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Entitlements how is that sustainable . That is the work somebody mentioned over here, that is the Congressional Budget Office score. Once congress receives that score they will work through that to make certain it is in fact fiscally responsible. Imagine if you would, however a system where the incentives within the system are all to drive down cost, to provide greater choices and cometics for folks and respond to the specific needs of patients. In so doing, what you do is actually get a much more efficient system for the provision and delivery of health care. Its a system we dont have right now because the Previous Administration felt the federal government ought to do all of this. Weve seen what came about when the federal government does all of that. It is increasing premiums. Increasing deductibles, decreasi choices. You have a card that says you got insurance and wa in and cant afford what it is for the doctor trying to take care of you this is not a system working for folks in the individual and Small Group Market and exchanges. Many complain obamacare has higher wait time in the emergency room . Will this new bill cause that or are you beyond that. One of the previous things the administration said they would drive folks away from one of the most expensive areas for the provision of health cares, Emergency Rooms. In fact they did just the opposite. Much of that because the rules and regulations they put in place. So from our perspective we believe, if individuals are able to purchase the kind of coverage they want, they will have access to the kind of doctors and other providers that they desire and wont need to be able to be seen in the emergency room. They will already have that care. Emergency rooms ought to be for emergencies, not for the standard care that individuals tend to receive right now. So we believe, if you put in place the right system, then Emergency Rooms and Emergency Physicians will be able to have the opportunity to care for those individuals appropriately present to their department. Mr. Second, interested in following up on the comment that no one votes on anything violates their conscience. Federal funding already cant be used for abortions but are you saying that the administration has a condition on provision of Birth Control as a Community Health centers . Secondly, is the administration looking to actively withhold funding to planned parenthood if they continue to provide abortions as has been reported . Were working through all of those issues. As you know many of those were through the rulemaking process and were working that. That ir not a part of this piece of legislation. Provision of Birth Control and access to it, you talk about Womens Health care, you wanted to expand more community sents . What were doing working through the rules and regulations, seeing the Previous Administration and whether or not it needs to be addressed with what is important looking at rules and regulations define that rule or regulation actually helps patients and decreases costs and harms patients and increases cost. If it does the latter we need to do away with it. If it does the former we ought to accentuate it. What was issue of conscience you were talking about then . To make certain individuals in the market are not forced to do things that violate their conscience. Yes, sir . People and Small Businesses have been waiting for this new bill under President Trump. So any message, sir, for them . Well, i think that this is the culmination of years of work. It is culmination of years of concern and frustration by the American People. They knew at the time the previous bill, the previous law passed that it wasnt going to help them. They knew that costs were going to go up. In fact we predicted at the time cost was go up and that acts is would go down. So this is the culmination of years of hard work by the electorate, by the citizens of this country to say that we want a system again respects patients and families and doctors in these decisions. One more . Thank you, mr. Secretary. The president tweeted out earlier today that he believes he is working on a plan to have drug prices come down by spurring competition. Can you tell us a little bit what the plan is going to be, when it might be rolled out . Is it part of these phases . The second question is the bill also includes tax break fo insurance executives that make more than 5,000. If this is about patients why is that tax break for important legislation . To the latter im not aware of that. I will look into that. Drug price something really important. So many individuals are now having significant difficulty being able to afford medications that they have been prescribed. So we, whether it is, not able to be addressed specifically in the, in this phase one because it is not a revenue or spending issue for the federal government. So, it cant be in this phase one but in phase two and three, which may be concurrent along with this phase one but in phase two and three, we look forward to bringing solutions to solve the remarkable challenge that patients have across this land with the increasing price of drugs. Ive got to run. You have got a guy right here will answer all the rest of the questions. Thank you so much. God bless you. Thank you, mr. Dr. Price. Let me kind continue on. The bottom line the secretary is making, obamacare sought to in the process it drove up costs for everybody whether or not you were in the exchange or not. Most people get their insurance through theirc employers. Older populations get health care through midcare. Low income populations get health care through medicaid. Veterans get their insurance through tricare. What were talking about is very defined amount of individuals that were trying to address, not affect the entire system. Obamacare turned our Health Care System on its head to address a pool of individuals who dont fall under any bucket i mentioned. Our plan were talking about today with the house will insure those individuals receive the care that they need if they want, affordable costs not sending rates skyrocketing. Obamacare was overcomely indicated bill that served special interests, not the American People. These over 974 pages that were passed and then we were told we had to read them are filled with carveouts of one billion Dollars Health care related lobbying spent on the year obamacare was crafted. Our plan and in far fewer pages, 123, much smaller, much bigger, so far were at 57 for the repeal plan and 66 pages for the replacement portion. It will undo this. Half of it, 57 pages are the repeal part. So when you really get down to it, our plan is 66 pages long. Half of what we actually even have there. Well undo the massive disaster and replace it with a plan to return health care back to the patient. As the president outlined in his joint address he