Transcripts For FBC Varney Company 20160823

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Money. This has not gone unnoticed. Her lead in the real clear politics polls is narrowing and narrowing fast over the past couple of weeks. Here is the state of play. Clinton supporters think theyve got a sewn up, but the nagging scandals will not go away and she will not address them directly. Donald trump, working overtime. Addressing massive rallies on every subject and hes not going off script. Hes in rebound mode. Hillary stuck in scandal and dont forget, this election will directly affect your wallet. The economy, the markets, they are starting to foe consist on the vote. And so are we. Varney company is about to begin. All right. Everybody. News this morning of a domestic attack, im going to call it terror, in virginia. An attacker shouting allah akbar trying to behead his victim. Looking into isis ties. Ashley another disturbing story, the 24yearold attacked a man and woman at an apartment complex in roanoke, virginia, both were seriously injured and they survived, but now theres a belief, investigators are looking into whether this particular suspect tried to behead the male victim. Authorities say they believe he traveled to turkey in the last year, maybe, i say maybe, trying to sneak into syria to meet with isis militants, but investigators believe he may have been, again, trying to behead the male victim in this attack. A man and woman at an apartment complex and its a random thing. Theyre trying to determine the motivation behind it. Stuart well, im going to call it terror. When you shut alu akbar, im going to call that terror. Theres no relationship between him and the victims, its random. Stuart and thats in america. Thanks, ash. Lets get to your money and the stock of the morning, looks like best buy is going to rally at the opening bell, 10, 15 maybe. Liz, youre going to tell us why without using the word expectations. Yeah, i dont want the buzzer. Best buy is hitting a 10month high and revenue is inching up. Two straight quarters of online sales up nearly 24 so its web business is growing. Stuart thats the news liz thats the news. They were hitting a threequarter down streak because people arent going to brick and mortar, but watch it, best buy is coming on strong on the internet. Stuart did you say 20 up liz 24 quarter to quarter, two straight quarters. Stuart thats a turn around. Best buy the stock of the day, maybe. And the price of oil, still moving lower. A supply glut and 46 a barrel as we speak, 47 and small change. Goldman sachs says any price recovery is fragile. So were at 47, edging down to 46. The price of gasoline is going up. 2. 17 is your National Average for a single gallon of regular. Doesnt look like the webster ratio holds because today were going to be up on the stock market and down on oil. What did you do. Ashley i dont know, its early times here, the market hasnt opened, give it time, a strong ratio. Stuart youre going to hand that nobel peace prize. Ashley and the money that came with it. Stuart did i say the peace prize . Lets get to politics, no peace prize there. Hillary clinton playing defense on several front. 15,000 more emails, more evidence of influence peddling at the Clinton Foundation, 148 phone messages between Hillarys State Department and the foundation, thats a connection. And top aide huma abedin connected to a radical muslim magazine. Amy stoddard is with us from real clear politics. Always great to have you on the show. Do you think that hillary and her campaign can get over this latest round of email revelations, just like theyve really gotten over the revelations of the past . No, i mean, i think that now that we know theres going to be another email release in late september, and you have her being forced by a judge to provide written responses to questions from the Judicial Watch foia case, this is not going to go away at least early october. I imagine democrats are concerned after an attack on the dnc, the National Committee and the potential for julian assange, wikileaks or someone to dump a bunch of previously unseen emails late in october and really imperil her campaign, i think that, you know, this is the unknown is a terrifying thing if you get very close to an election and this is a possibility since we continue to find out about emails that have never been seen before. Stuart granted theres a lot of unknowns here, understood. But i want your judgment. Do you think this has the potential to lose her the election . I do. You cant count out the fact that there is a connection between her service at the state department and the Clinton Foundation. If we see work emails, work, she might deem them personal, that previously havent been seen before, that indicate that access and information and possibly some kind of favors, but i would argue just enough access and information was provided to donors, and its late in the game in a close election, i think its very easy to depress Hillary Clintons vote. I think donald trump has a ceiling. I dont see him reaching 50 at this point, but i think that his, obviously, his supporters are very enthusiastic. Hillary clinton has very bad numbers among, you know, honest and trustworthy numbers and i think its easy to depress the vote of independents who plan on turning out for Hillary Clinton or democrats who dont like her, but dont like donald trump more and plan on voting for Hillary Clinton. If you can depress her votes before the final days and weeks of the election, yes, she could lose it. I know you and i are in sync on this, weve never seen any election like this, and its been 40 years. Thank you. Donald trump, youve got to say hes staying on message. Here he is from last night hammering hillary on the Clinton Foundation. Roll tape. The amounts involved, the favors done, and a significant number of times it was done require an expedited investigation by a special prosecutor, immediately, immediately, immediately. Stuart ive got to say i dont like that idea. I think it would take forever to get a special prosecutor in place and then report. Jeff dewitt is here, a trump guy, the chief operating officer of the entire campaign, arent you . I am. Stuart the big guy. I know that. [laughter] i think its a rotten idea. I think youll never a special prosecutor would take weeks, if not months to appoint and then investigate. Youre way into her first term if you use a special prosecutor. Well, it gets to the point of how else do we get it out there. You know, bill clinton said he did not have relations with that woman and took a special prosecutor to prove that false. Hillary clinton is saying i did not have emails with that server, i think its time for a special prosecutor to come and present. We have 15,000, this is not 5 or 10 emails, its 15,000 emails that basically show that the clinton machine use the the government as a favor factory to enrich themselves. Stuart fair point. Why dont you get the media to go after this. A special prosecutor not going to happen. Congress not going to happen. But the media, hot shots at 60 minutes or whatever that could raise the question. Why havent they already . Ive got a answer for that. Right there. Lets call it out. 60 minutes needs to do this. Stuart i want to talk about the immigration speech i think it was set for late this week and pushed off, i mean, next week or the week after. Its been pushed off. Did he do that because hes got so much new ammunition with the new email revelations and he wants to go after hillary like that . He will r. Well, lets say in politics when youre on a roll and surf a wave, you surf that wave into shore if you can, and this is a big, big wave to surf. Stuart hes going to surf it. Why not. Stuart he did last night. He was all over this latest revelation and he didnt go off message. Absolutely, when you have someone like Hillary Clinton who really, her biggest accomplishment is becoming accomplishments as a senator, this is a big impact, i think, on her vote. Stuart youre the coo of the campaign, does that mean you operate the nuts and bolts as opposed to policy decision . Blocking and tackling. Stuart you dont do policy . Not at much. Theres a big operation, getting coordinating everything we nehave to do, logistics. Stuart do you want to be treasury secretary if he wins . I like my job. Stuart thank you, sir. Back to your money, the dow, the nasdaq, the s p waiting for a breakout because all three of those indicators, especially the dow, is dead flat. The longest almost deadflat period for decades. Were going to discuss whether or not the election could be the breakout moment. Right now were going to be up about 50 points on the dow. Will you look at this, will you look at that . Oh, my gosh. Stuart let me explain whats going on here liz wow. Stuart a rather pokemon sighting caused a stampede in taiwan. Its a character in downtown taipei and thousands rushed to catch it and blocking traffic. Ashley anybody work for a living . Liz its the power of pokemon. Stuart look at this, more fallout from lochte, he said, yes, he exaggerated his story in rio and four sponsors dropped him. And donald trump said the democrats would let them down and he would do a better job if elected. And sheriff, what if trump took that message directly to black folks in the inner cities . Hes next. What do you have to lose . Youre living in poverty, your schools are no good. You have no jobs, 58 of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose . You can run an errand. music playing push it real good. announcer vo or you can take a joyride. Bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. Siriusxm. Road happy. announcer vo you can sit in traffic. Or you can crack up. man on radio but if it isnt refreshing. announcer vo sorry traffic, we laugh til it hurts. Siriusxm. Road happy. The rust military reports that a Service Member was killed in afghanistan. Ashley yeah, southern afghanistan, stuart. This came in from the province. An ied explosive device killed a u. S. Military member and another u. S. Military hurt and six other afghans were hurt. They were advising and training the local Afghan Forces when they hit this explosive device and unfortunately, one of those soldiers, u. S. Soldiers was killed in that explosion. Stuart thank you very much. To the markets, please. Where is oil . 46, 47 a barrel . Its 46. 90. Look at smuckers, jam and jelly, coffee, the revenues, amounts of money coming in to them down across the board and that stock will be down about 7 when it opens up this morning. Now, donald trump returned to the theme of direct outreach to the black community. Here he is again from last night. Roll tape. I want every parent and child in this society, including, so importantly, every africanamerican and hispanic citizen to be able to live in a safe, thriving, and prosperous community. This is the new american future that were working altogether to create. Stuart all right, sheriff david clarke is with us now. Sheriff, welcome back, always good to see you on the show. Ive got a very simple question for you. If donald trump took that speech and delivered it to a largely black audience in the center of an american city, how would he be received by that largely black audience . Be surprised, i think pleasantly surprised. This is a recent appeal, but i think its a brilliant strategic move on the part of donald trump. The democrats take the black vote for granted sore they dont have to appeal to anything they know, i havent heard mrs. Bill clinton talk about the urban mythology, the urban progressive and failed policy. Im not going to hyper analyze things and ask why he doesnt go into black neighborhoods, he will in time and trust me, ill see to it that he does. Stuart is that a promise . Well take that one, sheriff. I want your judgment, will his outreach, we have seen it several times this week to the black community, will it move the needle . Will it increase his share of the black vote . Whats your opinion . Well, time will tell, but it has the potential because hes making an appeal. Hes pleading to black americans who are stuck in these ghettos. You know, the american ghetto has replaced the cotton fields where democrats have gathered blacks in the horrible and miserable positions for political power. The appeal for a guy running under the republican nomination for the republican label, i should say, i think is a step in the right direction. If you go back in history and black people have been separated from their history. Traditionally voted republican. This is abe whom lincoln, a republican who freed the slaves. It was the republicans in congress who did the may have lifting to get the Civil Rights Act passed as well as the voting rights. The democrats were against it, Lyndon Johnson had to appeal to republicans, even though the democrats controlled both houses of congress, he didnt have enough from the democrats who stood in the way of the passage of those two important bills. Once we reconnect black people with their history, which is what ive been trying to do, their eyes will open and say this theyve been hoodwinked by this monolithic voting for democrats. Nothing has gotten better over democratic control of the vote. Stuart has donald trump taken on the grievance business . No, what he stated was backed up by data statistics are real. These are deplorable conditions. These progressive policies have wrecked some Great American cities, baltimore, milwaukee, look at chicago right now. 455 murders to date. Thats more than the deaths of Coalition Forces in afghanistan since the start of obamas second term in 2013 where 270 Coalition Forces have been killed. So you have almost twice as many People Killed in the city of chicago. I dont see obama going to chicago to help out. Obama was in marthas vineyard, for heavens sake, thats where he vacations and spends his time on luxurious resort golf courses and in hawaii. Thats far removed from the american ghetto. Until we start to look and talk about that as well, im going to give donald trump a break at this point only because this is a recent appeal. Stuart sheriff clarke, a pleasure. Thanks for joining us today. Thank you, sir. Youre very welcome. Stuart news on the terror front, possible isis inspired attempted beheading in virginia, and isis now strapping bombs on children, sending them on suicide missions, but vicepresident joe biden says, islamic terror is not a threat to our countrys existence. More details on that coming up for you. Amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. Sleep number beds with Sleepiq Technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. The time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale save 50 on the labor Day Limited Edition bed. Know better sleep. Only at a sleep number store. Well, how about this . The state department issuing a new travel warning to americans. Dont go to iran, you might get kidnapped. I wonder why . Held for ransom. Ashley after being told that wasnt a ransom, 400,000 did i say 400,000 . 