cook up some barbecue baked beans. know it's going to be a good morning here. happy memorial day weekend coming up on the show and we should mention, of course, brian, steve and gretchen are getting a little jump on their memorial day weekend and enjoying some time off. we're in for the lot of them this morning. >> we're happy when they miss the barbecue and the concerts. good day for them to take off. good to have you here, molly. >> thanks for having me. >> kicking off with headlines this morning. >> new video in of the secretary of state hillary clinton wrapping up meetings with top officials in pakistan right now. clinton pressed for more cooperation in fighting terrorism, relations with pakistan have been strained since navy seals killed usama bin laden and also new this morning, pakistani officials reportedly allowing the c.i.a. to examine bin laden's compound. there's a search for documents that may be hidden in the walls or buried in the ground. at least eight american troops killed in two deadly bombings in the taliban strong hold of kandahar, afghanistan. nato says seven of the victims were killed in a roadside blast while on foot patrol. the second explosion went off as others rushed in to help the wounded and another round of deadly storms tearing through the country. this time, three people were killed in atlanta. more than 100,000 homes reportedly still without power. waer also getting new details out of joplin, missouri. death toll there now up to 126. more than 200 people are missing. search crews are using cadaver dogs to look through the rubble and you are looking live in space where astronauts are about two hours away from wrapping up the fourth space walk of endeavor's mission. two astronauts are finishing up installation of the boom to the international space station officially completing its construction. it's scheduled to undock on wednesday and return to earth on thursday. you have seen still photos. now here's video of the apartment in lower manhattan where dominique strauss-khan is spending his house arrest. the former imf chief is paying the tab for this 24-hour armed guard and surveillance and the $50,000 a month rent for the house. when he leaves, you can have it for a mere $14 million. for your headlines. >> you have to be kidding me. a sun deck on the top. dsk needs a tan. his wife footing the bill for all of this. what is this woman doing standing by his side? >> i know what everybody is thinking, who is going to clean that house? >> i'm pretty sure the security. think about it. they better get him out of that house when someone comes into there. >> wow. >> just a thought! >> all right. we begin this morning with the buzz over 2012 and who may be jumping in the field. more indications every day that sarah palin may be the next to jump in. she's now announced that a bus tour will travel along the east coast hitting up philadelphia, hitting up new hampshire and some historic spots along the coast. has not committed to any sort of presidential run but it does appear that the sides are going. she rehired two campaign workers from last time around. >> here's the house, too. all the signs pointing in that direction. this is the house -- >> in scottsdale. >> $1.7 million that she now purchased and it's been confirmed she now owns it and so all the signs and they're saying, look, because she's not -- it's more difficult to be in alaska and run some sort of campaign, it would be easier to be in -- >> great base for as far as flying all over the country and getting around, you know, one of america's most well known conservative commentators weighing in on this, rush limbaugh says it's likely she will run. take a listen. >> i think this bus trip is -- it's certainly designed to get people speculating that she's in. and it's clear, greta, the thing about sarah palin to me is that she has now learned to relish and to profit from all of the attention be it negative or positive. >> there you go, rush limbaugh weighing in saying she thinks she'll likely run. laura ingraham doesn't think sarah palin will run. she said this last night. take a listen. >> she has a huge following and she's a fascinating person and she's -- she's a smart woman, ok? so i don't like it when people dismiss or demean, sarah palin can't -- sarah palin if she's ready for this, she can step in and be a major force in american politics. but she's got to be ready and she's got to want to do it. i'm not sure that this is the juncture she's at right now. i'm not sure. >> and bill o'reilly agreed with her, didn't think this was the time that she would run because it would damage her brand to throw -- she's making money right now on book tours and doing everything. >> she's young and has a lot of time. you had mentioned previously maybe a senate race could be in her future. perhaps she could hold off a little while longer. still very, very young. a lot of time to continue building that resume. >> you don't know, all along i felt no. she may have looked and said no one is emerging out of this field. maybe this is my time. i don't think she had plans to. maybe watching the lack of activity has inspired her. >> show you a poll in a second because now we know that next june 2nd, mitt romney is going to announce, he's in iowa today. he's going to announce finally for 2012 and i said yesterday, it's odd he hasn't already announced. doesn't it feel like he's -- >> he's the first one in actually. >> they make it official very soon. michelle bachmann very soon and rick santorum to announce next month as well. this poll that you're talking about, if you're sitting back and you're sarah palin you're looking at the poll numbers and you're not in the race yet. these are two individuals who aren't even in the race yet. >> interesting number in this poll. 22% of respondents say they're not overly enthused, i'm not sure what the terminology was about this current field. you mentioned michelle bachmann and she says some sort of announcement is coming early in june in iowa where she was born why would she announce she's not running in iowa? that would be, i think, pretty odd so it looks like she's going to jump in somewhere before that june 13th g.o.p. debate which is up next. >> absolutely. she wants to be ready for that so she can get in on it. another big battle going on in politics, the twitter battle, if you're not paying attention to twitter, it's hilarious in reality. it really is really funny. we had a lot of folks weighing in and kind of attacking one another. >> here's tim pawlenty who actually jumped in on twitter and a lot of people wondering whether or not she's guys are going to make presidential announcements on twitter. tim pawlenty got a swipe on obama saying sorry to interrupt the pub crawl, what was your medicare plan again? he jumped on twitter to ask that question while president obama over in europe. >> way to slug it out in 2011. do it with punches or nasty ads. just throw out a little tweet. tim paw laelenty will join us a 7:15 a.m. eastern time. he had pizzas from the best place on the planet, gino's east in chicago and sent the leftovers to president obama's campaign fundraising head quarters there in chicago and to prove it, there's a picture that he tweeted of the delivery boy. >> i don't know if that's a jab. you call that a jab. >> is that just friendly? >> just an extra pizza. >> leftovers. well, ok. >> maybe it was just a friendly gesture. you're right. >> meanwhile, the patriot act, of course, was almost about to expire and the president is signing a last minute extension after congress finally got everything, you know, rand paul went on this epic discussion about the patriot act on the floor and basically held up a lot of it. a lot of congressmen were trying to get out of town. president obama signed the last minute patriot act extension overseas with this auto pen. this thing is incredible. he's overseas but he uses this pen basically that mimicks his handwriting from afar and fills in the document. it's rarely used but it's quite a cool gadget. >> john hancock never saw that one coming, you know? why does everything have to come down to the very last second. why do you have to wait for the last second to sign the patriot act back into business? talked about how critical this is to protect america and protect us from terrorists and down to the last second where you have to whip out technology to make it happen. >> yeah, it was most like the budget talks we saw with the government shutdown not averted until late at night at the very last second so it does seem like they are timing these things very oddly. as for this auto pen, we're still checking on the history and any major legislation that has been signed by auto pen. it's not real clear this morning, harry truman believed to be the first to use this thing, though. but just a signed check and we got to get an auto pen for ourselves, you know, signing checks although you don't sign them anymore. you pay everything on line. >> carpal tunnel. played some audio earlier in the show for you. you're up flying, two people in an airplane. you're with your husband who knows how to fly an aircraft. he's 70 years old and suddenly he passes out while he's flying the aircraft. you don't know how to fly the plane. you're the wife in this situation and panic ensues. take a listen to what happens as the wife has to respond and grab the wheel of the plane. listen. >> i think you might be experiencing some high oxygen, would you like a lower altitude? >> attempting to fly from san bernadino, california, to colorado springs and she has to -- there was another plane up in the air at the time that heard her panic and helped her figure out how to grab the controls and lower the plane. this particular plane which i'd never heard of actually comes equipped with a parachute that if they need to, they can deploy this parachute that gently lands the plane itself. can you imagine? >> i can't imagine. >> do an incredible job. they're not sure what was going on with the husband. they think it's the oxygen and he got too high. maybe it was hypoxia, just losing his grip on what he was saying or thinking. woman again landed in farmington, new mexico herself. what an amazing job taking over. >> whole time they're talking her down telling her you need to get below 10,000 feet and if i was up there trying to land a plane. where does 10,000 feet start? >> he woke up and became indignant. he's like i'm fine! what are you talking about? i'm not incapacitated. but he was kind of queasy and he managed to land it in new mexico. she was right there. i don't know if he's going to land it ok. he's still a little out of it. let us know what you think about that. friends at >> next on the rundown -- >> paul ryan, the plan to cut medicare shot down. what's next? do the democrats even have a plan? closer look at that. >> and a school being told to hold its graduation some place else because somebody complained about the building's religious symbols. a compromise was reached. why people are calling it a raw deal. >> kickoff to our all american concert series with the band the plain white t's. come down to 48th and sixth. [ female announcer ] ever wish vegetables didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. and try our deliciously refreshing v8 v-fusion + tea. and my dog bailey and i love to hang out in the kitchen. you love the aroma of beef tenderloin, don't you? you inspired a very special dog food. [ female announcer ] chef michael's canine creations. chef inspired. dog desired. the two trains and a bus rider. the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic. for 80 years, we've been inspired by you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where you want to be ♪ because your moment is now. let nothing stand in your way. learn more at [ male announcer ] in 2011, at is at work, building up our wireless network all across america. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your weless network experience. from a single phone call to the most advanced data download, we're covering more people in more places than ever before in an effort to give you the best network possible. at&t. rethink possible. >> congressman paul ryan taking on president obama. >> you want to be the president of the united states? you should put up ideas on how to solve this country's massive fiscal and economic problems. the current president isn't doing that. our nominee should do that. >> but ryan's plan to cut medicare was shot down. how do we reform it now? joining us now is louisiana congresswoman -- congressman and physician, john fleming. thanks for being here this morning. >> good morning. >> you believe this program needs to be saved. why do you believe ryan's plan might be the right way to do it and why it must be done? >> molly, i actually began medical school only seven years after medicare was implemented and i've watched it over the years and what i've seen is while it's been a beautiful program on the outside, it's been progressively sinking. it's been rotting from the inside and sinking over the years and congress has gone through all sorts of calisthenics to try to keep it going including ratchetting down reimbursements for health care providers, cost shifting to private payers but the truth is it's always been an entitlement program for all classes including the wealthy and so for every dollar that medicare recipients have been paying in in premiums, they've been getting $3 back and that's fine but we're at a point now with baby boomers and so forth entering the system, we can no longer afford that so we do have to move to a reform to save the system. >> you know, why has it been so many people in your own party also are not quite in favor and fully behind the ryan plan? >> well, you know, we have now 17 physicians in the republican conference. we're unanimous on this from our experiences. i talked to doctors across the country every day and we're all in agreement that medicare needs to be saved and the way to do that is to go to a -- closer to a market-based system for those who are 55 and under as paul discusses in his plan but those who are 10 years out or currently on medicare will see no difference from what it is today. so for those who are younger, they would get a congressional-like plan, the kind of plan i'm on today where i go to a large list of insurance companies across the country and i choose just the one for me and the price that i like and they all compete for my business which competition always drives costs down and quality up. >> congressman ryan said yesterday when he was speaking with bret baier on "special report" that it's obama care that is actually raiding medicare to the tune of $500 billion. do you agree with that assessment? >> yes, no question about it. not only does obama care take out a half a trillion dollars but it spends it in two places which the actuaries say that's impossible to do but even if you take out that $500 billion and add it to the end of the program, actuaries now tell us and they just came out this past week saying it's going to go bankrupt, insolvent five years before they thought, with obama care and with the beginning of rationing that comes with obama care, it still goes out of business in 12 years if we don't radically change this. >> thank you very much, representative fleming for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you, molly. >> and up next, an update on a story we've been following closely. that school told to hold its graduation elsewhere can stay. it has to cover up some religious signs. remember this song? >> ♪ hey there delila what's it like in new york city ♪ >> the plain white t's are performing live on the plaza. it is the kickoff to our all american concert series. so stick around. ♪ proud to stand on our own ♪ proud to be homegrown ♪ a familiar face and a name you know ♪ ♪ come on ♪ we know you and we know your needs ♪ ♪ we know what being a neighbor means ♪ ♪ and got a reputation to uphold ♪ ♪ can you hear it? 