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Die. He has to win a lot of other things other than that florida, if he doesnt ss that bar he doesnt win. This has to b encouraging news as they work in iowa, New Hampshire and of course ohio. Melissa doug. Gerri doug i was surprised to see what was going on in ohio. Fox news oll. Ahead i canot see that far. This is the tte that romney has to take. Certainly. There is a lear tightening after the debates. Implore data are you seeing the senate race tight as well . Th you start to see that with the top of the ticket then you have real momentum. Up until nowt is a very tight political race without clear evidence one way or another. Gerri the president makes his sixth appearance calling the death of americans not optimal. If more aerans get killed in is not otimal. Hedid not include the qution he said it is not exactly optimal. But for him to se that word in a response . [laughter] am not a oreign policy expert but the politics is the president has taken bertrand also owed to a quiet romney t task to politicizing the issue from practically before happened to get it wrong. Gerri many ople would like to debate you on that topic. Fox says they have 60 doments from the state department. With the three page cable from chris day bends evens saying he is worried about seurity he, he has concerns sounding alarms, lawlessness, violce , it is frightening. Also cmpining about the security. This is t bi deal. One is the la of security before the attac comex pressing concern from e ambassador. And the story put t after the attacks. Both have taken a hit specifically about attacks the tax and finding out what this california a new. Leless than 24 hours later it was a group of guerrillas. It was much more dangerous than t word opimal. Gerri reading a statement from augus 8 moving from euphoria and back as violent incidents dominate the political landscape. They havebeen organized theyre notrand crimes o opportunit tat this metaksa unlike the to be deterred until they are capable. Is that we he says . He put politics aside there was eviden in advance insufficient reurceat of administration that shows no concerned and the tragic loss of life and a failure to cu the embassy and an ability to come up with a single coherent story. The story does have legs. Gerri it could be the reason of the polls. Mitt romneys Transition Team is working with officials to come up with a plan and americans not havingto pay 3,500 per year. Why does the president say clf . Ould rather go over th he has made it clear. Solutely. You have a wrong. He said is willing to go over the fiscal ef to bring republicans to his view of taxes. Whenhey decided to take the country t the brink of failure in order to meet politics. Im sure what he is wilng to do with reelected is have a balanced approach including a revenue increase and cuts across the board. Gerri the 3500 every family has to plug up, what is your assessment of posturing on both sides . We cannot go over the fiscal cliff. It is a disservice including all those who claim to be so coerned. T much will be done, of leu aispending cuts. Meck 2013 to sort out the shortcu. Ast night mitt romney has the sense ofhumor. I am finally relaxed to wear what i wear around house. [laughter] i haveseen ealy reports from tonights dinner. Headline, obama embraced by catholics. Mitt romney dies with th rich people. Do you want to have a beer with them . It was amusing, he was loose and fenty. His hur had more edge more critical of obama. And he made good use of the night to make a few jokes and the few points. Mtt romney would ot have a beer. [laughter] gerri they give for coming. Great as always. What do think . Should president obama apologize to those killed in libya calling their death not optimal . A lot more stil come including the warning of your 401 k . Another Company Goes Bust taking taxpayer money with taking taxpayer money with [ male announcer ] how do you turn an entrepreurs dream. Into a scooter that tks to the cloud . Whatever your business challenge, dell has the technology and services to help you solve it. Gerri just in case you harbor the believe government can do Better Things than the private sector. The massachusetts based Solar Company filed for bankruptcy. But a local tv station in michigan reported employees have so little work to do they spend hours playing board games and watching movies. Some are quitting. As a project the company is failing. Here is the president to years ago. It will put thousands of people to work including those working at facilities being built in michigan by another Battery Technology Company Called a 123. A symbol of where michigan is going, holland and the United States is going. Gerri as Simple Program america is going . Really . Lg chem is a career in coming company receiving grants from taxpayers. Using only 228,000 