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America, including roads, ports, bridges, waterways. Well build highways. Well fix our existing roads. Well fix our bridges, half of which are in horrible condition. Some of which are in dangerous condition. We will rebuild our infrastructure. And well rebuild our inner cities. The african men american community, hispanic community, living in innercities, treated so unfarley. High crime, bad education. No jobs. We will fix it. We will fix it. Believe me. And we will fix it quickly. The democrats for 100 years, they have run the inner cities. All they do every four years, come around, give me your vote. Give me your vote. You give them the vote. They say see you in four years. They do nothing. We will fix the inner cities. Well bring back jobs. Well bring back safety. Well bring back education. All i say is this, what the hell do you have to lose . I will fix it. Give us a chance. Believe me. [applause] been very unfair to the African American community, the hispanic communities, give us a chance. We will fix it. We will become a rich nation once again. To be a rich nation we must also be a safe nation. Hillary wants 550 increase in Syrian Refugees pouring into our country. [booing] her plan will import generation of terrorism, extremism, and radicalism into your schools and into your communities all throughout. What im elected president well suspend the Syrian Refugee Program and well keep radical islamic terrorists the hell out of country. We have to have a heart. Well build safe zones in syria. Well get gulf states to build them. We are owing 20 trillion. We dont need to pay for them. Well get people frankly with plenty of money to pay. They will be happy to do it. A Trump Administration will also secure, defend the borders of the United States. And yes, we will build a great wall. [cheering] build that wall build that wall build that wall we received the firstever endorsement issued by americas incredible people, the Border Patrol officers and i. C. E. Never given an endorsement before. It is just been reported that as a result of our open borders, violent cartels have spread into all 50 of our states. More than 90 of those arrested are illegal. Theyre here illegally. Think of it. 90 are here illegally. You ask yourself what are we doing . What are we doing . Theyre killing innocent americans, threatening and they are just killing innocent americans. Take a look whats happening. Threatening schools and destroying communities. A government that will not protect its people is a government that is unworthy to lead and unworthy to serve. [cheering] as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton allowed thousands of the most dangerous and violent criminal aliens to go free because their home countries were very smart. They wouldnt take them back. We bring them there. They would say, get out of here. Murderers, drug lords, gang heads. We would bring them there they say we dont want them back. We dont want them back. Let me tell you something, there wont be one instance in four years or eight years where we bring them into their country and they come back into our country. That i promise you. They came back all the time. She would say, bring them back, put them on the streets. You know what happened. Hillary clinton supports totally open borders. Trish donald trump in wilmington, north carolina, speaking to the crowd, enthusiastic crowd. I want to bring into the conversation, former advisor to president bush, Brad Blakeman and emily eakin, former pollster for the cato institute. Welcome to you guys. Brad, what do you think would happen if donald trump wins this race, if he actually manages on tuesday to get to the oval office and increasingly look like he has got a shot as the boss narrow, what will people say about Hillary Clinton. In other words, what went wrong for her . What went among, finally their crimes and their corruption caught up with them. For 30 years they have been dodging investigation after investigation. American people have finally had enough. A criminal can get away for so long what tripses themselves up the emails. All damaging and American People after 30 years say to Hillary Clinton, no more. Donald trump on other hand, comes in, he will shake things up. Like this town never seen before. Trish he represents something entirely different clearly to people. Emily, as you watch the polls you see donald trump Gain Momentum what is the underlying reason . Two things are going on, first donald trump for once is staying on message. Think about it offer past two weeks, we have not heard him make disparaging remarks about a block of voters. Polls are rising in many key battleground states. The other thing playing out here, that this race actually favors the republican president ial candidate. The reason why i say that, is that forecasting models based on just Economic Indicators like gdp growth, Labor Participation rate, things like that, show that a republican should be winning the presidency this november. Donald trump is generally underperforming where he should be but now that he is staying