination rules. the location and county saying

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