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302 billion transportation budget before congress right now. For more on this the founder and president of americans for tax reform, grover norquist. Hello. Hi. Gerri i thought i was already paying for this, mr. I pay my gas taxes every time at the pump why is that not enough money. Because 25 of the gas tax money you pay in end up in mass transit to pay for rather expensive pensions for people who work in new york city and washington, d. C. Metros take home. Theyre not building roads with a quart of that money. Heritage foundation says more than 38 is siphoned off into nonRoad Construction and maintenance. Bike paths and things like that, in addition to mass transit. So, because they take so much money, that you think youre paying in gas taxes for roads and for other stuff, obama comes back and says, oops, we need more money. Gerri hang on, grover. There is something in the world called the highway trust fund, right . Unfortunately yes. Gerri it is facing a 63 billion short fall. So maybe what youre Say Something right here. But shouldnt this mechanism, shouldnt this be the thing that pays for these interstate highways and in the real world, that is the it should work, right . Yes. And the money, temporarily goes into the trust fund from your gas taxes. And then they take a quarter of it and put it into mass transit. , subways. Then they take more of it and do everything from parks to bike paths. I hear there is a lot of poseys and flowers and landscaping going in there. Yeah. Gerri take a look at state taxes on gas for a second. So you know what youre paying. In new york 50 cents a gallon. California, 4cents a gallon. On and on it goes 48. 184point cents is the federal tax. This adds up quickly. Grover, im paying more than 50 bucks to fill up my tank here. Im not happy to hear somebody wants to slap tolls on interstate highways. What kind of impact could that have on americans . What they will do tax you for riding on a road that already been built. They take that money and spend it on something else. Not like theyre going to spend the money on the road that youre using. Theyre going to spend that money elsewhere. Not only are they taking your gas taxes putting them into nonroads, 22 plus percent of the cost of all Road Construction comes from the davis bacon act which forces, a law from the 1930s, which forces them to pay union wages, very high wages, when ever they do federal construction. So federal dollars are involved. It makes, we could have 20 more roads or we could have roads be 20 less can expensive. Instead they take a r that money put it into inflated salaries. Gerri unions behind part of this too. Tensions pensions behind part of this listen to what the gao said in june 2009 report. During fiscal years 2 00 to 2008, four agencies within the department of transportation obligated 78 billion in monies for purposes other than construction and maintenance of highways and bridges. There you have it. Even the federal government ratting itself out there, grover. Its ridiculous. Remember we had an 800 billion stimulus package which they kind of made it sound like they would build all these roads with it . They took that money, they didnt really spend much of it on roads. And now theyre back. They want to raise taxes, promising you roads but the money will go to something else. It is a bait and switch tactic that we see over and over and over from politicians. And obama has this down and he is playing this game again. I dont think congress will let him get away with it, but it is indicative, five, six years into his presidency gerri something needs to be done. Somebody needs to manage money better. I dont know if you driven your car lately, you can barely go anywhere without going into a great big pothole. Yes. Why the davis bacon law makes it expensive to build or fix roads, makes expensive to do. As we talked about, they siphon the money siphon the money off to do other things and they come back and want to raise taxes. Gerri i think weve seen this movie before is what youre saying. Grover, thank you. Thanks. Good to be with you. Gerri good to be with you. We want to know what you think. Hire is our question. Are motorist as soft target for the taxman . Vote on gerriwillis. Com. Vote on the righthand side of the screen. I will share results at the end of tonights show. Recalls we talked about them a lot especially with autos like gm. Now you may have something dangerous in your house, something potentially lethal that has been recalled. Hundreds of common house old items are recalled every year. Items can cause injury or even death. Consumers dont know the dangers. With us patty daves from the Consumer Product information agency. Good to see you here. Thank you, gerri. Gerri how likely in the average American Home there is something in there that has been recalled . Unfortunately it is pretty likely. You can, we recommend that consumers do is make sure that they get that recall information from cpsc. We can send it to you. You can come to us for it. But its really important that you really check out and see if you have any recalled products in your home. Do an inventory. Go through your childs toy chest. Go through the kitchen appliances. Compare it to what is been recalled on the website. We have 300 recalls announced every year. It is hard to keep up. We know people are busy. Gerri i was shocked to