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Table seat at hillarys fund raising. An obscene amount of money say supporters who threw money at her mode cade. And the host George Clooney agrees its obscene. Wow, its a big day. Varney company is about to begin. To ecuador, over 200 killed from a quake along the coast. And the magnitude 7. 3. Nine dead from 6. 5 in the same area thursday night. 1500 people injured in those two quakes. How, toyota says its going to suspend much of its production of plants across japan this week and honda and sony suspending some production runs. Nissan, operations will resume today. And the japanese stock market took a hit following those two quakes. Were looking for lower opening at todays market. Opening at 9 30 this morning. Its not a major selloff though. Down maybe 60 points. Not a major selloff considering whats happening to oil, which is way down. No production freeze. That means the big supply glut continues and thats sending prices down to 38 a barrel. 4 lower today. All right, ashley. Ashley yes. Stuart this morning, the stock oil has been broken because oil is up what, a buck 75. The futures down about 60. Not quite the webster ratio, but i think the lack of agreement out of qatar this weekend or yesterday is not that big a surprise, the market not reacting that much, but the certainly the price of oil is. Theyre pumping at full volume. Stuart it maybe makes me think that the dow wants to go up. Ashley maybe. Stuart the Natural Movement is to go up. Ashley i think there are other elements other than oil that are driving it right now. Which we will get to. Ashley yes, we will. Stuart we want to get back to politics. Ashley always. Stuart all right. Ted cruz won all 14 delegates in the wyoming g. O. P. Convention. Thats a small number, but no vote among the states republican relationship. Here is what donald trump had to say about it. Roll tape. The system thats rigged. We have a system thats crooked. We have a system thats got a lot of problems and we have a system that doesnt allow the people to vote in many cases and if they do vote, their vote isnt really representative of what it should be. We have this delegate system which is a sham. Stuart all right, you heard it right there. Joining us now is karl rove. All right, karl. Hey, stuart. Stuart cruz played by the rules. He showed up and he won. No question about it. But it looks, and i repeat that, it looks like its unfair to donald trump. What say you . Well, its unfair because he declares it unfair. Wyoming has chosen its delegates to the National Convention by a convention, rather than a primary or caucus, for decades. Same with north dakota and a number of other states. So, you know, its each state is given, under our federalistic system a chance to decide whether it has a primary, a convention or a caucus and then to describe its own rules. Some states have winner take aum. Some have proportional. Some have winner take most. They have different when theyre proportional, they have different thresholds and ceilings. So, look. Stuart its all true. Youre dead right, karl, again, it comes back to what are people going to say . What are Trump Supporters going to say . This is all politics. Take, for example, nevada which donald trump won. Its a caucus not a primary. Remember how everybody said deblasio has no mandate because what was it 17 of the electorate turned out and voted in the Mayoral Election in new york . Well, in nevada roughly that same percentage of the republicans turned out to vote in caucuses because unlike a primary where you could go down the street to your local elementary and vote in the primary, it was caucuses in the evening, couldnt cast an absentee ballot. If you were out of town or your shift had you working during the time. Caucus, you couldnt vote. So we had low turnout. One out of every six republicans in the state of nevada was able to attend. You had to drive across town to vote at the nearest location to you. As a result we had low turnout. Trump won it. Lets take another example. 37 of the vote thus far and hes got 45 of the delegates. Talk about being rigged. If the peoples expression was being if the peoples vote was expressed, hed begin about 37 of the delegates, wouldnt he . It is what it is. The rules have been in place in many instances for decades. Every state had to publish its rules in total. He knew what the rules were by the time they got into it and for him to say we ought to change the rules because im not getting the outcome i want is a temper tantrum of a spoiled player. We hear you, youve given me a sound bite right there. Karl rove, sorry so short, but this is a fastpaced day and we appreciate you being here. It is and a fastpaced program, varney, fastpaced program. Stuart im afraid its true. Youre slowing me down. Thank you very much, sir. Bernie sanders to a massive crowd, 28,000 people came to see him in brooklyn, his aides called it his biggest rally yet. The vote is tomorrow. Here is Hillary Clinton, dancing, yeah, just see her there under the banner, okay . And with local new york city politicians, this was a campaign event. There was no huge crowd there. More on hillary for you. She went all the way to California Fund raising, around you can see them now, about 100 bernie supporters showered her motorcade with a thousand dollar bills on the way to a fundraiser with George Clooney. And 353,000 price tag for the couple to cohost the fun raising event. A mere single ticket, that was 33,000. Ashley a bargain. Stuart a bargain. A bargain price. Stuart with us, this is not going to play well. 353,000 bucks . No, it plays right into the narrative that Bernie Sanders and all of the people say about Hillary Clinton, that shes out of touch. Bought by the establishment and big donors and kind of hypocritical. George clooney, to charge this. He said, yes, its an obscene amount of money, but theyre playing by the rules. Right, they are. Stuart its like ted cruz, playing by the rules to win wyoming and colorado. Right, thats totally the system and the price i mean, the cost of campaigning today, especially now that its dragged on for so long, going from state to state to state. Hillary has a contest she never expected. She had to raise this much money. Shes got to and bernie has to. Stuart it looks bad from both sides. With his average donation being 27, compare the two, i meaning bad for her. Stuart pope francis, hes taken 12 syrian my grants back to the vatican with him on his own plane. He had visited a camp on the greek island of lesbos and took these migrants to the vatican with him. Joining us is Mike Huckabee. Governor, im sorry, governor. Mike is fine. Stuart governor. The pope is clearly being a humanitarian, ive got that, but isnt there a political angle to this, too . Well, i think there is. And by the way, i have it and Good Authority that Angela Merkel is loading up about ten lufthansa jets and take them to rome that havent worked out well. Stuart you know, that satisfies sarcasm, better tell them that. Yeah, okay. So i was kidding about that. And by the way, you can call me anything you want cause most of what you would call me would be better than what other people call me when were walking down the street. Stuart here is the thing about the pope let me get to the gist of the question. I think that Judeo Christian what did god order the isra israelites to build . A wall. It was not only to keep outside, but to create a culture inside. When we have a culture, particularly a religious culture, a spiritual culture, whether its Judeo Christian, whether its muslim, its understandable you dont want to destroy that culture by pretending it doesnt matter. If it doesnt matter, then your religion is worthless. What europe has done, theyve decided their history, their roots, it doesnt matter and were seeing the effect of it and i think a lot of europeans are waking up to the fact, this isnt working out well. It doesnt end well. Stuart i dont think that you can call europe a Judeo Christian compliment anymore it once was. Look at the churches now mostly museum, are tourist sites. Theyre not filled with worshippers on most sundays because europe has sort of drifted from what it once was and that is a place where people did have some allegiance, but they dont. And were seeing the results. The further you weaken it, and the further you dilute its strength and authority, the more it continues to collapse. Stuart governor Mike Huckabee, thank you for joining us. One of those three applies. [laughter] all right, everybody. Ive got to show you some video. This is a gymnast practicing a routine, okay. Were going to show you several times to see the whole thing. Doesnt get the landing quite right. Its going to be catastrophic, obviously, but her coach was right there to catch her, not only that, he rolls over top of her and flips her to safety. Owl in one motion. I think thats pretty good. One more time. He should get what a catch. He gets a ten for that all right. Up next, the president visits saudi arabia, at issue were the 9 11 victims families can drag saudi arabia into court to explain the saudi roll if there was one in the 9 11 attack. I know youre my financial advisor, but are you gonna bring up that stock again . Well you need to think about selling some of it. My dad gave me those shares, you know. He ran that company. I get it. But you know i think you own too much. Gotta manage your risk. And youve gotta switch to decaf. An honest opinion, even if you disagree. With 13,000 financial advisors, its how edward jones makes sense of investing. Saudi arabia told that it will sell billions of assets destabilizing the system. If america reveals the 28 secret pages to the report. Ashley there were 28 pages released saying it will reveal more detail as to saudi arabias involvement in the 9 11 attacks. The Obama Administration has been lobbying hard not to have the 28 pages revealed as has saudi arabia. Saudi arabia is very concerned if that comes out and to see any role in 9 11, it opens them up to lawsuits from the victims families and anyone else and therefore, their assets in the country could be frozen, their threat is that we will cash in billions, up to 750 billion in treasury securities and other assets because were going to because we dont want that money tied up in the courts in america. Stuart thats good stuff, i understand that. Lets bring in katherine with the council on global security. Katherine, the suspicion is that the saudis bank roll 9 11. Is there any truth to this . Its more than suspicious. Theres clearly evidence the saudies were somehow involved. The question is, was it key members of the government or more distant members of the royal family, but at this point Everybody Knows, including Foreign Countries, that the saudis had a hand in funding this. Stuart but at the moment, you could say that our government, the American Government is protecting the saudies from the righteous wrath of the victims families. You could say that, couldnt you . You absolutely could and we have been for years and its an outrage. I mean, how is it that this, you know, the greatest crime committed against the United States, the perpetrators, the people who funded this have not been held accountable. And i think whats the saddest thing of all is that the families of the victims have not seen justice and i think its an absolute outrage. You can understand on the other side of the coin, however, the saudies today dont want their assets, and they have vast assets, tied up by the American Court system waiting for claims from victims families. I mean, i do see their point of view. Do you . Stuart, i see their point of view, but i dont care what their point of view is. Honestly. This was such a major event. It changed america, it changed the world. And by our not bringing the funders of this event to justice, i just think its a tragedy. I dont care how they feel about it. If he sides with the saudies against the victims families, he has surely a considerable political problem. I think youre absolutely right. And i hope that the American People stand with the families of the victims in supporting them in this request. I am ooh, this is so important for america and for the cause of justice. Stuart katherine, you make things very clear and we love clarity on this program and we appreciate that very much. Thank you. We have breaking news on the earthquake, now, what this is in ecuador, right . Its going on in japan and in ecuador, a number of people have lost their life, according to the ecuadorean Community Minister has risen to 350. Some of the areas theyre trying to get to were blocked by mudslides and landslides and this is a number that more than likely will rise donald trump going off hillary. And hes got a new nickname for her, crooked hillary. Shes not happy about that. Reports that the production of the iphone is slowing. And production may have been cut by a third. Theres a story for you. More varney in a moment. Poor mouth breather. Allergies . Stuffy nose . Cant sleep . Take that. A breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. Perfect driving record. Perfect. No tickets. No accidents. That is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. Yup. Now, you would think your Insurance Company would cut you some slack, right . 