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[ fiber seeker ] really? try it. [ mr. mehta ] honey, touch of brown sugar, crunchy clusters -- any cardboard? [ male announcer ] cardboard no, delicious yes. >> 22 minutes after. few quick headlines now. john edwards visiting one of the key players in the alleged scheme to cover up his affair. sources say edwards met with rachel bunny melon for lunch in virginia. the visit is sure to raise a few eyebrows with the feds who spent more than two years investigating melon's contributions to edwards. and we're expected to learn what caused that 2009 airfrance crash. revealing data from the black boxes today. the plane crashed into the atlantic killing all 228 people on board. clayton? >> all right. thanks, dave. we've been telling you about the graduation controversy at a new jersey high school. the aclu has been trying to force the district to move the graduation from the auditorium because one student complained about religious symbols. now a deal has been reached. the 20 foot cross above the door will not be lit up and two religious signs will now be covered. megan mcclusky's son is set to graduate from the high school next month and she joins us on the show. last weekend when we first talked, there was a lot of people chiming in. fox viewers were engaged on this issue. now that the agreement has been handed down, what's your response to all this? >> everybody is calling it a compromise and a settlement. i'm mainly relieved that my son and his friends will be able to graduate in the auditorium but it's not a compromise. aclu got everything they demanded. the board of ed gave into their demands which in this case we're happy with because our kids can graduate but the same issue still stands. >> some are saying this is bullying by the aclu. one person last year goes to this auditorium for the ceremony and doesn't like looking up and seeing a cross on the wall with some religious symbol around the building and say i'm going to file a complaint against the aclu. is this bullying because of one person? >> in my opinion, yes, it is. >> i'd love to play this for you. here's a statement. we're satisfied that the actions by the district will allow students of all faiths and backgrounds will enjoy their graduation ceremony for not feeling like outsiders based on religious differences. are kids going to feel like an outsider? >> no, nobody feels like an outsider in ocean grove. there's secular concerts here many tony bennett will be here, tim conway, i don't think anybody feels like outsiders coming to the auditorium. >> number of presidents have been in ceremonies in this particular auditorium as well. here's a statement that responded to this situation as well that seems to echo some of your sentiments but david writes and says the town became stronger and it was a galvanizing moment for the town. there's a lot of faith in this town. led to a true amicable resolution so seeing there's a resolution there to amicable, what do you think of his statement? >> there is a resolution that our kids can graduate and graduation will go on as planned. i completely agree, it has brought our town, both neptune township and ocean grove closer than ever before. we united behind this and everyone from all political persuasions have joined in this. >> we got a lot of e mails last weekend a number of which said what about the first amendment here, separation of church and state? what do you say about that? >> the first amendment is freedom of religion. it's not freedom from religion. everybody can have a religion if they want. they don't have to if they don't want to. the town isn't forcing the religion on anyone. you don't have to be baptized if you want to graduate from neptune high school. everybody needs to focus on the fact that our kids are going to graduate. it's a great day and set aside our own differences. >> congratulations on your son graduating on june 17th. nice to see you again. >> thank you very much. >> developing story right now. america agreeing to give $20 billion, that's $20 billion to egypt and tunisia. aren't we broke right now? stuart varney up next with the breaking details of that money and we gave ainsley the toughest assignment of the day. she's live on the deck of the iwo jima celebrating fleet week this morning with the troops. happy birthday today to andre benjamin from outkast. he turns 36 today. ok guys, how's the family gonna use less? i'm gonna use less honey. i'm gonna text less. well, i'm gonna use less bath tissue with charmin!!! 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>> happy, smiling, asking us how our trip was. normal casy. >> jurors have requested the trial continue on memorial day. the judge set to make a decision on that today. it took 16 years and now the army general dubbed the butcher of bosnia is on his way to face genocide charges. serbia has started the extradition process for radko milosivic. he was arrested in plain sight yesterday. he's charged with ordering the killing of thousands of serbians during the bosnian war. a man is in serious condition after being shot by a bow and arrow by his 15-year-old daughter. the incident apparently happened after the teen's father took his cell phone away. he crawled out of his house and managed to call 911. teen is now in a detention facility. controversial arizona immigration law called by the supreme court. it allows the state to punish businesses that hire illegal workers. in a 5-3 decision, the court said the measure does not violate federal immigration laws. it was the first case involving arizona's recent immigration statutes to reach the supreme court and some see it as an indication of how the court may rule on other immigration cases including the one involving arizona's controversial law that gives police the power to check whether people are in this country illegally. a 10-year-old florida boy starting his summer vacation off with a real bang. michael dasher says he went out to do a little fishing and came home with a 6 foot alligator. >> snagged the gator and it came at me and so i wrestled it. >> the gator got caught in his line. that's when he and some friends wrestled it and dragged it back to his house. fortunately, none of the boys were hurt. dasher likely wouldn't have been charged with a felony, or would have rather. can't wrestle alligators. not allowed. dave? >> good lesson. talk a little sports now. the nba finals are all set and it's a rematch. last night, the miami heat looking to close out the bulls and move on in the finals. chicago led much of the way but late in the fourth quarter, lebron, wade and bosh took over, erasing a 12-point deficit. it was an 18-3 run to close the game. 83-80. the heat win it, 4-1 and sends the big three to the nba finals in their first year together. they will take on the dallas mavericks in a rematch of 2006. game one tuesday in miami. should be a good one. sad news in the baseball world. an awkward story in colorado. a rockies fan has died after falling down a stairway at coors field between the rockies and diamondbacks. police say 27-year-old robert semens was sliding down the railing when he lost his balance, fell over, suffered head injuries. an autopsy was performed but results from the toxicology tests could take weeks. college football news, allegation surrounding one of the nation's top football programs getting uglier this morning. former ohio statewide receiver ray small tells the osu lanset that he sold his big 10 championship rings for money and everybody else was doing it, too. he claims that buckeye football players got sweetheart deals on cars. coach jim tressel and five players including quarterback at the rebel pryor is you spened for the first five games of the upcoming season. things not getting any better for columbus. >> breaking news from the g-8 summit this morning. group of eight countries have agreed to help revive the economies of egypt and tunisia. the u.s. agreeing to give billions in that deal. but aren't we broke right now and shouldn't we be using that money to create jobs at home? >> stuart varney is here, of course, to weigh in on this. what do you think? these countries are in real trouble. they're working towards democracy. should we and the rest of the world be helping them out? >> well, ok, but look, we're talking $20 billion. that was announced this morning. that's european money, that's american money. it's just going to egypt and tunisia. just two states and it's going for job creation and infrastructure. >> imagine what we would do in this country. that's an awful lot of money. >> exactly. are we not broke? did we not have a stimulus program that didn't work terribly well and now we are giving money to hostile regimes? i think there's going to be a political problem with this when president obama comes back from that g-8 meeting. >> the argument that we don't want them to turn into hostile regimes. we have been for years, of course, funneling money into egypt and the idea that as democracies trying to take hold there, it could go down one direction or go the other. is money, though, the answer? we saw what it did in pakistan. >> exactly. can you buy friendship? maybe you can buy influence. but can you buy friendship? the answer is probably not. and given america's circumstance, look, we are broke. how is it going to go down $20 billion to egypt and tunisia and europe is in the middle of a bailout crisis of its own. i don't think this plays well politically at the very least. >> are they making an argument that essentially what they're buying is peace or a movement towards peace and they want to ensure that hostility doesn't move and take over. >> yes, i think that's what they're trying to do, yes. whether you should be doing that and whether you should be doing that at this point in our own economic cycle, that's another story but there's more than just $20 billion involved here. the imf is going to get $35 billion in total in loans to nonoil producing states in north africa. that's an awful lot of money from the imf and we provide some of that money. >> and also, what's interesting about the united states, talk about that. the united states has a larger role in the imf than any country in the world. when the imf decides to move and puts up money in this situation, the united states gets saddled with this, right? >> doesn't this remind you of the 1970's? rising gas prices, very sluggish economy, trouble in the middle east, hostile regimes going after us and now, tax rates also in america going up. just an odd echo of the 1970's now back to then. >> great point. we are funneling massive amounts of money in pakistan at that time. look where it got us. >> addressing this on your show i imagine today. >> all kind of things on "varney & company" coming up and this will be the lead story, believe me. >> check it out. great show, fox business network at 9:20. >> only because you're a frequent guest on it. >> no, that's the worst day of the week when i'm on. >> not true. >> coming up, here are your tax dollars hard at work. researchers spent half a million dollars to study this shrimp on a treadmill and that is just the beginning. >> looking trim. and ainsley earhardt, one of the toughest assignments of the morning honoring our service men and women on board the uss iwo jima. getting ready to plant? chances are your soil is like th: compacted, drained of nutrits it'll hold your plants but it'll also hold 'em back. the solution: miracle-gro garden soil. the perfect mix of rich, organic ingredients, and miracle-gro plant food. just mix it in. and turn bad soil into great soil. helps plants grow twice as big. instead of holding 'em back, they'll leap ahead. miracle-gro garden soil. and moisture control garden soil. better than any other luxury brand. ♪ tellichoice proclaims that lexus has the best overall value of any brand. ♪ and j.d. power and associates ranks lexus highest in customer satisfaction. no wonder more people have chosen lexus over any other luxury brand 11 years in a row. see ur lexus dear. didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. and try our deliciously refreshing v8 v-fusion + tea. not a mammal in this household is willing to lay claim to its origin. but now is not the time for blame. now is the time for action. ♪call 1-800-steem. >> couple of quick headlines. jesus can stay. a federal judge in texas rules the government cannot prohibit a minister from including the words "jesus christ" in a prayer during a memorial day observance taking place at the houston national cemetery. former "american idol" judge says paula abdul's brownies landed her in the hospital. she had about six of them one night at abdul's house and didn't realize