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And what youre looking at. Hours later, another Police Officer shot dead. This time on the streets of san diego. The Democrats Convention was characterized by strong antipolice and antimilitary sentiment. That was the back drop to Hillary Clintons acceptance speech. The first woman to accept a major partys nomination presented policies little different from president obama, very few are calling it a rousing presentation. Oh, what a contrast to the performance of americas top tech companies, truly rousing. Google and amazon followed facebook with stellar Financial Reports. Those stocks are going straight up. What a day. The conversation this morning is not Hillary Clintons speech, no, its about disgraceful behavior, another fallen officer, and the weak economy. The latest report on growth just 1. 2 . A special postConvention Edition of Varney Company is about to begin. And we begin with this. A san diego Police Officer is dead. Shot last night working with a special gang unit. He had a wife and two children. Another officer was wounded. Police arrested one suspect who has not been identified. Now, 33 Police Officers have been killed in the line of duty this year. That followed just hours after that what we showed you earlier, the moment of silence in honor of fallen Police Officers, interrupted by shouts of black lives matter at the dnc. Tammy bruce is with us this mork. Im saying that hillarys speech was overshadowed by the events and i think it drives people to trump. What say you. Clearly, her speech was overshadowed during the speech, the heckling and booing, and it proves to you that words are just words, actions are what we see. The quality of peoples lives or in this case the lack of the quality of our life, it highlights the disconnect of Hillary Clinton, it highlights the absurdity and sometimes the obscenity of the democrats themselves and they had to be prodded to put the American Flag on the stage. You have disrespect for americans who give all. A lot of lip service and then a lot of real demonstration of what they think of our First Responders and it was a shameful display. Stuart was she interrupted . Oh, regularly. There was what you heard during the speech and we had confirmation of people who were in the arena, is that when you heard people shouting hillary, hillary, usa, usa. They were counter acting demonstrations inside the hall and this is where she wasnt able to take a breath or have the right rhythm for her speech. She was not in control. Stuart okay, i want to get more on hillary, she did not mince her words when she was attacking donald trump last week. Roll that tape. If you dare imagine, imagine him in the oval Office Facing a real crisis, a man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. Stuart obviously, that was a short clip from her speech, but there was a lot of trump bashing throughout. Here is my question for you, tammy. Can you make yourself likeable and bash your oement. You can tell the truth like mr. Trump does, without being perpetually angry other problem is no matter the issue, and no matter the context of the situation, people see her and recoil. In this particular case, of course, shes also being a hypocrite when we talk about the nuclear weapons. Her Husbands Administration allowed north korea to get them and she was responsible in large part for the iran deal and shes the last person and the clip, do you you want someone in the white house like donald trump, really . Tell that to the people who lost their lives in benghazi. Stuart and we have a weak reading on the economy in growth. That was 1. 2 , that got the numbers this morning. Here is hillary touching on the economy, roll that tape. In my first hundred days we will work with both parties to pass the biggest investment in new, good paying jobs since world war ii. Stuart by investment, that means spending, huge spending. So, my question for steve moore, come on in, steve, is massive Government Spending going to give us the growth that we so desperately need . Hey, stuart, well, you know, i just read from my friends at the wall street journal, i dont know if you saw it their lead editorial which is about hillarys speech and they call it hope without change. And it actually nailed it, what ive been saying for months, which is that everything that hillary said. I didnt find a single thing that she said in her speech, where she talks about how she was going to repair the economy that was one iota different from what has been done for the last eight years. For example, when she said first hundred days were going to do all of this infrastructure spending. Doesnt that remind you of something, stuart, didnt we do that with the shovel ready . She was overshadowed by events and she made the speech last night and then we find the growth 1. 2 . Just looking at the numbers had the off the press. Theyre dreadful, dismal. 1. 2 , the concensus forecast among economists was 2 1 2 , you know that, stuart. This is way, way below where we thought. And another headline buried in this report, they revised downward the number for the First Quarter. 0. 8 in the First Quarter. That tells you for the last three quarters, going back to the fall of 2015, the u. S. Economy has been growing at 1 . And thats pitiful. We should be growing at 3, 4 . 1 is is not enough to give america the pay raise. Hillary talks a lot about pay raises for American Workers, how are you going to get that with 1 growth. Stuart youre going to legislate them. I dont want all the talk of politics to detract from the fact that we got astonishing numbers. Horrible, horrible. Stuart hold on a second, steve. Ive got two more tech giants with blowout numbers, google and amazon. Okay, ashley, first of all, lets go to google. Ashley yes. Stuart look at the stock over 8 h 800. Ashley Second Quarter profit to 4. 9 billion. The Cloud Services division for them doing very well. Now, they had this moon shoot division or other bets, if you like, that lost a lot of money, the digital ad space, google is doing well. There was a fear that facebook would wipe out the competition, but google doing well in that space. Stuart amazon, at that stock is going to hit a lifetime high. Whats so good about the report there. The revenues up 30 , net profit is it 30 . And you were reporting, too, remember, amazon was criticized for not announcing the world profits. Theyre up nine fold versus last year, amazon proven to the street, yes, it can make money. Remember for 15 years it was criticized for doing the numbers and the stock is up 50 this year. Stuart steve moore is still with us. I want to get your opinion on this. American tech giants are simply blowing away the global competition, they are the stars of the American Economy, arent they . Youve got it. Theres no question about that. If you look at the facebooks and the googles out there, theyre doing well. Its the Small Business sector of the economy, in my opinion, its not growing. Its become so difficulties for these businesses to grow in this hostile environment. By the way, i know you dont want to talk about hillary and politics, but i did think in listening to her speech, that there was kind of antibusiness sentiment that ran throughout it and i think thats the problem. One other statistic i want to throw out there. Im going through this was we speak. The problem with the economy, businesses arent investing. Weve had negative growth in business for nearly the last 12 months. How are you going to get jobs if businesses are not investing. Stuart im glad youre digging in the numbers because they are truly bad. Thank you for doing the digging, we appreciate it. Thank you. Stuart i want to bring you this, a commuter trail derails outside of washington d. C. 75 people on board. No reports of injuries. Well keep you updated. Thats happening now. Now, look at the price of oil. This is going to be very important for the stock markets performance today. Earlier it had touched 40 a barrel. Coming down, down, down, that will influence the stock market. Should be down a little in favor, along with oil. Crazy video shot by a passenger on board an American Airlines flight. Flames shooting out of the engine, a loud boom before the engine caught fire, wouldnt you love to be on that flight. The plane made an Emergency Landing and the union says we have a problem for this. An allout trump bash fest at dnc, took every opportunity to blast him, calling him a racist. And natalie hthe pro golfer, listen to her at rnc. He has been an incredible influence in my life, a tremendous supporter and positive influence and one of those people that continues to encourage me and someone i can reach out to. Now, if you want to see how the stock market is going to do today, watch the price of oil. It had been around 40 a barrel and as it goes back down there, the stocks may be down a bit more. Profit and revenue exxon, actual profit per share cut in half. Thats the ripple effects of cheap oil. The same with chevron, largest quarterly loss since 2001. Down goes that stock. How about this . Pilots at American Airlines raising safety concerns, its not about that engine fire. This is something else. Ashley this is something else, its the Airline Pilots association, theres a big fight with American Airlines saying they dont like the culture that the company is pushing. They say theyre being pushed too hard and too far and endangering and pushing the boundaries of safety, all in the time to improve their online performance. What does that mean . They say theyre increasing the speed of the aircraft, rerouting flights, pushing cockpit crews to lengthen the work place, pilots can do 14 hour days and theyre asked to do 16 hour days and American Airlines says we are always within safety and compliance regulations. Stuart and to get there on time. Ashley one more thing theyre doing, theyre closing the doors early, close at that door now because we want to take off on time. Stuart im all for that. Ashley more people stranded liz American Airlines is embarrassed because the department of transportation says they have the worst on time, one out of four flights are delayed. Stuart cant catch a pr break. Open season. Politics, lets get back to it. Speeches at dnc launched a full scale attack on donald trump. Our next guest was a speaker at the Republican Convention and knows donald trump personally. Natalie is with us, a professional golfer and trump supporter, natalie, welcome back. Thank you, good morning. Stuart how do you feel about it when you hear donald trump, who you know, called a racist or is terrible with women. How do you feel . I was just shocked and surprised to see some of the comments that were made throughout the week and its just so inconsistent with the donald trump that i know, the donald trump thats been an incredible influence on me, has been a champion for women, helped me up up my boys and girls club and i first met donald in 2003 and i didnt see anything that was consistent with the comments that i saw. Stuart i wanted to square that away and talk about the pga championship. Youre a pro golfer. Yes. Stuart i want your comments on going on. A total unknown to me, jimmy walker, big names and Dustin Johnson and rory mcilroy not doing well. Whats with the newcomers coming on. And its the state of golf. Jimmy walker is not a newcomer, won twice in last year and three times in 2014. The key with jimmy walker, he hits the ball a long way, distance like Dustin Johnson and on a golf course like that you need lengths and he certainlily has it. Stuart a golfer these days, pro male can hit the ball drive the ball what, 330, 340 yards . Yes, are they up to that level . They carry, unbelievable how far they hit it. Probably carry at 310, 320 and then depending on rollout, the numbers just go up and up. Its remarkable, the athleticism. Stuart is that new equipment or the athleticism of the golfer themselves . Both. I think because the sport is getting more popular, youre seeing athletes that traditionally might be playing football or baseball and now theyre playing golf and you look at these guys, theyre very, very tall and athletic and combination with Technology Made for some super long drives and were seeing it on our tour, but not to that extent. Stuart gary player is a frequent guest on the program. Hes 80 years old. Last time he told me the average of his last 20 rounds he shot 70 over 20 rounds. What, may i ask i would take that average. Stuart youd take that. Yes. If you have that average around 70, you would be a top 25 player on any course. Stuart come back and see you, please, we like your commentary on golf and trump. Natalie, thank you. Sure thing. Stuart youve got to look at amazon, the stock to watch among several, actually. A terrific Financial Report and its up and up big today. Hillary clinton officially accepted the domination last night, as we went into the convention, her polling numbers were not good. Well give you the numbers and tell you how she comes out of the convention. You pay your Car Insurance premium like clockwork. Month after month. Year after year. Then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. Yeah. Surprise. Your Insurance Company tells you to pay up again. Why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it . 