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I look forward to running against him if he turns out to be the republican nominee, if i am the democratic nominee. What im concerned about is how he goes after everybody else. He can say whatever he wants to say about me. I really could care less. Im going to stay focused on the issues. Stuart okay, we heard it. Kristen is with us still. It seems like donald trump is test marketing the latest insult. Thats what he does, hes a master marketer out there and see if it sticks. He throws out the name and thats when people start to crumble. He did it with marco rubio, ted cruz. Marc marco and jeb bush wickedly effective. I dont like it, i dont think we should have name calling in politics. Its like an ear worm, condition get it out of your head. Stuart only donald trump can do it. Any other candidates in the field at the moment introduced this nasty, nasty nickname calling, i dont think it would work. No, hes a showman, thats why. Stuart somehow trump makes it works. Hes an entertainer and showman and knows how to get people riled up and stick. This is an incredible time in politics. Stuart will it back fire because Hillary Clinton is a woman and for the first time hes put this nasty label on a candidate who has been a woman. Ashley maybe, there will be some of that, overall its effective. Stuart crooked doesnt refer to her gender. Hes already bu bridge with women. Stuart the opening bell next. Oil is down big. There was a showdown in the middle east and oil is way down. Stocks, lower at the bell. 18k, did i jinx it . And two accounts what happened, judge napolitano will pass judgment coming up shortly. People, listen, listen to whats happening to your country. This woman is evil. She lies, she lied to my, to my face at a very, very hard time and shes been lying since. Clean well, its monday morning, the time is 9 29, 51, 52, 53 five seconds from now were off and running. Well be down, 40, 50, 60 points. Wait until you see the price of oil. Were down 16 points and counting. Ashley webster is here. Cheryl casone makes a welcomed return. Scott shellady is with us in chicago and jack howe in new york. Why do we have the sharp drop in oil not producing a very sharp drop in the price of stocks . Jack, tell me. Because the relationship between stocks and oil was imagined to begin with. Stuart no. Oil is rock bottom and stocks alltime high. We thought there was something. Oil profits in the u. S. Economy are gone. Theres no more at this point. If prices stay low, we get a quicker cut in production that could ultimately be better for some of the Oil Companies getting healthier, i dont think theres much more to be lost from oil. Stuart scott shellady, the exact same question, why does todays sharp drop in e price of oil not reflected in the dow industrials. Id say number one, oil is trading off fundamentals. Fundamentally we had news over the weekend and thats going to drive oil down in the shortterm. Number two, i believe that most people out there are nervous, they dont want to be in stocks, but theres technically a decent reason you could build the kind of this in no mans land or white noise, and all time highs for no good reason and technically speaking i cant build a case to sell. One is trading technically and one is trading fundamentally. Stuart i take your point. It seems like the stock market wants to go up. Ashley where else is it going to do. Stuart buy a bond that pays you 1 1 2 , a bank cd, a quarter of 1 . Youre not going to do it. Stocks. Were down a near 39 points. Japan reeling from two quakes, big names like toyota, honda, sony, nissan, all affected. Give us the latest on the earthquake in japan. Ashley in relation to the stocks here. Toyota is suspending across the country not just in japan. Honda is keeping production suspended at its motorcycle plant. Nissan though says its resuming operations today. The only one of the major car makers. Sony also stopping production at a plant that creates those parts for smart phones, including nissan is a barely down. Cars are barely down, but sony is getting hit. Theyve made a big bet on the camera chips for phone. Theyve been getting out of money losing businesses and concentrating on hold on a second, on the japan quake, now look at apple. The company that sakes the iphone 7 camera module was hit to the japan earthquake. Sony has been sinking a lot of money in the expansion. A lot of phones are going to dual cameras, and thats doubling the modules you need. Theyre putting a lot of money behind it and getting out of consumer electronics, where theyre getting killed for years. Stuart thats part of the story. So i want to get back to the apple iphone. I am told, weve got reports, cheryl, that demand for the iphone is sluggish and there are other reports that say they feel leveled down, moved down the production schedules. They have, and thats this story also out of japan, which jack was talking about. The suppliers, a report in the newspaper on saturday that the japanese suppliers got notices from apple, apple not confirming or denying, that theyre going to actually be cutting back their orders. That means slowdown for the iphone and the other thing is that apple knew this was coming and trying to come up with other products in the pipeline and have not performed, including the watch. So, this is and we should say that apple stock took a dip because of this. Its back to 108. Were down a little bit. One happy caveat, recycling the iphones, they made money for pulling the gold out of the iphones. Stuart 40 million for recycling. I think weve got a barrons bounce. They like gm and ford. Ashley modest. Stuart jack. See, im squinting, is there anything there . Barrons, saying theyre going up 25 . Whats going to help car stocks. Stuart back it off. I have a theory, the next recession, right . The next recession, north american sales from 17 million down to 13, 14 million and everyone is going to say bring on the big losses at general motors. Bring on the financial distress and gm will say we can earn maybe 3 a share at the bottom of the cycle because theres tremendous financial restructuring at gm and ford. Once people realize these are no longer the disasters they once were, they can earn at the top and bottom you get rising valuations. Stuart despite todays very modest bounce, you say just wait, wait, wait. Its going to go a couple of different industries, airlines and cars deserve a reset higher, theyre significantly more profitable than they used to be. Stuart look at this, Morgan Stanley reporting profits this morning, ive not seen the numbers. Show me the numbers in the stock. The stock is relatively flat. Its an underperformer when you compare it to the rest of the financials. And you see the s p 500. Today is up 1 3 of 1 and what we saw with Morgan Stanley, while the profits are doing well, enough to pull through. Theyre trying to give a better than expected outlook and saying theyve moved into wealth management. Its a little less than theyve seen. Thank you so much. Federal reserves William Dudley announced something about upcoming rate increases. What have you got . The u. S. Central bank absolutely in no hurry to raise shortterm Interest Rates. Stuart and the markets come back. The markets come back. He said in part because we continue to face significant uncertainties and the headwinds to growth from the financial crisis have not slowly abated. Hes been someone who has been pushing cautious slow approach to Interest Rate hikes. Stuart yeah, but the fed is underpinning this market and when they come out with a dovish comment about the markets, were down 30 points. When oil is down a buck and a half. Amazon is going to offer Video Services for a buck a month less than netflix. What have you got on that one, jack. Structural advantage. What does amazon do besides selling stuff over the internet and serving up movies . It stores data. Right . Netflix is it an amazon customer. Because amazon has had a business of storing data that it makes money on, it gets that for free when its serving up the video. Thats a structural advantage that will help it to do netflixs business, cheaper than netflix would do it. Stuart amazon dropped to 500 a share. And you did buy it. Stuart 700 and now its back up to 632. Why didnt you tell me that was going to happen. Ashley we feel great about it. Stuart moving swiftly along. Microsoft, i do own some of that and happy to own it, by the way. Windows users, by the way, windows users, beware, its the government issuing a warning about windows. Ashley office of Homeland Security and a cyber security, watch for the quick time player on the windows pc users. Theres a couple of bugs in there. You click on a particular web page or a particular piece of the software, tainted file as they call it, you could be compromised. This does not apply to the quick time on mac operating systems. Apple hasnt been updating on pcs, they havent been putting out security updates. Basically apple saying, here you go, microsoft, good luck. Well, thanks, apple. Do they know i own some of the stocks . Weve got reports for intel in for a big, big round of layoffs. Thousands of jobs cuts coming and as jack mentioned theyll be reporting earnings tomorrow. We may get the announcement then. This, again, is a pc story. The mac versus the pc. And 60 of revenues from pcs. The pc market is kind of continuing to die off. Unfortunately, this is the power of apple. Stuart they couldnt shift it . Theyre making more profits from pcs. I like intel stocks, dont think about buying it before tuesdays report. I think they may have to set guidance lower. Stuart and 25 id wait for the report. Stuart im not suggesting it will hit 25. Brazil a voting to impeach the president there. Were using petrobra. And at 88, were at 86 now, still up. And pepsi, nothing to do with the soda, theyve got cost cuts and making a strong advance in snack sales in north america, up she goes. And gopro, new Virtual Reality products, but the cheapest Virtual Reality camera, be aware of that. Cheryl, another hit for the jungle book. The jungle book blew past expectations over the weekend. Look for a long series coming out of these guys. This is john favro. And look at that. Didnt you read the jungle book when you were young. Maria yes, rudeyard kipling. Yeah, and i saw the original movie nowhere near as scary as that. Look at that beast. Kids want more action these days. Ashley settle down, stuart, settle down. Cheryl anyway. Stuart you like disney. Cheryl they did a good job. 300 million globally with this one. How about carnival cruz lines . They may delay the part of their cruises to cuba. This is interesting, because cuba going back to cold war law does not allow cubanborn americans to go back to the island by sea. However, you can by airplane, so how bizarre is that and that bizarre law didnt change. Carnival says unless you change that we may delay being the first cruise ship. Stuart congress would have to change the law. Yeah. Stuart and lets check the big boards because we were down about 45. Now were almost at breakeven level. You see . This market appears to want to go up. The price of oil, thats becoming a major market story for the rest of this week, we struggle back to 39. 04 as we speak. And of course, were following politics. New york votes tomorrow to primaries in the democrats and the republicans. Cue up that awkward video of Hillary Clinton dancing to the mus music. And there are two developments on hillarys email scandal. Napolitano will pass judgment. Heres the plan. You want a family and a career, but most of the time you feel like youre trying to wrangle a hurricane. The rest of the time, theyre asleep. Then one day, hr schedules a meeting with you out of the blue. And its the worst 19 minutes of your career. But you dont sweat it because you and your advisor have prepared for this. And when the best offer means youre moving to the middle of nowhere, the boys say they hate the idea. But you pretend its not so bad. And years later at thanksgiving, when one of them says what hes thankful for most, is this house, you realize you didnt plan for any of this you wouldnt have done it any other way. With the right financial partner, progress is possible. The Supreme Court ruling in favor of googles book scanning project. Whats this all about . Millions of books being put into an online library. Authors challenged saying youre depriving our revenue, taking our work and scanning it and putting it up for people to enjoy. The Supreme Court had the Lower Court Ruling that essentially says while it tests the boundaries of fair use, ultimately is allowed under the law. So google wins. Stuart google goes ahead and scans every book ever written sooner or later, online for free. Thanks. Listen to this, ive got two headlines on Hillary Clinton. Here is what she said over the weekend about the email scandal. Roll tape. Of course i never endangered National Security thats absolutely false and ive said it was a mistake, it wasnt the best choice. Never endangered National Security. Got it. Next case, benghazi, documents show she told World Leaders two different accounts, one blamed the video and one terrorism. Is her position worse now following the statements and these developments . Yes, except i think the fbi has known about it, and its just become known to us. If we start the email, she is trying to create the narrative that there is no crime without any harm. Now, generally, thats true. But this crime, espionage, is the rare crime where the government doesnt have to prove intent and it doesnt have to prove harm. The president started this last week, two sundays going into his interview with Chris Wallace when he said she didnt cause any harm. Thats a straw man because the government doesnt have to prove harm. The crime consists in removing the emails from a safe, secure place to an unsafe, knowen secure