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Hillary clinton in a headtohead matchup. That same poll also shows more people dislike clinton than they do donald trump. Will get the republicans to unite together to back a winner . All this as lot of democrats, even lefty New York Times turn on Bernie Sanders saying he is hurting hillary. The guy is still winning. Maybe, maybe, the dems need to listen to voters this time. Karl rove and allstar panel are here. How to reduce income inequality, income inequality. Hang on for a minute here. Is this obsession about income inequality, isnt all wrong . Bangladesh has no income inequality. Theyre all equal. Because theyre all poor. Detroit has way bigger inequality than washington. What do people like Elizabeth Warren refuse to realize . We need to create equality of opportunity. We need equal opportunity, not equal outcome. First back to breaking news we have on egyptian airplane. Egypt confirmed plane wreckage has been found. Likelihood of egypt air flight crashing into the mediterranean seems to be about terrorism. The fears of terror are growing stronger by the hour. Here is what we know so far. The flight traveling from paris to cairo with 66 passengers and crew on board. It crashed off of a greek island earlier this morning. Egyptian aviation minister says the crash was more likely caused by an attack than a technical problem of the Greek Defense minister says flight 804 made abrupt turns and suddenly dropped from 38,000 feet to 10,000 feet before just vanishing from radar as it crossed into egyptian airspace. As of now there are no reports of any discalls being made. Officials in greece, egypt, france and here in the u. S. Are involved in the investigation with the white house, fbi and Homeland Security being briefed today. I would like to bring in right now our very own tom sullivan, licensed pilot and fox news military analyst chuck nash. Good to see both you guys. Tom, starting with you, Officials Say there was swerving happening with the plane before it went off the radar. Right. Trish how could that happen . What does it signal to you . The fact nobody called or signaled from the plane there was a problem . Right. If a pilot was trying to steer the plane to some emergency, swerving around, they would have said something. So, i dont think the pilot was swerving the plane, for a couple of reasons. One is, the airbus is, remember the flight that crashed in the rockaways after taking off jfk, 9 11, the next month, october of 2001 . Trish yeah. After that one of causes was that the pilot was deflecting the rudder too heavily and it tore the tail off. Airbus airplanes have a governor you cant deflect your rudder too much. They also have a limited amount of turn space. So the fact that it did this, the plane is made not to do that. So it must have been either coming apart, and that was radar track of some of the pieces coming off the plane, or, it took off one wing which would automatically spin the plane in the air. But it wasnt that they were driving or steering the plane in a particular fashion. Trish do you think something had potentially already happened and it was yes. Trish it was spiraling out of control. That was radar tracking what had happened. Trish why would it nobody called in, for help . Because it was instantaneous. They had no, they had no warning. It was, either a massive decompression, mechanically, or it was an explosion. Thats why everybody is pointing towards terrorism. Trish yeah. I mean chuck, what is your gut instinct on this one . Well, tom laid out one scenario at that is plausible well call it normal mishap or something mechanical that could happen that could cause it. The other one of course is leaning toward the terrorism thing which could be a pilot suicide as we saw with the german air flight that flew into the alps in an airbus a320. The other one is egyptair back in 1999. So theres that scenario. There is also onboard bomb or on board explosion scenario. Whether it was a manmade device or whether some kind of a firsttime seen fuel tank explosion. Twa 800 comes to mind. There are all of these things and the broad range of data that were looking at, the data points, some are starting to fit into a curve as that starts to narrow down, narrow down and well get to a fine point when we get the cockpit recorder and flight data recorders and well get to ground zero knowing what happens. What is your gut . Do you think this was terrorism . Everybody in aviation always likes to be very cautious to wait for the investigation but i, this has, as the egyptians have said, it points toward terrorism rather than mechanical. I have to bring up the russian airliner, the metrojet brought down over the sinai. The bomb on that later they determined was the size of a soda can. It doesnt take much to slip through security. Weve been talking about big lines at tsa . Stand by for bigger ones. Trish of course. You think how could they have got something on there . Was it passenger or cargo hold . But it probably happened at charles today call airport. Charles de gaulle airport. They fired 70 people working at airport who had radical connections and suspicious backgrounds. They pulled their security cards. There are, and