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A low number. 38 said theyd be proud to call her president. Thats a low number. Tammy bruce, do you think she managed to change those polling numbers over of the course of the week. I havent seen going into the speech. The tracking poll had her at 42 and sunday leading into her week, by wednesday she had gone down to 40 . She had a negative bounce after two and a half days of a convention lauding her and her policies. Stuart there was a lot of dissent in the first two days. There was. And it continued, but the conventions are a reflection of the nominees leadership so we have to see if her speech did anything, even if she gets a bounce, if that trend was overall, it means her bounce maybe will get her back to where she was. Stuart now, youre a past president of the l. A. Chapter of n. O. W. And i was on the National Board of directors as well. Stuart the National Organization of women. Got it. Now we have the first woman nominated to head a major party into a president ial election. Its a historic moment. Its a terrific step and i wrote this a month ago when she got a number of delegates for the convention for the nomination, its a betrayal as well. Stuart betrayal . A strong word. I want the first woman who is going to be president or the nominee to be someone that everyone can actually look up to. When we see hillarys history, it is embarrassing, its painful. I want the first woman president to also be a great leader. I dont think that hillary will win and i think we need, when it comes to women be president , i want a woman to be president , the right one to be president. Stuart Margaret Thatcher never ever, never played the womans card never. She was asked about a woman running and she said, well, what is the difference. [laughter] a pretty good response, prime minister. The perfect example of the nature how women can lead and Hillary Clinton is not that and thats why im a trump supporter. For that reason and so many others. Stuart what a day its been. Tammy, thank you very much indeed. Next case, look at oil because thats an indicator for the market. Were back to 40 a barrel. Almost 41, but when you see the first two numbers at 4o you might have a problem. Big theme today. American Technology Company making a ton of money. Spectacular Financial Report, look at google, its going to crack 800 per share, right there opening bell three minutes away. Same story with amazon. Its Cloud Business booming. Well see it go straight up to 766 per share. Watch your money grow with Varney Company moments from now. Youve wished upon it all year, and now its finally here. The mercedesbenz summer event is back, with incredible offers on the mercedesbenz youve always longed for. But hurry, these shooting stars fly by fast. Lease the cla250 for 299 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. All right. Were back on this special postConvention Edition of Varney Company. Its the last trading day of the month, the opening bell well, the bell will ring and well start trading in about 20 seconds. The backdrop here is not so much politics, its the gdp report we had about an hour ago. We just dont have growth in the American Economy at the moment. Its about 1. 2 , thats it. In fact, in the last three quarters, growth has been about 1 . Thats it. That is not good. Its friday morning, bang, its 9 30. Were off and we are running. Were expected to go down a little bit at the opening bell. So far were down 20. And if you look at markets on the left side of the screen, its 5050 between winners and losers and the dow is down 9 points. Similar on the s p 500, thats up. 16 and nasdaq indicating technology,. 13 . Look a the oil. Were back down to 40 per barrel level, thats a negative for stocks. Look at google, making serious money from mobile advertising. The profit is up 24 . When google when it opens know not when it comes, but get a chance to show it. Im moving on to amazon. Why not . The 1. 28 , they made a huge profit and roughly 60 million americans now are prime members. Wow. Thats a big deal. Were watching facebook, down a fraction after hitting record highs yesterday. And apple, where is it today . 103, 104 . Virtually unchanged. The other day it sold its one billionth iphone. Thats how we got off and running. Ashley webster, liz macdonald. John lonski and keith fitzgerald. And american tech blowing away the competition. This is where the money is going in the stock market . Absolutely, this is all about innovation and creativity. For the doom and gloom in the headlines, weve got creativity resilience and the best Creative Brains on the planet and i love seeing this happen. Stuart hold on, keith, would you buy these big techs . Would you buy amazon at 760. You would . You bet i would, stuart. The implication is these are alltime highs, my goodness, they might fall. Great Companies Continue to grow and these are all about the future, the technology in the world has got to park its wash somewhere and based on growth. I have no problem recommending any of those companies. Stuart john lonski is with us, about you buy alphabet, google, if you were buying stock as long as they maintain market power. These are the dominant forces in the marketplace. Amazon is sucking up the sales from other retailers. Who knows how much higher amazon stock will go. Stuart got shellady, google, amazon, et cetera, et cetera, are they up because the Central Banks are flooding the world with money . Is that why theyre up . Thats a little bit of it, stuart. Youre watching in front of your very eyes, the train wreck thats the u. S. Economy. Were going to create wealth, but the upper 50 will benefit from that and put people out of work in the middle class, drones doing that, and theyve got the auto loan debt and student loan debt, its going to collapse in itself and thats in the next five years. Stuart well, you have a nice weekend, scott. [laughter] thats the point youve made consistently, and you have a point liz ed shovelready Government Spending, we have the worst economy, and growing slower than canada and europe. When we talk about the tech giants, they have such massive Profit Margins in the double digits because they have low overhead, dont have a lot of labor. You need jobs for Government Spending and stop with the taxes and as obamacare explodes on the launch pad. Stuart you were watching Hillary Clinton. Scott shellady, do you have a question . Its the great unanswerable question. How do we go from 10 unemployment from 4. 9 unemployment, all the while our economy is shrinking . Explain that to me. Stuart i dont think i can. Hold on, ive got an economist with me, john. Thats a great question. Im shocked, i saw the latest report on gdp, year over year, 1. 2 , jobs grew by 1. 8 , that makes no sense, thats like negative productivity when you have employment growing faster than gdp. It cannot go on. Companies may be hording labor in the not too distant future and we may be shocked. Stuart 1. 2 growth in the Second Quarter. All we got. Ashley for quarters, under 1 . Can we say were approaching recession . I would say recession risks are on the rise, probably 25 . I wouldnt be surprised 2017 they go to 40 . Keep your eye on the labor market. Its patently so slow. Stuart scott shellady, on the version of recession . Id say 40 or maybe more, lets hurry up and raise rates, and then 100 . Stuart i dont know what, but youre stalling the show and the highest form of wit. Stuart the lowest. I want to get to Big Name Companies and lets look how theyre performing. Start with the parents of outback steakhouse. Thats blooming brands. Thats 5 down. What do you say john . Discretionary spending is slowing. We had ford talking about slowing second and a half. And. Stuart hes such an economist. Hey, the economy, we saw that today. Stuart all right. John, im listening to you. Bloomin brands down 5 . And higher sales at merck, they got a boost from a cancer and hepatitis treatments, merck is up nearly 1 . Theres clearly a supply glut of gasoline. That cut phillips 66 profits in half. Ups, lets see where the stock is. The profits grew, helped by better cost cutting and higher sales. And the stock is down nearly 2 at ups. Go figure. Higher profit at xerox, falling expenses, and that figure is up nearly 3 there. Look at cvs. Profit up 27 , they made a lot of money from star trek licensing fees. Its down 2 1 4 . Something else going on there. What are you laughing at . Something usual, amazon is booming, doesnt amazon ship goods via ups . And they same time what is with that . Maybe amazon is going to start its own Delivery Service . Ups put out a statement now, saying that amazons own logistic and Delivery Systems wont threaten it. Theyre still down. Well see lets move on to the gaming stocks, the casino operator wynn. Revenues from macao revenue is up and las vegas revenue is down. This stock is down 5 1 2 . Up over 50 this year. The story here is not the latest quarter, which is actually good news, and they have strong numbers for the quarter and they beat. Its going forward. August 27th, 22nd, they are due to open wynn palace in macoa and the analysts, looked at what is in that casino. And while the allocation is less than expected they expect that those tables will yield es added once theyre opening and trying to put a positive on this one. The big picture, people are nervous, maybe they dont have enough tables to generate enough revenue. Stuart thank you, nicole. Look at tesla, a look at the giga factory, a gigantic structure out there in nevada, its the size of 107 football fields. Ashley good grief. Stuart thats big. Ive always said that tesla is a battery company. Thats it, isnt it . Tesla is a battery company. I totally agree with you, its not only a battery company, but a company that happens to make automobiles. Elon musk has a method to his madness, and its. Stuart scott shellady, i want your views on tesla, wellsupported by the administration, tax subsidies, green energy subsdyes, and i want to hear your opinion on this . Its almost an arm of the federal government so it doesnt matter. At the end of the day, i like how he reforms things and outside the box, hes a disrupter, but hes not going to be the only one. We cant put our chips behind only one, well have three or four like elon musk around the corner. I do like it, but at the end of the day hes not the only one. Stuart ash, you put your hand the late breaking story if you want to hear it now liz and tesla is saying that they want to make and breaking news, i cant hold onto. What is it . Its about the fires in the virus in florida, its coming from local cases in the United States. Stuart youve got it out there and youll have to repeat it in five minutes. You interrupted the flow. Ashley i didnt, you did. Stuart oil, not good profits from big oil. Obviously, oil is down 40, 41 a barrel. And profit and revenue sliding, the stock is down 3 . Its pretty much the same story with chevron. They took the biggest quarterly loss since 2001 and theyre down there at 100 a share, 1. 6 lower. Oil, moving down and look at it now, 40. 