see how many recalls you guys do and i want to get to some of your more recent ones in a moment i want to understand a little bit what is most oftenned recalled. Is it items from overseas . Is it toys . Is it stuff using in my kitchen . What is most likely to get recalled . Number one would be childrens products or toys. That would be number one, in fact i have one of them right here. This is a lamp that we just recalled yesterday. Gerri wow. With ikea. This is a cord problem here, strangulation hazard. There was a death in europe with this series of lamps. And, there was a near strangulation with this as well. You know people place this right next to their childs crib. These kids are pulling this cord into their cribs and that is how that one child strangled himself. The other one was nearly strangled. Gerri go right ahead, patty. You have to Pay Attention to recalls. Gerri lets Pay Attention to some of your recalls then. Lets go to your ge brand dehumidifiers. Whats wrong with those . Well the ge dehumidifiers were recalled and the problem here was that a component in the compressor could shortcircuit. That is a fire hazard. Gerri oh. There was one report of a fire contained within the unit. But you dont want that to happen to you. So check out, check out and see if youve got one of these in your basement. There are about 15,000 of these sold. Too important to not act now. Gerri no kidding. No kidding. Do you see a lot of overseas, china toys, china goods that are recalled . Are they living up to our standard here . Well, we work hard on educating the chinese as well as other countries where manufacturing takes place. You know as well as anybody this is a global economy. Gerri yep. The. United states doesnt make most products anymore. It is often overseas. 0 to 90 of toys are made in china and then imported and sold in the united states. We take that very seriously. In fact i was over there in recent years with our chairman and we are teaching the chinese and were going into all kind of governments to teach them, this is what the u. S. Rules are. If youre going to sell here you really have to comply with them. Gerri patty, how do you guys do this . I know you send some test some stuff are you able to do anything. We dont do the testing. Companies with childrens products do testing before they sell. Gerri do their own testing. They have to do their own testing with an independent third party laboratory. So you know the results are real and you know that it meet as specific standard for instance, lead or sharp points or strangulation. Gerri i want to go quickly through a couple more of your products here. The horizon lobby helicopter. You mentioned toys. Whats wrong with this . Well this is a very expensive helicopter. In fact it is probably for hobby its more than anything else. A washer come loose on rotor and blade can fly off. Of course that would be an injury hazard. Anybody standing nearby or the person who is using the helicopter. So the company is offering a free repair kit for this unit. So, do they tell people, i mean if i bought one of these things are they sending me a letter in the mail, hey, gerri, you ought to stop using this or is it up to me to go to your website and figure it out . You bring up a great point. Its really important for consumers to register for products. Companies are required to if they sell the kids products, durable nursery products, cribs, strollers, et cetera, to put a card in there, registration card for consume is so they know how to contact you in case there is a recall. But for adult products you have to take that step. Make sure you registered your products. When the recall comes around and the company can contact you so you dont get injured. Gerri we have a white rogers thermostats. You can go to the web site. Cps. Org . Cpsc. Governor. We are flicker and youtube. Twitter is upssc. We have 26,000 followers. You can come to us. We can push the recall information to you. Its your choice. Gerri patty, thank you so much. Weve got more to come this hour, including are you spreading stress to your family and your friends . Stress is contagious. Well tell you all about it. Fitness band promise to monitor under the sun. I had them. I thought they were great. Now information may not be accurate. That is what our guest is going to talk about. Stay with us. If youre in the market for a band, a tracker that monitors your exercise, you may want to hold on. These products may not be as she say they are. We have jim mcdaniel. Thanks for coming on the show tonight. I bought these things for myself, for other people. How accurate, i know you test this stuff, how accurate are these things . To be quite honest, theyre not perfectly accurate when it comes to measuring steps. They can give people a general overall view of their health and some activity information but theyre not precise medical instruments by any stretch of the imagination. Gerri not precise medical instruments and theres all kind of brand names out there. Nike has its own product. Weve seen the up, all kind of different products. What are these bands good at and what are they bad at . I think theyre good because they give you a physical reminder you should be more healthy. Obviously they can give you alerts and some other notifications to let you know, when youre been sedentary for a period of time or days that you should be getting out for more activity like running