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shootout at a restaurant leaving four dead. there's been an arrest. where the investigation stands now. >> jamie: iran days away from starting first nuclear power plant with help from russia. news raising serious questions about our relationship with moscow. >> kelly: first, wikileaks defying the u.s. government. the founder assange saying threats and warnings from the pentagon won't stop him. he's vowing to go forward with plans to release 15,000 pages of classified u.s. war records. this would be the website's second massive leak of secret documents. the department of defense says this may be more damaging than the first. mike emanuel has been following the story from the beginning. he is traveling with the president and joins us from panama city, florida. mike does this amount to war of words? >> reporter: no question about that. julian as -- julian assange suggesting the pentagon is trying to intimidate him to hand over the documents before he leaks them. he is saying he's doing this as a journal list. u.s. officials say this guy has an agenda he's anti-war, anti-american. there's a lot of back and forth going on. clearly they are not going to agree. clearly he seems determined to release this classified information no matter what the consequences. >> kelly: it is very disturbing to understand this is going on. you have been to afghanistan. you know what it is like. you know it is a tough few. how damage something all of this going to be to the war effort? >> reporter: well, it is believed to be very damaging. senior u.s. officials say this next 15,000 documents could be even more damaging than the original 75,000 or so. there's the trust issue. should afghans trust their american partners? they are coming forward saying bad things are happening over here, over there, giving key information to the coalition. then their names end up on the internet and taliban and al-qaeda are scouring the internet and promising retribution for people helping the coalition. we know that means people may end up dead. >> kelly: defense secretary gates said he has not found specific evidence to suggest after agains have been killed but emphasized not yet. a lot of concern kelly. >> kelly: a lot of concern that is so disturbing. we can see right now that you are down on the gulf coast for another reason other than the wikileaks. you are following the president. mr. obama is in the gulf today, speaking to residents there. how is that trip going for him today mike? >> reporter: kelly, he tried to assure people in this part of the country that has been rocked economically by the gulf oil spill, that the federal government will stay on the case, giving his personal guarantee. he also tried to encourage a lot of americans if they had vacation time left to come to this beautiful part of the world. the beaches here have not been touched at all by the oil. this afternoon short time ago, the shot that people in in region were hoping for the president taking a dip in the gulf waters with his daughter sasha looking happy. he didn't want to do it in front of our tv cameras but did do it in front of a white house camera. that is the image that people in this region want. the president bringing his own daughter into the waters feeling comfortable they would be safe. >> kelly: that is quite an image that not just people in your region where you are now standing would like to see, but people across the country are saying oh my the president and sa shah are really in the gulf waters. weo]s for the people and tourism down there. mike emanuel reporting from the gulf region. while you can take a dip in the ocean reporter involvement. thanks mike. >> jamie: no comment on that one i this controversy surrounding a proposed mosque near ground zero is meet heating up. shifting into high gear. >> reporter: president obama has jumped into the debate over building a mosque near ground zero already trying to clarify his position. until now the white house called the debate local matter. speaking at a white house dinner last night observance of ramadan mr. obama says he supports the right of muslims to build that mosque. he said the site is hallowed ground but commitment to relining just freedom must be unshakeable. >> the president: as a citizen and as president i believe muslims have the right to rack their religion as everyone else in this country. [ applause ] >> the president: that includes the right to build a place of worship in a community center on private property in lower manhattan. >> reporter: today the president was was defending his position. >> the president: i was not commenting and i will not comment on the wisdom of making a decision to put a mosque there. i was commenting very specifically on the right people have, that dates back to our founding. >> reporter: the mosque would be part of a community center near ground zero. one republican critic says he doesn't dispute the right to locate a mosque there. but thinks the president should be using his influence to prevent it from being built. >> once he spock out on this issue i believe he the moral obligation to speak to the muslim community and tell them they should move the mosque. take into account the sensitivity of feelings. >> reporter: the president's comment sure to intensify an already passionate and politically charged debate before the midterm elections. >> kelly: president obama's poll numbers take a dive this summer. latest poll showing only 43% of registered vote areas prove of the job he's now doing compared to 49% who disapprove. he's not the only commander in chief who struggled at this stage of their presidency. joining us fox news political