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Gerri welcome to the willis report. Your show, your money, your voice. Tonight another delay in obamacare. This one is intentional. This time open enrollment deadline is being extended by a month so that it can get past the election. People cant cancel the election time. With us now, steve more from the law street Journal Editorial Board and dr. Scott gottliebs, former policy for centers for medicare and medicaid services. Welcome to you both. I will start with you. Let me read you what the Obamacare Administration is saying about what is essentially a 30 day delay. They say it is to give insurers the benefit of more time to evaluate there experiences during the 2014 plan year and allow them to take into account those who may enroll late including young adults before setting 2015 rates. That is probably right because the insurers are going to have a hard time submitting bids. There were not going to have a lot to go on. The administration is worried. This hurts consumers. There will have to wait. Gerri calling me skeptical. This is a bold political bid not to get in trouble at the election polls. What do you say . It think . Getting that is absolutely right. When i talked to democrats on capitol, what theyre telling me is that love to put this off after the 2014 election. I think that the entire law may actually be delayed. Gerri really . The government is saying there is no way we will do that. What is your evidence . My evidence is that nothing is working. You have people not signing up. Insurance companies are falling out. The only people who are signing a bar six people. You are getting an incredible problem. More americans do. The problem is this. It is not as if once the web sites are up everything will be wonderful. Go to the web sites and shop around. A lot of americans will find is not such a big deal. Gerri steve describes adverse selection. California, the enrollees. 56 percent of enrollees were within the ages of 45 and 64. The general population of california, 25 percent of the population. So you see, there is adverse selection is commanded israeli people who are older who are signing up. They are holding up california. The numbers actually look quite bad. Only 16 percent of the people who enrolled. As an indication that people are paying a lot of money for plans because they know they will need the health care. Theyre getting a terrible adverse selection. The plans in that market, they will have a difficult time. Gerri the stick a look in some of these numbers. Some of the highest premiums under obamacare for a family of four. North dakota, the numbers of. Taxes of 30 . Indiana up 25 . Look at this numbers. These are astonishing, the increases that people will face. To your point. Once people actually cant sign up and get through the process and figure what they will owe it will not be pretty. Gerri you think people im at now, wait until they can go on the website. You know, i think that it is especially young people that i talked to, people under the age of 30 without that this was going to be something that was actually not cost them anything and might actually be a bargain. Theyre finding just the opposite. Are you old enough to remember when president obama gerri that is not the nice thing to ask. When they said this was going to save us up to 500. Now is costing us. Gerri it seems like that was a long time ago. So many promises i mean, to your point command of want to hear what you have to say. Making the point that the promises have been so blown. What we were trying to achieve, so unquestionably mistakes made, not even close. Is there any way that this entire law can be put on hold, held back, stopped in its tracks. I think they are determined to implement this. The biggest problem is if you can keep your doctor. People will find out. I found a plan and fled only has seven pediatricians for account to a 250,000 kids. These networks are so restrictive. It will be hard for people to keep their doctors. The information is not available. They are enrolling not knowing whether their doctor is in our have network. Doctors in a study to drop out because theyre cutting how they pay physicians. Gerri to that point, let me mention something. A story in the Washington Post today. Insurers are cutting back with a pay doctors. We are going to give you 40 bucks for an office visit. You know, there are two things going on. First of all, american doctors are the highest paid in the world. There are not enough of them. You dont cut the price. The reaaon the highest pay for the most part is because their the best. I have always said we have the best Health Care Delivery system in the world even though we have a crazy way to pay for health care. Ecome more and moreht. Kind of disgraced. What this is sounding like, what you just described, doctors are pulling out. Some hospitals are pulling at of exchanges, that sounds like medicaid. Medicaid, you have a lot of providers. You get the insurance coverage, but no one will take it. Gerri absolutely right. You are a doctor. What is your reaction . Do you go concierge . Hard to do that. He looked at the race there being paid right now, somewhere in between medicare and medicaid rates. These will end up looking a lot like medicaid now works. You look at the same is, the plants that employ the most inside these changes in the medicaid plans because they already have the chief networks. Gerri to that point, speaking about her experiences with the system. Here is what she had to say. I would like to be able to make my own choices. I dont see Government Medical benefits as being any better than what i have. Yet worse. And so i would feel like a secondclass citizen. Gerri Steve Hopkins wanted to sign up for obamacare. She had a plan, wanted to see what she could get. She ended up on medicaid. Did not wann to be there. No desire to do that. Now she is mad. What do you say . I wish i had a dime for every time someone told me that. They signed up for obamacare subsidies and have been essentially put into the medicaid system. A lot of americans are not familiar with how bad it is, but let me give you some examples. The mayo clinic, the best health care i mean, the best Cancer Treatment in the world does not take medicaid. In some cases it does not even take medicare. Yes, you get Health Insurance, but youre not Getting Health Care because a lot of these doctors and the Treatment Centers wanted to coverage. Gerri absolutely right. Cedarssinai, right here in new york city. We are seeing institutions and facilities to that will not accept this obamacare insurance. Where are people going to go . People will have a hard time accessing physicians is what they do inside medicaid. Health insurers, obamacare medicate plus. That is exactly what this will be. A little bit better, but not much. Gerri not much. By the way, medicaid is arguably in the industrialized country one of the worst Health Insurance systems in the world. I never could understand why we wanted to expand medicaid which is essentially what we have done ahead of very hard time getting my medicaid patients access because they just see the patients. Gerri okay. The other problem is the government is putting the normal position. I cant sign up. Now i have no care. What will happen to people who, you know, maybe they have some kind of lifethreatening illness. Now they have no coverage. They cant get it. What did they do . This is the scariest thing. We talk about the finances of obamacare. I am an economist. But you just really nailed it. What about the people who are not going to get treatment who absolutely need it. In the middle of Cancer Treatment or heart condition treatments. I dont have an answer to your question because nobody knows what the answer is. What do you do allow people who in six weeks now going to be going naked without Health Insurance . Gerri what do you say . The administration is increasingly worried about this and giving a Performance Plan taught to enroll some of these people. Probably one of the blues plan. I dont know. There will give people until dec. 23rd general henry it takes more than a week to get safely put into a plan. That wont help either. Gerri unbelievable that there would put us in this position. Another story for the government putting us in a bad position. I am going to go to you. This news out just tonight right before our show. The Energy Department has sold off 192 million Loan Guarantee to fester automotive to a chinese billionaire for 25 million. So the Loan Guarantee energy was partly due to, but partly they wanted to be duped. They wanted to make these loans. This goes back to the solyndra story uni talk about. This is the solyndra story of these kind of battery operated cars, but at least we get 25 million for that month. It is probably worth nothing. The worlds first external combustible engine. I like it. Gerri we will ended on that note. Thank you for coming on tonight. Great job. You covered a lot of territory. More to come including the story of a man who risked his life to protect the president s. He is losing his Health Care Insurance because of obamacare. And next floozies and is here. How often do how you can protect you and your family this year. Stay with us. This is e quicksilver cash back card from capil one. Its not the limit the cash i earnvery month card. Its t the i only earn decent rewards at the gas station card. Its the nogames, nosigning up, everydayrewarding, kungfufighting, silverligninginabottle, bringingomethebacon cash back card. Thiss the quicksilver card from capital one. Unlimited 1. 