400 million for the four detainees. The state department now saying if youre a dual citizen, dual iranianamerican watch out, you could be the target. Already the state Department Says those particular individuals are often detained and harassed and you should really seriously consider not going to iran, especially if youre one of those dual nationalists, because guess what, they may hold you and ask for ransom. Stuart not ransom, its called leverage. [laughter] all right. Leverage. Stuart wait, more where this came from. Irans foreign minister has kicked off a latin american tour. Where do you think he started in cuba. Where do you think hes going . Venezuela. Liz liz whats happening is iran is saying to cuba and venezuela, listen, you too, have been hit by u. S. Sanctions, were partners in all of that, partners in the fight against quote, u. S. Atrocitie atrocities, by the enurge can from iran, telling, you know, cuba, weve got a new chapter opening up with you in relations, we want to do more trade with you. Reportedly no discussion of havanas recent renewed relations with the u. S. Stuart we just established diplomatic relations with cuba, singing kumbayah and now iranian minister is going to cuba to talk about atrocities liz right after we lifted sanctions and made that 400 million. Stuart and best buy, online sales straight up. That stock will pop at the opening bell, which is opening in minutes. Back in a minute. Theres something out there. That can be serious, even fatal to infants. Its whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. Understand the danger your new grandchild faces. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today. Shock. Yeah, i was everpretty shocked. Pped. I just kinda tuned out. And then, we wanted to fight and win. I thought, what could i do now . Because we have so many ways to fight you. Immunotherapy. Proton therapy. Clinical trials. Leading edge technology. So believe in our treatment and our teams. We are in this together. So, cancer, what do i have to say to you . Were making cancer history. All right. Weve got 20 seconds to go before we start the trading on a tuesday morning. Were going to be up maybe 40 or 50 points. Were going to keep a close watch on the price of oil and we know that oil is down at 46 a barrel, but that doesnt stop the market going up 40, 50 points at the opening bell. So the webster ratio looks like its broken this morning. Its 9 30, bank, were going, up 50 right out of the blocks. Thats pretty good. 51. And the dow 30, most of them are in the green. Most of them are higher. The dow is up 66. And thats a pretty fast start, would was it . Best buy is making money online sales straight up. That stock is up 16 . Now, thats a winner. Best buy, who would have thought. The s p 500, where is that . In the very, very early going, it is up. 3 . 7 point gain. How about the nasdaq, all of those technology stocks, where is it . Up. 3 as well. Were up across the board. Where is gold . Up three bucks, 1347. Where is oil . I think its down, yes, it is, it is, its 46 a barrel. Oil down, but stocks up. Dont forget the Big Oil Company and their stocks, how are they trading . Almost all of them are down except for bp. Of course, as oil goes down, Oil Company Stocks tend to go down, too. How about google, otherwise known as alphabet. Not quite smart phone season yet when we get the new models. Google released an update for the android. And we knew and alphabet is up. And cheaper music service, half the cost of spotify or apple music and only working on the echo player. The Cheapest Service goes for maybe 4 or 5 a month, amazon 762. Look who is here, ashley webster, Liz Macdonald as always and mike murphy. Now, this market has been dead flat. 31 Straight Days where the s p has moved less than 1 . 31 Straight Days. We havent had a flat period like this for decades. What will the breakout event be . Im going to start with you, murphy. What event is the breakout for movement . I think the breakout is to the downside. Its a geopolitical event. Last august, we had a 6 correction in the market one week because of fears about chinas growth. I dont know if its coming from europe or going to come from asia, but i do believe that the markets are ahead of themselves here. Earnings beat lowered expectations. Theyre not solid earnings. Were not seeing solid growth in the markets right now so i think people are investing in the market because theres no where else to invest and at some point thats going to end. And todd, what do you say . What is the breakout event that moves the market up or down . Good morning, stuart, i think that breakout will be to the down side. I think it will either be what mike murphy said about an event we cant predict right now. If the fed does raise rates, that could create fear because the problem we have here is too many people are buying stock on margin that dont have the money to cover the stocks if the stocks are to go down and that will create an effect and push down when theyre forced to sell so i think that its lower. I think mike and todd are right. When china devalued the yuan in august, they took a tumble on fears the fed would raise rates higher than expected. If both of those happen, the market will take a tumble. Ashley on the sidelines, those that havent gotten in, too expensive, too toppy, i think the fed is the big mover here. Stuart to up or down . Down. Stuart oh, boy. Trumps Economic Advisor one of the top guys in the campaign, steve moore, said on this program yesterday, you elect donald trump, he puts in place tax cuts and ill do this again, you will have 4 growth for five straight years. Now, that is a tall order. Im going to go around the block all over again. Mike murphy, 4 growth for five straight years . Absolutely. Stuart yes . You take those types of tax cuts that donald trump is talking about, and you will apply them to this economy, its poised like a spring to explode to the upside. Well get real growth that we havent seen in eight years. Stuart so thats the event, the election, which breaks out the market . Well, well. Ashley you have to get it through. He has to get these things through. Stuart with a Republican Congress hed get it liz wait, its like chasing a magic unicorn, with charlie wrangle and harry reid tax reform. It would be great 4 growth. Stuart if trump is elected a Republican Senate and house and they would stay that way if trump is elected youll get the tax cuts liz majority. Stuart hey, bail me out here, 4 growth for the next five years if trump is elected. What do you say . I say 100 that if we get listen, the bottom line, we dont have enough money in the system to float. People dont have enough money and spending it. You have to cut expense toss spend more money because the American People want to spend. If they have it theyre going to spend it. We have to get it on there. Ashley theyre spending it on health care. Stuart whats wrong, liz . Liz im pragmatic. And john f. Kennedy said was possible, he was for tax cuts. I agree with liz, if could get everything hes saying through, i think then youd get that growth. Whether or not he does, is a big concern. If he won and if he got it through, it would springboard this economy. Stuart before we move on, im going to point this out. The polls are narrowing. Hillary clintons lead is narrowing. And as of this morning, the dow is up 92 points, came close. Now, look at best buy, please. No retail ice age there. Oh, no, emack, online straight up liz yeah, electronics, people are buying appliances and home theater systems. This is a Company Three straight quarters to the down side in sales, based on double digit increases, quarter to quarter, back it back and online web sales, so, best buy, turn around, it seems it could be in place, this is the biggest Consumer Electronics big box store. Stuart its Trump Supporters going into best buy and buying, and you know that people want to improve their homes. And people want to go out and spend on electronics, but to throw cold water on it, amazon electronic sales the last quarter up 30 . Best buy up less than 1 . Stuart name the last time in American History where people did not want to improve their homes. People are wanting it and doing and people out spending money right now. Stuart and can we check the big board, were up 100 points. Can we please do that . And trump is narrowing the gap and up we go 100 points. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. How about garmin, the gps people, better profits and look to the future and say things are going to get better yet. The stock is up 1 . Apple bought a medical records startup called glimpse. And by the way, tim cooks been at the helm now for five years, that stock is at 109, the high is 134. Smuckers, the jam and jelly people, they make all kinds of stuff. Stock is down 5 . And amazon, they want to sell you a cheaper music service. Is this a big deal, nicole. Nicole it could be and well learn more in september, im sure. Theyre trying to push a 10 service and a Second Service that may be 4 or 5. The key is the 4 or 5 because the 10 service is about the other price of streaming music you would get from the other guys, spotify and pandora and the like. So, the 4 or 5. Thats the reported number, would go on amazons echo. This echo is a piece of hardware, its a speaker. There is a lookout at a store at that looks like a cylinder, and you could get unlimited adfree music you can play on the device. The difference is, the other webbased radio and hear songs they want. This, you would get whatever song you wanted, stuart, your favorite beatles song anytime you want. The catch, is youve got to buy that speaker. Stuart i walk into my studio here, a half hour before the show starts every morning at 8 30 and i ask the audio guy, play me a stopping and any song i name, he plays within three or four seconds. I dont know how he does it, but he does it. Nicole and it doesnt cost you 4 or 5 a month. Stuart thank you, nicole. And hes good. Any song you like. You could do it now. Stuart lets not put him to the test. Geewhiz technology for you. How about this . Delphi and mobile eye, joining forces, theyre going to develop a system for those selfdriving cars. Ashley fully autonomous. This is interesting because what theyre going to do is build these Autonomous Systems so its literally off the shelf so automakers can take the system whether its an suv, a pickup truck, whatever it is, its a onesystem fits all to put inside a car to make it autonomous. Right now, all the major automakers are going in their own direction and doing it themselves. With this combination, delphi and and mobileye, fits all system liz and they want it by 2019. So two or three years time. And ford says by 2021. This looks like its picking up speed, the move towards robotic cars. Stuart every day we talk about the autonomous, selfdriving car. Its on its way, isnt it . I think its on its way for sure and the auto after market, which is delphi and mobileye. Thats the hugest market and take a look at after market places, orileys and autozone and probably get it done faster because they dont have as many issues to deal with inside their companies. They will he have it by 2019. Stuart i have to ask about liability. They never answer that question. How about facebook . Another