expects five Core Principles to guide congress you there health care process. First insure the American People with preexisting conditions have act test to coverage. Second insure stable transition for americans currently enrolled in the exchanges. Third, provide more equityiable tracks treatment to dont receive tax advantaged health care from their employer. That is something secretary price was talking about. For vast number of people who get insurance through their employer theyre getting it taxfree. Theyre not taxed on that benefit which is something not afforded to people who are in the individual market who either run a Small Business or are Sole Proprietors. Fourth we should expand the power of Health Savings accounts to return control for americans in Health Care Dollars decisions. They should choose the plan they want, not the plan forced on them by government. Finally should give the state governors the resources and flexibility they need with d carry to make sure no one is left ou this is the obamacare replacement Plan Everyone has been asking for. The plan that the president ran on and plan that will ultimately save the system. It is also a culmination of years of dedicated work and careful thought by republicans to find a replacement that will best undo the damage that has been caused by obamacare, insuring all americans have peace of mind during this stable transition period. These are the principles for which conservatives fighting for for years. President trump looks forward to continuing the dialogue between the administration and the hill on saving the Health Care System. What is important to remember were not going to be able to do all this in one bill as the secretary mentioned. There are two other steps as well allow us to get more of the president s plan accomplished after we pass this first important major step. The second piece is underway. That is what secretary price can do with executive action. He rolled out a handful of important actionsc including major marketplace stabilization regulation to help bring stability to the collapsing Insurance Market. He will continue to enact a number of policy changes in the regulatory and administration, administrative space to achieve what the first step can not because of the nature of reconciliation. The third piece of executing the president S Health Care plan is requires 60 votes in legislation. Maybe more, depending on what we can do and when. That is how we move forward of policies purchasing across state lines, lowering drug prices at that came up and repealing any of obamacare premiums and spiking Insurance Market distortion that cant be done through the current bill. Yesterday, in addition to speaking with israeli Prime Minister netanyahu, the president took separate calls with Prime Minister of japan abe and south koreas acting president. During both of these calls the president reiterated United States ironclad commitment to stand with japan and south korea in the face of serious threat posed by north korea. He also emphasized the administration is taking steps to further enhance our ability to deter and defend against north koreas Ballistic Missiles using a full range of the United States full camabilities. To todays schedule, the president had a call with president of kenya. He will have readout of that call soon if not already out. The president and first lady announced official reopening of public tours. You may have seen the president stop by, greet, come of the first visitors on the tour. Were looking to welcome back to American People to what affection ally as peoples house. Were the only Secretary Office head of state serves as museum free to the people. Visiting a white house is uniquely american. We encourage guests of all americans to visit their white house. Wilbur ross, announced a president conference that chinese zte, record high, criminal civil penalty of 1. 19 billion after the company illegally shipped Telecommunications Equipment to iran and north korea in violation of sanctions. This civil penalty is the largest ever imposed by the commerce Departments Bureau of industry and security, and pending approval from a federal judge the combined penalties between the commerce department, the department of justice, and the department of treasury would be the largest fine in forfeiture ever levied by the u. S. Government in such a case. This settlement tells td of the days flouting u. S. Sanctions regime or violating u. S. Trade laws are over. President trump is dedicate toddies respect of american laws and american workers. Back to the asked all for a second. This morning the president also received the daily intelligence briefing. He had lunch wi senat Lindsey Graham of South Carolina who wbe an important partner as president s nominee for the supreme court, judge gores gorsuch begins a nomination process. He isc leading discussion with senator cotton and senator purdue, members of the white house staff. He is expected to discuss the meritbased immigration reforms he mentioned at last weeks joint address. The president will meet with the House Deputy Whip Team focused on repeal and replace of obamacare. There will be a pool spray at top of that meeting. Gather time is 3 20 the president will meet with richard trumka, president of the aflcio. Theyre expected to discuss the importance of investing in our countrys infrastructure and renegotiating trade agreements like nafta. There will also be a pool spray at the top of that meeting and well have further details on it. This evening the president will visit with a group of boy scouts who are in washington to participate in centuryold tradition sharing scouting achievements with key government officials. Looking ahead the president will welcome two foreign leaders in the coming weeks. I expect additional announcements of additional leaders later. Next week chancellor merkel of germany visits the white house and following week the president will welcome Prime Minister albali of iraq. With that i kick off questions. Jonathan karl. Jonathan. Sean, it has been, thank you. Youre out of practice. It has been a full three days since the president said that president obama had his wires tapped, phones tapped at trump towers. In those three days has the white house come up with any evidence whatsoever to prove that allegation . I addressed this multiple times yesterday. I think the president , we put out a statement on sunday saying we would have no further comment. We were asking house and Senate Intelligence committees to look into this concern and report back. Cant the president ask the fbi director . Has he asked them . No the president has not. Look, weve gone back and forth with you guys. I think there is clearly a role congress can play in its oversight capabilities. They made it clear they have the staff, resources and process. I think that is the appropriate place for this to handle. If