5 cash back on eve purchase, everywhere, every single day. So ask yourself, whats in your wallet . Just by talking to a helmet. It grabbed the patients record before we even picked himp. It found out the doctor we needed was at st. Annes. Wiggle your toes. [ driver ] and it got his okay on treatment from miles away. It en pulled strings with the stoplights. My ambulance talks with smoke alarms and pilots and adiums. But, of course s a good listener too. [ female announcer ] today cisco is connecting the internet of everything. So everything works like never before. Gerri your flu shot, floozies and is striking early. States reporting dozens of hospitalizations already. So we are looking out for yourself as many of you travel home to see loved ones this Holiday Season. Joining me now, physician. Welcome back to the show. Great to see you. I had my shot a month and a half ago. I feel pretty good, but you say i still have the potential to get it. The vaccine that you received gives you protection against the top three common viruses to cause flu, but that is now 100 percent protection. Also, what you have to remember, if you get the flu you have to make sure that you dont in fact everyone else. The doctors of the worst. So we know is that typically with the flu season, the incident peaks in january. Already in november and seeing cases of the flute. Very difficult to predict how bad this season will be, but the season is starting early. We dont now long it will continue. If you are out there you must go and get a flu shot. Absolutely. Gerri most exposed are kids and the elderly. Thats right. Unfortunately children under six months we do not vaccinate, and they are at risk. If you have Young Children at home is important that they are protected. That depends on you being protected. Also, it is important that people remember it is not just to stay at home but to be very vigilant about washing your hands. People who have the flu should stay at home. You should not be coughing all over everyone. If you have Chronic Health conditions, our problems, lung problems, these people are increased risk. They should be vaccinated. The earlier the better. Gerri a lot of people have strange beliefs. They think it will make them sick. More likely to get sick. What would you say to those concerned . No evidence that all that the flu vaccine causes flu. Some people may feel for 24 hours some flu like symptoms. That does not mean that they have the flu. They may get eight in the muscles. Tylenol will help. The flu vaccine is not live vaccine, not live virus. You should not have the vaccine if youre sick. Gerri even if you have a cold. I got the shot. I hate getting shots, but i do it anyway. There is also an islamist. Do you love that . Very good evidence about the nasal nest as well as the flu vaccine. If you go on to the website, cdc , there is lot of useful information, but they do not recommend that then is vaccine is any better than the flu shot. Also, the nasal is not for everybody. Very strict guidelines about who can receive it, and that is alive, weakened vaccine. Gerri interesting. Any other tips . We talked about not tough enough people, staying home. What else can i do if i am in the work environment, commute every day. [inaudible question] keep from getting the flu . The most important thing to remember is even if the flu season started it is never too late to receive the vaccine. It is never too early. Also, it does not protect you immediately. It can take up to two weeks. Tom delay, get the vaccine. If you have to like symptoms go home. Gerri thank you for coming on. So good to have you on the show. Appreciated. Additional and surprising steps to keep yourself healthy in tonights top five among the most surprising way to prevent the flu. Drinking hard, black, are green tea stimulates the immune system to fight off infection. Get a protein fix. Guys that are too low in protein can deplete the immune system. So stock up on protein rich foods. Number three, get what you need. Getting a massage can increase our circulation which boosts immunity not to mention lowering your stress level. Dont talk dirty. Did your mind that of the gutters. Your cellphone is a germ magnet the reclaiming it with a sanitizing wife regularly cuts back on the term second new your face and mouth. The number one surprising for the prevention, led by the pen. Think of all the times that you borrow pen. Helps to cut down their exposure to germs. The university of arizona scientists have found when someone is sick it only takes four hours for surfaces like the coffee machine to show traces of infectious virus. Take care of yourself this for season. Later in the show, the Obama Administration about to turn the housing industry on its head using taxpayer money. Next, forget the screaming baby in the seat next to you. Why the question can you hear me now could be asked on your next flight. Customer erin swenson ordered shoes from us online but they didnt fit. Customers not happy, im not happy. Sales go down, im not happy. Merch comes back, im not happy. Use ups. They make returns easy. Unhappy customer becomes happy customer. Then, repeat customer. Easy returnsim happy. Repeat customers, im happy. Sales go up, im happy. I ordered another pair. Ihappy. both im happy. Im happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy happy. I love logisti. You really love, what would you do . [ woman ] id be a writer. [ man ] id be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] id be an architect. What if i told you somee could pay you and what if that person were you . When you think about it, isnt that what retirement should be, payinourselves to do what we love . Gerri new rules and the works that were allowed people to talk on phones during flights. Details right after the break. Gerri potential new headaches for fliers. In addition to long delays, overcrowded planes and shrinking leg room a new proposal would allow phone calls, cell phone calls during flight. Joining me now, ceo of fare compare. Tell me it aint so. I cannot imagine this. It is annoying enough to fly without the person sitting right on top of me yelling into their sulfone. I tweeted that earlier today. I am not a huge fan of this, but it looks like at least they are grieving. It is coming. I sort of figured that it would be because of the potential revenue. If people have their way, it wont. Gerri 61 percent say we support a ban on making calls while in the air. It is the most annoying thing that i can think of. Have you listened to people to make them never talk about anything important. Theyre always tal a boyfriend ironies to pick up the eggs on the way home. There is never anything useful on the telephone. It is extremely loud. Our poll that we run in the past, and we have chatted about this before. Eightyfive or 90 against doing this. Even the head of the sec who came out yesterday and said that they want to do this, he personally does not want it to occur but is likely to allow it to happen. They will have a meeting in the second week of december. During that meeting will bring it up on passes, allow Public Comment on it. You wont be able to find it and then were off to the races. Gerri people will make money which is why we will do it. You will get rich . I find this a little bit interesting. Airlines have not made a lot of money off of the wifi service on their planes. And if you remember, you know, i am old enough to remember 5920 years ago. One in a million phone calls. Some ridiculous amount permitted to do it. I am not sure that if they charge a lot of money for this particular service remember, this would not be under 10,000 feet, basically cruising altitude only. You would have to wait until you actually got to this sort of dangerous part of taking off and landing. Gerri among will make some money. The government will allow. What will the airlines do to accommodate this . Will they create quiet sounds, put all the talkers and to a certain part of the cabin . I dont see they will have to add equipment to the aircraft to make this happen. That will be costly. I am not sure there will even taken on. Second of all, you now have so few airlines. You are talking about the three new mega airlines. It would take at least one of them to do it, and i am not sure which one would step on the lamb to try to do this. I think for the most part it will be the airlines in the end that decide not to do this. After polling a lot of the lead travelers, but i dont expect quiet zones for screaming babies and i certainly dont expect them for self bonds. Gerri i will go invest in nice canceling had said manufacturers before you go from American Airlines is allowing fliers to bet on for stressed versus less updates. I wonder what you make of that. Are you a fan . Will it be a big deal . I dont think it will be a huge deal. If you are an elite traveler and theyre worried about this particular Building Program because it is one of your freebies that may be going away, they say it will not affect this particular ones. I dont expect people to find out where debate and how to bid, six days ahead of time to read another complicated thing. I dont expect this to be popular. Gerri we have to get them to do what we want them to do. We are the customers. Thank you for coming on the show. Great to see you. Have a great weekend. We want to know what you think. Should Airlines Allow ppople to make some phone calls and flight . Log on to gerriwillis. Com, vote on the righthand side of the screen. I was sure the results of the end of the show. Coming up, ways of waves of insurance cancellations. Will that lead to a wave of loss losses . Our legal Panel Debates that question next. vo you are a business pro. Maestro of project management. Baron of the buildout. You need a permit. To be this awesome. And you. Rent fm national. Because onlyational lets you choose any car in the sle. And go. You can even take a fullsize or above, and still pay the midsize price. aaron purrrft. O meeeow, business pro. Meeeo go national. Go like a p. Gerri people angry and mad over the cancellation of more than five and half million individual healthinsurance policies. Due to obamacare. But next year it will be even worse. More policies will be cancelled, perhaps as many as 10 million. What can be done . And consumers sued the federal government . Here to weigh in criminal defense attorney and partner with from in and hunter. Welcome to you both. I want to start with you because , i mean, you have to think, there are people out there with medical conditions and have coverage. Obamacare comes in. The policy is cancelled and they cannot even go on the website to get coverage. You can nasute . Unfortunately for them even though there will be other opportunities to have insurance, putting