that i think is probably the dirty little secret in airport security. We see the blue shirts at the front line but there are a lot of people they talk about swiss cheese on the backdoor. Trish good point, tom, thank you very much. Thank you, captain nash. Family members arrive at airports across the globe as they await their loved ones fate including Charles De Gaulle airport where the flight originated. We find fox newss greg palkot. Greg, fill us in on the situation on the ground there in paris . Reporter trish, it was just about this time last night when the passengers and crew for that doomed egypt air flight were showing up hire at this terminal, terminal one at Charles De Gaulle airport in paris. Since that moment and terrible hours since, a center has been set up for the families of the victims. Remember there were 66 on board. 56 passengers including egyptians, french, a canadian, a brit, others from europe and from elsewhere. And some of the families of these victims actually boarded another egypt airplane this afternoon to fly to cairo, to be closer to the action. Theyre all looking for answers. French president hollande gave some of them today in a speech to the nation where he did indeed confirm that the plane had crashed. But he also confirmed his country would do everything it could to find out why. Take a listen. Translator when we have the truth we need to draw all the conclusions, whether it was an accident or another hypothesis as some may be considering, perhaps a terror type. At this stage we should prioritize our solidarity with the families and search for causes of this catastrophe. Reporter trish, actually an egyptian official went even further. He said it was more likely terror than mechanical but still a lot of questions out there. Trish all right, greg. Before i let you go, i mean are they getting any clues . Are they looking through backgrounds of people on board . I know a number of different countries, 30 egyptians, for example, two iraqis, one saudi. Have they any clues as whether these people perhaps traveled to syria . Reporter it is possible and im sure that is looked at but i was listening to your guests just before our live shot with you and he brought up a very good point. That theyre looking very hard at the people here at this airport who had the last contact with the plane. Were talking about baggage handlers. Were talking about cleaners. Were talking about crews. And yes, there are a lot of people fired from here because they had islamist leans, could some have been left behind of that purge and involved in this . That is what theyre looking at now as well as debris that is beginning to show up to decide whether it was foul play or a massive, horrible, mechanical mishap. Trish . Trish greg palkot, thank you so much. Joining me rightnow, Sebastian Gorka, the author of, defeating jihad, expert on all things terror. Dr. Gorka, do you believe this was terrorism . Im not going to state unequivocally either way. Events of this nature take weeks, sometimes months to investigate adequately. However, if we simply put together the jigsaw pieces of the puzzle right now they add together to have a very, very suspicious incident for multiple reasons. Cruising at 37,000 feet and suddenly completely disappearing off the radar. The fact that there was no communication between the greek air Traffic Controllers until it dropped off radar from the egyptian side. Also the fact that the airbus is very, very reliable air frame this particular plane is 12 years old, which is nothing in terms of air frame longevity. Also additionally the route that the plane took prior to this flight. Not unusual for egyptair. This aircraft was all over the region, europe and north africa, tunis. It was in various countries. Eritrea, several of these airports trish what is your point on that . Somebody could have done something to the plane, put something on the plane. To put it mildly. Some. Places where this airplane landed in the last few days do not have security that is up to the standard of western nations. So all of these things added together, the likelihood is very high right now, trish. Trish is there any significance to the fact that this plane went off the radar immediately after crossing into egyptian airspace . Well, look, terrorism is about fear. The generation of fear in your target audience. We know that if this is a jihadi attack, france is a very important target for them. Look at the multiple attacks in france in recent months. On top of that the destination city, cairo, egypt is on the front line of war with jihadis. President elsisi has declared war on the granddaddy, Muslim Brotherhood and there is a large affiliate in the sinai, killing policemen, killing civilians. So egypt is one of the most important targets for jihadis right now. Trish if this is in fact terrorism why hasnt any terror group stepped forward and say, hey, it is us . They usually like that. They gloat after these events. They do, but interesting they dont do it very rapidly. If you look at al qaeda and isis in many instances they have waited, days, if not weeks to accept the responsibility. So i think theyre measuring the response right now, if its a terrorist attack and perhaps we will