stock we talk about all the time. Mike, you like it. Todd doesnt. Ill go to you first. Its at 125. Where is it going . Facebook is going a lot higher. I think it can hit 200 the next year. The reason, theyre getting the ad dollars. Companies are not advertising on television, magazines, and facebook has almost 2 billion people combined and where they want to advertise. To reach you, the consumer, and target you on facebook. Stuart why is mike murphy wrong . I agreed with mike murphy the first 1 trillion dollar company. And i think here its going to be with the general market. I would rather buy it 10, 15 lower which i think its going to go and then watch it go up. They are a phenomenal model and right now in todays world, its probably the best Business Model of any company right now. Stuart fascinating. How about microsoft . By the way, bill gates reportedly getting richer and richer and still has a big chunk of microsoft and estimated net worth a high of 90 billion dollars. Ashley nothing to do with microsoft though. Stuart thats right hes got Canadian National railway. Hes got Canadian National railway and eco lab and gone up. And a chunk of microsoft liz hes worth 13 1 2 billion more, and round out the five. Warren buffett third, jeff bestos and mark zuckerburg. The good thing hes investing in Startup Companies like finding a cure for cancer. Stuart im not the guy who is going to begrudge anyone making serious money when they use it like bill gates uses it. And what is it, Mosquito Control in africa liz malaria. Stuart all good. Thank you very much indeed. Mike murphy, todd, both of you, thanks for joining us this morning and the dow right now is up 88 points this tuesday morning, at 18,617. Now this. A suspected isis inspired attack in virginia. And a man shouting allah akbar attempts to cut off the head of his victim. The fbi is investigating. Full details for you. Vicepresident joe biden says that terrorism is not a threat to the very existence of the United States. Well tell you exactly what mr. Biden said after this. With this level of engineering. Its a performance machine. With this degree of intelligence. Its a supercomputer. With this grade of protection. Its a fortress. And with this standard of luxury. Its an oasis. Introducing the completely redesigned eclass. Its everything you need it to be. And more. Lease the e300 for 549 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. 16 minutes into the session this tuesday morning. The dow is up 95 points and by the way, were now what, 10, 12 points away from an alltime high on the dow industrials. Big stocks, mylan, taking heat because of the price of the epi pen liz yes, this went from 100 in 2008 to 600 plus. Theres no competitors. Mylan has basically a monopoly on this magic marker type product that you stab, inject your thigh with adrenalin and senator Chuck Grassley heads off the judiciary company. And sends off a letter, why are you quintupling this, its life and death and many of the children need the product and many of them are on medicaid and taxpayers are footing the bill for your price increase. Stuart put up in front of congressman liz a probe is what some want. Stuart and isis is using children as suicide bombers. It happened in turkey and images in iraq where a 12yearold boy had a suicide vest taken off him before he exploded the thing. In virginia the fbi is investigating a failed beheading attempt by that man shouting allah akbar. Thats the backdrop to what vicepresident joe biden had to say, terror is not a threat to the very existence to the United States. Joining us now robert jeffers, a pastor of the First Baptist church in dallas. What do you make of vicepresident bidens statement there . Its absolutely ridiculous. Look, stuart, whether were talking about turkey, nice, san bernardino, orlando or now virginia, all of these attacks share one common denominator, they were committed by radical islamic terrorists. Not one of these terrorists shouted out jesus christ is great its always allah is great. And for joe biden and our government not to acknowledge this reality is a dereliction of duty that will lead to further attacks and i want to make sh prediction on your program, stuart. Were only one or two more isis attacks away from donald trump being elected the next president of the United States. People, americans, are sick of this and they want something done about it. Stuart lets get right away, exactly what joe biden said. Terrorism, he said, is not an extension threat. Lets sort through that word. He says its not a threat to the existence of the United States. No matter what the United States will still exist. In that technical sense, hes right, but i think youre getting at something deeper than just the very existence of america. Youre getting at america, of what it is, what its like today. Absolutely, stuart. And people need to recognize th that these attacks are increasing even in our country in frequency and intensity. Unless we do something, well continue to be victims of radical islamic terrorism. I want to it will you something interesting, i debated a muslim imam on our network, and every time i pointed out radical islam, he would scream and yell, and say that islam is a religion of peace. I read that while i was on vacation, the muslim imam has been arrested because of his connections with isis. Now, look, these terrorists are nothing, but murderers and liars. We can never expect them to tell the truth about their religion, but we ought to expect our own government officials to tell us the truth about radical islamic terrorism. Stuart Robert Jeffries telling it how he sees it and we appreciate that. Robert, thank you for joining us, sir. Thank you. Thanks, stuart. Check that dow. Where are we . Up exactly half a percentage point and 29 of the 30 dow stocks are in the green. Theyre up. And olympian ryan lochte loses four sponsors after he said he overexaggerated the robbery story. And we have news on lochte on what he really said and what really happened to him. They always give two people and i notice like on the republican side, Stuart Varney had somebody and this morning are martha had somebody and they are loose with their answers and theyre just wired for sound and blinking like pelosi in a sandstorm or something, you know . That was funny. That was dennis, miller of course, Varney Company a shoutout and we like that, dennis, thank you very much. To sports, why not . Speedo, ralph lauren, two other major sponsors dropping ryan lochte because of the scandal surrounding him. Tamara holder is with us. Sports court host. Now, tamara there is, witnesses have come forward to say that the Security Guard did point a gun and did demand money. That to some degree alleviate lochtes situation . I dont think so, because he did say he was stopped by the police initially, remember, that they were people who were dressed as Police Officers from brazil or rio or wherever and that makes its an attack on the country. And i think thats why everybody is so upset. And the reason why the sponsors have gotten rid of him is because of the outrage thats in the papers and everywhere else and looking at this, and does speedo want this man who is on the cover of every magazine and every newspaper wearing a speedo hat or. Stuart a hat. Yeah, right there. And if you read any of the headlines, theyre just terrible, theyre mocking this man, so its a mock on the corporation and company and saying forget this guy. Companies have no choice. They have no choice. You dont have any choice, not whether its right or wrong, theyve got no choice in this. Its a Company Decision and they care about their image at the end of the day. Stuart and bill oreilly on his show last night he had a shoutout for the Mens Basketball Team who won the gold medal very, very easily and i agree with him. They behaved like gentlemen and patriots. They sang the national anthem, didnt do anything silly, with the American Flag and hand on heart and they did not stomp on the serbs who they both totally out of bounds, they beat them. They were triumphant and didnt mock their opponents, they were a credit to america. Thats how all olympians should act. Somebody like Gabby Douglas was destroyed in the media for not putting her hand over her heart or whatever it was. And i think that we need to understand that all of these olympians are doing this because of their love of the game and they are true americans. They all love their country regardless of how they act. Of course, ryan lochte is the exception. Stuart i think the American People, men and women, came out of this remarkably well. They looked terrific in my opinion. And we creamed the competition. Stuart thats true, too. Creamed them. 100 something medals to Great Britain at 50. No offense. On the olympic team. Stuart that was amazing performance by the brits, for heavens sake. Beating china. Stuart were out of time, tamara, thanks for joining us, we appreciate it. Now, check that big board. Were up 911 points, that means the dow is what, do the math. 14 1 2 points away from an alltime record high. How about oil . Where are we . Were up 46 a barrel, going down. Thats interesting. Stock is up, oil down. Not supposed to be that way. Ashley no. Stuart what happened to you . More scandal for Hillary Clinton, what did she do . She goes on late night comedy show and jokes about opening a pickle jar. The question, where is the media. Why no 60 minutes investigation into this. A pickle jar . Well be back. Stuart exactly 10 00 in the east. Bill clinton went on a comedy show last night is scandalous revelations are rounded her. She went to jimmy kimmel and laughed her way through what about the emails . What about them. My emails are so boring. What about her health . That question doesnt make sense because i dont question trumps. Kimmel gave her a pickle jar to test your health. Could she open it . What a laugh. This is a possible future president. Shes accused of playing fast and most of the nations top secrets. Shes accused of running a billiondollar slush fund that handed out favors in return for money. Is accused of lying to congress under oath. The fbi says she was extremely careless with information. The list goes on and on. It was all a joke. Laugh it off and then run off to Beverly Hills who will pony up more money to make her the president of the United States. Where zero where is the media . Where is the scrutiny . Wheres the press conference . Hillary clinton has held on for 260 days. One of the two candidates is under the criminal investigation and stone walls on jimmy kimmel. The state department has to release the indefiniteness by the deadline a couple of days before the debate. Are you concerned about that . I would be terrified if my emails were released. Jimmy, my emails are so boring. And embarrassed about that. So weve already released at about 30,000 plus bed with a few more. Stuart you saw it. You saw it. Those who equate nonjimmy kimmel last night joking about the emails. More on that shortly. Let me check the market for you. This is tuesday morning. We are up from an alltime high to the Dow Jones Industrial average. Same story with the nasdaq. It is at a record high. A thousand to 75. A couple of big winners for you. Best buy stock is up to date and time nearly 16 this morning. Better sales, online sales, too. New home Sales Numbers at the top of the hour. 654,000 new homes sold on an annualized basis and that is the best level since 2007. Trade for a highest in eight years. Kidd buried in beating wall street expert patients. They are up 31 versus a year ago. The medium is actually about half a point lower. We are going to watch home depot and the housing related stocks. This could be a turning point in the housing market. Youve got to watch whether or not discuss the possibility of a rate hike sooner rather than later. Train to the Market Holding up 90 points. Market is doing well this morning. Lets get today we had like 15,000 more emails for 148 messages from the clip foundation to hillarys top aide at the state department, cheryl mills. We are learning how larrys top aide worked as the editor of a radical muslim journal for about 12 years. Fox News National security analyst kt mcfarland is with us. What is this about the family background editing and producing a radical muslim magazine for a period of years. Her mother in effect is the editor of the good where does she fit into the state Department Foundation Hillary Clintons circle . Shes the link between the Clinton Foundation pier she was on the payroll at the state state department and Clinton Foundation. She got the money on one hand for the Clinton Foundation, granted favors from the state department. She was intricately tied to the radical Muslim Movement in the middle east. Stuart how does this happen . How on earth but do Something Like this happening . Someone whose entire family, matter, rather a month, ill involved in this radical magazine arguing against the western concept of womens rights. They were arguing that 9 11 was americas fault. They were arguing in this magazine and suddenly she is the top aide to the secretary of state of the United States of america. You