75 a barrel. Come on, scott, i want you into this. Are they going to hit 39 a barrel . If they do, its bad news for stocks. I think thats whats taking the top off of stocks as of late anyway. If we see stocks go out higher if the fact that oil isnt doing what theyre doing. And bigger rigs and we think we will have a reduction. Nothing for the bulls to hang onto. Did i see you raise your hand, liz . Its not just the webster ratio, when oil goes down and oil majors fall. Its also the fear that sovereign funds, meaning the oil rich nations are dumping stocks to raise money to pay for their budget and Government Spending. Stuart thats a fair point liz we didnt know the pressure on stocks from that. Thats a big deal. Stuart i want to show you italian banks, not that many people invest in italian banks, but just look at them. European regulators stress tested them today. Theyre still going through that. I dont know what that means for the banks themselves. Theyre all up in percentage terms this morning, but i want to know john lonski, if european banks are in such bad shape, were told that they are, why is that bad news for me . That the european economy isnt going to pick up son and if these banks start to have major problems and liquidate, and this will is it the european banks, are they a threat to us now. The europe goes dn and the euro will weaken and becomes a more competitive environment to u. S. Companies. Ashley john is right, not just italian banks, Deutsche Bank, for instance. Stuart in bad shape. Ashley in bad shape. Stuart keith fitz, i can hear you. You want to get into this . Absolutely, theres a very direct link, the banks are crosscollateralized. When they have to unload in a panic, how it affects treasuries and derivatives and currencies, linked to the money market accounts that most americans hold their investments. And there are a lot of other consequences. Stuart we hear you. You can have the last word, scott. How about this . I got fairly two or three weeks ago whenever it happened i think that europe faired with brexit better than the European Union. Maybe European Union was the yolk around britains neck and finally let it flourish and see what the ecb get themselves out of their own problem. Stuart very, very interesting. Thank you, john, keith, scott, thanks indeed for a fine friday morning performance. Where are we after 13 minutes of business down 30 points on the dow industrials. The bernie or bust crowd making a splash at the Democratic Convention . Can the libertarian candidate get enough to make it to the first debate . Were going gary johnson next. And the pga, greg norman, hes the shark, up next hour. 16, 17 minutes into the trading day, the dow is down 40. Oil is down to 40 a barrel. 40. 63 and going down, how about that. Politics, next big date september 26th, the first debate, our next guest wants in that debate, gary johnson is with us. You need to be in established polls to get into the debates, is that right . Thats right, president ial Debate Commission says 15 . They dont identify which poll, but 15 so weve got a campaign to get 15 by the 15th of august and we believe we might actually be there. Stuart what are you doing by the 15th of august to raise your polling numbers . Well, right now, social media is really taken off. Its just on fire. 25 million, were reaching 25 Million People and by all those analytics, which is kind of a Straight Line up. It should get reflected in the polls. Well see. Stuart okay. Bernie or bust voters, are they coming to your side . Ive seen a lot of them at the two conventions, mostly at the Democratic Convention. Thisser carrying around a big joint, a marijuana cigarette, carrying it around and youre not smiling like you usually there you are. Is that your big issue to attract bernie voters over to your side . No, certainly not, but we certainly agree with, i think about 75 of what bernie has to say, but, boy, we sure come to a t in the road when it comes to economics. Im making the pitch that crony capitalism and free markets are not one and the same, which i think Bernie Sanders voters believe. Theyre on opposite ends of the needle. So we really do promote free markets, a balanced budget. Equality opportunity as opposed to income equality. Are they looking for that . You know, thats something that is achievable. Stuart your main point, and not policy, but your main point is that you can win if you can get into the debate and show people what youve got. Thats your big deal, isnt it, get in that debate . Yeah, stuart. Last week theyre saying that the audience for the first president ial debate is going to exceed the audience for the super bowl. So theres no way that you stand a chance of winning unless, of course, youre going to be in that game and were hoping to be in that game and we hope were at 20 before that game starts and if thats the case, why, anything is possible. Stuart gary johnson, thanks very much for taking time. I know youre busy, but thank you for coming on. Stuart, always appreciate you, thank you,stuart. Stuart colonel ralph peters, a popular guest on this program. Guess what he says . He says he despises Hillary Clinton, but he will reluctantly vote for her. Hes with us. Hes moving and hell explain in a moment. Our next guest says that Donald Trumps comments on russia were enough to make him decide to vote for Hillary Clinton. Ralph peters is with us today. Ralph, i want you to look at this and look at what were going to show you on the screens. We are going to show you leon panetta, defense secretary, his speech interrupted and thats leon panetta on the lefthand side. General allen, four star general, interrupted by demonstrators, no more war. A medal of honor recipient. People in the crowd turned their backs on him, a war hero, ralph, youre a military guy, a great deal of disrespect was laid on the military yesterday. Are you really thinking about voting for hillary and that party . Yes. And the bernie its not so much voting for hillary. And a lot can happen between now and november, but its voting to keep trump out of the oval office. Hillary, i disdain Hillary Clinton, i believe see should have been indicted, but based on what trump has said the last few weeks, about nato, the baltics, crimea, russia, turkey, this guy, i mean, hes strategicically illiterate and got the Attention Span and temper of a fiveyearold. Stuart but they would argue that hes simply realigning our foreign policy, renegotiating our foreign policy, if you like, is that blather. You know how hard ive been on the Obama Administration and may remember a certain event on your show last christmas. Im tough, i want tough foreign policy, but i think that hillary is better man than trump. Look at what trump has said. He has said he wouldnt necessarily respond if russia invaded the Baltic States and members of nato, thats an invitation to putin. He doesnt like nato, doesnt think theyre paying their nato is the biggest strategic bargain the United States of america has gotten in all of its history. Stuart i think that people would disagree with that. Europeans dont pay up. They dont. We have protected them for three generations. Thats pound penny wise and pound foolish. Nato kept the peace in europe over half a century, the longest period of peace in european history. Trump also said that he might recognize crimea as part of russia. And thats breaking the International Front of democracies that have aligned against the invasion of crimea. He has no, he has. Stuart ralph, look ive got to wrap it up. Got to wrap it up, a hard break. Hold on ralph, 15 seconds. As of now, if the election were today. Is it correct today to say that you would vote for Hillary Clinton . With great disgust, i would vote for Hillary Clinton. Stuart come back and see us soon, we want to to renegotiate weak growth in the Second Quarter, i say very weak. Hillarys historic night overshadowed with negativity like this. Please help me in honor of all fallen american officers with a moment of silence. Black lives matter. Black lives matter. Another terrible day for Police Officers and that is now a political issue. Good morning everyone. This is a special post Convention Edition of Varney Company. At the convention, a disgraceful event. Dallas county sheriff called for a moment of silence for fallen officers the silence was up interrupted by shouts of black lives matter earlier delegates turned backs on medal of honor winner. A no more war speech disrupted. And then this morning another Police Officer shot and killed in the line of duty in san diego this time. All of this overshadowed Hillary Clintons coronation speech. Donald trump has already responded to it all u with hillary he says things get worse. And he campaigns in colorado today. Now, fix this date monday, september 26th that is the first debate and the lines are now clearly drawn. The second hour of Varney Company is about to begin. This is breaking right now weve got a read on Consumer Sentiment what have we got . University of michigan coming in at 90. 090 exactly for july down from 93. 5 in june and misses expectations. So no influence on the market whatsoever. No, no. That expectation is a guess. But you have to measure and gain something otherwise it is floating there. You got me. Check the dow 30 a lot of red arrow on the dow today that is not a happy market by any means but we are down most of them 22ings to down in the dow and about 7 of them are up. Now, look at google. Thats a big story today. Google is up 29 dollars at 7. 95 astonishing Financial Report outright yesterday that is way up. Same story with amazon another tech titan thats up 6 reaching 759 a share. Knocking e them flat. Price of oil 40. 73 not good for stocks. Expedia lower sales and that stock is going down. Not sure of the percentage on expedia but it is down nearly 3 on okay stocks stand out well brick them to you. Okay politics father of a fallen muslim soldier delivered a powerful speech blasting drumple at the Convention Last night. Watch this. Hillary clinton was right. When she called him the best, if was up to donald trump he never would have been in america. Donald trump, youre asking americans to trust you with their future. Let me ask you, have you even read the United States constitution . Trump campaign cochair stan is with us this morning. Sam, how do you respond to what i think was a powerful message front seat father of a fallen Muslim American soldier . How do you respond . I think first off call an american soldier and religion and background never been an issue in the United States military and it never will be. I have 25 year was service. Im son of a veteran. The brother of a veteran, and father of a veteran and i can only imagine the pain he feels for loss of his son. I know u how i felt the first time my son deployed to afghanistan one was eight deployments that he made and i havent ever slept you know during any of those deployments so i understand his anguish and pain. But the issue of whether or not hes a muslim or not is really not the issue and fact of the matter is, that donald trump is e never articulated a fact with a ban on muslims. Its said all we were looking for is help in vetting people coming to the United States. And i think what is happen haded is we have people who are creating narratives flankly do not exist, and we need to get the facts out there. Again, i feel that pain of this man i do two years in a combat zone and sent my son to war many times. I understand this. Stuart was donald trump presents dark, pessimistic view of the United States now and in the future. Obviously, you dont share that. But how do you counter that point of view . I think all we have to do is take a listen to you know mrs. Clinton speech last night unfortunately i had to listen to the whoat thing baa i knew i would be asked about it today. Issue is there that i could not believe that fir that she was painting about how good off or well off the United States is and the fact is, i know for a fact readiness of our military is below 1978 levels. That was back when we had the great complaints about hallow force if i looked at the gdp number this morning stiewrts and i cannot tell you how fin credibly depressed i am over the fact that we have now since 2005 averaged on average 1. 38 gdp groament for last see years. Thats not an economy to be proud of and we take a look at the fact of how is she going to pay for all of the issues that she uttered last night . Fact is shes going to tax businesses more. Sheses is going to tax individuals more so that we can raise income and to do what . Toes force more jobs overseas to do all the punishment that shes talked about in economic plans she articulated last neeght is frankly undoable and cannot help the American People in any way. Sam, will donald trump address the economy gdp this afternoon when he speaks in colorado . I think we have a Major Economic coming up and a. M. Not sure of the date we have a couple of these that were going to that mr. Trump will roll out but you get a clear picture of where we are. Sam thanks for joining us this morning appreciate it. Freerkt it. As for hillary a poll taken just before the convention shows 68 of voters do not find her to be honest or trustworthy john is host of rescue with us for the whole hour. Now, john going into the convention, numbers were bad. Polling was bad that dont trust her. Find her dishonest. Do you think she can lift her poll standings by her performance last night . I guess john im looking for a judgment on your part of her performance. You know, in may her unfavorable dishonesty numbers were 59 . So in two months she dropped down to 68 . Rather than going away shes confirmed it. When i take a look at this whole situation to me we talk about unfavorable dishonesty than we ever have. Can you imagine if hillary was running against candidate who didnt have trump negatives what her poll numbers qowb . Yes, 30 possibly, and what if trump was running against candidate who didnt have her negatives so theyre changing the entire dynamic of this and shes confirmed her negatives last week and fbi confirmed her. I dont know if she can widle away at that trump can. I dont know if she can with the dishonesty issue anymore. Stuart key will be that first debate september the 26th headon clash. Donald trump speaks well off the cuff Hillary Clinton is more scripted. I wonder if she can full things around in a debate situation. A lot of people think trump will run away with a debate. I think a lot of americans would agree with me and say dishonesty is single element that changes a relationship. Once somebody lies to us everything is different. Everything is looked at different filtered differently. She has an issue walking into that debate. People are going to look at her words differently. Fng you may she may have an issue with the economy we have news this morning only growing up 1. 