analyst and doug schoen, thank you both for joining us. before we get into it, let's show what i was talking a moment ago. how president obama is not the only one going through this kind of dip. we are looking at president obama's job performance. first lady we were to compare that to ronald reagan at this juncture we would see that ronald reagan also had some difficulties as well. looking at january 1983 ronald reagan's lowest point at 35%. bill linton lowest at 37%. both of those presidents rebounded. angela, what about president obama? >> well, i think that president obama is now moving more to the middle in preparation kelly that republicans could take over the house and the senate during these midterm elections if you look at clinton the republicans, one newt gingrich created contract with america. bill clinton signed 70% of that and won four more years. if i were giving obama advice he can't be all things to all people and make promises and not deliver. he needs to stop blaming george w. bush for his problems. >> kelly: doug where do you stand? we've seen the president has been tacked from his base on the left, obviously from the right as well. what do you say about those poll numbers? can the president rebound as ronald reagan did and bill clinton did? >> first, i've been in the white house with bill clinton, after the debacle in the 1994 congressional elects. i saw him taking a lot of incoming fire from the left, right and center. i've been there and seen it and kelly, trust me when your numbers sink, everybody criticizes. to your second question, absolutely. barack obama can recover his presidency. given his record on health care, on the financial stabilization of the country, and the ultimate cleanup of the gulf, arguably he's a better hand for 2012 than the democrats have for 2010. while the midterms, i think angela is right, are not gonna be a success for the democrats. don't count this president out. especially since the republicans don't have an obvious front-runner at this point. >> kelly: whoa you said a mouthful. that point real quick. angela, let's bring up another poll. at approval rating of congress. it is staggering on both sides of the aisle, if you will. you've got 58% there who are saying they disapprove of the democrats. then look across the aisle to the republicans, 57%. angela, who is really running the country if they can't get the trust of the american people? >> they don't have the trust of the people that's why kelly you see this anti-incumbent sea of change coming. the tea parties gaining power, because people don't trust washington. they believe that absolute power corrupts absolutely. look at maxine waters. look at rangel. also you have the rhino republicans. republicans in name only that have left the conservative base. i think you are going to see a lot of battles going on for right to control congress in november. i think that washington, d.c. is out of touch. you see that in the poll numbers with congress and the president. >> kelly: doug before i get to your answer i want to show one more poll. is the country better off since president obama has become president? 30% say we are better off. 38% we are worse off. 30% no difference. doug, what does that say to the american people? >> it you can make an argument as ronald reagan did, are you better off than were you four years ago? which is what he said successfully 1984 and what he asked about carter. to angela's point one of the problems the republicans have is the only group more discredited than the democrats are the republicans. that's why the election is going to be a choice not a referendum. you are going to see an increasingly harsh negative tone in the campaign by the democrats. because they don't have a great argument to make for them . their best argument is don't turn back the clock. >> doug, republicans are more than likely going to take over in november. i think we are going to see a great sea of change. democrats don't have a leg to stand on. administration doesn't either. to go to your health care bill. majority of americans did not want a change in health care that obama give them and the congress gave them. >> i would say this the one thing kelly, i would say about president obama that i think you're gonna see after midterms is the desire to try to bridge the partisan gap in the way he promised in the campaign and hasn't been able to do. i would say to my friend angela, if we can try lower the tone and bring people together, we will have a more successful effort to revitalize the struggling economy and fight our enemies, common enemies abroad. >> tell nancy pelosi that, please, i hope she is listening. >> i tell nancy pelosi, i tell newt gingrich, i'll tell anyone who willis than we've got to address problemsing to. hopefully you will join hands with me to do it angela. >> kelly: one more rasmussen poll to show you how low the president has fallen. i think what both of you are saying is he will have to, at some point, come strong to the middle and actually start ruling or running the government the way he has talked about during his campaign. look at it right there -16 president approval index that is very low for a president. as we've seen through ronald reagan and bill clinton he can make a comeback, doug i here you saying by getting to the center. angela you are saying the same thing but still firing out salvos there. >> obama is a great politician, poor administration. does he have charisma, bring people together? i think moving more to the center is preparation for 2012. i don't count him out at all. >> kelly, we need a bipartisan effort to stimulate the economy through private sector job creation. we need get a handle on