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They control the governorship and state legislatures while democrats have total control in just six states. But of the top 100 cities in the nation, a majority 67 are still run by democrats. And many are now going full tilt, attacking and denouncing President Trump. While chaos lawlessness, crime, and bankruptcy loom at their own doorsteps. And now this. Civil war in at least 31 states. These 31 now battling their own local mayors on policies like banning sanctuary cities. To chicago where the democrat mayor, he is former obama chief of staff rob emmanuel. He now says chicago will sue the Justice Department over its federal sanctuary city policy. Even as a Justice Department says chicago has more murders than new york and los angeles combined. And chicagos coughers are running dry. Near washington, d. C. Now considering giving noncitizens voting rights. This as dc struggles with the wave of shootings and a nearby baltimore, two people were still fatally shot, despite a desperate grassroots plea for a 72hour weekend ceasefire. And to new york city as chaos engulfs the new York City Long Island Railroad system and the subway system, new york city bill de blasio blaming everyone else and his stock answer is this tax the rich to pay for subway repairs, which comes nowhere near covering the total bill as people in the upper brackets lead the city enough. But first, lets check what happened to the markets today. Lets check with Nicole Petallides on the floor of the stock exchange. The ninth record close for the dow. Thats right. People are loving what theyre seeing with the Dow Jones Industrial average. The s p 500 record close there as well, so we take it higher by 25 points on the dow jones average. 35th under President Trump for the dow. Some of the winners there, you could say thank you to apple because those apple gain had a second record close in four sessions, that helped boost the dow because we boosted at least 15 dow points. So theres a look at apple, it gained 2. 42 dollars. The banks have done so well. Goldman sachs up about three bucks. Walmart, a lot of hope in some of these retailers, at least back for school some of the experts telling us moving on to the s p 500, take a look at some of the leaders there. We did see United Technologies and take over talks of collins and that got a nice jump. Tyson foods jumped about 5 . Nvidia and also another retailer best buy. Basically, theyre saying that they expect continued boom in meat sales, and that helps to push it 3. 60, 5. 7 . But across the board, when . Across the board for the dow, nasdaq, and s p and two of those were records. Liz good to see you, nicole. Thanks so much. Now back to democrat mayor pushing their own agendas. Former obama chief of staff, he is chicagos mayor. Hes rob emmanuel. Now suing the Justice Department over its efforts to with hold federal grant money from sanctuary cities if they dont comply with federal, basically illegal immigration law. Lets listen. Tomorrow morning, Corporation Counsel on behalf of the city of chicago will file suit against the trump Justice Department in federal court first thing in the morning. The trump Justice Department has announced new restrictions on grants and is asking the city of chicago in my view to choose between my core values as a welcoming city and our fundamental principles of community policing. It is a false choice and a wrong choice. Chicago will not let our Police Officers become political pawns in a debate. The city of chicago may be the first to bring a lawsuit, but im also confident we will not be the last. Liz this lawsuit comes as chicagos shooting death continued decline. A 14yearold boy among the three dead in recent shootings. 27 were wounded in just the past weekend shootings. Bringing the total number shot in chicago 256 year to date. Homicide 417, both at record levels. Lets bring in America First policies, nonprofit by several Trump Campaign aids. Shes katrina pearson. Good to see you, can a tureen. What, hi, liz, great to be here. Liz now, Jeff Sessions blasted sanctuary cities in the past. What do you think of chicagos lawsuit . Well, you know, i find it ironic that rom emmanuel is prioritizing suing the Law Enforcement agency for asking municipalities to, in fact, enforce the law. This is one of the Top Priorities that the president complained on. Its one of the reasons why so many, including democrats voted for him. Because they do want safe communities, and want to begin to eliminate the magnets that bring illegals to our country. And as you mentioned in the opening, when you have so many chicago citizens being murdered in their cities, for the mayor to prioritize Something Like this, which actually keeps some of them safe, its pretty sad and besides, were talking about what . 3. 2million. Something that rob emmanuel himself could pay. Liz yeah, its a drop of the bucket of the 10 billiondollar overall budget to your point. You know, the Justice Department, katrina is firing back in chicago saying quote the more chicagoans were murdered than new york city and los angeles combined. So its especially tragic that the mayor is less concerned. With that staggering figure than he is spending time and taxpayer money protecting criminal aliens and putting chicagos Law Enforcement at greater risk. Does the Justice Department have a point here, katrina . Oh, absolutely. I mean, think about that. If you are a person of common sense, a patriotic american, and you wonder why so many people in chicago are killed, and were talking about new york and l. A. Combined. That is a tragedy. But more importantly, we have to look at what you also said. If these are criminals. These are already criminals who are in this country illegally, and theyre being protected. There is a catch and a release program in this country that africanamericans dont receive, that white americans dont receive, that any americans do not receive if you are breaking the law, you should suffer the consequences. Liz thats an important point because if you or i were arrested, we couldnt have sanctuary city coverage; right . Absolutely not. Liz we would have to check that. Katrina, thank you so much. San francisco and new york also want to sue the trucking has been. But look at this number. 