2 thats a very weak growth rate are. That is as she goes into this election, and shes saying she will basically copy president obama. His policies, the economy thats not a plus for her. Certainly what she says how great everything is clearly not aligned with the way everybody is feeling and those are awful low numbers wait for obama care numbers hit in a few weeks and that becomes a double whammy as well opinion do you think Government Spending can shift and raise and grow the economy . [inaudible] you know im a numbers guy and never get there until we have a Balance Sheet that works website period. I want to back to news that broke this morning from san diego. Another Police Shooting leaving one officer dead, one wounded donald trump moments ago tweeted this saying, quote, two policeman just show the in san diego. One dead. It is only getting worse. People want law and order thats the latest from donald trump. Correct . That is the latest so whats happening here is the law anded or or theme still holds because take note of this. The day that that priest was murdered in france was the first day that democrat convention. There were five more than dozen and no one mentioned isis and major major terrorist attacks within past year in europe again very little mostly down playing the threat of terrorism, isis and also you know discussion you have to get to the number its of the plovers being assassinated this year. I think its up nearly 80 year after year. And thens last night at the convention john, a lady the sheriff of Dallas County trying a moment of silence, black lives matter intrpts it. It looks terrible for democrats when the next day officer was shot. Unbelievably disrespectful and make us you think that they are more perpetuating this negative energy than solving it. It overshadowed Hillary Clintons speech the event of the day and night overshadow what hillary had to say. I completely agree but huge difference to me between two is engagement versus avoid, they arrive and avoid. Most engaging guy on the planet. She wont humanize herself until she stops talking to people not at them. John youre with us for the hour you lucky guy to stay right there. Okay. Breaking news actually we did bring it to you earlier going to respeak it florida on zeke ka virus. With more information in miami, and braugher county in florida. Four cases of zika they believe transmitted by mosquitoes in the area in other words in the continental United States people who didnt travel to Central America ore somewhere ems. They were infected here in florida. In fact, they have even located it they say the location of these infections north of miami, miami day county north of downtown thats how theyve been able to qualify exactly where this is going on. But it is arrived a huge development. Arrived passed around locally. Exactly. Not good. No. All right months away from season down there. Could affect significantly a good point through october. My goodness thank you we all check that big board. Were now down 78 points. Okay, 18,300 pope francis fell during his trip to poland at an open air alter pope misses step goes tumbling. Priests rush him. The hope is okay. We bring it to you. Another dismal reading at the dnc president obama and joe biden still on that stage and said that economy is the strong test in the world. But, in fact, down to 1 growth. Well deal with that in a moment. We have largest economy in the world. We have the strongest economy in the world. We have the most productive workers in the world. We have the strongest economy in the world that was Vice President joe biden couple of days ago. Saying again its got welfare the world strongest economy. Now, today weve got a reading on gdp somewhat different. Aint that right . At 1. 2 average over last two quarters quarter other numbers stuart weve been talking about Household Income at 1996 levels Labor Force Participation and senior and disables but 1978 levels hardship at 1965 levels this gross rate is the worst since fdr first took office. John youre involved in daytoday businesses. Small businesses at that. How do you characterize the economy these are Small Business . We feel it in the spend levels and strawns and bars and properties. Even traffic levels the same. Spend numbers are not exactly the same. So people are impacted by it. But you can tbeel it out in the community i can feel it with employee and such fact of the matter is this is a rippling effect. Doesnt it feel like d. C. Is a boom town and dont see whats going on and mistaking for achievement. That income is doing just fine. But look at washington, d. C. Im one who goes into each market and studies dem graphic and look at washington, d. C. Government employees making good amount of money income levels are very high in washington, d. C. Compared to over markets so they are living in a bubble. Per cap a higher than income, and employee so theyre living in a bubble. All right. Ive got a couple of stocks that are moving individual stocks start with cigna. Higher medical cost from obamacare pushing that thing down 6 thats four and a half percent. Microsoft will cut 2,l 800 more jobs. Investors like that up a half percent. 56. 50. Now this retired marine core four star general addressed democrats lasting night in met h chance of no more war. Watch this. An the American Military will continue to be will continue to be the shining example of america at our very best. Leon panetta met with similar chance and medal of honor winner they have turned backs on him. Heres Lieutenant General thomas mack saying it was disrespect flat out. What u do you make of it . Well, i was stunned by general alans comments that he trusted hillary, stuart. My goodness did he trust are her at benghazi and set up her server and created espionage and pull out of iraq and create ared isis and trusted her when russia took over crimea and Eastern Ukraine where did he trust her and think we have a better when i was the system chief of staff u. S. Air force, we had 155 fighter squad today weve got 50. This administration has unilaterally disarmed military and nobody is talking about it. How do you what about the response to general al and the response to leon panetta from some not all but some of the delegates clearly not if of favor of the military. What do you make of the response . I think thats what Democratic Party is made of i think it is disgraceful that they would do that, but at the same time i think its disgraceful that general alan would say what he did that he would trust Hillary Clinton. Look, the fbi comey has been and talked about all of the things that she violated how can a retired general officer say in all honesty that he trusts her . Whats morale like in the military right now . It is terrible. Unfortunately its terrible and these guys have been fighting war for going 15, many cases much longer than that for the commitment since weve had since desert storm. So weve warned them out. Weve made them smaller were leading from behind. We created robs such at the middle east was most disstabilized its history stuart and how can you trust an administration that is left the nation in shambles youre talking about gdp. Look we cannot rebuild our military until we get agdp up around 4 we have to rebuild our gdp before we can rebuild our military. Thomas thank you for joining us this morning. Important stuff. We appreciate it. Thank you, sir. Thanks stuart. Next case Hillary Clinton reassuring us shes not going after guns. Hillary says were going to fact check that. Were going to move on to the pga as well. Golf tournament. Outsiders stealing show golfing legend greg norman joins us with a lot to say about donald trump as well. If you suffer from a dry mouth, then youll know how uncomfortable it can be. But did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath . Well, there is biotene, specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. A grwas seeing theing the different discounts. Ice it had like a manufacturer discount, it had a usaa member discount. All of them were already built in to the low price. I know that i got a better deal than i would have on my own. Usaa Car Buying Service, powered by truecar. eeeeohmumohweh hush my darling. dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. hush my darling. man snoring dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. woman snoring take the roar out of snore. Yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. Listen to this from wynn they say theyve received only half the new gaming table permit that theyd expected and wanted for their new mccow cast e know thats why the stock is down 6 . Donald trump campaigning heading it to colorado two events today that he will address. And look whos on the phone with us again. Golf legend chair and ceo of great white shark enterprise greg norman is with us. Okay i want to talk pga championship, obviously, but first are you still for up trump greg norman . Well, yeah i would say that pretty tough choice between the two. But i think from fuel business perspective stuart i look where donald can take copying the question from an entrepreneurialism to growing Small Businesses like that. I dont like some of the policies that he says. But then again you look at the other side with hillary you know, the disapproval rating so high according to polls. Its tough to you know get over that hurdle and in the white house. Cant we really trust her . So its a tough one and no matter in the World Everybody ask the same question who would you vote for. I say its a very, very difficult choice but the question donald has hit the neive of a lot nerve of point. You talk about being an outsider hes an outsider from the establishment. And when you hear had the difference between the two conferences you get difference in attitude between outsider and the incumbent. Its a pleasure to have someone express ab honest opinion about donald trump and election. Thank you for doing that. We appreciate that. Stuart talk about golf okay. I have a statistic here that says 65 of people engaged in golf people who watch it or play it over the age of 60. I think thats an a important statistic because at the p about ga tournament, the new brand, new stars are not doing well and i think its the new guys that we need to do well to get golf back among younger people. What do you say . Absolutely correct. Baby boomer carrying game of gosm golf for a long period of time and we need to have the gnx and millennial stuff out on the plate an initiatives put forward to try to attract Younger Generation and theres no question Rickey Mcilroy and now thats stimulating the use of the game to come back in. But to players right now, i think that schedule is being so compacted with olympics and a pga moving so close to the british open it is taking a built of a toll on players. Did you put out a suggestion they reduce to 12 holes instead of 18. Is that you . I made that suggestion e done developments where we try to reduce the investment and get it down from 18 holes down to 1 holes and developer gets a good because you dont have to build that extra six holes. On going Maintenance Cost of annual basis is reduced as well. Now were talking. Good business thats what you want. Greg norman sorry im out of time. Thanks for checking in with fuss we appreciate it. Yes, sir. Back to market were down 2378 points as we speak. Now lets talk hillary and guns. She says she wantses to protect the Second Amendment. She just says she wants to take away guns only from bad people thats what she says. Some critics are not convinced. Were on it, next. With this level of intelligence. Its a supercomputer. With this grade of protection. Its a fortress. And with this standard of luxury. Its an oasis. Introducing the completely redesigned eclass. Its everything you need it to be. And more. See your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedesbenz financial services. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Lets get it straight American Technology Companies Lead the markets and lead the country on this special edition of Varney Company. Look at them. Alphabet thats google and got used to the switch is. Amazon, facebook, apple all of them going well apple is 103 not straight up but rest extraordinary performance. John is here far rescue guy you use those American Tech Companies dont you . I do but whats interesting about amazon it is spontaneous buying is almost more important today than plan buying when you go to planned it is a trip. You go in there and buy something and might buy something spontaneous along the way. But sitting at home and buy stuff you see it. You react to it. Sometimes youve got to sleep that night buy things you never thought you would buy. Or go spontaneous sales in my view adding a huge sales dynamic. Especially when youre amazon so easy to use and it is totally ubiquitous. Thats true. Amazon prime. So more than warren buffett. Repeat that these rude gentleman were speaking over the top of you. Jay now worth more than warren buffett. Corrects. 65. 3 billion. 6. 3 billion number three in the world. He was nuts . Not anymore. Serious stuff please. A moment of silence for fallen Police Officers during the democratics Convention Last night that moment of silence was very rudely interrupted by shouts of black lives matter. Watch this. Please help me in honor of all of american fallen officers with a moment of silence. I think that was disgraceful. David webb is with us and i think that helped trump. What say you . Ling forts its disgraceful and doesnt help americans and opportunistic its uncutting but what do you expect from a Democrat Party in a president of the United States who barack obama who incorporates black lives matter into the Party Platform not the issue. Of bad shoots but a Violent Group out of ferguson by the way this is the same party that violates federal law on national tv by directly showcasing illegal alien. Its in violation of federal law. Lawfulness does nots belong in that party anymore. Stuart what happened last night at the convention overshadowed Hillary Clinton accepting nomination speech and overis shadowed it but youre further. Youre saying part of the blame for the bad Race Relations in america belongs with president obama. Youre saying that . A leader sets the tone stu they come for stew varney but varney first. Anything for my radio show they look for the tone you set as president of the United States you set the tone or for the nation. You can bring Police Officers and you can bring in victim was bad shoots have and have the conversation but incorporate mother of Michael Brown a thug who committed a robbery and then fought with a Police Officer for his gun what do you say . Or when youre Hillary Clinton and you give a platform to them what do you expect . Were told that donald trump is the great divider. Youre saying its not donald trump. The great divider is the Democrat Party that divides americans to Interest Groups and that wants to amalgamate for them if youre black this is your issue, hispanic this is your issue. What happened to one network . There will only with one america for americans. Thats what the president said when he was running for president. But what about no white or black america thats what he said. He says that but look at ferguson, baltimore failed liberal progressive policies in cities like detroit, in parts of houston, gage san diego two shot at a traffic stop is im looking into it, into a bad neighborhood. We dont know details of that but look at some of our cities and the shot today in san diego. Very early this morning. Our time, that Police Officer is dead, married two children on antigang operation thats what he was doing and hes dead. Going to have another beer summit what theyre going to do . Remember that . I do. Okay so beginning of it. Sad done difficult times pif to say david webb thanks very much, sir. Hillary clinton trying to assure gun owners shes not trying to take their guns. Watch this. Im not here to repeal the Second Amendment. Im not here to take away your guns. I just dont want you to be shot by someone who shouldnt have a gun in the first place. Seconds amendment defender katy is with us. What do you make of that statement . Do you believe her she doesnt want to take your guns away . Absolutely not. Hillary clintons record shows that she, in fact, would really peel the Second Amendment and look no further than the campaign trail for 2016. Hillary clinton has said repeatedly that she thinks the Supreme Court has gotten rulings on this Second Amendment wrong. And when she says that shes referring to mcdonald and heller and mcdonald referred seconds amendment applies to individuals and heller reaffirms that individuals have a right to possess a firearm. And so when she talks about Supreme Court getting that wrong, it absolutely is a front to the Second Amendment as it stands . Definition. Was she addressing a general concern in our country . Which is that not many not all of us want to see guns everywhere. I dont to walk into a bar or you are smiling but u you know, this is a very strong feeling that we dont want this. We dont want guns in restaurants and bars we dont want to see people carrying guns as they walk with down the street. We dont want guns everywhere. We dont want to look like beirut there is that feeling and she addressed that feeling. Didnt she . But stuart there are millions upon millions of lawabiding conceal carry hold terse in this country carrying firearms right now that you cant see and it doesnt feel like beirut, in fact, were safer as a country as result of it. And sure she can address the issue of people being concerned about Mass Shootings but fact is that lying when she says she doesnt want to repeal Second Amendment if Hillary Clinton wants to have a discussion about this issue and how to actually make sure that people arent who shouldnt have firearms or who are criminal ares rpght arent getting weapons to carry out crimes she should start with Obama Justice department not prosecutorring those who get firearms illegally. Lets not forget Hillary Clinton has no working with people who support Second Amendment, in fact, compared nra to communist and iranians so therefore, if thats where she wants to start a lot of american who is do not support more gun control cant start a conversation with her had based on her history of advocating for firearms confiscation. It is going to continue thats for sure. Katy thanks for joining us. Back to your money and back to stumming. Look at this a one year charge chipotle tough charge if youre a stockholder now that shes getting into burgers john taffer man who turns businesses around. What do you say to that . Mcdonalds Lunch Program was very successful and impacted company sorry their break program impacted their company well. Chipotle focuses on a audience and they have a short memory and react to current story is. If theres a great story around that burger blended meats special buns, special this, that, theyll try it. So they walk past the legacy brand to that new current story and your mommies are short soy say yes i think they can turn it around. You know what youre talking about thats fascinating what you first said when they played the breakfast thing. I thought you were referring to back to 1973 when they came out with breakfast in america at the time and kept saying who will go to mcdonalds for breakfast are you kidding me . What a success a lot of people. Interestingly breakfast wasnt successful until they introduced pancakes that took it over the top because you have to have pancake for brk fast. But brands can turn around if they send a right message. Stuart consider this and have Blood Pressure just like mine. [laughter] now, tomorrows Powerball Jackpot theres a drawing tomorrow that jackpot at the moment is 478 million. Close to a half billion. Odds of you winning 300 million to one. Why not . And protesters shouting, no more war kernel oliver north is with us and says democrats are antimilitary, anticop, antireality. Hes next. Welcome to the world 2116, you can fly across town imi or across the globe in under an hour. Whole communities are living on mars and solar satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. In less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. And if you thought that was amazing, you just wait. Im adam shapiro with your fox business brief another banking crisis when European Banking Authority releasing the result of its latest banks stress testing. Investors are particularly worried italian banks, or bmps failed test two years ago. They have 50 billion ruer euro and fall shofert new capital requirements. Centralbacked or peshed to cut the nonperforming loan exposure to 2. 46 billion euro within three year and led for a big selloff. It bank is in desperate bid to raise up to 5 billion and board of directors has approved a privately funded recap recapitalization from Goldman Sachs and credit suite Deutsche Bank and that European Court could cause problems. Medal of honor recipient endorsed Hillary Clinton last night while that endorsement was met by hecklers chanting no more war. Some people turn their backs on a middle of honor recipient. Watch this. And the American Military will continue to be will continue to be the shining example of americas at our very best. Im sorry that was general allen he too interrupted by shouts of no more war. Earlier there have been congressional medal of honor recipient turned their backs on him buzz they dont like guys not in uniform and he wasnt in uniform. Host of war stories, oliver north you must have been sitting back and watching that in sheer dismay last night. Go. Welcome to the u new world disorder stuart. The Progressive Party isnt just is antimilitary but anticop and antireality as you led with that two moments ago. What youre looking at is were becoming eyewitness participants to breakdown of civil order on a global scale. Its here, and its overseas. Last night made on platform where is social justice for Police Officers and family of the Police Officers gunned down on our streets we have two more cops shot right after she made her speech. Out in san diego. How would you characterize democrats as a party i call them socialists thats pretty strong. Are they pacifist . Well its the Lyndon Johnson version of the Progressive Movement thats what we have here. Look weve had 33 cops murdered already this year. 34 counting last nights and the legitimacy or legacy rather of this party is that genocide is rampant all over the southwest asian subcontinent you have 65 a refugees from sub sahara in africa and asia you have isis operating in 43 affiliates in 34 countries and you have Nuclear Proliferation and no plan by this party, but a candidate herself to deal with any of that other than make promises just like obama. Earl yerp today on this program we had some military guy and hes a popular guest on the program. He said because what had donald trump said about russia, he was prepared to think about voting for Hillary Clinton. Now hes a military guy. What do you make of that . Well youve got a four star marine general up on the platform talking about, obviously, hes looking for a job in the new administration if he gets elected. Ive got a news flash for your physical low that was on earlier today this administration is poise abouten to future of my kids and 17 grandkids, and its not just isis. Thats just a trade name and if you see people going crazy over a if you will a humorous comment made by republican candidate thats crazy. Okay. North i wish i had more time but i dont. But thanks very much for joining us as always. Flghts good to be with you stuart. Couple of individual stocks that we cover for you in making a move. New rubber made now they make those sharpy pens of course rubber made food container better profit, sales, stock up 6 with a 52 week high. Thats rubber made the people there. John tapper all new fifth season of the bar rescue show that starts august the 7th i want to give ow viewers a quick clip. Look at it. Roll tape. I dont have intention of running a mini bar. No intention of running one either and getting paid a lot of money. If you want to be a good guy its time to back her up and solve this. Youre a tough guy arent you . A piece of cake. House on the line and hundreds of thousands of dollars i show up four days after counting on me thats not the time to be a nice guy. But you roll in and take no nonsense you show them what you think. Never been there before and now we have thousands of borrows so depth of failure that im dealing with this season is worst ever you cannot believe do you always sending them around . Running 80 success factor tracked by independence side rowed of that. Thanks very much for join us we appreciate it. Check that big board, its coming back a bit only down about 30 point not a big deal on a friday morning. A warning from the fbi about isis, mean more attacks it is here and in europe, thats from the fbi director himself. Well have more on it in a moment. Approaching medicare eligibility . 