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greg palkot is following this and is live. hello. >> we have been tracking the story and this is a devastating tragegy that is hitting one of america's key alleys in central europe. the president of poland lech kaczynski and his wife and others who were aboard a plane that crashed in russia are dead. including is the head of the central bank, head of the polish security, the head of the defense department and military services in poland. they were aboard a russian-built plane, that was approaching the airport in western russia. it was believed it was pilot error but a black box has been recovered. my ill-play will be sorted out once the data aboard the box will be listened to. there is so much interest in this that russian prime minister vladimir putin has personally taken charge of the investigation into the crash. president obama getting in touch with polish prime minister by telephone offering america condolences to the families, those on board and, in fact, the nation. poland in deep mourning now. memorial services outside the palace of the president. but most importantly, finally, brian, special meeting of the cabinet of the government of poland held this afternoon. it's thought that the functioning part of the government will continue, that poland will be secure. but still, massive tragedy for the nation. >> brian: greg palkot. we will touch base with you if there are any new updates. thank you very much. sad news for the four families holding out hope that the loved ones might have somehow survived the mining accident in west virginia. molly henneberg is live in montcoal, west virginia, with the latest on that. hello, molly. >> reporter: families waiting for word, they knew 18 people were already dead in the mine and it could be four more that were alive. there were 22 families that didn't know who was among the dead or who could be among alive and last night they got the word nobody survived. west virginia governor joe manchin has asked for west virginians and others around the nation to pause for a moment of silence on monday at 3:30 in the afternoon. that's one week after the explosion that killed the 29 people. at the upper big branch mine. four of whom as i was saying were hoped to be alive but they were found dead alongside their colleagues last night. here's more. >> we did not receive the miracle we prayed for. we have accounted for the four miners that were unaccounted for. we have a total of 29 miners that we are recovering at this time. >> reporter: these small communities around here sustained the industry and the job they provide and feel the deaths acutely. rescuers hoped they could find the final four miners in the last refuge chamber inside the mine. that would be the one place they would be able to survive. but last night, they found the chamber was not deployed, it was not open. suggesting the men did not have a chance to get there. if there is a silver lining in this, the blast was so big officials said that the men did not suffer. take a listen. >> destruction just about everywhere. it was a very violent explosion that we have here. it included a large area. there was massive damage. it's just, it's an awful sight. >> reporter: the recovery operation began last night. teams went into the mine to bring out the bodies with dignity, governor manchin said. as they removed the body they are putting a flag in the mine to denote where each body was to help investigators when they go in and try to figure out how this could have happened. brian? >> brian: molly henneberg, thank you very much. ♪ ♪ >> brian: republicans rallying in new orleans will hear from embattled rnc chair michael steele today. sarah palin was a huge hit at the republican leadership conference yesterday. and could do very well in tonight's straw poll. that's by the way where we find our chief political correspondent carl cameron. how big is this straw poll? >> reporter: it's a big deal, brian. this is the first big sort of cattle call of the 2012 candidates outside of washington. there have been a few gathering in d.c. but out in the world, the southern republican leadership conference matters and the straw poll has been a sign post on the early, invisible primary campaign trail. they'll tally votes up late this afternoon. we should have results early this evening. and there is a long roster of candidates. as many as 3,500 delegates to the conference. so there could be a substantial sample. this is the ballot. and you think this is a straw poll and it doesn't matter but it is a big deal. delegates have to show i.d.s with the hologram colors to make sure one person for every vote and if not it won't be counted. school of thought is sarah palin who dazzles republicans wherever she goes has advantage in the straw poll but you can never rule out texas congressman ron paul, who brings with him a contingent to events like this that can really get the crowd roaring on his behalf and sometimes have a band wagon effect in votes like this. however, it's not as importance as the appearance here, speeches they give. he any gathering of the 22012 wannabes, it's more important they don't screw it up. give energizing speech, get them riled up and enthused and give impression they're leaders worth following. as soon as mid-term of 2010 is over the presidential sweep of 2012 is underway in full blast. >> brian: what about michael steele? he is not running for president but it seems like he's running these days quite a bit. >> actually, several months ago, michael steele was asked if he would run for president and he didn't rule it out. that's not really what he is focussed on now. the chairman of the republican national committee has been somewhat embattled of late. there has been a series of negative stories that slapped the r.n.c., most recently the one about the lesbian bondage club in west hollywood and the late night donor soiree. not cool in minds of a lot of republicans so he's been asking questions about this for some time. he will speak here today. it's not known whether he will address some of the recent criticism of the finances of the republican national committee or his own leadership thereof. but he has been talking about it at great length and working phones to patch up some of the damage that the stories caused his reputation. yesterday, he released a letter signed off on by 31 state republican party chairmans from around the country, saying they support him and they're not in favor of giving him the boot. there had been a handful of people who put out the suggestion that there should be no confidence vote, but the truth is no one is waiting in the wings to take over for him in the next election for r.n.c. chair until january. so his appearance today is more shoring up support rather than worrying about the critics. always going to have them as party chairman, no matter what party. >> brian: right. carl camercameron, if new orlea. thank you. we'll go back to talk to mike pence and then later texas governor rick perry. stay with us for us. nasa managers were extending the mission of the space shuttle discovery by a day to give astronauts time to perform detailed inspection of the shuttle heat shield. they are resting up for what is the second of three spacewalks. this is one of the last shuttle missions that comes as the president prepares to unveil his vision for the future of the u.s. space program. in about 15 minutes we talk to a former shuttle astronaut who is on the augustine commission that advised the president. fresh off the victory on healthcare reform, obama administration is moving on to the next big item on its agenda. overhauling financial regulation. just like he did on healthcare, the president will hold a bipartisan meeting with the top lawmakers next week to push what has become increasingly partisan issue. julie kirtz has details in washington. >> reporter: that's right. within the new healthcare plan, the law of the land now, president obama is making an overhaul of the country financial regulation, his top domestic priority. the white house meeting is set for wednesday and he hopes to force bipartisan agreement or win over centrist republicans. so far, no republicans are getting behind the measure pushed by the dems. the house already passed financial reform bill, but the negotiations in the senate bogged down. last month on a party line vote. the senate banks committee did pass a bill that would create a new consumer protection division within the federal reserve, give the government the power to break up failing financial firms and tighten regulations on the complicated investments known as derivatives. democrats say the new rules are needed to rebuild a broken system. republicans argue the new rules will cut off access to credit. senate banking committee chair chris dodd says he wants the bill on the senate floor later this month. dodd says his bill, the bill and the idea that some financial firms are too big to fail and it's that idea, brian, that could bring compromise here. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell who will attend the meeting at the white house on wednesday says there may be room for an agreement on regulating a giant financial company. with democrats united, president obama needs at least one senate republican vote to follow up healthcare with a second win in the white house. democrats hope the public anger on wall street meltdown will help. >> brian: julie kirtz, thank you very much. many saw the surprise announcement yesterday that congressman bart stupak will not seek re-election on healthcare reform casualty. that's what the g.o.p. are quietly licking their chops over the controversy over the healthcare law and hope it will help chances in the mythed term electi electielectio election -- mid-term election. check in with indiana congre congressman mike pence among the leaders an it the southern leadership conference for republicans to talk about this and other things in the news. were your surprised that bart stupak decided not to run for re-election? after all, he is an 18-year veteran. he got 65% of the vote in the last election. were you surprised? >> good morning, brian. i was and i wasn't. bart stupak is a long-term serving member who enjoyed broad support in the congressional district. but i wasn't in the sense, i don't think pro-life americans, republicans, democrats or independents were fooled by the fact that bart stupak led an effort to exchange 30 years of pro-life protection in the law for piece of paper signed by the most pro-abortion president in history. pro-life american americans wer seeing them enact the healthcare legislation to provide public support for abortion for the first time in our history and i expect he got an earful when he got home. >> brian: public reaction to the healthcare law has been mixed. people upset about it as you noted. you're down there listening to republicans and many republicans smell big victory in the fall as a result of the healthcare issue. what is your sense? >> i haven't run into a lot of mixed reaction. in indiana and i travel a little bit around the country over the last two weeks, and i think the american people are offended by this government take over of healthcare. offended how it was rammed through the congress with the backroom deals and compromise. i think they are to offended with the very idea that the federal government will now be mandating that every american buy insurance whether they want it or need it or not. set in motion $600 billion in job-killing tax increases. i think it will be -- i will be candid with you and tell you whether it be my e-mail or conversations on the street, i met with a tremendous amount of frustration and opposition. >> brian: how does it that play out for the gathering -- >> yeah, well, look, the american people are determined to repeal and remr replace obama-care. house republicans will not rest until we repeal obama-care lock, stock and barrel. we'll take the case to the american people and take a case against the failed economic policies and against their plan for a national energy tax. you bet. the enthusiasm here, i like our chances, but this isn't really about politics. this is about who we are as a nation and the direction of the country. republicans are determined to be on the side of the american people this fall. >> brian: congressman mike pence, good of you to join us on a busy day for you. thanks a lot. >> thank you. >> brian: congressman pence is one of several big-name republicans who will speak at the convention today. former pennsylvania senator rick santorum, mississippi governor haley barbour. we will stream those pieces on keep it right here on fox, and we'll bring you the r.n.c. chairman michael steele speech in the 5:00 hour. that's 5:00 eastern time. the president gearing up for thursday's space summit in florida. but as kennedy space center prepares to lose 9,000 space jobs, will he receive a chilly reception next week in the sunshine state? and we'll go back down to louisiana and talk to texas governor rick perry after speaking at the republican leadership conference yesterday. he's being talked about as president contender but first he faces a battle for re-election. hey, everybody, brian wilson in the nation's capital. good to be back with you after a little time off. we'll be back right after this break. it's tough to reach that five servings a day if you don't always like the taste of vegetables. i'll be right back, okay? okay. good thing v8 v-fusion juice gives you a serving of vegetables hidden by a serving of fruit. v8. what's your number? now try refreshing new cranberry blackberry v8 v-fusion juice. >> brian: this is a fox news alert. you are looking at live pictures from warswarsaw, poe land, just coming in fox news -- warsaw, poland, just coming in fox news to memorial service at the presidential palace there. if you are just joining us, you may not have seen the news that polish president lech kaczynski and 96 other people have died in a crash. this is sort of an unusual situation. it happened over russian soil. there were no survivors. it happened as the plane made an approach to the airport there in heavy fog. this is the emotional outpouring in front of the presidential palace where people are bringing candles and flowers. outpouring of emotion there in warsaw today. look at other news. six suspected pirates are in custody of the u.s. navy after a battle near the horn of africa. the u.s. navy says a pirate ship -- this was not good judgment -- fired at the uss ashland earlier today. ashland returned fire, destroying the pirate boat, capturing all six people on board. navy exchanged fire in the past ten days near somalia. justice john paul stevens' retirement presents president obama with an opportunity and a challenge. mr. obama gets to appoint a supreme court justice. but depending who the nominee is, there could be confirmation fight ahead. malini wilkes has the story. >> reporter: good afternoon. after the bitter healthcare battle and with the mid-term elections looming, controversial supreme court pick could result in partisan fight. president obama says he will pick someone like stevens to replace him but the republicans promise to put up a fight if the nominee is too liberal. they will get down when the court wraps up the court this summer and hoping a justice can be confirmed before the next term begins in october. he's 89 and the longest-serving member of the court. president obama says he will nominate someone with similar qualities including understanding of how the law affects the daily lives of americans. >> it will be someone who like justice stevens knows in democracy powerful interest must not be allowed to drown out voices of ordinary citizens. >> two republican senators cautioned the president against picking an activist judge. they want someone who strictly interprets the law. [ inaudible [ inaudible ] >> that's not good for them, it's not good for the senate, it's not good for the country. >> some of the same names in the mix before sonia sotomayor was nominated are on the short list. including circuit court judge wood and kagan. pro-lifers have concerned about both of them. and judge mary barland is considered moderate and most acceptable name for conservatives. if the president picks someone moderate he could alienate liberal base but avoids a partisan fight and makes it easier to move forward with the legislative agenda. >> brian: you're right on that. the legislative agenda could come to a screeching halt depending how the nomination goes. malini wilkes, good to see you. thanks a lot. this thursday the president will hold a space summit in florida. can he sell the plan to the state when 9,000 kennedy space center workers will possibly lose their job? joining me is leroy chow, former astronaut and member of the augustine commission that advised the president. good to have you here. thank you for joining us. look, i'll be down at the announcement on thursday. when the president lays out the vision for the future. do you have an inkling of what the vision will look like? >> i don't have insider information if you will but i suspect it will be along the lines of what has already been announced and i hope and i think there will be more details. that is the problem, a lot of uncertainty because there was not a lot of details released in the last few months of what the plans will be. >> brian: one of the most controversial part of the obama policy regarding space is they canceled the constellation program. that was the only thing in the arsenal we were developing and now we find out there is a good gap before we develop the heavily lift capability. >> there was also going to be a gap. that is what we concerned ourselves with. constellation program was not sustainable and it wouldn't work as advertised, but i am surprised -- i was surprised that the entire program was canceled. now i believe that several pieces will come back. i believe there will be some crew exploration vehicle and heavy lift vehicle program. the situation is not unlike the days when the space station freedom heading toward the same, you know, unsustainable trajectory. it was canceled, too, and we veeved sustainable and more executable program and i expect the same will happen with exploration. >> brian: basically, after the shuttle flies the last mission later this year to get to the space station, to do anything in space we have to depend on the russians. that's always sort of a deal that can go sour given the nature of our relationship with the russians at any given moment. being good capital lcapitalist,e way, they doubled the cost of the lift to the