or walking but they give that general information. Where they kind of fall short is, some of the claims they have made. The biggest one being sleep tracking. These devices claim, a lot of them claim to measure the amount of sleep thaw had during the night. In reality what theyre doing only measuring the amount of motion in your arm. So if you have a an unrestful night of sleep, you know, it just not accurate. Only ones that can actually measure sleep tracking would be ones that measure heart rate and one currently on the market is basis b1. The rest is a lot of marketing. So you like the basis b1 for that reason. What about the one that measures blood sugar . So you put it on your wrist. It measures blood sugar . How does it do that. Not currently any that measure blood sugar but whitings pulse which has a small optical sensor on the back of the device which will measure pulse rate and some oxygen saturation of your blood. But currently there is nothing, no fitness tracker that measures blood sugar. Gerri my mistake. Talk about apps versus band. Do you like apps better than you like the bands . I guess from the app standpoint the biggest draw back of those you have to have your phone constantly with you. Gerri right. Whether playing a pickup hockey game or peaceful run in the park you have to have your phone with you or youre not getting a clear picture of activities youre performing during the day. What i would say is that, some people dont want to run with their 500 smartphone, whether it is waterproof or protected in some kind of case. Gerri there is something calls apple picking. People like to steal those things. That is for darn sure. 17 million of these devices wearable devices not the apps, but of wearable devices were sold this year. Maybe these people are better marketing than devising something people can actually rely on for accurate information. What do you tell people . Worth it or not without r worth it . Should you just stay away entirely, jim . What i would say if youre looking for something super accurate and will give you a perfect, a lot of motivation, you may want to stay away from the device. If only if youre going for the accurate portion of it. If youre looking for general motivation, looking for some feedback as far as your activity level, its a good physical reminder of being more active. These devices definitely have a long way to go and what would i say hopefully over time these manufacturers will improve their software and hardware in ways that make them more accurate. There is also some big companies, some tech companies, potentially getting into this market which may make these first generation of devices live up to the some of the marketing claims that have been made. Gerri jim, youre very judicious. You can buy them but theyre mostly reminders. We think the federal government will get in and look at category. That might slow development. Jim, thank you for coming on the show. Thank you. Gerri most welcome. Coming up later, secondhand stress, what it is and how you can prevent yourself from catching it. And baby boomers are downsizing their homes but are supersizing the price. Coming up we answer the question, how do you do that . How to downsize to meet your needs. Stay with us. Gerri paying more for less. Why some seniors are downsizing into smaller, more expensive homes. Expert advice for you or your loved ones next. David baby boomers are turning5 at a rate of 8,000 per day and lot want to trade down to smaller home that requires less care. The problem many folks are not paying less for smaller houses y is that . What you need to know if youre considering downsizing . How do you do that . We have personal finance expert vera gibbons. How much are they paying . Interesting trend, right. Theyre some cases paying more. Sell the big house in the buschs burbs. It is interesting phenomenon. Gerri sell the house in urban area, expensive house, the big one and pay less for something in climate you liked better which was less expensive. Yes. These people want lifestyle change. Were living longer. Many of us living longer, 80s or 90s. The big house served its purpose. They want culture, activities, nightlife, transportation, access to hospitals. Want walkability factor. They want it all. Not necessarily getting in their current home. 60 of boomers living in current home they will move in retirement. Go to someplace fun. Gerri well, someplace fun. I have to tell you they have only 100,000 in equity. Four out of five boomers that own their own home. One in five dont even own their own home. I used to think of a house that kind of a cash storage facility, right . Right. Gerri that is what you tap in part when you retire. You shouldnt rely solely on this for retirement. People actually doing this, have cash reserves on hand to actually do it. For most of us were tapping equity. Were doing reverse mortgages anything they can do to tap into the equity. If there are risks come with the territory doing that too. This is for select few who feel like they want lifestyle change. Want something different. Not like something everybody is going to be doing. Gerri what is interesting is what they are paying more for. What are they willing to pay up . They want the amenities right . They dont care about Square Footage, even if it is small apartment in new york city, for example. They want gym memberships. They want facilities for their pets which they