place. Now, theres another issue here and that is the fbi is trying to find out if in fact she did cause harm. Because some of these secret materials she emailed to her friend Sid Blumenthal was hacked by a former romanian intelligence officer. Guess where he is now . Alexandria, virginia, hes debriefing the fbi about what he saw when he hacked Sid Blumenthals server. Stuart plus we do know the know whether her entire private server was hacked. It could have been. It could have been hacked and she wouldnt have known that. Stuart she wouldnt have known. A real professional could get in and out of there without anybody knowing somebody would be in there. If they could show that, that would make the case stronger. But they do not have to show this. Stuart her position has not worsened exactly with the fbi, but in public it has worsened. Ill tell you how its worsened with the fbi. The fbi monitors every word she says in public about this and when she says something thats materially misleading, she is attempting to gainsay and dismiss the investigation. She continues to antagonize the fbi by suggesting they have standards to meet which they dont. Stuart youre our point guy on Hillary Clinton and the email scandal. Now, when do we expect a decision from the fbi to indict or not to indict . When can they happen . I dont know. Originally director comey hinted, he didnt say, hinted that it would be may. May is two weeks from now. The democratic National Convention is three months from now, so, i dont know. I dont know when its going to come down. I do know that they are the tail end of their investigation. We know that because they have invited in her aides and once they speak with them, which i believe will be this week, if they come in. This is an invitation, you can reject it. They will invite mrs. Clinton. Once they invite her in, whether she accepts or rejects and thats the end of the investigation and the mountain of justice, they decide can it be presented to the grand jury. Stuart every single democrat who appeared on this show says the possible indictment is irrelevant, well go right on past it, it doesnt mean a thing. Im not sure its true. Oh, my goodness, i cant imagine the public accepting that she would run for president while indicted. I cant think that the public would accept it if she was pardoned. I dont think that the public is going to accept someone into the white house. Stuart you talk about someone being pardoned, a president ial candidate, it doesnt work. For espionage of all things, not jaywalking. Stuart judge, come back in the 11th hour. Donald trump leading the pack in new york, hes got 54 support. Major earthquakes in japan and then ecuador, hundreds of dead and billions in damage. The question, are the quakes linked . Well have an answer for you, more varney in a moment. It recognizes pedestrians and alerts you. Warns you about incoming crosstraffic. Cameras and radar detect dangers you dont. And it can even stop by itself. So in this crash test, one things missing a crash. The 2016 eclass. Now receive up to a 3,000 spring bonus on the e350 sport sedan. And intellectual propertylines about bubeing stolen. G hacked that is cybercrime. And it affects each and every one of us. Microsoft created the digital crimes unit to fight cybercrime. We use the microsoft cloud to visualize information so we can track down the criminals. When it comes to the cloud, trust and security are paramount. 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The pilots of the flight was coming from geneva to Heathrow Airport says the plane was hit by an object. He couldnt say for sure it was a drone, but thats the suspicion. The plane was looked over, no problems at all, but the question is, how do you find out who was flying that drone . Theres no Registration Requirements in the u. K. However, if youre caught flying a drone near an airport in the u. K. , you can face up to fight years in prison. Stuart so you dont know whether it was a drone or not or deliberately or not, thats the scary thing. Ashley Scotland Yard is on it. A new maris poll has donald trump ahead of kasich and cruz is back in third place. Look, trump has by far the highest negatives, Something Like 70 negative, and yet, he is handdown favorite to win in new york by a margin, how do you explain that . Hes the king of this, and needs to win his home state of new york, he said multiple time when rubio, and cruz, and even kasich in ohio, if they dont win their home state, they should get out of the race. I dont think that donald trump loses new york, but even if he does, he should get out of the race if he doesnt win his home state of new york. Stuart i dont believe theres anything such as a Republican Party in the state of new york, a Republican Party that would be recognized as a Republican Party as if i lived in ohio, texas, or even california. Its open season for a guy like trump to walk in and take the republican vote . I think more of a moderate base. Im originally from new hampshire, and we have the massachusetts and those who walk in in our primary. I think its a different base of the Republican Party and thats why its so easy for him to kind of cultivate support there, but at the same time he needs over 50 in order to get all of the 95 delegates. What will be interesting is whether or not kasich can hold him to if he kasich gets over 20 he gets some delegates in some districts. And a look at whether he gets out of them and trump wants the sweep. Hes got to get 50 of the vote in each constituency, Congressional District. Yes. Stuart ashley, thanks for joining us, and im sure youll be back when we dissect the new york results. Thank you, stu. Stuart thanks, ashley. A quick check of the markets, were now up 15 points, thats important, despite a drop in the price of oil. I still say were on 18k watch, well see. More campus lunacy, and why they feel this way. And the former contestant on the apprentice, he is blasting donald trump, and he says if his season of apprentice were held today, he wouldnt have gone on the show. Second hour of Varney Company two minutes away. Stuart good morning, california. Sounds like good morning, vietnam, doesnt it . [laughter] the gop primary will hit your state in a couple of months, june 7th way out west. Tomorrow its new york state thats voting. At this hour ted cruz is speaking in manhattan, hes trying to grab just a few of the delegates to prevent a trump sweep in the empire state. He did get all 14 of the delegates from wyoming over the weekend and again, just like colorado, there was no vote at the republican membership. Also this hour the Supreme Court is hearing the first challenge to president obamas executive orders on immigration. Twentysix states say the president acted unconstitutionally, that he violated federal law. The markets have erased their earlier losses after a fed president said the fed will be cautious in raising Interest Rates. That goes down well. Look at oil, till got a huge selloff after opec said no production freeze. The glut stands. Weve got it all covered for you. Hour two starts now. I think its more than a suspicion. I think its clearly known theres enough evidence that the saudis were somehow involved. The question is at what level of the government. Was it key members of the government, or was it more distant members of the royal family. But, i mean, at this point Everybody Knows including Foreign Countries that the saudis had a hand in funding this. Stuart that was last hour. This is a very big deal. At issue is whether 9 11 victims families can drag saudi arabia into court to explain the saudi role, if any, in the attacks. The president gets ready to visit saudi arabia this week. Lieutenant colonel ralph peters is here. All right, ralph, you say the administration puts the happiness of the saudis ahead of the relatives of 9 11 victims, and you say, i believe, that this is outrageous. Go. Well, it is. And also to be fair, the george w. Bush administration did the same thing. Stuart, we think we have an alliance with saudi arabia. It is a master slave relationship. Nine times out of ten we do what the saudis want us to do. It distorts our middle east policy wildly. We use our military to support the most oppressive regime in the world. North koreans have more freedom than saudi women, and we allow the saudis to fund hate speech mosques stuart thats the point. Here in the United States. Stuart thats the point. I think youve got an editorial in the new york post, and youre making the point that the wahhabis of saudi arabia who do not want any integration of muslims in western society, any place else, they run the show in saudi arabia, and they run a lot of mosques in the United States. Thats your main point, isnt it . Well, y. And the thing people have to understand about the saudis is they do not care about the fate of individual muslims. They care about islam in the abstract. And they will sacrifice any number of muslims to keep the faith pure, to push their wahhabi ideology. And, stuart, every single terrorist movement in the sunniarab world today, alqaeda, obviously, isis, ago nusra, they all have their roots in wahhabism. But the saudis have been brilliant. Over decades, generations really, theyve bribed their way into the american scene very deeply, you know . Key corporations and individuals make profits here. They spread money around, they buy into think tanks. And as a result, theyve had their way. So now theyre throwing this tantrum because they dont want the 28 missing pages from the 9 11 report released, they dont want individual survivors and family members to be able to sue and, please, just one more point here on this, the saudis are now threaten, as you know, to sell 750 billion of u. S. Investments. Let them. Let them do it, because it would briefly dent our equities, it would cripple the saudi, alreadyhurting saudi economy. And by the way, time for revenge on the 1970s oil embargoes. We should embargo saudi oil, including third party swaps and subsidize american fracking operations until oil hits 50 a barrel. National security. Stuart all right. Ralph is off and running, and he feels it. [laughter] we like it. We like it, okay, ralph . We like it. We dont like the saudis. Stuart ah, we like what youve got to say. Thanks very much, indeed, ralph peters. Whoa, look at that market. Turned around and then some. We were down 40 points, now were up 43 points. Weve got a fed governor say well go easy on raising Interest Rates. But the price of oil off 1. 16 at 39. 20. So weve got a decoupling of oil and stocks. Disney, theyve got another winner with the jungle book, 103 Million Box Office just this weekend. Up goes disney to 100. And amazon is going to offer Video Service for a buck a month less than netflix. What have you got to say for yourself . How about that . Disney is propping up the dow right now. Good for disney. Apple, a bit of a drag, but disney with that blowout performance at the box office this weekend helping to turn the dow around. Also bill dudley at the federal reserve, that as well. Stuart he made that statement, what, about 20 minutes ago . Yeah. Stuart the dow was down 40, then it recovers no rush to raise Interest Rates. Stuart you know, we could go back on 18k rate 57, 56, yep. Stuart i didnt think i was supposed to do math on this program, but nonetheless, we are 56 points down, away. Got it. Now to the Supreme Court where there are protests outside including a mariachi band. The Court Hearing arguments challenging president obamas executive orders on immigration. Whats the latest on that, ash . Well, its interesting. The Obama Administration says the states who are fighting this have no legal right to bring this case in the first place. If the Supreme Court agrees with that, this issue is dead. Essentially, what the president did back in november of 2014 went around congress, took executive action providing a shield for some four million undocumented workers, giving them away, shielding them from deportation and giving them a chance and a path to permanent work visa status. The people who say, wait a minute, you dont have the Legal Authority to do that, Congress Makes the laws, and thats where were at in the Supreme Court right now. Stuart got it. I want to move on to politics. Bernie sanders for a start. Ooh, huge crowd in brooklyn over the weekend. Democrat strategist Alexis Johnson is with us. Those crowds, huge. 28,000 there in brooklyn. But i looked at them closely, thats a lot of very, very young people, and theres no guarantee that they will, a, be registered to vote and, b, actually turn out to vote. Watch it now, i cut my teeth on the youth vote in 2004 back when i was young. [laughter] i think [laughter] stuart twelve years ago. And what we knew then is what we know now, that young people have gotten a bad rap on voting since the 1960s. But theyve actually been turning out in larger numbers, almost 50 in stuart the new york state primary tomorrow. Bernie needs those young voters. Do you think they turn out . I think they will turn out in the same numbers theyve been turning out across the other states. You know, i think young people have different challenges around Voter Registration depending on the state, whether or not theyre college students, so i think they get a bad rap because of that, but theyre very engaged, and theyre driving, you know stuart if i was in college now, youngster, and bernie comes along and says, oh, free college, i think i might consider voting for that. I mean, back in my youth i was on the left. I would have probably voted for it. Do you think they understand what socialism