wouldnt leave it if it was a madefortv movie. It is just so inyourface corruption. You had a brilliant introduction when you talked about the connection and the outrage you feel. The Mainstream Media is a big yawn. I dont know how these people look at themselves in the mirror and say i guess what it must be this as soon as they took aliens in the state department made these decisions. Stuart it is hatred of trial. They hate him so much they will cover up anything Hillary Clinton dies or is alleged to have done. Anything. That is what its all about. What happens to the security of the United States . If this is what happens when she secretary of state, what happens when shes out that . Its not just a night in the lincoln bedroom. The Clinton Foundation that donations and the state department turned around and gave 20 of the United States uranium sought to the russians. Thats an essential ingredient. So that was for sale. What happens next . But other connections are there to radical islam . Hillary clinton says her greatest, schmidt in the middle east were toppling gadhafi where we now have in custody and she had a chaos everywhere and are other great accomplishment was the Iran Nuclear Deal which we see now didnt get a relationship between the United States and iran unless iran open a better relationship with russia. The money we paid for hostages, where did that go . Probably to buy russian weapons. Serious success on foreign policy. The reaction of the Mainstream Media, move along here. Nothing to see. By the way, any reaction . Did you know trump is a russian agent . Go figure. Stuart its good stuff. Thank you for being with us. Come again soon. Meanwhile, donald trump is in texas today. Hes continuing his outreach efforts to minorities. Steve cortez is with us. You are hispanic i believe. Is that correct . What does trump have to say about the Deportation Force that he had been talking about . What does he have to say about that now to win over the hispanic vote . I think very sensibly he showed real leadership. Hed been accused of flip up being. What he did as he convened a group of latino leaders to join him in trump tower and he wanted to hear their input. Amnesty is off the table. Thats not possible. We must secure the border. Thats nonnegotiable. Other things are negotiable. A lot of room between amnesty and one polar end of the policy spectrum and mass deportation on the other end. The end. He sang tommy sensibly where we should land. Either way, hispanics who came here legally, people like my father, immigrants like you, a lot of those immigrants present the idea that they should somehow be lumped in with illegal immigration. America is the above immigration, almost all of us that we are not the direct sensor rightparen sent the daughters of immigrants, without immigration but we love the law and made a sensibly and legally. Stuart you are a political guy very much with the charm campaign. I used that word. You are also a money guy and youre very familiar with Money Management and wall street. I want you to hear what steve moore is on trumps economic. I want you to listen to what he told us about economic roads under trump. Just watch this. Every single problem in america is alleviated to some degree with economic. 2 growth over the last year. I see weve got a donald trump presidency. 4 growth for five years. Write it down. Her growth for five years. Stuart i did write it down and i were pda. That is a very bold claim, steve. We join in and make that claim, too . I say amen. Hes preaching to me. We want to stand up and scream yes. We are clearly capable. If anything he might be underselling it. Are we capable of the growth we had and we absolutely are. The reason we are not growing at that level. Its not that they are not innovating the 19 are taking risks. It is regulation and taxation. The average American Worker has been hard to pay increase. That may be pay part of thing. Its not just this president. George w. Bush. Weve had an economic malaise in the 2000 so far. Thats the bad news. The good news is we can break out of it. We made much lower flatter taxes. We need Less Government regulation. If we take the shackles off the american economy, i believe in certain a donald trump believes he can absolutely sore because 1 in 2 growth estimate the potential and the greatness of the American People. We can do better and we will. Stuart we do hear you. Thank you indeed. And this. Hillary clinton will have to answer questions from the group Judicial Watch under oath. That is in our next hour. The fbi is investigating as a possible terror incident. All of our fire. That was a terror attack. The state department telling people to stay away from iran. Though and it may be captured. You may be held for ransom, to. Held macs. announcer vo you can go straight home. howard stern on radio welcome to show business. announcer vo or you can hear the rest of howard. Bababooey announcer vo sorry, confused neighbors, howards on. Siriusxm. Road happy. announcer vo you can commute. man on radio . 40 no flags on the play cheering announcer vo or you can chest bump. Yo commute, we got serious game. Siriusxm. Road happy. Stuart look at the doubt of 81 points. 18612. 20 points away from an alltime high. The price of oil. 27, the dow 30. 26 iraq or down. The price of oil below 47 a barrel moving down. Goldman sachs is any rally enough prices is fragile. Down it goes. They make jam, jelly, peanut butter, everything under the sun. They are the worst performer in the s p 500. The weekend in virginia and federal authorities investigating the connection to isis. Joining us now is Sebastian Corker, author of defeating jihads. Batman we just put on tv was shouting although off bar. That was a terror attack. In mileage in on this . That was terror. Can i say that . We have to find out whether somebody called in bad names in kindergarten. You make your point. It is here a good. Put this in it. Im glad to. Its both laughing aside. If this man turns out to be a jihads e. Who has some kind of connection inspired or operational to isis and has traveled to turkey really the plan to vaccination because turkey is the jumping off point for isis fighters going into syria. If that is the case, this attack would represent the 109th individual arrested or killed on u. S. Soil since isis declared the caliphate two years ago. 109, stuart. This should be Hillary Clinton and president obama. What is their response to the 109th attack arrested or killed in the United States . I dont think it will be. Hillary doesnt play golf. The fact is she was painted into a corner for the longest time. Not going to use the word jihads. When 80 people were killed in france, the first time she ever used the peculiar phrase radical jihadist on as if there is some kind of nice jihadist on. So we will see what her response will be. Maybe shes getting the message that this is a problem and americans onto your solutions. Stuart jeanclaude jonker, one of the most powerful members of the European Union says orders are the worst thing ever invented by politicians. He claims europe must fight against nationalism. What do you make of that . Karl marx said very similar things. He said there should be no nationstates. They should be one workers paradise. I like to ask the president what to think the bulls thought about borders in the 239 when hitler invaded . What do you think you printed out when putin invaded in two crimea recently. Borders is the national security. Security begins for securing your borders. This man i think has to wind the tone politician of the decade award. Is trying to resurrect the united europe at the two world wars were centered in europe. Thats what hes trying to do. Hes trying to put the clock back. Its like saying retreat because its not going to happen. If you look at the original founders of the european community, if you look at monday, adenauer, if you look at churchill who first used the phrase after world war ii, these individuals were they melt everything into some kind of morass. They were saying that nations come together as a community. This man has gone beyond that theres somebody from luxembourg sitting in brussels knows better for a bridge or frenchman what it means to have an identity. That is now what it shouldve been a churchill envisioned. Stuart i do believe its a factor in this election. Sebastian, please stay there. President obama donald trump was there for days ago. Who will tell you what we think about the president ial visit to louisiana coming out. Bill gates. Hes worth more money than he can possibly imagine. He is heading towards 100 billiondollar not work. Not worse. You pay your Car Insurance premium like clockwork. Month after month. Year after year. Then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. Yeah. 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This comes on the heels of the 400 million payment was made to iran contingent on the release of four american prisoners. That was the ransom. That was leverage. Stuart im sure is Sebastian Corker can straighten this out. I do want your take on iran the travel ban. I want to throw the same. Irans foreign minister has just visited cuba. When he leaves cuba he goes to venezuela. When you make of this news about iran in light of the Iran Nuclear Deal . Clearly 150 billion plus another 400 million wasnt enough to buy good faith. The Obama Administration over the last eight years. It was one desperate attempt to manufacture a legacy that could be positive. We release the money is. We pay this grandson and it is a ransom. More hostages are taken and we still have people in custody. What is their response going to be . Do we throw more money or save it may be they are not friendly enough that they need more . It is spurious positive that you cannot negotiate. You cannot buy an dictators and iran is the best example. Stuart are we being pushed around when we get the election we will have a new president elect for the United States. Weve got 76 days. Are we pushed around all over the place . The people that really understand geopolitics and that is iran, putin, china. They will continue to do what they are doing which is to fill the vacuum created by the socalleblding from behind policy and they will make the sunshine. Further developments in asia and parts of latin america and middle east. Stuart we expect to see you in a regular basis in the next 76 days. Stuart at amazon, Music Streaming Service as low as five bucks a month will be cheaper than apple music were spotted five. 10 to 15 bucks a month. At three bucks today. This is a contender for a video of the day. See all those people . If they stampede. They are playing pokemon and theyre trying to capture a rare coveted creature. That is taiwan, taipei, the capital of taiwan. Can you believe that . I will leave it up for just a second. Now back to the ip parenchyma essential for anyone with the food allergy. The prices going up fivefold. They face congressional hearings. Congressional hearings coming to them. A scandal mounting for hillary. 15,000 more emails have been found. The media laughing it off. Look who is next. Tucker carlson is all over this. More varney in a moment. Eatme. Eatme. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no prior treatment. It transformed treatment as the first cure thats. One pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Harvoni is a simple treatment regimen thats been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. Tell your doctor if youve had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. Stuart this was moments ago. President obama stepped off marine one, his helicopter, walking towards air force one, the plane, on his way to louisiana. He will arrive there four days after donald trump visited the blooding. More on that later. Check that big board, back down a little bit. We were up over 100, now were up 70. The dow 37 points away from the alltime record high. Price of oil to 46. 92 right now, down another 1 . Look at delphi, makes car electronics. Look at mobileeye, they make hightech digital cameras. Theyre going to develop a system for selfdriving cars that could be placed on any car model. Off the shelf auto cars, got it. Interesting. We have some news that came at the top of the hour. New home sales reached an eightyear high. Thats why youre seeing new home sales home builders, i should say, green arrows all across the board. To donald trump. Yesterday i spoke to one of his senior economic advisers, steve moore. Watch this. Every single problem in america virtually every single problem is alleviated to some degree with Economic Growth. Were at 1. 