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Intelligence report, we were the first to report theres kind of a pattern of behavior when it comes to congressman hue byes questioning the legitimacy of republican president s. We kid some digging, some reporting, as you call it, and we found this article in the washington post. It is dated from january 2001, and it reads, i quote john lewis, for instance, spent Inauguration Day in his atlantic district. Atlanta district. He thought it would be hypocritical to attend bushs swearing in, because he doesnt believe bush is the true elected president. Finish huh. You know, that quote that we found and shared with you, that bit about him not believing that president bush was the truly elected president kind of sounded familiar. It got a whole lot of pickup after we showed it with even president elect donald trump weighing in. Here he is tweeting john lewis said about my inauguration it will be the first one that ive missed. Wrong, or lie. He boycotted bush 43 also because he thought it would be hypocritical to attend bushs swearing in. He doesnt believe bush is the true elected president. Sound familiar . Washington post. [laughter] sounds very familiar. Its exactly what i said yesterday, you heard it here first. Joining me right now with his thoughts on what the democrats are pulling, former green Party President ial candidate and breaking through power author ralph nader. Ralph, good to have you. Thank you. Trish i just want to know, cant congressman lewis come up with, you know, at least a new line . Look, its a free country, and there are a lot of shenanigans in elections on both sides, so hes free to make up his own mind whether he wants to show up or not. Whats the big deal . Trish number one, he said this would be the very first inauguration that he has missed while hes in congress. Thats not true. Im just going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he misspoke. Well leave it at that. But, you know, the whole this president is not legitimate thing, thats what hes pulling now, but it turns out he used the exact same wording back in 2001, so im starting to think, ralph, its his m. O. Well, in 2000, you know, the florida recount ordered by the Florida Supreme Court was usurped by a 54 decision led by anthony scalia, you know, you can say thats pretty bad practice. It was like a judicial coup detat that selected george w. Bush. As i say, there are different opinions on all sides. I can see if the shoe was on the other foot trish yeah, all right, all right, but the key thing trish to talk about a president not being legitimate, you get my point. This is basically his goto line, hes used it whenever a republican has come into office. Hes trying to make it sound fresh and new, its not. Lets set that aside for a moment, ralph, and talk about what that means. I mean, lets not forget the American People, whether you like it or not and i know a lot of people dont li it, but the American People, ralph, they elected him. L right . Fair and square. Its done. Its over. Why would you not want to recognize the legitimacy of that in that this is the system we have and that has done so well for us as a nation for the last couple hundred years . Its because theres a double result in american president ial elections. Theres the popular vote and theres Electoral College. And if youre on the wrong end of the Electoral College but you won the popular vote, youre going to say, well, he didnt really win the majority votes of the American People, weve got to get rid of the Electoral College trish do you believe that . Yeah. Its on its way. Theres an interstate compact, trish, where california, new york, maryland, illinois and others have passed laws saying that they will throw the Electoral College votes to anyone who wins the nationwide president ial popular vote. Trish im going to stop you there. You think that makes sense . From my perspective, im a small up to girl small town girl from New Hampshire, you know . We get a few, a handful of electoral votes. We wouldnt matter much except were first in the nation, were proud of that, and we matter because we have a say. We have a say in the electoral process. If you just said it was going to be by popular vote, guess what . Me cities here in new york city, you know, everybody in new york city or in los angeles or in chicago, they would be the ones deciding the fate of the country. And isnt that effectively, ralph, ayranny of majority . I wouldnt think youd want th. Well, first of all, majority rules in a democratic society, trish. And second, theyre already trish yeah, but were a Representative Democracy. Wait, wait, wait, wait with. There are already a few states that are the deciding states. Under the present electoral system, you know that. Its florida, its ohio, etc. Trish yeah, but you can affect things on the margin in New Hampshire. We wouldnt be able to do that with a popular vote system. I campaigned in all 50 states, and i think the electoral law should encourage president ial candidates not to go into red state and not blue or blue and not red, but to campaign in all states trish well, then all states need a say. The Electoral College is on the way out. Trish what are you going to replace it with . Just a popular vote. Trish