space station. >> you're right. that was not a surprise to me to see them increase the price. this is something we've known about for a number of years and the end of the space shuttle was announced in 2004 when the vision of space exploration was rolled out. it shouldn't come at a surprise the shuttle is coming to an end. it saddens me, too. i'm a shuttle guy. two or three shuttle missions and the shuttle will always have a soft spot in my heart. but this reality shouldn't be surprising. it's been coming. >> brian: we will look forward to what the president has on his mind next week. thanks, again. >> thank you. >> brian: the body of the president of poland has been recovered. we'll have an update on the story in a moment. governor rick perry will join us from the southern republican leadership conference and we tell him what his opponent is saying about him in texas and we get the governor's response. a lot of people say he might be presidential material. we'll get a sense of how he performs in our question and answer session. back in a moment. for strong bones, i take calcium. but my doctor told me that most calcium supplements... aren't absorbed properly unless taken with food. he recommended citracal. it's different -- it's calcium citrate, so it can be absorbed with or without food. citracal. we get dole miles on every purchase. so we earned a ski trip twice as fast. we get double miles every time we use our card. 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[ applause ] >> reporter: two weeks after emboldened president obama signs a new healthcare bill in law a new fox news opinion dynamics poll shows his job approval rating hitting a new low. the poll finds approval of the president drops three points last month and stands at 43%. nearly half americans, 48%, disapprove of the job he's doing as president. >> i think it's so par as of right now. it's heard to grade a president -- hard to grade a president after one year of work but so far after one year i expected more. >> maybe it's early to judge him. >> reporter: the reason for approval rating drop, according to the new poll, appears to be the economy and the healthcare overhaul. majority of americans, 53% disapprove of the president's handling of what they consider the top issue facing the country: the economy. while 42% approve. >> i'm worried about the economy. i'm an american and i worry about the economy. >> reporter: the news for president and democrats doesn't look good ahead of the mid-term elections in november. if the congressional election were held today, 43% of voters would support the republican candidate in their district and 39% the democrats. they find americans worried about the country's future. majority of voters, 57% think life for the next generation of americans will be worse than life today, compared to 39% who felt that way in 2002. december pospite the apparent pessimism, 59% believe it's still the land of opportunity. we have the latest numbers on the website. it's so interesting to look at this. check them out under the latest stories tab on i've linked all of this to my twitter page as well at back to you. >> brian: all right. laura ingle, thank you very much. the national traffic highway safety administration may slap toyota with greater fines on top of the $16.4 million assessed over the defective accelerator pedals. they say the car maker should be on the hook for $14 billion in penalties except that there is a legal limit on the individual fines against what is set. another tough week for toyota. we learned retired executive wrote an e-mail at toyota saying we need to come clean over defective gas pedals and it was apparently written before the problem was revealed to the u.s. government officials. irve miller was a toyota public affairs vice president, 30-year veteran of the company a few days short of retirement when he wrote an e-mail to japanese counterparts on january 16 of this year. i hate to break this to you, but we have a tendency for mechanical failure in accelerator pedals for a certain manufacturer on certain models. we are not protecting our customers by keeping this quiet. the time to hide on this one is over. we need to come clean." noting the key toyota executives were about to meet with officials from the national highway traffic safety administration, miller added, "we better hope they can get ntsa to work with us coming to workable solution that does not mutt us out of business." the pedal issue "might raise uneasiness of customers." that e-mail is among 7,000 documents toyota handed over to government officials and may explane why nhtsa just slapped the japanese auto maker with $16.4 million fine for not bring i bringing safety concerns in a timely fashion. dealerships were notified of the problem in fall of 2009, months before the u.s u.s. recalled. some will paint this as evidence of wrongdoing, one crisis management expert believes it's typical of what happens inside big corporations during times of trouble. not a cover-up, but denial that feeds a bunker mentality. >> people are hystericahysteric. they're hiding and hoping it will blow over and they hope someone else will handle it. i have yet to see a crisis where the company behaves the way they would in a hollywood portrayal of it. >> the document could cause big problems in the courtroom where toyota is facing class action and individual product liability lawsuits. fox news contacted irve miller and he was very nice on the phone. apparently. but declined further comment. >> brian: if you are a water polo or lacrosse player you might not think there is much of a future in it after high school or college, but casey stegall will be along to tell you how the sport could point way to new career path. hi, casey. >> reporter: hi, brian. as it turns out, people involved in the activities have a higher success rate at successfully passing the navy seals training program. up next, we show you what it takes to become a seal in a live report here on america's news headquarters. ÷÷÷÷ >> brian: republican leaders are jockeying for the party presidential nomination in 2012. a straw poll will be conducted at 5:30 p.m. today at the southern leadership conference in new orleans. among the contenders are minnesota governor tim pawlenty, former massachusetts governor mitt romney, both of which are no-shows at the conference today. other candidates are arkansas governor mike huckabee, indiana congressman mike pence, and the man that we're going to talk to next, rick perry. he's standing by down in louisiana to talk more about how the conference is going. governor, how are you today? good to have you with us. >> good to be with you, sir. >> brian: let's talk about how the conference is going so far right now. republicans are feeling good right now about the chances in the fall. what is your stance? >> a big turn-out and energy and people are focussed on how we take our country back. you have a lot of tea party activists that are here. republican party folks as well. a great amount of energy and a lot of ideas being floated around. but getting back to the basics is the message that you hear time after time. and this is the republican party lost their way in 2000. and the candidates that are going to be running for congress are focussed on fiscal conservatism and staying close to values that the american people expect republicans to be associated with. >> brian: governor, some people have heard you speak and believe that you might make a good candidate for president in 2012. is that something that might be on your radar screen? >> i hope they think i'll make a great governor of texas. my name is not on the straw poll. i have no interest in the presidential election personally. i care greatly who that is going to be obviously, but our focus is on 2010. that is the election cycle that is important for america. electing men and women who will go to washington to get to principles of the conservatism and supply side economics that ronald reagan shows works well. 2012 will take care of itself. >> brian: you do mention you are running for re-election. some noted thattior name has come up talking about a possible presidential candidate down the path. including your equipment, bill white, mayor of houston. his spokesman issued a statement that said it's never been more clear than it was today that bill white is focussed on texas, while rick perry is focussed on his political career. he was talking about what he was doing in texas while you were in louisiana. i want to give you an opportunity to respond to that. >> i was recruiting businesses to come to texas. i got cards of people interested in moving businesses out of louisiana. i know bobby jindal will find that as great competition, which is a good segue to what governors ought to be doing, creating the environment of competition. getting away from mr. white election for president obama who is more interested in washington being the central focus of all decision-making. republican believes that the state is where it should occur can. i'm for texas way of doing business. >> brian: healthcare reform is controversial in the country. does it work for favor of republicans in the upcoming mid-term elections and how big? >> this piece of legislation, obama care that has passed will be a devastating impact on the state. for instance, the state