31 states are now battling sanctuary cities in their own borders. You see that in florida, wisconsin, rhode island, and texas. You know, texas has that new law that bans local municipalities from these policies. What did the voters think, katrina . Well, i think the voters spoke in november, you know, the president s illegal immigration position, immigration position by itself was the beginning of his ascendens in the polls where he never came down. So i think they need to take a step back and look at themselves as theyre trying to find new things to say about their party. And really look at the impact on communities. These types of policies, they dont hurt the suburbs, they dont hurt the gated communities where all the politicians live. They hurt the average american whos working every day, taking their kids to practice, and coming home. These are the reasons why a lot of americans turned out for trump in november. Liz youre talking the middle class and bluecollar voter. Absolutely. Liz lets head to maryland. College park considering giving noncitizens voting rights. This while nearby baltimore is facing an increasing number of homicides. 203 murders this year in baltimore so far, versus 173 last year. Katrina, now, judge andrew napolitano, he explains that when it comes to noncitizens voting, that the states can allow that because the states retain the right to say year yearn yes or no. Lets take a listen. The states can permit anybody they want to vote in local and state elections. The constitution. Ashley allows it . I thought you had to be a citizen. The constitution mentions citizens four times with respect to voting in federal elections. House of representatives, senate, president , and Vice President. And even there, the mention of it is ambiguous. The test would be can a state allow noncitizens to vote in federal elections . That would be a challenge for a federal court. Thats never been ruled on. Liz a lot of loopholes here, katrina; right . Well, absolutely and of course that envelope is continued to be pushed and whos to say that theyre not voting in federal elections today . Maybe people would think of that and think two words. Voter fraud. This is a growing situation, more and more cities at doing Something Like this. And, unfortunately, you know, this goes back to the old saying that all politics is local. People have to engage in their local politics because even if you dont, its not going to ignore you. Liz you know, katrina, this plan would make the city of college park and maryland the largest in the state to give undocumented immigrants a right to vote in local elections to your point; right . Thats absolutely right and where else could you go in the world as a noncitizen and have a say in the governance . Its just unheard it of. But here in this country, we continue to see the envelope pushed to the point where more and more people are engaged and get involved. I think we saw that in the last election when you saw some of the chaos and the insanity from the left. You saw more people get more engaged because they felt like they did have a say. And if anything, the election in november did show that every vote count and people need to start paying attentio a. Liz in baltimore, there was this grassroots effort to do a ceasefire over the weekend. But it failed. What do you make of that, visavis the efforts by local Law Enforcement to stop these tragic and really disgraceful shootings that are going on. Well, its really sad that this is even happening here. And whats unfortunate is you have a president and a department of justice that is 100 supportive of Law Enforcement and wants to give everyone the tools and the resources they need to protect their citizens. And fortunately, the leadership and many of these communities are preventing that from happening, and i surely hope that a lot of people in this communities are going to speak at the ballot box and the next elections and turn that tide. Liz lets go to new york city mayor bill blush. He now wants a tax hike on upper brackets to fix everything from subways. Katrina, the mayor wants to tax the bracket. A lot of Small Businesses there. A nearly 14 tax increase on those he didnt more than half a Million Dollars a year. Again, Small Businesses could leave the city. A lot of already leaving. What do you think . Well, i think youre going to see more of that. Thats the standard mo of the left is to tax the rich. Not realizing that the people paying the taxes are going to be leaving their cities. And thats whats happening in mork. A lot of people have left those states for texas and florida alike. And youre going to see more of that. And perhaps when things get really tough, people do get engaged. But, liz, this goes back to the very beginning. All politics is local. And the people in those communities can control the direction of the country. Liz and watch this watch dog group. Its called reclaim new york. It tweeted out that new york city spends 200 million on things like lights for bridges. Bridge light shows for handouts to hollywood, but no cash to make the trains run on time. Is there truth to that . Well, common sense is extremely important, and i do think President Trump has brought it back to reality. And i do think youre going to see more people get involved because there is abuse all over the country in these municipalities, in the states, as well as the federal government, and its time to put that to an end. Liz good to see you, katrina. We love having you go on. Thank you. Liz coming up, newsweek blasting President Trump calling him quote lazy boy on his latest cover. But even the leftleaning publication cannot deny that President Trump is making gains in the war against isis. Were going to show you the latest headlines out of newsweek. But first, the white house leak crack down now underway. Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein saying quote no one will be for prosecution, even journalists. Weve got the sound after this rethink whats possible. Rethink your allergy pills. Flonase sensimist allergy relief helps block 6 key inflammatory substances with a gentle mist. Most allergy pills only block one. And 6 is greater than one. Flonase sensimist. The u. S. Needs to develop more renewable and Clean Energy Resources because there are limits to the amount of fossil fuels that we can burn. Since 1925, we have depended on diesel generators, burning approximately a million gallons of diesel fuel a year. Were going through an energy revolution. Our mission is to make offshore wind one of the principle new sources of energy. 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The one note of caution i would give the attorney general is what i tell younger lawyers. Bad facts make bad law. So before you decide to take or journalists, reporters, and perhaps subpoena their sources, be aware that the courts are going to get involved, and that has the potential for making bad law in this area. Liz well, the white house leak crack down continuing. President obamas Homeland Security secretary, hes chief jay johnson. You just saw him talking there. Even he agrees that the leaks are getting out of control. But hes saying Trump Administration, watch out how you move forward on this. We have trump Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein weighing in saying quote no one, not Even White House staffers and journalists will be immune from prosecution. Watch. We need to look at in every leak we get, we look at the facts and circumstances. What was the potential harm caused by the leak. What were the circumstances . Thats more important to us than who it is, who is the lyric. So we identify somebody, no matter what their position is. If they violated the law, in that case warrants prosecution, well prosecute them. Including white house officials and members of congress. Including anybody who breaks the law. Liz lets take it to my political power panel, conservative commentator ashley and danielle. Ashley, it looks like heads are about to roll. And we are seeing an unprecedented amount of leaks coming from the white house, and you have to wonder at some point if a lot of the transition, the resignations, the firing and turnover are contributing to this unease in the white house, which has led to a lot more of them, i believe. Talking to the media and leaking things out. So the one thing i would cause this Trump Administration to do is to really start looking at themselves from the inside and trying to reduce that risk before there are steps taken that looks like heads will start rolling. So i would say thats the one thing that i think should start happening because the perception on the outside from the general public is that theres, you know, complete chaos and pandemonium in the white house that these things start happening. So i think before we get to the phase of heads rolling, i think that there needs to be a deep look within that white house to see what steps we can take to correct some of this. Liz to ashleys point, the Supreme Court has said First Amendment rights are protected, the pocket papers case. But, you know, heres the thing. Lynn who ran the washington post, he was there under the coverage of watergate. He said president obama really went after journalists. He was one of the worsts, if not the worst in modern times in going after journalists. President obama. He went after associated press, subpoenaed and tried to get their phone records, james rice, james rosen at fox news threatening them. Is the Trump Administration walking a really fine line here going after journalists . I mean going after the leakers . No . Or going after journalists or both. I think they are. President obama was very, very aggressive of the espionage aact. Eight of them under president obama. Liz of journalists . Of journalists and leakers. Liz leakers. Okay. Generally speaking. Liz obama didnt talk a lot about it, but he went after them really hard. Its a problem. National security matters, we went leaders to calm up whoever that president is and not that this conversations are confidential. We need confidence in our system. The leaks are a problem. Liz democrat congresswoman Maxine Waters applauding antitrump leaks. Lets listen. We have to be bothered by these phone conversations, these confidential conversations that he had with mexico and australia that were just illegally leaked to the washington post. Theres a lot of democrats that are disturbed by this because it threatens our national security. Are you disturbed by it . No. Not at all. I am so glad theyre telling us whats going on. We dont need to hear these conversations. Theyre confidential. I need to hear these conversations. I need to hear [applause]. Liz