really is, do you . I mean, youve grown up a little since 2004. Yes, i have. [laughter] stuart what is it all about . I think they understand, yes. I think bernies definitely getting them with the free college debt. I think they understand what reality tv is on the other side, right . So we have a socialist versus a big reality tv star, and i think theyre going to these policies that actually have to do with kind of where they are in life. Theyre the biggest generation, bigger, i think, than the baby boomers. Stuart are you with them . Bernie . Stuart are you a bernie supporter . Im actually a hillary supporter, but i think hes been a great conversation starter and moving her towards some issues stuart moving her towards socialism. Towards trying to find a path for everyone. I dont think that necessarily equates stuart i will personally buy you a ticket to denmark. [laughter] i have no problem with that. All right, hold on a second. How about more liberal lunacy on College Campuses, this time it is the university of new mexico. A Student Group now says the official seal depicting a spanish conquistador and a frontiersman, thats racist, and they find it offensive. Before we go to you, ashley, have you got anything more on this . Theres been kind of a tongue in cheek revamping of the seal that shows the two standing on a pile of bones. The native americans say, wait a minute, this is racist. These people came to our lands, stole our lands, killed us, and then were kind of, you know, flaunting them as heroes on the seal of the university of new mexicos university. So thats the argument. Stuart thats the latest. Its insensitive. Stuart okay. I want to play alexis, hold on a second. Okay. Stuart youve got to listen to this. This is one of your guys. I want to play a clip from Alan Dershowitz, professor at harvard. Hes talking about free speech under attack on our College Campuses right now. Roll tape. In the 1930s when students at german universities tried to and succeeded in stopping leftwing speakers, jewish speakers and others, burned the books, and as Justice Jackson said at nuremberg, when you start by burning books, you end by burning people. And some of these repressives on College Campuses today would burn books. If they disagree with them, they dont want you to read them. Stuart ive got to say i was shocked when Alan Dershowitz comes on this program and says it reminds him of the 1930s and the rise of the nazis. Now, hes one of you guys. Hes a liberal, hes on the left. Hes basically with you guys, and hes saying this . I think that what the students are doing across campuses across the country i went to princeton, so we just finished grappling with around woodrow wilson, right . Theres a sense that schools have a responsibility to create a sense of belonging for their students. And when you look and you see these relics of the past carrying values that you know the University Body does not carry now, it is incumbent upon us to challenge it. Stuart the real issue here, alexis, is do they need a safe space, safe from other peoples opinions which they find offensive . Thats the diametrically opposite of what a university should be. I think a university i disagree. I think a university is about interrogating multiple opinions stuart well, where are the conservatives on a College Campus . I dont know, are they not going to school . Because they certainly have a voice there. Stuart wait a minute. You put a chalk mark up saying trump 16, and some of these kids are offended by it, they have to have them washed away. No free speech. What . I disagree with that. I disagree we racing partisan lines. But i do believe that a university has an obligation to interrogate its own history and to create a space for everyone to feel like they belong in the space. And thats what i think that were missing. I mean, drew faust at harvard made the same point. Stuart thats a long way away from when i went to college. [laughter] we do appreciate you being with us, thank you very much. The department of Homeland Security has a warning. Windows users should immediately stop using a Popular Software program. Well tell you what thats all about. Microsoft stock, i do own a little, its up today. Ted cruz takes wyoming, and donald trump says the systems rigged against him. Were going to ask a trump supporter, is it time to stop complaining and Start Playing by the rules . More varney after this. Stuart breaking news for you on the fight against isis. Ashley . Yep. 200 more troops and a number of apache helicopters apparently headed to iraq to help in the fight. Theres a big push to take iraqs second biggest city, mosul, from isis. And mainly these troops are going to be used in advisory roles, but its ramping up a little more. Stuart 200 more, got it. Were now up about 50 points, that means were about 50 points from dow 18,000, 17,945 right now. Look at microsoft. The department of Homeland Security warning windows pc users uninstall or delete in my terminology apples quick time video player. Jo, make this sample. If you have quick time on your computer, many people do, you should delete it off of your computer because the department of Homeland Security says that apple is no longer providing updates to this, so it actually has some vulnerabilities. There are two ways that hackers can hack boo your computer into your computer and steal your personal information on this front, and its rare for the department of Homeland Security to issue this type of warning stuart yeah, thats the government. I agree entirely. Yeah. Stuart do most people have this quick time on their pcs . Yeah, many people do, because a windows pc can also run apple itunes, the popular way to listen to music. And if youve ever watched a video or if youve ever will bed to music on itunes, you may have in the past have had to install quick time. You want to get rid of it and make sure its not on your computer. Stuart delete that thing. Is that the same as uninstall . Yes, it is. Stuart all right. Youve got to teach me. Anytime. At the ready. Stuart next case, ted cruz took all 14 delegates in the wyoming gop convention. No vote, just at the convention. Donald trump thinks the system is rigged. Roll that tape. Yeah, the system thats rigged, we have a system thats crooked, we have a system thats got the a lot of problems, and we have a system that doesnt allow the people to vote in many cases. And if they do vote, their vote isnt really representative of what it should be. We have this delegate system, which is a sham. Stuart okay. Rigged, its a sham. Come on in, former senator scott brown, who at last count you were a trump supporter as i recall, last time on the yes, you are, youre nodding. Okay. Yes, yes, of course. Stuart why doesnt trump quit complaining, some would say whining, and play by the rules just like ted cruz played by the rules and won in wyoming and in colorado . Well, first of all, good morning to you and your viewers. And in massachusetts in particular, we have the marathon, so a lot of folks are running, and i want to wish them all a safe and healthy race. That being said, listen, i dont disagree with you, stuart. These rules in these states, some of them have been in place for decades. And when donald or any candidate is running, the first thing you do is you actually go in a statebystate basis and find out, hire somebody who deals with this sort of thing and find out exactly what the rules are and then plan out your plan of attack. And, obviously, because of the newness of this campaign and the fact that, you know, it initially was a very, you know, limited amount of people in the campaign, obviously they should have done their homework in that regard, and they didnt. Now we have others who are on board, others that are on board right now, stuart, theyre doing that job for california and others. I dont disagree with you. Listen, you get in there, you know the rule, youve got to go battle. Politics is a blood sport and, you know, ted did a good job. Hes very good at that caucus, you know, individual delegate type of thing. Stuart yep. Hes got that type of ground game. I think in new york today a lot of that stops. Stuart well, Donald Trumps campaign has hired a lot of new staffers, show him how to do it right and winning according to the rules. And it appears to me hes trying to come on a little bit more president ially, if i can put it like that. I agree. Stuart i think hes been reading from notes. You would support that, i think. Not only do i support it, ive advocated it for months, and i know others have as well. Im not the only one. Yes, he needesidential. His wife and kids say that. He needs to put out speeches using a teleprompter letting people know exactly what he thinks about not only the immigration issues, Supreme Court, our economy, our military, you name it. If he does that and starts acting more president ial and then picks up, obviously, new york, pennsylvania, connecticut, rhode island, i think youre going to see a lot of momentum moving forward. Stuart yeah. Scott brown, enjoy that marathon today. Im sure itll go well, and we appreciate you being here today. Thank you, scott. Yeah. I dont even like to drive a marathon, stuart, so im going to watch and cheer everyone on. [laughter] stuart an honest man. Thank you, scott. Thanks, stuart. Stuart all right. Now weve got three deadly earthquakes last week, two in japan, one ecuador. Were asking a top seismologist at usgs is this a sign that an even bigger one could be coming . A lot of talk about that, and well address it. New documents show Hillary Clinton told two very different stories about the benghazi attack. Well hear from the mother of one of the victims next hour. People, listen, listen to whats happening to your country. This woman is evil. She lies. She lied to my, to my face at a very hard time, and shes been lying since. Poor mouth breather. Allergies . Stuffy nose . Cant sleep . Take that. A breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. Perfect driving record. Perfect. No tickets. No accidents. That is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. Yup. Now, you would think your Insurance Company would cut you some slack, right . No. Your insurance rates go through the roof. Your perfect record doesnt get you anything. Anything. Perfect for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claim centers are available to assist you 24 7. For a free quote, call Liberty Mutual at switch to Liberty Mutual and you could save up to 509 call today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Stuart severe storms have dumped more than a foot of rain in the houston area in the past 24 hours . This is remarkable. In some places 16 inches of rain in just 24 hours. At last estimate at least 70 subdivisions in the houston area are now under flood waters including parts of interstate 10 which is the major east west route connecting california all the way to florida. Thats a lot of rain. Stuart a foot in 24 hours . Goodness me. And then there are two major earthquakes in ecuador, the strongest wake there in decades. That was saturday. 350 People Killed, 2500 injured. Mostly along ecuadors coast. In japan theyre reeling from two quakes, 32 dead from saturdays 7. 3 magnitude, 9 dead from magnitude 6. 5 in the same area, but that was last thursday night. Come on in, please, gavin hayes, research geophysicist. Gavin, a lot of people are talking about these two earthquakes in a very short period of time. Okay, separated geographically. Is there any link between the two . Short answer is, no. Earthquakes are a can. Com process, and sometimes random processes cluster in time. Stuart its not like the same tectonic plates are shifting thousands of miles apart, thats to not happening. To what youre saying is if there is no link between the two, then were not likely to be having a huge, megaquake anytime soon because of these two first shocks . Thats exactly right. The tectonic plates involved in these two earthquakes are different, and they dont make it any more or less likely that an earthquake will occur somewhere else in the world. Stuart can you make a prediction that after two earthquakes in japan we can expect more or one big quake in ecuador we can expect more . Can you make that prediction . We cant make predictions, unfortunately. We can say that because of the earthquake in japan and the earthquake in ecuador aftershocks will continue in those regions, in the immediate regions around japan and ecuador, but nowhere else in the world as a response to these two events. Stuart is there such a thing as a ring of fire around the pacific, and does that expression have any meaning . Ring of fires a very old term. Before plate tectonics, but its an expression of the active tectonics around the border region of the Pacific Ocean where there are many convergent margins that cause very big earthquakes like the ones we saw in ec ecuador and japan. Stuart gavin, youve done your best to reassure us all, and we appreciate that. No link between the earthquake centers, ecuador and japan. Thank you, gavin. My pleasure. Stuart a new nickname for hillary from trump, hes calling her crooked hillary. Lyin ted, well, that caught on. I wonder if this will . We shall see. And hillary holds a big fundraiser in hollywood, even George Clooney who hosted the event calls it an obscene amount of money. Youll hear from him after this. Stuart we are definitely back. Watching for 18,000 on the dow because were only 31 points away from it. One fed governor says theyll be cautious about raising Interest Rates. Thats enough for the dow to go up 62 points and very close to 18k. Higher profits at has bro. That stock hit a record high at the open. That was 88. Still the leading performer in the s p 500. Up 4 as we speak. How about oil . No freeze from that opec meeting over the weekend. That means that supply glut continues and that sent the price down about a buck. 39. 