of texas, we estimated in the next ten years it will be an additional $27 billion worth of cost. >> brian: wow! >> just to the state of texas. not to mention the decrease or quality of care. if you are a young person are you going to the practice of medicine? absolutely not. this will not stand. americans will go to the poll in 2010 and elect men and women who will go to washington, d.c. with a clear message of we're going to go to washington and try to make washington as incon consequencial in your life as we can. get back to principles that are important. that is what we will hear as people move toward the election, with focussed on a powerful message to washington, that we won't allow you to come in to tell us how to run the lives anymore and tax and spend the country and the future generations into oblivion. >> brian: governor rick perry from great state of texas, arguably the greatest state in the union. >> good to be with you. >> brian: keep it on fox. we'll carry michael steele's speech live from the southern republican leadership conference coming up today at 5:00 eastern. you don't want to miss that. navy seals are looking for new places to find recruits to pass the tough training. they commissioned a study that pointed them toward athletes but they don't play the sport you might expect. casey stegall joins us from california with the rest of that story. hello, casey. >> reporter: hey, brian. out of the hundreds and thousands of men and women in the u.s. navy, only less than 1% of the men belong to the elite special operations force known as navy seals. it is getting tougher to find the best recruit. >> if we do it properly, we move to something else. >> reporter: the training is tough. >> you got it. >> reporter: may be an understatement. >> a bunch of small events over small time. high intensity and high-impact event you compete in with the other individuals. >> not everybody is cut out for it. the drop-out race is near 80%. >> people don't know what they are getting into. >> one of the grueling aspect of the training is working in the water. >> reporter: the pacific ocean is cold especially when your uniform is completely soaked. the navy identified a study to identify prime recruitsed found men playing water polo, lacrosse, water rugby and chess had higher chances of passing the program. >> the water is not an obtickle to them. it's their home. water polo, i love the water. keeps me in great shape. we do weight lifting and we swim. a great work-out. makes it perfect. >> the navy is using the day for the recruit purposes and even working with athletic directors to identify students who would like to become a seal. and can succeed. >> brian: good to see you, casey stegall. tiger is in the hunt. but shouldn't we talk about mickelson and westwood? we should, but sadly we probably won't. we'll get an update from augusta in a moment. brian wilson and so good to have you with us on saturday afternoon. be right back. woman down from nasal allergy attack. but we've got the ammunition she 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[ male announcer ] stng at $23,200. it's a whole new volkswagen, and a whole new game. tytiger is two strokes back at the masters with 36 homes remaining and said to be in striking distance of the leader. phil keating has more on what is an interesting return for tiger. we talk about tiger but he is not leading. we should talk about the leaders as well. >> reporter: yeah, lee westwood, ian poulter, who brits are minus eight after two days and are in the lead. there are five others tied for third place, one of them being tiger woods. tiger will tee off 2:35. he has been well embraced by the fans. big applause. he had a record day, a personal record day on thursday. he shot a 68. shooting two eagles in in an 18-hole round and did it thursday. nots a great of a day yesterday but still is two under papar. he feels like he is in a good position and he spoke after the round and said just that, that he thought two strokes behind was good. westwood had a double bogey yesterday on 14 and the crowd went "whoo!" so a lot of contention here that the crowd is rooting for tiger woods. second chance, rebuilding of his career and life and up to this point has been clear that he has the backing of the people here. >> you don't hear a lot of talk about the things that have caused him so much pain in the past few weeks. everybody is focussed on the game. >> absolutely. there has been very little attention paid to the extramarital affairs and the implosion in his personal life. thursday, a banner plane flew overhead critical of the aerial heckling. yesterday, the f.a.a. grounded the plane finding minor mechanical issues. the f.a.a. tells me it did not do it as a strong-arming tactic at the behest of augusta national, and they didn't talk to augusta national. they just never had a banner plane flying over the sport and wanted to make sure it was safe. >> brian: all right. good to see you. thank you for joining us. good to see you. tiger's much anticipated return to golf comes as another person with similar issues returns to public eye. less than two years after admitting he was a client in a prostitution ring, former new york governor eliot spitzer's road to redemption includes a lot of tv aperiences, include -- appearances including this week's gig on nbc. liz trotta will have her take on the well crafted remakes. it seems like everybody gets a second chance these days, huh, liz? >> yes, hi. good afternoon, to you, brian. let me show you the latest media orchestration of the redemption of mr. spitzer. here we are. eliot spitzer's long winding and slightly bewilderi ining rod to redemption. not only getting help of the "new york times" but help of his old friends at princeton and harvard. he's getting the help of the "washington post." he clearly wants to run for something again. what is past is prologue, of course, with tiger woods and spitzer. spitzer can only take heart when he sees the reaction that tiger woods has gotten. one problem, however, it's virtually impossible to find anybody who was ever encountered eliot spitzer in public life. not to have remembered at least at one part of the encounter when they didn't want to punch him in the nose. [ laughter ] he has a reputation for arrogance. and high-handedness. and cynicism. that everybody in new york knows about. you can't be an unnice guy for so long and alienate so many people and expect to keep public to especially brace you. >> brian: fair enough, liz, but people make mistakes. in this country, we sort of believe in redemption and the people can come back and say they're sorry. make amends and move forward. what is wrong with that? >> most women don't think that way. i'm not a feminist but it's starti inleing to see how many n want to give them a chance. the women remember not only the extramarital affairs but this is a virtual immersion in bimbo land. for both of the characters. have some respect if there was a great love involved. but this is cheap, tawdry. then you have somebody like spitzer who comes with money, lots of connections, disgraced before the world. now with the help of the media coming back. >> brian: all right. liz trotta. we are all out of time. thank you for joining us here on america's news headquarters. >> thank you. >> brian: we have enough time to say we're wrapping it up here on america's news headquarters. but kel rly wright and uma pemmaraju are standing by in new york to give you -- do we have a minute? sorry. i thought i got my times messed up. i can tell you that they will be standing by and it will be a really good show. you don't want to miss it. i can also tell you about lego. artists from across the country showed off the creations at the first ever northern california lego convention on friday. lego castles, cities and an lego statue of liberty were among the displays. the event runs through the weekend. and is open to the public. another programming note before we go, i want to tell you fox news sunday will be on tomorrow on your local fox station. check your listings for that. chris wallace will host senators joe lieberman and lamar alexander and they will discuss retirement of supreme court justice john paul stevens and the upcoming nuclear summit here in washington. so, that's coming up on fox news sunday. as always, you know you need to go to the newspaper or the web and find out what your local listings are. don't miss "fox news sunday." again, kelly wright, uma pemmaraju standing by in new york to take over from here. i'll brian wilson. see you soon. thank you for watching us on america's news headquarters. >> this is a fox news alert. russia, putting the death toll at 97 in the plane crash, killing poland's president. this is kelly wright along with uma and we're glad to have you. among the dead, president lech kaczynski and his wife as the plane was trying to land in poland. leading the delegation to the world war ii memorial service, we'll have a live update in a moment. >> another fox news alert, the rescue mission for four missing miners in west virginia now ending in tragedy with efforts into a recovery mission after the body of the missing miners were discovered overnight. this discovery bringing the death toll in monday's blast to 29 the worst mining disaster in four decades. molly henneberg is joining us