hat aside, the law has been through the courts, already been viewed other than the medicaid expansion, it has basically been affirmed. The funny part is that the law that would be challenged as part of a law called the Employer Retirement income security act which prevents any other type of case. So therefore this is the only show in town that is basically the Supreme Court decision on this. Gerri what do you say . Look, there has got to be somebody to seek a remedy against. You know, lets say you have cancer and we have seen the situations like this where people are desperately ill, have curve rich. It has been canceled, and now they cannot get another policy. Do they turn to . Well, i somewhat agree, but heres the issue. There will be a lot of lawsuits, and theyre already have been. The obamacare act is a full employment act. So much legal action going on. For consumers it is difficult to sue the federal government. Here is where the losses come and the reader will come and when they start dealing with the navigators to be trying to get their new policies and being advised on how to fill out forms College Policies to get. A group of people that are untrained, and vetted, and have no idea what theyre doing. I think if they get bad advice and tried to get the new insurance policies that is where the consumer lawsuits will go. Gerri we know that the navigators are not very well trained. Reno a lot of these people, the government said first they will have months and months of training. No, no. You will only do weeks. The federal law that this is a part of, the affordable characters become a part of, essentially it preempts any other type of case. Any other negligence the many problems that developed in terms of getting the coverage or losing the coverage, it will all be under the same law. This law has that type of cause of action for that. It is sort of some legislative fix spirit however, we will go on to say to you, i think to say theyre losing their coverage entirely is not exactly accurate. The coverage they cost more initially. Gerri they dont have coverage because they cant get on the website and make new coverage. Theyre going to get coverage in the following way. Gerri does not cover the two or three month that it takes to get coverage. 35 Million People dont have coverage before this happened. Talking about dca. Rewriting parts of this all the time. The president is changing things the people who are implementing the law. It is not what it was spirited is a totally different thing. How can it be that nothing no action can be taken. This entire law is a moving target. As someone agree that the government puts up all kinds of roadblocks against consumers suing them. Qualified immunity from almost every government official. If you can get around it with gross negligence. And another problem is that individual consumers do not have the money or the resources. And so consumers always end up getting short it in this kind of an issue. Gerri i agree. Last word. If there was a cause of action there would be able to win their legal fees. Most laws of this nature, health and benefit companies and tight case providing the winning and legal suits. The problem is that you have to win first. In this case it is worse than that because there is not even a basis to have a loss it. Gerri you know, i think he is disagreeing with you a little bit. Maybe youre not suing the insurer. Maybe other people. Not that were advocating, but there are people who are between a rock and our place, and the federal government put them there. Thank you for coming on. Appreciate your time. Thank you. Always good to be on the show. Gerri thank you. New changes coming for housing. The Senate Filibuster affects on Agency Appointments clearing the way for obamas nominee at least the regulatory portion. Congressman mel watt of North Carolina was blocked by the gop. Now his confirmation appears to be proceeding. What impact will this apartment have on taxpayer bottom lines . Director of Financial Regulation studies at the Cato Institute joins me now. I just feel like i have seen this movie before. What he believes in, what he thinks should happen. Pretty darn clear and pretty darn frightening. And it is very bad. Keep in mind that when we were doing reforms, back in 2008 he voted against giving the very same regulators. It is great. He voted against giving them additional powers to try to protect the taxpayer. The gap probably ranks in the top10 in congress in terms of campaign contribution. The know, few in congress to have been protectors. This is really putting a box in charge of the hen house. Has to come back. The current acting director, a career civil servant. Did an outstanding job. That is a problem. The administration does not want an outstanding job. There was someone to protect fannie and freddie, go back to the housing, can the giveaways. Favre constituencies which is what got us in this mess in the first place. Gerri one of the big programs that is apparently in favor. Principal writedowns on underwater mortgages. As we know in the wake of the financial meltdown