Maxine Waters getting a big shout out to people in government to continue leaking. So should nothing in government be confidential . I think Maxine Waters said some very choice things a lot of the time. And i think that this was a huge mistake on her part because of the fact that information does have to be kept confidential. Look, conservatives went after Hillary Clinton and democrats did as well for the fact that when she was secretary of state, confidential information was released. And i think the same thing needs to happen now and that this Administration Needs to be held accountable for any leaks coming out of the white house. So i do think that there is something at play here when you look at, you know, real bipartisan effort i think to stop these leaks and to help control that. Because will do needs to be things that are confidential within government, and i dont think that Maxine Waters is correct in saying what she did. Liz next up, Vice President michael pence slamming the New York Times for its report that says he is running a quote Shadow Campaign to run against President Trump in 2020. Reaching out to donors. But the Vice President press secretary responding to fox news this morning. Lets take a listen. Its absurd and really, what youve got here is speculation, conjecture, halftruth, masquerading as news on the front page of the never trump New York Times. The Vice President has been nothing supportive. He is supportive of the president , and his singular focus is on making sure the president s agenda is enacted and that the president is reelected in 2020. Liz what do you think, danielle . Republicans maybe the Vice President wants to run in 2020 . Its possible. I dont know whats going to happen. Its so far away. I think it does make sense for the president to have Campaign Apparatus in place. Not only for him, but for President Trump. I think that very strong release that came out of the president s office was really an audience of one. Which is to the president , no, im not running in 2020 and what the New York Times is saying is fake news, quote, unquote,. Liz danielle, what does this mean for the Republican Party . I mean, sorry. Ashley, what does this mean for the Republican Party . I think right now we see a lot of faxes within the Republican Party, so i do think, you know, as trump goes out there and is making a lot of those Campaign Speeches and rallies, even though hes president of the United States, weve now seen mike pence go out there and start meeting with conservative donors, which is what the article was reporting on. So i think there are two different fashions here. You have the base of the party going out and attending these rallies still, and then you have the conservative donor movement which, again, we saw come out big for jeb bush at the beginning of the 2016 cycle. So that two faction thing at plea. You have the donor support of the party. So it will be interesting how those two mash together because that was the Biggest Issue going into the 2016 election was who the donors pointed versus who the base wanted. Liz ashley, danielle, good stuff. Youre going to be back in just a bit. Next up, the aclj has unmasking information about former obama attorney general Loretta Lynch email alias. Loretta lynch apparently used the name, the alias elizabeth carlyle. According to the alcrj, conducted official business using that alias, claims that less than an hour and a half after the first press inquiry into the secret meeting between former attorney general Loretta Lynch and former president bill clinton, lynch herself was actually added into the discussion about the draft talking points under her secret email alias. We have that story for you. The fbi documents heavily redacted. The question is if theyre talking about just golf and grandkids, why was it so heavily redacted . Were on that story for you. Next up, streaming entertainment giant netflix making its first acquisition ever. Acquiring comic book publisher miller world giving another shot at original content. Netflix already has similar marvel comicinspired shows like daredevil, jessica jones, and the up coming defenders. Lets take a look at netflix for our listeners and radio too. Netflix closing in the green today, gaining nearly 46 year to date. Next up, Newsweek Magazine blasting President Trump, calling him a quote lazy boy on its latest cover. But even the liberal publication could not deny that President Trump is making gains on the war against isis. We have former Army Intelligence officer, he says that the president is winning there. More after this as we focus on destroying isil, over the top claims that this is world war iii, just play into their hands. Masses of fighters on the back of pickup trucks, twisted souls plotting in apartments or garages, they pose an enormous danger to civilians, they have to be stopped. But they do not threaten our national existence. Hello, this is adt, is everything ok . I could hear crackling in the walls, and my mind went totally blank. All i remember saying was, my boyfriends beating me and she took it from there. When a fire is going on, youre running around, youre not thinking clearly, so they called the Fire Department for us. And all of this occurred in four minutes or less. Within five minutes. I am absolutely grateful we all made it out safely. Its kind of one of those things you cant even. You cant even thank somebody. People you dont know actually care about you. To protect what you love, call 1800adtcares. We have seen the bloodshed and devastation inflicted by terrorists in america, in europe, and all across the world. We will keep radical islamic terrorists out of