37 is where we are. Lets go through all of our stories with lee carter, ashley, and moore that joins us. This glot is not going to go away. No production cut. No refresh your recollection freeze. I think this is good for americas economy. What say you . Yeah. Ive been saying that for months. I just got back last week from being in oklahoma where people arent too happy about the lower price of oil because thats the real oil patch in america. But, you know, 40 is still significant difference from 30, stuart. So remember i think we went below 30, didnt we . About six weeks ago or so. I talked to the frackers out there. I talked to the people that are doing the drilling. They say you keep that price 40 to 45, they can make money at that price. They cant make it at 30. So i think its good for consumers. And the other thing is who is carrying the American Economy right now, stuart . You know its the American Consumer, why is the American Consumer spending . Because theyre saving money at the gas tank. Stuart 40 a barrel, 2 gasoline. Ill take it. Stuart youll take that . Yeah. Stuart let me get to strictly politics for a moment. Donald trump has a new nickname test marketing his new nickname for Hillary Clinton. Im self funding. All of this is mine. When i fly in, its on my dime; right . Its on my dime. [cheers and applause] and what does that mean . That means im not controlled by the special interest, by the lobbyists, and they control. They control crooked hillary. Stuart he eventually got to it. Crooked hillary. Thats his new nickname. Why are you laughing . Thats pretty nasty. Its really nasty. But he has just a knack for getting right to the heart of what people think, lying ted cruz, little marco, and now crooked Hillary Clinton. And it is playing to this larger narrative thats going on right now. The crooked politics. This whole crooked stuart okay. Will it work the way low energy jeb, little marco, lying ted, they kind of worked. But here, hes referring to a lady. A woman as crooked. Will it work the same way . Theres been a lot of talk can a man go after a woman in this way . Can he do it . And i think this is going to be a very effective attack because when you think about what the issues are people have with Hillary Clinton, the number one issue is i dont trust her. I think shes crooked,. Stuart what did she im staying on hillary for one second. Bernie sanders supporters watch this. Through money at her motorcade as she arrived at a fundraiser. It was George Clooneys house in california. A single ticket cost 33,000. Clooney himself said that is an obscene amount of money. Roll that tape. I think its an obscene amount of money. I think we had you know, we had protesters last night when we pulled up in san francisco. And theyre right to protest. Theyre absolutely right, its an obscene amount of money. The Sanders Campaign when they talk about it is absolutely right. Its ridiculous that we have this kind of money in politics. Stuart hes having it both ways. But its within the rules, and im going to pay it. Who needs protesters . Cite frankly its an unbelievable thing hes out there throwing the event and saying youre right. Protest and its obscene. What are you saying . Stuart whos side is he on . Yeah. Stuart steve, i want to bring you into this. Stuart, stuart yeah, go ahead. Stuart, i was going to say how about hypocritical hillary . Because all shes been doing is raging against wealth and income inequality and shes raising all of her money from millionaires and billionaires and hollywood and wall street and so on. I think thats a big problem for her, by the way, come november. Ashley yeah. Because it undermines her message that shes kind of a populous and a woman of the people when she hangs out with people like George Clooney and people in hollywood all the time. Ashley i think it plays perfectly into berni Bernie Sanders narrative of who she is. Its perfect to have money thrown at the motorcade. 33,000 ticket. Its good for Bernie Sanders. Absolutely. Stuart one more time. The money thrown at the motorcade. Fighting for you; right . Stuart Bernie Sanders drew a huge crowd in brooklyn over the weekend. 28,000 is the last estimate we have heard. But my question theyre all youngsters. I mean universally theyre youngsters. Are they registered to vote . And will they vote tomorrow . Ashley he certainly hopes so. Stuart he does, yeah. I think were going to see a huge number of people go out to vote tomorrow. I do think that the energy, the ground flow the momentum were seeing toward Bernie Sanders, the numbers are huge. I think a lot of these folks are registered because the system in new york you have to advance quite in advance but i think youre just feeling this energy. Ashley huge crowd. Its a big deal. Stuart well, steve moore, im going to throw you whats called a softball question. Do you think the youngsters in that crowd understand socialism . No. These are most people who dont pay much taxes. A lot of them have never had a job to speak of. And hopefully when they start getting into the labor force, their whole views of socialism will change. But i will say this about, you know, hillary. I think if she loses new york, and i think she may lose new york. Im going to say that right here. I know the polls are saying shes up by six, seven, eight points. If she loses new york, she is so damaged, i dont see how she wins the nomination, stuart. I mean truly this is her own state for Goodness Sake and people are basically and it gets that issue of her not being genuine. Because, look, i dont agree with a single thing that Bernie Sanders does. But i do respect him for believing what he says. I think hillary flipflops on every issue. Stuart ive got a poll, by the way, where hillary leads in new york by 17 points. Thats the latest poll there. So well see how things turn out tomorrow. Still with Bernie Sanders. He met with the pope this weekend. The pope says the meeting was not political. And anybody who suggested it was political needs quote a psychiatrist. Well, listen to what bernie said. The top 1 of people on this planet now own more wealth than the bottom 99 . Is. It is unsustainable, it is immoral, and together we have got to change that. Stuart steve, i think that Bernie Sanders was playing the pope. Playing to follow his coattails, jumping on the popes humanitarian record. I agree with that entirely and, look, im a catholic. I dont agree with anything the pope says when it comes to economics. I dont think ends economics or capitalism. But a smart play by Bernie Sanders. Look, the pope might be the most popular, you know, political figure in america today. Hes beloved by catholics, even though i disagree with him on economics, i think it plays well for Bernie Sanders, and i think hes going to get a bump out of that. Stuart okay. We hear you. Opec says no to an Oil Production freeze. Jeff flock at the cme with more on that. Jeff. Apparently not as bad as we thought, stuart. You know, this market opened. If you take a look at the enter today, it was a bloodbath on oil, it got down to as much as 7 , 37. 61 at its low point but now recovered. Now down about a dollar. And weve got the contract flipping over in a few days. We will gain some as well. The oil stocks went down big time too. But now most of them have recovered. Im looking at bp, pretty flat, shell down a little bit, conocophillips is up actually. So all of this naysaying, a lot of people dumped out and now theyre sorry they did maybe. Stuart jeff right there in the oil pit. We like that. Thanks, jeff. And steve moore, we appreciate you being with us. A former apprentice contest said if he knew how donald trump would run his campaign today, he never would have tried out for the show. A different take from some of the contests weve heard who have been on our show. I dont think hes a facetious, i think hes a democrat. I like him as a person, hes the uncle that gets drunk at the wedding and embarrasses you. You still love him but wish he would shut up. America is speaking, voters are speaking, and its clearly establishing that mr. Trump is the person theyre looking for. Trump is that man. He is unfiltered, and he is bold and he does not shy away from controversy. Good evening 9 00 a. M. Eastern, youre going to miss some great stuff. Like this one. Roll it. Has sort of dripped from what it once was and that is a place where people did have some allegiance. But they dont. And were seeing the results. And the further you weaken it, and the further you dilute its strength and authority spiritually, the more the culture continues to collapse. The saudis are now threatening as you know to sell 750 billion of u. S. Investments. Let them. Let them do it because it would briefly dent our equities. It would cripple the saudi, already hurting saudi economy these guys represent blood cells. If you have afib not caused by a heart valve problem, pradaxa helps stop blood cells from pooling in the heart. Forming a clot. Which can travel to the brain and cause a stroke. Pradaxa was better than warfarin at reducing stroke risk in a study. In the rare event of an emergency, pradaxa has a specific reversal treatment to help you clot normally again. Pradaxa is not for people who have had a heart valve replacement. Dont stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. Stopping increases your risk of stroke or blood clots. Ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before any planned medical or dental procedure. Pradaxa can cause serious, and sometimes, fatal bleeding. Dont take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding. And seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if youre 75 or older, have kidney problems, stomach ulcers, a bleeding condition, or take certain medicines. Side effects with pradaxa can include indigestion, stomach pain, upset or burning. Ask your doctor about pradaxa. And its specific reversal treatment. Stuart well, not doing too badly. Dow is getting close to 18,000. Look at those two stocks in particular. Amazon is introducing a Video Service that will be a 1 perfect month less than netflix. So what have you got . Youve got amazon going up 10 a share right now and netflix sinking by about 2. 5 . Big impact. New york state, yes, they vote tomorrow. And peter barns is in new york city. Actually hes right outside trump tower. Now, youve got the latest what is it . The poll. Start with republicans and trump. Go. All right. Stuart. Donald trump of course Still Holding a commanding lead over his rivals going into tomorrow. The very latest poll from merris chose trump at 45 , kasich 25 , cruz down fro from the last poll just a little bit. Trump hopes to win all 95 delegates here in new york on tuesday. But now says its vital for him to win these delegates to help him secure the nomination. Because he says as you know that the system is rigged and crooked against him. Stuart. Stuart so hes got 45 to kasichs 25. More than doubles him. Well peter barns, thank you very much indeed. Now this. A former apprentice contest denouncing donald trump. Roll that tape. I remember a different mr. Trump over ten years ago when i first went on the season one of apprentice. I almost say it has been a dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde transformation. If mr. Trump and his current manifestation as a politician came about ten years ago, i would not have gone on season one of the apprentice. Stuart all right. You saw him right there. His name is Kwame Jackson on the set right now. Welcome, sir. Thank you for having me, sir,. Stuart do you think donald trump is a racist. Ive always thought that since his comments came out. Stuart what comment in particular made you say that guys a racist. I wouldnt say what comment in particular. I would say theres a preponderance of comments. What he said about mexicans, the rapist, black lives Matter Movement. Stuart what did he say . He talked about black lives Matter Movement being something that should be usa sized, we should not be paying attention to it. Stuart why is that racist . Just because he says this particular Extremist Group should be usa sized. Is that racist . No. I dont think black lives matter is a racist grou g. Stuart well, is it racist for donald trump to say ignore them . Put them on one side. Nord im not saying that one comment. Im giving you a series of events. Donald trump has said many racist things that i think are out there in the media alread a. Stuart i dont think of the man as a racist. I dont. Am i a racist if i say, you know, i really dont like 11 million Illegal Immigrants living in this country. I dont think youre a racist. I think youre a zene phobe. Stuart really . Racism is not standing out in your front lawn and burning a cross. Racism has transformed over the years. And now its much more subtle, its. Of more nuanced. So people think theres only one litmus test, if you call someone the n word or whatever, you cant be a racist. And i think people are afraid to use that term because it does have a lot of power. Stuart but you devalued the word if you use it all the time. I agree with that. I dont think i use it all the time. But i think donald trump is an example of that. I think hes someone who has a huge racial blind spot. He doesnt have a lot of folks around him of color in executive management rolls