spending. rein in the debt and deficit if the president does that he will be formidable in 2012. >> doug you and i an j we do angela. >> kelly: good to see you both. >> united airlines flight evacuated at o'hare dozens had to leave the plane down the emergency slide. some sort of warning light off after the plane landed end caling there was some problem in the cargo hold. authorities are trying to figure out what went wrong. the plane had just arrived from new york's laguardia airport. six passengers are slightly hurt but have refused treatment. >> we are getting new pictures from the scene of the plane crash that killed former senator stevens. the plane crashed into a mountain slope, four others survived. ntsb is heading up an investigation. they say the plane was equipped with a danger alert system. the technology is designed to warn pilots if they are flying dangerously low. it isn't clear whether the system was working at the time of the crash. >> kelly: breaking news. police say they have arrested a 25-year-old for shooting eight people in buff four victims died. among the dead, a mansell briting his first wedding anniversary with family and friends. police say shortly before the shooting managers shutdown the restaurant, after some sort of fight broke out. >> new information about the suspected serial killer accused of carrying out a series of deadly knife taxes in three states. elias abuelazam is now also a suspect in a stabbing near his hometown in israel. police captured the 33-year-old wednesday in atlanta as he was about to board a flight back to his native homeland. police say abuelazam is guilty or accuse him of killing five and wounding 13 others in a series of stabbing in ohio, michigan and virginia. police in virginia investigating whether abuelazam could have killed his neighbor when he lived in that state. that murder has never been solved. >> jamie: nasty weather striking across the country. folks in iowa told to conserve water after historic flooding caused pipe breaks that knocked out the city's water system. line of thunderstorms also battering georgia. high winds, lightning strikes damaging cars and buildings. in minnesota heavy rains flooding some areas with punishing winds knocking down trees and powerlines in some cases tearing chunks off of homes. that is a lot of flooding. our minneapolis affiliate has the story. >> reporter: the sun will the last night, too many trees took down too many power lines. >> power blinked four times that was it. you couldn't see the road it was raining so hard hitting the window like it was going to break the window. >> reporter: instead of breaking dave's windows it brought down to trees to the roots. one tree took out part of his backyard fence when it from the way it looked on radar it wasn't that big of a cell. i didn't think it was going to pack that much. it came in and turned red. all hell broke loose. >> reporter: this the worst of the damage. five or six miles north of david's home, two blocks worth of trees on the westside of road 1, taken out. most likely by straight line winds. >> we went downstairs and it was raining hard. the rain was going horizontal. they are saying straight line winds up to 80 miles-an-hour. >> reporter: the damage at jim's home was more than he expected when he came up from the basement. >> the wind lasted four, five minutes. that was it. >> reporter: which was more than enough to tear up sheds and keep people from getting to their home immediately after the storm let up. >> 20 minutes ago we drove in and found in nightmare. >> reporter: lynn was awestruck when she saw the damage lying in her yard and lining her street. >> it is unbelievable. just all the way. >> reporter: still, in the wake of the storm people are finding a silver lining. >> got some wood for the winter. >> jamie: that was our minneapolis affiliate. controversy over a new birth control method hitting store shelves. why critics are so upset, next. >> id, no supervision, not even old enough to drive. somehow they managed to get on a to another state. next, you to hear this, why the airline says they couldn't have stopped these children. . bad dog, balloon pop. 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>> reporter: it is handy you get a response back from a doctor on the other end monitor this. we are here in san diego they launched this program, e-visits they are called. they launched seven months ago, 30,000 patients have signed up, 20% of their total patient population. it is growing not just in california but around the country. so much so that large insurance groups have begun reimbursing patients and doctors for this type of service. the concept simple, patients and doctors chat back and forth the patients are able to get lab results online they can refill prerips even do video conferencing. because it is so new it is hard to say how many patients and doctors around the country are doing it. there's a study a group called manhattan resthaoeufp suggests 68% of adult americans use the internet for health care needs nine million consumers had e-mail exchanges with their doctor. some of the medical experts we've talked to say this is the way of the future. >> jamie: i know you want to talk about the concern that some doctors have. i'm curious what it costs? could it represent a savings to folks? >> reporter: it is going to be a savings that's one of the reasons why it is so attractive, also convenient. it is cheaper to get an e-mail reply from your doctor as opposed to going in and seeing the doctor. however, there are some physicians who say, there is no substitute for a face-to-face exam. listen to what one physician here in southern california had to say about it. >> it