of tax dollars even though approved at 3 million. Although struggling financially four years, the power conversion devices were and steady demand in 2011. But could not bring that to profitability. And posted losses in through the First Six Months of 2012. According to the Heritage Foundation companies that got assistance are going bankrupt and laying people off. Look at the list. Heritage estimates of the 90 billion of green energy loans and credits credits, 10 percent go to Companies Bank of course circling the drain. Either one is too many. Precisely what government should not be in the business to pick winners or losers. You dont pick the winners and losers. You pick losers. Increase your Retirement Savings for next year. But Many Americans dont have anything at same data all. Trying there hardest to win the wind of voters over the last abate. But which candidate has what it takes to tackle their issues . We will hear from ann coulter. The two dividend bursary of the stock market experiencing the worst drop in history. Could this happen again . Our moodys chief economist is his report. Mil card is his report. Mil card next. The willis report. S double mis on every purchase, every day ahh, the new fabrics, t it on my spark card. [ garth ] why settle for less . The spiked heels are working. Wait [ garth ] great businesses deservthe most rewards [ male announcer the spark business car from cital one. Choose unlimited rewards with double miles or 2 cash back on every purchase, every day whats in your wallet . [ cheers and applae ] oh,ey alex. Just picking up some, brochures, poers copies of my acceptance speech. Great its alwlways gd to ha a backup plan, in case i get hit by a meteor. Wow, your hair looks great. Didnt reaze they did photoshop here. Hey, good call onhose mugs. Cant let em see what youre drinking. You know, im g glad ere both running a nice, clean race. No need to get nasty. Heres your honk if you hadn affair with taylor yard sig looks good. [ male anouncer ] fedex oice. Now save 50 on banners. [ male anouncer ] fedex oice. So, which supeast 4g lte. Serve would yochoose, based on this chart . Dont rush into it, im not looking r the stest answer. Obviously verizon. Okay, i have a diffent chart. Going that way, do that make a difference . Look at rizon. Its so mu morethan the other o. So whahat if we just changed e format altogether its pretty clear. Still sticking with verizon. Verizon. More 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined. Gerri . I am here with the average man onhe street. Ure you savg gerri i am here with thee3 average man on the street. Use a being in the 401 k . Amex 84 retirement . Saving for a new car. You concerned . I am a mom. M what proportion of yourion at income . And come i try to save 10 . Percen gerri that is good. All the experts say maybe 15s or 20 are better if you get older. You are young. Ia i am very mon. Illwill not retire until imw 80 years old. I am tired now. Recent study said the iage american pays when i did 50,000 over their lifetime for the 401 k . 100. That is too mh money. Gerri that man thinks americans pay too much money. 150,000 over the course of your life time. A recent survey found seven out of 10 amerans dont ev know ttey pay fees my next guest, chad, the number istoo bg . Absolutely. That is a small condo in florida. Gerri four times as much as annual had come mo have 25,0 saved. I think people may vote there would be a revolt. But the real probl ericans and nosaving enough. Ottline tere isno immedie gratification. [laughter] we have the Microwave Society with instant results and we rwarded today. And believe it is bological impossibleo think we have a future. Gei i dont know. Look at fees just pay a little bit of attenon can make a big difrence. If you have 5,000 and you pay 32 bais points that is roughly 160 per fees per year. If it calates it is over 1,200. What does that do . Einstein said compound interest is the wonder of the world. Working with you and against you. You dot earn interest on your interest an every year you ve less to earn interest on. It is a mathematical formula you need enter illustration. Gerri where you make money your money for you are encouraged to save more. There is a huge Retirement Crisis . We have the three legged stool. Most people in sixties and fiftie have that available. These people nothave the ability to have a pension. Without major adjustmentto lapse and people will not plan on that. Gerri you have to do yourself. The good news the department of labor requires more disclosure. At the very least ou should have more inforon to get them under ontrol. What size is reasonable . Below were the better aff blogger event hal of 1 . We need to take advantage of the incentives. Theres a certain amount thatecomes excessive. What do you think is too much . That is where freemarket comes in to offer a