they were filled with something, possibly marijuana, abdul says a friend left the brownies at her house. wasn't me. i didn't bake the brownies. a friend brought them over. >> a plate of brownies. >> only six of them. >> six? >> anyway, it is fleet week here in new york city and our own ainsley earhardt on a very tough assignment today aboard the uss iwo jima. ainsley, i don't know if you heard but song introing you is "hot mama." we played earlier, and i'm sure the soldiers share that sentiment. >> you are so sweet. they're the impressive ones, let me tell you, what a great way to wake up this morning. good morning to you, dave, clayton and molly and all of you at home that are watching. for all of us new yorkers we know it's fleet week. we've seen 3,000 men and women walking around in downtown manhattan in their uniforms. we're so proud of these guys. there are 11 ships here docked in the new york area so this is an opportunity for families at home to bring their kids out and see what it's really like to be like on a ship, an amphibious ship like this one, and we are here with captain thomas chafee, the commanding officer of the uss iwo jima which is where i am right now. very impressive. it is a huge ship. i walked it this morning. the sun was coming up here in new york. got on board and it is massive! >> it is. it's 844 feet long. 106 feet wide at the water line and is about 40,000 tons. >> when i walked in, i'm standing in front of like three or four different tanks. what's the purpose of this ship? >> the purpose is to embark united states marines, their aircraft, as you may be able to see in the background here, and offer associated appointments so they can accomplish their mission when it's time to transition them to shore. >> so your mission as a navy officer is to help the marines transport all of their equipment. >> correct. we unload the marines and their associated equipment. they're trained and we're trained to work with them as navy marine corps team to accomplish a variety of things. >> how does that work out? >> it works out great, again, i have the best sailors in the world as part of ship's company on iwo jima and the marines, of course, send their best out to sea as always and we always establish great working relationships and mission always comes first and we always accomplish the mission. never failed. >> very proud with you. where was your last deployment? >> our last deployment was a mission called continuing promise 2010 and it was to the caribbean, central and northern and south america. we visited eight countrys and the main theme of that mission was humanitarian assistance and possible disaster relief. it was during the hurricane season so we were there to visit those eight countries, provide medical and engineering support to a local community in each country but we were there just in case the hurricane was to strike anywhere in the united states or caribbean country or central american country to respond to any contingencies that may have resulted. >> i understand you have quite a medical facility here on board. >> we do. we normally -- we have about 20 to 30 corps men and two medical officers as part of ship's company to treat -- to treat the -- the little over 1,000 sailors we have on board. but when we embark the marines, and deploy, we bring along a fleet surgical team. they can do the full spectrum of surgery and increased medical care on board the iwo jima. >> spectacular. we're in the studio and we're reporting the news and you're down there doing something about it and helping other people in other countries. >> yeah, it is. it's a pretty neat mission. no matter what the mission is, it's really great to serve -- serve the united states and provide that -- those key national security missions overseas. >> my grandfather was in the navy and lived on a ship. what is it like? >> you know, it's pretty good, you know, we -- of course, the sailors and when the marines are embarking, we're working really hard. we do our best to provide morale, welfare and information services so they can relax a little bit doing good things to make the ship run but, you know, any time you're away from family, it's hard. but, you know, we volunteered for this service and they just do an awesome job and make my job as commanding officer, i probably got the easiest job on the ship. they're the ones that work hard. >> i love that about you. so where is your family? and how long is the longest deployment for you? >> my family resides in virginia beach. ship is home ported in norfolk, virginia. >> like to say hi to my spouse, jennifer, i've got six kids. >> six? >> six kids. >> god bless you, jennifer! >> she is -- she's my commanding officer back at home. >> she's your ship. >> she does. my daughters abigail, samantha laushgsen and katherine, my sons lucas and shawn. >> wonderful. i know they're very proud of you. what was your longest deployment? >> longest deployment for me was six months. about six months. a little over six months. >> hard to be away for the six months? >> it always is hard to be away from family but we know we're doing an important mission and the reunions are always awesome when you get back. >> captain, thank you so much for your service. we appreciate that. >> thank you. >> we'll be here all morning. broadcasting live from right here. i'm looking at manhattan behind the camera, phenomenal view. back to you guys in the studio. >> drove past it this morning at pier 88 down there. impressive, impressive ships. thanks to those guys. we'll be checking in with them all morning. six kids. thanks, jennifer for her service. >> to be reminded that these guys are, you know, moms and dads and out there serving our country and coming home and making sure they make time for their families, too. >> he got all the names right of the kids. >> named them off! >> coming up on the show, forget shrimp on the barby. how about shrimp on a treadmill? they spent half a million dollars of your money to study this crustacean. look at how else the money is going to waste. keep going, shrimp! >> can't keep. >> governor tim pawlenty not exactly endorsing paul ryan's medicare plan. does he have anything better to offer? the presidential candidate here live with us next hour. [ male announcer ] to the 5:00 a.m. scholar. the two trains and a bus rider. the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic. for 80 years, we've been inspired by you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where you want to be ♪ because your moment is now. let nothing stand in your way. learn more at >> well, this one may really steam you, $1 million spent on a study to see how quickly parents respond to trendy baby names. $2 million spent to figure out if people who post pictures on line are friends or not and a half million to study shrimp running on a treadmill. yes. and you are paying for all of this in the name of science. joining us this morning is the vice president for policy and communication at the national taxpayers union. good morning to you, pete. >> good morning. >> all right, so in this age of austerity, we're making all these tough cuts. how in the world do we spend half a million dollars to throw a shrimp on a treadmill? >> how in the world indeed? our number one research priority should be getting the federal government to stop wasting money and bankrupting the country. the ironic part is shrimp get all kinds of money throughout the federal government. for years, the department of agriculture has been subsidizing something called shrimp aqua culture. so it's going across all disciplines. >> well, the national science foundation gets the bulk of this money. here's what they tell us. while no agency is without flaws, they have been diligent about addressing concerns from members of congress about work force and grant management issues and the excellent record of tracking down waste and prosecuting wrongdoing is apparent from senator coburn's report. is it apparent? a million and a half dollars for a robot that has learned how to fold laundry. are there checks and balances to determine which of this money is wasteful? >> not enough. and in fact, nsf has asked its own people about this. grant reviewers for the national science foundation were surveyed, they said a majority of them fewer than 10% of the projects they reviewed for applications constituted what was called transformative research. well, transformative research is what they're supposed to be funding. they're admitting that projects they're looking aren't to any value to taxpayers. >> tom coburn says no question that nsf has contributed to scientific discovery. unfortunately, in some ways, nsf has underminded its core mission through mismanagement and misplaced priorities. does the government need to take a look at this process as a whole and cut down the money that's given to them or go line by line and figure out which of these experiments is worth half million, a million dollars each? >> we need to do both. for example, i think we need to inject more competition into this process. one of the reasons nasa, for example, developed so many technologies during the space race was because they had a competitor, the russians. we need to establish that kind of competitive spirit in all of the federal grant programs. there's very novel legislation towards energy research would set up what's called a reverse auction in this process. they get the money to start up energy technologies would have to meet certain standards. if they don't meet them, the money is withdrawn. that's something the federal government needs to redo. the private sector, drug companies, for example, hit a lot of dead ends in their research but they know when to start throwing good money after bad. government can't do that. >> i think we'd all like to hear why government money is going to jell-o wrestling at the south pole. thanks for being with us, sir. we appreciate it. >> my pleasure. >> coming up, fourth graders learning about gender diversity through transgender fish? seriously. is this what you want your kids to learn? remember this song? >> ♪ hey there delila what's it like in new york city i'm 1,000 miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty ♪ >> certainly do. the plain white t's performing live on our plaza this morning. the kickoff to our all american concert series. stick around or come on down if you're in new york city. 48th and sixth. wow, it's a great deal. yup... it's our annual deal-o-rama! show me the carfax. yeah... show me the carfax. but it's deal-o-rama. just show me the carfax. [ sighs ] before you buy a used car, get a carfax vehicle history report. see accidents and service reported to carfax and a price based on the car's history. free, at thousands of reputable dealers. just say, show me the carfax. >> good morning, it is friday, may 27th. i'm molly in for gretchen carlson. new house, new wheels. sarah palin setting up shop in arizona and kicking off a bus tour this weekend. could this mean she's setting the stage for a presidential run? >> the spy camera. and herman cain may be the pizza king but mitt romney proves he can deliver. sending a little surprise to president obama's campaign headquarters. >> delicious leftover pizza. >> send some here. talk about learning on the fly. when her pilot husband passes out at the yolk, a woman gets a crash course in steering the plane. >> turn to the left. >> i got to get down. we need to breathe. >> tell you about her clutch moves soon. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. >> ♪ beautiful song to be sung she's got blue eyes deep like the sea that roll back when she's laughing at me she rides the dark of the tide the moment we may only have tonight until the morning sun oh all mine music ♪ >> you're listening to some plain white t's. they are outside getting warmed up, ready for the all american concert series for the summer. plus famous dave's barbecue is outside. what a great way to kick off memorial day weekend. >> we want to thank gretchen, brian and steve for taking the day off. >> yeah. >> good to have molly in this morning as well. >> yeah. >> absolutely. and governor tim pawlenty i just saw in the green room, he's going to be getting some ribs and joining us in a few moments as well. >> yes. makes total sense really. we bribed him and got him here, though. >> you got it. we start with the fox news alert. president obama and the rest of the g-8 leaders are wrapping up the summit in france with the group photo and a final working lunch. they're talking everything from the economy to the protests in the arab world. >> mike emanuel live at the white house. mike, what did the president say about libya today? >> molly, dave, clayton, good morning. fascinating dilemma there when it comes to libya because you have the president of the united states there with allies in france where the allies say we need to do more to get rid of muammar qaddafi here in washington, of course, there's great debate about whether the u.s. needs to be doing as much as as it is doing. here's the president a short time ago on the situation in libya. >> we agreed that we have made progress on our libya campaign. but that meeting the u.n. mandates of civilian protection cannot be accomplished when qaddafi remains in libya directing his forces in acts of aggression against libyan people. and we are joined in resolve to finish the job. >> if you're wondering about those edits in the soundbite, they were french translation so for the sake of time, we stuck with english but the bottom line is the president thinks sustained pressure will get rid of muammar qaddafi in libya. some of our allies, we'd like to see more pressure put on by the united states and our allies, guys. >> and mike, for this next answer, i'd like you to answer me in french, if you don't mind. >> please do. >> there's a lot of questions to help the struggling democracies in the middle east. i'm talking egypt, tunisia. what did the leaders decide on as far as any kind of financial aid or military aid or anything else? >> more than $20 billion in aid will go to the egyptians and the tu tunisians to help the democracies move forward. the people there are not only frustrated with their political situations but the young populations were very frustrated by the lack of economic opportunities so the hope is by giving a little bit of help