i think were start to involved you would write stories how were getting involved. Its a nowin situation. Smartest, most deliberate way to ask house and Senate Intelligence committees already in the process looking into this, and other leaks of classified information that are troubling to our Nations National security. So as the president said in the statement on sunday, we believe that that investigati as well as the investigation of other classified leaks other Important Information that threatens our National Security be looked into by the house and Senate Intelligence committees and we encourage them to report back. Do you believe, president obama. I get that is cute question. My job is to represent the president and talk about what he is doing and he wants. He made very clear what his goal is. What he would like to have happen. So, i leave it at that. We tried to play that game before. Im not hoare to speak for myself. Im here speaking for the president of the United States and the government. [inaudible] asked by john about whether the administration is for the American People like now who like their doctor and2Health Insurance plan, is the white house willing to commit to them today when this, when replacement bill is passed, if it passes, at the end of that deal keep their doctor and keep their Health Care Plan . Secondly, change of gears radically on to china overnight issue, issued some strong rhetoric promising consequences of the deployment of thad Missile System to south korea. Respond to that . So on the first piece, i think, look, one of the things that is important to understand about this process that is very different from when the democrats did it, you recall then Speaker Pelosi said you will have to read the bill to know what is in it. There is a big difference. This is the bill. It is right here. It is on the website. Were going through regular order. Going through the house of representatives website, speaker paul ryans website. Everybody can read it. Were going through regular order. Were not jamming it down anybodys throat. It is going through Committee Process. All representatives of house will have input into it. That is the way to conduct this process. It is to do it to allow people to watch the was process happen in committees. Allow members of congress to have their input into it. Make amendments. To get the best goal for the American People. Last time it was jammed down peoples throat. Look what happened. You had 974 pages people struggled to read afterwards to figure out what gotten passed. Consequences were frankly devstating. To the point about keeping your doctor. In a lot of cases you have lost your doctor. For a couple reasons. One they may not participate in the plan of the they may not take insurance at ault anymore. Two, or three they may not take medicaid. The list goes on and on about why they might not be there. Or your plan, the plan that you got is no longer acceptable. As the secretary mentioned 1 3 of all counties in the United States no longer take medicaid, excuse me, have only one plan that you can choose from. So it is a fact right now that you, in most cases you have no choice. In many cases you have lost that ability. Our goal is to actually add more choice and more competition. Right now the government tells you must have this plan or you will pay a penalty. Within this plan, here is what to have. We lost choice and competition in health care. By bringing that back, there is higher degree of likelihood you get the plan you want and doctor you want. Because it will be your choice, not the governments choice. That is a big, big difference. This plan was jammed down everybodys throat. The consequences took their plans away, took their doctors away and it drove up costs. This plan, allows more competition, more people to enter it and the American People and patients to make a decision on what plan they want, if they have a plan and a doctor they like they will choose a plan that allows them to continue with that doctor. There will be more competition and more choice, not less. That is frankly what you have now. With respect to china i think i addressed this yesterday. We stand shoulder to shoulder with japan and south korea doing what we can to protect that region in particular from an attack from north korea. We understand the situation. We continue to work with t9n as i mentioned the president spoke to both leaders yesterday. We provided a readout of those calls. We obviously understand this is concern for them. Thank you, sean. How concerned is the president for that situation . I think were very well aware of what is going on with the reason. President had conversation th the leader of acting president of south korea, with respect to what is going on there. I will refer that to the National Security committee to. Cheryl. Cheryl . I know, sorry i forgot you yesterday. I appreciate it. So, two questions. One on health care. If the cbo scores this bill and it does not provide the amount of coverage that the Affordable Care act did, will the president still support it . Well, im not going to get secretary price mentioned this, lets not get ahead of cbo going through this, as i mentioned to sikh, one of the things important to understand, this bill has to be done in faces it has to address the repeal part of it and replace part of it. There is only certain thinks we can do through reconciliation. There are regulatory piece, through actions the secretary is empowered to do frankly under obamacare. Third is additional piece of legislation that addresses things. But there are costs saving measures that in competition aspects of this, that have to be included in phase two or three because theyre not allowed in the reconciliation bill. Because of the nature of how reconciliation works on capitol hill. I think one of the things that we understand, how that score, comes out to Congressional Budget Office, whether they look specifically with phase one or whether they look at it in totality. But im confident if you look at what is going on right now, cheryl, unsustainable. Premiums in state after state as dr. Prize mentioned, up 25 on average. Arizona is 115 . Oklahoma in the 50s. Minnesota in the 40s. This is uustainle for a family to continue to pay the premiums they have. For individuals Small Business owners, et cetera, so the question is, can we allow people to go on this trajectory where more and more of their paycheck is getting eaten up in a plan frankly not giving them choice. Doctors or plans they want. This plan i think clearly achieves those goals a lot better. It gets the Cost Containment down. Gets price control under and allows doctors in plans to reengage in the marketplace prior to this that is a major asset. Hold on. Cheryl. Thank you, from yesterday i had a nominations question. Is there something he preventing the white house from submitting the nominations