see as their own children these days as you very well know. They want all stuff that comes big kitchens, entertainment centers. They want places where they can have guests. Everything you can imagine under the sun. Beautiful bathrooms, master bedrooms done just so. Walkin closets. They want it all and willing to sacrifice Square Footage for the sake of getting those amenities. Mentioned that they want to go somewhere fun soft where are they going. Theyre going to a lot of different places actually. Some people are going to college towns, places like austin. Lot of people are going overseas which is interesting. Going to costa rica. Gerri you can really cut costs. Costs are next to nothing there. Going to places like that, belize. Panama. Interesting places. Other people are staying closer to home. Where the kids are, grandkids. Theyre not necessarily leaving the state. Theyre going to the fun city within their state. That way they can stay close to their friend, stay close to their family but still have a great social life and cultural activities. Gerri what do you know if you want to downsize and trying to keep that price tag under control . Face it, not everybody wants to pay up. It is really numbers game. Tough crunch the numbers to see if it is economically feasible. For a lot of people it might not be. You dont want to wait life altering event. People wait until a spouse dice. Moving to the city. Im going to do something else. You necessarily dont want to do that you have to consider tax ramifications of actually moving as well. If youre living in big house out in the burbs and had it a long time and made money on the property you will be hit with a couple dings. Profit over 250,000, yes. Gerri plan ahead is what youre saying. Plan accordingly, gerri. Gerri plan accordingly. Just want to tease you. Appreciate it. If youre in the market for a new home im about to share a list of gorgeous homes you could own if you have a lot of money. Listen to this in tonights top five. The most expensive homes for sale in the u. S. Number five, steve colens duplex condo at beacon Court Building in new york city. Going for 9million. Offers floor to ceiling glass windows giving panoramic views of city. Wonder what maintenance is there . Number four, ocean boulevard, mansion in palm beach, florida. For 99 million. This newly built mediterranean waterfront estate is over 23,000 square feet. Number three the penthouse at city spire in manhattan for 100 million. This unit has been on the market off and on over two years but never seen a price reduction. That may be the problem. Some real estate insiders say it is overpriced. Number two, homers pond on martha i cant vineyard. This stunner is pocket listing. Recently lowered from 111 million to 1 08 million. What a deal. This offers 1200 feet of private beachfront of the those are gorgeous pictures. Most expensive home for sale a new york mansion going for 114 million. The seller is vincent viola, owner of nhls florida panthers. Look what he lives in, unbelievable. Was remodeled in 2005. He used the palace of versailles as inspiration. That is not the inspiration for my home. Coming up, we expose crippling cost of complying with federal regulations. What thats doing to households and small businesses. Next, it has been a month since the obamacare open enrollment ended but new polls show the public is more skeptical than ever about the law, especially when it comes to costs. Gerri although the president continues to doubt the Health Care Law lowers cost americans show seem to agree according to a new poll that shows how skeptical americans are about obamacare. Joining me now, doctor welcome back so just how skeptical are people . What are they saying . About 20 talk about the impact obamacare has interests of being affordable. Many people are not working that much. 20 percent of them have said maybe they work a couple of hours a day five days a week but they are not sustainable with the weaker in tom and come. Gerri 36 say it Kaiser Family foundation those who care about health care 36 say it is too expensive that is the primary reason they are not purchasing insurance. What does this mean longterm . They are not getting coverage. If they dont get coverage it means eventually those who are supposed to be in the system will show up in the system because they can get coverage at some point when they are muchsicker e risk pool is to raise costs and premiums. We will see that happen eventually win the new plan begins and Insurance Companies have been struggling to get informational the risky and conditions of individuals have signed up and many have said they have almost onethird of the information dybbuk normally get with pricing so when they dont show up eventually they will have to raise premiums to compensate. Gerri people say they dont regard obamacare favorably. 