oh, dear, ralph. [laughter] i dont even know what to say. I mean, weve had a system that has fared very well for hundreds of years and was set up as a Representative Democracy specifically so that we wouldnt have majority rule in a chaotic kind of way no, but you have trish and people say you have majority rule in New Hampshire electing New Hampshire legislature. You dont have a Electoral College. Trish its a tiny state though. Its a little teeny, tiny state. All states trish were talking about on a national level, and youre disenfranchising so many people in this country, you know what . Youre disenfranchising the middle of the country not at all, were letting all the people decide trish all right. Now, donald trump, donald trump, i just wrote an open letter trish i saw that. Its on nader. Org, and it cautions trish trip wires for the trump, oped stop interrupting me [laughter] trish im helping you. You dont. You dont want a president that so personalizes his ego that he can be easily provoked by adversaries abroad and dissenters here. And you wa him to dispense all his asse not to his family, but to nonfamily members to avoid the impeachment drive under the emollients clause of the constitution. Those are issues you should be discussing trish can i ask a question . Instead of john lewis. Trish no, its not fair what hes doing, and the fact youve got 40plus democrats right now saying theyre going to sit this out, its just disappointing for the theres no trish im very interested in this go ahead. Trish this whole idea that he should just divest himself of the business, wouldnt that open him up to a whole other set of conflicts . I mean, how the heck no. Trish is he supposed to sell it to anyone . People would assume if he sells something in the here and now, that whoever buys it is buying influence. I think you open a whole other can of worms. Youve got to think of the other side of this. No, you could have a Public Trustee selling it. He can take back his trademark trump so they cant use it for extortion in his hotels overseas by add very says adversaries. Its very normal. Professor larry tribe and ethics specialists from the republican and democratic side have concluded in recent days that his transfer of assets to his family does not comply with the clause of the constitution and that hes a walking impeachment candidate, and hes got to do it differently. Trish i can see everybody sharpening the knives already. You know, ralph, keep in mind this is not like selling shares of goldman sachs, right . You cant go out into the open stock market and just sell em. It would be honestly more complicated, and i dont know why youd want your president distracted by trying to sell off all these assets, i also dont know why you want to discourage anybody whos built any kind of wealth from ever running for office. We want people who are successful running for office. You dont want a president and a business magnate at the same time because it can jeopardize the presidency and his own agenda. Trish so you go for the Community Organizer . Imagine a trump hotel this central asia being attacked. And used for extortion. You dont want that. And hes going to have to reconsider it, and fox news should lead in interviewing these ethics specialists who are both republicans and democrats and know what the constitution clause trish ive got to leave it there, but i would only point out that americans knew they were electing the first businessman president , so they knew what they were doing when they went to the ballot box. They liked the idea of a guy who knows a thing or go about building a business. Thank you so much, ralph nader, and everybody should check out your oped there on your site. Thank you very much. I want to get to Mercedes Schlapp and ethan berman back here on the news of the day, you know, mercedes, i was, you know, i was kind, i think, on twitter finish. [laughter] i tweeted out this story that we reported, and i wrote that clearly representative, mr. Lewis must have just misspon there. But let me just ask you, do you think theres Something Else going on . I mean, how could you not remember, for goodness sakes, that you blew off another president s inauguration . Yeah, i dont quite understand why congressman lewis kind of missed that point. With that being said, look, i think that his approach, his response of not finish first of all, hes not going to attend the inauguration, secondly saying donald trump is not a legitimate president , that is just dangerous for our democracy. I think that we pride ourselves on the fact that we have a fair be election process, that we do our best to insure that the votes are counted correctly. And, you know, even the Intelligence Community said that, look, we cant determine that the russians ended up in any way impacting the election or changing the election outcome. So i think that lewis is focusing so much on the russian and blaming the russians without saying, well, wait a second here, maybe it was because Hillary Clinton was a really bad candidate. Trish lets not forget as i was just explaining to ralph nader, this is basically what he does, ethan. I saw you nodding in agreement with mercedes, so i want to read to you something that Hillary Clinton said, and i quote he is denigrating, his talking down our democracy, and i for