doesn't have the timeliness of a phone call. e-mail has no emotion with it. i can always tell when i talk with the patient are they hurting, in pain, anxious? you can never get that with an e-mail. we have to remember it is a a different form of communication. >> reporter: the doctors that we talked to want to point out if you are having chest pains or obviously some serious condition you need go to an emergency room right is a situation that is not intended for chronic conditions and things like that. just more sniffles and getting prescriptions refilled. i don't know, it is the way of the -- future i don't know if i'm comfortable, i don't know what think. there is something about that personal connection that you have with your family physician. this muddies that a bit. >> jamie: i think both work. maybe people would be encouraged to take better care of themselves if they can do it that way. >> kelly: how about this, a government approving a new morning after pill to prevented unwanted pregnancies. the pill is called ella. available by prescription only. it is said to be more effective than plan b the morning after pill now available over-the-counter. fda saying ella can be tan up to five days after unprotected sex to help avoid pregnancy. critics say it is a form of abortion. >> jamie: actress zsa zsa gabor has been taken back to the hospital. she experienced complications while recuperating from a broken hip. an ambulance taking her from her home to the emergency room yesterday afternoon. there's a report this hour she had to have additional surgery for blood clots the publicist saying her husband told him the 93-year-old actress is in a lot of pain and she expected to be treated at that hospital for the next several days. we'll keep you posted. is a stock market crash coming? something called the hiddenberg omen says yes. why some on wall street are freaking out and saying you should be. >> with some babysitting money and a lot of guts three kids hop on a to another state. we are talking even college kids younger without telling their parents. how did the airline let it happen? >> i didn't think i could. but we tried and we did. ♪ [ male announcer ] you like who you are... the man you've become. and you learned something along the way. about the world and yourself. ♪ this is the agef knowing what you're made of. and knowing how to get things done. , why would u let something like erectile dysfunction get in your way? isn't it time you talked to your dtor about viagra? 20 million men already have. with every aomes responsibility. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop inlood pressure. side effects may include headac, flushing, upset stomach, and rmal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate mical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. you di't get to this age by having things handed to you. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. see if america's most prescribed e.d. treatment is right for you. see if america's most prescribed e.d. treatment host: could switching to geico realis a bird in the handre on worth 2 in the bush? 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hope we don't get it. gary good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> jamie: i would like to you tell us this is not going to happen. the video is enough to have me sell off everything. what about people at home, what do they need to know? >> take a my industry, wall street littered with people calling for crashes for decades. they just don't happen very often. just be careful of this type of talk. on the other end there are plenty of people that wrote books these progress nose s are going to lose you -- prognostications these are going to lose you money. crashes happen, once every decade, two decades, i wouldn't buy into it. james wraeupl what is the hindenberg -- james skwhraeupl is the hindenberg omen? >> somebody came up with this concoction of things that have to happen at once, new highs, new lows momentum. it only has worked 25% of the tame. 75% failed. i'm not sure i want to bet on those odds. i guess it hit the '87 crash. again when it is called sometime times and it doesn't work maybe one time it does that's something i'm not going to follow too much. >> when you look at the last couple of days and think about the week before even the beginning of the week. i know what guess up must come down but it is a -- what goes up must come down but it is a head-scratcher this is something much bigger. zoe is it? >> we've had a wide swinging trading range for 8, 9 months you can chalk it up to unearn -- uncertainty. on a daily basis we are hitting with the makes tax cuts are not gonna happen, they are gonna happen. too much uncertainty is where you get crazy movements in the market also no progress says. i think the consumer is still worried about where things are. a lot of negative news continues to come out i watch retail stock very carefully. they are still acting poorlism that's where i'm really worry. if the consumer stays on his back i don't think much good is going to happen. >> it is august then there's september and october in the past those have been rough months. do you think there's any truth to this, if not a hindenberg omen, something close? >> september is the worst month of the year don't ask me why. that is something i will watch closely especially if the market sets up not well going in. we could have a rough september. back on point, i'm seeing all these headlines about this hindenberg i tell all my people, watch your money. if you get nervous sell a little but don't start selling everything because of some sort of omen that somebody talks about. >> what is the telltale sign when you will know potentially where we are headed? >> you will not know until it actually happens. that is -- again, once in a couple of decade occurrence. you are not going to know until it is the middle of the day and you down 500, 600, 700 points. i think i'm pretty good at this and you still can't predict them. >> jamie: when it happens i hope you have call waiting. >> i hear ya. >> jamie: thank you gary great to see. >> kelly: three youngsters taking a one of a kind joyride. 