and housing downtown what happened is a lot of people lost value. So much so that they were under water, owed more than a house was worth. Others think that someone should bear the brunt of that, and not the people who hold the mortgage. First of all, lets be clear. The number one driver is unemployment. Writing someones mortgage down does not give them a job. As you talked about, obamacare and other things are critical. Lets get the job market moving. That said, the taxpayer owes these mortgages. If we are going to give someone a writedown, 50, 100,000, that is money coming out of the taxpayers pocket. We need to be careful about doing that. Gerri what would the price tag b . Seriously. I cannot imagine between obamacare and this kind of program how much money would be putting out the front door. You are talking this is a massive giveaway. Were talking about millions of mortgages modified. It could be anywhere. Typical mortgage, 30, 40, 50,000 reductions just to give away. Of course among lets keep in mind, these are mortgages that people agreed to pay into there really are not talking about people who were defrauded. I am all for taking care of people who were defrauded. You of that obligation, and if you dont have some other compelling reason you are certainly not entitled to the taxpayer being part of your debt. Gerri not everyone agrees. Unfortunately not. We are the hand of culture in this country. Gerri a bailout in every pot. Thank you for coming out. When we come back, major credit cards offering customers refunds. Is it too good to be true . A former secret Service Agent your risks his life protecting president obama sharing his story of losing his insurance under obamacare. Fossils ya know, with new fedex one rate you can fill that box and pay one flat rate. I didnt know e coal thing was real. Its very real. David rivera. Rivera, david. [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. Simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. Then youll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath . [ exhales deeply ] [ male announcer ] we there is biotene. Specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants, biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. [ applause ] biotene foreople who suffer from dry mouth. Gerri you can keep their Health Insurance plan. That is of millions of americans are hearing in the age of obamacare. Thank you for joining us. Appreciate your time. Tell us about your experience. You had a Health Insurance plan and then you didnt. What happened . We get the infamous letter. Which is sad that did not estimate. Reopen the together. We were devastated when we get the letter saying that our insurance policy. We loved it. A federal government employee. The deductible as doubled. Your copay went from zero to 30 bucks for a visit. For us if we go for five times a month in addition to the 200 additional premium cost real looking and another potential to honor dollars and add a pocket cash cost for copay. Find it ironic that the president seems to know what is best for millions of americans. They clearly heard my financial situation. Is it better . It is not. Situs specialists last. Always a cost for anything. That is the one positive. Gerri at the end of the day from what you tell me in the greenroom you have the same insurer you had before. Coverage is not that good. He is clearly not telling the truth or he is providing for his employees. Ill is rumored that expression by plato, if you dont get involved by politics you are destined to be ruled by people less of the new from etf to get involved. This is my way. Gerri how does it feel . To serve their country, but the life on the line to massacre services aad for how long . 121 years. This is a thankyou you get. Your Health Insurance policy revoked in given something more expensive and worst. I was angry. Italian politics to never say that. I dont listen to too many consultants. When nuclear because i just put what was raw emotion. I was upset. I would rather you take my house and take my Health Insurance. Especially to given i need for doctors. Gerri what a story peter brooke looks fantastic. You said it was like having being and not all that hot stuff that was going on and none of the explain your experience. Being a secret Service Agent, take being famous without the downside. Go across the street can get a sandwich. I didnt have those problems. Get to hang out. It was a terrific job. 116 service. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a career in law enforcement. It was an honor. Gerri its terrific individual. Thank you for coming on. Good to have your. Still to come, my 2 cents more. In the latest battle to win customers, credit cards are price matching. Is there a catch . Details coming up. Gerri a credit card deck and save you big bucks and you may not even know about it. Details coming up in two minutes. Gerri well, you heard about all of the sales. You heard about all of the price reductions, whether it is on line are in the real world. Now creditcard operators are going to get down on the action. Joining me now, Wealth Management ceo. Thank you for coming on the show. Great to have you here. Creditcard operators are out there saying hey, look, we are going to help you get the lowest price. How will they do that . So the idea is to entice you to let your guard down if you are shopping by saying, dont worry. Even if you buy something at this price at this point, if you find something lower at another store in the future were going to make you whole. The idea, of course, is to get you to rack up more Exchange Fees for the Credit Card Companies by letting your inhibitions down and spending wantonly. Gerri i love your take on this because the creditcard operators call this price matching. It sounds like a good thing. You go out there, buy a fancy pants tv and find it cheaper somewhere else. A creditcard operator will be there to make you all. How do you make that happen . What you have to do as a consumer to get the money . You hit the nail on the head. You actually have to do something. You have to shop around and then you have to document. It will depend on which credit card carrier you are using. Some will actually ask you to just lock the Purchase Online and they will double check. Others would go so far as to say, i want to see your credit card statement. I want to see your receipt. And i want to actually get a note from teacher. I want the store manager and then the location that the lower price on letterhead to write that down and show me officially. Gerri i dont have time for that. At the end of the day i would rather buy a cheaper. Here is what were talking about the Discovery Program will refund the difference of up to 500 of the 90 days. There is another program with a refund difference up to 250 within 30 days. Finally, mastercard is saying 250 within 60 days with monetary limits of up to 1,000. Are these programs brand spanking new or have these been around and we just havent noticed . One of the things they you will find is that Financial Companies tend to move in herds. It is possible that in some regional markets, programs like this have existed in the past. This is the first Holiday Season we are seeing is a mass. And my big concern about it is that it actually, as you referenced, takes a fair amount of time, and i am not sure that it actually benefits the consumer at the end of the day. Gerri what are your criticisms other than the fact that goodness knows how you will ever prove that you found a lower price. What are your other criticisms . My biggest one, it is like couponing. What it can do psychologically, make you feel like you have to get out of jail free cards when it comes to spending and that is okay to let while on your budget and not Pay Attention to the small details. My concern is that because you might feel like to have this backstop that you in that spending on things that you would not have purchased otherwise. The same way you my when you are out couponing unless you are very disciplined. For the 10 of folks who are super intense about their budgeting, great. These are a super product. For the other 90 percent of us, maybe not so much. Gerri i cannot imagine having to do this. I would rather find a cheap price first. Thank you for coming on. Great points. Gerri good to see you. We will be right back after this. Sticwith innation. Stick with power. Stick th technology. Get the flexcare platinum. New from philips sonicicare. Gerri the fcc lifting its longtime ban on cell phone calls while in flight. Heres what youre posting on my facebook page. You dont want to hear a baby crying next to you, be sure as heck dont want hear someone talking on the phone. This will make an already difficult experience intolerable. We added this to on gerriwillis. Com. 72 said no. Unlike the no crowd. Log on to gerriwillis. Com our online question every weekday. Finally, when the government gets involved in something that you know that your trouble with, you know theres a problem. Two examples, obamacare is in on this one and trying to take control of one sixth of the economy. And what a mess that has turned out to be. Then we reported on fisker. They were the cornerstone of the big green car push. The problem was fisker cost over 100,000 apiece per car. Consumers didnt buy demand by except millionaires and actors like Justin Bieber and leonardo dicaprio. The total it to taxpayers is 139 million in the biggest greenlawn write off some solyndra. It doesnt matter what program it is coming you just dont of the government involved and that is for sure. And that his efforts makes willis report willis report. Have a great weekend. Single logo. Good friday evening. Im in for lou dobbs tonight, lori rothman with you. Delaying obamacare enrollment. The moment period for the portable correct next year will be pushed back by a month november 15. Sparking criticism that the move was made for purely political reasons. About one month away, coincidentally or not, the opening of the moment period pushed back until the midterm election, which critics claim will provide coverage for vulnerable democrats

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