to those governments as they are just starting out. that will help move the process forward and move their economies forward and help have a better opportunity for success so the hope now is some of the rich arab nations, hint saudi arabia, hint kuwait may kick up some cash themselves to try to help some of their neighbors in need, guys. >> good luck with that. >> how do you say good-bye in french? >> au revoir. you like that? seventh grade french, boom! >> beret on. thanks. >> now to the rest of the headlines and another fox news alert. new video just in of secretary of state hillary clinton in pakistan right now. she's just wrapped up meetings with top pakistani officials where she pressed for more cooperation in fighting terrorism. relations with pakistan have been strained since navy seals killed usama bin laden. and also new this morning, pakistani officials reportedly allowing the c.i.a. to examine bin laden's compound. they're expected to search for documents that are buried under the ground. eight american troops were killed in two deadly bombings in the taliban strong hold of kandahar, afghanistan. nato says seven of the victims were killed in a roadside blast while on patrol. second explosion went off as others rushed to help the wounded and another series of deadly storms tearing through the country. this round killing three people in atlanta, two of the victims died when a tree fell on their car. 65,000 homes reportedly without power now and the death toll after this week's devastating twister in joplin, missouri, up to 126. more than 200 people are still missing. search crews are using cadaver dogs to look through the rubble. and you are looking live in space where astronauts are nearly done with the fourth space walk of endeavor's mission. the two astronauts are finishing an installation of a boom to the international space station officially completing its construction. endeavor is scheduled to undock on sunday and return to earth on wednesday. and those are your headlines. >> if i was a betting man, i wouldn't know how to bet on governor sarah palin running for president in 2012. >> i don't know what the vegas odds are this morning and she's sending all sorts of different signals and this sunday, she'll kick off a bus tour across the united states to honor memorial day as she says, she's going to be hitting up battlefields. there's the look at the tour bus there. one of the bloodiest battles in american history and these going to gettysburg, pennsylvania, another pivotal battle in american history and she says she wants to talk about america's exceptionalism on memorial day. >> yeah. she's also going to new hampshire as we talk about possibly running for a presidential run. >> and check out the liberty bell in philly. video you see here is the new house she's reportedly buying with husband todd in scottsdale, arizona. said to be a $1.7 million six garage massive home but the point here is this could be the platform for starting this presidential campaign. you can't rent one from alaska. you need to be in this neck of the woods, lower 48. maybe that's where she's based in john mccain's state, oddly enough, but maybe this is the kickoff to her presidential campaign. it looks like those are split. the pundits not sure whether she's getting in or not. >> hopefully she won't have to build a giant fence here to keep out any journalistic prying eyes. a lot of commentators are trying to figure out what she's trying to do. rush limbaugh says it sounds like he thinks she's going to run. take a listen. >> i think this bus trip is -- it's certainly designed to get people speculating that she's in. and it's clear, greta, the thing about sarah palin to me is that she has now learned to relish and to profit from all the attention. be it negative or positive. >> and that's -- that's very interesting take on it because last night on "o'reilly" playing off what rush was saying, this idea of profitting off it and bill o'reilly saying he didn't think she'd be ready to get in. laura ingraham doesn't think that palin will run in 2012 but she's in a unique situation right now. book tours and everything else. she might not want to go in the whole process, listen. >> she has a huge following. she's a fascinating person and she's a smart woman, ok? sarah palin can't -- sarah palin if she's ready for this, she can step in and be a major force in american politics but she's got to be ready and she's got to wanna do it. i'm not sure this is the juncture she's at right now. i'm not sure. >> she knows the attacks would be brutal from the left wing media and it would be clear if she's running, she kind of tears up the conventional playbook, guys, because no real foundation built in iowa and new hampshire and south carolina, all those early states. she's be doing it her own way, something we've certainly never seen before she's running. >> other people looking at throwing in the playbook and switching things up a bit. mitt romney, we got some breaking news last night he's going to announce on june 2nd. he is in iowa today. also michelle bachmann and rick santorum set to announce next month as well. so this field is getting tighter and tighter or larger and larger, i guess. >> starting to shape up and a new gallup poll is recently released showing that romney and palin are still leading the pack right now. of course, mike huckabee getting out of the race kind of opened up a little space. right now, romney at 17%. sarah palin at 15%. ron paul, newt gingrich a little behind. >> they're not in the race yet. that's really interesting numbers. we'll ask governor tim pawlenty joining us shortly about that new gallup poll because, you know, he spent a lot of time in iowa and a lot of people think he's got a great foundation in iowa. >> herman cain, you didn't see him on the graphic, one percentage point behind those in third and fourth so he even has a shot at this thing. you wonder for folks like tim pawlenty would sarah palin really hurt him and those others that need the name recognition? she would take up a lot of space and lot of media and lot of attention if she were to get in. >> if she gets in. that's the big question. >> let us know what you think. get your questions in now for governor tim pawlenty also on twitter, we are "fox & friends" on twitter. coming up on the show, a mother and her baby defy the odds when she carries her son to term outside of her uterus. you have to hear that one. >> and governor tim pawlenty chowing down on some barbecue for breakfast, of course. gearing up for his appearance on "fox & friends" next. >> and we're fueling up for an all american concert series and performance by the great white t's. they'll be joining us. 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[ male announcer ] in 2011, at is at work, building up our wireless network all across america. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your weless network experience. from a single phone call to the most advanced data download, we're covering more people in more places than ever before in an effort to give you the best network possible. at&t. rethink possible. we get double miles on every purchase, so me and my lads earned arip to san francisco twice as fast! we get double miles every time we use our card... i'll take these two... matter what wee buying. ...and all of those. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double mes! whoa dude [ male announcer ] gethe venture card from capital one, money magazine's stewards card if you aim to rack up airline miles. what's in yr wallet? >> welcome back and clayton morris, here are news by the numbers this morning. first up $22 million, that's how much money two mortgage servicing companies are giving to military members whose homes they wrongfully foreclosed upon and 25.3 million, that's how many viewers tuned in to watch scotty beat lauren on "american idol." were you one of them? that's news by the numbers. >> tim pawlenty is making his pitch as the top fiscal hawk in the republican field. he says as president, he'll have his own budget plan but it won't quite look like congressman paul ryan's plan. joining us is 2012 presidential candidate and former minnesota governor tim pawlenty. governor, thanks for being here this morning and having a little barbecue to kick off the day. >> nothing like a little coffee and barbecue to start your day, mol molly. thanks for having me. >> let's get right to it. you say if it came to your desk and your plan wasn't there, you would sign his but yours is a little different. explain the difference. >> it is. well, congressman ryan, i give him criticiedit on this, where president obama's plan on this? he doesn't have one. at least congressman ryan is exerting the leadership to tackle one of the big problems facing this country, out of control debt and deficit. we have an absent president on this issue. i'll give him credit for that. i have my own plan that will have differences from congressman ryan's but i applaud him for his leadership. >> what are those difference? >> we'll address social security for one. i've been traveling the country and we're in iowa to talk about the need of phasing out ethanol subsidies. we were down in florida to talk about the need to reform social security to seniors and others and also will be addressing medicare like he did but we'll be offering some options rather than having it be more of a one size fits all system. >> former vice president dick cheney said he worships the ground that paul ryan walks on. if pawlenty got the republican nod, would you ask him to be your running mate. >> i wouldn't ask dick cheney to be my running mate, molly. >> no, sorry. he said that paul worships the ground that paul ryan walks on. would paul ryan possibly be your running mate? >> paul ryan would be on everybody's list of leadership for the next generation for this kunlt. he's bright, he's smart, he's courageous. we have a wonderful next group of people coming up to lead the country. as to dick cheney, he's great, too. >> medicare has been the word of the week. there's been a lot of talk of it. i just returned from the new york's congressional district where the democrat beat the republican and that was a major focus of this contest. are you concerned that medicare could become a political weapon in elections vs. seeing compromise in washington and congressmen getting together and solving this problem? >> we have to solve the problem. this new york special election is something that is a special election. you can't necessarily translate that result into a nationwide result. there was also a third party candidate there that is trending center right so deflected some of the republican vote. that's a factor as well. but medicare is a real issue and we need real leaders to step forward and address it. congressman ryan is. i'll have my own plan. you know who is missing? the president of the united states and he needs to lead, he needs to lead this country and he won't do it because he lacks the courage. i will have the courage to do it and we'll lead and we've got to get this thing fixed. country is sinking in debt. >> move on to a gallup poll that recently came out that showed mitt romney and sarah palin. we're ahead of the game right now. 17% and 15%. yourself at 6%. why is that? is this a name recognition issue he remember in the race? >> early on, these polls are name i.d. half the republicans in the country don't know who i am. so to put me in a poll where half the respondents don't know my name, you're not going to immediately change that. when they get to see my record in minnesota, reducing spending and cutting taxes, doing market based, not government based health care reform and more, those numbers will change and we've got good momentum already in iowa in the early states. >> when you talk about the early states, these are places where you have to actually get out and shake the hands of voters and they're states that are team makers. if you can convince the folks there to believe in you and vote for you, you can become known all around the country if you win in iowa and come close in new hampshire, however things roll out. is that your hopes and plan? >> other states are really important. and if you can get a victory or success in those states, you'll get well known and that brings you the momentum to move on and that's what history shows. i mean, my goodness, if the early polls were the predictor of who is going to be the next president, we'd have president giuliani or howard dean. they are terrible predictors of who is going to win the nomination and win the race. >> wae're starting to see candidates officially announce. mitt romney expected in the upcoming week and michelle bachmann coming in shortly. is that a good thing to see everybody getting their names out there and say i am in? >> it's time. everybody that's potential supporters, donors, others can see the field and they don't have to wonder whether other people are getting in or not. the more the merrier, the great debate. i look forward to it. i think we'll do really well. >> a little barbecue. it is memorial day weekend. this is really a somber occasion as well. what's your message this memorial day weekend? >> the message is we wouldn't have the country that we have for the brave men and women that serve in the military. we need to stop and reflect this weekend to remember why this country is great and the thin line between what we have and what can be taken away from us are the men and women that serve and continue to serve. we owe them thanks and particularly remember the fallen on this memorial day weekend. >> tim pawlenty, candidate for the presidency. thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. my pleasure. >> have a great weekend. >> you, too. >> we talk about learning on the fly. when her husband passes out, a woman has to fly the plane for the first time ever. >> there should be a knob to the left. >> i got to get down. i need to breathe. >> wait until you hear what happens next. and the school can barely afford to pay teachers. why are they buying ipads for kindergartene kindergarteners? [ male announcer ] to the 5:00 a.m. scholar. the two trains and a bus rider. the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic. for 80 years, we've been inspired by you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where