on message, we see him finally coming back in the polls. Trish is it him staying on message, but also, brad, fact the noise curve is not on her side as we hear about corruption happening when it comes to the Clinton Foundation and increasing concerns about her private email server . Sure, it is a combination of bad news for hillary in the final days but donald trump staying on message he is driving home points that were just made. Are you better off today than you were four or eight years ago . The answer is clearly no. Donald trump is talking about obamacare. Everybody gets their notices in the nail. I did. My premiums are going up. People in arizona, battleground state, over 100 and donald trump is talking about the ability to serve. Hillary will be damaged day one. No honeymoon. There will be a hangover and donald trump will come in and change washington on its head. Trish you talk about Economic Issues that are the underpinning of this entire election. Americans have kind of had enough in terms of this bleak, weak, economic environment were living in. Look at fox news poll, by the way shows a twopoint difference between these two candidates, when it comes to who is bert on economy, 52 say donald trump. 44 say Hillary Clinton. Emily, might this be a deciding factor on tuesday . I think it probably is not. The reason why i say that, voters always say economy and jobs are most important issues to them. They will often tell you they think the republican candidate is bert able to handle the economy than the democrat but often will still vote for democratic candidate. Think back to 2012. We saw the same thing happen. Voters thought, mitt romney was the trish i know where youre going on this emily. Comparing mitt romney and donald trump, i mean that is real apples to oranges. I always say look, mitt romney need ad whole lot more donald trump in him. He should have been proud of all the Wealth Creation he generated. He should have been proud about jobs he created. Instead he walked around absolutely shamed he was in private equity business and made something of himself. Donald trump is antithesis, emily. He embodies aspiration that goes with being an american. We want to succeed and you want less regulation so you can enable people to get there. So, wouldnt you admit, emily, as much as you want to look back on the mitt romney day, it is hard, it is hard . Because the comparison so so different . I think youre absolutely right, the comparison is different. I do think the economy is really helping donald trump in that key states like ohio and nevada, particularly nevada. You have, many of the residents there feel like were still in recession. And so his message about Economic Opportunity and making America Great again probably is giving him an edge. If you see in the polls, donald trump is doing better than mitt romney in nevada. Trish weve got reporters all over the swing states. I want to get to them in just a minute as we continue to watch donald trump here. Lastly, let me just ask brad, Melania Trump got up and spoke for her husband. There was a nice moment her husband, gave her sort of impromptu kiss. We havent seen a whole lot of melania on the campaign trail. There you go. There you go. That was it. We havent seen a whole lot of her. Suddenly she is making appearances in the final days, the final moments. Does it help him . Absolutely it helps. She is a great asset to donald trump. Unlike bill clinton, who seems to put his foot in his mouth every time he makes an appearance. She is refreshing figure in america. She herself was immigrant to america. She loved america long before she got her. She is aspiration of what people think is possible in america. She believes her husband is capable of delivering the promise that was forgotten under the obama and even the clinton administrations previous. Trish pretty amazing. She speaks five languages which she was quick to point out as she left the podium. Good to have you guys here. We have a lot to get. Well continue to watch donald trump. Stay with us in wilmington, north carolina. He is widening the path to 270 as we speak. Florida could be pivotal and could be key to victory. Look at polls, he is actually neckandneck right now with Hillary Clinton. And, although the dems have tiny edge when it comes to early voting, i talking teeny, 7,000 votes in nearly six million that have been cast, face it a lot is happening in recent days, a lot may sway voters one way or other. Adam shapiro on the ground in florida. He joins us from tampa with look how things are shaping up as we continue to watch donald trump. Adam. Reporter trish, i want to emphasize why tampa is key to both candidates. The hard of hillsborough county. You see the skyline behind me. This county is bellwether. As hillsborough goes, florida goes, that could determine the presidency. Here are numbers among people already voted. I want to break this down for you. You will see how tight this race is. Among those voters who have registered with a political party, that would be republicans and democrats, republicans have cast more ballots by mail, 1,019,738 as of the close of business yesterday. These are the numbers reported today. Democrats, 94thousand 4 had 76. Golling to 947,476. Going to polling station. Republicans 1,241,645. Now, why are these numbers important. The number that you dont see often talked about, those who are not affiliated with a political party. 