46 are unfavorable only 36 percent are favorable. We talk about the things that have gone wrong but it is unbelievable now the government will spend an additional 121 million to fix the web site . How much money can we throw after bad . Does there come a point we have to stop spending . The time is now where we have to put on the brakes. The likes of paul ryan need to get very aggressive to put parameters around what we are allowed to spend to put a budget in place that there will be clear milestones that have to be met with the web site or to ensure that back and system is in place and how much it will cost. The notion is there is a blank check to pay for the things that did not work or the open ended account for those that have not been built. That is not reasonable. Gerri we were talking about the gas tax and fixing highways it seems this administration wants to spend everything they can whenever they can. The web site. How far away is it be ready for prime time . A long way. That is the big concern we spoke about this one month ago. The bigger issue of processing the payments. When Insurance Companies are challenged with the amount of data they are not getting we will start to see a lot of things to fall through the . When people are not able to get into the Doctors Offices or it goes into peoples accounts which i hear is happening. That is scary and symptomatic that the to vacation between the Insurance Company system and Health Care Website is not synchronize the way that it should be. Gerri people up there think they have coverage they get to the Doctors Office a and they dont they think they have bought a particular kind of coverage but the media has moved on this is not getting attention anymore so we appreciate you coming on tonight to tell us about it regulation overload the cost of government regulation under obama skyrocketing in fact we a new total the trillions of spending uncle sam consumes 30 of u. S. Economy how quickly now is our very own ashley websters. This is the annual report 88 pages long by the Competitive Enterprise Institute called the 10,000 commandments by their information costing 1. 9 billion dollars for businesses to comply that is more than half of the federal budget for 2013. Small businesses feel the brunt that those employees less than and 20 workers patent thousand dollars per worker to comply with these rules and regulations but who is hit . To put up more eyepopping numbers just for last year the regulations 51 rules are inactive or put in place for every law passed 72 lot is 3,659 new rules has to be followed a new rule every two and a half hours the cost for household is 14,974 the second biggest expense behind the mortgage and 23 of average household income. Gerri can they measure the Economic Impact of regulations . They can. There is no transparency they call it a hidden tax because of the regulations on every form of commerce trickling down to the consumer if you look at the bureaucracy the income the people get back is lower. Gerri it has always been this way but a factor of 15 with the federal government. A good point. And it has never been small with government regulation but under the present administration going up at such an alarming rate the complexity is something they have never seen before. Gerri i talked to a lot of doctors to tell me the burden is so heavy they cannot stay in best buy dash business they are shutting down because they cannot deal with it. With the impact that we have 1. 9 billion dollars per year to comply with these rules but we have to comply with some because this is over the top. Gerri uphill to keep the holder a way. Have you ever gotten anxious after talking to a coworker . We have the details. [laughter] she loves a lot of the same things you do. 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Gerri i am most likely to do this with people i already know. What about those that are not familiar or those in my circle . You can pick it up from and you have items and to pick up the danger signals and it is part of the ancient part of my brain telling me you will die at that moment that is why people respond to it is difficult to shake. But you can turn it off in four minutes. Gerri what . If you know, how to refrain the story is like a bogus car alarm if it is catastrophic in the stress response stops within four minutes. Gerri how would you do that . You have to stop yourself and be aware enough then why and i stress . Then look at the false story because the caveman brain tells you that you will die because it has not been programmed for the 21st century i will not die. What is going on . As you step back you will see it is nothing to be stressed out about and once you convince your brain then it shuts down. Her boyfriend is not very nice. It is not my problem but her problem and it can be fixed. It is not just the anxiety. Absolutely were never talk about stress it decreases good cholesterol chronic strut stressed take sure body down because your immune system is down whole time. People have insomnia that is a classic sign because your body works overtime even when youre sleeping so you have to determine there are a lot of great tools out there to actually eliminate the source of the us stress but we dont usually think about that but one of the things that stress does his release adrenaline that masks the fact it is going down we think we handle it but we are not. Talking to a friend who owns a retail store he had to get at quadruple bypass at the age of 39 and he did not know he was stressed because his adrenaline was overriding everything. I completely agree. Great to have you here. A stress management trader. Thank you for coming on the show. I now feel more relaxed. [laughter] thank you. Now a pill that tells your brain you have eaten enough. Why we may be closer to this being a reality than you might think. K with innovation. Stick with power. Stick with technology. Get the flexcare platinum from Philips Sonicare and save now. Philips