of sonny perdue for agriculture and alex acosta for labor . I believe alex acosta was end up to the hill earlier today. We should have announcement officially out. Sometimes there is a little bit of a lag. I apologize between my office. But that one is up. I will check on sonny perdue. Senate. So pardon my time. Trey . Sean, i have two questions for you. Will the president offer correction to his tweet this morning that states 122 prisoners were released from gitmo by the Obama Administration and returned to the battlefield . Take that first. I mean, obviously the president meant in totality number released on battlefield, released from gitmo since individuals had been released. So that is correct. My second question, is the white house concerned about this new information that came out in wikileaks today that u. S. Intelligence agencies are potentially purposely providing vulnerabilities to Tech Products here in the United States . Im not going to comment on that. I think obviously that is something has not been fully evaluated. If it was, i would not comment from here on that. Kevin. Sean. The president in the past president put his name on buildings an products when it comes to health care us does the white house feel the bill should be known as trumpcare from here on out . I asked the secretary. At what point should transition from obamacare and new administration . When it is repealed, we get rid of that. That will happen quickly. As secretary price mentioned were less can concerned with labels and more concerned about actions and results. That is our focus, getting that cost down and getting choice back that we mentioned. Yeah. Sean, dhs is reportedly considering ten separating families across the border illegally. How does the president feel about that. That is dhs matter. We dont get involved in customs or i. C. E. Enforcement. That is question be reserved to dhs and i. C. E. Jim . Thank you, sir. On the obamacare question, one of the there is still a defacto individual mandate because it allows Insurance Companies to increase premiums up to 30 of people if there is a gap in coverage. I have one more. That is not, that i mean the difference is under the current bill that is here, if you dont buy insurance, you pay a fine. Under the current bill, you, there is nothing that mandates you to buy insurance. That is up to an individual. So, i mean, by its very definition it is not, cannot be considered that. What is your second one . Okay. I mean, you dont think it is defacto map date it cant be. Penalty in place as there is now, not by government by Insurance Companies . I mean, i think you answered your own question on that one. I have one more. I have one more. [inaudible] blocking the cabinet, last thursday the republicans actually called a recess early, previously adjourned on thursday or previously called a recess and the week before. Does the president have any plans to call for the senate to remain in session and congress sufficiently until they approve nominees and maybe even this isnt a republicanc issue. I mean it is not republicans that are playing beat the clock on a lot of these nominees. Weve just got this since transition time. There were several nominees that frankly werent even considered controversial by the standards of Senate Democratic leadership but yet held up over and over again. That is a very different scenario than going back being with constituents which is on the senate schedule. I dont think that is synonymous thing. Do we have Michael Medved ready to go for a skype question . Michael . Sean, thank you very much. Obviously today there was a big emphasis on obamacare which is profoundly important to the American People but it seems that too often in the last several weeks the administration has gotten distracted and media have gotten distracted by talk of wiretapping at trump tower or the president calling his predecessor a bad and sick guy or criticizing the ratings of celebrity apprentice. Do you think the white house could do better job on focusing on issues that matter, reforms that matter to the American People rather than getting distracted to subsidiary conflicts as we move forward into the coming months . Thanks, michael. You know, respectfully say i think we have been focused. Were here talking about obamacare and the need to drive down the cost and access to health care for every american. That is a pretty significant thing to be focused on. Yesterday with we were talking about the president s effort to he keep the nation safe. Make sure people arent coming into the country who arent here for peaceful purposes. The president talked to almost 50 world leaders. He has had 30 plus executive actions on all sorts of stuff from regular la tour aspects to things that will create more jobs. I think that is a fairly focused effort. That being sad, whether candidate trump or president elect trump, the presdent always made it very clear that, he made it clear, voters made it clear that they appreciate about him, his ability to be authentic and speak forcefully and directly with the American People. That is aspect i think central to why he was elected is because he is not a canned politician that will give the same staid answers over and over again. Sara. Going back to the conservatives call this obamacare light. President trump has promised to fully repeal obamacare but this bill leaves a lot of structure of obamacare intact. If this is the policy passes that President Trump is confident in the future he say he fully repealed obamacare . As i mentioned. First half of the bill we put forward repeals it. There are three things. Each phase we talked about, phase one, phase two, phase three, there is repeal and replace aspect to each one but republicans and conservatives have been talking about adding competition and driving costs down for decades now. Selling across state lines. Small business pooling all of those things have been part of conservative plans for ac long time. I think instilling that competition and allowing more access i think there is a big difference. There is no, we have, for the longest time, if youre a conservative, you think about this right now, that you have anyone who has an employerbased, their job comes from employer gives them health care, theyre getting a subsidy. Theyre getting a credit. They dont pay taxes on their health care. Their employer doesnt either. That is a huge disadvantage to anyone who is a Sole Proprietor or owns a Small Business. Frankly to allow the Playing Field to be leveled and allow Small Businesses which are frankly the job creators in this country, to allow entrepreneurs and selfstarters to get the same tax treatment a for e for 0 company gets is very conservative ideal. For all the people who have concerns about this especially on the right. Look at size. This is the democrats. This is us. There is, i mean you cant get any clearer in terms