13-year-old, 15-year-old and 11-year-old, booking flights from florida to nashville, tennessee, all without knowledge or consent of their parents. uh-oh. may more surprising they got through security and on the flight without problems. why did they do it? they wanted to go to the amusement park dollywood. >> we just wanted to go and fly and so we some tickets to go to nashville, tennessee just to go hang out and come back home. >> kelly: once the kids landed in nashville they realized they were nowhere near the park. they called their parents and tickets home. can you imagine that call? >> jamie: which cost their grandmother a fortune, i her. everybody wants to go to dolly world. >> kelly: dolly parton should send a jet and invite them to come out at her experience. good publicity and we'll go along with them. >> jamie: everybody is okay. >> kelly: to call him a super athlete may be an understatement. tom jones paddles from key west, florida to new york city, 1500 miles under the hot, unforgiving sun. his mission to cleanup the world's oceans. peter doocy met him. peter how long did it take for jones to make this trip? >> it look him 92 days. he was on the water three months. he left may 13th. until this week he he was paddling 15 miles a day, everyday. you can see the map here his trip again at the southern most tip of the united states, key west, florida ended here in manhattan, 1,507 miles away. >> it was a lowgist tick nightmare everyday was a new area i had never seen, i didn't know what the water was like, the wildlife was like. just being in the water everyday and believing in what you are doing. >> reporter: he's trying to raise awareness about pollution in the ocean, specifically plastic. teaming up with the group he hopes when people hear about his marathon session they will stop and listen to what he has to say about the environment. and big bar patches in the middle of the ocean. his group has raised 1/3 of the money they are aiming for. he says even though not everybody can help the cause by paddle boarding up the eastern seaboard they can help by recycling and being responsible with plastic products. >> kelly: did he encounter any problem on the water with regards to sea creatures? >> reporter: first of all the weather was very hot his trip was in the middle of one of the hottest summers on record. he came face-to-face with sharks and even a gator that tried to take a big bite out his paddle. aside from that he made it to manhattan just fine. when i talked to him a minute after he came onshore it didn't seem like he was out of breath. he's a very tough guy. >> kelly: great way to lose weight too, thanks peter. >> jamie: iran is days from starting up its first nuclear power plant and they have help from russia. will it aid iran in getting that nuclear bomb? how will this impact what president obama calls the better than ever relationship between russia and the united states? 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[ elevator bell dings ] >> jamie: a new the sky for our troops in the field. >> ignition, 0 and liftoff! the united launch alliance atlas five rocket. >> jamie: military launching an atlas 5 rocket carrying the first of several new satellites. lockheed martin saying they are more advanced than the ones ly in use. they will allow the military to send video battlefield maps, targeting data and other communications in real-time. >> kelly: russia defying the united states. russian power company announcing plans to help iran complete its first nuclear power plan. now the big question, could this help tehran build an atomic bomb? what does it mean to our relationship with russia? joining us jim walsh international security expert and research associate the massachusetts institute of technologies, securities studies program. thank you for joining us today, sir. >> good to be with you kelly. >> kelly: this is something that really cuts to the relationship. if you remember president obama was saying we have a better than ever relationship with russia. what happens now? >> well, you know russia has always played both sides of this game. they've always done things to support the coalition the u.s. and other countries that trying to pressure iran. and they've also had their own independent dealings with iran. i don't think this is too big of a deal. russia signed this contract in 1995. so, this has been dragging on and on and on for 15 years. at the end of the day the real key to the proliferation issue is not a civilian nuclear power plan. you cannot make a bomb with nuclear electricity plant. the key is enrichment that's what the focus should be. i think this is more of a side issue. it is not the fundamental issue that where our concerns are with iran. >> kelly: you are saying this is a side issue but we are talking about the bashir plant something everyone was concerned about we interpreted that as iran's penchant or appetite for building a nuclear weapon. now we understand they are trying to build medical isotopes that was russia's role to help them do something for medical purposes. can they get closer to building a bomb? >> you know, i don't think the power plant is going to matter much at all. when bill clinton was