on his campaign. And i dont think he has the perspective of a lot of minority concerns. He talks about the blacks and the hispanics and how hes going to take care of them. What if they want to take care of themselves . And also talk about the fact with Donald Trumps blind spot against blacks and hispanics poll numbers dont show that as well. Stuart isnt that exactly what Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are saying . Well take care of you . I think people should be able to take care of themselves. Stuart of course. Of course. Weve got people on this program, black folks saying stop trying to help us for heavens sake. Democrats are saying you need help. Im going to help you. I do believe that theres a federal intervention arm in terms of giving people a leg up. Im not saying is it racist for the federal government to convene . Stuart no. No. No. Is it racist Hillary Clinton to say you minorities over there, well help you. I dont think so. No, i dont think thats racist. Stuart but when donald trump says black lives matter, stay over there thats one comment. And i mean i dont know if thats necessarily the best one reflecting it. Im saying theres a history of racist comments against all kinds of people that donald has a blind spot to that he doesntene know hes racist when hes doing it. Stuart i think a lot of people would fall into that category. Im not voting for a lot of those people either. Stuart before you go, can you tell me one society, anywhere in the world which has more than one race in that society which is not racist. I will say this. I dont think everything is racist. But race is involved in everything and let me tell you the difference. What i mean by that is just like gender, just like class, those are human triggers that allow us to see people in different context. So to say that race is something that weve all moved from, thats not true. So every comment is not racist, but race is involved in as he went fair point. Kwame thank you for coming. Thank you. Stuart appreciate it. If youre careful, you will be back. More varney after this stuart . Ashley now this. Tax return fraud is on the rise and our next guest is a victim. He got a notice in the mail asking for more information on his return. The problem was . He hadnt filed it yesterday. Congressman jim is with us. Congressman, explain to me exactly what happened. Good morning, ashley. Thats exactly what happened. I received a notice from the irs, got back from dc one day, received a notice, and basically who was asking for more information on a tax return, 2014 tax return. This was in about may of 2015. What i thought at first was while the irs just made a mistake, i spent a few hours on the phone trying to get an answer. Did not get an answer. Finally talked to the local irs Taxpayer Advocacy Office here in cleveland. They tell me there was a return filed in my name. When i got back to dc, i called the irs there and actually met with them, and they showed me the return that was filed. It was shocking when you first realize that somebody has taken your name and identity and filed a return. Ashley and all they wanted was to get your return. You had money due to you. Did you ever get the money . Well, actually they were filing a fraudulent return that had a refund. I normally dont get a refund. But it was they actually had a w2 from the u. S. Congress. So it was dummied up and filed and they were asking for a refund. And out of country. Ashley ive got 30second. Im sorry this is so short. How can we protect ourselves . Well, you have to be vigilant and careful. They got my credit information, they were able to file a return. I think people need to realize this is a big issue. People are looking to steal your identity and not only can they steal your idenrun up charr crad but file tax returns for you. So you have to be cautious. I have a bill out there that were trying to get filed, and we already have filed in trying to get past which will help. One of the things is electronic filings. We want to be able to have taxpayers opt out of that. Ashley frightening story. Thank you so much for telling. We appreciate it, congressman for taking the time. More varney after this i use whats already inside me to reach my goals. So i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating whats within me. With onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what its supposed to do release its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen and i may even lose a little weight. 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If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option, ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. And click to activate your within. Uartall ght. 11 0 ecisy he on e ea coas and ok at this. College is out with a new poll. From new york state and donald trump way out front for the republicans. Hillary clinton way out front for the democrats. This is in new york. Lee is the Public Opinion director. Lee, welcome to the program. Im good how are you . Stuart im well. Donald trump has a remarkable lead. 54 to kasich 25 and cruz 16 your poll. 29 points and he ploys to get if not all the 95 republican delegates. Probably at least 80, 85. He could shut out his rivals. And that starts getting him down to the 50 6f remaining dels that he has to win to clinch the nomination. Stuart but hes got to get 50 of the vote in each Congressional District to get all of the delegates. Yeah. And so thats no easy trick. But hes likely to get the lions share of the delegates and that starts driving down the number into the 50s of what he needs from here until june 7th. Stuart okay. When california and new jersey go. Stuart one more question on the republicans in new york. Is donald trump extending his lead . Well, were seeing it stay about even. The movement has been underneath, which has been common this year. We see cruzs numbers have declined. Kasich is now gotten into second place. But, you know, we dont have that much cruz doesnt have the evangelical, the tea party base as much in new york as hes had elsewhere. Kasich doesnt have the money to spend, and donald trump has the homecourt advantage. So were seeing a solid lead to trump right now. Stuart im laughing because i thought you were going to say we couldnt find enough republicans in new york in new york city you have to look hard stuart yes, you do. But you do find them. Stuart tell me about the democrats. I believe Hillary Clinton has a huge lead over Bernie Sanders there. Now 17 points. Yeah. Stuart again, same question. Is she pulling away from Bernie Sanders now . Well, she was in double digits, she continues to be in double digits, and we expect that to be the outcome. And if she does what we expect her to do, she will only need 43 of the pledge delegates remaining. Not super delegates. Pledge delegates to clinch the nomination. So what Bernie Sanders needs is he doesnt need just a symbolic victory holding her to a fivepoint lead or something, he has to reset this and obviously the clock is ticking at this point. So fox 11 morning news him. Everybody said coming out of wisconsin it was going to be momentum. Well, who remembers wisconsin when new york gets in the spotlight . Stuart good question. I dont have a decent answer for you. Lee, merith college. Thank you so much for joining us. My pleasure, stuart,. Stuart next story, ted cruz concept all of wyomings 14 delegates. There was not a traditional vote. Donald trump says that makes the system rigged. Roll tape. You have a system thats rigged, we have a system thats crooked, we have a system thats got a lot of problems, and we have a system that doesnt allow the people to vote in many cases. And if they do vote, their vote isnt really representative of what it should be. We have this delegate system, which is a sham. Stuart all right. Strong stuff of course of course. Joining us now Fox News Contributor georgette, Ashley Webster of course is still here. Georgette, you were a delegate from new york state to the Republican Conventions for years and years and years. You were a National Delegate if im not mistaken. Yes, i was. Stuart now, donald trump says the delegate system within the Republican Party is rigged, and you say . I wouldnt use the word rigged. However, i will tell you. It is an insides game. After all the delegates in each state are picked by that states hierarchy. In other words, the governor, the senators, the elected local officials their state legislatures. They come from within the party . Stuart sure. Apparatus in that state. So if you call that rigged, it is designed to be that way. Stuart but what happened in wyoming and colorado, although cruz, yeah, he played by the rules. He went there, he made his speeches, he played by the rules. But it looks so bad. Trump can exploit this up and down the because hes got a point. This isnt georgettes reality check. This was never about the primary and the vote of the people. This is about the party picks the candidate, not stuart in which case the party sinks. Thats what happens. Oh, well, theyve been doing it for a very long time, and weve survived. Well survive this one too. Stuart good question. Stay there, georgette. I know you want to stay. Oh, look at the markets because were yeah, were on 18,000 watch. Of course we are because were only im trying to do the math. 42. 16 away from ashley look at you. Wow. Stuart thank you very much indeed. Fed governor william says we will go easy on Interest Rate increases. That set the market up. Forget about oil. Its way, way down. Normally on most days, you would have oil when it goes down, you would have stock down as well. But today thats not happening. Were down a buck 13. So with, ashley, your ratio of oil down a buck ashley decoupled. Ill auto us that word like. Stuart yeah, were down on oil. Back to politics. Thats where we belong. Not playing politics. He took in three refugee families, flew them back on his plane to the vatican. Heres governor Mike Huckabee this morning on that situation. Understandable that you dont want to destroy that culture by pretending that it doesnt matter. If it doesnt matter, then your religion is worthless. And i do thank what europe has done is that they have completely decided that really their history, their roots, it doesnt matter. And were saying the effect of it. And i think a lot of europeans are waking up to the fact this isnt working out well. It doesnt end well. Stuart georgette, i had gone to governor huckabee and said, look, the pope is doing a wonderful humanitarian gesture and so he is. But theres a political element here. Yes, there is. Stuart because Judeo Christian europe is disappearing. It has become a pain in europe and what the pope is doing in bringing in these immigrants is making that situation worse. This is a political pope. Now, regardless of the good deeds that he does, we have seen him over and over again weigh in. I think right now this is a message, all those churches are empty all over europe. Ashley yeah. And hes trying to find a way to bring them back into the followed stuart hes not going to do it like that. Surely heavens. Thats not going to work. It may not work. But hes got to do something. And this very active pope. This is a very active pope. And hes been politically active, he wants the power that really goes beyond what a traditional pope stuart well, consider this. I think that the pope and other christians should encourage a more muscular response by christianity to the muslim threat. Thats what i think we should do. Ashley never going to happen. Thats not going to happen. Ashley not going to happen. No. Its not going to happen. Stuart write off judeo europe. Im not prepared for it to go down the tubes. Thats not going to happen because its discriminatory. Stuart Bernie Sanders getting 28,000 in a rally in brooklyn over the weekend. Again, am i right . Is it 28,000 . Ashley 28,000. Stuart huge crowd. Biggest crowd hes ever gotten. Pulling in 40 million a month. Stuart yes. From tens of thousands of individual donors. Thats amazing. Stuart thats a crusade. Thats a crusade that maybe we should think about the math on that one. Stuart we dont do math on this show. Calculating close to 18,000. Thank you so much, georgette. Now this. Senator Bernie Sanders praising George Clooney after clooney said the amount of money hes raised for Hillary Clinton is quote obscene. Howard kurtz is with us. Im inclined to say that this is hollywood hypocrisy. Clooney charges 353,000 to be cohost of a fundraiser and then says, yeah, that is an obscene amount of money. Is that playing both sides of the fence here . Well, its always easy to make a charge of hollywood hypocrisy, stuart, but just to rally you up, im going to say that George Clooney is being uncommonly candid. Hes saying, yes, im playing this game, its an obscene amount of money, but i have to help Hillary Clinton raise obscene amounts of money because everybody else is raising obscene amounts of money. Stuart you havent roweled me up yet. Im working on it. Stuart i want you to comment on hillarys continuing problems. And by that i mean she doesnt seem to be able to get away from the scandals and the tripups and the little minor issues here and there. Shes simply doesnt seem to get that message out there in a forthright fashion. Am i right . Hillary clinton has a whole host of problems except one. She cant generate anything resembling the grassroot excitement Bernie Sanders is with the huge crowds. On my street in brooklyn we had about 28,000 people, thats still a lot of people to turn out for a rally in new york city. She is actually moving