of this is government. This is not. And i think part of the reason the visual is important is that when you actually look at the difference, you realize, this is what Big Government does. It crowds out competition. It drives up prices. It stifles entrepreneurship and innovation. Doctors leaving markets. More and more people not taking medicaid or tricare, that should concern people. When you have veterans that cant most of the time and tricare. That means lowest, people on low income scale and people who served our country have fewer and fewer choices. That alone should be a problem and concerning for many people. Problem yum spikes are a problem. Even if youre in the exchange. That is over and over again for what happened. They decide to pay a penalty. Cost of those basic programs is out of for for young people entering the job market. Again i think the greatest illustration to approaches is that size. Our bill which is 1 10 of the size, does repeal and replace, what their bill did in massive government bureaucracy. That is a big difference. Jim. Just want to ask you. With the whip team to encoage them to support it and build it out. Im not trying to be cute here, its not his bill or their bill, were proud whereof it stands now. The big difference, jim, unlike before, when the democrats jammed it down peoples throats and said wait until you get the 60th vote with senator Kennedy Still around and basically said you will have to wait and see what it looks like before we passed it. We not only posted it, but by sending it through regular order, not just house vote but the Committee Process allows for republicans, democrats and independents alike to offer up amendments and suggestions and the house will work as well. We will continue to give guidance and thoughts and suggestions but i think the president s Core Principles are going to guide us as we head over to the hill and senate and everything else. Reporter the president made a very serious allegation over the weekend, and i think we would all be remiss if we went through the briefing and not tried to get you on camera to offer some evidence. Where is the evidence, where is the proof that president obama bugged President Trump . I answered if question yesterday on camera on your air. So were clear. This will now be twice. But i think i made it clear yesterday. But since yesterday nothing has changed, no, its not a question of new proof or less proof or whatever, the answer is the same, and i think that which is that there is a concern about what happened in the 2016 election. The house and Senate Intelligence committee have the staff and the capabilities and the processes in place to look at this in a way thats objective and should be done. Frankly, if youve seen the response on the house side as well as the senate, they welcome. This lets let the senate do their house and the joand the inlligen committees and report back to the amecan people. Reporter will the president withdraw the accusation . Why would he withdraw it . Until its adjudicated . Thats what were asking, is to look at this and see reporter no regrets from him . No, absolutely not. What he wants them to do is look into wiretapping, other surveillance, and as i mentioned before, the other leaks that are threatening our National Security. You see the leaks happen over and over again that come out throughout the administration, throughout government, that undermine National Security. The appropriate thing to do is ask the house and the senate to look into it. Glenn thrush. Reporter so the followup on the followup. In terms of you were given an opportunity on air to say whether or not the president still supported director comey. Does the president support director comey, and a quick followup . I have no reason to believe he doesnt. He has not suggested that to me. Now to the nonfollowup. Reporter have you seen evidence yourself . Had the evidence been shared with you or other members, senior members of the president s staff as to why he made this particular accusation . As far as me . No. I am not in the position that would be part of my daily duties for the president to do that. Thats a level above my pay grade. As i mentioned, i think the president believes that the appropriate place for this to be adjudicated is for the house and Senate Intelligence committees to have the clearances, the staff, the processes, to go through this, look at it, and report back. As the president made very clear im not going to as the president said in the Statement Issued on sunday. Were not going to have further comment until the matter is resolved. Reporter quick question, so just a followup on the followup. So the White House Bill that is appropriate, you say you want ito be adjudicated by the Congressional Committees. Rht. Reporter but the president made declarative statement on twitter. Right. Reporter so i guess, is the White House Position that the president can make declare theive statements about a form president basically committing a crime sdmernths Congressional Committee should look into that and basically prove it . Its not a question of i take issue with, its not a question of prove it. I think as i said now, five times to the followup to the followup. Its not a question to prove it. They have the resources and the clearances and the staff to fully and thoroughly and comprehensively investigate this, and issue a report as to what their findings are. Reporter but President Trump twitter statement shouldnt be taken at face value. Sure it should. Of course. There is nothing, as i mentioned to jim, not that hes walking back or regretting. Hes just saying they have the appropriate venue and capabilities to review. This margaret . Reporter on the obamacare replacement, so you said that it will be in phases and you need additional legislation. So just to clarify, are the cost savings that you guys are projecting, is that dependent on phase three on the competition plan . Its not dependent, i think in order to see it fully come to fruition, you have to see all parts of it. But the way it was passed doesnt allow for the way it was passed, it almost the same way were going through this now, they pass certain things, then the secretary of health and Human Services at the time was granted significant Regulatory Authority that allowed her to do certain things at the time to implement pieces of obamacare that we now have to act backwards and go most in the same steps to do what they did to lay it out. Weve got to repeal it and replace it with the plan thats going do the say. Certain things can be done in the same way and certain things cant. It literally depends how that was done. Jon fredrick . Reporter sean, in the replacement plan, it says that the states that accepted the medicare expansion money would continue to be funded. So what is the message you have to republicans state legislators who thought they were fiscally