one am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position. That is not the way our democracy works. Weve been around for 240 years or we have accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. She was saying this before she lost, of course. Perhaps, ethan, she needs to have this conversation with representative lewis . And other members of the party . Yeah, actually, ive caught a lot of flak for saying i dont support the democrats sitting out the inauguration. If youre a member of congress, youre a member of the system, youre part of our government. This is the peaceful transition of power. The election is decided, the Electoral College is how we choose our president. They should be there. Private citizens are welcome to protest, but the members of congress should attend the inauguration. Trish you know, i appreciate hearing you say that. I think its refreshing to hear someone on the left say that right now because it seems as though so many are putting up these obstacles, so many people want to justify what representative lewis said, ethan. Why are they doing that . Well, because he really is a great leader from the civil rights movement. I mean, he was arrested 45 times. He walked the walk trish i know. You know, to be hyperpartisan trish he was a big part of that, i get it, and we respect him very much for that, or ethan. But at this point hes kind of crossing a line here because what are you going to have, total anarchy . Where one side says we refuse to recognize the legitimacy of all this . Were going to turn into some kind of Banana Republic . Yeah, and thats the danger right now with the hyperpartisanship, what ive been calling the brokenning duopoly. We cant just say because the other side won, were not going to participate. Trish mercedes, over to you first of all, democrats always attack republicans for being the conspiracy theorists, right . The whole idea of delegitimizing this presidency, its just shocking. One Important Note here is these are congressmen and women, these are not senators. If you notice, elizabeth warrens going to be there, bernieanders are going to be there trish why to you thats an important distinction. Why do you think that is . I think for the senators its almost part of their institutional history. Its what the senators do. They know their roles, and theyre planning to move forward on going. I think for congressmen, theyre taking a lead from their districts. There was one congresswoman from california who basically put out a twitter poll that said should i boycott trish oh, dear can. Maybe we should have longer terms then. Thank you so much, mercedes and ethan, good to see you guys. President elect donald trump is seeing low Approval Ratings in the polls. For example, take a look at this one, abc. 54 give him an unfavorable ratings. Could these low numbers be because the left is out there giving mr. Trump a really, and i mean a really, hard time . Think about it, right . You think back to the extremely close election between al gore and george w. Bush back in 2000. Do you know you only had three democrats sit outbushs inauguration . Representative john lewis was one of them, Maxine Waters another. Joining me now, editorial director of the washington examiner, hugo gordon. Good to see you. What is this . More than 40 now. Its as though they think its okay, its sort of fun, its trendy well, i think trish you know, sticking the middle finger to the American People that elected them. They do think its okay, and part of the reason they think its okay and they wont pay a political price is the fact that Donald Trumps poll numbers are so low. You know, they were a little bit higher in november immediately after the election, and when people thought the transition was going pretty well, but theyve declined somewhat, these polls show. And i think that the democrats are reading those polls and thinking, hey, this is the most unpopular incoming president for a long time at least trish so that gives them ammunition. But heres the thing pay a price. Trish didnt they learn their lesson last time . I mean, poll numbers, right . How are we supposed to trust poll numbers given that all the poll numbers showed us that donald trump didnt have a chance, not a prayer be of winning the oval office . No, i think thats absolutely right. The polls got it wrong, and theyre relying on the polls now. And, i mean, one of the things that was about the election was, you know, people talked about the election being swung by russian hacking, etc. , but you did not see polls start swinging towards trump right up until 9 or 10 00 on election night. People were very confident that clinton was going to be the president. So i think that polls just simply didnt pick up the numbers of the reservoir of trumps support. Perhaps theres some of that true now too. Trish lou go, thank you so much for being here. We have a lot more coming up, guys. Stay tuned, ill be back in two. Why pause a spontaneous moment . Cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. 