1,063,177 have cast their ballots already and we dont know if theyre going trump or clinton. They dont even register as democrats or republicans. But they do according to pollsters tend to lean towards republicans, hens mr. Trump. Mr. Trump as you have been watching, he said in tampa, doesnt need polls to tell him what is happening. He goes by size of his crowds. He joked a bit about the crowds that Hillary Clinton has a celebrity on her side like jayz. Take a listen. We dont need jayz to fill up arenas. You know. [cheering] we do it the oldfashioned way. Reporter trump also went on to talk about the fact that jayz used foul language at this event last night. That trump would never use such language, trish . Trish you know, look, adam, ive been pointing that out. I have unfortunately, read some of jayzs lyrics in recent days. Well talk about this later in the show. For a candidate like Hillary Clinton about to be empowering women, those lyrics do anything but that. They are disgusting. They are vial. And they are derogatory towards women. So how a guy gets up there with Hillary Clinton, how she brings him up on stage, ill never understand. Thank you so much, adam shapiro. Pennsylvania, everyone. One is a solid blue state where Hillary Clinton enjoyed a solid lead. It is now a tossup. In the last week Hillary Clinton has shrunk her lead significantly as donald trump is gained on her. Look at that. Neckandneck, threepoint difference. All this as transit streak in the city of philadelphia could suppress africanamerican voter turnout if Hillary Clinton is going to have any shot at taking states 20 electoral votes. Incredible turn of events just happening in recent days, in a state not voted for a republican in the last six president ial elections. Connell mcshane joins me right now, from the ground in philadelphia with more. Hey, connell. Reporter hey, trish, back to 1988 since a republican won here to your point. A hearing 9 30 in the morning on monday with the transit strike with the Transit Agency in philadelphia, trying to force workers, septa workers that run buses, subway, trolleys to go back to work before election day on tuesday. The argument is, unsafe to have a transit strike while election taking place. People have to get to the polls. Well see how that goes. Youre right, turnout, especially in philadelphia for democrats really matters. Think about how president obama won the state over mitt romney four years ago. He was able to win the philadelphia area. Think about this, the philadelphia area by nearly 500,000 votes. Statewide his victory was 300,000 votes. This is the whole key for Hillary Clinton driving turnout in fill definitely. She is able to do that, get people to the polls, she can repeat what president obama did, that puts her in good position. Donald trump is relying on enthusiasm. We were at hershey rally last night. A lot of enthusiastic supporters think they have momentum on their side. Look at numbers. You were machining threepoint lead real clear politics average in the polls. Wasnt long ago, it was eight or nine points. They do have momentum but still a lead for Hillary Clinton. As we lead up to tuesday. Watch that hearing on monday because turnout matters. Enthusiasm matters. To Hillary Clintons point, trish, as i go back to you, she is trying to drive ent adam talking about the jayz event. Katie perry with a getoutthevote concert for mrs. Clinton in philadelphia. Trish well take a quick break. You wow, x1 has netflix . Hey, drop a beat. Show me orange is the new black wait, no, bloodline how about bojack, luke cage oh, dj tanner maybe show me lilyhammer stranger things, marseille, the fall in the same place as my basketball . Narcos, fearless, cooked the crown, marco polo, lost and found grace and frankie, hemlock grove, season one of. show me house of cards. Finally, you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. On xfinity x1. Trish the Clinton Foundation admitting it accepted a one Million Dollar gift from qatar while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. And, the icing on the cake here . Guess what, mrs. Clinton never told the state department. Never told the state Department Even though she promise toddies close any new or additional contributions from Foreign Governments. All of this as new emails just released by the state Department Show mrs. Clinton sent emails, later deemed classified, to her daughter, chelsea. Donald trump blasting Hillary Clinton today for the illegal server and for thinking she is somehow above the law. Watch. Hillary created an illegal server to shield her criminal activity. That is why. No other reason. If that happened to anybody else, they would have been in jail two years ago, folks. Okay . What she did. If she were to win, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. Trish