responsible in rejecting Medicaid Expansion in their states and now they didnt get the federal dollars on either end . I think what we need to do is to make sure, as the president said, in his statements as secretary price did. Weve got to protect people through the transition process. Let the bill work its way. This is the first time as we address the medicaid portion of this, this is probably the first time we addressed entitlement aspect of something in almost 30 years. Weve got to let this piece of it work its way through the house, but there is remember, one of the things that happened through the Medicaid Expansion is the goal has been of medicaid to help people who were disabled or poor or met a specific number of criteria for the first time in obamacare, we expanded obamacare or the Obama Administration did, rather, to ablebodied individuals in a way that had never been done before, and not a specific class. Thats led largely to the ballooning costs. The reforms contained in the bill will address that. Weve got to let it work its will through the process. Alexis . I want to ask you two communications questions on the topic becausthe president gave himself a middle grade, let me ask you about the Previous Administration when obamacare was going through its own phases, president obama said the opposition to the legislation was able to seize the opportunity while it was being legislated to create Public Perceptions about what was in the legislation. So my question is on aca, what is the president going to do improve his communication to be out there explaining what is in the bill, to work with lawmakers . Thats the first question. And ill ask you the next one. Okay, thank you, on the first one, as i mentioned, i continue he has significant outreach to members of congress. Hes talked to health insurers. We read out a lot of the activities in the last couple weeks, within the hour hes going to sit down with the House Deputy Whip Team to talk about legislative pieces in the house. This is going to be aggressive laserlike focus of the administration over the next month or two to get this through the house and moved to the senate. Theres a big difference, alexis. What were doing is vastly different. They were expanding government, promising people something, and i think whats happened is there was a lot of there was a lot of difference with how the approaches have right now the American People no matter where you are, you understand the state of your health care. The costs that youre seeing and the lack of choice that you now have been presented with. In many cases when you go to see the doctor or loved once see a doctor, theyre not able to get in, theyre not taking the medicare or the Exchange Insurance that they got. The costs are out of control. And i think its interesting. One of the things dr. Price mentioned that is so apropos is having a card is not like having insurce. A blank check doesnt mean have you money, it means you have a check. What weve seen over the last few years with obamacare, you can have an insurance card, that doesnt mean someone is going to take it, and sure doesnt mean its affordable. There is a big difference between having a card and health care thats affordable. Thats the difference were trying solve so when it comes to communication, i think one of the things thats helpful is that part of the sell is done for us. American people understand the state of their health care. They understand how much theyre paying for. Theyve gone to see a doctor or gone to a hospital or had a notice from their carrier saying we are no longer part of this or employer said, hey, whatever particular carrier is no longer available. Were switching you into this. For so many americans, health care is a very, very real part of their daily experience because theyre caring for themselves, dealing with ailment or dealing with children or loved one or someone else in the family, where theyre seeing firsthand the devastation and disaster that obamacare has caused them in their personal life. I think theres a welcoming of because we dont have to explain the problem. People are living it. For them to understand what were giving you is more choice, greater competition, were incentivizing people to be part of the process and going to be driving down classless premium. You had a second . Reporter the question had to do with the president s assertion about the wiretapping. Yeah. Reporter because the white house want this to be handled by the legislative branch and in confidence and classification, can we count on the president himself, while the investigation is going oto cease and desist using twitter or any other public venue to make accusations that are in public but he will not respond to in public . With respect to the particular situation, ill ask that and get back to you on that. John gibby . Reporter thank you, shawn. Back to the question about if one likes his or her health care, they can keep it. In 2013, congressman fred upton, then chairman of the House Energy Committee offered legislation that put precisely those words into law, and it received the votes of every republican member in the house and between 40 and 50 democrats, and then it died in the senate. Would the Administration Support a revival of the upton amendment, in other words, putting the right to keep oneS Health Care plan and doctor, if he or she liked it, today . I think thats the goal. I dont want to start talk about what were going to as we go through the process. Weve put our stamp on it and sent it to the house. It will work up through regular order, our team will weigh in on those with their staff, and again, the president is meeting with the whip team today. I dont want to say were going to support this or that amendment now, generally speaking, the goal is to make sure people get a plan they like thats affordable that meets what they need to have met. That they shouldnt have a one size fits all government instilled Health Care System that doesnt offer choice or isnt tailored to the needs they have. Thats an important thing. John . Reporter sean, right now you are two votes short of passing repeal and replace in the senate, have you four republican senators saying they cant support the bill because rolling back the Medicaid Expansion. What do you say to the senators who are very concerned that people will lose coverage that this does not provide enough stability for the people who rely on medicaid for health care . Two things, john. One is were at day one. Were going to go through the house first. We got a little time. As we go through the process, these senators and not just the additional two, i think and hope well get additional ones that recognize that those people, as i said over and over again here, if we do nothing, theyre going to be in a very, very worse scenario than they are now. More and more people if youre on medicaid, which