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Josh earnest holding his last press briefing a short time ago with a surprise appearance from president obama. This as cnn keeps pushing back on incoming White House Press secretary sean spicer. Cnn issuing a statement of full support to its reporter after sean spicer demanded an apology for the reporters behavior at Donald Trumps news conference. He did so in an interview with our very own howie kurtz. Watch this here. The president elect took a lot of tough questions. But the idea that he took no responsibility for his behavior was highly unacceptable and inappropriate, and he does owe us and his fellow members of the press corps an acoldy for his behavior apology for his behavior. Trish look at how that reporter handled himself. Look at how he tried to get donald trump to answer a question, and remember this is the future in three days president of the United States. Sir, since youre attacking us, can you give us a question . No, mr. President elect go ahead. No, not you. You give us a chance . You are attacking our news organization, can you give us a chance to ask a question, sir . Sir . Go ahead. Quiet, quiet. Mr. President elect, can you give us a question . Dont be rude. Can you give us a question . Im not going to give you a question. Can you say categorically youre fake news. Trish like he was looking to get thrown out of the place. Howie kurtz, host of media buzz, the man that did that interview with sean spicer that cnn felt compelled to respond to, he joins me now. Hi, trish. Trish i get that cnn wants to protect their guy, i totally g that. And you know what . I sport that, because youve got to stand by your people. But ive got to tell you, you know, i watched that clip, and its very different. I first read the transcript, and i thought, okay, well, maybe, maybe, you know, hes no one saw that clip. And theyre talking over each other, and i dont know, theres a certain kind of decorum that you assume as a reporter when youre interviewing a president or a president elect s. And it kind of seemed like that reporter was crossing a line. What are your thoughts on it . What are your thoughts on cnns statement regarding spicer . Absolutely no question that jim acosta was crossing the line. This went on, as we just saw, for more than 30 seconds. You dont have a constitutional right to be recognized at a press conference with the president elect. Sean spicer used the word lie. He said jim acosta of cnn lied in describing a conversation they had right after that where spicer told him if you do that again, if you are rude, if you interrupt the president elect or the president , you will be tossed out. Acostas version is that if he asked another tough question, he would be tossed out. Thats why i think cnn felt compelled to issue an additional statement there trish well, and theres a distinction there. Sean spicers saying, look, that kind of behavior is not going to be tolerated. I mean, look, were all entitled to ask whatever question we want. Thats part of our job as the media, and we will hold him accountable as we hold everybody accountable. But this is a way, shall we say, theres a style, theres a way to do it. You can hold people accountable, but you dont necessarily need to get into a screaming match . I wouldnt have minded if he shouted out once or twice in an attempt to be recognized, i probably have done that, but, you know, 15, 16 times, it went on and on. Trish i know. It was a nice moment with josh earnest who has a Good Relationship with the White House Press corps, he talked about taking the job when hi wife was six months pregnant, but i have to say when he looked out at the assembled White House Press corps and when earnest said youve never been soft on me or us, im thinking, what . He should stick around next week and see how it goes with the initial briefings of the trump administration. Trish well, we were talking about how obama came out in that interview with 60 minutes and said he should have done more on the pr front. Wait the second, you had the media and hollywood working aggressively almost as your pr team, howie. I mean, you think about the difference in the way that obama was treated versus trump right now, and how complicated does that make it not just for, you know, members of the media, etc. , and all the controversies there, but think about from his perspective in terms of trying to get things done. Yeah. Well, i mean, look, donald trump after a close election and a divided country is coming in in a very negative media environment. Thats the understatement of the year probably. And he just tweeted, i think you may have mentioned, about the rigged polls showing him not being very popular during this transition, but heres the thing, sure, other president s who during their transition periods basically announced the white house staff, pick a cabinet, go play golf and dont do very much else have come into office with higher numbers, republican and democrat. Donald trump during this transition has picked fights with the media, made all kinds of policy pronouncements, punched back against John Lewis Trish howie and i think to figure out this complex trade so i brought in my comfort pony, warren, to help me deal. Isnt that right warren . Well, you could get support from thinkorswims inapp chat. It lets you chat and share your screen directly with a live person right from the app, so y donteed a comfort pony. Oh, so what about my motivational meerkat . Inapp chat on thinkorswim. Only at td ameritrade. . Trish the controversial