from montcoal, west virginia with the latest. a sad story, what's the reaction there at this point? >> hi, heart break here. these are tight knit communities, built on the coal industry, and west virginia's governor says the people here have and will continue to pull together through this to help each other, here is more. >> the healing will start now. we've said before, the journey has ended and the grieving and then the healing and then we all will stick together. we've got to help everybody through this. >> reporter: 29 miners were killed in all. 22 bodies remain in the mine and there were 22 families waiting all week to see if their loved ones could be among the four that could possibly still be alive. we found out last night, those four miners did not survive so all 22 bodies will be taken out of the mine, with dignity as the governor says. the rescue recovery began last night and the communities, the families suffering all week has been overwhelmed with food and an outpouring of love from local families and families around the state. the red cross, the salvation airplane. there have been trucks of food and water brought in to these families. west virginians showing up for their coal mining families in this tragedy. >> uma: neighbor helping neighbor out there. molly as you pointed out it's an agonizing wait. why didn't they found the four missing miners earlier? the governor was intent on finding the survivors, sooner rather than later. >> there was a rescue attempt into the mine and the rescue crews were taken out because the air wasn't good enough. they didn't see the body, the visibility was poor, they didn't see the bodies alongside their colleagues they were involved in a quote, frantic and difficult condition trying to find them. here is more on that. >> we found the three bodies of the 22 sections closer to the mouth of the section, and there was so much smoke initially in this area, that when the rescuers went in they apparently walked by those three bodies. >> and then another body was found, also, last night, bringing the total to four, but they were looking for in a total of 29 dead. now, they had hoped that those four had made it it a rescue chamber, the only place they could have survived, but turned out the rescue chamber was not open, was not deployed suggesting the men didn't have a chance to get in there, uma. >> uma: our hearts go out to the families. thank you for bringing us up-to-date on this story. >> kelly: and now some new details on the plane disaster in russia that killed poland's president. killing 97 people on board, there were no survivors. lech kaczynski's wife died with him in the accident. greg palkot joins me live now from our london bureau and greg, what's the latest on the crash that you're hearing. >> reporter: kelly, it is being called the most tragic event in post war polish history and certainly we must add a tragedy hitting a key american ally right in the heart of europe. as you noted, kelly, the president and his wife killed. chief military figures in the polish government killed. the head of the central bank, internal security, other key officials, we've been watching all day the images coming from the crash scene and they are absolutely ugly. the weather at the time of the landing, at smolensk russian airport, the pilot was warned off. he tried to come in anyway. all of this indicates, kelly, that foul play was probably not involved, but russian prime minister vladimir putin is taking charge of the investigation, serious step. >> kelly: a serious step indeed and as you mentioned a serious blow to the country of poland. so what's the impact on the people and the government there? >> reporter: the country is devastated, kelly. the president was much loved and obviously, a whole lot of people on that plane. we've been watching images from polish state television showing us a scene of an impromptu memorial service outside of the presidential palace in warsaw. president obama called personally prime minister of poland donald tusk and offered condolences of our nation to poland. just as important, kelly, tusk called a special session of his own cabinet today, and there's been a lot of concerns that the government of poland could be in serious shape, certainly it is in serious shaep, but also, politically thought that it will continue. one final note, kelly, the irony is that this plane was carrying these officials to a commemoration, 70th anniversary of a tragedy hitting polish military officials 70 years ago in world war ii. now, they're dealing with a new catastrophe, back to you. >> kelly: such a sad note. thank you very much, sir. >> uma: so, who was president lech kaczynski, here is a snapshot on his background. he and his twin brother born june 1949 in warsaw. because of his political beliefs before becoming the president he served as the mayor of warsaw. back in 2001 he and his brother founded the right wing justice party. he was a devout catholic and protected poland's traditional and conservative values. the polish president was just 60 years old, kelly. >> kelly: back here in the u.s., a rolling wave of reaction trig ared by the announcement of supreme court justice john paul stevens to retire. now, the capitol gearing up for what may be the a fierce fight over the next court appointment. it all depends on who's tapped for the job for president obama and the president laying out a general description of the nominee he's looking for. our malini weekes-- wilkes, sorry about that malini. what does he say about who will replace stevens. >> the longest serving member of this court, president obama says he's going to choose somebody like stevens who knows that powerful interests should not drown out the voices of ordinary citizens in a democracy. here is the president. >> i will seek someone in the coming weeks with similar qualities, an independent mind, a record of excellence, and integrity, a fierce dedication to the rule of law, and a keen understanding of how the law affects the daily lives of the american people. >> reporter: stevens announced yesterday that he's going to step down when the court wraps up its term this summer, kelly malini, what are republicans saying about this so far? >> republicans want a justice who strictly ininterprets the law. senator orrin hatch is a key member of the judiciary committee and here is what he had to say. >> i don't believe that this should be a politicalization process, it's going to be in fairness, i will vote for someone who will abide by the judges, interpret not to make the laws. >> reporter: hatch is promising a whale of a fight. it could get ugly on capitol hill after the bitter health care battle and the mid term elections coming up. >> kelly: all right. malini wilkes reporting for us from washington there and we'll continue to follow the developments of this and continue through the hour, thanks, malini. >> you're welcome. >> uma: president obama is promising to make his supreme court court quickly, hoping to have the nominee in place before the october court session kicks off. is that really possible? republicans as we've been pointing out vowing a whale of a fight in the senate if the president's pick is too liberal for g.o.p. taste. technically as a democratic strategist and a former senior advisor, a senior fellow of united in purpose. welcome to both of you, nice to have you here. >> thank you, uma. >> uma: let me begin with you, this is an election year and republicans are gearing up for this fight as we mentioned. if the president picks an ultra liberal activist nominee to replace justice stevens, what do you think if the president chooses someone who embraces this kind of mantle. >> i think you can take the president at his word. someone with like-minded as justice stevens. justice stevens when he won his nomination, 98-0 nominated by president ford and got unanimous consent. so, i think the president is going to be looking for someone in the same ideals because the last thing we need right now is another rancorous political fight on our hands. what we need is this time to bring the country together, and to bring both sides of the aisle and i think that the president is true to his word and will seek someone out like that. >> uma: well, bob, justice stevens aspeny pointed out, was unanimously confirmed 19 days after he was nominated. the process of choosing a nominee was not as politicized as it is today. we're already forecasting the possibility after contentious fight even before we have an official nominee shows this may end up further polarizing politicians in washington and how can it be for the country? >> those were the good days when judges felt their responsibility was to interpret the law. you know, the constitution is a contract between we, the people. when you sign a contract buy a car for $300 a month and you're not sure which day it's due, you can go to a judge and say explain this part. now, if the judge says, oh, that car is not worth $300. i think you should just pay $100, say, no, no, no, you're not allowed to change the contract. you have to interpret the contract and the constitution is such that we believe that judges should interpret the law, not make it. and when we elect activist judges who want to put their spin on what they think the founders should have said, that's where this fight has developed in