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President ial Debate Commission says that 15 of they dont identify which polls but 15 so weve got a campaign get 15 by the 15th of august. And we believe we might actually be there. What are you doing by the 15th of august to raise your polling numbers . Well, right now social media is really taking off. Its just on fire 25 million were reaching 25 Million People and by all those analytic Straight Line up. It should get reflected in the polls well see. Okay bernie or bust voters are they coming to your side in ive seen them at the convention mostly Democratic Convention and carrying around a great big joint. Big marijuana cigarette theyre carrying it around. Now youre not smiling there you go. Smiling okay. Is that your big issue to attract bernie voters over to your side . No its certainly not but we agree with i think about 75 of what bernie has to say. Your main point is that you can win if you can get into the debate and show people what u youve got. Thats your big deal isnt it get in that debate . Yeah, stewart. S last week theyre saying the audience for first president ial debate is going to exceed audience for the super bowl. So theres no way that you stand a chance of being in that game and we hope for 20 before that game starts is, and thats the kaition why anything is possible. Gary johnson thank you for taking time. Youre busy but we appreciate you coming on. Coming up in the next hour nearly 300 people die in baghdad earlier this month following deadliest isis bombing in history. Investigators believe isis may be using a new weapon. And this headline, Washington Post this grim Economic Forecast about life under trump are is even worse than tim kaine said it was. Were going to debunk that, hour three of varney next. Eryone. The usaa Car Buying Service is helpful because it gives you that automatic savings, and i think it helps Service Members feel like their families are really cared for. And thats a really good feeling. announcer usaa Car Buying Service, powered by truecar. [announcer] is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The summer of audi sales event is here. Get up to a 5,000 bonus on select audi models. Does your mouth often feel dry . Multiple medications, a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. But it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. Thats why theres biotene, available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isnt. Biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. Stuart good mornings, everyone. What a way to close out the week. Disrespect for a medal of honor winner at the Democrats Convention last night. Black lives matter disrupts a moment of silence for fallen Police Officers. A top general shouted down, he was, shouted down. Then came Hillary Clintons acceptance speech. She did not wow the crowd. Look at this. This morning, another Police Officer shot and killed. This time it is san diego. He had a wife and two children. He was working with a special gang unit. The democrats held an antipolice, antimilitary convention. Hillary clinton is their champion. It is donald trump for the republicans and by the way the first debate monday, september the 26th. It is now, monday july 29th. Three of our special edition of Varney Company is about to begin. Stuart well, were down 29 points. Thats not a huge loss on an 18,400 index. The price of oil has recovered. Why maybe markets recover ad bit. Were at 41. 34. We had been down in the 40 range but look at this. These are american hightech titans and theyre doing very well, thank you. Alphabet, thats google, amazon, facebook all up. Google, 800 a share. Look at amazon at 764. Even apple, 103. Facebook at 125. Joining me Cke Restaurants ceo andy puzer in. And elizabeth macdonald. Andy weve been saying american tech is far and way way to put your money . Absolutely. What can make you feel better, american entrepreneurs are leading the world. Its a great place to put investments. As long as the government doesnt start regulating the internet youll be fine. Stuart i knew you would get that in. In the spring quarter our economy is only growing at annual rate of 1. 2 . That is extremely week performance. How should we get real growth, three or 4 . How do we unleash the private sector, do you think . First of all you need tax policy that will allow businesses to grow and encourage them to grow. Right now, weve got with president obama and what Hillary Clinton is proposing theyre really looking to redistribute income through the Internal Revenue code. Trump would encourage revenue growth. Reduce oppressive regulations. Every problem Hillary Clinton sees she thinks it has a government solution. Donald trump, he built buildings in new york city. He understands regulation. He will eliminate a lot of executive orders that president obama put in Place Holding businesses back. Third, a progressive, mo open energy policy. All of the above policy, rather than a policy focused on climate change. Climate change may be a problem but not our biggest problem. Our biggest problem is radical islamist terrorism. If we got Energy Independent and stopped sending billions of dollars that support radical islamic terrorism we could cut it back. Those are three things that i think would be very effective in releasing stuart andy, i agree with you. Were not going to do those in the immediate future. Regardless who wins the election, no way you can get any kind of tax change, regulatory change, until way into the early part of next year. It is not going to happen. So could we hit recession before we get a change of policy . Look, were dangerously close. You mentioned 1. 2 in Second Quarter. What you didnt mention was, 1. 4 in Fourth Quarter of last year. 1. 1 in First Quarter of this year. Then 1. 2 . Now, you have 1 gdp growth, one time that could be a blip. Two times, maybe a coincidence. Three times is a trend. This is a trend very, very close to recessionary levels. I would hope that it is an Election Year so i dont expect any progress. But i would hope president obama would foster and support some economic policies that would encourage Business Growth but like you i dont see it happening. The soonest it will happen is after we elect donald trump that could be early next year. Stuart Hillary Clinton made her acceptance speech last night. Here is what she said, what she would do in her first 100 days as president. Roll tape. In my first 100 days we will work with both parties to pass the biggest invest in new, goodpaying jobs since world war ii. Stuart okay. Now, liz, spend a whole lot a whole lot more money. That is government money. Most of it on infrastructure, or education. Is that going to get the economy going . Liz taking money out of peoples pockets and recycling it through this big inefficient pump known as the u. S. Government. Margaret thatcher once said, you and i we take the rail, we take the train. Economists take infrastructure. They ride via infrastructure. Stuart did she say that . Good one. Liz feels clunky. Heres the thing. We have a slow motion recovery from obamas policy. He says he inherited recession but he created the slow motion recovery. Hillary clinton is doubling down on it. Stuart andy puzder, if we spent hundreds of billions of dollars on infrastructure would that get the economy going . Infrastructure is least dangerous thing she proposed. We could use a little infrastructure spending. Dont expect the to grow the economy. To prothe economy, you dont build a bridge, we build a business. We dont need temporary jobs while we do infrastructure project. Her most dangerous proposals. She want to increase taxes to redistribute wealth. She wants to punish companies to try to reduce their taxes. She wants companies to share more profits with employees that should go go to shareholders. She wants hiring of new employees by increasing business expense. Shoe that is not how you generate economic growth. That is not how you increase good paying jobs. That is not how you get us out of the economic doledrum were in. Stuart other side of the coin, the left really blasting Donald Trumps economic plan. Look at this. This is Washington Post headline, this is quote, this grim Economic Forecast about life under trump is even worse than tim kaine said it was. Now, obviously andy, you completely disagree with that. I do. Stuart that is saying it would be just awful if trump would be president. We would have a real economic crisis. Dont agree with that . Not true. This is done by mark zandi, mark is a good guy. I know mark. He is supporting Hillary Clinton. This is the Washington Post which really damaged its journalistic credentials in this election coming out so anthony trump. What that analysis ignores what donald trump is saying about trade. Donald trump said repeatedly trade is good, we need trade. But we dont need massive trade deficits. Trade deficits in of open telephones arent bad but massive trade deficits are. How do you reduce massive trade deficits and help American Workers . Renegotiate trade deals. Enforcing tenets of World Trade Organization to get china to stop cheating. Only time tariffs come up if people wont move. Mark zandi and Washington Post analysis really assumed there would be tariffs but tariffs are a hammer. Theyre a negotiating tool. If youre going into a negotiation as a business person, the one thing you dont want to give up are your hammers. You dont want to give up tariffs before you start negotiating. Chinese and have to believe that we would walk away from the table, that we dont need a deal. Well if you give up all the tools before you negotiate they will not believe that. You will get kind of deals we have right now, which are deals where other countries take advantage of us. I think donald trump is doing the right thing on tra. The assumptions in that analysis that we would definitely have tariffs are false. Stuart quick one. You run two restaurant chains that i know of. Donald trump propose as 10 minimum wage, federal minimum wage, 10 an hour. Real fast, andy, could you live with that . Look, 10, based on the Congressional Budget Office analysis, 10 would kill 500,000 jobs. The number to which donald trump would go is something i will wait to see in his Economic Policy plan which will come out in the next few weeks. I wouldnt, dont lock into into 10. 10 is high number and would kill jobs. Stuart andy, thank you very much. Markets are coming back. The dow is down a mere 19 points. More importantly look at google. Look at it go. Up 37 as we speak. It has reached 803 per share. Stellar Earnings Report last night. Up she goes today. That is a massive gain for an already very large company. Now this. San diego Police Officer dead. He was shot last night. Working with a special gang unit. He had a wife and two children. Another officer was wounded. Police arrested one suspect who has not been identified. Now this happened just hours after a moment of silence at the Democrats Convention in honor of fallen Police Officers was interrupted by screams of black lives matter. Watch this. The moment of silence. [shouting] its here, but its going by fast. The opportunity of the year is back the mercedesbenz summer event. Get to your dealer today for incredible onceaseason offers, and start firing up those grilles. Lease the c300 for 379 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. If legalzoom has your back. S, over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Please help me in honor of all of american fallen officers with a moment of silence. [shouting] stuart to repeat, that was the dnc last night. A call for a moment of silence for murdered Police Officers and black lives matters protesters started shouting as you heard. Detective steve loomis, Cleveland Police department. Youve been with us before, steve. I know youre pretty disgusted about this, arent and it is, giving credence to president of the United States. Stuart steve, it is really a terrible thing that that happened last night. Hours. Another police ever shot and killed this time in san diego. There. Is climate of antipolice feeling here. Which really has to stop. I dont see it stopping if things like that happen as they did last night at the dnc . Every time the president of the United States or the dnc and, and murder and, to hurt Police Officers. Stuart steve, last time you were on this program was i think during the Republican Convention in cleveland. You came on the show. You said that president obama has blood on his hands. You either, you want to take that back or rephrase it, or restate it . This is not black or white issue. This is social economic issue as far as police is concerned. Stuart steve, i think it has become a