painting on capitol hill depicting a Police Officer as a pig has been permanently removed. The architect of the capitol decided that the painting violated its rules, because one of the really important rules happens to be there shouldnt be any pieces of art in the building that reflect contemporary political controversy, and you know, id say this one kind of did. But now, the congressman who hung that painting, hes actually firing back. Calling the removal, quote, an act of shameful, retroactive vigilante censorship and it will be in his office. Mason weaver, a former black panther joins me with his thoughts on this. Mason, i know you were a black panther at one point. You hadnt been a fan of the police during those days. Telle what you thi of the controversy and the fact this guy wantst ba in his office. Well, the reason he wants it back in his office and the reason he wants it on the wall is he believes that police are pigs. Understand what you dealing with, folks, he is saying to the people he represents, the police is your enemy, is a deflection because the real enemy is him. You look at your neighborhood, what has he done for your neighborhood in st. Louis . Whats he done for any neighborhood . What if the congressional black caucus, i call it the black communist party done for any community they represent. He wants to portray police as the enemy to keep people mindful of the fact that hes the enemy. Trish you and i talked about this before, something donald trump got to in his speech, rather, not a speech, a new tweet. Those are the new speeches these days. And he was saying like, look, we can use a little help in the inner cities. This guy should be working for his district. Should be working to improve things instead of creating this kind of controversy. You have said to me previously many times that you feel as though many democratic lawmakers that are doing this kind of racebaiting are doing it because theyre trying to keep people down, trying to keep the constituencies thinking that they need them, and the more they need them, then, the more they have a shot of getting voted back into office . Amen. Thats the only way they can get voted back into office. Youre asking these guys to bring prosperity to the neighborhoods when they are issuing out grants and food stamps. They will lose the population, lose the power. Youre asking clay, asking lewis to put up a program that will bring prosperity. Theyre the poverty pimps. Trish poverty pimps . They can never afford to do that. Trish you call it like it is. [laughter] im being nice because im on your program. Im being nice today. [laughter] thank you for cleaning it up for me. Poverty pimps. What do you think . Trish its sad to think, shouldnt they want whats best for their constituents. Dont they want to see people get out of poverty. Why give a handout when you can give them a job does a drug dealer want the community off of drugs . No youre talking about a situation for 50 years now. They have protests and demonstrators, when i protested at berkeley, i was protesting and demonstrating for the right to be an american citizen, for the right to vote, for the right to go into business and get a loan, for the right to live where i want to live. Th fought democrats all these black leaders fout democrats, and then they turned and joined the democrats. Trish, its like an abusive woman being beaten by her husband, and when the police come she says to the police, shes clowns are fighting for the poverty in the community. Until we stand up and say it, theyre going to keep doing it. Black men are standing up and saying we have had enough, enough being lied to, enough of the game prep schools. Enough. Congressman lewis and his daddy before him brought in more misery, poverty, drugs, more gangs, thats all theyve done and thats what youre going to get in the future from them. Im still being nice. Trish telling it like it is, in his nice way, thank you, sir. Build better cars. Thats the kind of nasty reply from germany after president elect trump called out the count requestioning why we in america buy so many german cars . But germany, they buy so few of our cars. So perhaps its not better cars but better trade policies, right . They slap a 10 tax on our cars that are sold in germany, and this is what trump keeps warning about. How can we equalize the Playing Field for all of these businesses. Were live from a bmw factory, one of the german car factories after this. Trish president elect donald trump is taking on the auto industry, threatening a 35 border tax on cars built abroad and shipped to the u. S. , its kind of working. Ford, toyota, fiat and gm announcing new u. S. Investment plans in the wake of trumps election and rhetoric. But germany, instead of playing ball with the u. S. , germany says we need to, quote, build better cars instead. I want to go to jeff flock, standing by outside i mistakenly earlier said bmw, getting my german Car Manufacturers confused there. You are at mercedes, correct, in westmont, illinois. Reporter they are both very popular. Trish very nice cars. The mercedes is the big leader last year. The germans have a lot to lose if there was to be a 35 border tax. Take a look at numbers on sales of luxury cars last year. All of them, by far, the big winner was mercedes. 