2 growth over the last year. I guarantee you you heard it first on the Stuart Varney show we get a donald trump presidency, were going to have 4 growth for five years. Write it down. Stuart the chair of the program at business and finance at manhattan kings college, he spelled it out twice, 4 growth in each of the next five years. What do you say . I hope hes right. Stuart well, make the judgment. If we get the good parts of trumps plan, we can get faster growth. The tax cuts and the regulatory ore form. Thats really big. Hes talked about rolling back regulations. If we get that, great. But thats going to be counteracted, stewart, if we get the bad parts of the plan, the antitrade parts of the plane. So its a question of what we get. Stuart let me hold on for a second. I want you the bring us right down to earth. Donald trump proposes radical tax cuts for individuals and corporations, got it. He also proposed to get rid of a lot of regulation, okay . If he sticks to just that part of his plan, its enacted tax cuts and deregulate do you think we get 4 growth in each of the next five years . We get faster growth. It depends on all sorts of factors. Its clear we get faster growth stuart you keep it up for five years . Again, theres a lot of factors here, stuart. Heres the problem. Youre talking about time frames here. Youve got to think 20 years down the road with these tax cuts, not just five years, was the big critique of his plan is that it doesnt pay for itself, and you end up adding to deficits and debt, and you end up ten years down the road 10 trillion more in debt, and thats a problem for the economy. We cant grow through that. Stuart if you grow by 2025 in a fiveyear period, if you do that, surely tax revenues coming into the treasury are huge. Yeah, thats great, but hes also talked about Hillary Clinton talked about 275 billion in new infrastructure spending, what did he talk about doing . Doubling that. You cant pay for that. Stuart he was on this program talking about doubling it. Hell take in private money, put it into a fund which rebuilds infrastructure. Thats not the same as taxing or using government money or taxpayer money for it, is it . Stuart, i really hope that he can find all sorts of private funding for all the spending that hes talking about, but i highly doubt it. Thats not the record of government over the past 50 years. The record of government is spending more than it takes in, that adds to debt and deficits. And we are coming to the day of reckoning, stewart, within ten years. Stuart so youre telling steve moore hes wrong [laughter] i knew you were going to try to set that up. Hes a great guy, hes a smart guy, i love what hes doing with Donald Trumps tax plan. If they can stick to the right elements, the tax plan, the regulatory plan, good things will happen, but thats a big if. Stuart stewart isnt that what we want . Isnt growth what we want more than anything . Absolutely. Stuart as he said, you alleviate a lot of you dont solve the problems, but you alleviate them if youve got rapid growth. And thats the important thing to see here. Its a necessary component to solving these longterm problems, absolutely. Thats why its important that we get that kind of growth. Youve got to do the right progrowth things to get there. The problem with trump is hes talking about progrowth things and antigrowth at the same time. Stuart other side of the coin, youve seen Hillary Clintons plan. Essentially, it is spend a whole lot of money and tax the rich. Will that give us growth . No. Its a tax and shes, actually, very up front about that, frankly. Its a tax and redistribution plan. Its not going to give us growth, and thats the huge problem here. Even economists on the left will tell you growth is absolutely indispensable to solve our longterm issues. She really isnt doing that. Theres nothing in her plan that the only thing shes touting is the 275 billion in infrastructure spending. Weve seen that story before. That is not a progrowth story. We saw it seven years ago here, weve seen it in japan, its not a progrowth story. Stuart youre an economist thats what i do. Stuart and youre telling us trumps plan is better than hillarys [laughter] your trying to simplify stuart [inaudible] it has the potential to be more progrowth than her plan if he does the right things and stays away from the wrong things. Stuart all right, brian, we did hear you, several times. [laughter] thanks a lot, sir, appreciate it. Now, media bias when it comes to covering the election, its a big theme on this program. Always has been. Now listen to this New York Times tech columnist pennsylvania rawd [inaudible] he says google should fix its search results to leave out stories about hillarys health. You want to explain this . Yeah. Hes calling on the conspiracy theories and the bogus stories, he says. Hes an influential tech columnist. Basically, when you search hillary health, stories pop p that she pop up that she has parkinsons disease. This is what he called on google to do, saying google should fix this, it shouldnt give quarter to conspiracy theorists. He also tweeted out this is a google failure, conspiracy theories should not be listed first. Stuart so everythings a Conspiracy Theory . No, hes just saying im not saying that. Hes saying there are bogus stories about Hillary Clintons health that pop up in Google Search results. But hes the gatekeeper, apparently, on the health of no, hes saying google should be no, not he, hes saying that google should fix it. Stuart okay. But he says they should fix it by dropping these stories on health. Yeah. I dont know how they would fix it. Stuart all right, moot point. Sean hannity, well, he toured the flood zone in louisiana. He spoke to some of the locals down there. Watch this. By the way, i do have one question for the audience. Yall can clap, agree. Were you glad that donald trump came here . [cheers and applause] and when you saw the president day after day playing golf, did it bother you . Yes how much, a lot . And then hillary also, she called your governor. Is that phoning it in to yall . I cant hear you. Stuart thats sean, there you go. President obama is now headed to baton rouge. He gets there later on today in louisiana. Jeff flock, i think, is already there. What are you seeing, jeff . Reporter im seeing more mess, to be very honest with you. I just stopped this gentleman here who is in the business of putting his house back together. People talking about the president. You said he could have come sooner . Yes, sir. He sure could. Reporter but youre happy hes here. Yes. Reporter you happy he was playing golf . No, im not mad. Everybody got a life to live. Reporter what do you want to say to the president , maybe the guy whos running for president , what do you want to say to them . Just hurry up and make some things happen. We got a lot of people done lost everything they had. I met some people that lost 60, 70 years, you know . So just work quickly on getting everybody back into their normal life. Reporter i appreciate it very much. Hes got a landscaping business here, very hard working guy. Theres some people also, stuart, who say, you know, this is a red state. Im a staunch republican, and, you know, i want limited government. But i tell you, when Something Like this happens, i do want my government to respond to legitimate concerns and needs, and i think thats a valid point. Stuart youve shown us it is a disaster area, and thats a fact. Those piles of stuff taken out of homes is devastating. Jeff flock, we will get back to you later. Now, back to your money, mylan, thats the maker of those epi pen injectors for allergy sufferers, under fire because theyve jacked up the price about 500 since 2009. Nicole, the story, please. Reporter no doubt, we carry the epi pen everywhere we go, allergic to all in thes, and it is manager nuts, and it is something that is necessary. And when they jack up the price from 2007 to today, its up 545 . It makes it quite unreachable for many, and it is a lifesaving thing. Martin skelly who you rely who was grilled by the house government and oversight earlier, he went under his own, obviously, grilling. But here hes saying now that theyre vultures for doing this, and where is their moral compass in doing this. And you have senators moving forward in congress, and theyre going to have some questions for capitol hill. And the competitors which came from sanofi, that was recalled, and teva was supposed to be working on something, but so far theyre the only ones, so they can jack up the prices but not so fast. Stuart when liz broke this story, mylan was down 2 , now its down 4 . On his trip to latvia, Vice President biden gave a message to baltic leaders. Now, whats this all about . He did. Firstly, and im reading directly here, i want to make it absolutely clear to the people many baltic states, we have pledged our sacred honor, the United States of areaty. Now, this is in response to comments made by donald trump who said, wait a minute, you expect us to be a part of this, but youre not paying your fair share, if you remember that. Stuart yep. So he goes on, the Vice President , to say to the baltic people the fact that you occasionally hear something from a president ial candidate in another party, its nothing that should be taken seriously. Stuart really . Not to be taken seriously . Dont take it seriously, he says, on a trip to the baltic. Stuart he said it and you report it. Oh, yeah. Stuart Hillary Clinton on the defense. 15,000 more emails discovered is and more questions about the Clinton Foundation while she was secretary of state. This as donald trump goes on the attack and the polls tighten up. And remember, Varney Company starts at 9 a. M. Eastern every day, and heres what you missed last hour. All of these attacks share one common denominator or, they were committed by radical islamic terrorists. Not one of these terrorists before he committed his atrocity shouted out jesus is great, its always allah is great. And for joe biden and our government not to acknowledge this reality is a dereliction of duty that will lead to further attacks, and i want to make this prediction on your program, stuart we are only one or two more isis attacks away from donald trump being elected the next president of the United States. People, americans are sick of this. The state Department Said that they have to release 15,000 emails by the deadline, its a couple of days before the debate. Are you concerned about that . No. Because i would be terrified if my emails were released. [laughter] jimmy, my emails are so boring yeah. Mine arent. Im embracerred about that, theyre embarrassed about that. Weve already released, i dont know, 30,000 plus, so whats a few more . Stuart laugh it off, whats a few more . 15,000 more emails. 148 phone messages from the Clinton Foundation to top aide cheryl mills. Now were learning hillarys current top aide, huma abedin, worked as an editor of a razz call muslim radical muslim journal for 12 years. Tucker carlson is with us now. I know youre smiling, youre a good man, but i am fit to be tied. Ive never seen such an appalling performance by the American Media as theyre doing now in this election. What say you . Well, youd think if you were jimmy kimmel, hes a talented guy, if your producer came to you and said, look, Hillary Clinton wants to use your show to help her political prospects you would say, no, there are lots of people we can book. Like im not going to be a prop in her campaign. And yet he was. Why would you do that . I think you, i think the comedians devalue their authority, and i think they have authority, and i think the news medias humiliating itself by advocating so openly on behalf of Hillary Clinton. Look are, i get they dont like trump, thats fine. But you dont have to carry water for the most powerful woman in the world. Stuart where is 60 minutes . Thats a fine program with a terrific track record of investigative where are they . Where is the New York Times . I know that theyve broken some of these stories, but theyve not gone into a full, indepth look at exactly what happened. And they could have. Theyve got the resources for it. Look, all of us knew that huma abedin was working part time at the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. Such a ripe arrangement for conflicts of interest, for corruption that youd think we would have investigated it then. The press didnt in any serious way. Heres the problem, its trump. They hate trump. They think hes a fascist, hes going to destroy the country, he is an authoritarian, and they think theyre doing a Public Service as coming out against them what theyre really doing is, again, devaluing their reason for being. The press exists as a backstop against overreach by government over powerful people. The press is ignoring Hillary Clinton for the greater good of preventing donald trump from being elected president. I think when this is all over to, theyre going to look around at the smoking ruins of american journalism and say, how did this happen . They let it happen. Stuart when i first came to america 40odd years ago, it was a Pretty Simple political equation. The elites, wealthier people, they voted republican. I think that was a fact. Yeah. Stuart theyve completely changed. I mean, weve turned that on its head. On its head. Stuart now the elites, the top 20 , they vote democrat. Now they certainly do. Stuart whats going on here . And theyre abetted by the press because theyre all from the same world. Thats whats really scary. You need to have somebody pushing back. I dont hate rich people, im one of them. But i think somebody needs to be looking over the shoulders of the