serves so many low income americans, as i mentioned, they have a card, and that card does not allow them to go to doctor after doctor saying were not going to take medicaid or tricare anymore. I would ask the senators what are you doing to help us work on a bill that would get them insured again. For too many americans, theyve got a card but dont have insurance. Thats a very, very big things are a distinction to make. Theyre the ones who have the problem right now. Theyve got a medicaid card, and nowhere to go. Whate need to do is makeur low income americans, vetera, Small Business owners, individuals who desperately need health care have options and affordability. Reporter one other piece of this, you can bring down the cost of insurance itself through new efficiencies in the system across the state lines, but the biggest driver in the increase of Health Insurance costs is the skyrocketing costs of medicine. Right. Reporter what in the overall plan do you propose to do to either cap the rise or even bring it down . Well, i think secretary mentioned this, the cost of prescription drugs is a reporter its a small no, its not. Its a big factor. Reporter when youre paying 50,000 out of pocket to get a stent . It is getting out of control. Fair enough. Reporter drugs is one part, there is a huge other part. When you talk about procedures or drugs, the biggest thing thats missing is competition. Theres no were down to one plan in many places, there is nothing for the places to compete there is plenty of competition between hospitals. Thats fine, if they get the same reimbursement rate, if there are no options in plans to get people. Thats the difference. Theres a lack of competition in the industry. I think one of the president s i get it may be one part of that, but youre right. That all over medicine, procedures and such, there is a reason he met with drug executives and talked about getting costs down. A multifaceted approach. How do we instill competition and drive down costs. Youre right. Weve got to drive down costs of the procedures to allow additional options. Its the same way, again, think about insurance. Right . One of the things driving up costs in the past is people were exercising the option of going to emergency room over and over again for primary care. And what happened is that you saw all of these quote, unquote clinics pop up from around and insurance carriers actually made it cheaper in terms of copays to go see that than an emergency room, driving people to somewhere that didnt continue to drive up costs, clog insurance. That competition alone started saving the plans money and keeping the costs down. Got instill more aspects of competition in medicine. Jennifer . Reporter can you give an update on the effort to roll back regulations, Regulatory Reform passports and have any been repealed . I think they have had their work cut out for them, they started, the president met with Different Industries and companies, corporations, associations, that is a constant subject of discussion, which is those regulatory aspects of our economy that are keeping companies from growing, expanding and hiring, and so i than the Domestic Policy Team and others have been working on that and if i can get further updates on specific legislation or excuse me, specific regulatory action, ill get back to you, halle . Reporter thank you. Trying to get clarity on something that my colleague tried to follow up as well. The president stands by his tweet saturday morning that president obama ordered his wiretap. He found out this information. Youve also said that the president wants congress to investigate. Some members of congress have asked the white house and asked the president to come forward with the information. Bottom line, why would the president Want Congress to investigate information he already has . Theres a separation of powers aspect. As i mentioned to jonathan. Reporter you talked about resources and time, why waste that . Its a question of appropriateness. Reporter if the president has the information,es sitting on the information that he found out, hes directing or asking or recommending and you talked about they have resources and staff, which they do, but why expend the resources and staff if the president found out the information . Theres a difference between directing the department of justice which may be involved in an Ongoing Investigation and asking congress as a separate body to look into something and add credibility to the look as an element that wouldnt necessarily be there, if we were directing the department of justice, for example. Again, i think weve made it clear how he wants this done and where we go from there. Reporter second question, millions of americans are working on tax returns. Will the president dmoit releasing tax returns are in year or still under audit . Hes still under audit. Reporter question and followup. How do we understand what weve seen on the growing number of cases of canadians being stopped at the border and told to go back. They wont let come in the u. S. . Im not aware of that. I think that should be addressed to the department of homeland security. Reporter misunderstanding of the messages sent i dont know, i think its a good question thats best directed towards the department of homeland security, dr. Swan . Reporter thank you, is the white house going to keep its promise to withdraw from the paris agreement, and our sung the difference of opinion, Rex Tillerson wants to stay, in steve bannon wants to get out. Whats going on . Will you keep the promise . If not, why not . That is something id be glad to follow up with you and everyone. If i can, ill get back to you, mike. Reporter unrelated question but i want to follow up on unrelated questions are my favorite. Reporter the communications strategy, will the president play a public role in selling this bill . Will he speak to the public about it . Will he answer questions about it . Thats a good question, i think we are going to have a very comprehensive strategy, as i mentioned a few minutes from now, the president is going to engage with members of the House Whip Team to talk to them. I understand that. I know, and i understand that. This is step one, mike. Theres a lot of time as i mentioned we expect to be dealing with this the next several weeks, plenty of opportunities for the president to speak about that, to engage with the public, but its going to be a comprehensive plan that well discuss. We had, i cant even begin to tell you how Many Administration folks, members of congress, flooding the broadcast and radio airwaves today nationally and in local markets, we were very, very active throughout the country getting out the word what were doing and why were doing it, from National Broadcast shows to cable to radio, we had a very, very aggressive start to this effort. Were working with the house in particular, well