you want to be ♪ because your moment is now. let nothing stand in your way. learn more at >> welcome back. they're thousands of dollars in debt and their staff is so small, they don't even have a vice principal. that's not stopping one massachusetts elementary school from considering a plan to buy more than 150 ipads for kindergarteners, the move would cost the school around $25,000. she is a parent in that school district and not happy about all of this. good morning to you, katherine. >> good morning. >> i want to play the point from the school official and get your reaction to that. here is how they defend the purchase of these ipads. >> in the ipad, it's a tool of the future that students can use in the classroom to expand their learning experience. >> you're not buying that. you say $25,000 is a waste of money. why? >> well, first of all, let me just say that the gentleman, superintendent zapantis is a wonderful superintendent who i have great respect for and he works very hard for our school district. first of all, i'm not buying that it's going to cost $25,000. that's a figure floated to the press. we've asked for the bottom line of how much this will cost and we've got a little bit of double talk in my view. i don't think -- they're saying parents could buy this for $500. if you do the math 150 times $500 doesn't equal $25,000. so that -- >> go ahead. >> so that's, first of all, we would like to see an exact dollar amount and we'd like to see exactly where the money is going. that's the first issue. >> they say this money is going to existing funds that go to leasing desktop computers. apparently wouldn't be money coming from somewhere else. even if that's the case, it could be better spent elsewhere in this school. where? >> exactly. although that money, they're saying that money is coming from the technology budget, that money could easily be moved into the general budget. i think that our first priority needs to be getting our staffing levels back to what they should be. we've had a lot of budget cuts over the past four years that have included teachers. for example, we have 3.5 special education teachers servicing six grades. again, we don't have a vice principal. we have a lot of staffing positions that have been cut at all of the k through 12 levels and we need to get that staffing back to where it should be. and if -- if i think a lot of us do feel that technology is appropriate in the classroom to a certain degree, we need to look at how much it's going to cost, where it makes sense and we need to come together as a school community to make that decision. >> well, full disclosure, my 3-year-old is more capable with an ipad than most adults but it's an interesting debate. we will continue that on twitter. thank you very much, katherine there. let me know what you think about this at foxdavebriggs. clayton and molly are outside. clayton's young son already proficient with an ipad and he's what? >> 10 months. we're outside with famous dave's coming up in a little bit. coming up here on the show, president obama wants to create a jobs bill for the middle east. what about jobs here at home? we're breaking down your tax dollars and where they're going coming up on the show. >> an incredible story. a dog blown away in a tornado crawls all the way back home on two broken legs. the dog here live. >> ainsley with us this morning, there she is. our service men and women have her doing pushups on the uss iwo jima. get the knees off the ground! and the kickoff to the summer concert series with the plain white t's. we are back on the plaza this morning. you're watching "fox & friends." ♪ [ male announcer ] humble beginnings are true beginnings. they are the purest way to gauge success. ♪ maybe the only way to gauge success. but the most powerful thing about humble beginnings is that they are... ♪ ...humbling. ♪ show where you're going without forgetting where you're from. ♪ showith being fed on.ies,ithout forgettiwe are fed upre from. we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel. any tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest. no fetching, no friendship till we all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii. >> tried to trademark the name 6 but the navy said no way, that's not going to happen but wv a clip from the disney version of seal team 6. >> ♪ we got usama we shot, shot in his pajamas to the ocean where he's not going to need any suntan lotion ♪ >> catchy, isn't it? >> the wiggles meets seal team 6. >> good way to teach kids about usama bin laden. >> nicely done. conservatives don't much like foreign aid, at least not the way it's being handled right now by president obama. >> so william lajunesse with us this morning very early with a look at where that money is going. good morning to you, sir. >> good morning. supports say the president wants 2% of the federal budget for foreign aid. true, but $40 billion is not pocket change and for those who do get our money, one, do they support us? and two, do they see us favorably? if not, why are they getting the money? well, let's take a look at the breakdown of foreign aid handed out this year. basically, we're looking at about $35 billion. almost 2/3 of that goes to muslim nations and while israel does get its money, almost four times more, about a third of our total aid goes to arab countries. and while the president says that america values the arab street vendor more than the dictator, 80% of our arab aid goes to police in the military vs. just 6% to economic development. >> need a radical relook at foreign aid to try to separate out the wheat from the chaff. that has not been done in a long, long time. it's way overdue. >> what that money is not buying? friendship or support. egypt received about $9 billion since 2007. yet in the united nations, it votes against the united states, 75% of the time. just 20% of egyptians have a favorable view of the united states. jordan $4.5 billion. the u.n. vote there 30%. just 15% of the jordanians like us. lebanon, $1.4 billion. their u.n. vote, a lousy 30% and less than half of the people there have a positive view of the united states. >> giving money to countrys that are consistently voting against what we think are our best interests, we ought to cut that money off. our congress is going to have to get some backbone. >> now, of 37 muslim nations we looked at, all of them voted against us in the united nations at least half of the time. still, the president wants that $41 billion in foreign aid for 2012. so if you go to our taxpayer calculator at you can type in your income and find out what aid package is kosing you. if you're in $50,000 to $100,000, $180. and if you make more than $250,000, that's going to cost you over $5,000. why does it matter, you guys? well, one reason, we, of course, expect a vote in the united nations later this year that recognizes palestinian authority so when the united states wants people to vote with it, this particular situation, it doesn't seem like our money is buying us any kind of allegiance in the united nations. back to you. >> william, like handing your milk money to the school bully. >> yeah. >> good analogy. i like that. >> might have to rethink that. >> those amounts and some more headlines now. testimony continues today in the casy anthony trial. she's accused of murdering her toddler daughter kaylee in 2008. one of anthony's ex-boyfriends tells jurors anthony picked him up at the airport and never mentioned kaylee's disappearance. >> she was the same as she always was. >> how is that? >> happy, smiling, she was asking us how our trip was. just normal casey. >> jurors have requested that the trial continue on memorial day. the judge likely to make a decision on that today. controversy brewing in california for a gender diversity lesson taught in elementary school. the lesson paid for by the state teachers union includes a reading of the book my princess boy. it focuses on a boy that likes to dress like a girl. the school says the lesson is meant to teach acceptance. critics say the subject matter is inappropriate for children and a miracle birth in arizona. a woman gives birth to a baby that she carried in her abdomen, not her uterus. doctors say it is so unbelievable, they're not sure it's ever happened before. the babies are surrounded by a protective layer of membrane and muscle just outside of the uterus before the doctor operated to get him out. just 2 pounds, 14 ounces but doctors say he's doing great. doctors warned her she was putting her health and the health. baby at risk. miracle baby. and a tense situation in the sky. husband and wife were flying from california to colorado when the husband passed out from lack of oxygen leaving his wife who has never flown a plane before at the controls. fortunately, she had help from the air traffic controllers in a nearby great lakes airline pilot. >> the woman was with that plane for 40 minutes. her husband recovered and came to. he was able to make an emergency landing in farmington, new mexico. >> someone on twitter said no wonder when he woke up, he got indignant. men don't like the ladies drive. fine, give me back -- especially when they don't know how to. >> exactly. >> fleet week is under way here in new york city. we dispatched our own ainsley earhardt to the uss iwo jima. she was doing pushups earlier. how is it looking down there? >> i was trying to, actually. couldn't keep up with those guys. tough assignment this morning, clayton. i have to tell you. good morning to the three of you and good morning to all of you watching from your bedrooms or your living room or wherever this morning. we appreciate you tuning in for it. it is fleet week. 3,000 service members walking around manhattan. if you live here, you know it's fleet week because all these handsome men and beautiful women are walking around serving our country in their uniforms and we are here with the coast guard members, navy members as well as who am i leaving out? the marines, of course, so our first guest here is in the coast guard. tell us your name and rank. >> jesse, third class, united states coast guard. >> is this your first fleet week? >> yes. >> is this your first time in manhattan? >> second time. >> where's your family? >> they're at home in alaska. >> are they watching this morning? they're four hours behind us, right? >> yes, ma'am, four hours. they're probably still asleep. >> any message you want to send them? >> when they turn the tv on, hi, mom, hi, dad. hope everything is going good and that's it. >> i know they're very proud of you and where are you station ed? >> newport, rhode island, ma'am. >> been deployed? >> no, ma'am. >> ok. >> we wish you the best and thank you for serving our country. all right and this handsome man is part of the marines as you can tell. what's your name, please and your rank. >> private first class emanuel diaz, united states marine corps. >> is this your first fleet week? >> yes, it is. >> you are all so serious this morning. before we were rolling, they were laughing and joking around with us. what's your best memory of new york so far? >> well, pretty much everything. i love this city. grew up in washington heights. lived here for 16 years and -- >> that's awesome. so your family is here. have you gotten to see them so far? >> yes, i have. i've gone to see my cousin and my mom has moved back to georgia so it's a little bit spread out. >> what do you want to say to your mom? is she watching this morning? >> yes, she is. i love you and to my wife back home, i love you, too. >> where's your wife? >> in jacksonville, north carolina. >> i'm from south carolina. what do you think about the humidity? >> yes. >> you surviving? yes, i am. >> it gets hot here, too. we appreciate your service. >> thank you. >> we have someone from the navy here, this beautiful lady. tell me your name, please. >> my name is aisha andrews, petty officer first class. >> where are you from? >> from hilton head island, south carolina. >> all right. she's one of my peeps. i'm from south carolina as well. i love hilton head. it's gorgeous. great golfing. >> ae, yes. >> you want to say hey to your family. >> i'd like to say hi to my grandmother and my mother in hilton head, south carolina and my husband and kids back in virginia. >> how many children do you have? >> three. two boys and one girl. >> how hard is that to be away from your kids? >> it's hard. i'm doing a great thing and they're very supportive so it all is worth it. >> yeah. how do you survive? how's the marriage? what's the key element to surviving if you're in the military? >> staying in contact, e-mails, fa facebook. facebook is the best. >> yeah. they were telling us they have church and a chaplain on board that keeps them in line as well. thank you so much. we appreciate all your service. we'll be with them all morning. back to you three in the studio. >> all right. thanks so much. live for us this morning on the uss iwo jima. >> got to ride on the b-22 osprey yesterday, helicopter/airplane. fleet week is always exciting. get to play with these big toys. >> were you scared? screaming a little while? >> no. >> they like to tweak people that they bring up in those things. >> they didn't mess with us a whole lot. it was very cool. we appreciate all our military members today. coming up, the school being told to hold its graduation some place else because someone complained about the building's religious symbols. well, a compromise was reached but is it a raw deal? peter johnson jr. here next. >> and a dog swept away one of those alabama tornadoes. he does the unthinkable. he crawled all the way on broken legs. the incredible dog is here live. >> we're kicking off our all american summer concert series. plain white t's are performing live next hour. don't go anywhere. if you're here in new york city, come on down. we got some ribs. [ male announcer ] from nutritional science comes centrum. with vitami and merals balanced to support your energy... ♪ ...immune function... ♪ ...healthy skin... and help protect your cells from environmental stress. everyday benefits from advanced formulas. the complete benefits of centrum. and if you're over 50, discer the age-adjusted benefits of centrum silver. yup... it's our annual deal-o-rama! show me the carfax. yeah... show me the carfax. but it's deal-o-rama. just show me the