our country. [cheers] newsweek calling President Trump a lazy, unaccomplished president on its most recent cover. Even a left leaning publication is not denying that President Trump is making gains against isis. Writing thats according to a senior u. S. Official who said that on friday. Theyve taken back mose and you will half of raqaa, the Newsweek Daily Beast Company is owned by billionaire barry diller, iac owns daily beast, closing the day in the red. Lets bring in former Army Intelligence officer andrew peak, good to see you, snier great to be here, thanks for having me. The war against isis being the Trump Administration, the military winning, its a great accomplishment so why arent americans hearing more about the administrations successes in the war against isis . I think the progress that were seeing right now is a result of key Strategic Decisions that were made back in january, and both are kind of hard to explain. First, i think the decision by the Trump Administration to essentially quintuple the amount of u. S. Forces in syria to enable the syrian kurds, our allies to go on the offensive against isis was a key decision. I think also the very decision to allow the syrian kurds to take raqaa, the capital of the Islamic State was a key moment. That is something the administration backed away from for fear it would anger turk three. Is lag time between the administration and the result. Liz lets look back at what president obama said in his state of the Union Address saying isis is not an existential threat to the United States, lets listen. As we focus on destroying isis, over the top claims that this is world war iii, just play into their hands. Massis of fighters on the back of pickup trucks, twisted souls, plotting in apartments or garages, they pose an enormous danger to civilians. They have to be stopped. But they do not threaten our national existence. Liz okay, so i want you, andrew, to speak on behalf of the 113 People Killed here in the United States under president barack obama by terrorists, many of them inspired by isis, also about 400 people were injured in terrorist attacks under president obama. Speak on behalf of the families to president obama. For one thing, president Obamas Administration had a really bad track record of assessing geopolitical risk. In several occasions dismissed the threat posed by russia, calling it a regional power, saying that mitt romneys plan was cold war thinking to confront the russian threat, and today thats all they think about. I think secondly its impossible to look at isis in isolation. Isis, al qaeda, hamas, all the same all heads of the same hydra. They are cultural phenomena going on in the sunni areas of the middle east that is producing the Islamic Radical groups and defeating isis while the group may not control that much territory, nor in the underlying problem. Liz you have seen the catastrophic destruction of terror attacks from groups like isis, when the president says theyre not an existential threat and have you 113 People Killed in the u. S. From terror attacks, isis inspired many of them. 400 injured. What impact does it have on the victims families to say theyre not an existential threat . Devastating, the most tone deaf moment of his presidency, particularly right after the press conference he held in france of november 2015 when he was in turkey and held a press conference to say thats not that big a deal. It was devastating. He was totally out of sync with the way the American People felt and the families of the victims. Liz andrew peek, love having you on. Maxine waters saying on the view saying once the president is pushed out, the Vice President is next. My next guest says this investigation was supposed to be about stopping russia, not about pushing out the administration. Were going to show you the clip after this. Poor mouth breather. Allergies . Stuffy nose . Cant sleep . Take that. A breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. Liz democrat congressman Maxine Waters leading the charge to impeach President Trump, no matter what. Saying on abcs the view that once the president is pushed out, the Vice President is the next target. You think pence would be better than trump . No, when we finish with trump, we have to get putin. Putin or pence . Pence. Two for one with trump, putin, then we have to go after pence. Liz stock in the red down more than 1 . With me now editorial director of the daily caller. Good to see you, vince. Nice to see you, thank you. Liz not about investigating russia, its about pushing out the current administration. Yeah, shes definitely the most fervent critic, been classified as the head of the resistance of the Democratic Party but not a great resistance head. She clearly has her own baggage, shes been declared as one of the most corrupt members of congress, thanks to getting a huge bailout for husbands bank and that was subject to investigation, and now shes got the new fec fileings that suggest shes been paying her daughter hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years, spend thousands at a steakhouse. The spokesperson for the donald trump is a very corrupt person party. Liz the bank that Maxine Waters husband sat on. Got 12 million in tart money. Maxine waters is about saying yes, leak anything you can about President Trump. Maxine waters want her conversations about one united leaked or any conversations she has . Will Maxine Waters reveal the details of her own phone conversations and any email conversations . I dont think so, and i dont think shes thought it through. Why would you want the president of the United States, lets take it seriously for half a second. Why