people making decisions and say, whoa, hold on a second. And when theres nobody doing that, when everybody is unified as one, you know, you can make really bad decisions. You can lead your country off a cliff because theres no counterbalance at all. Its scary. Stuart i want your judgment, tucker, on this election. Do you think Hillary Clinton can get out of all of these scandals and make it just same old, same old, same old scandals, theres nothing to be seen here, and just go ahead and steam on to victoriesome. Yes, i do think that. I think its entirely possible. I think its possible for the following reason nobody is voting for hillary because they think shes honest. Nobody actually wants to vote for Hillary Clinton. I dont think her husband wants to vote for her. But its about trump. Shes successfully made this election about donald trump, and i think she can win that debate. One last question, whats going to happen if she wins . Will the press continue to overlook the downside, the bad points, the scandals . I mean, how can they all of a sudden decide to cover her in a serious way when she becomes president . They should be vetting her now. Stuart good question. I dont have the answer for you. Why dont you come back on the show as often as you like. Id be honored. Stuart tucker carlson, everybody. Well see you again soon. Check this out, bill gates estimated net worth reportedly close to a record high. 90 billion. Not just his microsoft stock thats getting in this boost to 90 billion, hes got, what, holdings in Canadian National railway, ecolab, anything else . Hes up i was just checking difference by day to day. Hes at 90 billion estimated worth. Hes up 31 million from just yesterday. [laughter] stuart kind of richer than the ukraine and puerto ricos gdp. Stuart all right. Top of the coming hour, the group thats leading the charge on hillarys email scandal, Judicial Watch. Remember, we just found out were getting 15,000 more documents from her private server. Theyre involved in that. First up, an update on the oil rig that was grounded on the coast of scotland. We brought you the story. It was refloated, towed back to the sea by high tide. Itll be inspected for damage to see if it can be salvage. Its off the beach. Back in a moment. Approaching medicare eligibility . You may think you can put off checking out your Medicare Options until youre sixtyfive, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. Keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. The rest is up to you. Thats where aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company come in. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesnt, saving you in outofpocket medical costs. Youve learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. Thats what it means to go long™. Call now and request this free decision guide. Its full of information on medicare and the range of aarp Medicare Supplement plans to choose from based on your needs and budget. All plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients, and there are no network restrictions. Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company has over thirty Years Experience and the commitment to roll along with you, keeping you on course. So call now and discover how an aarp Medicare Supplement plan could go long™ for you. These are the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an Organization Serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. Plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. Remember, medicare doesnt cover everything. The rest is up to you. Call now, request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. Go long™. Ashley the dow 30 to the left of the screen there, a lot of green. Were up 66, 67 points on the dow. Just the Energy Sector lagging behind. Take a look at nasdaq at a record high 5270 on the nasdaq, up again by half a percent. And best buy, big winner today. Higher sales in its latest earnings, samestore sales higher and look at that stock go up more than 17 . All right, a look at this right now, our producer christine filling stuart wait a minute, whos this . Peter king is in on the conversation as well. Hell be with us for the whole hour. Heres what were talking about. Hillary clinton will have to answer questions from Judicial Watch under oath about the email scandal, but theres a catch. Well explain. Plus, the Trump Economic Team guaranteeing 4 growth for the first five years of a trump presidency. And as trumps courting of minority voters continues, well be asking Kevin Jackson why has the African Community voted democrat for so long . Heres sheriff david clark on that topic from our last hour. Democrats take the black vote for granted, so they dont have to appeal to anything. I havent heard mrs. Bill clinton talk about the urban pathologies in the american ghetto that are the result of progressive urban policies, failed policies. So i think it starts with an appeal. And im not going to hyperanalyze this thing and, you know, ask why he doesnt go into black neighborhoods, black churches, he will in time. Trust me, ill see to it that he does. announcer vo who says your desk phone always has to be at your desk . Now, with one talk from verizon. Hi, pete. Im glad you called. announcer vo all your phones can Work Together on one number. You can move calls between phones, so conversations can go wre you go. Take your time. Im not going anywhere. announcer vo and when youre not available, one talk helps find the right person who is. Hi, john. announcer vo so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. Introducing one talk another way verizon connects your business better. Learn how at onetalk. Com. Stuart a deluge of new scandals descends on Hillary Clinton. Emails, influence peddling, a top aides connections to radical islam, and where, oh, where is the media . Awol. Have you seen real journalistic digging into whats really been going on . A big expose on 60 minutes . I havent. What i have seen is an endless onslaught against donald trump. Today in the the washington po these Opinion Pieces republicans need to shut down trumps election claims. This is today right after all these new scandals were breaking. Trump pivots 360 degrees back into the mud. The high cost of cheap populism. This is the washington post. This is the washington post, and elsewhere its all big, bad trump. On this program yesterday, Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Goodwin talked about the death of american journalism. I think hes on to something. So what did hillary say about the new revelations . She laughed them off in the softest of softball appearances with jimmy kimmel. When a leading candidate for the presidency gets a pass despite clear evidence she cant be trusted, the whole country has a problem. And the third hour of Varney Company is about to begin. Did you like the do what, with a cloth . I am all about new beginnings; a new grandchild, another new hair style, a few email account. [laughter] my emails are so boring. Yeah. Mine arent. Im embarrassed about that. Theyre so boring. Weve already released, i dont know, 30,000 plus, so whats a few more . Stuart thats Hillary Clinton laughing off her scandals to the press. More on that in a moment. Check that big board, where are we now . We are up but not as much as we were. Now its about 60, 18,590 is roughly where we are. Best buy is a big winner today. Much better online sales. Thats unusual for best buy, up 24 on the online side of the business, and the stock is up a whopping 18 because of that. Now look at home builders. We received some new Sales Numbers on new home sales. 654,000 on an annualized basis in july. Best level in eight years. Up go those Home Building stocks. Former Goldman Sachs partner peter kiernan, favorite guest on the program, is here. So is ashley and elizabeth macdonald. Peter, you first. This market, the dow industrials, dead flat in a very narrow range for a long, long time. Lowest longest period of gonowhere in decades. So my question is [laughter] what is the event that gets us to break out, up or down, of that doldrums . As you described it, its just right. Stocks very high, volatility very low. Whats really changed, wheres euphoria come from . Not from earnings growth. Its come from price earnings growth. In other words, what multiple are people willing to put on earnings. What that says is thats grown 30 since christmas of 2014. What does that say . What it says is people are looking more growth. Theyre looking for the United States. Now, theres been some help. Central banks in the world have been buying like crazy. So whats like crazy mean . In 2007 Central Bank Balance sheets, 5 trillion. Today, 18 trillion. Stuart really . Oh, they have been buying with both barrels, with both feet. So thats part of it. But i think people are looking for a breakout opportunity because theres one market thats going to grow, its the United States. Now, blackstone yesterday came out in favor of the emerging markets. Not china, but the emerging markets. Growth is the story, and growth is what people are looking for. And theyre looking at it not from europe, from the United States. Stuart so whats the breakout event . Is it the elecon . Ink the election is going to make a very big difference, but i have to tell you one of the signals for me, i see no bumper stickers, no one really saying i really want hillary, i really want trump. I think whoever wins its just going to be the beginning of a debate. If Hillary Clinton wins, donald trump is far from finished with his anger and his activities. We immediate to get a progrowth initiative in our government. If we can do that and work with business, were going to see a massive turn around, and thats what the market is pricing in. Stuart you mean straight up if we get a progrowth policy in place in the United States, we go up on the stock market. But growth has to come from two places. Yes, the economy has to turn, and that comes from business and government working together. Theyre not. And it has to do with cutting out unnecessary regulation that are an obstacle to growth, theyre an enemy of progress. Stuart youre not going to get that with Hillary Clinton ors are you . I dont think thats likely. Not without a very big fight. This election, if she wins, its just the beginning of the dialogue. Stuart im not trying to box you into a corner, pierre kiernan. Yes, you are. [laughter] i think if trump wins, i think we want to you at 2 percent at least, were below that now. I think he could double that. With Hillary Clinton, i hear a lot of progrowth language, but its, theres a lot of kiss but no tell. I dont see anything underneath that really says how were going to grow. Shes talking about a 25 billion investment in a fund or a bank thats going to help infrastructure and 27 billion a year. The new bridge, the tappan zee is going to cost 4 billion and the roads on either side a billion apiece. Thats 6 billion for one bridge. Can i just bring up an important heres the thing too. There are possibly Six Supreme Court justices that could go liberal democrat. In other words, if Justice Kennedy retires. So that impacts, you know, epa, immigration, all sorts of policies. Stuart the dows up now only 47 points, 18,577. Moving on to politics. Hillary clintons email scandal, the state department reviewing 15,000 new emails. Come on in, chris farrell, director of research and investigations for Judicial Watch. Now, whats this all about . 15,000 new emails . Are we going to get to see them or are you going to get to see them before the election . The short answer is, yes. Theyre been forensically recovered by fbi, now turned over to the state department, and the judge, another one of judges in these multiple lawsuits that we have, ordered that they be produced in october to. And as soon as we get em, we make em public. So we can look forward to reading that. Stuart now, the previous emails, 30odd thousand of them, when we got inside them, it was revealed that some of those emails were highly classified, top secret information on hillarys private server. It is a possibility then that somewhat similar material will be found in these 15,000 emails and documents, is that accurate . That is accurate. At least a thousand of them had been deemed classified, and it will be reviewed that way stuart already . Wait a second, already . Yes. Stuart 1,000 of the 15,000 already considered classified, thats accurate . The state department has made representations to the court that a segment of the several thousand and it could be upwards of a thousand are going to require some additional screening. They have not hard and fast made a declaration concerning their level of classification, but they are handling them separately. Stuart okay. I want to not picking a bone with you, not picking a fight, but sure. Stuart you forced Hillary Clinton to answer questions under oath. Shes going to answer those questions in writing. Heres what our own judge napolitano said about that on this program. Roll tape. They are doing wonderful things with respect to exposing the government, but they lost this round. They get one chance at answering questions with. They do not get to follow up with another series of questions based on her answers. And her answers will be meaningless because they will be written by her lawyers, not by her. Stuart now, hes saying that you, Judicial Watch, actually lost. Looks like a victory, but you lost because itll be written answers, and you have of no followup to those written answers. What say you . Well, the good news is we are the only people to include the fbi who have ever gotten Hillary Clinton under oath to talk about her email server. No one else has accomplished that except Judicial Watch. And while we would have preferred live testimony in a deposition, we will nail her down with these questions, these written interrogatories. And if shes evasive, if her lawyers, you know, do this excruciating parsing of words, well go back to the judge. Nothing precludes us from going back to the judge and say, look, shes being, you know, misleading, or shes parsed this out in a way thats unintelligible. I respect the judge enormously, but the fact that weve gotten her under oath when no one else in the country has is an enormous victory. Stuart chris farrell, we thank you for being with us, and we eagerly await the emails in october. Thank you. Stuart were fading. We were up 100 points, now its 39, 38. 