all right. Joining me right now with more on this story, executive editor for the weekly standard, fred barnes. Fred, good to have you here. Thank you. Trish this is sort of what everyone feared, right . The idea that a foreign nation might be donating money to the clintons because they want access and, them getting that access. Then of course no disclosure process at all in terms of not telling the state department. Your thoughts . Well i thought, you know, look, they knew what they had to do. Now why didnt they tell the state department as they promised to do . First it would go through ethics officer that would decide could indeed accept the money. And then, and then if he said yes, then they would have to, it would have to be known to the state department this had happened. But they didnt want it to come out. They just let it come through because they wanted the money. And didnt care about what promise had been that anything from a Foreign Government while she was secretary of state would have to be, they would have to notify the state department. This isnt the first one. Trish what does that tell you about her, about her ethics, her kirker, her husband . The money is more important than the ethics. That is what people fear. That is the root of the issue. My good etc. In, fried she knew she would run for president. She was secretary of state at the time. Wouldnt you understand this is fundamentally puts you in a wrong position and didnt you think about the consequences . Nobody knew about it until weve gotten all these emails. Her email civil has come back to open up email system has come back to show how Hillary Clinton operated and bill clinton operated but particularly Hillary Clinton as secretary of state. We see emails coming in from the state department. Theyre coming in from the fbi. Theyre coming in from wikileaks. Theyre coming in from all over the place. This will not stop. We have three days until the election. It will still be going, if she is elected. It will be going on on january 20th. Raise as question, to me trish what do you think on qatar, im curious. This was humanitarian reasons, this was oversight. That is one they used before. Trish bureaucrat pushing papers around and we forgot. To me that should be one big red flag. If youre working at Clinton Foundation and qatar saying well give you a Million Dollars if bill clinton shows up at event, by the way she is secretary of state and you did promise the state department you would reveal any big donations from other countries that should be something you should reveal. I dont think you can say somebody forgot no, i dont think you can either but with the clintons there are no oversights. There are just things to be hidden. Trish very quickly, we just have 30 seconds, but looks like she actually emailed Chelsea Clinton classified information. It was classified after the fact but dont you kind of remember as secretary of state potentially everything could be classified, even after the fact . When i was a private in the army i handled classified information. You can tell it by content. Pretty obvious what is classified and what isnt. She should have known. This is actually what jim comey said, the fbi director, that you should know when youre secretary of state what is classified information and what is not. Trish all right. I think she did. She sent it anyway. Trish fred barnes, thank you so much. Were continuing our coverage as this race tightens. See you right back here. [accountant] my job is to manage and grow businesses. And ive never seen a rocket ship take off like this. [owner] im lindsey. Im the founder of ezpz. My accountant. Hes almost like my dad in this weird way. Yeah, im proud of you. 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Free tickets, far more. And beyonce. I like them both but he used language last night that was so bad. Then hillary said, i did not like Donald Trumps lewd language. [laughter]. My lewd language. Tell you what. I have never said what he said in my life. Trish in fact you wouldnt believe what he says in his lyrics in some of these songs. Thought Hillary Clinton was the candidate for women, right . Where is the media outrage over this . Why did jayz get a pass . Joining me former new york Lieutenant Governor betsy mccaughey. These lyrics are bad. Beyonce says fme hard and i take you to red lobster out of her new album. Trish theyre bad. I would tell any viewer. You cant even say it, we cant play it but youre welcome to go online and look at it if you so like. What is this tell you about Hillary Clinton, how she is willing to overlook this . Hypocrisy is her middle name. She is turning her whole campaign into the speech police. It is understandable. She cant run on economy. She cant run on obamacare. She cant run on disasterous record at state department. Now she is under investigation by the fbi. Trish okay. But the fact is, she is making Political Correctness the theme of her campaign but what is really dangerous about it, is it is all targeted at men. A man cant say a woman is even nasty. Women they can trish maybe its a white man . Jayz can say it. Jayz