carfax. [ sighs ] before you buy a used car, get a carfax vehicle history report. see accidents and service reported to carfax and a price based on the car's history. free, at thousands of reputable dealers. just say, show me the carfax. but also a caring touch. you learn to get a feel for the trouble spots. to know its wants... its needs...its dreams. ♪call 1-800-steemer. >> happy friday, everybody. few headlines now. we've shown you photos. here's some video of the apartment in lower manhattan where dominique strauss-khan is spending his house arrest. not bad, huh? all told, the former imf chief is paying about $70,000 a month for his own custody. and as clayton wondered, what's in that place. forget the cash, pay with your phone. google has unveiled the new google wallet program allowing you to pay for certain items by scanning your smart phone. first tested here in new york and in san francisco. and mr. morris will definitely test that thing out, won't you? >> absolutely. i'm tired of my wallet with all kinds of cards in there. thanks, dave. the minority complained and now the majority is forced to make some changes. we've been telling you about this high school in new jersey which is being targeted by the aclu for holding a graduation ceremony at a facility with religious symbols in it. it's a historic facility, by the way. now a compromise has been made and those symbols will be covered up but not everyone is happy about it. >> first amendment is freedom of religion. it's not freedom from religion. everybody can have a religion if they want. they don't have to if they don't want to. this town isn't forcing their religion on anyone. >> was this a fair compromise? fox legal analyst peter johnson jr. to break us down for us. good morning, nice to see you. >> bad compromise. bad compromise. i'm happy that the students are going to be able to graduate from neptune high school at the ocean grove auditorium, a mixed use facility where they have state functions, where they also have great preachers over time that have appeared there. but what we're doing is we're going down this slope whereby we in fact disrespect each other's religions, whereby we are suspicious of each other's religions, whereby, the aclu in the very contemptplative and intentional way is seeking to divide us saying i can't go into a facility that has symbols of a cross, i can't go into a facility that has symbols of the muslim faith. that's wrong. >> i'm confused here because the one woman last year goes to a ceremony there and she's upset about it. she sees religious symbols and she's there for some other ceremony, not a religious ceremony. >> graduation. >> right, graduation. she files this with the aclu and lets them know about it so one person is somehow offended by this and this is what ruins it for everyone. >> i understand. and majority rule is not always a good thing. majority can have it wrong. but what i'm saying is as americans, we shouldn't as a first resort go to the aclu and say listen, my constitutional rights are somehow being abridged because i have to walk under a cross in a historic building. the signs that are now being covered as part of this compromise are signs talking about neptune high school and the importance of community and excellence and all that and those are great sentiments. but these are historic signs that go back 100 years so when the first electrically lit signs in america so when we say i'm not going to be part of this culture, i need to distance myself from that, i need a sure setting where there's no element of history, there's no element of religionocity at all. we're not respecting each other. i believe americans can go into a jewish place of faith, a muslim place of faith although this is not any of those things and say yes, there can be cub scouts. yes, there can be a graduation. yes, there can be a ceremony honoring them like they do there in that auditorium in new jersey. so i'm glad for the people in neptune. they'll have their graduation there. but we're giving up too much as americans in the -- in the name of the constitution. not in the name of the constitution. >> and covering up these symbols. peter johnson jr. always great to see you. >> have a great weekend. >> have a great memorial day weekend. >> god bless our troops. >> absolutely. coming up on the show, almost unbelievable. a dog picked up and carried away by one of those devastating alabama tornadoes making his way home on two broken legs. look at him. that inspiring dog and the vet that rescued him live with us. coming up. but first, on this day in 1985, wham had the number one hit "everything she wants." i love that song, too, peter. i'm with you. i love that song. [ female announcer ] ever wish vegetables didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. and try our deliciously refreshing v8 v-fusion + tea. ♪ proud to be homegrown ♪ a familiar face and a name you know ♪ ♪ come on ♪ we know you and we know your needs ♪ ♪ we know what being a neighbor means ♪ ♪ and got a reputation to uphold ♪ ♪ can you hear it? ♪ fuelin' the american spirit ♪ no matter when, no matter where ♪ ♪ marathon will take you there >> you've all been waiting for, he's one tough terrier. meet mason. when a twister cuts down in alabama, he was swept away by the winds. he was nowhere to be found but with two broken legs, nathan managed to crawl all the way back home. >> and we are joined now by a man from the jefferson animal control and veterinarian and mason, little miracle dog. thanks for joining us this morning, gentlemen. >> thank you. >> thank much glad to be here. >> phil, i'll start with you, just give us the story of what happened with the dog and the family finding him and i guess they basically called you guys in right away to help. >> yeah. when you were telling the story earlier, it actually gave me goosebumps again. we were called, it's been right at a month ago, i'm sorry, right at a week ago now. he'd been gone for three weeks and showed up on the porch of their home with two broken front legs and they called us in tears knowing that they weren't going to be able to take care of him. they had gone through a lot. they lost most of their home. their garage doors had been sucked off their house and mason had been taken away in that tragic event. and been gone since. and when he -- when he showed up on the porch, they called us to come get him and we took him hoping that we'd be able to help him out and eventually get him back to them. >> dr. lamb, how hurt was this dog? you helped assist on the surgery. how hurt was the dog and how is he doing this morning? >> well, the dog is doing great, thank you. well, he had two broken legs. he was about half the weight he should have been. he was dehydrated. we had some potential infection issues because he had been -- even though they were broken, he was crawling and walking to some extent. fortunately, he had the benefit of enlisting the skills of some excellent orthopedic surgeons, and right now, he's recovering great. you can see he's, you know, really stressed out about it all. >> yeah. >> he seems to be enjoying the morning, that's for sure. you mentioned all these things that the poor dog has gone through. what has he been like? barely knows something is bad happening to them. loves to be around people. >> i mean, just right here, he does, he's friendly, he loves people. i will say this, he's a little bit wary of loud noises. go figure. but great little dog. he really is. >> yeah, high winds, he's jumping over the table. real quick, phil. i know the family originally said they couldn't take him right back in because their home was destroyed. what's the future of the dog? is he going to be able to go back to that home or will he be adopted? >> yes, i actually spoke to the family this week and they're excited to have him back. he's going to, according to dr. lamb, he's going to take about six to eight weeks to get recovered fully and that should give them enough time to get back on their feet and be able to take him back in. >> great to hear some good news after those brutal stories out of alabama. phil and dr. william lamb, thanks for being here and of course, mason, thank you the most for getting up with us this morning. looks like -- >> oh, look, there he's -- >> can he wave? >> thanks so much. we appreciate it. >> america agreeing to give $20 billion to egypt and tunisia, aren't we broke? the breaking details top of the hour. >> and rod blagojevich finally takes the stand. details on his ranting on his own corruption trial with geraldo live at the top of the hour. >> got to mention them. minutes away, the plain white t's taking to the stage in the next hour to kick off our all american summer concert series. don't miss it. ♪ it's true. you never forgetyour fi. 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[ men laugh ] [ male announcer ] hurry, join for free today. weight watchers online for men. finally, losing weight clicks. >> good morning, it's friday, may 27. president obama is in europe right now and she's about to be the first commander in chief to visit puerto rico in nearly 50 years. but he still hasn't gone to israel. is he turning his back on our ally? >> a mother accused of killing her two-year-old. now testimony from casey anthony's own friends painting her as cold hearted. does the defense have a case here? geraldo rivera weighs in. >> and he was already excited about the last day of school, but his dad made it better, coming home from war to see him. the surprise visit. meet this amazing family coming up here. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> molly is singing. you're listening to hey there, delilah. they're kicking it off today. the song's lyrics are a lot about being in new york city. >> the crowd there has the barbecue and the beans. >> famous dave's is here with us. it's hard to have a unique sound, but they managed that. they really stand out. >> i like your analyzization of that. >> let's heart with headlines. >> wealthy countries, including the united states, hoping to get about $40 billion to help arab nations establish democracies. it was talked about in the g 8 summit. president obama attended the meeting. the prime minister of egypt and tunisia were at the summit to appeal for help. the exact breakdown and how much each country would actually provide in assistance is still being worked out. secretary of state hillary clinton is in pakistan addressing reporters after meeting with top pakinstani officials and demanding they step up their commitment to fighting terrorism. >> the united states and pakistan have been friends for a very long time. but this was an especially important visit because we have reached a turning point. >> relations with pakistan have been strained since navy seals killed osama bin laden. pakinstani officials are now allowing the c.i.a. to examine his compound for documents that may be hidden in the walls or buried underground. another series of deadly storms tearing through the country. this round killing three people in atlanta. two of the victims died when a tree fell on their car. 65,000 homes reportedly still without power and the death toll after this week's devastating twister in joplin, missouri, now up to 126. more than 200 people are still missing. bombshell details on that 2009 air france crash, a preliminary investigation of data from the black boxes released moments ago, it finds the captain was out of the cockpit and didn't come back until the plane had already started its rapid plunge. all 228 passengers were killed when the flight crashed into the atlantic. a pastor win has fight to keep jesus in a prayer. a federal judge in texas ruled the government cannot stop pastor from including the words, jesus christ, during a memorial day observance. it is taking place at the houston national cemetery. the judge says telling a minister what he could or couldn't say was censorship banned by the first amendment. those are your headlines. >> thanks so much. let's bring in geraldo rivera this morning, host of geraldo at large. nice to see you. >> you have ribs on your mustache. >> i do. >> i hate when that happens. >> you always join the other crew to talk about some of the big headlines. one of the big bombshells seems to reveal new details in the casey anthony trial. yesterday her boyfriend said he picked her up right after or right near the time at which caylee had disappeared. didn't show any emotion. she's not being painted in a good light. >> i think the prosecution has done an excellent job in what i call the slutification. they portrayed her as selfish, self-involved, not behaving, although evidence of lack of remorse is technically banned, you know, in florida. it clearly was the story of the prosecution case. she behaved in a way two, three, four days after the child died by the defense's own proclamation that she drowned on june 16. on june 20, she was in the famous now notorious blue dress, doing the shimmy shimmy at the club. >> right, partying and 30 days before she gets the police involved, how does the defense counter that image of a woman who didn't care that her child was missing? >> it's an excellent question. you first have to establish that because there is no official cause of death, that it is possible the child died accidentally by drowning in the swimming pool. there is some evidence to support that. now if you have the accidental death, you take murder one, capital murder, murder that you could be killed for off the table. then what you have to do is establish the abuse, the sex abuse, the physical abuse, why didn't she behave normally? why didn't she tell someone? because the defense will allege and is trying very hard to get in that she was so battered, so abused, so beaten down by her brother and father in this horribly dysfunctional family that she didn't respond normally to things. >> another big case right now, planet blaggo continues. >> you know. here i am, the oracle for lost causes, but i also like blago's chances. in the first trial, this is the second one, same charges -- that he sold barak obama's senate seat essentially or attempted to. that's what he's on trial for. he did not take the stand the first time. he's on the witness stand now, five hours yesterday, just rapping and being himself and charming. i think it may work. i really do. he was convicted only of the one lying charge facing five years maximum, which he would not get. but hung jury on all the rest. i think there is a reasonable chance now that he can sufficiently muddy the water. i wasn't trying to sell the senate seat. i always talk like that. i'm full of bs. i'm full of hot air. >> he went for hours on the stand. >> he's got that hair and i can tell you stories about off camera stuff. >> speaking of president obama and that senate seat, before president obama became president, he did travel to israel. but since he's been president, there are many critics who say that he may have been turning his back on israel not traveling to that region, not visiting there. now we're learning he is going to be traveling to puerto rico. first president to do so in 50 years. >> all right! >> you're happy about that. >> that's a two-parter. number one, every politician in this country knows the rule of the three i's. if you're running for national office, you have to visit ireland, italy and israel. they're the three most intensely -- the roots are celebrated by the people who are descended from people here. they really care very much. look how the irish responded when president obama was there, drinking guiness last week. and for him not to have israel on the calendar right now is a very telling point. i don't think it's accidental. to answer your specific question. the president is very mad at the government of benjamin netanyahu. i also believe that there is extreme tension and personal dislike between the two men. i think it's so intense that it may even affect relations. i think it's very, very dangerous. they got to get it together. visiting puerto rico is another thing. no president -- jerry ford made an unofficial quick stop by, but it was jfk in 1961 who last visited puerto rico. that's 50 years ago. puerto ricans are citizens, but they don't vote, so what's the political calculation? in recent years, puerto ricans have drifted away from their traditional home in the northeast in part of the united states and emigrated to florida. particularly the midding class. 