340,000 vehicles. Bmw, obviously another german automaker, 330,000. Audi big, too. They way outsell the domestic brands here, cadillac and lincoln. Hundreds of thousands more vehicles. Now why is that . Some people would say germans maybe make a better car but could it be this, also . For every car that mercedes makes in germany and ships into the u. S. , they pay a 2. 5 tariff. For every cadillac that the General Motors makes in the u. S. And ships to europe, they pay a 10 tariff. Doesnt sound like fair trade to me. We did talk to the mercedes ceo, i should say the daimler ceo and asked him about this. He pointed out that into the u. S. , what will happen in the future, i asked him . He says i dont know, well have to see how it goes. Donald trump taking credit today for all of the jobs and investment in the auto industry, heres the quote from twitter there is a question how big this stuff is. The automakers typically announce these things piecemeal over the course of the year. Gm said it would do that about how many jobs and what the investment would be and do they really go through with all of this . Ive been it a lot of events where they made announcements and it didnt happen. We have to make sure feet stay on the fire. Trish thank you so much, jeff flock. Gm announcing its going to add 1500 jobs, invest 15 million in the u. S. Walmart says its going to create 10,000 new jobs in the United States this year. President elect as you saw sent out a tweet thanking them all. Im joined by the economist peter morici who has more whether or not this is all going to work. Peter, one of the things i think is interesting about him is that hes basically setting a tone here in a way we havent really seen, i dont know, if weve ever seen anything like this where hes saying basically the message to corporate america, guess what, you got to put the United States of America First if you want to have a Good Relationship with me and with everyone else in the United States. Is this a tactic that will result in more jobs . Well, it will result in some more jobs. We have to do something about what goes on in germany, for example, not just the 10 tariff, in lower saxony where volkswagen is located, the labor union has half of the board seats, and the government of lower saxony which holds shares in volkswagen has two more. So whenever volkswagen makes a decision about investments, for example, where to put new electric car production, it needs to get the votes of the labor union and the government who vote together on board. Trish what youre saying is very interesting, in that well. Trish protect labor there, look, im no union fan, but we run into a situation now where it seems as though management, labor, theyre always hard set against each other, but still no ones really out there looking out. Management is outvoted, management is outvoted in germany, at least at volkswagen, and freshgs that combination, the labor unions and the government of lower saxony are requiring volkswagen to build the batteries, the motors and new electric cars in lower saxony. Likewise, volkswagen is going to a process of reinvestment and automating to cut 30,000 jobs worldwide. They need approval of the board for the investments. Well, again, they need their approval, and many jobs will be saved in germany, production will not be in the United States. Its not so much that we need to do the same here. We need to knock heads over there to get the 10 tariff down and to make them stop playing this game that their free trade is donald trump is the protectionist. In the meantime, telling neral motors if you want to make and sell cars in the United States, you got make them here but ought to be banging volkswagens head. We should put the same pressure on volkswagen as we do, as the German Government does. The 35 tariff is fair trade to me i got to say there has never been a more interesting time to be a Business Reporter or economist. Never. Trish take care, peter. Weve got a tweet from donald trump crossing right now. Cf1 o talking about betsy devos and how she is going to be beginning her hearings this evening, and well take them live for you tonight. He put out a tweet. Lets see, he retweeted another tweet saying very much a proponent of choice in our school system. So were going to talk about that next, plus, were also talking about davos. You know whats going on in switzerland right now where all the elites are gathering. So they can wear their fur coats and drive around in suvs and talk about big problems like the poor. What has happened here . Trish the global supereleets taking the stage at World Economic forum at davos, switzerland, the annual gathering of the worlds wealthiest people, most successful elites. Its normally dominated by conversations about Climate Change and world hunger, but this year, its something a little different. Antiestablishment and antiglobalist politics have spread across europe and the United States and they are calling this the socalled davos class which has been put on watch with news of britains exit from the eu and the leck of donald trump. So with this gap between the middle class and the global elite only getting wider, are davoss industry titans completely disconnecting themselves from the real world . Maybe they already are. Joining me fox news strategic