would you want conversations with the president of the United States and foreign leaders to leaked . You dont. If you do that, you convince World Leaders we arent responsible for their information, why would they be candid with the president . There is clearly a massive downside no matter who the president of the United States is. At this point, i think shes revelling in the celebrity. She likes being famous for hating trump. Every chance she gets, shes done, that shes had a couple tough quarters financially in terms of raising money, every time she does, shes frittered it away on needless expenses, 5,000 at a steakhouse on a single night . Thats a lot of money. The Democratic Party has a challenge with her. The last thing they want right now is for her to become the face of their movement. Listen to Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi in recent weeks, theyd rather be a jobs party to the extent they can get the message out and dominated by people like Maxine Waters making it to insane politics party. Liz saying Maxine Waters could give nancy pelosi a run for her money to be house speaker, if the democrats take control of the house. Address ms. Waters speaking when she said putin instead of Vice President pence, is that showing mind set that pence is as bad as Vladimir Putin . Theres a freudian slip. Its too reflexive, she is desperately bringing up putin, and i think shes really wrapped herself in the idea that trump needs to be impeached, that one of the many reasons he needs to be impeached is hes pledged fuel to putin, thats clearly in her head. And the next person to go after is pence is no way looking at this thing from a perspective of justice. Its not about the evidence. Just i dont like them, therefore they should be impeached. Liz quickly, Maxine Waters, do you think she has a shot of being house speaker, if the democrats take back the house, pushing aside nancy pelosi . What do you think . I think shes a Kamikaze Party in the Democratic Party. If shes going to make a run for the speakership, she has a real potential to cleave the Democratic Party in the face of losing many, many seats around the country. They desperately need a reasoned approach to winning seats the next election. Liz vince, love having you on. Come back soon. Nice to see you. France working with germany to crack down on the tax loopholes. One sector they are going after separate from the tax chiefs and going after tax loopholes, the tech sector here in the United States. These two countries want to plug the loopholes that detect sector users. Google and apple use it to minimize taxes and grab market share at expense of europeanbased companies, thats what the European Union says. Looks mixed, apple closing up, google and microsoft closing down in trading today. Next up, we have a google worker speaking out with an anonymous Ten Page Memo blasting the left leaning Silicon Valley Web Companies push for diversity. Hes saying he discriminates against people with different ways of thinking and different ideologies. We got pushback on that. Well have more in the memo after this. Liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. Hold on dad. Liberty did what . 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Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. So now that you know all that, what do you think . That its time to think about jardiance. Ask your doctor about jardiance. And get to the heart of what matters. Whatever it takes, wherever i have to go. Im beating this. Breast Cancer Treatment is continuing to evolve. Ctca is definitely on the cusp of those changes. We really focus on taking the time with each individual patient so they can choose the treatment appropriate for them. I empower women with choices. Its not just picking a surgeon. Its picking the care team, and feeling secure where you are. Visit cancercenter. Com breast Appointments Available now. Liz culture wars break out at google. A Ten Page Memo from an anonymous Software Engineer now circulating at the tech giant, basically criticizing googles web companys diversity push. Basically calling to replace it with policies that encourage, quote, idlogical diversity, differences of opinion and thought. It shames the centers into silence, he argued that more men have jobs like his than women because of biological differences. Person pushing back against programs offered by google to help underrepresented racial and gender minorities. Former Google Engineer responding with an equal and opposite manifesto saying this this current worker describes as, quote, female are the core traits of engineering success. Lets take a look at googles parent company, alphabet, closing the day in the red it. Is up yearoveryear. Back with us, Ashley Pratte and daniel mclaughlin. This comes at a bad time for google, the Labor Department is investigating paid differences at google between genders. Your thoughts . I think theres a real need for women in the Tech Industry and engineering in general, and i do think when things like this happen, it prevents from women wanting to get involved in them. When Companies Take on diversity initiatives, they tend to do it in the wrong way, and tend to do that by almost seeing it women like myself, were doing this because we have to rather than you belong here, and i think that thats the problem, when you look at a lot of the diversity initiatives but love to see more women getting involved in tech. Google needs to think strategically how theyre going to message two women if they want to diversify the culture there. Liz this is one guy at one company, danielle, the Vice President of engineering at google saying he betrays his