different way. Gerri the more informatio the better. Contribute as much as you can i believe it is 7,200,500. It goes up. Major e fees is low. Gerri ell your wsite again. Some peoplenot have to worry about the biggest names of srts. With the sweep of the near candies the attention turs to the salarie of the headliners. The biggest conracts are Baseball Players wth o salary cap. Number five. Of minneso twins. The eight Year Contract 184 million, 142,000 per game. Numberour. New york yanes who missed most of the series with a 10 yearontract worth 189 milli. Number three and then another 45 millio the home rn derby chapion and Detroit Tigers headed to thworld series. Nine year, to defer to milliondollar contract. Numb two. From los angeles signed a contract this year at ending 240 mlion over 10 years. Number one. Biggest contract goes to al rodriguez. 10 year contact worth 275 million. E yankees still o 114 million. He went three 25 in postseason. In 2001 he signed today 2 Million Contract with fed texas rangers. He was traded eiht years ago. I should have ben a baseball player. By a milons of ollars are spent on flat screen tvs and waterfalls. The president and rney tried to include women voters. Are they being pandered . Ann couter tells us next. ann couter tells us next. [ thats a good thing, but it doesnt cover erything. Only about 80 of your part b mical expense e rest is up to you. So consider an aarMedicare Supplement insurance plan, likell standardized Medicare Supplement plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay. And save you up to thousds of dollars in outofpocket costs. Call tay t to request a free decision ide to help you better understand what medicare is all about. And which aarp Medicare Supplement pl works best for you. 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This easytounderstand guide will answer some of your questions, and help you find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan thats right for you. Gerri 30 times ten the word women was said during the bate. Both candidates are ou trying to get the womens vo but it sounds like pandering. Ann coulter author of mud to i want to start with the view a controversial interview. When he was governor he was prochoice and now is now he is against abortion. I wonder where your views are a . Talking to the mothers of children who are coming home from bags. When you face the mothers whose children who have not comeback ow will you explain to them your sons have not gone . [laughter] you celebrate its0th wedding anniversaries. Come on. We wonder hy eight obama collapsed in te first debate. This is what he is usedo. The president is always a little bit like this but obama is there darling not only a liberal and he is halflack. The affirmative actionn candidate for you wonder why when he is up agains mitt romy he is not so good. Gerri he does have kid ove treatment. Talk about his approach to women. Reduce a you are for equal pay for equal work but you refused to say if you would gn the bill for that, you may have romney and the show. If youo have romnesia obamacaris fre. His president has failed america is when. They suffer in terms of getting job, flling into poverty, a presidency has not helped americas women. Gei hat matters to women . Having ajob woud be more useful than free Birth Control cents walmart sells it for 9. Gei 9. 9. Somemes i think this is from 1965. It inot romney whos the fuddyduddy. Equal pay for equal work has been on the booksince 1965. This is crazy with the Lilly Ledbetter act. Those rules we honored with the Romney Administration in massachusetts. Every time they tried to hit them it com back hitting harder. Now we find out how fantastic he was to promote qualified women wmen were not paid as well in the Obama Administration were apparently msnbc. [laughter] gerri i dont know about that. And white house femle staffers earned 11,000 less. Th Christina Romer said i felt like a piece of meat in the Obama Administration. [laughter] i should not laugh but it is so prepostero f the democrats to act like they are the save years. Gerr listen to this man. Sentor, how we hpe the american autoworkers . Hold on sweet. [laughter] that is worse than july 10. And winning fell ladies votes with t obnoxious behavior. Hat is something have ner seen. It is so metal think i have ever hearda politician call a woman journalist a suite. Somebody is below you. With a gift is fine to ca them that if you speak at your own level or above you but not below you. Gerri his defense is he does it all the time. Look at the swing mitt romney is picking up women voters. The economy is of a huge issue. , doesnt matter the numbers they flsh on the screen. But whatever tey say people are t of wor. Mitt romney does i realize that. Gerri it is notjt shortterm. Women are putting food on the table increasingly responble for all finances. They