see some acceptance of that. In fact, in fact, let me correct myself. An isis affiliate of sorts has already allegedly accepted responsibility. That is out on social media. We dont know if that is credible but jihadis, unlike ira, political terrorists often take some time to accept responsibility. Trish why is that . Is that something about the news cycle, they want people talking about this, to be speculating before they come forward . I think it is their caution, theyre measuring the ripples if you will across media, across social media, and also theyre probably timing it for the right time to drop that announcement. If you look at the attacks in europe recently, isis prepared interviews with those jihadis in advance but didnt release that video until long after the paris attacks. So if this is a terrorist attack, there could be a package in waiting ready to deploy when they feel ready. Trish very calculating. Sebastian gorka, thank you very much, sir. Thank you. Trish coming up a new fox news poll shows donald trump beating Hillary Clinton in a headtohead matchup. Could this get republicans to unite behind him . Dont they want to back a winner . Meanwhile if this egyptian airplane crash is terrorism, how will that affect the president ial elections . I will ask karl rove next democrats in chaos. The fox follow shows Hillary Clinton is disliked more than donald trump. Why should bernie get out . In fact he is still winning. Well debate it. Stay with me. Back in two. Im billy, and i quit smoking with chantix. I had a lot of doubts going in. I was a smoker. Hands down, it was, thats who i was. 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Think about momentum he had since march. A lot of it. Is this momentum going to republican pubs to rally around him now . Karl rove, steve of chaff, Senior Advisor to chief of staff to george w. Bush. Thanks for having me. Trish youve not been a big fan of donald trump. In fact in late april you wrote in the wall street journal, i quote, instead of seeking to build something, mr. Trump seems to aspire to blow up the fop he is graceless, divisive, denigrating party he seeks to lead and his competitors. So i ask you, now that he is the presumptive nominee, and now see in the new poll he has a good shot beating hillary, do you regret that . Are you softening . No, not not at all. I will soften in this respect. Last week i thought he got the right tone. When i wrote that column he was, he was, morning that he was going to win indiana, effectively end the republican contest he went out and accused senator ted cruzs father having been involved in the assassination of jfk. That was graceless. That was unnecessary. That was unconstructive. But look at his tone last week. He met with the speaker of the house after previously threatening him if he didnt get aboard. What did he do when he came out of the meeting . He hit the right tone. You know what, we had a freight meeting. Looking forward to working with him. Im cost confident well work this out. The poll would indicate he should accept were united. 82 of republicans support donald trump. Both of them can do better. In fall election it will be important that the winner is the, is a republican if they can keep their defections under six or seven or 8 , it is a democrat if they keep it under, 10, 11 or 12. He is is, keep the tone going. The tone is, im confident. I won. Were going to all be in this together and not make comments he made. Trish are you hearing from him now, this more bringing everyone together kind of rhetoric. Sure. Trish go ahead. Sorry. I thought you were saying something else. And look, there is another point in this poll we ought to Pay Attention to. He is ahead in this poll, not because he is doing much better among republicans and she is among democrats. He is winning independents by 4630. He was losing them by that margin in last fox poll. This will be part of the electorate will be volatile and moving from sideside. He is now won the nomination. Republican party. That means theyre going to be more open to him. She is in middle of a bitter battle. This race will flop back and forth because that group of voters, swing voters are very much up for grabs weekly for each candidate. Trish what will he get in. Mixture of saying to them im better his argument has got to be im candidate of change. If you like the way things are going, stay with her. But if you want change, im the guy for change. Her argument has got to be i have the experience and temperment to get the job done and he is risky. How they play out that dynamic is going to demonstrate who ultimately wins the general election. Trish who do you think is going to get it . I think it is way too early to assume. He is much better shape than i would have thought. And part of it is, that the republicans have rallied around him, not necessarily enthusiastically but idea of president Hillary Clinton is Great Unifying force. He ought to pick up on that and run with it. Trish looks like he is is. Karl rove, good to see you. Thanks, trish. Trish coming up, everyone, democrats pretty much in chaos. You saw a new fox news poll out showing Hillary Clinton is more disliked by voters than donald trump. This as democrats and some