say it, right . Jayz says it and he is brought up on stage and touted as supporter. She is using his influence to try to get to the africanamerican vote and others that would support him. Lowering standards. You but even worse than that, if you see across campuses in this country, in work place, it is already happening. This liberal idea, liberal, that men, theyre the targets. Women can say anything but this is manshaming. Hillary has really gotten into this. Im telling you next four years if she is president , men will be second class citizens in this country. They wont be able to open their mouths. Trish it also seems somewhat race specific though as well, you know, again jayz is allowed to say this, that is culturally somehow okay . If you were donald trump and you said these things, oh, my goodness. Right. Trish as he said he would never say anything quite like that in his life. I dont think any of us really have. Maybe just specific to jayz and his rapping music. The fact is, preteen kids are buying most of this music, listening to most of this music. We want people in the white house to set higher star than, this kind of rhetoric. Trish you know what . You know how he is treating women, what he refers to women as, i mean, the b word all over the place. Right. Trish what kind of influence does that have on young people . Really bad. Trish then sanction it, when youre president obama, sanctions it by welcoming jayz. Pointing your finger at men what they say in private with no children listening. Trish what future of for men in white house if Hillary Clinton is president . I am afraid theyre second class citizens. Look at Hillary Clinton okay in your mind okay to accuse a man of anything, with proof or no proof, dont call a woman any negative name even by implication. Trish if youre a woman who may have had a relationship with her husband, then the gloves come off. Speaking to hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton. Betsy, good to see you. Thank you. Trish great to see you. Hillary clinton and donald trump barnstorming across battleground states that will makeorbreak this campaign for president. A story that will just make your blood boil is coming up. President obama, asked if illegal immigrant could be caught by immigration, i. C. E. , if they actually voted in the election. And you know, it is against the law of course for Illegal Immigrants to even vote. But how do you think our president , who is supposed to uphold our laws replied . Stay with me. Back in two. Jo candidates barnstorming across the country. Trump with four events in four different states. Clinton with two. Boiling down to handful of swing states, states that looked like sure bets for Hillary Clinton, they are now tossups, opening several new paths for trump to hit 270. With look at swing states, were joined by peter barnes in my home state of New Hampshire. Robert gray in colorado and jeff flock in ohio. Ohio looking like a good bet for trump victory. He has a threepoint lead there now, jeff. Reporter reading tea leaves through early voting and absentee ballots. If you look at republican counties versus democratic counties, looks good for republicans, if the republicans vote republican and democrats vote democrat. 6 up, recall voting republican counties. Democrat counties 7 down. Im in Cuyahoga County on the banks of the Cuyahoga River as we speak. There it is even bigger this is big county for Hillary Clinton. A lot of democrats here. Republicans though up 2 in terms of votes already cast by republican, people registered as republicans. Democrats, down 38 . This is compared to four years ago. Local Cuyahoga County republican chairman pretty optimistic about it all. Take a listen. We had more uncertainty about a week ago. Now were feeling much more confident in a trump win, is what those numbers are translating to. Were leading in early voting. Undecideds are breaking our way and our voters have enthusiasm. Reporter they do. The question is, do the clinton voters have enthusiasm . As you have reported earlier, trish, big concert there last night. That figured to fire up some people. Tomorrow she will be back. She is not giving up ohio. She will be back in ohio with lebron james, who i said, i will quote, only person running who understands the struggle of an akron child born into poverty. She is one who can unify us. That, lebron james. Well see if that has impact on voters in ohio. Trish jeff, thank you so much. Turning to my home state, live free or die territory, it is now as toup. Hillary clinton had a big lead in the state a few weeks ago. She is struggling now. Looks like donald trump could take New Hampshire only four electoral votes but its a state that could make all the difference in a race that is neckandneck. Peter barnes is in manchester i elm street i believe what is going on. Hey, peter. Reporter were on elm street and all of your pals here say hello from manchester. Youre absolutely right. This was a state in which Hillary Clinton had a Comfortable Lead up until just a couple weeks ago. Then what happened . The wikileaks emails started coming out. Then we had the fbi reopening the investigation into her use of a private email server. And that appears now, to have the given trump a bounce. Just this past week the boston globe released a new poll with suffolk university. It showed trump and clinton at dead heat with 42 each. Gary johnson at five, jill stein at two. The globe, the reason were citing this poll, did poll people after the fbi announced it was reopening vision, it asked voters, independent voters key independent voters if the reopening of the fbi investigation made it more or less likely they would support Hillary Clinton, 52 of these independents, swing independents made it less likely they would supporter. 