to the left to try to get closer to Bernie Sanders on the issues while they both kind of exaggerate how far apart they are. Shes got the continuing distrust on ethical and honesty questions on every poll. And not just the email scandal. But all of that, shes way ahead in the delegate map and therefore most likely the nominee. Stuart what i call a shift in the establishment media, a shift away from full throttle support of hillary. I think theyre backing off a little. What do you think. I think the fact that bernie these has come to new york, and they can see up close the kind of excitement he generates has caused a reset here and of course won seven out of eight states. But hillary is probably going to win a very big amvictory and then everyone going to do the math. I know you say you dont do math on the show, and then say hillary is getting closer to winning the nomination. But, look, Bernie Sanders has set the argument. He set the terms of the debate, made hillary move to her left. He has done everything and hes raised an amazing amount of money for the candidate, not to mention a 74yearold self proclaimed socialist. But put himself in the position to win, and i dont see that changing gloam there you have it from howard kurt without doing any math whatsoever. Howard, thank you very much indeed. Good to see you. Stuart the Supreme Court challenge president obamas executive orders on immigration. Judge napolitano next on that. Stuart yes, the dow is approaching the 18,000 mark. Kind of getting close. Its about 41 points away. It will be the first time in nine months its hit 18k. A couple of stocks breaking to lifetime highs. Johnson johnson again. Now at 110. And home depot at 135. New highs both. Amazon trying to compete better with netflix. Theyve announced. Can the has announced that it will offer monthly subscriptions to their prime Video Service, jo ling kent is here. Amazon is doing this. Your grammar is so good. It blows me away. Stuart lets not get into that. Whats amazon doing to compete with netflix . Amazon is breaking out the streaming service and this is something the industry has expected for a long time. You can pay 9 a month and only get the streaming content. That puts them directly against netflix. So netflix, we can show you the Price Comparison here in case youre interested in figuring out what works best for you. A lot of people do both. And what we see here is increasing competition between netflix and amazon. One, you can see here between 8 and 12th a month depending on when you signed up. And then Amazon Prime Video is going to be 9 a month. Stuart what about the the content . What do i get on amazon prime . It depends on what you want. Amazon has its own original programming plus a lot of the shows you like to watch on tv and netflix has the same thing. Its a battle of content here as more and more people cut the cord. But you should also know today is that netflix is reporting earnings and we may see user growth depression here and that could certainly shake the stock a lot. Stuart you mean theyve got less signups than they want . The growth will slow down. Stuart is it amazon is doing this or amazon are doing that . Depends on what country you live in. Stuart thats correct. In england its amazon are, real english is amazon is. Thats right. Stuart youre released. [laughter] thanks for having me. Stuart youre welcome. The Supreme Court taking up a case this morning that will probe whether president obama overstepped his powers when he used executive action. He was using that action to try to protect millions of Illegal Immigrants from deportation. He wants it to stay here and by using executive action to stay here. Napolitano is here with me now. What do you make of this . Well, you know, its a very unusual situation for federal courts to join the president to prevent him from doing what he wants to do. Last time this happened was 1962 with harry truman where he ceased steel mills that were on strike and operated the steel mills to force out the strikers because they needed steel for the war and the Supreme Court stopped him said you cant do it. Stuart hold on for a second. Weve been hearing a long time that the president has overstepped his authority with these actions. And the court now to the Supreme Court are challenging that and this has not happened since 1952 . The challenge has happened but the president has not been enjoined during the challenge. So a Federal District court judge stopped the president from enforcing his executive orders. Appealed that. The United States of appeals stopped the president from enforcing his orders. The Justice Department has appealed that now before the Supreme Court. It probably is four and four. If its four and four, the injunction stands because it does not disturb what happened below. Its not precedent. But the injunction will stand, and this whole process will be fruitless for him. Its not going to be changed in the remaining eight months of his term. Stuart now, arguments will be presented today. Lawyers will plead their case. Yes. Stuart so we know what theyre saying and well get some on the what the court will decide from the justices. The only member of the conservative side who might waiver on this is the chief justice because of those of us who watch him have come to the conclusion that he has a belief that it would be better for the court not to hear this than to rule four to four because its such a profound issue. So the chief justice might persuade enough members of the court to say we shouldnt hear it now. Its not right, the states dont have standing, some way to resolve it without voting on the merits. Stuart because the chief justice, Justice Roberts was so burned by obamacare and the decision on obamacare. And previously burned on the florida vote in the year 2000 that he wants to remove completely the court remove it as much as possible from any political entanglement. Is that it . He doesnt like the court to resolve political disputes. I would argue this is not a political dispute. It is a profound constitutional dispute. Can the president change the law . And if the effect of changing the law is to enforce the states to collect more taxes and spend more money, hes basically saying to the states, you have to spend this money. If these people stay here, you have to make education facilities available for them, Emergency Rooms available for them, welfare payments available for them, the types of safety nets states provide whether you budget it or not or have the tax dollars or not. Thats a constitutional issue. Can the president enforce the states to spend money in a way . Stuart you and i would argue, no, you cant do. Heres the president s compassionate argument. Its an interesting one. The people he wants to stay here are illegal adults who have had babies here. The babies are american citizens. So he says what should i do . If i follow the law and deport the paraphernalias, i have to deport the citizens, which is against the constitution. If i deport the citizens and not the parents, im breaking up families. Stuart so the court has to decide on that too. Thats part of the argument. I think the court should resolve this on the merits. But the chief will be frustrated if its 44 because thats not a resolution on the mets. Does all of this make sense . Stuart it does. It does it happen it makes horrible sense actually. Always get gratifying outcomes from the court. Stuart no, we dont. We sometimes get foul balls and ways to avoid giving us a solid answer. Stuart all your fault. Thank you very much, judge, appreciate that. All right. Next case. An American Airlines passenger goes on a tirade. Delayed 12 hours trying to get on a disney cruise. Yeah, weve all been there. And you will hear my take on it in just a moment does your mouth often feel dry . Multiple medications, a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. But it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. 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Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Were waiting all of our life for this. Im waiting for this for a year already. [inaudible yelling]. Stuart frustration maximum frustration at the airport. Youre traveling with young children, theres a long delay, and youre standing aaround for hours just for the tylenol tell you whats going on. That happened on flight 2240 from new york to miami. What youre looking at now is an irate passenger trying to get to her disney cruise. Its 2 00 in the morning and the airline has not kept the crowd informed for many month hours. Thats point number one. Passengers understand that can erupt the plans. Got it. But what they cant stand is to be kept in the dark. This is an example of Airline Management failure. We dont need a new law. We need competition between carriers so that theyre offering full, prompt information is a selling point. Our aisle fly with the guys who tell me the truth. And the second point is this. We now live in a world where the world can see you at your worst. Cameras are everywhere. If you lose it, you may end up with your tantrum on full display on Global Social media. It may be entirely legit for you to lose your temper but that one incident may be laid there to everyone you know and millions you dont know and it will be on your personal record forever. Interesting, isnt it . We have never enjoyed such a level of personal liberation. And weve never felt such intrusion into our personal everyday lives. Watch out. Somebody is watching and may be recording everything you do and see say. When you booked this trip, you didnt know we had hundreds of thousands of places to stay all over the world. Or that we searched billions of flights to get you here. A few weeks ago, you didnt even know where here was. Now the only thing you dont know, is how youre gonna leave. Expedia. Technology that connects you to the people and places that matter. I served 20 years as a marine aviator, top gun graduate, aide to two u. S. President s, Commanding Officer and harvard National Security fellow. Id say buying a car, uh, can make you as nervous as landing on an aircraft carrier. But usaa Car Buying Service mitigates those fears. Uh, they make it a very easy experience for you. Find the right car, save money. Its that easy. Usaa Car Buying Service, powered by truecar. Exclusively for usaa members. Stuart we are two hours into the trading session. Look at this spirit we are really close to 18,000 for the dow industrial spirit of 75 today largely because a fed governor, William Dudley says it got to go easy on raising Interest Rates this year. That do not worry 74. 10. Looks like it wants to go out. Despite whats happening with oil, which is way down it was down a bug and a half. Maybe that is helping stocks as well. 3974. Reports coming in at a bus explosion in jerusalem. Dont like the sound of this. Police say this may be a military attack if the result of other causes very unclear. Obviously devastating result of this explosion. At least 20 people injured. The reports of fatalities. Trying to figure out what the heck happened. 2002 may 2005, palestinians use suicide bombers on buses. Hopefully this is not that kind. Stuart we cant say that yet. Ashley we cant yet. Stuart president. Stuart president obamas executive order and immigration are being challenged today. The Supreme Court. Heres what judge napolitano said about it earlier this hour. It probably is four and four. The injunction stands. It does not disturb what happened below. It is not precedent that the injunction will stand in this whole process will be fruitless for an edible and not change in the remaining eight months of his term. Stuart let me clear it out. If it is born it is four and four, it to their earlier which is the president can do this via david webb is at best. It occurs to me that this is the president s legacy at the moment. It is clearly one of his signature items. This is a president thats been rejected and refuted by the courts over 13 times different executive actions and orders because he has too followed the legislative process in the branches of government. Frankly to the republicans they are not working to come up with a solution. They are fighting the president so we dont get anywhere. I say this to the people for this immigration, the dream act and all these other aspects of it. When you actually get . They dont get anything. Now you go to the real issue. The state of new jersey, a reporter couple years ago just on medical care and education for illegals. 2. 7 billion. Thats a small state. Stuart by timeframe . In a year. 2. 7 billion on the taxpayer backed at the cost of this will go to the states. The entitlements, the different programs and what is the solution . Stuart 2. 