major, Mainstream Media players turn on bernie. Hey, why should he get out . He is still winning here. Well debate it with the political allstars. Trish bad news for Hillary Clinton. According new poll more people disliker than they do donald trump. Seems Mainstream Media may be turning on Bernie Sanders the flip side of this, look at this headline in the New York Times today. Bernie sanders willing to harm Hillary Clinton in the homestretch. From the Washington Post. Quote, a fractured Democratic Party threatens clintons chances against trump. All this after the head of the Democratic Party blasted Bernie Sanders for not more forcefully condemning violence at last weeks democratic nevada convention. Are democrats souring on bernie . Do they need to . We have democratic strategist Julie Roginsky and republican strategist, ford oconnell. What is holing out for. If there is no real path to the nomination why is he still there. Who knows. Establishing the platform, i dont know what he is looking for. If he is serious defeating donald trump if that is his number one priority, he claims is, other than getting nomination which is mathematically impossible he has to get out. This is no sense at him. He had a shot at nomination. He did very well. Didnt do enough. We all come up short. Trish that is another path which is all about the superdelegates and losing among the pledged delegates. Everywhere, among pledged too. Trish ford, how damaging is this to her to have him still in the game . Basically Bernie Sanders is the best thing to happen to donald trump because basically bernies made democratic primary a referendum on Hillary Clinton at a time when she needs to make it referendum on donald trump. This is threeway going the wrong way, here is what trump likes. If you look at latest fox polls he is leading by three. He wants to tout the narrative hillary is loser. If he puts that into voter psychology next seven weeks is he in great shape. Trish well i would think that some of the bigwigs in the Democratic Party, julie, need to sort of get to him, speak to him, and say, youre not doing us any favors here. Right. Trish could that get him to change his mind . Do you think theyre already doing that behind the scenes . First of all he dislikes the bigwigs in the party. They dislike him. Dont forget his people went after Debbie Wassermanschultz in some cases with good reason. Nevertheless went after her, the dnc chair. The problem for Bernie Sanders he wasnt a democrat until a few months ago, year ago. This is not someone that cares about the party. Trish he is socialist. Not only socialist. He doesnt care about the party with capital p way other people might. Julie, the fix is in the beginning. He is the patsy. No one thought bernie would do this well including bernie himself. Dws was campaign cochair in 2008. Set debate schedule against him. Basically sign ad joint fundraising agreement in 2015 with Hillary Clinton through the dnc and cut off his voter data access one month before new hampshire. If this occurred on republican side they would drag priebus from his house and burn down rnc. If you Ask Donald Trump priebus should have been dragged from the house 20 times over. Lets not say your frontrunner doesnt have exact same issues. Trish what they both have in common the fix has been in. Wait one second. They are appealing to people who feel like they have been disenfranchised by the party itself. I just question the longer he stays in this, ford, as you point out, it is good for trump. Might that really just create more and more dissatisfaction among democrats who feel that the whole things rigged . Does he wind up getting their votes as weve seen indications of in some polling data . Well, lets put it this way. Karl rove made the point earlier, key for trump can he get independents and to julies point, a lot of sanders supporters are independents. This is going to go back and forth. This is very valuable time for trump to make the case that he is president ial. That is why he put out his Supreme Court list. That is why were hearing rumblings back and forth. This is prime time. This is where trump, if he is going to win the general election will occur right now between the dissatisfaction between sanders supporters and hillary supporters. Let me say a few things about that i really want to thank trump for the list. Nothing galvanizing democrats on names on list. You will make the argument to Bernie Sanders supporters, look at that list. If you stay home or vote for hillary, guess who will be on Supreme Court, people from the list. That should motivate democratic base. Secondly, ford, you know this as well as i do, we know polling and math, independents have not gone with democrats very long time and democrats still win. Obama lost independents. You trish that said, very, very different year. If establishment candidate versus the outsider, and were assuming it will be hillary versus trump. Anything can happen. Thank you very much. Good to see you guys. Coming up everyone, the high cost of terrorism. Why even the possibility that the egyptian air crash all the way across the terrorism that will cost us here at home . Do you think Airline Security lines are getting any shorter after this one . No, i dont think so. That is next. You wouldnt haul a load without checking your clearance. So why would you invest without checking brokercheck . Check your broker with brokercheck. And intellectual propertylines about bubeing stolen. G hacked that is cybercrime. And it affects each and every one of us. Microsoft created the digital crimes unit to fight cybercrime. We use the microsoft cloud to visualize information so we can track down the criminals. When it comes to the cloud, trust and security are paramount. . Trish breaking news this hour, looking more and more like a terror attack brought down an Egyptian Airline flight traveling this morning from paris to cairo. This as egypt officials confirm floating material, including lifejackets and plastic items that have been found in the sea off greece. 66 passengers and crew were on board the airbus 320 when it crashed into the Mediterranean Sea off the greek island of crete. Egyptair flight 804 made abrupt 90 degree and 360degree turns before suddenly losing altitude, after dropping to about 10,000 feet, the plane vanished from air, and from radar. Now some reports are suggesting that that plane may have been found about 230 miles southeast of crete. Though egyptair is denying reports at this point. The terrible tragedies become more frequent, we need to ask what does it mean for our economy . What does it mean for our ability to move freely all over the world . Joining me right now, former cia covert Operations Officer mike baker and our very own ashley webster. Before we get to the question, it has a huge Ripple Effect in terms of how we live our lives when we hear about the events and therefore economic consequences. Mike, what are people doing right now . What are covert ops like you used to be in the cia, what is the process in place to try and figure out what happened here . You are right, it is a process, and thats frustrating for people, we want an immediate answer, in todays environment, we expect answers right away. That doesnt happen in these, there are flights that went down years ago that were not sure what happened. In this case, the security experts, those that are looking at the terrorism possibilities here are tearing apart the passenger manifest, looking at everything about every passenger on the flight. Theyre looking at everybody who had access to the plane both in paris and in previous stops whether that is tunis or eritrea or cairo previously, looking at all of that. Trish it was in a lot of places that are frankly somewhat dubious. Yes. Trish host lots of forgive me, im losing my voice here, host a lot of terrorists. The capabilities of the airports wildly. Theyre tearing apart the communications as well. Looking at the intercepts trying to see if there was chatter about the flight or targeting of airplane in the region, and you have to step through that, there are protocols in place for the investigation. There is a difference between speculation and investigation. Trish officials are saying that they believe its more likely that this was terror. That comes from egyptair, this is an airline, the countrys airline, theyre in the middle of a massive push to promote this airline. They slashed fares by 50 to bring more people back after they had a hijacking in march, the russian jetliner shot down over the sinai several months ago and this happens. They were quick to say this plane was at cruising altitude, less than 10 of anything happens to a plane when its that high up at cruising altitude. We dont believe its a technical problem, we are leaning toward terrorism. Since that announcement was made many, many hours ago, everyone has gone off on the tangent that it is indeed terrorism or terrorist act. Trish you think about the terrorist events the way it affects industry and individuals and our willingness to do things. For egypts tourism industry, its another nail in the coffin. Prior to the arab spring they had 12 to 14 million tourists a year, its dropped to 9 in six months. Huge part of the gdp. 12 of the entire population of egypt is employed by them. Dont forget sharm elsheikh, almost all of the visiting has dried up. Desperate situation. Theyve taken a beating, tourism revenues have dropped by two thirds. This is a Ripple Effect in france, it has a political impact, on elections in france and elsewhere throughout the use of this. This isnt just the one incident, but, again, you have to let the investigation play out. Trish you mentioned something that another guest mentioned, Sebastian Gorka which is scary when you think about it, you cant necessarily vet every single place that the airlines have been. The security in some of these countries is not like it is in others, and thus it makes last time i was cairo, the guy wanted money to put my bags through the xray machine. Makes you wonder. And we think about the sophistication of the industry and the technology and oftentimes this comes down to the individuals in a granular effort of vetting and doing Due Diligence on all of the people, third party providers, in all the airports around the world have access to the planes. Thats part of this investigative process. Trish ashley, mike, thank you very much. Coming up, outrage today over two google is