40 said it would have no impact. So, this is a state that, that the republicans now hope trump has a shot in and could be the key to him getting to 270. Trish . Trish i can tell you from having grown up there, it is increasingly infiltrated with people from massachusetts and more after leftist approach. You know, when you get into the heart of the state, youre there in manchester, the big city, you have a lot of people who are very conservative. You go up north, lots of conservatives. And thats, a state that has certainly also been challenged economically. So peter, well be watching it. It could be pivotal. Thank you so much. Want to move on to colorado right now, another state democrats thought was in the bag but now Hillary Clintons lead is shrinking to just three points. The Clinton Campaign deploying Bernie Sanders there today. Theyre bringing out all the stops but will supporters get behind hillary in the wake of new wickly leak emails showing just how in the bag the party was for her from the very beginning . Not to mention the corruption concerns at the Clinton Foundation . Our robert gray is there and he has more. Robert . Reporter hey, trish, thanks so much. Were at Colorado College in colorado springs. You can see pikes peak under the clouds there but Bernie Sanders will be on campus here in few hours time, trying to rally, not only democrats but also the independents. Lets keep in mind here the Centennial State has a very strong independent streak. Take a look, actually more people are independent, unaffiliated voters than registered with either the Democratic Party or republican party. Theyre just about even, just about 34 for independents. Can he get independents to vote or not. Especially in the wake of the Wikileaks Dump with emails coming out about their strategies to sabotage Bernie Sanderss campaign to, in the primary. Keep in mind sanders won handily in the primary earlier this year. He had about 59 of the vote. Clearly very sanders friendly crowd expected here. Trying to rally them. If you look at early returns, right now, democrats and republicans voting about the same, but only a third of those independents have voted. Were still waiting to see if theyre going to return them early or when they will show up and who they are going to back. Donald trump expected in denver tonight as part of his crosscountry Campaign Stops today. Bernie sanders as you mentioned we were talking about on campus for hillary. Well talk, trish, about proposition 69 colorado care which would introduce on the ballot a initiative whether or not they would have staterun health care here. I talked to a couple of folks here. Just talked to a democrat, he runs a small business. Is opposed to way this is set up. Not diametrically opposed to idea. Governor not backing this one. 10 opposition is leading. Bernie sanders will talk about that later. Back to you. Trish interesting. Thank you so much. Robert gray in colorado. Weve got a story that, im guessing youre not going to be too happy about. President obama was asked if Illegal Immigrants could be caught by immigration if they decided to go out and vote . Understand what is wrong with that question, right because, it is actually against the law for Illegal Immigrants to to out and vote. So how do you think our president , who is supposed to be upholding our laws responded . His answer, pretty shocking. Thats next. Trish all right. President obama sitting down with actress Gina Rodriguez to discuss latino turnout. The president was asked if Illegal Immigrants could be caught and deported if they vote. Get that . If illegal immigrant are not legally allowed to vote could be investigated if they did vote . If they actually broke the law. And apparently he says they cant. He says, they can illegally vote . What exactly is he saying here . Are they protected . Watch this exchange. Many of the millenials, dreamers, undocumented, citizens and i call them citizens because they contribute to this country, are fearful of voting. So if i vote, will immigration know where i live . Will they come for my family and deport us . Not true. Okay. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself and there is not a situation where the voting rolls are somehow transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The same to the vote the sayingty of the vote is strictly confidential. Trish is he convoluting something here . Didnt she just ask if you were illegal and you decided to vote, could you be investigated and be investigated and said, no, dont worry about it. Youre fine go out there and vote . Shouldnt he be saying hey, youre illegal, therefore you cant vote. This isnt a question that really makes any sense . Joining me right now, democratic strategist Jessica Tarlov and Brad Blakeman is back with me. Brad blakeman is this subliminal message about voter fraud to the Latino Community . What is he trying to say . If this doesnt make your blood boil, the president cavalierly, we dont have really, no ballot security. This is another reason why democrats dont want voter i. D. S. There is no ballot security. The president s telegraphing to illegals, vote. There is no way we can catch you. And your vote will be counted. How is it that a president who takes an oath to preserve, protect, defend the laws and the constitution of the United States how they can illegally vote . The bottom line is this, the president should have been outraged and he wasnt. Trish see you know, he is a smart guy, because there is part of me who thought maybe he didnt understand the question but im not that naive. Jessica, i think he understood the question and this was some kind of strange pivot move, but in pivoting he effects tiffly out there, fine, illegal, go vote. Nobody will get too upset about it. Youre protected if you go vote. I found myself found it very confusing exchange, the actress who is interviewing them said she considers dreamers maybe not citizens but they are citizens because they contribute to society. I think that is true, there are many Illegal Immigrants in this country, who are contributing they are not citizens. You need to be a citizen obviously to vote. Trish yeah. His language trish that is sort of the basic requirement, right . Last time i checked but things may have changed in 20 minutes. It was very odd. Trish he tried to change it. It was very exchange. He was definitely using his words carefully there, but, while i wouldnt go as far to say i think he was trying to telegraph to the entire illegal population trish he could have shut it down, right . He can have said, that question i have to stop you, lets get things straight. If youre not here legally in this country you cant actually vote. That would have been easy enough. I think Hillary Clinton would have answered it that way quite frankly because i people then would have come after her about this. This also plays to important issue we talked about before with i. C. E. And sanctuary cities, where democrats can be tougher and still pull latino votes. I dont think they have to be separate and distinct. Im not sure about this one. Trish brad, biggest problem for donald trump and republicans in general, it is consistently become more and more of a issue is demographics. Marco rubio trite to meet that head on. It was a message not welcomed by the base of the party. Will demographics really come back to haunt donald trump . Could that be the reason, we dont know yet, it is very close, he may very well win this thing because he has enthusiasm among his base, it he doesnt because of demographics . I think till with be because of demographics but the most important demographic i think is women. I think women will be determinative not only of presidency, house, senate, local elections. Theyre the most important demographic in the american electorate today but not to discount the rising latino population. I think this year well see disenfranchisement of Africanamerican Community because Hillary Clinton should be doing much better than she is. I would say look to women this year to be determining factor who will win up ballot and down ballot as well. Trish well, he is making, he is making some gains, well see how it shakes out. Not really with the ladies. Trish he is improving. Polls are narrowing. Not just men but women as welcoming around because many of them say the economy is their number one issue. Theyre willing to overlook a whole number of or the things because they care so much about the future of the economy. So good to see you guys. Jessica, brad. Bye, brad. Trish well be right back. You pay your Car Insurance premium like clockwork. Month after month. Year after year. Then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. Yeah. Surprise. Your Insurance Company tells you to pay up again. Why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it . If you have Liberty Mutual deductible fund™, you could pay no deductible at all. Sign up to immediately lower your deductible by 100. 