18,567 is where we are now. The feds investigating a possible terror attack in virginia. I will call it terror. The attacker shouting allahu akbar, tried to behead his victim. Investigators are looking into isis ties. Well have the full story for you in a moment. And the state department has issued a travel warning to american citizens. Do not go to iran, you might get kidnapped. Just last week it was donald trump who blasted the president for what he called the hostage swap. More varney in a moment. He said we dont pay ransom, but we did. He lied about the hostages, openly and blatantly. What powers the Digital World . Communication. Like centurylinks Broadband Network that gives 35,000 fans a cutting edge game experience. Or the network that keeps a leading hotel chains guests connected at work, and at play. Or the it platform that powers millions of ecards every day for one of the largest greeting card companies. Businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. Stuart in a recent interview, Vice President biden said terror is not a threat to the very existence of the United States. Now this just in the last couple of days weve seen yet another terror attack in turkey. It was a suicide bombing at a wedding. The bomber was a 14yearold boy. 50 dead. And this man arrested in virginia after attacking two people with a knife. He tried to behead one of them. Allegedly, he screamed allahu akbar. To me, thats a terror attack. General anthony tater is with us this morning. General, i want to go back to Vice President biden. He says terror does not threaten the very existence of the United States. Its not an existential threat. What do you make of that . I think this is crazy, stuart. This is an actual terror attack. This is someone in roanoke, virginia, who had tried to go from turkey into syria and is now in roanoke and committing a terror attack that is in the name of islam. And so this is just, you know, more evidence that mr. Trumps policy idea of vetting, particularly with regard to these in extreme mistypes of people that come over here seeking pilgrimage over from, escaping persecution, they need to be vetted. And this is an example of that. And we have 70,000 a year that are vetted or do come here seeking some type of refuge. And obamas lifted that number to 85,000 a year to make headroom for the syrian refugees. And heres an example of why we need that kind of vetting. And hes been on the fbi list for all this time, not unlike the orlando shooter, and we dont do anything about it. And im sure theres a lot more to to this story to come. Stuart well, would you be in favor of a flat out ban on anybody coming to america on a visa or permanently from a terrorrelated society . Because that would be a pretty draconian ban, very difficult to impose. But are you many favor of it . Yeah, i dont think, stuart, that thats the right policy. What i think is this detailed vetting of individuals, because i can promise you that the isis folks, the headquarters in raqqa and other places are right now trying to figure out how to go through the u. N. High commission for refugees and sneak one in for every 100 or every 5,000 or however many. All they these to do is get a few into america, and then they can execute, and then theyve got their radicalization thats happening over the internet as well. So both of these types of terror, radicalization. Infiltration and infiltration are ongoing, and theyre here, and we need some kind of filter to protect our nation. The commander in chiefs number one job is to protect our nation, to secure u. S. Citizens and vital interests. And right now when you have these kinds of things happening with this kind of frequency, its, you know, its not happening. And when you look at what happened in turkey even, hes not even supporting ourtive secs by supporting turkey after the january terror attack by isis, the most recent terror attack by isis, enacting article v for france or belgium or turkey. Any of those things this president has not done. Stuart general, we appreciate you being with us. You are the author of the book three minutes to midnight. There it is. Appreciate it. We have to bring this to your attention, the state department has issued a new travel warning to americans. Its very simple, dont go to iran. You might get kidnapped. Yes. Just says avoid iran. Well, im glad weve been told that. They say particularly at risk are those dual nationals of iranian origin and u. S. Nationals of which, of course, iran does not acknowledge dual citizenship, so here we are saying you should not go because theres a very high likelihood you are going to be detained. They say that dual nationals living in tehran and elsewhere are harassed on a daily basis, often detained. So the state Department Says, guess what . You shouldnt go. Of course, we have to remind everyone that 400 million was paid to get four of these such people out. Stuart i want to get this this. Remember we were talking about various towns in france banning the burkini. Apparently, sales of the burkini have gone way up. You want to explain this . Yeah, you know what . Australia. Since the controversy theres a woman who invented, who claims to have invented the burkini. Shes of lebanese origin who lives now in sydney. Came up with this anding of course, australians look at it completely differently. They have a the highest rate of skin cancer in the world in australia, so to them this is a great solution to go to the beach and keep the sun off you as much as possible. The sales there have gone through the roof. Stuart if i was a christian woman and i wanted to wear a burr kin to cover up from skin cancer on the beach in france, i still couldnt do it. You couldnt do it, no. Stuart still couldnt do it. If you were a christian woman, id encourage you to wear [laughter] by the way, theres no ini in the word burkini. Its a beach burka, lets be clear. Stuart thats good. What france is talking about, theyre not assimilating. This is a counter society thats being set up, and france isnt the only country that tried to stop it. Its italy, spain, russia. Stuart okay. Check out delphi, check out mobileye, theyre getting together to develop a system for selfdriving cars. Both stocks up. President obama on his way also to survey the damage in louisiana. Jeff flocks there, hes in baton rouge. Were going to join him shortly. But first, listen to sean hannity talking with flood victims. I know our crew does the best that they can do. Right. But i dont think washington gives a hoot about anybody but their pockets. [announcer] is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The summer of audi sales event is here. Get up to a 5,000 bonus on select audi models. Month after month. Year after year. Then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. Yeah. Surprise. Your Insurance Company tells you to pay up again. Why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it . If you have Liberty Mutual deductible fund™, you could pay no deductible at all. Sign up to immediately lower your deductible by 100. And keep lowering it 100 annually, until its gone. Then continue to earn that 100 every year. Theres no limit to how much you can earn and this saving applies to every vehicle on your policy. Call to learn more. Switch to Liberty Mutual and you could save up to 509. Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Stuart president obama is now on his way to louisiana to see firsthand the flood damage there. Jeff flock is with us, hes in baton rouge. Tell me, jeff, what will the president be seeing today . Where will he go . [laughter] reporter hell be seeing just what youre seeing right now, stuart. This is the parish of east baton rouge which is where we are told that he will tour. Hes going to see a whole lot of this. It just goes, you know, i hate to keep repeating myself, but it just goes on and on. The more places we visit, were a long way from where we were yesterday, and everywhere in between as we kind of maybe pick up speed here, you know, its funny, Rush Limbaugh sometimes talks about the driveby media. Thats the best way for you to see the enormity of all of this. You could drive 60 miles an hour for a long time here and continue to see trouble and, you know, all sorts of stuff hey there, folks. Shouting out to us. And by the way, this, just so you know, mixedrace community. This flood did not know anything about race, didnt know anything about income levels. It has hit all the people down here. Its been such a wide swath of area, and i think that is what the president will see, stuart. Stuart yes, he will. Thanks so much, jeff. Excellent from the back end of a truck. [laughter] well done, sir. Now this, steve moore, you know him, on the show a lot, hes one of trumps economic advisers. He guarantees that if president if donald trump is elected president , well get 4 growth in each of the next five years. Now, that is a gutsy call, and were on it. More people, more trouble, i should say, for obamacare. Some parts of the country will be left with Just One Health insurer come next year. Thats a monopoly. The foremost authority on obamacare joins us next after this break. Affordable. Affordable, theres a reason. Affordable. Affordable. Affordable, affordable, affordable. Every problem in america is alleviated with an Economic Growth which we are 1. 2 growth, you heard it first on the Stuart Varney show, donald trump presidency, 4 growth for five years. Write it down, 4 growth for five years. Stuart we wrote it down several times. Top Economic Advisor to donald trump, 4 growth in the next 5 years. Another trump Economic Advisor. The next five years do you think you can do that . Entirely possible. We have been down so long you can come back fast. It wouldnt be smooth at 5 . It would be higher than that in initial years. What the Obama Administration has been doing and clintons plans to continue is keeping Business Investment very slow. It is a remarkably weak recovery, the weakest since 1949. Change policies get a burst of growth at the beginning. Stuart that would be a huge burst taking the economy up 25 bigger, in the first trump term. It seems pie in the sky. Recovering part of the losses of gdp occurring over the last few years the gap between what we should have been doing and what we have been doing is massive. And in past recoveries you did that. After the recession was over, growth happened in 2003, in 19838485 as the reagan recovery took hold spared by tax cut, Hillary Clinton is supposed to make a speech where she is catching on that Small Businesses are getting crushed in this economy and proposing little tax changes when what we need is seachange and business regulation allows them to create jobs. Stuart you know the Hillary Clinton plan, you have seen the other side of the coin, tax the rich, spend a great deal of government money on various social programs. Less than we have been giving. The obama recovery, adding taxes to that, not just tax the rich but an estate tax that will force almost every Small Business to create an estate plan which you got to do, got to hire a lawyer, figure it out in case you do well. Basically a tax on success, crushing to Small Businesses so they dont form this desert almost of Small Business formation in the obama years were Small Businesses dont want to form because they have to get lawyers to help them with their healthcare policy, labor policy, they put themselves up for a lawsuit and dont do it so that has got to be corrected and if you do you get 4 growth. Stuart 4 growth in each of the next 5 years, if he said that you got yourself a headline. The media will pay it to pieces but get back on the front line. Almost been saying that now, talk about making america prosperous from the grassroots up. The biggest beneficiaries are people who have been left out of the current expansion. Millions of americans would like to have a job