analyst Lieutenant Colonel ralph peters. You spent a lot of time in europe, you lived in germany, you have a lot of thoughts whats going on right now. Lets talk about big picture, how frustrated europeans are with sort of the upper class, if you would, that davos, frankly over there in the fur coats on the ski slopes, really has come to represent . Yeah, the kardashians with ph. D. S. Davos is revolting, its a revolting spectacle of selfimportance, of hyperconsumerism, utterly out of touch with the plight of not just the working poor but the average middle class person out of even out of small entrepreneurs, Small Business people. If davos, if the World Economic forum had a motto, trish, it would be we know whats best for everybody. Rest of you shut up. Theyre hitting a wall now, because its turning into the echo chamber. When it began in the 80s there was a powerful exchange of ideas. But its the most exclusive club where everybody speaks the same language in terms of whats right and wrong, multiculturalism is good, borders are bad. Free everybodys equal. What they lost touch with is not only the economic struggles that drive people to vote for populist parties, but also the fact that most of us like our heritage. We value our religions, we value our nations, and davos is about erasing all of that, and i think its, again, theyre hitting a wall. Trish well, you know, i read that nigel farage who led the exit from the eu of the uk, and donald trump have not been invited to davos. In some ways, i think thats the last place donald trump would want to find himself only because as you point out it has become so irrelevant and theyre so out of touch. The one thing i get that was somewhat amazing about him, hes the wealthiest guy weve ever had run for president. He will be the wealthiest president , and for whatever reason he seems to get what its like to be struggling. He understands what its like to build a business or hes resonating with people in a way that, you know, im sorry but Larry Summers and company over there at davos just cant do . Davos, when it comes to the american participation, primarily tech titans, superanullated politicians, i would describe them as open wallets and closed minds. One thing that disturbs me about the times were going through. We may, and i have strong opinions, have you strong opinions but we are willing to listen to alternative voices. Trish there you go. And at davos, its a closed echo chamber. Davos doesnt listen. Trish thank you very much, colonel. Good to have you here. Were right back with Donald Trumps pick for the secretary of education. bell chimes nice work brother dominic. Now we just need 500 more. Translated into 35 languages, personalized oh and shared across the 7 continents. other languages spoken look abbot, i got it. Its a miracle. Approaching medicare eligibility . 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Adam, why is it shes public enemy number one . The teachers unions are opposed to betsy devos. She does stand up for School Choice, School Vouchers. She just received an endorsement, you mentioned it ten minutes ago from a pillar of the School Choice advocacy organizations from eva moskowitz. Shes very big in new york city and an advocate for families who want their children to have an option that might include better education than what they would get in the new york city Public Schools. Eva moskowitz tweeted this out betsy devos has the talent, commitment and leadership capacity to revitalize our Public Schools and deliver the promise of opportunities. That is a very important endorsement, someone like eva moskowitz, whos not running but talk she may run for mayor of new york city. She is going to be grilled by none other than senator elizabeth warren. You should know in 2004 when her bestselling book she wrote with her daughter, the two income trap, she advocated School Vouchers so parents can choose a school, a private school to send their children with Public Education funds, this is anathema, this is something the public teachers unions are opposed to. Senator patty murray is going to ask her to reveal tax returns. You should note they have never asked previous secretary of education nominees for their tax returns, this begins at 5 00 p. M. Looking at the dollars behind, this and the teachers unions have donated to the democratic lawmakers with basically zilch going to the republicans. Watching for it all, were going to be back with a quick market check after this. The wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With new car replacement™, well replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. Liberty mutual insurance. Why pause a spontaneous moment . 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Liz breaking news, remember at this time yesterday, trish, i told 3u 1 democrats were refusing to attend the inauguration, that number has just increased in this hour. Now it stands at 54. 54. You got to stay tuned. Because this number is constantly changing and causing waves. The markets entrenched in red at this hour. Stocks are caught up in this game of wheres waldo when it comes to future policy being made by a new breed of leader, modeled on donald trump. Heres one of these new sheriffs in town

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