own stereotyping when he says men and women all act, women act the same way, they behave the same way, they feel and think the same way, all women, and all men the same. I mean the Vice President saying he himself is biased in his own thinking about it. What do you think . I think honestly that person on the memo, we havent seen, it seen excerpts demonstrates understanding what engineering is. Liz you are an engineer. I was a Junior Engineer but an engineer nonetheless and what he said in his companion piece or the rebuttal piece is exactly right. Highest form of expression in engineering is create solutions for humans. That requires interstate, an understanding of the way the world works and the things that people want. Two examples, google glass, disaster, great technology, bad application. The iphone, okay, great, a touch screen, but what it did for our lives and expectations is world changing. Lets get the statement for diversity, showing a response here. Heres what it says in part. I found this that this memo advanced incorrect assumptions about gender, its not a viewpoint i or this company endorses, promotes or encourages. This is the vp of diversity and inclusion. But you know, people can have differences of opinion and ideology, right . Yes, i think this is something we see on college campuses. We see in places of work, not just in the Tech Industry. Thats something as we look at it as a society as a whole, we ral need to be cognizant of, cant be suppressing different opinions and free speech in different workplaces, thats what needs to touched on here, just a little bit. Liz thanks so much. Thanks for joining tonight. Come back soon. The dow continuing winning streak hitting all new highs today. One democrat is not happy. California democrat Maxine Waters is not ready to give President Trump credit for that. Weve got the sound, weve got money pros, going to take care of business and get on that, after this. Its time to rethink whats possible. Rethink the experience. Rethink your allergy pills. 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Hes made these people believe hes going to bring back the coal industry. It is not going to happen. You see the dow hitting an alltime high. You see unemployment at record low numbers, are you willing to give him credit on the economy, that hes making some progress . Absolutely not. Liz let me correct myself, the dow is up 25 point. Joining me Jonathan Hoenig and scott martin. Jonathan, most consecutive record closes since february. 35, since President Trump took office in january. How can Maxine Waters deny that, jonathan . I dont think shes denying the markets at alan alltime high. I heard Maxine Waters denying the president is going to bring back coal jobs. Shes right. This country has been losing coal jobs since the 1920s. Why in the heck would the president want to spend an ounce of taxpayer money our subsidy bringing back these jobs. My god, liz, full employment if everyone was a subsistans farmer. The notion of bringing back elevator operators, poolman porters or coal miners listen to Maxine Waters, also going after the trump success, scott, with the economy. I mean, and what hes doing and rolling back the regulatory smothering pillow on the banks and on the energy sector, right . Yeah, and i think the coalmining jobs. Jonathan is going to make me want to come over there across town and talk to him in person, i think the issue with the coalmining jobs is its a microcosm, a picture of what shes getting at trumps not bringing back the industrial jobs, the mining jobs, the manufacturing jobs, so hurt under the Obama Administration which is the process, if you talk to any of these ceos in the area, they feel so much more liberated under the Trump Administration, so much more hopeful, thats what i believe this is a microcosm of, of other job areas that were so discredited under obama, are going to recover and come back. Liz jonathan, congress, theyre out for the rest of august, 12 legislative days scheduled through the end of september when the debt ceiling fight begins, plus a budget fight can. It get tax reform done by the end of the year, what do you think, jonathan . Thats what worries me, liz, so much of the tremendous gain weve seen since the president s election is predicated on, we knew it was going to be tough but substantial tax reforms for republican held Senate Congress and presidency. So thats my fear. Its a bull market. I think so with the alltime highs, but seeing a number of new alltime highs slow, and if we dont get tax cuts, look out below. Liz quickly, scott, ten seconds, what do you agree . I agree. Is that good enough . [laughter] its tax reform and comparable. In a year well have tough comps in the s p because the earnings are so good right now. Liz we love you both. Come back soon, love having you on. Were going to be right back. Dont go away. Its a highly contagious disease that can be really serious. Especially for my precious new grandchild. Its whooping cough. Every family member, including those around new babies, should talk to their doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. Liz amazon signing for a movie about lucille ball. Remember Monica Lewinsky and linda tripp . Remember that one . Gerri willis is here with making money. Gere report sanctuary city showdown raging on tonight. San francisco is agreeing to pay 190,000 to settle a lawsuit brought on by an illegal immigrant because city officials turned hip over to immigration officials in violation of the city ordinance. And they are considering giving illegal immigrant the right to vote in local elections

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