arent even counted in the data. Stuart is it that simple . Get 4 growth, is it really that simple . The us economy for hundreds of years has been able to grow faster than what we are doing now. The question was how did they keep it so slow . We know the answer, bad policies across the board, bad tax policy, regulatory policy, Federal Reserve and so on down, thats loaded down. Stuart if we get this election result you hope for . What happens in the stock market. We have to digest bond yields will be higher. That is a good solution, Pension Funds would like it, retirees would like it, older people would like it because we have more yield on our bonds. Stuart we hear you. More obamacare trouble, remember when the president said americans could choose their plan . Many parts of the country will be represented by a lover one or two insurers. Betsy mccoy beating obamacare arthur, with us now. A lot of bad news clobbering americans. And the beginning of open enrollment in 2017 eight days before the election, and they do have one choice of insurance carrier. Premiums are going up double digits. In new york, 20 or more for the most popular plans. The metro plus. Stuart going to backtrack before we get snowed under this information, 17 states from the New York Times, there will be one or a maximum two insurers, 17 states. Once you sign up even the carriers are still in the marketplace, narrowing actions for a doctor or hospital because to keep offering the plans stuart the standard of care is restricted. November 1st, the beginning of open enrollment this year, eight days before the election and americans will find out the deductibles, bronze plan deductible, the cheapest plan for an individual is 7000. You buy a plan and pay forit every month and dont get things covered until you take 7000 out of your pocket to pay doctors and hospitals. Of the when you are insane. It is highway robbery. Millions of americans have already reconciled themselves to buying some other kind of plan, there are plans that are not obama care compliant so they pay the penalty and it is big this year and they buy insurance they can afford. Stuart obamacare, in my opinion is winding down. That is my understanding of it. Hillary clinton wants to open medicare for all. Whatever age you can buy into medicare. That was a stab in the back for seniors who are having a hard time finding a doctor willing to take medicare rates with commercial insurers, seniors on the phone when you first turn 65 and trying to find doctors who will take your plan and they will be competing with people in their 50s and 40s calling the same doctor to get the same care at the same cheap rate. Ashley not a pretty picture. Stuart you got to cut through the details and nuances. Didnt even stuart your bottom line is it is spiraling down and to open medicare, it will not work either. We are in a mess. Stuart we are going to use that term. The arrogance is when insurance is please let us do things so we can compete and blocked out by the justice department. It is our way or the highway and that is coming to a dead end. Stuart in an updated story. And they only it has been a huge increase in price, stock is down 4 . What is the problem . Ashley Senate Judiciary members said you need to explain how you came about the price, in 2009 it was 105, some people are paying 600, these are used in fatal allergic reactions, you use these, stab it into your thigh and save your life. It is under the gun right now, under the microscope and say you have to explain why you are charging so much. They have a monopoly. Their competitions version was recalled and another was denied leaving mylan with the only game in town. Of the one they will make it into the new martin shkreli. The price of oil has completely turned around. Oil is at 48 or 47. 97 because the iranians are talking ashley positive signals about production freeze. Stuart Oil Turned Around and stocks are up on the dow industrials. Look at tesla, received word a Product Announcement is coming at 3 00 eastern, noon pacific, elon musk send a tweet, no other details but that was enough to put stock up 1. 5 , bill gates getting richer, estimated net worth, 90 billion friday afternoon after microsoft went up and Canadian National railway went up, microsoft is at 58. 03. He has a piece of that. Donald trump making a pitch to africanamerican voters, democrat policies, watch this. Every africanamerican and hispanic citizen to be able to live in a safe, thriving and prosperous community, it is time. Nicole before you see numbers we thought earlier, a triple closing record high, and at 2197 for the s p will be an alltime record high and the record we are watching for the nasdaq, 5262. Technology, energy doing well. Eight weeks of gains, records today, and trip advisor and applied material, 15 year high, and beyond. Watching microsoft closely, one of Stuart Varneys favorite struck a deal with lenovo so it could put Microsoft Office site and android operating system. 30 cases of zika, pinellas on the opposite coast near tampa. Governor rick scott is on that. No one way of driving on each and every road. But there is one car that can conquer them all. The mercedesbenz cclass. Five driving modes let you customize the steering, shift points, and suspension to fit the mood youre in. And the road youre on. The 2016 cclass. Lease the c300 for 369 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. I want every parent and child in this society including so importantly every africanamerican and hispanic citizen to live in a safe, thriving and prosperous community. This is the new american future we are working all together to create. Stuart donald trump addressing the Africanamerican Community last night at a rally. Kenny jackson, Fox News Contributor joining me now, welcome back to the program. I want to know why do africanamericans if their unbridled support to democrats, do they want that traditional help to democrats or do they want trumps jobs . Which is it . Lets say what it is, beads for manhattan, the same thing people did with the indians, and it has been trained people dont like to hear the truth but it is a trained response. We didnt have this exodus to the democrats until 1936 when fdr flipped republicans from 96 black vote to republicans to 75 going to the democrats. Ironically all those different policies were very discriminatory towards blacks. The same is true today. What democrats claim help black people end of hurting black people. There is hardly an area of society where blacks have benefited by voting overwhelmingly democrat and quite the opposite. Stuart donald trump is saying that clearly but people like you are saying that clearly do you think you will have an impact on the black vote which at the moment is expected to go to hillary . 90 to hillary . What you are saying and donald trump is saying will make a difference . I think it will. There is a poll they showed with donald from getting 1 of the black vote and a couple battleground states getting as much is 9 to 10 of the black vote and a couple other battleground states and the media looked at that and said trump is not getting any black vote. Here is what i say to people looking at these polls. In places where donald trump is getting 1 of the black vote dont believe those polls. If you do want to believe it heres what it tells you. Donald trump has nowhere to go but up in those polls. The other polls where it is 9 to 10 are not going to drop. They are feeling impact of the Economic Policy of democrats and are revolting. The net is Donald Trumps new pivot where he is talking to blacks will resonate. One of the few who is able to do this, romney could reach the core of the black community and make this message heard but trump will because people will realize he is a billionaire that wants to get elected, not a politician. Stuart what would be the reaction of donald trump went right to the core of the black community, physically was there, goes to harlem for example. If he went there and made that kind of speech, what would be the reaction . The response . Would he get a fair hearing . The short answer is to the people he would go to meet with, no. It is going to be the very same people that are what i call race pimps in this country who want you to kiss the ring of the black community. Donald trump is doing a better job right now just speaking out, letting the people who are sitting in their homes frustrated with people like out sharpton and jesse jackson, how barack obama has stoked more racism during his time as president than most modernday president s ever and they are hearing donald trump, to meet with the naacp or the urban league is a joke. They will not get donald trump a fair shake am a they dont want to hear what he has to say. He is doing it the right way and blacks that are running for office if they become surrogates at that level will help and people like myself who will continue to spread the word that Hillary Clinton and the democrats are the real racists, that is what we need to be evaluating the racism and donald trump shouldnt even address it. Stuart what is the response of your black friends when you say that kind of thing . I was talking to blacks when i was in cleveland at the republican convention, people i would meet in restaurants, i was overwhelmed at the number of them who understood the crooked nature of democrats, how their policies have heard the black community more than any republican. You can ask a simple question. When you look at things like alta more and new york where they talk about Police Violence against blacks, who are the people involved . Is it george bush or donald trump or romney doing drivebys . Black on black crimes, are they the ones looting and burning down black neighborhoods . Are they impregnating young girls, putting black people in prison . The answer is no. When you look at this on balance they start to get it. We see the anecdotal things the press wants us to see when they claims they are worried about monolithic issues when they are not. Blacks are not worried about going to jail and what the prison population is because the average black is doing well. Stuart this is a fascinating election and you are very much part of it. Appreciate it. Check the big board, go nowhere, all over again, 40 points up and most industrial on the upside. The over exaggerated story about being robbed in rio corresponds to the drop, did ryan lochte deserve this . Interesting discussion next. music playing push it real good. announcer vo or you can take a joyride. Bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. Siriusxm. Road happy. announcer vo you can sit in traffic. Or you can crack up. man on radio but if it isnt refreshing. announcer vo sorry traffic, we laugh til it hurts. Siriusxm. Road happy. You just stuck it in a drawer somewhere and forgot about it. Until a dump truck hit your pickup truck and now you need a tow truck. Does your policy cover the cost of a tow truck . Who knows . You didnt read it. You cant even find it. The Liberty Mutual app with coverage compass™ makes it easy to know what youre covered for and what youre not. 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Ashley it has he got caught. Stuart witnesses say the Security Guard did have a gun, did point it at the taxi and demand money. Shades of truth and falsity on both sides. He should never have made a kardashian moment. Of the one enormous price for Companies Like that. He made 2 . 3 million before, during and after the london games where he won most of his metals. He must have been online for a couple million more and that is gone. It is a terrible shame. Almost overshadowed the fantastic performance of americas athletes. Ashley we were talking about something we should never have been talking about but he is 31 years old. Stuart peter is with us, the all american. The british athletes. We are big olympic fans and we saw the brits with 27 gold medals and silver, second or third with china. That was an extraordinary performance for the brits. I am feeding this to you. Im not a big buyer of professional athletes playing in dream teams but for and islands like britain to run like they did should be proud. Stuart you are back next week, there will be more varney after this. Stuart i have 45 seconds before i handed over. Look at this. That is downtown taipei, capital of taiwan, a crowd of people running riot. Why, you might ask . Ashley pokemon go. The small x which is very rare when they chase these digital characters. It is amazing to me. Stuart our producer said that was all our viewers going from cnbc to varney and company. Is that you . Charles i will take it, thanks a lot. Also this our president obama landing in flood ravaged baton rouge very soon, facing a firestorm of criticism, this is cavuto coasttocoast, i am Charles Payne and for neil cavuto. It has been 10 days since then ridge was hit by devastating floods, 10,000 people signed up for federalaid, at least 60,000 homes damaged, that is a staggering tally as president obama is set to land later this our with the Family Research council tony perkins, you have a

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