725,000 of puerto rican origin in central florida, the key battle ground state. >> so politics moves in. >> he may be motivated by his desire to eat chicken and rice and salsa, i don't know his cynical motivation, but it definitely has a political effect. >> ribs for you. >> forget about bacon and eggs, it's ribs for breakfast. >> thanks for being here. appreciate it. >> thanks. >> coming up on the show, something you won't see on any other network. this week's roundup of media bias. >> democrats have pulled off a shocking upset winning a special election in a staunchly republican congressional district if upstate new york. >> brent bozelle up next. >> sarah palin's got new digs and a new ride. does this mean she's one step closer to running for president? rush limbaugh weighs in. >> a kick off of our all american summer concert series this morning. the plain white t's performing all morning long. come on down. >> where are their t-shirts? >> that's a good question. ♪ ♪ wish granted. lean cuisine has a fresh new bag. lean cuisine market creations steam meals. like new chicken poblano with tender white meat chicken, crisp veggies, in a savory cheddar sauce. new from lean cuisine. [ male announcer ] in 2011, at is at work, building up our wireless network all across america. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your weless network experience. from a single phone call to the most advanced data download, we're covering more people in more places than ever before in an effort to give you the best network possible. at&t. rethink possible. welcome back. the main stream media at it again. this time going along with the talking points to attack paul ryan's budget plan, along with criticizing republicans for not having the courage to raise taxes. >> joining us with his reaction, brent bozelle, founder of the media reserve center. thanks for being here this morning. >> good morning, folks. how are you doing? >> good. i just got back from new york's 26th district where the democrat beat out the republican. we were on the ground. there was a tremendous amount of advertising and it was a lot about medicare. we heard that word a lot. i went walking the night before, she was shaking hands with folks and an older gentleman said sorry, jane, and went right back in his house. so is it working to a certain extent? >> well, the scare tactics may be working and maybe new york showed it. look at the reports that we're getting about these cuts. these cuts don't exist. this is the mediscare campaign of 1995 all over again. in 1995, we documented over 1,000 media stories to talk about proposed cut, there were no cuts! all the republicans wanted to do was stop increasing as much as the democrats. so that became a cut. >> some of the major networks playing into this and talking about the mediscare tactics. take a listen. >> we begin with a seismic event in the political world. democrats have pulled off a shocking upset winning a special election in a staunchly republican congressional district in upstate new york. the gop candidate lost after backing that republican plan to cut billions from medicare. >> hinged on hopeful's opposition to a republican led plan to make deep cuts in medicare. >> they're saying it as if it's fact, yet we don't know the fall out from that election for months to come, do we? >> i think what's more important is to look at what they said. nbc and abc reported cuts. you heard the abc reporter say deep cuts. folks, here are the numbers. you tell me if they're deep cuts. the allocation, $563 billion for medicare. paul ryan proposes by 2021 is $953 billion. folks, that's a 70% increase in medicare! and abc and nbc reported that is deep cuts. folks, that's dishonest! there is no other way of putting it. that's lying on national television. that's setting up seniors, that's a scare tactic and maybe it worked. >> are democrats picking up on some of the talking points here, because the "wall street journal" on april 4 reported that the ryan plan would effectively end medicare and all these democrats jumped on that and said, hey, the "wall street journal" said it would end as we know it and then you heard it trickle into the main stream media. >> why don't they look at obama's health care budget. he's taking $500 million out of medicare! if you're worried about the cuts, look at obamacare which takes it away. >> interestingly enough -- >> could i make one other point? which is very important, no one over 55 is touched by the ryan plan. he's made that abundantly clear. nobody is touched by it. >> andrea mitchell on nbc said this about the ryan plan. take a listen. >> people want someone to show some guts here. paul ryan has shown considerable guts, but you're correct that nobody on the republican side is showing any courage on the tax fund. unless taxes are part of the mix, every grownup knows it can't done. >> is it possible this issue, medicare or mediscare will become this election issue that gets tossed back and forth instead of the problem getting solved? >> this goes back to walter mondale in 1994 where he said he had the courage to raise taxes. folks, it's not cutting taxes that got us into this problem. it's overspending that got us into this problem. the last thing we need to do -- when the united states has the first or second highest corporate tax rate in the world and you got andrea mitchell saying we got to raise taxes, no we don't. the last thing you do is raise taxes. how about suggesting a tax cut to do something to jump start this economy, which has been in a dead stall since this administration took over. >> brent, thanks for having the courage to join us this morning on "fox & friends." >> happy history day. >> to you as well. >> coming up, a life or death situation. a woman has to learn to fly a plane for the first time ever when her husband passes out right at the controls. >> wait until you hear what happened. >> then what's better than the last day of school? you're looking at it. a boy gets a surprise of his life from his army dad who walks in to surprise him. they will be here live. ♪ [ female announcer ] ever wish vegetables didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. and try our deliciously refreshing v8 v-fusion + tea. the two trains and a bus rider. the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic. for 80 years, we've been inspired by you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where you want to be ♪ because your moment is now. let nothing stand in your way. learn more at thanks for waking up with "fox & friends." the last space walk by a shuttle crew just wrapping up after seven hours and 24 minutes in the space walk. astronauts installed a boom to the international space station officially completing its construction. that's a monumental moment. cara dioguardi says paula's brownies made her sick. didn't realize they were filled with something, possibly marijuana. abdul says a friend left them at her house. dave? >> sure, she did. thank you. it was more than just the last day of third grade for one georgia boy. it was the day he'll never forget. >> hey, man. >> that's r.j. and his father embracing after being separated by an ocean and a war. what an incredible surprise. lieutenant colonel reginald warren and his son and wife all join us this morning from atlanta to tell us about this happy reunion. good morning to all of you. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> young r.j., tell me the story. you're sitting this in class. how did it feel to look up and see dad? >> it felt really great. >> enough said, r.j. let's talk to your dad about that. lieutenant colonel, you've been away for several months. how is that feeling for you to walk in and be able to surprise your son on the last day of school? >> it was extraordinary. my wife and i, we had planned this for over a month and initially i had decided to come back a little bit later, but after we thought about it more, we thought it would be better that we surprise my son during his last day of school. so we planned it and she did most of the coordination. but it came out very well and it's a great feeling. >> pamela, you were the mastermind of this whole plot. tell me how it came together. >> it was hard, but we pulled it together. with the school, and the teacher, we all pulled it together. >> r.j., how hard is it to be away from your dad for so long? >> very, very, very hard. >> i imagine it might even be harder for the toughest man sitting around as a lieutenant colonel. how hard is it for you, sir? i mean, i can't imagine -- i'm away from my kids for a day and i'm breaking down. how do you get through it? what pushes you through those long days serving your country? >> family. family and friends. being able to talk to my family almost on a daily basis while i'm over there, that's what helps get me through each day. and being able to talk to my wife and talk to my son, and sometimes being on skype a little bit helps. knowing they're okay, that helps me get through each of the days in afghanistan. >> it's a fantastic story. we thank you for your service. r.j., we're glad you got that surprise. go fix that cough. we want to mention, pamela, i know another reason for the trip was to celebrate your birthday. happy birthday to you as well. >> thank you. >> thank you for being with us this morning. let's get outside to clayton and molly who are listening to some music and eating some ribs. >> rush limbaugh says it's clear sign she's got her eye on the white house. what does chris wallace think? you're about to find out. >> ainsley getting her wings this morning. she's helping honor our servicemen and women on the uss iwo jima. she's on pushups. >> then the plain white t's are kicking off our all american summer concert series. here is a sneak peek. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i close my eyes ♪ and there you are ♪ and in my dreams ♪ we dance and sing to each other ♪ ♪ all night long ♪ this is our song ♪ thanks to the venture card from capital one, we get double miles on every purchase, so me and the boys earned a trip to dc twice as fast! oh hi! we get double miles every time we use our card. and since double miles d up fast... e more chariot please. ...we can bring the whole gang! i cannot tell a lie. he did it. right. it's hardo beat double miles! read my lips -- no new axes! [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one, money magazine's best rewards card if you m to rack up airline miles. what's in wallet? so, you're a democrat right? yup... it's our annual deal-o-rama! show me the carfax. yeah... show me the carfax. but it's deal-o-rama. just show me the carfax. [ sighs ] before you buy a used car, get a carfax vehicle history report. see accidents and service reported to carfax and a price based on the car's history. free, at thousands of reputable dealers. just say, show me the carfax. it's now time for a segment we call would your hair look better as a beard celebrity edition. >> this might be considered by some people not necessarily me, bad news. >> good shaped dome. that was not the only one who got the hair treatment. remember this hair or beard segment? >> now time for a seconds we call would your hair look better as a beard? tonight's edition features fox news reporter mike emmanuel. take a look. >> let me tell you our capitol hill seep or-- >> would that look better with a beard? let's take a look. yes it would! >> i think anybody's hair would look better as a beard. chris wallace's hair -- >> i don't think so. >> jay leno and i know his people are watching. please, use chris wallace. do his hair next time so we can show it next week on the show. >> chris, it would not be a good look. you're a good looking man. >> he's got no comment. he's staring you down. >> i have to say that the mike emmanuel, i thought, they're picking on him again. but it's a pretty funny bit. >> let's talk 2012 now. everyone talking sarah palin. that's where all the buzz is. she's got this bus tour which will head in to philadelphia to see the liberty bell. she'll go to new hampshire. there is this home that she and her husband reportedly purchased in arizona. $1.7 million huge place out there. perhaps the launching point for a presidential run. do you think she's getting in and what is the