know that obamare will kill jobs and kill healthare. You have to be a contributor or donor to get the special treatment. But if not you are screwed. Gerri greato see you. Thank you for coming back todaas drop o wal street of a drop in the bucket from 25 years a today. Other controversial part of obamacare has hostal spendi millions on glass screen tvs and other items. Screen tvs and other items. Dr. Marc siegel is here. Im a conservative investor. I. I turned 65 last w week. Im getting marrie planng a life. There are risks, sure. But, theres no reward without it. I want to be prepared for thlong haul. I see a world bursting with opportunities. India, china, brazil, ishares, largecaps, ishares. Industals. Low cost. Every doar counts. Ishares. Income. Dividends. Bonds. I like bonds. Ishares. Commodities. Diveificion. My own ideas. Ishares. I want to use the same stf the big guys use. Ishares. 8 out of 10 large,professis choose ishares for their etfs. Introducing the ishares core, et for t heart of your portfolio. Tax efficient and low cost Building Blocks to help you keep more of what you earn. Call your adsor. Visit ishares. Com. Ishares. Ishares. Yeah, ishares. Call 1800ishareses for a prospectus ich cludes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. Read and consider it carefully bere investing. Gerri your own private waterfall is just rooms service, and mouthwatering menus. T a luxury hotel you can get all of this from a hospital bet. New rules tied to oamacare timing payments to patient happiness. We have dr. Marc siegel. Great to have you he. It soun good on the service. Reward the hospital for getting patients to say were so happy like it is the hotel. What happens to medical care . Doctors perform a service. I dont care whether the surgeon nice thathe paent to gets go marks for smiling. I hope the surgery goes well e federal government basing on Consumer Satisfaction with medical care is ridiculous. It is too much regulation to much of the fedal government. In ay have ve little say how theyre tread. Lok at the satisfaction survey. Highscoring hospitals receive nuses and get cash athe end of the day the unintended consequence . Some kind of pain relieving medication. A great point. You will put the smiley face on a survey . I like the ideto Say Something positive, 95 of obamacare is negative. Theyre rewarded for gng medication on time. Hospitals suld be timely, rses andoctors should be responsive. You dont to wait for ce but a survey is not reliable. Penalizing we admissions and gettg away from the point if you deliver a service you derve to be paid. A cardiologists gets 280 for getting the at go. Used to get 560. If you cut less than half from Major Service we try to see patients faster and not do a good job. Gerri one dr. Riding a letter ting to geteople galvanized not just for doctors but for patients. He is in the swing state of ohio. The Jackson Health survey says 65 of physicns will vote to four mitt romney. Wh y start telliling doctors with a cand cannot do all so afraid of medicare independent advisor report. One treatment is better than anher summit is not proven all of those are in jpardy. If the afforble care is not socialized medicine it will lead to whip. Not say liberal ofession but a government job. It will lose quality because phicians can only be great patient by patience. Re and more doors who work for large group of private practice will be extinct people have nowher else to go for ic a big problem for doctors under obamacare. Over regulators. And businessmen. Representing patience. I agree. Will ben the show next week. Always good to see you. What ofthe arest of wall street history d remember . For 30 some years at many differt park Service Units acrosshe United States. Ny the only time ive ever had a brk is when i was on matnity leave. I have retiredrom doing this one thing that i loved. Now,m going to be able to have the time to exploreomething different. Its like another chapter. [ male announcer ] how do you turn an entrepreneurs dream. Into a scooter that talks the cloud . Or tuturn 30millioartifacts. Into a hhtech masterpiece . Whatever yo busess chalnge, dell has the techgy and services help you solve it. Gerri fox business alert. You heard it hear irst. Weak earnings drops200 points for the worst day in four months. Microsoft, general electric, a mcdonalds brought a badnd to a good week of trading. Finaial analysts had expected earnis to be lower than this time last year. The first deine three yes. They were right. With over 100 companies of us and the reporting down 3. 