political issue. Absolutely has. Stuart relationship between people and the Police Departments has become prolit sized. We had video from the other day where people leaving a donald trump rally were shaking hands with Police Officers saying, thanks very much for being here and keeping us safe. Last night we had disrespect of fallen Police Officers from the democrats. Seems to me that, it has become politicized. That is not good, is it . Shows what these politicians are made of. You know, i understand a grieving mother. I completely, my heart goes out. There is not a Police Officer out here that ever wants to use deadly force in any situation. Politics doesnt belong in the criminal justice system. Lady justice is blind and she is blind for a reason. Stuart steve, we want to let you know we grief for all the fallen officers. Thank you very much, sir. Stuart i want to get more on shooting last night. San diego, one officer get dead. What have we got. These officers belonged to a gang suppression unit. Stuart i want to interrupt. The person on the gurney is a suspect. Not a Police Officer. It is a suspect unnamed. He is expected to live. They are searching for four, programs more suspects. They stopped the car. A gunbattle quickly ensued after they pulled over the vehicle. Both officers were hit. One unfortunately died leaving behind a wife and two young children. The other one underwent surgery. We understand he will survive. Stuart terrible. Came under attack just for pulling over a car. Stuart 33 Police Officers killed in the the line of duty this year. Liz that is up 78 , right . Shooting deaths. Stuart a significant gain. Its a tragedy. An outrage, actually. Lets get back to your money. Oil companies reporting, some of them reporting this morning. Exxon profit and revenue sliding. Whereas you might expect with cheap oil. It is down 2 . We also have chevron, same story. Cheap oil hurting the company but not the stock. It is actually up a fraction. Price of oil as we speak has recovered. We were in the 40 range. We bounced a little to 41. 60 that is what is helping the stock market too. Look at this. Check the market scan. We have almost dow stocks are in the green. More than half are in the green. The dow is down 13 points. Now this. Fbi director comey, warning that isis fighters could spread to the United States if they are defeatedded in the middle east. At some point some point there will be a terrorist diaspora out of syria like we have never seen before. 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Hundreds and hundreds of them when the coalition succeeds, and im confident it will in crushing Islamic State, through the fingers of that crush will come hundreds of really dangerous people. Stuart pretty serious warning there from the fbi director, james comey, in essence he is saying, you crush the caliphate they spread out and come here. That is the gist of his argument. It is already happening. Theyre losing ground. When the caliphate false they have to go somewhere and theyre spreading around the world. Were already seeing it in europe. It is incredibly dangerous. Liz comey saying it is 10 times coming out afghanistan. What is the common sense reaction . Ministers of france seeing 25 agents to track one target. That means 200,000. It is impossible. You do have to take them out in syria, iraq and libya. You just have to stop it. Stuart even if you do, he is saying, youre still having terrorist diaspora. It is common sense. You cant have 200,000 agents. Stuart that were over well misdemeanorred. As you said it overwhelmed. It takes 25 people in the authorities to surveil one suspect. Yep. Stuart 25 for one suspect. Yes. Stuart if you have 1000 it is impossible. They dont share intelligence. Stuart and do not talk to each other. Angela merkel opening the door when they werent ready for it. Stuart what are we going to do . Well he says, spot them and stop them. Easier said than done. Spot them and stop them. Shut it down now. Stuart i hear it. Were close to break even on the market, actually. Weve come right back. Maybe because oil has come back. Were now at minus five for the dow industrials and weve got the dow, about half the dow stocks are up. Saab miller, their board will recommend shareholders accept the abinbev oer despite value. That huge brewing operation, looks likes they will get together. Were down seven points. There is the beer deal the looks like they are going to get together. Market approves of it. Sabmiller up. Anheuserbusch inbev up. I think entire two companies will be together. They will dominate brewing of beer. Unusual for the acquiring stock to go up. Stuart i guess the world likes beer monopolies, whatever. I have a strange, not frighten video. This is taken by passenger outside after plan looking out. A loud boom was heard. Engine clearly caught fire. Flames shooting out as you can see. How would you like to be on that plane . No thank you. Stuart Emergency Landing in dallas. No injuries. The pilots union wants to talk about this American Airlines is down. Not much. Ivanka trump, reaching out to women urging them to support her father. What else does she need to get the womens vote . A special edition of Varney Company. I dont know what is going on with the women here. But i think [cheering] i think im doing well with the women. My daughter does well, ivanca. She is doing well with the women. [cheering] and she understands the real donald. And i think were doing well with women. Ex. Yes, she made history, Hillary Clinton becoming first female president ial nominee after major party. That doesnt change however, the tough polling numbers she had as she headed into the Democrats Convention. Look at this. 68 of people said she wasnt honest or trustworthy. Remember that is going into the convention. 31 of people say they favored her. That is a very small number. Here is another small number. Only 38 of the people polled said they would be proud to call her the president. That is a very low number. Ed rollins, youre a trump guy. Youre with us this morning. Those were numbers going into the convention. You watched her speech last night. Would that turn around those poor polling numbers. They wont turn around totally. My sense she got a little of momentum out of it. May have got similar bounce to what trump did. She unified their party but there are still dissy dent sanders supporters. She gave a better speech than she normally does. Stuart didnt seem to resonate or wow anybody. They were excited her being there the first woman. The premise, i am good, he is bad, i am safe, he is unsafe. I care, he doesnt care. We will do it together, he will do it alone. That was overarching them. It wont have lasting factor. We have 103 days, it will be knock down, drag out vote. 10, 15 maximum of electorate undecided. That will be issue. Stuart how do you think she will do in debates . First one is monday, september 26th. She has the substance, if she makes the debate substance. He clearly doesnt want to do that he wants to batter her on his strengths. It is hard to predict. Stuart im not sure he will be combative. Im not sure he will be blasting away. Problem that you have, if you go too aggressive on the stage like that, you will alienate that independent voter that you need at end of the day. Stuart ed, we had libertarian candidate gary johnson on the program earlier this morning. Listen to what he had to say about that upcoming debate. Last week, theyre saying that the audience for the first president ial debate is going to exceed audience for the super bowl. Stuart yeah, i think it will. There is no way that you stand a chance of winning unless youre going to be in that game. Were hoping to be in that game. Stuart now that is gary johnson, libertarian. He only gets into the debate if he gets 15 in various polls right before the debate. Or i think in the month of august. A, ed rollins, is he going to get 15 the vote . B, if he does and he is in the debate, could he possibly win the election. No. Stuart okay. No on both counts. Youre not going to get 15 because there is a green candidate who also will get some of that vote and even if he got in the debate he is not going to win this election. This are two parties in this country. Independent vote is not a wellknown candidate even though he is twoterm governor. He just wont do well. Stuart he will be in the election but probably not in the debate. What he can do, for some reason he draws some vote away, when reagan ran in 80, john anderson, republican congressman took 8 or 9 of the vote. Obviously perot took substantial vote in two elections he ran in. My estimation, 7 or 8 . Stuart who does he take the votes from . That is the critical question. Stuart what is your guess. Probably split. Stuart split between jill stein and gary johnson. I think there are disaffected people on both sides. Stuart still predicting a very big win for donald trump. No, i never predicted a big win. I always predicted close win. That is what i still will predict. This will be battle down to the end. You have to dig out, dig out every voter you have, and she probably has better structure to do that right today. He has to do that next 100 day, build the ground game. Stuart were you one of Ronald Reagans people . I ran Ronald Reagans campaign. I ran stuart i know, doing you down there. You were his cam pan manger in 1980 . I was Campaign Manager in 1984. I was in white house. I was his white house political director before that. I worked on 80 campaign. Stuart he was great president. He was a great man. Led the country very effectively, the world. Neil how would you compare Ronald Reagan and donald trump . No comparison. Ronald reagan, in the sense that Ronald Reagan was a guy who had real vision where he would take the country. He talked about issues, Strong National defense, lower taxes, those kinds of things. He had a greatability to communicate. He could write his own speeches as he had for many years. Trump i think is a leader. I think trump can make change but more of a at this point, i dont want to say destructive force, the change agent. He would shake it up. Reagan would make it work. Stuart youre raising money pour him. Im all for him. At end. Day try to be honest, at end of the day he is not Ronald Reagan. Shouldnt try to be Ronald Reagan. Different time. He is donald trump. I think that may be enough to get him elected. Stuart ed rollins, thank you very much. Sir. Appreciate it. Donald trump still facing a big deficit when it comes to support from women. Oklahomas governor and trump supporter mary fallin is with us now. Governor, welcome to the program. Good to see you. Good to see you too, stuart. Stuart what could donald trump do, do you think could get more women to vote for him. What donald trump can do to get more women to vote for him talk about issues important to women which i do believe he is talking about those issues. Women care about safety and security. They care about jobs and economy. Stuart what are womens issues not mens issues . Jobs and economy. Those are mens issues as well, arent they. Absolutely. Family issues. Women, if you just talk about women in relationship in marriage, the number one issue you always hear women are concerned about is safety and security and feeling secure in that relationship. Having a Strong Family with jobs and being able to take care of their families. That is what is important to women. That is what donald trump talks about. When you look at Hillary Clintons record and how she has not stood for the things that stand for safety and security and protecting our nation, whether benghazi, whether it is libya, whether it is taking large amounts of money for speeches, for clinton foundation, taking money from countries not been good to women, not protected women, those are things that i think will resonate with women as they continue to listen to what donald trump says about being able to protect your family, whether it is against isis, whether protecting against our open borders, making sure we know who is coming across ourrd boors, whether creating job security. Keeping our taxes low. Hillary clinton says she will raise taxes last night. She said she will have open borders. She will not build a border wall the talked about things that will be destructive to the jobs, economy and families. That is real important to women. Stuart governor, early on the program today, we had someone who used to be a senior figure with now, National Organization of women, tam bruce. I asked her would she support Hillary Clinton for presidency and how does she feel Hillary Clinton being president. Roll tape. Betrayal as well. Stuart betrayal, is strong word, tammy. I want first woman who will be president and nominee to be someone everyone can look up to. When we see hillarys history, it is embarrassing, it is painful. I want the first woman president to be a great leader. I dont think hillary will win. Stuart that was a bit strong, governor. A betrayal. What do you say . Well, i agree with her. Stuart really . She is the wrong, she is the wrong woman. Hillary clinton is the wrong woman. I am proud for the first time a National Political party has elect ad woman nominee for president but she is the wrong woman. If you look at her history, her background. Not just recently. For decades upon decades, the life of her and bill clinton and what they have done, she is not trustworthy. She is not honest. Even the fbi director said that you know, she was careless, she was reckless with National Security information. Were talking about the safety and security of our nation, jobs and economist. She is talking about the status quo and moving even further left. She told Bernie Sanders supporters last night, well be there for you. That is socialist agenda. I dont think that is where america is. I dont think that is where women are. Stuart you are the governor of oklahoma, one of the most republican states . The nation. Tell where youre coming from governor. Mary fallin, thanks for joining us. Appreciate it. Thank you. I will interrupt a moment to look at the dow industrials. We turned positive, not much. Were to the upside. 