continue to start engaging with the senate, but this is a comprehensive effort working with the house and the senate to get this thing done and other partners, doctors and outside groups that share this concern, as i mentioned earlier, one of the folks said there is a need by companies and corporations who are feeling the weight of additional costs to join us in this effort, and i just want to you know, this is obviously something that needs to get dealt with. Escalating costs are having a Significant Impact not just on our economy but people getting hired. The Cost Health Care is not allowing people in the small to medium sized businesses to keep up with the sts. With that, thank you very much. I ok forward to seeing you. Congressman cummings meeting with the president tomorrow . Reporter i had the unrelated question. Thats not fair, mike gets the unrelated question. And answer mine after that, please. Reporter will the Trump Administration continue the Obama Administrations practice of releasing publicly were evaluating our procedures in that, and when we have an announcement, ill let you know. In april, ill have the readout on the schedule later. Once its confirmed, i will let you know first and then everybody else. Thank you, guys, have great day. Trish that was White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer wrapping up a news conference. You heard him talking a lot about health care. Of course, the republicans plan, now Donald Trumps plan to push forward some kind of health care reform, repeal and replace. Checking in on the markets, not too much market reaction, down 18 points. Health care stocks are all up today in reaction to the republicans plan. You can see aetna, United Healthcare all doing before. Welcome to the intelligence report, actually, forgive me, you can see aetna, cigna, United Healthcare turning lower perhaps in reaction to what we just heard from tom price and also from sean spicer. Joining me with reaction to what we heard, former nsa director and ceo of iron net keith alexander. Good to have you here, and especially important time to have you here given what we saw from the president over the weekend and given the exchange you heard with reporters betweens shoulds and some of the reporters asking what evidence the president had to say that president obama was wiretapping his phones. Whats your reaction to that . What was your reaction over the weekend when you first heard it . I think where it end up wh sean spicer saihaving the intel communities look at this is great idea. It gives somebody outside the administration to look at it, thats the role of congress, in this case the two intel committees, the House Select Committee on intelligence and the Senate Select committee on intelligence have. Them look at it. Trish you think there should be an investigation . Not so much an investigation in my mind as it is helping people understand how wiretaps work, whos the subject of a wiretap. What happens when you collect a wiretap, what do you collect, what do you do with the information and did everybody do it right . I suspect they did. I would go in with noble intent. People were trying to do the right things and what this could do is people understand how wiretaps actually work. How you use them for intelligence and law enforcement. Trish theres a headline in the New York Times on january 20th, and we can show it to the viewers. Theyre talking specifically about wiretapping, saying that people within the Trump Campaign do we have that, guys . We can show the viewer. Wiretapping happening within the campaign of trump aides. What do you make of that . Because if youre donald trump and you see Something Like that, and then you hear that they were listening to your phone calls, are you saying my goodness, why on earth would the Obama Administration be trying to tap into trump to youer . I think its actually how do you help somebody we voted into was to make change who doesnt understand the entire process how the government, the fisa court and all that works. Know all the people. How do you educate them quickly whats going on and show them the noble intent of everything. Trish you dont think this is nefarious, you think that probably there was Something Else going on that maybe he got caught up in . Yeah, who is the subject of a wiretap . That has to be approved by two or one of the administration officials, comey or clapper or one or another. And go to fisa court, has to be approved by a judge. Thats the target who the Intelligence Community wants to target for a wiretap. In this case, thats some foreign dignitary. And if somebody is communicating with him, the communications will be collected, and then from my job, we had ways to minimize u. S. Persons data, and we had to nal to the letter and so congress were doing that right. So the issue for the American People is to understand how the process goes, and so you can actually see two sides to this, and what you really want is to show were acting reasonably, were moving forward, i think thats a good thing. In this case, i think it will help. Trish im reading through the lines here, maybe they were investigating someone else who happened to have been making calls that were in trump tower, and thus, that is the reporting he got and thats what got him so upset in the first place. Thats what i suspect. Trish but investigation would reveal all this and be healthy because the American Public would know. You would see it from a bipartisan congress, both elements, democrat and republican, saying yep, this is the facts. And the Intelligence Community would be able to deliver unbiased facts. They get all the facts and report them back and people say okay, i understand what the issue was and what President Trumps issues were and what the intel agencies who were collecting that data, what they were doing and responsible for doing. Trish you can imagine its been a difficult few days for comey and clapper and trump and everyone else, maybe an investigation could clear it all up. Yep. Trish general, good to see you. Good to see you. Thank you so much, that does it forintel tay. Liz claman, over to you. Liz trish, dueling health care meetings about to take place. This is breaking news, were seeing something form on capitol hill. Number one, the salesman in chief set to take on biggest challenge yet. In this hour, President Trump begins art of the Health Care Deal effort, first major plan that will go before congress for a vote, and he wants it to be officially passed. So were told in about 29 minutes, the president will meet with the chairman of some of the most influential committees in the house. Those committees are the guys charged with getting the votes to make the American Health care act a law. Now, as he strategizes with them, this is what were hearing, a group of fiscal conservatives is about to

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