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Shouldnt it start with your own employees, right . New wikileaks emails revealed former secretary of state may have denied equal wages for men and women of her own campaign staff. Our own Ashley Webster joins me right now with the very latest. Hey, ashley. Better be careful, trish, when you make the bold statements that you have your own house in order. This is interesting from wikileaks because carly fiorina, back in the primary, pointed out to Hillary Clinton in a tweet to one of her senior policy advisors, guess what . You need to read my latest article in the Washington Free beacon because im calling out Hillary Clinton for not paying equally between men and women on her own ca in fact, anna leery was the person who responded to this. This is within the clinton camp after fiorina made the claims. Says well keep getting hit on this one unless we more strongly rebut it. Can we have independent analysis showing pay equity between men and women on the campaign . She goes on to ask, do we have a pay equity problem . Actually it did, shows a report done on the Clinton Campaign that the average females salary was 15,000 less than the average males salary. The top earners were males, not females. That is interesting because that spurred, trish, another investigation into the Clinton Foundation which also found that just three of the top 11 earners in the foundation were women. So, with Hillary Clinton, you know, making these Campaign Promises and making statements like that, turns out that wikileaks shows us, internally there were plenty of questions being asked, wait a minute, are we actually, you know, Going Forward and using equal pay for men and women . Trish this gets to me, over and over and over again. Like a set of standards for one group of people. Yes. Trish for whatever reason not applicable to her. Whether it is actually telling the state department that qatar is donating a million bucks to the foundation. Whether people shouldnt say anything derogatory about women and inviting jayz and come and headline for you. Or whether it is this. If you fact check, someone will find you out. That is the bottom line. Trish Ashley Webster, thank you so much. My pleasure. Trish three days to go, everyone. Countdown. Have the could voters made up their own mind. Kennedy outside of fox business headquarters in new york city and she has been talking to voters all day and what are they saying . I i have a laurie, here, shes manhattannite and she has been swayed by swagger and aura of donald j. Trump. Welcome to the fox plaza. Thank you. What is it about donald trump that pulled you in like a magnet . The main thing about it i think he is somebody going to do something about it. Im pragmatic and business person. Registered independent, right . Im an independent. In the beginning when he started i didnt think it would actually happen. I thought he was interesting. I am totally convinced that he is a person who can lead and change things, not talk about them. Im so sick of talk, talk. He is action person. I believe also that he will be a president for every american, not certain people. Yeah, a leader and doer. Meet karen. Karen also lives on island of manhattan, smart, selfassured confident woman who happens to be a Hillary Clinton supporter. I think there are many more hillary supporters in manhattan than donald supporters. Absolutely. What is it about Hillary Clinton you find so attractive . I have a lot of respect for her. She is very experienced. I think america is already great. It is greatest democracy in the world and we need to preserve that. Why do you think people like donald trump and Bernie Sanders have received so much attention and adoration from people who feel so disenfranchised mostly in the middle of the country, especially workingclass people who feel like either party, washington is not working for them . I think it is emotional appeal. There is not much understanding how national, International Politics really work. There is no such thing as quick fix. I still believe obama is a terrific president and time will tell. He will be vindicated as decades go by. Okay. Do you think that Hillary Clinton will continue what you consider to be his great work . I hope so, yes. I think she will do her own great work. Greatness abounds from all political fans here in manhattan on a glorious november day. Back to you, trish. Fair and balanced. I have to say i am impressed you found some one for donald trump in manhattan. Again as they say, people may be shy. They may not want to say it until they actually go to the voting booth. Laurie was very brave. Trish thank you so much. Kennedy. Thank you so much to all of you for watching. Remember we got three days left and we are here with you all weekend. I will be right back here, same time, same place tomorrow. All of my colleagues are here with you throughout the weekend as we count down to election day. It is a very, very big week. Thank you so much for being here. Liz claman is taking you from here. Ill see you tomorrow. Byebye. Three days to go in the 2016 president ial election is in a virtual tie. Donald Trumps Campaign no longer taking baby steps. Now taking sleeps and bounds across the country. At this moment the billionaire businessman is on the way to nevada. It will be the third of four states he hits today. Now, less than an hour ago in north carolina, mr. Trump introduced his wife melania, blasting Hillary Clinton for her email scandal and bragging that huge crowds are coming to see him when Hillary Clinton needs celebrity alisters to fill an arena. And Hillary Clinton wrapping up an event in florida an hour ago

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