16 of dow 30 stocks or 21 . I cant do the math. Can i give you a Margaret Thatcher quote about socialism. The spirit of envy destroys, can never build. Stuart Margaret Thatcher. Raised that name. Zika, making appearance in florida, spreading locally, is that accurate . Four patients. One woman, three men. It is believed they actually picked up this virus from mosquitoes for the very first time that were inside of the continental u. S. They have actually boiled it down to one zip code in florida. North of downtown miami. This is a Significant Development because it now means that miami, florida, is on the forefront. We can expect this to move. Cdc, 5582 people now have contracted zika in puerto rico. It is on the move and it is here. Stuart thank thank you, ashley. Were ever so slightly higher for the dow, i mean ever so slightly. Tomorrows Powerball Jackpot, 478 million. Close to a half billion. The odds of winning . 300 million to one. Just so we would tell you. Russia, china, serious stuff. Reportedly holding joint naval exercises in the South China Sea. Just weeks after a u. N. Rules Committee Said china has no rights in the area. We will bring you that story. And coming up, this is the scene of what may be isiss new, deadly kind of bomb. Well explain it. Ou suffer from, then youll know how uncomfortable it can be. But did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath . Well, there is biotene, specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. Reporter im Nicole Petallides with your fox business brief. Were seeing it up, im sorry, down about nine. For the week five days in a row of losses. What is up, s p 500 up four, nasdaq up 16. I checked s p 500, half the names are down, half are up. Looking at this months dow winners and losers, dont forget january was terrible month. Down 5 1 2 for the dow. Since then every month, february to now, all up arrows. Microsoft and caterpillar led the way while cocacola and exxon were laggards. Casual dining, canaccord report july looks better than june but still cautious tone. Cheesecake, up arrow. Bloom inch brands, parent of out back is down. More Varney Company coming right up. Were looked down upon all over the world. Were not respected anymore. We were talking about putin today. No respect, no like, no nothing. You know, wouldnt it be a great thing if we could actually get along with russia . Stuart yeah, there you have it. That was donald trump speak about russia there. And. Donald trump speaking about putin. This development, russia and china reportedly holding joint naval exercises, joi exercises in the South China Sea. This is weeks after the u. N. Said, hey, china, you have no rights there, dont do it ambassador john bolton is with us. This is serious development. Russians and chinese are together in the South China Sea. In fact if theyre in International Waters they do have the right to do that. What is really troubling this is not the first time that russian and Chinese Naval elements have conducted joint manuevers. They conducted them in the East China Sea where there is dispute between china and japan over reefs and rocks analogous in many respects to the South China Sea and involving taiwan which the chinese want back. Russians and chinese, get this. Held joint naval manuevers in the mediterranean. A little far away from china. Stuart another challenge to president obama and our position in the pacific. Represents two things. Number one, real assertiveness on the part of both russia and china. Some places closer to home for the chinese. Others closer to home for the russians. It reflect as breakout of russians into the mediterranean, in a serious way. Really for the first time in 30 or 40 years. Likewise for the chinese, this is part of their development of a blue water navy, a capability they have not had in 600 years. Stuart good lord. They do it because they think were a receding power under obama. Stuart i have another serious issue to bring up here. Isis may have tested a new kind of bomb, tested it in a bombing in iraq that left 300 dead. Who are risk scene there. Is this a new type of bomb were told, mr. Ambassador . Do you know anything about this. I think were still looking into it. It appears to be a development specifically for vehicleborne improvised explosive devices. It was devised in a way that, was able to get you there the detection barriers that the Iraqi Government has. So its a threat for places where truck bombs or car bombs can be used but obviously, if you think about bringing that technology into the United States, we had examples as recently as couple years ago in times square. So, this is an in advance, if it proves out, and we still need to know more about it, that could have implication in america and europe as well as in the middle east. Stuart yes, sir, it could. John bolton, thank you very much for joining us, sir. Im cutting it short because i have breaking news to bring everyone. Ambassador, thank you very much. This is live pictures out of san diego. Police are surrounding a home where they believe a second suspect in the fatal Police Shooting. That suspect may be holed up there. That is a s. W. A. T. Team that you can see there. They have surrounded this house. If youre just joining us, i should tell you very early this morning, a Police Officer in san diego was killed, shot to death. His partner seriously wounded. A suspect taken into custody. He is has not been named. What youre looking at is police surrounding home of what may be a second suspect. The point here, ashley, bring me up to day on this, is the timing. Because last night we had that insult delivered to the moment of silence when the dallas sheriff was asking for a moment of silence. And black lives matter were shouting inside of the convention and then, hours later, you get this development. Number of Police Officers killed in the line of duty this year is spiking tremendously. They have a very dangerous job. Each day they are remind of that. These were two members of a gang suppression unit, pulled over a car. Came under fire. Got into gunbattle. One officer killed. Very seriously wounded, will survive. The suspect being taken into custody. Maybe a second suspect now. Well have to wait and see. These stories coming in on far too regular basis. Stuart you got that right. Thank you, ashley. Check the big board. Were down 12 points. Not a huge move. Go nowhere, friday morning market. Want to show this video taken by a passenger on board of an American Airlines flight. The engine caught fire. The pilots union is worried about all of this. Details in a moment. I know what i can expect from usaa because i have my checking with them, my savings with them, my credit card with them. And then i learned i have this usaa Car Buying Service. The usaa car buying app was really helpful. All the information was laid out right there. I was able to see the savings that i qualified for. It makes your life so much easier when you have to purchase a car, so ive been telling everybody. Usaa Car Buying Service, powered by truecar. Exclusively for usaa members. eeeeohmumohweh hush my darling. dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. hush my darling. man snoring dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. woman snoring take the roar out of snore. Yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. Stuart here is a nice deal for uber. President obama is allowing federal employees, if they are on official business, to use an uber car and get reimbursed. Have i got that right . You are absolutely right. You know, apparently they use them quite a bit as long as theyre doing their business, federal business, ultimately, we the taxpayers will foot the bill. I dont see a problem with that, do you . Stuart no. Here is where i see the problem. David plouffe. David plouffe is president obamas campaign guru. He sits on the board of uber. Isnt that convenient . Stuart isnt that convenient. Sounded like dana carvey. But it is great for uber and lyft, to be honest. Stuart nothing wrong. Theyre usually cheaper than a car service. They are. Stuart no objection to getting reimbursed. But just the plouffe connection. Doesnt always smell right. Stuart is it crony capitalism . I did not say that i wouldnt say that. Im not going to say it is crony capitalism but you know it is crony capitalism. Now this one. American airlines raising, their pilots raising some safety concerns. You know, ash, it is not about that fire in the engine, is it . It is Something Different . Pilots union doesnt like culture of American Airlines now, that the carrier is forcing an pushing employees to the very limits to try to get back their performance. In other words, you know, their ontime performance. This is the busy summer season. So they say were increasing speed of the aircraft. Were rerouting some flights. Theyre being told to close the cockpit doors sooner so they can take off on time, stranding some people. If they were late, well, too bad. But all of this, they say is putting a strain on employees, all because they were trying to improve their image. But theyre worried ultimately safety is going to be, and regulations will be broken because of this. The airline says, no. We always operate of course within the regulations, and safety, you know, requirements, however, pilots can go 14 hours a day, which i find is a lot but now theyre being asked, could you do an extra two hours here and there to keep our planes on schedule . They say it is pushing limits of safety. Stuart really. So you can do 14 hours of work as a pilot . That is legit . Yeah. Stuart they wanted to go to 16. If the pilot agrees, airline asks, they both asay yes. Which is crazy, theyre asked too often to put in extra hours. Stuart how many times have i been delayed because the crew was late and crew used up all the variable working time. Had to go on a break. Took them a long time to bring in a new crew . Or stuck in traffic on other side of the bridge type of thing . It is a nightmare. American has had a tough time with its performance. So the accusation is, that their employees are being pushed to the limit. Stuart the industry, that gets the worst public image. Airlines. Stuart other than lawyers, journalists, politicians. Dmv. Stuart and dmv, i think it is airlines. Everybody loves to pick on the airlines. Its often deserved. You think . I do. Stuart my heart goes out to the flight attendants. They have the most difficult job in the world. They do, they do. Stuart are we agreed on this. Kind of. Youre being more kind than i am. Stuart i think i am. More varney after this. Stuart live pictures of san diego where they believe a second suspect may be hold up. A second suspect in the shooting of a Police Officer dead earlier this morning. Ashley, the timing here is important. Ashley yes. Stuart the police were badly discussed dissed at the convention. Ashley we heard people shouting black lives matter and very disrespectful and hours later we see another Police Officer killed in san diego. Charles we are on top of that story, of course, we will give you more updates as we get them. The official president ial nominee Hillary Clinton, she will be holding a Campaign Kickoff rally in philadelphia. Hes going to make the belt state run. 2016, this sure aint 1996. We know and we work to give the American People a smaller less bureaucratic government in washington and we have to give the people one that lives within its means. The era of Big Government is over. If you believe the minimum

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