honoring on its home page. This woman, take a look, who they honor for her, quote, legacy of peace. Turns out she gave an interview two years after the 9 11 attacks where she said Osama Bin Laden is someone she admires because hes, quote, a freedom fighter. She also says the u. S. Is, quote, racist and loathsome. This is the person that google wants to honor today . Were all over it. Ill see you here. I know what i can expect from usaa because i have my checking with them, my savings with them, my credit card with them. And then i learned i have this usaa car buying service. The usaa car buying app was really helpful. All the information was laid out right there. I was able to see the savings that i qualified for. It makes your life so much easier when you have to purchase a car, so ive been telling everybody. Usaa car buying service, powered by truecar. Exclusively for usaa members. Trish check the markets, quite the selloff. Off the low the of the session, a loss of 117 points on the dow. A little good news here, shares of walmart seeing upside. You can see up, wow, more than 9 . Of course, big surprise today, it showed sales growth in the first quarter, and it had an upbeat outlook for the current quarter. What do you know . Former dean foods chairman thomas davis and investor Billy Walters charged with criminal insider trading. Investigators say their scheme also held golfer Phil Mickelson earn more than 900,000 in trading profits. Mickelson is not looking at criminal charges in the case but his lawyer says he will return all the money. Well be back with a look at google honoring an american that loved Osama Bin Laden. Trish break right now, outrage over who google is choosing to honor on its home page. You know www. Google. Com. You see this picture . Its not the art thats under fire, it is the woman google is paying tribute to. Yuri kochiyama, a woman who admired Osama Bin Laden, and i quote her here in 2003 saying i consider Osama Bin Laden as one of the people they admire. To me, he is in the category of malcolm x, fidel castro, all leaders that i admire. She went onto say in another quote, they all had severe dislike for the u. S. Government and those who held power in the u. S. I think all of them felt the u. S. Government and its spokesman were arrogant, racist, hypocritical, righteous and power hungry. Lets get this straight. Google is paying tribute to her today . On what would have been her 95th birthday . Google says she left an advocacy for peace, u. S. Political prisoners and reparations for japaneseamerican interned during the war. Okay, again, ill remind everybody and google, this is a woman who referred to bin laden as a freedom fighter, fighting for islam and all people who believe in islam against westerners even when he was fighting against the russians, i do not care what the american or u. S. Government feel. Again, the woman google wants to admire. We reached out to google, they have yet to respond to us. Louise mench from heat street. Com is here and is all over the story as well. My goodness, are they absolutely tone deaf. There would never, ever be a day which this was appropriate for google to honor a woman that praised the killer of thousands of americans, and by the way, hundreds of britons, to do it today when so many people are suffering from terrorism, when so many people have died, its google throwing salt in the wounds, adding insult to the injury people have suffered today in terrorism. Trish you think about google, and we know the political leanings of top leaders tend to be very much to the left, but this seems to be taking it much too far, louise. You know, this is a woman who clearly, and its not just google, i got to point out the Washington Post did a piece as well, and its quite fawning and they refer to her as being a great patriot. I look at the quotes and say this woman is anything but that. A patriot to whom . To Osama Bin Laden . When she gave the quote that you read at the start of the piece that was 2003, she had two years to think about the damage that Osama Bin Laden did. About his hatred for americans, about the fact he was willing and happy to kill innocent men, women and children. That is not a patriot. A woman that says america is racist and loathsome and by the way she loves fidel castro and a bunch of other dictators, and she gave us a reason, because they hate america. I love them because they hate america. Im not sure what your definition of patriotism is, thats not my patriotism. Trish what does this tell you about google . They dont care, they want to put their politics above general compassion. Osama bin laden was an extremist muslim terrorist, and all indications from the egyptair bombing today, thats what people think that it is, as we heard on your show it will be islamic terrorism. They have no compassion, theyre willing to push their politics. The Washington Post as well wouldnt push that level of politics at the expense of peoples lives. Trish liberal politics is one thing, someone who thinks its okay to kill americans in the name of islam. You know, you would say hey, you should have googled her first. Trish literally. Googled her. Trish i wondered about this, i wondered about that because its all over the