the last 15 years. it's more importantly, uma, what's significant is the american people have become aware that it's the courts that have now done these things, say to an eight-year-old that she can thank her teachers and parents, but can't thank god or that the first world war benefits can put up in the mojave desert, put up something, but can't have a cross on it. these kinds of things where judges determined to impose their will and not interpret the law, that's what america is looking for in this appointment. >> uma: it certainly is gearing up to be a big debate. penny, how do you think the president can go about choosing someone who can get huge bipartisan support? >> the truth of the matter is with this nomination, the ideological makeup of the court probably won't change. it's not until we see one of the conservative judges step down that you will actually see an ideological bend in that shift. so, the president can find someone as you said, high intellect, personal integrity and someone who is committed to the core beliefs of our constitution and those people are out there and i know the president will take his time and do it in judicious way, quick way. >> uma: are you saying it doesn't matter then because it doesn't change the balance of the court the president can do whatever he wants? >> it will be someone that reflects the president's goals and values as well, but what i'm saying is in all likelihood, who he puts forth is not someone who's going to idle change the makeup of the court. >> uma: bob, how do you react to that? >> well, i think she's right. that is that stevens has been a leader of the left wing side of the court and always sided against the individual and the kilo case where he gave permission for the developers to come in and bull doze the houses and kick those people to the curb and nothing has been developed ever since. the idea of siding with big interests against the individual, that's the fight between left and right and i think that mr. stevens was clearly on that side. so, it would be hard to fight someone who would be more anti-individual than he was and we're hopeful that the president can move back toward the middle. someone who sees the responsibility to read and interpret the law not to make it up willy nilly as it goes along. >> uma: it should be quite a debate as we mentioned and we look forward to it. great to have you both here today. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> a fox news alert, a bangkok hospital saying at least ten people have been killed in violent clashes between protesters and security forces there. among the dead, a japanese journalist who worked for reuters. clashes coming after a month of demonstrations by anti-government protesters armed with sticks, bricks and knives, fighting police and soldiers outside an army headquarters, but soldiers pushing back by water cannon and tear gas, and firing rifles into the crowd, but thailand's military says only blanks and rubber bullets were used. our david piper streaming live now from bangkok with the latest. david, what's the atmosphere and tensions on the ground here? >> very tense, kelly. this violence erupted after the government decided finally to deal with these anti-government protesters who had really taken over part of this capital, for months now. now, the thai troops, they fought with the red shirt anti-government protesters as the security forces attempt to clear one of their mine camps in the heart of the city. the troops used rubber bullets and tear gas and the protesters responded by throwing molotov cocktails. the thai military vowed to clear these camps by the nighttime today, but as we found out over the last few hours, they've now tried to stop the violence by pulling back their troops and also, asking the red shirts to do the same. government official has also been sent to the red shirts to try to negotiate a truce. the thai government has been trying to diffuse tensions the past few days by offering talks, but decided to move against the red shirts after they defined a state of emergency in the capital and invaded the parliament. over 50,000 demonstrators have been disrupting bangkok with their mass protests in recent weeks and claim the government came to power illegitimately and with the help of the military. and most have lived in exile off a military coup forced him from power and in the last few minute the current prime minister of thailand has gone on national television and vowed to bring peace back to bangkok, there's no sign of that. back to you. >> kelly: david piper reporting from bangkok. >> uma: iran hardening its stance on three american hikers detained after they crossed the border from iraq last summer. iran is saying that they had evidence that the friends are spies. how the latest developments are complicating efforts to get them back home. i'd get this tightness in my chest. like i was breathing through a straw. so i went back to mdoctor again. we talked about choices in controller medicines. we chose symbicort to help control my asthma. 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>> i think, first of all, it's a tough situation for the three young americans, but what i think this is more about than neg is iran had a longstanding pattern of pointing at foreign interference as a way to kind of rally domestic support. it's true that we are going for tough sanctions in the united nations and russia, but the iranian regime is still shaken by what took place during the elections last year and they have been detaining and harassing journal i-s, non-government non-governmental organizational leaders and this is the latest in a serious of efforts to point of foreign interference in their domestic political situations. >> uma: this is meant from your viewpoint to garner more domestic support with that audience and what effect on the talks to calm iran's nuclear ambitions. >> i think the talks appear to be moving forward, but the iranians know even the chinese commitment is a commitment to begin negotiations and i think that the iranian government is somewhat concerned, but also, sees this to play out over many months and has over the last several years to get a resolution. even negotiating the right kind of tax on a revolution could take months. so this may be a short-term play to get some reaction and leverage, but i think the iranians know very well, the united states isn't going to change its negotiating position on this basis, even though it is a very tragic situation for those involved. >> uma: so, what do you think if the hikers are continued to be used as chips. do you think that's a separate issue and no chance of that ever happening? >> there's no chance of that happening. that would be a very imprudent. the united states, i don't think, would pursue at that kind of policy. i think if you look at the pattern, there have been many arrests, you saw british sailors from not only the naval officers and sailors, there's a regatta off in the persian gulf in the arabian gulf and they've detained the people and imprisoned them and trumped up the charges and ultimately been released, but after a period of propaganda and manipulation of the media there. >> uma: you pointed out, taking hostages is nothing new for iran at this point. the government really believes this is going to be forcing a showdown with the u.s.? i mean, i still think it's still unclear as to what they really gain out of this. you talk about playing to a domestic crowd, but ultimately, this can't bode well for future relations with the u.s. and iran down the road? >> not at all. it's very possible that parts of the iranian government, the revolutionary guard may actually believe that these people have links to the u.s. intelligence community, but that is, again, part of their pattern of looking and viewing behind every corner, potential subterfuge and i don't think that this is going to affect our position and again, unfortunately, it's important that these, these hostages, these hikers be released as soon as possible. and that as college students from berkley, california and you've heard their families absolutely refute the charges that they have links to the u.s. intelligence. >> uma: it's a really unfortunate situation, one that continues to play out of the diplomatic stage, ambassador. thank you for joining us with your insight. we appreciate it. >> thanks. >> uma: kelly. >> kelly: a big question on the mind of a lot of people right now, who will be the next justice to serve on the highest court in the land? that's a question on many people's minds because now that john paul stevens will retire from the supreme court, who's on president obama's short list? joining us next, a supreme court expert with a sneak peek. ok, maybe it was my fault. she told me to kill the weeds. and you did. along with the grass. i used the wrong stuff. there were dead spots everywhere. this is the right stuff. ortho weed b gon max. it kills weeds down to the root. even the tough ones like dandelion and crabgrass. but unlike that other stuff, it won't kill the grass. ortho guarantees it. kill the weeds, not the lawn. weeds, not lawn. got it? yea. ortho weed b gon max. defend what's yours. >> welcome back everybody, on this saturday. the head of the republican national committee taking the podium about an hour from now of the southern