president the bashir plan was the focus of u.s. policy trying to top them from building that plant. in 2003 we discovered their enrichment program. as i say, a technology that can produce material that you can use for a bomb. the power plant that they are starting the electrical plant, does not do that, enrichment does. i think our focus is rightly on trying to do something about the enrichment program. medical isotopes again not a big issue part of the nuclear mix having little to do with nuclear weapons. if russia completes this plant there may be benefits. if iran can claim a victory on the civilian nuclear side it will be open to bargaining on the enrichment side. it may win us support in trying to draw other countries to the coalition trying to get iran to change direction on is enrichment program. >> kelly: as you know the man we are looking at right there mahmoud ahmadinejad has all been blustering with the united states and the west saying we are going to build anything we want to build we are doing it for peaceful purposes. he's not a man that many can trust on the world stage. should we trust this relationship that he has with russia in moving forward with this private company company could something else happen that would cause us to end off alarms? >> i don't think. this plant is going to be under international safe guards the iaea is going to be there. the plant doesn't have direct connection to the production of nuclear weapons. i'm less worried about that. by the way, one of the ironies is that president ahmadinejad who we all know is also a person who himself has taken different positions an and most recently, about a month something said he was going to return to the negotiating take. iran walked out on negotiations a year ago. they are going to come back. on your question, should we trust them? the question won't be trust it will be verification. can we set up intrusive verification so we can prove there is nothing suspicious going on? that's what we are seeing in these negotiations. >> kelly: jim walsh, thank you for sharing their comments. >> thank you kelly. >> jamie: secretary of defense gate announcing major changes. why he wants to cut some of his most experienced and highly decorated generals and admirals, next. 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[ male announcer introducing the venture card from capital one with double miles on everyurchase every day. go to [ indistinct shouting ] what's in your wallet? >> jamie: defense secretary gates promising to streamline operations and cut costs at the pentagons by getting rid of some of the generals and admirals. many are worrying where the ax could fall. joining me the author of rogue threat retired brigadier general anthony tata. great to see you, congratulations on the book. is our military too top heavy in the ranks? >> you know the army has a congressionally authorized 302 generals up to 332 right now. that against a force of about 545,000 soldiers that's less than half of 1%. i don't think it is too top heavy. what you have seen happened is that with the wars you have these joint task forces and joint headquarters that have spawned. they have requirements for senior leaders, such as generals and admirals. so, the services have had to reduce more generals and admirals for multi-national force iraq. for the international security assistance force in afghanistan. and several other joint task forces. so that has had a necessary pull on the services to produce more generals and admirals. then they pulled more from the reserves. so you have in the army about a 10% overage of what they normally would have. secretary gates is saying he's going to cut about 5% that makes sense if we are getting out of iraq and wittle that headquarters down that is 5% there. >> jamie: we know winds to cut costs and he's been asked to do that this is one way. the first casualty, one is the dismantling of the joint forces command unit. i assume it is one of several that we'll be hearing about. that had a four star from what i understand there. are we sacrificing for symbolic reasons or will some of this money really go back into the defense kitty? >> well, i think joint forces command is a controversial move. all of the joint headquarter there's i just talked about that are in combat are trained by joint forces command particularly in the suffolk area where they have a separate compound the crown of that headquarters is the joint fighting center we have to fight more jointly and joint forces command is where that was happy happening. i would recommend we cut nato, fire a bunch of belgiums that whole technology corridor that has spawned from that area with norfolk and suffolk in the joint forces command. there's streamlining you can do at joint forces command. who is going to train our join task forces if we cut join forces command? that's a tough question i think the secretary has to face. because, right now every joint headquarters that deploys trained by joint forces command. they've been doing exception ali well. why fix something that is not broken. >> jamie: it seems like you can see this from both sides. hopefully, as cuts are made real thought is given as to the type of generals we need and the expertise we need to complete the mission and win. i appreciate your time brigadier general tata, thank you. >> kelly: new developments in a horrific shooting in buffalo, four killed and four wounded. breaking news on the fox report, straight ahead. ♪ and we canook out more with friends. my card lets me work out more. ♪ and ours lets us eat out more. aarp helps us do our favorite thing. the new website is my favorite thing. 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