internet, you can see it quickly, was it plain old stupidity, and if so, here we are doing the story right now, why is it still up . Genuine stupidity. The bad thing is when the egyptair crash happened, nobody at google said a lot of people have died from the kind of terrorism she was praising. Maybe we should take it down. Maybe we could show a little compassion, googles motto used to be dont be evil. They lost sight of that in putting the woman on the website. Trish the Tech Companies, i think they instead of helping us in the war against terror, they seem to be aiding and assisting the terrorists because theyre using terrorists are using the very platforms to communicate and twitter doesnt do anything to stop it. We have had this week about facebook suppressing conservative speech. Twitter allows isis terrorists to use Service Without hindrance at the same time theyre banning conservatives because they make a comment of defending video game players. The Tech Companies have lost sight whats good and true and right for what . For this very narrow agenda. This americahating agenda. Trish sometimes you feel like you are living in an upside down world. Louise, thank you very much. Thank you very much. Trish senator warren speaking out on how to reduce, quote, income inequality. Isnt it a fashion with income inequality wrong. Bangladesh has no income inequality, everybody is poor in bangladesh. What democrat refuse to realize is the focus on income inequality is wrong. We need to be sure everyone in america has equal opportunity but not equal outcome. Thats next. Trish senator Elizabeth Warren moments ago in a speech blasting our capitalist economy saying this its time to rethink the basic bargain between workers and companies. If greater wealth is generated by new technology, how can we ensure that the workers who support the economy can actually share in the wealth . Trish fair point. And its a good discussion on have. I mean these are challenges that we need to figure out as a society and as an economy right now. But i was just questioning some of the moves by the left. Can we ensure that workers arent going to be replaced by technology . By artificially raising the cost of labor, hiking minimum wage and forcing overtime on more business, thats the left solution. Joining me economist and senior fellow at the cato institute, dan mitchell. Dan, weve seen all kinds of things coming out of the white house this week. The overtime rules. Weve seen so Many Political activists pushing for higher minimum wage. Is any of that really going to fix this problem of, you know, kiosks at wendys replacing workers . I agree with Elizabeth Warren that it would be great to have workers get more income. I disagree with her very strongly the idea that more Government Intervention and control is the trout do it. If you make workers more expensive with rules and mandates and regulations, you are going to make it so Companies Prefer to automate. If you are worried about income inequality, which is what she always beat the drum about, shouldnt we worry about upward mobility. If bill gates income dropped 20 and mine dropped 10 wed be more equal but worse off. Trish i always say income inequality is a term thats a politicized term, when you think about it, thats not our problem, right . Bangladesh has great income inequality ratios but we dont be to be bangladesh because everybody is poor in bangladesh. Dont you want to focus on making sure we have real opportunity. Quality of opportunity should be the discussion, not income inequality. A quality of opportunity, not necessarily of the outcome, dan. Precisely. The problem is i think some people on the left view the economy as a fixed pie. If bill gates has a lot of money, by definition the rest of us must have less money. Thats not how the world works. If you have good strong growth which we havent had for the past seven years, good strong growth, 34 a year, all of our incomes can go up. Jfk was right, a rising tide lifts all boats. Trish indeed, indeed. Dan, so good to see you as always. Dan mitchell from cato. Im going to take a quick break and well be back with more on the story overseas, egyptair. Trish what do you think of google honoring a woman who said Osama Bin Laden is someone she admires because hes, quote, a freedom fighter. Like my facebook show page and tell me what you think, plus egyptair has said they found the wreckage of flight 804 as investigators work to determine if, in fact, it was terrorism that brought down the flight. Liz claman is all over the story and takes you into the close now. Liz in fact, trish, were just getting the news, france is sending a team of investigators right now to the scene of the crash and, of course this is weighing heavily on the hearts and minds of travelers all around the world not to mention the family members, we have a tripledigit dive as the dow and s p are swimming underwater for the year. Down 118 points, had been down 196 earlier. Retracement, closer to the cf1o flatline. This as another fed head warns that june is a live month for a possible rate hike. Its a possibility, folks. To that horrific crash of egyptair flight 804 weighing on airline stoc

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