leadership conference taking place in new orleans. carl cameron joined us now live from the event from the new orleans hilton and carl, what is the order of the day from your vantage point? >> well, a straw poll coming up later this afternoon, it will be the first big test outside of washington of the potential early strength of 2012 white house wannabes. coming up in a few minutes we'll hear from the chairman of the republican governor's association, a southern republican governor, haley barber, very popular and eyeing the white house bid and he was the former national committee chairman, when newt gingrich and company take the congress in nearly 50 years. since then haley barber has been a successful lobbyist and organizers and in the recent years, fairly well-respected and renowned governor in mississippi where he had to deal with the likes of the katrina disaster and other things and left himself with a reputation, politically and policy-wise a savvy and successful republican. he's figuring to do well in the straw poll. a host of characters will be involved, sarah palin is on the ballot, newt gingrich. rick santorum of pennsylvania. mid romney and tim pawlenty are not here, they both had scheduling conflicts, but the former massachusetts governor mitt romney ran in 2008 has supporters here for him, they've got chachkis, and gifts and advertising and a president elect who won't break the bank for evangelicals for mitt romney. the reason it's interesting, evangelical christian republicans were not particularly enamoured of mitt romney when he ran the first time suggesting he had been a newcomer to social conservatives and flip flopped from being a social moderate and some questions among some sectors about his being a mormon and whether the nation was ready for the first mormon president. and evangelicals for mitt have placards and handouts for him and other candidate politicking is texas congressman ron paul very well-known for doing well in straw pollsment they don't necessarily mean much in the early stages, but what they do do is show that a candidate or a potential candidate can rile up a crowd and inspire them and energize them, and nobody does that better these days than sarah palin, who's also going to be headlining on this straw poll ticket, the results of which should be about four hours. >> uma: sounds good. lots going on. later on we're going to hear from michael field-- steele the head of the g.o.p. party there and he's been embroiled in lots of controversy and we'll stay with that straw poll later on fox today. thanks, carl. >> kelly: all right, president obama is getting another chance to shape the supreme court of the united states. justice john paul stevens announcing his retirement yesterday, after nearly 35 years on the bench. a white house official saying about ten people are under consideration for the nominations to the highest court of the land. who are the leading candidates? let's bring in patricia, a supreme court legal expert and former solicitor general at the u.s. department of justice. thanks for joining us today and let's get right to it. who do you think is on the short list for president obama? >> i think topping that short list is solicitor general elena kagen and judge diane wood from the court of appeals in chicago and merrick garland from the court of appeals here in the district of columbia are on the list and i think you would also find janet napolitano, the homeland security on there as well, i think the first area leaders. >> kelly: on that, i'm sorry i didn't mean to interrupt you there. out that have list, what do you think the president has to do? obviously, he has some republicans who are saying, look, we're going to be watching you closely on this and we'll fight you tooth and nail on the choice you make if it's too liberal and then of course he has opposition from the left, if he chooses someone right there in the middle because just like that opinion or that choice as well. >> well, i think he has to decide first and foremost how much political capital he wants to burn. the court nomination as opposed to other agenda items he has. this is an election year, obviously, and how much he wants to invest where is the most important political decision he will make. i think he has certainly a solicitor general elena kagen someone who has established bipartisan support. and has a limited paper trail that would, you know, incite-- that would not incite controversy, she doesn't have a lot of controversial writing that would cause potential problems during the nomination process, so if he doesn't want to spend a lot of capital she's an easy choice in that regard. >> kelly: do you get the feeling here that the president might choose to be safe or will the president choose to be presidential and choose the best person for the job? >> well, i think in solicitor general elena kagen you can do both. you've got someone with bipartisan support and probably be a relatively safe pick, but at the same time, someone who is incredibly qualified, her credentials are unimpeachable and i think she'll be a fantastic justice. i think the bigger question for him when you have an important legislative agenda would you rather look outside the box and look at someone with political experience to go on the courts. that would be an interesting and controversial move, but maybe a long-term investment for him to put someone on the court who has a political background. we don't have anybody like that anymore. >> kelly: all right. patricia, we thank you very much for sharing that with us. wish i had more time with you, i'm sure we'll be talking with you in the coming days. >> thank you. >> uma: we've got brand new fox news dynamic opinion polls out. a disappointing for the white house, a drop in president obama's approval rating, comes on the heels of what democrats thought would boost public opinion. the historic passage of health care reform. laura ingle is joining us live from new york with more on this. >> hi, uma, the latest poll of 900 registered voters show the president's approval rating at 43%, down 3% from last month, but not all of the numbers are down. let's go over them here. signing that health care bill into law may have been a big deal for the administration, but it only nudged voter approval for the president. our fox news dynamic opinion polls those 48% of those surveyed approved of the job the president was doing with health care, up 37% in late january. 53% disapproved. voters were asked what life as the next generation for life will be like. they said worse off and the poll find three quarters think that america is weaker, one in five feel that our nation is stronger. >> not worried, not worried for me so much, but worried for my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. >> trying to dot best he can. a lot of enemies maybe they have a low performance polls, but he's trying. he set himself a big agenda. >> reporter: president obama's approval rating is down 3% as we mentioned and so are the numbers of those who think he's doing a good job with job creation, 40% asked approve of the employment rate and 54% disapprove. we have a lot of interesting results on the latest fox news opinion dynamic poll on our website, including what percentage of people believe america is still the land of opportunity? can you guess? we'll check out our website, and look for the latest newscast for all of those results. >> uma: we'll be sure to check it out, laura, thank you very much. >> kelly: kenya is the country that's primming with promise. it's one. most desirable places for tourism, considered by some as the prize of africa, but there are sinister terrorist force that is would like to claim kenya as a strong hold. in my series, inside kenya, we take a look this week at what's being done to prevent the spread of terrorism throughout kenya. ♪ >> kenya is a country on the move. it is the leading nation for trade, tourism and development in all of east africa, but kenya, like other nations throughout the world, has to deal with the problem of terrorism. during a visit to nairobi, the capital city of kenya, i met with the country's prime minister and vice-president. in my interview with kenya's prime minister, we discussed how his nation, along with cooperation from the united states, is engaged in the war on terror throughout east africa. >> the now one of the most volatile regions in the world. you see... you know, it's a ve very... for most of these organizations, so, we have offered our facilities and we've offered to work closely with the united states. >> kelly: to what extent do the united states and kenyan authorities actually work to stop the spread of terrorism, for example, al-qaeda, and somali pirates? >> we have an agreement, it's to cooperate against terrorism in our country. kenya have been a victim for terrorism in the past. many times, the last in 1998 when the u.s. was hit and 250 people who died. so, we, therefore, want to work very closely in the fight against terrorism. kenya has been a hunting grounds. >> kelly: prime minister odinga explains that kenyan security forces and the u.n. with trer exercises and routing out terror cells that might be trying to establish a foot hold in kenya. >> and with the very good operation field-- the movement called al-shabab an extreme organization founded by the national terrorist organizations. >> kelly: somalia is a strong hold for the pirates menacing the waters off the coast and holding the ship's cargo, its crew and demanding a ransom from the companies or governments that own the ships and employ the sailors. >> cannot be solved in the seas, cannot be solved in the land and the source because many pirates have been arrested, some have been killed, others have been brought to kenya for trial. our jails are full of these pirates. to say that it needs to be more intensified, national cooperation in the fight against these pirates and the national terrorism. ♪ >> and my next installment of inside kenya, we'll take a look how an american evangelist is looking at another aspect of kenya, the poor and needy. richard roberts, the son of oral roberts and his team meeting them at their needs, we'll take a look at that. >> uma: great story, kelly. a boy is put on a flight with a note to a russian or fannage. the grandmother sent him packing and now they want to know why. >> why? 