5 . Google continued the day after the earnings were accidental released ahead of schedule. Black monday 25 years ago today october 1987. Suffering when the biggest crass in history. The dow plummeted 23 . If that appened today the dow jones industal average woulsink me thanan 3,000 points. Are the financial arkets a for now . We have moodys chief econom. Jon, was the number one percentage loss ever n our history. Whatid you make of the drop . I was working at moody sitting in front of of my screen. As the Dow Jones Industrial avage and the s p 500 kept sinking and sinking. Then there was quite a crowd of people round me staring at theame machine that was the bluegreen screen and we could not getver what happened. We thought e bottom had fallen out. People immediately after said returned to the 1930s wainevitable. Gerri i wasworking my First Business reporng job in virginia. The trader was talking to on the phone was cryinbecause he was scared. Crying. 500 8. Does not sound like a lot day but we have drops all the time. Much ado to technical glitch. Could we lose 23 in one day . Never say never. Remember the crash of october 87 was par of a byproduct of eltronic type of trading. Program trading you had sell, orders autatic t kicking g and. To protect investors gerri some of that goes on today ith High Frequency trading. People are afraid we he seen big selloffs. But recentlthey pull the plug on the so of the problem. October 19 nobody knew which plug to poll gerri polling the frrntpe of the wall street journal ks are ppluing amid panic. Then the New York Times wi the headline across the page plunging 508 points 604 err million volumes a lot of people trading and sce that day. So many people were noteven in the market then wer relatively new are have no memory. Is that good . We should always have a memory of that dark day. Thequity market selloff but the fuamenta and the market could recover rather quickly for only two yea would ss before the equity mamarket return to to the level prior to the crash. Gerri the google fiasco from yesterdayyis another nail in the coffin for Investor Confidence . It does not help. How could they trust manageme when it took so long to would mitt the Earnings Report was out there nd much weaker than anticipated . Anticipated . John lonski always a [ male announcer ] at scottrade, you wont just nd us online, youll also find us in pson, with dediced support teams at over 500ranches nionwide. So when you callr visit, you can ask for a name you know. Because personal Service Starts th a real person. [odger ] at scottrade, seven dollar trades are just the start. Our support teams are neaearby, ready to help. Its no wonder so many investors are saying. [ all ] im with scottrade. So, which supeast 4g lte service would yochoose, based on ts chart . Dont rush into it, im not looking for the stest answ. Obviously verizon. Okay, i have a different chart. Gointhat way, does that make a diffence . Look at rizon. Its so muchore than the other ones. Sohat if we just changed the format altogether . Nt that the exact me thing . Its pretty clear. Still sticking wi verizon. Verizon. More 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined. Gerri resident oma telling la nht that the deat of fo americans in libya was not optimal. Shoue aologize for the comments . Heres what ome of your are posting. Stuart writes absolutely. After al these brave americans were his folks. Another very poor choice of words he used in the second debate dwil bert says a situation that is not the best. Well, in my opion the president s response to this act of war is not only not optimal, t a national disgrace. We also asked you, 98 of you said yes, 2 aid, no. Log on to jerry gerri willis. Coe there. Finally tonight, he promised to have the most transparent presidency ever, but hes anything but transparent. Hes not even being transparent about his first major piece of legislation, the stimulus, that was pposed bring unemployment to 5 . By his ownlaw, h own Administration Must issue quartey reports on theaws efs through 2013,ut according to the Weekly Standard the white house is now four portsbehind schedule releasing thlast o in june of 2011. I mean, it makes sense. Why would the presint vertise what a cossal waste ofaxper money thestimulus law was, just months before a president ial election . Thats my two cents more. Got a lot coming up on monday. The candidates set to face off in their third ask final debate before the election. Wel get a preview with republican congressman jason chaftz of utah and republican strategist ed rolns. Thaaks for joiningus. Have a great night, and well see you right back here next week. Lou good evening, everybody. With 18 daysntil the president ial election, gernor romney is intaining hi slight lead in the nationa lls over president obama. The republican nominee has moved above 50 iney polls, maintaining that level with just over two weeks from election day. And that is historically a strong indicat of victory in november. Thepolls tned positive for governorromney quickly after the first debate and havee strengthened since. That

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