buzz in dc? >> there is plenty of buzz. that's one of the most remarkable things, dave, is that sarah palin can basically blink and people pay attention. and that's why she has been able to command such attention through tweets and facebook, things like that. when we all heard and we just learned it yesterday, that she was going to be doing this bus tour, resuming the one nation bus tour and going up the east coast and just coincidentally ending up in the first primary nation state of new hampshire, it got everybody's attention. and people are buzzing about it. i will say what i said to her the sunday before the last election when she was on fox news sunday in new york, i don't think she's going to run. i think she's making too much money. i think she has a lot of clout. she's having a lot of fun. i don't think she's going to run. but, you know, the governor does not confide in me. i don't think there is almost anybody that knows other than her and todd. they're a team. so we're all going to have to wait and see. i will say as the host of a sunday talk show, it would sure be fun if she were to run. >> sure, and it would mix up the fun. look at the gallup poll, romney and palin out front, they haven't announced. governor pawlenty is doing really well in iowa. he's got a strong campaign there. he was on our show earlier this morning dressing his place in the polls right now. take a listen. >> i think half the republicans in the country don't even know who i am. so to put me in a poll where half the respondents don't know my name, of course we're not going to immediately change that. i'm a new face, when they see my record in minnesota, reducing spending, cutting taxes, doing market based, not government based health care reform, those numbers will change. we've got good momentum already. >> he has a lot of momentum, chris n iowa. a strong game plan. but he doesn't have the name recognition. does that matter? are they usually exclusive? >> they're not neutrally exclusive now. they would be at a certain point. i don't think these polls mean anything. i think it is mostly name i.d. and i don't think tim pawlenty is known around the country. he's got a couple of problems. if michelle bachman gets in, she will make a strong play for the social conservatives, the evangelicals. she was born in iowa. and then, of course, if sarah palin gets in, she might blow tim pawlenty out of the water. that's why her possible entry into the race would be so significant. but he's got plenty of time. it's still early. he's got a strategy and the strategy is simply he's got to do well. frankly, i think he's got to win in iowa and if he does, then he'll be well-known and he'll have momentum. these things don't matter much and in our current age with everybody interconnected, it could all turn around in 24 hours. >> certainly come up on fox news sunday when alan west, congressman from florida joins us, donna edwards, democrat from maryland, and john mccain, who may have something to say about the palin effect. i can't imagine it would be good for tim pawlenty if she got in. we're looking forward to fox news sunday. >> real quick, i'm sure a lot of our viewers probably know alan west. they don't know donna edwards. these are two really smart, interesting people. west, of course, a tea party conservative. donna edwards. very much a liberal. we'll have fireworks. >> representative west has been critical of the field so far. chris wallace, always great to see you. thanks so much. >> you bet. >> other stories making headlines. at least eight american troops killed in two deadly bombings in the taliban stronghold of kandahar, afghanistan. nato says seven of the victims were killed in a road side blast while on patrol. the second explosion went off as others rushed in to help the wounded. it's the deadliest attack in the last 30 days. and john edwards visiting one of the key players in the alleged scheme to cover up his affair. sources say he met with rachel melon in virginia, it should raised eyebrows with the feds who spent two years examining her contributions to edwards. a tense situation in the sky. a husband and wife were flying when the husband passed out from lack of oxygen, leaving his wife, who has never flown a plane, at the controls. fortunately she had a little help from the air traffic controllers and a nearby pilot. take a listen. >> i think you might be experiencing some lack of oxygen. >> the woman flew the plane for 40 minutes until her husband recovered. he was able to make an emergency landing in new mexico, ending safe and well, thankfully. dramatic situation for sure. >> unbelievable. >> we're celebrating the 3,000 marines, navy, and coast guard members taking over manhattan for fleet week this morning. you can't miss them. >> ainsley earhart here live. good morning once again to you. >> hey, dave, hey, clayton and molly. it's been a great morning waking up here at the downtown manhattan, on the ship that's pretty incredible with all of these cute men and women and what a morning. we're so proud of all of our servicemen and women. it's also the centennial celebration of naval aviation and the first successful transatlantic flight was right out of queens here in new york. so this is appropriate. we are here with captain tim shay and this is your helicopter behind us. this is the cobra. tell us about the cobra. >> this is the marine corps' light attack helicopter. we use it to help the guys on the ground in close combat to them. >> why did you choose this attack helicopter? >> i wanted to control and i wanted all the guys on the ground -- one team fights, we always look out for those guys on the ground and that's what this is for. >> what's it like to fly? >> absolute freedom. just to get away. >> thanks so much. now, over here we have captain ryan. i guess it's an osprey. >> it's a till rotor airplane. we got the ability to fly like a helicopter and a plane, which we're only beginning to realize the potential in that. >> meaning you really don't need a runway. >> no, i don't. i can ai can take off and land anywhere. >> it's the second one back, light gray aircraft with the two big engines. >> incredible. why did you choose the osprey? >> like all marines, we train on the ground before we even become pilots. it gives me a chance to work with the guys on the ground and still fly at the same time. >> you have to learn to fly a plane and helicopter. >> essentially we have to learn to fly both. >> we appreciate your service. thanks so much. back to you guys in the studio. what an incredible morning. >> thank you so much. >> coming up on our show this morning, the all american concert series, the plane white t's are kicking it off here with a taste with "one, two, three, four." ♪ give me more loving than i've ever had ♪ ♪ knowing i'm special even when i know i'm not ♪ ♪ make me feel good when i hurt so bad ♪ ♪ barely getting mad ♪ i'm so glad i found you ♪ i love being around you ♪ you make it easy ♪ it's easy as one, two ♪ there is only one thing to do ♪ ♪ three words for you ♪ i love you ♪ there is only one way ♪ to say those three words ♪ that's what i'll do ♪ i love you ♪ give me pooches and puppies, we are fed up with being fed on. we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel. any tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest. no fetching, no friendship till we all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii. i really didn't see it coming. i didn't realize i was ifting into the other lane. 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[ male announcer ] in 2011, at is at work, building up our wireless network all across america. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your weless network experience. from a single phone call to the most advanced data download, we're covering more people in more places than ever before in an effort to give you the best network possible. at&t. rethink possible. didn't taste so vegetably? well, v8 v-fusion juice gives you a full serving of vegetables, plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. and try our deliciously refreshing v8 v-fusion + tea. ♪ . >> a big morning here on "fox & friends" as we kick off our fox summer concert series with the big band, three times they've gone platinum with their latest three hits. the plain white t's are here and there is a few ladies there this morning [ cheers and applause ] >> i thought they were here to see you. they're here to see the plain white t's. you have your first single off the new cd just went platinum. another platinum hit for you guys. >> feels good, man. of course. >> molly wanted to know, delilah, is she a real girl? >> delilah? remind me who that is again? i don't know. >> one of your biggest songs. >> yeah. she was a girl. she's from chicago. went to school right here in new york city and i wrote the song about her. >> right around the corner from times square. you had a really romantic line about times square. >> exactly. can't shine as bright as her, which was obviously pushing the truth a little bit. >> i guess there was a little joke on you that you necessarily weren't the lead singer all of a sudden. somebody else was. what happened to your role? >> the joke was on me, i guess. tim wrote that song and it was just an amazing song. we all loved it right away. and in the studio, just sounded better with him taking the vocal. sounded more sincere with the guy writing it actually singing it. >> what did you think about getting that role? >> i just wrote the song -- >> you got me, dude. >> yeah. wrote the song for a girlfriend of mine and, you know, it just worked. >> so you're here in "new york times" square. what does it feel like to perform near the heart of it all in midtown manhattan? >> i mean, it feels good. people are eating barbecue out here. right? >> the most humbling part when mr. bubble started shaking his bubble for you? that had to be a first. >> the highlight of the morning so far. >> you do not get the opportunity to do that. is this pretty typical for you, about ten to one young ladies? >> they're looking good today. >> are you ready? [ cheers and applause ] >> we are ready. they'll be performing after a quick commercial, you'll be performing. tell us what song. >> "boomerang." >> you had to sit on a couch for like 24 straight hours and weren't able to move. did you know what you were getting into when you did that? >> i didn't. i'm thinking this is going to be cool, it's going to look great and be fun. but yeah, i sat down on the couch, crossed my legs and didn't realize it would be hours. my leg fell asleep after the first ten minutes and i thought i might lose it. >> the video turned out good. right? >> yeah. i still have my leg. >> when we come back. first let's check in with bill hemmer. >> they sound great. looking forward to another song in a moment. good morning to you. brand-new details now on a passenger jet that plunged for 3 1/2 minutes, dropping from the sky before hitting the water. absolutely chilling. an immigration law that cracks down on american companies gets the green light from the supreme court. how does that change the debate? casey anthony is back in court. who has $20 billion to give to other country as soon as apparently we do. see new a few minutes on america's news room. >> we're back with the kickoff to our "fox & friends" summer concert series, here with what believe will be their fourth platinum song. here are the plain white t's with "boomerang." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ the fire was out but then the phone rang ♪ ♪ and all of the heat came back again ♪ ♪ as much as i try ♪ you're hard to resist ♪ all that it takes is just one kiss ♪ ♪ and i'm putty in your hands ♪ i'm under your spell ♪ you send me spinning ♪ you pull me in close ♪ you throw me away ♪ i keep coming back like a boomerang ♪ ♪ you tell me to go ♪ you beg me to stay ♪ i keep coming back like a boomerang ♪ ♪ round and round and back again ♪ ♪ round and round and round and back again ♪ ♪ . ♪ you're treating me like i'm your little toy ♪ ♪ you tell me i'm not like other boys ♪ ♪ the next thing i know ♪ you toss me aside ♪ you don't even bother with good-byes ♪ ♪ but when you say hello ♪ i can't ignore you ♪ you send me spinning ♪ you pull me in close ♪ you throw me away ♪ i keep coming back like a boomerang ♪ ♪ you tell me to go ♪ you beg me to stay ♪ i keep coming back like a boomerang ♪ ♪ round and round and round and back again ♪ ♪ round and round and round and back again ♪ ♪ round and round and round and back again ♪ ♪ round and round and round and back again ♪ ♪ boom, boom, boom ♪ and now my heart is racing ♪ boom, boom, boom ♪ and after you i'm chasing ♪ boom, boom, boom ♪ you got to catch me when i fall ♪ ♪ you send me spinning ♪ you pull me in close ♪ you throw me away ♪ i keep coming back like a boomerang ♪ ♪ you tell me to go ♪ you beg me to stay ♪ i keep coming back like a boomerang ♪ ♪ round and round and round and back again ♪ ♪ round and round and round and back again ♪ ♪ round and round and round and back again ♪ ♪ round and round and round and back again ♪ [ cheers and applause ] - apple or cherry? - cherry. oil or cream? oil or cream? cream. some use hydrogenated oil. reddi-wip uses real dairy cream. nothing's more real than reddi-wip. the two trains and a bus rider. the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic. for 80 years, we've been inspired by you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where you want to be ♪ because your moment is now. let nothing stand in your way. learn more at ♪ >> "fox & friends" summer concert series. plain white t's here to kick off the summer concert series. that song is fantastic. you'll hear it in the after the show show in two minute. >> we've got to give these band members some credit. they're heading off to europe. we have dave here and right next to him, lead guitar, jim lopez. [ cheers and applause ] lead singer, tom higginson. and mike and back on the drums, cannot forget the drums, demar hamilton. thank you guys for coming out this morning for kicking off the summer series. we appreciate it. >> thanks. >> you forgot this guy next to you. who is he? >> i don't know what happened. is he going to europe with you guys? >> the plain white t's will be joining us in the after the show show, playing

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