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[ female announcer ] make the retirement cornerstone annuity from axa equitable part of your retirement plan. consider the charges, risks, expenses and investment objectives before purchasing a variable annuity. contact a financial professional for a prospectus containing this information. read it carefully. whoo hoo! . >> uma: we are back with the news that russia is threatening to hold all u.s. adoption of russian children, this after news broke of a seven-year-old boy sent alone on a one-way flight back to moscow by his adoptive american mother. the boy carried a note reading to whom it may concern, i no longer wish to parent this child. investigators in tennessee are looking into this case. >> you know, to send this child back like he's a-- something, a part you ordered through the mail and you no longer want it or you want a refund and i just feel like this is how this child must feel. and even at seven, you know, that here i'm coming to a place where someone's going to give me a better life, someone's going to love me and yet, this is what happened. >> uma: so heart breaking for that child. now russia's president called the incident a quote, monstrous deed and says the two countries must work on a way to resolve this issue. >> kelly: after missing recruiting goals for two of the last four years, the navy seals are looking for a few good recruits. the seals investing hundreds of thousands of dollars to find young people who can withstand the rigorous program and requirements. where are they looking, in the water on the playing fields and in the mountains. casey stegall is live in toronado, california at the naval seal warfare director yacht to explain. casey stegall, what's up. >> thousands of men come through the program every year with hopes of joining one of the most elite forces in the u.s. military. but as you're about to see, very few make it. can you scale walls and climb ropes in record time? it's all just in a day's work for guys wanting to become a u.s. navy seal. >> with this training here, what it does, it kind of leads the way to people, not so much weak, just people who don't want to do it. a lot of people are very strong to come through here and quit, but the bottom line is not everybody wants to spend a lot of time in cold water. >> training is so demanding, nearly 70% of all applicants drop out, drop out of the 21-week core training regiment. >> one of the obstacles is this net that troops have to scale in 30 seconds to a minute. luckily you'll not tested so it might take me longer. >> because of the high drop-out rates-- >> we've got guys come around-- >> the navy commissioned a study from gallop to identify recruits, men who are more likely to pass training. >> in particular there's target scores that we're looking at, a higher rate of success, water polo, lacrosse, rugby, wrestling, triathlon, sports that lend to guys more often than not, going to graduate the program. >> and finding new seals by the way is very important. the u.s. navy, as well as other branches of the military were told to bulk up its special forces teams by 15% in this time of war. kelly. >> kelly: a lot of good training there, too, as well. casey, thank you. >> yeah. >> uma: well, you know the driving tests you have to pass parallel parking to get the grade. the car that does the parallel parking, getting better and better after all that as gary gastelu find out with the new lincoln mkt. take a look. >> it may look like a locomotive, but the lincoln mkt may actually be the ultimate town car. the style is bold, but classy, the interior draped in leather with top-notch trimming and pan rammic sunroof gives six or seven executives sky high views of their offices and leg worthy as a limo. a v-6 makes life easy for the driver, too, features as a collision warning system, info-tanment system and a heated and cooled seats and a frejrator frazier in the console. the only thing it dopt come with is a chauffeur, that's okay, it can drive itself. >> can can't drive itself, but it finds a space and helps knew it. and i'm in manhattan, a pressure cooker, the mkt is searching for a space. it has found a space. i'm now pulling forward, telling me to put it in reverse, now, i do have to work the gas and brake pedal for the benefit of the lawyers. so, here we go. and i've got to tell you this isn't strange at all. move forward. and we are done. and that was the perfect parking job. >> well, the mkt is definitely the ticket to one of the best shows in town, but don't expect it to pull off miracles for you. it won't try that unless know knows the space is 20% larger than the car. if you can teach it to read street signs, maybe it could help me not get a parking ticket. >> uma: isn't that fun. >> kelly: next week, president obama hosting a nuclear summit in washington. what will be on the agenda and left off the agenda? 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>> well, in my opinion he's not on the right course of action. of course, the topics are gathering discussing next week is important, trying to keep the nuclear capabilities out of the hands of terrorists and their networks. the problem i see, we will have a big discussion with a lot of leaders that probably doesn't lead to a lot of action. what's off the agenda now to the to keep nuclear materials safe in law abiding countries, but what do we do about those breaking the rules with iran and north korea topping that list. i think it's a conspicuous misalignment of priorities and a real problem. >> kelly: and we know that israel is not going to be in attendance, what statement does that send to the rest of the nations who will be in attendance? >> i think it was a correct judgment on their part that by being there, it would be an easy distraction away from really are security problems. the fact of israel perhaps possessing nuclear weapons or not a declared nuclear power state or russia, the united states and others having nuclear weapons is not really what threatens the world today. and so, by being there and perhaps some third world countries or their neighbors wanting to make them the central focus of the conversation, would have detracted from president obama's objective and the substantive discussion for the conference itself. >> kelly: and steven, i'm very short on time here, the final thing is, what would please you in this kind of scenario? >> really, putting north korea and iran, the rule breakers atop of the agenda and getting action. >> kelly: steven yates. we do have more time. so getting down more course, what does the president have to do to get the nations to say look, north korea and eye iran and enough having this attitude that you're going to be petulent to the other nations. >> he has the president medvedev coming and the president of china coming and other important leaders presence that have votes on the u.n. security council and more important in the u.n. the ability to shape the ground on iran. and the bilateral discussion, if he puts this higher priority and really makes it an issue with those countries we can make some progress. >> kelly: steven with that note we thank you, thank you for joining us. >> uma: that will do it for the end of another busy hour here on fox news. >> kelly: i'm kelly wright. stay tuned for the editorial journal report. >> have a great day. you may also have very high triglycerides -- too much fat in the blood. it's a serious medical condition. lovaza, along with diet, effectively lowers very high triglycerides in adults but has not been shown to prevent heart attacks or strokes. lovaza starts with omega-3 fish oil that's then purified and concentrated. it's the only omega-3 medication that's fda-approved. you can't get it at a health food store. lovaza isn't right for everyone. tell your doctor if you're allergic to fish, have other medical conditions and about any medications you're taking, especially those that may increase risk of bleeding. blood tests are needed before and during treatment. in some, ldl or bad cholesterol may increase. possible side effects include burping, infection, flu-like symptoms, upset stomach, and change in sense of taste. ask your doctor about lovaza, the prescription that starts in the sea.

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