6 alien dollars. To add onto hundreds argument, right on track with that. I will add something for consideration. We had these children. Raise your children and tell 18 when they become a majority, you are out of the country and your children cannot sponsor. We havent broken up a family but weve gotten rid of the illegals who have children here. Just checking your hat in the ring, david webb. It is the force of law. Stuart good point to raise. Donald trump has a new nickname for Hillary Clinton. Crooked hillary. She says she could care less about what trump is sagging. She throws out the opening, always the businessman on that. Either way, hillary doesnt care what anybody calls are because her march for power, which began way back at the rose law firm, the whitewater days. Look at her over the decades. Her march is for her achievement and democrats will back her on the salt away. So she doesnt care what donald calls there. But if he can tie her to the actual issues that drive americans, the lie that she told when she says it was the video at one point, but she told overseas leaders that was not a video. Tiger to those things that trigger the voters. I will get americans on her back. Stuart the crooked hillary might stay. Staying on politics, ted cruz won all the delegates in wyoming over the weekend. There was no vote of republican membership. He just won. He showed up in one of the delegates. Donald trump says the system is rigged. Fox news contributor is in washington. Mercedes, the rules in wyoming, the roles in colorado have been in place for a long, long time. From simply didnt play by those rules. He didnt show what. Should he be whining now . Should he be claiming that things are rigged . Look, part of the argument of the system benefits donald trump. It is exactly what many of his voters, his supporters believe in washington. It is like a sport. Youve got roles. You got a play with them and it got to learn how to win. This is the two leg used. If you are trying to get obviously as many votes as you can in the states, at the same time youve got a support these delegates and make sure they are going to be the loyalty you. What we see right now in georgia is the fact that trump has lost a lot of delegates because cruz kidman and outmaneuvered trump on the delegates. Trump may be on the first ballot, but the second ballot a lot of people that are delegates may turn and her crew supporters. Stuart it just looks so bad. How about this one . Liberals argued that the rich must pay their fair share. Got it. On friday, we invited a College Professor from a very wealthy family onto the program and she said yes. Despite my very wealthy parents, the rich should pay more. Just watch this for a moment. Stuart did your family pay an 83 tax rate . Did they . Now, but i sure wish they did. I sure wish they didnt hide their wealth with Dynasty Trust in a variety of other ways. Stuart get rich and unsubsidized it is not okay. Stuart your comment first, mercedes. Well, its the university bubble. The College Professor most likely has tenure and has decided from a moral perspective over 43 million americans paid no individual federal income tax in the rich are paying a big chunk of the share already. What we need is less spending to figure out entitlement reforms. Figure out a way to span class and how the taxpayers have my money back. David, i know youre going to say i am dying on this. Stuart tax income in america. We dont tax the wealth. Ive got a suspicion they want to tax wealth. Either way, she does have tenure. Shes been on the show in the past. A very nice lady, but she is devoid of reality. I master the same question. Should we assess the wealth of your family and tax it . They have been hot. I asked them the same question a week ago. Why dont we assess wealth . Bernie sanders said at one point he shall mimic a Million Dollars a year. You clearly make more than that. Lets assess your wealth. Ive asked all of these rich liberal heiresses and socialite and businesses. Lets tack your wealth. They are all afraid of it because their moral objection goes against their pocket. Stuart this particular professor was okay with her parents keeping their vast wealth. Perfectly happy with her parents accumulating vast wealth, but not being taxed on not wealth. But the rest of us make decent money. We will take 83 of yours. Yeah, it was so depressing to see it almost made it sound like she was a millennial all of a sudden. It was like well, we need to wealthy parents to be taxed more, but again, it didnt fit into the argument of the fact that wears that the fair share . Are the wealthy pay their fair share . It goes back to the question of lets look at the matter of whether they want their wealth to be taxed. Stuart thats the whole ball of . Can i interject a mercedes. Occidental college is the parents who have the means to pay for those students to go there to pay her tenured salary. What if we start taxing away their wealth . Who goes to occidental . Who pays your salary . To some degree i wish we did tax out because we drive the liberals underground. George soros would be running for another country. Stuart thank you very much. We appreciate it. To state department documents revealed that Hillary Clinton told World Leaders two different explanations in the benghazi terror attack. In one instance blamed the video for benghazi. In another, blamed terrorism for benghazi. The mother of one of the big guns who was killed in that attack is next. Listen what is happening to your country. This woman is evil. She lives. She lied to my face that is very hard time and she has been blind since. Doing well on the hillside jungle book this weekend. Threemonth high for a dow component. On the other hand, apple has been under some pressure. The iphone suppliers have some deductions. No wait 16 white house who speak. Financials performing last week and taken it off pretty great. This is how they are performing for the month. See some big moves. Morgan stanley also. This weeks btv spotlight features parnell pharmaceuticals, parn on nasdaq. Parnell is focused on delivering Innovative Solutions to unmetanimal health needs in the 70 billion dollar pet market. We have core competences in Drug Discovery and development, regulatory filings, we have our own fda approved manufacturing facility and we have a significant commercial presence in 14 countries. Zydax is our lead compound that weve been marketing in australia zydax affectively regenerates cartilage and can literally save lives. We had one of our sales executives tell us a story of seeing a dog in a clinic that just four weeks earlier had been brought in to be euthanized. The pet parents had to carry the dog in, it couldnt even walk. After just four injections of zydax the dog was bouncing around in the clinic. We will soon launch that drug in the United States and also europe. Parnell pharmaceuticals, parn on nasdaq. For the full interview go online. Stuart new information revealed that Hillary Clinton admitted that she knew the terrorists attacking libya in 2012 as planned. She knew it was land. Ashley these are new documents at hand by judicial watch. Its interesting because a low bunch of nuts that Hillary Clinton talking to World Leaders in the time and days after the attack on september 11, 2012. For instance, september 12, she tells egypts Prime Minister that the benghazi attacks quote had nothing to do with the film. Three days later three days later she talks to egypts foreign minister, refers to that very offensive film as the root cause. Stuart she contradicted herself within the space of three days and now we know because he got the documents. Clearly on september whatever of us, she told the leader of egypt, nothing to do with the movie. It was terrorists. Ashley yeah. Stuart thank you on ashley. Patricia smith, her son was one of the four People Killed the benghazi attack. Welcome back to her program. Good to see you again. Would you please take us through it again . You are on the tarmac at the air force base, waiting for the arrival of yours on in his coffin. Hillary clinton said something to you. Take me through that story again, would you, please . Hillary came out to me, gave me a big hug and told me it was the fault of the video. I asked her, what video . I didnt know anything about a video. She told me it was the video and if there was anything different that she would call and let me know. Let me know what happened. She never did call. Only four years later. She still has not called me. Stuart breed now just found out that she did indeed tell of the World Leaders that yes it was terrorism, but it was planned. It had nothing to do with the video and she knew that when she spoke to you on the airport tarmac. What you think now . What is your feelings about this now . My feeling is that she went on tv afterwards, telling everybody that i was the liar. There is someone here lining and it wasnt her. I want her to apologize to me for calling me a liar on tv because this is clearly not true. I want to know why my son was left to die breeding and diesel smoke, which is the most horrible way to die and she didnt do anything to stop it. She could have. Stuart youve played any role in this election at all . Not been difficult at all. Has anybody to do to put you in front of a camera to say these things, to go up against them be contrary to Hillary Clinton . No. Nobody has contacted me other than local radio stations and fox stations. I have talked to them. But it wasnt about that. Stuart how do you feel about hillary now the likely democrat nominee . She ought to be wearing stripes. I want to see this woman and stripes because she lied and the Different Things that she did say were very, totally wrong. My son is dead because of her. I would like to talk to her even though i know i would be the bad one and not. Stuart you want her to call you to straighten things out or apologize, one of the two. She promised she would hear it and so did obama and all the rest of them that were there. I was crying. I was trying to find out why all this happened. All they would tell me, every one of them, was that it was the fault of the video. Stuart okay, patricia smith, i know this is extremely difficult for you. We appreciate you being with us today and telling your story. Please come back. We appreciate you being here. Any time. Any time. Stuart patricia smith. We will be back with more in a moment. You both have a perfect driving record. Perfect. No tickets. No accidents. That is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. Yup. Now, you would think your Insurance Company would cut you some slack, right . No. Your insurance rates go through the roof. Your perfect record doesnt get you anything. Anything. Perfect for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claim centers are available to assist you 24 7. For a free quote, call Liberty Mutual at switch to Liberty Mutual and you could save up to 509 call today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Stuart fascinating story. People with Student Loans that are not making their payments, many and find out the fault. Though barton runs financial samaritan. This is a very interesting company. A Student Loans goes into default. You guys outlawed from the bank. You then turn around and get the student to pay off im not blown albeit at a reduced rate. And you make money doing that. Am i correct . Thats how the whole thing works. How do you persuade them to pay . We do what no one else has ever done. We take adversarial out of it. This typically dead collection environment, running and screaming that somebody cant pay. Since we know they cant pay, it doesnt do any good. Stuart how on earth do you get underpaid . They are underemployed. And maybe because they have so many other debt that we helped negotiate with the other creditors so they can reduce the total tech consumption and we also help them access social service. When we are done helping them, we ask them to pay. Stuart you are kind of a socialist service. We are a forprofit organization. But our real mission is to help people get out. It sounds corny. Stuart no, you are using the words american. Youve helped 4. 2 million . 4. 5. Stuart you have bought the loans it made people pay. What proportion do not pay . About 10 . Stuart and you can work with that . Absolutely. Stuart do you scream them before . Youve got x number of ones in the fall. Do you scream the students in the students in the fall to figure out if theyre likely to pay me some money and this is not. Yes, absolutely. We do to diligence. Not just anybody can come to you. We end up with the whole universe. Some of them are not going to pay as well as others. Stuart wait a second time you go to the bank and buy all the student loan. You get them pennies on the dollar. You give them something and theyre happy to unload all of this stuff. You then look at the portfolio in a bid sponge not likely to pay off. But this bunch are likely to concentrate on them. Are you making money . Absolutely. They spend money, shame on you. We had a Border Collie and find out which ones are likely not to pay. Youre getting away with some pain. If we can help 90 , we dont care that 10 had some more had someone there hard to heart and get away with something. Stuart ladies and gentlemen, bill barton, a man who makes money id be in a samaritan. Thats pretty good. You can come again. More varney after this. We started out this morning at 9 30 eastern time with a drop of 40 odd points for the dow industrials because the price of oil was down about 5 . But oil come back. Look only dow57 cents. A mere 57 cents. Who cares its at 39. Yeah. The dow industrials. Im trying to do the math. 21. 9 points left to get to 18,000. I think thats pretty good. I can do the math. Can you, neil cavuto . Because the time is yours. Neil thank you, sir, very much. Well keep a close eye on that. Were watching that closely because that could all set concerns about dropping oil prices. If the earnings come in better than expected. As we get the report cards, theyre going to be awful, theyre going to be down, and that would represent the fourth straight quarter they were down. If hasbro is any indication, dont ask why, for star warsrelated merchandise. In the meantime all eyes are on the candidates across new york state trying to get ahead of the primary tomorrow. Donald trump has already called some weakened results

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