sonicare be a sound sleeper, or. L you mouth breather . Well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicines alone. So you can breathe and sleep. Shut your mouth and sleep right. Breathe right. [ chainsaw buzzing ] humans. Sometimes, life trips us up. Sometimes, we trip ourselves up. And although the mistakes may seem to just keep coming at you, so do the solutions. Like multipolicy discounts from Liberty Mutual insurance. Save up to 10 just for combining your auto and home insurance. Call Liberty Mutual insurance at. To speak with an Insurance Expert and ask about all the personalized savings available for when you get married, move into a new house, or add a car to your policy. Personalized coverage and savings all the things humans need to make our world a little less imperfect. Call. And ask about all the ways you could save. Liberty Mutual Insurance responsibility. Whats your policy . Gerri believe it to they have found eight hill that can sap the munchies a chemical that can trick your brain into making you feel fuller. Dr. Kary peterson joins me now with details. How does this work . Garett there is a chemical called acetate produced when we digest fiber it goes to the hypothalamus that is responsible for our appetite. They gave them a fiber it suppresses appetite now they want to put it into a pill. Gerri it is just more than fiber from an apple. That is what a man would have to eat to mimic the pill . Unlikely we each ate apples but could you do with fiber from a variety of sources . Because i dont believe diet pills are the user over time that we dont take enough fiber anyway but women need 25 in and men need 38 if this incentivizes people so be it i would love that. Gerri what should you be eating . In the morning i night fruit in the yogurt withhold grain cereal or a whole grain sandwiches or a salad for dinner, vegetables with a protein and for dessert fresh fruit. Gerri what a cut those that we will suppress your appetite what do you like better . I personally do not feel appetite suppressants work long term it is great for a quick fix id will take up some pounds short term but long term i do think that diet drugs are not the answer i do not recommend them to my patients for ipo using a Healthy Lifestyle incorporating fruits and vegetables is a better way. Gerri go to the garage restore not the drug store. It is not available for primetime yet. Is an Early Development in his shortlived in our bodies so so were working with companies to incorporate the national particle but it creates a long acting drug to take in the morning to suppress your appetite for many hours. Rather than a blast of one tel built. Gerri we will be back is the motorist a target for the tax man . I ys say be thman with the plan but with less ergy, moodiness, i had to do something. I saw mdoctor. A blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. We talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. Axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. Women, especlly those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoidt where axirons applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or incased acne in women may occur. Report these symptoms to your doctor. Tell your doctorbout all medical conditions and medications. Serious side effects could include increased sk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. Common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, common side effects include skin redness headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. Ask your doctor about axiron. The neil the white house is collecting tolls on interstate highways. Heres what some of your posting on my facebook page. Capi says we dont need additional taxing. Just someone who knows proper arithmetic area and randys has i think it is a good idea, charters make a living on the road and some of us have to travel back and forth on the interstate to work. So why pay more . Its another way to stick it to the middle class. Jeff, thank you for your message. We also asked the question on gerriwillis. Com. 95 said yes, i resent said no. Logon to onto gerriwillis. Com for our my question every weekday. Finally, you come to any surprise to you that the federal government is misappropriating your tax dollars are supposed to highway construction and maintenance . Instead they are using it to beautify highways among other things. Forget this gas tax that you pay at right now the feds are greenlighted and tolls on interstate spirit is one of our viewers said, the mo of this administration, if it moves, tax it. And taxes are through the roof rake counting and counting, there is no financial discipline in washington. Just the desire to spend every last nickel that you earn and that is my two cents more. Thats it for tonight willis report. Thank you for joining us, dont forget to dvr the show. Have a great night and we will see you back here tomorrow. No no neil i have warned you a million times and promote it so many times. It sounds like a broken record. How often do we keep repeating the sins that we keep repeating . China, which we knew was moving in on us, fast and furious, its just a matter of months away from being the premier economic power on the planet. It is an unusual measure and were going to get into the details of it. But the socalled purchasing 30 index essentially says that

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